The Young Conservative, Nick Robinson, is proof positive that joining an organisation such as the BBC eventually means you will be absorbed into the orthodoxy and conform to the majority view, the BBC news-speak….Nick is now an Old Communist at heart as he suggests on the Today programme yesterday how sad it is that Cuba opens its doors to the malign influences of the Great Satan where ‘there may be a danger that it will spread Western inequalities in a nation that is already poor.’
So let’s see…opening up the society and economy of Cuba might make you, a Cuban, slightly richer but someone else may make more money than you, therefore you are in fact poorer.
Yep, keep ’em all poor and equal in their poverty. Anyone with two cows…. shoot them!
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.
I also found this on a website (ot for this thread)
Socialism is the gradual and less violent form of communism, and socialism is the project of the European Union, which was born in Maastricht in 1992. The intent was to save socialism in Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the predictable bankruptcy of the welfare state in the West as well.
I had never previously considered that the creation of the EU was specifically to replace the USSR (despite its similarity). But it makes perfect sense.
By remaining in the EU, this country would be permanently subjected to a coalition government with the Brussels socialists.
Cuba has always been the darling of the left – often for quite irrational and facile reasons. Nick Robinson seems to now be part of that same socialist mindset that simply fails to address the reality that socialism almost always creates poverty.
“the reality that socialism almost always creates poverty. ”
There is no “almost” about it.
You`d have thought that a country that hands power over between unelected brothers with 110% majorities( if they even care enough to fiddle an election show)-that puts its gays in prison-when denying that any exist anyway-would not be the BBCs beach of choice.
But-like Nicaragua, Venezuela etc….Cuba is more an aspiration than a country that functions for those forced to comply and live under the lash…so where else for liberal effetes to get their drugs and cigars, served up on the thighs of bronzing young men?
Carters luckiest break was to get Carter as an opponent in the mid-70s when it ought to have been toppled.
Typical destination of choice for the Hampstead hypocrites…pity their gay brothers and sisters have to suffer there, but hey-Fidel makes the 1933 Cadillac run on time.
“Nick is now an Old Communist at heart as he suggests on the Today programme yesterday how sad it is that Cuba opens its doors to the malign influences of the Great Satan where ‘there may be a danger that it will spread Western inequalities in a nation that is already poor.’ “
What was actually said:
Nick Robinson; “[John Prideaux] do you believe that this opening, eventually, of trade will affect the standard of living of people in Cuba, or is there a danger it just spreads western inequalities into a society that is already very poor?”
What you misleadingly report as a statement was actually the latter half of an “either or” question.
Again Alan, if your evidence of BBC bias is so overwhelming why do you resort to misquotes, distortion and lies quite so often?
” or is there a DANGER that it SPREADS WESTERN INEQUALITIES into a society that is already very poor”.
Sorry zero-that one sentence condemns both Robinson and yourself.Go through all the assumptions and the big canard that is inherent in that line of question.
WHY already poor?…was this not a socialist paradise, beloved of the lefties now since 1957 or so?
And would a western inequality be different from an eastern one?
For, to my mind, inequalities re the fates of women, gays, ability to speak freely and to vote, to spend your money as you like, to save and to kick out the government if you don`t like it…would THESE be inequalities…or free choice and virtues?
As I think of a King Faisal and the poor Filipino about to be beheaded for sorcery…reckon those “eastern inequalities” need Nicks noting…not his privileged self-lacerations that we`re expected to go along with.
The key word there is “already”. The implication is that free markets make poor people poorer (even if it makes a few people richer) but in the real world a free market increases the general standard of living, even though some people (particularly those that generate wealth) become wealthier than others. Cuba is one of the most unequal societies in the world. Castro (and his cronies) live the life of the super rich, while the majority live in abject poverty. What determines wealth is your position in the Party – which seeks to control what people say and think. Cuba is one of the poorest and most repressive countries in the world because of Communism, and only a BBC Leftist such as Nick Robinson would think otherwise.
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