And still the BBC will schmooze him as the icon of Islamic victimhood, whilst carefully avoiding questions about the medieval practices which are p*****g off every reasonable, right-thinking person in the UK.
I agree – Begg will always be given an easy ride by Aunty and her friends as he perfectly fits the roll of the noble, oppressed, suffering muslim – reckon the skin colour helps too – brownees oppressed by the racist whiteys!
This is really an issue the sisters should take on but I understand they have their hands full at the moment dealing with major issues such as breastfeeding in restuarants, female fat shaming and the big one we all worry about female boardroom pay!
At present there are over 2000 women being treated for post FGM issues by the NHS and yet no one has been arrested.
Each year hundreds of young girls go missing from the school registers every year as they are taken by to rural Pakistan or Bangladesh to be married to a cousin. An again no one does anything about it. Try to imagine the weeding night as a fully grown man forces himself onto a 13/14 year old girl.
Once again we have the white liberal trash who sit in the HoC for all this. Ask them to make decisions on something that matters and they do absolutely nothing.
The Feminazis are probably worse, this week they were pre-occupied with who should sit on the left hand side on the couch on the BBC.
As for the LGBT community joining the demonstration in the centre of London in support of more immigrants stupid does not come near to describing them. Given the chance these people will be the first to be thrown off the top of buildings – Shard anyone.
This is not just about the Muslim invasion of Europe, but calls the EU a treasonous organisation that threatens the existence of European nations and the its cultures.
I don’t know about the spineless, but “lying”- yes.
I have this gut feeling that Cameron is Heath II. If we are naive enough to believe that Cameron has got us out of the “ever closer union” vice, then we deserve our fate. If we vote to remain, we will be sucked into ever closer union, just as Heath sold us into “ever closer union” vice of the EEC.
This is not just a generational referendum, but a once for all for the foreseeable future question. The “ever closer union” of the EU also requires a complete dissolution of the nations of Europe. With careful thought and planning, Islam and Muslims are the solvents that are being used to dissolve those bonds.
I do not believe that we have been given an escape clause out of the “ever closer union” vice. Its there , and will manifest itself once it is too late for us to do anything about it, just as we were duped by Heath’s “Trade only ” union. In 50 years, not only the politics of the Britain will have changed, but we will be an Islamic nation.
This referendum is not just about the EU, but our civilisational & cultural future as well.
Cameron’s first priority after winning an outright majority should have been to restore some urgently-needed common sense to our energy policy instead of joining the gullible virtue-signalling celebs and politicians at the latest gathering of eco-loons, Marxists and pseudo-scientists in Paris.
As it is we are heading for the biggest energy crisis the country has ever seen – one that could be fatal for our economy not to mention millions of (genuinely) vulnerable people.
However, it will be interesting to see what brings this country to its knees first: energy (lack of), immigration/Islam, the EU, debt or another Labour government.
Are there any bookies out there prepared to give the odds?
Wyndham’s book the Midwitch Cuckoos has a ring of truth about it, it would seem that some time post 1965 some sort of non-humans have been inseminating Western womenhood, creating all these dead behind the eye weirdos who seem more than willing to capitulate to subsequent invading forces. They all have the same look about them.
Village Of The Damned? If only, we’re all now living in cities, towns and streets of the damned…..
I think they must have first landed in Sweden. They then released oestrogen into the water supply.
I cant think why Swedish men have become so effeminate. It cant be the water, so it must be some form of psychological trap – that is, Swedish men think they are worthless. Or brainwashed to think that way.
Plain hippy bourgeois girls; soft-headed effeminate males of all ages; silly old hens whose chicks have long flown the coop and need to find something to care for; blacks and pakis, naturally.
Reminds me of the welcoming cretins on top of the first skyscraper to be destroyed in Independence Day.
You could be right NCBBC – I am beginning to think that politicians like him are perfectly aware of the consequences of their actions regarding the EU. What I think Cameron and his ilk are trying to do (by winning the election) is to buy time for the EU so that they can swamp us with major changes to our society and culture, that we will never be able to change.
Arrogant, Cynical, Manipulative Fuckers! These shits try to wrap themselves up in the Union Jack but all they really want to wrap themselves up in is the Euro and lots of them! Heath, Blair, Cameron, May are all peas from the same pod. Any politicians of any integrity (such as IDS) end up resigning.
Cameron ” battling for Britain” and getting a good “deal” I cant even understand why there is any debate about his achievments – he asked for fuck all and got even less than that, yet still the sheep bleat for him!
Agree with the swamping part, initially it looked like they were playing the long game with success being measured over generations rather than the shock tactics of manufactured mass migration we see currently. It appears the Eurocrats aim is to shatter and fragment Western Europe at an accelerated rate to try and prevent any cohesive resistance forming, classical tactics, Enoch could have provided invaluable comment about what this bunch of half wits think they are doing.
Some comedian, comedian?, features in this Breitbart article.
” I have no more claim to this soil than anyone here,” he bleats.
A perfect example of afore mentioned half wits, although not obviously a part of the elite he would appear to have swallowed the globalist line without thinking to deeply on the consequences, and is quite happy to prostitute himself to the cause. More a quarter wit then, had plenty of licence payers cash in his pocket over the years too.
Sense at last. It shows how far we in the UK have sunk into the ‘silt’ of internationalism , as Mr Orban puts it, that if anyone in the UK delivered such a speech they would be set upon by the media , led by the ever righteous BBC, arrested by the ever PC police and likely end up in prison. We can only hope that the countries of central Europe are able to save themselves and then our continent because , sadly, I am certain that we in the UK cannot even save ourselves . Whether we stay in the EU or vote to leave, we are too far down the road to a multiculty hell to be able to pull ourselves out. We need help. I agree that a good first step would be for the UK to leave the EU and then hopefully the whole rotten mess will collapse taking the mad Merkel and her suicidal open doors with it.
This is brilliant NCBBC.
It`s just refreshing to here an elected leader of a democratic country in the EU actually SATING these things-and getting applauded by his fellow citizens for it.Central Europe know what an EUSSR colonisation will look and sound like…we over here might need to find out the hard way if we don`t listen to Hungary and Slovakia while we still can do so.
Ta for posting it.
lol he is a tampon . We got him and Sam Greenpeace with Daddy’s windmills . I always loved the fact we had that Liberal democrat bloke Clegg who’s two kids were called Manuel and Juan or something – he wasn’t even allowed to name his own kids by his wife yet we were expected to think he could run the country
For those who aren’t aware of the web site ‘rotten Tomatoes’ there is a listing of the programs which viewers find the most entertaining:
Most Popular TV on RT
75% Marvel’s Daredevil: Season 2
100% The 100: Season 3
89% The Walking Dead: Season 6
89% House of Cards: Season 4
80% 11.22.63: Season 1
94% Better Call Saul: Season 2
35% Flaked: Season 1
97% The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story: Season 1
95% The Man in the High Castle: Season 1
87% Love: Season 1
Despite the wealth of the BBC there isn’t any of their programs listed. Occasionally there are so it’s not as if this is a US site only listing US programs.
That the BBC don’t have any programmes on there is ironically a thing to be proud of. Almost every American TV show on now is vastly overrated, idiotic, derivative slop. I’d have to be stoned to enjoy any of them. It all peaked with The Sopranos and The Wire and has been downhill ever since.
Aye, I’m sure lovers of any of the crappy U.S shows that are on now would beg to differ! I would have to have a nice bag of kush to smoke to enjoy any of it. I’d enjoy looking at a monkey clapping for an hour after smoking that, though.
But yeah, the BBC’s most watched makes for depressing reading.
Geoff – if you miss Morecambe and Wise and funny old British comedy, just get on Youtube. There’s loads of old comedies on there, far better than most of the modern rubbish!
I can spend entire evenings on You Tube looking at the old classics and digging out some exellent unheard of new comics and entertainers. It is not merely the past that the BBC have buried; there are many who are passed over by the BBC and doing it by themselves on You Tube.
Maybe I have peculiar tastes, but this woman obtained thousands of hits for this video – many misunderstood and thought she was stupid. Her performances include talks on Hilarity Clinton, and send ups of commercial products, all done in a stupid blonde southern redneck style.
I notice how the list is dominated by lots of episodes of the same programme. I used to enjoy Bake Off and Strictly but it is obvious that the outcomes of both are being strictly manipulated. Should the great British public come to realise it they will come tumbling down like a house of cards, and then what is left on the BBC for Joe Public to watch? It won’t be Top Gear by the look of things.
I have the deepening suspicion that the BBC TV audience figures can only be plummeting or the statistics are faked. There is next to nothing to watch most nights. The drama series are undistinguished and indistinguishable – mostly starring female cops.
Radio 4 is even worse in that every programme is tailored for a very limited metropolitan audience who positively welcome hearing about life abroad or amongst minorities in the UK. Nothing is local and British. Nothing at all.
Framer, I must admit on R4 anything that is not aimed at the liberal/left metropolitan intelligentsia does tend to stand out. I nearly fell off my chair last year when ‘The Archers’ had a story line about an officer being commissioned at Sandhurst, and also included a hefty chunk of the vicar’s Easter sermon.
There’s far more going on in the Archers at the moment than you mentioned! Fans are gripped by a long story re domestic abuse. It’s been hard listening at times but the acting has been superb.
It is about the only regular Radio 4 I cannot miss. Today just gets my BP up and TWT has got worse in recent months!
The statistics must be faked as their output is going down the pan.
I got the feeling that the One Show just interviewed other BBC staff so I’ve looked at the last 20 episodes on iPlayer and made a list of the guests:
19 Feb James martin BBC presenter
22 Feb no BBC person
23 Feb no BBC person
24 Feb no BBC person
25 Feb no BBC person
26 Feb Rob Brydon BBC comedy presenter
29 Feb Julia Bradbury BBC presenter
01 Mar katherine kelly BBC actress
02 Mar Robson Green BBC actor, James Norton BBC actor
03 Mar no BBC person
04 Mar Nigel Havers BBC actor, Vernon Kay BBC presenter
07 Mar Fearne Cotton BBC presenter
08 Mar Rebecca Front BBC actress
09 Mar Zoe Ball BBC presenter,
10 Mar Helen George BBC actress
11 Mar Stephen Mangan BBC actor
14 Mar no BBC person
15 Mar Michael Crawford ex BBC actor
16 Mar Jo Brand BBC comedian(?!?)
17 Mar Paul Daniels tribute, ex BBC presenter
So 14 out of the last 20 shows have had “guests” who are just other BBC staff or ex staff. The BBC have become so insular in the last few years that they have become ignorant of the publics dissatisfaction.
Syrian ‘Asylum Seeker’ Filmed Conducting Mass Killing Arrested in Sweden
A recent Syrian migrant claiming refugee status in Sweden is facing criminal charges, after footage of him murdering prisoners of war in a cold blooded “mass killing” emerged.
The alleged mass murdering asylum seeker, named Haisam Omar Sakhanh, has been in Sweden since 2013. He was arrested this Friday in the town of Karlskoga, Sweden, where he has been charged him with a crime against international law.
Fingerprints and a mugshot appear to shown that Mr. Sakhan initially fled to Italy in 2012, where he was arrested for occupying the Syrian embassy and investigated for allegedly attacking other Syrian migrants.
On 18 March Radio 4 had a programme where Heather Jones examined the Easter Uprising in Ireland. Well that is what the blurb says when I googled it to comment here. But it was all from the Irish perspective. The use of language, in particular I.e. talking about the Irish ‘successes’ (are they not a British loss?); it was all written in a ‘hurrah for Eire’ tone. Saturday afternoon, as I type, Radio 4 has a drama playing about Glencoe. Now I may be wrong but even though the radio is usually on whilst I am cooking, I have guessed who will be the goodies and who the baddies, and I decided silence is golden.
Deborah – it seems any movement of independence from the British Empire is always viewed in terms of a ‘struggle for freedom’ etc by the BBC. I’ll be interested to see how they treat the Irish civil war of 1920-22 when its centenary comes around. Presumably it will be ‘freedom fighters against conservative reactionaries in the pay of the British Empire’ or some such.
Cranmer, So Britain leaving the EU should be a “struggle for freedom ” ? The crazy thing is that most British Empire countries did not have to struggle too much. Gambia, where I live, had a very peaceful transition. Mind you there wasn’t much to fight about, unless you count peanuts !
Gambia – an Islamic dictatorship, ruled by an intellectually limited ex-army officer who seized power in a coup more than twenty years ago, and who has ruled ever since though flawed elections. Maybe that is the recipe for peaceful existence in such countries as this?
MartinW, What I meant was that Independence was achieved without violence and the transition was peaceful. I am not defending Jammeh for one minute. I was attacking the use of the phrase “struggle for freedom ” and using Gambia as an example of where that phrase does not apply.
In fact, in many ways life in Gambia is much freer for most people than the UK. But you would have to come and visit to understand what I mean.
I would not take the “Islamic State ” bit too seriously. Most Gambians do not.
Thank you for clarifying: I didn’t speak with personal knowledge of Gambia. Yes, I agree, the coup seemed to pass with minimal violence, and that are degrees of freedom under Islamic rule.
MartinW, All the guidebooks say it was a bloodless coup but there were a handful of revenge killings after it. In his memoirs, the then Commander -in-chief, Samsuddin Sarr, described Jammeh as ” strange man “. I fell over laughing . The guy is mentally deranged.
His latest stunt was a few weeks ago when he announced that all female government employees must wear headscarves to work. Muslim ladies asked “what about our christian sisters ? ” . And everyone carried on as normal. 1 week later, Jammeh announced they could all wear what they want to work. I could go on but this is not the right forum !
The law is still secular under the constitution with sharia available and the courts are operating as normal. In fact the main sharia court is inside the High Court. It is not Iran !
Grant – I note that one tends not to hear very much about former British colonies that achieved independence without some ‘struggle for freedom’. Countries like Hungary also present a difficulty for cultural marxists, because people like Victor Orban are essentially using the revolutionary nationalist rhetoric of 1849, which leftists love, but it is being used against the EU, which they love also!
It’s a funny old world. I am one of those who wants the UK out of the EU. I am also someone who wants England to be an independent nation and that means the end of the UK. Britain and England are not the same, they should not be thought of as such. England is a nation, Britain is a political union, just like the EU and almost as politically corrupt. No-one should say Britain, or the UK when they are referring to England. ‘England’ is the word to use.
I see myself a kind of freedom fighter, fighting against the British Establishment and the British elites who wish to retain the status quo and their positions in it. They look after their own, and look down on the rest of us.
I want to be free, I want England and the people of England to be free from what I see as a political ruling class, who try their very best to deny the existence of England, because if they were to recognise it properly and give it a parliament, they are finished. The BBC is one of the Establishment organisations which does its best to keep England as a unity off the agenda, preferring consider it in political and geographical ‘regions’. If other nations in the world were denied true parliaments of their own, would it not be a cause for outrage and concern around the world? Why not here, in England?
As I say, funny old world, but I am serious because it is a serious issue, and barely recognised yet. I could go on, but this isn’t the place. Signing off now.
Rob, but it was William of Orange who issued the orders, through his Scottish lickspittle, the Earl of Stair. This could be a difficult one for “The Masters of Spin “
Lost, I fear that you are right. It may be just too difficult for the BBC to blame the english . Keep it simple, ” Protestants bad , Catholics good ” as Orwell might have said .
I am always intrigued by the “hurrah for Eire” slant the left always adopts when discussing the Easter rising and later events.
These people also pride themselves on their “anti Fascism” and “anti Nazism” and their detestation of nationalism.
How do they reconcile this with Irish neutrality in the Second World War and the British Empires indispensible role in standing up to HItler, Mussolini and Hirohito between 1939-1941 when the USSRs pact with Germany ended in Germanys attack and the USA got off the fence, (both the USSR and USA had to be physically attacked before coming to their senses). The Easter rising itself though much romanticised was a nationalist uprising.
Lest we forget, the Irish government sent condolences to the German government on the occasion of the death of Adolf Hitler, and for decades after discriminated against those Irishmen who volunteered to join the British army in the struggle to liberate Europe from Nazi Germany.
Not sure I can believe my ears: BBC R4 TODAY prog, just before 7.56am weather forecast. Did John Humphrys, while talking with someone from Brussels, infer that all radical Muslims take drugs. Yes. Just listened to it again on iPlayer.
Raises some interesting questions, especially in relation to the relaxation of laws on drugs.
Why are you so surprised – they have no choice and all need to regularly take strong morphine based tranquilisers. Its not surprising as they are all very stressed.
Imagine it , living in a society where you are unable to stone adulterers, woman driving cars, women walking around in skirts and not even being allowed to cop a feel, having to serve bacon to pensioners in old folks homes.
Poor babies it must be very hard living here!
Looks like Osborne has handed the BBC and the Labour party a real gift with his second catastrophic budget.
I expect his mishandling of the political consequences, and failure to see the risks have torpedoed his leadership hopes. The BBC don’t need to spin this, they just need to report it because it’s that bad, they couldn’t make it much worse.
