“It really matters that our news and current affairs is the best, the highest top-level journalism you can have.” Gwyneth Williams, Controller Radio 4
If this is the best they can do gawd help us.
Remember Asad Shah, the Ahmadi Muslim killed in Glasgow? The BBC are doing their best to disremember him and all the inconvenient truths that his death brings out into the open.
We’ve looked at the BBC’s reluctance to examine the reasons behind the killing a couple of times now but it’s worth looking again at a classic example of how the BBC edits the news to suit its own agenda and will refuse to discuss issues that raise awkward questions about one of the BBC’s favoured groups that it protects regardless of what it does.
The Today programme, the BBC’s prime news and current affairs outlet, the one that sets the agenda for the rest of the day for BBC News, gave only a token mention of Asad Shah’s murder, limited to the basic fact of his death and what a nice bloke everyone thought he was.
Compare that to the coverage Today gave to boxer Nick Blackwell who was hospitalised. We got a long discussion on what happened in his fight and on the dangers of boxing. This was followed up on 5Live at 0900 with a phone in on the subject…and there’s more…from Newsbeat…
Nick Blackwell: What are the rules for stopping boxing bouts?
Boxer Nick Blackwell was put into an induced coma after suffering a bleed on the brain during his British middleweight title defeat to Chris Eubank Jr.
The referee stopped the fight after 10 rounds, saying Blackwell couldn’t carry on. Two rounds earlier, Chris Eubank Snr asked “why hasn’t the referee stopped the fight? ” Some agree with him, others side with the referee. So what are the rules?
A serious event for Nick Blackwell and one that deserves some discussion but where is the similar level of concern for a man who has been killed in the street, the killer kicking him in the head and sitting on his chest laughing….killed in a hate crime….so often the BBC’s call to arms. This wasn’t a random killing, it wasn’t one of Mark Mardell’s ‘senseless tragedies’, this was a targeted attack, targeted for a reason. Where are the discussions about the likely causes of his death…that being the fact Asad Shah was an Ahmadi Muslim? Where are the discussions about hate crimes against Ahmadis and who is inciting them and why?
Interesting to see that the young girl who was killed in an accident on a bouncy castle is still frontpage news whilst the mass killing of Christians in Pakistan is slowly disappearing…it hasn’t been on the frontpage all day and is slipping down the order on the world page now…tomorrow it will no doubt have vanished into the Asia section to be flushed down the memory hole and forgotten till the next mass killing.
The BBC reports on the frontpage that the family of the little girl are heartbroken at the cruel death of their girl….absolutely no mention that the family of Asad Shah are living in fear of being killed for their beliefs in a British city.
Just what are the BBC’s news priorities? They can’t seriously expect us to swallow the guff that “our news and current affairs is the best, the highest top-level journalism you can have.”
– “They can’t seriously expect us to swallow the guff that “our news and current affairs is the best, the highest top-level journalism you can have.”
Yes they can Alan and they clearly don’t give 2 fucks about those of us who have sussed them out. Why do they need to change? They are continually financed regardless so why not go all Chuck Norris on the Great British public with their ‘message’! They have long ceased being a reporter of news and are nothing more than a propaganda vehicle for the self serving establishment.
Everyone who uses this site besides Jihadi Jerrod and his delusionist crew have worked out what the Al Beeb is all about. Once you see it, there’s no going back. It becomes more obvious with every passing day. The down fall of the Al Beeb will be their love affair with Islam. The Islamic enrichment acts taking place around the world are far beyond the smoke and mirrors used to alter news at the Al Beeb. We are witnessing true and purest Islam in action. People are seeing more and more that something isn’t right with what’s being reported. That the people of Europe clearly mean less to the establishment than the establishments self interests. The Al Beeb have chosen the wrong side. There can be only Islam and that means the death of the Al Beeb and everything it pretends it stands for.
