Well then, a new week starts and time for a new Open Thread. Did you watch IDS on the Marr Show yesterday? What did you think of his treatment? I notice the BBC has been giving the CBI’s latest doom and gloom report on the consequences of the UK leaving the EU loads of exposure this morning. The floor is yours..
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Billy Turnbull has turned up at Classic FM! I don’t know whether to expect a continuation of that channel’s patronising attitude, which it seems to have recently adopted, or something of an improvement. Time will tell, I suppose.
Thought Bill had retired to look after his bees? Didn’t take them long to get bored of him and tell him to buzz off.
Hope that he lends a few of his bees to Martha Kearney…would make a good programme, and -no doubt we`d get a Victims of Bee Stinging” survivors cheridee and help line out of it.
Better still , give Martha a head start and release the bees to fly towards a honeycomb earring we`d placed there earlier on her ear…and we`d save Eddie Izzard a marathon as old Muffin did HER stint for “Apian Action”!
can’t post… maybe there is a long post limit ?
Now, children…sit up at the back there and listen. Today’s history lesson, courtesy of the Bbc, is about Good Queen Bess and how multicultural she was in the 16th century. The aim of today’s lesson is to show that these people came to England even then and how well they fitted in with us all.
Am off to lie down in a darkened room for a bit!!
There were any number of “Neggars” in the country at the time, but Gloriana knew what to do, and in the absence of bleeding hearts and do gooders here is what she did, and what the BBC isn’t telling:
“there are of late divers blackmoores brought into this realme, of which kinde of people there are allready here to manie,” and ordering that they be deported from the country. One week later, she reiterated her “good pleasure to have those kinde of people sent out of the lande” and commissioned the merchant Casper van Senden to “take up” certain “blackamoores here in this realme and to transport them into Spaine and Portugall.” Finally, in 1601, she complained again about the “great numbers of Negars and Blackamoors which (as she is informed) are crept into this realm,” defamed them as “infidels, having no understanding of Christ or his Gospel,” and, one last time, authorized their deportation.
Good post, Thoughtful.
Googling the olde quote, it seems that it may have only been 89 of the enrichers that were deported. But I also found something funny, written by someone called Oguejiofo Annu (good luck with that one), from a website called ‘Africa Resource’. Heh.
This bit is Gold:
“It must be recognized that prior to this change in attitude the Moors were the lights of civilization and culture throughout Europe.
The Moors built the castles, the churches, and laid down the foundations of great cities and Universities, upon which modern Europe is built. The Moors taught Europe science and literature, as well as the seven arts of culture.”
Did they FUCK! Haha
The Moors also enslaved the ancestors of the Black African ( Nigerian ? ) who wrote this crap ! By “Europe” , I think he means Spain. Most Africans I have met in Africa think that Europe is one country. It is not their fault. They are just uneducated and brainwashed .
It’s a delusion shared by many large American corporations. I’m afraid. They call it ‘Yoorp’ and seem convinced they can treat it as one country.
Apparently 87% of the American population do not own a Passport ! – that speaks volumes.
Don’t need a passport to cross from Mexico illegally :p
Just a comment on the free movement prior to Elizabeth 1’s reign and the expulsion. This has happened in waves throughout history. Not that long before (in proportion to our view half a millennia later) Jews were expelled – in large numbers – from Britain. They were not really accepted back in a significant way until the end of 19th/beginning 20th century. There were Catholic expulsions from Protestant held areas and vice versa, from before, during and after the Reformation.
However (whatevva!), it is still true that worldwide migration & settlement (with notable exceptions such as Japan) was possible up until halfway through the 20th century.
The post-1950 restrictions were, effectively, down to our present political representatives and their immediate predecessors and possibly/probably the generation before them. It is a new thing.
As is their desire to, selectively(?), turn the restrictions off.
Apparently none of the immigrants were sent back as they were all working and kept on! Sounds a familiar tale of undercutting the locals. Who said nothing has changed.
“The Moors built the castles, the churches, and laid down the foundations of great cities and Universities, upon which modern Europe is built.”
So how come Oxford doesn’t look like Granada?
Never mind. It’s just too silly for words.
This joke was told to me by a black African. “Robert Mugabe claimed that Zimbabwe was going to be the first country to send a spaceship to the sun. When asked why it would not burn up, he replied ” Because we shall fly at night ” “
Good stuff Thoughtful!
Were we all to forsooth the claim upon the realm by Mohamet and his brigandy infidelities, then perchance we may yet restoreth the commonweal to something approacheth a national confederation of something that pleaseth the Lord.
By the time the fikfux have worked out what we saith -we are already on our second flagon of ale with a rapier tucked gaily in the doublet or hose.
No Anjem-not a raper-a rapier!…what a pillbox!
“kinde of people there are allready here to manie,” and ordering that they be deported from the country.”
Had to make room for the Spanish, Thoughtful!
Good Queen Bess saw off the threat of the Armada, with help from her subjects. As the scattered remnant of the Armada fleet was driven around the coast of the UK much of what was left became subject to easy shipwreck. Most (all?) of the surviving Spanish settled in Britain and became absorbed into the UK bloodline.
Some out, some in. A bit of balance.
Numbers were very small and mostly on the Celtic fringe.
But when I looked up Slave trade from Cornwall by Arabs, I got a bBBC history page about 16th Century pirates taking Europeans from coastal areas and selling them in North Africa. My Grandaddy was having a war with Fuzzy Wuzzies but lets not let History get in the way of a good story.
A great book on the subject is White Gold by Giles Milton. Over a Millions European’s held as slaves by Muslims. Don’t read about this in history books at school. Won’t be too many years in the future when it will be repeated
I’m copying Dover Sentry’s post about Fairbairn from the old thread and posting it here, as I feel it deserves a bit more time and exposure.
Dover Sentry:
“BBC Online News:
“”EU referendum: CBI warns of UK exit ‘serious shock’””
“”A UK exit from the EU would cause a “serious economic shock”, potentially costing the country £100bn and nearly one million jobs, according to a report commissioned by the CBI.””
“”The business lobby group said a study found that a vote to leave would have “negative echoes” lasting many years.””
“”CBI director general Carolyn Fairbairn said an EU exit following the referendum on 23 June “would be a real blow for living standards, jobs and growth. She said: “The savings from reduced EU budget contributions and regulation are greatly outweighed by the negative impact on trade and investment.””
“Even in the best case this would cause a serious shock to the UK economy.”
The CBI receives millions of pounds annually from the EU. Do Turkey’s vote for Christmas?
CBI director-general Carolyn Fairbairn is an ex-BBC employee. This is her BBC career from Wiki:-
“In 1997 Fairbairn was appointed as Director of Strategy for BBC Worldwide, later promoted to Director of Strategy & Distribution, and also became a member of the BBC’s Executive Board. She was responsible for delivery of the BBC’s services to viewers, including on cable and satellite. She managed a budget of £150 million and negotiated the BBC’s major distribution deals with Sky, Virgin and BT. She helped to develop the BBC’s digital strategy and renewal of their charter, and was instrumental in creating One BBC. In 2002/3, she created and launched Freeview – a joint venture between the BBC, Sky and Arqiva, which became one of the UK’s most successful new television services.
On 10 June 2004, the BBC announced that Fairbairn and her husband “have decided to take time out from their careers to spend a year travelling around the world with their three children.”
No axes to grind there, then?
Interestingly, looking at the wiki page for Freeview, it doesn’t seem to mention Fairbairn anywhere, let alone as the one who ‘created’ it.
Given that the analogue signal was being phased out, forcing everyone on to digital, I’d imagine it would have been difficult not to make a success out of Freeview. Granted, ITV had tried and failed with On Digital, but this was, as far as I know, before the digital switchover (and therefore captive audience) had been announced.
“A UK exit from the EU would cause a “serious economic shock”, potentially costing the country £100bn and nearly one million jobs, according to a report commissioned by the CBI.”
I can play that game:- Due to increasing centralisation and extra taxes to pay for the former nations’ inabiities to run sensible economics the cost of staying would be £500bn+ and cost over two million jobs. Added to the fact we would be forced by the EU to take in 3 million more male children (of ages up to 50) the total of unemployed would rise by over 5 million+ if we stayed in.
I got the figures from the same place as her – thin air- a.k.a. made up on the spot. But it is far more likely to be right than her ridiculous claim that we would be worse off if we are again able to run our own economy.
Indeed most media reports only ever consider the “what if we leave” scenario GUESSES.
I await the same for the “what if we stay”
Democracy rarely seems to get a look in, and we do not have to guess the outcomes on both sides of that aspect, do we!
Money is not the only criteria to judge whether we should be in EU or not Man does not leave by bread alone. In fact, far more powerful emotions govern man then bread.
We need to leave the EU empire of Brussels, just as America decided to leave the British empire. The cost to America was far greater, as they lost the protection of the Royal navy, as well as the benefit of being in an empire far greater then the EU. But Americans think it was worth it, to live as free people under their own laws, made by them, and for them.