Al-beeb’s response in the face of overwhelming evidence?
“These figures are from a group which makes its agenda clear and they do not provide a representative picture of Newsnight’s referendum coverage.
“The show provides clear and impartial information about both sides of the argument and will ensure that its coverage is balanced across the duration of the campaign.”
‘The show provides clear and impartial information about both sides of the argument’
Of course it does, anonymous spokesperson comfortable in your belief… of course it does. Despite the facts to the contrary staring you in your unaccountable face.
Screen print taken of the current top comment on the Mail’s ‘London for Refugees Welcome march’ which is …
“Refugees not welcome here in my UK ” with 4806 green arrows
Current bottom comment is…
“Glad to see some decent people making a stand against the selfish xenophobia that characterises much of the reporting and debate on what is a humanitarian crisis” with Just 87 green arrows
2nd bottom comment is “”luvvies” – translation = intelligent, compassionate people. “Protesters” – translation = loony xenophobic kippers who have no place in a civilised society.”
Whats the betting one of those is the top comment by morning?
There is a myth – it’s an article of faith on the Left – that it is the Right that always restricts free speech and individual liberty.
The truth could not be more different. As campaigns in our universities, the behaviour of the BBC and even random halfwits fiddling newspaper comments systems prove, it is the Left that cannot stand contrary opinions and will do anything from gaming a poll to torture and oppression in states where it has gained power, to silence it.
The Left believes it has ‘right on its side’ and so the end justifies the means. That is one of the reasons it is such a deadly force in the world.
A bit late I know .
David Dimbleby on a train going to Sheffield for Any Qustions ? . He says he asked another passenger to turn the volume down of his headphones but the fellow told him he was a fruitcake .
Now from the Radio 4 studio its ” does he know who you are ” ?
I don’t know says Dimbleby but I told him I was from the BBC .!?!?
So that’s it . Have an altercation with someone and win every time because You’re From Th
This is how the left are responding to Trump. Prevent people from attending his rallies.
We will see the left emerge here as the referendum campaign gets under way.
Will the BBC support free discussion?
Is it a surprise that sexism in Christianity is discussed but sexism in Islam is ignored?
BTW isn’t Buddhism a religion? Why does BBC Bitesize ignore it in their series on prejudice and discrimination?
Deegee, I have just read the revision notes for each of the religions and without exaggerating it is quite appalling. As Daphne Anson says, the revision notes question the view of women in Christianity and Judaism, and quite rightly so, but then gives Islam a clean bill of health based on selective quotes.
It even has the temerity to say that Muslim women choose their husbands. This just a few weeks after a 13 year old girl was woken at 2 am to be married off to a a pervert many times her age. And she is not alone …
As predicted its happened, the 2nd bottom rated comment it listed above had just 55 green arrows at the time of my post above, its now top comment on 10323, the previous top comment has gone from 4000 to 7500 in the same period of time.
I expect many of you have read it but please make it a priority. On Gates of Vienna and other sites. The incomparable Gert Wilders’ address to the trial judges.
He is charged with what in the USA would be no crime at all . He spoke his mind. Now this occurs to me. Holland is in the EU and traditionally thought of as a free and open society. To us here probably the nearest to our own.
But the Dutch are trying to silence Wilders. What happens in Holland will happen here soon. There is no real protection for us now and we have in the EU an organisation that is turning into a tyrrany.
So when some of us say leaving is not an option but a necessity we speak the truth.
There is also Victor Orban’s speech to digest. Serious words indeed and as far removed from the witterings of British politicians as it is possible to be.
The logic of Orban’s speech is that Hungary and possibly other eastern states will have to unilaterally withdraw from the EU. It is implicit in his words. Hungary will not submit to German/EU bullying.
This makes our referendum even more important. No wonder the BBC/Cameron /the rest of the quislings are so panicky. We vote to leave and the EU collapses.
These people will stop at nothing to stay in power and in control. Be warned.
Ta for this Dave S.
I never thought I`d live through days where we once again had televised show trials.
We used to laugh at Saddam, Mao, Stalin and their televised evils.
But never laugh at what we knew would be the results and the consequences to the brave or broken people so put up for trial.
True evil.
And I got the selfsame feeling with watching Geert Wilders…and in this week where we remember the first Christian show trial and its results with Pilate…for this to happen in what was once the beacon of liberal freedoms-Holland-is truly shaming.
Only an EU could have created this tie-dyed fascism, only a gormless padded and complacent bunch of old hippies could have made this mess-where truth is the enemy of the people once again.
Guessing it all started with Vietnam and with Baader-Meinhofs linkage with the PLO etc…but something very sick has happened to a country where they try an elected political leader in a bombproof bunker under their international airport-and don`t see just how cowed and compromised they are.
Yet placed to pass judgement on one of the few people who says it need not be like this-but, the liberal elite rather like it like this-pays well, no kids-and Islam says they`ll look better in slimming black anyway.
Just incredible that we live and joke through what`s happened to us all in Europe.
Got to get outta that place on June 23rd…and give Geert asylum, whilst dumping Assange with the USA on the 24th.
We need some history don`t we?
We only entered the “Common Market” in the early 70s after De Gaulle died, and Heath mistrusted our nation to ever be anything other than the sick man of Europe…a nation that lost an empire and had yet to find a role.
Three day weeks, hooliganism on the rise-every threat of a Commie takeover or a Fascist counter putsch.
Yes. Benn and Powell did warn us all-but then again they were a bit mad and outside the bubble anyway.
Forward thirty years.
Ex Fascist states like Greece, Spain and Portugal doing better that they`d have done had the Generals still ruled.
And New Europe-now out from under the Soviet heel-could only think that the new European settlement would preserve their new-found freedoms, and protect them all as a bloc.
Since then though we`ve had parachuted troikas imposed over the heads of democratically elected politicians in Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Italy…and these are only the ones that were obvious.
Greece is a suppurating open wound as is Cyprus…France and Italy will go belly up financially within five years at best, and no refusal of the EU to let its accounts be checked and signed off will save the pretences of “accountability”.
We have a basket case of a currency which resembles the Zimbabwe dollar in most of Europe, and about to blow…we have unfettered movement of terrorists and chancers, paedos and crims actually DESIRED by the EUSSR to keep us cowed and compliant(The Soviets did the same with THEIR licensed goons and criminals to terrorise those not on board with Uncle Joe-Uncle Yuri)…and still Schengen is torn up for the Germans, then gets blamed on the Hungarians or the Czechs.
June 23rd will have to be D-Day once again…we can`t deny history as the whole elite require.
The likes of Zeman, Wilders and Orban are our NEW leaders from now until then, as far as I`m concerned…whether Ros Altmann was happy or not with IDS is really the least of my problems.
If you`re actively trying to boot the EU out of our national life-you`re a patriot of Europe…if not, you`re just a bloody Quisling or Seyss-Inquart(and thereby unforgiven, unforgivable to anyone but God)
“Abdeslam will fight extradition to France but has been co-operating with police, his lawyer says.”
So much for the previous Pro-EU propaganda about the ‘ease and cooperation’ between the countries of the so called ‘failed state’ to fight terrorism. But lo and behold, he has to be ‘extradited’ form Belgium to its neighbour France . This process could take a long time……
Don’t hold your breath because the EU is so full of Male Bovine Excrement.
Yes Taffman, I was lead to believe by the Remainers that the European arrest warrant was itself a reason to stay in the EU. This alleged mass-murderer should be on a one-way ticket to the Bastille forthwith, not employing flash lawyers to fight extradition. Another reason to ignore the pro-EU propaganda. The EU is a castle built of sand and the tide’s coming in.
Spot on taffman.
I too wondered how a “Belgian” could try and refuse an extradition to France , because the countries are one and the same south of Brussels…language, culture and all.
Also the murders were carried out within a commuters distance from “home” for him.
AND-I thought that both were in Schengen-so (in the wondrous dream of the USE-with no borders and all that)-there`d be no excuse NOT to send the creep down to Paris to face trial for what he is said to have done.
But-there again-I`d not reckoned on the legal monkeys across Europe who like to get a good living in celebrating diversity-but even more so when we can employ a load on international lawyers, and rope in Amnesty, Muslim charities and all…then suddenly, it`s not a seamless service…but individually tailored to competing jurisdictions, when the Euros are stashed under the plumped woolsacks and parchment purses.
Who`d have thought that the non-border between France and Belgium would suddenly become an excuse to stop a Muslim facing justice?…but there again, when your lawyer thinks he`s Yanis Varoufakis;then apply the Upside Down, Inside Out rules of liberal madness in search of money….and a job in the coming caliphate(so they think)
What exactly is the point of Belgium? Shouldn’t it be broken up into French and Flemish areas and absorbed into France and Holland. Or perhaps, just let the Germans have it as they always wished (1914? 1940?). The Clouseau-like antics of the Belgian police and security services are laughable. According to local sources Monsieur Abdeslam wandered around his patch with impunity, being transported in an empty wardrobe at one point, while the good burghers of Molenbeek kept shtum.
Brissles – But I have tasted their sprouts and only force myself to eat one a year as it’s a Christmas custom. Otherwise they’re revolting, and it’s no surprise the Brussels Parliament is full of hot air – from all orifices. Certainly what I understand by “vol au vent”.
No Brissles I have not experienced their vol-au-vents. But, when in Brussels in 2000, I was treated to my female companion being sexually harrassed by men of North African heritage. OK, back in those more gentle times she only got lewd comments and that peculiar clicking / hissing noise that they emanate as they eye the ladies up. Not the more modern mass assault and rape that we now witness. I did buy some Belgian chocolates and some cheap tobacco whilst there. Yet my overall impression of Brussels sixteen years ago was that of an edgy and unpleasant place.
‘Amnesty International has accused European leaders of “double speak” over a deal to return migrants to Turkey’.
Time to make a swift exit and get out of the EU……..
Time to get shot of the pro EU, ‘Used Car Salesman’ and the ‘Osborne Biscuit’ .
True Torys should team up with the UIKP and fight to get out of the EU and then form the next government of the ‘new Independent’, United Kingdom.
Suggested new Independent British Government Cabinet ? – Boris, IDS, Farage , Jacob Rees-Mogg, Doug Murray Etc.
Further suggestions welcome , over to you all ………….
Oh, I forgot to add Nathan Gill.
This chap from the North Cymru is a good spokesman to get us out of the European Union of a fabricated artificial state whose members are feathering their nests at the expense of the people of this nation.
Vote ‘GO’ or Brexit & UKIP .
Al Beeb really don’t like him.
For some people who work regular night shift its the only thing we can pick up on the radio – its unbelievable what they broadcast and it would upset many of you if you tuned in to it.
It is a completely different service to what it was 30 years ago.
Excellent but did you hear the even more unsuitable “news” item two or three weeks ago on BBC R4 PM around 17:40?
Some “foreign correspondent” blathering on for >10 minutes on how Nigerian gays are overcoming government oppression and getting together (and getting it on no doubt) using “Social Media”… Can’t really imagine Kate Adie doing that one …
Why do the BBC use a Welsh commentator for the rugby match between France and England? The Wales V Italy match had Welsh, Italian/SouthAfrican but no English. The U20 match on BBC Wales ScrumV on Friday night(Wales v Italy) had Welsh commentators in both English and Welsh languages.(Channell 971) and the bias was palpable- and expected.
Eddie Butler played 8th -man for Wales and is utterly not pro-English. Surely there is an English-speaking , English-born commentator amongst the BBC’s 22 000 employees who could impart the enthusiasm, bias and thrill required to reflect the support for the English rugby team.
It does not seem to be a problem for Scottish and Welsh viewers to have own-language commentators
I cannot think of any other country in the top tier of rugby that uses a foreign- born commentator to relay matches. Could you imagine France having ,say, an Algerian or Canadian commentating on such an important match.
The BBC treat the English rugby supporters badly. It does not happen with Football.
And why did the BBC Radio 4 Long Wave cut off the last vital balls of the last over in the World Twenty 20 cricket match between England & South Africa on Friday afternoon? We had two runs to get with three balls & suddenly it switched to Eddie Mair’s voice on PM. This was one of the best matches I had heard & England were about to do something exceptional, but it seems the BBC were not happy for us to hear it. A disgrace!
Cranbrook, The BBC hate cricket because they think it is elitist. I am sure they would dearly love to get rid of TMS which is just about the only contact I have with the BBC these days.
Al Beeb do not like Rugby Union , neither do they like Great Britain.
They would like to see this nation divided up into Scottish, Irish, Welsh and English Assemblies all as ‘puppet members’ of the EU .
It has always been the agenda of the European leaders who despise the British people and Parliament, and its long standing democracy .
Just look at the history of Europe. Simples
Our compulsory dietary requirement of incessant, hectoring, social engineering propaganda from the liberal media is tending to be counter-productive.
A recent Channel 4 news report was conceived, constructed and broadcast in a form squarely aimed as a direct oppositional rebuttal to David Cameron’s prior statements about getting Muslim women to speak English. Admittedly this was a typically daft half-cock blue-sky irrelevant policy – but still, the news report was hardly balanced. Even a bigoted boss-eyed crookback deaf and dumb blind man with one leg-longer than the other standing on a slope the wrong way could tell it was biased. The fascinating element of the short film was that the encouragement gifted to the Pakistani community in the chosen northern town to attack the PM with a free rein brought out some revealing attitudes and laid bare some ways of thinking not usually aired by a liberal media formerly more careful to mind – on their behalf – a most specially favoured community’s ps and qs.
The argument at the nub of the piece was somewhat disjointed (again I will reiterate the policy initiative itself was naff- but take it at face value…) – on the one hand some immigrant women assured us they did speak English very well, thank you – so denying there was a problem and then on the other hand we got a resounding chorus of ‘so what if we don’t!’ and ‘if we don’t, then boo sucks to you!’ I detect an undercurrent of party politics here: Anything coming from the Tories is going to be frowned upon. Immigrant communities are owned by the left, doncha know. And then there is the strong overtone of ‘just give us the resources and let us spend it how we want’ and ‘don’t go expecting anything in return’. You see, you need to make us welcome. Any expectation that we might somehow integrate with you – rather than vice versa – that’s not on. We intend to understand that for all time as PICKING ON US.
The Channel 4 report focused on women in a certain town (who, we are to assume, were typical) and exposed the chosen group’s dear desire to build a Little Pakistan in Britain. Presumably not so little as the size of these communities grow and begin to join up. The women gathered for the report chatted freely (subtitled, natch) and joked about all the furniture and household products (to wit: a bangra-themed musical chandelier ) they could import for their homes from back in Pakistan.
Aside from the ‘picking on us’ theme – as though radicalisation and terrorism were some far-removed alien Martian visitation to them – another worrying trend in their thought was exposed and indeed flaunted (a measure perhaps of the Channel 4 team’s overconfidence in their own white liberal rectitude – or perhaps the reliance on the fact they are now only preaching to a squishy leftist converted audience?). The sense of justified post-colonial ENTITLEMENT. Well how dare Britain expect us to integrate? Did the British colonialists integrate with us? Of course Britain owes us resources. You stole from us so we are determined to take back from you!
Hardly the ideal ingredients for building an egalitarian meritocratic utopia, you might think. No New Jerusalem to be builded here – not in the old British Leftist sense, anyway. At what stage we wonder will the Left ever fall out with their adopted fast-growing sons brought under our already cramped roof and rapidly eating us out of house and home – and with not much commonality of outlook for the future.
The left will never fall out with these particular sons as they cannot look beyond their own prejudice and belief system that all the worlds ills are due to Tory scum such as Thatchaaaaaa! and all her right wing mates. Billy Bragg and all his cool mates said so in the 80s and so it continues.
I am afraid that even if Uncle Quentin and his “husband” are given free flying lessons off the top of the London Gherkin or if ” Right on Rays” long term partner Tamara gets gang raped and groped by a bunch of enrichers behind Kings Cross Station. You will be unlikely to hear very little in way of complaint from our friends such as Scotty and co as they have spent their whole sad little lives blaming all our ills on capitalism and right wing reactionaries and do not appear have the mental agility to admit that their ire is dangerously misplaced in this as in so many things. After all their egos are far more important than the truth.
So instead they will continue to occupy the moral high ground by lecturing us on inappropriate language, fussing over alleged slights to ethnic minorities and ensuring that black actors are given ” equal” representation in the media, and telling us it is our moral duty to let in anyone who wishes to enter this country regardless of intentions.
And all the while their fast growing sons the proverbial “elephant in the room” continues to knock down the supporting walls of our shared abode til the whole bloody house of cards collapses.
david01 at 08:27
The Liberal/Socialist left are not capable of government – fashionable ideals are OK for the media, local councils, education system etc. but cannot and will not work at country/international level. One look at the EU will confirm this – the wheels are coming off –
Euro – complete failure and embarrassment
Brussels – corruption and incompetence on an industrial scale
Migrant policy – should be one EU voice but has highlighted the fact that Germany has the only voice and all the EU sheep states have to tow the line despite fundamental disagreement.
