Another open thread to kick things off……I imagine it will fill up fast as the bias is coming thick and fast with immigration, militancy, the Tories and UKIP tearing themselves apart [Labour apparently not so much] and lots of people being eradicated for not being Muslim….oh, and Trump of course! The BBC has a lot to manage as it spins its narratives for that lot. Watch out and report in.
” The BBC sports reporter on breakfast this morning is a coloured woman with dreadlocks. Why ? was she the most qualified person for the role she seems to be having difficulty reading an auto cue, all starting and stopping ,but I guess she was hired because she has exemplary sporting knowledge”
About 4 years ago and long before I discovered this site, I became aware that more and more BBC outside (and particularly sports) reporters were of ethnic origin. Thinking it was ‘just me’ I discussed this with friends, and realised I was not alone in noticing the gradual seeping in of diversity of an inordinate high ratio in favour of ethnics. I kept a written check on this, and during a period of 8 weeks, I had recorded no less than 27 different ethnic names reporting the news (this did not include world news during the night), whether here or abroad. To me this was a clear overkill on ethnic employment, – if I am in a foreign land then I would expect to see reporters of that nationality on the television and not John Smith from the UK. BUT living in Gt Britain I DO expect my national television service to provide me with fellow compatriots (aka John Smith) and not a Patel, Chakrabarti, Mukhajee or Singh keeping me informed.
A couple of nights ago on BBC2 was a programme about the Brontes with Martha Kearney, Helen Oyeyei and another. Now I really didn’t think that Oyeyei a Nigerian Cambridge educated novelist seemed comfortable in front of the camera. But it was obvious that she was there because she is black and that takes away from her as well as the programme. Blatant selection on the basis of colour does nothing for anybody (Obama anybody?).
Channel 4 News seems to have gone completely Islamic on Easter Monday.
No insult to injury intended, of course.
I thought I must be watching Teheran’s English language service, without the garishly florid backgrounds.
Brissles thanks. Totally agree. Good post.Worlds gone mad. I want a sports reporter who is from this country and knows about sport is that so wrong
About a year ago I remember reading that the BBC would tour the country looking for ethnic staff – no white people would be interviewed.
Will they be allowed to sack so many black etc. presenters to bring their numbers down to 1 in 7?
Will one in seven employed in the media in the Central African Republic be white then ????
To get a job at the BBC one has to have the following
1. Colour 2. Muslim 3 Transgender 4 Lesbian 5. Gay. 6 Female
Hating Western civilisation, capitalism, and Christianity, are also plus points.
Nepotistic links to family working at the BBC.
Nepotistic links to family working at the BBC.
Thanks for that. The House of Dymbleby
Some months ago I remember watching the news and both in-studio presenters (they have to have two these days) were ethnic, as was every reporter in the outside broadcasts. One of the items was about pit-closures. The report showed miners leaving the pit at the end of their shift. I remarked to my husband that the only white people in the entire news programme were the miners. He said ‘that’s because mining is hard work’.
Quite a few contributors here commented on the autocue inanities of some dreadlocked female BBC sports newsreader yesterday. I’m glad I’m not alone in being irked by the BBCs project to equate male and female sports coverage and presenting, even when the popularity or attainment gap between the men’s and women’s versions of a sport just doesn’t justify equal coverage. Nor the employment of so many women sports news readers who give every impression of having no knowledge of sport.
I’m quite happy to concede that women may be just as good as men at tiddlywinks, curling etc but thats not true of most mainstream sports . But then again if the BBC is prepared to subvert news coverage in aid of some warped agenda, why should sport be any different ?
Yank programme that was aired last night on radical Islam in Europe…All the parts below in order..
Long ago left and right referred to workers and capital; the poor and the rich. Communists and Capitalists. Today this distinction still exists but sounds odd in the mouths of wealthy Guardianistas and the spoilt wealthy left wing polyversity brats.
The BBC appear to reflect the change which now refers to the left as a unity between conservative Islam and socialists without a working class base, and the right consisting of patriots, and displaced white working class.
Note how these distinctions are reflected in the videos.
The American woman is utterly clueless as to what`s happening.
That Tommy Robinson can`t risk getting out of his car around his old patch of Bury Park only shows us how much ground(literally in this case) we have lost.
But she bangs on about his being “right wing”….
Radical Islam?
Well let this obituary of the “radical geographer” Doreen Massey send us into battle.
Obviously we won`t be able to read a map, know a capital or describe an ox bow lake-so we`ll have to ask a friendly imam the way to Raqqa.
But do IS really know the TRUE meaning of “radical”…think you`ll find the doped-out tie dyed hippies of the LSE in 1968 were the only radicals that we shall need to conquer Islam.
AND-if Doreen is NOT on Last Word in the next few weeks with a list of poly prophets queuing up to give us the significance of The Oxo Tower wilfully-in its real sense-NOT actually being a Cube-then my name is not King Jerrod of Maudsley!
Have you a degree in jargonism.? It would seem essential to understand that Guardian piece. I gave up.
But a classic of the genre…and will surely be quoted in Radical Geography Review from now until the day when…someone gives a fuck or tries to read it!
The comments are brilliant too-where the hell do these Rosa Luxembourg panty liners come from?
This woman came from WYTHENSHAWE FFS…and knew of KILBURN.
Whilst Mrs T was able to ensure that the likes of this bride of Highgate Cemetery was leeching off the University blood bank?
Now that alone would deserve a dinky shuffle on the great ladys grave.
My uncle used to booze himself dim in the County Kilburn…I used to see my old girlfriend in Benchill near Wythenshawe.
And THIS Marxist manboob would have known the same and not be sent to radicalise her endogenous spatial zone in the Royal Free or the Royal Infirmary?
Now THIS is a case for serious self reflection and critique-nobody that I loved or knew tipped her off the velocipaedological rotational arc of influence!
We let you down.
Still eh-hopefully the spatial zone of Kensal Green Cemetorial Aggregation will send her up the flue, so she can feminise and socialise the patriarchal spatial sphere of influence , and clog up the workings of a nearby wind turbinological edifice.
Didn`t her dyadic sibling play with some distinction for Scotland and for Notts County-now at least HE did something with his life?
Maybe its the dangly earrings that gave it away-a penis substitute!…Send for Jenni to get this theory of mine onto Dollyburd Studies at Saucy Poly…Anne Elk(Miss)
I’m afraid you’ve all been ‘had’. This Guardian article isn’t an orbituary about a real person. It’s actually a spoof article for April 1st that was published ahead of time.
The BBC have been taking delight in eagerly going on about the Easter Rising commemorations (celebrations?) in Ireland. Of course it’s another free bash at Britain & its historic institutions.
Charles Moore in the Telegraph today adds some sanity to all this. He leaves us with his comment on a quote by Yeats,
““A terrible beauty is born,” famously wrote Yeats. Actually, it was a terrible ugliness, and it is getting uglier.”
Secondly they keep going on that it was exactly a hundred years ago, er, I thought it was at the end of April 1916.
Funny old game, history. Much of BBC Fergal’s tearful and gulping emotion has been spent on detailing the 500+ casualties suffered in the ‘Rising’ – 54% civilian, 30% British military 16% Irish rebels – and why should anyone query the figures, from such an unimpeachable source, backed by such entirely revered personalities as Adams et al?
And yet there’s a monument at one end of the Mount Street bridge which commemorates the loss of over 200 Staffordshire Regiment squaddies, raw recruits who had never seen action and continued to march with rifles slung into withering sniper fire, mainly because they knew no better….
Strange, isn’t it, that the number seems to have no relevance in the current breast beating? And just perhaps it might explain why the British reaction to the ‘Rising’ was so severe – but best leave the impression that it was all the Brits fault, gunning down all yer unarmed heroes.
