Posted this right at the start of the thread
“BBC -Teachers warn extremism policy prevents open debate
” Teachers fear the loss of a “spirit of openness” in how students can talk about ideas Annual conference in Brighton heard warnings that the counter-radicalisation policy was stopping teachers from discussing “challenging ideas” with their pupils”.
Woah! you can almost feel a R4 Toady exclusive, or a Newsnight special coming on.
Any mention on that implementation of the Islamic history option, by the Dept of Education? given it preferential onus at all? … even over our own history
… which proves that Islam is a political force with a political agenda in our own schools. any mention of that? … that’s pretty extreme, and no discussion about it at all. No … didn t think so.”
Well … a little update
“A legal duty on teachers to promote so-called British values was passed two years ago after the “Trojan Horse” controversy.
However, teachers argue “fundamental British values” set an “inherent cultural supremacism, particularly in the context of multicultural schools and the wider picture of migration”.
The motion, which was passed at the NUT’s annual conference in Brighton, also calls for a campaign to promote “policies that welcome migrants and refugees into Britain” and called on members to “gather and collate materials on migrants and refugees” to be used in schools.”
So as to avoid ‘‘cultural supremacism’, we could make it a requirement that the teacher of each class be a recent national of the country of origin of the majority of the children.
That would mean sacking most of the existing teachers though.
Just as worrying is the fact that the ‘teachers’ are meeting up with Doctors to discuss joint strike action.
The left have been agitating for a general strike since the Tories won the election, anyone who thinks the ‘teachers’ and Doctors have a duty of care to those they are charged with needs to wake up, this is naked old fashioned and actually in reality defunct to most people, class war.
Jerry, actually I think the doctors have a case. But the teachers ? Would anyone notice if they went on strike ? Would it make any difference to childrens’ education ?
Double, and they deserve it ! They save lives ! They should certainly be paid more than politicians who are ignorant and endanger lives. And certainly more than journalists !
Grant. I have two friends who both have daughters who are doctors (note daughters not sons). At the time they both went to medical college I was told it was because they both wanted to cure people – now their mothers are explaining how they are really badly paid and tell me about their basic pay. However when one was offered extra weekend work, her mother told me excitedly how a quite a large sum would help pay off her mortgage. I said ‘note daughters’ because I don’t think it will be long before either of them want to go part time – and it costs the same to train a part time doctor as a full time one.
I also fail to understand why if there are X number of ill people in this country why we cannot treat them fully at a weekend at the same cost as treating them during the week, ie that we shouldn’t need any extra doctors or nurses – there are the same number of people requiring treatment. A friend has recently come out of a three week stint in hospital and she described a very quiet environment at weekends ie no scans, physio etc. The hospital was not functioning at the same level it was doing Monday to Friday.
Deborah, I quite agree with you, but I believe that doctors should be paid more than NHS managers, politicians and journalists all of whom make little contribution to society .
Politicians like Tony BLiar perhaps who was paid such a paltry amount during his time as PM that he looked to other sources of income to shore up his earnings.
Pay peanuts to intelligent people and you invite corruption!
A trainee doctor second year is on around £45K minimum – you show me any other training job which pays that kind of money!
A district judge – bottom rung of the judiciary is on around £140K, more than most doctors and politicians. At the end of the day nothing of any value is produced what so ever !
There is no real accounting for the amounts paid to people in respect of the work they do, but Doctors in the UK are some of the highest paid in the world!
Try running a hospital without any management (and there aren’t that many managers) and you’ll soon find out the value of having them there !
So where’s the money going to come from? What would you cut to pay for your magnanimity with taxpayers’ money?
Two mates of mine are retired GPs. When they were doing their training as junior doctors they got one-third pay for any additional hours over 40. They knew the value of the training and that rewards would come later. And they had a great time doing it.
And don’t forget early retirement and the big, fat public sector pension at the end of it (unfunded public sector pension commitments now standing at £1.3 trillion).
Anyway, if they are to be believed they will all be fucking off to Australia soon where pay is much more lucrative in their hybrid public/private health care system. ‘Save our NHS’? They’re avin’ a larf, just like their Corbynista union leaders.
Funny how people are so insulting when they type on the internet isn’t it?
I shall prove with the aid of figures NOT taken from a website with a point to prove !
A junior doctor is paid an absolute minimum of £31748, but you (or your source) have conveniently omitted the fact that with all of the supplements, and bonuses, no one in practice actually receives that amount.
Just working outside the 40 hour week alone can attract a 50% bonus on top of the basic salary which gives a figure of £47622 ! And that’s not the only salary supplement available!
According to Wikipedia ” While the basic starting salary for doctors in speciality training is £30,002 NHS Employers were reporting that average earnings in this group of doctors was nearly £53,000.”
So if anything I’ve been rather conservative in my figures !
NHS managers, politicians and journalists may well be paid more than they are worth but that doesn’t mean that doctors are underpaid. I think if your idea were to be implemented it would be just another step along the road to a communist planned economy. What’s missing from all the jobs you mention is a free market where people are paid what the market decides. In just the same way the bbc are not part of a free market, rather there’s is more akin to extortion which in a sane world would lead to prosecution of the perpetrators.
I think you have misunderstood what I’m trying to say. Let me put it another way, do you think doctors should be paid more than professional footballers?
Lots of people saves lives. It’s just emotionalism to single out doctors. A line has to be drawn somewhere and it should have been drawn way before GPs were given the ridiculous settlement they got from Blair.
I am not overwhelmed by the doctors save lives argument. They need careful watching to stop them, by act or omission, from taking lives. The emotionalism displayed in support of shroud waving doctors has contributed to their arrogance and indifference to the results of their errors.
Whilst in hospital it was a young registrar who worried about me over the weekend who came in too see me as he was ‘just passing’ the hospital that probably saved my life.
LDV, About 18 months ago , it was Doctors and Nurses who saved my life and also my leg from amputation. But they still get paid less than useless NHS “managers” and politicians !
LDV – so what? Didn’t you wonder how many rellies he’s brought over who’ve never paid into the system and are now getting free healthcare?
Oh, and when I was in hospital visiting my newborn grandson last year the only Muslim mother on the ward was in her own side room, resplendent in full burqa.
It does not matter if the doctor is Muslim or not. However, doctors in the UK are well paid, and Muslim doctors, specially from third world countries, are lucky to get the salaries they get in the UK. In Pakistan, they would get around a tenth. That is why so many are desperate to come to the West. They are not doing us a favour.
I know a few members of RNLI lifeboat crews and of mountain rescue teams that save lives at risk to their own, every day and for no wage whatsoever .
Your call .
I am afraid I totally disagree with you.
The junior doctors wrap up this dispute in the oh so moral ‘it’s all about the patients’, no it isn’t.
First off Blair gave them a 31% pay rise in his tenure, they have now been offered 13% more and that still isn’t enough.
Remember ‘junior doctors’ are doing an apprenticeship, no more no less. In the real world where I live apprentices notoriously get very very low pay, in return they learn a trade.
These Junior doctors in time will become very big earners at the expense of us taxpayers with a final salary pension pot that self employed people like me will never have.
In short public sector workers need to thank the private sector for their fortunate monetary remunerations not hold us to ransom. This strike one of many tedious ones by all accounts is about fighting a democratically elected government.
In short teachers and doctors earn very good salaries.
Jerry, you are free to disagree. Of course. Do you think that teachers and doctors should be paid less than politicians, journalists and NHS ” Managers ” ?
OK , how about this.. Nigel Farage should be paid more than a doctor and teacher because to me his value to my country is far greater than the other two.
However a good doctor or teacher should be paid more than Merkel who is destroying Europe.
Or to put it another way you simply cannot compare like with like.
There are some pretty ‘dark forces’ at work in the doctor’s dispute – highly politically motivated individuals with an agenda. Naturally, the BBC has chosen not to investigate this.
BBC busy absolving themselves from blame – but the real likelihood is that they were invited, and by the same team that invite all the QT audiences. How else could anyone expect them to fulfil their task of molding public opinion – together with the weekly think-tank of Guardiani which does not, of course, nudge nudge, wink wink, occur?
GC, possibly but I have no idea why any junior doctors stay in the UK anyway. It must be hell working in the NHS. Much better pay, conditions and weather in Australia. It must also be awful having to deal with a moron like Jeremy Hunt !
Because, thanks to Blair, once you qualify as a GP, providing you are willing to work like a robot on a car assembly line, the pay is fabulous for relatively little work.
It depends, but it is less than £50 k in England . After 6 years qualifying , about £30-35 K . Much better value than politicians , I think ! I do not know how much Jeremy Hunt is paid for being useless but I imagine his expense claims exceed a junior doctor’s salary !
Junior doctors are junior doctors. They know full well that as they move on the returns can be quite remarkable with some GPs currently earning in excess of £100,000 per annum and with only a fraction of the responsibilities GPs had previously borne.
GC , and good luck to them ! They deserve it. But they should be paid more than politicians, NHS managers and journalists, in my opinion ! Anyway, they can always emigrate which is what I would do . We can always import African witch doctors to replace them !
GC, I cant see the reply button for some reason. But yes, I feel there is no scrutiny of immigrant doctors. I see the other side of it in Gambia where Africans genuinely qualify in Europe and N. America then come back to Gambia and cheat their own people for money. They even sell the medicines to their patients. Penicillin for period pains anyone ? We are very lucky with our doctors and nurses !!! And they should be paid more than politicians !
Grant and GCooper, The reply button has gone away. Immigrant doctors do require careful scrutiny. Especially those who are currently revealing deficiencies with the English language and are being rushed through courses to enable them to communicate with English speaking patients.
But this reveals a more serious gap. For the most part medical knowledge is communicated through books and journals that are published in English and a basic requirement for a medical student would be to be examined on knowledge derived from up to date published research. But if they cannot read the relevant material their examinations are obviously lacking the required standards
It cost around half a million pounds to train a junior doctor. We pay for their training to become amongst the highest paid in any professional public sector job.
And guess what.. they don’t have to pay it back.
Your analogy between doctors and politicians really doesn’t stack up as they have nothing in common and of course a politician can lose his job overnight by a fickle electorate.
GC – I think you’re confusing “Junior Doctors” with GP’s……………..the people striking work in hospitals and the term “Junior Doctors” refers to any position below Consultant level; the GP’s work in General Practice and have nothing to do with the strike.
No, I assure you I am not confused at all. Most of those junior doctors will move on to extremely lucrative positions, some as GPs, who are, IMNSHO, frequently overpaid. Consultants, likewise.
What is happening is that a relatively small, politically motivated, group has taken hold of a situation and, in this case, is playing the ‘hard done by us’ card when, in point of fact, the pay and conditions enjoyed by junior doctors are very good in historical terms and extremely good in potential.
As they say – a strike would have a catastrophic effect on the Tories. Forward comrades – Junior Doctors, the BMA, reach out to the wider union movement.
Something I learned when working within the NHS, and is never publicised, is, ‘how come there are SO many ‘managers’ within the NHS ?’ . I was gobsmacked when I knew how the ‘system’ worked.
Dig a little deeper and you’ll find that many of the ‘managers’ are in fact one time nurses ! A nurse can only go so far in her career and pay-grade – so what to do ? she cant get a higher salary and is too young to retire. So, a Management Course is undertaken, and the nurse is no longer part of the medical team, but becomes part of the Admin Department. By going down this route they are salary upgraded on a regular basis, promotion is a reality, and a good pension is waiting when they do eventually retire.
I did challenge this system during my time in the NHS, – being a lifelong skilled Secretary I would never in a million years consider myself proficient to work on a Ward just because I worked in a hospital, so why would a nurse of many years standing think they could stroll into an admin job after going on a Course or two ? They are two entirely different professions, but it happens, on a regular basis.
And thereby is the reason there are so many Managers and so few Nurses in the NHS.
Brissles, so true. In the NHS , the people doing the real work are the Doctors, Nurses, cleaners and supporting staff. The rest are a bunch of wasters .
Every bBBC ‘news’ item about doctors shows them chanting “save our NHS”. What they really mean is “keep our lifelong gravy train where we’re going to be very highly paid in an organisation that’s arranged for our benefit”.
In 1948 doctors were against the NHS until Nye Bevan, in his own words, “stuffed their mouths with gold.” They have been the most enthusiatic socialists ever since.
Internecine Class War then, Jerry, because in the good old days teachers & doctors were anything but working class. As usual, the ordinary working men & women – at work – get messed up by it. Please see below.
Grant, a teaching strike if widespread enough, could paralyse the country. Teachers these days are State Enrolled Childminders and if there are insufficient of them to keep the Healthy & Safe-to Inspectors together with the School Insurance Companies satisfied, then a Head has no choice but to close their school.
Target the right schools with 100% strike and you could empty the House of Commons if it is sitting at that time. Or maybe not.
The State would probably cough up for extra nannies to be provided.
Get this into the stupid teachers heads. Some cultures are more supreme than others. Some cultures are downright appalling – Nazi, Communist, Jihadist, need we go on. Tell the teachers that whoever taught them about cultural relativism at the Polyversity were wrong.
Next, start sacking teachers who actually believe that the requirement to teach British values is racist.
Require that all teachers are made aware of the fact that race and culture are not identical. And require them to understand that combating racism does not involve maintaining the equality of cultures.
Launch an investigation into the quality and educational merits of teacher training courses.
Start a campaign to ridicule the NUT and its banner waving Trots.
That would be the Education Secretary Nicky Morgan who is appealing to ‘young people’ to educate their parents and grandparents that being part of the EU is what is best for Britain.
After me Nicky: ‘We don’t need no education, we don’t need no’……go on Nicky, on your own now, what comes next…?
I think that the ability for schools to be able to sack bad teachers is at the root of the government plans to turn all schools into academies; and so take them out of local authority control.
It’s just a pity they won’t also turn half of them into selective grammar schools too.
That’s correct; what’s needed is monoculture; ie our culture; with multi ethnicity. But if you want to live here amongst us, adopt our culture otherwise I’m sure there’s another country that would be better suited to you. After all immigrants have somewhere else to go to, their own country, whereas we have one country, this one. Our country which our forefathers gave their lives to defend and most of us aren’t about to surrender it to the collectivists and their muslim useful idiots.
There’s an important update from David Keighley’s BBC News-watch on Conservative Woman this morning. It’s recommended reading for all those concerned about the BBC’s bias in favour of the ‘remain’ campaign.
“My sister, in her 60’s and her husband, an educated ex national sales manager for a well known company will not allow anything to be said about immigration and are both very pro the EU, blinded by cheap holidays and the wonders of foreign food and culture. ”
I can see your point on your earlier comments about the older voter. I am in my 60’s and have done a rough straw poll on my family and friends of similar age. The majority want OUT for a variety of reasons not least the migration ‘problem’. However, the few that want IN and take a ‘live and let live’ attitude, are lovely people, but the sort who never want to rock the boat, don’t swear and assume that “that nice Mr Cameron must know what he’s doing”. They are part of the generation who thought it rude to go against the grain, are mild mannered and want the status quo to remain – providing an Asian family doesn’t move in as neighbours !!! Just watch any who are interviewed on the street, they rarely have very strong views as they go to pick up the grandkids from school – THAT’S their world I find it sad to say.
I fully concur with the “that nice Mr Cameron” thing, however I stand by my original comment in that the later Baby Boomers and the early Generation X’ers (45’s to late 50s) will be more likely to vote out than the over 65’s as will the over 80’s.
My reasons as stated is that the majority of that age group, as you say don’t want to rock the boat and in all honesty have probably had the best of things?
Thanks very much – I have not laughed so much in ages! The parody of the afternoon play is so accurate that I bet somebody is writing it for real as we speak!
I don’t know if the BBC covered this ground breaking story last night but SKY did.
Apparently Trumps’ campaign has hit big trouble because a female reporter got a bruise about four inches long on her likkle wickle army waarmy due apparently to one of Trumps aids pulling her back, a story with scant evidence and no overall point.
However it made the top three in Sky’s six o’clock news…. meanwhile the Brussels story is finished no mention of it at all. Not even any mention of the disgusting left wing filth that were photographed ( on Breitbart ) trampling on the candle memorial to the dead, and immigrants trampling on the Israeli flag whilst holding a Palestinian flag up.
I did see the BBC South Today doing it’s bit for AGW though, I think they needed to remind us lest we think it’s actually quite cold in reality.
Not only are you right, the same holds increasingly true for ITV, most especially since Tom Bradby adopted his starring role – and he was once genuinely impartial.
Yes, they did. I have to say that, having seen the police video and trying my best to look at it impartially, I can’t see what the fuss is about. People on other forums have said the bruises on her lower arm don’t correspond to where her arm was held, and it does look to me like he takes her upper arm, but in all honesty I couldn’t make out enough detail to be sure. Whatever, the charge seems to me highly politically-motivated and I’d imagine if it’s seen as such by the American public it could backfire on the authorities.
Given it was a story worthy of coverage, it actually didn’t strike me as one of the BBC’s worst. The reporter wondered if it would harm Trump’s campaign but conceded that nothing else has. Rather different to this website report, which seems to be hoping it will.
The New York property developer has been able to maintain his front-runner status for months despite countless controversies and conflagrations. This time may be different, however.
Interestingly, it all seems to have gone very quiet this morning.
Roland, the Al Beeb knew exactly what they were doing. The words “assault, police, Trump” in the first couple of paragraphs are placed to cause maximum impact. Its a none story created by people doing all they can to derail Trump and his campaign. All we will here from now on is “Trumps campaign has been dogged by racism and violence”. Its all part of planting messages into the undecideds brains.
