Well then, a new week starts and time for a new Open Thread. Did you watch IDS on the Marr Show yesterday? What did you think of his treatment? I notice the BBC has been giving the CBI’s latest doom and gloom report on the consequences of the UK leaving the EU loads of exposure this morning. The floor is yours..
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Women’s football “super league” results on BBC sports slot this morning.
Can I ask that they give the attendance figures? just so we can gauge genuine interest in this nationally important sports news.
Ah, but they do. When they say ‘2-1’ that’s not the score – it’s the attendance figure i.e. 2 supporters for one team and 1 supporter for the other team (comprising 1 BBC cameraperson, 1 BBC soundperson and 1 BBC manager armed with a copy of Football for Dummies).
I thought it was a ‘crowd’ of two and one dog?
None of my female friends are at all interested in womens’ football although many are interested in mens’ football.
The BBC were incredibly excited during the women’s football World cup 2015. I watched a bit of the semi finals of England v Japan. The tedium of the play meant I could spend a few minutes studying the empty stands. In what other world cup would you have deserted stands at the semi finals?
Still, it means that BBC producers can say to each other ‘look, see, there is no difference between men and women, just like we have always been saying.’
scribbling, Most women are not interested in women’s football or cricket for that matter. But very different when it comes to tennis or athletics. I don’t know why. Is it because they are sports for individuals ? On the other hand how many people follow women’s golf.
I would have thought that the BBC would be pushing womens’ darts and snooker. If more women played snooker, I might get interested.
How are the Bradford Ladies Curtained Left Hand Mosque doing ?
Manchester evening lies showing Adolf Lloyds Political Correctness Enforcement Squad is as bad as ever.
PC Shahid Shah posted a ‘grossly offensive’ image of Israel president Benjamin Netanyahu beside Adolf Hitler on the social media site
Shah, who served in the Royal Logistics Corps before joining the police, had not been taking part in the debate on a ‘private’ Facebook page between police officers on Gaza until he posted the picture, which superimposed an image of Netanyahu on a picture where Hitler is pointing at a map with Nazi colleagues.
Two Jewish police officers who saw the post anonymously reported the ‘grossly offensive’ image to bosses at Greater Manchester Police .
Assistant Chief Constable Garry Shewan, in a statement read out during the hearing, said: “He did cause offence to members of the Jewish community, failed to show initially that he accepted what he had done was wrong and showed he had failed to learn lessons from a previous warning about what he had posted on Facebook.”
The officer had previously been given ‘words of advice’ after posting a picture of the bereaved beside Lee Rigby’s grave on Facebook.
He pointed out that the Professional Standards Branch of Greater Manchester Police had initially recommended the PC should face ‘misconduct’ rather rather ‘gross misconduct’ proceedings, meaning he could not have been sacked, as the privacy settings were at maximum, no members of the public were likely to view the image and that it wasn’t clear from his Facebook profile PC Shah was a police officer
The officer, whose parents came from Pakistan in the 1950s, had served in the Royal Logistics Corps and was part of the peace-keeping force in Bosnia where he saw ‘some terrible issues’ between Muslims, Jews and Christians, said Mr King.
This is the product of the Fascism in the Labour party signalling to people like PC Shah, that anti Semitism is not only OK, but perfectly normal. To find that he has also been disciplined over an image of Lee Rigby says to me that the Islamism we are told is only a few, is very deeply ingrained indeed.
“The officer, whose parents came from Pakistan in the 1950s, had served in the Royal Logistics Corps and was part of the peace-keeping force in Bosnia where he saw ‘some terrible issues’ between Muslims, Jews and Christians, said Mr King.”
Jews in Bosnia? Really? I thought Hitler’s fez wearing muslim SS battalions had managed to “solve the Jewish problem” in Bosnia between 1941 and 1945. Unless PC Shah (whose first name means “martyr” I believe) is trying to blame the Bosnian War on a vast Jewish conspiracy, which, on reflection, he probably is.
Rob, I did a bit of googling and there would appear to be a few Jews still there but , I suspect as you do, that Shah is a liar.
Totally agree and until the liberal establishment recognises that the problem is not confined to just a few radicalised Jihadiis but has roots deep within Muslim communities across the West, the problem will just grow and grow. Of course this is very difficult for the liberal establishment to do, because they would have to admit that their ‘open borders, multiculty policies’ have brought this problem home to the West, and that their insane attempts to impose democracy on the Mahgrab and the Middle East by overthrowing the ‘strong men’ who kept the lid on things, has made things much, much worse, and finally, that opening Europe to all comers is a catastrophic error. Note that all of this has been done against the wishes of their electorates and without any democratic mandate. Even with the unstinting help of their media allies across Europe and to an extent in North America, they are unable to prevent the indigenous population getting angrier and angrier and it is inevitable that the populations will turn to those who offer to take action to reverse the Islamification of their countries. Let us hope that this happens before it is too late.
Cops are dealing with the post Brussels backlash. Expect more arrests, following the arrest of the man who described a Moslem’s comments as ‘mealy mouthed’. Obvious incitement to race hate – lock him up.
If the arrest is on the basis of that tweet and not something more serious, I find that deeply troubling. What is also deeply troubling is that most people seem not to recognise that rights to free speech are being trampled upon before their very eyes.
Note that rather than bemoan the infringement of the right to free speech The BBC actually treats his detention as a joke!
popeye, what do you mean. The BBC believe in freedom of speech— For them !
“I am intrigued by the process whereby a terrorist gets deported from Turkey to Belgium.” (Guest who @7.51 am)
Here’s how….
First, issue a North African a work permit for a year or two.
