Well then, a new week starts and time for a new Open Thread. Did you watch IDS on the Marr Show yesterday? What did you think of his treatment? I notice the BBC has been giving the CBI’s latest doom and gloom report on the consequences of the UK leaving the EU loads of exposure this morning. The floor is yours..
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Have watched the coverage of this atrocity, and NOT ONCE has the Beeb mentioned the word Muslim. Frank Gardiner referred to people of Moroccan origin, but they’ve all skirted around the term. We’ve had it. The genie is out of the bottle and the authorities are flailing about like little children fighting over pass the parcel.
1.00 pm news on Radio 4 – exactly the same – half an hour reporting on the bombs in Brussels and no mention of Islam or Muslim.
It’s those packs of lone wolves again, I’m waiting for the bleating from the lambs to start again about how the poor Muslims will be victimised and the horror of the backlash that’ll happen. Tumbleweeds anyone??
Already started Mrs Kitty.
Female anchor on BBC news channel just asked a correspondent about the danger of a rise in cases of Islamaphobia.
Full numbers of dead not yet confirmed. Bodies not even cold.
Outright lies broadcast by BBC. Adrian Chiles on 5Live at 1130-1135 discussing the terrorist attacks in Brussels with an “expert”, Afsal Ashraf from the Royal United Services Institute.
Chiles said something along the lines of, is this something we are going to have to accept in our way of life?
To which his guest began holding forth about how this definitely wasn’t the “way of Allah”.
Chiles then appeared to gulp before saying, “I think you have misheard me, I said way of life, I would never suggest this was the way of Allah.”
The “expert” then held forth about how this was a modern phenomenon and that Christians and Yazidis had lived peacefully in the Middle East for centuries and that this situation would, in time, “blow over”.
Agenda overdrive yet again…..”nothing to do with Islam”
Regards the bBCS reporting of the attack on Brussels airport. Their headlines states many dead, the say 15 have died at the airport with 11 in the city. Is this the new way of reporting Islamic terrorism, downplay the death toll
I have a friend who is in the process of booking a last minute Easter holiday flying from UK. She was just telling me that she can’t commit now because all flight schedules are disrupted. I said that “security” in Europe has gone way beyond the police and it is time to hand over to the military. She is a very moderate lady but, to my surprise, she agreed !
BBC in radio silence about cries of alluha ahkbar before the blasts,
broadsword calling danny boy, are you there? over.
In the light of the latest gutless atrocity from Islamists.
Question for the BBC and Guardian : how many lone wolfs equal a pack. How many packs equal an army?
Just asking.
Simon Jenkins of The Guardian, like the BBC, in full appeasement mode, but check the comments for a bit of reality:
‘Great timing Simon. Maybe you should go visit the families of the victims of the Belgium attack and explain that due to our governments foreign policy decisions their relatives got what was coming to them.
I am sure they will understand.’
Incredible isn’t it? Jenkins can write appeasing sh1t like this and make comments such as ‘It demands patience and restraint in publicising terrorist incidents and in responding to them.’ yet more practical and honest comments criticising Schengen by Farage and UKIP defence spokesman Mike Hookem are jumped on by the MSM (Sky included) and Twatter.
Again lessons will be learned… that is until the next time….
High people started listening to Farage, appeasement, political correctness and religious sensitivities are like their many innocent victims, the latest in Brussels, very much dead…..
Disgusting piece…. Jenkins also spouts his nonsense in the Standard ‘Independent’ regularly.
Love this comment though:-
‘It’s not often I read something so fundamentally flawed, so shamefully craven and so filled with self loathing that it makes me cringe with shame for the writer whilst at the same time so angry with his spineless, supine and mealy mouthed platitudes ….
But this article succeeded admirably in doing that …’
Thank you for the link just read it and added this to the comments …
‘The first requires a wiser foreign policy than most western nations have shown towards the Muslim world over the past decade.’
Simon, please explain which part of Belgium foreign policy is to blame for these murderous assaults.
Then enlighten Kenya, Tunisia, Australia, etc. as to how they can change their foreign policies to please Islamists and stop them butchering people.
(but from what other contributors are saying, any post with the word Islamist is deleted.)
I have added my own comment. I wonder how long it will last.
Danielle Turkov (spelling?) is on BBC news in full apologetic mode, for heavens sake the bodies wont even have been identified yet, she’s babbling on about islamaphobia now. Sickening.
BBC news 24 just reported that “this was an attack on freedom, democracy and the European Union”.
It seems to have escaped the BBC that for Christian Europe, this is Holy Week.
I doubt that the perpetrators were unaware of this.
I may be being obtuse, but what does the BBC imagine to be the connection between the EU and either freedom or democracy?
I don’t know, but I’ve just heard the line “this was an attack on Europe” repeated by the BBC and M.Hollande…..
Camerons on now, saying Europe must stand together.
I think we all know who is being attacked, the question is who by and why…..that’s where the reporting all goes a bit vague.
Frank Gardners just told us it’s “too early to tell who did it or why” to neatly illustrate the above point.
