Nice to see that the BBC is referring to the terrorists in Brussels as ‘militants’ on their news bulletins this morning…not ‘very militant’ or even ‘very, very militant’, just ‘militant’. Of course the use of the word ‘terrorist’ is controversial as so many Muslims see these boys as freedom fighters and victims of Western oppression…so we can’t be seen to be taking sides at the BBC can we?
Rather surprised to hear that there were two bomb attacks in Europe this week….the ones in Brussels and one in Ankara. Somehow I just don’t see Turkey as part of Europe…the BBC has obviously come to the editorial decision to make it firmly European which, as it is geographically dominantly Middle Eastern or Asian, and Erdogan has firmly placed it back in the Islamic camp, is questionable and is clearly a political decision by the BBC with three possible motivations…one Turkey is Muslim, therefore the BBC wants to present Islam as part of European culture and not alien to it, two, Turkey is supposedly the solution to the refugee crisis so again anything that makes Turkey seem on side is good, and three Turkey wants to join the European Union and so being presented by the BBC as already part of ‘Europe’, again not alien to, is obviously a good PR move for those who want it to join. The BBC is ‘nudging’ our perceptions and trying to shape, manipulate, our views on Turkey.
It is especially questionable as Turkey is backing IS to a large extent as a weapon to stop the Kurds….never mind this…
King Abdullah of Jordan accused Turkey of exporting terrorists to Europe at a top level meeting with senior US politicians in January, the MEE can reveal.
The king said Europe’s biggest refugee crisis was not an accident, and neither was the presence of terrorists among them: “The fact that terrorists are going to Europe is part of Turkish policy and Turkey keeps on getting a slap on the hand, but they are let off the hook.”
Asked by one of the congressmen present whether the Islamic State group was exporting oil to Turkey, Abdullah replied: ”Absolutely.”
Hardly European friendly as Turkey seems to be not only blackmailing Europe over the refugees but also enabling the terrorism inside Europe…..not a problem for the BBC of course…The BBC’s European ‘militant’ freedom fighter, another man’s terrorist.
Speaking of whch….the Easter Rising in 1916…getting lots of favourable, almost admiring coverage on the BBC, though the IRA has always had BBC journos eating out of their hands. Ah the romance of the Oirish rebel….for sure Nick Robinson on the Today programme suggested that the Rising lit a fuse that led to decades of sectarian violence but that was brushed aside by the Irish politicians and Robinson managed to travel a parallel path paying lip service to the violence and the victims whilst ‘celebrating’ the Rising and the freedom from the ‘occupiers and oppressors’ as he put it.
No such tide of positive coverage for other momentous British events such as Trafalgar or Waterloo. Waterloo was in fact attacked by the BBC which even blamed it for the rise of Hitler and then there were the insults to those of Bomber Command by saying they were war criminals worse than the Third Reich, in very one sided programmes about the bombing of Germany.
What was interesting though was how Irish poet and writer Theo Dorgan described the Rising [08:56] and the motivation behind it…not a narrative the BBC likes unless coming from the mouths of the romantic rebel whose violent nationalism is somehow acceptable….
The project of national identity will always inspire any citizenry and the poets. You have to understand the Rising as a cultural gesture…they hoped to spark the imagination of the people and make them realise liberty and independence were possible.
They held out a vision of independence and quite against all the odds they succeeded. The repossession of a national language, the repossession of a national identity and pride in a culture which had been treated as subaltern, to speak from the heart of your own culture is to speak from the most absolute form of liberty imagineable and that’s what the Rising was, it was a kind of lightning conductor for power and energy that had been gathering at cultural levels. I’m talking about suffragism, I’m talking about pacifism as well as military insurrection. All of these currents were lively and powerful.
We can shape and imagine a new future for ourselves.
Curious that this poet eulogising the violence of glorious insurrection that led to freedom and independence should finish by attacking UKIP and the amiable Nigel Farage.
Curious that the BBC also hates anyone who expresses nationalist ideas, UKIP or the EDL or any ‘little Englander’, whilst adoring the IRA and the SNP or indeed any Muslim terrorist who fights to set up a caliphate free from Western oppression.
Perhaps that is what the Brexit campaign needs…less on the economy more on the passion and vision of independence and liberty…Britain shaping the future for itself.
Boris’ time has come perhaps. Can he fill the Churchillian boots with the grand, inspirational oratory and dodge the outrageous BBC slings and arrows?