So it is for the UK. We will also regain control of our fishing waters. But in the main, we will be our own masters and not some colony of the EU.
Serious economic Shock to Welsh First Minister!: ‘Aston Martin last week announced that it will invest in a new production plant in Wales. It was bad news for the ‘In’ campaign, which is hoping that businesses will aid their cause by ‘scaremongering’ about the future for business investment in the UK, should we vote to join the rest of the world and regain our independence.
Aston Martin has followed the example of Toyota and Airbus, both of which have contradicted Carwyn Jones, the Welsh First Minister, who claimed in a debate with Nigel Farage in January that “these are all companies that are in Wales because it’s a European base for them“. Commenting on the news, Simon Richards, Chief Executive of The Freedom Association, said: I’ve always liked the company since owning a Corgi model as a boy, so I was delighted to hear its chief executive, Andrew Palmer, on the (BBC) Today programme dismiss the suggestion that Brexit might cause problems for his firm. Asked by a somewhat breathless BBC reporter if the referendum affected the decision, Mr. Palmer replied: “not at all.”’
From BREXIT magazine.
Perhaps a Brexit response should be:
The world is in a state of near chaos.
The EU is in a state of chaos.
Things are none too good here in the UK.
Leaving the EU would cause more chaos, cost money, time, effort, jobs, GDP, etc..
Therefore we might as well do it, get out of the EU and get the pain over with in as short a time frame as possible, and be ready, in better shape for the future.
Especially for the sake of our children and grandchildren.
And in any case, Freeview is a complete crock of *&^%! What should have been ‘free’ frequently isn’t and the majority of its content, squeezed into tiny slithers of bandwidth resulting in unwatchably low quality, seems to be shopping channels, pornography and thirty year old US crime shows.
Most probably she has at least some shred of shame and requested her name be removed from the ‘credits’.
Sorry – that reply was intended to follow the earlier comment about which imbecile created Freeview. I’ve no idea how it ended up here.
If I may interrupt here (not knowing the previous conversation) but Freeview was started by a group of ITV companies (Granada being one of them). It was intended to be ‘pay-per-view’ or subscription channels (like Sky) but ran out of money in development. The government of the day decided to save the project and foist it onto the BBC which it did not want at all. It got extra money to ‘go freeview’ and had to accept that other commercial channels could piggy back. The BBC managed to unravel the projects and disable all the channels from offering a ‘payment option’. This was because somebody had worked out that this would make the BBC license fee redundant. And nobody (given the choice) would want to pay the BBC license fee given the choice. The technology was already working before the BBC disabled the ‘payment options’, which is still in place. I am not sure why, the BBC don’t run it but they did mange to torpedo the commercial ITV project, at least when it started. I am going from memory as I have no web links to hand.
ITV killed the paid for service. They signed up all the old Division One teams (now Championship) and paid a kings ransom only to discover nobody wanted to watch Scunthorpe. Lost a packet and gave up. The porn channels are still going so the mechanism is in place. Each time I update the channels I have to spend a lot of time getting rid of the utter rubbish that clutters this service. I’ve kids as well.
Freudian slip there! I meant to type ‘slivers’ in the above.
Ir’s hard to think why the word ‘slithers’ might have been in my mind when I was thinking of the BBC…
GC LOL ! And I read it without even noticing !
How BBC Impartiality Works:
BBC Produces Obama Documentary Funded By The European Union Just Weeks Ahead Of Pro-EU Campaign Speech
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has produced an uncritical documentary about the presidency of U.S. President Barack Obama, with funding from the European Union (EU) which in turn gets its cash from the British and European tax payers.
The credits of the first film, “Inside Obama’s White House” reveal that the corporation received support from the European Union’s “Creative Europe” arm – an entity set up to “support the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors”.
Creative Europe uses UK and European tax payer money – €1.46 billion over the next four years – “to support European projects”, according to its website.
Creative Europe even has offices within British government funded buildings in the United Kingdom – at the British Institute and the British Council, effectively meaning that UK tax payers are funding this BBC activity four times over.
In 2012, the Telegraph revealed that the “BBC received millions of pounds from the European Union and local authorities over the past four years”, specifically that “BBC Worldwide borrowed over £141 million from the European Investment Bank” and took over £3m in grants.
At the time, Conservative Party MP Dominic Raab noted: “financial dependence of the BBC on the EU casts a shadow over its editorial independence”.
In 2014 the Spectator revealed a Freedom of Information response confirming “that BBC staff applied for, and accepted, about £3 million of EU funds between April 2011 and November 2013, most of which has been spent on unspecified ‘research and development’ projects, with the remaining £1 million spent on programming”.
Last year, the Telegraph quoted a BBC spokesman who said: “BBC News protects its impartiality by not permitting any external funding, which includes EU grants. Our annual report discloses any income received from grants covering a variety of areas, of which, a very small proportion comes from the EU for non-news research and development projects.”
Hands up, anyone who still thinks the BBC is ‘fair’ and ‘impartial’ and completely uncompromised in its coverage of the EU, given the fact of its £145m worth of bungs from the EU?
Perhaps the BBC think they are ‘getting it about right’..? Perhaps they think we’re stupid. Probably both.
More from the BBC magazine ‘The Anatomy of A Cold Home’ a precursor to tonights Panorama.
Why no questions asked? the article states that this family is spending £35 a week on electric and gas, that’s £140 a month! we’re told about their cold bedrooms and ‘elderly boiler’ and the fact that their kids are getting no sleep because of their cold bedrooms…
Pieces like this really piss me off, they say they can’t afford to keep the heating on all night, I’ve got an elderly boiler but my spend on gas is currently just £8 a week, I wouldn’t dream of keeping it on all night. Its not beyond the realms of probability that their latest massive TV’s and Sky boxes are on all day, every meal is cooked in the oven and the washing machine and tumble drier are used daily.
Seriously if the BBC want us to believe rubbish like this they should look at these peoples habits before writing such. I was brought up in a Victorian terrace, my bedroom was on the 2nd floor, no heating, ice on the inside of the single glazed window on a cold (pre global warming 😉 ) morning, yet I can never recall being ill or suffering a broken nights sleep, a hot water bottle was a boon. Just one room downstairs had heat, an open fire in the winter.
These people need help not empathy and if it does turn out that this family are genuine and have looked at every way of saving on their power bills, maybe then the BBC can look into how it is that asylum seekers and new arrivals can keep warm in their nice refurbished houses with all bills gratis and a front door in their choice of colour….
Surely a caring government would provide everyone with a Gov Issue sweater and woolly vest and long johns , with of course the female equivalents. The Greens should be lobbying hard for this because wearing a sweater would certainly allow you to turn down your heating by a couple of degrees which , we are told , reduces energy consumption by about 20%. Surely the BBC should be launching one of their campaigns on this key issue.
Maybe Vivien Westwood could be persuaded to make the National Jacket.
In a Mao cut, padded with unused insulating lagging with a rainbow pastel hi-viz vibe going on.
Would cut the uniform bill at a stroke, with saved money to pay for Maos Little Red Book for one and all.
Who else but the BBC fashionistas would worry about the use of check in the blanket used to carry the body of Alexander McQueen…apparently, Nina would not have been seen dead in such a gaudy shroudy shift!
Geoff………….I was brought up in a Victorian terrace, my bedroom was on the 2nd floor, no heating, ice on the inside of the single glazed window on a cold (pre global warming ? ) morning, yet I can never recall being ill or suffering a broken nights sleep, a hot water bottle was a boon. Just one room downstairs had heat, an open fire in the winter……..
Yep, more than a few thousand of us experienced this upbringing – getting dressed for school in front of the cooker oven that warmed the kitchen, and coming home to proper home cooked meals every day. Home finances were just as stretched as they are today – most Mums didn’t work, but we never felt as though we did ‘without’ cos everyone was in the same boat ! There’d be uproar today if the migrants/refugees had to experience anything remotely like that in this country – Yuman rights would be screeched every which way, and yet it was second nature to us, and we’ve turned out ok.
Brissels, Geoff, Agree, my memories too. And bloody cold shivering in school, but they never closed the schools.
Yep. The winter of 81/82 was bloomin’ cold ‘oop north and couldn’t see out of the bedroom windows for six weeks due to ice on the inside. Only heat was a coal fire downstairs and a couple of very inefficient night storage heaters.
Funnily enough that was the winter I was thinking of when I wrote my post, it was could enough down south. Wasn’t around in 1963.
We had two rooms with coal fires downstairs, but the 2nd one was only lit on special occasions (namely Christmas) or when we had visitors!
Our house were so cold we had to get in t’fridge to warm up.
A fridge? You were lucky …..
(someone had to say it)
Well those of us who come from the north-and now earn a crust in the soft south-would only have taken off our shirts, displayed a portly belly and referred to it as a bit nippy or parky…or good drying weather if worse.
Think we were worried about global warming in that it would make us soft and a bit thick…and laying us open to barbaric cretins who`d kill for fun using their few brain cells.
Thank Allah THAT never came to pass eh?
