Ritula Shah introduces the guests on Any Questions and announces that the right-leaning, pro-Brexit Freddie Forsyth has ‘given up writing fiction but is now writing a weekly column for the Daily Express where he comments on a wide range of things including Brexit.’ I thought the Now Show had finished at one, obviously not, one last gasp in them.
Any chance that there was supposed to be a snidy little subliminal hit there? Is she suggesting he is writing fiction about the benefits of Brexit? Not that the BBC has any opinion itself…or indeed would ever dream of inventing pro-EU material however many backhanders they get from the EU.
Also you could take ‘given up writing fiction’ (as opposed to ‘has retired from writing fiction’) as ‘he had to, he realised he was crap at it’, so him writing about Brexit = yet more crap.
A double whammy.
Also you could take ‘given up writing fiction’ (as opposed to ‘has retired from writing fiction’) as ‘he had to, he realised he was crap at it’”
I see what’s happened here, johnnythefish. You’ve taken something Alan said at face value(!)
Ritula Shah didn’t say Freddie Forsyth had “given up” writing fiction; that was Alan changing a few words here and there, hoping no-one would notice.
Makes you and the rest of your comment look a bit stupid, but never mind; I’m sure Alan will be very quick to correct any possible misunderstanding…
You know, zero (do you name yourself after a suicide bomber’s plane or Jack Skellington’s dog?!), the last time someone came on here making a similar correction I actually checked back to the recording and it turned out they were telling a load of porkies.
His name was Dez……
Well spotted that man!
They are all part of the ‘magnificent seven’ Al Beeb trolls……..
bunnylaroche, scott, dez, zero, manonclaphamomnibus, jerrod, & kikuchiyo.
Google ‘kikuchiyo’.
Ah now!
Been here since 2009-and Dez is a blowback from those days.
Sadly only remember Dez, Scott and now poor jerrod…my pal used to remove the gonads from the drosophila(fruit fly) when at Reading Uni some time back.
I did wonder what happened to them…and, would researchers get so attached to the sexless phoneytypes that they`d be named and set free to sip the nectar of fruity freedom?
No chance of the EU follow-up research grant now, but at least we have closure.
Must be zeros turn-and rather cruel to call him so, no wonder we`re lacking self esteem eh?
Blimey , did they all remove their gonads?
You were right – dead on time ……….’Must be zeros turn-and rather cruel to call him so, no wonder we`re lacking self esteem eh?’
taffman – I think you’ve been around a bit longer than me but I remember almost all of those. Did as you suggested anyway:
Kikuchiyo is a cyborg with a mechanized exoskeleton. He was originally a peasant until becoming a samurai to help others. He is often looked upon as a clown or a bother, as he gets angry easily and often causes trouble with his loud noise and clumsy ways.
Sounds like a character sketch of most of the insulting little tyros who come on here.
Also, remember Nicked Emus and Jim Dandy? Both quite eloquent in their way and more resilient than most but still prone to losing it when the debate eventually got a bit too inconveniently factual for them.
I’m sure they’ve all come back since under some guise or other (in some cases their style has been a giveaway). None were banned apart from Scott from what I can remember, so the need for new aliases is a bit beyond my ken.
Forsyth put them all in their place regarding Dave’s ‘security’ scaremongering.
Hopefully articles like this, which merit greater exposure, will help with quashing the economic scares put out by the Remainder.
Our EU partners might want to cut off their noses to spite their collective face, but it would suit everyone best if we left and carried on with the free trade agreement we thought we had joined in the beginning, without our having to continue with the petty fogging legislation and restraints which are hamstringing their economies and ours.
Another one to be snide about is Trump , on the Now Show .
It usually goes like this ;
Announce something he has said ( small laughs at this )
Then make up something he has not said , about cats for example , and let the audience of half wits whoop and laugh , because in their small minds that silly thing is what they want him to have said .
“Ritula Shah introduces the guests on Any Questions and announces that the right-leaning, pro-Brexit Freddie Forsyth has ‘given up writing fiction but is now writing a weekly column for the Daily Express where he comments on a wide range of things including Brexit.’”
What Ritula Shah actually said;
“[Freddie Forsyth] no longer writes fiction but has a weekly column in the Daily Express where he comments on a wide range of issues including his support for Brexit”.
Of course when Ritula says Freddie; “no longer writes fiction”, it’s obvious Ritula means Freddie “still writes fiction”, because she says Freddie “no longer writes fiction”.
Alan, have you you ever wondered why your mittens have “Mike Corley” written on them?
If, in fact, you are correct, that makes the score (a rough approximation, but indicative of scale): zero 1 Biased BBC 96,582.
“If, in fact, you are correct…”
Why not listen to the programme itself. It would take all of two minutes, and then perhaps you could form your own opinion?
“…that makes the score (a rough approximation, but indicative of scale): zero 1 Biased BBC 96,582”.
Erm, no; that makes you one of Alan’s gullible little fools. But if that’s how you like it, far be it from me to try and interfere.
Erm, no; that makes you one of Alan’s gullible little fools.
How Scottesque.
How Jerrodonian.
How childish.
Will keep you updated on the score. Have to say, though – chances of an equaliser not good.
If Freddie is writing for the Express then he is writing for a fiction publication as I doubt there are any journos left there.
But still rather more than there are at the Independent – for all the support its fellow travellers at the BBC lavished on it.
LDV – maybe you don’t like the Express because they said your Vans Trophy competition is a bag o’ shite?
Why not listen to the programme itself.
I would not listen to that Common Purpose stage-managed biased pile of shite if it was the last contact I had with the human race.
Careful zero! You’re upsetting the sheep.
it’ll make a change from him shagging them
Personally I don’t worry about ‘possible’ or ‘implied’ bias, tones of voice used by presenters that might mean something etc.
If you go too far down that road you’ll end up like those deranged lefty feminists who think everything is a conspiracy by men, etc. There’s enough obvious bias around and I’d rather concentrate on that.