Next elect a liberal, internationalist, multi culti government that wants to respect human rights, feels guilty about the Congo and has noticed that because of its predecessors social policies the birth rate is declining and the abortion rate is increasing…this is good, freedom, equality for women, damages the old, Catholic ruling class, advances secular values….but it means economic growth is threatened…..so give the North African a Belgian passport, now hey presto! He’s as Belgian as Tin Tin! he’s a new European!
The North African doesn’t like abortion so starts his family with another Belgian he met at the new mosque. They have several kids….over the years industry shrinks, jobs are lost, unskilled and semi skilled labour isn’t wanted. The Belgian has Belgian kids who can’t get jobs, don’t fit in because….they don’t want to be dull Belgians, they want to be cool North Africans…..they discover Islam, they become angry and dislocated….it’s not fair…..they want to fight….if they can’t be North Africans they can join the world club of Islam….they can create a new, turboislamic North Africa in Belgium.
The young Belgian goes travelling, like his dad, looking for opportunity but without the work ethic, he goes to North Africa, the Middle East, Turkey…..he steps on some toes in Turkey and finds his dream of world Islamic solidarity is just that, a dream. He’s deported to his “homeland”, Belgium. But he wants to be a North African, a Muslim, a fighter….everyone ignores him….he works in a crappy bar in Molenbeek, dabbles in drugs and crime, draws some benefits until…..someone he met at the mosque listens to him, agrees with him and trains him, arms him, and gives him a lift to the airport where his dad arrived all those years ago on a work permit, for a year or two. Kaboooom! yes, we heard you.
Shame the liberal, internationalist, multi culti government didn’t let dad go back to North Africa with some spare cash to set himself up to work and raise his family at home when his work permit expired.
Many thanks. I did wonder.
Maybe Norman Smith can task a Remainer advocate on how such policies add to security throughout the EU?
Guest who, that’s an easy question to answer and thanks for asking. You see, Europe needs more labour (cheaper the better but mums the word) and the Middle East and North Africa have a surplus of young people under the age of 25 just itching to come to work for a better life for themselves and for us “old Europeans”. Some of them have military experience so may come in handy if we can recruit some of the “new Europeans” into our armed forces and EU gendarmerie (mums the word, eh?)
Of course the benefits of a multicultural society speak for themselves so a bit of harmless, peaceful, old time Muslim religion is no problem and might help keep some of the randier elements in order! Ahah, hah, hah!
Now, if we don’t allow some of those young people the chance to come to Europe, the Middle East and North Africa will become destabilised and a source of difficult to manage migration streams, so you see it’s win win, we in Europe get a steady supply of doctors and engineers and they in the Middle East and North Africa get stable, productive societies that we can trade with and, in due course they can join us in the EU….ahem, mums the word on that one too, if you get my drift…
Anyway the proof of the puddings in the eating, so take a look all round Europe..Malmo, Cologne, Paris, Brussels, Bradford, Birmingham, London, Lesbos, Athens to name but a few…..and you’ll see tears, tears of joy and relief that the EU leads the world in caring, sharing and building ever
closer union….everywhere.
Soon, if we all stand shoulder to shoulder, everywhere will be like Molenbeek! What’s not to like?
PS I’m off on holiday to Neckar island with some chums for a while, until things cool off a little. speak soon.
embolden, Brilliant ! That is a big LOL ! You could sell that to the BBC as a comedy monologue. It would sound great on “The Now Show “. Er………….
I see (not from reading the BBC website) that Poland’s prime minister will not accept any of the migrants agreed under the EU/Turkey deal because of the Brussels attack. So the agreement which is less than a week old is already starting to unravel. I would have thought this newsworthy even for the BBC.
Just out of interest has Greece actually sent any migrants back yet?
Any genuinely professional and objective news organisation should be embarrassed, make that ashamed, to report the Brussels attacks the way the BBC has done. I listened to TAWTO on Tuesday and was not surprised at what I heard. The BBC was contorting itself in order to avoid any mention of our favourite religion. Arabic shouts were heard, the attacks were probably linked to Paris but there the trail ended etc etc etc. Risible stuff. The only eye-witness interview I heard was from someone called Odette Islam. Straight in with the ‘Muslims are the victims too’ routine. Tired old propaganda that fools nobody.
Islam is a religion of blame-Christianity is one of guilt.
And, due to a decoupling of the Jewish roots of Christendom from the western worldview-we`re now left with Jesus the social worker.
We need to get right with the Jews and with Israel-who know only too well what “One Volk” or “Islamic Co-Operation” ends up as.
Reminds me of the ” Muslims Fear Backlash Over Tomorrows Planned Attacks On Atlantic Flights” headline idea of Mark Steyn and others who gave him the concept.
Belgium is broken and irredeemable…Brussels the catheter for EU addicts to endure, as Islam turns its Grand Place into Chop Chop Square .
Time to cut and stand our ground-and put Islam into its basket before more heads roll into it.
I know I should have noticed this before, but after every Islamic attack the BBC wants to know what is wrong with the people of the society being attacked: where they Islamophobic? not sufficiently welcoming of immigrants? why wasn’t their security better, why did their unwelcoming behaviour allow the killers to be radicalized, and so on.
Never is the more obvious question asked: what is it that is wrong with Islam that creates so many killers?
And it’s just the same with all the child sex abuse cases in UK. The BBC never asks: what is it in Islam that encourages organised child sex gangs?
BBC website headline ” Osborne ” Bring it on ” over sugar tax ” . Now there is the kind of fighting talk we need from this government !
