Schools are required to report on racist incidents and Surrey has produced annual reports on the information provided. We know from this information that racist incidents can occur in any school in any part of Surrey. It is important to report racist incidents as this enables both schools and the County to identify trends and work together to address the issue. Schools should recognise that reporting these incidents will be seen as evidence of their capacity to confront this problem and not as a reflection on their effectiveness.
Developing our capacity to respond effectively to racist incidents and reducing the likelihood of their occurrence are essential to the achievement of Every Child Matter outcomes. Schools can make a positive contribution and help improve all children’s lives by creating a safe learning environment where all children feel valued and can enjoy and achieve.
By taking the lead in sending a clear message that racism will not be tolerated, schools can help improve their pupils’ lives and contribute to community cohesion and to a healthier society in general.
Why does the NUT not find anti-racism reporting offensive but action to prevent the radicalisation of Muslim pupils is? Why would the NUT oppose a programme of safeguarding Muslim pupils designed to ‘help improve their pupils’ lives and contribute to community cohesion and to a healthier society in general.’
The Islamists of Cage approve of the NUT stand…
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) have accused the PREVENT strategy of conflating “a notion of British values and an elastic notion of non-violent extremism that is shutting down that debate.” A senior member of the NUT executive added it was a “blunt instrument”. Moreover the guidance requiring schools to report any concerns about pupils, has been described by the NUT as heavy-handed and could see teachers facing prosecution for failing to report to police any suspicions they had about pupils.
The Reverend Adrian Goldberg has another sermon today…this time on the iniquities of the Prevent programme…as always the BBC doing the work of the Islamists by attacking the anti-terrorist/radicalisation programme…why would Muslims, and it is not just the ‘radicals’ who are at war against Prevent, want to close down this check on Islamist recruitment and thought?
Goldberg suggests that too many Muslim children are being referred by teachers for possibly being susceptible to being radicalised. The NUT of course is disgusted at the Prevent programme that is apparently stigmatising Muslims….never mind that it is actually attempting to rescue them from being radicalised…and the younger they are the more susceptible they are.
The NUT however has no problem about similar programmes to prevent racism, and especially, guess….yeah…Islamophobia….the NUT is delighted to ‘Show Racism the Red Card’.
The NUT is delighted to support this research which makes some very interesting findings about the barriers to challenging racism in schools. The NUT is totally committed to ensuring that our schools are safe places for all children.
Here’s the NUT on how children must be educated about the Middle East…not to prevent radicalisation but to protect Jewish, and of course Muslim, children from racism.
Advice from the National Union of Teachers
Conflict in the Middle East –issues for schools
They quote this…
“If we are to have real peace, we must begin with the children.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Perhaps begin with the children by preventing them from becoming Muslim extremists….so often due to biased reporting about the Middle East and how the West behaves? NO to that says the NUT. The NUT comes up with some worthy rhetoric but why then does it oppose Prevent?…..
The life of a school is strongly influenced by such outside factors and poses a challenge to teachers.
Teachers at some schools, for example, face the sensitive task of responding to pupils’
reactions, more so Muslim and Jewish pupils’ reactions to the events. The NUT is confident
that members will continue to rise to the challenge of educating individuals who can
contribute to a more peaceful future.
The NUT thinks that pupils may need ‘conflict resolution’ services to deal with racism…..conflict resolution? And the NUT doesn’t think there is a problem with radicalisation?……
Schools should be vigilant for any signs of
graffiti, name calling, abuse and bullying,
particularly of Asian, Middle Eastern,
Muslim or Jewish pupils, and for any signs
of tension between pupils and take
appropriate action.
• Schools should reiterate to teachers, pupils
and parents their policies and procedures
for tackling racial or religious harassment.
• Any taunting or abuse on grounds of
assumed or actual membership of an ethnic
or religious community should be firmly but
sensitively dealt with as part of the whole
school approach to tackling discrimination
and racism.
• It may be appropriate, if tensions are
observed, to hold a school assembly or class
discussion so that pupils can voice their
feelings in a controlled and secure
atmosphere. The situation may require
opportunities for individual pupils to receive
counselling away from the classroom on a
one-to-one basis. Support should be offered
to both the recipients and the perpetrators
of religious or racial harassment.
• Counselling, mediation and support.
• Take advantage of curriculum opportunities
such as, Citizenship education and religious
education about world faiths.
• It may be helpful to hold discussions and
undertake activities around conflict
• Pupils should be reminded of the respect
due to all ethnic and religious communities.
Schools should reiterate to teachers, pupils
and parents their policies and procedures
for tackling racial or religious harassment.
The BBC is responsible for much of the anti-Western, pro-Islamist propaganda that feeds the Islamist narrative…why wouldn’t it also be opposed to the government’s anti-radicalisation programme?
It`s never too hard to see why Hitler chose to let his schoolteachers do their worst by stealth and over time-so the revolution was to be long lasting and perpetual.
Others moaned at him that he indulged them-but he`d seen enough of the local school as he grew up to know the nature of school teachers.
Mao was one-primary, but still..
Teachers have long been since as low grade, high bore third raters who are rarely fitted for anything like making a living without the State to fund their Soviet-style fantasies a la Fred Kite,
All those Business Studies courses-and not one business resulting from one of them that shows that they have the first clue about what they`re “teaching”.
The teaching unions have long entrenched themselves as the Red Guards of Socialist propagation…Obama posters, ECHR,Maloula and Mandela will clog up ANY school reception should you have to visit one.
The teaching profession gave up on teaching in the mid-70s, the good ones were bullied out or wasted naturally.
All we have now are misfits, zealots and weirdos who failed the Nickelodeon screen tests, so choose to wave their light sabres in Harper Lee indoctrination studies instead.
Blair created this class of nomarks and removed any pretence of professing competence with his mums army of assistants, supervisors and grief therapy excusers-those too scared to met a real nutter in the community, but put the nit nurse out on her cake-rounded arse instead.
And the unions ALLOWED this-so hardly fit to “protect their professions” were they?
But that`s not the point-dancing on Thatchers poster is!
I speak as a teacher of course…and can confirm that OFSTED count up “gipsy” as a racial incident-even when the kids nickname is THAT-and he insists on being called that too!
Utter madhouses, education-free zones of state compliance, of vaccinating for sex, for fat callipers whilst getting funded from the fizzy drinks machines…AND for letting their headteachers have the day off to run around schools for “charity”…and we the public pay for this?
Schools are stool groomers for Islams coming horse…no more and no less.
Instead of shutting our borders to Muslim immigration and deporting those who would enslave us the teaching profession are enslaving our children on behalf of Islam. There is no moderate Islam and there are no moderate Muslims now that the internet has made explicit to all of its followers the Koranic verses of hate. They are in the jails, the schools, the BBC and the civil service now and when their numbers are more than 10% of the total population (within 5 years) as is now the case with France and Belgium we will also be bombed and hounded into submission (read 2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain). This is the legacy of Tony Blair and David Cameron, the enslavement of our children who will never know real freedom and the surrender of our people to a retarded death cult.