The EU as we know has saved the world from another world war and, possibly less known to us all, has saved the environment from the depredations of the savage, heathen Brittunculi.
The Environment after Exit
From Roman Snails and Great Crested Newts in East Anglia to the lemon sole of the English Channel and the wind turbines of Fife, European legislation has a significant impact on the look and health of our wildlife and landscape.
Tom Heap examines the potential impact on the British environment of an exit from the European Union.
Is there no end to the BBC’s imaginative doom-mongering? We didn’t get hit by a massive cosmic meteor this year….was that due to some EU regulation defying gravity? We didn’t find ourselves enslaved by the Saudi Arabians [Yet], was that down to the powerful, brave and swift action by Jean-Claude Juncker rapidly deploying his finest, haughtiest, supercilliest [?] sneer of contempt? We haven’t all been forced to kill our first born…this can only be because of the enlightened and humane, progressive, liberal attitude instilled into us by many years of being educated as to how to be a better human being by the European Union.
None of this would have been possible without the fine auspices of the EU edifice overseeing our development as the finest race of humans on earth….er…..
If we had not have been in the EU we wouldn’t have had Gruffaloe , and I dare you to say how you can live without that .
Um… I haven’t even a clue what a ‘Gruffaloe’ is.
Nor have I , but the BBC says it’s very important , so I’m saving up buy one before we pull out and the EU refuses to sell us any .
The last gruffaloe was shot at a EU sanctuary by wicked poacher Bushiites.
What about Pepa Pig?
Her time is limited now, thanks to Mrs. Merkel’s generous invitation to those now joining some already gunning for the poor little porcine and her family.
What’s the wurst that could happen?
Well I can already see the tone set by the racist, islamphobe, xenophobe, people-phobs that use this website! What about all the great things that the EU do for us?? If you are just going to list the negative things of course it’s going to look bad! Just some of the beauty and magic of the EU are..
1: Travelling to Europe.
Do we really want to close ourselves off like North Korea? We have only ever been allowed to travel to Europe when we joined the EU! Where will we holiday?! Do we really want to take that special privilege away?
2: Helping us spend our money the correct way. The right way.
What is wrong with giving mind blowing amounts of money to someone who then gives us only a fraction back with stipulations that tells us how to spend it (only on EU integration projects)? Isn’t that what housewives do up and down the country?
3: Power to the people.
Thinking of changing a law or legislation to benefit our own people? Think again! The EU is there to stop us every step of the way and there’s fuck all we can do about it! Now doesn’t that just make you feel like the people are in control? Why on earth would we want control of our own matters anyway? What on earth has the little UK ever done in the world?
4: Please enrich me!
Clearly we are nothing but a backward group of knuckle dragging neanderthals who are stuck in the dark ages! Where’s our mosques? Our segregation? Our stoning of women and execution of homosexuals? What the hell is wrong with us?! We need some enrichment and fast! So fast that we will not have time to keep our warped traditions or our failed and horrendous culture
5: Women! It was all better when they did as they were told.
Are you sick and tired of these inferior creatures having the same privileges? Are you sick of seeing them in your office, at your work place taking jobs? Have you had enough of them getting education so that they actually believe they have the right to answer us back? If you are then the EU are here to save us!
6: Sexy time! Any time!
I don’t know about you but when was it acceptable for women to reject a man’s advances? When was age deemed a problem? Why can’t we just walk around raping women in the street or young girls at swimming pools? This is crazy and I want this craziness to stop! The EU are going to help us my brothers. Do we really want the good times to stop before they have even begun?
Scumbag, traitorous bast@rds! Vote out! Vote Ukip! Arrest the lot of them for treason
The drift of Tom Heaps ridiculous “Costing the Earth” programme was that we could not trust a freely-elected British Government not to give us all BSE, Mad cow, spongy burgers, horsemeat in our lasagne, chuck all our fish over the side, let the French and Spaniards nick all our fishing stocks while we can only catch E. Coli netted 200 miles off THEIR coastlines.
Nor would we ever again get the golden generation of Davey, Gummer, Hain, Mandelson, Kinnock, Prescott, Blair, Miliband, Clegg, Ashdown,Heseltine, Howe, Clarke, Hammond, Patten, Johnson(A).
Thank God for the EU eh?…triple headlock on any efforts to govern ourselves, hogtied nation garrottings come as standard.
No coal, no power, lots of Turks waving swimming certificates and gathering around stations like Cologne and Brussels, Luxembourg and Rotterdam just awaiting our vote to pop the nations cherries.
Apart from Tom Heap and his grebes…is there anybody else who sees no problem with the EU and Islam?…the clampdown on national energy supplies and ability to feed ourselves?
Nique la niqab…and stuff the BBCs bloated carcass into it.