He’s also expressed relief that “we’ve moved on from the dark days of waterboarding and dark sites.”
Good to know Abdelsalam is nice and safe in a civilised Belgian jail whilst the Jihadis continue the war in the dar ul harb.
Crispin Blunt on Five Live offered the opportunity to espouse the virtues of free movement across Europe against the backdrop of the Brussels massacres.
The BBC’s crassness knows no bounds.
Remember the recent Cameron-inspired and BBC-cheer-led pantomime marriage act and how we were promised that this would be the last great equality
‘The couple told the BBC that they cannot afford private treatment.’
‘They said the criteria were drawn up with only a man and woman in mind. ‘
‘Tracey McDowell of Here NI, an independent support group for gay and bisexual women, said achieving reproductive rights for same-sex couples is the next stage in their fight for equality.’
“It is yet another barrier that we have to face and try and overcome,”
No rights for the children then? Come on BBC, are the children not entitled to care from two normal parents? Are their lives and future development not even worth a mention in this report?
This is the same organisation that thought Savile’s wants and needs could be prioritised over the well being of children
I must get round to registering my right to play centre-forward for England.
The fact that
a) I’m too old
b) I don’t have the talent and never did have
in other words, a physical impossibility – has got bog-all to do with it. It’s my damn right, you see.
‘Prime Minister David Cameron is convening the UK government’s Cobra emergency committee, which brings together ministers, police and intelligence officers.’
If they can keep their eyes off Teresa May’s chest they might figure out how to appease the UK moslem leaders and prevent a bomb attack here.
Prevent a backlash, good one Teresa. Have we re-arrested Tommy Robinson, or is he already locked up?
Ah but the Daily Politics various guests and Ms Coburn were keen to re-assure us that because the UK is the most successful multicultural society in the entire world, hot beds of Jihad like Brussels , simply don’t and couldn’t exist here. Even more extraordinary, it was claimed that unlike Brussels there are no places in the UK where the authorities have lost control. I won’t bother to list even a tiny portion of the evidence to the contrary. It goes to show how proud the BBC et al are of the multiculty mess that they have helped create. They simply can’t accept the hard facts that the great social engineering project that they have been enforcing on an unwilling country has failed utterly and we are beginning to reap a bitter harvest.
Clearly, Ms Coburn managed to sleep through 7/7….
And Glasgow Airport.
Ms Coburn manages to sleep through most of today’s realities, thanks to the narcotic benefits of Guardiana somniferus
Yes, JoCo continues to decline in my estimation. It’s getting to the point where I only watching DP when Andrew Neil is on. Like most ‘remainers’ she is concerned with what’s in it for her, i.e. all those expenses paid trips to Strasbourg.
Quite right Fred. Brussels will be off the agenda for a while.
JoCo may like to consider why it is that so many of her co-religionists no longer feel safe in Europe.
“Cobblers” emergency committee more like
Blimey the EU propagandists must be worried, they have hit a new level today, the top Daily Mail comment on the Brussels story is such…
“The people here who are exploiting this to make the case for Brexit should be ashamed of themselves. You’re disgusting.”
A massive 47000 green arrows, 33000 ahead of the next best rated comment which is unsurprisingly of the reverse opinion. It shows just how dumb they are in hoping no one will notice, that is apart from BBC News viewers….
Somewhere in Brussels someone has a very sore finger.
I emailed the DM on the subject last week, still had the reply on file with the email address of some editor who replied, to whom I fired off an email pointing out today’s stonker, it seems the comment has now been removed.
Wouldn’t wish to claim credit as I would guess many people did the same thing, but at least they’ve done the right thing.
Oh the irony
H/T Guido
Both Cameron and the BBC will only refer to these animals as ‘terrorists’ . No mention of the M word or the I word. How gullible do politicians and the liberal left media think we are? Terrorism is just their method , it doesn’t tell us who they are or their crazy justification for mass murder. The problem is Muslims and Islam. Go on Cameron, say it!
England , Yes. Terrorists have a reason for the terrorism. Are Cameron and the BBC so dim that they can’t work it out ? Or are they just dishonest. Hint, the clue is in what the terrorists tell us about why they are doing it.
#bbcWhiteMansGuilt Beauty Bias’ is overlooked in talk of sexism.
And Altho some men are Lookers like Bieber, Lookers applies more widely to women than men.
And it’s both plain men and women who are belleagued compared to Lookers
Interesting to hear Fay Weldon the BBC Midweek prog, She started to talk about Lookers when asked about sexism in her career from 60 years ago direct link
– Yes, as a much older person she free of the politically correct ideas today like that you can’t talk about women’s looks And that ‘women as a group’ are oppressed by a ‘patriachy’.
So she starts talking about ‘the LOOKERS’ , that within the women she worked with the Lookers (the good looking) had a different life. That they were the ones whisked up the career ladder etc. , whereas she (as a non looker) had to struggle.
Yes “Looker” is the good word
She said “Looks make a huge difference, the plain ones get overlooked””It’s the lookers that get whisked off to be models actresses and movie stars or wives to rich husbands.