Very much in line with the lionising by much of idiot left of a murderous terrorist like Bobby Sands.
His songs were pretty crap as well…piss poor poet, but no worse than Padraig(McGonnagle) Pearse.
Stuart Pearse could only do better!
What is it with crap poets and radicalisation?…Tom (App) Paulin was the first one I saw that only got on the BBC because Hallmark wouldn`t accept his doggerel.
“because Hallmark wouldn`t accept his doggerel.” LOL Chris.
Accidentally clicked on comment by mistake. Sorry. Meant to say, whatever the rights and wrongs of the Easter Rising – and I’m quite prepared to accept that Britain may have behaved appallingly (although these things are never completely one sided) it was 100 years ago. Why can’t the Irish move on and why does the BBC nurture their sense of grievance?
Exactly! The Germans in WW2 killed 15% of the Polish population. The Poles have moved on. The BBC and Ireland 1916 haven’t.
It’s just like the racist ‘Rhodes Must Fall’ campaign, judging the actions of the past by modern-day standards. Thank goodness the Irish aren’t black or the bBBC would never let us forget the Easter Rising.
Yes, the Irish were treated appallingly, being given full political representation in the Westminster Parliament, on the same basis as the English, Scottish or Welsh. Such cruel oppression.
On the Beeb website the Easter Rising article was on the UK page! Maybe the Beeb would like to see all of Ireland reunited once more.
“Very much in line with the lionising by much of idiot left of a murderous terrorist like Bobby Sands.”
Oldartist, I did like the Hollies song about him – “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother”.
His taste in interior design was shit though.
That is an outrageous smear.
There used to be a song to the tune of ‘You cannie kick your granny off the bus’ about hungry ‘militant’ B. Sands esq.
‘Will you have a chicken supper, Bobby Sands’ etc.
The poets amongst you can complete the lyrics I’m sure.
There were ten verses.
Went through a whole LP in my head that “war bobby” would have recorded for his posthumous record back in 81.
As many puns on weight and on food as you could imagine…
My favourite was “Circling the Sands” by Vulture Club!
BBC -Teachers warn extremism policy prevents open debate
” Teachers fear the loss of a “spirit of openness” in how students can talk about ideas Annual conference in Brighton heard warnings that the counter-radicalisation policy was stopping teachers from discussing “challenging ideas” with their pupils”.
Woah! you can almost feel a R4 Toady exclusive, or a Newsnight special coming on.
Any mention on that implementation of the Islamic history option, by the Dept of Education? given it preferential onus at all? … even over our own history
… which proves that Islam is a political force with a political agenda in our own schools. any mention of that? … that’s pretty extreme, and no discussion about it at all.
No … didn t think so.
The Campaign for real education claims the new national curriculum for history makes the teaching of landmark events and personalities in British history as now … “non-statutory”.
In contrast, certain topics are placed on prescribed lists, for example either early Islamic or Mayan civilisation must be taught.
Islamic history?, the apologetics one?, a fabricated potted history, sanitising the glaringly obvious.
… instead of giving children the objective facts.
Our schools are indoctrinating children not educating them
Love the idea of teachers holding forth on ” loss of a spirit of openness”.
Teachers rather lost that right when they took the job to teach the States curriculum, and to let themselves be monitored by a mums army of “teaching assistants” and “cover supervisors”.
And when both OFSTED and the GTC cowed and harried them to teach Majors message and Blairs bullshit…these parrots still got their threshold payments, comfy pensions and no need to teach anything that Whitehall wouldn`t send them on a worksheet…with coloured pens and special coloured paper for the dyslexicalculatophobes, to create yet another excuse to dole out the ritalin.
And if anybody dared to show what schools were like( Angela Mason 2005/Channel 4)…then she`d lose her job so unions, Labour and school professionals and politicos could pull the wool over the parents eyes.
Spirit of openness huh?…try mocking climate change, liking Michael Gove, voting Tory, pointing out the tumbleweed non-connection between Islam and LGBT Week…and you`ll find that no secondary school in this country will be “open” to any of that.
Beehive Comps…all of `em!
This would be the spirit of openness that compelled a teacher to call the police after a pupil had looked at a UKIP website.
Daily Mail government petition on foreign aid growing as fast as the pro immigration and anti Trump ones which the BBC gave endless publicity to yet this one does not get a mention – funny that
Play it again
Crap Bank Holiday weather here.
So-for my own amusement I`ve been hopping between BBC News (Freeview 130) and BBC Parliament(131).
Would recommend it.
Currently, I`m watching the 1966 election coverage-Barnstaple market, Dagenham Ford with Fyfe Robertson and the like.
Just one touch of a button-and a rapid crash course in just how bad the BBC is, what its news values have morphed into, its priorities now are.
But mostly-the dignity ramrod straight flat caps and head scarves of our grandparents, who`d fought wars and suffered no fools, sought no fame.
Just wanted better for their kids.
And not a black or enriching face to be seen in Barnstaple Market…and no BBC squiff seeking one out to tell the rest of us how racist we are, how crap our country is, how intolerant of getting bombs on the Tube we have become.
Another world-and truly mystifying how we went from that to Teacher Unions hoping to show Muslims how to radicalise under the radar of the rozzers and the filth..or “pigs” as they`ll be taught to call them by the NUT
Good post Chris H.
And there are those that say we don’t want to return to the ‘bad old days’. Huh ! as far as I’m concerned THESE are the ‘bad days’…… UK changed beyond all recognition, cant get a doctor’s appointment, no more jobs for life, a mortgage is only for the very rich, kids seem less intelligent despite a Yuni education, everyone under 55 appears to be fatter, standards in dress have gone, no-one converses anymore, and the rise of stupid haircuts for men and baseball caps worn backwards (give me strength)
Apologies to those that may have already have read this as I posted it right on the end of the Weekend thread:
Just a thought, but in much the same way as one of the regular posters (Mr Golightly..?) has documented the EU exit/remain leanings of the various panelists on Question Time, does anybody with a spot of time on their hands fancy documenting the BBC News website’s antics with HYS?
When I originally posted this there wasn’t a single topic up for discussion on that section of the site, despite the worldwide slaughter of innocents this Easter, and this continues a general downward trend of less and less forum offerings in the last year or so as the mods can’t bear to hear what their benefactors (us!) have to say. Maybe a quick post each evening to log how many comment boards have been open, and also which topics they allow us plebs to comment on, would also help to highlight the inherent bias of our treasured broadcaster’s prepubescent newsroom.
As I said, just a thought, and if I had more time on my hands I would be more than happy to undertake the study on a daily basis – though I will try and monitor this as regularly as possible.
And while on the topic of not being able to comment on news stories, is this spreading (see article) and would it be cynical of me to speculate that it has something to do with the MSM not wanting the people to have their minds changed when it comes to the upcoming Referendum, or indeed upset a certain religion?
SOS. Much as I might wish to claim credit for monitoring the QT panel for their EU bent and keeping a running total of said preferences, I can’t do it. Thanks to wronged for this particular sterling effort. I think at the last count there was a 4 to 1 bias in favour of EUtopia.
Thanks Mr G, looks like I was wrong on Wronged!
Ah well, at least we can still freely comment on here without the MSM Stasi either blocking comments altogether, moderating them out of existence or there being some sinister leftie mod-bot cabal sending the lowest rated comment to the top, a la DM!
Classic PM tonight. First up, having being shamed into finally covering the bombing of Pakistani Christians , their correspondent – Lord Fergal of Bleeding Heart possibly – thoughtfully reminded us that ‘the bomb did not discriminate. Muslims were killed as well’ – all of which sounds a little like the old Bernand Manning joke about his uncle dying at Aushwitz after he fell out of his guard tower.
