Thanks to NCBBC in the comments who links us to this from Breitbart:
BBC Radio Drama Gave Tips For Illegal Migrants In Somalia
A BBC department that produced a radio drama giving practical tips to would-be migrants on how to cross from Somalia to Europe received nearly £90 million of British tax payers’ money.
The drama, broadcast to Somalia and Kenya at the height of the migrant crisis, featured one character advising a woman to travel only with small luggage to make the illegal crossing easier. Another character is later advised that “this current time is the best opportunity to reach Europe”. The drama is produced by BBC Media Action, the broadcaster’s charitable arm, which is funded by the British government’s foreign aid budget. Titled ‘A Better Life than Today’, it follows the fortunes of a group of Somali youths and has more than two million listeners on BBC Radio Somali.
Here is Media Action‘s own report on the impact of that drama…you may believe it or not….they tell us that it has been effective in persuading Somalians to stay in their own country…..
Rather think that might just be the BBC justifying its government and EU grants with exaggerated tales of its own success. Are there any independent studies of the effect of such programmes? What are the chances that many listen when the BBC itself tells us the problems…
Although youth is the biggest segment of the population in Somalia, they are marginalised and excluded from decision making on family, community and national issues. This combined with high unemployment rates and low school enrolment rates means that Somalia has an extremely high proportion of disenfranchised youth.
Here is Media Action calling for film makers…judge for yourselves whether the BBC is enabling and encouraging migration……I think it might be……
Call for Proposals: Short Information Films for Syrian refugees in
LebanonTheme: Illegal Migration
Target group: Syrian refugees mainly, but it could include the Lebanese host community as well.
Age group: Adults, with a focus on youth.
Background: Many Syrians are pondering whether or not to join the exodus of refugees travelling to seek asylum in Europe. There is some content around the risks inherent in the journey to Europe but not much else about the challenges and opportunities once there.
This could include hearing from Syrians who have made the journey about their new lives abroad.
Objective: Help Syrian refugees make an informed decision about whether or not to attempt to seek asylum in another country. The aim isn’t to advise them either to stay or to go, but rather to help them reach an informed decision based on a realistic understanding of the potential risks and benefits.
Call to action: Look before you leap.
Here is the BBC website for the Somali programmes…
Inspiring young people through radio drama
Interestingly there is this from the BBC in 2011 where the presenter, Frances Cairncross puts the case for immigration…
CAIRNCROSS: And every year, immigrant workers like Shagid and Olive, send billions of pounds home from money transfer centres like this one. These remittances are one of the unsung success stories of the fight against poverty in developing countries – but as a tool of development, they raise as many questions as they answer. At a time of austerity and cuts, the government has decided to protect the aid budget. And yet at the same time the government wants to discourage migrant workers from coming to Britain. In this Analysis programme we ask whether there is a contradiction here. If we really want what’s best for developing countries, is it more important to encourage remittances than to protect state aid.
Somalis have a very unemployment rate. So most of the money going out to Somalia from Britain , is coming from Benefits. This money also funds Jihad and mass murder of Christians.
It would be a fair programme if the BBC shows the gimmegrants how to avoid paying the telly tax .
Has anyone noticed that there are no Jihadi attacks on Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, or Romania. The reason is that they have very few Muslims. The fact is, that if Muslim numbers are below say 0.5%. Muslims are very peaceful. Of course it can be argued that the attacks are only on those NATO members involved in attacks on Muslim countries. Well, all the above countries are in NATO, and all of them, particularly Poland, are involved with NATO in the Middle East.
The more Muslims we allow into the Europe, the more terrorist attacks there will be. This Jihad is not about our involvement in Muslim countries, but of using terror to make us accept Muslim demands. This is classic War MO of Islam.
Muhammad: “I have been made victorious with terror.” The Hadith, collected by Bukhari (4.52.220
Then vote Brexit.
“high unemployment rates and low school enrolment rates means that Somalia has an extremely high proportion of disenfranchised youth.”
B-b-b-but I thought they were all highly qualified doctors and engineers.
Maybe if they could be arsed to go to school, they might be able to get a job there and not be ‘disenfranchised’ (boo effing hoo, not our problem, grow a pair).
Somalis are not really achieving people. One can see that by what they have attained in Somalia.
Objective: Help Syrian refugees make an informed decision about whether or not to attempt to seek asylum in another country. The aim isn’t to advise them either to stay or to go, but rather to help them reach an informed decision based on a realistic understanding of the potential risks and benefits.
If anyone was in any doubt as to how the BBC see their role in the world, there’s your answer.
BBC, refugees, migrants, foreign aid budget, Somalis, what else do you need for a story eh?
By encouraging Muslims to make their way to Europe illegally, the BBC and the left are helping the Muslim population in Europe to reach critical mass. The BBC and the left are thus responsible for the resulting mayhem and murder in Europe.
Approps of this, the left and their Muslim allies, should not be allowed to hold any kind of vigils or events at the site of mass murder by Muslims. It is gross hypocrisy, as well as deflecting responsibility.
Trump: Britain And Europe ‘Not Safe Places’
Donald Trump has claimed Britain and Europe are “not safe places” following recent terrorist attacks.
The front runner for the Republican presidential nomination made the comments five days after the Brussels bombings, which killed at least 31 people.
We have reached a critical state in Europe. The number dictates that. Once the Muslim population reaches a certain fraction, every Muslim becomes a potential bomb. Its almost like the critical mass in a nuclear reaction.
A few months ago, the commentators would have slagged off Trump. Not so now.
I hope the Beeb put the info in about which luvvies are going to give up space in their homes to house migrants ,
Yvette Balls Cooper still has vacancies .
Amazing how these ‘bungling’ authorities, as soon as they get the vaguest sniff of an Islamophobic ‘hate crime’, can switch to razor-sharp, well oiled mean machines that would put the Waafen SS to shame.
Given what we know from Rotherham, Bradford, Oxford, etc it is nor “bungling” but deliberate acts of war crimes against young non-Muslim White girls. It is war crimes against your own young people, that the authorities are guilty off. There is no precedent for such acts in all history anywhere. That is why it is all being hushed up.
NCBBC, I agree with you. The police were complicit in these crimes. And the politicians and the journalists. All these wretches feed in the same trough.
I vaguely remember a line from Blackhawk Down (the book) where the author says (something like) Somalia is a land so messed up that people have largely forgotten how to work.
Unless the left is defeated this will be Britain’s grim future – a colder rubble strewn patchwork of Somalia, Libya and Pakistan .
Its the same everywhere. On a visit to Switzerland, a clean & tidy country, Muslim immigrants were throwing full nappies out of windows of apartments provided free to them. There was no need for this, as Switzerland provides disposal facilities, and migrants were told how to use them . But migrants bring their enriching culture with them, and who are we to judge. Besides, for Muslims there is the further imperative to destroy everything of value of the Kaffr state. Big or small. Every bit helps the Jihad..