Yes, confronting the might of Robinson’s fruit drinks is a bit more this government’s style than taking on political Islam, isn’t it?
in animal behaviour, I believe they call it “displacement behaviour “. Utterly pathetic.
Here’s a speech wot I wrote for our Iron Chancellor, (with apologies and gratitude)
I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of sugar and to outlive the menace of Robertsons, Coca Cola, Vimto, Irn Bru, Pepsi and Tango, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.
At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of Her Majesty’s Government-every man, woman, gender fluid and trans person of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation.
Even though large tracts of London and many old and famous towns and counties have fallen or may fall into the grip of huge, squat, gappy toothed, obese, waddling sugar addicts we shall not flag or fail.
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight at the sweet counters,
we shall fight on the seas and oceans
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the airport branches of WH Smith and Boots,
we shall fight in the beach cafes,
we shall fight in the country village Spar and Londis, and in Mr Patels town corner shops
We shall fight at the soft drinks fridges wherever they are found, and at the purveyors of squashes and minerals,
we shall fight in the supermarkets and the convenience stores..
we shall never surrender until we have removed the scourge of sugar bearing soft drinks from this island of ours, and enabled our children to grow tall, slim and with white teeth to die for.
Go to it Gideon! Action this day.
Positively Inspirational ! We haven’t seen the likes of George Osborne since …… er , wait a minute….what’s his name ?……… er……. Nero, that’s it , Nero .
Everyone. I agree wholeheartedly with everything on this site BUT the time has now come to DO something to address all the issues raised on here. I am no leader or profilic analyst or writer like many of you, and I am not sure how to get a movement going. But we know it’s time for action to confront the issues from BBC bias to the liberal left aopologists and ruling elite. No longer will just our words do, so how do we get mobilised, organise campaigns, marches, news releases?? Before it’s all too late, if it isn’t already.
Meggo I have a lot of sympathy with what you say but I don’t think we will be heard. If you’re not politically aware, BBC bias is not very visible to you. ITV, Sky, Netflix etc is probably where you live unless its something lowbrow like Eastenders and Call The Midwife.. You resent the licence fee but then you resent council tax and income tax too. There’s always been a licence to get a telly, you’re used to it.
John Whittingdale is the only guy who can change things, with his charter renewal negotiations, the indications are he’s just tinkering at the edges. Talk tough act weak seems to characterise this guy. The recent Commons Select Committee report on the Beeb was equally inept.
At the very least I’d take BBC news budget away and put it up for auction for 5 year periods. I’d also free up other news channels not to have the statutory duty to be unbiased which the Beeb nakedly exploits to evade criticism. The big bazooka is force the entire Beeb output to be pay per view. Don’t expect any of this soon.
Wow 522 posts so I’ll just put this note for a record.
* Is an operation called “BBC Future” a resource for spreading “Liberal Progressive propaganda ? *
Lewniverse = followers of tainted psychologist Lewandowsky . (you can check his record of retractions etc.)
Well BBC Future are well in with the Lewniverse, cos they always pushing that kind of story in their FB feed.
They have a new Lew based story about Conspiracy theories.
The interesting bit is the history here : last week on FB they promoting a Lew story which is on BBC Future’s website but is 2 years old. Forcing me to comment, why is this 2014 story counted as news-worthy ?
Now 6 days later they have come back and done a new version of the same story (look how similar the main graphic is) credited to David Robson This longer article mixes Lew’s stuff with talk of a new paper from Eryn Newman at the University of Southern California published last month, so I guess they can say it’s newsworthy. I can understand the staff love Lew, but why are they pushing his stories so much, in a uncritical way ? Isn’t that propaganda ?
Their remit page says : “We are a guide to how to live more intelligently in a fast-changing world.”
I heard the Croatian buffoon Adrian Chiles talking about the New Zealand flag this morning.
Amazingly, Kiwis have voted to keep their old flag, which includes the Union Flag, much to Chiles’s amazement. Naturally, his guest was from the side which wanted a new flag, no doubt it had proved impossible for the BBC’s £4 billion news operation to get hold of anyone in the 56% of Kiwis who voted to keep their flag.
Chiles was amazed that Kiwis would want to keep a symbol of Britain on their flag, after all apart from founding and populating the nation, what had Britain ever done for New Zealand? Chiles and his guest shook their heads in bafflement, and concluded that embittered war veterans must have swing the vote. But fear not, there will be another vote when these deluded codgers have shuffled off. New Zealand is multicultural after all these days.
It is impossible for the intellectually challenged , oh why beat about the bush, ignorant thicko Chiles to understand why anyone should feel any loyalty to Great Britain. Has anyone noticed that he has one of these stupid faces which is just asking to be punched ?
Yes I have, the kind of attitude he displays is all the more incredible when considering his talent to income ratio, that may come across as a little personal but no slight is intended.
Its called a face only a mother could love. I think he’s from a Serbian heritage (or such like), and like a lot of Eastern Europeans he’s not been blessed with film star looks. A lot of men seem to suffer from ‘flat heads’ at the back, and are a bit strange looking. (I notice these things at Luton airport, where they arrive by the bucket load)
Seems quite likely that has already happened, hence…
Well I can’t wait to see the smile wiped off his chubby Chiles boat race when we vote to leave the shithole of the world that is the called the EU. Feel more confident every day
chiles’ career trajectory at the BBC has always defied logic. His brummy accent is irritating. He has a face only fit for gurning. He should be permanently affixed to a loo seat to frame his face. He was over promoted onto the One Show and when he walked out the BBC had the chance to dispense with him permanently. Yet they wouldn’t. After failing at ITV he has come creeping back aided and abetted by god knows who in BBC management.