But that was just the set up. About twenty minutes in we had a discussion – or, at least, a BBC discussion, where everyone agrees with everyone else – about Donald Trump’s comments about Europe not being safe. Needless to say, everyone agreed and praised Trump for his straight-talking stance.
Not really.
It was a guy from Cambridge and a guy from the Independent – or, alternately, a guy from Kim Philby’s alma mater and a guy from the paper that had to stop printing because no one wanted to pay for its garbage. They tried to debunk Trump by claiming….
…more people are killed in road accidents than by terrorists. This is true but also a) trite and b) absurd.
More people get killed in road accidents than playing Russian Roulette, therefore why not get the revolvers out? Meanwhile, there is no evidence that people are actively plotting to ram people off the road or that the police have been ordered to ignore drunk drivers.
Needless to say, none of these points were made, instead imagine all the smug in the world suddenly crammed together in one discussion and you have the idea. Apparently, everything is just wonderful and anyone who says otherwise is a dummy dumb dumb.
All of which raises the deeper problem with the BBC. Featuring smug liberals agreeing with each other wasn’t just biased, it was the opposite of journalism. The BBC’s ‘tractor factory ahead of quota’ coverage is the opposite of ‘speaking truth to power’, ‘probing behind the headlines’ or any of the usual self-glorifying drivel these people use. They’re not journalists, they’re PR flacks.
Great post DJ.
Those sick, delusional sociopaths at Al Beeb will tell themselves anything to keep their make belief world all happy and perfect. They are only kidding themselves and like minded fuckwits who actually still believe their “Muslims are the real victim’s” narrative/diarrhea. If I was Muhammad Al Bomber I would actually believe the time of the world wide caliphate is near because surely only divine intervention could turn so many so called intelligent people into complete and utter morons.
Thank God our blood thirsty, rape junky friends from the ROP are not playing ball and are continually making the Al Beeb look more and more detached from reality. Events that the Al Beeb want us to believe have nothing to do with Islam yet are only ever carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam (which psychopaths still believe the Al Beebs guff?) are now taking place daily. Its everywhere, every single day. How much longer can the Al Beeb keep this comedy act going?
We actually owe our peace loving ROPer friends as they have revealed the establishment for what it is and the complete contempt it has for the greatest people on earth who put them there.
Is terror on non-Muslims encouraged by the Koran? Yes.
Were such terror tactics employed by Mohammed. Yes.
Is beheading advocated by the koran and Hadiths. Yes.
Did Mohammed behead hundreds of innocent Jews. Yes.
If any Muslim obeys the Koran while also emulating Mohammed, is a very good Muslim. In fact, the ideal Muslim. ISIS are very good Muslims.
Therefore those Muslims who state that the acts of ISIS, Taleban, al Nusra, Lakshar el Taiba, Islamic Jihad etc etc, “have nothing to do with Islam”, are either lying or ignorant.
Would an imam be lying or ignorant. If lying, why?
Great post NCBBC and something every single one of us should use when any delusionist states that Islam is a religion of peace. Islam is conform, subservience, utter obedience, force conversation, occupation, death, jihad, violence, stoning, mass rape, genocide… doesn’t have time to accommodate the ‘everyone is equal’ soppy world view of the privileged elite who keep defending the indefensible
Its a Death Cult – Simples .
They kill themselves and kill other people. Just look around the world . The evidence is there.
Anything on Al Beeb on this yet ?
Thank you. Fell free to copy and paste whenever appropriate.
Just to pick up on one of your points again DJ from the Al Beeb (and one so condescending and conceited that I actually contemplating changing race to be a ROPer so I can legally and morally go and enrich Al Beeb HQ)
>…more people are killed in road accidents than by terrorists.
I would love to see the smug, self important fuck who said that repeat that statement to a Yazidis sex slave who has witnessed her entire family massacred for just not being born a Sunni Muslim. Let’s ask her if she feels this hoo-ha is being blown out of all proportion! How sheltered, protected and self righteous do you have to be to sign up for the shithouse that is the Al Beeb brigade??!!
I had one of the brainwashed using the argument, that more American are killed by cars or guns then by Islamic terrorism, including 9/11.
She actually thought that an act of war was similar to deaths due to accidents. In her view, America should have just ignored 9/11 . Presumably, America should also have ignored Pearl Harbour.
It is difficult to get through to such people without using power tools.
Pearl Harbor was an inexplicable attack carried out by “men”. It had nothing to do with Japan, which pursued an imperialism of peace.
My mistake. Now that you point out, the Pearl Harbour attack was carried out by a few “Asians”(@ TM BBC), from fishing boats. These “Asians”(@ TM BBC), were retaliating because the greedy racist Zionist Amerikkkan capitalist regime had over fished the waters around Hawai.
Allahu ackbar. Death to Amerikkkans. Death to Zionist fish.
Just checked – apparently only 2,403 Americans were killed at Pearl Harbor, up to 1,000 less than 9/11. In 1941 even an isolationist president regarded it as requiring to go to war with the perpetrators. In 2001 the President decided to go after the wrong targets (eg Libya) and not regard the attack as a full act of war.
If he had, some of the things Trump has suggested might already be happening and the USA might be a more confident looking country right now. Their confidence might have rubbed off onto the European countries too. Instead we get futile appeasment all round. Where are the Churchills when we need them.
I would like a Churchill. So too would Americans, as they like people with Brit accents. But we have Trump, and he will have to do.
Churchill too was disliked by the country, the MSM, and even the Tories. There was immense opposition to Churchill becoming the PM, even after the declaration of war.
Its interesting to note that the entire MSM, including Right wing MSM, and even Republicans are opposed to Trump for president.
Yes, the only people who like him are the voters. He must be doing something right.
Maybe Mishal can be prevailed upon to bring her renowned analytical expertise to bear on the acceptable level of collateral martyr sacrifice to see slaughter of innocents from other faiths entirely justified?
Maybe the BBC should replace Mishal with this very brave lady
Or any one of the growing number of Labour Party members being quietly booted out for ‘colourful’ views, with the BBC uniiquely uncurious.
Terrific stuff DJ
Tragic times, that the only good stuff to read is on blogs. And its free.
Some of the storm damage in pictures, I’ve been on location once when a similar sized scaffold collapsed in a light breeze, nobody on it or hurt thankfully. The crane looks impressive, shallow rooted trees, well you can push some of them over, as for the trampoline, good grief, light weight structure built pretty much like a kite gets picked up by the wind. Come on BBC.
As repetition is the order of the day, apparently, whilst this may have been shared before I don’t recall seeing it and therefore do so (possibly again):
“The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has produced an uncritical documentary about the presidency of U.S. President Barack Obama, with funding from the European Union (EU) which in turn gets its cash from the British and European tax payers.
The news comes as President Obama plans his April trip to the United Kingdom in order to urge the British public to stay within the European Union”
Shocked, I tell you; shocked.
But the BBC does say it is impartial, so all good.
I am shocked ! I tell you shocked !
Not made it to BBC news yet, but a Catholic Priest was crucified on Good Friday by the ROP. Story been widely circulated.
Perhaps I missed the report, and if so Jerrod will draw attention to it.
Or perhaps it has not been reported until the BBC find a way to show that the RoPers are really the victims in this case. Fear of Christian backlash perhaps?
GWF, Terrible. Don’t worry . David Cameron and Jerrod will defend us !
I’ve just been watching on YouTube a documentary called ‘ JFK to 911 everything is a rich man’s trick’. I thoroughly recommend it even though it’s about 3 hours long. The bbc are mentioned tangentially but for me they are part of the problem.
