Sometimes I can’t tell if it’s bias or incompetence! Tonights Radio 4 News is big on the worldwide increase in diabetes. But it’s only halfway through the item and somewhat in passing that it’s mentioned that diabetes type 1 and type 2 are quite different illnesses. Perhaps type 1 doesn’t fit the narrative of unhealthy lifestyles feeding the increase or perhaps the teenagers at BBC News can’t be bothered to research the difference.
Oh and we had an interview with a diabetes sufferer in Kenya thrown in for no clear reason other than the BBC’s love of ensuring we don’t concentrate on the UK’s issues.
What’s the problem? They are different. Type 2 is lifestyle, Type 1 bad luck with the genes and an early death sentence. If you don’t eat muck you won’t get Type 2.
Well, my problem is that you have just given more information about diabetes in one (harsh) sentence than the BBC could manage in a major news feature.
Just thought I’d add some more information to your comment. There many confirmations of this fact across the web.
“Type 2 diabetes tends to be fairly hereditary in contrast to type 1 diabetes. Approximately one-third of children of people with type 2 diabetes will develop diabetes or abnormal glucose metabolism at some point.”
There were so many contradictions in the treatment of this on WatO, I felt that a letter should be on the way to BBC’s Head of News.
It also smacked of very poor science, together with language (silent killer – how many noisy diseases do you know?), on the part of the scientists doing the study. But no questions asked by Kearney or the BBC’s contributor to WatO. A tad sharper at 6pm, with someone mentioning the increase in world population but no real tough questioning on the blame being placed on ‘urbanisation’, ‘lack of exercise’ and the cure being stated as the need to ‘walk & cycle more’.
Obviously the scientists doing the study have no idea about how much people walk & cycle in cities, mass transit systems & the effort they require for use and the fact that junk food and excessive car usage are not really found in low and middle income earners in the poorer countries of the world. That is apparently where much of the growth in diabetes, especially in recent years, has occurred according to their study.
Good job this didn’t go out as a news item last Friday!
In this country I believe I read that there are background details that do not help such that there is a higher preponderance among those with an Indian sub-continent background, (and also W. Indian too?) than indigenous “British”
Why is this major news item relegated to regional news?
West Midlands PC ‘sparked bogus IS kidnap alert’
A police officer was involved in a hoax 999 call claiming a colleague would be kidnapped by a radical Muslim with links to so-called Islamic State, a court has heard.
PC Amar Tasaddiq Hussain, 29, is one of three men accused of conspiring to make a bogus call to West Midlands Police.
He denies two counts of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
Adil Bashir, 26, and Muhammad Ali Sheikh, 31, have also denied the charges at Stafford Crown Court.
The prosecution claim Mr Hussain, from Yardley, plotted with Mr Bashir of Small Heath and Mr Sheikh from Bordesley Green, to incriminate members of Dawat-E-Islami, a peaceful Muslim prayer group, who he held a grudge against
Is there no depth to which this scum will not sink? Why is the corrupt government and public sector encouraging even more corruption, which is endemic to the Pakistani Muslim ‘community’ ?
Another one … but this was definitely just bias. Radio 4 News item yesterday I think it was. “Only 1% of men are choosing to take paternity leave” … yes those bad old shirking men at it again. But actually could be just as valid to have said “99% of women chose to take maternity leave” or “nearly couples decide that mother takes leave”.
But that wouldn’t fit the feminist narrative of lazy oppressive men causing the “gender pay gap”.
(Noticed how feminists gone extremely quiet in these days of ROP love. Every cloud I suppose).
As I’m here. Weekend Radio 4 news had a regular item about Julia Bishop (Oz Foreign Minister) saying that for Australia’s interest, UK should stay in the EU. Well ok, that’s her view (although sure DC has promised her something in return for saying it). But the item always then went on to add “The Leave campaign have stated that Australia is a model for a UK out of the EU”. As though this Leave argument was undermined by Julia’s statements.
BS! The two points are separate. Australia’s interests and what’s good for UK need not overlap at all. (BTW I do not hear of Australia trying to join up to a free movement area with Indonesia, Malaysia and co. Quite the opposite.)
Just the BBC using the news to publish it’s opinions.
Julia Bishop must be a republican. A warning in 2004, by experts from the Australian Monarchist League, pointed out the fact that to subject the Queen and the Crown to the authority of the European Union, goes against the spirit and intent of the 1931 Statute of Westminster, which prohibits the British Government from legislating on any matter that will subject the Crown to European Union authority. So it would be in the interests of the Australian republicans for Britain to stay in the EU, as a way for the traitor, Cameron, to put a spanner in the works of the Queen’s beloved Commonwealth constitution, after the Referendum. That would be the promise that Cameron would have given to Julia Bishop.
Cameron is known to have snubbed the Queen, as regards Commonwealth events, on a few occasions. He has also called the Commonwealth “The Dark”, a racist reference to the fact that the Commonwealth is only united by a common Culture, while Cameron prefers the European Union, because its united by a common Race.
I heard the other day that Argentina are to play a Southern Hemisphere 4 Nations rugby match against Australia at Twickenham. A possible sell out is expected because of ‘the large number of Australians in London’.
Does anyone have a problem with this? Nope, me neither. Because our Ozzie chums can take a joshing, speak English, share our values, don’t ask for an unfair share of resources, don’t play the victims card, don’t expect special treatment, and just get on with it.
What a shame Al Beeb are so blind to such basic necessities for smooth integration.
And as for John Howard, anyone remember he turned up at the Cenotaph one year when he was Aus PM and laid a wreath for his compatriots who died fighting for the cause of freedom, which as serving PM he did immediately after our PM of the day. Good on yer, mate.
I was disturbed that our foreign minister Julie Bishop (aka Lady Macbeth, known as such for knifing several of her party’s leaders) was sticking her oar into the EU debate so I thought I would provide a link to an article I found today. The article goes into the problems Ted Heath caused Australia when he took Britain into the EEC. However, the more interesting part is towards the end where the author outlines what Australia has retained and Britain has lost by being in the EU .
BTW It is Julie Bishop not Julia – even she doesn’t doesn’t deserve to be connected with the dreadful Julia Gillard ex PM of Australia.
When it comes to the Left’s view of the EU never forget Barroso’s ‘thank you’ speech on our behalf when we were graciously awarded the Nobel Peace Prize – or at least the EU was:
‘The EU is the blueprint for a future world government’
Which is the ambition of every left-leaning world leader, including Cameron, via Agenda 21, ‘climate change’ , the Club of Rome and any other devious, non-democratic means the globe-trotting, tax-gorging, elitist bastards can muster.
Then we had the mysterious murder of Asah Shah. Well mysterious if you listened only to BBC News that is. Weekend Radio News was that “a man from Bradford” had been arrested. And that Police were calling it a “Religiously prejudiced” crime. Whatever that garbled, Orwellian phrase was supposed to mean was not explained. Islam or Muslim not mentioned at all.
Tonight BBC finally reporting, but only I suspect because the murderer has stated that the killing was because Asad had disrespected Mo. Still no reporting that Asad’s sect is regarded as heretical and widely persecuted by Islam – while we are carefully reassured that “Muslim communities” in Glasgow are all shocked by the events.
Police Scotland had previously described the incident as a religiously prejudiced attack and said both men were Muslims.
Mr Shah was an Ahmadiyya Muslim, a group known for its non-violence and interfaith concerns, that is persecuted in many parts of the world.
Ahmadiyya are banned by the constitution of Pakistan from referring to themselves as Muslim
Oh how silly of me to miss an item on the BBC News website for Scotland-Glasgow! There was me just listening to the national broadcast news on Radios 4 and 5 over the weekend.
I wouldn’t normally use a medium such as this forum to raise awareness of an issue close to my heart but this one is so important I hope regulars here will indulge me. There is a species that is disappearing rapidly for reasons unknown, it could be linked to global warming, and is getting perilously close to extinction. Unless something is done it could be gone completely in 5 years. The species I refer to is the Have Your Say (HYS) on the BBC website. This species is reaching the point of no return; the fittest of its kind largely gone leaving the dregs to struggle on. Given current events, a quick search through the BBC’s website reveals just how bad things are.
Forget murdered Glaswegian shopkeepers, the demise of the British steel industry or overstretched services. Today the great British public gets to comment on subjects like:
Er… that appears to be it. Why on earth wouldn’t our national treasure want to hear the views of its paymasters?
£4Bn of our hard-earned being flushed down the crapper by otherwise unemployable left-leaning arts graduates.
The Daily Telegraph has just got rid of readers’ comments in their entirety. It’s almost as if there is a referendum coming, and they don’t want us talking amongst ourselves. They prefer the 1975 model where the Public Information Office told us what to think, and we all got a leaflet from the government. Hang on…
There was nothing to worry about then as if we didn’t like what the EEC proposed we could veto it. Now we have qualified majority voting so we have as much chance as stopping something as winning the Eurovision Song Contest!
We were also told that we needn’t worry about immigration either as, (up till then), no-one saw any point in moving between, (wealthy), France, Germany, Holland etc. That was before they added poor eastern Europe and opened the door to Turkey.
We were told about ‘ever closer union’ but that was ‘pooled sovereignty’ so ‘nothing to worry about, (and now Dave has been assured that we won’t be subsumed until after the referendum, so that’s OK too).
Partly as a result of closing reader’s comments I have now cancelled my subscription to the DT. I suppose losing £90+ a quarter won’t hurt them too much. Generally on the EU leave-remain debate the DT is fairly well balanced, but closing debate from readers is just not right.
As with this site, you can learn so much from fellow posters, it opens debate well beyond the often narrow article.
Am with you there, SJ. I think it is very bad and also poor timing on the part of the BBC, with Charter Review in progress. There’s a big stick there for the public to beat the BBC with and MPs cannot very well approve a clear and substantial lack of democracy and openness.
In addition to the lack of HYS, Kuenssberg appears to only work part time, Simon Jack not at all since his appointment as Business Editor. Not a good start for someone who appears to want to be the next John Humphrys AND Robert Peston rolled into one.
I do not think more than a couple of Kuenssbergs Blogs have been open for comment. She has been in post for some time, now. I don’t know if Jack has Blogged at all. He doesn’t appear to have an Editors page and any search of the w-s only brings up very old material. (No surprise in a way: the BBC’s w-s search engine is absolutely hopeless.) Kamal Ahmed does some Blogging and most are open to comment but his output of Blogs is nowhere near the quantity of Pesto’s legendary output.
I reckon the next Licence Fee should be pitched closer to £60 than £75 for this lack of ‘interactivity’ on top of the savings Lord Hall was claiming, last autumn, that the BBC had made.
Get rid of the TV TAX
If Al Beeb is as good as it tells us it is, then privatise it and let the money it makes be ploughed into the NHS.
Over to you Marvin , Jerrod and the rest of your chums ………
taffman, I’m in favour of a Licence Fee (not a tax) of about £25 which could & should fund local radio, national radio and a TV station along with income from revenues & other assets held in trust.
Beyond that, sure sell off other parts. Split the money three ways: public, NHS and a (proper) BBC Trust. Benefits all round in a caring & sharing way. Or, as others have suggested, let the extras be paid for on a subscription basis.
As far as I can find out, its because the Moderation services team leader Paul Wakely has complained about the massive 35 percent increase in none “Safe Space“ comments, in the past year. So Nick Reynolds has been ordered by the BBC, not to allow comments on more and more Blogs.
So its because of a massive growth in angry comments by licence fee payers.
Thanks for the info, Richard. But who has caused the angry comments by Licence Fee payers? Is it not a self-inflicted wound by the BBC?
And would the use of the internet by the BBC, the use of which by the UK population was encouraged by the BBC itself (helping getting Britain on-line) from 1999 onwards, much of which would make the life of the BBC easier, eg. access to programme information, not form part of ‘Inform, Educate and Entertain’? Once the BBC opened that channel of use, closing it down will create anger & opponents and would also be a reduction in ‘Inform, Educate and Entertain’.
Saw that one the other day, taken as gospel with no corroboration it was a Ripping yarn indeed. Anyway if Owen Bennett-Jones is interested I have a Ponzi sche.., sorry, incredible investment opportunity he may be interested in involving the manufacture and distribution of snake oil on some prime Florida real estate.
I got as far as this and couldn’t read any further:
The motivation for such acts is not always clear – one man told Owen Bennett-Jones, he didn’t know what he was getting into when he joined a militant group in Pakistan.
The group that carried out the Lahore attack afterwards released a photograph of the suicide bomber. Predictably enough he looks young, 21 maybe. It’s a heavily posed shot – he’s on his haunches with a huge gun behind him and his right hand is raised in front of his face with his forefinger extended as if he was emphasising a point. “Listen!” he seems to be saying. “Just listen to me!”
And to think we pay the poll tax which funds the handsome salaries of the fuckwits who write this mendacious crap.