The BBC are scumbags. Plain and simple. Its a nothing story about nothing and the Al Beeb knew it. The only chance we have of real change is with Trump. The establishment are doing everything to discredit him and this is the worst attempt yet. We on here know it’s a joke and see through the deceit and dishonest terminology. How many people will have just read the headline and thought “not again! We can’t have this man in charge”
News may be manufactured to fit in with the US Democrat / establishment narrative.
So, if Hillary Clinton is saying ‘vote for me (I’m a woman)’ by referring to “the Republican war on women”, then stories can be expected to emerge of Republican problems with women.
Scant evidence except that it was caught on film, and she photographed her bruise. I guess you’re holding out for a written confession.
Perhaps the point is that Trump’s campaign manager has been charged with battery.
And the right-wing thugs that invaded Brussels square making Nazi salutes and chanting anti-immigration slogans got quite a bit of coverage actually. Perhaps you missed it.
Dear me – that’s not supposed to be a male primary school teacher, is it? Penny to a pound the photo is an agency fake.
Ah yes, I see it’s credited to ‘monkeybusinessimages’. There’s certainly been some monkeying going on with their representation of a contemporary teacher!
Every nursery in England should have a qualified early years teacher to help toddlers develop skills like speech and language, a children’s charity says.
Save the Children says pre-schoolers can be “set back decades” if their brains are not adequately stimulated before they start formal schooling.
In other words, state parenting. One might think the world’s greatest investigative journalists might once in a while try to determine the root cause of a social problem. In this case the root cause of the problem is the cause of many – poor parenting skills, but the BBC couldn’t possibly come to that conclusion because they would be making a ‘moral judgement’.
Another leftist charity and leftist agenda – ably supported by the leftist by the BBC.
To become an early years teacher, candidates need a degree and at least a GCSE C grade in English, maths and science. They have to pass professional tests in numeracy and literacy and complete a period of initial teacher training.
Because a child of 4 really needs to learn about theoretical calculus, astro physics, and Shakespeare!
It reminds me of the moronic state of affairs in schools where a qualified electrician caretaker is not allowed to change a light bulb, and an external firm has to be brought in with full part P qualified staff change it. The cost for changing just one light bulb is a jaw dropping £400 !
Where were save the children when things went bad in Rotherham,etc…
See no evil,Hear no evil,speak no evil against some in society ,but others see,hear and speak get charged by the PC brigade
Just been watching a report on the situation at the Port Talbot steel works. Apparently the plant is losing a huge amount of money and one of the main reasons, other than the total inability of the EU to prevent China dumping huge amounts of cheap steel in Europe, is the strength of the pound. This was a bit of a surprise as I seem to recall being told a few weeks ago by the bBC that the value of the pound had gone right down due to fears over Brexit.
When I heard Jon Sopel refer to Trumps PR bloke as getting done for “battery”-which , to us is as serious as “assault”-and Clive Myrie saying “well, how much more violent does all this have to get?”-and all on national news at 10pm, I was fizzing.
The clip showed nothing like “battery” , but -if they can continue to smear and trash Trumps campaign, job done.
So found this clip about Michelle Fields-she`s tried the same scam on Ann Coulter re “hacking”
Not that the BBC would check. Typical drive by hit and run…hope Lewandowski deals with the BBC for libel one day soon.
He is of course correct, but most people don’t know how trivial the law of assault actually is – so much so that the Police won’t even investigate it.
Assault does not even require two people to touch each other!
“assault is the tort of acting intentionally, that is with either general or specific intent, causing the reasonable apprehension of an immediate harmful or offensive contact. Because assault requires intent, it is considered an intentional tort Actual ability to carry out the apprehended contact is not necessary. In Criminal Law an assault is defined as an attempt to commit battery, requiring the specific intent to cause physical injury.
As distinguished from battery, assault need not involve actual contact; it only needs intent and the resulting apprehension.
By not explaining the trivial nature of the offence, it is another example of a lie by omission.
I hope old Trumpy does become Preus, and I hope he is keeping clips of the BBC assassination on him for his archives, because there will come the day when the BBC will be wetting themselves to interview him, and that’s when he can stick 2 fingers up at ’em.
This excellent piece on left wing people and the working class captures BBC leftists perfectly. Here is a sample. Enjoy.
Left-wing people are funny
Left-wing people have “enlightened comedians” who make jokes on “panel games”. These are broadcast on the television and BBC Radio 4.
The enlightened comedians make people laugh at right-wing people, whom they consider stupid. In the olden days, comedians made jokes about Irish people, but these comedians weren’t clever like the enlightened comedians.
Instead of the Irish people, the enlightened comedians make jokes about working-class people. Because they care, they use special words like “Glaswegians”, “Sun readers” and “UKIP supporters”, so the working-class people will not notice.
Ta Oldspeaker.
Surely the greatest dive we`ve yet to see.
A flatfish, a double salmon and then a reverse crocodile half roll.
Makes you pine for the instant justice of Billy Bremner doesn`t it?
And we`ll only get MORE of this” kinda t`ing” if we don`t say no to the EU on June 23rd!
Howzabout THAT for spurious silly fears?…about time we spoofed the Project Fear tossing pots
Thoughtful – oh dear. I went back and it worked for me. Copied again. The source is Spectator Life, 29th March 2016, article by Andy Shaw, A handy guide to left-wing people for the under 10s . You should get it by googling the author and title.
Here is the article, cut and pasted.
A handy guide to Left-wing people for the under 10s
Andy Shaw
Left-wing people in the olden days
Left-wing people used to like working-class people.
Lots of left-wing people used to be working-class people. These people were known as socialists and joined trade unions.
Sometimes working-class people used to frighten left-wing people, but they pretended that they weren’t frightened and were nice to them.
Left-wing people supported working-class people, gave them money, sat in rooms with them and wore badges to show that they cared more than right-wing people, who wore ties instead of badges and didn’t care.
Nowadays, working-class people are bored with socialism because it hasn’t made them rich and happy.
Nowadays left-wing people are middle-class people. Working class people are a big disappointment to left-wing people.
Left wing people now think that working class people are:
a) Simple and easily led
b) Un-enlightened and susceptible to short-term pleasures
c) Terribly sad and struggling, unable to cope on their own
d) All of the above
Education is a life-long task
Left-wing people think that working-class people are unable to think for themselves and require life-long education to help them make informed decisions.
Left-wing people work tirelessly on education programmes to encourage working class people to buy expensive food and clothes and not cheap food and clothes. They are disappointed that working-class people are un-ethical.
Working-class people like to drink alcohol, have sex and eat tasty food. They do not understand that these activities are dangerous and need continuous education from left-wing people.
Working-class people need to be protected from newspapers, even though they don’t read them anymore. They are easily influenced and their happy-go-lucky ways can be turned into bigoted nasty ways. Left-wing people are needed to help them use Facebook carefully and not make mistakes.
Left-wing people like to be sad and unhappy
Many left-wing people have a very nice life, but they like to be sad. To help with this, they choose to be sad for other people. Sometimes these people are far away and sometimes they are nearby, but different to them.
In the olden days, left-wing people tried to make it better for other people. Nowadays, they like to protect them by being offended when a working-class person doesn’t behave properly.
Left-wing like to help other people by being offended on their behalf. This means that the other people can carry on with their lives and the left-wing people do all the work. This isn’t really fair, but the left-wing people seem to carry on doing it, so they must enjoy it. Despite all this effort left-wing people are still very sad.
Left-wing people care more than other people
Left-wing people care so much that they love the whole entire planet. Other people don’t care about the planet, they only care about themselves and other people that they know. This means that left-wing people have to love the planet even more, even more than they actually like other people.
Left-wing people show that they care by telling other people about how much they care. They send special “I care” signals to other people. Forwarding videos on Facebook is one way that they can show how much they care. The videos often show people far away who are living miserable lives, but pictures of cute fluffy chickens in nasty factories are considered sufficient.
Left-wing activists (see below) are very helpful. They make lots of “I care” videos which makes it quick and easy for left-wing people to send their “signals”. They do this several times throughout each day when they are not busy.
Sometimes Left-wing people are made angry by other people
Left-wing people care so much, it makes them hate people who don’t show that they care. These people are right-wing people. Left-wing people have given them a name. It is “Tory scum”. Left-wing people like to shout at the right-wing people and tell them that they are scum even when they aren’t listening.
Shouting at the Tories is another way to show that they care. Caring is very important to left-wing people.
Left-wing people care so deeply that they don’t have time for thinking and convincing. They use their precious time for shouting about caring.
Also, working-class people don’t know what left-wing people are saying, so it is helpful when they point to the right-wing people and shout “scum”. They think that working-class people do understand shouting and caring.
If you have observed someone and you are not sure if they are a left-wing person, seek their opinion on “the Tories”. If they start to shout and care, they are left-wing.
Left-wing activists are helpful
Left-wing activists are left-wing people who have an internet connection. They make the internet very loud.
Left-wing activists help other people care on the internet. They are very helpful in pointing out when people have forgotten to show that they care. They help people in many ways – watching videos, commenting on things and clicking on buttons called “start a petition”. Left-wing activists sometimes go outside their houses and meet other left-wing people and they care together and shout at the Tory scum.
Left-wing people are funny
Left-wing people have “enlightened comedians” who make jokes on “panel games”. These are broadcast on the television and BBC Radio 4.
The enlightened comedians make people laugh at right-wing people, whom they consider stupid. In the olden days, comedians made jokes about Irish people, but these comedians weren’t clever like the enlightened comedians.
Instead of the Irish people, the enlightened comedians make jokes about working-class people. Because they care, they use special words like “Glaswegians”, “Sun readers” and “UKIP supporters”, so the working-class people will not notice.
Working-class people do funny things like drinking Monster energy drinks, eating Haribos and watching television. This is funny and the enlightened comedians are helpful because they point at them and laugh, so we know who to laugh at as well. It is very funny and we all laugh because we are enlightened too.
Further reading
In the 1930’s George Orwell wrote about the left-wing people he knew in “The Road to Wigan Pier”. It is very funny.
I have known numbers of middle class Socialists, I have listened by the hour to their tirades against their own class, and yet never, not even once, have I met one who had picked up proletarian table-manners.
In his heart he feels that proletarian manners are disgusting…he hates, fears, and despises the working class.
Left wing people think they should run councils , countries , continents and the world .
Left wing people think that those who run businesses shouldn’t earn lots of money unless they support left wing causes and give money to left wing think tanks .
Left wing people can earn lots of money if they work in the public sector like being Prime Minister or chief executive of a council or charity . Then they can earn even more money when they retire on the public speaking circuit .
Left wing people don’t have to join left wing parties . It’s better for left wing people people to lead the Conservatives and denounce UKIP people for being right wing . A left wing person leading the Conservatives likes to be in coalition with Liberal left wingers so that he can’t make right wing policies . They also like being friend with Islamofascists and hide their antisemitism by blaming Israel for bombings in capital cities in a convoluted way .
Although they profess to hate Nazis , left wing people are glad that Nazis ruled Germany , Poland France and murdered lots of people otherwise the spotlight would be on Stalin and Mao Zedong who were left wing .
Left-wing people care so much, it makes them hate people who don’t show that they care. These people are right-wing people. Left-wing people have given them a name. It is “Tory scum”. Left-wing people like to shout at the right-wing people and tell them that they are scum even when they aren’t listening.
Shouting at the Tories is another way to show that they care. Caring is very important to left-wing people.
Left-wing people care so deeply that they don’t have time for thinking and convincing. They use their precious time for shouting about caring.
Also, working-class people don’t know what left-wing people are saying, so it is helpful when they point to the right-wing people and shout “scum”. They think that working-class people do understand shouting and caring.
Ta GWF, and johnnythefish.
Definitely the text for a childrens “Penguin ” book, that are the rage once again.
Bet THEY`D get no arch reviews by James Naughtie though-the Left HATES mockery.
Will just have to draw it ourselves eh?
So, just come out of the gym (Don’t know why I go, as I am still fat and ugly) anyway the machines have TVs on them, and as I wear an MP3 player. (100 hits of the 70s if you must know). well as i was listening to real music, i was watching the news and at 1400hrs the headlines was the situation at Port Talbot. Trying to decipher the subtitles (Not the best) it was stated that the Government may step in, at that, the reporter asked the question: “Isn’t that hypocritical of the present government seeing as they sold off the steel industry in the first place”
Can somebody please explain why the bBC always puts a negative spin on thing,
As i was leaving the story was somebody has started a petition in which to get the PM to reconvene parliament
it stood at 10 people when I left. the closing text was, we will keep you informed of its status. WHY?
The British steel industry has had structural problems that were known about 100 years ago and it all comes down to politics.
What we really need is one big site where we can smelt iron ore, convert it to steel and roll it while it is still hot. Instead we had plants in Scotland, the North East, Yorkshire and South Wales. Now, as a politician, where do you want to lose votes?
By never biting the bullet we run the risk of losing all steel making capacity now.
Andrew Carnegie said that the steel industry in Britain needed to change, he was ignored and so went to America; there they listened to him and he became one of the richest men on earth.
A great man indeed and one of the greatest ever philanthropists. He did have a knack for publicity and I think it was said of him that he gave away money about as quietly as throwing a grand piano down the stairs.
Andrew Carnegie left Scotland as a boy. He started work in a bobbin factory, became a messenger, learned how to work the telegraph and rose in the railway industry before moving into steel making.
As an adult Carnegie made many visits to the UK. He met up with the ‘great and good’ all over the place, including Sir Henry Bessemer. It is entirely (certainty!) possible that he expressed an opinion comparing UK/USA along the lines that you originally implied.
Carnegie, like Henry Ford, was a great believer in ‘vertical integration’, control the whole process from start to finish. These American industrialists would build huge new plants to do the job. We create commercial hurdles by spreading the work around.
The bBC loves to promote the presence of racism in the US. You know, ‘Black lives matter”, boycott Hollywood and not enough black people working at facebook , well I came across this ugly piece of racism and wondered why the bBC hasn’t reported it yet? Watch Black student tell off whitey for wearing dreadlocks
My brother was friendly with a black girl in Manchester. Unfortunately it was not to be as the girl’s friends would call her “Bounty Bar” black on the outside and white inside for liking my brother. I have seen far more black on white racism in London than the other way around but our leftist national broadcaster rarely report on such things.
By her logic, if a black person straightens their hair they are disrespecting white people. The girl in the clip is merely stupid. The real culprits are the PC Stalinists on the left who created this culture of offence.
We cannot do anything about the steel industry without the nod from the EU.If we decide to temporarily bail it out we need to get permission. It gives us an advantage over other EU states .The government have been lobbying the EU for months if not years over the cheap steel from China. Things move at snails pace in the EU.We cannot make our own independent decisions.
Lets see if the Beeb give a full analysis of all the reasons UK steel is dying.
Straight out of another crappy ditty by Communist Paul Heaton, who seems to be omnipresent on Radio 2 genial host Steve Wright runs through a few local stories. The first about the pavements of Leicester turning red with spat out red chewing tobacco (pann) he tells us that its a common habit in the area and ‘people’ regularly spit it out.
Of course it not just ‘any old people’ that do this, its cultural in certain ‘communities’. What is the cost of clearing it up, and what’s the cost to the NHS as this stuff is synonymous with mouth cancer? The benefits of immigration eh? Yet Steve and his mates lead us to believe its just ‘people’ doing this.
I had to turn off shortly after as guest Jeremy Hardy likened Trump to Farage, still plenty of time for him to use the BBC to plug his tour, cue howls of laughter in the studio…
I am still waiting for an answer to my question. Should Doctors be paid more than politicians, journalists and NHS managers ? GCooper , what is your opinion ?
I’m afraid it’s a naive question, which was well answered by someone else earlier. You are making a comparison between two things that are incomparable.
Jerry Owen , Who gives a monkey’s toss about politicians. They contribute nothing to society. Who gives a 4 X whether they lose their ” jobs ” ? But doctors save lives !
Notice some Al Beeb trolls on this site – Yes?
When they loose the argument or discussion they change their pseudonym. Then they have another go .
We know their style of argument and writing, but what they do is counter-productive to their cause and their employer .
Maths not your strong point? When the indigenous and non Muslim still make up approx 92% of the population, although inexcusable, proportionally this is not out of the ordinary…
The Telegraph is no longer right wing, it has morphed into a posh Daily Mirror…
Dead right, Geoff. It’s mindless reporting of The Myth Formerly Known As Global Warming is not worthy of serious journalism. One of the recent news items I read was of some ‘climate change’ researchers who have concluded that, because of rising sea levels, it will be common for mankind to evolve in some parts of the world and grow webbed feet.
As for its Saturday ‘Review’ section – can’t tell it apart from the Guardian, especially the sanctimonious TV reviewers.
If the UK leaves the EU, are we not certain we are out?
If we remain in, are we certain we will not be in the Euro in a few years or a couple of decades?
If we remain in and join the Euro are we certain we will not become part of a European Federal State?
(Note: both of the above events, as things are currently configured, will trigger further EU Referendums. Unless changed by a future Government …. er, … even more uncertainty there, is it not?)
Therefore, a vote to leave in June, will be a vote for a more certain future, not an uncertain one if we remain in the EU on our present terms..
Back to your own unique brand of halal moral relativism, I see, this time using a case still in progress involving five students.
Presumably you think we should be comparing this to violent, racist, paedophile rape on an industrial scale of our most vulnerable kind of underage teenage girls – at least 1400 in Rotherham alone and most likely tens of thousands across the country as a whole – committed by Muslim gangs who shipped these girls up and down the land to more Muslim gangs to be plied with booze, drugged, tortured and gang-raped – in one case murdered, treated with more contempt than a leftover kebab because they were (in their eyes) white tarts who were asking for it, with the whole thing covered up by the police and local authority for ten years. All carried out by a few naughty taxi drivers, according to your good self, so nothing really to do with Islam.