So in the UK, what’s the next best thing if you have no chance of governing? – Disrupt and oppose the elected government in every way possible with old fashioned ideas based on communist dinosaurs.
The BBC is a mini EU – unelected, unaccountable but more money than sense. It is infected with the liberal socialist left and this in manifested by anti-government, anti-English, anti-police, anti-big business, pro-Labour, pro-SNP, pro-Scottish independence, pro muslim, pro-immigrant, pro-minority, pro-disabled, pro or anti just about anything that can disrupt and oppose the establishment.
The BBC do not miss tricks though – the pro-Welsh, anti-English bias in sport to which you refer is just another symptom of the disease that infects the BBC like a cancer.
>…anti-government, anti-English, anti-police, anti-big business, pro-Labour, pro-SNP, pro-Scottish independence, pro muslim, pro-immigrant, pro-minority, pro-disabled, pro or anti just about anything that can disrupt and oppose the establishment.
Pro-muslim we can agree on.
But the BBC are a part of that very same establishment; one that favours economic and social liberalism.
We can rule out pro-disabled, as I don’t think anti-disabled is a thing except in the dreams of Social Darwinists. Pro-immigrant and pro-minority, absolutely, but that would be to assist with the flow of cheap labour that big business relies on, and to play the divide game which pays such great dividends. Pro-SNP, pro-independence? Tell an SNP supporter who witnessed the BBC’s part in project fear that the BBC are pro-independence, and they’ll die of laughter. Anti-police? I’ve never in all my days heard anything as sickening as the attempt at youth indoctrination that passed as ‘comedy’ in ‘It’s a Fair Cop’ on Radio 4.
Now that the police seem to be part of the left-wing establishment I am not sure the BBC is so much against them as it once was. They seem to collude on many things and there do not seem to be any drug busts at the BBC.
and your mention of why it doesn’t happen in football is simple to answer – the BBC regard rugby as an elitist, upper class sport with public school ramifications – hence one recent article on bbc.con – “Is English rugby union just for posh kids?”
The story is inconclusive as a work of journalism but the damage is done and the point is made – Disrupt and oppose again.
That says it all, and football? well that’s for the ordinary people so they leave it alone.
And one thing rugby and cricket have in common is that, to play at a high level, you have to quite intelligent whereas football……… So for the BBC, that is another form of elitism.
“Is English rugby union just for posh kids?” Why don’t they simply ask their own kids for the answer, as most of them are sent to schools that play those sports.
And his idiot brother set himself up on Any Questions too?
Jonathan asked Heather McGregor about whether she`d had a nanny in connection with some nanny state dross notion.
Heather said no…but the goal was open,the audience willing to suck the ball into the net and a half-dead sharpie could have finished the OTHER Dimbly with a final shaft to his familys privileges and pointlessness, but served up to us all since daddy had a good Belsen in effect.
But no-Heather let it pass…no Rees-Mogg she!
Instead she was pleased to tell us all that the tampon tax was no longer an issue to her.
Even the audience seemed to retch at this one…but still we`re forced to think this as “transparency”.
Any survivor groups yet for genital warts or crabs?…herpes support groups?
And did former Victorian matriarchs use more sanitary towels than their more progressive granddaughters? Victoria was said to be a three pad girl…but what does Jenni at Islington Tech for Girlybitz say is the current opinion?
We PAY for this-and future generations will ALSO pay for it too, in that we really should have pulled i the BBCs plug away in 1983, after Thatch secured our nation from Foot etc.
Just one long butt plug now is the grotesque BBC.
Why does the BBC allow these Friends of the Earth people to brazenly lie on national TV. They could put a researcher on it for a couple of hours to debunk all the of the core tenets of their arguments this morning. I mean it was the BBC who made up the bit about 97% of scientists. Warmest evah! bollox our grandchildren , our children .The inconvenient truth is no warming in about 20 years.
‘Why does the BBC allow….people to brazenly lie…..’? For the same reason that they invite an audience that is so comprehensively biased – the frenzied applause for each gem to leave little Owen’s lips as just one example, which should have raised eyebrows in any professional production team – that it make a mockery of the word impartiality. But, and it is very big BUT, they really don’t care.
Anyone disputing the clear bias on the Beeb re “global warming” should have had a gander at The Big Question this morning. Piers Corbyn (Jezza’s brother) was the only dissenting voice; and interestingly the only speaker with any scientific background whatsoever and the only genuine expert in his field. He is, after all, a real climate scientist, but was treated with contempt. The others were priests, Green Party Members, Friends of the Earth members, irritating left wing journo’s, scientifically illiterate greeny audience participants and Dame Nikki.
As expected Piers was given very little opportunity to voice his point of view. Indeed the resident dame was sneeringly disrespectful of the scientist, asking the greenies, “Can you believe opinions like this still exist?” Just who the fxxx is this pontificating prat to offer such opinion, anyway? Just because he’s got a degree in media studies doesn’t make him an expert on anything else. The upshot of this prog’ is that we’re all going to fry. our children will have nowhere to live, millions of “climate refugees” will be heading this way. Oh and let’s just go back for one final word to The Friends of the Earth. Biased, sneering, allowing one point of view to pontificate without restraint and attempting to ridicule any alternative viewpoint. And we’re paying for this crap!
An utter bloody disgrace.
Global warming/climate change was meant to be the distraction while this was all going on. Along with trash TV. A market that the BBC has greatly invested in, judging from recent years.
Fussing about the quack pseudosciences that slop into the green bucket of limewashings-and all under the name of “environmental sciences”-is the lazy lefty liberals choice of displacement activity.
Means that Islam knocking at the door can be summonsed by a dainty wind chime, and not a crazy call from the top of the minaret,
Maybe if we told Uncle Anjem that the Climate Change loons are willing to forgo the parachutes as long as they drop them head first over the minarets…THEN these green clods of rainbow fascisms might address the real problems of Islam, a Euro currency in free fall and too many people coming here with evil in their hearts, Jimmy Savile in their boxers.
And-as you say-Piers is a nutjob in his way-but on this cause he`s been right all along…and follows the evidence as good science was once meant to do.
Not follow bloody Rachal Carson and Jonathan Porritt into the hagiographies or EU/Parliamentary do goody forums…thick anti-scientists once had the Foreign Office or the Board of Trade to go into…they now have the BBC and all manner of EU charities and quangos in which to lie in wait to kill the real scientists who`ve not taken Prescotts Peck and Pecker.
Ah yes. Nikki Al-Salfordi the Media City Sheikh, leading us all on the path to a rainbow-coloured Dhimmitude where gays, environmentalists, transgender folk, socialists, the disabled, and all the peoples of the world can link arms around the camp fire and sing in perfect harmony. That is until they can’t anymore, and the rainbow coloured flag turns to Black with funny squiggly writing on it.
So true Mr.G. These thick fucks are so self absorbed that they don’t realise they are bringing about their own demise. A fate so gruesome that they will be begging to meet anyones maker so long as it stops the pain.
The problem with LGBT and liberal fantasists/delusionists is that they just don’t know when to stop meddling. The silent majority have been tolerating them but it’s not enough to just change a few things. Its bloody everything so that their Alice in wonderland imaginations become everyone’s reality. Our peace loving ROPer friends don’t see life that way. They can’t. They are forbidden to even debate it. The life of a true Muslim has already been set out for them. Its in the Koran. They are living it right now in Iraq and Syria. If we let the LGBT and liberal fantasists have their way, every single one of them will be nailed to a cross pleading for a merciful death. Looks like the neo Nazi, racist, islamphobe, xenophobe, people-phobs the liberal left despise more than anything in this whole world will be their saviours…and they are too fucking deluded to see it
Aren’t we lucky that Biased BBC’s regular coterie of commenters are neither thick fucks nor self absorbed, eh?
> The problem with LGBT and liberal fantasists/delusionists is…
That they’re not a homogenous mass whose opinions can be mischaracterised in one fell swoop by some lunatic whose whole argument seems to be “won’t they shut the fuck up and be oppressed by us, because at least we’re not Muslim”?
> then you produce argument by caricature like this.
Apparently “argument by caricature” is okay if it’s in line with the groupthink on here. Accuse “the left”, “the gays”, “the Muslims”, “the BBC” all you like – that’s all fine. But take issue with it? That’s “argument by caricature”.
Forgive me if I don’t lose any sleep over the usual hypocritical sanctimony from the usual suspects.
‘Nights’ again Jerrod (Scott) ?
Where have you and your ‘work mates’ been for the last week ?
It’s good to hear from you . We like a bit of fun and ‘intelligent’ debate on this site.
Unfortunately Jerrod, as much as I would love it to be, this debate isn’t between you and I. Its not me or the fellow Al Beleebers you need to convince. Just type in IS atrocities to see how our peace loving ROPer friends will deal with you and your fellow fantasists. Unfortunately they will see the debate as being on one side a group of sheltered, protected, affluent gobshites trying to pull apart everything the greatest human being that will ever live says. The other side of the debate is given by what they believe is the most perfect human being, Muhammad, and the very words given to him by Allah himself……yes I think it’s pretty obvious which our ROPer friends will listen to.
Sorry to say Jerrod but you are fucked either way. The silent majority will never forgive you for what you have done and your ROPer fuck buddies think you are the scum of the earth. Allahu akbar!
Pienaar’s Politics on 5Live this morning. I wish I hadn’t bothered, because now I have allowed the BBC to upset my Sunday morning. To be fair, I only heard two segments, but that was sufficient. John Pienaar ‘interviews’ John McDonnell. It’s all first names and ever so polite from Pienaar, yet that doesn’t stop McDonnell from talking to Pienaar as if he is a junior member of the local SWP chapter who is unable to understand what is being said to him. I have noticed on many occasions previously that both Corbyn and McDonnell have the permanent air of two very angry and unpleasant men, always seemingly on the verge of abruptly and rudely dismissing any interviewer deemed too stupid or insufficiently left-wing. And so it was when John met John.
The final segment appeared to be satire, but really wasn’t. Gay SNP MP and former holiday rep Stewart McDonald is asked what Westminster is like now for LGBT politicians. Stewart tells us that it’s really camp in the Mother of Parliaments, and with the SNP being the gayest political party in the whole wide world, now that the Gay Gordons are in the House of Commons, then so the HoC is now the gayest legislature in the whole wide world.
Then John and Stewart play a game of Snog, Marry, Avoid (Gay-style). So Stewart McDonald would definitely snog Alec Salmond and certainly finds Zac Goldsmith pleasing on the eye.
Where’s the House of Commons supply of poppers when you need them. Oh dear, Crispin Blunt finished them off last night.
“A man is believed to have committed suicide by decapitating himself on the street. The only witnesses to this, a brave migrant gang, rallied to quickly remove the body so the local woman and children would not have to witness the ghastly scene. The migrants unfortunately didn’t have time to return and remove the head before others discovered the horror.”
RE previous titles for Islam-compliant programmes.
1. Just a Minaret-with knickerless parsons asking “which direction is Mecca”.
2. Taqqiya For The Music-where two hennaed beardies with filthy toenails and sandals shout Koranic verses at their wives/nieces as they try to sing through a ball gag under black curtains.
3. Rosie Anjem-where Uncle Anjem trolls. trawls the canals of Birmingham in the hope of replacing his cloth dollies with something more childlike.
4. Allahs In The Family…where a migrant community manage to take over a small borough in Ely, using just one named male as their “sponsor”
5. Man, I feel like some women-Sharia Twain(Cologne Mix)-not a programme yet, just a concept!
Great stuff, Chris.
How about the one with 3 middle aged jihadi pals who are tasked with test driving various desert 4WD pick-up trucks with rear mounted guns whilst on the way to some sword-based executions.
The Koranic banter will have you laughing your head off as you watch……’Chop Gear’.
Poor old Paddy O Connell on BH was rather exercised this morning.
Seems that he only was going to miss the Independent when it closed later today.
The usual broadsheet great and good did NOT wear black armbands, nor did they mention Sunday roasts or the Crazy Gang cartoons…seems it was all subsidied lies as paid for by trusts and rich exiles trying to create the big lie.
As exemplified by Paddy and the EU…to name but two results of romantic myth.
Thankfully-Climate Change and Historical Child Abuse will continue to give Paddy his living, until THOSE big lies go down the pan too.
But Paddy was desperate for us all to fuss over the loss of the useless Indie…and even threw in the end of the News of The World as a portent.
And there was I thinking that the BBC were (to put it mildly) rather pleased with the end of Ruperts rag.
No-not enough standing to attention as the last paper got folded up under a setting sun in the Limehouse Basin.
Poor Paddy-where WILL the BBC get its jobsworths, Freislers and Lyseonkos from NOW?
Oh-yes, the Guardian…where they always go to dip their beaks and rescue mud flappers for bigger jobbies like Newsflight, No shite and NewsCruise…alwight?…not arf!!
The Independent is gone and it deserved it. After 9/11 it was appalling .A disgrace to the West and to this country. Good riddance and I hope the Guardian goes as well. In the culture war these rags are the enemies of free people everywhere.
Lord Hall-Hall’s lack of self awareness is gobsmacking.
I don’t think the Armada was anywhere near as anti-English as the BBC. In fact, Good Queen Bess would’ve had his head off yonks ago for his treasonous activities.
Or maybe he just likes doing irony on a grand scale.
Mightily impressive show of speed from Sven Lauda in the disability scooter.
0-20 in five seconds by my reckoning.
Reckon that should go up on the board for Top Gear records…maybe a repeat by the Cenotaph for authentication.
My thought exactly….
Surely Chris Evans’s people will be after that Swedish Disability Stig ?
Blimey it’s another box tick! Talk about star on a reasonable benefits means test
The bloody police don’t think it is provocative to bully weak or innocent people. They are just effing cowards . Same in the UK. The police are not the solution. They are a big part of the problem.
Odd, isn’t it, that the police were famously accused of institutional racism, but what they are plainly guilty of is institutional cowardice. The same as some of our other national institutions.
I suppose that’s what is really happening at the BBC – none of what’s going on there now could ever have survived if cowardice hadn’t been stamped into the heart and soul of its staff. Direct action, of a sort they all applaud in various other situations, could easily have pulled the plug on the noxious bias.
Good, good. Sweden has chosen to be the example that will hopefully warn the rest of the civilized world. I do hope that St Bob Geldof will be around to offer a home for Swedish refugees.
I like how as soon as that bloke in the scooter drives into the “most violent” of their attackers, the journalist and film crew just f**k off and leave him! I wonder what the hell happened to him? Beaten to death perhaps?
I’ve posted before on here, an axiom which our “elites” here in the West are unable or unwilling to accept: if you allow ever increasing numbers of people from the Third World into a country, that country will ever increasingly come to resemble the Third World.
The evidence for which is crystal clear, from the filming in that s**thole in the outskirts of Stockholm.
To quote Barrie McDermott – “It’s not rocket surgery, it’s not brain science.”
No-go zones exist in any nation, because the State lacks the necessary will to enforce the law of the land.
The reason they lack that will is because the consequences of so doing would be (in Diana West’s words) “multiculturally blasphemous”; as it would confirm to everyone, what DS alluded to re Sweden’s no-go zones, that they would all be areas which are majority ethnic minority.
To reveal or acknowledge that fact by simply enforcing the law, would tear down the Politically Correct concept of “Hey – they’re just like us”; so they ignore them and allow such “zones” to endure.
I think you’ll find there will be no-go zones for them too; an underreported (yes another) facet of the influx of folk from numerous countries of the Failed World into Europe, is that many of them harbour long standing historical enmity for one another e.g. Kurds and Turks, Afghans and Persians, Sunni and Shia, Muslim and Christian etc etc.
The West is importing all this strife along with them, this is in addition to the hatred many of them have for us and our civilization – it won’t end well.
The full version of this video and “Sixty minutes” programme is in the link below….Can anyone imagine Al-Beeb having the constitution to make a documentary like this one – Other than to have hand picked “respectable” migrants telling the Beeboids loathsome Guardianista reporters precisely the message that they wish to portray to we the put upon mugs?
Imam About the House – A new take on an old ITV sitcom not exactly born within the sound of Thames Television but considered daring even for these current permissive times due to its subject matter of a man sharing a council flat with his two wives.
Also featuring the white English couple Mr & Mrs Ropey : Yoofa Choice rioting for flat screens; and her impotent spouse.
Two spun-off Governments spring to mind: Blair’s Mess and George and Call Me Mildred
A delight to hear Vincent Kompany( Citehs captain) holding forth on Molenbeek in the preamble to Todays take on the arrest in Brussels(yesterdays programme 19/3/16 7.50am).
Who better to ask than an exiled multi-millionaire footy star about “Islamic radicalisation” in a suburb he may well have visited as a player way back?
Still eh…bit of stardust on the cornflakes, a selfie grab up on the website with yet another poster boy for the United Colours of Islam( yes, Obama and Beyonce shade for now-but will end up as matt black with some Tippex scrawl in the foreground).
