Well then, a new week starts and time for a new Open Thread. Did you watch IDS on the Marr Show yesterday? What did you think of his treatment? I notice the BBC has been giving the CBI’s latest doom and gloom report on the consequences of the UK leaving the EU loads of exposure this morning. The floor is yours..
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Um, tucked away near the crease of the Daily Mail, its reported that the Peers have defeated the Government in voting to allow 3,000 child refugees travelling alone into this country. To me that’s a bloody awful lot to raise until they are 18 within our welfare system! Surely it would be better to create Children’s centres within Europe to deal with this problem, and any relatives within Europe who may know of children travelling, to go and find them within the centre. That would deal with the 6′ 20 year olds who pass as kids, – accommodate them with 7 year olds and see how they like it !!!!
Until they are 18? Won’t take long then
Anybody surprised at this?
Anybody else unable to guess the response of the Dutch police to it as well?
I wonder on the Muslim “Fertile Crescent” between Lille and Rotterdam where we need to pour the salt?…because when your own state agents expect YOU to curl up and die so they don`t feel bad about their cultural cringings and shrivels..then we are truly in trouble.
chrisH, Thanks for the link. Deeply depressing. I suppose we should be grateful that they did not arrest him. Meanwhile hate preachers can preach “Kill the infidel” and police do nothing.
Armchair general time.
Appreciating that we are talking about nihilistic nut jobs here, if there is any command and control (one presumes even EU colander borders need some organisation to transport guns and explosives across), the strategic thinking leaves me puzzled.
Of all governing entities, the EU has done most to facilitate the transport and establishment of a hostile fifth column within Europe, and continues to suggest ever more barking ways to do so.
And Brussels is the very heart of this loopy crew.
So why attack there of all places? It just makes it harder for them to help out when silly democratic elections intrude and the actual public can vote with fresh, raw and tangible reality top of mind over bunker pronouncements.
Guest, I doubt if the Ropers understand the niceties and history of European politics. Simpler just to try and kill us all.
Worth noting that Wilders is on trial for saying there are too many Muslims in Holland
I cannot believe that we are seeing political show trials in Europe in 2016.
Direct and to the point
Why does he feel the need to shout so much? So much of his message is destroyed because he appear so angry !
He is angry what a surprise ! His words are clear enough and it does not diminish his message at all.
That my grandchildren will never know the freedom to roam in Europe I had is an indictment of a political class and of our weakness in allowing them to do to Europe what they have done. He is a young man and every right to feel anger.
Dave S, Well said
Yes I agree….the message is not diminished by the style of delivery. It’s a powerful logical message.
Don’t forget he is a Yank. For many of them , that is their normal way of speaking !!!!!
He is not a yank. Lancashire or Yorkshire I think.
Also I disagree with Thoughtful. His annoyance fits the situation perfectly.
Yep while the terrorists hold the buttons to their detonators, the weak minded dhimmi ilbtards hold bloody candle lit vigils FFS!
Geoff, Well said. All of this sends the message that the West is weak and will surrender.
Just got a BBC email telling me that the two on the left were the Boom Brothers.
Cue many more heartbreaking tales of shocked and devestated families.
All good stuff but Mark Steyn is far more persuasive.
The bBBC is very keen to tell us about the (pointless) acts and words of ‘solidarity’ across the western world, but there seems to be no news about the response from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria etc.
Saudi Arabia seems to have a lot of hands on its time currently.
The Manchester Evening News article is truly bizarre and illustrates how much this country had changed for the worse . I’m sure that most Mancunians ( well excepting the left wing council and our Muslim brothers in Rochdale, Oldham etc) don’t want a flood of asylum seekers at all. Putting 300 up in an Airport hotel is bad enough. Next time I need to stay somewhere before taking a flight I’ll remind the government of the 40 years of taxes I’ve paid and ask if I can get free hotel accommodation too.
The council’s reaction that the hotel is not good enough makes me dispair for our pathetic ruling class. Rather than give them free houses when our youngsters are trying in vain to get on the housing ladder, why can’t we point these asylum seekers in the direction if the first flight out of Manchester airport? I’d offer free shuttle buses too!
5Live news just now.
“Molenbeek, an area popular with jihadists…”
Fantastic waffles and crepes, tasty vol-au-vents, sublime chocolates, Belgian beer and an arsenal of AK47s and explosives. What’s not to like?
Similar on Sky, some generic lefty journalist woman author claiming that the attacks were due to the police going in too hard in the recent raids in Molenbeek and that UKIP were political point scoring in blaming open borders.
Its like living in a parallel universe.
Geoff, It is everyone’s fault except the terrorists.
An enterprising travel agency in Bradford or Tower Hamlets could arrange coach tours.
One way.
Another thing that p***es me off is that all the wise-after-the-event churnalists are concentrating on what more should be done to protect our airports and public transport, always reacting to the last atrocity. They need to realise that the Muslim terrorists want to kill lots of us, but don’t care where they are. So, they’ll go anywhere that there are concentrations of westerners – shopping malls, sports events, music festivals, pubs, theatres, etc – not necessarily anything to do with transport.
Most of the Londoncentric journalists are completely out of touch with the ordinary British working people from the North, West and South of Britain. They are continually apologising and making excuses for the so called ‘religion of peace’ . Yet we wait to see all the millions of followers on these shores marching down Whitehall shouting ‘Not in our Name’!
“ordinary British working people from the North”
Does that include voters in Rotherham who voted like turkeys at the last election?
And yet the one piece of advice from the establishment has been ‘don’t go to crowded areas’.
Faithfully passed on by the media.
Is this really a man from a typical British family ?
May depend if BBC researchers are involved. Or cousins on work experience.
Ask Panorama.
Eee bah gum. Weren’t ee in last o’ht summer wine?
The one in which Compo, Clegg and Foggy roll down the grassy hill towards Leeds Bradford Airport in one of Wesley’s home made bombs?
I just watched the Exposure documentary (the same folk who made the documentary which finally exposed Savile) on ITV about Saudi Arabia, which used lots of covert filming – what an astonishing documentary to be put out via the MSM.
It is well worth watching as it hints at the appalling things the rulers of that country are involved in and reveals some of the wickedness within the hidden world over there.