I guess as far as the BBC go the answer is he ticks a box or two and he leans in the right direction politically (see the Carol Thatcher sacking).
He failed miserably at ITV and as you say a case of promotion beyond ability, yet like Evans the BBC somehow welcome him back with open arms.
I’m yet to see a competent One Show presenter/contributor, its a no go zone in this household.
He must have photographs, I always thought I must have been missing something regarding the Chiles appeal factor, nice to know my initial assessment of gabbling poltroon wasn’t too far from the mark.
Chiles is the archetypal turd that won’t flush.
He ain’t no Brummie bro’, he’s a Yam Yam. Or, to clarify for non locals, from West Bromwich. He sounds like Frank Skinner’s halfwit brother.
Why does he support Stoke or have I got that wrong ?
I confronted a wet liberal at the BBC and asked him to explain mass, unchecked immigration into the UK. He said ‘nothing to do with me.’ A mealy mouthed reply.
Who should the police arrest, me or him?
Refugees on the Greek islands won’t be supported by “Save the Children” according to Caroline Anning an ex Beeboid now a “humanitarian emergency media manager” interviewed by Edward Stourton on TWatO (32 mins in if you fancy a listen).
Ed did try, half heartedly, to question Caroline whether this was “playing politics with peoples needs” but she dodged that one with ease.
She said that recent policy changes meant that the Greek islands were now “detention areas” and STC didn’t want to be involved in that, so they were switching their operation to help the illegals on the mainland, the ones trying to crash the FYROMacedonia border at Idomeni.
I hope the Government and charitable donors who fund this NGO take note that “Save the Children” are now, in effect, acting as open borders campaigners, against the EU and against the elected government of Greece, and any other elected government trying to regain control of Europes borders before they become ex elected governments.
Save the children?
They didn’t do much to save the thousands of white children raped by Pakistanis across the length of Britain did they?
Maybe there wasn’t time?
Happens a lot elsewhere, too.
But their management still took their massive wages. Ask them some questions on their facebook page they don’t like it very much.
Just watched some of Pantorama on Muslim terrorists. After their intensive investigation and access to secret files, all they told us was that Isil are sending lots of well trained men to kill as many of us as possible. Just about everyone in the country, apart from the BBC and the Guardian , have known this for a year or more. But they have finally discovered why so many of us don’t want migrants in our country. Better late than never. However, will they be able to complete the picture and work out for themselves why Muslim migrants, open borders ,Mrs Merkel and the EU , are a all bad things. I don’t think so , do you?
Another ‘Annus horribilis’ as one famously said….. Obviously ‘This has nothing to Islam’ T May once said..
Date City/Country Event/ Number of Perpetrators / Fatalities*
Mar-2015 Tunis, Tunisia Shooting at Bardo National Museum 2 22
May-2015 Karachi, Pakistan Bus shooting attack 8 46
Jun-2015 Sousse, Tunisia Mass shooting at Riu Imperial Marhaba Hotel 1 38
Aug-2015 Asir, Saudi Arabia Mosque bombing 1 15
Oct-2015 Ankara, Turkey Bombing attack outside railway station 2 102
Oct-2015 Egypt Metrojet Flight 9268 crash Unknown 224
Nov-2015 Beirut, Lebanon Suicide bombings in Burj al-Barajneh 2 43
Nov-2015 Paris, France Mass shooting and suicide bombings 11 130
Jan-2016 Istanbul, Turkey Suicide bombing in area popular with tourists 1 12
Jan-2016 Jalalabad, Afghanistan Suicide attack on Pakistani consulate 3 7
Jan-2016 Jakarta, Indonesia Shooting and suicide bombings 4 4
Mar-2016 Brussels, Belgium Bombings at airport and metro station At least 3 At least 31
*Excluding the perpetrators.
By the way, Douglas Murray was on fire last night on the Moral Maze:-
Wasn`t he just?
Languid, slowly contemptuous of the whole rationale of these knicker-pickers agonising about the warf and weft of said western undercrackers…as Islamic State simply refuse to send in the patterns, and just create their own line of bombing pants.
Murray-like our Lefty friend who trashed the need for the EU the other week-simply refused to play the game of mooch and mulch over the latest routine atrocity.
Murray made it so simple and unambiguous-which means he`ll not be getting an invite back.
“Oh if only it was so simple”…said Anne McElvoy.
Well it is Anne-and Douglas confirms that-but there again, you`d hardly fill forty five minutes of liberal flatus with taxis on standby would you if we blamed-well, just bloody Islam.
Quelle horreur-now how do we project the rainbow flag onto the Black Stone of Ka`aba…as if we`d even be asked to do THAT?
Murray was right to be coldly angry- but hardly “so supermarket”..so lets continue to chew the cud and sniff Anjems laundry basket-sure beats fighting them doesn`t it?
The one thing which really struck me listening to the program is the outrage, hate, and anger expressed by Giles Frazer at anyone who dared question his Fascist beliefs or to criticise his brow eyed boys. He went on and on about security and the risk to peoples freedoms whilst all the time failing to recognise the hypocrisy of his (il)liberal values which have been more successful at destroying freedom than anything else.
As for Douglas Murray, I thought he sounded more likely to fall asleep rather than ‘on fire’ !
But Giles Fraser, proved once again what a lightweight he is….struggling to grasp the simple notion that without security there cannot be liberty, then conceding the point before giving a wonderfully petulant rendition of the sixth form favourite that we mustn’t close in on ourselves and must keep the migration channels open.
No Giles, we mustn’t, but we rather must close in on the part of society in which weaponised Muslims hide, until the threat of massacre is neutralised.
