Imam tells Muslim migrants to ‘breed children’ with Europeans to ‘conquer their countries’ and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing’
A top Iman has told Muslims to use the migrant crisis to breed with European citizens and ‘conquer their countries’.
Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave the speech at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem claiming Europe was only welcoming refugees as a new source of labour.
He said Europe was facing a demographic disaster and urged Muslims to have children with westerners so they could ‘trample them underfoot, Allah willing.’
“Belgium Will Become an Islamic State”
Two Muslim politicians, who just won municipal elections in Belgium’s capital, Brussels, on October 14, have vowed to implement Islamic Sharia law in Belgium.
Speaking to a reporter from Radio Télévision Belge Francophone (RTBF), the public broadcasting service of the French-speaking part of Belgium, Ahrouch said: “The agenda is still the same, but our approach is different now. I think we have to sensitize people, make them understand the advantages to having Islamic people and Islamic laws. And then it will be completely natural to have Islamic laws and we will become an Islamic state.”
The reporter interjected: “An Islamic State in Belgium?” Ahrouch replied: “In Belgium, of course! I am for the Sharia. Islamic law, I am for it. It is a long-term struggle that will take decades or a century, but the movement has been launched.”
Is it poverty, alienation and disaffection or just the urge to Islamise the world that ‘radicalises’ the Belgique? That article above came from 2012….maybe people should wake up.
This British trainee lawyer, Aysh Chaudhry, is obviously poverty stricken and marginalised…he tells us freedom of speech is alien to Islam…..amongst other things…
How about one of the BBC’s favourite Muslim spokesmen, Ajmal Masroor? Just what is the cause of radicalisation Sky asks?…..Naturally he utterly condemns extremism but…but…..if only our foreign policy wasn’t so anti-Muslim and unethical, that’s the real problem…and oh yes, the media portrayal of Muslims and the irresponsible linking of Islam to Islamic State only angers Muslims and makes them join…the Islamic State in order to…Islam.
Any wonder that Muslims feel the need to ‘defend’ Islam when ‘respectable’ imams like Masroor are preaching to them that their grievances are justified? The ‘firebrands’ aren’t going to listen to voices saying ‘be angry but not violent’…Masroor knows that but still peddles the Muslim’s under attack grievance line in the full knowledge that it is the same line that ISIS also feeds its potential recruits. Of course his narrative is no different to the BBC’s highly dangerous line. Douglas Murray has had enough of such lethal rubbish…..We must stop blaming ourselves for Islamist terrorism
How many more excuses are we going to make before we face the facts? How many more fifth-rate, sixth-form debates will we have to sit through? Why, whenever any act of Islamist terror is carried out on Western society do we race to ask all the wrong questions, all based on the central fallacy that this is somehow our own fault? We wring our hands and make excuses. And then we blame ourselves. “What did we do to make this happen?” we ask, time after time.
Unfortunately, there are always people on hand eager to feed our self-absorption and ignorance. “It is your foreign policy,” they say.
The problem of Islamic extremism is caused – astonishingly enough – by Islamic extremism. As France, Belgium and many other societies can now attest, the larger your Muslim population, the larger your Islamic extremism problem. Not because most Muslims are terrorists. Obviously not. But because that “small minority” we always hear about grows proportionally bigger the larger the community is. What matters is the numbers, the density (thus their ability to hide and be hidden) and the type of Islam that is followed. Given Europe’s current demographic trajectory this poses a pretty terrifying problem which we’ll have to face up to one day.[LOL] But in the meantime it remains so much more comfortable to blame the only people we’re kidding. Ourselves.
Sky News tackles Masroor but then surrenders as it adopts his narrative that Islam has been hijacked by ISIS when in fact you’d be hard pushed to define the differences between the actions of ISIS and Mohammed as he blitzed the Middle East beheading captives, enslaving people, looting and Islamising the lands he captured…..the consequences of which we live with today…….but it’s all the West’s fault…..
Masroor tells us……
We must condemn extremism uncategorically, we must be tough on extremism and even tougher on the causes of extremism.
We need to come together to create a collective conscience and a narrative where there is no room for such people but……
….but at the same time we need to make sure our government isn’t supporting and siding with dictators and despots in the world. Our silence in Syria, our silence in Iraq, the destabilisation of the entire region has caused this unfortunate development and we need to do something about it. We need to end the unethical foreign policy that our government has been pursuing.
Sky News asks…’Can you understand the appeal for young, British Muslims to go out to Join IS and fight?’
I can understand their grievances but everyone with grievances doesn’t have justification to pick up guns and therefore to go out there and fight and wage a war….but….
…but at the same time we need to understand that 200,000 people in Syria have been killed and we have done very little to stop that. Iraq has been destabilised because of Mr Blair’s foreign adventure, illegal war in Iraq, so whilst we condemn these young people uncategorically for what they are doing we condemn ISIS for their violence and brutality and we call on Young Muslims not to go there we also need to tell our government to behave well and to start behaving ethically when it comes to foreign policy and not side with dictators and despots as well as support democracy and freedom for people all across the globe.