Yes conventional thinking is that men feel sexually attracted to women and therefore use their power against women so women end up excluded from the career ladder etc. But the truth is MEN are NOT interested in WOMEN. You could see them naked and it would make no difference, but Lookers that is a different matter. Lookers overload your brain, and that is not just a male thing women are also biased in favour of Lookers. There magazines are not split 50/50 women/men. No women’s magazines are split 90/10 women/men.
– Yes that make sense; a lot of jobs have a promotional aspect. If you and your friend look for a restaurant job, it is you who will be asked to work round the back in the kitchen, whilst your beautiful friend is asked to a waiter/waitress at the front where the $$ tips are.
So whilst 50/50 split sounds the desirable for science jobs a lot of the Lookers may have been snapped up by other professions or rich husbands. And then other women scientist leave the profession later to take care of their children/parents
Weldon concluded “Men a re the beleagued species NOW” ..The BBC presenter stuck in BBC political correctness world did a radio scowl.
The one small consolation in all this ( and I know this is no consolation for those who have lost loved ones, the repose of whose souls I pray for) – is that the location of the blast, in the heart of Brussels, might, just might, begin a process of questioning in the minds of the Eurocrats. I don’t hold much hope, however, if Paris did not have that effect.
Sky News reporting that the Islamic State took responsibility for the bombing in Belgium.
Can’t wait to see the tortured “nothing to do with Islam” apologetics coming our way very, very soon.
Have patience.
Have faith in our numbers.
Oops! An interviewee on bBBC ‘news special’ about the Belgian bombs – Ann McElvoy, of the Economist – went off-topic and started to mention border controls and migrants, so the bBBC drone (Philippa Thomas) talked over her to try to drown out the un-pc words. McElvoy stuck to her view, that the frequent attacks on ‘our way of life’ must make us question how we handle those who would murder us. The interview was rapidly closed.
On the BBC live news web site on the Brussels attack
the following comment illustrates perfectly why the EU (and UK) migrant/immigration policies are putting the lives of its own citizens at risk and failing what should be any governments primary duty, to protect.
Buzzfeed interviewed a Belgian counter-terrorism official last week – before the Brussels attacks – who said police resources in the country were already stretched to the limit.
He said virtually every police detective and military intelligence official in the country were focused on international jihadi investigations.
“We just don’t have the people to watch anything else and, frankly, we don’t have the infrastructure to properly investigate or monitor hundreds of individuals suspected of terror links, as well as pursue the hundreds of open files and investigations we have,” the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media, said.
“It’s literally an impossible situation and, honestly, it’s very grave.”
[video src="https://8ch.net/pol/src/1458655189463.webm" /]
BBC website has a typically moronic question ” Why has Brussels been attacked ? ” . The BBC are beyond belief.
Forget ‘the elephant in the room’, the EU still cannot see ‘the elephant doing all the damage in the china shop ‘
Any reader of this site could see this coming following the invasion of Europe over the last two years . While our Used Car Salesman still tells us we got a bargain with his ‘Big Deal’.
Time to get out of Europe before its too late .
As the late, great Corporal Jones always used to say, “Don’t panic!”
After the despicable Belgium bombing massacre it would be very easy to become unduly concerned about numerous members of a certain maligned faith meandering freely through Europe. But I’m here to tell you there really is no need to worry. I heard Dave on the lunch time news and he mumbled reassuringly words like “standing together,” and “the terrorists will never win.” Then I heard a piece from Angela Merkel (and we all know how clever she is) and she said almost exactly the same thing. A little later there were soft, comforting words from President Obama, Francois Hollande and a rather touching piece from Charles Michel. For those who wish to repeat it the mantra runs like this; “Islam is a religion of peace, multiculturalism has brought limitless benefits to the western world and we’re all much safer working together in Europe.” Phew!!
And there was me fretting…
Jeff, and don’t forget ” They don’t like it up ’em ” .
Don’t forget that Brussels Midi station is the Eurostar terminal where anyone, literally, can join a Eurostar train destined for London after transiting from across Europe and changing platforms there. There are no passport checks like we have at St Pancras and the Gare du Nord.
The French have bathed the Eiffel tower in floodlghts depicting the Belgian national colours.
ISIS must be sh*tting themselves.
Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy illustrates to our enemies why they have nothing to fear from our leaders. There are many people today who will be weeping tears of anguish for the loss of their loved ones, and of course they have my sincere sympathy. What are you crying about Ms.Mogherini? The loss of your EUtopia? Take some responsibility and man up woman!
This silly bitch will give great comfort to our enemies who are testing the resolve of our “leaders” and confirming that they are a bunch of spineless wimps.
I don’t think she’ll ever be stiffening the sinews of us Europeans by rousing speeches about fighting the invaders on the beaches and the landing grounds . The sooner we are out of the useless, spineless EU the better.
England, Agreed . Then we shall have Cameron to give the rousing speeches !
She doesn’t exactly remind me of Margaret Thatcher.
Surprising that the MSM interviews many left wing commentators on today’s events – I am waiting to hear something from a Brexit or UKIP interviewee – somehow something tells me that will never happen ?