I have wrote an endless amount of posts about the vile, horrific, blood thirsty cult that is Islam on this wonderful website. I have tried to describe the purpose of Islam and it’s relentless desire and instruction for domination, obedience and death cleansing of anyone and everyone that isn’t Islam. I do not think I could ever more accurately describe this purpose than Tanveer Ahmed, 32, who slaughtered Asad Shah in Glasgow because Islam instructed him to. Thank you Tanveer for confirming to us all that Islam is and always will be a death cult whose purpose is to convert or destroy everything in its path to please Allah.
Now can someone please tell me how there is more than one Islam or moderate and extremist Muslims after this statement
“The highly unusual statement was made through Mr Ahmed’s lawyer, John Rafferty after his second appearance at court before sheriff Brian Adair.
The statement given was: “My client Mr Tanveer Ahmed has specifically instructed me that today, 6 April 2016, to issue this statement to the press, the statement is in the words of my client.
“This all happened for one reason and no other issues and no other intentions.
“Asad Shah disrespected the messenger of Islam the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Mr Shah claimed to be a Prophet.
“When 1400 years ago the Prophet of Islam Muhammad peace be upon him has clearly said that ‘I am the final messenger of Allah there is no more prophets or messengers from God Allah after me.
“‘I am leaving you the final Quran. There is no changes. It is the final book of Allah and this is the final completion of Islam. There is no more changes to it and no one has the right to claim to be a Prophet or to change the Quran or change Islam.’
“It is mentioned in the Quran that there is no doubt in this book no one has the right to disrespect the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and no one has the right to disrespect the Prophet of Islam Muhammad Peace be upon him.
“If I had not done this others would and there would have been more killing and violence in the world.
“I wish to make it clear that the incident was nothing at all to do with Christianity or any other religious beliefs even although I am a follower of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him I also love and respect Jesus Christ.”
No changes. One Quran. No man ever able to change it. The word of Allah himself. Religion of peace?????…..
Didn`t they do the right thing a few years ago, as they taped Khan in discussion with a prisoner in some capacity or other?
The Left naturally-the BBC etc seemed to be upset.
Which meant that the security services had something to bother them-and I`d believe them and not Assange with the luvvies.
Are racist black people continually encouraged by the Al Beeb and MSM to race bate on industrial scales day after day after day instead of being ignored for being the racist, white man hating, grievance junkies they are? Hell yes!
Sofa male Adam: “”Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was dealt a serious blow after he lost out to main rival Ted Cruz in the key American state Wisconsin””.
Sofa female : “”Donald Trump still leads in the Republican race. His chances of winning outright are now much slimmer””.
US based reporter now presents a video feature (Gary Odonoghue): “”It’s been a bad week for Donald Trump. Flip-flopping on abortion, his campaign manager indicted for manhandling a female reporter (video clip of Donald Trump predicting success in Wisconsin). That resoundingly didn’t happen. His first taste of real failure””. (Video feature runs on how successful and unifying Clinton has been despite loosing to Sanders).
“” The Republicans could be heading for a divisive and damaging showdown at the summer convention. Unity still a distant hope””. (No mention of Democrat divisions).
Great article about Trump by Pat Buchanan, which concludes with a gem of a JFK quote.
What Trump Has Wrought–The Rebirth Of Nationalism In America
As Wisconsinites head for the polls, our Beltway elites are almost giddy. For they foresee a Badger State bashing for Donald Trump, breaking his momentum toward the Republican nomination.
Should the Donald fall short of the delegates needed to win on the first ballot, 1,237, there is growing certitude that he will be stopped. First by Ted Cruz; then, perhaps, by someone acceptable to the establishment, which always likes to have two of its own in the race.
But this city of self-delusion should realize there is no going back for America. For, whatever his stumbles of the last two weeks, Trump has helped to unleash the mightiest force of the 21st century: nationalism.
Transnationalism and globalism are moribund.
First among the issues on which Trump has triumphed—”We will build the wall—and Mexico will pay for it!”—is border security.
Republican candidates who failed to parrot Trump on illegal immigration were among the first casualties.
For that is where America is, and that is where the West is.
Consider Europe. Four months ago, Angela Merkel was Time‘s Person of the Year for throwing open the gates to the “huddled masses” of the Middle and Near East.
Merkel’s Germany is now leading the EU in amassing a huge bribe to the Turks to please take them back, and keep them away from the Greek islands that are now Islam’s Ellis Island into Europe.
Africa’s population will double to 2.5 billion by 2050. With 60 percent of Africans now under 25 years of age, millions will find their way to the Med to cross to the Old Continent where Europeans are aging, shrinking and dying. Look for gunboats in the Med.
If immigration is the first issue where Trump connected with the people, the second is trade.
Republicans are at last learning that trade deficits do matter, that free trade is not free. The cost comes in dead factories, lost jobs, dying towns and the rising rage of an abandoned Middle America whose country this is and whose wages have stagnated for decades.
Economists who swoon over figures on consumption forget what America’s 19th-century meteoric rise to self-sufficiency teaches, and what all four presidents on Mount Rushmore understood.
Production comes before consumption. Who owns the orchard is more essential than who eats the apples. We have exported the economic independence that Hamilton taught was indispensable to our political independence. We have forgotten what made us great.
China, Japan, Germany—the second, third and fourth largest economies on earth—all owe their prosperity to trade surpluses run for decades at the expense of the Americans.
A third casualty of Trumpism is the post-Cold War foreign policy consensus among liberal interventionists and neoconservatives.
Trump subjects U.S. commitments to a cost-benefit analysis, as seen from the standpoint of cold national interest.
What we do we get from continuing to carry the largest load of the defense of a rich Europe, against a Russia with one-fourth of Europe’s population?
How does Vladimir Putin, leader of a nation that in the last century lost its European and world empires and a third of its landmass, threaten us?
Why must we take the lead in confronting and containing Putin in Ukraine, Crimea and Georgia? No vital U.S. interest is imperiled there, and Russia’s ties there are older and deeper than ours to Puerto Rico.
Why is it the responsibility of the U.S. Pacific Fleet to defend the claims of Hanoi, Manila, Kuala Lumpur and Brunei, to rocks, reefs and islets in the South China Sea—against the claims of China?
American hawks talk of facing down Beijing in the South and East China Seas while U.S. companies import so much in Chinese-made goods they are fully subsidizing Beijing’s military budget.
Does this make sense?
Patriotism, preserving and protecting the unique character of our nation and people, economic nationalism, America First, staying out of other nation’s wars—these are as much the propellants of Trumpism as is the decline of the American working and middle class.
Trump’s presence in the race has produced the largest turnout ever in the primaries of either party. He has won the most votes, most delegates, most states. Wisconsin aside, he will likely come to Cleveland in that position.
If, through rules changes, subterfuge and faithless delegates, party elites swindle him out of the nomination, do they think that the millions who came out to vote for Trump will go home and say: We lost it fair and square?
Do they think they can then go back to open borders, amnesty, a path to citizenship, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and nation building?
Whatever happens to Trump, the country has spoken. And if the establishment refuses to heed its voice, and returns to the policies the people have repudiated, it should take heed of John F. Kennedy’s warning:
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”
Interesting post, AS. Thanks. [The BBC could, of course, be putting this up on their w-s if Kuenssberg was doing her job a bit better! 😉 ]
Not sure Buchanan has got this right:
“Africa’s population will double to 2.5 billion by 2050. With 60 percent of Africans now under 25 years of age, millions will find their way to the Med to cross to the Old Continent where Europeans are aging, shrinking and dying. Look for gunboats in the Med.”
Europeans. Ageing – yes. Dying – No. Shrinking – No, definitely not shrinking, except for the troubled ones.
The BBC’s Radio 4 and web-site. We had obesity on Monday, diabetes on Wednesday. Eating disorders on Wednesday and Thursday with a bit more obesity thrown in.
Now they inform me that also today (Thursday) we are – on Woman’s Hour – going to have cake.
Pat Buchanan needs to listen to BBC Radio 4 a bit more!
Ta for this Al!
I never knew that I could quote something from Lefty Saint JFK!
But I will, ad nauseum as we deal with the EU and the BBC inclination to censor us all.
Liked the quote from Pat re the apples and the orchard too.
Will add it to the tenet about when Islam creates so many rotten apples in the barrel-we need to worry about the orchard that seems to produce so many rotten apples in the first place.
22:00 BBc still running the massive hammer blow delivered to Trumps campaign story
. I seem to have heard all this before earlier in the campaign. Any one speaking up for the Trump campaign…Hey no way of course not. As I said way back I don’t have a vote for the American President along with the majority watching / listening to the BBc propaganda machine. Why make such a song and dance about it BBc?
Do Al Beeb really think that their propaganda has any effect on the voting population of the USA ?
Al Beeb think that they are much bigger than they they really are . They tried influencing our last G E and failed miserably with their propaganda . The Torys returned to power to their dismay.
“The Global Audience Estimate, released on Tuesday, shows that in the year 2012-13 the BBC’s global news services – that is, the World Service, World News and the website – reached 256m people each week, a rise of 7% or 16.6m.
These are huge figures – around the world, one in every 28 people is a viewer, listener or reader of BBC global news.”
“Whatever media platform audiences use to access BBC news, what they will find is accurate, impartial, trustworthy journalism. In the past year BBC journalists have covered big and surprising stories ranging from the Pope’s resignation, the Olympics, the US election – and the discovery of Richard III’s skeleton in a Leicester car park.”
Mornin’ y’all. I’m a genu-ine redneck from Huntsville, Alabama. I’ve always voted Re-pub-li-an, in fact I’ve been a member of the Klu Klux Klan, which kinda dominates things here and suits me and the Good ‘Ol Boys right down to the ground with its forthright views. We only have one TV news channel in the States – Fox News – and I sure reckon its owned by that Donald Trump fella ‘cos he sure is on it a lot. I’ve always liked him, and especially his idea to build a wall around the USA to keep out all those Muslims and Mexicans who live in the Gulf. But recently, my eyes have been opened by your wonderful British Broadcasting Corporation and I’d just like to thank you Limeys for it. Seems we have a presidential election here coming up here with some wonderful candidates in the form of Hillary Clinton and her friend Bernie Sanders, who is related to your very own Prime Minister President King, Jeremy Corbyn. I’ve read all about them on the BBC website when nurse wasn’t looking and I now see that I’ve been wrong all my life and that all Americans should vote Democrat and stop the killing of black folk by racist police officers. God bless the United States of Europe and the stars and stripes for ever, yeah.
Gary saw none of this for himself.
He`s blind-so much as think he`d make a good climate change bod( you don`t need the evidence of your eyes to puff along about THIS newest of faiths as a cargo cult)-he`ll know nothing much about Trump-unless Trump is planning to feed a guide dog or such.
Ditto Blunkett-they need to do economics or EU accountancy, but NOT something like health or education where you need to see peeling walls or a dispenser to clean your hands.
Gesture crap-lets hope we get some weather gals in wheelchairs or some chat show host with muscular dystrophy…THEN we can see how far their tokenism goes up their own privileged food chains.
Why dump the misfits onto the kids, sports or signal plinths for BBC “goodness”?…let`s see Graham Norton or Schaffenakka pay the REAL price of their disabling gestures.
And-need I say-this is NOT a pop at the disabled-just their use and abuse at the cheap grace end of BBC output.
Never could see (excuse the unfortunate pun) how a Minister could be blind and function, unless they really are there just to sign what they do not witness or understand.
So too, a reporter whose ‘analysis’ must surely depend on visual sense on many occasions to interpret events for the viewing (again, sorry) public.
Mind you, the process seems to wor… excuse me, operate pretty much on this basis via audio at least at the BBC ME desk, where highly paid correspondents ‘report’ what local stringers tell them folk are saying.
I don’t want my hard earned tax to pay for this. The government is worried . This money could have been better spent.
Where are our Tory readers on this?
Would you join the EU now ? Just look around and open your eyes ………..
Hi , Taff in 75 , as far as I can remember both sides could put out a in or out booklet, that should happen now ,as the in or out crosses party lines. I think the electoral commission should rule on this.
The BBC seem to have missed a “continetal crisis”.
In the article below they inform us that “The European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, has warned that a [Dutch referendum] No vote could lead to a ‘continental crisis’ “. Well the Dutch did!
At 6am today the BBC News home page has given this “continental crisis” pride of place below the plight of the Icelandic PM and a item named “France outlaws paying for sex”.
I have also noted that the “continental crisis” is not even the top story in their Europe section!
“A pretty morbid question…”
So says economics reporter our Steph – apt in a way – as noted hereabouts her look is oddly reminiscent of a daughter of Frankenstein
The BBC Breakfast crew do “Like to have a big boss on the show” and there follows a nice soft ball chat with the top bloke at the Co-op. The morbid question? “How come your funeral service figures are up 10%?”
The answer gives our BBC bods and indeed the viewer a little more than the BBC agenda would have asked for. “The death rate in this country fluctuates – with the weather. The 10% rise in the current year is more of a reflection of the dip in the previous year” What the Co-op man is saying is that last winter was colder than the previous winter. Got that BBC?