Your moral compass is clearly the ‘Ayotollah’ model, it’s needle forever pointing towards Mecca.
I grant you none of them look like followers of a faith founded by a man with a nine year old as on of his wives.
Their alleged behaviour doesn’t chime with the teaching, love your neighbour as you love yourself or the established Christian and Jewish teachings on sex within monogamous marriage.
They aren’t wearing kippas, crosses or Shalwar Kameez, though as we all know…looks can be deceptive. My guess is that they don’t practice any religious faith, but it is only a guess.
They are probably not followers of a religion founded by a paedophile rapist, if that’s what you mean.
Nor are they likely to be members of a national network of rapists who groomed, drugged and systematically raped girls who did not follow the religion founded by the said paedophile rapist.
But then maybe Uncle Al the Alarmist’s Pal is good at parking it round the back, as he did at the Paris Warmfest, thus fooling even the sharpest of the world’s sharpest investigative journalists at the good ole’ BBC.
Cor, Johnny! You would not be so mean as to want Al Gore to travel by bicycle between his three different homes (probably in different time zones) in that little old country called the United States of America, would you?
Just checked the BBC have not mentioned this petition to ban their favourite Europhile, and appeasing Prime Minister from re-entering the UK after his holidays.
So far 39 000 have signed. Would be fun if it reached the same as they got to ban Trump.
Uh-oh, not one for our ‘educating and informing’ public service broadcaster to feature:
A three-year study by the University of Cincinnati in Carroll and surrounding counties determined hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has no effect on groundwater in the Utica shale region, is not being released to the public.
Dr. Amy Townsend-Small, the lead researcher for the University of Cincinnati Department of Geology, released the results during the Feb. 4 meeting of the Carroll County Concerned Citizens in Carrollton.
During her presentation, which was videotaped and is available for viewing on YouTube, Townsend-Small stated, “We haven’t seen anything to show that wells have been contaminated by fracking.”
Rex Well March 14 WEB
A three-year study by the University of Cincinnati in Carroll and surrounding counties determined hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas wells like the Rex Energy well shown above, does not contaminate ground water.
When asked at that meeting if the university planned to publicize the results, Dr. Amy Townsend-Small, an assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati Department of Geology and the leader of the study, said there were no plans to do so.
“I am really sad to say this, but some of our funders, the groups that had given us funding in the past, were a little disappointed in our results. They feel that fracking is scary and so they were hoping this data could to a reason to ban it,” she said.
Still, North West News could use it to re-vitalise their tired old format for fracking coverage – perhaps a few awkward questions to ask of the eco-nutters who unfailingly get to spew their scare stories without fear of challenge?
Uncommon as it is for the BBC to advertise it’s own content on the news site here we go again, currently on the front page but this is a direct link,,
“The Archers tackles psychological abuse” apparently, and I bet you can’t identify the villain of the piece from the following, we’ll just take it for granted that being the BBC it won’t be a woman.
A man of African ancestry
A man of Aisian ancestry
An evil white male B*****d
(No prizes for correctly guessing the racial origins of Mr Nasty)
Somewhat hilariously the metrosexual BBC couch potato chatting to a rather wild eyed Polly Neate about this inhouse advertising strategy mentions a “drip drip effect.” Really, we hadn’t noticed.
The Archers ‘psychological abuse’ storyline is like something from the 1950s. I simply can’t believe that a middle class Englishwoman in 2016 would put up for ten seconds with that. It’s far more likely to be the wife driving the husband insane these days!
Then Archers has long been a vehicle for the BBC to feed subliminal messages constructed by a small bunch of, self imagined, ‘sophisticated’ city dwellers to their equally imaginary masses of ‘ignorant country folk’. If you don’t like the messages, then turn off the radio.
… university students, techies, researchers, executives and greens with a common cause to save earth from ill-effects of greenhouse emissions, rapid urbanisation, excess consumption of natural resources and changing lifestyle.
Setting off in ‘Ocean Endeavour’, the luxury ship navigated by 50 crew members.
The ship offers a superb guest experience with a nautical lounge, two restaurants, sundeck, and ample deck space for observation of polar landscapes. The ship’s interiors have a contemporary aesthetic that provides a bright and spacious feel to the cabins and common spaces.
Ocean Endeavour has a focus on health and wellness with newly-built saunas, pool, gym, hot tub and the Wellness Café and Juice Bar. The ship will offer guests onboard services and amenities that that will enhance their Polar expedition experience….
I accidently tuned into the BBC Parliament channel this morning. It was covering the migration commitee of the 26th January. I just could not believe my ears. Several parliamentary morons were actually devoting hours and hours of their time to the “red door atrocity”. What fools these people are. Chukka, Winnick and the slime-oozing slug Vaz were ,of course, using their razor-sharp minds for the forensic questioning. What percentage of the doors were painted red? What was your door painting policy? The business men summoned before these twats looked puzzled. Basically, there was a cheap job lot of red paint available so they used it. Accusations of slumlandlordism from Chukka. Buying cheap housing in the North , exploitation of “vulnerable” refugees. The “best brains” in the country don’t realise that a previously unknown tinted person entering and/or leaving a house next door might reveal the fact that he or she may be a newly arrived enricher.
I saw the section where various politicians from E U countries were giving evidence about the migrant crisis via interpreters. You really couldn’t make it up.
What is the point.? Shouldn’t they be giving evidence to the European Parliament if they want to sort it out. Waste of time and money.
Not BBc but joined at the hip Channel 4 launches an attack on Trump, again why do we care how many of us have a vote on the issue.
BBc 22:00 news Corebin is outside the steelworks . Let’s nationalise it. Yep at £1 million a day loss. Would it be o.k. with EU legislation? I don’t know can anyone give an answer. Some one from the Navy comes on and gives a speil on strategic industries. Strange a few years ago we had no ammunition production in the country that didn’t seem to be an issue.
I do wish that the BBC would do joined up thinking.
If we accept the BBC’s advice and vote to remain in the EU we will be part of a larger entity. The EU will need a steel industry, but it doesn’t have to be in Britain. Indeed, as UK government policy since 1997 has been to close down Britain’s heavy industry it will make sense to Brussels to locate the steelworks on the continent: and if we are a province of the EU the oligarchs’ decision will be final. Only if we ignore the BBC and vote to leave will Britain will be an independent country and need its own steel industry.
Len Mc Cluskey pointed out that the Royal Navy was using Swedish steel for its new ships.
Justin Webb, who had consistently spoken over Mc Cluskey throughout the item, then asked “is the EU a problem here”….Len then said this couldn’t be the case because other EU member states like Germany and Belgium protect their steel industries within the EU.
I expect the BBC are working, as we speak on a clear exposition of EU steel production policy for broadcast a.s.a.p., as I suspect that might prove highly relevant to the referendum debate.
My local news full of criticism of the about to be implemented Living wage. Apparently it is going to mean the loss of 60,000 jobs. Funny, but when Labour were in power the BBC and the Left were all for it.
I’ve seen a petition on line about B&Q where all extra that are being paid i’e’ overtime rates are being stripped down to flat rates. . I would suggest that companies will use this where possible to maintain low wages. A bit like the company I worked for with whom you had to meet an impossible set of conditions to get paid extra working a bank holiday. In another company my friend is getting a £280.00 pay increase but the bonus paid (certain conditions need to be met to receive ) is being reduced by £360. On the BBc news the nursery owner they interviewed would obviously have cut jobs if that option been open with the staff ratios.
I was listening to the Moral Maze today about Public Space Protection Orders and amazingly, I found myself on the same side of the argument as Giles Frazer. That has to be first. But Giles’s inability for joined up thinking did become rather apparent when he stated that a sense of community in this country has become greatly diminished. Have you ever wondered why that might be, Giles? I suppose the leftist mindset has a built in filter to exclude logic when it threatens to expose an uncomfortable truth.
Paykasa kartta göze çarpan diğer bir belirgin özellik ise, paykasa bozdurma işlemlerinin yapılabiliyor olmasıdır. Bozdurma işlemi paykasa kartlarda alış verişlerden ya da para transferlerinden artan miktarların, üye şahsi hesaplarına, ülke para birimi üzerinden aktarılması anlamına gelmektedir. Euro olarak limit belirlenen paykasa kartlarda alış veriş yapıldıktan sonra para kalır ise, üyeler kartı aldıkları bayiye ya da her hangi bit resmi bayiye başvuru yaparak, bu paraları geri almak istediklerini belirtebilirler. Böyle bir talep geldiğinde kart içerisinde kalan para, günlük kur üzerinden TL’ye çevrilerek, üyelerin şahsi hesabına havale edilir. Aynı işlemler bu hesaba gelen havaleler içinde geçerlidir.
Distinct whiff of pachyderm on the patio this morning as house eunuch Charlie Stayt and Naga Dolly Nomark take a superficial look at news that Birmingham is revealed as Britain’s ‘smash for cash’ motor insurance scam capital.
‘Birmingham named worst city for crash for cash claims’
Main BBC attention is focused on steel. Amid a sudden rather hunnish devotion to heavy industry the BBC fails to put the point that even Channel 4’s lefty circus ringmaster ‘cycling’ Jon Snow managed to ask – do we want to go green or do we want heavy industries.
By the way, I do hope the Belgian authorities are still exorcising their little grey cells over the recent terrorist outrage – its gone right out of our BBC news.
From that BBC article Former West Midlands Police detective Neil Thomas said “Birmingham is quite an obvious choice – it has been a hotspot for a number of years. There’s the high volume of traffic and also the road network.”
Nah, try again. The clue is in the list of the 10 ten cities for cash-for-crashes. Not that we would expect the BBC to do any real investigative journalism – or report anything negative about a certain religion.
I did see the that paraded on Al BBC1 this morning as a stereotypical example.
Anyone notice the erm … “heritage” of the two rushing out of the car? … no?
Not to worry, no one at the Al BBC either, sheesh!, didn t know the old Paki car scam was still getting away with it, where have these Ins people been all these years.
The one where two cars drive in tight formation, one gives the signal, sudden turn the one behind
jams the anchors on, gets bumped … even with the camera difficult to catch, the scammer bumped has an excuse, and of course can t remember 😀 the number plate of the one in front
who turned … as erm, obviously it all happened so fast etc.
They’ve been doing it for at least thirty years; they used to go and buy a couple of old nails at a car auction, both with a bit of MOT left, insure them; then do as nogginator describes above or just stage a crash between themselves.
A lot of insurance companies now just pay them £1200 each just to get rid of them and so they don’t take the claim further. Imagine the cost of that? When there are 4 or 5 of them in a car and they all get that amount each or even more money
It is yet another example of totally under reported and mainly unchallenged criminality carried out by Ropers (file next to “grooming” gangs and FGM). There are bent Roper doctors, solicitors and folk who help file the claims for them, all in on these scams.
That’s why car insurance in the U.K. is so much higher than it should be – to pay for these crooked c**ts.
Ropers, generally, have a seemingly unceasing proclivity for corruption.
Decided to have a look a RT this morning for a break from the dreary relentless tedium of albbc
Now i know RT aint perfect or anywhere near it
But while RT were featuring evidence of Turkey……remember them… me Dave’s mates and EU wannabes……conspiring directly with IS to smuggle oil and artifacts out of Syria and a money trail to back it up
The morons on al bbc?Lets count how many birds are in our gardens……I ask you
Dunno about the birds in the garden,but there are a couple of right tits on the sofa
Donald Trump, according to the BBC Today programme, has carried out a “U turn” has “rowed back from a statement” and this is “a first” and is highly significant, especially as it was about the “live rail” and “womens issue of abortion”.
They then played a clip of the interview.
What it sounded like to me was Trump was harassed into speaking off the cuff….usual media tactic of constant interruption being employed…..and he then, later, issued a perfectly reasonable clarification of his policy position.
What strikes me is that politicians in general, need to get a grip, after the first interruption they should make clear that further interruptions mean the interview is terminated. The medias inflated opinion of its own importance needs taking down.
In a democracy it is imperative that we hear what those seeking power are about, but this should not be subject to the bias of the media institution or the individual reporters style of interviewing varying depending on the identity of the interviewee. Close questioning on policy is fine, constant goading and interruption, used selectively, is bias.
In this argument Trump should have simply replied, with the question to the journo, “who do you think voters would hold responsible for the death of an individual unborn child?” then advised against further interruption.
Someone posted on here recently that the media would attack Trump on “women’s issues” to strengthen Clintons campaign, sorry I can’t remember who you were, but you were very prescient. I hope the Donald is being well advised on how to close off this avenue of attack.
Donald Trump is not a politician which is one of the really good things about him .A more practiced politician would have evaded or given a stock PC answer so as not to offend anyone.
As I understand it the host asked a hypothetical question and kept pushing for answers, but the media is only showing one small clip and giving the impression he wants to criminalise women .BBC leading the lunch time news with it despite a Steel crisis and the death of Ronnie Corbett. What the heck has it got to do with the UK.
Through Sky I have been watching American TV and its eye opening to see the concerted attacks on Trump from all sides ,vested interests are everywhere and obvious.I don’t know if he will win ,but either way the USA is not in a good place.
I totally agree. At least Trump answered the question.
If the host asked David Cameron that question his answer would have an awkward face whilst saying “look….I have always believed, along with the Tories, that everyone has their rights and that includes a right to own a home, a secure job and a NHS that cares. That is why the Tories have increased spending on the NHS by 3.21%, we have introduced 4.7 billion new apprentice jobs and we remain on track to delivering a strong economy… blah blah (3 minutes later) blah blah… and that is what you get with a Tory government” (smug face walk away).
Daily dose of Brexit scaremongering. bbc.con so confident that sarcasm now plays a part, and I quote
“But if confidence takes a knock – if, for example, there’s a sterling crisis or other economic shock – then those foreign investors may be a little more reluctant to buy those bonds. In which case, those foreign investors may demand higher interest rates, which may well get passed on. Now can anyone think of any scenarios like that?”
Who are they trying to kid? The Bank of England is buying the government’s worthless bonds, just like the Fed is doing in the US and the ECB is in the Eurozone. The whole economic structure is a house of cards, because governments simply will not live within their means.
Thankfully we can replace them all with hundreds of asylum seekers who can dance round the landmines while kicking any woman who dares to wander by.
To be fair, would make football much cheaper…but there`d be no internationals because they`d all be Syrian…this week.
Does that mean England’s football team might one day become English?
Let’s be honest England have done nothing since becoming a multicultural team.
No black players in 1966!
Have to disagree, Jerry. Crap English football has been an equal opportunities employer for some decades now.
I also feel quite proud to see young black lads enjoying the game, pulling on the England shirt and singing the national anthem – integration, in other words.
By contrast, next time you watch a Leicester City home game on TV keep an eye on the ethnic make-up of the crowd – hideously white.
Dare I say it. I used to love the black and white minstrel show when I was a child. Any racial overtones did not occur to me . I loved the glitz of the costumes and sets.
This clip is a classic ,but you’re right ,BBC won’t show it unless its as part of a programme on the racism of the British in the 70s and 80’s or some such rubbish.
And we cut our throats don`t we?
A whole generation or two now know nothing about Al Jolson and his role in bringing music, film and performance to the whole world.Indispensable.
A Jewish lad who conquered the entire scale of US entertainment that we sill live with today.
Am tempted to say that the BBC have written him out of history because he WAS Jewish…but, there again, their history of the earth only starts with Hamburg and the Silver Beatles.
As if Michael Jackson couldn`t have learned a lot had he known of Mario Lanzas life .
The BBC are narrowing the spectrum as we live-best to become versed in the pre-Beatles era before it`s taken away from us as “social history”
Since Der Luegenpresse no longer report anything even close to truth anymore, it is vital that all of us are able to read between the lines and to address the photos they print for the real truth.
So it was with Stephen Lawrence and the appalling black power salute, and later Alan Henning with his ISIS sign. In my town the local Labour MP has been to a Mosque lighting candles for the victims of the bombing in Lahore (note only for Pakistan) along with platitudes about peace, and condemnation.
It is only when you take a close look at the photo you see the candles on the table are a row of 9 by 6 making 54 well short of total of 70 killed in the Pakistani park.
It’s only from deeper digging that you find there were 14 Christians killed and 12 unidentified that you realise that these treacherous bastards have only commemorated the proven Muslim dead, while leaving everyone else out! And the Labour MP was lighting these candles !
Fair do’s to the paper because they might not have been aware, but when it was pointed out to them, you would have thought that they’d at least allow comment to point that out – nah!
Better for them a pretence of ‘solidarity’ and ‘cohesion’ when there is none what so ever, and for me it just shows there are no depths to which the Muslim scum won’t plumb.
Imagine if there had been a church service which only commemorated the Christian dead? The Fascists would have gone up the wall spitting their hate words isms & phobias all over !
Alan Henning is the very embodiment of the useful idiot required by Islam of its kuffar.
If only ONE useful idiot who thinks Islam is a religion of peace could have this picture above, alongside him kneeling in his jumpsuit -then we`d not need to bang on about taqiyya.
Two pictures worth 1000 words..`fraid not…144 raisins at best.
Agreed. Alan was just a taxi driver from Salford who thought he was helping his muslim “friends”. I am sure it never crossed his mind that the muslims would bite the hand that was literally feeding them. It’s too late for him to learn his lesson, but it is an insult to his memory for the rest of us to fail to heed it.
I think anyone reading this must be concerned for the mental well being for whoever posts at Thoughful.
There are no breakdown figures of the religions of those killed at Lahore, but the death rate is over 70. So much for your digging. If most of those killed were Muslim that runs counter to EVERY newspaper article that says it was aimed at Christians.
You are now reading hidden meanings in candles in a picture. There is no end to the misery you will cause yourself if you pursue this line, that everything is a conspiracy. It isn’t.