I am watching Dave Allen on Youttube. He is taking the piss out of everything . Jerrod and his pals would love it !
Dave Allen. Talking about his son. ” What is he going to do when he leaves school ?…… Politics ! “
It doesn’t say how many of them are bBBC employees, but amongst people in Scotland paid more than £150,000, there are more in the public sector than in financial jobs.
Just thought people might like to see the home of Benedict Cucumberpatch. Of course it’s not in the UK and would be unaffected by any migrant invasion he looks for. It’s an £11 Million sprawling complex in a gated community, presumably with security so he will never actually have to even speak to the great unwashed, let alone the migrant hoards !
But worth remembering as we send a load of his foreign fans over to spend quality time with the great man.
Saves my idea to use Old Trafford anyway-seeing as we`re doing F***all with the pitch there!
Ah, but do I see a solar panel array? That may spare the planet a tad when he fires up the hot tub. Be interesting what motor graces the drive when he moves in, too.
Well, you say ‘drive’ – actually it’s more of an eco-friendly landing-strip but in the overall scheme of things Benedict has calculated that it will do more to save the planet, over a period of time of course.
That place could quite easily fit 10,000 Muslim
invaders, migrants. Cucumberpatch should follow the advice he is so liberal with.
“FBI-Apple case: Investigators break into dead San Bernardino gunman’s iPhone”
Another news story about the peaceful, merciful act carried out by our Islamic friends in California last December. But wait. Dead gun man only referenced in the title. No mention at all about the motive. No mention what so ever about his religion and how that was the only factor in him and his peaceful wife massacring 14 innocent people.
Al Beeb. 24hr agenda service
But phones have rights too!
Lets hope Obamacare extends to phones with scratched faces and feel interrogated-nay, violated-by the cold hands of “The pigs”.
Charity appeal for such phoney victims Mr Izzy?
Why we should vote ‘Brexit’ to save British Industry .
‘Chinese steel imports and high energy costs, which have been blamed for thousands of job cuts.’
Note. – High energy costs and the failure of the EU to stop the dumping of cheap steel within its borders .
The EU ? A failed manufactured state that can’t even defend its currency or its borders . Lets get out.
I thought it was a curious turn of phrase used by the leader of Pakistan (President? Prime Minister?) translated as “we will avenge our martyrs” or some such, after the suicide bombing there; not quite the statement of universal condemnation al beebus would want people to believe he was making (IMO).
I think he was referring to the Muslims killed in the Lahore bombing not the kaffirs – or maybe that’s just my being overly cynical?
More scare tactics ? …………
Leaving the EU ‘devastating for young’
Well, staying in is not looking good for them ………………
Well someone needs to do their homework ?
I cannot see Nicky Morgan influencing any “young person”, I mean is this the best they can muster: Probably after the useless ex MTV VJ June somebody car crashed on Question Time.
Poor Old Nikki.
Low grade bore reduced to pleading “won`t somebody please think of the children?” by way of getting us to vote for MORE Rotherhams, more Colognes.
As if the BBC and Islam do anything other than “think of the children” Nikki, you dope.
And this is policy?…news?
Classic BBC SOP, using a one degree of separation “quote” as a headline they like, that will lead across social media too.
Interesting the quotee they select is Ms. Morgan, who was reported in less approving terms recently.
Not sure the BBC has appreciated that Dave’s Harem is also perceived by most as being in place not for IQ. Or, clearly, PR candy appeal.
Been away for a while. Finally got some internet and clicked on to BBC Sport.
First page Headline- Machester City beat Arsenal to go top – with no other text.
Wow, whats been happening in the Premier League these past two weeks?
Clicked on to see.
It was the Women’s football.
Insidious isn’t it? The indoctrination agenda continues unabated and unchallenged, well except here, thank goodness.
Been away? … hope its not on Egypt Air, as the ministry of truth informs us the guy “Mustafa” holding folks hostage, wearing a suicide belt, bomb yes, bomb no, bomb yes again … not a terrorist, just wants to see his family?
… so errr! is that the best way to do it, obviously?
I liked the post by Brissles about the way society has changed over the last 40 or 50 years. I’d like to add a few:
All the TV newsreaders (including Trevor McDonald) sounded more Brian Sewell than Jamie Oliver.
A ‘dhimmi’ still just meant someone who’d failed all their O-Levels.
If you saw a bloke dressed as a woman, he’d be playing Widow Twanky in panto.
If someone referred to a ‘burkka’, you assumed he had a speech impediment, and meant Jimmy Savile.
Our school lunches (of Spam fritters and sponge pud) didn’t make us fat, thanks to afternoons of compulsory football/netball and a long walk home.
No adult male would have voluntarily appeared in public in a pony tail or Superman tee shirt.
The scientists were threatening us with a new Ice Age, but we didn’t panic, as our homes were so glacial no one would have noticed any difference.
You could still get into many good careers straight from school (rather than wasting three years getting a degree in Gender Studies and Patriarchy from the former Romney Marsh polytechnic).
Practically all of us had the good fortune to live with two married parents.
Most people still thought ‘coming out’ meant a debutantes’ ball.
Even though there were only two or three TV channels, there was still usually something you wanted to see.
Pissed off with the lack of news from the bBC,
Here let Pounce inform you of what is happening in Cyprus:
Hijacked Egypt Air aircraft lands in Cyprus.
Sounds like the security of their airports really has been beefed up effectively after the last incident.
“Is the weather going to be fine today, or conservative?”
By the way, we were heartily cheered by the inopportune on-pitch pre-match award of German Footballer of the Year to Mesut Özil – who then proceeded to play a shocker against England. I’m reminded of Obama and his Nobel Peace Prize.
A further wry smile provided by the newspaper which is the Beano to the BBC’s Roger the Dodger: the Guardian….
(Pass the frittata)
‘England’s Roy Hodgson: it is not true to say my teams are conservative’
You really couldn’t make it up. It won’t be long now before we go over to Carole Kirkwood to ask “Is the weather going to be fine today or conservative?”
There’s a far right islamist presence clouding the sky here but the leftist trolls have forecast a silver lining.
Oddly refreshing to see some old fashioned terrorism this morning – hijacking now seems very last century
These days it’s only the US President who gets on a jet and says ‘Fly me to Cuba’
Well done Frau Merkel, women and children only carriages yet another sign of your successful immigration programme:
Our national treasure and its world class journalists haven’t managed to find this story yet.
Although I don’t like the current reasoning, to be fair “Ladies Only” compartments were available on British trains for years – even I remember them – nothing sinister then, of course.
These days, where the sexes are often indistinguishable, who is going to challenge a masculine-looking female, or someone wearing a burqa?
Certainly an interesting new direction for an ever-inegrating society. Does the French Metro have non-Chelsea carriages? New York a ‘Caitlyns Only’ section?
I think there could be gains from this separate carriage idea. Men, women, lesbians, gays, transgenders, pig and goat shaggers, all the varieties of ethnics, and safe spaces for Yuni sudents, including those whose ‘psychological we’ is being harmed by chalk drawings of Donald Trump. Longer trains – perhaps I shall get a seat. How about it Richard Branston?
May as well ban women from driving too…. for their own safety in case they get attacked by a man. They could be driven by a male family member though.
Then change Germany to be part of the United Arab Emirates.
We should emulate the French and, in keeping with Frau Merkel’s changes, rename Germany as Al Lemagne.
BBC TV Breakfast News at 08.45
Feature on a forthcoming BBC Drama about ‘Honour Killing’ (Murdered by My Father BBC3). Naga and Eunuch interview the writer and female lead.
This is obviously a ‘problem’ in the Muslim community in the UK but not once was the Islam word used. Instead, praise was heaped upon the production for showing the ‘humanity’ of the problem.