The EU is in a complete liberal mess and it could drag the UK down with it .
It’s past 16.00 and the BBC is finally doing some simplistic analysis instead of flooding Brussels with reporters who endlessly repeat what is happening at the moment. Shock horror, the BBC now admits that Belgium is a jihadist hub . It’s reporters state that we must step up security and change the way we live . No mention of mass Muslim migration, the creation of Muslim ghetto areas closed to police so wanted jihadis can live freely for 4 months, the population time bomb faced by Europe as Muslims outbreed everyone else.
That’s the same MSM who were outraged and disputed ‘no-go areas’ in Paris and Brussels as quoted by Trump.
One of our American cousins referred to Birmingham as a no- go area . Is that so wrong in some respects ? If a cell of Muslims were plotting murder while holed up in an inner suburb of Birmingham where it’s admitted the police rarely intervene, would any patriotic Muslim report it? Is it so different to Molenbeek ?
England , Do we know if any terrorists have ever been reported by their muslim brothers and sisters ?
None that I’ve heard of Grant. Once they’ve commited some murderous act or legged it to Syria, we usually get a wonderful character reference from a relative ‘ who knew them well but had no idea they had been radicalised’.
Only counter terrorist intelligence work has ever forestalled UK jihadists to my knowledge . This is where the French and Belgians need to get their act together .We will never be able to rely on informers from what we are told are the peace loving Muslim majority.
England, I seem to remember that, during the NI ” Troubles” some people actually lost their lives for being informers !
Or even just tending injured British soldiers.
But then the perpetrators are running the country.
I wonder if our religion of peace enrichers got the idea from Sinn Fein.
Wasn’t the BBC their “voice” as well?
Mallard, Yes, the BBC and the Left always support terrorism wherever and whenever it occurs
But there is some good news from Brussels, although I haven’t seen the bBBC reporting it:
That’s good news?
The irony totally lost on that humourless bastard terrorist Adams.
The French and the Belgians lost the ability to get their act together at Verdun and Namur and they’ve not had much practice since.
Good Twatterati. Bad Brexiteers.
“Twitter outrage as pro-Brexiteers use Brussels attacks for political point-scoring.”
Like the outrage that followed UKIP’s valid argument that Labour authority’s a cover up of child rapes in Rotherham was a good reason for getting rid of Labour. Political point scoring nothing more. Blame the culprits and get attacked for doing so.
Just to moderate some of the wilder comments on here.
Media outlets cannot directly say that the attackers were Muslims until the ethnicity and religion, and suspected motives are confirmed by the Belgian authorities.
Can you imagine the Fascist outrage if their brown eyed boys were accused and it turned out to be someone else? (however unlikely that might be).
We are living in an oppressive political state where free speech is banned, and people in the media are being forced to speak to us in coded language and by allusion.
They cannot say it is a Muslim, so they tell us an shout in Arabic was heard, and expect us to draw the correct conclusion from that.
Grant posts: “BBC website has a typically moronic question ” Why has Brussels been attacked ? ” . The BBC are beyond belief. ”
Has it crossed your mind Grant that maybe this is an excuse to get a discussion started, which the BBC cannot comment on?
Perhaps you could tell us why Brussels has been attacked and how you know your theory is correct, and all the other ones wrong, because I’ve heard three or four different reasons – all of them good Jihadi ones too!
Although there is undoubtedly a massive left wing bias at the BBC, not every journo is, sometimes someone is trying to say something, and we need to develop the skill to hear it through the noise. This is exactly what happened in the old Soviet Union, when not every hack wanted to follow the party line.
no thoughtful. It did not occur to me because I am stupid.
I wasn’t meaning that sarcastically Grant, only pointing it out! Internet is difficult because only words are conveyed, not tone, inflexion, and body language. Context and intention are unfortunately often lost.
Thoughtful, Sorry, I misunderstood. Maybe they should have asked ” Why was Brussels attacked and not Beijing ? “
Here we go again, after the massacre, the backlash, pictures on the BBC of multicoloured chalked pictures and slogans on Place de la Bourse in Brussels, one’s written in Arabic, would you believe it?…. centre of the shot.
Am I being terribly cynical to wonder whether there is a BBC journalist scouring the hospitals and casualty lists for Muslim names?
But I am currently listening to an eye witness on BBC news 24 saying he didn’t hear any Arabic shouting at the airport, bet that’s not the last we hear from him.
Is there a Je Suis Brussels hashtag yet? That’ll sort ’em…
Well, whaddayaknow ……….. fucque moi!
#belgiumonfire……..but it’s nothing to do with………..our peaceful friends.
A tea time message from me ………
Al Beeb are in ‘In Denial’.
Any lefties started saying “Je suis Brussels” yet.
Maybe they can dig up a recording of someone shouting “vous n’êtes pas musulman, mon frère” for the Twitteratti to get over-excited about.
I have read that some horrid people called “brexiters” have been trying to use this atrocity to further their aims.