Certainly beats asking somebody who might KNOW what and why Muslims are doing what they`re doing over there.
Not enough EU gravy train surfers available to get out and see for us is there?
Maybe we should sponsor another Mardell sperm dump so we can get the next generation of liberal lefty lardarses through to Brussels, whilst IS allow it.
Only on the BBC could this be considered newsworthy. Spoilt little overindulged brat who has failed to grow up is continued to be over indulged by her wealthy father !
She isn’t even grateful! She claims she got it because of ‘white privilege’ which must be music to the ears to the BBC. She simply doesn’t get it that much of the problems she’s moaned about have been caused by her stupid thicko Socialist mates !
Countryfile has just claimed that wind turbines produce 11% of the UK’s electricity. I thought it was much lower than that, less than 4%. Don’t have figures to hand .
Why be surprised? ‘Countryfile’ is not aimed or devised to appeal to country people, it is for the metropolitan majority whose ideas have become entrenched since urban primary school. They simply prefer their ignorance and prejudice to be enhanced and reinforced while paying lip service to The Environment. And ‘CyF’ is very good at that in such a clever, subtle way.
Pure and unadulterated propaganda .
Saw it and thought there are some pigs being shown on that farm ?
I don’t think that the refugees are big fans of pigs and swine ?
They might just have 11% of the installed capacity, but as we know it turns out nothing like that.
I suspect they make most of their money by being paid to turn it off as their electricity tends to be available when there is sufficient base load. When it is cold in high pressures and we need it, it produces diddly squat!
Countryfile now has a piece about a farm in E. Anglia which caters for refugees who come and work on the farm. Some are interviewed and all are happy, polite, speak good english and love working hard. One says he is from a farm in Kurdistan and is reminded of home. So that is all right then.
BBC visits Guildford where we are told the people are ‘well educated’. Guess what? With only a couple of waverers these well educated people are in favour of remaining in the EU.
Set myself up for a fall there didn`t I?
Feedback was going to talk about the politicisation of Desert Island Discs tonight.
Oh good, I thought-and about time.
Long been sick of a parade of lefties trying to replace the Bible with The Brandt Commission on Third World poverty..that kinda thing.
Oh dear-was I wrong?
Last weeks guest was a Sue Ion-who`d worked long and hard in nuclear power-and (surprisingly to the Lefties) thought it OK, and not particularly sexist, her being a woman an `all.
And a scientist as well, so acquainted with facts and not fuzzy felt notions of Brylcreem burning tealights where lighthouses were required.
The Feedback mob took to their scooters and drove to post offices up and down the land…how very dare she traduce Silkwood, Murrell and Erin Brokovich?…let alone The Sisterhood who wanted women to run the science business…but not nuclear of course…NO woman could do that.
But Sue did.
THIS was the feared politicisation of Desert Island Discs…too nuclear, too scientific…not Lucas or Bennett compliant is it now?
I was duped…and turned off.
But like Nigel Lawson, Peter Lilley, Quentin Letts-and, for that matter Johnny Ball, Heinz Wolf and David Bellamy-Dame Sue Ion is not welcome at the BBC anymore, certainly not if the Green Gilberts have anything to do with it.
As they do.
Good clip from Billingshurst about a biogas plant destroying the local sheeps water supply in the lambing season of the moment.
Oh dear-MUST we be cross with the Biogas Plant, and not the rich farmers?
They`re “renewable aren`t they?”…so how the hell do we slag THEM off for killing the fish, making lambs drink from plastic Volvic spring water bottles?
Er-we don`t….further announcement to follow, no doubt.
Sheer crap-all of it.
BBC R4 ran a profile of Frauke Petry the AFD leader . Usual stuff . She is a cross between a 1930s Nazi throwback and a 1950s Stasi operative don’t you know. . It is like the word has gone out. Get Trump and get Petry.
Not doing so well with Trump and as for Petry watch this space.
That Ms Petry has done the maths and worked out that if the Merkel madness continues then by 2020 Germans in the key 18- 35 demographic will be in a minority never occurs to our useless media liberals.
When that happens it is goodnight Cologne , Berlin and just about every German city and village. End of Germany of the Germanic people.
The liberals would like that. Frauke Petry would not .
So after Germany and Sweden go which country do you think these awful self hating liberals of the West would llike to wreck?
Well Israel goes without saying except those Jews just will not go quietly so I suppose they mean us . The stupid indigenous English and Welsh. Not sure about the Scots they seem to want to be like Sweden.
So when I call it a culture war that is exactly what it is and the BBC is on the wrong side . Maybe the right side if you are Jeremy Hardy. Brigstocke, Evan Davis and the rest of them but not on my side and not on the side of the people of my small country town.
All over Europe the people are beginning to understand what is at stake. In the USA as well and as Gert Wilders says let us make this a patriotic spring .
By their actions over the next few critical months our elites will show what I know to be true of them. They are without principle and without legitimacy. All they have left is the ability to oppress and that goes nowhere in the end.
By voting to leave we can really start to change things. It is our duty to do so not an option at all.
The Beeb so far on the reports I have read and listened at least have not referred to the Afd as “far right” or “extreme right”, so I will give them some credit for that. I have seen Channel 4 news calling the Afd far right and even in the Daily Mail!
“Well Israel goes without saying except those Jews just will not go quietly so I suppose they mean us . The stupid indigenous English and Welsh. Not sure about the Scots they seem to want to be like Sweden.
So when I call it a culture war that is exactly what it is and the BBC is on the wrong side”
I think you have got that wrong – Scotland and the Scots want ENGLAND to be like Germany and Sweden, ie overrun, whilst keeping white, non-Muslim Scotland white and non-Muslim.
Yes -yes Profile used the monstering by proxy trick.
They don’t introduce Piers Corvyn by dredging up alleged quotes of when people said bad things about him.
Frauke Petry
“Ambitious”, “cold-hearted” and “calculating”; just some of the words used to describe Frauke Petry, leader of Germany’s Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) party. She has suggested German border police should be allowed to use firearms to deter illegal immigrants.
The populist, right-wing AfD has, under her controversial leadership, jumped from winning just a few percent of the vote at the 2013 federal elections, to more than 20 percent in some parts of Germany in last weekend’s regional elections. The results surprised many.
But is her brand of politics sincere, or – as some say – pure opportunism? And how far could she take the AfD? Ed Stourton finds out
but its quite interesting if you make allowances for Beeb bias.
I particularly liked:
“Hundreds of Elizabethan men and women travelled into Muslim lands in search of their fortune, and many converted – some forcibly, but others willingly – to Islam. They included the Norfolk merchant Samson Rowlie, who had been captured by Turkish pirates off Algiers in 1577, where he was imprisoned, castrated and converted to Islam.
He took the name Hassan Aga and rose to become Chief Eunuch and Treasurer of Algiers as well as one of the most trusted advisers to its Ottoman governor. He never returned to England or the Christian fold.”
Lets hope that when the muslim population of the UK increases from 3.2 million to 6.4 to 12.8 etc in the next few years, us white Anglo-Saxon Christians don’t suffer the same fate as our Elizabethan forbears! Islam, despite all the BBC and other media hype, is not a religion of peace and tolerance. It was born out of violence and the destruction of a mature post-classical civilisation around the Mediterranean. It has blighted North Africa and the Levant ever since and nothing has changed in the present day. Europe must not go the same way.
‘Don’t run away from Europe’ chimes Nick Robinson, having interviewed Eddie Izzard on Today and allowing him to finish with a political statement in favour of Remain. Should the BBC conflate being a member of an anti-democratic, German-dominated racket with being part of European civilization and culture? Hopefully not! The luvvies who support Remain may chose to conflate the EU and Europe. But our publicly funded national (but anti-British) broadcaster should not.
Asad Ahmed, no not Samira Ahmed (she presents blink and you’ll miss it Newswatch) no not Kamal Ahmed (he’s the BBC’s economics guy). Asad Ahmed presents BBC London news (when Rizla Teeth is away).
Shock new report out today… in a survey by a Licence Payer it has emerged that at least one in three BBC London news items is a direct plug for a forthcoming BBC show….
“Corporate Amnesia” (Oh the irony) apparently a BBC Radio 4 show will bang on about this issue at some later date – quite how that constitutes London news is a mystery only the BBC could explain.
Are the Ahmeds taking over from blonde and/or Scottish female sports presenters as the most visible manifestation of the BBC’s biased staff recruitment policy?
For those not interested in football, look away now.
First signs of discontent among the Reds for their new ‘breath of fresh air’ leader?
It’s an axiom of BBC reporting that everyone must hold a candle for all things Liverpool. What better pro-EU lesson than Jurgen the German managing the British Reds to success? Personally I was soon irritated by his overt milking of the crowd and loony touchline antics. The BBC’s love affair was a speed date love at first sight. Kop, Klopp, Kop, Klopp… ad finitum. His behaviour is more Latin than Teutonic? It strikes me as provocative to the opposition and childish – this guy is supposed to be the brain behind the team not the male cheerleader. Much of it looks fake to me.
Suddenly on Match of The Day 2 after defeat at the hands of an average Southampton we get the first crack in the BBC punditry dam of unquestioning support – for the first time the potty touchline floor show gets some disapproval after the German One publicly bollocks a dozy striker.
On the subject of BBC football reporting….for a while now there has been an unrelentingly positive spin put on the numbers of foreign players in the English leagues, indeed it is this “diversity”that is credited with contributing to the Premiership being the “best league in the world”…the recent poor showing in European club competitions and the effect on the England international team notwithstanding.
Imagine my surprise then, to hear the rapturous discussions of Marcus Rashford, the local lad made good, who has come through the ranks at Man United to become the youngest scorer in the derby….on 606 yesterday the point was repeatedly made that this was a great thing and helped supporters to identify more closely with the clubs that played home produced players in the first team, they didn`t quite go as far as mentioning jumpers for goalposts …..I thought there had been a change in editorial policy until I saw a photo of the lad in action and then I was just another diversity story dressed up as local patriotism.
BBC Breakfast is a feast of unrelenting liberal pap this morning
Arsenal FC link up with Iraqi refugee kids…. here we go here we go….
‘Multimillionaire footballers and refugee kids (gosh who would have thunk it ….?)’ says the BBC
But wait it’s not Mesut Özil out in Fallujah
It’s some unknown weepy girlie from Arsenal Ladies – and anyway this is the Emirates Arsenal so where’s the unforseen remarkable link up there?
Can’t help but notice the BBC footage banging on about ‘girls game’ but when the refugee girls play their footie there’s not a man or boy within a million miles
By the way, have you ever wondered who it is who does all the civil war fighting in the Middle East? Every BBC report I’ve ever seen has featured completely innocent civilians. So who’s doing all the fighting out there?
“By the way, have you ever wondered who it is who does all the civil war fighting in the Middle East? Every BBC report I’ve ever seen has featured completely innocent civilians. So who’s doing all the fighting out there?”
Men. (And some Peshmerga women to show the sisters can do it for each other)
“”EU referendum: CBI warns of UK exit ‘serious shock'””
“”A UK exit from the EU would cause a “serious economic shock”, potentially costing the country £100bn and nearly one million jobs, according to a report commissioned by the CBI.””
“”The business lobby group said a study found that a vote to leave would have “negative echoes” lasting many years.””
“”CBI director general Carolyn Fairbairn said an EU exit following the referendum on 23 June “would be a real blow for living standards, jobs and growth. She said: “The savings from reduced EU budget contributions and regulation are greatly outweighed by the negative impact on trade and investment.””
“Even in the best case this would cause a serious shock to the UK economy.”
The CBI receives millions of pounds annually from the EU. Do Turkey’s vote for Christmas?
CBI director-general Carolyn Fairbairn is an ex-BBC employee. This is her BBC career from Wiki:-
“In 1997 Fairbairn was appointed as Director of Strategy for BBC Worldwide, later promoted to Director of Strategy & Distribution, and also became a member of the BBC’s Executive Board. She was responsible for delivery of the BBC’s services to viewers, including on cable and satellite. She managed a budget of £150 million and negotiated the BBC’s major distribution deals with Sky, Virgin and BT. She helped to develop the BBC’s digital strategy and renewal of their charter, and was instrumental in creating One BBC. In 2002/3, she created and launched Freeview – a joint venture between the BBC, Sky and Arqiva, which became one of the UK’s most successful new television services.
On 10 June 2004, the BBC announced that Fairbairn and her husband “have decided to take time out from their careers to spend a year travelling around the world with their three children.”
To be fair, she probably suits the CBI perfectly. It is a club for the sort of companies that have led Britain’s slide downhill for decades. Few of its leading lights built a business from the ground up. Its opinion is pretty much worthless.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Marc Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
I bet those “celebrities” feel good about themselves after Sport Relief.
BBC’s favourite Gitmo resident Moazzam Begg Refuses to Condemn Stoning Women to Death for Adultery
And still the BBC will schmooze him as the icon of Islamic victimhood, whilst carefully avoiding questions about the medieval practices which are p*****g off every reasonable, right-thinking person in the UK.
I agree – Begg will always be given an easy ride by Aunty and her friends as he perfectly fits the roll of the noble, oppressed, suffering muslim – reckon the skin colour helps too – brownees oppressed by the racist whiteys!
This is really an issue the sisters should take on but I understand they have their hands full at the moment dealing with major issues such as breastfeeding in restuarants, female fat shaming and the big one we all worry about female boardroom pay!
I understand they’re just about to launch a major campaign to address the gender gap at all major sewage works.
and in the steelworks and the mines
You can add to this FGM and forced marriages.
At present there are over 2000 women being treated for post FGM issues by the NHS and yet no one has been arrested.
Each year hundreds of young girls go missing from the school registers every year as they are taken by to rural Pakistan or Bangladesh to be married to a cousin. An again no one does anything about it. Try to imagine the weeding night as a fully grown man forces himself onto a 13/14 year old girl.
Once again we have the white liberal trash who sit in the HoC for all this. Ask them to make decisions on something that matters and they do absolutely nothing.
The Feminazis are probably worse, this week they were pre-occupied with who should sit on the left hand side on the couch on the BBC.
As for the LGBT community joining the demonstration in the centre of London in support of more immigrants stupid does not come near to describing them. Given the chance these people will be the first to be thrown off the top of buildings – Shard anyone.
Significant speech for the future of Europe.
Victor Orban, Hungarian PM, gives historic speech on March 15 2016
This is not just about the Muslim invasion of Europe, but calls the EU a treasonous organisation that threatens the existence of European nations and the its cultures.
NCBBC, I wish we had a PM like that instead of a spineless, lying wimp.
I don’t know about the spineless, but “lying”- yes.
I have this gut feeling that Cameron is Heath II. If we are naive enough to believe that Cameron has got us out of the “ever closer union” vice, then we deserve our fate. If we vote to remain, we will be sucked into ever closer union, just as Heath sold us into “ever closer union” vice of the EEC.
This is not just a generational referendum, but a once for all for the foreseeable future question. The “ever closer union” of the EU also requires a complete dissolution of the nations of Europe. With careful thought and planning, Islam and Muslims are the solvents that are being used to dissolve those bonds.
I do not believe that we have been given an escape clause out of the “ever closer union” vice. Its there , and will manifest itself once it is too late for us to do anything about it, just as we were duped by Heath’s “Trade only ” union. In 50 years, not only the politics of the Britain will have changed, but we will be an Islamic nation.
This referendum is not just about the EU, but our civilisational & cultural future as well.
Cameron’s first priority after winning an outright majority should have been to restore some urgently-needed common sense to our energy policy instead of joining the gullible virtue-signalling celebs and politicians at the latest gathering of eco-loons, Marxists and pseudo-scientists in Paris.
As it is we are heading for the biggest energy crisis the country has ever seen – one that could be fatal for our economy not to mention millions of (genuinely) vulnerable people.
However, it will be interesting to see what brings this country to its knees first: energy (lack of), immigration/Islam, the EU, debt or another Labour government.
Are there any bookies out there prepared to give the odds?
Britain’s Hard Left Descends On London, Urge MORE Mass Migration, Thousands Attend
I like that bearded Muslim with the poster “Refugees welcome here”. He has a past.
Bearded Muslim man: I wonder if refugees would still be welcome if they were all Christians, Hindus or Jews?
I can’t find the words.
Wyndham’s book the Midwitch Cuckoos has a ring of truth about it, it would seem that some time post 1965 some sort of non-humans have been inseminating Western womenhood, creating all these dead behind the eye weirdos who seem more than willing to capitulate to subsequent invading forces. They all have the same look about them.
Village Of The Damned? If only, we’re all now living in cities, towns and streets of the damned…..
I think they must have first landed in Sweden. They then released oestrogen into the water supply.
I cant think why Swedish men have become so effeminate. It cant be the water, so it must be some form of psychological trap – that is, Swedish men think they are worthless. Or brainwashed to think that way.
Odin, help.
