Douglas Murray in the Spectator makes the connections I made in the last post….only written much better….
The questions nobody wants to ask about Asad Shah’s murder
On Maundy Thursday a Muslim shopkeeper in Glasgow was brutally murdered. Forty-year-old Asad Shah was allegedly stabbed in the head with a kitchen knife and then stamped upon. Most of the UK press began by going big on this story and referring to it as an act of ‘religious hatred’, comfortably leaving readers with the distinct feeling that – post-Brussels – the Muslim shopkeeper must have been killed by an ‘Islamophobe’. Had that been the case, by now the press would be crawling over every view the killer had ever held and every Facebook connection he had ever made. They would be asking why he had done it and investigating every one of his associates.
But it soon emerged that although the Asad Shah murder was being treated by police as ‘religiously motivated’ the suspected killer was in fact another Muslim who allegedly struck just hours after Mr Shah had posted a message on Facebook wishing a very happy Easter to his ‘beloved Christian nation’ and suggesting people follow in ‘The Real Footstep of Beloved Holy Jesus Christ’. The murdered man’s family have now been advised by police to watch what they say and to disguise where they are in Britain because it is believed that they too could now be targeted.
Mr Shah was an Ahmadiyya (Ahmadi), a member of – against some stiff competition – one of the most persecuted sects within Islam.
As I said, if the suspected killer of Mr Shah had been a non-Muslim things would have worked out differently. But since he was reported to be a Muslim the story has now effectively gone dead. The media aren’t that interested in follow-up and the politicians seem unbothered about following the hate-trail. Like all other stories in this area, they don’t know what questions to ask and they don’t want to ask them anyway. It’s a familiar pattern. Last Friday it turned out that the Imam of the Grand Central Mosque in Glasgow (Scotland’s biggest mosque) had been caught posting messages on the net praising the Muslim extremist who murdered Pakistani governor Salman Taseer for opposing blasphemy laws. This is the mosque that First Minister Nicola Sturgeon went straight to after the Paris terror attacks in November. Did she ask whether the Imam was an Islamist? Perhaps she didn’t know how to ask. Like most people in our public life she is too willingly ignorant to ask such questions and wouldn’t like the answers anyway.
It is the same after the death of Mr Shah. Ms Sturgeon went straight to a vigil in his memory. But neither she nor any other politician so far as I am aware has bothered wondering why Ahmadiyya Muslims like Mr Shah might be targeted. Of course in the days ahead we may hear the usual blandishments, but no blame will be apportioned. So for instance nobody will ask which Muslim leaders in the UK stoke hatred of Ahmadiyya Muslims. Either because they do not know, or because they do not care, nobody will ask Sadiq Khan about the killing of Mr Shah on Saturday. If they did then Sadiq Khan would doubtless express horror for the killing and then talk (as he always does) of the need to ‘root out’ all such hatred. But would anyone press on and ask whether the man most likely to be the next Mayor of London has ever ‘rooted out’ such hatred himself?
As it happens, the Imam of the mosque that Sadiq Khan himself attends in Tooting is one Suliman Gani. This is a man who has in the past openly acknowledged that he uses his position to agitate against Ahmadiyya Muslims. Indeed Sadiq Khan’s Imam has sat on a platform from which calls were made for Muslims to boycott shops owned by Ahmadi Muslims: Muslim shopkeepers, that is, like Mr Shah who was murdered last week.
As I say, nobody will ask about this, because almost nobody knows, or cares to know, or cares to hear the answers. They would care deeply about webs of association if the man arrested for Mr Shah’s murder had been a non-Muslim. But there is little to ask now it seems to be a Muslim. That is how these things work in modern Britain, and that in a nutshell is why things are going to go so very wrong in the near future.
“As I say, nobody will ask about this, because almost nobody knows, or cares to know, or cares to hear the answers. They would care deeply about webs of association if the man arrested for Mr Shah’s murder had been a non-Muslim. But there is little to ask now it seems to be a Muslim. That is how these things work in modern Britain, and that in a nutshell is why things are going to go so very wrong in the near future.”
Douglas truly has it bang on the money. Jihadi Jerrod and his fellow delusionists could spend a hundred lifetimes trying to respond to the points raised in that article and never get anywhere near an answer. There are no answers. Like the stars in the sky the facts and details to back Douglas up are infinite. Its why the fascist, bigoted left are using violence and intimidation to shut down debate and creating anti-democratic laws to silence anyone who raises these issues.
There are no answers to Douglas’ points. How frightening for our future is that thought!
“and that in a nutshell is why things are going to go so very wrong in the near future.” – that future is right now
As I said on the original piece:
The police have basically told Shah’s family to go whistle.
“Watch what you say” & hide. The police have done this because they know full well they can’t and won’t protect them.
Thanks to the regressives, cultural relativists and vote-grubbing cowardly politicians who like certain block-voting groups, it has become impossibe to engage in proper discrimination.
That is to say, it has been impossible for some time to *be discriminating*. All criticism of any and all Muslims has immediately become, through some transition of collective insanity, a crime. Hence why the likes of ISIS have to be re-defined as not Muslim and hence why we can’t say we may have few problems with Ahmadiyyas, many problems with Sunnis and a non-stop torrent from Salafists and Wahhabists.