If the Quaker movement was specialising in this form of murder of daughters by fathers, I’m sure that the Naga would have mentioned the ‘Q’ word. And asked as to what was being done to save daughters from these horrific crimes.
But no. The father it appears from the clips shown will also be seen as a victim. No change there, then?
The following is the BBC’s own words from a BBC3 feature summarising the production but again, an absence of the ‘M’ word.
“”Murdered By My Father is the story of the ‘honour’ killing of a 16-year-old girl by her father, a riveting exploration of how family love and duty turned to violence, and murder, in a suburban British home.
Executive Producer Aysha Rafaele says: “I feel privileged to be able to help give voice to the many daughters out there who have lost their lives in the name of protecting their family’s honour – and very excited at discovering Vinay Patel – a brilliant young new talent to tell this important and devastating tale.”
Based on the testimonies of a range of individuals, many of whom have never spoken in public, as well as charities and institutions set up to deal with the problem of honour-based violence, Murdered By My Father broadcasts in the year of the first national memorial day for the victims of honour killing. Police records suggest this type of crime has increased by 47 per cent since 2009, with the main charity supporting victims reporting an average of 700 calls for help every month.
Written by exciting young screenwriter Vinay Patel, the drama will bore into the psychology of this hideous crime, focusing on the bonds of love and grief uniting a daughter with her widower father, as well as his need to control her burgeoning teenage wish for freedom.
Her crime was to fall in love with the wrong boy, and like hundreds of thousands of teenagers across the country, she was constantly in fear of having her tiny acts of deception and rebellion unmasked by her parents. A mix of thriller and love story, this is a hard-hitting, heart-wrenching story about the destructive power of love – a contemporary kind of Romeo and Juliet for a multicultural Britain””
hmmm…..””a contemporary kind of Romeo and Juliet for a multicultural Britain””
I have no objection to a play so long as it is not romanticised and the act is called what it is which is MURDER……..I would like a portrayal of the origins of such killings, culturally and religiously if we are talking about psychology.
It sounds like the get out clauses are already set up.The mans a bereaved widower,just living in ordinary suburbia ,it could happen to anyone …….etc.
Lets have a no holds barred drama like say Cathy Come Home ,which caused wholesale changes in the way homeless people are treated. I won’t hold my breath.
So BBC, is murder wrong or right? is filicide now a ‘British value’?
“………….a contemporary kind of Romeo and Juliet for a multicultural Britain”.
Well that makes it all sort of OK then. Sounds like Shakespeare might have approved.
And no mention that the father is driven to act in this way by his religion.
And ‘contemporary’? These barbaric acts are somehow a ‘contemporary’ Romeo and Juliet? How’s about ‘medieval customs – DIY justice where they are judge, jury and executioner (literally) – which have no place in modern Britain’?
Moral relativism of the most pernicious kind and truly beyond belief.
Contemporary Romeo and Juliet.
Romeo arrives in strange land and rapes Juliet. Juliet forced to marry Romeo or she will be stoned to death for illicit sex. Juliet kills herself. Romeo finds another victim.
Alls well that ends well.
Thanks for this very valuable summary, Dover.
However, I’m wondering where zero the BBC Bias Denier is?
It could be a honour killing within a typical British family. Final scene – Stonehenge.
Nothing to do with Islam
Well, how was fluffy Storm Katie, then? It was called “Jeanne” here in France…
These things are given different names country by country? That will help coordinate responses no end.
I think the Former UK got out of sequence because they adopted an American named storm earlier in the year. It is all VERY silly. But it makes us all aware of the vicious effects of global warming, and how we should be pre-warned, for our own good, about a little sun, rain, snow, cloud and wind…
Katie was fearsome, OG. One of my patio chairs was blown over.
Failed even to dry my tears on the hankie I used, over the death of Doreen Massey-formerly of this parish, church notice somewhere on this site.
Mind you, Katie Hopkins storming piece in the Mail yesterday was the REAL blast up the liberals nightie…hope they`ll continue to name these breezy good drying days, because once we name them, they turn into farty friends…welcome Breezy Brian!
This is the Britain of today. Reporting and attempting to change the cultural ways of those who should be living elsewhere to practice their barbaric traditions. Its the same with conflicts in other lands. How many of us have said when ‘our boys and girls’ have gone to fight … “why the hell are we in there fighting for something that’s nothing to do with us ?” – loads of times I bet. Its the same with whats going on in this country now, we’re having to spend resources in solving these problems, ones that we didn’t have before, but purely down to the boat/plane loads of immigrants that arrived and brought their medieval way of living with them.
Well said, Brissles.
Look out, in three storms time on May 5 th, down in Wales, we will have Storm ‘Nigel’!
Should Borders Matter? Radio 4 9:00
So bad that even the guests from foreign countries were complaining that the BBC had stuffed the program full of people who only have the ‘correct’ view.
Whenever the contributors lunatic views were challenged there were easily audible sighs, they just didn’t understand the leftie view and it was so difficult changing their minds which were obviously ‘wrong’, yet the lefties were unable to construct a cogent argument to defend their lunatic ideas.
I think my favourite was a nutter from the UK who talked about ‘British values’ which he claimed had no brand credibility if it lacked compassion ! Totally senseless, and I don’t think anyone, even his fellow lefties could make any sense of his ramblings!
Where’s zero the BBC Bias Denier?
I was also unfortunate to listen to some of this shite today on the way to a job. It gave the impression of being the result of a threesome between an obscure Radio Luxembourg Pop programme, the Moral Maze and In Our time!.
Do we really give a shite what these lefty tossers really think about immigration and borders.
The whole programme possessed the fluidity of an impacted bowel!
What utter bollocks – typical BBC lefty shite.
Well done Aunty you still truly are a “National treasure”
FBI-Apple case: Investigators break into dead San Bernardino (muslim) gunman’s iPhone
“Apple said it did not know how to gain access, and said it hoped that the government would share with them any vulnerabilities of the iPhone that might come to light.”
Well Tim Cook, how about you re-arrange these 2 words into a well known saying – off, fuck.
“Leaving EU ‘devastating for young’, says Nicky Morgan”
More EU one-sided and poorly thought through propaganda from bbc.con.
The other side of the coin is that leaving the EU would limit the amount of European workers coming to the UK and taking jobs. The reason most come is that their economies are on their knees as a result of being in the EU / Eurozone in the first place. I’m sure most Spanish, French etc would prefer their own countries leaving the EU if it meant getting work without having to migrate.
Almost as devastating for all those tender psyches as being lectured by a demented owl-like creature.
It’s the eyes isn’t it? She scares me!
Step1…….Take one really good politician, Michael Gove, and make him Secretary of State for Education. Tell him to do all the things that are required to shake up the education system for the better.
Step 2…….When the extreme left-wing unions start moaning because it means teachers might actually have to start working for a living, cave in like a poorly made soufflé.
Step 3……..Sack Michael Gove and appoint Nicky Morgan.
What could possible go wrong?
Not BBC Bias, just an observation – Nicky Morgan is shallow, dim and useless.
Hopefully we will be hearing much more from her during the referendum campaign 🙂
They’ve allowed comments on that. I don’t think they’ll make that mistake again, because safe to say it’s not going the BBC’s way.
And how.
If it gets to ‘Honey I’m Home’ time for the slightly less young, I’ll be surprised.
and finally
damage limitation from Egyptair – hijack not terrorist.
bbc with their usual clumsy reporting initially said all passengers released (but 5 foreigners and crew were not) All passengers minus 5 plus the crew does not equal all. bbc are famous for adding 2 plus 2 and getting 5 and their maths hasn’t improved.