Geoff ! you didn’t live on my road did you ???? our front room had a lock on it so us kids couldn’t go in there – it was the ‘best room’ with moquette 3 piece suite, sideboard and the upright piano, and was duly opened when we had ‘visitors’ usually at Easter, and at Christmas when up went the homemade paper chains, and spindly artificial xmas tree !! happy memories of reading the Girl and Bunty Annuals on xmas day. Life was so much simpler then, we had no phone, no fridge, just BBC1 until BBC2 started in the 60’s, but we listened to Journey Into Space on the radio before bed.
One of the immediate replies to that Panorama programme could and should be: if the highly paid BBC employees & contractors all paid the full amount due under the existing rates of higher income tax, instead of resorting to legal avoidance schemes, and persuaded other highly paid people to do the same, then maybe the Treasury would see fit to send some help to Dan & Hayley and others at the bottom of the income ladder.
The highly paid news & current affairs presenters could also respond with enthusiasm to the prospect of higher top tax rates, when suggested by politicians, instead of the more usual “When that was tried in the past it didn’t work.” or “Nobody likes paying tax.”
Dare I suppose the Panorama had a whip round for a new boiler for them?
I suspect I’m not quite as old as some of you chaps and had substantially less privation in my younger life than your good selves but even I am utterly gobsmacked at the astronomical expectations of these Gimmegrants.
I remember reading about some of the trash dumped on the tiny German village of Sumte. Despite being given three squares a day, kept warm, given a bed and free medical care they found nothing to be grateful for. They asked why they had no gaming consoles. They also said it was appalling they had to walk 5km to the nearest shop (to spend their taxpayer stolen pocket money).
5k? I thought to myself. I checked Google maps. My memory was correct. When I was 16-18 I attended sixth form college for two years. It was a 5k hike each way and I’d have a bag stuffed full of books and notes too. And I was happy and grateful for the privilege.
I can’t quite grasp where these demanding liabilities are coming from, nor the fools who defend them.
I look forward to seeing whether the BBC fingers the Greens, Milliband and that vacant eyed loon Bryony Worthington (of Climate Change Act infamy) for the distorted and inflated cost of heating British homes.
The least they could do would be to pay for the funerals of the thousands of old people their Green zealotry has killed.
I won’t be holding my breath.
Why no questions asked? the article states that this family is spending £35 a week on electric and gas, that’s £140 a month! we’re told about their cold bedrooms and ‘elderly boiler’ and the fact that their kids are getting no sleep because of their cold bedrooms…
The BBC never asks questions, Geoff, when it comes to ‘the poor and vulnerable’ (amongst other favoured groups) – not conducive to a good ‘narrative’.
Our boiler was 26 years old before we had it replaced 6 years ago and our combined energy bills never exceeded £96 a month average over the year – and that’s for a 4-bed detached.
Eh, but, isn’t it amazing how kids survived before central heating came along? Iced-up bedroom windows anyone?
I spend a lot more that £140 a month on my electric and gas. I think it’s about £120 for gas and £140 for electric a month though I do work from home so the house is occupied permanently.
Are you sure your neighbours haven’t got a cannabis farm going next door and have tapped into your supply? That’s quite some usage!
FFS I told you not to mention the cannabis farm!
I take it Twit you live in a tent with no roof or sides ….. or maybe Buckingham Palace …. may I suggest Uswitch or some similar comparison site.
Even in Essex in the late 60`s early 70`s it use to get ” Cold ” in the winter . I remember getting up & going to school with frost on the inside of my bedroom window. It never seemed to bother me , we had no central heating . What`s all the fuss about , school kids are bloody wimps nowadays.
Well, it’s understandable that the elderly (and there’s more of them than ever) need more warmth throughout the night and day.
But I wonder how many of these families are immigrants from warmer climates. I remember there were two Nigerian lads in my corridor in Halls of Residence at Uni, and the rest of us chuckled when we found out that they both needed two thick duvets, even in summer.
That wasn’t at Reading by any chance, D-D-D-D?
I’m amazed at how little thought architects put into their designs at times. I visited a student apartment block years ago where the wind on that day was in the right direction to whistle through a window frame under the door of the room, across a narrow corridor, under the door exactly opposite and no doubt, out of gaps in the window of that room.
It was bitterly cold inside.
It was late spring/early summer on a sunny day.
The Beeb in its analysis of the EU Turkey migrant deal seems not to shine a light too closely on Turkey’s EU credentials, which you would think were all the more topical given part of the deal is to kick-start and fast-track Turkey’s membership.
In todays FT there is a polemic on the EUs dirty deal with Turkey, it would be worth circulating to any Remainers you know
The EU sells its soul to strike a deal with Turkey – Wolfgang Munchau
Is that an article that needs a subscription to read, ED? Any chance you could copy and paste?
Sorry I read it on my tablet and not able to copy the article only the link, but if you register then you should I think get access to a certain number of free articles a month.
Instead of that, I googled around and found a link that works, as twitter’s link service disables the paywall (as long as you wipe any attempts to access FT from your browsing history/cookies before clicking the link). Where there’s a Will there’s a way.
Thanks, the comments section is very encouraging.
And its not just the FT. ‘A rapturous day for misogyny if the EU embraces Turkey’ says Mme. Catherin Bennett of the Guardian (breaking ranks with the BBC here). Something about their ‘Uman rightz’ not fit for purpose. At least we agree on that Turkey is not fit for stuffing with Euro’s. But they EU will anyway, its only EURO money and its all worthless. They will knock on our door when they run out of cash.
On the Daily Politics we had the almost daily item on why the UK should betaking more migrants. Ms Coburn said how much Merkel was admired and couldn’t hide the fact that she to thought Angela was a heroine. We get this ‘ UK should/must take more migrants’ thrust down our throats every day . Yet the polls show that a majority of people don’t want to take any more. But have you ever heard the voices of that majority ever given a platform on the BBC? We can be sure that if a spokesman was allowed to air that view the BBC presenters would be attacking then non stop. Balance to the BBC is ensuring that only their liberal left views ever get a hearing.
Thank goodness for the eu…In a few days the illegal migration crisis has been sorted out bu doing a really good stand up deal with those very trustworthy turkish chaps All sorted out at the cost of 6,000,000,000 Euros……
I don’t want to sound too practical here but I would like to know where the money will be coming from (nobody asked me to vote for any of this) as it seems to me that the eu have been spending quite a bit of money recently …you know all those bail outs like greece, eire, spain, portugal, italy et al. I can’t understand it but I found this link which might help others understand…..
I just hope we ‘bail out’ of the eu in June………
Enjoy the link
LOL ! That is a better explanation than I have heard from the BBC !
AEG – thanks for posting that brilliant and funny film.
“The European Union is showing signs of falling apart, with citizens of other members eyeing the British referendum on leaving, scheduled for June 23. But few expected the French, who have been leaders in the formation of the union and central to its operation, to be interested in a vote on leaving. Such are the effects of the Muslim invasion of Europe, welcomed by Germany’s Chancellor Merkel and facilitated by the open borders that have resulted from the Shengen Treaty.”
Not only reported in this paper, but also in others too:
France & Germany are the two lynchpins of the EU, if they are looking to leave then its days are surely numbered. It looks like Merkel might not have only destroyed her own country, but the EU as well!
At the start of the last century Germany produced the 20th Century’s most destructive man Arthur Zimmermann whose actions affect us still today. It look as though at the start of this century Germany has managed to produce another one !
Oh Dear Oh Dear
Some bloke in America has dared suggest that women tennis players should not be paid the same prize money as men, because they are not as popular with the paying crowds.
One of the Williams sisters gave a considered response without resorting to meaningless bully words, but this is the BBC, and any report on this is absolutely bound to carry the Fascists view of everything being sexist, racist, homophobic etc etc. And so there’s the usual accusation of the statement being politically incorrect, the man being,,’out of touch’, or a dinosaur. Just so typical of them.
Just why the musings of a US tennis official should be news on the UK national broadcaster is anyone’s guess other than to reinforce the need for the policing of peoples thoughts though!
And they should have to play 5 sets !
Um, will the Burkini now being on sale at M & S encourage more Muslim ladies to take up the sport ???
Dead right grant.
Because I thought that women wanted “Equal Pay”-not “more money per hour than the men”.
For that would surely discriminate against men, I`d have said.
The sets are longer, they play more of them-and I`d not doubt Djokovich if he`s saying that people pay more to watch the men that they do the women.
Whatever happened to “market forces”?…or is the BBC solely intent on piggybacking on young fathers who play good tennis-just to bang on about their permanent wish to neuter men and get female superiortiy(if interfreaks and misfits aren`t available).
Djokovich put it well-the bloke who said it wasn`t “politically correct”…but he WAS “correct”!
When did sport become this suggestion box for liberal utopian fantasies?
Thank God for Mike Ashley-“would love it , absolutely love it” if he splattered the likes of Hodge or Hillier round the ring in SW1.
“Equal Pay For Wimmin in Sport” shouts the BBC.
