Did you know Christians were being persecuted in Burma? You knew Muslims were in conflict with the Buddhists because the BBC has relentlessly been promoting the cause of the Muslim insurgents in Burma…but I have never heard the BBC mention that Christians were under attack. This is the same BBC of course that told us a couple of years ago that Christians in the Middle East were thriving and those in Gaza were getting on famously with their Islamist hosts.
The BBC asks Why is there communal violence in Myanmar? but it is only the Muslim community that they are interested in…strange really when you consider this headline from the Telegraph in 2007..
Burma ‘orders Christians to be wiped out’
The military regime in Burma is intent on wiping out Christianity in the country, according to claims in a secret document believed to have been leaked from a government ministry. Entitled “Programme to destroy the Christian religion in Burma”, the incendiary memo contains point by point instructions on how to drive Christians out of the state.
The text, which opens with the line “There shall be no home where the Christian religion is practised”, calls for anyone caught evangelising to be imprisoned. It advises: “The Christian religion is very gentle – identify and utilise its weakness.”
Its discovery follows widespread reports of religious persecution, with churches burnt to the ground, Christians forced to convert to the state religion, Buddhism, and their children barred from school.
That was in 2007 but it’s still going on…
Myanmar’s first fair elections for decades took place in November 2015, seeing the opposition party win a landslide victory, but already violence against Christians has risen.
The Burmese army is influential in Myanmar’s politics; Buddhist nationalists are known to attack Christian communities which are seen as a threat to Burmese-Buddhist heritage. Ethnic minority groups to which many Christians belong, such as the Rohingyas, also experience attacks from the army and radical Buddhists. Buddhist-background believers and Muslim-background believers face being shunned by their communities.
But it’s not just the Buddhists attacking the Christians…no surprise you might think about the other culprits…
“The Muslims in the village still wanted to kill me. One day, they came to do just that. They attacked me but some believers shielded me from harm. Another night, Muslims surrounded my home while I was sleeping and pelted stones on our roof.”
Amod is on the run. He’s from the Rohingya (Muslim) tribe and converted to Christianity after 33 years as a Muslim.
The Spectator asks why Christian persecution and ‘ethnic cleansing’ is ignored by the Media…
Imagine if correspondents in late 1944 had reported the Battle of the Bulge, but without explaining that it was a turning point in the second world war. Or what if finance reporters had told the story of the AIG meltdown in 2008 without adding that it raised questions about derivatives and sub-prime mortgages that could augur a vast financial implosion?
Most people would say that journalists had failed to provide the proper context to understand the news. Yet that’s routinely what media outlets do when it comes to outbreaks of anti-Christian persecution around the world, which is why the global war on Christians remains the greatest story never told of the early 21st century.
Those atrocities are indeed appalling, but they cannot truly be understood without being seen as small pieces of a much larger narrative.
Just been listening to 5Live and Adrian Chiles [The man who hates UKIP]…talking about the attack on Christians in Lahore and when it was stated that this was a deliberate attack on Christians [and I believe the Taliban have said as much] Chiles pipes up with the standard BBC meme…‘there were Muslims hurt as well’……as if this proves it wasn’t an attack on Christians in particular or that this lessens the fact of the mass murder of Christians in a deliberate attempt to clear them out of Pakistan. Muslim terrorists can blow up whom and what they like as long as a few token Muslims get killed as well so that the BBC can say this isn’t really anything to do with Islam and Muslim intolerance of other religions.
The Taliban faction Jamaat-ul-Ahrar issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack.
“The target were Christians,” a spokesman for the faction, Ehsanullah Ehsan, told the Reuters news agency while the Pakistan Express Tribune reports that he said, “We claim responsibility for the attack on Christians as they were celebrating Easter.”
Just noted this from Chilli in the comments…seems there must be a BBC memo scripting the BBC response…
I must say the BBC news at 10pm after the Night Manager took the biscuit for bias in every item.
First the Lahore reporter’s bizarre assertion that the suicide bomb attack on Christians celebrating Easter “didn’t just affect Christians”.
And yes, the news is pumping out the message that ‘Christians were targeted but many Muslims were also hurt.’…and ‘We must not forget this is Muslim on Muslim violence’…..really….I thought it was deliberate targeting of Christians.
Let’s just forget the Christians hey?
Didn`t just affect Christians then?
Ah well, what`s the fuss about then.
Now then-how about a BBC-sponsored appeal fund for the orphans of the suicide bombers then?
And when THEY go onto try and wipe our kids out as daddy used to do…well, they were orphans remember?…so no trial lest we fail to rehabilitate them.
Christians are often their own worst enemies When they are not finding reasons not to support other Christians asking for help they are actively supporting people who would destroy them (think Palestinians)
Dead right.
When I saw that repulsive Guardian photo-op of Pope Frankie Imbroglio washing the feet of tomorrows potential enrichers of the defective Roman culture..I couldn`t help but think that IS now have a chance to get their feet washed and filthy toenails picked…and just before they bring the sword down upon our necks too.
And-not that Frankie would know, it being the Bible and not The Economist-Jesus didn`t make a point of washing the feet of Caiaphas, Herod Antipas or Pilate.
Nor were his last words on the cross…”well, my Roman friends…from up here, looks like you could do with a pedi”
Either he kissed their feet or washed them with his tongue
Young bird in blue: ‘Ewwwww!’
Looks like that like that right foot of hers will be going missing sometime soon.
What`s the Paralympic Womens Iranian team looking like…not ALL blokes as well are they?
Think the other womans brought her weeks washing for Frankie to scrub as well…but she seems not to trust Frankies standards.
Join the queue dearie.
As with every photo I’ve seen so far of the ‘refugees’, I cannot but admire their determination to uphold their self respect, by appearing immaculately groomed and clothed at all times.
Not just clothed but looking like a Top Man advert. Kitted out on more high tech equipment than NASA. Finally all looking remarkably like 30-40 year old men with full on muzza beards even though theres only young children and women making the journey!
Damn, silly me, I forgot – they’re all doctors, dentists, architects, engineers and university professors aren’t they? Bound to look smart (maybe with the exception of the university professors).
Muslims are taught from birth that Islam is superior to Christianity. They are taught that Christians knows this, and allah makes Christians , even a pope, bow to down to the true believers.
The pope is trying to show humility, but the cultural context is different. To Muslims, he is showing that Islam is superior. Its two different cultures, with different assumptions. They can never live in peace.
What a totally unnecessary conflict our idiot politicians and church leaders have bestowed on us. They wont have to suffer though.
Even Percy Thrower and Ron Greenwood had more dignity…and if that bedpan he`s using hasn`t already been pissed in, I`ll be surprised…and he`ll NOT be seeing THAT again anytime soon.
The Religion of Peace strikes again.
Chiles pipes up with the standard BBC meme…‘there were Muslims hurt as well’……
Aww, give the useful idiot a break – he’s just trying to promote radical Islam’s equal opportunities policy.
But that`s why they sell Stanley knife blades in their bubble wrap Adrian…and ball bearings and nails get packaged in brown paper bags.
Muslims will strike targets as long as most of the victims are non-Muslims, and the kill ratio favours Islam. A few Muslim dead are just collateral damage.
This is war folks. In a war, as a matter of first priority, one removes enemy aliens from within the city walls.