Agreed. Saudi Arabia is the true Islamic State, and it looks like a powderkeg waiting to explode. I expect Europe will get the refugees. Plenty of room in Germany, eh Angela?
Chamberlain was sent to Europe to get ‘peace for our time’ and came back waving a piece of paper. (perforated on both ends )
Car Moron was sent to Europe to get a better deal for the people of this country and came back waving a tampon.
How will that look in the history books ?
Bad start to the day. Made tea at 05.40 and switched TV on.
BBC interviewing some f***wit saying that Brussels bomb was a failure of the security services and that Muslims in Brussels had not been integrated – note use of the passive voice.
Switched to SKY – scenes of candles, Belgian flag projected onto buildings, slogans on hastily constructed placards. Yes, that should do the trick. Slight improvement over BBC however (which is not always the case with SKY these days) – some Belgian saying that the solution lies in the “community”. I’m fairly sure he was referring to the bombing and decapitating community. Overcome with nausea.
Switched to RT – Larry King interviewing overrated actor Richard Dreyfuss on politics and the Republican party in particular. Long time since I came across someone so totally convinced of his own intellectual superiority, and he’s had a lot of competition.
Switched TV off.
“Overcome with nausea” should have been at the end of the penultimate paragraph.
Maria sounds like your morning went much the same way as mine…Richard Dreyfuss eh ? I wonder if Lulu or the Krankies will be stepping forward with their opinions on Politics and World events, is Ken Dodd still alive ?
I’m sure he’s every bit as insightful as Dreyfuss.
Maria, yes it is our responsibility to integrate them and our fault if they do not integrate. So the solution is for us to all become muslims.
Delighted to learn that Richard Dreyfuss is still alive.
Has anyone ever been to Belgium to work? It’s two countries in one. I worked for an global company and we had two companies in Belgium. One was Walloon, one was Flemish. They loathed one another, wouldn’t speak together, sat apart at big gatherings, but equally loathed the Dutch and French. Hence the reason neither group seems able to go independent or join their neighbours. If you are an immigrant from anywhere into the UK you can take your pick of being British, English, Scottish or Welsh. All the nationalist parties (and I include UKIP) are pretty clear that you can belong if you accept the underlying values.
That doesn’t work in Belgium. You (and that includes us if are luck ran out and we had to live there) can never never be a Flem or Walloon or even Belgian as it doesn’t exist. You are forever an outsider.
The unifying factors used to be Catholic Christianity and Monarchy.
Secularism, multiculturalism and post colonial guilt have contributed to the division of Belgian society.
The divisions may also have been accentuated by the EUs presence with its forceful cosmopolitanism, leading to the resurgence of Walloon and Flemish identity politics.
LDV, I went to a academic conference in Antwerp once. I found all Belgians a bit weird. I suppose it is understandable when they have no national identity . Certainly wouldn’t go back. Much prefer Holland .
I worked for a Belgian company. I speak fluent French but was advised to speak only English with my Belgian colleagues in meetings because one or other of the dual postholders (French and Wolloon) in all senior positions would otherwise get upset.
French or Flemish. The Walloons are French speakers. Sorry Peter, I’ll go and sit in pedants’ corner.
I thought he got eaten by a shark!
No, just outshone by Robert Shaw.
How long until the BBC microbit is turned into a remote control bomb detonator? It has all the features you need, it’s a bombmaker’s dream.
Thanks BBC
Just for alarm clocks. Honest.
Re the Microbit Mrs G said exactly the same thing last night, mainly because in the accompanying film on my local BBC nightly propaganda program and as ever when reporting anything about schools, its always the same ‘type’ of school child that is pushed to the front and featured….
Look North last night had a piece about the Microbit from a class at a school in Bradistan, which was 100% Pakistani pupils.
The BBC have uncritically reported this morning in their press review on Today, that yesterday’s attacks were attacks on “Internationalism”
Now this really takes the biscuit for total and utter BS.
If there was ever an “internationalist” creed it is weaponised Islam, recruiting terrorists from around the world and its whole reason for being is to build a Sharia compliant Caliphate abolishing all national borders and denying all national identities other than the international umma.
I am frequently struck by the complete ignorance of weaponised Islam shown by the media, and their gullible inability to analyse events rather than trot out cliched talk of solidarity, cohesion and unity against the amorphous and aimless “terror” they would have us believe is our enemy, when, in fact, the terror and its proponents have clear and unambiguous goals in accordance with a well documented Islamic worldview, ideology and beliefs supported by numerous historic precedents.
Surely if there is “internationalism ” it is the socialist/communist/fascist axis . Maybe explains why they support Islam. None of them believes in freedom or genuine human rights .
Great post embolden.
Islam has always and will only ever be based on creating a world of peace and harmony in the name of Allah…. Bought about by hatred, control, conversation, occupation, death, rape, genocide, cleansing of everything and everyone that does not please Allah. We are the infidels! Allah himself has instructed his great and loyal followers to kill everyone who stands in the way of Islam. Islam must prevail. Its the reason for jihad. Muslims are protecting and helping Allah achieve what in a Muslims eyes is our very existence for being here. Who the fuck is anyone to say that there’s another way to live as a Muslim!!! Its a lie. Its a lie that will kill millions and wipe all but those who live life set by Muhammad from the face of this planet.
Islam is like an apocalyptic virus. If contained and stable it’s no problem and in fact looks harmless to those going about their business. But once it’s been let out to be what it was created to be…It will destroy everything around it until only the virus remains
Islam is a choice to those who follow it. Its not a race. Its not a condition. Its just a cult. Everything must succumb to its will. Its a choice designed by its architect Muhammad to be impossible to leave. To be impossible to change. The only way to appease Islam is to convert and serve Allah. Islam cannot change because it’s the final word of God. We on earth are nothing to Allah. Muslims blow themselves up for Allah. Our lying scumbag elite saying that there’s another way to live as a Muslim is causing the escalation in jihad. Our Muslim brothers and sisters believe they are pleasing Allah because they are fighting in his name. Fighting to live the life set out by Muhammad.
Maybe it’s their new attempt at ‘balance’, being venal on and off at hourly intervals?