Plain hippy bourgeois girls; soft-headed effeminate males of all ages; silly old hens whose chicks have long flown the coop and need to find something to care for; blacks and pakis, naturally.
Reminds me of the welcoming cretins on top of the first skyscraper to be destroyed in Independence Day.
Or the welcoming crowds of hippies in ” Mars Attacks”
This must be one of the best pics I’ve seen in a long while
Scroll down the pic of “LGBT against Islamophobia”.
I sometimes think that “if the lights did go out” may be the catalyst that makes people think where we are headed.
Sometimes one has to be in a cold and dark place to know what reality is.
You could be right NCBBC – I am beginning to think that politicians like him are perfectly aware of the consequences of their actions regarding the EU. What I think Cameron and his ilk are trying to do (by winning the election) is to buy time for the EU so that they can swamp us with major changes to our society and culture, that we will never be able to change.
Arrogant, Cynical, Manipulative Fuckers! These shits try to wrap themselves up in the Union Jack but all they really want to wrap themselves up in is the Euro and lots of them! Heath, Blair, Cameron, May are all peas from the same pod. Any politicians of any integrity (such as IDS) end up resigning.
Cameron ” battling for Britain” and getting a good “deal” I cant even understand why there is any debate about his achievments – he asked for fuck all and got even less than that, yet still the sheep bleat for him!
Agree with the swamping part, initially it looked like they were playing the long game with success being measured over generations rather than the shock tactics of manufactured mass migration we see currently. It appears the Eurocrats aim is to shatter and fragment Western Europe at an accelerated rate to try and prevent any cohesive resistance forming, classical tactics, Enoch could have provided invaluable comment about what this bunch of half wits think they are doing.
Some comedian, comedian?, features in this Breitbart article.
” I have no more claim to this soil than anyone here,” he bleats.
A perfect example of afore mentioned half wits, although not obviously a part of the elite he would appear to have swallowed the globalist line without thinking to deeply on the consequences, and is quite happy to prostitute himself to the cause. More a quarter wit then, had plenty of licence payers cash in his pocket over the years too.
That ‘comedian’ with the racist anti-white views is Jeremy Hardy. On the BBC payroll, funded by you and me, folks.
” I have no more claim to this soil than anyone here,” he bleats.
If that is so, then he has no more claim on Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan then anybody else. He should go there, and feel at home.
What a brave and brilliant speech!
I do thank all you excellent people on here for digging round the web and finding this illuminated stuff. It’s brilliant and so rewarding.
The sort of speech Mrs T would be making were she still our leader.
Sense at last. It shows how far we in the UK have sunk into the ‘silt’ of internationalism , as Mr Orban puts it, that if anyone in the UK delivered such a speech they would be set upon by the media , led by the ever righteous BBC, arrested by the ever PC police and likely end up in prison. We can only hope that the countries of central Europe are able to save themselves and then our continent because , sadly, I am certain that we in the UK cannot even save ourselves . Whether we stay in the EU or vote to leave, we are too far down the road to a multiculty hell to be able to pull ourselves out. We need help. I agree that a good first step would be for the UK to leave the EU and then hopefully the whole rotten mess will collapse taking the mad Merkel and her suicidal open doors with it.
This is brilliant NCBBC.
It`s just refreshing to here an elected leader of a democratic country in the EU actually SATING these things-and getting applauded by his fellow citizens for it.Central Europe know what an EUSSR colonisation will look and sound like…we over here might need to find out the hard way if we don`t listen to Hungary and Slovakia while we still can do so.
Ta for posting it.
Congratulations are in order for our Prime Minister, David Cameron.
Last week was exceptionally difficult for him with members of his party rebelling over Europe and The Budget.
Fortunately he managed to pull off a blinder and secure a tax rebate for tampons. The BBC reported it as a victory for all women.
Keep up the good work.
lol he is a tampon . We got him and Sam Greenpeace with Daddy’s windmills . I always loved the fact we had that Liberal democrat bloke Clegg who’s two kids were called Manuel and Juan or something – he wasn’t even allowed to name his own kids by his wife yet we were expected to think he could run the country
He is more like the place you insert a tampon.
Next policy blinder: A tax rebate for condoms. No “Value Added” tax. I don’t know if that is good or not.
For those who aren’t aware of the web site ‘rotten Tomatoes’ there is a listing of the programs which viewers find the most entertaining:
Most Popular TV on RT
75% Marvel’s Daredevil: Season 2
100% The 100: Season 3
89% The Walking Dead: Season 6
89% House of Cards: Season 4
80% 11.22.63: Season 1
94% Better Call Saul: Season 2
35% Flaked: Season 1
97% The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story: Season 1
95% The Man in the High Castle: Season 1
87% Love: Season 1
Despite the wealth of the BBC there isn’t any of their programs listed. Occasionally there are so it’s not as if this is a US site only listing US programs.
That the BBC don’t have any programmes on there is ironically a thing to be proud of. Almost every American TV show on now is vastly overrated, idiotic, derivative slop. I’d have to be stoned to enjoy any of them. It all peaked with The Sopranos and The Wire and has been downhill ever since.
I think the lovers of Game of Thrones might beg to differ! Man in the High Castle was really good, as was Wayward Pines.
Typical that the UK most watched are all cheapo reality TV shows, because the BBC doesn’t produce anything else these days.
Aye, I’m sure lovers of any of the crappy U.S shows that are on now would beg to differ! I would have to have a nice bag of kush to smoke to enjoy any of it. I’d enjoy looking at a monkey clapping for an hour after smoking that, though.
But yeah, the BBC’s most watched makes for depressing reading.
Oh my God.
Why should we believe this any more than last years election polls, the latest unemployment figures or global warming?
Easily manipulated to get the desired outcome/agenda by only letting certain class types in certain locations to fill out a return.
Have you ever been asked to contribute to such? I haven’t.
Come back Morecambe and Wise!
Geoff – if you miss Morecambe and Wise and funny old British comedy, just get on Youtube. There’s loads of old comedies on there, far better than most of the modern rubbish!
I can spend entire evenings on You Tube looking at the old classics and digging out some exellent unheard of new comics and entertainers. It is not merely the past that the BBC have buried; there are many who are passed over by the BBC and doing it by themselves on You Tube.
Maybe I have peculiar tastes, but this woman obtained thousands of hits for this video – many misunderstood and thought she was stupid. Her performances include talks on Hilarity Clinton, and send ups of commercial products, all done in a stupid blonde southern redneck style.
LOL ! I would love to see more of her in all respects. I checked the name, Molly-Ann Wymer.
Who said Americans don’t do irony..?!
I love the bit about a pink gun !!!
Must check out her sketch on Hilarity Clinton and her son, Bill Clinton
GWF, What a great impersonation of Hilarity. Molly-Ann is some gal !
God Bless America, and real Americans!
I notice how the list is dominated by lots of episodes of the same programme. I used to enjoy Bake Off and Strictly but it is obvious that the outcomes of both are being strictly manipulated. Should the great British public come to realise it they will come tumbling down like a house of cards, and then what is left on the BBC for Joe Public to watch? It won’t be Top Gear by the look of things.
I have the deepening suspicion that the BBC TV audience figures can only be plummeting or the statistics are faked. There is next to nothing to watch most nights. The drama series are undistinguished and indistinguishable – mostly starring female cops.
Radio 4 is even worse in that every programme is tailored for a very limited metropolitan audience who positively welcome hearing about life abroad or amongst minorities in the UK. Nothing is local and British. Nothing at all.
Framer, I must admit on R4 anything that is not aimed at the liberal/left metropolitan intelligentsia does tend to stand out. I nearly fell off my chair last year when ‘The Archers’ had a story line about an officer being commissioned at Sandhurst, and also included a hefty chunk of the vicar’s Easter sermon.
There’s far more going on in the Archers at the moment than you mentioned! Fans are gripped by a long story re domestic abuse. It’s been hard listening at times but the acting has been superb.
It is about the only regular Radio 4 I cannot miss. Today just gets my BP up and TWT has got worse in recent months!
I haven’t forgiven the producers for pushing Nigel off the roof.
The statistics must be faked as their output is going down the pan.
I got the feeling that the One Show just interviewed other BBC staff so I’ve looked at the last 20 episodes on iPlayer and made a list of the guests:
19 Feb James martin BBC presenter
22 Feb no BBC person
23 Feb no BBC person
24 Feb no BBC person
25 Feb no BBC person
26 Feb Rob Brydon BBC comedy presenter
29 Feb Julia Bradbury BBC presenter
01 Mar katherine kelly BBC actress
02 Mar Robson Green BBC actor, James Norton BBC actor
03 Mar no BBC person
04 Mar Nigel Havers BBC actor, Vernon Kay BBC presenter
07 Mar Fearne Cotton BBC presenter
08 Mar Rebecca Front BBC actress
09 Mar Zoe Ball BBC presenter,
10 Mar Helen George BBC actress
11 Mar Stephen Mangan BBC actor
14 Mar no BBC person
15 Mar Michael Crawford ex BBC actor
16 Mar Jo Brand BBC comedian(?!?)
17 Mar Paul Daniels tribute, ex BBC presenter
So 14 out of the last 20 shows have had “guests” who are just other BBC staff or ex staff. The BBC have become so insular in the last few years that they have become ignorant of the publics dissatisfaction.
Syrian ‘Asylum Seeker’ Filmed Conducting Mass Killing Arrested in Sweden
A recent Syrian migrant claiming refugee status in Sweden is facing criminal charges, after footage of him murdering prisoners of war in a cold blooded “mass killing” emerged.
The alleged mass murdering asylum seeker, named Haisam Omar Sakhanh, has been in Sweden since 2013. He was arrested this Friday in the town of Karlskoga, Sweden, where he has been charged him with a crime against international law.
Fingerprints and a mugshot appear to shown that Mr. Sakhan initially fled to Italy in 2012, where he was arrested for occupying the Syrian embassy and investigated for allegedly attacking other Syrian migrants.
In court this mass murderer will state that he no longer believes ISIS ideology. He will state that ISiS has corrupted the noble koran.
That is what the establishment want to hear, and they will let him out in a few years. In Sweden it could be a few months.
On 18 March Radio 4 had a programme where Heather Jones examined the Easter Uprising in Ireland. Well that is what the blurb says when I googled it to comment here. But it was all from the Irish perspective. The use of language, in particular I.e. talking about the Irish ‘successes’ (are they not a British loss?); it was all written in a ‘hurrah for Eire’ tone. Saturday afternoon, as I type, Radio 4 has a drama playing about Glencoe. Now I may be wrong but even though the radio is usually on whilst I am cooking, I have guessed who will be the goodies and who the baddies, and I decided silence is golden.
Deborah – it seems any movement of independence from the British Empire is always viewed in terms of a ‘struggle for freedom’ etc by the BBC. I’ll be interested to see how they treat the Irish civil war of 1920-22 when its centenary comes around. Presumably it will be ‘freedom fighters against conservative reactionaries in the pay of the British Empire’ or some such.
Cranmer, So Britain leaving the EU should be a “struggle for freedom ” ? The crazy thing is that most British Empire countries did not have to struggle too much. Gambia, where I live, had a very peaceful transition. Mind you there wasn’t much to fight about, unless you count peanuts !
Gambia – an Islamic dictatorship, ruled by an intellectually limited ex-army officer who seized power in a coup more than twenty years ago, and who has ruled ever since though flawed elections. Maybe that is the recipe for peaceful existence in such countries as this?
MartinW, What I meant was that Independence was achieved without violence and the transition was peaceful. I am not defending Jammeh for one minute. I was attacking the use of the phrase “struggle for freedom ” and using Gambia as an example of where that phrase does not apply.
In fact, in many ways life in Gambia is much freer for most people than the UK. But you would have to come and visit to understand what I mean.
I would not take the “Islamic State ” bit too seriously. Most Gambians do not.
Thank you for clarifying: I didn’t speak with personal knowledge of Gambia. Yes, I agree, the coup seemed to pass with minimal violence, and that are degrees of freedom under Islamic rule.
MartinW, All the guidebooks say it was a bloodless coup but there were a handful of revenge killings after it. In his memoirs, the then Commander -in-chief, Samsuddin Sarr, described Jammeh as ” strange man “. I fell over laughing . The guy is mentally deranged.
His latest stunt was a few weeks ago when he announced that all female government employees must wear headscarves to work. Muslim ladies asked “what about our christian sisters ? ” . And everyone carried on as normal. 1 week later, Jammeh announced they could all wear what they want to work. I could go on but this is not the right forum !
The law is still secular under the constitution with sharia available and the courts are operating as normal. In fact the main sharia court is inside the High Court. It is not Iran !
Grant – I note that one tends not to hear very much about former British colonies that achieved independence without some ‘struggle for freedom’. Countries like Hungary also present a difficulty for cultural marxists, because people like Victor Orban are essentially using the revolutionary nationalist rhetoric of 1849, which leftists love, but it is being used against the EU, which they love also!
It’s a funny old world. I am one of those who wants the UK out of the EU. I am also someone who wants England to be an independent nation and that means the end of the UK. Britain and England are not the same, they should not be thought of as such. England is a nation, Britain is a political union, just like the EU and almost as politically corrupt. No-one should say Britain, or the UK when they are referring to England. ‘England’ is the word to use.
I see myself a kind of freedom fighter, fighting against the British Establishment and the British elites who wish to retain the status quo and their positions in it. They look after their own, and look down on the rest of us.
I want to be free, I want England and the people of England to be free from what I see as a political ruling class, who try their very best to deny the existence of England, because if they were to recognise it properly and give it a parliament, they are finished. The BBC is one of the Establishment organisations which does its best to keep England as a unity off the agenda, preferring consider it in political and geographical ‘regions’. If other nations in the world were denied true parliaments of their own, would it not be a cause for outrage and concern around the world? Why not here, in England?
As I say, funny old world, but I am serious because it is a serious issue, and barely recognised yet. I could go on, but this isn’t the place. Signing off now.
Who are they going to make the baddies in that then? The Jews?
Glencoe my arse.
Glencoe took place before the Act of Union, but I expect they will still find a way to blame the English.
Rob, but it was William of Orange who issued the orders, through his Scottish lickspittle, the Earl of Stair. This could be a difficult one for “The Masters of Spin “
If it was William of Orange, they will simply blame the Protestants
The Scottish left wing already have form in that respect (as does BBC Scotland)
Lost, I fear that you are right. It may be just too difficult for the BBC to blame the english . Keep it simple, ” Protestants bad , Catholics good ” as Orwell might have said .
I am always intrigued by the “hurrah for Eire” slant the left always adopts when discussing the Easter rising and later events.
These people also pride themselves on their “anti Fascism” and “anti Nazism” and their detestation of nationalism.
How do they reconcile this with Irish neutrality in the Second World War and the British Empires indispensible role in standing up to HItler, Mussolini and Hirohito between 1939-1941 when the USSRs pact with Germany ended in Germanys attack and the USA got off the fence, (both the USSR and USA had to be physically attacked before coming to their senses). The Easter rising itself though much romanticised was a nationalist uprising.
Lest we forget, the Irish government sent condolences to the German government on the occasion of the death of Adolf Hitler, and for decades after discriminated against those Irishmen who volunteered to join the British army in the struggle to liberate Europe from Nazi Germany.
Not sure I can believe my ears: BBC R4 TODAY prog, just before 7.56am weather forecast. Did John Humphrys, while talking with someone from Brussels, infer that all radical Muslims take drugs. Yes. Just listened to it again on iPlayer.
Raises some interesting questions, especially in relation to the relaxation of laws on drugs.
Why are you so surprised – they have no choice and all need to regularly take strong morphine based tranquilisers. Its not surprising as they are all very stressed.
Imagine it , living in a society where you are unable to stone adulterers, woman driving cars, women walking around in skirts and not even being allowed to cop a feel, having to serve bacon to pensioners in old folks homes.
Poor babies it must be very hard living here!
Looks like Osborne has handed the BBC and the Labour party a real gift with his second catastrophic budget.
I expect his mishandling of the political consequences, and failure to see the risks have torpedoed his leadership hopes. The BBC don’t need to spin this, they just need to report it because it’s that bad, they couldn’t make it much worse.
‘Another BBC Brexit ‘bias’ row: ‘Clear evidence’ of Beeb ‘in favour’ of remaining in EU’
Al-beeb’s response in the face of overwhelming evidence?
“These figures are from a group which makes its agenda clear and they do not provide a representative picture of Newsnight’s referendum coverage.
“The show provides clear and impartial information about both sides of the argument and will ensure that its coverage is balanced across the duration of the campaign.”
And so it goes on…
‘The show provides clear and impartial information about both sides of the argument’
Of course it does, anonymous spokesperson comfortable in your belief… of course it does. Despite the facts to the contrary staring you in your unaccountable face.
John, Jesse… what say you?
