Not much has changed since 2008 when this was in the news…
Sikhs and Hindus accuse BBC of pro-Muslim bias
Hindu and Sikh leaders have accused the BBC of pandering to Britain’s Muslim community by making a disproportionate number of programmes on Islam at the expense of covering other Asian religions.
A breakdown of programming from the BBC’s Religion and Ethics department, seen by The Independent, reveals that since 2001, the BBC made 41 faith programmes on Islam, compared with just five on Hinduism and one on Sikhism.
The BBC has been consistently attacking the Buddhists in Burma for fighting back against Muslim insurgents who seek to set up a separate Muslim state, labelling Buddhism a violent religion unlike Islam which the BBC insists is peaceful and tolerant. Christianity is of course always in season for the BBC. The BBC has also relentlessly attacked the Hindus in India as religious extremists in a way that the BBC does not define Muslim communities or Islam itself and today it continues that line of attack as it tries to excuse Muslim terrorism in the wake of Charlie Hebdo by showing the Hindus were furious about a Muslim depicting their Gods in insulting ways….the BBC is saying that it isn’t only Muslims who get violent when their Gods are insulted…presumably we are supposed to then think killing most of the staff of Charlie Hebdo amongst many others is now OK or at least ‘understandable’.
MF Husain: Hindustan Is Free
Professor Sunil Khilnani, from the King’s India Institute in London, looks at controversy over the Indian artist MF Husain, who spent the last days of his life in exile.
His paintings often attracted high prices but he became a target for mob anger over his portraits of Hindu goddesses and Indian feminine icons. Female deities had often shown nude in traditional art, but what enraged right-wing Hindus was that these images were created by a Muslim artist.
The programme insists that Hindus are violent extremists, right-wing ones apparently, who murder Muslims at will…no mention of the hundreds of thousands killed in the creation of Muslim Pakistan and the massive ethnic cleansing of Sikhs and Hindus that went on.
Listen to the upbeat adulation for the Muslim artist who ‘enraged so many Hindu extremists’…can’t imagine the BBC being so warm and upbeat about Charlie Hebdo who enraged and insulted all Muslims according to the BBC…not just ‘Muslim extremists’ then? Note how the BBC dismisses the Muslim Husain’s ‘insulting’ depictions of Hindu Gods as merely a trifle, he was, we are told, just toying quite innocently with cultural tradition……and we hear that Muslims have been painting Hindu gods for centuries [and of course Muslims happily destroy other people’s gods…as with the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan]…and yet no one can paint Muhammed, who isn’t a god and should not be worshipped by Muslims, without being attacked by Muslims.
Why are ‘enraged Hindu extremists’ right-wing? Why are Muslim extremists not defined as evil ‘right-wingers’? Because of course they are ‘victims’ fighting prejudice, discrimination and marginalisation….their violence is wrong but understandable.
You know you are in the BBC’s Book of the Bad when you are defined, however randomly, as right-wing. Stalin would be right-wing no doubt…in fact the BBC’s John Sweeney declared that communist North Korea was fascist whilst framing the film so that the large hammer and sickle on a building didn’t come into shot as he said it.
If Hindus or anyone else are behaving in atrocious manner then it is right to highlight that but not if the same standard is not applied to Muslims who get a free pass from the BBC.
The BBC’s free, liberal, mis-use of the term ‘right-wing’ to malign people has been noted before.
What is the BBC’s rationale for the disproportionate (relative to their numbers in the UK) coverage of Islam related subjects and the virtual ignoring of similar Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist material?
deegee, Funny, I posted similar today on this site today. I am not sure there is a rational explanation. I suspect, at the end of the day, it is about fear and appeasement. These twins who, in history, are always doomed.
Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Christianity, are not Religions of Peace. Only Islam is the Religion of Peace. If you disagree, we separate you …forget that.
NCBBC, Sorry I forgot. Must go and sit on the naughty chair !!!!
Ideas for future BBC Asian Network Documentaries:
(1) Should the Pope appoint Muslim Cardinals?
(2) Should the Church of England appoint Muslim Bishops?
(3) Should the Labour Party implement Muslim only shortlists in all constituencies without Women only shortlists?
(4) Should all Children above the age of six be given the privilege of being classed as adults.
Richard Pinder. I wouldn’t be surprised if no. 3 doesn’t come to pass!
And should (3) be implemented, the muslim only shortlists can only apply where no women only shortlists are being implemented. If of course there should be a women only shortlist in existence, the men’s list must be kept entirely separate and, in the event of discussions on the subject, these must be conducted in areas with higher levels of flooring – ideally in rooms one floor or more above. Should any women be accidentally present, at a lower level, during said discussions it must be clearly understood that any ensuing opinions or comments made will be initially disregarded and, in the event of a second offence, be subjected to severe penalty, up to and including stoning.