On BBC news 24 Simon Marsh and Stephen Sackur have both now made the point that “this was in effect an attack on the EU” and that “Brussels is the capital of Europe, of the EU”
No agenda there then.
There’s also been quite a lot of political point scoring by people criticising anyone who might be using today’s atrocity for…er… political point scoring.
I wondered if any of our progressive politicians, media luvvies and the usual left wing BBC types who were so aghast at his remarks, had offered a full, unreserved and grovelling apology to a certain Mr Donald Trump yet? No!
You do surprise me…
I wasn’t aware that children had been killed today, if true here’s an interesting thought…
Geoff, the BBC would certainly never show that !
The “drowned” boy made it to Serbia, 4 days later.
Prepare for BBC interviews with Moslem doctors who are treating the injured in Brussels, and of Moslim shop keepers who saved the lives of bombing victims. If so listen carefully to their accents for trace of Pakistani- Mancunian as they are likely to be the usual disaster actors from the vicinity of Salford Quays.
Just been watching the BBC News at 6pm.
Only person they mentioned “who saved some lives” so far was a black skinned baggage handler who said he herded a couple into the lift. The BBC then repeated ‘he saved lives’ again.
Not to sound too pedantic but his actions didn’t actually save any lives – they could have but in this case the couple would have survived as the bombings had already happend.
Just typical of the BBC to find the foreign looking “hero” amongst the 1000’s of white people who also had their story to tell.
I`d not be surprised at this GWF.
A minibus full of mobile Muslims in a BBC van already on their way there, I`d say.
And a coach of Jim Morrison hipsters who`ll put out plastic shrines, offer you a hug and play “Nous serons overcomb” on Sparkys magic piano played by a two inch(five centimetres) pianist.
Hashtag “Why”….bovine dopes holding hands and “Lenin on sale again”.
They`ve simply GOT to be a theatre troupe this bunch of Western wailers…not a clue, necks bared for Islam with a tattooed dotted line around their necks…but you`ll need to look under the PLO arab scarf to see it.
Like Paris-I don`t really BLAME Islam, any more than I`d blame a jackal or hyena…it`s Islam Stupid-it`s what it says in its book, which is why so few Muslims are taught to read back home.
As long as Islam knows that our lilywhite liars and liberal cretins speak only for themselves-not for the rest of us, who are getting tuned up with every atrocity.
The Lefty liberal elites in politics, academe and Big Business, charities,and the public quangos like schools and courts ARE your kuffar Anjem…we`ve got worse words for them.
We though are white, christian and of a certain age-we`ve read the books and lived to see all this develop….and we have kids and wives, and are going nowhere.
The BBC will be dead before we are.
Good post ChrisH. What is going on, to my mind, is a proxy cultural war between left and right in the countries of the west. Between those who value their culture and traditions, and those who wish to destroy them in the name of progress and idealism. Radical Islam has simply replaced communism as the catalyst for the reaction.
So, as the bombs go off at Brussels airport and metro and innocents going about their business die, the prime minister of Great Britain stands in front of cameras and says “we are safer in Europe”.
Another deluded fool.
There sems to be a recurring theme in all this…..
The barbarians slaughtering the innocents while topping themselves, and the retards of the left seemingly intent on committing cultural social and physical hari kari,and seemingly intent on taking the rest of us with them
Somethings gotta give…..and soon…..otherwise i genuinely fear for western civilisation
‘Solidarity’ is the current buzz word – I’ve heard it 8 times in the past 6 minutes, but what does it do ?? bugger all except sound good in dialogue. Solidarity and co-operation didn’t work with the European security and police forces did it ? and they are the ones who are supposed to keep us safe. I say sod Solidarity, pull up our drawbridge and employ our troops on our coastlines to keep the bastards out (I do agree with Trumpy on that one). The Schengen Agreement is finished, and it will now be every Country for itself in protecting its borders. We are soo heading towards a Mad Max and Escape from New York scenario; Solidarity ? not on your life.
Agree with all of your post Brissles, but it just needed the ‘f’ word at the end between ‘your’ and ‘life’.
What the BBC and the politicians mean by “solidarity” is EU solidarity.
Western solidarity is not the same thing, and it is Western solidarity that is needed to defeat weaponised Islam.
What the BBC and the politicians mean by “solidarity” is to organise a meetup of the worlds leaders who will fly to Brussels this weekend, a great expense, for a slow walk in black coats linking their arms with each other.
That will show the terrorists how tough we are.
Ironically by the time they do that there will have been another 50,000 muslims entering the EU.
I would go further. China and Russia have problems with Islam, too. This is one occasion where a global response really is justified.
Well what the hell is NATO for then ? I thought that was a security based organisation.
(ooops, in the time taken to write this, ‘solidarity’ mentioned another 4 times – at least its a change from that other bugbear ….. diversity)
Security in the wider sense (avoiding World War 3) is down to NATO. Security in the sense of anti-terrorism is down to the Intelligence organisations in each individual country. ‘Thanks’ to the IRA, we have had plenty of experience in counter-terrorism so are better placed than any other country in Europe when it comes to fighting what happened in Belgium today. But of course that still doesn’t stop the remainers saying that we are safer in the EU. It hasn’t done France and Belgium much good has it?