What amuses me is the thought that they really do think that all this appeasement will save them from finding their heads on sticks if the Muslims ever take over the BBC completely. BBC reporters will be the first to go!
Didn`t an “art installation” on a bouncy castle in Co Durham last year kill somebody as well?
Yet no call upon the luvvies to stop their pneumatic killing spree.
If I were Alton Towers, I`d just get Tracey Emin to put her duvet onto their bouncy castle-and the BBC(Will Gompertz and his sockless arts-led Trampolining in the Age of Ether 12 part series) would let them alone!
As for Sunni Delights up in Glasgow?…well, as long as they can find a font in a church who will let them stick their feet into it for a wash-well,Pope Francis will be happy and the divisive Ahmadis and Baha`i can hire their OWN bouncy castle, once the current silliness is safely negotiated.
This poor bloke is the very face of Christ in 2016, so stuff Padraig Pearce…
I’m struggling to see the problem here.
I thought all Muslims are bad. That’s the ‘vibe’ I get from biasedbbc.tv.
But now it seems not all Muslims are bad… well, those who wish their customers a Happy Easter at least. All is forgiven and we’re suddenly bessie mates with Ahmadis.
So, are some Muslims good and some bad? What is the ratio? And how do you define a good Muslim – one that praises Christianity? [biasedbbc cheers!] How about one that campaigns for secularism? [biasedbbc boos!]
But what I will say, as an atheist [biasedbbc boos!], is that the drive for a more pro-Christian BBC [biasedbbc cheers!] is as daft as a drive for a more pro-atheist BBC [biasedbbc boos!].
Atheists don’t exactly get a good deal outside the developed world either. But then, I would expect the regulars here to lack any sympathy for atheists full-stop and believe we get what we deserve – we’re going to burn in Hell for eternity anyway, according to the ONLY ‘religion of peace’ that is Christianity.
Thanks Edward, for an illustration of the thinking of the authoritarian left…..which is typified by the formula….if you think A you must also think B, C, and D or you’re a “hypocrite”.
But this is not how posters on biased BBC appear to me to think.
Most posters here think, and supply the evidence to support their thinking, that the BBC is institutionally biased, and as a compulsorily funded organisation supported by legal powers to enforce payment….that isn’t right, especially as its funding formula is based on the premise that it is wholly unbiased and represents a British national discourse or consensus of opinion.
I have the impression that on many other issues there is a wide, dare I say, diversity of opinion, among posters and contributors;
a diversity that group thinkers, authoritarians, and leftists find impossible to understand, let alone enable to be represented on the “unbiased” BBC.
Regarding atheism, if you take the time to look at current Christian belief on this matter you’ll again see a diversity of views, with the bottom line being…”judge not, lest ye be judged yourself.” Christians generally don’t believe that they are asked to impose Gods teachings on anyone, and don’t have the state apparatus to do so anywhere in the world.
Now compare that with the position of atheists in Sharia compliant Islamic nations and territories, or the interaction between sharia compliant Muslims and non sharia compliant Muslims. The position of the Ahmediya is that mainstream Islam doesn’t recognise them as Muslims at all.
See the difference?
Edward, Check out earlier posts here which point out that the Muslim Council of GB do not recognise the Ahmadi’s as real and proper muslims. To my mind they are a bit too peaceful and willing to get along with others. Unlike your Muslims, Edward, who are allies in your fight against capitalism – or so you hope. And now you can see why the BBC are not really that sympathetic to them.
You should write a book. ‘My Stuggle’ has a nice ring to it.
You made me laugh but I suspect the allusion is lost on him.
– “I thought all Muslims are bad. That’s the ‘vibe’ I get from biasedbbc.tv”
Just Islam thats bad Edward. A death cult so fanatical about the pursuit of domination and bloodshed that nobody’s safe. Islam is an unchangeable set of rules that must be conformed to, or its a visit to hellfire you go. Its doesn’t matter if you are man, woman, child, Muslim, Jew, Christian… Islam asks for merciful death to those who do not conform to the word given to Muhammad. The differing sects of Islam to Sunni just have a few changes after the blood thirsty warlord popped his clogs.