Screen print taken of the current top comment on the Mail’s ‘London for Refugees Welcome march’ which is …
“Refugees not welcome here in my UK ” with 4806 green arrows
Current bottom comment is…
“Glad to see some decent people making a stand against the selfish xenophobia that characterises much of the reporting and debate on what is a humanitarian crisis” with Just 87 green arrows
2nd bottom comment is “”luvvies” – translation = intelligent, compassionate people. “Protesters” – translation = loony xenophobic kippers who have no place in a civilised society.”
Whats the betting one of those is the top comment by morning?
There is a myth – it’s an article of faith on the Left – that it is the Right that always restricts free speech and individual liberty.
The truth could not be more different. As campaigns in our universities, the behaviour of the BBC and even random halfwits fiddling newspaper comments systems prove, it is the Left that cannot stand contrary opinions and will do anything from gaming a poll to torture and oppression in states where it has gained power, to silence it.
The Left believes it has ‘right on its side’ and so the end justifies the means. That is one of the reasons it is such a deadly force in the world.
GC – solid post.
A bit late I know .
David Dimbleby on a train going to Sheffield for Any Qustions ? . He says he asked another passenger to turn the volume down of his headphones but the fellow told him he was a fruitcake .
Now from the Radio 4 studio its ” does he know who you are ” ?
I don’t know says Dimbleby but I told him I was from the BBC .!?!?
So that’s it . Have an altercation with someone and win every time because You’re From Th
This is how the left are responding to Trump. Prevent people from attending his rallies.
We will see the left emerge here as the referendum campaign gets under way.
Will the BBC support free discussion?
Veiling Islam’s Sexism: What the BBC tells the kids from Daphne Anson.
Is it a surprise that sexism in Christianity is discussed but sexism in Islam is ignored?
BTW isn’t Buddhism a religion? Why does BBC Bitesize ignore it in their series on prejudice and discrimination?
Deegee, I have just read the revision notes for each of the religions and without exaggerating it is quite appalling. As Daphne Anson says, the revision notes question the view of women in Christianity and Judaism, and quite rightly so, but then gives Islam a clean bill of health based on selective quotes.
It even has the temerity to say that Muslim women choose their husbands. This just a few weeks after a 13 year old girl was woken at 2 am to be married off to a a pervert many times her age. And she is not alone …
As predicted its happened, the 2nd bottom rated comment it listed above had just 55 green arrows at the time of my post above, its now top comment on 10323, the previous top comment has gone from 4000 to 7500 in the same period of time.
Will try and post the screen prints later.
Poor quality screen prints, but you can make out the comments and the time, the first at 7.15, the 2nd at 10.15.
Better screen prints
Looking forward to this film getting some serious coverage on the BBC.
I wonder if they’ll show the whole thing next autumn?
I expect many of you have read it but please make it a priority. On Gates of Vienna and other sites. The incomparable Gert Wilders’ address to the trial judges.
He is charged with what in the USA would be no crime at all . He spoke his mind. Now this occurs to me. Holland is in the EU and traditionally thought of as a free and open society. To us here probably the nearest to our own.
But the Dutch are trying to silence Wilders. What happens in Holland will happen here soon. There is no real protection for us now and we have in the EU an organisation that is turning into a tyrrany.
So when some of us say leaving is not an option but a necessity we speak the truth.
There is also Victor Orban’s speech to digest. Serious words indeed and as far removed from the witterings of British politicians as it is possible to be.
The logic of Orban’s speech is that Hungary and possibly other eastern states will have to unilaterally withdraw from the EU. It is implicit in his words. Hungary will not submit to German/EU bullying.
This makes our referendum even more important. No wonder the BBC/Cameron /the rest of the quislings are so panicky. We vote to leave and the EU collapses.
These people will stop at nothing to stay in power and in control. Be warned.
Ta for this Dave S.
I never thought I`d live through days where we once again had televised show trials.
We used to laugh at Saddam, Mao, Stalin and their televised evils.
But never laugh at what we knew would be the results and the consequences to the brave or broken people so put up for trial.
True evil.
And I got the selfsame feeling with watching Geert Wilders…and in this week where we remember the first Christian show trial and its results with Pilate…for this to happen in what was once the beacon of liberal freedoms-Holland-is truly shaming.
Only an EU could have created this tie-dyed fascism, only a gormless padded and complacent bunch of old hippies could have made this mess-where truth is the enemy of the people once again.
Guessing it all started with Vietnam and with Baader-Meinhofs linkage with the PLO etc…but something very sick has happened to a country where they try an elected political leader in a bombproof bunker under their international airport-and don`t see just how cowed and compromised they are.
Yet placed to pass judgement on one of the few people who says it need not be like this-but, the liberal elite rather like it like this-pays well, no kids-and Islam says they`ll look better in slimming black anyway.
Just incredible that we live and joke through what`s happened to us all in Europe.
Got to get outta that place on June 23rd…and give Geert asylum, whilst dumping Assange with the USA on the 24th.
We need some history don`t we?
We only entered the “Common Market” in the early 70s after De Gaulle died, and Heath mistrusted our nation to ever be anything other than the sick man of Europe…a nation that lost an empire and had yet to find a role.
Three day weeks, hooliganism on the rise-every threat of a Commie takeover or a Fascist counter putsch.
Yes. Benn and Powell did warn us all-but then again they were a bit mad and outside the bubble anyway.
Forward thirty years.
Ex Fascist states like Greece, Spain and Portugal doing better that they`d have done had the Generals still ruled.
And New Europe-now out from under the Soviet heel-could only think that the new European settlement would preserve their new-found freedoms, and protect them all as a bloc.
Since then though we`ve had parachuted troikas imposed over the heads of democratically elected politicians in Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Italy…and these are only the ones that were obvious.
Greece is a suppurating open wound as is Cyprus…France and Italy will go belly up financially within five years at best, and no refusal of the EU to let its accounts be checked and signed off will save the pretences of “accountability”.
We have a basket case of a currency which resembles the Zimbabwe dollar in most of Europe, and about to blow…we have unfettered movement of terrorists and chancers, paedos and crims actually DESIRED by the EUSSR to keep us cowed and compliant(The Soviets did the same with THEIR licensed goons and criminals to terrorise those not on board with Uncle Joe-Uncle Yuri)…and still Schengen is torn up for the Germans, then gets blamed on the Hungarians or the Czechs.
June 23rd will have to be D-Day once again…we can`t deny history as the whole elite require.
The likes of Zeman, Wilders and Orban are our NEW leaders from now until then, as far as I`m concerned…whether Ros Altmann was happy or not with IDS is really the least of my problems.
If you`re actively trying to boot the EU out of our national life-you`re a patriot of Europe…if not, you`re just a bloody Quisling or Seyss-Inquart(and thereby unforgiven, unforgivable to anyone but God)
“Abdeslam will fight extradition to France but has been co-operating with police, his lawyer says.”
So much for the previous Pro-EU propaganda about the ‘ease and cooperation’ between the countries of the so called ‘failed state’ to fight terrorism. But lo and behold, he has to be ‘extradited’ form Belgium to its neighbour France . This process could take a long time……
Don’t hold your breath because the EU is so full of Male Bovine Excrement.
Yes Taffman, I was lead to believe by the Remainers that the European arrest warrant was itself a reason to stay in the EU. This alleged mass-murderer should be on a one-way ticket to the Bastille forthwith, not employing flash lawyers to fight extradition. Another reason to ignore the pro-EU propaganda. The EU is a castle built of sand and the tide’s coming in.
Spot on taffman.
I too wondered how a “Belgian” could try and refuse an extradition to France , because the countries are one and the same south of Brussels…language, culture and all.
Also the murders were carried out within a commuters distance from “home” for him.
AND-I thought that both were in Schengen-so (in the wondrous dream of the USE-with no borders and all that)-there`d be no excuse NOT to send the creep down to Paris to face trial for what he is said to have done.
But-there again-I`d not reckoned on the legal monkeys across Europe who like to get a good living in celebrating diversity-but even more so when we can employ a load on international lawyers, and rope in Amnesty, Muslim charities and all…then suddenly, it`s not a seamless service…but individually tailored to competing jurisdictions, when the Euros are stashed under the plumped woolsacks and parchment purses.
Who`d have thought that the non-border between France and Belgium would suddenly become an excuse to stop a Muslim facing justice?…but there again, when your lawyer thinks he`s Yanis Varoufakis;then apply the Upside Down, Inside Out rules of liberal madness in search of money….and a job in the coming caliphate(so they think)
What exactly is the point of Belgium? Shouldn’t it be broken up into French and Flemish areas and absorbed into France and Holland. Or perhaps, just let the Germans have it as they always wished (1914? 1940?). The Clouseau-like antics of the Belgian police and security services are laughable. According to local sources Monsieur Abdeslam wandered around his patch with impunity, being transported in an empty wardrobe at one point, while the good burghers of Molenbeek kept shtum.
You clearly haven’t experienced their Vol-au-Vents !!!!
Chips and mayonnaise though?
They`ve got to go-admittedly after we preserve a few waffle makers and most of their superb cooking though.
Brissles – But I have tasted their sprouts and only force myself to eat one a year as it’s a Christmas custom. Otherwise they’re revolting, and it’s no surprise the Brussels Parliament is full of hot air – from all orifices. Certainly what I understand by “vol au vent”.
No Brissles I have not experienced their vol-au-vents. But, when in Brussels in 2000, I was treated to my female companion being sexually harrassed by men of North African heritage. OK, back in those more gentle times she only got lewd comments and that peculiar clicking / hissing noise that they emanate as they eye the ladies up. Not the more modern mass assault and rape that we now witness. I did buy some Belgian chocolates and some cheap tobacco whilst there. Yet my overall impression of Brussels sixteen years ago was that of an edgy and unpleasant place.
‘Amnesty International has accused European leaders of “double speak” over a deal to return migrants to Turkey’.
Time to make a swift exit and get out of the EU……..
Time to get shot of the pro EU, ‘Used Car Salesman’ and the ‘Osborne Biscuit’ .
True Torys should team up with the UIKP and fight to get out of the EU and then form the next government of the ‘new Independent’, United Kingdom.
Suggested new Independent British Government Cabinet ? – Boris, IDS, Farage , Jacob Rees-Mogg, Doug Murray Etc.
Further suggestions welcome , over to you all ………….
Oh, I forgot to add Nathan Gill.
This chap from the North Cymru is a good spokesman to get us out of the European Union of a fabricated artificial state whose members are feathering their nests at the expense of the people of this nation.
Vote ‘GO’ or Brexit & UKIP .
Al Beeb really don’t like him.
BBC World Service Radio – documentary on the gay chem-sex scene just starting at 4:06 GMT. A really suitable programme for a Sunday morning?!
Just in time for the regulars getting back from the clubs?
No. It’s more likely to derived from their personal experiences.
For some people who work regular night shift its the only thing we can pick up on the radio – its unbelievable what they broadcast and it would upset many of you if you tuned in to it.
It is a completely different service to what it was 30 years ago.
Excellent but did you hear the even more unsuitable “news” item two or three weeks ago on BBC R4 PM around 17:40?
Some “foreign correspondent” blathering on for >10 minutes on how Nigerian gays are overcoming government oppression and getting together (and getting it on no doubt) using “Social Media”… Can’t really imagine Kate Adie doing that one …
Why do the BBC use a Welsh commentator for the rugby match between France and England? The Wales V Italy match had Welsh, Italian/SouthAfrican but no English. The U20 match on BBC Wales ScrumV on Friday night(Wales v Italy) had Welsh commentators in both English and Welsh languages.(Channell 971) and the bias was palpable- and expected.
Eddie Butler played 8th -man for Wales and is utterly not pro-English. Surely there is an English-speaking , English-born commentator amongst the BBC’s 22 000 employees who could impart the enthusiasm, bias and thrill required to reflect the support for the English rugby team.
It does not seem to be a problem for Scottish and Welsh viewers to have own-language commentators
I cannot think of any other country in the top tier of rugby that uses a foreign- born commentator to relay matches. Could you imagine France having ,say, an Algerian or Canadian commentating on such an important match.
The BBC treat the English rugby supporters badly. It does not happen with Football.
david, I think we all know the answer !
No doubt scotty/jerrod/zero/whatever will have been tuned in
In fact might even have featured
And why did the BBC Radio 4 Long Wave cut off the last vital balls of the last over in the World Twenty 20 cricket match between England & South Africa on Friday afternoon? We had two runs to get with three balls & suddenly it switched to Eddie Mair’s voice on PM. This was one of the best matches I had heard & England were about to do something exceptional, but it seems the BBC were not happy for us to hear it. A disgrace!
Cranbrook, The BBC hate cricket because they think it is elitist. I am sure they would dearly love to get rid of TMS which is just about the only contact I have with the BBC these days.
“The BBC hate cricket because they think it is elitist.”
However that is more than compensated for by their loving it for being multi kulti, especially when England lose to the West Indies India or Pakistan.
Al Beeb do not like Rugby Union , neither do they like Great Britain.
They would like to see this nation divided up into Scottish, Irish, Welsh and English Assemblies all as ‘puppet members’ of the EU .
It has always been the agenda of the European leaders who despise the British people and Parliament, and its long standing democracy .
Just look at the history of Europe. Simples
Our compulsory dietary requirement of incessant, hectoring, social engineering propaganda from the liberal media is tending to be counter-productive.
A recent Channel 4 news report was conceived, constructed and broadcast in a form squarely aimed as a direct oppositional rebuttal to David Cameron’s prior statements about getting Muslim women to speak English. Admittedly this was a typically daft half-cock blue-sky irrelevant policy – but still, the news report was hardly balanced. Even a bigoted boss-eyed crookback deaf and dumb blind man with one leg-longer than the other standing on a slope the wrong way could tell it was biased. The fascinating element of the short film was that the encouragement gifted to the Pakistani community in the chosen northern town to attack the PM with a free rein brought out some revealing attitudes and laid bare some ways of thinking not usually aired by a liberal media formerly more careful to mind – on their behalf – a most specially favoured community’s ps and qs.
The argument at the nub of the piece was somewhat disjointed (again I will reiterate the policy initiative itself was naff- but take it at face value…) – on the one hand some immigrant women assured us they did speak English very well, thank you – so denying there was a problem and then on the other hand we got a resounding chorus of ‘so what if we don’t!’ and ‘if we don’t, then boo sucks to you!’ I detect an undercurrent of party politics here: Anything coming from the Tories is going to be frowned upon. Immigrant communities are owned by the left, doncha know. And then there is the strong overtone of ‘just give us the resources and let us spend it how we want’ and ‘don’t go expecting anything in return’. You see, you need to make us welcome. Any expectation that we might somehow integrate with you – rather than vice versa – that’s not on. We intend to understand that for all time as PICKING ON US.
The Channel 4 report focused on women in a certain town (who, we are to assume, were typical) and exposed the chosen group’s dear desire to build a Little Pakistan in Britain. Presumably not so little as the size of these communities grow and begin to join up. The women gathered for the report chatted freely (subtitled, natch) and joked about all the furniture and household products (to wit: a bangra-themed musical chandelier ) they could import for their homes from back in Pakistan.
Aside from the ‘picking on us’ theme – as though radicalisation and terrorism were some far-removed alien Martian visitation to them – another worrying trend in their thought was exposed and indeed flaunted (a measure perhaps of the Channel 4 team’s overconfidence in their own white liberal rectitude – or perhaps the reliance on the fact they are now only preaching to a squishy leftist converted audience?). The sense of justified post-colonial ENTITLEMENT. Well how dare Britain expect us to integrate? Did the British colonialists integrate with us? Of course Britain owes us resources. You stole from us so we are determined to take back from you!
Hardly the ideal ingredients for building an egalitarian meritocratic utopia, you might think. No New Jerusalem to be builded here – not in the old British Leftist sense, anyway. At what stage we wonder will the Left ever fall out with their adopted fast-growing sons brought under our already cramped roof and rapidly eating us out of house and home – and with not much commonality of outlook for the future.
Ungrateful, discontented scum.
The left will never fall out with these particular sons as they cannot look beyond their own prejudice and belief system that all the worlds ills are due to Tory scum such as Thatchaaaaaa! and all her right wing mates. Billy Bragg and all his cool mates said so in the 80s and so it continues.
I am afraid that even if Uncle Quentin and his “husband” are given free flying lessons off the top of the London Gherkin or if ” Right on Rays” long term partner Tamara gets gang raped and groped by a bunch of enrichers behind Kings Cross Station. You will be unlikely to hear very little in way of complaint from our friends such as Scotty and co as they have spent their whole sad little lives blaming all our ills on capitalism and right wing reactionaries and do not appear have the mental agility to admit that their ire is dangerously misplaced in this as in so many things. After all their egos are far more important than the truth.
So instead they will continue to occupy the moral high ground by lecturing us on inappropriate language, fussing over alleged slights to ethnic minorities and ensuring that black actors are given ” equal” representation in the media, and telling us it is our moral duty to let in anyone who wishes to enter this country regardless of intentions.
And all the while their fast growing sons the proverbial “elephant in the room” continues to knock down the supporting walls of our shared abode til the whole bloody house of cards collapses.