Noticed this in local news, no BBC yet, CCTV in Rotherham taxi s by July, the BBC did report 100s Rotherham taxi drivers threaten to strike over CCTV, that was last June … there s something funny even about that, my mum lives in a town roughly the same size, there are two taxi firms too … there are definitely NOT 100s of taxi drivers.
There is no bloody no excuse for any protest over CCTV anyway
First, any suspected criminality will put a person there or give an alibi to the driver!, and secondly they will pay taxes based on their true income not dodgy cash economy as they presently enjoy.
The Express reports that the BBC is in production of a new series of Porridge with a chap called Kevin Bishop (me neither) playing the part of Fletch’s grandson, all set in a ‘modern’ male prison.
What’s the betting that this will be the only current BBC production with a wholly white cast, apart that is from the Mackay/Barraclough authority figures and long suffering wives and girlfriends?
Now this would be ripe for a comedy wouldn`t it?
The Radical Islam gangs and the wimpy vicar, the Jedi vegan, pagans wishing to worship the nearby hillock.
Tellies and selfies, drugs parties, drones and more drugs.
Barraclough now the Home Office Minister, Mackay regarded as the very face of evil, compared to these enlightened days.
School party visits, people breaking out for the weekend, body doubles doing the time for the celebrity.
No chance of any of THIS getting made-just as there`s no chance of anything to stick into the eyes of the NHS, the arse of comprehensives.
The BBC will only find a gag about Donald Trump or UKIP .
Geoff, I bet you’re right – unless it makes all the porridgers truly lovable rogues – then perhaps the could admit some non-European faces. Didn’t you laugh at the BBC re-make of The Survivors – where a random group of the remaining 10% of British society was made up of a black man, an arab, an Indian boy, a Scots woman, an English criminal (murderer? – who at least was the sort of hero), a mentally ill girl (as far as I remember) – and the surviving politician was a black woman. I know there are a lot of these other races here but that’s pushing the chances to unbelievable extremes – all in the name of multiculturalism!
Interesting comment Geoff. As I read somewhere that (like the U.S.) whites are becoming the minority in Britain’s jails, but the Beeb don’t “do” reality do they.
Just seen that Dame Zaha Hadid has died.
Typical BBC luvvie, arab, feminist and generally perceived to be crap at her job.
Football stadiums, shopping malls…in both cases for the usual grandees where Human rights is a laugh….Qatar, China etc.
Wasn`t she the spunky, plucky gal who blew Sarah Montagues lazy cliched questions a few months ago-and cut the interview early.
SO-a surprise to hear her on Desert Island Discs only a month ago.
Can only hope that she refused to sip from Kirsty Youngs Green Japanese Tea, as enriched by Sarah Montague.
I shall-for balance-give you BOTH sides of this story-a tosser, but she shafted Sarah-so God smiles surely on her!
I do hope all the good posters here are marking “Transgender Day of Visibility” today, Channel 4 are with a new announcer, how long before ‘she’ appears on the BBC, guest presenter on the One Show maybe?
Happy Transgender Day Everybody!
Charity shops are closed now-but shall we all raid the dressing up boxes tomorrow, and claim we`re radicals-as opposed to snooping round the wifes laundry bags `cos we`re a bit-you know-pervy, fruity or whatever diagnoses are on the Weirdo Sex Scale…Mick Logan across to Adrian Street maybe?
One story that the BBC would never have run at the weekend…and we`ll not hear it ever again.
Only anti-English cliched bullying and prejudices from the usual suspects.
Liverpools “Irish Cultural Studies” course full of old Poly lecturers won`t be dealing with it either. For those of us who either lived there or who know the Irish-this story would surprise nobody, despite the “same sex bollox”.
Ignorance and racism can go deep.
There was an interesting point made by an ex-steelworker from Scunthorpe on Toady, he basically said that the problem with Tata taking over the company was that all it did was “transfer knowledge to Indian steel works” i.e. the information about all the different steels etc that had been built up through the decades.
There was no follow up to his point by the either of the beeboids in the studio of course.
I might have misremembered here (to use a Clintonism) but isn’t part of this problem us exporting our ‘carbon’ liability to those countries who couldn’t give a stuff how much coal they burn?
Radio Wales interview regarding the possibilities of saving the steel works in Port Talbot, S Wales.
The lady asks (words to the affect) ‘is Port Talbot worse off because we are in the EU, as the UKIP spokesman said on here yesterday.’ Then she added, ‘though I suppose he would say that wouldn’t he?’ Oddly, no Radio Wales interviewer has ever added that phrase to any of the inane nonsense a green spokesperson dribbles out on the program.
The gentleman replied with ‘not necessarily.’ Then with the logic of a slightly drunk amoeba went onto list all the direct reasons the EU is responsible for the demise of the UK steel works:
1. He pointed out how countries outside the EU, like the US, stopped the Chinese dumping their steel on them the way a dog dumps its shit next to an uncomplaining lamppost.
2. How the EU moves at the speed of a post office queue (my words, but he did say it could take years to negotiate a deal in the EU whereas the US had done it in two weeks.)
3. How France and Italy illegally subsidise their steel industries by calling the payments: environmental, for future development, etc
4. How France and Italy have a ‘fuck you’ (my words) attitude to being admonished by the EU when they break its rules.
There were other points. He could have been a contributor here, indeed he and the UKIP guy from the previous day would get on like long lost brothers.
The lady never picked up on any of the points nor asked why he had said ‘not necessarily’ at the start. All his arguments demonstrated that the EU have shafted the UK steel industry the way school bullies steal the dinner money from the more compliant, feeble minded kiddies.
Anything to report from Labour, the Welsh Assembly types like Rhodrhi Morgan?
Or the role of Kinnocks dad in the EU and Ed Milibands Green taxes on our leccy?
I used to live in North Wales and lovely it was too. Interestingly, people like Rhodri Morgan were detested by the genuine Welsh. The reason being, his kind were blow ins who saw Wales as an easy place to carve out a political career. One of the local papers carried a story about these outsiders exploiting their Welsh ancestry. Rhodri Morgan was born in Manchester as Robert Morgan. Wonder why he changed his Christian name?
Now there is lovely.
Not sure whether that is an attempt at humour Steve Jones. I have been struggling to get through a Stewart Lee show so my sense of comedy is lost.
Rhodri Morgan was born in Cardiff not Manchester and originally called Hywel Rhodri Morgan and not Robert. If you have facts to say otherwise then please share as I am intrigued at that story.
Bugger, you have likely holed one of my favourite dinner party stories below the waterline. My post was a recollection of an article I read in a newspaper when living on Anglesey about 15 years ago. The Rhodri Morgan bit stuck because I found it hilarious. Didn’t do any subsequent research so you could well be right. Will do some digging and see if I can find the article.
Hooray for Greater Manchester. It’s going to get control over £6 billion of health and social care spending from now on. Back to local control, just as occurred when local government got going in the late Victorian and Edwardian eras . A step back for Whitehall Knows Best.
Is the BBC happy too? Not when it relies on the biased, socialist and centralising views of its home affairs editor Mark Easton. This man has so much form on spewing out left wing bias, it’s untrue. His distaste at what is happening in Manchester in this evenings TV news was palpable. ‘no wonder’ he said, ‘ that a cynical eyebrow has to be raised ‘. But should a reporter major on that or offer some balance in his comments ? No he just left it to the interviewees from Manchester to defend themselves and provide an alternative view to his own.
If Easton is against Manchester getting control of health care then it must because he knows what the Tories are planning and how inept at financial management Labour are.
By this time next year Manchester will have had a month of the NHS crying about under funding, with operations cancelled and critical functions lessened and maybe closed.
The following year with all the borrowing will see the NHS in absolute crisis, and the year after that bankruptcy with Labour claiming the Tories didn’t give them enough money (and an infinite amount wouldn’t be enough!) and the Tories pointing out Labours mismanagement.
It’s a nonsense story…the policy is already in operation…in Whitehall…..the ringfencing of NHS and schools budgets means other departments take the hits, for the good of the nation….and listen to them squeal…….will it be any different in Manchester? No.
The Tories would only be of some use, if they had already rejected the liberal left and green blancmange that they inexplicably choose to sit in.
What ever happened to blue water between themselves, and those united in trashing and hounding every damn thing that they do?
Politically inexcusable-we all KNOW the rage felt for the liberal elite, which is why a Trump does well.
Even why a Jew baiting cabbage like Steptoe-Corbyn gets elected to garrotte his party.
Don`t the Tories pay their oafs, suckups and camper van followers enough or something?
Whatever the Tories do to throw fish to the BBC seals, Labours jellyfish and green mossheads…it will NEVER-repeat NEVER ,be wanted or enough by the lefty liberal scum.
For they are the wrong people to give out unearned taxes for the next fifty years-only Labour give the righteous benediction of other peoples money.
They want LEFTIES to throw the fish, they want power-not a chance to groom poor kids in the Surestart( that comes once they`re in power).
Wake up Tory dumbells…unless you`re TORY , and hate labour as much as they hate you, as long as you do the posh manners crap as the BBC spit on your spats, and try to get your kids into bed…you`ll barely be worth the bother.
And then we get Corbyn and his boiled socks, and torchlight processions.
Was looking forward the One Show’s tribute to the great Ronnie Corbett, but who we get presenting it? Bloody Citizen Khan and Billy Cottons Great Niece, neither really old enough to remember or having the kudos to interview greats like Barry Cryer.
Reading Sky news on my computer, a headline is …Trump is sorry over ‘outrageous’ comment on abortion.
Interestingly nowhere in the article does Trump say he is sorry, and of course I guessed he didn’t as sorry wasn’t written as a quote ‘sorry’.
However ‘outrageous’ was in quotes. At a fleeting glance one could be forgiven for thinking he had apologised for his outrageous comment, thus flagellating himself, but nowhere does he refer to being outrageous.
The quote ‘outrageous’ is therefore from sky itself clearly showing bias.
The headline therefore is totally inaccurate, he doesn’t apologize and he doesn’t think his comment is outrageous.
Clearly Sky is the limit!
As far as I can understand it, in response to a hypothetical question in which abortion was illegal (which will not happen), Trump conceded that the woman having the abortion would be treated as a criminal. Well, shock horror, if abortion was an illegal act, she would be taking part in it. Of course she would be criminalised, but it’s not going to happen.
Trump’s intellectual honesty was the problem here. He answers questions honestly as he sees it. Experienced political slime like Hillary Clinton have spent a lifetime never answering a question, and indeed rarely being asked a difficult question by the leftist press establishment. The Secretary of State keeps top secret emails on an insecure private server? Now that really is a crime, but not, it seems, when you are a Clinton.
Had the BBC News sound turned down as this story took up ten minutes a new minutes ago.
Do`nt need to listen to it…just noted the order of who said what, straplines and “reinforcing the message”.
Ladt here looking cross-Jon Sopel looking sad, but saying whatever he did in sorrow more than anger.
Then banners Of Bernie Flanders, and a strapline about Hillary Clinton responding to Trumps comments.
Don`t even know or care what they were and are-hes killed nobody in Benghazi,he didnt give guns to Mexican caretsl to kill his own border guard, and is not billing us for his every word, a sleazy partner and a family on the make.
When will they ever have a strapline abot TRump repsonding to something that Clinton said-like “what is consensual sex” “why do you imagine that you went to places and faced guns that you never did”-and “how do your emails match up with all your Wall St donations then?”
Still-good to watch the clunken headed efforts to give us the total wraparound message.
They don`t like Donald…and that`s news?
But he`ll sweep them all into Clintons pork pie hat….sure of it.
What Sky and BBC/Left have to say re Trump has no influence on US voters. But it’s a joy to watch.
The joy is almost as significant as when BBC/Labour lost the General Election last year. The look on their combined faces when the Exit Polls were returned at 9.55pm!!
Dover Sentry
BBC and Sky have lots of influence over American voters living here, that is the real purpose of their repetitive ‘controversial Trump’ headlines.
I wonder why the U.K. abstained on the E.U. vote to put tariffs on steel imports from China?
Oh! Now I remember – because Gideon is borrowing lots of money from them, to give to the French to build a new nuclear power station for us here in Blighty.
This proves the BBC doesn’t have a general problem mentioning the religion of criminals, they just have a problem mentioning a certain religions criminal activities.
“Officials hunting 1,000 London boys in illegal schools”
Below the caption, a picture of 2 jewish men. Are they the officials? I need to find out how to do a screen shot.
Hunting! They like a bit of boy hunting at the BBC.
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Posted this right at the start of the thread
“BBC -Teachers warn extremism policy prevents open debate
” Teachers fear the loss of a “spirit of openness” in how students can talk about ideas Annual conference in Brighton heard warnings that the counter-radicalisation policy was stopping teachers from discussing “challenging ideas” with their pupils”.
Woah! you can almost feel a R4 Toady exclusive, or a Newsnight special coming on.
Any mention on that implementation of the Islamic history option, by the Dept of Education? given it preferential onus at all? … even over our own history
… which proves that Islam is a political force with a political agenda in our own schools. any mention of that? … that’s pretty extreme, and no discussion about it at all. No … didn t think so.”
Well … a little update
“A legal duty on teachers to promote so-called British values was passed two years ago after the “Trojan Horse” controversy.
However, teachers argue “fundamental British values” set an “inherent cultural supremacism, particularly in the context of multicultural schools and the wider picture of migration”.
The motion, which was passed at the NUT’s annual conference in Brighton, also calls for a campaign to promote “policies that welcome migrants and refugees into Britain” and called on members to “gather and collate materials on migrants and refugees” to be used in schools.”
Teaching children fundamental British values is act of ‘cultural supremacism – Telegraph
… any idea how the BBC would play it?
So as to avoid ‘‘cultural supremacism’, we could make it a requirement that the teacher of each class be a recent national of the country of origin of the majority of the children.
That would mean sacking most of the existing teachers though.
Just as worrying is the fact that the ‘teachers’ are meeting up with Doctors to discuss joint strike action.
The left have been agitating for a general strike since the Tories won the election, anyone who thinks the ‘teachers’ and Doctors have a duty of care to those they are charged with needs to wake up, this is naked old fashioned and actually in reality defunct to most people, class war.
Jerry, actually I think the doctors have a case. But the teachers ? Would anyone notice if they went on strike ? Would it make any difference to childrens’ education ?
The doctors have no case at all!. The dispute is not about patient safety but about the Doctors wanting even more money for working week end rostas.
Double, and they deserve it ! They save lives ! They should certainly be paid more than politicians who are ignorant and endanger lives. And certainly more than journalists !
Grant. I have two friends who both have daughters who are doctors (note daughters not sons). At the time they both went to medical college I was told it was because they both wanted to cure people – now their mothers are explaining how they are really badly paid and tell me about their basic pay. However when one was offered extra weekend work, her mother told me excitedly how a quite a large sum would help pay off her mortgage. I said ‘note daughters’ because I don’t think it will be long before either of them want to go part time – and it costs the same to train a part time doctor as a full time one.
I also fail to understand why if there are X number of ill people in this country why we cannot treat them fully at a weekend at the same cost as treating them during the week, ie that we shouldn’t need any extra doctors or nurses – there are the same number of people requiring treatment. A friend has recently come out of a three week stint in hospital and she described a very quiet environment at weekends ie no scans, physio etc. The hospital was not functioning at the same level it was doing Monday to Friday.
Deborah, I quite agree with you, but I believe that doctors should be paid more than NHS managers, politicians and journalists all of whom make little contribution to society .
Politicians like Tony BLiar perhaps who was paid such a paltry amount during his time as PM that he looked to other sources of income to shore up his earnings.
Pay peanuts to intelligent people and you invite corruption!
A trainee doctor second year is on around £45K minimum – you show me any other training job which pays that kind of money!
A district judge – bottom rung of the judiciary is on around £140K, more than most doctors and politicians. At the end of the day nothing of any value is produced what so ever !
There is no real accounting for the amounts paid to people in respect of the work they do, but Doctors in the UK are some of the highest paid in the world!
Try running a hospital without any management (and there aren’t that many managers) and you’ll soon find out the value of having them there !
More nonsense from the Thoughless one.Rather than check his facts he makes up a number. The actual payscales are here:
You may note that a Junior Doctor in his second year is paid £31,748.
To get £45K he would have to have been a Registrar with 8 years service, probably aged mid thirties in most cases.
Hardly a big payment for someone who might save your life one day.
So where’s the money going to come from? What would you cut to pay for your magnanimity with taxpayers’ money?
Two mates of mine are retired GPs. When they were doing their training as junior doctors they got one-third pay for any additional hours over 40. They knew the value of the training and that rewards would come later. And they had a great time doing it.
And don’t forget early retirement and the big, fat public sector pension at the end of it (unfunded public sector pension commitments now standing at £1.3 trillion).
Anyway, if they are to be believed they will all be fucking off to Australia soon where pay is much more lucrative in their hybrid public/private health care system. ‘Save our NHS’? They’re avin’ a larf, just like their Corbynista union leaders.
Funny how people are so insulting when they type on the internet isn’t it?
I shall prove with the aid of figures NOT taken from a website with a point to prove !
A junior doctor is paid an absolute minimum of £31748, but you (or your source) have conveniently omitted the fact that with all of the supplements, and bonuses, no one in practice actually receives that amount.
Just working outside the 40 hour week alone can attract a 50% bonus on top of the basic salary which gives a figure of £47622 ! And that’s not the only salary supplement available!
According to Wikipedia ” While the basic starting salary for doctors in speciality training is £30,002 NHS Employers were reporting that average earnings in this group of doctors was nearly £53,000.”
So if anything I’ve been rather conservative in my figures !