Excuse me for being a pedant but just look at the crowds for Rugby & Soccer Vs. the wimmins’ game.
Clubs are private entities not getting £XBillion from the taxpayer under the threat of imprisonment.
Perhaps the June referendum could include a question on the Beeboid “Charter”?
Simple solution. One singles competition, open to
bothall sexes.It’s OK: the bBBC has reported that the American tennis official has apologised for daring to voice his non-pc thoughts.
While the BBC reported on the feminist hot button issue of millionaire lady tennis players, RT carried an interview with a young Yazidi woman who had survived capture by IS, describing how the men and older women of her village were all killed and the girls from age 9 upward, sold into sex slavery. The married women were kept for 40 days (in accordance with Sharia) before being raped and enslaved and the pregnant women had forced abortions, “because the fathers were infidels”.
Good to see the BBC standing up for women’s equality though.
Their suffering is obviously less important than Venus Williams feeling she has been dissed by a man.
And still the sisters remain silent – says it all about modern feminism ! Though today radio 4 getting their knickers in a twist again about boardroom pay equality. After all it affects so many people!
From BBC website on Tudor Muslims in England
“One of them, known only as Chinano, is the first known Muslim to convert to English Protestantism. He was baptised at St Katharine’s Church near the Tower of London, where he took the name William Hawkins, and insisted that “if there were not a God in England, there was none nowhere”.
Perhaps he meant it and relished his new Anglican identity, or he knew what to say to his new English masters. Whatever the truth, like many of his fellow Turks he quickly disappeared into London’s bustling life, taking with him his true religious beliefs. How sincere Chinano’s conversion was may never be known, but he was not alone, and others like him were clearly keen to make a living in diverse urban occupations.”
Six qualifications required by the BBC writer to ram home the message nobody converts voluntarily to Christianity from Islam.
BBC 4 ” World News ” now. 5 minute slot on twitter and tweets. In a 30 minute news. The BBC can be relied on reporting all the big news stories from all round the world.
More enrichment. I guess the BBC would be criticised, and its writers imprisoned if they went further & told the truth about Islam, Pakistani’s and ‘honour’ killings.
That should bring the feminists out on to the streets protesting against domestic violence. Oh, I forgot. it was an honour killing
Are the BBC still allowed to say “white” spirit?
Is it not Spirit of no colour?
The BBC report doesn’t mention he was an illegal immigrant. I wonder why.
WE British might hate the BBC, and the eco crap…but we`re funny too!
Another reason chrisH to detach ourselves from the EU. We on these Isles are funny and them over there are not. Whether we are English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish our variations of understatement, irony and self-parody mean that we are again set apart from our European cousins.
Vote Remain! (irony)
Mr. G, and mainland Europeans do not do irony !
Correct Grant, it’s mostly an irony-free zone yet the Italians love Benny Hill, the Albanians love Norman Wisdom. The Nordics love Python and Fawlty Towers. British humour is one of our great exports. Will the EU place a punitive tariff on it if we leave?
Mr G , Probably , because we could retaliate by putting a tariff on their comedians and it would make no difference to them or us.
I notice Germans love to tell me how funny they find Monty Python and start reciting sketches in a desperate attempt to demonstrate that they have a sense of humour.
Every New Year’s Eve they watch Freddie Frinton’s Dinner for One (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0121210/).
“We on these Isles are funny”
You’d never know it if you listened to BBC so called ‘comedy’. In fact if the Islamic state have to be prefixed by ‘so called’ because the Fascist want to protect Islam from the association with extreme violence, and that it’s not really Islam, then we should all be prefixing BBC ‘comedy’ output with ‘so called’, because it’s nothing like true comedy !
Seems the initiators of this wheeze are less keen on the public preference and may pull a Socks on the notion.
The BBC may well advise.
Peers defeat government to allow 3,000 child refugees in UK
“We could do it in 1930s, why can’t we do it now?” said crossbench peer Baroness Neuberger, while fellow crossbencher Lord Alton of Liverpool warned that refusing to help the children would leave a “lasting stain” on Britain’s reputation.
Al-Beeb in jubilant mood quoting every pro-migration peer they can! Slight change to the normal view of the Leftist Beeb who would like the unelected house scrapped!
House of Lords should be scrapped, says SNP
In the 1930s you could tell who was a child. I’m sure the family of Alexandra Mezher murdered by a “Child” from Somalia who later turned out to be an illegal adult would take a different view to that of the House of Lords.
If this does become law and 3000 potential adult Jihadists are let in without proper checks one can only hope that the Leftist Social Workers will see common sense and Age test them all.
>If this does become law and 3000 potential adult Jihadists are let in without proper checks one can only hope that the Leftist Social Workers will see common sense and Age test them all.
Or, better still take them into their, not insubstantial, stately residences and pay from them out of their Parliamentary Allowance.
The existence of the House of Lords is indefensible. Always was and this is another case of it’s uselessness. Packed with placemen usually now from the left it is virtue signallers central.
A free people do not submit to rule by unelected placemen.any more than by outsiders in Brussels. It always amazes me that we spend time arguing about the H of L and how to make it accountable. Bit like the TV tax. Just get rid of it.
Quite agree. Cameron frightened to put in more right wing peers as its already too large so he now has a constitutional block. All the Liberal Lords he agreed to are coming back to bite him.
“”EU referendum: CBI warns of UK exit ‘serious shock’”
The little detail that the Al Beeb left out on today’s scare story is that the CBI made this warning on the basis of a report that they commissioned from Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PWC). PWC are in the pay of the EU. They really do think we are stupid.
Sorry if someone has already mentioned this. Keep up Pillar.
Panorama this evening was, as expected, classic Marxist bBBC. Someone once decided that we had to spend 10% of our income, no more, on energy, and anyone who spent more was in ‘fuel poverty’. This dictator doesn’t, apparently, question what the remaining 90% is spent on, but the bBBC states that ‘we’ should pay the excess. There appears to be a fuel poverty industry, who probably prodded the bBBC into making the programme. The goodies were ‘experts in fuel poverty’ – no, me neither – and the baddies were the energy companies.
Their weepie reporter managed to find one (only one) disabled woman who hadn’t paid her bills, ignored numerous attempts by British Gas to contact her for eleven months, then, when they applied for a court order to install a pre-payment meter, used her local council – Islington, of course – to say how dreadfully BG was acting. No questions, of course, to the woman over what she spent all her money on instead of paying her gas bills, or why she ignored BG. No questions, of course, to the leftie council over why they supported people who didn’t pay their bills, or why they expected us to pay for them.
Presumably there was no mention of all the “green” taxes pushing up our bills.
You can lead a horse to water springs to mind! There are just some people who despite years of being shown how to budget simply can’t get past the “It’s free if I don’t have to pay for it now” mentality.
Hence more expensive calls on a pre-pay phone. No internet at home except a pre-pay mobile wifi. Only BrightHouse will lend to them and they end up paying £3000 for a £1000 telly. No licence of course.
What really gets my goat is the MPs telling the energy companies to do something for the fuel poor.
Am I any better off working? No but I know how to budget and pay my bills. I object to having to pay more for my fuel to subsidise those who choose to spend their benefits on the latest Nike shoes rather than budget, cook from scratch and make do.
So many questions.
Never once were we told just how much these people were spending or how much energy they were using and how it compared to the national average. We did see some dozy woman (for the benefit of the camera) warming her hands on a 1.5kw/h cooker ring! why didn’t they suggest that she could heat her whole room with a 1kw/h fan heater?
We then see some other woman sat 12 inches in front of a Calor heater (and she claims to have respiratory problems!) who had been ‘forced’ to sleep in her lounge because her bedroom is so cold, why didn’t our ‘sympathetic’ reporter point out that such Calor heaters have wheels (she lived in a bungalow) are bloody expensive to run and sitting so close could lead to spontaneous human combustion!
But probably the worst thing about this program was the patronising tone of yet another ethnic BBC presenter.
Strangely global warming was put aside for for the convenience of the prevailing cold for the benefit of this programs agenda…
I tend to find the Islington set forget global warming when buying their Strawberries all year round and wanting their effnik foods imported so they can show how multi-culti they are! When I see French beans grown in Kenya I pass by and buy frozen British produce or something that was intended to grow here at this time of year.
Just out of curiosity, I decided to watch this programme too and it was dreadful – as expected.
What I thought was interesting was that the cameras NEVER panned out to a wider view of the rooms of these people; suppose they didn’t want to expose the 64″ TV and so on! And yes, what DO they spend their money on?
The other thing that struck me was all those involved were wearing thin clothes and never more than 2 layers! Have they never heard of a pair of gloves?
I know it’s always so easy to compare with what we oldies did in the winter of 62/63 and so on…ice on the inside of bedrooms windows, hugging hot water bottles, getting out for a walk to get body heat inside…but I suppose it’s all to do with ‘uman rights these days. It’s gimme, gimme, gimmee all the time these days and so sickening that it is fully endorsed by the BbC.