Its simple really Edward and being pedantic about what we say on here is pointless really as we are not killing daily and all of the world in the name of Islam. The people following Islam have a choice to follow it, it’s not a condition or a race, no matter how much the victimhood hustlers are desperate to tell us otherwise… On no wait they cannot leave can they as it’s death to all Apostates!
Islam. The religion of peace
islam – putting the cult in cultural.
John ! Nice one !
Yes, thats a nice one John.
Are you on Easter break from college?
Jerry, LOL ! College ? or Kindergarten ?
Edward, a rule of thumb: The only good Moslem is a bad Moslem. (Think about it.)
“So, are some Muslims good and some bad? What is the ratio?”
Well Edward, just open your eyes, yes open your eyes and look at the world where Islam is the predominant religion.
Then perhaps you can come to an honest conclusion and not delude your self.
Helpful primer
Is terror on non-Muslims encouraged by the Koran? Yes.
Were such terror tactics employed by Mohammed. Yes.
Is beheading advocated by the koran and Hadiths. Yes.
Did Mohammed behead hundreds of innocent Jews. Yes.
A good Moslim obeys the Koran, and also emulates Mohammed. ISIS are very good Muslims. Some 40% of Muslims in the world support ISIS. They are good Muslims.
Look at this article for a bit more insight: http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/03/the-questions-nobody-wants-to-ask-about-asad-shahs-murder/ I was wondering who on eath committed this murder as the news on BBC was extremely unclear – in fact it left me with the impression the crime was “Islamophobic”. This is the problem with the very sick BBBC – they omit and suppress news to suit their own nannying agenda, making them appear as Islamophile, even if they are not. The terrible fact is that we have imported hateful, uncivilised, fanatics – people who care nothing for human life, or anything else that conflicts with their benighted, bigoted religion. And the BBC desperately wants to keep this grim fact hidden from the public. You’d think that BBC manipulation would have little effect, when the terrible facts should speak for themselves, but the constant drip, drip of propaganda, from an organisation that most of the population seem to blindly trust, and to whom they pay attention most days, has a profound effect.
If you cannot win the argument ,resort to name calling.
Its a well used device to shut people up.We see it in overdrive at the moment.Its pretty chilling.
We know if a Jew or Christian had committed that crime ,or even an atheist,it would have been headline news for days.
Members of local and national Muslim groups would have been wheeled out . i would love to know what their opinion of this seemingly sectarian killing is. I would love to understand more about the various factions in Islam.
Tumbleweed from the BEEB.
I include other MSM who are just as bad but I don’t have to pay for them on threat of prison.
Aren’t you wasting your time, trying to educate a thick **** like Edward.
Edward you might like to remember that we generally live in a tolerant society.
And guess what – Its roots are generally Judeo Christian NOT Islam.
Whether you like it or not generally Christianity in the New Testament preaches tolerance and love.
And on the whole most of us who post on this site appreciate this and want our society to stay generally as it is, as we value the freedoms our society gives us.
This is why we have no time for a state broadcaster which wants to break our society and welcome in large numbers of people from a religion which is innately hostile to any other person/creed which does not exactly follow the teachings of its main prophet. Millions of people from our society have also died (and will do so in the future) So people like you can bite the hand that feeds you – but do you know what – thats ok too – its the price we pay for living in a relatively free/tolerant society.
As to you being an atheist – well so what ?
I am sure you are a clever boy and have lots of time on your hands and can always find loads of exceptions to where our society/culture is lacking but quite frankly I could not give a flying F###! However generally in the last century or so we have got it right.
I would suggest you should be careful what you wish for.
Next time you want to play music or smoke a fat one “with the guys” Or discover your alternative sexuality with your bessie or even have a quiet glass of wine with your girlfriend/boyfriend at a cafe. Go to Riyadh and discover how intolerant we really are.