To protect Shahs’ family and other Ahmadiyyas would require the police coming down very hard on majority Muslim groups. But obviously they can’t do that because….Muh Islamophobia.
What a horrendous state of affairs.
Great post.
Jihad terrorism is not the real threat. It may kill a few hundred each year, but the real threat comes from the so called moderate Muslims. Once they are a majority, the imams will declare the Kuffar nation has progressed from dar al harb to dar al Islam.
Once that declaration is made, moderate Muslim Taqiyya merchants will morph to become hard Muslims. No more soft soap. This can happen any time. It may happen in the first generation, or in subsequent generations. It all depends on the how rapidly Islam expands.
This is the true nature of the dual face of Islam.
As long as Muslims view Britain as dar harb, they will continue with their Taqiyya, and present a mild and moderate face. Once imams declare that Britain to be dar al islam, the same moderate Muslims will change face – a Jekyll and Hyde religion.
How do we know that we have crossed the boundary? The answer is when “British” Muslims start to behave as if they are in an Islamic country. The Rotherham Muslim who traveled to Glasgow to mete out Islamic punishment to a Muslim, who had wished “Happy Easter” to Christians is, in my view, evidence that Sunni Muslims anyway, now have been given the “all clear” to behave as if Britain was Islamic. The same goes for Belgium and France. In both countries, police action against Islamic terrorists has been violently opposed by the Muslim community – this can only be if they believe that both Belgium and France have no legal right to arrest Jihadis in an Islamic state.
I have no evidence for this, but I have a feeling that the tsunami of migrants arriving in Europe is not a happenstance of war, but carefully planned to turn Europe into an Islamic continent within a decade.
A possible future scenario.. What I believe to be certain is that our liberal cultural marxists actually believe themselves above mere religious belief .They can openly denigrate Christianity but being cowards fear retribution if they treat Islam in the same way.
So not making much of Mr Shah’s murder is more of an act of cultural disdain for all Muslim sects than anything else. The senior police, as we know , are thoroughly compromised by political correctness and as for the media no comment is necessary. The politicians are anxious to avoid being seen to make judgements.
I think the target date for religious assimilation is 2030. This somewhat arbitrary figure was buried in a UN (Agenda 21) document of social cohesion that the EU is working towards. There is no doubt in my mind that many things have been ‘prearranged’ in great detail for political (short term) socialist purposes of directing an ‘instability’ Europe by abolishing our constitutions and national identity; is all part of that agenda. By ‘assimilation’ the EU could direct a complete ban on all religious observance for security reasons. Islam is a ‘clear threat’ but it masks the creeping agenda of Communism, that is at the core of EU ‘enlargement’ prospectus – and that has to be hidden until that date when we all all become ‘Comrades’ and miraculously all live in communal peace and harmony and enjoy life on the same minimum wage as Turkey. The EU is a secular super-state and it will ban all religions – harmless or not, as Communism cannot prosper without bloodshed. A secular, multi-cultural stateless, low wage, commune with one main radio station. The BBC.
Good points.
I have felt that the socialist/communists that rule the EU, never forgave the West for engineering the fall of their pet project in Eastern Europe and the USSR.
The EU is their revenge. Allowing millions of Muslims into the EU, is their tool to dissolve the bonds that hold the West.
Belgian vice PM acknowledges street celebrations following Brussels attacks
This is evidence that imams have declared Belgium to have progressed from dar al Harb to dar al Islam.
As of now, Muslims will oppose all Belgium’s forces, as illegal, and having no proper legal authority in the country, particularly over Muslims.
Frankly. Belgium is seen as “submitted”. The only thing is that Belgium’s politicians dont know it yet.
Europe does not know yet, but in this world, our only hope is Trump.
This is evidence that Muslims in France, even Muslim cops, no longer believe that France is dar al Harb but is now dar al Islam.
We are rapidly moving to a serious conflict in Europe. Civil war – one that I have predicted for decades. Its a real shame that many innocents will quite unnecessarily be injured, because of blind attachment to egalitarian Pollyanna principals, that have no place in a fallen world.
The only real military power in Europe is the USA. The only power that can cross all European borders – no questions asked. All European leaders know this.
Ethics of Muslim Immigration, Pt. 1 – European Infiltration
This is an awful video. How can they blame Iran and Syria for IS attacks?
Iran, Syria and Russia seem to be the only ones actually fighting IS.
Very true. I had not considered that. My posting of this video was to show that Americans were no longer certain that Europe is still Europe.
Europe is not the EU. That is the problem, I think.
I agree with Philip_2 but Nick Robinson is playing on the opposite line. A two episode history of the UKs relationship with the Common Market/EEC/EU featuring Nick next week is being trailed this weekend, and is being explicitly linked as being part of the BBCs referendum coverage.
It’s going to be on BBC 2 and is likely to need a thread to itself!
In the trailer Nick asks……”Europe, the question is, is Europe them or is it us?”
No Nick we are Europe, but the EU is them, geddit?
embolden, Nick Robinson is not the sharpest tool in the box !