There’s something to reflect on when some One Show BBC animal hugger is bemoaning the Climate Change effects on the Lesser Spotted Dweebs population – Global Warming saves human British lives!
AISI, which explains why they have been so quiet about 2015 temperatures, especially for the UK.
You guys all owe me a tenner. I predicted it was going to be a cold winter! 🙂
I did hear a mention, a very small, very quiet reference on Radio 4 about 3 weeks back to the CO2 emissions for 2015. That was also not good news for the enviro-Mentalists. No growth or a slight fall for 2015. I cannot now remember which of the two it was. Think it was the former. But I do recall it was mentioned very quickly, very quietly and did not get repeated ad nauseum. Nor was it flagged up prominently on the BBC web-site.
A marked contrast with last year’s announcements concerning 2014.
I don’t regard a lot of “Christian” sects who judge their piety by how high up the Forbes Rich list their Pastor is as Christian but I don’t go killing them. Maybe the question is really, “Is there too much pressure on Muslims to accept British law?”
Our energy provider helpfully provides a graphical representation of our energy usage so we can make comparisons year on year.
2014 is quite remarkable as the graph for our gas usage (solely for heating – everything else is leccy) did not show a decline until late June. As I remember that Spring/early Summer there was a lot of sunshine but it was bloody cold right up to the start of July. I also remember it was conveniently ignored by the BBC.
Predictably with Trump stumbling last night Channel 4 news turned their vitriol on the next Republican in line : Ted Cruz
This is always the way the liberal media play the game. Hammer the front runner on the right whoever and whatever.
Plus I can’t see them ever forgiving him for skewering the President of the Sierra Club – a powerful US pro-warmist lobby group – in the most humiliating manner (self-inflicted by the President, I hasten to add). The ‘97% of climate scientists’ claim and the President’s grasp of even the basic facts is exposed to some fine tune. It’s cringeworthy stuff and excellent material for the BBC’s satirical maestros, you might think.
Great story!
Risible Walk to Parkhurst?…if that`s not the path and the end result of lefty ignorance, but meant to signal their feminist fannies, then what it?
Love the Councillor-Stan Ogden was it-saying he was “gutted” at the balls up-or is that fannyfuckup?
Devastated, sick as a parrot?…where on the scale of reflex bilge bites does “gutted” go?
Love too that some set of retarded chimps with fuzzy felt called “Urban Vision” are given the job of “naming streets”
Anybody ELSE know Salford?…and WTF has Urban Vision got to do with Salfords Regent Centre or Mike Sweeney?
Got to be a BBC leg pull this one.
Wasn`t Clarabelle in a lesbian chain with Annie on Thomas the Tank Engine?…or am I giving us the future of lezzy thick land in the twilight zone between Salford and Kirkby?
Crap actress Juliet Stevenson is on Breakfast with the sloths telling us we should take in vulnerable refugee children. She and also mickey mouse group Citizens UK are happy that four “vulnerable” “children” with relatives here have been let in. Sad face when it comes to telling us of illegal killed in lorry crash as she informs us he had every right to be here. Once again we are back on the BBc sliding scale of the definition of adult / child depending on the story. Of course the sloths fawn over her as she goes on to tell us that they should just “deal” with the migrants in Calais already there and then “shut it down”. Anyone there to tell her she is a nobody and the majority don’t give a damn what she is telling us? Any one there from an anti -migrant group to tell her where to get off? No of course not this is the biased BBc. After years of complaining about these one sided interviews I’ve now just given up complaining the BBc has no intention of presenting a balance to the stories it runs. The bias continues.
For a moment our Juliet was talking about children – then suddenly we get the story of 17-year-old Mohammed who – keen to dodge the draft at 18 – has ‘every right to be here’ since he has an uncle in Manchester. And then young Mohammed’s relatives and then theirs….
I wonder if actress our Juliet has ever played movie parlour game Six Degrees of Separation of Kevin Bacon?
On her definition of a legitimate right to a UK passport it’s an open door to the world’s billions.
Yes, AISI, except most countries I can think of – where I might like to move, live and work for a while – restrict it to a right to two generations of direct descent (ie. parent or grandparent of that nationality) and then you have to apply for a special permission before you are allowed in.
Not just enter illegally or declare yourself an asylum seeker and then refuse it where you are, insisting that having a distant relative on the Moon will allow you to settle in your chosen land of milk and honey.
AslSeeIt.” Children” as I said it’s the BBc child / adult sliding scale where16/ 17/18/19 year olds are “children” in some circumstances such as when they are refugees, or being deported. But adults in other issues when it suits the BBc agenda.
Like voting in referendum and having gay sex – unless the latter is with someone with “influence” over them.
Old enough to consent to a one night stand with a total stranger, but not with your scout leader or teacher. So BBC employees will be o.k. to pick up a `16 year old of the same gender!
‘every right to be here’ since he has an uncle in Manchester….
Um, by the same token I have a niece in Australia, so settling out there would be quite nice, and relatives in Canada – a bit cold, but clearly I have ‘every right to be there’ because I’m their Aunty. If I tried that on at Customs I’d be impounded and put on the next flight home, so why I we so insanely soft ???
Juliet Stevenson is still an attractive woman (also eye of the beholder). Wonder how she would feel when she discovers her refugee child shaves and has developed a man-sized swelling?
There was an image on FaceBook earlier of a guy threatening throw a toddler at coppers over razor wire. Even some sympathetic to the migrant swarm ambitions felt this would not be helpful.
…..she goes on to tell us that they should just “deal” with the migrants in Calais already there and then “shut it down”.
If ‘deal’ means send them in a direction other than whence they came, it will never shut down due to the simple law of supply and demand. But then, she probably knows that.
Funny how these virtue signallers are never asked to lead by example, eh, always safe in the knowledge they can flaunt their worthiness on the BBC totally without challenge then return to their country retreat in Suffolk or Dorset, miles from the ‘enrichment’ being experienced in our overcrowded towns and cities with their mini-Pakistans, Bangladeshes, Somalias and Wherevers expanding to the tune of half a million a year.
A little late. Yesterday Wednesday Radio 4 just after 7.30am, discussion on the danger faced by British bluebells from Spanish invading bluebells. Quite sensible, but I could sense the nudge under the table when the bluebell expert blurted out towards the end that the problem has been made worse by climate change. Then on to Moslem thought for today with a Mohamidan women from Cambridge who spoke about the tax dodging rich and compared their greed to the wisdom expressed in the Koran where we are told that followers believe in sharing and helping the poor – a bit like socialism. Then I read in a newspaper about Arab sheilks with their tax havens.
Don’t worry GWF. Observant Moslems – well known for their lack of hypocrisy – don’t charge or accept “interest”. However, if you deposit a sum of money with a sharia-compliant bank (eg this one) you receive a return on your money oddly similar to interest. The return is calculated, not at an “interest rate” but at an “expected profit rate”: a percentage of the deposit or loan bearing a remarkable similarity in size to . . er . . what the interest rate would have been.
Gordon Brown changed tax law (an Islamic Practices Relief Act as it were) to allow, amongst other things, the “non-interest” on sharia-compliant loans to be treated analogously to returns on non-religiously inspired financial arrangements so that, for instance, the non-interest interest became allowable against tax as if the non-interest was, indeed, interest. Current HMRC practice is set out here. Of course, income paid on sharia-compliant loans is not called “interest”. Apparently, your monthly/annual return is a sharing of the goodies with the ultimate borrower of your deposit. In the real world, of course, Al Rayan Bank is paying you what is as close to interest as makes no difference.
Only if it’s halal bollocks. If you take a non mortgage mortgage with them you have to abide by sharia law on the premises. So no pork or alcohol. Not sure if child brides and raping innocents is compulsory as well.
Seeing that our government has already refinanced 3 government buildings using these non interest but bow to Allah schemes I guess there is fat chance the FCA or PRA will be looking to make the true interest rates published.
Personally I think the BBC should do a lot more portraying wheel-chair-bound-Syrian-immigrant-weather-forecasters-who-turn-murder-detective-on-weekends-to-solve-muslim-murders-in-the-Channel-Islands. There just isn’t enough of this on TV these days.
Absolutely no comment on whether the BBC have sacked him. Makes you think the BBC condone supplying death drugs to teenagers. Next SS BBC will be promoting injections to make you gay. Hang on a minute…….
Justin Webb seemed exercised about this case this morning at the National Assembly Fireside chat with the country after the 8am news.
WGAF?…even a flying one?
This is just glue sniffing or head shop experimantations for the gay middle classes and above-very much the media and BBC houris and whores.
Didn`t Zammo teach them ANYTHING when they were on Uncle Jimmys lap at Stowe or Winchester?
When these liberal scum choose to look at Rochdale or Hartlepool they way they dip each others wicks by Paddington Green or Barons Court PPV toilets…then I too will care a jot for their empty druggy shallow lives.
This blokes a dealer-thought we were SUPPOSED to go for them.
Exactly. The BBC cannot help themselves. They have lost any objectivity. It was lost in about 1997 when a government red in hue and very pro immigrants i.e. Labour voters, came to power.
1997 will be remembered, but not in a positive light.
Charlie Hebdo. Praised, excoriated and now ignored by the BBC. Racist and Islamophobic Hebdo under fire for this recent editorial – “How did we end up here.”
“For a week now, experts of all kinds have been trying to understand the reasons for the attacks in Brussels. An incompetent police force? Unbridled multiculturalism? Youth unemployment? Uninhibited Islamism? The causes are numerous beyond counting and everyone will naturally choose the one that suits best their own convictions. Law and Order fans will denounce the haplessness of the police. Xenophobes will blame immigration. Sociologists will rehash the evils of colonialism. Urban-planners will point to the evils of ghettoisation. Take your pick.”
There are 11 times more gay paedophiles than hetrosexual ones – therefore any member of BBC male staff is 11 times more likely to be a paedophile when compared to any other workplace. That sounds about right.
Back on the last open thread I linked to an ‘Over to You’ programme which departed radically from the usual hand-wringing lefty political correctness of the World Service, especially the following startling statement by a guy from BBC Trending, in reaction to the BBC’s disproportionate coverage of the Brussels and Lahore terror attacks:
“It’s completely natural to have a stronger reaction to something that’s closer to you, whether that’s geographically or culturally.”
This is a truly subversive concept for so many on the left who insist that everyone is equal and that it’s an unforgiveable crime to have less regard for strangers than for one’s own.
I’m indebted to DownBoy, on the same thread, for introducing the eminent Mark Steyn and this debate
which also featured Nigel Farage, Simon Schama and former UN Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour.
At 01:08:30 in, the latter started to shake her head when Farage said, “I hope we would look at the plight of the Christians who are being massacred in Libya and in Iraq and Syria…” which made Farage tell her, “And you shake your head …it fascinates me. From every definition that the United Nations has stood for, since 1951, those Christians …should be guaranteed freedom and security and refugee status in the West.”
In his summing up, at 01:18:00 in, Farage said, “I’ve tried this evening to challenge the other side to see if they would agree with me that the Christians who are being crucified and massacred in the Middle East should qualify for refugee status and I’ve not had one positive response from the other side on this at all.”
Then Schama said, “I don’t disagree at all with your point about the Christian community, ditto Yazidis and persecuted Shias ….”
And when Arbour came to her summing up, at 01:23:50, all she had to say about the Christians was this: “I don’t know of any evidence that suggests that Christians from Syria or Druze or Alawites have been excluded from refugee protection. I don’t know where this is all coming from.”
So these two superb specimens of the left can’t spend more than a few seconds on the subject of the Christian genocide committed by Muslims and immediately dismiss genuine concerns about it by lumping the Christians in with others in an attempt to detract attention from the specific targeting of Christians by Muslims. The message is clear: even though these two come from a Judeo-Christian tradition, the last thing they will do will be to express any solidarity with – or concern for – those Christians facing the ongoing genocide. Even worse, they will spare no effort to embrace and excuse their Muslim oppressors and minimise or ignore the dire threat posed by Islam to the West.
This precisely echoes the attitude of the BBC. That’s why it was such a breath of fresh air to hear the BBC Trending guy say what he said.
Mark Steyn was absolutely brilliant in the debate and Farage not far behind.
(Resurrected this comment from the very bottom of the last open thread)
I watched that debate and listening to that odious old lefty Schama; I was again struck by the thought: why is it that immigrants and their progeny seem always to advocate for more immigration? Even if such unending immigration will make life much, much worse for everybody, including them eventually.
I thought Steyn and Farage were excellent together, could you imagine them both on the same QT panel?
The Panama Papers “leak” story still headline news. Except it’s not a leak, it’s a hack, more commonly known as theft. However, in predictable fashion, the BBC and the rest of the lefty hounds have glossed over the legalities. They are in possession of illegal obtained material and should be subject to sanction. The only entity that has bothered to join up the dots seem to be Mossack Fonseca themselves.