That reply was almost Scotensian/Jerrodian in reply, same tactic or same person?
LDV = Londonistan Defence Volunteer ?
NHS managers, politicians and journalists may well be paid more than they are worth but that doesn’t mean that doctors are underpaid. I think if your idea were to be implemented it would be just another step along the road to a communist planned economy. What’s missing from all the jobs you mention is a free market where people are paid what the market decides. In just the same way the bbc are not part of a free market, rather there’s is more akin to extortion which in a sane world would lead to prosecution of the perpetrators.
John, If that is what you think, then fine . I do not see doctors as a communist threat .
John, If that is what you think, then fine . I do not see doctors as a communist threat
I think you have misunderstood what I’m trying to say. Let me put it another way, do you think doctors should be paid more than professional footballers?
Lots of people saves lives. It’s just emotionalism to single out doctors. A line has to be drawn somewhere and it should have been drawn way before GPs were given the ridiculous settlement they got from Blair.
I am not overwhelmed by the doctors save lives argument. They need careful watching to stop them, by act or omission, from taking lives. The emotionalism displayed in support of shroud waving doctors has contributed to their arrogance and indifference to the results of their errors.
That is very much my opinion (and experience) G.W.F. Lollipop men and women save lives, too. Should we pay them £100,000 a year?
Other people don’t save lives every day.
Whilst in hospital it was a young registrar who worried about me over the weekend who came in too see me as he was ‘just passing’ the hospital that probably saved my life.
You don’t forget that.
Oh and he was a muslim. Or was he a doctor first?
LDV, About 18 months ago , it was Doctors and Nurses who saved my life and also my leg from amputation. But they still get paid less than useless NHS “managers” and politicians !
How do their wages compare with Al Beeb employees wages ?
LDV – so what? Didn’t you wonder how many rellies he’s brought over who’ve never paid into the system and are now getting free healthcare?
Oh, and when I was in hospital visiting my newborn grandson last year the only Muslim mother on the ward was in her own side room, resplendent in full burqa.
It does not matter if the doctor is Muslim or not. However, doctors in the UK are well paid, and Muslim doctors, specially from third world countries, are lucky to get the salaries they get in the UK. In Pakistan, they would get around a tenth. That is why so many are desperate to come to the West. They are not doing us a favour.
I know a few members of RNLI lifeboat crews and of mountain rescue teams that save lives at risk to their own, every day and for no wage whatsoever .
Your call .
I am afraid I totally disagree with you.
The junior doctors wrap up this dispute in the oh so moral ‘it’s all about the patients’, no it isn’t.
First off Blair gave them a 31% pay rise in his tenure, they have now been offered 13% more and that still isn’t enough.
Remember ‘junior doctors’ are doing an apprenticeship, no more no less. In the real world where I live apprentices notoriously get very very low pay, in return they learn a trade.
These Junior doctors in time will become very big earners at the expense of us taxpayers with a final salary pension pot that self employed people like me will never have.
In short public sector workers need to thank the private sector for their fortunate monetary remunerations not hold us to ransom. This strike one of many tedious ones by all accounts is about fighting a democratically elected government.
In short teachers and doctors earn very good salaries.
Jerry, you are free to disagree. Of course. Do you think that teachers and doctors should be paid less than politicians, journalists and NHS ” Managers ” ?
OK , how about this.. Nigel Farage should be paid more than a doctor and teacher because to me his value to my country is far greater than the other two.
However a good doctor or teacher should be paid more than Merkel who is destroying Europe.
Or to put it another way you simply cannot compare like with like.
There are some pretty ‘dark forces’ at work in the doctor’s dispute – highly politically motivated individuals with an agenda. Naturally, the BBC has chosen not to investigate this.
…But they have allowed them into the Question Time audience to hi-jack the discussion.
BBC busy absolving themselves from blame – but the real likelihood is that they were invited, and by the same team that invite all the QT audiences. How else could anyone expect them to fulfil their task of molding public opinion – together with the weekly think-tank of Guardiani which does not, of course, nudge nudge, wink wink, occur?
GC, possibly but I have no idea why any junior doctors stay in the UK anyway. It must be hell working in the NHS. Much better pay, conditions and weather in Australia. It must also be awful having to deal with a moron like Jeremy Hunt !
Because, thanks to Blair, once you qualify as a GP, providing you are willing to work like a robot on a car assembly line, the pay is fabulous for relatively little work.
GC, what is the basic pay for a junior doctor ?
It depends, but it is less than £50 k in England . After 6 years qualifying , about £30-35 K . Much better value than politicians , I think ! I do not know how much Jeremy Hunt is paid for being useless but I imagine his expense claims exceed a junior doctor’s salary !
Junior doctors are junior doctors. They know full well that as they move on the returns can be quite remarkable with some GPs currently earning in excess of £100,000 per annum and with only a fraction of the responsibilities GPs had previously borne.
GC , and good luck to them ! They deserve it. But they should be paid more than politicians, NHS managers and journalists, in my opinion ! Anyway, they can always emigrate which is what I would do . We can always import African witch doctors to replace them !
We are already doing that. You don’t believe some of those foreign medical qualifications are actually worth anything, do you?
GC, I cant see the reply button for some reason. But yes, I feel there is no scrutiny of immigrant doctors. I see the other side of it in Gambia where Africans genuinely qualify in Europe and N. America then come back to Gambia and cheat their own people for money. They even sell the medicines to their patients. Penicillin for period pains anyone ? We are very lucky with our doctors and nurses !!! And they should be paid more than politicians !
Grant and GCooper, The reply button has gone away. Immigrant doctors do require careful scrutiny. Especially those who are currently revealing deficiencies with the English language and are being rushed through courses to enable them to communicate with English speaking patients.
But this reveals a more serious gap. For the most part medical knowledge is communicated through books and journals that are published in English and a basic requirement for a medical student would be to be examined on knowledge derived from up to date published research. But if they cannot read the relevant material their examinations are obviously lacking the required standards
It cost around half a million pounds to train a junior doctor. We pay for their training to become amongst the highest paid in any professional public sector job.
And guess what.. they don’t have to pay it back.
Your analogy between doctors and politicians really doesn’t stack up as they have nothing in common and of course a politician can lose his job overnight by a fickle electorate.
GC – I think you’re confusing “Junior Doctors” with GP’s……………..the people striking work in hospitals and the term “Junior Doctors” refers to any position below Consultant level; the GP’s work in General Practice and have nothing to do with the strike.
No, I assure you I am not confused at all. Most of those junior doctors will move on to extremely lucrative positions, some as GPs, who are, IMNSHO, frequently overpaid. Consultants, likewise.
What is happening is that a relatively small, politically motivated, group has taken hold of a situation and, in this case, is playing the ‘hard done by us’ card when, in point of fact, the pay and conditions enjoyed by junior doctors are very good in historical terms and extremely good in potential.
“Much better pay, conditions and weather in Australia”
But the place is full of Australians.
Much better pay, conditions and weather in Australia.
And a hybrid public/private healthcare system. Presumably doctors can conveniently forget their ‘Save our NHS’ principles if the money’s right.
As they say – a strike would have a catastrophic effect on the Tories. Forward comrades – Junior Doctors, the BMA, reach out to the wider union movement.
Click to access Junior%20Doctors’%20Strike%20OUTSIDE%20LONDON%20090316%20UPDATE.pdf
You have nailed, it G.W.F. Those are some of the ‘dark forces’ I alluded to earlier
Something I learned when working within the NHS, and is never publicised, is, ‘how come there are SO many ‘managers’ within the NHS ?’ . I was gobsmacked when I knew how the ‘system’ worked.
Dig a little deeper and you’ll find that many of the ‘managers’ are in fact one time nurses ! A nurse can only go so far in her career and pay-grade – so what to do ? she cant get a higher salary and is too young to retire. So, a Management Course is undertaken, and the nurse is no longer part of the medical team, but becomes part of the Admin Department. By going down this route they are salary upgraded on a regular basis, promotion is a reality, and a good pension is waiting when they do eventually retire.
I did challenge this system during my time in the NHS, – being a lifelong skilled Secretary I would never in a million years consider myself proficient to work on a Ward just because I worked in a hospital, so why would a nurse of many years standing think they could stroll into an admin job after going on a Course or two ? They are two entirely different professions, but it happens, on a regular basis.
And thereby is the reason there are so many Managers and so few Nurses in the NHS.
Brissles, so true. In the NHS , the people doing the real work are the Doctors, Nurses, cleaners and supporting staff. The rest are a bunch of wasters .
Love that banner ‘Strikes can beat austerity’.
Ha ha.
Oh dear.
Every bBBC ‘news’ item about doctors shows them chanting “save our NHS”. What they really mean is “keep our lifelong gravy train where we’re going to be very highly paid in an organisation that’s arranged for our benefit”.
In 1948 doctors were against the NHS until Nye Bevan, in his own words, “stuffed their mouths with gold.” They have been the most enthusiatic socialists ever since.
If you do not like doctors, get rid of them and do it yourself ! LOL !
Jealousy ? I think so !
Nye Bevan certainly wasn’t jealous of the doctors, he simply paid them off. He and his wife were the original champagne socialists.
Internecine Class War then, Jerry, because in the good old days teachers & doctors were anything but working class. As usual, the ordinary working men & women – at work – get messed up by it. Please see below.
Grant, a teaching strike if widespread enough, could paralyse the country. Teachers these days are State Enrolled Childminders and if there are insufficient of them to keep the Healthy & Safe-to Inspectors together with the School Insurance Companies satisfied, then a Head has no choice but to close their school.
Target the right schools with 100% strike and you could empty the House of Commons if it is sitting at that time. Or maybe not.
The State would probably cough up for extra nannies to be provided.
Reesponse to Nogginator’s opening post
Get this into the stupid teachers heads. Some cultures are more supreme than others. Some cultures are downright appalling – Nazi, Communist, Jihadist, need we go on. Tell the teachers that whoever taught them about cultural relativism at the Polyversity were wrong.
Next, start sacking teachers who actually believe that the requirement to teach British values is racist.
Require that all teachers are made aware of the fact that race and culture are not identical. And require them to understand that combating racism does not involve maintaining the equality of cultures.
Launch an investigation into the quality and educational merits of teacher training courses.
Start a campaign to ridicule the NUT and its banner waving Trots.
When you have teachers telling kids “Left is good, Right is bad”, you know things have to change.
Sadly, Michael Gove, who was the man to do it, got a swift kick in the nuts from Cameron and NiMo was drafted in to save the day.
That would be the Education Secretary Nicky Morgan who is appealing to ‘young people’ to educate their parents and grandparents that being part of the EU is what is best for Britain.
After me Nicky: ‘We don’t need no education, we don’t need no’……go on Nicky, on your own now, what comes next…?
I think that the ability for schools to be able to sack bad teachers is at the root of the government plans to turn all schools into academies; and so take them out of local authority control.
It’s just a pity they won’t also turn half of them into selective grammar schools too.
Even the bBBC, in a 2010 Panorama, reported that bad and failing teachers numbered around 15,000 out of the total of around 500,000, but fewer than 20 teachers had been sacked in 40 years.
The lunatics run the asylum!
That’s correct; what’s needed is monoculture; ie our culture; with multi ethnicity. But if you want to live here amongst us, adopt our culture otherwise I’m sure there’s another country that would be better suited to you. After all immigrants have somewhere else to go to, their own country, whereas we have one country, this one. Our country which our forefathers gave their lives to defend and most of us aren’t about to surrender it to the collectivists and their muslim useful idiots.
There’s an important update from David Keighley’s BBC News-watch on Conservative Woman this morning. It’s recommended reading for all those concerned about the BBC’s bias in favour of the ‘remain’ campaign.
“My sister, in her 60’s and her husband, an educated ex national sales manager for a well known company will not allow anything to be said about immigration and are both very pro the EU, blinded by cheap holidays and the wonders of foreign food and culture. ”
I can see your point on your earlier comments about the older voter. I am in my 60’s and have done a rough straw poll on my family and friends of similar age. The majority want OUT for a variety of reasons not least the migration ‘problem’. However, the few that want IN and take a ‘live and let live’ attitude, are lovely people, but the sort who never want to rock the boat, don’t swear and assume that “that nice Mr Cameron must know what he’s doing”. They are part of the generation who thought it rude to go against the grain, are mild mannered and want the status quo to remain – providing an Asian family doesn’t move in as neighbours !!! Just watch any who are interviewed on the street, they rarely have very strong views as they go to pick up the grandkids from school – THAT’S their world I find it sad to say.
I fully concur with the “that nice Mr Cameron” thing, however I stand by my original comment in that the later Baby Boomers and the early Generation X’ers (45’s to late 50s) will be more likely to vote out than the over 65’s as will the over 80’s.
My reasons as stated is that the majority of that age group, as you say don’t want to rock the boat and in all honesty have probably had the best of things?
Lol. Very good ,reminds me why I no longer listen to it.
LOL ! This is the first time I heard of him. Brilliant ! Superb piss-take of the BBC. Should be shown in all our schools but won’t be !
Good find.
Thanks very much – I have not laughed so much in ages! The parody of the afternoon play is so accurate that I bet somebody is writing it for real as we speak!
He could do one of these every day based on that day’s offerings. Never be out of material or work.
I don’t know if the BBC covered this ground breaking story last night but SKY did.
Apparently Trumps’ campaign has hit big trouble because a female reporter got a bruise about four inches long on her likkle wickle army waarmy due apparently to one of Trumps aids pulling her back, a story with scant evidence and no overall point.
However it made the top three in Sky’s six o’clock news…. meanwhile the Brussels story is finished no mention of it at all. Not even any mention of the disgusting left wing filth that were photographed ( on Breitbart ) trampling on the candle memorial to the dead, and immigrants trampling on the Israeli flag whilst holding a Palestinian flag up.
I did see the BBC South Today doing it’s bit for AGW though, I think they needed to remind us lest we think it’s actually quite cold in reality.
Sadly, Sky and the BBC are more or less indistinguishable politically – whatever the rabid Left likes to pretend.
Not only are you right, the same holds increasingly true for ITV, most especially since Tom Bradby adopted his starring role – and he was once genuinely impartial.
Yes, they did. I have to say that, having seen the police video and trying my best to look at it impartially, I can’t see what the fuss is about. People on other forums have said the bruises on her lower arm don’t correspond to where her arm was held, and it does look to me like he takes her upper arm, but in all honesty I couldn’t make out enough detail to be sure. Whatever, the charge seems to me highly politically-motivated and I’d imagine if it’s seen as such by the American public it could backfire on the authorities.
Given it was a story worthy of coverage, it actually didn’t strike me as one of the BBC’s worst. The reporter wondered if it would harm Trump’s campaign but conceded that nothing else has. Rather different to this website report, which seems to be hoping it will.
Interestingly, it all seems to have gone very quiet this morning.
Roland, the Al Beeb knew exactly what they were doing. The words “assault, police, Trump” in the first couple of paragraphs are placed to cause maximum impact. Its a none story created by people doing all they can to derail Trump and his campaign. All we will here from now on is “Trumps campaign has been dogged by racism and violence”. Its all part of planting messages into the undecideds brains.
The BBC are scumbags. Plain and simple. Its a nothing story about nothing and the Al Beeb knew it. The only chance we have of real change is with Trump. The establishment are doing everything to discredit him and this is the worst attempt yet. We on here know it’s a joke and see through the deceit and dishonest terminology. How many people will have just read the headline and thought “not again! We can’t have this man in charge”
News may be manufactured to fit in with the US Democrat / establishment narrative.
So, if Hillary Clinton is saying ‘vote for me (I’m a woman)’ by referring to “the Republican war on women”, then stories can be expected to emerge of Republican problems with women.
Scant evidence except that it was caught on film, and she photographed her bruise. I guess you’re holding out for a written confession.
Perhaps the point is that Trump’s campaign manager has been charged with battery.
And the right-wing thugs that invaded Brussels square making Nazi salutes and chanting anti-immigration slogans got quite a bit of coverage actually. Perhaps you missed it.
I watched it live on the BBC News channel, it was reported on all that day’s main news bulletins on BBC One and its covered here too:
They say a picture paints a thousand words. The first photo picked to illustrate this item just says to me ‘This is the future, get used to it.’
Dear me – that’s not supposed to be a male primary school teacher, is it? Penny to a pound the photo is an agency fake.
Ah yes, I see it’s credited to ‘monkeybusinessimages’. There’s certainly been some monkeying going on with their representation of a contemporary teacher!
Every nursery in England should have a qualified early years teacher to help toddlers develop skills like speech and language, a children’s charity says.
Save the Children says pre-schoolers can be “set back decades” if their brains are not adequately stimulated before they start formal schooling.
In other words, state parenting. One might think the world’s greatest investigative journalists might once in a while try to determine the root cause of a social problem. In this case the root cause of the problem is the cause of many – poor parenting skills, but the BBC couldn’t possibly come to that conclusion because they would be making a ‘moral judgement’.
Another leftist charity and leftist agenda – ably supported by the leftist by the BBC.
To become an early years teacher, candidates need a degree and at least a GCSE C grade in English, maths and science. They have to pass professional tests in numeracy and literacy and complete a period of initial teacher training.
Because a child of 4 really needs to learn about theoretical calculus, astro physics, and Shakespeare!
It reminds me of the moronic state of affairs in schools where a qualified electrician caretaker is not allowed to change a light bulb, and an external firm has to be brought in with full part P qualified staff change it. The cost for changing just one light bulb is a jaw dropping £400 !