It was also alarming to hear the panel labouring under the misconception that there were no identity cards in Britain during world war 2, don’t the BBC employ people who speak to their grandparents or, like, read books about history? (Of course they’ll all read black history in the relevant month of the year)
Someone finally corrected them near the end!
I disagree. I thought Fraser fully understood the point but was far too craven to admit he was wrong, although eventually he was forced to.
You could just hear him waiting to explode at the slightest criticism of his Muslim masters.
The ID card thing was a lie in an attempt to give some respectability to a very disreputable group.
We all commented earlier on the over use of ‘solidarity’. I wonder if Leo McKinstry in the Express reads this site……… excellent piece as per usual from this Columnist.
Biggest misnomer this week ? After a lorry load of migrants were tipped out onto the road in Kent, Kent police say they have been detained on “suspicion of having entered the Country illegally” !!!! SUSPICION ????? there’s no bloody doubt about it ! 3 dozen all crammed in the back of a lorry were going on a daytrip to Legoland I suppose. We need somebody like Trump, who I could see personally driving the lorry all the way back to France and leaving them there. But instead, they’ll be ‘processed’ and then be jumping through all manner of yuman rights appeals to stay here. Makes me want to vomit.
I wish people would take the time to learn about the UKs asylum process before posting criticising those who have to work the system!
Yes suspicion! If people coming here as genuine refugees have to enter the country illegally then it is not regarded as a crime, because of the situation they were in. Therefore until their case is decided one way or another the only thing the police can do is to hold them on suspicion !
I hope that makes it clear !
Even when they are refused asylum because their case is obviously false they are never prosecuted because they have no money to pay a fine, and putting them in prison costs a fortune.
No doubt the lorry driver will be prosecuted, and with so many on board there’s no way he’ll get away with that one !
You seem to know a lot about the asylum process Thoughtful, so why, in your opinion, if they cannot afford a fine, and they escape prison because of finances, cannot they be sent back from the last place they set foot in , and that would be um, France if they came via Calais, or Belgium if they came via Zeebruge.
In all honesty, I would imagine that at least 90% of the population DO NOT understand the asylum process, or any other political process either. We see what we see via media photos, and human nature being what it is, you will never eradicate the opinions or comments rightly or wrongly of the masses.
Well that’s a result then, the only person to be prosecuted is the lorry driver!
…And 95% don’t care we just want the fookers sent back from whence they came…
If someone sets foot on UK soil and claims asylum then there is a legal duty to hear their case, the only exception being if they are the wrong side of passport control when they can be refused entry and returned to place of origin.
You are of course right that at least 90% of the populace don’t understand the asylum process, and they probably don’t need to.
One of the best arguments that the lefties have never managed to develop a counter to is this.
Idiots like Benedict Cucumberpatch says that all the criminals (for that is what they are) should be allowed in to Britain, and be rewarded by allowing their families in too. There is however a legal method of migration to Britain controlled by the democratically elected government and those people who are following a process and obeying the law are being leap frogged by those who wish to enter illegally.
How can it be right that you reward the criminal, and disadvantage the law abiding, and why would you want a criminal element in society ?
The left have found this an impossible argument to counter, and it is a very powerful one.
Heard “Yesterday In Parliament” on Today this morning, just before 7am.
Basically one long recorded personal attack upon Boris Johnsons personality and credibility…words by Andrew Tyrie, forum provided gleefully by the BBC.
A disgrace-just personal attacks on Boris, even though his points were clear and well-put across.
This EU thing seems to have unhinged them-and hope to God that the likes of Tyrie rue the day that they chose to replace facts with personal abuse.
These political show trials seem more a Gang Of Four or Stalin thing-and can`t place when and where our political elite decided that they`d substitute for policy or debate.
Yet-the Select Committee are so in awe of someone who`s recognisably in possession of his own mind that they seemed determined to grill him for yet another three hours sometime soon.
These grey nomarks who beg Brussels heel upon their windpipe really can`t do other but seek attention and stardust.
Say No Boris-Mike Ashley likewise…no oxygen of publicity for Tyrie and his flotsam.
And sod the BBC…bear-baiting needs banned, the Out Campaign just need to rerun Cologne and Brussels, Paris and Qatada…and we`ll do the rest on June 23rd.
Re The Karadic trial in the Hague.
The BBCs indecent wish to gloss over it all makes me think that the Serbians must and would have been sorely provoked to do all this.
THAT`S how much the BBC are loathed and mistrusted by me.
And-for these cretins to-yet again-stuff Muslims heads with yet MORE excuses to blow us up and behead us all-only 48 hours after Brussels-is all too typical of the grief thieving incontinents and emoting dribblers.
Why did the Serbians behave as they did-what did the EU/UN do in fanning the flames-and if Islam was NOT the source of its own temporary setback in Kosovo…then that`d be a first…and maybe the Serbians showed the world that Islam would have to be fought.
ChrisH, The Serbs were certainly provoked. And the truth is emerging.
If anyone wants the proof that the BBC are failing to inform people of what is going on, then there is one simple question to ask. – What caused the Bosnian war?
Probably most people on this board don’t know unless they’ve been elsewhere to find out, because one thing is for certain, the UK media isn’t keen to tell!
Suffice to say that our old friend Saudi Arabia had a big part in it.
For anyone that still fondly believes they can have faith in our legal prefession there’s a sudden rude awakening on BBC New Channel – a crusty British QC leering into his webcam tells Martine Croxall ‘the adversarial system inposed by Western powers on the international court is not delivering for ‘victims”.