“In a letter to the Guardian newspaper on Sunday, the company’s head of public relations threatened possible legal action over the use of “unlawfully obtained” information.” or, to put it colloquially, receiving stolen goods.
The liberal media seem to have a problem with the law, quoting it and ignoring it when each suits their purpose. They ride on the cusp of illegality most of the time –
Filming immigrants cutting through fences in Calais? – illegal
Filming immigrants throwing heavy objects at truck windscreens – illegal
A BBC reporter standing at the Turkey-Syria border informing the viewers that this is the best place to cross for prospective British jihadis wanting to join ISIS? – illegal
Getting back to the hack – Now I’m no expert but I believe, certainly in US law, evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in court. So there is no whistleblower, no ‘leak’ – it’s theft. I’m looking forward to seeing these media organisations in the dock. Well you can dream, can’t you?
In 1994 apartheid ended in South Africa and Nelson Mandela was elected president. He promised in his inauguration speech to “build a society in which all South Africans will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts … a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world.” These promises were enshrined in South Africa’s post-apartheid constitution, the first in the world to outlaw all forms of discrimination.
In 1994 Motshidisi Pascalina Melamu was born, making her one of the first of the so-called ‘born free generation’. Pasca, as she was known, dreamed of becoming a politician, and studied hard at school. She loved singing, dancing and football. And girls – Pasca was a lesbian.
In December last year, Pasca’s body was found in a field. She had been beaten and mutilated. She was one of three LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex) people murdered in a six-week period last year. Hate crimes against the LGBTI community have long been a problem in South Africa, and the government has tried to tackle them. But activists say these recent crimes are just one sign that things aren’t getting better. James Fletcher travels to the townships south of Johannesburg to speak with Pasca’s family and friends, and to ask whether the government is failing LGBTI South Africans.
Not that the Fascists will put any blame on black people, it will all be the fault of one of the hate groups – white people !
Adrian Chiles in full, right on, BBC spirit this morning, demanding of some poor sod of a soldier why the events in Libya were our fault. The gentleman explained patiently, as you might to a 4 year old, that it wasn’t our fault. Undeterred by logic and facts Chiles insisted that it must be our fault, and demanded to know what we could have done differently?
The more rational and composed the soldier became the more Chiles became lost in a world in which he was a stranger: that where the UK might NOT be responsible for all the worlds ills, (though, oddly never responsible for any successes.)
It intrigues me that we helped liberate France, Belgium, Sweden, Holland etc in the second world war without their inhabitants butchering each other. That the eastern block countries became free from the tyranny of the Soviet bloc and all manged to get on with recreating their societies without slavery and wanton murdering of thousands.
What on earth do Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria have in common that leads them to such grotesque standards of bloodshed? There must be some unifying feature of these lands that Adrian Chiles and his BBC colleagues just cannot quite make out. Wonder what it is.
The people in Nazi occupied Europe and the Soviet Bloc wanted freedom from tyranny, whereas the people of Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria seem to want to replace one form of tyranny with another.
Sweden sat out World War II, selling their high quality steel to Germany to make ends meet.
I think it is possible that it is the fact that Swedish steel kept the Nazi war machine going which has led right-on Swedish politicians to conclude that only the destruction of the Swedish race through mass muslim immigration can atone for their sins.
There must be some reason for it, everybody I know has always liked the idea of an attractive blonde Nordic race, and has never expressed any desire to see it extirpated in the name of islam and political correctness.
To be fair to the Swedes they did supply Britain with high quality ball bearings which were vital for our war effort. So by dealing with both sides they did pretty well out of the Second World War.
You’re splitting hairs there Rob! The Swedes did supply ball bearings, the only stipulations were that we give them the money they wanted and said items had to be picked up by air which, at the time, was the only way!
HOW f***ing much ????????? How many more are there like him on that type of dosh? In the private sector that type of job would probably pay about £50K max.
Read that too, Mallard. Just incredible. 84 attempts to get the green light! Probably just 2 or perhaps 3 meetings needed for the OK for all the present tripe that is broadcast these days.
Another of the many frustrations we live with is the direct comparison by the BBC and much of the media of today’s massive exodus with the movement of peoples after WW2. ‘Not since WW2 has there been…. etc, etc,’.
The inference is that we’ve been there before, we coped and can cope again – but there is no comparison. Those refugees – known simply as Displaced Persons at the time – were in the main diligently and effectively, with humanitarian and financial aid from such things as the Marshall Plan, seeking to re-locate BACK to where they had been living in the first place. They were not migrants nor were they then fleeing war zones, they were relocating to what were now relatively peaceful areas in war damaged countries. They did not abuse those that helped them and the overwhelming majority waited patiently in camps until the towns and cities they had once occupied were rebuilt. It took time and there was undoubted hardship, but their behavior – being by coincidence predominantly European – was in direct and marked contrast to what we see today.
And it also seems strange that so few of the experts we rely upon to know how to think wants to compare the aftermath of the Gulf wars, where large numbers of indigenous people lost their homes but did not flock out of Iraq – or initially out of Libya, later. Only since Syria and IS has the situation become a crisis, so you can’t help feeling it’s being orchestrated.
But that would be silly, wouldn’t it?
It is correct to say that there is no comparison between WW2 and current mass migration. A large element of the population movement in 1945 and immediately after WW2 was Germans moving westwards. This was either voluntary, as Germans from East Prussia and other Eastern territories fled the invading Russians, or compulsory as Russia and other countries evicted ethnic German minorities who had lived in Eastern Europe for centuries .
These refugees were much more easily assimilated in West Germany than Pakistanis, Afghans, Syrians or Albanians etc can be assimilated in Germany, Sweden or any other nation foolish enough to take them in large numbers. Muslim culture is and always has been backward , violent and intolerant. That’s as true now as it was in the 600s when Muslims invaded the Eastern Roman Empire and destroyed classical civilisation and the economy that sustained it . We have been warned by history !
Time to roll up the tent, pack the police tape away and just let these types-well, they`ll never breed-but like fruitflies with their gonads removed-they`ll hover over the septic tanks and create the necessary cloud so that other Somalis know the nature of the passive weak show ponies for socialismus that Norway produces.
If only it was intended to wind Breivik up-but sadly, I reckon this spongiform believes what he`s quoted as saying.
WTF! – He described himself as a young socialist, anti racist and feminist ! I suppose when you are all of these things he describes himself as, I guess its much easier to stand having your rear end violated by an “asylum seeker”
Glad he,s not too upset – hooray for socialism, feminism and anti racism ! Maybe thats the plan we all adopt all these wonderful values and in the future who knows we may even embrace being shagged up the arse.
I can see in a few years time with this sort of enrichment we will all be part of one big, happy world family!.
Any society which breeds idiots like this has got a real problem. I think that is what Breivik, in his cack-handed way, was trying to root out. This man is seriously demented, even for a right-on feminist socialist who pees sitting down.
I suppose its the price we may all have to pay in the future for being so “waycist”
Pity Emma Thomson and her luvvy friends had not known about this incident prior to it happening,
Imagine it Alan Yentob could have directed filming, Jude Law could have encouraged our Somalian friend with a few well honed passages from Shakespeare, and Emma could be on hand in the interval with refreshments for our Somalian friend (maybe a nice slice of victoria sponge) and encouraging words.
On the more serious side I suppose this is a good example of how extreme this western self loathing can be. Maybe the poor Norwegian lad should move to Somalia where he could make proper amends to
his attacker.
I think instances like this explains a lot as to how the Western Society, lefty guilt trip industry has managed to influence many members of our society to blame themselves for all the ills these enrichers have inflicted upon us. Therefore stuff which we would never normally tolerate is ignored or blamed on our own actions.
I am sure our in house trolls would be quick to blame our society for all of this -but to me it does seem a sign of how decadent and how weak and over sentimentalised sections of our society have become.
Re our Norwegian cabbage above who is happy to be anally raped , if that means “inclusion” and “no stigmatising of the Somali chap”.
At least we now know that #Refugees Welcome hashtag can now include an arrow pointing to the arseholes of those who are similarly in search of enrichment from the Horn of Africa-every one of them.
Or-lest that be patronising or a language problem-why don`t they all just drop their pants, roll over onto their bellies at Piraeus docks and ensure their bottoms are in line with Mecca?
Then they can park Boris bikes up their fundaments between unloadings as it were.
No-this`ll trend very soon and some of them will probably do it too.
‘Viewers of Tuesday’s show may initially have wondered if the segment featuring Ms Dabiri was some sort of late April Fool. Alas, it (and she) was all too serious.’
‘Poor Newsnight. With its descent into fashionable silliness, the programme has been losing viewers and now has fewer than 600,000.’
‘…viewers were subjected to a cultural-appropriation lecture from the sort of navel- digging social commentators no one but the Beeb and the Guardianistas at the Beeb take seriously.’
Mentioned in that report is the Radio 4 ‘File on Four’ programme that sent creepy-sounding Tim Whewell to Edinburgh to doorstep some Polaks in Pilton about the fleecing of Moldova. I listened to it last year, and unless I’ve fallen victim to confabulation, I can’t remember him mentioning that Company Law in Scotland is decided by Westminster under the 2006 Companies Act ( ). He gave the distinct impression that this situation was down to some form of nefarious Scotch Mist.
Not seeing anything about Scotland’s land being used as assets for shell companies to launder funds on the BBC at the moment. I wonder why? Such an opportune moment!
The liberal tosspots are in knots.
They need to go far more for Camerons dead dads medals…but that`ll put the Pro-EU helmsman hooked on the prow of their leaky sieve of an European cruiser.
Err-what to do?
Cameron’s fate is of no interest to me. If the cultural marxists want his head then fine by me. He has quite deliberately undermined the conservative cause in this country and cannot go soon enough.
No doubt the liberals will find another patsy to front the remain campaign. Both front benches are appalling. A disgrace to this old country and cannot be driven from power quick enough.
Take heart the way things are going in the EU and in the economy the disintegration of the ancien regime is much closer than many think.
Little simpathy for Cameron here. The poke in a pig… I mean pig in a poke faker courted a good Guardian BBC write up once too often for my liking. Any good conservative knows tax is at best a necessary evil – sod off Cameron with your morality tax piffle. You thought you could out manoeuvre the Left on the Left – more fool you.
It look’s like the Electoral Commission have been roused from their leftie love nest by this. It must be due to it concerning a Tory (don’t forget to spit after using that word BBC).
Lobbying on taxpayers’ cash!? So the “heir to Blair” is using that slimeball’s tactics as well.
My copy will be sent back to 10 Downing St in a fresh envelope with no stamp – I know I will end up paying for it but it will give me a warm feeling inside to see the poor postman delivering his morning delivery in a truck.
Get with the program and pass it round lads & lasses.
A delight to see Juliet Stevensons pointy chin get the glass jaw smash from Douglas “The Champ” Murray on Channel 4 News a few mins ago.
Didn`t catch it all-but will revisit in an hours time.
Poor Juliet looked furious and winded by the Murray rabbit punch that all liberal luvvies need to hear as they spout about taking in all those lovely refugeees.
She was heard to moan even as Cathy Newman was ministering to her fallen fop-“What`s how many I`d take in got to do with it?”…camera had sadly panned back to Snow, whose sheepskin looked a bit wilted.
The flywight stuffed the paperweight `ere `arry!
“Leave it Juliet love, `e`s not wurf it”
Cathy spitting into her bucket-the battling rembrandt.
Juliet on the canvas-that famed Richard Dunne glass jaw shattered by the Curly King!
Sad really-with a jaw like that, you`d think Juliet could pick her oysters using it-certainly a Skids tribute act anyway.
Into The Valley…Charade?…Douglas the coming contender!
‘It would be cool if Douglas Murray was displaced from his house and a Syrian family were allowed to live in there’
Wow, we guess that it’s there lurking in the background but it’s not often one sees expressed in the opnen the full and frank ‘progressive’ desire to completely replace the British people with something more appealing.
I just watched it on “catch up” – Stevenson looked liked a bulldog chewing a mouthful of wasps until Newman bailed her out as Murray was just getting into his stride.
Classic (ex) Beeboid – “We’ve run out of time”. i.e. “turn off the mikes”.
Ta 4D.
Unusually for me , I went to the Twitter feeds, expecting some “good on yer” praise for wee Douglas.
But-I remembered-it`s TWITTER.
Who the hell else would be streaming their fury and outrage but the illiterate, illiberal Left.
So saw a lot of these quotes as you mention-thoroughly dispiriting just how thick, nasty and vicious these scum are….I forget that THEY are among us now , and don`t visit this site or my pub.
We`re going to have trouble with them-guess that`s why Islam is here.
At least Channel 4 news made a debate of the issue with someone speaking up against darling Juliet. The BBC this morning gave her free rein and the implied support of their nodding simpering presenters.
Channel 4 also gave her a free few minutes yesterday that was on their website…`cos Juliet is box office from the 90s or suchlike.