For solidarity, read blind obedience. Look it up in a thesaurus. It will probably say – ‘see David Cameron’.
Listening to the BBC1 News at 6pm. Katya Adler lists the reasons for the bombing; the disjointed Belgium government, failure of the security services etc ISIS ‘claim’ responsibility but no blame given to the people who did it.
I’m waiting for the BBC to get an in studio expert opinion on whether glass roof buildings are a good idea and whether the airport authorities have to take some of the blame.
And arresting the Paris murderer two days before.
And telling the BBC.
AND the BBC reporting it as a pyrrhic victory-might anger the good chaps of Molenbeek, you see.
And it did.
Stop arresting IS criminal bastards running freely around European cities seems to be more a Thornberry and Corbyn “way to go”.
So -all this is the fault of the provocative actions of the Belgian Clouseaus-and all other manner of things.
But not Islam…not the ROPists…never is.
So-called “media coverage”…so called “analysis”…so called “European solidarity”.
IS is more real than these so calleds will EVER be.
“People Get Ready”
Belgium is Europes soft underbelly.
Albeit an overfed one with its (admittedly superb) food and beers.
A while back, it went for nearly two years without any ruling government if I remember correctly.
And it gives us the like of Hermann Von Rumpoy and Guy Verhofstad as examples of its political elite.
People who could`t even model for Billy Bunter or Mr Magoo because they be too ludicrous a construct-and , whereas we put our squits like David Mellor onto radio-the Belgian spittoons get somehow to LEAD the EU.
Belgium needs giving back to the French and the Dutch…and that cesspit of Brussels stay like the Vatican.
A themed fancy dress fun park that`s given over to what the European Union became before it died on its fat arse in 2018.
Leave Brussels as it is-the EUs fantasy zone of niceness that Islam chose to conquer first.
But that is ALL that Islam is getting…put a wall up round the place and let them create their European Cordoba of the North.
If they step outside it…well, we`ll be disappointed and sad….and they might be too, if we do our job.
Why do the BBC keep referring to the people who organise terrorism as “masterminds” ?
Perhaps they’re all as clever as this “mastermind”.
Lobster, LOL ! Yes, his stupidity is amazing.
His foolish performance on Mastermind pales into insignificance beside the truly stupid act of joining the Labour party.
My opinion is that they ARE masterminds compared to those who fuss over Serena Williams salary, who seek the removal of the tampon tax, who think that the rights of Andreas Lubitz trump those of a planeloads of kids and who crave MORE Muslims to come here and show us how to rape and frotter in pubic squares, get a pass key to the kiddies home.
The scum who we fund with license fees and expenses for their Corbyn Press…the likes of Kinnock and Clarke, Alexander and Clegg.
Yup-THEY`RE the masterminds compared to these sour suckers for the EU, for gimmigration.
chrisH, Fair point ! They are certainly masterminds compared with David Lammy.
It makes sense to take Trump’s advice to restrict Moslem immigration until the terrorist threat is dealt with. This is not racism; it is responsible government.
Now consider support for home grown Jihadists. Perhaps in the local community where relatives will hide them. Perhaps in the wider, frequently white, middle class communities, the universities, the people who march in support of open immigration and denounce racism and capitalism in one breath. Saturday’s pro refugee demonstration in London. Note the NHS workers out there too. I would start with a heavy hand on these fellow travelers.
PS The speaker is Weyman Bennett of the SWP and UAF, a familiar interviewee on the BBC.
This Weyman Bennet?
Yes, this Weyman Bennet, getting arrested for violence
One of the interviewees this morning from Brussels just about summed up the problem with the Belgian government. She was in a different terminal of the airport to where the bomb went off, when the instruction came to evacuate, asking the airport official what they should do & where they should go , the reply somewhat surprised her when she was told by the official that she had no idea, and they hadn’t been trained in what to do!
Belgium really is so complacent and lackadaisical that it never even envisioned an emergency occurring, even in its capitals airport!
This just shows that the place where the EU is based doesn’t even have the first clue as to the potential effect of Islamic terroism – Jihad, or put simply – Islam. It has been far easier for them to bad mouth, name call, and to criminalise anyone who dared burst their bubble. Now that the Muslims have taken advantage of their naivety and right on their doorstep, does anyone think that the EU leaders will take any notice?
Nah not a chance, and calling concerned white people names is just so easy & safe !
Their best detectives are Tintin and Poirot – both fictional.
“One of the interviewees this morning from Brussels just about summed up the problem with the Belgian government. She was in a different terminal of the airport to where the bomb went off, when the instruction came to evacuate, asking the airport official what they should do & where they should go , the reply somewhat surprised her when she was told by the official that she had no idea, and they hadn’t been trained in what to do!”
Meanwhile these fuckwit, tinpot petty bureaucrats in Brussels foist evermore elfensafety rules on us and make us pay for them !
i wonder how many corporate manslaughter charges will be brought against these idiots?