Or alternatively just grow up and count your blessings!
So true. I hate the BBC so intensely that I am happy to have kicked out my TV, at least my aerial, and only watch DVDs etc. I don’t miss the inane prattle of TV – it’s glorious without it! There’s plenty of news on-line, and if you need TV you can legally watch it via the internet as long as it isn’t streamed live. At least I know that none of my hard-earned cash is being used by that devious, profligate propaganda machine.
Now class!
Poor Edward has only just started here, and we make visitors SPECIALLY welcome here at our college of cleverness.
Let`s break this one down so young Eddie gets the rationale…big word, put it on his whiteboard somebody.
1. A Sunni uses his uber taxi to drive 200 miles north to challenge Mr Shah about something…now shall we agree that he was passionate in his intentions…and don`t we all know in the heat of the moment, things get said that are regrettable?
2. Our Bradford chappie speaks in Mr Shahs native tongue which-would we not agree shows some effort to reach out to the minimart manager.
3. After this , it might look as though our Yorkshire young`un stabbed the purveyor of buns, booze and ciggies a time or two about the head;then sought rest on resting himself on the chest of the Armani model.
But, that a Sunni Muslim bloke uses his Uber Taxi to drive up 200 miles to stab an Ahmadi repeatedly around the poor mans head and neck, and then sits on his chest as the bloke dies beneath him-and in response to a general Easter greeting to his customers on Good Friday 2016-its probably best not to challenge poor fragile and very special Ed about the Inconvenient Truth(THE only one you need Gore Boy!)…not until we`ve made him a dream catcher to send his thoughts to hell and back.
Nah, enough-fuck off Edward-if those facts are as we`re told, YOU`RE the hypocrite.
“Healing the believers chest”they call it ,Mr Ed!
As usual, Douglas Murray’s incisive mind and straight-talking gets to the heart of it.
Read it Sir A – and yes its bang on the money.
ObvIously this does not sit well the MSM and Beeb narrative for some reason. You would have thought that this man would be everything the MSM pertains to love.
1. Obvious ethnicity
2. Obviously a decent guy
3- Reaches out to all communities
Its funny we had weeks of hand ringing from the Aunty and her friends about Moazzam Begg. And this was despite the fact he was released in good health and there were more than a few unanswered questions about what he was doing in Afghanisan in the first place.
Could it be that this mans murder highlights possible dual standards of the British mainstream Islam where it constantly claims victimhood but turns a more than a blind eye when some of its followers deal with what it considers to be traitors to the true faith. Fortunately it has Aunty as a friend who is always able to look both ways at once.
Aunty – craven as usual only wants to play her usual default game. She has painted herself into a corner and is unable to deal with the fact that a religion she has spent years telling us is benevolent has more than just a few nasty surprises lurking under its stones.
Sorry we got it wrong is a phrase we will never hear from the BEEB.
As a previous post said , It is just so wrong that the very public butchering of a truly decent man rates no more highly than an unfortunate death at the hands of a bouncy castle 12 months ago.
On his gravestone I would carve Asad Shah – an inconvenient death
There seems a real blind spot at the BBC, through delusion or design, when it comes to associations.
Vague links (I think the choice of a venue that was once on a list of Nazi potential HQs was a major shark jumping moment) are played out loud and long if the protagonist is on the naughty list.
Blatantly obvious elephants in the room are suppressed if the protagonists are friends of the BBC family.
There’s an online poster doing the rounds on FaceBook at the moment. It lists recent global attrocities, their locations and death tolls.
It has the headline ‘Terrorism has no religion’, presumably due to the equal opportunity nature of explosive ordnance or AK-spray in public spaces.
I simply pondered in almost all cases which one still gets dogmatically claimed to be one of peace, within its own ranks and beyond.
Killing your own in as great or greater numbers than those being targetted seems a mitigation rationale that only Mishal Husain could get comfy with.