Cathy was solicitude itself.
Thank goodness that somebody let Douglas in to rattle the china.
No invite to Islington Upper St soirees THIS weekend for you, my lad.
Back in 1996, the BBC used to make excellent documentaries. This example was by Professor Richard Holmes regarding the 1940 evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from EUrope. (War Walks series).
Times have changed. Today, the production would have been concerned about the lack of respect for women and ethnic minorities, especially with regard to the evil British Empire and Slavery. And that UKIP’s Nigel Farage has a German wife.
LDV The documentary relates to WW2. Not WW1.
Do try and get your facts right before exposing your ignorance.
And 10% of Indian soldiers served on the Japanese side in WW2. Does that suit your agenda more?
In WW1, the campaign in Mesopotamia was conducted for at least a year by the Government of India. Many of the troops were Indian. It was the usual story of mismanagement and vainglorious leadership at tremendous cost to those soldiers actually doing the fighting, exacerbated by a cash-strapped Indian administration unwilling to commit enough resources to the conflict.
I wonder if LDV is utilised by different people at times, hence the puzzling occasional flip-flop from tarring to feathering.
I’ve read Dover Sentry’s comment a couple of times and can’t find the word ‘irrelevant’ anywhere, so it must be yours.
Over 40m were mobilised on the Allied side alone in WW1, which you chose to focus on. Indians played a part in this but it was not primarily ABOUT them, which is obviously the point that Dover Sentry is making.
Unfortunately very rare to find decent documentaries like this any more. Everything these days is tainted with the BBC / MSM “WORLD VIEW” hence why I have not had a telly licence for over seven years,
Ah! We see the Left’s role model: from Blair to Corbyn, from BBC to Guardian, from Stalin to Brezhnev, from Castro to ….(well you get the idea) all believe(d) that they can fool many of the people all the time. Hence the requirement for indoctrination that is now found in schools, the BBC (and the rest of the MSM), churches, the police, the judiciary etc. to ensure that the same lies are repeated constantly and fools like LDV will all believe the same things despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Just caught the end of Toby Young on newshite last night……obviously an item about Offshore tax arrangements, and Toby Young brought up serial hypocrite Margaret Hodge being a well known tax avoider
Butch Evan to the rescue…….’Margaret Hodge isnt here to defend herself……we’ll forget that was said’
Doesnt seem to stop them badmouthing Donald Trump at every opportunity does it?
The BBC usually waits until those they have just been pwnd by in interview have left the building before weighing in on air again. Or stage a ‘not helpful’ series of shows days later.
Have to love the selective editorial integrity at play.
BBC Today continues to give unquestioning airtime to the charity No Borders left wing fanatics who want Europe to be invaded by Muslims. This morning at 08.40 it’s the turn of Save The Children whose representative from Greece is one Sasha Myers. She’s clearly young and idealistic . She’s also Australian. Yet she thinks it fit to lecture us Europeans from her Moral High Ground. All migrants deserve asylum she says. Yes that’s right – anyone who ups sticks and moves across borders illegally to tap into Europe’s welfare system, job market for unskilled labour and Muslim ghettos. Naturally she includes Pakistanis in this category of The Entitled. apparently they are all the victims of war she says.
What complete rot! She should learn a few lessons from her homeland on migration.
Justin Webb doesn’t challenge her directly at all . He leaves some poor Greek guy who is also being interviewed to add some sanity. The man has every right to as his country us being trashed by the EU’s irresponsible policy on migration without any help from Australian charity workers.
In the recent kerfuffle over Camerons tax affairs, I watched Evan Davis give Tom Watson the “is there anything else that you`d care to share with the nation Mr Deputy-Prime Minister in exile?” pubic fluff up last night on Newsnight.
Toby Young went in to bat for the Tories a few minutes later.
When Young mentioned the Trades Unions and Labour links to offshore avoidance/evasions-Evan clearly felt this was all a bit off.
Then Toby mentioned Margaret Hodge and PwC…oh dear, wind up the interview.
With of course Evans caveat to end the wrap-and he said it twice, lest we not be clear.
“Margaret Hodge is , of course not here to defend herself”.
Er—-I looked behind Toby and under Evans desk…
NEITHER was Cameron there to defend himself…but that`s not stopped YOU from trashing him with every sentence.
He deserves a hammering does Cameron-for the EU Campaign alone that he`s fiddling-but his tax affairs won`t be any more dodgy than Benns, Milibands, Toynbees, Monbiots, Meachers etc-and, of course the BBC and Guardian Media Groups-so add Birt, Norton, Wogan and Brigstockes to those who might benefit from a visit from HMRC.
Hypocrites one and all-but maybe the Brexit Curse is a reality now!
Newsnight has not got much longer to go. It’s viewing totals are down to a paltry 600,000. It’s little more than the broadcast version of the Guardian thanks to the likes of Katz, Wark and Evans. The BBC have trashed on the altar of left wing bias what used to be a watchable news programme with good analysis .
Migrant: The BBC use the term migrant to confuse the real issues and stop you telling the difference between an illegal economic immigrant and a genuine asylum seeker. In addition when discussing the gender of a migrant or a migrant’s age, the BBC will describe all migrants as female or child unless there is a 32 page report from a doctor to prove otherwise. The presence of descended testicles and a full beard does not warrant the use of the derogatory term “male adult”.
Influential: The BBC uses the term influential when commenting on reports or organisations that other media organisations call Leftist.
Controversial: The BBC uses the term controversial to describe reports and organisations which do not conform to Leftist thinking but might be thought of as common sense if we didn’t make the effort to inform you of your errors.
Outrage: The BBC uses the term outrage when printing views of the public on controversial issues. These views are gathered by our team of Twitter analysts who have exclusive access to BBC employee Twitter feeds to ensure a fair cross-section of the public are represented.
Bias: The BBC is an impartial organisation and uniquely funded so we don’t have to comment on the veracity of our views.
Populist: Vaguely right of centre policies (aka: “Far Right”) that the BBC disapproves of but which the uninformed (or “pig-ignorant”, to use the BBC’s internal jargon) public would vote for if the Government were foolish enough to give them the opportunity. See “Democracy”.
AL ………………. the BBC will describe all migrants as female or child unless there is a 32 page report from a doctor to prove otherwise. The presence of descended testicles and a full beard does not warrant the use of the derogatory term “male adult”.
Cheer up everyone. Listen to the Toady 7.10am interview.
Top interview after news was Humphries expecting to have a good swing at Cameron on the offshore issue., worth an underwhelming £30k. Cue interview with (I think) one James Corby, a City trader type.
Corby was having none of the left wing agenda balls and gave Humphries both barrels. Cameron’s fund was an OEICS (ie a Unit Trust) and the O does not stand for Offshore, bBBC dumbos, but Open. It is an OEICS like many others, and as with almost all pension funds, with some offshore ie overseas investments and management, but all income is declarable in the UK. So on this one Cameron is no more a tax avoider than any of us with ISAs. A complete non-story in other words.
Think someone on the bBBC editorial booking team may be having to seek other employment very soon.
Meanwhile Tata Steel has trousered £700 million by careful management of the European Union’s brilliant carbon trading policies. But what’s £700m of EU taxpayers money when Cameron may (but didn’t) dodge tax on £30k?
I should add that by 8.10am the editors had decided to change tack and just give us a good old fashioned slanging match on the issue between a Tory and a Labour MP.
Clearly the truth is not nearly so important as the more desirable bBBC left wing narrative.
By the way, how much did Hazel Blears and Balls-Cooper make on their expenses when flip-flopping their ‘main residence’? Tax free, of course.
Did listen sluyff.
How boring to find that Today had a guest who actually KNEW something-as opposed to throwing monkey shit into the air conditioner which is all the BBC do.
Quarmby hammered Humprys-who clearly knew nothing numerical or with acronyms,,,well, why would he?
Well if you`re going to throw shit for a living, at least get a researcher to highlight your notes in terms of
a) soundbite for next news
b) Liberal award for taking down a minister
c) No comprendez-so stay out of this.
But no-the BBC just roll in and hoof it like All That Jazz might.
Were we better informed?…yes, Quarmby made it really clear that we`re all in this together if we have a pension…and Humphy really hated that-as if not knowing what happens to our funds makes us all innocent of creative taxation methods-it doesn`t?
Did Humprhys learn anything from Quarmbys master class-course not, bleeding wind tunnel between his ears…so at 8.10 we were forced to revisit the dunghill to groom for fleas.
Because at 7.10 we were taught we were sniffing and chewing a crock of shite of a story.
And one hour later, we were made to slice a BBC stool to see if we`d learn more about Camerons dead dad by a cross-section of faeces.
Yeah and hidden in here was another little gem. The report of the guy providing the ‘Talking Head’ to this story on the 7am and then later the 8am news bulletins (Norman Smith was it?) DID NOT MATERIALLY CHANGE his report between them, even though Corby/Quarmby had the bBBC absolutely banged to rights in between, at 7.10am, exactly as described above.
In other words, a neat 100% proof positive example of the truism that the appalling entity that is the biased BBC is not interested in the truth or the facts, only in propagandising their own pre-determined Far Left narrative.
Having said that, I think he could have handled it better, but fact is, he has done nothing wrong either morally or legally. Nor did his dad.
The utter hypocrisy of the left on this issue is outstanding. No mention of the Guardian’s offshore trust ownership going back years, or questions about where £600-700m of funds went after the sale of its stake in Autotrader. Nothing about the Miliband’s or Benn’s circumventing of Inheritance Tax.
Over some period, the quality of journalism on financial matters has worsened, especially inside the BBC, and the inability of journalists to undertake proper research and understand the difference between avoidance (which is legal) and evasion which isn’t and the interchangeability of those two words in their reports has become more and more obvious.
Yes, this must be the non-story of non-stories. This would be just as relevant:
Shock horror! Camerloon’s father leaves his son money from his ISAs.
Camerloon forced to admit he inherited money from tax avoidance scheme.
Tom Watson accuses PM of hypocrisy.
Listening to John Humpreys on R4’s Today trying to grasp the concept of “unit trust” was classic. Apparently “knowingly” investing in unit trusts is wicked, while investing in a pension fund that you do not know makes use of unit trusts is not sinful. The feeble-minded Humpfreys, who struggles with anything conceptual, does not realise you cannot accuse someone of doing something legal and moral.
Multi culti Al Beeb in full emotion pro-open doors mode this morning.
Sob. Cry. Emote. Pass the hankies. 45 failed Pakistani asylum seekers/economic migrants are being sent back to Turkey.
My god! From Al Beeb’s mournful tone it sounded like a catastrophe on the same genocidal scale as, say Srebrenica.
Surprised the bBBC ‘journalists’ are not staking out the War Crimes people in The Hague.
Yet I could have sworn all those Doctors and Engineers were from Syria, as so often mentioned by Al Beeb. Totally amazed they are from another country. LOL.
On the Victoria Derbyshire show this morning there was a piece about networking and how education does or doesn’t prepare young people for work etc. Four young people on the panel; one white and four ethnic minorities. Hardly representative
“BBC Trending was launched in 2013 “to investigate social media trends around the world and the stories
behind them” – yet even the most cursory glance at its website and YouTube videos reveals the platform
of Britain’s public broadcaster, which claims “impartiality lies at the heart of public service”, is little
more than a mouthpiece pushing the views of “Social Justice Warriors” (SJWs).”
BBC bias is frequently by omission. Imagine how far they will go to conduct a sympathetic campaign in support of some jihadist avoiding prison or extradition. But in a few days Tommy Robinson, former EDL leader, now supporter of avowed peaceful protesting Pegida, is up for trial. It won’t recieve much attention in our rigidly state controlled media, especially the BBC.
It is very hard not to conclude that the decision to nail Robinson, and ensure that his life is imperiled, has come from above – the Cameron and May axis.
Amazing….hopefully the jury will see this and acquit ..
Search Biased BBC
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Sometimes I can’t tell if it’s bias or incompetence! Tonights Radio 4 News is big on the worldwide increase in diabetes. But it’s only halfway through the item and somewhat in passing that it’s mentioned that diabetes type 1 and type 2 are quite different illnesses. Perhaps type 1 doesn’t fit the narrative of unhealthy lifestyles feeding the increase or perhaps the teenagers at BBC News can’t be bothered to research the difference.
Oh and we had an interview with a diabetes sufferer in Kenya thrown in for no clear reason other than the BBC’s love of ensuring we don’t concentrate on the UK’s issues.
What’s the problem? They are different. Type 2 is lifestyle, Type 1 bad luck with the genes and an early death sentence. If you don’t eat muck you won’t get Type 2.
Well, my problem is that you have just given more information about diabetes in one (harsh) sentence than the BBC could manage in a major news feature.
Just thought I’d add some more information to your comment. There many confirmations of this fact across the web.
“Type 2 diabetes tends to be fairly hereditary in contrast to type 1 diabetes. Approximately one-third of children of people with type 2 diabetes will develop diabetes or abnormal glucose metabolism at some point.”