Yeah f*** all the politicians right on!
david01 at 08:27
The Liberal/Socialist left are not capable of government – fashionable ideals are OK for the media, local councils, education system etc. but cannot and will not work at country/international level. One look at the EU will confirm this – the wheels are coming off –
Euro – complete failure and embarrassment
Brussels – corruption and incompetence on an industrial scale
Migrant policy – should be one EU voice but has highlighted the fact that Germany has the only voice and all the EU sheep states have to tow the line despite fundamental disagreement.
So in the UK, what’s the next best thing if you have no chance of governing? – Disrupt and oppose the elected government in every way possible with old fashioned ideas based on communist dinosaurs.
The BBC is a mini EU – unelected, unaccountable but more money than sense. It is infected with the liberal socialist left and this in manifested by anti-government, anti-English, anti-police, anti-big business, pro-Labour, pro-SNP, pro-Scottish independence, pro muslim, pro-immigrant, pro-minority, pro-disabled, pro or anti just about anything that can disrupt and oppose the establishment.
The BBC do not miss tricks though – the pro-Welsh, anti-English bias in sport to which you refer is just another symptom of the disease that infects the BBC like a cancer.
>…anti-government, anti-English, anti-police, anti-big business, pro-Labour, pro-SNP, pro-Scottish independence, pro muslim, pro-immigrant, pro-minority, pro-disabled, pro or anti just about anything that can disrupt and oppose the establishment.
Pro-muslim we can agree on.
But the BBC are a part of that very same establishment; one that favours economic and social liberalism.
We can rule out pro-disabled, as I don’t think anti-disabled is a thing except in the dreams of Social Darwinists. Pro-immigrant and pro-minority, absolutely, but that would be to assist with the flow of cheap labour that big business relies on, and to play the divide game which pays such great dividends. Pro-SNP, pro-independence? Tell an SNP supporter who witnessed the BBC’s part in project fear that the BBC are pro-independence, and they’ll die of laughter. Anti-police? I’ve never in all my days heard anything as sickening as the attempt at youth indoctrination that passed as ‘comedy’ in ‘It’s a Fair Cop’ on Radio 4.
Rod Liddle has the right idea:
Now that the police seem to be part of the left-wing establishment I am not sure the BBC is so much against them as it once was. They seem to collude on many things and there do not seem to be any drug busts at the BBC.
and your mention of why it doesn’t happen in football is simple to answer – the BBC regard rugby as an elitist, upper class sport with public school ramifications – hence one recent article on bbc.con – “Is English rugby union just for posh kids?”
The story is inconclusive as a work of journalism but the damage is done and the point is made – Disrupt and oppose again.
That says it all, and football? well that’s for the ordinary people so they leave it alone.
And one thing rugby and cricket have in common is that, to play at a high level, you have to quite intelligent whereas football……… So for the BBC, that is another form of elitism.
“Is English rugby union just for posh kids?” Why don’t they simply ask their own kids for the answer, as most of them are sent to schools that play those sports.
Jagman, LOL !!!
Something that Jacob Rees-Mogg cleverly pointed out to Dimblebore.
And his idiot brother set himself up on Any Questions too?
Jonathan asked Heather McGregor about whether she`d had a nanny in connection with some nanny state dross notion.
Heather said no…but the goal was open,the audience willing to suck the ball into the net and a half-dead sharpie could have finished the OTHER Dimbly with a final shaft to his familys privileges and pointlessness, but served up to us all since daddy had a good Belsen in effect.
But no-Heather let it pass…no Rees-Mogg she!
Instead she was pleased to tell us all that the tampon tax was no longer an issue to her.
Even the audience seemed to retch at this one…but still we`re forced to think this as “transparency”.
Any survivor groups yet for genital warts or crabs?…herpes support groups?
And did former Victorian matriarchs use more sanitary towels than their more progressive granddaughters? Victoria was said to be a three pad girl…but what does Jenni at Islington Tech for Girlybitz say is the current opinion?
We PAY for this-and future generations will ALSO pay for it too, in that we really should have pulled i the BBCs plug away in 1983, after Thatch secured our nation from Foot etc.
Just one long butt plug now is the grotesque BBC.
Why does the BBC allow these Friends of the Earth people to brazenly lie on national TV. They could put a researcher on it for a couple of hours to debunk all the of the core tenets of their arguments this morning. I mean it was the BBC who made up the bit about 97% of scientists. Warmest evah! bollox our grandchildren , our children .The inconvenient truth is no warming in about 20 years.
‘Why does the BBC allow….people to brazenly lie…..’? For the same reason that they invite an audience that is so comprehensively biased – the frenzied applause for each gem to leave little Owen’s lips as just one example, which should have raised eyebrows in any professional production team – that it make a mockery of the word impartiality. But, and it is very big BUT, they really don’t care.
Anyone disputing the clear bias on the Beeb re “global warming” should have had a gander at The Big Question this morning. Piers Corbyn (Jezza’s brother) was the only dissenting voice; and interestingly the only speaker with any scientific background whatsoever and the only genuine expert in his field. He is, after all, a real climate scientist, but was treated with contempt. The others were priests, Green Party Members, Friends of the Earth members, irritating left wing journo’s, scientifically illiterate greeny audience participants and Dame Nikki.
As expected Piers was given very little opportunity to voice his point of view. Indeed the resident dame was sneeringly disrespectful of the scientist, asking the greenies, “Can you believe opinions like this still exist?” Just who the fxxx is this pontificating prat to offer such opinion, anyway? Just because he’s got a degree in media studies doesn’t make him an expert on anything else. The upshot of this prog’ is that we’re all going to fry. our children will have nowhere to live, millions of “climate refugees” will be heading this way. Oh and let’s just go back for one final word to The Friends of the Earth. Biased, sneering, allowing one point of view to pontificate without restraint and attempting to ridicule any alternative viewpoint. And we’re paying for this crap!
An utter bloody disgrace.
With the ROP relentlessly seeping in through every border of Europe global warming is the least of our worries.
Global warming/climate change was meant to be the distraction while this was all going on. Along with trash TV. A market that the BBC has greatly invested in, judging from recent years.
Fussing about the quack pseudosciences that slop into the green bucket of limewashings-and all under the name of “environmental sciences”-is the lazy lefty liberals choice of displacement activity.
Means that Islam knocking at the door can be summonsed by a dainty wind chime, and not a crazy call from the top of the minaret,
Maybe if we told Uncle Anjem that the Climate Change loons are willing to forgo the parachutes as long as they drop them head first over the minarets…THEN these green clods of rainbow fascisms might address the real problems of Islam, a Euro currency in free fall and too many people coming here with evil in their hearts, Jimmy Savile in their boxers.
And-as you say-Piers is a nutjob in his way-but on this cause he`s been right all along…and follows the evidence as good science was once meant to do.
Not follow bloody Rachal Carson and Jonathan Porritt into the hagiographies or EU/Parliamentary do goody forums…thick anti-scientists once had the Foreign Office or the Board of Trade to go into…they now have the BBC and all manner of EU charities and quangos in which to lie in wait to kill the real scientists who`ve not taken Prescotts Peck and Pecker.
Bravo ! spot on was sixth form debating.
Ah yes. Nikki Al-Salfordi the Media City Sheikh, leading us all on the path to a rainbow-coloured Dhimmitude where gays, environmentalists, transgender folk, socialists, the disabled, and all the peoples of the world can link arms around the camp fire and sing in perfect harmony. That is until they can’t anymore, and the rainbow coloured flag turns to Black with funny squiggly writing on it.
So true Mr.G. These thick fucks are so self absorbed that they don’t realise they are bringing about their own demise. A fate so gruesome that they will be begging to meet anyones maker so long as it stops the pain.
The problem with LGBT and liberal fantasists/delusionists is that they just don’t know when to stop meddling. The silent majority have been tolerating them but it’s not enough to just change a few things. Its bloody everything so that their Alice in wonderland imaginations become everyone’s reality. Our peace loving ROPer friends don’t see life that way. They can’t. They are forbidden to even debate it. The life of a true Muslim has already been set out for them. Its in the Koran. They are living it right now in Iraq and Syria. If we let the LGBT and liberal fantasists have their way, every single one of them will be nailed to a cross pleading for a merciful death. Looks like the neo Nazi, racist, islamphobe, xenophobe, people-phobs the liberal left despise more than anything in this whole world will be their saviours…and they are too fucking deluded to see it
> These thick fucks are so self absorbed
Aren’t we lucky that Biased BBC’s regular coterie of commenters are neither thick fucks nor self absorbed, eh?
> The problem with LGBT and liberal fantasists/delusionists is…
That they’re not a homogenous mass whose opinions can be mischaracterised in one fell swoop by some lunatic whose whole argument seems to be “won’t they shut the fuck up and be oppressed by us, because at least we’re not Muslim”?
Jerrod, sometime I think that you might have something worth saying, but then you produce argument by caricature like this.
> then you produce argument by caricature like this.
Apparently “argument by caricature” is okay if it’s in line with the groupthink on here. Accuse “the left”, “the gays”, “the Muslims”, “the BBC” all you like – that’s all fine. But take issue with it? That’s “argument by caricature”.
Forgive me if I don’t lose any sleep over the usual hypocritical sanctimony from the usual suspects.
‘Nights’ again Jerrod (Scott) ?
Where have you and your ‘work mates’ been for the last week ?
It’s good to hear from you . We like a bit of fun and ‘intelligent’ debate on this site.
Unfortunately Jerrod, as much as I would love it to be, this debate isn’t between you and I. Its not me or the fellow Al Beleebers you need to convince. Just type in IS atrocities to see how our peace loving ROPer friends will deal with you and your fellow fantasists. Unfortunately they will see the debate as being on one side a group of sheltered, protected, affluent gobshites trying to pull apart everything the greatest human being that will ever live says. The other side of the debate is given by what they believe is the most perfect human being, Muhammad, and the very words given to him by Allah himself……yes I think it’s pretty obvious which our ROPer friends will listen to.
Sorry to say Jerrod but you are fucked either way. The silent majority will never forgive you for what you have done and your ROPer fuck buddies think you are the scum of the earth. Allahu akbar!
>That they’re not a homogeneous mass whose opinions can be mischaracterised in one fell swoop by some lunatic…
Doesn’t stop you from constantly trying though, does it?
“Can you believe opinions like this still exist?”
Just when you think the BBC couldn’t get any worse it lowers your lowest expectations.
You despair, you really, really do.
Pienaar’s Politics on 5Live this morning. I wish I hadn’t bothered, because now I have allowed the BBC to upset my Sunday morning. To be fair, I only heard two segments, but that was sufficient. John Pienaar ‘interviews’ John McDonnell. It’s all first names and ever so polite from Pienaar, yet that doesn’t stop McDonnell from talking to Pienaar as if he is a junior member of the local SWP chapter who is unable to understand what is being said to him. I have noticed on many occasions previously that both Corbyn and McDonnell have the permanent air of two very angry and unpleasant men, always seemingly on the verge of abruptly and rudely dismissing any interviewer deemed too stupid or insufficiently left-wing. And so it was when John met John.
The final segment appeared to be satire, but really wasn’t. Gay SNP MP and former holiday rep Stewart McDonald is asked what Westminster is like now for LGBT politicians. Stewart tells us that it’s really camp in the Mother of Parliaments, and with the SNP being the gayest political party in the whole wide world, now that the Gay Gordons are in the House of Commons, then so the HoC is now the gayest legislature in the whole wide world.
Then John and Stewart play a game of Snog, Marry, Avoid (Gay-style). So Stewart McDonald would definitely snog Alec Salmond and certainly finds Zac Goldsmith pleasing on the eye.
Where’s the House of Commons supply of poppers when you need them. Oh dear, Crispin Blunt finished them off last night.
So, the Express has given us a witness description of the crazy machete man outside a Glasgow school. One can see skin colour through the holes in a balaclava (, of course, and no doubt the puttputt accent was a giveaway.
“He was Asian – Indian or Pakistani – and I believe he was shouting, but I don’t know what exactly.
“He went for Denis and then he chased the guy as he went to attack a lollipop man outside St Aloysius’ College.”
The BBC report from the same day? Place your bets please, gentlemen.
Be waiting a long time for the BBC to put a spin on this one,
“Migrant Gangs Leave Severed Head On Amsterdam Street”
But if they had to something along the lines of accepting other cultures traditions without being judgemental would be the obvious BBC way to go.
If I worked for the BBC I would go for:
“A man is believed to have committed suicide by decapitating himself on the street. The only witnesses to this, a brave migrant gang, rallied to quickly remove the body so the local woman and children would not have to witness the ghastly scene. The migrants unfortunately didn’t have time to return and remove the head before others discovered the horror.”
RE previous titles for Islam-compliant programmes.
1. Just a Minaret-with knickerless parsons asking “which direction is Mecca”.
2. Taqqiya For The Music-where two hennaed beardies with filthy toenails and sandals shout Koranic verses at their wives/nieces as they try to sing through a ball gag under black curtains.
3. Rosie Anjem-where Uncle Anjem trolls. trawls the canals of Birmingham in the hope of replacing his cloth dollies with something more childlike.
4. Allahs In The Family…where a migrant community manage to take over a small borough in Ely, using just one named male as their “sponsor”
5. Man, I feel like some women-Sharia Twain(Cologne Mix)-not a programme yet, just a concept!
Great stuff, Chris.
How about the one with 3 middle aged jihadi pals who are tasked with test driving various desert 4WD pick-up trucks with rear mounted guns whilst on the way to some sword-based executions.
The Koranic banter will have you laughing your head off as you watch……’Chop Gear’.
And al-Beeb don’t want to upset the populous with this one:
Horror moment gunman in ‘Muslim robes’ opens fire on group in shock London attack
Poor old Paddy O Connell on BH was rather exercised this morning.
Seems that he only was going to miss the Independent when it closed later today.
The usual broadsheet great and good did NOT wear black armbands, nor did they mention Sunday roasts or the Crazy Gang cartoons…seems it was all subsidied lies as paid for by trusts and rich exiles trying to create the big lie.
As exemplified by Paddy and the EU…to name but two results of romantic myth.
Thankfully-Climate Change and Historical Child Abuse will continue to give Paddy his living, until THOSE big lies go down the pan too.
But Paddy was desperate for us all to fuss over the loss of the useless Indie…and even threw in the end of the News of The World as a portent.
And there was I thinking that the BBC were (to put it mildly) rather pleased with the end of Ruperts rag.
No-not enough standing to attention as the last paper got folded up under a setting sun in the Limehouse Basin.
Poor Paddy-where WILL the BBC get its jobsworths, Freislers and Lyseonkos from NOW?
Oh-yes, the Guardian…where they always go to dip their beaks and rescue mud flappers for bigger jobbies like Newsflight, No shite and NewsCruise…alwight?…not arf!!
The Independent is gone and it deserved it. After 9/11 it was appalling .A disgrace to the West and to this country. Good riddance and I hope the Guardian goes as well. In the culture war these rags are the enemies of free people everywhere.
Andrew Marr was the editor back in the nineties. I wonder where he ended up?
D’aaawwwww – poor BBC.
“BBC director-general Lord Hall: We can’t win against deep pockets of Netflix”
And I really don’t think he gets the point here. This is so laughable:
“Lord Hall says corporation must emulate Sir Francis Drake’s battle against Spanish Armada, becoming lighter and nimbler ”
Here’s a novel idea. Why don’t the BBC try broadcasting to a British audience.
Lord Hall-Hall’s lack of self awareness is gobsmacking.
I don’t think the Armada was anywhere near as anti-English as the BBC. In fact, Good Queen Bess would’ve had his head off yonks ago for his treasonous activities.
Or maybe he just likes doing irony on a grand scale.
Sixty minutes Aussie crew attacked by “Rapeugees” in Sweden…
Obviously this would never happen to Beeboids, because they would never venture into inner City slums..
Something you will never be seeing on the disgusting BBC.
“The police fear their presence would be provocative”. For the love of God, get a grip!
So the police won’t go in, but some poor sod in a mobility scooter runs over one of the Gimmegrants to protect the journalists!
I’ve never seen anything like it!!
Mightily impressive show of speed from Sven Lauda in the disability scooter.
0-20 in five seconds by my reckoning.
Reckon that should go up on the board for Top Gear records…maybe a repeat by the Cenotaph for authentication.
My thought exactly….
Surely Chris Evans’s people will be after that Swedish Disability Stig ?
Blimey it’s another box tick! Talk about star on a reasonable benefits means test
The bloody police don’t think it is provocative to bully weak or innocent people. They are just effing cowards . Same in the UK. The police are not the solution. They are a big part of the problem.
Odd, isn’t it, that the police were famously accused of institutional racism, but what they are plainly guilty of is institutional cowardice. The same as some of our other national institutions.
I suppose that’s what is really happening at the BBC – none of what’s going on there now could ever have survived if cowardice hadn’t been stamped into the heart and soul of its staff. Direct action, of a sort they all applaud in various other situations, could easily have pulled the plug on the noxious bias.