Where were save the children when things went bad in Rotherham,etc…
See no evil,Hear no evil,speak no evil against some in society ,but others see,hear and speak get charged by the PC brigade
Just been watching a report on the situation at the Port Talbot steel works. Apparently the plant is losing a huge amount of money and one of the main reasons, other than the total inability of the EU to prevent China dumping huge amounts of cheap steel in Europe, is the strength of the pound. This was a bit of a surprise as I seem to recall being told a few weeks ago by the bBC that the value of the pound had gone right down due to fears over Brexit.
“… one of the main reasons … … is the strength of the pound.”
Since the BBC can’t be bothered with journalism, here are some basic facts (from MSN Money ~ 12:50 today):
£ 1 = EUR 1.2729 (52-week low EUR 1.2621, 52-week high 1.4415)
£ 1 = USD 1.4406 (52-week low USD 1.3852, 52-week high 1.5897)
Anyone can see that the Pound Sterling is at present much nearer the 52-week lows against both EUR and USD.
Still, why let facts get in the way of the BBC agenda?
When I heard Jon Sopel refer to Trumps PR bloke as getting done for “battery”-which , to us is as serious as “assault”-and Clive Myrie saying “well, how much more violent does all this have to get?”-and all on national news at 10pm, I was fizzing.
The clip showed nothing like “battery” , but -if they can continue to smear and trash Trumps campaign, job done.
So found this clip about Michelle Fields-she`s tried the same scam on Ann Coulter re “hacking”
Not that the BBC would check. Typical drive by hit and run…hope Lewandowski deals with the BBC for libel one day soon.
He is of course correct, but most people don’t know how trivial the law of assault actually is – so much so that the Police won’t even investigate it.
Assault does not even require two people to touch each other!
“assault is the tort of acting intentionally, that is with either general or specific intent, causing the reasonable apprehension of an immediate harmful or offensive contact. Because assault requires intent, it is considered an intentional tort Actual ability to carry out the apprehended contact is not necessary. In Criminal Law an assault is defined as an attempt to commit battery, requiring the specific intent to cause physical injury.
As distinguished from battery, assault need not involve actual contact; it only needs intent and the resulting apprehension.
By not explaining the trivial nature of the offence, it is another example of a lie by omission.
I hope old Trumpy does become Preus, and I hope he is keeping clips of the BBC assassination on him for his archives, because there will come the day when the BBC will be wetting themselves to interview him, and that’s when he can stick 2 fingers up at ’em.
Looks serious…..doesn’t it!
She has form apparently.
This excellent piece on left wing people and the working class captures BBC leftists perfectly. Here is a sample. Enjoy.
Left-wing people are funny
Left-wing people have “enlightened comedians” who make jokes on “panel games”. These are broadcast on the television and BBC Radio 4.
The enlightened comedians make people laugh at right-wing people, whom they consider stupid. In the olden days, comedians made jokes about Irish people, but these comedians weren’t clever like the enlightened comedians.
Instead of the Irish people, the enlightened comedians make jokes about working-class people. Because they care, they use special words like “Glaswegians”, “Sun readers” and “UKIP supporters”, so the working-class people will not notice.
link doesn’t work
“Of course Doland Trump has got form here Clive.
Who could ever forget his atrocious assault on poor Rachel Dolezal in the Womens World Cup in 1966?”
Apologies, could end up with a whole page of this stuff, originally a foul but looks like he hits the ground harder the second time.
Ta Oldspeaker.
Surely the greatest dive we`ve yet to see.
A flatfish, a double salmon and then a reverse crocodile half roll.
Makes you pine for the instant justice of Billy Bremner doesn`t it?
And we`ll only get MORE of this” kinda t`ing” if we don`t say no to the EU on June 23rd!
Howzabout THAT for spurious silly fears?…about time we spoofed the Project Fear tossing pots
Thoughtful – oh dear. I went back and it worked for me. Copied again. The source is Spectator Life, 29th March 2016, article by Andy Shaw, A handy guide to left-wing people for the under 10s . You should get it by googling the author and title.
We’re sorry, something seems to be a little unhealthy with the site
Sadly we couldn’t find the page you just requested. Not to worry it’s hopefully nothing too serious.
Here is the article, cut and pasted.
A handy guide to Left-wing people for the under 10s
Andy Shaw
Left-wing people in the olden days
Left-wing people used to like working-class people.
Lots of left-wing people used to be working-class people. These people were known as socialists and joined trade unions.
Sometimes working-class people used to frighten left-wing people, but they pretended that they weren’t frightened and were nice to them.
Left-wing people supported working-class people, gave them money, sat in rooms with them and wore badges to show that they cared more than right-wing people, who wore ties instead of badges and didn’t care.
Nowadays, working-class people are bored with socialism because it hasn’t made them rich and happy.
Nowadays left-wing people are middle-class people. Working class people are a big disappointment to left-wing people.
Left wing people now think that working class people are:
a) Simple and easily led
b) Un-enlightened and susceptible to short-term pleasures
c) Terribly sad and struggling, unable to cope on their own
d) All of the above
Education is a life-long task
Left-wing people think that working-class people are unable to think for themselves and require life-long education to help them make informed decisions.
Left-wing people work tirelessly on education programmes to encourage working class people to buy expensive food and clothes and not cheap food and clothes. They are disappointed that working-class people are un-ethical.
Working-class people like to drink alcohol, have sex and eat tasty food. They do not understand that these activities are dangerous and need continuous education from left-wing people.
Working-class people need to be protected from newspapers, even though they don’t read them anymore. They are easily influenced and their happy-go-lucky ways can be turned into bigoted nasty ways. Left-wing people are needed to help them use Facebook carefully and not make mistakes.
Left-wing people like to be sad and unhappy
Many left-wing people have a very nice life, but they like to be sad. To help with this, they choose to be sad for other people. Sometimes these people are far away and sometimes they are nearby, but different to them.
In the olden days, left-wing people tried to make it better for other people. Nowadays, they like to protect them by being offended when a working-class person doesn’t behave properly.
Left-wing like to help other people by being offended on their behalf. This means that the other people can carry on with their lives and the left-wing people do all the work. This isn’t really fair, but the left-wing people seem to carry on doing it, so they must enjoy it. Despite all this effort left-wing people are still very sad.
Left-wing people care more than other people
Left-wing people care so much that they love the whole entire planet. Other people don’t care about the planet, they only care about themselves and other people that they know. This means that left-wing people have to love the planet even more, even more than they actually like other people.
Left-wing people show that they care by telling other people about how much they care. They send special “I care” signals to other people. Forwarding videos on Facebook is one way that they can show how much they care. The videos often show people far away who are living miserable lives, but pictures of cute fluffy chickens in nasty factories are considered sufficient.
Left-wing activists (see below) are very helpful. They make lots of “I care” videos which makes it quick and easy for left-wing people to send their “signals”. They do this several times throughout each day when they are not busy.
Sometimes Left-wing people are made angry by other people
Left-wing people care so much, it makes them hate people who don’t show that they care. These people are right-wing people. Left-wing people have given them a name. It is “Tory scum”. Left-wing people like to shout at the right-wing people and tell them that they are scum even when they aren’t listening.
Shouting at the Tories is another way to show that they care. Caring is very important to left-wing people.
Left-wing people care so deeply that they don’t have time for thinking and convincing. They use their precious time for shouting about caring.
Also, working-class people don’t know what left-wing people are saying, so it is helpful when they point to the right-wing people and shout “scum”. They think that working-class people do understand shouting and caring.
If you have observed someone and you are not sure if they are a left-wing person, seek their opinion on “the Tories”. If they start to shout and care, they are left-wing.
Left-wing activists are helpful
Left-wing activists are left-wing people who have an internet connection. They make the internet very loud.
Left-wing activists help other people care on the internet. They are very helpful in pointing out when people have forgotten to show that they care. They help people in many ways – watching videos, commenting on things and clicking on buttons called “start a petition”. Left-wing activists sometimes go outside their houses and meet other left-wing people and they care together and shout at the Tory scum.
Left-wing people are funny
Left-wing people have “enlightened comedians” who make jokes on “panel games”. These are broadcast on the television and BBC Radio 4.
The enlightened comedians make people laugh at right-wing people, whom they consider stupid. In the olden days, comedians made jokes about Irish people, but these comedians weren’t clever like the enlightened comedians.
Instead of the Irish people, the enlightened comedians make jokes about working-class people. Because they care, they use special words like “Glaswegians”, “Sun readers” and “UKIP supporters”, so the working-class people will not notice.
Working-class people do funny things like drinking Monster energy drinks, eating Haribos and watching television. This is funny and the enlightened comedians are helpful because they point at them and laugh, so we know who to laugh at as well. It is very funny and we all laugh because we are enlightened too.
Further reading
In the 1930’s George Orwell wrote about the left-wing people he knew in “The Road to Wigan Pier”. It is very funny.
I have known numbers of middle class Socialists, I have listened by the hour to their tirades against their own class, and yet never, not even once, have I met one who had picked up proletarian table-manners.
In his heart he feels that proletarian manners are disgusting…he hates, fears, and despises the working class.
There should be a bit like
Left wing people think they should run councils , countries , continents and the world .
Left wing people think that those who run businesses shouldn’t earn lots of money unless they support left wing causes and give money to left wing think tanks .
Left wing people can earn lots of money if they work in the public sector like being Prime Minister or chief executive of a council or charity . Then they can earn even more money when they retire on the public speaking circuit .
Left wing people don’t have to join left wing parties . It’s better for left wing people people to lead the Conservatives and denounce UKIP people for being right wing . A left wing person leading the Conservatives likes to be in coalition with Liberal left wingers so that he can’t make right wing policies . They also like being friend with Islamofascists and hide their antisemitism by blaming Israel for bombings in capital cities in a convoluted way .
Although they profess to hate Nazis , left wing people are glad that Nazis ruled Germany , Poland France and murdered lots of people otherwise the spotlight would be on Stalin and Mao Zedong who were left wing .
Can’t seem to get this to work even through Googled links.
Here’s a raw version of the article on a different website:
Bloody hilarious! e.g:
Left-wing people care so much, it makes them hate people who don’t show that they care. These people are right-wing people. Left-wing people have given them a name. It is “Tory scum”. Left-wing people like to shout at the right-wing people and tell them that they are scum even when they aren’t listening.
Shouting at the Tories is another way to show that they care. Caring is very important to left-wing people.
Left-wing people care so deeply that they don’t have time for thinking and convincing. They use their precious time for shouting about caring.
Also, working-class people don’t know what left-wing people are saying, so it is helpful when they point to the right-wing people and shout “scum”. They think that working-class people do understand shouting and caring.
Ta GWF, and johnnythefish.
Definitely the text for a childrens “Penguin ” book, that are the rage once again.
Bet THEY`D get no arch reviews by James Naughtie though-the Left HATES mockery.
Will just have to draw it ourselves eh?
So, just come out of the gym (Don’t know why I go, as I am still fat and ugly) anyway the machines have TVs on them, and as I wear an MP3 player. (100 hits of the 70s if you must know). well as i was listening to real music, i was watching the news and at 1400hrs the headlines was the situation at Port Talbot. Trying to decipher the subtitles (Not the best) it was stated that the Government may step in, at that, the reporter asked the question:
“Isn’t that hypocritical of the present government seeing as they sold off the steel industry in the first place”
Can somebody please explain why the bBC always puts a negative spin on thing,
As i was leaving the story was somebody has started a petition in which to get the PM to reconvene parliament
it stood at 10 people when I left. the closing text was, we will keep you informed of its status. WHY?
The British steel industry has had structural problems that were known about 100 years ago and it all comes down to politics.
What we really need is one big site where we can smelt iron ore, convert it to steel and roll it while it is still hot. Instead we had plants in Scotland, the North East, Yorkshire and South Wales. Now, as a politician, where do you want to lose votes?
By never biting the bullet we run the risk of losing all steel making capacity now.
Andrew Carnegie said that the steel industry in Britain needed to change, he was ignored and so went to America; there they listened to him and he became one of the richest men on earth.
Al , Great man !
A great man indeed and one of the greatest ever philanthropists. He did have a knack for publicity and I think it was said of him that he gave away money about as quietly as throwing a grand piano down the stairs.
Steve, LOL !
Andrew Carnegie left Scotland as a boy. He started work in a bobbin factory, became a messenger, learned how to work the telegraph and rose in the railway industry before moving into steel making.
My mistake Jim, sloppy of me – apologies.
I do think, at some point, he offered advice to the steel industry here though and they didn’t take it.
Perhaps you heard it on Qi? Part of the BBC’s agenda to convince us all that ‘everything you thought you knew is wrong’!
No, I think it was on a visit to an industrial museum somewhere when I was a child; there was a Bessemer Convertor there I recall.
Just joking Al!
As an adult Carnegie made many visits to the UK. He met up with the ‘great and good’ all over the place, including Sir Henry Bessemer. It is entirely (certainty!) possible that he expressed an opinion comparing UK/USA along the lines that you originally implied.
Carnegie, like Henry Ford, was a great believer in ‘vertical integration’, control the whole process from start to finish. These American industrialists would build huge new plants to do the job. We create commercial hurdles by spreading the work around.
The bBC loves to promote the presence of racism in the US. You know, ‘Black lives matter”, boycott Hollywood and not enough black people working at facebook , well I came across this ugly piece of racism and wondered why the bBC hasn’t reported it yet?
Watch Black student tell off whitey for wearing dreadlocks
My brother was friendly with a black girl in Manchester. Unfortunately it was not to be as the girl’s friends would call her “Bounty Bar” black on the outside and white inside for liking my brother. I have seen far more black on white racism in London than the other way around but our leftist national broadcaster rarely report on such things.
Note that the hypocritical black students who accused the white man of ‘cultural appropriation’ were themselves wearing ‘western’ clothes!
By her logic, if a black person straightens their hair they are disrespecting white people. The girl in the clip is merely stupid. The real culprits are the PC Stalinists on the left who created this culture of offence.
We cannot do anything about the steel industry without the nod from the EU.If we decide to temporarily bail it out we need to get permission. It gives us an advantage over other EU states .The government have been lobbying the EU for months if not years over the cheap steel from China. Things move at snails pace in the EU.We cannot make our own independent decisions.
Lets see if the Beeb give a full analysis of all the reasons UK steel is dying.
Straight out of another crappy ditty by Communist Paul Heaton, who seems to be omnipresent on Radio 2 genial host Steve Wright runs through a few local stories. The first about the pavements of Leicester turning red with spat out red chewing tobacco (pann) he tells us that its a common habit in the area and ‘people’ regularly spit it out.
Of course it not just ‘any old people’ that do this, its cultural in certain ‘communities’. What is the cost of clearing it up, and what’s the cost to the NHS as this stuff is synonymous with mouth cancer? The benefits of immigration eh? Yet Steve and his mates lead us to believe its just ‘people’ doing this.
I had to turn off shortly after as guest Jeremy Hardy likened Trump to Farage, still plenty of time for him to use the BBC to plug his tour, cue howls of laughter in the studio…
It’s a good job these spitting cultural enrichers don’t bring things such as antibiotic resisant TB with them from the old country isn’t it?
I am still waiting for an answer to my question. Should Doctors be paid more than politicians, journalists and NHS managers ? GCooper , what is your opinion ?
Sorry, I have work to attend to!
I’m afraid it’s a naive question, which was well answered by someone else earlier. You are making a comparison between two things that are incomparable.
Which is the more valuable, an apple or a lemon?
Paul Heaton owns, or part owns, a pub in Salford (or at least he did last time I was in there).
The upcoming events board read like something from Citizen Smith’s bedroom wall. A Socialist Wanker’s paradise.
Jerry Owen , Who gives a monkey’s toss about politicians. They contribute nothing to society. Who gives a 4 X whether they lose their ” jobs ” ? But doctors save lives !
Are you a troll?
Notice some Al Beeb trolls on this site – Yes?
When they loose the argument or discussion they change their pseudonym. Then they have another go .
We know their style of argument and writing, but what they do is counter-productive to their cause and their employer .
Yet more BBC bias in ignoring a gang rape trial. Who are the covering up by not putting this on its main news?
And the Telegraph is no better, omitting to mention their religion, religion of love isn’t it?
Maths not your strong point? When the indigenous and non Muslim still make up approx 92% of the population, although inexcusable, proportionally this is not out of the ordinary…
The Telegraph is no longer right wing, it has morphed into a posh Daily Mirror…
Dead right, Geoff. It’s mindless reporting of The Myth Formerly Known As Global Warming is not worthy of serious journalism. One of the recent news items I read was of some ‘climate change’ researchers who have concluded that, because of rising sea levels, it will be common for mankind to evolve in some parts of the world and grow webbed feet.
As for its Saturday ‘Review’ section – can’t tell it apart from the Guardian, especially the sanctimonious TV reviewers.
Try this from yesterdays’s DT “Stubborn old people who want to leave the EU are condemning the rest to a lifetime of uncertainty”
DT really at an all time low then, Geoff.
If the UK leaves the EU, are we not certain we are out?
If we remain in, are we certain we will not be in the Euro in a few years or a couple of decades?
If we remain in and join the Euro are we certain we will not become part of a European Federal State?
(Note: both of the above events, as things are currently configured, will trigger further EU Referendums. Unless changed by a future Government …. er, … even more uncertainty there, is it not?)
Therefore, a vote to leave in June, will be a vote for a more certain future, not an uncertain one if we remain in the EU on our present terms..
When did the DT get infected by lefty lunacy disease?
Used to be an actual newspaper
Re Global Warming .
My weather station reports the temperature presently down to 2 Deg C .
Back to your own unique brand of halal moral relativism, I see, this time using a case still in progress involving five students.