Funny how Brussels was in lock down with no public transport, airport closed and no Eurostar running, AND YET suddenly up pops old Huw “send me send me” Edwards in the deserted streets in the evening. How did he get there ???? – he must have really been desperate for the limelight so did an Indiana Jones journey to report his piece. And what did he add ? er, NOTHING, waste of time and our money to get him there.
The BBC would give him a limo and chauffeur
The reporting of propaganda obviously trumps security in the EU…
Anyone else catch the item on ‘breast ironing’ on the bBBC early this morning? Apparently the humane and beneficial technique involves pummeling and whacking what I’d assume to be pre-pubescent breasts – in females, I’d also guess – with heavy heated objects (specification not included) in order to make the recipient less sexually attractive.
Surprisingly, no specific ethnic group was directly associated with the practice and the fascinating news item had disappeared by 7.30am. Several cultural donors spring to mind, although since the process appears to involve quite hard work, the field tends to narrow significantly.
If it involves hard work it can’t be most muslims then .
Interesting piece on Radio 4 at 08:45 when an American ‘security’ specialist panned all the stupid theories about the whites not being nice enough to the Muzzies, and that in other countries other groups don’t take to violence like this. The implication was clear, that this was a problem with Muslims !
Predictably BBC news are focusing their reports from Brussels on a most likely rather unrepresentative small group of young would-be rainbow nation outdoor candle-bearing shrine-makers.
For Channel 4 news last night Jonathan Rugman found himself a chap ‘offering hugs’. Channel 4 also led the way with the first ‘nothing to do with Isam’ voice supplied to TV news by a local Imam. The beardy went on to ramble about ‘ a messiah’ and I think even Matt Frei lost the thread. The former BBC man did let on that he had passed the border from France earlier and saw no security at all. Good old Schengen.
Sky are actually worse, when it comes to ROPER appeasement, one of the paper reviewers this Morning was a Lady in a Hijab, they were all falling over themselves not to blame Muslims though, as this has nothing to do with Islam dontchaknow.
At least some public buildings around the world have been lit up in Belgium’s colours, as the total Diania-fication of public grief continues, want to show solidarity ? Change your facebook status to black, yellow and red. Then go about your business pretending everything is o.k.
6 New Members appeared at the Small Bore Rifle Club last night.
Expect the UK Government to ban all rifle clubs in due course !
Does this read as somewhat stilted:
‘The SNP said it would not adopt Mr Osborne’s announcement – made in his Budget last week – to take anyone earning less than £45,000 out of the 40p tax rate. However, it does not intend to increase the 45p rate currently levied on those earning £150,000 or more a year in Scotland.’
Perhaps it is the rather forced double negative that is confusing? The SNP ‘would not’ refering to the tax decrease and ‘Does not intend’ the notional tax increase.
Well at least the Bravehearts are beginning to have to pay for some of their extra goodies they keep voting themselves, pity they’re not having to stump up for all of it.
Let me rephrase that in BBC style: The SNP will not be passing all of their spending on to the English tax payer but they do not intend to pass all of it onto their Scottish voters.
The BBC may not have mentioned it but alongside Sturgeon’s refusal to implement the higher tax threshold for the 40p rate, the hapless Osborne has just signed off a ‘ fiscal framework’ agreement that heavily favours Scotland at the expense of taxpayers in England Wales and Northern Ireland. The Barnett Formula has been retained in the agreement which means that as population growth in the rest of the UK outstrips Scotland ( as it will because migrants prefer not to go to Sturgeonland) financial transfers to the Jocks go up. The effect of this will give our tartan wearing friends an extra £3 billion or so by the 2020s. That’s quite a lot of cash for the disabled in England Wales and NI given away on a whim. It’s win-win for the grievance obsessed Nats because the UK government caves in to them every time.
Quite right Englandexpects,
what with the Brussles bomb, now is the time to focus on ‘the good day to bury bad news’ items.
Osborne has completely sold England down the river. The SNP are laughing at us all the way to the bank.
What a weak, pathetic, self serving, bloody fool Osborne is. Get rid of him, and quickly.
Did I hear that he has an EU tied pension pot worth 750k p a ?
Good article in the Mail…….
Thanks Brissles, that is an excellent article by John R. Bradley. His book “After the Arab Spring” is well worth a read.
From the article that you referenced:
“After each new terror atrocity, ever-more British voters will have a gut instinct that we must decouple from Europe in a last effort to try to re-impose our own much stronger border controls.
Tragically, it is difficult not to conclude that Europe itself is lost — that mass migration and relentless jihadi attacks on the continent will shatter the morale of citizens and the political will of leaders.
Yes, what happened in Brussels yesterday was a terrible tragedy.
But thankfully, the people of Britain have one great chance to force the Westminster elite to steer this country in a new direction by voting to reclaim our borders in a referendum whose significance is surely now greater than ever.”
Today, with all that’s been going on since yesterday, the BBC wants to hear your views on… the ash tree possibly becoming extinct in Europe.
I took the opportunity to point out the dangers to local stock of carelessly importing from abroad. I suspect it won’t last long.
A better topic for people to air their views on would be: Islam becoming extinct in Europe, for the safety of every non-Muslim who lives there.
Lets face it, with some of the laziest and complacent politicians this country has ever had the misfortune to govern us, what is happening on the media, is an inevitable reflection of the government of the day.
The Tories are absolutely terrified of the Muslims going on the rampage again, and so they feel the need to appease & placate them at every opportunity. Turning a blind eye to drug dealing, money laundering, child sex abuse, hate preaching, no go areas or any other crime. They only act when they are absolutely certain there are individuals who can be prosecuted for the most extreme acts, we the majority populace would not tolerate.
Every now & again a terrorist gets through, and the government with the assistance of the media, and the willing Fascist Left go into overdrive to distance the Muslim population from the act and hope that they can keep the lid on until they leave office.
A sensible government would confront this situation before it gets too out of hand, cracking a few heads to teach a lesson, and coming down hard on those convicted, but then we don’t have a sensible government.
The B BC has dusted off its Competitive Grieving manual and is busy counting the candles lit in Brussels,whilst feeding the BACKLASHOPHOBIA fears of the Left-Liberal Elite.
(BTW, where are the ‘Not in Our Name’ marches in the moosalem countries-I must have missed them??)