Not true. My (80+ year old) mother is Type-2 diabetic, but has always been as skinny as a rake. Her mother was the same.
There were so many contradictions in the treatment of this on WatO, I felt that a letter should be on the way to BBC’s Head of News.
It also smacked of very poor science, together with language (silent killer – how many noisy diseases do you know?), on the part of the scientists doing the study. But no questions asked by Kearney or the BBC’s contributor to WatO. A tad sharper at 6pm, with someone mentioning the increase in world population but no real tough questioning on the blame being placed on ‘urbanisation’, ‘lack of exercise’ and the cure being stated as the need to ‘walk & cycle more’.
Obviously the scientists doing the study have no idea about how much people walk & cycle in cities, mass transit systems & the effort they require for use and the fact that junk food and excessive car usage are not really found in low and middle income earners in the poorer countries of the world. That is apparently where much of the growth in diabetes, especially in recent years, has occurred according to their study.
Good job this didn’t go out as a news item last Friday!
Sloppy work all round.
In this country I believe I read that there are background details that do not help such that there is a higher preponderance among those with an Indian sub-continent background, (and also W. Indian too?) than indigenous “British”
Why is this major news item relegated to regional news?
West Midlands PC ‘sparked bogus IS kidnap alert’
A police officer was involved in a hoax 999 call claiming a colleague would be kidnapped by a radical Muslim with links to so-called Islamic State, a court has heard.
PC Amar Tasaddiq Hussain, 29, is one of three men accused of conspiring to make a bogus call to West Midlands Police.
He denies two counts of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
Adil Bashir, 26, and Muhammad Ali Sheikh, 31, have also denied the charges at Stafford Crown Court.
The prosecution claim Mr Hussain, from Yardley, plotted with Mr Bashir of Small Heath and Mr Sheikh from Bordesley Green, to incriminate members of Dawat-E-Islami, a peaceful Muslim prayer group, who he held a grudge against
Is there no depth to which this scum will not sink? Why is the corrupt government and public sector encouraging even more corruption, which is endemic to the Pakistani Muslim ‘community’ ?
Another one … but this was definitely just bias. Radio 4 News item yesterday I think it was. “Only 1% of men are choosing to take paternity leave” … yes those bad old shirking men at it again. But actually could be just as valid to have said “99% of women chose to take maternity leave” or “nearly couples decide that mother takes leave”.
But that wouldn’t fit the feminist narrative of lazy oppressive men causing the “gender pay gap”.
(Noticed how feminists gone extremely quiet in these days of ROP love. Every cloud I suppose).
As I’m here. Weekend Radio 4 news had a regular item about Julia Bishop (Oz Foreign Minister) saying that for Australia’s interest, UK should stay in the EU. Well ok, that’s her view (although sure DC has promised her something in return for saying it). But the item always then went on to add “The Leave campaign have stated that Australia is a model for a UK out of the EU”. As though this Leave argument was undermined by Julia’s statements.
BS! The two points are separate. Australia’s interests and what’s good for UK need not overlap at all. (BTW I do not hear of Australia trying to join up to a free movement area with Indonesia, Malaysia and co. Quite the opposite.)
Just the BBC using the news to publish it’s opinions.
Julia Bishop must be a republican. A warning in 2004, by experts from the Australian Monarchist League, pointed out the fact that to subject the Queen and the Crown to the authority of the European Union, goes against the spirit and intent of the 1931 Statute of Westminster, which prohibits the British Government from legislating on any matter that will subject the Crown to European Union authority. So it would be in the interests of the Australian republicans for Britain to stay in the EU, as a way for the traitor, Cameron, to put a spanner in the works of the Queen’s beloved Commonwealth constitution, after the Referendum. That would be the promise that Cameron would have given to Julia Bishop.
Cameron is known to have snubbed the Queen, as regards Commonwealth events, on a few occasions. He has also called the Commonwealth “The Dark”, a racist reference to the fact that the Commonwealth is only united by a common Culture, while Cameron prefers the European Union, because its united by a common Race.
I wonder if the Beeb will report that former Aus Prime Minister John Howard firmly backs Brexit, as reported in todays FT?
I heard the other day that Argentina are to play a Southern Hemisphere 4 Nations rugby match against Australia at Twickenham. A possible sell out is expected because of ‘the large number of Australians in London’.
Does anyone have a problem with this? Nope, me neither. Because our Ozzie chums can take a joshing, speak English, share our values, don’t ask for an unfair share of resources, don’t play the victims card, don’t expect special treatment, and just get on with it.
What a shame Al Beeb are so blind to such basic necessities for smooth integration.
And as for John Howard, anyone remember he turned up at the Cenotaph one year when he was Aus PM and laid a wreath for his compatriots who died fighting for the cause of freedom, which as serving PM he did immediately after our PM of the day. Good on yer, mate.
A message from Mr Hand-basket, also in Australia.
I was disturbed that our foreign minister Julie Bishop (aka Lady Macbeth, known as such for knifing several of her party’s leaders) was sticking her oar into the EU debate so I thought I would provide a link to an article I found today. The article goes into the problems Ted Heath caused Australia when he took Britain into the EEC. However, the more interesting part is towards the end where the author outlines what Australia has retained and Britain has lost by being in the EU .
BTW It is Julie Bishop not Julia – even she doesn’t doesn’t deserve to be connected with the dreadful Julia Gillard ex PM of Australia.
When it comes to the Left’s view of the EU never forget Barroso’s ‘thank you’ speech on our behalf when we were graciously awarded the Nobel Peace Prize – or at least the EU was:
‘The EU is the blueprint for a future world government’
Which is the ambition of every left-leaning world leader, including Cameron, via Agenda 21, ‘climate change’ , the Club of Rome and any other devious, non-democratic means the globe-trotting, tax-gorging, elitist bastards can muster.
Then we had the mysterious murder of Asah Shah. Well mysterious if you listened only to BBC News that is. Weekend Radio News was that “a man from Bradford” had been arrested. And that Police were calling it a “Religiously prejudiced” crime. Whatever that garbled, Orwellian phrase was supposed to mean was not explained. Islam or Muslim not mentioned at all.
Tonight BBC finally reporting, but only I suspect because the murderer has stated that the killing was because Asad had disrespected Mo. Still no reporting that Asad’s sect is regarded as heretical and widely persecuted by Islam – while we are carefully reassured that “Muslim communities” in Glasgow are all shocked by the events.
Er the BBC covered this on 2 April
Police Scotland had previously described the incident as a religiously prejudiced attack and said both men were Muslims.
Mr Shah was an Ahmadiyya Muslim, a group known for its non-violence and interfaith concerns, that is persecuted in many parts of the world.
Ahmadiyya are banned by the constitution of Pakistan from referring to themselves as Muslim
Oh how silly of me to miss an item on the BBC News website for Scotland-Glasgow! There was me just listening to the national broadcast news on Radios 4 and 5 over the weekend.
To Er is clearly human; to mock divine.
Oh how silly of me to miss an item on the BBC News website for Scotland-Glasgow!
That used to be a trick used to monotonous effect by the infamous ‘dez’.
Oh, how we miss him….
I wouldn’t normally use a medium such as this forum to raise awareness of an issue close to my heart but this one is so important I hope regulars here will indulge me. There is a species that is disappearing rapidly for reasons unknown, it could be linked to global warming, and is getting perilously close to extinction. Unless something is done it could be gone completely in 5 years. The species I refer to is the Have Your Say (HYS) on the BBC website. This species is reaching the point of no return; the fittest of its kind largely gone leaving the dregs to struggle on. Given current events, a quick search through the BBC’s website reveals just how bad things are.
Forget murdered Glaswegian shopkeepers, the demise of the British steel industry or overstretched services. Today the great British public gets to comment on subjects like:
Dog chipping
The forgotten founder of Rory Cellan Jones’ favourite gadget company
Er… that appears to be it. Why on earth wouldn’t our national treasure want to hear the views of its paymasters?
£4Bn of our hard-earned being flushed down the crapper by otherwise unemployable left-leaning arts graduates.
The Daily Telegraph has just got rid of readers’ comments in their entirety. It’s almost as if there is a referendum coming, and they don’t want us talking amongst ourselves. They prefer the 1975 model where the Public Information Office told us what to think, and we all got a leaflet from the government. Hang on…
I’ve still got our 1975 leaflet.
There was nothing to worry about then as if we didn’t like what the EEC proposed we could veto it. Now we have qualified majority voting so we have as much chance as stopping something as winning the Eurovision Song Contest!
We were also told that we needn’t worry about immigration either as, (up till then), no-one saw any point in moving between, (wealthy), France, Germany, Holland etc. That was before they added poor eastern Europe and opened the door to Turkey.
We were told about ‘ever closer union’ but that was ‘pooled sovereignty’ so ‘nothing to worry about, (and now Dave has been assured that we won’t be subsumed until after the referendum, so that’s OK too).
That’s a good find, it needs publicising on this website and passing over to UKIP, Brexit, and GO.
I wonder if Al Beeb would be interested ?
Partly as a result of closing reader’s comments I have now cancelled my subscription to the DT. I suppose losing £90+ a quarter won’t hurt them too much. Generally on the EU leave-remain debate the DT is fairly well balanced, but closing debate from readers is just not right.
As with this site, you can learn so much from fellow posters, it opens debate well beyond the often narrow article.
Am with you there, SJ. I think it is very bad and also poor timing on the part of the BBC, with Charter Review in progress. There’s a big stick there for the public to beat the BBC with and MPs cannot very well approve a clear and substantial lack of democracy and openness.
In addition to the lack of HYS, Kuenssberg appears to only work part time, Simon Jack not at all since his appointment as Business Editor. Not a good start for someone who appears to want to be the next John Humphrys AND Robert Peston rolled into one.
I do not think more than a couple of Kuenssbergs Blogs have been open for comment. She has been in post for some time, now. I don’t know if Jack has Blogged at all. He doesn’t appear to have an Editors page and any search of the w-s only brings up very old material. (No surprise in a way: the BBC’s w-s search engine is absolutely hopeless.) Kamal Ahmed does some Blogging and most are open to comment but his output of Blogs is nowhere near the quantity of Pesto’s legendary output.
I reckon the next Licence Fee should be pitched closer to £60 than £75 for this lack of ‘interactivity’ on top of the savings Lord Hall was claiming, last autumn, that the BBC had made.
Get rid of the TV TAX
If Al Beeb is as good as it tells us it is, then privatise it and let the money it makes be ploughed into the NHS.
Over to you Marvin , Jerrod and the rest of your chums ………
Not sure an NHS with 20,000 extra clipboard-toting ‘managers’ will be much of an improvement.
taffman, I’m in favour of a Licence Fee (not a tax) of about £25 which could & should fund local radio, national radio and a TV station along with income from revenues & other assets held in trust.
Beyond that, sure sell off other parts. Split the money three ways: public, NHS and a (proper) BBC Trust. Benefits all round in a caring & sharing way. Or, as others have suggested, let the extras be paid for on a subscription basis.
As far as I can find out, its because the Moderation services team leader Paul Wakely has complained about the massive 35 percent increase in none “Safe Space“ comments, in the past year. So Nick Reynolds has been ordered by the BBC, not to allow comments on more and more Blogs.
So its because of a massive growth in angry comments by licence fee payers.
Thanks for the info, Richard. But who has caused the angry comments by Licence Fee payers? Is it not a self-inflicted wound by the BBC?
And would the use of the internet by the BBC, the use of which by the UK population was encouraged by the BBC itself (helping getting Britain on-line) from 1999 onwards, much of which would make the life of the BBC easier, eg. access to programme information, not form part of ‘Inform, Educate and Entertain’? Once the BBC opened that channel of use, closing it down will create anger & opponents and would also be a reduction in ‘Inform, Educate and Entertain’.
Well b*gger me! Look what has appeared on the front page:
The comments serve to show why HYS is so rare.
See how long it lasts. Opened at 10am. Will it get past clocking off at 5pm?
Honest Guv, I’m not a murdering Jihadi I just wanted to travel!
The accidental jihadist
Is the BBC’s message that those who join ISIS are just mixed-up teenagers?
Saw that one the other day, taken as gospel with no corroboration it was a Ripping yarn indeed. Anyway if Owen Bennett-Jones is interested I have a Ponzi sche.., sorry, incredible investment opportunity he may be interested in involving the manufacture and distribution of snake oil on some prime Florida real estate.
I got as far as this and couldn’t read any further:
The motivation for such acts is not always clear – one man told Owen Bennett-Jones, he didn’t know what he was getting into when he joined a militant group in Pakistan.
The group that carried out the Lahore attack afterwards released a photograph of the suicide bomber. Predictably enough he looks young, 21 maybe. It’s a heavily posed shot – he’s on his haunches with a huge gun behind him and his right hand is raised in front of his face with his forefinger extended as if he was emphasising a point. “Listen!” he seems to be saying. “Just listen to me!”