Good, good. Sweden has chosen to be the example that will hopefully warn the rest of the civilized world. I do hope that St Bob Geldof will be around to offer a home for Swedish refugees.
I like how as soon as that bloke in the scooter drives into the “most violent” of their attackers, the journalist and film crew just f**k off and leave him! I wonder what the hell happened to him? Beaten to death perhaps?
I’ve posted before on here, an axiom which our “elites” here in the West are unable or unwilling to accept: if you allow ever increasing numbers of people from the Third World into a country, that country will ever increasingly come to resemble the Third World.
The evidence for which is crystal clear, from the filming in that s**thole in the outskirts of Stockholm.
To quote Barrie McDermott – “It’s not rocket surgery, it’s not brain science.”
Was wondering the same Al. We can only hope other (real) locals came to his aid.
It’s not as if they can call the police for help is it? Absolutely sickening.
The police would probably arrest the “real locals”.
Im tempted to say beat it right up them
There….. i did
The gullible liberal twats deserve all the cultural enrichment that gets dished out to them
Thanks for posting.
The Swedish police state that they have 57 No Go Zones in Sweden. Perhaps all 57 are due to migrants?
I have heard of Heinz 57 varieties, but 57 varieties of No Go Zones, that’s a new one.
No-go zones exist in any nation, because the State lacks the necessary will to enforce the law of the land.
The reason they lack that will is because the consequences of so doing would be (in Diana West’s words) “multiculturally blasphemous”; as it would confirm to everyone, what DS alluded to re Sweden’s no-go zones, that they would all be areas which are majority ethnic minority.
To reveal or acknowledge that fact by simply enforcing the law, would tear down the Politically Correct concept of “Hey – they’re just like us”; so they ignore them and allow such “zones” to endure.
Stick a fork in it, I think Sweden’s done.
There isn’t any no-go zones for the migrants. I suppose you could say they have fully integrated into the country and made it their home!
I think you’ll find there will be no-go zones for them too; an underreported (yes another) facet of the influx of folk from numerous countries of the Failed World into Europe, is that many of them harbour long standing historical enmity for one another e.g. Kurds and Turks, Afghans and Persians, Sunni and Shia, Muslim and Christian etc etc.
The West is importing all this strife along with them, this is in addition to the hatred many of them have for us and our civilization – it won’t end well.
The full version of this video and “Sixty minutes” programme is in the link below….Can anyone imagine Al-Beeb having the constitution to make a documentary like this one – Other than to have hand picked “respectable” migrants telling the Beeboids loathsome Guardianista reporters precisely the message that they wish to portray to we the put upon mugs?
Yes, the Aussies are a bit more robust than the BBC about handling the migrant issue there.
Keep an eye on forthcoming Radio Times for this
Imam About the House – A new take on an old ITV sitcom not exactly born within the sound of Thames Television but considered daring even for these current permissive times due to its subject matter of a man sharing a council flat with his two wives.
Also featuring the white English couple Mr & Mrs Ropey : Yoofa Choice rioting for flat screens; and her impotent spouse.
Two spun-off Governments spring to mind: Blair’s Mess and George and Call Me Mildred
A delight to hear Vincent Kompany( Citehs captain) holding forth on Molenbeek in the preamble to Todays take on the arrest in Brussels(yesterdays programme 19/3/16 7.50am).
Who better to ask than an exiled multi-millionaire footy star about “Islamic radicalisation” in a suburb he may well have visited as a player way back?
Still eh…bit of stardust on the cornflakes, a selfie grab up on the website with yet another poster boy for the United Colours of Islam( yes, Obama and Beyonce shade for now-but will end up as matt black with some Tippex scrawl in the foreground).
Certainly beats asking somebody who might KNOW what and why Muslims are doing what they`re doing over there.
Not enough EU gravy train surfers available to get out and see for us is there?
Maybe we should sponsor another Mardell sperm dump so we can get the next generation of liberal lefty lardarses through to Brussels, whilst IS allow it.
Only on the BBC could this be considered newsworthy. Spoilt little overindulged brat who has failed to grow up is continued to be over indulged by her wealthy father !
She isn’t even grateful! She claims she got it because of ‘white privilege’ which must be music to the ears to the BBC. She simply doesn’t get it that much of the problems she’s moaned about have been caused by her stupid thicko Socialist mates !
Countryfile has just claimed that wind turbines produce 11% of the UK’s electricity. I thought it was much lower than that, less than 4%. Don’t have figures to hand .
Some days zero
Others 14%
Get updated from
I’ve seen it all now. They have even managed to shoehorn the “refugee crisis” into this week’s edition of Countryfile. al CBBC next???
Why be surprised? ‘Countryfile’ is not aimed or devised to appeal to country people, it is for the metropolitan majority whose ideas have become entrenched since urban primary school. They simply prefer their ignorance and prejudice to be enhanced and reinforced while paying lip service to The Environment. And ‘CyF’ is very good at that in such a clever, subtle way.
My description would be Blue Peter for townies.
Pure and unadulterated propaganda .
Saw it and thought there are some pigs being shown on that farm ?
I don’t think that the refugees are big fans of pigs and swine ?
They might just have 11% of the installed capacity, but as we know it turns out nothing like that.
I suspect they make most of their money by being paid to turn it off as their electricity tends to be available when there is sufficient base load. When it is cold in high pressures and we need it, it produces diddly squat!
That doesn’t stop the BBC lying and some people believing them !
Countryfile now has a piece about a farm in E. Anglia which caters for refugees who come and work on the farm. Some are interviewed and all are happy, polite, speak good english and love working hard. One says he is from a farm in Kurdistan and is reminded of home. So that is all right then.
Surely we can expect the trade unions to come down hard on this exploitation by the capitalist farmer getting his work done for free!
BBC visits Guildford where we are told the people are ‘well educated’. Guess what? With only a couple of waverers these well educated people are in favour of remaining in the EU.
With the BBC ‘visits’, pre-booking is essential. Question Time swears by it.
Set myself up for a fall there didn`t I?
Feedback was going to talk about the politicisation of Desert Island Discs tonight.
Oh good, I thought-and about time.
Long been sick of a parade of lefties trying to replace the Bible with The Brandt Commission on Third World poverty..that kinda thing.
Oh dear-was I wrong?
Last weeks guest was a Sue Ion-who`d worked long and hard in nuclear power-and (surprisingly to the Lefties) thought it OK, and not particularly sexist, her being a woman an `all.
And a scientist as well, so acquainted with facts and not fuzzy felt notions of Brylcreem burning tealights where lighthouses were required.
The Feedback mob took to their scooters and drove to post offices up and down the land…how very dare she traduce Silkwood, Murrell and Erin Brokovich?…let alone The Sisterhood who wanted women to run the science business…but not nuclear of course…NO woman could do that.
But Sue did.
THIS was the feared politicisation of Desert Island Discs…too nuclear, too scientific…not Lucas or Bennett compliant is it now?
I was duped…and turned off.
But like Nigel Lawson, Peter Lilley, Quentin Letts-and, for that matter Johnny Ball, Heinz Wolf and David Bellamy-Dame Sue Ion is not welcome at the BBC anymore, certainly not if the Green Gilberts have anything to do with it.
As they do.
Good clip from Billingshurst about a biogas plant destroying the local sheeps water supply in the lambing season of the moment.
Oh dear-MUST we be cross with the Biogas Plant, and not the rich farmers?
They`re “renewable aren`t they?”…so how the hell do we slag THEM off for killing the fish, making lambs drink from plastic Volvic spring water bottles?
Er-we don`t….further announcement to follow, no doubt.
Sheer crap-all of it.
BBC R4 ran a profile of Frauke Petry the AFD leader . Usual stuff . She is a cross between a 1930s Nazi throwback and a 1950s Stasi operative don’t you know. . It is like the word has gone out. Get Trump and get Petry.
Not doing so well with Trump and as for Petry watch this space.
That Ms Petry has done the maths and worked out that if the Merkel madness continues then by 2020 Germans in the key 18- 35 demographic will be in a minority never occurs to our useless media liberals.
When that happens it is goodnight Cologne , Berlin and just about every German city and village. End of Germany of the Germanic people.
The liberals would like that. Frauke Petry would not .
So after Germany and Sweden go which country do you think these awful self hating liberals of the West would llike to wreck?
Well Israel goes without saying except those Jews just will not go quietly so I suppose they mean us . The stupid indigenous English and Welsh. Not sure about the Scots they seem to want to be like Sweden.
So when I call it a culture war that is exactly what it is and the BBC is on the wrong side . Maybe the right side if you are Jeremy Hardy. Brigstocke, Evan Davis and the rest of them but not on my side and not on the side of the people of my small country town.
All over Europe the people are beginning to understand what is at stake. In the USA as well and as Gert Wilders says let us make this a patriotic spring .
By their actions over the next few critical months our elites will show what I know to be true of them. They are without principle and without legitimacy. All they have left is the ability to oppress and that goes nowhere in the end.
By voting to leave we can really start to change things. It is our duty to do so not an option at all.
The Beeb so far on the reports I have read and listened at least have not referred to the Afd as “far right” or “extreme right”, so I will give them some credit for that. I have seen Channel 4 news calling the Afd far right and even in the Daily Mail!
“Well Israel goes without saying except those Jews just will not go quietly so I suppose they mean us . The stupid indigenous English and Welsh. Not sure about the Scots they seem to want to be like Sweden.
So when I call it a culture war that is exactly what it is and the BBC is on the wrong side”
I think you have got that wrong – Scotland and the Scots want ENGLAND to be like Germany and Sweden, ie overrun, whilst keeping white, non-Muslim Scotland white and non-Muslim.
Here is one for Jerrod and Al Beeb ……………..
Is the EU in a mess ?
Yes -yes Profile used the monstering by proxy trick.
They don’t introduce Piers Corvyn by dredging up alleged quotes of when people said bad things about him.
I wasnt sure I could handle this Beeb website magazine article on a Monday morning
The First Muslims in England
but its quite interesting if you make allowances for Beeb bias.
I particularly liked:
“Hundreds of Elizabethan men and women travelled into Muslim lands in search of their fortune, and many converted – some forcibly, but others willingly – to Islam. They included the Norfolk merchant Samson Rowlie, who had been captured by Turkish pirates off Algiers in 1577, where he was imprisoned, castrated and converted to Islam.
He took the name Hassan Aga and rose to become Chief Eunuch and Treasurer of Algiers as well as one of the most trusted advisers to its Ottoman governor. He never returned to England or the Christian fold.”
Obviously a willing conversion by Mr Rowlie
Lets hope that when the muslim population of the UK increases from 3.2 million to 6.4 to 12.8 etc in the next few years, us white Anglo-Saxon Christians don’t suffer the same fate as our Elizabethan forbears! Islam, despite all the BBC and other media hype, is not a religion of peace and tolerance. It was born out of violence and the destruction of a mature post-classical civilisation around the Mediterranean. It has blighted North Africa and the Levant ever since and nothing has changed in the present day. Europe must not go the same way.
Game, Set and Hate
No ‘love match’ between the sexes now
This morning on the BBC we wake up to a brook no counter argument lecture on feminism (in the guise of sports news)
Absolutely typical modern BBC
‘Don’t run away from Europe’ chimes Nick Robinson, having interviewed Eddie Izzard on Today and allowing him to finish with a political statement in favour of Remain. Should the BBC conflate being a member of an anti-democratic, German-dominated racket with being part of European civilization and culture? Hopefully not! The luvvies who support Remain may chose to conflate the EU and Europe. But our publicly funded national (but anti-British) broadcaster should not.
Local not news where you are…
Asad Ahmed, no not Samira Ahmed (she presents blink and you’ll miss it Newswatch) no not Kamal Ahmed (he’s the BBC’s economics guy). Asad Ahmed presents BBC London news (when Rizla Teeth is away).
Shock new report out today… in a survey by a Licence Payer it has emerged that at least one in three BBC London news items is a direct plug for a forthcoming BBC show….
“Corporate Amnesia” (Oh the irony) apparently a BBC Radio 4 show will bang on about this issue at some later date – quite how that constitutes London news is a mystery only the BBC could explain.
Are the Ahmeds taking over from blonde and/or Scottish female sports presenters as the most visible manifestation of the BBC’s biased staff recruitment policy?
For those not interested in football, look away now.
First signs of discontent among the Reds for their new ‘breath of fresh air’ leader?
It’s an axiom of BBC reporting that everyone must hold a candle for all things Liverpool. What better pro-EU lesson than Jurgen the German managing the British Reds to success? Personally I was soon irritated by his overt milking of the crowd and loony touchline antics. The BBC’s love affair was a speed date love at first sight. Kop, Klopp, Kop, Klopp… ad finitum. His behaviour is more Latin than Teutonic? It strikes me as provocative to the opposition and childish – this guy is supposed to be the brain behind the team not the male cheerleader. Much of it looks fake to me.
Suddenly on Match of The Day 2 after defeat at the hands of an average Southampton we get the first crack in the BBC punditry dam of unquestioning support – for the first time the potty touchline floor show gets some disapproval after the German One publicly bollocks a dozy striker.
On the subject of BBC football reporting….for a while now there has been an unrelentingly positive spin put on the numbers of foreign players in the English leagues, indeed it is this “diversity”that is credited with contributing to the Premiership being the “best league in the world”…the recent poor showing in European club competitions and the effect on the England international team notwithstanding.
Imagine my surprise then, to hear the rapturous discussions of Marcus Rashford, the local lad made good, who has come through the ranks at Man United to become the youngest scorer in the derby….on 606 yesterday the point was repeatedly made that this was a great thing and helped supporters to identify more closely with the clubs that played home produced players in the first team, they didn`t quite go as far as mentioning jumpers for goalposts …..I thought there had been a change in editorial policy until I saw a photo of the lad in action and then I was just another diversity story dressed up as local patriotism.
BBc breakfast First of all a love in with Eddie Izzard one of mandellas grandchildren turns up for an extended feature
BBc presenters are gleefully tearing into the goverment over the sacred cow of disability benefit reductions.
VD show a group of disabled people say they have been hit enough…the theme continues.
BBC Breakfast is a feast of unrelenting liberal pap this morning
Arsenal FC link up with Iraqi refugee kids…. here we go here we go….
‘Multimillionaire footballers and refugee kids (gosh who would have thunk it ….?)’ says the BBC
But wait it’s not Mesut Özil out in Fallujah
It’s some unknown weepy girlie from Arsenal Ladies – and anyway this is the Emirates Arsenal so where’s the unforseen remarkable link up there?
Can’t help but notice the BBC footage banging on about ‘girls game’ but when the refugee girls play their footie there’s not a man or boy within a million miles
By the way, have you ever wondered who it is who does all the civil war fighting in the Middle East? Every BBC report I’ve ever seen has featured completely innocent civilians. So who’s doing all the fighting out there?
“By the way, have you ever wondered who it is who does all the civil war fighting in the Middle East? Every BBC report I’ve ever seen has featured completely innocent civilians. So who’s doing all the fighting out there?”
Men. (And some Peshmerga women to show the sisters can do it for each other)
BBC Online News:
“”EU referendum: CBI warns of UK exit ‘serious shock'””
“”A UK exit from the EU would cause a “serious economic shock”, potentially costing the country £100bn and nearly one million jobs, according to a report commissioned by the CBI.””
“”The business lobby group said a study found that a vote to leave would have “negative echoes” lasting many years.””
“”CBI director general Carolyn Fairbairn said an EU exit following the referendum on 23 June “would be a real blow for living standards, jobs and growth. She said: “The savings from reduced EU budget contributions and regulation are greatly outweighed by the negative impact on trade and investment.””
“Even in the best case this would cause a serious shock to the UK economy.”
The CBI receives millions of pounds annually from the EU. Do Turkey’s vote for Christmas?
CBI director-general Carolyn Fairbairn is an ex-BBC employee. This is her BBC career from Wiki:-
“In 1997 Fairbairn was appointed as Director of Strategy for BBC Worldwide, later promoted to Director of Strategy & Distribution, and also became a member of the BBC’s Executive Board. She was responsible for delivery of the BBC’s services to viewers, including on cable and satellite. She managed a budget of £150 million and negotiated the BBC’s major distribution deals with Sky, Virgin and BT. She helped to develop the BBC’s digital strategy and renewal of their charter, and was instrumental in creating One BBC. In 2002/3, she created and launched Freeview – a joint venture between the BBC, Sky and Arqiva, which became one of the UK’s most successful new television services.
On 10 June 2004, the BBC announced that Fairbairn and her husband “have decided to take time out from their careers to spend a year travelling around the world with their three children.”
No axes to grind there, then?
Thanks for the heads-up DS about Carolyn Fairbairn, looking at her resume it doesnt appear she has had any job in what I would call “industry”.
To be fair, she probably suits the CBI perfectly. It is a club for the sort of companies that have led Britain’s slide downhill for decades. Few of its leading lights built a business from the ground up. Its opinion is pretty much worthless.