But…but…but…Look on the bright side,these fundamentalist scum have succeeded in doing the impossible in uniting ALL the major powers against them:-
2.Europe (don’t laugh…)
3.Russia (not a laughing stock ,thank God)
4.Even China has pledged support (no laughs there, either).
(5. Ara b countries….errrrr.)
Now all we need is the political will in the West to drive on.
We need to assemble the biggest force of Multi-National Special Forces ever assembled ,to go on the ground and shoot them to Hell.
Some innocents will be killed ,that’s inevitable , but a Message will go out to these Moosalem fundamentalists that will never be forgotten.
WE need REVENGE ,plain and simple ,not appeasement and PC platitudes.
Once that’s done ,IMO, there are but two broad options:-
1. The Moosalems must be strongly requested to disown this mediaeval interpretation of their religion as completely incompatible with modern life.
2. If they can’t do that , there must be completely separate development and our scientists must quickly come up with a viable alternative fuel source ,so that we are not dependent on oil in future and its technology quickly becomes obsolescent
Apologies for the long post.
Conan. Yes revenge, but maybe a serious warning to them
Given that the countries of the world are united against the bloodthirsty interpretation of the Moslem religion then push the Islamic leaders into controlling their followers. Threaten to nuke Mecca, leave it as a glass car park – unless they mend their ways. Next bombing, then Mecca goes. Now Saudi and all sort your people out.
The alternative, increased atrocities and eventually, the nutters get their hands on a nuclear bomb.
Before the Moslem/Jihadi/Terrorist matter is resolved the Four P Professions have to be challenged: Politicians, Police, Press, and the Professors. With few exceptions they are supporting the enemy.
Ah, you’re referring to the Liberal-Left 5th column , the one that has gradually been put in place since the sixties(I know , because I am a graduate of that period and I well remember the subtle indoctrination that went on).
Surely , they will wither and die ,once the political temperature changes. For the most part , such people are physical cowards who will keep their opinions to themselves, particularly if it affects their pocket ?
Stumbled across this on Guido re the Diane Abbott answer.
It would seem that the BBC have found our now retired ex sofa eunuch a cozy BBC daytime gameshow called Think Tank. One look at this pile of forced diverse cra@p and one would instantly jump to the conclusion that it could only be a BBC production.
OAP’s and the out of work instead of freezing in your homes (see Panorama) addling your brain with this mush go for a walk!
Think Tank more ‘world class TV’ brought to you by the BBC….
Oh no. I swear she was not confused. She was taking the piss in a good old fashioned British manner. Note the connection between Corbyn and Abbot.
Think yourself lucky you are all at work all day ! because this is the sort of dross us retirees are dished up on a daily basis. This cheap tv now includes all manner of ‘slebrity’ driven programmes – the latest being “The TV That Made Me” where they give their favourite past programmes; Who do you think you are ? ; then there was the Holiday programme with Len Goodman about slebs past holidays; that’s aside from all the other puerile programmes of slebs competing against each other, whether its sport, cookery, quiz shows and there’s another coming up called Drive, about their driving skills. God preserve us. I don’t want to know, or f…..g care about their inane lives, because Einstein they ain’t. These people have healthy bank accounts from their chosen careers, so I get pissed off when they further coin it in appearing on programmes those Commissioning Editors believe we want to see.
George Igler is a rising star in our firmament.
Clear headed and thoroughly grounded in management and communication techniques.
He will terrify the UAF, 38 degrees , Hope Not Hate tossoffs…and he will NOT be appearing on any media forum anytime soon.
Like Booker and Robinson, Anna Marie waters and Wilders…way too truthful for the lefty liberal liars who run the BBC and all good offices.Thankfully the likes of Steyn, Condell are not yet banned…but I`d not bank on that for much longer, so enjoy them freely while you can.
And learn from them how YOU will need to get the message through , come the inevitable bans and assaults….even murders.
On the World at One, a BBC journalist reported from a Brussels hospital treating the injured, that one of the visitors was seen wearing a head scarf.
Intriguingly she never mentioned if anyone else was carrying an umbrella or what sort of jacket they were wearing. Nor indeed did she comment on the foot wear of any of the relatives and friends seeking to discover the state of their loved ones.
Surely the BBC wasn’t seeking to mindlessly ram home the fact that Muslims may also have been victims? Because it doesn’t matter. We just want Muslims to stop killing and maiming anyone, regardless of religion, race, age or what football team they support.
Mohammed Shafiq, CEO of The Ramadhan Foundation. A consummate kitman merchant who has been the go-to moderate muslim spokesman on BBC for some years, denouncing the demonisation of muslims after every terrorist atrocity, crying Islamophobia at every opportunity. He still regularly appears on the 5Live Nolan programme in the guise of a cuddly liberal. Here he is in pro-EU mode when you really suspect he would prefer a caliphate. Unfortunately for him, this time he is up against Jon Gaunt who gives him short shrift in an amusing clash on RT.
Manchesters loony leftie council has announced it will light up the town hall with the colours of the Belgium flag.
That’ll show ’em not to mess with us! Attack us and you know what? We’ll light up our town hall, and that is something you do not want !
With loons like this in power the Islamists have already won !
Meanwhile head of the Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad – Labour Fascist Adolf Lloyd just couldn’t wait to stick the boot into his favourite hate group – the white people who pay him.
“Our thoughts are with the people of Belgium, alongside a determination that those who would seek to sow discord and fear through death and destruction will never win.”
Why is there the need to have a pop at us with his suggestion we sow discord and fear. It might not be immediately obvious that this is the intention, but Adolf has past form with this.
Manchesters loony leftie council has announced it will light up the town hall with the colours of the Belgium flag.
That’ll show ’em not to mess with us! Attack us and you know what? We’ll light up our town hall, and that is something you do not want !
With loons like this in power the Islamists have already won !
Meanwhile head of the Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad – Labour Fascist Adolf Lloyd just couldn’t wait to stick the boot into his favourite hate group – the white people who pay him.
“Our thoughts are with the people of Belgium, alongside a determination that those who would seek to sow discord and fear through death and destruction will never win.”
Why is there the need to have a pop at us with his suggestion we sow discord and fear. It might not be immediately obvious that this is the intention, but Adolf has past form with this.
Shafiq evidently playing with his phone while Jon was speaking. Waste of space.
