The family of a popular Muslim shopkeeper who was murdered after posting an online Easter message to “my beloved Christian nation” has disclosed they fear for their lives following the brutal attack.
Asad Shah’s wife and siblings said they had been left “heartbroken” by the killing and they had been overwhelmed by the messages of support they had received from the local community in the Shawlands area of Glasgow.
But they only spoke on the condition their names were not published for fear of retribution and disclosed they have been advised by the police to be careful what they say in order to protect their security.
The family, originally from Pakistan, are members of the Ahmadiyya Islamic sect, which preaches “love for all, hatred for none”. However, it has faced persecution in some parts of the world from more hardline Muslim factions.
James Dean, BBC: “Controlling
#media in the name of preventing terrorism is not a good idea”
We’ve already looked at the BBC’s reluctance to report the religious identity of the killer of Asad Shah in Glasgow and the reluctance to bring the issues that frame that murder into the open continues….and it is even now ignoring the family living in fear of being murdered by what, I suppose are in fact, no less than Muslim terrorists attacking the Ahmadi community. Still there is this important BBC news from Scotland on the frontpage…
Polar bear romance in Scottish highlands
Hopes are growing that the UK may soon have its first polar bear cub in 25 years, after Victoria and Arktos, two bears at the Highland Wildlife Park in Scotland, started mating.
The Today programme [39 mins in] gave all of a couple of minutes to the murder and limited itself to the bare facts and reporting how loved Asaf Shah was and what a nice man. That was a cynical tick box exercise by the BBC done to show ‘respect’ but in fact what it revealed was a contempt for, not only Asad Shah, but also the truth which the BBC is prepared to sacrifice for what they believe is the greater good…that elusive community cohesion. Tell Mama wasn’t invited on to discuss this latest example of ‘Islamophobia’ for some reason but they give us an idea of why the BBC wants to play down this sectarian, religiously motivated murder….
As long as there divisions, they will be manipulated and used by extremist far right groups to drive a wedge between communities… They will use it to malign Muslims and to seek division.
Maybe it’s not just the Far-Right who have legitimate concerns about what Islam brings to Europe….but the BBC would rather hide Muslim prejudice that ends in murder than confront it and give ‘ammunition’ to the critics of Islam.
Asad Shah was probably killed because he was an Ahmadi, someone not considered a Muslim by mainstream Islam. They have been persecuted, much like the Jews, wherever they live in Muslim countries, and they are not even safe in Britain. The BBC, the champion of the oppressed and downtrodden minorities, looks away as they are murdered on our streets.
The murder of Asad Shah is history for the BBC, relegated to the Scottish page despite his family saying they are in fear of their own lives, something the BBC mentions only at the bottom of its ‘What the papers say’ page…the Scottish papers’ page that is……
The family of a Muslim shopkeeper who was attacked after posting an online Easter message have revealed they feared for their lives following the incident, according to the Scottish Daily Mail.
The BBC is otherwise not interested that a family lives in fear of being murdered by conservative Muslims.
The BBC will try to claim, if it ever gets around to examining the issues, that the extremists who attack Ahmadis are a small group who pervert the religion of Islam…but that’s not true….the persecution of Ahmadis is given divinely sanctioned motivation by mainstream British Muslim groups and commentators….
The MCB spells out explicitly how Ahmadis are viewed….
So to be clear, the MCB states quite uncategorically, that Ahmadis are not Muslim.
The results of which you can see at Tell Mama or indeed on the streets of Glasgow, just not on the BBC today….
Whatever, the motivation, we know that Police Scotland regard this murder as religiously motivated. Asad Shah was an Ahmaddiya and the murderer, another Muslim of Sunni heritage. We cannot extrapolate and we must not influence process where justice needs to take its course. Yet, the current information provided is worrying and may indicate sectarian hatred.
How can the BBC ignore the fact that the largest, most representative Muslim group, the conservative MCB, is fueling hatred against Ahmadi Muslims? Why is the BBC so reluctant to investigate these issues that lead to murder when any example of ‘Islamophobia’, however suspect, spurious or minor, is news for days and days?
Much like Rotherham and Rochdale the guilty get away it because the BBC doesn’t want to report the truth due to the race or religion of the perps.
The poor family will probably get charged with posthumous incitement to racial hatred.
And funny how we all knew the name of Mr Doyle in Croydon-but , as yet, no naming of the sick butcher who`d stab a man, kick his head and then sit on his chest until he died.
Can you believe this cruelty and sadism?
Course we can…for this is Islam.
But because its Scotland and Sturgeon, it`s the thorny issue of intra-Islamic apostasy and blasphemy rules…well, buy your OWN colouring book and join the dots yourselves, you ghouls!
For Islam is Peace…Peace is Islam…and the BBC know no better, care even less.
If the BBC isn`t piped from the minarets, as the Muslim agency of record and in our lifetimes-it won`t be for want of slipper suckups from them!