Oh, and by the way, further to my earlier post about the BbC magazine article about Good Queen Bess letting in all those immigrants in the 16th century, I heard a BbC trailer for next week’s Book of the Week, on twice a day. Yep, you’ve guessed it! The book written by the same chap. So more history rewritten for us to absorb next week. Oh what hoy!!
Formal complaint to the BBC via their website on last night’s fuel poverty Panorama programme:
“The four or five people depicted, in or out of fuel poverty, were mawkishly and emotionally depicted yet there was no single fact or detail to explain how or why they were in fuel poverty.
This is sadly typical of much ‘views’ television.
Case examples (presumably supplied by lobbyists, and, if so, we should be told) are given with inadequate facts.
In the cases shown, the income level and the benefit amounts of the individuals should have been specified along with the precise money spent annually on energy. Without these facts nobody can obtain a real view of the level of the problem and the reasons for it.
In the one case of the indebted woman who presumably rarely if ever paid for her energy, we should have been told of what she owed and why.
Fuel poverty is not an absolute concept and the government’s changes to its measurement were treated as if they were simply a vicious scheme to allow people to freeze to death.
This was the crudest piece of propaganda I have seen in a long time, and intellectually cheap, treating the viewers as idiots.
It made Russia Today look balanced and should never have been allowed to be broadcast.
One small point the winter fuel allowance was not even mentioned, as I recall, while it appears from a quick internet search the average annual cost of energy per household is around £20 per week.”
Excellent complaint! Be sure to let us know how the bBBC responds. There was no attempt at ‘balance’ so they can’t argue that they ‘got it about right’.
If she tried not paying her Council Tax she would find that the Islington Soviet would have the bailiffs round pretty bloody quickly.
Excellent point and of course completely true. I was accidentally one month out on my council tax due to a direct debit failure. Within days I had threatening letters and their right to remove monthly payment, demanding the whole years outstanding sum in one go.
Yet if they accidentally miss your bin, or repairing a street lamp, don’t bother asking, they don’t want to know…
Not much irony in the Netherlands these days. Thanks to Dave S on the week-end thread for pointing me towards these words of Geert Wilders that I feel need repeating on this thread and possibly every thread in future. If anyone other than Wilders spoke like this they would be lauded as a revolutionary and a champion –
“Sometimes I wish that I could escape myself. But I know that I cannot. I would have to pay a price which I do not want to pay. I would have to shut up. And I cannot. I do not want that. And I will not do it. Freedom of expression is the only freedom I still have. And, forgive me, I will never give it up.”
“I meant what I have said, I spoke on behalf of millions of Dutch, I retract nothing and have no regrets. I have said what I think and I will continue to do so. Always.
But I hate no one, I do not incite any hatred and I abhor everything that has to do with discrimination.
That is the truth. Only in a dictatorship, speaking the truth is a crime.
And only in a dictatorship, the opinion of millions of people is criminalized.”
Oh dear God….No doubt British “progressives” and their BBC poodle will be advocating this soon….
The phrase “what could possibly go wrong?” seems particularly apt here.
Sunday morning, The Big Questions, “Has the time come to take climate change seriously?” hosted by Nicky Campbell.
Despite being the only scientist on the guest list, Piers Corbyn had a bad time on the BBC, he accused the BBC of “constantly putting out propaganda” and said that “CO2 is driving nothing. It is good for plants. The more CO2 the better“. Piers also said that only 7% of scientists believe in man-made global warming (probably a recent survey in the US) and that the globe is in fact cooling (probably true, due to adjustments and detectable thermal inertia trends before 2018). He was duly booed by the audience.
Green Party supporter Jonathan Bartley then criticised the BBC for inviting Piers, who just happened to be the only Climate Scientists on the guest list.
Nicky then made a short speech saying that the BBC has a duty to allow such people (Climate Scientists) on and it’s up to people (Environmentalists) like Jonathan Bartley to explain to the public (UKIPers, Mensa members etc) why people (Climate Scientists) like Piers are wrong.
The fact is that the level of scientific ignorance amongst the majority of the crowd meant that Piers was seen as insane, so Campbell gave the last word to the idiot from Friends of the Earth.
The madness of the situation at the BBC, is apparent when you consider the fact that the only known relevantly qualified scientist at the BBC, still employed by the BBC, Paul Hudson, is probably the only person who could understand the reason why the “Emperor has no Clothes”, when it comes to finding evidence for calibrating Carbon Dioxide warming in a Planetary Atmosphere, using the Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect. While on the other hand we have a situation where environmentalists are more certain of what scientists think, than those scientists they invite to speak, and WANT to speak. I believe the BBC invites Climate Scientists, but most do not want to say anything on the BBC, because they do not want to loss their jobs, due to the overwhelming political power of the environmentalist thugs of the Green movement.
Also it seems that the Weatheraction website is down, probably due to an attack by those who wish us all to remain ignorant through censorship.
And as for who are the equivalent of the Flat Earthers. Who are the most ignorant of these three.
(1) Those who believe in Relativity, but have never heard of Albert Einstein?
(2) Those who believe in the survival of the fittest, but have never heard of Charles Darwin?
(3) Those who believe in Man-made Climate change, but have never heard of Svante Arrhenius?
Yes this prog was much discussed on Bishhophill Unthreaded
but now there is an Telegraph piece outrageously Biased towards the DramaGreens
..A coincidence the writers surname is Ward ?
Over on BH a recent convert to skepticism said
And the Sunday 10am slot is reserved for religious output so it quite fitting that DramaGreen Evangelicals were allocated this slot.
Interesting to note in the DT piece people were bemoaning the lack of anybody with scientific knowledge to counter Piers Corbyn view.
Does that not tell you everything you need to know about those the BBC roll out on the alarmist side. Wackos who have swallowed it hook, line and sinker, but cannot argue the detailed science.
I have been convinced for a long time that Warmism is a direct descendant of hard line nonconformist Christianity, of the type that had largely died out in the UK by about 1920. Communism and Labour politics replaced it for a while but by the 80s or so that had started to give way to ecological concerns.
The atmosphere in the BBC studio, off screen, was however, surprisingly supportive of Piers, with many people saying well done to Piers, and discussing the issues further with him. But the Environmental activists hurried away as Piers approached them and when he managed to corner them, asked them to come to a public debate anytime anyplace. They refused and also refused the suggestion to send someone else, better qualified than themselves, such as a scientist.
Like Marvin, they never pose challenging questions about the science, presumably because like children, they are totally ignorant, but totally certain that there is someone in authority who agrees with them.
Marvin, ever since I was a schoolboy, I have known that the local Market Gardener pumps carbon dioxide into the greenhouses to help the tomatoes to grow. Not by warming up the Greenhouse but by feeding the tomatoes. Now I am told that tomato pickers from the local School were taught by low IQ middle-class left-wing female teachers, that Carbon Dioxide poisons the plants.
I’m pretty sure that tomato growers did more than raise carbon dioxide levels otherwise they wouldn’t be in business for very long. Learn some plant biology starting with the law of limiting factors.
Piers Corbyn is wrong. I know that’s a statement of the obvious but specifically, if he said “the more C02 the better” he is woefully ignorant of plant biology.
“Those who believe in the survival of the fittest, but have never heard of Charles Darwin?”
It would seem that Richard Pinder has never heard of Herbert Spencer.
“These experiments suggest that higher CO2 levels could boost the yields of non-C4 crops by around 13 per cent.”
From your link.
March 22, 2016 at 9:19 am
“These experiments suggest that higher CO2 levels could boost the yields of non-C4 crops by around 13 per cent.”
From your link. ”
You read the article and that’s what you took from it? Seriously? You should consider the importance of that statement in the context of the rest of the article. Here’s a clue. “Experiments” means it doesn’t happen in natural ecosystems. “Non-C4 crop plants” means it doesn’t happen in those plants we use for food. Try again.
“Predicting the world’s overall changes in food production in response to elevated CO2 is virtually impossible. ”
So no one really knows, do they.
No one really knows – but Piers Corbyn claims he does.
The Beebs overt push for open borders continues:
The global philosopher: Should borders be abolished?
Great minds…
Not been watching bbbc lately. Tuned in to see the breaking news of brussels explosion on bbbc breakfast. Nothing. 4 billion p/a being beaten by piers morgan.
It’s just been mentioned on Radio Scotland. Too early to speculate whether the nothing-to-do-with-Islamists are responsible.
BBC News (Facebook)
UPDATE: Belgian media reporting two blasts at Brussels #Zaventem airport, several people injured.
It is to be hoped it was not Arrivals and any doctors on the scene were there to help.
Munchtetty tells us that they’ll be bringing us as much accurate information as possible after 8am
Well……there’s a first
Hope they bring this new accurate reporting when they feature Israel defending themselves
Best not hold me breath I think
Hardly an original foray into the woolly thinking of the globalist mind, but this is the core philosophy pushing for an end to nation states and is probably driving those who instigated the migrant ‘crisis’.
“Should borders be abolished?”