Presumably you think we should be comparing this to violent, racist, paedophile rape on an industrial scale of our most vulnerable kind of underage teenage girls – at least 1400 in Rotherham alone and most likely tens of thousands across the country as a whole – committed by Muslim gangs who shipped these girls up and down the land to more Muslim gangs to be plied with booze, drugged, tortured and gang-raped – in one case murdered, treated with more contempt than a leftover kebab because they were (in their eyes) white tarts who were asking for it, with the whole thing covered up by the police and local authority for ten years. All carried out by a few naughty taxi drivers, according to your good self, so nothing really to do with Islam.
Your moral compass is clearly the ‘Ayotollah’ model, it’s needle forever pointing towards Mecca.
You are truly despicable.
It was pointed out to you in a previous post what constitutes a christian
You appear to have missed it
How convenient
Thady Duff, 22, James Martin, 20, Leo Mahon, 22, and 22-year-old Patrick Foster deny all the charges. What was their religion?
By the looks of the 3 on the right at least,drinking and clubbing presumably
And what’s this woman’s religion?
I grant you none of them look like followers of a faith founded by a man with a nine year old as on of his wives.
Their alleged behaviour doesn’t chime with the teaching, love your neighbour as you love yourself or the established Christian and Jewish teachings on sex within monogamous marriage.
They aren’t wearing kippas, crosses or Shalwar Kameez, though as we all know…looks can be deceptive. My guess is that they don’t practice any religious faith, but it is only a guess.
embolden, Please do not take my name in vain !!!!
They are probably not followers of a religion founded by a paedophile rapist, if that’s what you mean.
Nor are they likely to be members of a national network of rapists who groomed, drugged and systematically raped girls who did not follow the religion founded by the said paedophile rapist.
And your point is, dhimmi?
I don’t see any indication that they chose their alleged victim on the basis of race or religion.
On this morning’s Today:
‘Donald Trump, speaking from his private jet….’
Coming soon:
‘Al Gore, speaking from his private jet….’
But then maybe Uncle Al the Alarmist’s Pal is good at parking it round the back, as he did at the Paris Warmfest, thus fooling even the sharpest of the world’s sharpest investigative journalists at the good ole’ BBC.
Yee ha.
Cor, Johnny! You would not be so mean as to want Al Gore to travel by bicycle between his three different homes (probably in different time zones) in that little old country called the United States of America, would you?
Just checked the BBC have not mentioned this petition to ban their favourite Europhile, and appeasing Prime Minister from re-entering the UK after his holidays.
So far 39 000 have signed. Would be fun if it reached the same as they got to ban Trump.
Uh-oh, not one for our ‘educating and informing’ public service broadcaster to feature:
A three-year study by the University of Cincinnati in Carroll and surrounding counties determined hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has no effect on groundwater in the Utica shale region, is not being released to the public.
Dr. Amy Townsend-Small, the lead researcher for the University of Cincinnati Department of Geology, released the results during the Feb. 4 meeting of the Carroll County Concerned Citizens in Carrollton.
During her presentation, which was videotaped and is available for viewing on YouTube, Townsend-Small stated, “We haven’t seen anything to show that wells have been contaminated by fracking.”
Rex Well March 14 WEB
A three-year study by the University of Cincinnati in Carroll and surrounding counties determined hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas wells like the Rex Energy well shown above, does not contaminate ground water.
When asked at that meeting if the university planned to publicize the results, Dr. Amy Townsend-Small, an assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati Department of Geology and the leader of the study, said there were no plans to do so.
“I am really sad to say this, but some of our funders, the groups that had given us funding in the past, were a little disappointed in our results. They feel that fracking is scary and so they were hoping this data could to a reason to ban it,” she said.
Still, North West News could use it to re-vitalise their tired old format for fracking coverage – perhaps a few awkward questions to ask of the eco-nutters who unfailingly get to spew their scare stories without fear of challenge?
Waddya think, zero?
Nah, me neither.
Uncommon as it is for the BBC to advertise it’s own content on the news site here we go again, currently on the front page but this is a direct link,,
“The Archers tackles psychological abuse” apparently, and I bet you can’t identify the villain of the piece from the following, we’ll just take it for granted that being the BBC it won’t be a woman.
A man of African ancestry
A man of Aisian ancestry
An evil white male B*****d
(No prizes for correctly guessing the racial origins of Mr Nasty)
Somewhat hilariously the metrosexual BBC couch potato chatting to a rather wild eyed Polly Neate about this inhouse advertising strategy mentions a “drip drip effect.” Really, we hadn’t noticed.
The Archers ‘psychological abuse’ storyline is like something from the 1950s. I simply can’t believe that a middle class Englishwoman in 2016 would put up for ten seconds with that. It’s far more likely to be the wife driving the husband insane these days!
Then Archers has long been a vehicle for the BBC to feed subliminal messages constructed by a small bunch of, self imagined, ‘sophisticated’ city dwellers to their equally imaginary masses of ‘ignorant country folk’. If you don’t like the messages, then turn off the radio.
Funny you should say that. It put me in mind of a bad copy of a Hitchcock film.
And from the Al Gore Nobel Prize for Hypocrisy comes this one.
Fine material for The Now Show or The News Quiz, you’d think!
Students set sail to save the world!
… university students, techies, researchers, executives and greens with a common cause to save earth from ill-effects of greenhouse emissions, rapid urbanisation, excess consumption of natural resources and changing lifestyle.
Setting off in ‘Ocean Endeavour’, the luxury ship navigated by 50 crew members.
The ship offers a superb guest experience with a nautical lounge, two restaurants, sundeck, and ample deck space for observation of polar landscapes. The ship’s interiors have a contemporary aesthetic that provides a bright and spacious feel to the cabins and common spaces.
Ocean Endeavour has a focus on health and wellness with newly-built saunas, pool, gym, hot tub and the Wellness Café and Juice Bar. The ship will offer guests onboard services and amenities that that will enhance their Polar expedition experience….
They need to disguise that boat and rename it .
Something like Boaty Mcboatface .
I accidently tuned into the BBC Parliament channel this morning. It was covering the migration commitee of the 26th January. I just could not believe my ears. Several parliamentary morons were actually devoting hours and hours of their time to the “red door atrocity”. What fools these people are. Chukka, Winnick and the slime-oozing slug Vaz were ,of course, using their razor-sharp minds for the forensic questioning. What percentage of the doors were painted red? What was your door painting policy? The business men summoned before these twats looked puzzled. Basically, there was a cheap job lot of red paint available so they used it. Accusations of slumlandlordism from Chukka. Buying cheap housing in the North , exploitation of “vulnerable” refugees. The “best brains” in the country don’t realise that a previously unknown tinted person entering and/or leaving a house next door might reveal the fact that he or she may be a newly arrived enricher.
I saw the section where various politicians from E U countries were giving evidence about the migrant crisis via interpreters. You really couldn’t make it up.
What is the point.? Shouldn’t they be giving evidence to the European Parliament if they want to sort it out. Waste of time and money.
Not BBc but joined at the hip Channel 4 launches an attack on Trump, again why do we care how many of us have a vote on the issue.
BBc 22:00 news Corebin is outside the steelworks . Let’s nationalise it. Yep at £1 million a day loss. Would it be o.k. with EU legislation? I don’t know can anyone give an answer. Some one from the Navy comes on and gives a speil on strategic industries. Strange a few years ago we had no ammunition production in the country that didn’t seem to be an issue.
I do wish that the BBC would do joined up thinking.
If we accept the BBC’s advice and vote to remain in the EU we will be part of a larger entity. The EU will need a steel industry, but it doesn’t have to be in Britain. Indeed, as UK government policy since 1997 has been to close down Britain’s heavy industry it will make sense to Brussels to locate the steelworks on the continent: and if we are a province of the EU the oligarchs’ decision will be final. Only if we ignore the BBC and vote to leave will Britain will be an independent country and need its own steel industry.
Has a Labour MP got it right – this may be of interest to you ?…
Vote Brexit
I do hope our PM and his cabinet get the message and can finally see through all the mess that the EU is in before it drags us down with it ?
An attempt at joined up thinking……on the BBC……..
Len Mc Cluskey pointed out that the Royal Navy was using Swedish steel for its new ships.
Justin Webb, who had consistently spoken over Mc Cluskey throughout the item, then asked “is the EU a problem here”….Len then said this couldn’t be the case because other EU member states like Germany and Belgium protect their steel industries within the EU.
I expect the BBC are working, as we speak on a clear exposition of EU steel production policy for broadcast a.s.a.p., as I suspect that might prove highly relevant to the referendum debate.
My local news full of criticism of the about to be implemented Living wage. Apparently it is going to mean the loss of 60,000 jobs. Funny, but when Labour were in power the BBC and the Left were all for it.
I’ve seen a petition on line about B&Q where all extra that are being paid i’e’ overtime rates are being stripped down to flat rates. . I would suggest that companies will use this where possible to maintain low wages. A bit like the company I worked for with whom you had to meet an impossible set of conditions to get paid extra working a bank holiday. In another company my friend is getting a £280.00 pay increase but the bonus paid (certain conditions need to be met to receive ) is being reduced by £360. On the BBc news the nursery owner they interviewed would obviously have cut jobs if that option been open with the staff ratios.
I’m surprised that the left are not suggesting the increase is a sneaky way of reducing the amount paid out in tax credits.
Look out for that idea in a BBC broadcast soon if their monitors of this site pass the message on!
Are you on duty Jerrod?
I was listening to the Moral Maze today about Public Space Protection Orders and amazingly, I found myself on the same side of the argument as Giles Frazer. That has to be first. But Giles’s inability for joined up thinking did become rather apparent when he stated that a sense of community in this country has become greatly diminished. Have you ever wondered why that might be, Giles? I suppose the leftist mindset has a built in filter to exclude logic when it threatens to expose an uncomfortable truth.
Paykasa kartta göze çarpan diğer bir belirgin özellik ise, paykasa bozdurma işlemlerinin yapılabiliyor olmasıdır. Bozdurma işlemi paykasa kartlarda alış verişlerden ya da para transferlerinden artan miktarların, üye şahsi hesaplarına, ülke para birimi üzerinden aktarılması anlamına gelmektedir. Euro olarak limit belirlenen paykasa kartlarda alış veriş yapıldıktan sonra para kalır ise, üyeler kartı aldıkları bayiye ya da her hangi bit resmi bayiye başvuru yaparak, bu paraları geri almak istediklerini belirtebilirler. Böyle bir talep geldiğinde kart içerisinde kalan para, günlük kur üzerinden TL’ye çevrilerek, üyelerin şahsi hesabına havale edilir. Aynı işlemler bu hesaba gelen havaleler içinde geçerlidir.
Quite right Paykasa. It is just what I was saying to my dentist!
nick nocky nick-nack, nicky nocky noo
OOOOOOh are we being enriched? Fleeced more like!
This was linked of a BBC News Facebook post which, safe to say, also had a caption that could hardly have been deemed impartial.
The comments in response, however, may not have been as reassuring to BBC editorial as hoped.
Remain are seemingly getting desperate.
No mention of the upcoming ability to enrich the leagues with Turkish stars without restriction if we stay!
Mmm. Impartial my backside.
This list of foreign footballers in English Premier League football shows plenty from outside the EU, from everywhere it seems.
I wonder what tomorrow’s scare, courtesy of the BBC will be?
BTW: I can’t see any comments. Have they been disappeared?
Distinct whiff of pachyderm on the patio this morning as house eunuch Charlie Stayt and Naga Dolly Nomark take a superficial look at news that Birmingham is revealed as Britain’s ‘smash for cash’ motor insurance scam capital.
‘Birmingham named worst city for crash for cash claims’
Main BBC attention is focused on steel. Amid a sudden rather hunnish devotion to heavy industry the BBC fails to put the point that even Channel 4’s lefty circus ringmaster ‘cycling’ Jon Snow managed to ask – do we want to go green or do we want heavy industries.
By the way, I do hope the Belgian authorities are still exorcising their little grey cells over the recent terrorist outrage – its gone right out of our BBC news.
From that BBC article Former West Midlands Police detective Neil Thomas said “Birmingham is quite an obvious choice – it has been a hotspot for a number of years. There’s the high volume of traffic and also the road network.”
Nah, try again. The clue is in the list of the 10 ten cities for cash-for-crashes. Not that we would expect the BBC to do any real investigative journalism – or report anything negative about a certain religion.
“There’s the high volume of traffic and also the road network.”
I blame the canals.
Bet It has nothing at all to do with this then
[sorry hit report button by mistake !]
The three hot spot areas of Birmingham mentioned in that article are Sparkbrook, Sparkhill and Tyseley.
I’m sure I’ve heard of those places before….hmmmmm….
I did see the that paraded on Al BBC1 this morning as a stereotypical example.
Anyone notice the erm … “heritage” of the two rushing out of the car? … no?
Not to worry, no one at the Al BBC either, sheesh!, didn t know the old Paki car scam was still getting away with it, where have these Ins people been all these years.
The one where two cars drive in tight formation, one gives the signal, sudden turn the one behind
jams the anchors on, gets bumped … even with the camera difficult to catch, the scammer bumped has an excuse, and of course can t remember 😀 the number plate of the one in front
who turned … as erm, obviously it all happened so fast etc.
They’ve been doing it for at least thirty years; they used to go and buy a couple of old nails at a car auction, both with a bit of MOT left, insure them; then do as nogginator describes above or just stage a crash between themselves.
A lot of insurance companies now just pay them £1200 each just to get rid of them and so they don’t take the claim further. Imagine the cost of that? When there are 4 or 5 of them in a car and they all get that amount each or even more money
It is yet another example of totally under reported and mainly unchallenged criminality carried out by Ropers (file next to “grooming” gangs and FGM). There are bent Roper doctors, solicitors and folk who help file the claims for them, all in on these scams.
That’s why car insurance in the U.K. is so much higher than it should be – to pay for these crooked c**ts.
Ropers, generally, have a seemingly unceasing proclivity for corruption.
Decided to have a look a RT this morning for a break from the dreary relentless tedium of albbc
Now i know RT aint perfect or anywhere near it
But while RT were featuring evidence of Turkey……remember them… me Dave’s mates and EU wannabes……conspiring directly with IS to smuggle oil and artifacts out of Syria and a money trail to back it up
The morons on al bbc?Lets count how many birds are in our gardens……I ask you
Dunno about the birds in the garden,but there are a couple of right tits on the sofa
From the Today programme about 7.10am this morning.
Jim Noughtie is in Scotland
He’s at Inverness
but the only two Scots he finds
both come from Bangladesh.
I am sure the wee lady will have something to say about this
Donald Trump, according to the BBC Today programme, has carried out a “U turn” has “rowed back from a statement” and this is “a first” and is highly significant, especially as it was about the “live rail” and “womens issue of abortion”.
They then played a clip of the interview.
What it sounded like to me was Trump was harassed into speaking off the cuff….usual media tactic of constant interruption being employed…..and he then, later, issued a perfectly reasonable clarification of his policy position.
What strikes me is that politicians in general, need to get a grip, after the first interruption they should make clear that further interruptions mean the interview is terminated. The medias inflated opinion of its own importance needs taking down.
In a democracy it is imperative that we hear what those seeking power are about, but this should not be subject to the bias of the media institution or the individual reporters style of interviewing varying depending on the identity of the interviewee. Close questioning on policy is fine, constant goading and interruption, used selectively, is bias.
In this argument Trump should have simply replied, with the question to the journo, “who do you think voters would hold responsible for the death of an individual unborn child?” then advised against further interruption.
Someone posted on here recently that the media would attack Trump on “women’s issues” to strengthen Clintons campaign, sorry I can’t remember who you were, but you were very prescient. I hope the Donald is being well advised on how to close off this avenue of attack.
And yet no updates from bbc about the criminal investigation into Clinton and those emails
Nothing to see here……move along now
The only people who like Trump are the voters. Is that allowed in a Democracy? 😉
Not always. Nowadays, the media have to like the politicians. But Trump is breaking the rule
Donald Trump is not a politician which is one of the really good things about him .A more practiced politician would have evaded or given a stock PC answer so as not to offend anyone.
As I understand it the host asked a hypothetical question and kept pushing for answers, but the media is only showing one small clip and giving the impression he wants to criminalise women .BBC leading the lunch time news with it despite a Steel crisis and the death of Ronnie Corbett. What the heck has it got to do with the UK.
Through Sky I have been watching American TV and its eye opening to see the concerted attacks on Trump from all sides ,vested interests are everywhere and obvious.I don’t know if he will win ,but either way the USA is not in a good place.
I totally agree. At least Trump answered the question.
If the host asked David Cameron that question his answer would have an awkward face whilst saying “look….I have always believed, along with the Tories, that everyone has their rights and that includes a right to own a home, a secure job and a NHS that cares. That is why the Tories have increased spending on the NHS by 3.21%, we have introduced 4.7 billion new apprentice jobs and we remain on track to delivering a strong economy… blah blah (3 minutes later) blah blah… and that is what you get with a Tory government” (smug face walk away).
Daily dose of Brexit scaremongering. bbc.con so confident that sarcasm now plays a part, and I quote
“But if confidence takes a knock – if, for example, there’s a sterling crisis or other economic shock – then those foreign investors may be a little more reluctant to buy those bonds. In which case, those foreign investors may demand higher interest rates, which may well get passed on. Now can anyone think of any scenarios like that?”
Yes, I can – if corbyn ever gets in power.
Who are they trying to kid? The Bank of England is buying the government’s worthless bonds, just like the Fed is doing in the US and the ECB is in the Eurozone. The whole economic structure is a house of cards, because governments simply will not live within their means.
This morning’s Brexit Project Fear on bBBC Radio 5 Dead was that hundreds of top footballers might not be allowed to play here if we leave the EU.
Thankfully we can replace them all with hundreds of asylum seekers who can dance round the landmines while kicking any woman who dares to wander by.
To be fair, would make football much cheaper…but there`d be no internationals because they`d all be Syrian…this week.