What could m’ learn’d friend be suggesting? A rapid old-style Stalinist show trial swiftly followed by a bullet in the back of the head?
Oh, wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is!
O brave new world,
That has such people in ’t!
But wait, want to witness another good kick in the teeth for British law customs and culture?
Just look what the ‘modern text’ version does to that quotation:
How amazing!
How many wonderful creatures there are here!
Mankind is so beautiful!
Oh, what a wonderful new world,
that has such people in it!
I suppose at least we were spared:
Good ‘ere init!
If goofy Ben Brown tells me once more that the candle-wielding eurovision bong contest at Place de la Bourse is THE FOCAL POINT – then I think I may throttle my tv with my own corner of the living rainbow flag (which we all have, right?)
No it’s not the focal point! 61 victims are still in intensive care – that’s the ruddy FOCUS!
Ben hones in on some attractive vaguely English speaking young cutie he’s previously teed up – “They can kill us but they can’t kill our freedom”
Really? Ask the murdered innocents – how’s their ‘freedom’ doing?
Ben soon turns to the latest hash tag twaddle and laboriously spells out the link to Je Suis Paris…. er and Charlie… and Bring Back Our Girls…? Getting a bit tired isn’t it BBC?
“They can’t kill our freedom “. That is exactly what they are succeeding in doing with the connivance of our so-called “leaders “.
Well they can certainly kill the freedom to post a tweet mildly critical of islam.
Rob, exactly !
Unbelievable nepotism. BBC really needs some proper governance:
“Newsnight has hired Guardian chief politics correspondent Nick Watt to replace Allegra Stratton as political editor of BBC2’s flagship nightly news programme. Newsnight editor Ian Katz, himself a former senior Guardian editor, said: “Nick is one of the most trusted, authoritative and engaging journalists in the country. “
Yup unbelievable and true. There was a report in the MAIL about NEWSNIGHTS ‘pro-EU bias’ which is subject to an investigation. It found the editor Ian Katz guilty of getting the presenters to interview TWICE as many ‘remain’ supporters as those backing ‘leave’ campaign over the past two months (no surprise there). The BBC spokesman said ”The Show provides impartial information about both sides of the argument.’ (As we all know, this is wheeled out for each and every complaint). News-Watch has filed a complaint that of 40 feature items (including discussions) had 25 backing ‘remain’ and only 14 supporting ‘leave’. They went on to say that the BBC ‘gave much greater prominence’ to EU backers. No surprise there either.
It states (as an example from NEWSNIGHT):
‘Thereafter, almost every element of the programme fitted with the pro-EU propaganda the BBC has been broadcasting for years. It left no room for doubt: leaving the EU is something that only a fool would contemplate.’ (they infer that to the viewers)
Hope the BBC show this. Muslim women wearing a scarf places a flag at the memorial for the Brussels victims.
Well, yes. But she removes the Israeli flag and replaces it with a Palestinian flag.
They never give up do they?
And if a Palestinian flag had been replaced with an Israeli flag? Imagine the BBC’s response…
If done in the UK, the Israeli supporter would have been arrested for inciting religious hatred as we’ve seen with a recent tweet.
Just a minute….there’s a knock at my front door. What, the police? To take me away?
I may be away for some time…bye all.
Dover , I hope the police are not monitoring this website. It is always possible that the BBC might ask their bumchums in the police to do it. A year ago I would have thought I was being paranoid. Now I am not so sure.
Soviet/nazi style censorship and oppression of free speech is already here with full endorsement and relentless backing from a state controlled media, you are most definitely not being paranoid, comrade.
The post Brussels backlash has started. Pig’s head tied to a Muslim school gate, with a rude word about Allah and a swastika written on it.
‘The incident sparked a major manhunt as Portsmouth’s most senior officer, Supt Will Schofield vowed to catch those responsible’
Phew. The culprits appear to have been caught.
Read more: http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/crime/men-arrested-after-pig-s-head-cable-tied-to-islamic-school-gates-in-portsmouth-1-7293350#ixzz43qr5MdSH
Why is it that the police ALWAYS catch the perpetrators of these “Islamophobic” “hate” crimes almost immediately; yet in Rotherham not a single Muslim involved in the organized gang rape of young English girls, was ever arrested and prosecuted for it before this year – and there are a minimum of 1400 victims from over two decades.
Maybe they don’t have enough time to do both, and have borrowed the BBC Editorial Guidelines on prioritisation?
As so often lately, the excellent Conservative Woman blog has the BBC nailed over Brussels.
Good article GCooper. I note that several of the comments predicted a clamping down on criticism of the multikultural experiment, including blogs like Conservative Woman, and I might add, this blog too.
Yes, I have no doubt they are right, too. The Left never has been able to accept dissent and is always ready to use the law it has corrupted to enforce its hare brained notions.
News at 10 and emoting deeply as only Fergal can, the theme of ‘our responsibility’ continues. I do hope somebody, somewhere, has got a tumbril production line started – high time they were used.
I doubt very much that I am alone in observing that various political pundits, and in particular experts in security, have been passing comments relating to the lack of effectiveness of the Brussels security services in preventing the latest atrocity in their city.
I have witnessed this on a number of BBC programmes (Daily Politics, Newsnight etc.) The implications have also suggested that there is a problem throughout the EU with shared intelligence. Have I heard this right as it seems the ‘Remainers’ have been insisting that our security would be weakened by a Brexit as presumably shared intelligence would suffer?
It seems that my belief (amongst others) that British intelligence is the best in Europe is now declared as such. However the BBC have failed to challenge the ‘Remainers’ on this issue.