To be fair to the BBC-the notion of the “cultural gesture” in a culture war IS the one thing at which they have years of experience.
I`m guessing that the BBC freed itself of any notion of independent thought around the time of Vietnam, where the best journalists were seen to attach themselves to the correct cause…with no pretence of impartiality or a need to stick to the facts.
So the BBC willingly became the mouthpiece of the perpetual revolution and the left..and, as a serious lefty myself in the 80s; I`d have approved of the likes of Pilger and Pizzey at that time.
But quarter of a century on, I`ve seen reality and have never been bribed by other peoples tax dollars to continue to serve up propaganda as news, and have long had to leave the nursery and the student bar in order to form my politics today.
The BBC have remained infantilised weekend rebels who backed Mugabe over Nkomo etc-because Mugabe suited the rebel narrative more that Nkomo or Muzorewa, etc.
They put Michael O Higgins up on a toadstool by the Blarney Well, and deem HIM to be the Rebel Cause in person.
I`d call it patronising and racist to put this dwarf pseudo-academic as the voice of Ireland…but the BBC do like their caricatures.
Hence Jon Snow can seek out dusky evildoers on a whim to Sri Lanka, a jaunt that WE end up paying for…just so he can visit his kids and don the pith helmet-Humphrys gets the same whenever Greece needs a set up for emotings.
Like schools are run for teachers not kiddies, like the NHS is run for NHS staff and not patients-so the BBC is run for Lefty Oxbridge fantasists who enjoy the idea of “The Good Rebellion” in all its guises…from Pinochet to Castro via Mary Robinson…but sure as hell never get to live with the results of their fatuous ignorance paraded on our screens every day, and paid for by us.
Lord HawHaw was brought to a bitter end- whereas these, our current crop of traitors and popinjays get emeritus book deals, chat shows and “greybeard elder statesman” status-when THEY have long done more damage that Joyce did…by eating away at the foundation joists like rancorous woodworm on old dope.
chrisH, That is one of your finest posts here. Just says everything. I have nothing more to add . I salute you , sir .
Much appreciated grant.
But when I read Daniel Greenfield-I dare not ever DARE to speak of being anything but a popinjay on his spade, with the occasional aimless diversion for a bit of cultural mashup and fun.
Like to think that I knew something about Purim and the Book of Esther…then Daniel writes this-and like this!
Can only hope he`s not choosing to do too much on the New Testament or Jesus the Jew…or else we`ll have no bible study again.
Prophet and poet is Mr Greenfield…one site that we need to build on and fast IMHO
The BBC News are calling the protesters in Brussels ‘thugs’ tonight.
Give it another year or two and the BBC will be calling the Islamic terrorists ‘heroic-jihadi-freedom-fighter-and-culture-enlightenment-officers’.
5 times the word ‘thug’ was used, just to hammer the message home, ie worried about immigration, caring about the future of your race and your country = THUG!
So let me see if I have this right (maybe one of the silly sisters, Jerrod or zero, could help). The BBC steadfastly refuses to describe people who main and kill dozens in bombing attacks as ‘terrorists’ because that would be judgemental. Yet it freely describe the Belgian protestors today as ‘thugs’ because…. ?
Is it an Easter tradition that I have missed out on, perhaps?
The BBC reporter was really venting his bile on the patriots who had come to mock those who were desecrating the place where the mass murder took place.
The mass murder was done by Muslims, following the teachings of the Koran, and the example of prophet Muhammed. It has everything to do with Islam. The leftists aid and abet the Islamists. So here were the two, Muslims and Leftists, pretending to grieve over the death of innocents that they caused.
Thug = a violent person, especially a criminal.
Belgian police fired water cannon to disperse a large group of demonstrators who stormed a central Brussels square…. dressed in black with balaclavas, they confronted Muslim women in the crowds, trampled floral tributes to the victims of terror, set off flares, made Nazi salutes and chanted. They described themselves as ‘football hooligans’.
‘Thugs’ seems a fair description to me.
Yes, that would be the pattern, as we’ve seen before whenever a society has capitulated to terrorism.
Everything about the BBC is a total moral inversion
Let’s leave Evan Davis out of this.
🙂 very good .
Rob,, LOL !
Point of Information. While part of Turkey is geographically in Europe consisting of 3 percent of the country with a population of about 10 million people (about 12 percent of the total) Ankara is on the Asiatic side. The BBC made a value judgement.