Listening to Sunday this morning and we were apparently going to have a look at the Pope Tweeting what we actually got was the talk hijacked by, given over to, a Muslim who went on to tell us how wonderful the internet is for Islam. This may have backfired for the BBC who undoubtedly thought this was a good opportunity to show how modern, connected and integrated Muslims are. In fact what we got was a message that the internet enables Muslims to become even more devout and of more interest, in these days of the Islamic State, how the internet enables Muslims to become one ‘Muslim Nation’, the Ummah, not just an idea but a reality. So just where do the loyalties lie especially as we noted in a previous post Babar Ahmad told Victoria Derbyshire that no Muslim would believe a non-Muslim in preference to a Muslim even if that Muslim was someone like Osama Bin Laden?
Then we had a piece about a woman only Mosque in Bradford…Stourton did ask if this only perpetuated the idea of women being segregated but this was brushed aside and then we had a lecture from a female Imam, or is it imama?, [who can only preach to women] from Denmark on how empowering this is for women and of course how it will pull the rug from under the ‘Islamophobes” feet as they see how independent and invincible Muslim women are…in their separate little mosque….how is it any different to having the backroom in a Male dominated mosque? She went on ironically to proudly tell us of her campaign to tweet photos of mosque backdoors where women are allowed to enter the mosque to pray, so modern and progressive, to raise awareness of how Islam treats women. Isn’t that Islamophobic?
Anti-Semitism? Stourton did a piece on this but not exactly challenging or indepth and the PSC and anti-Zionist Jews were given a platform to spout their stuff without any questions asked and to justify and hide the reality of their campaigns….nothing anti-Semitic about them, we love Jews and anti-Semitism is terrible. No BBC journalist hauled into ask them about the rise of anti-Semtiism and how their reporting from the Middle East has helped to drive that.
Why I’m becoming a Jew and why you should, too
Bertolt Brecht said: “Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again.”
Describe the fantasy the Tsarist and Nazi empires developed that bluntly and it is impossible to understand how the Labour party is in danger of becoming as tainted as Ukip by the racists it attracts.
But consider how many leftwing activists, institutions or academics would agree with a politer version.
Western governments are the main source of the ills of the world. The “Israel lobby” controls western foreign policy. Israel itself is the “root cause” of all the terrors of the Middle East, from the Iraq war to Islamic State. Polite racism turns the Jews, once again, into demons with the supernatural power to manipulate and destroy nations. Or as the Swedish foreign minister, Margot Wallström, who sees herself as a feminist rather than a racial conspiracist, explained recently, Islamist attacks in Paris were the fault of Israeli occupiers in the West Bank.
One institution Cohen fails to mention is the BBC.
Was that Man running round a school playground with two Machete’s wearing A Cassock and Bishops Mitre?
Excuse me whilst I have a closer look.
Chris Parry predicted that Muslims(well, ALL migration groups) would use cheap flights and cheaper technology in the host countries to bring the village mentality to wherever they chose to lay their hats-or drugged up white girls , so it now turns out.
These stoning-age leeches , of course, never created any of these means themselves-but will happily joyride them and claim them for Allahs pantry.
And we, the idiot west-just hand them over and translate the manuals for them.
OF COURSE, they`ll sanctify them in the same way that they honour our women and children…and the liberal cretins who cover for them and apologise for their atrocities around Europe are probably even worse that they are-Islam is a parasitic virus, but the liberal elite are pathological spectators at the autopsies, deliberately taking EU money instead of defending all that our grandparents fought for (and died for even!).
But when the whole catholic umma are led by the useless Pope Francis of Saffron Hill,Clerkenwell…the capitulation and cringings of a Longley, Patten and Stourton are expected.
Margot Wallström, who sees herself as a feminist rather than a racial conspiracist, explained recently, Islamist attacks in Paris were the fault of Israeli occupiers in the West Bank.
Ofcourse – from Sweden.
Swedish men – where are they? Have they been neutered or worse – castrated. This is one place that should be quarantined