BBC 2 have a documentary at 9 pm tonight ” Scotland : The Promised Land ” . I am as Scottish as any of the SNP fascists but I cannot bear to watch it. We all know where it will be coming from. Note the title !
Grant – me too. I deliberately did not watch it.
But may cast my eye over the TV debate on Thursday evening if only to see La Sturgeon squirm a wee bit – if possible!
Soap, Sturgeon squirm ? The woman is shameless. I was about to post that one of the few things that makes me ashamed to be scottish is our politicians, then I thought that the rest of the UK doesn’t have much to be proud of either !
Loathsome Norman Smith.
Utterly brilliant, and correct, Nigel Farage.
Norman Smith, what a tosser. Nice bit of fly swatting by Nigel .
Good to see Farage learning, doing a Trump and standing his ground, it generates respect and makes the interviewer look a complete to55er, but not just any to55er, a BBC to55er!
Geoff, BBC tossers are the finest and Norman is creme de la creme .
Excellent stuff (again) from ‘our Nigel’. How he remains patient is beyond me when he is interviewed by such cretins as the bbbc reporter Smithy.
Well done, Nigel
Just to clarify a point Norm, perhaps you didn’t know but a friend who lives close to Mollenbeke certainly confirms that prior to Charlie Hebdo stalwarts of that ‘deprived community’ carried their Kalashnikovs, openly, in daylight, and the police turned a blind eye, or several.
Good man Nigel, we need more like him.
Pompous Norman Smith didn’t actually listen to the answers. Farage had to repeat at least 4 times that he made the comments back in December .
And if Norman Smith’s view is that the statement ought not be repeated because of the timing then he is a pious, sanctimonious twat.
In the UK politicians, or anyone else, can say what they feel to be right, and can continue to do so until Islam dominates parliament.
To describe Norman Smith as ‘pompous’ has to credit him with some level of presence and status – of which he exhibits neither. He is simply acerbic and deeply prejudiced.
31 people murdered, arms and legs blown off, families ruined, and Nigel Farage’s words are “inflammatory”?
I do wonder if the practice of blurring out the bloody bits in press photographs make it too easy for some people to hide their heads in the sand. Ooooo – not nice! Perhaps they need to be confronted by the reality.
Maria, I posted before but expect Nigel to be arrested any time soon.
Grant, only a matter o time, as they have Wilders on trial in the Netherlands, and Le Pen in France being regularly put on trial. Expect a round up of UKIP supporters first, just to show that they are a bad bunch.
GWF, You are probably right. And the pressure will increase as the referendum approaches but arrests may be counter-productive. I have mentioned , boringly, several times that I live in Gambia , which is a dictatorship but I am visiting UK just now.
In Gambia, provided you do not criticise the President (in public anyway ), you are there free to say almost anything you like, subject to defamation and that is a civil matter. There is more freedom of speech there than in the UK.
When I get back and tell Gambian friends some of the things happening in the UK they will, literally, not believe me .
Grant You may have noticed that I have posted here about the man who has been arrested for describing a Moslem’s response to his question about Brussels as ‘mealy mouthed’. Our cops – and behind them the government – are determined to stamp out any opposition to Islam. Don’t expect our cops to put themselves out when combating the terrorists.
GWF, Yes, I saw it. That is really what triggered my comment above. I just told my elderly mother that one and she said ” Have they nothing better to do”. It is just another example of the cops bullying the weak and innocent and failing to tackle serious crime. If I say I have more confidence in the Gambian Police than the British Police you may understand how low the British Police have sunk !
By and large policemen are not selected for their high intelligence and are trained to obey orders from superiors who are often not of the highest calibre. There are certainly no prizes for not fitting in with the prevailing culture.
Realising this, the Left have taken over and have imposed a ‘progressive’ regime, which few policemen dare challenge, even the bright ones who realise what a lie it is. Like Alsatians, they are trained to enforce and bark, so that is what they do. No bark – no biscuit.
If we want this to stop we have to do to the Leftist establishment what it has done to so many sectors of civil society – wrest it back from them and put control in the hands of people who favour common sense over common purpose.
GC, So in a nutshell, they are thick coppers ! Sadly, the Left pretty much have control of everything, except the military and I suspect they are working on that via the MoD and the legal system. A truly conservative government would sort this out but…………….
Yes, exactly, Grant. The problem is that even the Blessed St Margaret fought against the type of Tories who have now regained control of the party.
I’m not sure sure what the answer is and I think we need to find one quickly – while we still have time.
GC, I remember, when I was a boy in the 60s, my late father describing the Tories as “slow motion socialists ” . My God , if he could see them now.
I wonder if he’s secretly hoping for this. A huge own goal by the authorities, I think.
Torch and pitchfork time fast approaching.
More brain surgeons, doctors, engineers and teachers arriving in the UK (Dartford Crossing), never to return from whence they came. 26 here, seemingly all male from Iran and Iraq, as well as another 25 yesterday and these are the ones we know about. All to be housed fed and watered by our good selves.
They’ve hit the jackpot thanks to open EU borders, where were our border controls? I thought we had heat sensing equipment. The lorry might be British, but was the driver? so many questions! I await the BBC report on this tonight….
The frightening thing is that enforced removals of people from the UK has been on the decline since 2004. In 2014 a paltry 12400 were removed. Yet during this period, the number of illegal entrants ( back of lorries etc) must have gone up alarmingly . Successive governments , not least since 2010, have simply failed the public on the stopping of illegal immigration and finding and removing illegals. I don’t think the government is all that interested, despite the hype about strong secure borders.
As a result, we have no idea how many illegals are in this country. Call Me Dave’s refusal to explain the discrepancy between estimates of net migration and the much larger number of NI numbers beng issued is another example of the government wanting to brush he migrant issue under he carpet as much as it can.
There’s no chance the lorry load will be deported. They will have no travel documents (intentionally) and therefore cannot be deported under EU laws.
The photo is an image of Lottery Winners on a huge scale.
Is our Government turning a ‘blind eye’ to this ? Does any ‘illegal’ get deported and will our PM keep his promise before he leaves his office?……………….
BBC news reported this morning that Kent police have confirmed that over 50 illegal migrants have been apprehended after travelling in lorries this week alone. Lets not even speculate how many are not apprehended.