Imagine if the shopkeeper’s attackers had been white. This story would not have dropped from the BBC News homepage as it currently has.
just look at St Stephen of Lawrence
still making headlines 20 years later-the gift that keeps on giving
BBC Radio Drama Gave Tips For Illegal Migrants In Somalia
A BBC department that produced a radio drama giving practical tips to would-be migrants on how to cross from Somalia to Europe received nearly £90 million of British tax payers’ money.
The drama, broadcast to Somalia and Kenya at the height of the migrant crisis, featured one character advising a woman to travel only with small luggage to make the illegal crossing easier.
Another character is later advised that “this current time is the best opportunity to reach Europe”.
The drama is produced by BBC Media Action, the broadcaster’s charitable arm, which is funded by the British government’s foreign aid budget.
Titled ‘A Better Life than Today’, it follows the fortunes of a group of Somali youths and has more than two million listeners on BBC Radio Somali.
I’m surprised they dont give shipping and train time tables. Plus the Benefit offices in London.
What exact use are Somalis except living on Benefits, or getting a job in the so called British BC. I suppose being a Muslim and a female, is a perfect score for employment in the BBC.
The RoP has claimed some 65 lives. Christians mainly, celebrating Easter in a park in Lahore.
ISLAMABAD (AP) — A breakaway Pakistani faction of the militant Taliban group has claimed responsibility for an Easter Sunday bombing that killed 65 people in a park in the eastern city of Lahore that was crowded with Christians, including many children.
Ahsanullah Ahsan, spokesman for Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, told the Associated Press that a suicide bomber with the faction deliberately targeted the Christian community.
It never ends.
There is no point in pretending that Muslims dont know what is happening. They know, and they are laughing at us. They mass murder us,, and then send a few Muslim women to show grief. And we fall for it. The link between Islamists and leftists is a historic one, each intends to destroy Western civilisation.
The pope tells us that we must love them, but the Bible tells us that we must hate evil.
Paraphrasing Cato the Elder
Furthermore, I consider that islam must be destroyed.
I am still waiting to see hundreds of thousands of RoP’ers , ‘leftys’ and Jerrod marching through London shouting, ‘Not in our name’, ‘Not in our name’!
Over to you Jerrod……………………
They dont do Jihad for themselves but for allah. OK, they get to paradise. Paradise is guaranteed if a Muslim becomes a martyr. Not only that, but 70 of his relatives also get to paradise. That is why we see much celebration by immediate family of the martyr. They have got a free pass to paradise.
Looking forward to seeing Merkel et al. virtue-signalling with #jesuislahore. Or maybe dead Christians don’t matter if they’re not white and you don’t think there are votes in it.
Re NCBBC above and Lahore.
You`ll notice here that we`re not talking of Al Queda…but apparently an offshoot, a splinter group-or breakaway faction.
So let`s not assume that Al Queda would be behind such a thing shall we?
My God-how stupid do the BBC think we are-and , more to the point, how much piling up of the raging faggots are they intent on doing before we tip the whole dame jenga edifice over?
They tried to do the same with the IRA-but at least they might still have known something about the will of the British people.
Maybe that died for them the day they fussed about the legality of killing Bin Laden.
But the BBC tell me that “Brussels Water Cannon” is #4 most watched, as I write.
The Lahore Christian atrocity only at #10.
If that`s true-then they really are as low and despicable as those who go to mirror their idiocies and evils-which coincide exactly with BBC wishes, contempt and aspirations for this once-decent country.
I don`t believe it myself…but the BBC really are doing all they can to get their f***in head blown off very soon, if they continue to lie and cavil as they do.
Perhaps the Pakistan authorities will project the crucifix onto public buildings in solidarity?
The Pakistan government is complicit in this mass murder, as blasphemy, Islamic style, still exists in Pakistan. This law is used by Muslims to persecute Christians. And this is, among other Koranic imperatives, which justifies mass murdering Christians in many Pakistani Muslim minds.
I have met a few Pakistani Christians over the decades. What struck me is their fervent belief that we are living in End Times. It is a characteristic of people facing real hard persecution, night and day, over a very long period. Jews in Babylon comes to mind. Its virtually the same period, come to think of it.
Its time to partition Pakistan, and make a Christian state for Pakistani Christians.
PS: Thanks Chris for your informative posts.
Ah, yes – I saw her Koran-burning video. She’s a package of dynamite, cutting through dhimmi appeasement like a hot knife through butter.
I’d love to see her demolish the BBC.
Edit – This comment should have gone under NCBBC’s comment re Barnhardt above.
“Ceterum censeo Islam esse delendam”
Yes, I do think that Islam is not fit for purpose in the 21st century. Besides, Muslims are the main drivers of Climate Change. BBC, please note.
“Ceterum censeo Islam esse delendam”
And I do feel that we will liberate 1.5bn people from tyranny.