And to think we pay the poll tax which funds the handsome salaries of the fuckwits who write this mendacious crap.
I have wrote an endless amount of posts about the vile, horrific, blood thirsty cult that is Islam on this wonderful website. I have tried to describe the purpose of Islam and it’s relentless desire and instruction for domination, obedience and death cleansing of anyone and everyone that isn’t Islam. I do not think I could ever more accurately describe this purpose than Tanveer Ahmed, 32, who slaughtered Asad Shah in Glasgow because Islam instructed him to. Thank you Tanveer for confirming to us all that Islam is and always will be a death cult whose purpose is to convert or destroy everything in its path to please Allah.
Now can someone please tell me how there is more than one Islam or moderate and extremist Muslims after this statement
“The highly unusual statement was made through Mr Ahmed’s lawyer, John Rafferty after his second appearance at court before sheriff Brian Adair.
The statement given was: “My client Mr Tanveer Ahmed has specifically instructed me that today, 6 April 2016, to issue this statement to the press, the statement is in the words of my client.
“This all happened for one reason and no other issues and no other intentions.
“Asad Shah disrespected the messenger of Islam the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Mr Shah claimed to be a Prophet.
“When 1400 years ago the Prophet of Islam Muhammad peace be upon him has clearly said that ‘I am the final messenger of Allah there is no more prophets or messengers from God Allah after me.
“‘I am leaving you the final Quran. There is no changes. It is the final book of Allah and this is the final completion of Islam. There is no more changes to it and no one has the right to claim to be a Prophet or to change the Quran or change Islam.’
“It is mentioned in the Quran that there is no doubt in this book no one has the right to disrespect the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and no one has the right to disrespect the Prophet of Islam Muhammad Peace be upon him.
“If I had not done this others would and there would have been more killing and violence in the world.
“I wish to make it clear that the incident was nothing at all to do with Christianity or any other religious beliefs even although I am a follower of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him I also love and respect Jesus Christ.”
No changes. One Quran. No man ever able to change it. The word of Allah himself. Religion of peace?????…..
In two words its a – death cult .
I am very worried about the prospect of Mr Khan becoming major of London. Will the Beeb be doing any investigation into his background?
Hopefully MI5 will be keeping tabs on him and his associates.
Didn`t they do the right thing a few years ago, as they taped Khan in discussion with a prisoner in some capacity or other?
The Left naturally-the BBC etc seemed to be upset.
Which meant that the security services had something to bother them-and I`d believe them and not Assange with the luvvies.
Asad Shah disrespected the messenger of Islam the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Peace through death and destruction.
Yeh, got that.
BBC Trending
Is this Gap advert racist? No!!!!
Are racist black people continually encouraged by the Al Beeb and MSM to race bate on industrial scales day after day after day instead of being ignored for being the racist, white man hating, grievance junkies they are? Hell yes!
Neat complement to the post on disappearing HYS opportunity above.
This was also on BBC Facebook and as comments cannot be closed, they are getting slaughtered. Rightly so.
While your on the subject of Al Beeb and its HYS, would they dare run it with ‘Is immigration good for Britain ?’
BBC TV Breakfast News 8.04am today.
Discussion re Trumps defeat in Wisconsin.
Sofa male Adam: “”Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was dealt a serious blow after he lost out to main rival Ted Cruz in the key American state Wisconsin””.
Sofa female : “”Donald Trump still leads in the Republican race. His chances of winning outright are now much slimmer””.
US based reporter now presents a video feature (Gary Odonoghue): “”It’s been a bad week for Donald Trump. Flip-flopping on abortion, his campaign manager indicted for manhandling a female reporter (video clip of Donald Trump predicting success in Wisconsin). That resoundingly didn’t happen. His first taste of real failure””. (Video feature runs on how successful and unifying Clinton has been despite loosing to Sanders).
“” The Republicans could be heading for a divisive and damaging showdown at the summer convention. Unity still a distant hope””. (No mention of Democrat divisions).
Great article about Trump by Pat Buchanan, which concludes with a gem of a JFK quote.
What Trump Has Wrought–The Rebirth Of Nationalism In America
As Wisconsinites head for the polls, our Beltway elites are almost giddy. For they foresee a Badger State bashing for Donald Trump, breaking his momentum toward the Republican nomination.
Should the Donald fall short of the delegates needed to win on the first ballot, 1,237, there is growing certitude that he will be stopped. First by Ted Cruz; then, perhaps, by someone acceptable to the establishment, which always likes to have two of its own in the race.
But this city of self-delusion should realize there is no going back for America. For, whatever his stumbles of the last two weeks, Trump has helped to unleash the mightiest force of the 21st century: nationalism.
Transnationalism and globalism are moribund.
First among the issues on which Trump has triumphed—”We will build the wall—and Mexico will pay for it!”—is border security.
Republican candidates who failed to parrot Trump on illegal immigration were among the first casualties.
For that is where America is, and that is where the West is.
Consider Europe. Four months ago, Angela Merkel was Time‘s Person of the Year for throwing open the gates to the “huddled masses” of the Middle and Near East.
Merkel’s Germany is now leading the EU in amassing a huge bribe to the Turks to please take them back, and keep them away from the Greek islands that are now Islam’s Ellis Island into Europe.
Africa’s population will double to 2.5 billion by 2050. With 60 percent of Africans now under 25 years of age, millions will find their way to the Med to cross to the Old Continent where Europeans are aging, shrinking and dying. Look for gunboats in the Med.
If immigration is the first issue where Trump connected with the people, the second is trade.
Republicans are at last learning that trade deficits do matter, that free trade is not free. The cost comes in dead factories, lost jobs, dying towns and the rising rage of an abandoned Middle America whose country this is and whose wages have stagnated for decades.
Economists who swoon over figures on consumption forget what America’s 19th-century meteoric rise to self-sufficiency teaches, and what all four presidents on Mount Rushmore understood.
Production comes before consumption. Who owns the orchard is more essential than who eats the apples. We have exported the economic independence that Hamilton taught was indispensable to our political independence. We have forgotten what made us great.
China, Japan, Germany—the second, third and fourth largest economies on earth—all owe their prosperity to trade surpluses run for decades at the expense of the Americans.
A third casualty of Trumpism is the post-Cold War foreign policy consensus among liberal interventionists and neoconservatives.
Trump subjects U.S. commitments to a cost-benefit analysis, as seen from the standpoint of cold national interest.
What we do we get from continuing to carry the largest load of the defense of a rich Europe, against a Russia with one-fourth of Europe’s population?
How does Vladimir Putin, leader of a nation that in the last century lost its European and world empires and a third of its landmass, threaten us?
Why must we take the lead in confronting and containing Putin in Ukraine, Crimea and Georgia? No vital U.S. interest is imperiled there, and Russia’s ties there are older and deeper than ours to Puerto Rico.
Why is it the responsibility of the U.S. Pacific Fleet to defend the claims of Hanoi, Manila, Kuala Lumpur and Brunei, to rocks, reefs and islets in the South China Sea—against the claims of China?
American hawks talk of facing down Beijing in the South and East China Seas while U.S. companies import so much in Chinese-made goods they are fully subsidizing Beijing’s military budget.
Does this make sense?
Patriotism, preserving and protecting the unique character of our nation and people, economic nationalism, America First, staying out of other nation’s wars—these are as much the propellants of Trumpism as is the decline of the American working and middle class.
Trump’s presence in the race has produced the largest turnout ever in the primaries of either party. He has won the most votes, most delegates, most states. Wisconsin aside, he will likely come to Cleveland in that position.
If, through rules changes, subterfuge and faithless delegates, party elites swindle him out of the nomination, do they think that the millions who came out to vote for Trump will go home and say: We lost it fair and square?
Do they think they can then go back to open borders, amnesty, a path to citizenship, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and nation building?
Whatever happens to Trump, the country has spoken. And if the establishment refuses to heed its voice, and returns to the policies the people have repudiated, it should take heed of John F. Kennedy’s warning:
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”
Interesting post, AS. Thanks. [The BBC could, of course, be putting this up on their w-s if Kuenssberg was doing her job a bit better! 😉 ]
Not sure Buchanan has got this right:
“Africa’s population will double to 2.5 billion by 2050. With 60 percent of Africans now under 25 years of age, millions will find their way to the Med to cross to the Old Continent where Europeans are aging, shrinking and dying. Look for gunboats in the Med.”
Europeans. Ageing – yes. Dying – No. Shrinking – No, definitely not shrinking, except for the troubled ones.
The BBC’s Radio 4 and web-site. We had obesity on Monday, diabetes on Wednesday. Eating disorders on Wednesday and Thursday with a bit more obesity thrown in.
Now they inform me that also today (Thursday) we are – on Woman’s Hour – going to have cake.
Pat Buchanan needs to listen to BBC Radio 4 a bit more!
Ta for this Al!
I never knew that I could quote something from Lefty Saint JFK!
But I will, ad nauseum as we deal with the EU and the BBC inclination to censor us all.
Liked the quote from Pat re the apples and the orchard too.
Will add it to the tenet about when Islam creates so many rotten apples in the barrel-we need to worry about the orchard that seems to produce so many rotten apples in the first place.
22:00 BBc still running the massive hammer blow delivered to Trumps campaign story
. I seem to have heard all this before earlier in the campaign. Any one speaking up for the Trump campaign…Hey no way of course not. As I said way back I don’t have a vote for the American President along with the majority watching / listening to the BBc propaganda machine. Why make such a song and dance about it BBc?
Do Al Beeb really think that their propaganda has any effect on the voting population of the USA ?
Al Beeb think that they are much bigger than they they really are . They tried influencing our last G E and failed miserably with their propaganda . The Torys returned to power to their dismay.
“The Global Audience Estimate, released on Tuesday, shows that in the year 2012-13 the BBC’s global news services – that is, the World Service, World News and the website – reached 256m people each week, a rise of 7% or 16.6m.
These are huge figures – around the world, one in every 28 people is a viewer, listener or reader of BBC global news.”
“Whatever media platform audiences use to access BBC news, what they will find is accurate, impartial, trustworthy journalism. In the past year BBC journalists have covered big and surprising stories ranging from the Pope’s resignation, the Olympics, the US election – and the discovery of Richard III’s skeleton in a Leicester car park.”
Whatever media platform audiences use to access BBC news, what they will find is accurate, impartial, trustworthy journalism.
But whatever you do, don’t mention 28gate.
You couldn’t make it up. Well the BBC can!
Mornin’ y’all. I’m a genu-ine redneck from Huntsville, Alabama. I’ve always voted Re-pub-li-an, in fact I’ve been a member of the Klu Klux Klan, which kinda dominates things here and suits me and the Good ‘Ol Boys right down to the ground with its forthright views. We only have one TV news channel in the States – Fox News – and I sure reckon its owned by that Donald Trump fella ‘cos he sure is on it a lot. I’ve always liked him, and especially his idea to build a wall around the USA to keep out all those Muslims and Mexicans who live in the Gulf. But recently, my eyes have been opened by your wonderful British Broadcasting Corporation and I’d just like to thank you Limeys for it. Seems we have a presidential election here coming up here with some wonderful candidates in the form of Hillary Clinton and her friend Bernie Sanders, who is related to your very own Prime Minister President King, Jeremy Corbyn. I’ve read all about them on the BBC website when nurse wasn’t looking and I now see that I’ve been wrong all my life and that all Americans should vote Democrat and stop the killing of black folk by racist police officers. God bless the United States of Europe and the stars and stripes for ever, yeah.
Gary saw none of this for himself.
He`s blind-so much as think he`d make a good climate change bod( you don`t need the evidence of your eyes to puff along about THIS newest of faiths as a cargo cult)-he`ll know nothing much about Trump-unless Trump is planning to feed a guide dog or such.
Ditto Blunkett-they need to do economics or EU accountancy, but NOT something like health or education where you need to see peeling walls or a dispenser to clean your hands.
Gesture crap-lets hope we get some weather gals in wheelchairs or some chat show host with muscular dystrophy…THEN we can see how far their tokenism goes up their own privileged food chains.
Why dump the misfits onto the kids, sports or signal plinths for BBC “goodness”?…let`s see Graham Norton or Schaffenakka pay the REAL price of their disabling gestures.
And-need I say-this is NOT a pop at the disabled-just their use and abuse at the cheap grace end of BBC output.
Never could see (excuse the unfortunate pun) how a Minister could be blind and function, unless they really are there just to sign what they do not witness or understand.
So too, a reporter whose ‘analysis’ must surely depend on visual sense on many occasions to interpret events for the viewing (again, sorry) public.
Mind you, the process seems to wor… excuse me, operate pretty much on this basis via audio at least at the BBC ME desk, where highly paid correspondents ‘report’ what local stringers tell them folk are saying.
Reminds me of the joke which was doing the rounds when Blunkett resigned.
He turns up for work again the following Monday and a colleague explains ‘But David, you resigned on Friday, don’t you remember?’