These people including at least 5 children will now be processed to see how many can be removed straight away and how many have a prima facile asylum claim. You can bet your house that the pro migrant lawyers will be on hand to defend the rights of all 50 to stay. I think very few if any will leave these shores. Will the BBC track the outcomes? I doubt it.
The permanent solution to the threat of Islamic terrorism in Britain and Europe is clear – deport all those Muslims who are already here and prevent any more from coming, ever.
Minimize the contact we have with the Islamic world, it has brought us nothing but problems.
Or pretend that there’s nothing wrong and make up an alternative reality for what’s happening. Use the full power of the state and MSM to control debate and brainwash as many people as possible with this alternative reality. This continual state of denial and delusion only needs to last long enough for those who benefit to get what they want….
We are a long way off the solution you wisely describe Al Shubtill. Those in charge are going with option 2 and there’s fuck all we can do about it…. Yet
It’s the 18:00 news and it’s another bout of BBc reporters interviewing BBc reporters.
Still 18:00 news and criticism of South Yorkshire Police. Do they mention the culprits?
Hell No?
Still 18:00 news and criticism of South Yorkshire Police. Do they mention the culprits?
Hell No?
I dipped in at about 6.20. Huw Edwards interviewing a Georgian journalist who was at the scene , so I switched off.
Huw Edwards interviewing another journo? That’s because they know that with a few exceptions (like Israeli journos) they will get a politically correct discourse running that looks natural and conveys the message….everyone knows this is nothing to do with Islam.
It was noticeable on some of the attempts at live interviews this morning that people were politely refusing to speak to the BBC, though one Belgian guy did come out with the line “diversity is stronger than this hatred” with great emphasis, which made me LOL, as it was the only line he said clearly….maybe my ears aren’t what they were?
I suspect they are under orders to be very careful about live interviews with the Belgian public.
They probably won’t want to accidentally interview a Vlaams Belang supporter.
It would be interesting to know what the time lapse is on live broadcasts….I’ve heard it’s 10 seconds on BBC radio (to exclude bad language or libel) does anyone know for sure, or is that an urban myth?
The reason for this Dave666 is that the BBC know they will get safe and politically correct replies by talking to each other.
It shows that they know that they can’t rely on the public to toe the line in live broadcasts.
You can bet your bottom dollar there’d be a lot more made of this if it was a Tory list !
The BBC usually loves train wrecks. It has been astonishingly restrained in its coverage of the continual pile-up that is the current Labour party.
GC, and they never refer to splits in the Labour Party over the EU.
Although not bbc I thought I would bring this to the attention of others. I have just watched the most absurd and disgusting interview on channel 4 news from Brussels. Alongside the token Muslim was some Belgium bureaucrat who stated (I kid you not)….”The Muslim community are the first victims of what happened yesterday”…Followed by…”Islam is not the problem”. God help Europe!
Allah’s Apostle said, “I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.”
The Hadith, collected by Bukhari (4.52.220)
One feature of the BBCs coverage has been the emphasis on how fragmented the Belgian state is due to various considerations around linguistic sensitivities between Francophone and Flemish areas and the complexity of local government structures, police departments and Belgian federal security, police and Government agencies.
There were reported to be six different police agencies responsible for Brussel/Bruxelles region, hence no one can be held to account for the alleged situation in Molenbeek or “Centraal Jihad Centrale”
What isn’t mentioned by our unbiased BBC is that this is the model for the EUs “Europe of the Regions” lots of chaos, lots of complexity, lots of layers of Government and bureaucracy and a nation of minorities dissolved into the embrace of ever closer union.
It’s what is planned for us. Fragment then devour.
Indeed. And if anything Belgium is a near perfect model of what happens when you start artificially monkeying around with nation states.
Either these people are completely uneducated or they think we won’t notice.
Well that`s a new one on me.
Two Muslim nutters have just been convicted of trying to enact a “drive-by shooting” on members of the armed forces.
Apparently they were linked to Jihadi Johns network in West London.
But hang on- you may think it yet another Islamic evil to add to the catalogue.
Ah-but the BBCs muppet on the Ten O Clock News who`s “reporting” this is able to tell me that they were set to buy their guns from two black blokes-who…wait for it, wait for it…were described as “FORMER ALTAR BOYS”!
No further questions yer honour…wonder how many sharks Evil Knievel was able to jump on a fat camel, with no distraction of an elephant in the dressing room?
Ann Coulter nails it down about the Islamic terrorist attacks in Brussels:
“All this would be perfectly normal if we were talking about an earthquake or some other natural disaster — something humans have no capacity to prevent. But Muslims pouring into our countries and committing mass murder isn’t natural at all. It’s the direct result of government policy.
It’s as if the government were dumping rats in our houses, and then, whenever someone died of the plague, those same government officials issued heartfelt condolences, Twitter lit up with sympathetic hashtags and the Times editorialized about effective rodent control, but no one ever bothered to say, Hey! Maybe the government should stop putting rats in our houses!
When people are killing in the name of their religion, it’s not an irrelevancy to refuse to keep admitting more practitioners of that religion.”
As usual, Ms Coulter puts her finger on it. It seems that we have reached the point where the only people who believe the lies about Islam are in a small minority composed of the self-appointed ‘elite’ – Leftist politicians, academics, journalists and the judiciary.
So the question is, how do we rid ourselves of the undue influence this minority has over society?
GC – the essential objective is for Britain to extricate herself as swiftly as possible from the EU asylum; if the vote goes in favour of the Remainians – I think our country will be finished. I can see no other future for us other than disaster, as our nation will continue to be taken from us incrementally.
It is impossible for the British to effect real change in how and by whom we are governed if we stay in – it just can’t happen.
Hopefully we vote to leave and then other countries (Denmark, Holland for example) follow our lead and eventually the whole edifice of this failed European “Project”, comes crashing down – and both us and the Europeans will be all the better for it.
Yes, I agree. Brexit is the first step but it is a long road. Beyond that, we need to purge the universities, the media and the judiciary – and the only way to do that is via political activity. We now have proof (though surely we had no need of it) that voting for any of the major parties is a waste of time. We also have proof that any party that even mildly threatens the status quo in England will be destroyed.