Does that mean England’s football team might one day become English?
Let’s be honest England have done nothing since becoming a multicultural team.
No black players in 1966!
Have to disagree, Jerry. Crap English football has been an equal opportunities employer for some decades now.
I also feel quite proud to see young black lads enjoying the game, pulling on the England shirt and singing the national anthem – integration, in other words.
By contrast, next time you watch a Leicester City home game on TV keep an eye on the ethnic make-up of the crowd – hideously white.
RIP Mr Corbett, sadly another comic who actually made you laugh gone, thankfully we still have Izzard, Bridgestocke and Hardy, no hang on….
Looking forward to the BBC showing this in tribute to him tonight, I won’t hold my breath…
Dare I say it. I used to love the black and white minstrel show when I was a child. Any racial overtones did not occur to me . I loved the glitz of the costumes and sets.
This clip is a classic ,but you’re right ,BBC won’t show it unless its as part of a programme on the racism of the British in the 70s and 80’s or some such rubbish.
And we cut our throats don`t we?
A whole generation or two now know nothing about Al Jolson and his role in bringing music, film and performance to the whole world.Indispensable.
A Jewish lad who conquered the entire scale of US entertainment that we sill live with today.
Am tempted to say that the BBC have written him out of history because he WAS Jewish…but, there again, their history of the earth only starts with Hamburg and the Silver Beatles.
As if Michael Jackson couldn`t have learned a lot had he known of Mario Lanzas life .
The BBC are narrowing the spectrum as we live-best to become versed in the pre-Beatles era before it`s taken away from us as “social history”
Since Der Luegenpresse no longer report anything even close to truth anymore, it is vital that all of us are able to read between the lines and to address the photos they print for the real truth.
So it was with Stephen Lawrence and the appalling black power salute, and later Alan Henning with his ISIS sign. In my town the local Labour MP has been to a Mosque lighting candles for the victims of the bombing in Lahore (note only for Pakistan) along with platitudes about peace, and condemnation.
It is only when you take a close look at the photo you see the candles on the table are a row of 9 by 6 making 54 well short of total of 70 killed in the Pakistani park.
It’s only from deeper digging that you find there were 14 Christians killed and 12 unidentified that you realise that these treacherous bastards have only commemorated the proven Muslim dead, while leaving everyone else out! And the Labour MP was lighting these candles !
Fair do’s to the paper because they might not have been aware, but when it was pointed out to them, you would have thought that they’d at least allow comment to point that out – nah!
Better for them a pretence of ‘solidarity’ and ‘cohesion’ when there is none what so ever, and for me it just shows there are no depths to which the Muslim scum won’t plumb.
Imagine if there had been a church service which only commemorated the Christian dead? The Fascists would have gone up the wall spitting their hate words isms & phobias all over !
Can you please acquaint us with the Henning picture issue please?
It’s not one I’ve heard about.
I believe it might be this one
Diolch o galon…
Thanks very much, much obliged.
Alan Henning is the very embodiment of the useful idiot required by Islam of its kuffar.
If only ONE useful idiot who thinks Islam is a religion of peace could have this picture above, alongside him kneeling in his jumpsuit -then we`d not need to bang on about taqiyya.
Two pictures worth 1000 words..`fraid not…144 raisins at best.
Agreed. Alan was just a taxi driver from Salford who thought he was helping his muslim “friends”. I am sure it never crossed his mind that the muslims would bite the hand that was literally feeding them. It’s too late for him to learn his lesson, but it is an insult to his memory for the rest of us to fail to heed it.
My maths ain’t brilliant, maybe I’m missing something but 70-14-12 = 44?
I think anyone reading this must be concerned for the mental well being for whoever posts at Thoughful.
There are no breakdown figures of the religions of those killed at Lahore, but the death rate is over 70. So much for your digging. If most of those killed were Muslim that runs counter to EVERY newspaper article that says it was aimed at Christians.
You are now reading hidden meanings in candles in a picture. There is no end to the misery you will cause yourself if you pursue this line, that everything is a conspiracy. It isn’t.
Whatever the target was in Lahore, you do accept that radical Islam deliberately persecutes Christians don’t you?
Ignore LDV. He throws a a bit of Left Wing verbal violence into the thread then runs. Typical.
One might almost think it discredits this site, no? Thoughtful, Grant, and a couple of others.
Noticed this in local news, no BBC yet, CCTV in Rotherham taxi s by July, the BBC did report 100s Rotherham taxi drivers threaten to strike over CCTV, that was last June … there s something funny even about that, my mum lives in a town roughly the same size, there are two taxi firms too … there are definitely NOT 100s of taxi drivers.
There is no bloody no excuse for any protest over CCTV anyway
First, any suspected criminality will put a person there or give an alibi to the driver!, and secondly they will pay taxes based on their true income not dodgy cash economy as they presently enjoy.
The Express reports that the BBC is in production of a new series of Porridge with a chap called Kevin Bishop (me neither) playing the part of Fletch’s grandson, all set in a ‘modern’ male prison.
What’s the betting that this will be the only current BBC production with a wholly white cast, apart that is from the Mackay/Barraclough authority figures and long suffering wives and girlfriends?
Now this would be ripe for a comedy wouldn`t it?
The Radical Islam gangs and the wimpy vicar, the Jedi vegan, pagans wishing to worship the nearby hillock.
Tellies and selfies, drugs parties, drones and more drugs.
Barraclough now the Home Office Minister, Mackay regarded as the very face of evil, compared to these enlightened days.
School party visits, people breaking out for the weekend, body doubles doing the time for the celebrity.
No chance of any of THIS getting made-just as there`s no chance of anything to stick into the eyes of the NHS, the arse of comprehensives.
The BBC will only find a gag about Donald Trump or UKIP .
Geoff, I bet you’re right – unless it makes all the porridgers truly lovable rogues – then perhaps the could admit some non-European faces. Didn’t you laugh at the BBC re-make of The Survivors – where a random group of the remaining 10% of British society was made up of a black man, an arab, an Indian boy, a Scots woman, an English criminal (murderer? – who at least was the sort of hero), a mentally ill girl (as far as I remember) – and the surviving politician was a black woman. I know there are a lot of these other races here but that’s pushing the chances to unbelievable extremes – all in the name of multiculturalism!
Interesting comment Geoff. As I read somewhere that (like the U.S.) whites are becoming the minority in Britain’s jails, but the Beeb don’t “do” reality do they.
Another half century it won’t just be the prisons where whites are in the minority.
President Ghani calls for Afghans to remain in country
The BBC have deliberately cut his comments regarding whether British people fled the country during the second world war.
33:30 into
I tried to do a capture, but the audio failed to save.
Just seen that Dame Zaha Hadid has died.
Typical BBC luvvie, arab, feminist and generally perceived to be crap at her job.
Football stadiums, shopping malls…in both cases for the usual grandees where Human rights is a laugh….Qatar, China etc.
Wasn`t she the spunky, plucky gal who blew Sarah Montagues lazy cliched questions a few months ago-and cut the interview early.
SO-a surprise to hear her on Desert Island Discs only a month ago.
Can only hope that she refused to sip from Kirsty Youngs Green Japanese Tea, as enriched by Sarah Montague.
I shall-for balance-give you BOTH sides of this story-a tosser, but she shafted Sarah-so God smiles surely on her!
Stuff me if Montague doesn’t look a ringer for your stereotypical 1970s social sciences lecturer.
I do hope all the good posters here are marking “Transgender Day of Visibility” today, Channel 4 are with a new announcer, how long before ‘she’ appears on the BBC, guest presenter on the One Show maybe?
Happy Transgender Day Everybody!
Charity shops are closed now-but shall we all raid the dressing up boxes tomorrow, and claim we`re radicals-as opposed to snooping round the wifes laundry bags `cos we`re a bit-you know-pervy, fruity or whatever diagnoses are on the Weirdo Sex Scale…Mick Logan across to Adrian Street maybe?
I can envisage the day when the two Channel 4 News presenters are a transgenderist and a bird in burqa.
We might laugh now….
One story that the BBC would never have run at the weekend…and we`ll not hear it ever again.
Only anti-English cliched bullying and prejudices from the usual suspects.
Liverpools “Irish Cultural Studies” course full of old Poly lecturers won`t be dealing with it either. For those of us who either lived there or who know the Irish-this story would surprise nobody, despite the “same sex bollox”.
Ignorance and racism can go deep.
There was an interesting point made by an ex-steelworker from Scunthorpe on Toady, he basically said that the problem with Tata taking over the company was that all it did was “transfer knowledge to Indian steel works” i.e. the information about all the different steels etc that had been built up through the decades.
There was no follow up to his point by the either of the beeboids in the studio of course.
I might have misremembered here (to use a Clintonism) but isn’t part of this problem us exporting our ‘carbon’ liability to those countries who couldn’t give a stuff how much coal they burn?
Radio Wales interview regarding the possibilities of saving the steel works in Port Talbot, S Wales.
The lady asks (words to the affect) ‘is Port Talbot worse off because we are in the EU, as the UKIP spokesman said on here yesterday.’ Then she added, ‘though I suppose he would say that wouldn’t he?’ Oddly, no Radio Wales interviewer has ever added that phrase to any of the inane nonsense a green spokesperson dribbles out on the program.
The gentleman replied with ‘not necessarily.’ Then with the logic of a slightly drunk amoeba went onto list all the direct reasons the EU is responsible for the demise of the UK steel works:
1. He pointed out how countries outside the EU, like the US, stopped the Chinese dumping their steel on them the way a dog dumps its shit next to an uncomplaining lamppost.
2. How the EU moves at the speed of a post office queue (my words, but he did say it could take years to negotiate a deal in the EU whereas the US had done it in two weeks.)
3. How France and Italy illegally subsidise their steel industries by calling the payments: environmental, for future development, etc
4. How France and Italy have a ‘fuck you’ (my words) attitude to being admonished by the EU when they break its rules.
There were other points. He could have been a contributor here, indeed he and the UKIP guy from the previous day would get on like long lost brothers.
The lady never picked up on any of the points nor asked why he had said ‘not necessarily’ at the start. All his arguments demonstrated that the EU have shafted the UK steel industry the way school bullies steal the dinner money from the more compliant, feeble minded kiddies.
Anything to report from Labour, the Welsh Assembly types like Rhodrhi Morgan?
Or the role of Kinnocks dad in the EU and Ed Milibands Green taxes on our leccy?
Rhodri Morgan. There is lovely for you !!
I used to live in North Wales and lovely it was too. Interestingly, people like Rhodri Morgan were detested by the genuine Welsh. The reason being, his kind were blow ins who saw Wales as an easy place to carve out a political career. One of the local papers carried a story about these outsiders exploiting their Welsh ancestry. Rhodri Morgan was born in Manchester as Robert Morgan. Wonder why he changed his Christian name?
Now there is lovely.
Not sure whether that is an attempt at humour Steve Jones. I have been struggling to get through a Stewart Lee show so my sense of comedy is lost.
Rhodri Morgan was born in Cardiff not Manchester and originally called Hywel Rhodri Morgan and not Robert. If you have facts to say otherwise then please share as I am intrigued at that story.
Lloyd George really was born in Manchester.
Bugger, you have likely holed one of my favourite dinner party stories below the waterline. My post was a recollection of an article I read in a newspaper when living on Anglesey about 15 years ago. The Rhodri Morgan bit stuck because I found it hilarious. Didn’t do any subsequent research so you could well be right. Will do some digging and see if I can find the article.
Hooray for Greater Manchester. It’s going to get control over £6 billion of health and social care spending from now on. Back to local control, just as occurred when local government got going in the late Victorian and Edwardian eras . A step back for Whitehall Knows Best.
Is the BBC happy too? Not when it relies on the biased, socialist and centralising views of its home affairs editor Mark Easton. This man has so much form on spewing out left wing bias, it’s untrue. His distaste at what is happening in Manchester in this evenings TV news was palpable. ‘no wonder’ he said, ‘ that a cynical eyebrow has to be raised ‘. But should a reporter major on that or offer some balance in his comments ? No he just left it to the interviewees from Manchester to defend themselves and provide an alternative view to his own.
Mark Easton is one of the very worst al beebus has got – which REALLY is saying something.
Easton is a totally Evil Cupid Stunt , who I hope is the 1st against the wall on the 24th of June .
If Easton is against Manchester getting control of health care then it must because he knows what the Tories are planning and how inept at financial management Labour are.
By this time next year Manchester will have had a month of the NHS crying about under funding, with operations cancelled and critical functions lessened and maybe closed.
The following year with all the borrowing will see the NHS in absolute crisis, and the year after that bankruptcy with Labour claiming the Tories didn’t give them enough money (and an infinite amount wouldn’t be enough!) and the Tories pointing out Labours mismanagement.
Just watch & see in a year
It’s a nonsense story…the policy is already in operation…in Whitehall…..the ringfencing of NHS and schools budgets means other departments take the hits, for the good of the nation….and listen to them squeal…….will it be any different in Manchester? No.
The Tories would only be of some use, if they had already rejected the liberal left and green blancmange that they inexplicably choose to sit in.
What ever happened to blue water between themselves, and those united in trashing and hounding every damn thing that they do?
Politically inexcusable-we all KNOW the rage felt for the liberal elite, which is why a Trump does well.
Even why a Jew baiting cabbage like Steptoe-Corbyn gets elected to garrotte his party.
Don`t the Tories pay their oafs, suckups and camper van followers enough or something?
Whatever the Tories do to throw fish to the BBC seals, Labours jellyfish and green mossheads…it will NEVER-repeat NEVER ,be wanted or enough by the lefty liberal scum.
For they are the wrong people to give out unearned taxes for the next fifty years-only Labour give the righteous benediction of other peoples money.
They want LEFTIES to throw the fish, they want power-not a chance to groom poor kids in the Surestart( that comes once they`re in power).
Wake up Tory dumbells…unless you`re TORY , and hate labour as much as they hate you, as long as you do the posh manners crap as the BBC spit on your spats, and try to get your kids into bed…you`ll barely be worth the bother.
And then we get Corbyn and his boiled socks, and torchlight processions.
Was looking forward the One Show’s tribute to the great Ronnie Corbett, but who we get presenting it? Bloody Citizen Khan and Billy Cottons Great Niece, neither really old enough to remember or having the kudos to interview greats like Barry Cryer.
I couldn’t watch it.
Reading Sky news on my computer, a headline is …Trump is sorry over ‘outrageous’ comment on abortion.
Interestingly nowhere in the article does Trump say he is sorry, and of course I guessed he didn’t as sorry wasn’t written as a quote ‘sorry’.
However ‘outrageous’ was in quotes. At a fleeting glance one could be forgiven for thinking he had apologised for his outrageous comment, thus flagellating himself, but nowhere does he refer to being outrageous.
The quote ‘outrageous’ is therefore from sky itself clearly showing bias.
The headline therefore is totally inaccurate, he doesn’t apologize and he doesn’t think his comment is outrageous.
Clearly Sky is the limit!
As far as I can understand it, in response to a hypothetical question in which abortion was illegal (which will not happen), Trump conceded that the woman having the abortion would be treated as a criminal. Well, shock horror, if abortion was an illegal act, she would be taking part in it. Of course she would be criminalised, but it’s not going to happen.
Trump’s intellectual honesty was the problem here. He answers questions honestly as he sees it. Experienced political slime like Hillary Clinton have spent a lifetime never answering a question, and indeed rarely being asked a difficult question by the leftist press establishment. The Secretary of State keeps top secret emails on an insecure private server? Now that really is a crime, but not, it seems, when you are a Clinton.
Had the BBC News sound turned down as this story took up ten minutes a new minutes ago.
Do`nt need to listen to it…just noted the order of who said what, straplines and “reinforcing the message”.
Ladt here looking cross-Jon Sopel looking sad, but saying whatever he did in sorrow more than anger.
Then banners Of Bernie Flanders, and a strapline about Hillary Clinton responding to Trumps comments.
Don`t even know or care what they were and are-hes killed nobody in Benghazi,he didnt give guns to Mexican caretsl to kill his own border guard, and is not billing us for his every word, a sleazy partner and a family on the make.
When will they ever have a strapline abot TRump repsonding to something that Clinton said-like “what is consensual sex” “why do you imagine that you went to places and faced guns that you never did”-and “how do your emails match up with all your Wall St donations then?”
Still-good to watch the clunken headed efforts to give us the total wraparound message.
They don`t like Donald…and that`s news?
But he`ll sweep them all into Clintons pork pie hat….sure of it.
What Sky and BBC/Left have to say re Trump has no influence on US voters. But it’s a joy to watch.
The joy is almost as significant as when BBC/Labour lost the General Election last year. The look on their combined faces when the Exit Polls were returned at 9.55pm!!
I have it on loop throughout my house 24/7.
Dover Sentry
BBC and Sky have lots of influence over American voters living here, that is the real purpose of their repetitive ‘controversial Trump’ headlines.
I wonder why the U.K. abstained on the E.U. vote to put tariffs on steel imports from China?
Oh! Now I remember – because Gideon is borrowing lots of money from them, to give to the French to build a new nuclear power station for us here in Blighty.
And it looks increasingly unlikely that the power station will ever be built. Funny old world.
It is when one considers that the first one in the world, ever, was built here.
The BBC are not beating around the bush mentioning the illegal Jewish community activities here
This proves the BBC doesn’t have a general problem mentioning the religion of criminals, they just have a problem mentioning a certain religions criminal activities.
A pretty repulsive report even by BBC standards.
“Officials hunting 1,000 London boys in illegal schools”
Below the caption, a picture of 2 jewish men. Are they the officials? I need to find out how to do a screen shot.
Hunting! They like a bit of boy hunting at the BBC.