Not to worry boys and girls, apparently Brussels was attacked because “Its CCTV system is far less developed than London or Paris”, which is a bit of an odd conclusion to draw given that London and Paris have suffered attacks on an even bigger scale.
Of course, the article entitled “Why has Belgium’s capital been attacked?” singularly failed to offer any real explanation. Now, I’m no security expert, but I’m thinking it might be something to do with the fact that Europe has been invaded by muslims. Elephant anyone?
Even after the umpteenth atrocity, media pundits are still chuntering on about “home grown” terrorism. These terrorists are French and Belgium citizens. Europe is exporting terrorists to Syria. The names of the terrorists show how deeply their bearers are embedded in French or Belgium society. Unless the muslim fifth column is eliminated, the problem will continue to grow. BBC commentors this morning were boasting that Brussels could not happen in Britain as there were those in muslim communities who were providing information to the intelligence services. As usual, the BBC are juggling so many lies, that something they say is bound to contradict some other claim they have made. You can’t claim muslim communities are oases of peace and vibrancy, if a network of informants is the only reason why mass murders and mayhem are not being committed. Japan does not have a problem with muslim terrorism because Japan has not allowed muslim immigration to reach a critical level at which mini-caliphates are created. Media types are always puzzled why Hungary, Poland etc. are so against Muslim immigration. Only 0.01% of the population in Slovakia is muslim, what have they to fear? It’s all simple minded prejudice. They simply can’t see that the Muslim experiment has been run in Britain , France, etc and the results are not encouraging.
I have lost count of the number of times I have written about the evil death cult that is Islam. Islam is a flesh eating virus that destroys everything it infests. What we are witnessing all over Europe is Islam acting like a wasp larvae eating away at its host, ready to tear it apart.
There is nothing shocking about what happened in Belgium. There is nothing that wasn’t always going to happen. This is still the very beginning of what will be a continuous and increasing attack on the west. This isn’t an attack because of foreign policy. This isn’t an attack because we have abandoned our Muslim brothers and sisters. Everything that is happening is because of Islam. Every single death that has already taken place and will until the defeat or segregation of Muslims, is because of Islam. Islam requests this. Islam demands this. Islam mandates the slaughter of the infidels.
Again ALL Muslims will say amongst themselves “why sympathise for the Kafir when our Muslim brothers and sisters are dying in Syria and Palestine?” They are right to say this because we are NOT them! The imam will continue to preach the word of Allah that demands a caliphate. A place where Muslims are destined to live. He is right to say this because Allah demands this.
Who do I feel is responsible for the deaths in Belgium. In France. In London….. Every single one of us who denys the truth. Every single person who says that Islam is not the issue. Every single person who goes on TV to say everything else is the fucking problem except Islam. Every single person who says “we want Muslims to live in our country because they make our lives better”. Every single person who is asking for more Muslims to come here. Our own European traitors are the enemy. These are the people with blood on their hands. They are the ones who will destroy our way of life. They are the ones who will allow our loved ones to be slaughtered by a cult so desperate to do Allah’s will they will kill each and every one of us.
Every single time you see anyone misleading, misreporting, denying or blatantly lying about what is happening know that they are the enemy. Until they are defeated what has happened in Belgium will happen again and again and again…..
Vote Brexit. Vote Ukip. Make our people safe again
Great post Tothepoint !
Isn’t it odd that despite yet another atrocity where innocent commuters and bystanders are murdered, wholesale, by seriously deranged and psychotic Muslims – at least, by our standards – not one significant Muslim country, or its leaders, or its imaams, or its mullahs or even its intelligentsia, assuming they exist, or any representatives whatsoever of any nation which represents Islam, publishes, broadcasts or in any way offers sympathy or apologises for the behaviour of those who represent its national religion. The cop out, of course, is that the Sunnis say it’s those damned Shiites (not the euphemistic ‘Shia’ please) while the Shiites blame the Sunnis.
They are all worthless and have spent the past 1200 years proving the point.
I have no brief for Erdogan, far from it, but he has condemned the attack. In fact he mentioned Brussels as a possible target in a speech a few days ago, although I suspect he was just using that as an example. Of course he has his own agenda !
Erdogan is a Muslim, and has the perfect right to say what he likes in furthering the cause.
We similarly have the right-indeed the obligation-to see him as Islams horse, and to deal with the consequences.
This is the West…different rules, our gaff.
If others have taken the chance to replace the electorate with one they`d prefer-more fool us-but we can no longer say that we didn`t know.
I wonder what the hell Islam and the EU “leadership” would have to say or to do before we bin the EU as the socialism by stealth EUSSR/Eurabian desert that it was set up to be.
Brussels is just the EU/NATO comedy tent for the “New Soul Vision” of the nutters and conmen like Heath and Monnet…the joke is over.
And no clever crap from Stewart Lee either-we`re past it.
Brussels is the place where we bury the EU, starting today.