Back to Egyptair though, man with suicide belt hijacks plane because he wanted to see his wife in Cyprus. Sounds like it’s Sharm el Sheik all over again. The bomb that wasn’t a bomb but was later found to be a bomb.
And one gets on to a plane with a suicide belt how? Bandolier of 99cc nitro bottles?
Here’s a thought provoking article- “All MSM lies on behalf of the CIA” according to a german whistleblowing journo…
What, even the BBC?
The German media has been (ultimately) controlled by the U.S. since the end of WW2.
Something the BBC missed. Remember Palestinian refugee camp teacher wins $1m global prize? Hanan Al Hroub is a Palestinian teacher who specialises in supporting children who have been traumatised by violence.
Pope Francis sent a message saying that teachers were “the builders of peace and unity”.
Ms Al Hroub told the audience that “teachers could change the world”.
The inspiration, according to the BBC favourite newspaper, the Guardian, for her teaching was Israeli soldiers shooting of her husband Omar al-Hroub and daughters. The BBC never bothered to check why they may have attracted this attention. If they had they would have discovered that he was a Fatah
terroristmilitant who took part in the Dabboya operation, in Hebron in May 1980. He was involved in the deaths of 6 persons and the injury of 16 others, among them women and children. Palestinins claimed the number of dead was 13.He was imprisoned and spent many years in Israeli prisons before being released. It was then that he met and married Hanan who became the best teacher in the world. Literally in bed in bed with a terrorist with blood on his hands.
Please read The Victims Of The World’s Best Teacher’s Terrorist Husband for more details.
This woman should be elevated to the House of Lords; her courage shames our police and political elite.
She provided the system with all the information they needed to stop the abuse of the white working class girls in Rotherham and the establishment chose to do nothing. Who were the labour Home Secretaries when all this was going on, Blunkett, Clark, Reid, Smith – all did nothing about it.
This abuse was allowed to go on because the white liberal trash who sit in the House of Commons will do anything to save their scrawny political necks.
I hope to God that she has the necessary protection, given that all this publicity will surely bring “those men” out again before too long .
I certainly would have no faith in those who let these kids be cheaply sacrificed for their own vanities and politics, their careers and pensions-to do any protecting. More like aiding the “men concerned” to “restore honour” to the lefty project that Jayne has now put at risk.
I think of Julie Bailey at Mid-Staffs…these stories inevitable do not end well, unless you`re Julian Assange or Paul Flowers, Vicky Pryce or Jacqui Smith.
Who -rather than being sent into exile-all end up doing rather well from their crimes.
Whereas the lower orders who point out when the States slip is showing-and covered in multiculti blood and spunk in addition-never get to work again, or are hounded to misery or to worse.
An honourable mention for Nick Griffin also. Who was ridiculed by the media and threatened with prosecution for the same thing.
There was mention in the article of a film potentially being made of the book the lady has written.
Perhaps it will be along the lines of the recent film about the Catholic Church (Spotlight) and their paedophile abuses in the Boston, USA, area. So, perhaps it will also be nominated for an Oscar or two, and widely held on BBC film reviews (amongst others) as a hard-hitting film of its genre.
I am sure the religious/ethnic community front and centre in this horror, the police, the political establishment in the area, the executives of the local authority establishment of the area, and the media at large, will use every endeavour to ensure it is a successful book and film, as widely publicised and published as possible.
Yeah, right….. just as they were at the forefront of the efforts to dig out the truth over the past years.
Can I thank Dazed and Confused-and Number 6 too-for the downloaded pdf book that they recommended on a previous thread(Nose Of The Camel I think).
Not for the first time, I`ve spent ages looking up all out old threads to find it again-and it`s like getting an apocalypic “signs of the times” online newspaper, comic and penny dreadful rolled into one.
Comedy gold, and chills aplenty too.
Cracking site this…maybe we need a “Best Of” on a monthly/weekly basis…as Freddie sang “I thank You All”.
Much trumpeting on the News at One about the closure of libraries the length and breadth of the country. Of course, impartial observers might suggest that the impact of e-bay and Amazon, together with other on-line services, have made the ability to read and/or purchase books a simple process – in many cases for 1p+p&p. Better by far to blame savage cuts made by an unprincipled government, set on subjugating the workers whose efforts to improve their lot through laudable self-education are shamefully ridiculed. No chance either, I suppose, of any local government officials reducing their absurd incomes and fringe benefits in order to help retain their library services? No? Oh well, no harm in asking.
I’m a big fan of libraries and don’t like “cuts” to library services. The problem I think is that governments wont actually take difficult decisions and make cuts to where they could easily be made without damage ie the NHS, foreign aid, etc. If the Beeb started a discussion and investigation on such subjects it would then perform a genuine public service.
We have to fund those lesbian awareness outreach workers somehow, too bad if the libraries have to get the chop. Celebrating diversity doesn’t pay for itself you know.
Too true, Rob – and if the local authorities cancelled most of their jollies abroad and in the UK for ‘ vital conferences’, ‘away-days’ at venues far removed from the facilities they already own which are perfectly adequate for meeting/training sessions, ‘twinning opportunities’, and such like – they could probably keep every library in their area open and serving deli coffees free to every visitor all year round.
But that’s never gonna happen…..and they have the BBC to look to as an example of how to waste public funds at every opportunity.
Was in my new monstrously built new library, next to the oh-so necessary Council Buildings-that funnily enough were ALSO built but a few years back.
Lights are always on in the Council block, but don“t even think of parking in the “public car park after 10pm-when the eco friendly lights run out, and nurses on shifts need an escort from husbands etc to the bay.
Still eh?…Brussels pleased, crime unmentionable, but carbon footprint lowered.
Oh-and Council “Cabinet Members”, “Directors of Communications” and “Environmental Education Officers” all well-padded…but the libraries roundabout all based on volunteers and the retired doing the job for nothing.
BUT-if you want a Housing Benefit Access Point, a Tourist Information App to go on…or a room to tell fat people to eat less, druggies not to overdo the drugs or mentally fragile sorts to discuss the Savile Annual of 1973 in a “safe space”…then goldfish bowl room numbers 1-6 and associated breakout facilities are, available for hire.
But all I tend to see is only Kevlar-clad goons with headmics and dark glasses preventing us from walking past-because the rooms do a good trade in generating money for the local constabulary re speeding offence awareness.
So no Thomas the Tank Engine books for kids-but driver awareness courses, housing benefit sortings, jobclubs and drop out centres for those who are vulnerable…swanky offices but flat rooves that holds the rain and let the plaster crack in the Ellen Wilkinson Suite-pitch black for the women who work nights, but full spectrum lighting for the many security tubbies, so we can see whose Council this is.
So-stuff the crap about Tory cuts-Labour and Liberal have completely different ways of spending money…Tories just clueless…and all those cuts go nowhere near THEIR eco looney stuff, hounding drivers and in letting fat mentals stay as such.
Bang on the nail, Chris H.
Joe Public has been so brainwashed by the BBC on the nastytorycutz he never thinks of asking himself ‘Where could the councils cut instead?’ Even the most junior investigative journalist could think this one through it’s so bleeding obvious. But the BBC? Not a chance, and we all know why.
Waddya think, zero?
BBC News Pg 1 – “The Bank of England’s Financial Policy Committee (FPC) says that the outlook for financial stability has deteriorated since November. The committee said “the most significant” domestic risks to financial stability were connected to the referendum on EU membership.
The FPC refers to risks of a period of “heightened and prolonged uncertainty”…. It doesn’t say explicitly that it has in mind the period after a vote in favour of leaving the EU. But that IS, the most likely scenario it is referring too.” … is that Camerons shoe in M Carney s crowd?