Truth is truth and will reign ad infinitum, a lie is a temporary thing that is eventually contradicted.
True – and it reinforces the disgraceful lack of coverage the BBC afforded to the pro-Brexit statements of the former head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove.
It seems almost beyond belief that the man whose opinion must be among the most informed of all can make a statement like this (he actually said that EU security bodies are ‘of little consequence’ to Britain) and yet his words are brushed aside in favour if the comments from paid EU hacks and lackeys.
There is almost no need to make a case that the BBC is biased. Every day it proves it without any help from us.
Israeli soldier ‘shot wounded Palestinian attacker dead’ This story which the BBC considered homepage and news/homepage worthy will be interesting to follow.
One could query the significance of one person killing one person. For the record, police recorded 515 homicides in the UK last year. The BBC even saw fit to report it. How many of them made the BBC take notice?
Compare the BBC story with this:
BBC: The Israeli military said the shooting was a “grave breach of IDF (Israel Defense Forces) values”.
TIMES OF ISRAEL: Netanyahu, Ya’alon slam Hebron shooting as IDF vows probe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon on Monday joined the Israel Defense Forces in condemning an incident in which a soldier shot a disarmed Palestinian assailant in the head in Hebron, saying that it did not reflect the values of the Jewish state and its military.
“The chief of staff [Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot] views the incident with severity and has ordered a full probe,” he (IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz) added. “This is not the IDF, these are not the values of the IDF and these are not the values of the Jewish people.”
Has the Palestinian Authority President Abbas ever made a similar statement?
and this gem..
‘Why the BBC doesn’t monitor itself for bias’
‘One of the less-reported things about the European Scrutiny Committee’s encounter with the three top BBC bosses was that it discussed something close to our hearts: monitoring bias.
What I took away from it was that after the Wilson Report into the BBC’s (pro-) EU coverage, the BBC had pledged to put some form of monitoring into place but that, having tried doing so, has now abandoned monitoring again and won’t be re-introducing it in the run-up to the EU referendum.’
So there you have it. No bias control until after the EU referendum! (This was dated 25th October 2015). Sums everything up pretty well. The BBC is a useful tool for the EU.
As you note, this is from several months back, so by Flokker rules of engagement comes from a different time and should not count. Ah well, they should be back from night shi… clubbing soon.
‘Not helpful’ could even be joining ‘got it about right’ at the BBC.
It certainly is pervasive, ranging from obscure local radio stations with more staff than listeners through the mighty Asian Network’s ‘has the nasty man left the building yet?’ defence committee, and now here comes Mr. Jordan from the top table.
The committee exchanges quoted show a disappointingly familiar pattern, with promising lines of inquiry nipped in the bud by a chairman more interested in ‘moving on’. Very John Whittingdale, whose interception of Angie Bray during The Future of the BBC committee was the point I realised it was a stitch up.
The BBC will of course approve.
LOL ! That is so funny. These guys are crazy . You bet it is “unhelpful” . As Private Jones would say ” They dont like it up ’em ” .
On Good Friday,at 8am on al beeb 1 we have ‘in the footsteps of Judas’…..some woman with a dog collar reopens the case against the bible’s greatest villain,judas iscariot
Followed at 10 by an indepth investigation into the founder of islam and his paedophile tendencies and the nature of his relationship with his 9 year old wife
Yeah right
Number 6, A point well made. The propaganda is so blatant , it is infantile .
Good of the BBC to nail its tricolour to the mast this morning with an unexpectly prolonged report on the Dublin ‘Easter Rising’
‘Teachers. scholars and poets’ dontcha know? A bit more popular support in 1916 and, who knows, they might have achieved a united Europe – under Prussian militarism.
Particularly admire the way the BBC assumes this Oyrish Fest is compulsory fare for Licence Payers – whereas the likes of Vicky Derbyshire when refering to Easter are careful to proviso with “IF, you celebrate Easter”
I never see much on the BBC about Ireland’s neutrality in WW2 and De Valera signing a book on condolences after Hitler’s death . Why is that ?
I recall a non-PC remark that goes like this : ‘Ireland was lucky to be part of the British Empire – if it had been part of Germany or Russia they wouldn’t have let it exist’
Pleased to see the somewhat cadaverous looking travel guy Simon Calder reappear on the BBC – no doubt up from the dead bowls of the Indy – so we can’t blame him for his haggard looks.
He doesn’t strike one as the sort to regularly pack his Speedos, airport novel and Raybans – but he’s still doing his bit for the Turkish tourist industry. £101 for a flight from Ulster he rattles off like a huckster – so all aboard! It often pays to travel against the heaviest flows of traffic. And who says the BBC don’t advertise?
Maybe he and the BBC are trying to do their bit to balance the net migration figures?
Interesting economics that leaving an apparent dangerous third world hell hole costs $5000, but going to it only £101. From Ulster, so everything is relative, true.
I wonder if there is a Hotel California in Istanbul?
Guest, otel California is in Fatih district of istanbul. That is probably the most islamic district so don’t expect alcohol or drugs. But if you do go there you may well get stoned !
I may never leave 😉
You know the lyrics. About 20 years ago I went, as a guest ( ! ) of a Turkish film crew, including secular uncovered Turkish women, to Fatih. The locals were throwing stones at the film crew. One of the locals pulled me to one side and said ” We have no problem with you, you are our foreign guest, it is these bastards we don’t like “. We left hurriedly .
Turkey is a very complex country, always full of surprises.
The BBC can be tiresome – you tune in simply to get a bit of entertainment, weather, news or sports report and like some relentlessly right-on young acquiantance just down from Uni instead of telling it straight they insist on bamboozling you with the very latest in PC speak. Through new language they impose their political outlook on every aspect of life.