Excellent article:
Mr Shah was an Ahmadiyya (Ahmadi), a member of – against some stiff competition – one of the most persecuted sects within Islam. Persecution against them in Pakistan and elsewhere around the Islamic world is rife. Yet despite that (or perhaps for that very reason) they are probably the most peaceable and indeed admirable sect within Islam. Among other things, Ahmadiyya Muslims formally reject the concept of Jihad that other schools cling to. In Britain whenever there is a vaguely positive news story about Islam it almost invariably involves Ahmadi Muslims. Remember the bus adverts a few years back saying that Islam had ‘love for all, hatred for none’. That was paid for by Ahmadiyya Muslims. Remember the stories of a Muslim group not burning poppies but actually selling them for the Royal British Legion? Ahmadiyyas again.
Where are you BBC with your ‘educating and informing’?
Subversive tossers.
I love that – subversive tossers! Hear, hear!
I can’t speak for the rest of the BBC news outlets but Radio Scotland during Tuesday seemed more concerned with pushing the fact that the murderer was a taxi driver and the car he was using was registered in the Bradford area by Uber Taxies.
I am still trying to work out why they should think linking the murder to Uber is of any relevance to the crime other than an attempt to distract attention from the obvious religious aspect of the murder after the Muslim victim, Asad Shah, had wished Christian Britain a Happy Easter and shortly was killed by another Muslim.
But ignore that small detail, the BBC obviously think that the killer is an Uber taxi driver to be far more relevant to what happened.
Stuart Hughes just waiting for any conveyed by Addison Lee.
Probably for some, editorial integrity meant there was no time, or space…
To put it in simple terms for Edward:
1. Most people on this site are not anti-Muslim. They are anti-Islamist, ie the forcing of certain beliefs and practices on others against their will. Yes, some other religions have been and are guilty of this also, but not to the same extent.
2. Most people on here have generally tolerant views when it comes to matters of conscience such as religious belief or lack of it. We seem to have a good mix from committed religious people to completely secular atheists and all points in between – there is very little of that tedious ‘sky fairy’ type name-calling on this site compared to others, when religion is being discussed. The over-arching rule here about people seems to be that of our Lord: ‘by their fruits shall ye know them.’
3. The case of the shopkeeper in Scotland is of relevance to this site because as usual it is about what the BBC is NOT reporting, ie, that this appears to be part of an inter-Islamic sectarian dispute. If a Catholic shopkeeper had been killed by a Protestant assailant, we would most likely have had hours of hand-wringing coverage of this fact.
This is excellent and true; religion should be logically and sensibly discussed, with nothing of the fanatic about it.
I’m what you would probably call an agnostic, not really a hard atheist, nor a follower of any religion, but I see that the basic teachings of Christianity do not justify any kind of violence, though their followers have not been completely innocent of violence CONTRARY to their beliefs. I suppose the Old Testament does include a certain amount of, mainly historic, violence but Judaism is thoroughly modernised and poses no threat to our society at all – in fact I believe it enhances it, and for Christians the New Testament teaches non-violence. On the other hand, the basic teachings of the Koran, and other revered Islamic writings, undeniably contain many incitements to violence and hatred. Therefore, I do not welcome true followers of Islam to our country – only those Muslims that take the Koran with a healthy helping of salt – “it ain’t necessarily so…I takes the Gospel, whenever it’s poss’ble, but only with a pinch of salt”. That’s an opinion that the killers of Asad Shah most definitely did not share.
The Protestant v Catholic shopkeeper premise, I think, would not have prompted an unusual BBC response, though not hushed up in any way, like the Shah incident has been. But if a white Brit – Catholic, Protestant or anything else – had been the killer – now that would have been trumpeted from the roof-tops with endless recriminations, discussions, documentaries and the like – investigations to see if the killer had (hopefully) been a devout Christian, or a right-wing activist, or had ever supported UKIP or the Tories.