What is this garbage? … The pro EU No10/MSM establishment is just relentless.
Under the faux impartiality in EU reporting the “ministry of truth” deliberately keeps churning out this crap, I could just say leave the EU your lawn will die, its just cooked up conjecture, not deserving of page one placing.
But Tory HQ just keeps churning this stuff out, the f-ckwit Gideon s failure after failure after failure is just as likely to cause prolonged uncertainty
Typical Crosby stylee bombarding the voters with conflicting crap, knowing in the end it will create apathy
Everybody in Rotherham is now a victim of those men!
(So say the BBC).
‘Every Muslim in Rotherham is now a victim of those men!’
Fixed it for you. 😉
Muslims are the real victims. They always are. A dose of BBC – VD
Surviving abuse? (didn t hear anyone mention enormous Islamic child rape gang problem once
… ah! so must mean islamofauxbia)
Here s the video … please, don t hold anything fragile
Looks like a cracking show tomorrow how Rotherham lost its pride?, and Babar Ahmed turns up again
Double Whammy
I’d like to expand on what Dover Sentry has picked up. The bBC has gone to Rotherham and found that everybody there has become victims of…white racist people. Think I ‘m kidding first off we hear from Nasrat Haider who says she fears for her children’s safety following a backlash towards Rotherham’s Asian community. I quote:
Ms Haider believes the town’s Asian community has been damaged by the revelations.”We’re all seen as groomers, we’re all seen as paedophiles,” she says.”I want [my children] to walk in the streets feeling secure, feeling proud of their heritage and being part of the Rotherham community. “I want them to be integrated in society – but at this time it’s very hit and miss.” Ms Haider has lived in the South Yorkshire town since the age of five. She was once proud to live there, but not anymore.
And then the bBC come out with this:
Recently, she has felt it necessary to broach the subject of child abuse with her older children, so they are aware of the issue and less likely to become victims themselves. But it was a difficult decision.
Err, how many white people have managed to groom Pakistani children, more like the other way round.
Then we hear from white Jessie Long, a 20-year-old dance teacher in Rotherham, who has also felt the need to adapt her behaviour as a precaution and she come out with:
“You don’t know who [the attackers] are, you don’t know what they’re like,” she says.
Here, let me give you a clue, he’ll be the same colour as me, have no foreskin like me, but unlike me he’ll be a full blown Muslim.
Next the bBC brings out Muslim taxis driver Khadim Hussain who opines about losing trade and feeling answerable to the actions of others. Hang on these Islamic rape gangs across the UK are primarily Taxis drivers, are you telling me, you didn’t know that white girls are easy, well little white girls that is. Utter tosh, you’ve been caught out and you are playing the victim.
Finally the Al Beeb bring s out Gift-shop owner Charlotte Scothern who blames….white people. I quote:
Ms Scothern’s business has been affected by protests, organised by groups such as Britain First.
She says street closures caused by the demonstrations are leading some small businesses into financial difficulty”
That people is the biggest white wash I have seen in years. Where the bBC has remade Muslims into the real victims.
The bBC, the biggest traitors to the british way of life”
The BBC could have made a documentary about all the guards who lost their jobs and shopkeepers who lost trade when Auschwitz closed down.
And the nasty backlash at Nuremberg.
There really were too many Naziphobes around in 1946.
Funny your quote undermines your point. The lady in Q never said there were white groomers in Rotherham but had to explain to her young kids what had happened (ie Muslim rape gangs) so they understood the abuse (or more likely cold shoulders) her and the kids are getting.
Why should kids be racially abused or sexually abused? Abuse is simply vile to whomever it happens.
I believe Pounce is asian. Would you want me tell my daughters to have no dealings with anyone of an asian background be they christian, hindu, buddist, muslim or athiests because of a group of vile taxi drivers?
Matthew 22:37-39
37 Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
You may think they are playing the victim but why blame a child for the actions of others?
The article reads “she has felt it necessary to broach the subject of child abuse with her older children, so they are aware of the issue and less likely to become victims themselves”
Victims of what? Abuse and cold shoulder, or child sexual assault. It’s perhaps ambiguous, but given it’s an article headlined “child abuse revelations” and she herself appears specifically to mention child abuse I think most people would assume the latter, and not many would go with your interpretation.
We are told that Nasrat Haider has lived here since the age of five yet she appears in the article as a woman from Pakistan, not Rotherham. Presumably that is the life that she leads and has brought up her sons to see as normal in Clegg’s ‘modern Britain’. Certainly she gives no impression that she sees anything wrong with Pakistani culture or that it should adapt to that of her adopted country.
I do wonder why the BBC constantly acts as a PR service for Islam, who are they trying to kid, the politicians?
LDV wrote:
“Why should kids be racially abused or sexually abused? Abuse is simply vile to whomever it happens.
Oh, I agree 120%, but then I would, you see I was physically abused as a child by my own biological sperm donor, which resulted in both my sister and I being placed into care. The thing is the entire Islamic community in the town (West Yorkshire) knew what was going on and for some very strange reason it was my sister and I who were pillared . My white social worker was replaced by a muslim woman and the first thing she said to me was:
“You have brought shame on the community, your father loves you and you should return home”
That was said to a 10 year old child who begged to be relocated away from his own home, because he knew if he remained he would be killed. As you may have gathered, I refused that offer.
During my time at home, I would find myself tied up naked in the cellar, hung from the ceiling and whipped. I would be left hung up overnight. My sister and I had to live in the cellar, we could only venture upstairs when the adults had gone to bed. the money I earned from 2 paper-round purchased staples such as milk,bread and potatoes and that is what we lived on. We found clothes to wear on the tip and because of the state we were in, the other Islamic children and their parents would mock us. Often the children would try to beat me up, the thing is when you have a 40 year old bloke beating you up on a daily basis, there is nothing a child can do in a fight in which to best you, so they would come off worse, which in turn saw me getting beaten up by their parents for the crime of standing up for myself. At the mosque,the mullah was a sadistic bastard who took great please in taunting us, one day he made my sister cry, so I hit him with a small bench they use in mosques.. He made 2 older boys stretch me out by my arms and he beat me black and blue. I can remember my biological father coming home angry over how the locals had painted me yet again as a bad one, and dragging upstairs from the cellar he got ready to beat me, when he noticed i was black and blue. (that night i wasn’t beaten).
and as i was expelled from the mosque me and the mullah never met up again. But back to your point about white groomers. There’s a little something which good minding people who preach good for all don’t understand about Muslims. That is Muslims are very family oriented and insular to anybody from outside that family. this means that parents tend to know everything that is happening around their small patch and believe me when i say they know everything. So back to the large number of Muslim (not Asian, but Islamic) paedophiles who like nothing more than a little girl on the end of their dick. The community knows, Now in Rotherham the abuse took place over 20 years (if not longer) the Islamic community is not blind and boy do they gossip. So if some bloke likes little white girls, it soon becomes common knowledge , in other words the entire Islamic community is complicit and I am willing to stand up in court , and say just that.
But back to what I wrote, I stated, that the article was the biggest white wash going and that, the bBC had remade Muslims in that town into the real victims. Now not one Muslim in over 20 years (and I include women in that) complained and went to their elders (never mind the authorities) and complained about the paedophiles in their midst. Think I’m kidding, look up the murder of Laura Wilson in 2010 in…Rotherham. The family knew, she had a child to their son , but went apeshite when she had the neck to knock on their door. that in turn led him to regain his honour by stabbing her to death. Did you get which town that was….Rotherham. In court the family claimed they didn’t know. But as I mentioned before Islamic communities are small and insular and everybody knows what is going on.