So what next?
You have asked the right question. My view is that events will take precedence over everything else and dictate our actions but we must be prepared for anything now.
What is vital is that there are enough of us who are prepared to build a network of those who will put the nation and it’s future generations as the absolute priority far over and above personal comfort and prosperity. There is no other way when an existential threat faces a people. Either that or leave and leaving for many of us is no answer .
Hold in your mind the story of how Odysseus took back Ithica. Slowly , with circumspection and building his alliances with those whose loyalty was absolute. Then when he was ready he acted swiftly and without hesitation. . The leader we need will have to be like this.
Waiting for family guy to start and accidentally had bbc4 on for about 1 minute. That 1 minute dumbfounded me.
The program: Hurricanes and heatwaves. The highs and the lows or something.
As we all know, climate change is a fact not a theory.
And this has been confirmed by ‘chaos theory’, of all things.
Am I losing my mind, or did they really say this?
[1] chaos is a pseudo science, e.g. a butterfly flaps its wings, there’s a hurricane in Mexico. The real science is thermal dynamics and complex maths, and there’s plenty of people on here who know far more than me.
[2] In any case, it’s a theory. So climate change fact is confirmed by a ropey [not religion of peace] theory.
[3] Chaos is chaotic. Climate is chaotic and cannot be predicted ‘Lorenz (1963), in the landmark paper that founded chaos theory, said that because the climate is a mathematically-chaotic object (a point which the UN’s climate panel admits), accurate long-term prediction of the future evolution of the climate is not possible “by any method”. At present, climate forecasts even as little as six weeks ahead can be diametrically the opposite of what actually occurs, even if the forecasts are limited to a small region of the planet.
All the computing power we have, we cannot accurately predict the movement of a square inch of water.
[4] As Jeff Goldblum in jurassic park helpfully explained, the same experiment will produce completely different results each time it’s run. So chaos theory will predict virtually if not all possible outcomes. It might even predict the rise of the dinosaurs. Again.
Also, the narrator was very convincing. She could tell you Muslims were the real victims, and you know what, i might believe her. Just found out she’s called Charlotte Green. Shes a newsreader, so she sounds believable, even when shes narrating utter bollox.
£4Billion a year for this complete crap.
So, our PM needs more time to think ?
Well he better start thinking of putting his own people and nation first and then deal with Al Beeb that has been so ‘Inter-nationalistic’ that it undermines his party and doesn’t give a toss about Great Britain and the people that pay its wages.
Time for a new PM , time to put Britain first and more importantly – time to get out of the EU
IMPORTANT – Why we should get out of the EU .
Anything on Al Beeb about this ?
The former head of MI6 yesterday demolished the security case for staying in the EU – saying Britain could be safer out.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3506991/UK-safer-Europe-says-former-MI6-chief-Sir-Richard-Dearlove-suggests-Brexit-make-easier-deport-terrorists.html#ixzz43mGSDr6N
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Taffman, That is a very big news story which the BBC cannot fail to cover, can they ?
They certainly can – and they damn well will if they can get away with it.
As you go on to imply in a later comment, let’s see some of the trolls defend this blatant selectivity.
GC, And if he had said the opposite, it would be headline news on the BBC ! You can bet the BBC trolls will just ignore this ! Let’s hope Nigel brings it up in a live interview before the BBC can edit it out .
Have I missed something ?
Since the tragedy in Brussels I have not seen a ‘peep’ of kikuchiyo, Jerrod, Marvin and the rest his ‘so called’ Magnificent Seven Al Beeb Trolls ?
Strange . Have they been banned from this site?
Don’t you ever sleep, Taffman? It’s no time of the night for you to be worrying about a few trolls.
They are the one’s who should be worrying. Their world view is becoming increasingly threatened. They can pick out flaws here and there and point to some of the less well thought out posts but overwhelmingly the positions we take and evidence we supply (and yours is always good) will increasingly become unanswerable. The political tide has turned and is now slowly flowing in our favour. We still have to work at it though but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even if Brexit doesn’t win the referendum it is not over. The EU can’t save itself, it lacks the ability that much is clearly evident now thanks to the ‘migrant’ crisis.
Another big thing in our favour at the moment is the ‘Open Borders’ movement. This is clearly loony in any circumstances and it can only be campaigned for by people with strong anarchist tendencies. These people have but one aim and that is to bring about the collapse of the western society. And those who claim it is not so are often socialists who have never got over the fact the the working classes rejected their ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ and now rely on Islam and suicide bombers to destroy the society they despise, in the pitiful belief that the Islamic hordes will let them build their Marxist utopia. Fat chance.
I threw away my Mao badge years ago when I realized that what was being told to me as revealed truth was lies and deception. At best it was wishful thinking. Unfortunately the majority of my comrades still hold to the faith in form.
Even now they are meeting somewhere, and to the tune of the Red Flag singing;
We’re stalwarts of the loony left,
Of common sense we’re quite bereft.
We preach aloud in streets and parks
The gospel of our dear St Marx.
The Berlin wall’s come tumbling down
But we intend to stick around.
From our great cause we shall not flee
We’ll just ignore reality.
In my working days we had a song for the prior ‘comrades’ who managed to gain a promotion:
The working class
Can kiss my arse
I’ve got the foreman’s job at last.
I remember singing that – to the tune of the Red Flag.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
Working shifts – just like the ‘duty trolls’.
I hope they have not been banned. He/they are a major source of humour here.
Scenario 1. They claimed their 72 virgins in Brussels.
Scenario 2. They went to Calais to get hands on experience with Afghan dancing boys.
Scenario 3. After Brussels they saw the light and finally woke up to the bias of al-Beeb!
The last time Jihadi Jerrod was on here I had kindly told him that delusionists like him who are as fanatical about enforcing their warped sheltered views on the rest of us as Islam, are in trouble. Serious trouble. Their ROPer fuck buddies are just using them like comfort women during this time of war to assist in the jihadi war effort. If ISLAM wins then the first to die will be those walking around London carrying “LGBT against islamphobia” banners because they are nothing but an abomination in the eyes of Allah and must be sent to hellfire. If we win then we will never forgive Jihadi Jerrod and these traitorous, self serving bast@rds for what they have done to us….. A few days later the peace attacks in Belgium… Nothing since from him…. Strange that
> Nothing since from him…. Strange that
I’ve been working, socialising with friends. You know, all the things that grown ups do. You should try it some time, you might find you like it.