Once an individual starts asking questions like this a process know as common sense should engage followed promptly by the idea being kicked into touch. Unfortunately when the answer to the question has already been decided upon by people who are far too privileged, far too wealthy and will never be held to account or affected personally by their actions it means trouble for the rest of us.
This just in, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35869254
No information yet so won’t jump to any conclusion.
Just noticed the visitor counter below. Not bad.
Brussels Airport sadly now ‘several’ people dead, numerous injuries. The BBC tell us ’cause of explosion remains unclear’ no mention of the deaths. Sky do go a little further, ‘shots fired and Arabic words shouted’
No prizes for guessing what those words were, looks like its those men again. in comparison to Sky the BBC coverage presented by two women, one obligatory ethnic is bloody pathetic compared to Sky.
Obviously it was someone who was very hungry and the food court was all closed, hence his shouting for Alan’s snack bar !
Sadly, the BBC’s agenda is to create Eurabia within 2 generations. This is why we should all learn to love muslims, see islam as a religion of peace and always see the latest murderous muslim atrocity as committed by (initially) persons unknown and then when the truth about the perpetrators cannot be avoided, by a tiny minority who are nothing to do with islam.
Good to hear John Redwood interviewed by the affirmative action Islamic hireling on Toady; JR in combative form and swatted aside the Muslima’s BS questions on the EU and IDS.
Now a second explosion in Brussels at a metro station close to EU offices. Hopefully the proximity might knock a little reality into them, but it’s highly doubtful. That kind of thing is simply not allowed to colour the decision making.
It’s time the police and the army all over Europe and here in the UK began inspections of people based upon what they look like. So these people must be taken aside before they get anywhere near an airport, or any similar area, and who are carrying anything or look other than very slim. They do it in Israel, but they are not paralysed by political correctness as we are.
If it is not done it won’t belong if the whole of Europe is brought to a standstill. We are under attack in the war on civilisations which has been declared on us and it is about time we started to fight it.
Shock – Horror! There will be outrage on the BBC at such a suggestion, and the rest of the Liberal/Left and Marxists all over will demand a terror crackdown on such a view. Trouble is many of us have been forecasting problems like this for years, but our governments and the Establishment have said it has been our fault.
Yes, when asked just why they kept robbibg banks, Bonnie and Clyde were heard to reply:
Cuz that’s where the money is stupid.
The barbarians are at the gate
And the traitors in our midst are burning the gate down
But its ok……we’re safer if we stay in the EU
“The barbarians are at the gate”
No, they’re already through the gate but nobody has had the nous to close it or, better still, brick it up.
Quite the opposite, the barbarians are being invited into Europe, with the promise that their “culture” will be respected, and any awkwardly awake Europeans will be pursued for “extemism”.
looks like ‘Brussels police on high alert’ is worth about as much as one of Lord Melbury’s cheques.
Be interesting how the ‘Remain’ camp spin the security of being within the EU.
BBC captions about Brussels airport told us “cause of explosions unclear”.
Switch to Sky “reports of shots fired and Arabic shouted”…..
How do the BBC do it?
Our Naga had been keen this morning to talk about feminism in tenis – apparently there was one male casualty and reports suggest someone at the scene of the atrocity was heard talking some home truths about women’s sport – that has yet to be confirmed.
The sistas at the BBC are in a state of ‘High Alert’ for further incidents. The threat level toward men speaking their minds is now set at ‘Maximum’
BBC currently reporting how impossible it is to keep airports secure, an aviation security expert saying that “airport security isn’t fit for purpose”.
This is 40 years after the first airport attacks against El Al and Tel Aviv airport.
How do the Israelis prevent this? By profiling Arab and Muslim travellers and careful use of intelligence that’s how. Of course this is an impossible option for multicultural, multiracial, politically correct, Islam friendly Europe.
Capturing terrorists like Abdasalam alive is a mixed blessing, good for interrogation, bad for subsequent hostage taking and demands for prisoner releases.
I just saw reported that security has now been heightened.
Given what has been going on around there of late, that smacks of a certain stable door mentality. Is their a doubleplusgood security equivalent?
Never understood how they think such things will reassure or even be effective.
As if one poor Rozzer on the door of every magazine office, club and supermarket would do much to deter a trained suicide squad with AKs arriving in an unmarked car with a full assault plan.
“As if one poor Rozzer on the door of every magazine office, club and supermarket would do much to deter a trained suicide squad with AKs arriving in an unmarked car with a full assault plan.”
The dead Rozzer will be the token sacrifice to show that the authorities were taking the threat seriously. We need some futile gestures at this stage of the capitulation.
The latest bit of genius out of the establishment is too ‘avoid large crowds’.
In terminals? Platforms? Malls? Clubs? Stadia? Oooooook.
Still, may make the next outrage gathering in public bit more in edge, with fewer BBC crews in attendance.
Unless these seem in the clear from the Boys Who Go Boom. For some reason.
‘The latest bit of genius out of the establishment is too ‘avoid large crowds’.’
Not that easy these days.
So, remind us, by how much is our population set to rise in the next decade?
I thought official policy was ‘the more, the merrier’
Who are these “boys that go boom”?…..Do we know?….The BBC seem to be blissfully unaware…..Is it that nasty Tommy Robinson again?
These pointless deaths in a major European city are a tragedy. Will the organisation domiciled in Brussels that pursues policies to islamicise Europe take note of what is happening at its local airport and metro station? I’m not holding my breath.
Indian Wells tournament chief Raymond Moore has quit after his controversial comments about women’s tennis.
First Amendment – Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech
Coming soon to a UK airport/station
Causes, in descending order of culpability –
Islamic militants
Milipede’s refusal to contemplate Syria intervention
The EU (Schengen)
The EU (failure to close EU borders to economic migrants)
Boy Dave (failure to gain any ‘concessions’ from our EU ‘partners’)
God help us!
They have built this into The Plan……….watch this space for a tightened P olice S tate all over Europe ,with the mandate to crack down hard on that pesky Right-wing Backlash.
Heads they win , Tails we lose.
At 8.30 when I saw on the Daily Mail web site that at least 11 people had been murdered in the bomb in Brussels, I stupidly switched to the BBC web site for more information. The BBC was reporting 1 person dead. Which seems to be proving more accurate? I presume the BBC are hoping to underplay their reporting until after 9 am.
Death counts at such early stages always seem as unecessary as they are too often inaccurate. Up… or down. One is too many. As are any mutilated.
The BBC does tend to err depending on likely culprits.
And there’s always Mishal Husain or Tim Wilcox on hand later on to ‘analyse’ the accounting in the special way the BBC can.
The BBC are always 5-10 hours behind most of the other media. Whether deliberate or just incompetence, who knows ?
Definitely deliberate. Policy is to have a managerial meeting to determine the spin to put on it i.e. make sure it is reported as Nothing To Do With Islam ™.
Ian, BBC website says ” The cause is unknown” which I suppose is technically correct. My money is on the Brussels Amish community. Bastards !
I’m currently very scared but I’m waiting for David Cameron to say “the vast majority of muslims are moderate” and that will make me feel safe again.
Then I can feel sorry for the muslims that the BBC will interview later today who will say they feel like victims as “they feel persecuted” by the indigenous people.
I’ve just been listening to the German media. Apparently, the “current attacks may have something to do with the suburb Molenbeek, but the majority of inhabitants there are, of course, peaceful”. This is “peaceful” in the sense of “not yet having committed an act of mass murder . Would Camerloon be brazen enough to claim on a day like this that “our security is in danger if we leave the EU”. State of emergency in France. Belgium essentially fighting a war with the IS enclave Molebeek and Merkel doing her besr to aid and abet the transfer of IS terrorists all over Europe. The Netherlands government have just started a “hate speech” trial against Geert Wilders for asking an audience at one of his meetings “Do we want more or fewer Moroccans ?”. The reply was, of course, “fewer!”. Rather than deal with the real problem, allowing the continued existance of mini-caliphates throughout Europe, they try to silence people who understand what is going on.
Strictly speaking they were right. One person WAS dead. Plus all the others. Clintonesque sophistry.
I wonder if anyone will be telling us “Safer in Europe” today?
Not that I have heard, but through the post today we just got a flyer from ‘Britain Stronger In Europe’ telling us that “We are safer thanks to the European Arrest Warrant”.
That’s nice. So once the porous borders from Greece to Sweden have allowed in the men and kit to do their annual pilgrimage to the arrivals hall, the EU can arrest the perps… off the ceiling.
I think I will err on 22 miles of parky ‘oggin and a large cork in a certain tunnel, plus a rather more stringent customs and immigration force.
And still potential mass murderers are streaming into Europe by the hundreds of thousands. I fear it’s already too late. There’s simply no way that these “people” can be rounded up and sent back now. They’ve spread to the far corners of Europe.
I respectfully disagree. It is perfectly possible if the will was there to do it, as Hitler proved.
And if some serious steps aren’t taken to sort this problem out, that is where we could end-up again.
Hitler’s solution was rather extreme, and only came about because no one would accommodate the Jews. We’re in a situation now where these “refugees” have entered the continent illegally and it is therefore extremely difficult to deport them. Why would anywhere else take them?