Leaving religion out of it , the point is that Erdogan feels that Western ” leaders” are a bit lukewarm in their condemnation of PKK terrorism. And he has a point. As I say , I have no brief for that tyrant and can never forgive him, when he was Mayor of istanbul, and I was living there, banning the sale of alcohol on all goverment property thereby putting some of my favourite bars off limits. I shall get my revenge one day .
Agreed Grant.
He was democratically elected and had every right to refuel the Ottoman as his demos seems to want.
Maybe he`d prefer the EU path-have no problem with anything he does.
Only wish we could “leave religion out of it”…Islam is a totalitarian ideology more than a religion…and I don`t think Turkey (and any other Muslim country) COULD take religion out of their politics even if they could(and they` can`t).
I`ve no problem with Islam at all-reading the Koran tells you the nature of the beast.
But the western liberal elite and apologists are despicable…Islam wants THEIR worldview for their children, whereas the white liberals would also like that for everybody elses white trash types to come , as well.
To piss away your birthright and two millennia just to appear on “Sunday” or “In Our Time” is probably a bigger crime than a Muslim doing his evils in his mandated cause.
chrisH, Agree with you , but this does not solve the problem of some of my favourite bars in istanbul. Ataturk would turn in his grave and he knew a bit about drinking and in public, but then he wasn’t a muslim !
Completely agree ChrisH. Muslims are just doing what Muslims are demanded to do. They have been doing so since Islam’s creation. How the fuck can our liberal elite expect it would go any other way. Those in Islamic state or those blowing themselves up in Belgium are genuinely believing that they are pleasing Allah. Its their lives. Let them please Allah as they wish. Its our meddling, privileged, fuck sticks, who feel like they have the right to play God that’s the problem. Muslims should be banned from setting foot in our lands. The only way this war will ever end is when Islam is banned from every none Islamic country. Its a cult. An ideology of death and subversion. Of occupation and conversion. We cannot be free and go hand in hand with Islam. Islam will never allow Muslims to be free, why would it give 2 fucks about the infidels
As you say Grant, Erdogan has his own agenda and it’s true that he represents an Islamic country, yet still for many Turks the most secular of them, as devised by Attaturk. I meant the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world, from Morocco to Indonesia – that broad band of head-beating, utterly irrational, arm-waving, shouting, ignorant, prejudiced wastes of space that we have watched, proving their pointlessness, for decades long before 9/11, ISIS and all the other current blessings.
Beltane, sadly true.
I suspect that if a suspect is ever caught for this we will have to suffer weeks of liberal hand ringing and excuses blaming poverty, racism and excuses such as the suspect was once shouted at by MI6 which lead to his radicalisation.
All this will be from From an unholy alliance of MSM, liberals and Mooslim community elders and campaigners.
Then of course Dave and friends will be debating how we can make our guests feel even more at home. And guess what more bombs/killings and so it goes on.
Wouldnt it be refreshing if just for fu**** once they stated the bleedin obvious SOME OF THEM HATE US and acted accordingly! Shant hold my breath on that one!
Well said!
Even if our leaders (and BBC) won’t state the bleedin obvious perhaps they could have a think about what unchecked Muslin immigration adds to European countries. Does it enrich us?
Have Europeans been crying out for some Halal butchers for decades? Have Europeans been crying out for some mosques? Have Europeans been crying out for new clothes fashions that cover the entire body of a woman? Sharia? segregation of the sexes? child abuse? murder of non-believers? etc
My answer to you Tabs is yes we need all of these things but we just dont realise it yet.
Because all this has been caused by us not being accommodating enough to our new friends can I request some new even tougher laws from Theresa and Dave to deal with the expected “far right backlash” Maybe ban pork and alcohol in shops and maybe replace Christmas and Easter with Ede and Ramadan, We may have to compromise on homosexuality though (as the Gaurdian and BEEB also love it) perhaps they can push them off tall buildings with a bouncy castle at the bottom so they only break a few limbs – gets confusing doesnt it?
When they see how nice we are trying to be, I am sure they will leave us alone.
Illustrates everything which is wrong with do gooding virtue signalling charities, which know little about the systems the government has in place to meet its asylum obligations.
Firstly Red Cross makes the erroneous assumption that Syrians fleeing war will be housed there, when they will not. Because they are accorded refugee status they are immediately housed elsewhere.
It does not appear to know that Asylum Seekers, correctly termed bogus asylum seekers, are those who have been refused refugee status because their story has not been believed by Home Office specialist interviewers.
They assume that women and men will be housed together, when there is no suggestion that they will be.
They say that this accommodation is not appropriate for asylum seekers, but fail to say why – probably because they don’t know why and are unable to give any reasonable answer.
Equally they are unable to give a suggestion of what they would find suitable – and why, and whether they intend to step up to the plate and finance the outdoor heated swimming pools and saunas of the mansions they probably expect!
Interesting comments too!
I was at this hotel for a conference some years back, and it was perfectly OK, although a brutalist eyesore. I can’t see why asylum seekers would have a problem being housed there, I can see why local people are incensed that an airport hotel has been turned into an asylum hostel overnight. Apparently Britannia Hotels have form in this regard, their reputation stinks.