Or you can stay online, hiding behind your keyboard, spewing fear and hatred in a vain attempt to convince yourself that your personal failings are all the fault of other people, and how you’re superior because you’re an antisocial, judgemental, bigoted little twerp.
Your choice.
Jerrod, Who do you blame for the terrorist atrocity in Brussels ?
and more to the point….does he think the attackers were “hot”?
nothing like the thought of taking one up the wrong ‘un from a potential jihadi to throw into the conversational mix with the old reach around circle of friends
Anyway if you through enough crumbs down you will surely attract the rats… Oh hello Jihadi Jerrod!
Same old liberal gobshites. Just cannot help with the the half-truths and lies. I wouldn’t call being shipped out to Brussels to find the mythical ‘moderate Muslim’ with the rest of your Al Beeb jihadi loving friends socialising! Besides, I would have thought you and your kind would have been too busy making up new buzz words or hashtags to socialise?
Your ROPer friends are making things awfully difficult for you to keep pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes aren’t they?
> Just cannot help with the the half-truths and lies.
Well, you do so well on your own, why would you need help from anyone else?
> I wouldn’t call being shipped out to Brussels to find the mythical ‘moderate Muslim’ with the rest of your Al Beeb jihadi loving friends socialising!
Like that one, for example.
Congrats, though – in demonstrating that you’re unencumbered by any sense of honesty, propriety or good old-fashioned grown up behaviour, I’m sure there are plenty of Biased BBC commenters who will find a kindred spirit in you.
Jerrod, Who do you blame for the terrorist atrocities in Brussels ?
Jerrod of course will blame the victims – that’s what left-wing extremists always do.
Demon, or he will just ignore the question. I have posed it twice now !!
Those big specs of his need changing
Correct Grant. He’s replied but still ignored the question. He’s humourously pretending to stand on some moral high-ground although it looks like quicksand to everybody else.
Nope, not claiming any moral high ground. But I can see how it might look like that from your position in the gutter.
But it was quite amusing to be lectured on the moral high ground by someone who is so insecure about his own position that he has to accuse me of being a “left wing extremist”, and then fabricating a ridiculous motive for me, just to feel good about himself and his prejudices.
Does it not make you feel the tiniest bit ashamed that you have to lie about people in order to feel better about yourself? Can you not see how pathetic it is that your whole delusion about your own superiority is based on a fiction?
You have my pity. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to spend time with adults instead of a bunch of bigoted halfwits who think that behaving like juveniles on the Internet will compensate for their obvious inadequacies.
Demon, I think his lack of reply speaks volumes !
Grant, he rather proves my point as well. Plus hinting her’s not extreme left when his own organisation call anybody to the right of Gordon Brown right-wing speaks volumes. His hissy-fit is actually hilarious. When he believes the perpetrators of these evil acts are the real victims (e.g. ‘”right-wing” backlash’ that never materialises.)
He claims he has other friends so will leave this site alone for some time, but we know he is sitting behind his keyboard frothing at the mouth as all his bigotries and racism is called out. And he can’t answer as his lie that he is no longer looking will be proved as much a lie as everything else he says.
> Grant, he rather proves my point as well.
If your point is “Demon will come out with any old shit in an attempt to try and convince himself that he’s not an imbecile,” then maybe.
> Plus hinting her’s not extreme left when his own organisation call anybody to the right of Gordon Brown right-wing speaks volumes.
“His own organisation”? You seem to imply I work for the BBC – or at least the fictional version you have constructed, one that is so simplistically evil that even someone with your limited debating skill has no trouble arguing against it.
Neither is true. I do not work for the BBC and never have done.
> His hissy-fit is actually hilarious.
Well, it’s not a hissy fit – but your attempt to exploit the death of innocent people makes you out as a sad little loser, and someone needs to point that out to you, since you clearly lack the intellectual capacity to stop yourself from making an unpleasantly moronic fool of yourself.
And given that you seem to find yourself hilarious, I won’t take your judgment of my apparent hilarity as anything more than meeting a very low bar indeed.
> so will leave this site alone for some time, but we know he is sitting behind his keyboard frothing at the mouth as all his bigotries and racism is called out.
Once again, you’re making stuff up and presenting it as truth. Well done you. How big of you.
> And he can’t answer as his lie that he is no longer looking will be proved as much a lie as everything else he says.
Again, more lies. But that’s you to the core, isn’t it? A shitty little liar, and a coward. You don’t have the courage to tell the truth, and you’re too ashamed of your dishonesty to admit to it.
What a sad little loser you are. Still, at least on Biased BBC you’ve found a bizarre place where stupidity and dishonesty are regarded as wholesome attributes. No wonder you hide out on here instead of interacting in the real world, where people need to behave like grown-ups in ways you are proving that you cannot.
What pathetic rot, you deluded little worm.
How dare you use the people who have lost their lives to terrorists as the means to try and justify your pitiful bigotry.
They deserve better than to be treated as pawns by a stupid, hate-filled adolescent who is so incapable of rational thought that he has to use dead people as a prop for his own prejudice.
You should be ashamed of yourself. You won’t be of course, as that would require intelligence and humility, neither of which you have shown any sign of possessing.
Jerrod, To slightly rephrase my question along the lines of Mrs . Merton to Debbie McGhie “What first attracted you to millionaire Paul Daniels ” , who do you, Jerrod, blame for the Jihadi muslim terrorist atrocity in Brussels ?
I blame the terrorists, as I have made clear in my response to Demon’s offensive assertion that I blamed the victims.
I realise, though, that concept may have been too complicated for a soul of your calibre to comprehend, so happy to reiterate it.
BBC actually use the word “Jihadis” in a headline on their website. Wow !
According to the BBC website ( ! ) one of the terrorists was deported from Turkey in June 2015 and the Turks warned the Belgian authorities that he was a “fighter “.
I am intrigued by the process whereby a terrorist gets deported from Turkey to Belgium.
Maybe there should be a globally created area away from everywhere, where such charmers can be sent to, to ply their craft?
With a nice Bay.