So in answer to your questions, I never stated an asian background be they christian, hindu, buddist, muslim or athiests, I pointed the finger at the guilty bastards, Muslims. as for blaming a child pray tell where I do, I don’t but you seem to think I did.
Now I have nothing against Muslims, but for some strange reason they do with me, which is why I am not allowed to visit my sister, whose family have openly stated that as I am not a muslim I am not welcome, I have been told to change my name because some muslims feel that it is Islamic and I am not. The thing is I’ve represented the UK at Judo,Karate and JU-jitsu, I’ve boxed for the army and I still keep very fit, in other words, I’ve learnt to look after myself. The thing is even with all those talents, my real family do not know where I live. Look at what happened in Glasgow the other day to see where I am coming from.
Until people like you replace your ethical lattes for a decent cup of tea, then you will see that Islam is not compatible with our way of life. Hey don’t take my word for it, Tony Blair said that just the other day.
Thanks, Pounce. A very revealing, informative and well composed post.
Pounce, this post needs to be made more public, but there again bBBC won’t support it and the Guardian will be in denial as they don’t support British values of fair play, honesty and integrity.
You should stand tall Pounce, you certainly have my admiration.
That is one of the most powerful posts I’ve read on here Pounce and the information it contains needs to be very widely publicized.
I am feel very sorry for you, for what you endured as a child and hope that you have managed to lead a decent life in spite of it.
Welcome back Pounce (until recent resurgence).
Thanks for your tale and please accept my sympathy/apologies on behalf of the majority population of this country.
A powerful, thought making post.
Powerful stuff, Pounce, but something tells me LDV will be back soon with his smokescreens of moral relativism.
He is one of Islam’s eternal apologists – eternal, that is, until he’s on the receiving end of some of its less savoury practices which will be inevitable the way things are going.
I logged on here to highlight that story, and see that others have spotted it too.
Now, I don’t know about anyone else here but if those carrying out such assaults had been members of a community I was involved in, I wouldn’t be blaming people for worrying that I might behave in a similar fashion. I’d be bloody angry at those people for bringing my community into disrepute and I’d make sure that anyone who asked – say, the BBC – knew it.
But all we get here is the same self pity. I’d say to Ms Haider and Mr Hussain that if you aren’t going to police yourselves, others have to do it for you in the way they see fit.
The bBBC wants us to feel sorry for the Rotherham Muslim taxi drivers, without mentioning the hundreds who have had their licences revoked because they don’t meet standards on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
Here’s a nice little story from al Beeb…
A fisherman has caught a British record cod (from the sea off Norway!?). It’s difficult to imagine how the beeb can slip in any bias you might think? I mean, the man is British without question, the fish was indeed a cod, and one would assume the scales were calibrated so that there was no argument about it’s weight. Now, I know what you’re thinking – you’re thinking I’m going to rant about how the BBC used it as an excuse to push their global warming agenda…. No, apparently “As well as being the biggest cod landed by a British angler, it is the biggest for a disabled angler – Mr Williams has a heart condition.”
Forgive me, but has al beeb now decided that ANY illness is a disability? FFS, my daughter once had a serious respiratory tract infection, coupled with hyperpyrexia (flu to you and I) – can I claim she was temporarily disabled and benefit from special status in BBC land?
Looking at the photo, it looks like his heart condition could have been brought on by eating too much of his previous catches covered in batter and a mountain of chips!
I expect the BBC will be flagging this up to the benefits agency as anyone wrestling with a large fish for an age before landing it would need to be as fit as a fiddle !
Never attribute to conspiracy where stupidity or laziness is an adequate alternative, however … The following comes from Michael Ordman, Good News from Israel blog.
This is what Michael wrote:
I’ve just listened to the BBC World Service programme “The Science Hour” and its feature “Feeding the World” about improving the genes of wheat to make it resistant to drought by taking the genes from the oldest form of wild wheat that “they found it in a wild relative on the Arabian peninisular”. Listen from around 30 minutes.
The BBC made it sound like wild wheat was discovered by the Arabs – however in reality it was by Aaron Aaronsohn (a Jew) in 1906 in pre-state Israel. He was also a spy for Britain during WWI. Owing to information supplied by Nili (the network he organised) to the British Army concerning the locations of oases in the desert, General Edmund Allenby was able to mount a surprise attack on Beersheba, unexpectedly bypassing strong Ottoman defenses in Gaza.
Then we heard about using the genes of this wild wheat to produce new drought-resistant strains. “So they collected that plant from the Arabian peninsular .. and cross it with your conventional wheat varieties.”
Next, we travel to the Phillipines to hear from Abdel Ishmal (surprise surprise) about its genetic engineering of rice. He justifies Genetic modification of crops – previously a “No-no” of the BBC and its “back to nature” agenda.
Finally the BBC focuses on the fast scientific method of creating genetic hybrids – again hearing from Abdel Ishmal. But why didn’t the BBC include the groundbreaking work of Israel’s NRGene that was the company to crack the genome of wild wheat. It would have been an essential piece of information on this subject.
One last point. Which country has been working closely with the Phillipines to improve the genetic qualities of its crops? No prizes for guessing that it’s Israel.
“Since the Phillipine Israel Center for Agricultural Training Project was launched in June 2006, more than 100 Filipinos, comprised of farmers and DAR officials, have been trained in Israel on special courses regarding vegetable production and post-harvest technologies. Moreover, more than 1,000,000,000 assorted genetically engineered seeds of high quality have been donated to the participating provinces.”
There is no conspiracy. There are different species of wild wheat.
Wheatergate it is. Now, who will reprise Woodward, Bernstein and, of course, Deep Throat?
More EU bias from bbc.con
Business live – “FTSE lower on ‘Brexit’ warning”
Only thing is, when this was posted the FTSE was only down 0.05% and less than 1% down from yesterday’s close.
Then there’s this
“After a strong start to the day, the FTSE 100 fell back to stand little-changed by midday, with mining stocks weighing on the market.” – an analysis favoured by other financial sites
It seems there are 2 forces at work here, one is bias and scaremongering and the other is a genuine attempt to be objective and businesslike with an honest analysis of the market.
Then later the original story changes to “Bank of England warns of EU referendum risks” with no mention of falling FTSE at all. But of course the damage is done and mission accomplished with the original story.
Lies, pure lies.
Over on Reuters business there are discussions of Mark Carney’s latest scaremongering too but again no mention of any impact on FTSE, the headline is – “FTSE knocked by falling commodity shares”
It’s got to the stage where you simply can’t believe anything the BBC says. Shame.
It got to that stage long ago.
Another good article from Conservative Woman.
BBC drumming up support for paramilitary violence. IRA – add Jihadists, and not forgetting the UAF no platformers and and Anarchist supporters of open borders
This will amaze, and sadden, most of you here.
The other day on another site, someone asked everyone ‘which news site do you go to for an honest, factual account of big news stories’?
Around 90% answered the BBC. This being a site for grown-ups, not all of whom are thick left whingers.
Poor stupid bastards eh?
“Should have gone to Specsavers”.
Is there no depths the BBC won’t plumb in an attempt to get free passage for the gimmiegrants into Europe?
Beasts of the Border
As gates close against migrants entering Europe Tom Heap is in Croatia to examine the wildlife impact of the continent’s new borders.
Red deer have been found dying on the razor wire and the vulnerable local population of lynx is now split between Slovenia and Croatia. With a shrunken gene pool the lynx could soon be lost from the region.
From the Austrian Alps, south through the Balkans to Greece the mountains provide a vital habitat for large carnivores like bear and wolf. As new fences rise across the region Europe’s peak predators face a bleak future.
I’ll take this seriously if someone can point me to his article on the loss of birds to wind turbines.
You missed out “rare” in describing birds.
I think we all know who Europe’s peak predators really are.