“Hitler’s solution was rather extreme…” And you don’t think the current situation in Europe is ‘rather extreme’ too?
Much more Islamic aggression met with a pusillanimous response and sooner or later a violent political reaction will occur. Given the right tides – and they are looking that way at the moment – it is very far from unlikely that a despotic figure could appear, perhaps in one of the eastern EU countries – and gain power very quickly. Others could follow in his or her wake.
Forced deportations? Camps? I can see no reason why these are impossible. In fact, I have believed they were likely since the 1970s, when the Middle East started to boil over. Post imperial guilt is no response to a lethal threat and if our politicians are so agonised by the prospect, they will be cast aside and the dangerous men will return to take up the challenge with their usual relish.
I am not suggesting this is a Good Thing. I am suggesting it is increasingly likely to happen.
Hitler murdered people who had been German for generations, as has been pointed out before. The problem we face now is a recent invasion of people who only tend to be European when it suits. Many of them have demonstrated quite recently their willingness to move their entire families but, apparently, any attempt to impose such a move on them, or to deny them the right to live anywhere they want, is racist.
The problem can be solved, it depends on how strongly we wish this to happen and how strongly we feel about preserving our culture which, according to some, is either worthless or non existent.
If we’re going to be all limp-wristed Christian “love thy neighbour” and “turn the other cheek” about this, we will not survive. We were totally ruthless between 1939 and 1945, killing huge numbers of Germans who, in different circumstances, we could have regarded as friends. It was considered necessary for our survival. I’m not suggesting we need to do that now, but we do need to regain a little of the steel we demonstrated back then. We’re facing people who regard tolerance as a weakness, beneath contempt.
The BBC has nothing whatsoever to contribute to this debate. Worthless.
Maria, before using terms like “limp-wristed Christian” I recommend you reacquaint yourself with the writings on Just War Theory set out by St Augustine and Thomas Aquinas.
Christian soldiers served with distinction in 1939-45 across all theatres of that war, and in conflicts before and after that particular war.
Not interested in saints or any other mumbo jumbo.
Non Christians also served with distinction in 39-45. The fact remains that many Christians today, and the CofE in particular, are just plain wet. Churches are emptying.
Sorry, no apology.
Try thinking of them as scholars, thinkers, intellectuals of Christian background, who used faith with reason to wrestle with the timeless moral dilemma of defending people and nations against violent aggression.
I wouldn’t dispute your second sentence though it’s not really material to your original statement, that I responded to.
The reason many Christians are “wet” in the face of the current threat is precisely because they have turned away from just war theory and have internalised liberal, enlightenment values of liberty, fraternity and equality….the core values underpinning the multiculturalism and political correctness which are, in effect, paralysing the Wests response to weaponised Islam.
Historically, Christendoms response to this threat was robust and very effective.
You and I have a common enemy. To the Jihadi, any non Muslim is the enemy.
No apology necessary. Thanks for answering.
Limp-wristed Christians existed and were vocal during World War II.
In the middle years of the war bombing Germany was the only way we could take the war to our enemies, and the only targets we could reliably hit were the cities and large towns. Despite knowing these vital facts Bishop Bell of Chichester opposed the bombing of German civilians. Some think this gave him the moral high ground, but I fail to see the morality of a policy which would have strengthened Nazi Germany.
Luckily between 1939 and 1945 there were advocates of a more muscular Christianity in positions of authority. The Archbishop of York replied to Bell in Parliament “it is a lesser evil to bomb the war-loving Germans than to sacrifice the lives of our fellow countrymen…, or to delay the delivery of many now held in slavery”.
Today the muscular Christians are few and far between.
Agreed RJ, muscular Christianty needs to find its voice and will to act again and pretty quickly.
As a matter of interest, the Armed forces of this country maintain Christian Chaplaincy, so the notion of Christian soldiers has not disappeared as completely as we might be led to assume.
If we are to judge Christianity by the wet, smug, sanctimonious no-marks appearing most days on ‘Thought for the Day’, then we are veritably screwed.
Take a typical, guilt ridden guardian reading leftie and add a bit of supernatural, speculative woo-woo and hey presto – your identikit BBC Thought for the Day Christian.
Remember however that any media vicar, theologian etc is also going to be part of the general media mindset. Not all Christians are like that, particularly at parish level and in the more conservative areas of the C of E (public schools, military chaplaincy, royal chapels etc), but I agree that in general your description of media Christians is sadly rather true. (A definite exception would be Canon Andrew White, Vicar of Baghdad – for obvious reasons).
“A definite exception would be Canon Andrew White, Vicar of Baghdad – for obvious reasons”
And of course Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, former Bishop of Rochester. The one CofE Bishop worth listening to (or at least the only one that I’m aware of) is no longer a Bishop. Not only does he appear to know what he is talking about but he is also a bit on the dark side (in the non Jedi sense) and therefore immune to the usual accusations of racism.
What does that say about the CofE?
The CofE, Maria, is a state church whose senior appointments are heavily influenced by secular politicians who make the nominations whilst they are actually appointed by HM the Queen.
This explains why the CofE currently represents the soggy liberal establishment consensus, and doesn’t it show!
The Catholic and Orthodox Churches are different, and although Pope Francis appears to have swallowed a lot of left wingery, in common with many of his generation in the west, the hierarchy who have seen face to face what weaponised Islam is about are less appeasing in their views, in common with Anglicans like Canon White and ex Bishop Nazer-Ali who have shared this experience in Baghdad and Pakistan
Archbishop Nona in 2014 was driven out of Mosul along with the Christian community when IS arrived.
Other voices in the Western Catholic and Eastern Orthodox share his clarity.
There are also Christian self defence militias operating in Iraq and Syria, and of course Lebanons Christian militia refused to submit to Muslim, leftist and Palestinian attempts to usurp them in the long Lebanese civil war of the 70s and 80s.
Just war theory allows for proportionate self defence.
The only upside to the invasion and terrorism is that the British are more likely to vote for Brexit. The problem is that our masters will ignore it .
I wouldn’t bank on that Grant. The British public are pretty dim IMO. Brexit should already be way ahead in the polls (if you trust them). The fact that they are behind says it all! Supporting Brexit should be a no brainer.
They might not ignore it. They might do like Sturgeon and all other politicians do – keep on having the referendum until we vote the ‘right’ way. That one will always be the final one. If we argue ‘we don’t like this’ they can say, ‘But you voted for it in [year]’, thereby ignoring all the times we didn’t vote for it. I wonder if any of them navel-gaze and ask why turnout is not great at election times.
Reports are saying that many countries are “stepping up security “. What the F have they been doing before. The EU and European governments are totally useless !
I lived in India for a while and over there, airport security is far stricter. There are three levels unlike the UK’s one level. For example, to get into the car park you have to go through a security gate with armed police on duty. This ensures also that touts, unlicenced rickshaw wallahs etc can’t get through either. To get to the check in desks, you have to show a passport and ticket to an armed policeman on the door. Then you have the usual x-ray stuff once you are inside. It all worked quite well and I didn’t notice any more delays than in a UK airport.
(Oh and by the way the majority Hindu population are in no doubts about who the culprits usually are in terrorist cases, so as with Israel, they are less hidebound by political correctness.)
Cranmer, I lived in Turkey about 20 years ago and airport security was a lot tighter than in the UK today. In UK airports it is all for show and just annoys innocent travellers .
Totally agree, Cranmer. I also lived in India. The people there are under no illusions about the Islamic world.
Traveling east from Bulgaria, and leaving Israel to one side, India is the first sane country you encounter. I wonder why that might be?
The BBC reports that the terrorists shouted a “couple of words in Arabic” before self detonating.
The family is still trying to figure out what last words a man would shout before committing murder-suicide.
If you know, inform the BBC.
Some sort of advertising slogan for Allan’s eating establishment, perhaps?
Ah yes that famous snackbar besides Starbucks.
Indeed – what comes above “maximum level”? “Maximum-maximum”? “Super-Maximum”? “Extra-specially maximum”?
And how do they work? Are there lots more police armed to the teeth providing handy terrorist targets? Might a conspirator just go and blow himself up elsewhere?
How I wish that the EU had never come into existence, but it was ordained, along with all the other controlling left-wing rubbish promulgated by the UN, including fictitious man-mad climate change, and, of course the enforced European (and American, and elsewhere) culture change, so that we will become compliant and obedient variations of the preferred tint or shade, and Caliphate religion.
BIG trouble ahead, if only people could wake themselves up. It might, in the end, be worth the effort.
Don’t forget Political Correctness – a policy whose motive is to control speech, and thus control thought.
Perhaps if Abdasalam had been sent over to Trump and waterboarded yesterday those people might still be alive.
Princess Nikki on Five Dead is wittering on about the “multicultural” district of Molenbeek. This is typical left wing distortion of the truth. Molenbeek is not remotely multicultural, it is a depressing monoculture of islamic resentment and terror. Perhaps they think we will not notice?