Here’s a new one: re the football last night – Wales and N Ireland are now “near neighbours”
What ever happened to ‘home internationals’ or ‘home nations’
So they are now ‘near neighbours’ like Poland and Germany? A match between the former DDR and GDR was that ever described as between ‘near neighbours’?
This sounds like new suspiciously EU-compliant language to me. I don’t think these things happen by chance.
As the sun smiles down on the gardens, a last share for a while as a few heads at W1A explode at the next top trumps dilemma (she could always ask Mishal about moral relativism):
Interviewed by this Muslim?
Don’t you just love living in a society where freedom of speech is regarded as being sacrosanct? We used to pride ourselves on these things before the stifling yoke of political correctness strangled the life out of our long cherished birthright.
A bloke will be in court, on Tuesday I believe, because he confronted a Muslim woman about the Belgium atrocities. Now, for what it’s worth, I think he was wrong to behave in that way. I don’t think anyone should be harassed in that fashion whilst going about their daily business. However, I certainly think the state is employing its full weight to slap down any timorous dissent. Sledgehammer to crack walnut comes to mind and it’s also a clear threat to anyone else who isn’t entirely happy with our multi-cultural utopia to keep silent.
Last year Paul Weston was arrested for standing on the steps of a town hall and quoting from the speeches of Winston Churchill. Unbelievable!
Just what are plod up to? Over a decade of Muslim child abuse, where thousands of white girls were groomed, raped and sold as prostitutes and they turn a blind eye; and yet some twerp makes a remark to a Muslim woman in the street and he’s up before the beak for “racially aggravated offences.” It sounds bloody awful, doesn’t it? At the very least you would think he had been beating people up or breaking windows. This will be all over the news, the Beeb in particular will love this one. And if this poor bloke ever goes for a job interview…
We used to look towards eastern Europe and the Soviet Union and shake our heads in disbelief and horror.
Not any more.
Good post Jeff, What are the plod up to? Maybe we will have a better idea when a few bombs go off here. Maybe we will find out whose side they are on, or rather whose side are their bosses on. Meanwhile we have a heavy stamp down against a non-existent backlash, and a determination to appease the protected community at every stage.
Jeff, Well said. We are watching the death of everything our ancestors fought for.
I notice that the BBC has moved its position on this, from regarding it as a joke almost for its mild content, to now trying to present it in the worst light possible. This time they have used the’ ‘confronted a Muslim woman’ to justify the false charges.
I do hope he pleads not guilty and forces the state to explain why his tweet was ‘racially aggravated’, although he will need to appeal to a higher court as a Magistrates court has an almost 100% conviction rate, and should not be regarded by anyone with any sense as a place of justice.
Thoughtful, Let’s hope some crusading barrister takes this on. Obviously none of the Left-wing “human rights” parasites will do it . But there are other barristers who might .
Hear! Hear!
What is needed is someone with deep pockets to finance a few prosecutions against the police. A few highly-publicised victories would slap this nonsense down in a couple of months. It’s high time Plod was brought to order.
GC, Plod is completely out of control. Bring back Sir James Goldsmith !
I would be happy to pay towards his defence in Court. This is a crucial point in British history.
Dover, He will, of course, be found guilty at the magistrates court but, if he wants to appeal and someone starts a fighting fund, I would contribute.
I wonder if we will have another thread before this one reaches 1000
Julia Hartley-Brewer and Nigel Farage on talkRADIO. It’s got to be better than bbcRADIO which I can hardly listen to these days –
Despite our leader stating that Britain is “Safer IN”………………..
and In all fairness to the BBC they have informed us about this…………………
Two very good reasons why we should vote Brexit.
“How’s about that then” Jerrod?
For a former intelligence chief to make that statement should be headline news on the BBC .
Agreed – and what I said in an earlier comment, too.
The next time one of the trolls waltzes in to pretend that the BBC isn’t biased, here is incontestable evidence that they are lying. To have ignored Sir Richard’s comments is inexcusable.
GC, I also posted earlier that if he had said the opposite it would have been headline news and brought up in every interview into infinity.
You are absolutely right. This incident alone is proof that the BBC is now actively conspiring to swing the referendum in favour of the ‘remain’ camp.
Disgraced, EU-funded puppets like the proven liar, Mandelson, are given time to spout their disinformation, while the former head of MI6, no less, speaking about security matters, on which he is almost uniquely placed to comment, is ignored!
For those on the Left – like President Obama and our BBC who seem to think the outcome of the Cold War went the wrong way – there has always been a special place in their hearts for Castro’s Cuba.
Let’s just note that even as Barrack Obama’s Presidential jet flew in there were still Cuban boatpeople risking their lives in makeshift vessels attempting to get out.
Rajan Datah does Cuba this morning for the BBC Travel Show. By the way, is there any presenting job at the BBC nowadays not set aside for someone whose name looks like the result of a random grab at the scabble tiles?
Rajan’s simperingly approving review tells us that when you get outside of Havannah… “What’s really COOL about Cuba is there’s nothing on the roads!”
Oh joy, the ultimate western liberal wet dream – out of somewhere or other they have the wherewithal to be jetted half-way across the globe to some sunny clime where the actors in their utopian daydream are brown people happy to be socialistically held back into a greener cleaner more nature-intended… what’s the word….? Oh yeah – poverty.
Blimey, the only thing preferable might be whisking them all back to Britain.
LOL ! It does not occur to that moron to wonder why there is nothing on the roads. Pure unintentional comedy from the BBC. You couldn’t make it up.