Glory be, the sainted Obama is soon to leave us…bu his place in history as a great American President is surely cemented.
The BBC is here to ensure it is.
Inside Obama’s Whitehouse
A month after his victory, Barack Obama discovered America was on the verge of a great depression. He puts his plans for change on hold to pass the largest stimulus in history.
Obama promises to close Guantanamo within a year – and it is still open. His attorney general admits that evidence against many of the prisoners could not be used to prosecute because they had been tortured.
And at the Copenhagen summit, the president crashed a meeting between three fellow heads of government in his desperation to do something about climate change.
So episode one of this hagiography the great Obama is on hand to mend the riven US economy, is handed the poision chalice of Guantanamo Bay for him to sort, and he is desperate to do his bit to save the Earth. What a hero.
Episode two he cures leprosy with a touch of his hand and walks on water….oh sorry…it’s about his greatest legacy…Obamacare….brought in in spite of fearful opposition from the nasty, far-right fanatics of the Teaparty.
There are two more episodes as yet unnamed but let’s think what they could be….they have to paint Obama as the great hero winning through against all odds or failing heroically in the face of massive and overwhelming opposition from unpleasant and selfish vested interests.
Any bets one is about white policemen ‘executing’ innocent black youths and the racism inherent in white America? Any bets that one will be about Obama’s foreign policy, not of course his actual policy of burying his head in the sand and claiming that that is the sensible and peaceful option not risking his ‘legacy’ by actually taking responsibility and proposing solutions to world crises, but the one where he has battled on against the warmongering hawks and come out victorious having brought Iran in from the cold and judiciously avoided war in Syria, by withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and Iraq he of course ended those wars, didn’t he? Oh and of course there will be slipped in his love of all things Muslim and immigrant as part of that.
Or did his actions, or rather inactions, actually empower a brutal and dangerous Iran, kick start the rebirth of the Taliban and ISIS and allow events to tumble so out of control that 11 million people have fled their homes in Syria and who could head towards Europe in the end destabilising and destroying Europe in the process?
What was Obama doing whilst other’s fought for their country’s survival?
Little different today though I’m sure the BBC will see things a little differently.
One of the above is “chicken shit”.
As an aside
What Pisses Me Off About Donald Trump Protests
Oh dear……such a wealth of material the researchers seem to have missed…..
I wasn’t aware that the bbc were hagiographying ( which is probably not a word, but you’ll probably understand what I mean) Mr Obama but evenso I won’t be watching it. However, I’d say there’s a good chance that they won’t cover his early years; for example, his drug taking, his close relationship with communist Frank Marshall Davis, his community organising activities based on Saul Alinsky training, or even the claims he was a frequenter of the Chicago bath houses and the suspicious deaths of some of his acquaintances from that period in his life.
What? The BBC were wetting their pants over the Abominable Obamanoid even before he was elected. However, I am sure you are right with regard to his past. Shhhhhhh.
John, You invented a new word and I know what you mean. The bath-house reference is interesting. If Obama had been a Republican or Tory the scum at the BBC would have been all over that, so to speak. And Obama’s response would be ” I smoked but I did not inhale “. I never thought the US would have a worse President than Carter or Clinton but Obama has proved me wrong. A total nonentity.
I forgot to mention that Mr Obama was also closely related to Bill Ayers, he of the Weather Underground, a US terrorist organisation that carried out several actions which resulted in at least one death.
Obama’s legacy will be as The Great Liar. But because the bbc uses ignorant British reporters to expensively run around the US, they will not have a clue about the details of his mendacity. Just one short example: ever heard of the WEP, Windfall Elimination Provision, or the GPO, Govt. Pension Offset? Don’t worry. Neither have any beeboids there we have to pay. These two nasty measures from Reagan’s time basically steal money from the social security payments of pensioners just because they happened to work some of their careers in places that had other pension schemes and did not pay into social security for some of the years. It’s akin to having two savings accounts and the govt. decides you have too much reward in life, so they take up to 40% of one!
Well, Obama lied and told the people he would get rid of the unfair measures. He has to this day never even looked at them!
This is the kind of rotten stuff that aggravates the hell out of voters, and that our state broadcaster hasn’t even identified.
The bBBC doesn’t seem to mention his
Mickey Mouse badgeNobel Peace Prize, awarded for less than one month as President, with the citation inspired by Ali G “because I’s black”.Nor indeed his unique achievement as the only Nobel Peace Prize winner to hold weekly meetings to select victims of extra judicial killings by drone strikes.
Didn’t he also proclaim ” I’m good at killing people”?
Strangely enough for the BBC, there probably won’t be much mention of his relationship with Michael either.
Or the unexpected death of Joan Rivers after she said bath house Barry is gay and Michelle is a trannie.
The ‘legacy’ Obama has really been chasing is the gold star for ‘tackling climate change’ or some such meaningless nonsense. In a world where Islamic State are a genocidal threat, Barry is convinced a made-up confection of rainbows and unicorns is, in fact, the ‘single biggest challenge’ humanity faces.
Climate change, which hasn’t been a real thing for almost 20 years now according to the best scientific data – and has certainly never been a real thing during the entirety of Barry’s tenancy in the White House – is nothing more than a mere hypothesis. Islamic State, on the other hand, are a very real clear and present danger to everyone, all around the world, all of the time.
Perhaps nobody thought to point this out to him? Certainly not the BBC.
1. Operation Fast and Furious-where , in his bid to besmirch the gun lobby on the American border with Mexico, he screwed up-the guns that were meant to get traced from US gun owners to Mexican cartels ammo dumps went terribly wrong, ended up stolen by the cartels-and one of the guns was used to kill a US border guard…one that would nominally expect protection from his President .
But no-shafting the NRA in a cock-eyed and malicious sting ends up killing your own border police…but no REAL enquiry into how all this got authorised.
2. Benghazi-where Obama and his administration tried to blame the murder of US Embassy staff in Libya on some YouTube clip, instead of his negligence in letting his Embassy compound be so easily taken by Muslim nutters…despite warnings.
4. “Trayvon would be my son”
5.Hopefully his intervention here in the EU Referendum soon-if THAT doesn`t get us our win, then what will?
6.His willingness to take a Nobel Peace Prize without thinking that somebody was having a laugh…irony-free cretin.
Remember when we used to laugh at Soviet hagiographies of the likes of Chernenko and Kim Jong Sun?
Remember when we used to laugh at their freakish obsessions with sport, sporting achievements and national prowess, their lies over drug cheating?
And now we get four hours of drooling over the most incompetent and vacuous airbag that ever got elected to the White House by the BBC…who were similarly giving us all diabetes as they eulogised over St Nelson of Mandela.
The BBC-either at your feet(Obama, Lucas, Mandelson)..or at your throat(Mother Theresa, Lord MacAlpine, Mrs Thatcher).
One of the oddest things about Obama is how the “smartest man in the room” (as far as I know, the only person thus to describe him was one Obama, B.H., of Pennsylvania Avenue) got an enormous helping hand with his education. It’s rather notorious that nobody has ever been allowed to see what kind of results he got at Columbia, or at Harvard Law School.
The only place for which his marks are public is Occidental, in California, and his achievements there fell quite a long way short of stratospheric. Somehow, he was able to “transfer” from there to Columbia, in NY. Occidental is second-rate, at best, so how did a poorly performing student at a not very good college, suddenly get to go Ivy League? If the beebyanka ever did its job, it might try to explain that mystery.
But it won’t.