Sky asks….’Who do you think is responsible for radicalising these young men?’
I think we are all responsible. If we had done something about what’s happening in Syria, if we had not invaded Iraq, if we had not sent those drones to kill innocent people in Afghanistan and Somalia, in Yemen, if we had not done all these things, also other long term grievances such as Palestine has been occupied for a long time, Palestinians have been refugees in their own homes for years. All these long term grievances… we will solve them, it is something in all honesty we have just left them to fester, we need to sort that out, I can almost say, most people can guarantee, those who are extreme, they’ll find no reasons to be extreme any longer.
One cold night, as an Arab sat in his tent, a camel gently thrust his nose under the flap and looked in. “Master,” he said, “let me put my nose in your tent. It’s cold and stormy out here.” “By all means,” said the Arab, “and welcome” as he turned over and went to sleep.
A little later the Arab awoke to find that the camel had not only put his nose in the tent but his head and neck also. The camel, who had been turning his head from side to side, said, “I will take but little more room if I place my forelegs within the tent. It is difficult standing out here.” “Yes, you may put your forelegs within,” said the Arab, moving a little to make room, for the tent was small.
Finally, the camel said, “May I not stand wholly inside? I keep the tent open by standing as I do.” “Yes, yes,” said the Arab. “Come wholly inside. Perhaps it will be better for both of us.” So the camel crowded in. The Arab with difficulty in the crowded quarters again went to sleep. When he woke up the next time, he was outside in the cold and the camel had the tent to himself.
Toe, more like.
The late Laurence Auster advocated this for sometime
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.
But we can not destroy Islam.
Nor can we democratize Islam.
Nor can we assimilate Islam.
THEREFORE the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves from Islam.
I cant see any other way that avoids a quite unnecessary civil war. The sooner we do this, the less the number of deaths. We can atleast start taking in Christians from the ME, and remove the Jihadis from here. Permanently.
As for the belated Muslim response of condemning Jihadi terror, one has to ask if what the Jihadis are doing – mass murder, is what the Koran teaches? Yes, it does. Second, did Mohammed mass murder people he disliked? Yes he did. Did he chop of their heads? Yes he did. Was Mohammed following the koran? Yes.
That makes the Jihadis true and loyal Muslims. Loyal to the Koran and loyal to Mohammed, The so called moderate Muslims are therefore
a)lying – to take the pressure off Islam and their possible expulsion from Europe. It has happened before, and will be necessary again.
b) or ignorant.
Take your pick
Can I choose both? They are told, in the mosques, to do a) because most qualify for b)
Download this ebook and see what is really going on
Details how islam will join with leftist agitators to overthrow europe
You’re giving us a web forgery link…Here’s the full book in PDF format…
Click to access EbookBlackFlagsFromRome.pdf
Thanks dazed……saw it highlighted by Alex Jones
You must be Queens counsel. Pray be on our side.
The Dancing Fool
Nice one from Austria
It wont be long before they are not plat acting. Some devout Muslim in Austria going to be offended.
One day a few basic truths will hit home in the West. Let’s hope, as part of that, our so-called national broadcaster is stripped of its tax income and confined to the margins of opinion, just like Momentum, the Socialist Workers Party, No Borders Anarchists and Stop The War. Let’s also hope that this happens before its too late and Muslims are too big a proportion of our population to be denied their victory
Here are the basic truths.
Militant Islam is caused by Islam
Islam is incompatible with Western values . They cannot coexist in one country or small continent .
Islam is and has always been a religion of violence, conquest and forced conversion. In that it is different to the two other monotheistic religions whose origins did not rely on violence and militarism.
The One-Stop Shop for All Your Terror-Sentimentalizing Need
Its too late to stop Muslim immigration. Its too late to even go looking for what is causing the radicalisation. As far we know it is not in the water. Its too late even to ban Islam. What is left now is SEPARATION.
It that ir look forward to a future where the slaughter will start. Slowly at first so as not to alarm the prey, then kicking in faster, till till there are virtually non non-Muslims left
PS. Watch out for the canaries – they will be the Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs. When they start leaving, you will know the end is not far.
Meanwhile, Brussels march against fear canceled because of fear.
In belated news from parliament 1940- Churchill, tears in his eyes was blubbering about not hating Nazis, as bombs fell on England. Churchill told MPs that killing Nazis would mean that Nazis had won.
Daily Mail hashtag 1940 – #Je suis London.
One by one our institutions fall to the invaders.
The pope not only washes, but kisses the feet of the immigrants
This Pope is a special kind of idiot. Unique ! He is so ignorant he does not realise what message this sends to the “muslim world “. Idiot ! Moron !
This pope is vehemently opposed by many catholics. They feel, and prove, that Pope Francis is from the marxist, liberal theology school of Latin America.
These Muslims must be really confused. In their mindset, it is the slave who kisses the feet of the master. The idea of supreme humility is completely out of their mindset. In fact it confirms in their minds, that Christianity and by extension the West, are slaves of Islam, and are prostrating themselves as the slave would to the sultan.
Note the looks on the faces of these migrant Muslims. Utter disbelief.