Suitable stones may be obtained through the correct channels at local government depots. (See LGR Clerk of Works Dept.)
“Why are ‘enraged Hindu extremists’ right-wing? Why are Muslim extremists not defined as evil ‘right-wingers’? Because of course they are ‘victims’ fighting prejudice, discrimination and marginalisation….their violence is wrong but understandable.”
Here’s one I prepared earlier:
“The BBC has been consistently attacking the Buddhists in Burma… labelling Buddhism a violent religion”.
Really? Can you provide some examples of the BBC; “labelling Buddhism a violent religion”?
“Non-violence is at the heart of Buddhist thinking and behaviour. The first of the five precepts that all Buddhists should follow is ‘Avoid killing, or harming any living thing.’”
“The programme insists that Hindus are violent extremists…”
No it doesn’t; it says that the Hindus who targeted M.F. Husain were extremists .Because that’s what they were.
“Why are ‘enraged Hindu extremists’ right-wing? Why are Muslim extremists not defined as evil ‘right-wingers’?”
It doesn’t define Hindu extremists as right-wing; it defines the Hindu extremists who targeted M.F. Husain as right wing. Because that’s what they were.
He was attacked by “Shiv Sena” which is an extremist, Hindu nationalist, far-right political party.
But you know that, don’t you?
Alan, if your evidence of BBC bias is so overwhelming why do you resort to misquotes, distortion and lies quite so often?
Instead of writing all that shit and scouring the archives to find some ancient corroboration.
Just type ‘BBC- Buddhist Extremists’ into Google. You’ll find plenty of much more recent examples of pro-muslim BBC bias.
Edit; Who the hell keeps upvoting you? Are we to believe that you are finding ‘converts’ on this site.
Shall we define Zero as a BBC troll?
Because that’s what he is.
Multiple computers at his workplace?
The BBC’s obsession with Islam defies belief . Why ? I really do not understand . It is the most evil , retrograde religion in the world but Leftists and Beeboids love it. Weird !!!
The BBC is state funded. We are in a war.Has the BBC been told to go softly on Muslims and Islam. It is difficult not to come to that conclusion, as virtually all the MSM in the West treads very carefully on Muslims and Islam.
And in the World According to Zero, some Hindus who attack a chap named Hussain are right wing.
Because that’s what they are.
It’s all so simple in The World of Zero.
Maybe that makes Hussain left wing.
Hussain is a muslim.
Muslims are left wing.
Which us why BBC apparatchiks love muslims.
Because the BBC is left wing.
Because it is.
Hey I’m getting to like the logic of Zero thinking!
Sorry zero.
Don`t normally like to join the pigpile-but do define “Right Wing” for me will you?
Don`t quite see how a “Hindu extremist group” can be right wing.
But I can definitely see how Islam, the BBC, the EU and the UN can be fascist and totalitarian…Left Wing Fascists in search of a totalitarian utopia, ordained by their merit and virtue.
A breakdown of Alan’s posts, reveals that since 2010, 99% were about Islam, compared with zero on Hinduism and one on Buddhists.
Kikuchiyo , (one of the so called ‘magnificent seven’? )
‘Probably, a similar breakdown on reported deaths caused by RoP’ ers since 2010, 99% compared with zero on Hinduism and one on Buddhists.
So you agree then that Alan’s point is without merit. Many thanks.
And remind us how many innocent lives have been taken in the names of the Hinduism and Buddhism?
A breakdown of posts… since 2010? That is commitment. And a really thick notebook, in complement.
Thing is, this site is is about the BBC, whose coverage commitment to balance on matters of faith is more than ‘unique’, unless it is about those they favour, in which case they hit ‘watertight oversight’. Editorial by omission is, of course, also blogworthy. Your stats energies should perhaps be directed at the BBC itself?
Also I don’t recall zero making any reference to Hindus or Buddhists at all, but he might have defended the BBC feeling conflicts only started when these faiths reacted to the incursions of another, or when insufficient died when defending themselves.
I didn’t actually count the posts Guest Who, I don’t share your obsessive nature that way.
I edited Alan’s own words to expose what a silly point he was making.
‘Thing is, this site is is about the BBC,’ – Oh dear, you missed the point!
But then I can say the same about your last paragraph. That one missed my bat I’m afraid.
I’ll throw in a few random terms for you, might make you feel better: ‘Foi’, ‘Hugs email’, ‘unique’, ‘expedited’.
‘I didn’t actually count the posts Guest Who, I don’t share your obsessive nature’
If you say so.
‘I’ll throw in a few random terms for you’
Not really random, and I do have others if you would like, plus explanations. But good to know you are still taking notes anyway.