A Muslima interviewed on BBC, held to the current political truth espoused by the authorities on Islam and Muslims -“there are good and bad people in every religion”.
Previous current truths on murderous Islam
1.This has nothing to do with Islam
2. ISIS has nothing to do with Islam.
3. The jihadis misinterpret the Koran.
4. The Jihadis take the violent suras out of context.
5. Only an Islamic scholar can interpret the Koran
6. There are 1.6 bn Muslims in the world – its only a tiny minority who are violent.
7. Lone wolf. Or is it lone wolves.
Security being stepped up after Brussels. This will be aimed at preventing the backlash. Meanwhile BBC crews will be conducting interviews with Moslems in Brussels who are living in fear of far right reprisals, and there will be a sad story of a woman who had her veil tugged by far right thugs.
Meanwhile continue with the surrender. I am having a re-think about these terrorist bomb attacks. I believe they indicate to the women of Europe the power of the invaders and biologically speaking the hordes of single men entering Europe are their future studs. Stefan Molyneux has outlined a biological thesis regarding the feminist led surrender to the Islamic invaders. Spread your legs for the conquerors. It is a rambling discussion but worth consideration.
Yes G.W.F. Pat Condell said much the same thing recently –
Hers is an example of Clueless feminists
Scroll down the pic of “LGBT against Islamophobia”.
Turkeys and Christmas?
Molanbeek is not a haven for Jihadists. People live in harmony in this multicultural land, where there is high unemployment.
And the BBC tell the world that:
‘For many, Molenbeek is home despite its problems, and they don’t want the actions of a few to permanently taint an entire community’.
That is the line – just a minority, lone wolves. Islam is a religion of peace, and if you say otherwise you are a racist
That is the line – just a minority, lone wolves. Islam is a religion of peace, and if you say otherwise you are a racist
AND if you say that Islam is violent, we will kill you.
I see in these photographs of the refugees welcome demonstration stupid feminist leftists who welcome the rapugees. But I am beginning to see something else: a biological stirring that the invaders, the conquerors, are their future breeding partners. They may be raped, beaten and humiliated by their dominant conquerors, but politics and ethics aside, their genes are telling them how to be fertilized.
Is that Scott/ Jerrod , lurking in the background ?
I hope that bow-tie turns into a propeller when he’s thrown from that high building for his sake
And THIS shower are supposed to scare ISIS?
This guy is a dick! He hasn’t got the first clue, because he lives in America, where freedom of speech is enshrined in the constitution. He also thinks Germany is a democratic country which it isn’t.
His naïve belief that politicians sway with the breeze of public opinion clearly isn’t right. Politicians in Europe do what the fuck they want and fuck public opinion, because they know Europe is not democratic.
He doesn’t seem to be aware that saying the things he suggests will end up in the authorities arresting & imprisoning anyone who dares express them, and he is completely unaware of the physical violence the new Fascists are prepared to inflict on others.
This is a man living in a comfortable dream world in America, offering solutions to people in countries he has no experience of understanding of.
Thoughtful, I do agree with you over Molyneux’s wholly mistaken view of politics and the nature of European politicians. His views would never be tolerated in the LSE and certainly he would end up in a worse situation than Wilders whose freedom of speech is possible only because he has a growing number of supporters. But my attention focused on the latter part of his discussion, on his biological explanation for the surrender of European women to Islam. At present we explain it in terms of stupidity, of women not realising what will happen to them under sharia, ignorant of life in Pakistan with honour killings etc. But Molyneux has provoked me into thinking of biological forces playing a role which surpasses the intelligence of so many educated European women/feminists. I look at those young – presumably fertile – women carrying Refugees Welcome banners and need an explanation, because I know they are aware of what happened in Cologne, and what is happening in Islamic countries.
The late and much missed Lawrence Auster had it right. Seperationism is the only and in his mind inevitable response. That is the complete closure of Europe to the Islamic world other than on a very minimal diplomatic level. The gulf between the values of the Christian and post Christian West and the Islamic world view is as it always has been.. This is no way a condemnation of either just an acceptance of reality. It always was and in this world always will be.
I am certain Isis feel this to be true as well.
Wetsern libertalism heavily infected with cultural marxism wishes to change reality. It can’t and in attempting to do so imperils all of us .
Time to grow up but sadly it seems not yet.
Here is not the BBC news: If you have ever wondered about what ‘motivates’ the BBC and Westminster paedophiles you could be in for a bit of a shock. The UN is drafting opaque proposals that will become law in US and EU states which then (automatically) become law in that state or country. As has been pointed out in the recent SMITH report on BBC conduct with children – there were clear links back to Westminster, (remember the PM friend and private secretary advisor on child pornography was arrested for the indecent images and another in the Metropolitan Police only this week). This report will offend some of us. But I write as I happen to know that Maria Miller is about to launch a school campaign in our primary school as part of a radical ‘shake up’ of PHSE on the BBC suggestion of reducing unwanted pregnancies ‘by lowering the age of consent (under 14) and making (progressive) explicit sex education in Primary school aged children (aged 4+) is being sold as ‘Health and Safety’ (reducing RISKS of pornography) when it is designed to do exactly the opposite (see UN link below).
The UN proposes (and remember the EU makes it a directive, the UK imports that and makes it into UK law and the BBC reports that it as ‘news’ to us all as a ‘fait accompli’. This is what the UN is proposing and will become a fact of life for EU citizens (that includes us), something the BBC knows a great deal about. This will be masked as child safety:
‘As revealed in this new documentary*, as far back as 1999, the UN agency UNICEF published a manual that even promoted bestiality and sex with non-consenting persons as situations where teens could derive sexual pleasure. ’ See the 10 minute VIDEO* here or the 35 min documentary..
In fact we as parents of children don’t exist any more. We cannot ‘object’ as that would be deemed ‘offensive’. The UK recently sacked both a Magistrate and a law court Judge who objected to the removal of parents from children and placed into ‘openly gay marriages’ as adopted children. Parents can also be ‘interviewed’ by Police if one objects to the School PHSE programme. This is UK political correctness gone mad.
The Unites States is not immune either. This letter I received today was from US (The United Nations) on what what is about to become the next line of attack on children, parents and families. Forget those children who have been abused in UK institutions and (BBC) corporations. You will not be able to object to a child being abused in future. (As they will have been compulsory state ‘educated’ at primary school about ‘sex’ risks) and then expected to conform to the new ‘norm’ which will become law. The BBC will offer ‘re-education’ courses to conservatives in case they don’t get the message.
Well we can sign here. Don’t leave it to the BBC to joke about it. (its no joke, this is as real as it gets.). http://www.comprehensivesexualityeducation.org/act-now-2/stop-cse-petition/
This claim about ‘staying in the EU’ will make us more secure, has come back to ‘bite them on the backside’………..
And now witness the inactivity coming from the EU Parliament to act to make the European Continent safer after today’s events ……
All the BBC Useful Idiots and James OBrien on L BC completely unable to join up the dots and accept that it’s the policy of Unlimited Immigration that’s made this kind of atrocity much more likely.
Oh well , just another example of leftists refusing responsibility for other disastrous policies.
Ah the venal, sneering, vile, toxic JO’B. That is because he is a world expert on Islam don’t you know … on account of he knows a few London Muslims as he is forever telling his few Psychophantic listeners.
JO’B may be using a tactic I have come across among Islamophiles….I met it a few weeks back when a work colleague was vigourously virtue signalling his dislike for the Donald.
I gently asked him who he thought supported the “small minority” of Islamist terrorists?
He went into immediate “wounded on someone else’s behalf” mode telling me how his practicing Muslim friends were being offended by assumptions around terrorism, the expectation appears to be that you’ll then “leave it aht” for fear of “causing offence”, so I re put the question to him, having first quietly pointed out that I had lived in the Arab Middle East for several years…..he became very flustered at that, and has never raised the issue with me again.
Are there any Jihadi attacks on Japan, Korea?
No. Why?
Because they have not been so incredibly stupid as to allow millions of Muslims to settle in their countries.
it’s the policy of Unlimited Immigration that’s made this kind of atrocity much more likely.
Not just likely, but made it possible.
Muslims are required by their canonical texts to attack the Kuffar and his worldly goods. So far so good. This is well known to anyone who has bothered to read about Islam and its history. Howevr the political elite know nothing of Islam except what they have gleaned from Taqqiya merchants.
And as they know nothing of Islam, they casually allowed millions of Muslims to settle in the West.
So now we will have hundreds of people killed each year. As the Muslim population increases, the death toll will rise to thousands each year. And so it will go on, with more and more deaths, more and more je suis moments, ” our hearts and prayers go out to the families”, more flowers,more rapes and deaths etc.
Molanbeek is not a haven for Jihadists. People live in harmony in this multicultural land, where there is high unemployment.
And the BBC tell the world that:
‘For many, Molenbeek is home despite its problems, and they don’t want the actions of a few to permanently taint an entire community’.
That is the line – just a minority, lone wolves. Islam is a religion of peace, and if you say otherwise you are a racist