To which David replies ‘You try telling that to the fucking dog’.
I don’t want my hard earned tax to pay for this. The government is worried . This money could have been better spent.
Where are our Tory readers on this?
Would you join the EU now ? Just look around and open your eyes ………..
Take heart.
With comments like that methinks a Court case could be in the offing.
Hi , Taff in 75 , as far as I can remember both sides could put out a in or out booklet, that should happen now ,as the in or out crosses party lines. I think the electoral commission should rule on this.
Essesxman, I am with you on that.
Today, between 6.55pm and 7.00pm, on BBC 1, there will be a temporary suspension of bias on the BBC.
Is there a power cut?
The BBC seem to have missed a “continetal crisis”.
In the article below they inform us that “The European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, has warned that a [Dutch referendum] No vote could lead to a ‘continental crisis’ “. Well the Dutch did!
At 6am today the BBC News home page has given this “continental crisis” pride of place below the plight of the Icelandic PM and a item named “France outlaws paying for sex”.
I have also noted that the “continental crisis” is not even the top story in their Europe section!
No time.
No space.
No editorial integrity.
Get them young…
‘We’re thrilled with our #iemmyNOM in the Kids Factual category for My Life: ‘I Am Leo’ – Good Luck all! #cannes
The BBC is just one big never-ending leftie agendafest.
Our poor kids, as if they’re not screwed up enough already.
“A pretty morbid question…”
So says economics reporter our Steph – apt in a way – as noted hereabouts her look is oddly reminiscent of a daughter of Frankenstein
The BBC Breakfast crew do “Like to have a big boss on the show” and there follows a nice soft ball chat with the top bloke at the Co-op. The morbid question? “How come your funeral service figures are up 10%?”
The answer gives our BBC bods and indeed the viewer a little more than the BBC agenda would have asked for. “The death rate in this country fluctuates – with the weather. The 10% rise in the current year is more of a reflection of the dip in the previous year” What the Co-op man is saying is that last winter was colder than the previous winter. Got that BBC?
There’s something to reflect on when some One Show BBC animal hugger is bemoaning the Climate Change effects on the Lesser Spotted Dweebs population – Global Warming saves human British lives!
AISI, which explains why they have been so quiet about 2015 temperatures, especially for the UK.
You guys all owe me a tenner. I predicted it was going to be a cold winter! 🙂
I did hear a mention, a very small, very quiet reference on Radio 4 about 3 weeks back to the CO2 emissions for 2015. That was also not good news for the enviro-Mentalists. No growth or a slight fall for 2015. I cannot now remember which of the two it was. Think it was the former. But I do recall it was mentioned very quickly, very quietly and did not get repeated ad nauseum. Nor was it flagged up prominently on the BBC web-site.
A marked contrast with last year’s announcements concerning 2014.
I wonder why?
Speaking of the BBC and its question headlines:
Classy, BBC, classy.
Someone forget there are other people to the very narrow group the BBC seems to feel it represents?
I don’t regard a lot of “Christian” sects who judge their piety by how high up the Forbes Rich list their Pastor is as Christian but I don’t go killing them. Maybe the question is really, “Is there too much pressure on Muslims to accept British law?”
Our energy provider helpfully provides a graphical representation of our energy usage so we can make comparisons year on year.
2014 is quite remarkable as the graph for our gas usage (solely for heating – everything else is leccy) did not show a decline until late June. As I remember that Spring/early Summer there was a lot of sunshine but it was bloody cold right up to the start of July. I also remember it was conveniently ignored by the BBC.
Predictably with Trump stumbling last night Channel 4 news turned their vitriol on the next Republican in line : Ted Cruz
This is always the way the liberal media play the game. Hammer the front runner on the right whoever and whatever.
They despise Trump, but they really hate Cruz, mainly because he is a born-again Christian – and the media really do hate that!
Plus I can’t see them ever forgiving him for skewering the President of the Sierra Club – a powerful US pro-warmist lobby group – in the most humiliating manner (self-inflicted by the President, I hasten to add). The ‘97% of climate scientists’ claim and the President’s grasp of even the basic facts is exposed to some fine tune. It’s cringeworthy stuff and excellent material for the BBC’s satirical maestros, you might think.
Waddya say, LDV?
Flipping the birds
Isn’t it just so annoying when you try your very best to make a feminist virtue signal – but it comes out looking like a middle finger
‘Street signs in tribute to leading suffragettes who lived in Salford have had to be amended after a spelling slip-up.’
But look on the bright side – it’s another signal of failing educational standards in the north of England
Great story!
Risible Walk to Parkhurst?…if that`s not the path and the end result of lefty ignorance, but meant to signal their feminist fannies, then what it?
Love the Councillor-Stan Ogden was it-saying he was “gutted” at the balls up-or is that fannyfuckup?
Devastated, sick as a parrot?…where on the scale of reflex bilge bites does “gutted” go?
Love too that some set of retarded chimps with fuzzy felt called “Urban Vision” are given the job of “naming streets”
Anybody ELSE know Salford?…and WTF has Urban Vision got to do with Salfords Regent Centre or Mike Sweeney?
Got to be a BBC leg pull this one.
Wasn`t Clarabelle in a lesbian chain with Annie on Thomas the Tank Engine?…or am I giving us the future of lezzy thick land in the twilight zone between Salford and Kirkby?
Crap actress Juliet Stevenson is on Breakfast with the sloths telling us we should take in vulnerable refugee children. She and also mickey mouse group Citizens UK are happy that four “vulnerable” “children” with relatives here have been let in. Sad face when it comes to telling us of illegal killed in lorry crash as she informs us he had every right to be here. Once again we are back on the BBc sliding scale of the definition of adult / child depending on the story. Of course the sloths fawn over her as she goes on to tell us that they should just “deal” with the migrants in Calais already there and then “shut it down”. Anyone there to tell her she is a nobody and the majority don’t give a damn what she is telling us? Any one there from an anti -migrant group to tell her where to get off? No of course not this is the biased BBc. After years of complaining about these one sided interviews I’ve now just given up complaining the BBc has no intention of presenting a balance to the stories it runs. The bias continues.
For a moment our Juliet was talking about children – then suddenly we get the story of 17-year-old Mohammed who – keen to dodge the draft at 18 – has ‘every right to be here’ since he has an uncle in Manchester. And then young Mohammed’s relatives and then theirs….
I wonder if actress our Juliet has ever played movie parlour game Six Degrees of Separation of Kevin Bacon?
On her definition of a legitimate right to a UK passport it’s an open door to the world’s billions.
Yes, AISI, except most countries I can think of – where I might like to move, live and work for a while – restrict it to a right to two generations of direct descent (ie. parent or grandparent of that nationality) and then you have to apply for a special permission before you are allowed in.
Not just enter illegally or declare yourself an asylum seeker and then refuse it where you are, insisting that having a distant relative on the Moon will allow you to settle in your chosen land of milk and honey.
AslSeeIt.” Children” as I said it’s the BBc child / adult sliding scale where16/ 17/18/19 year olds are “children” in some circumstances such as when they are refugees, or being deported. But adults in other issues when it suits the BBc agenda.
Like voting in referendum and having gay sex – unless the latter is with someone with “influence” over them.
Old enough to consent to a one night stand with a total stranger, but not with your scout leader or teacher. So BBC employees will be o.k. to pick up a `16 year old of the same gender!
‘every right to be here’ since he has an uncle in Manchester….
Um, by the same token I have a niece in Australia, so settling out there would be quite nice, and relatives in Canada – a bit cold, but clearly I have ‘every right to be there’ because I’m their Aunty. If I tried that on at Customs I’d be impounded and put on the next flight home, so why I we so insanely soft ???
Apparently unaccompanied refugee minors are in the eye of the beholder. Even the BBC has noted Migrant crisis: More than 10,000 children ‘missing’ but it hasn’t noticed “Refugee Children” Invade Sweden Sweden does not verify the age of these “children.”
Juliet Stevenson is still an attractive woman (also eye of the beholder). Wonder how she would feel when she discovers her refugee child shaves and has developed a man-sized swelling?
1,500 ‘child’ refugees invade Sweden. Saad Alsaud Aged 14, Ahmad Farid With Teddy Bear Aged 16 ‘Child Refugees’ (7/2015)
Is that Mikel Arteta, the talented Arsenal midfielder on the left?
Rodney Trotter looked less out of place in the Groovy Gang….
There was an image on FaceBook earlier of a guy threatening throw a toddler at coppers over razor wire. Even some sympathetic to the migrant swarm ambitions felt this would not be helpful.
…..she goes on to tell us that they should just “deal” with the migrants in Calais already there and then “shut it down”.
If ‘deal’ means send them in a direction other than whence they came, it will never shut down due to the simple law of supply and demand. But then, she probably knows that.
Funny how these virtue signallers are never asked to lead by example, eh, always safe in the knowledge they can flaunt their worthiness on the BBC totally without challenge then return to their country retreat in Suffolk or Dorset, miles from the ‘enrichment’ being experienced in our overcrowded towns and cities with their mini-Pakistans, Bangladeshes, Somalias and Wherevers expanding to the tune of half a million a year.
A little late. Yesterday Wednesday Radio 4 just after 7.30am, discussion on the danger faced by British bluebells from Spanish invading bluebells. Quite sensible, but I could sense the nudge under the table when the bluebell expert blurted out towards the end that the problem has been made worse by climate change. Then on to Moslem thought for today with a Mohamidan women from Cambridge who spoke about the tax dodging rich and compared their greed to the wisdom expressed in the Koran where we are told that followers believe in sharing and helping the poor – a bit like socialism. Then I read in a newspaper about Arab sheilks with their tax havens.
Don’t worry GWF. Observant Moslems – well known for their lack of hypocrisy – don’t charge or accept “interest”. However, if you deposit a sum of money with a sharia-compliant bank (eg this one) you receive a return on your money oddly similar to interest. The return is calculated, not at an “interest rate” but at an “expected profit rate”: a percentage of the deposit or loan bearing a remarkable similarity in size to . . er . . what the interest rate would have been.
Gordon Brown changed tax law (an Islamic Practices Relief Act as it were) to allow, amongst other things, the “non-interest” on sharia-compliant loans to be treated analogously to returns on non-religiously inspired financial arrangements so that, for instance, the non-interest interest became allowable against tax as if the non-interest was, indeed, interest. Current HMRC practice is set out here. Of course, income paid on sharia-compliant loans is not called “interest”. Apparently, your monthly/annual return is a sharing of the goodies with the ultimate borrower of your deposit. In the real world, of course, Al Rayan Bank is paying you what is as close to interest as makes no difference.
Excellent information. Many thanks
And will they have to show a Non Interest AER on their mortgages?
So basically, like most things “Sharia”, it’s all a load of bollocks.
Only if it’s halal bollocks. If you take a non mortgage mortgage with them you have to abide by sharia law on the premises. So no pork or alcohol. Not sure if child brides and raping innocents is compulsory as well.
Seeing that our government has already refinanced 3 government buildings using these non interest but bow to Allah schemes I guess there is fat chance the FCA or PRA will be looking to make the true interest rates published.
Good post.
The BBC has been longing to be renamed to the LBGT-BC for ages now. I just found this bit of old box ticking “research”…
Personally I think the BBC should do a lot more portraying wheel-chair-bound-Syrian-immigrant-weather-forecasters-who-turn-murder-detective-on-weekends-to-solve-muslim-murders-in-the-Channel-Islands. There just isn’t enough of this on TV these days.
Oh Dear. Trouble at Mill.
“BBC producer Alexander Parkin had earlier admitted two counts of supplying controlled drugs.”
Absolutely no comment on whether the BBC have sacked him. Makes you think the BBC condone supplying death drugs to teenagers. Next SS BBC will be promoting injections to make you gay. Hang on a minute…….
Justin Webb seemed exercised about this case this morning at the National Assembly Fireside chat with the country after the 8am news.
WGAF?…even a flying one?
This is just glue sniffing or head shop experimantations for the gay middle classes and above-very much the media and BBC houris and whores.
Didn`t Zammo teach them ANYTHING when they were on Uncle Jimmys lap at Stowe or Winchester?
When these liberal scum choose to look at Rochdale or Hartlepool they way they dip each others wicks by Paddington Green or Barons Court PPV toilets…then I too will care a jot for their empty druggy shallow lives.
This blokes a dealer-thought we were SUPPOSED to go for them.
Netherlands Referendum and BBC Bias?
Pro-YES Ukrainians: photos of pretty girls or young women x2
Pro-NO Dutch: photo of elderly men x1
Or just plain stupid?
Subtle or just plain stupid… I’d say that Goebbels would have been proud.
Exactly. The BBC cannot help themselves. They have lost any objectivity. It was lost in about 1997 when a government red in hue and very pro immigrants i.e. Labour voters, came to power.
1997 will be remembered, but not in a positive light.
Charlie Hebdo. Praised, excoriated and now ignored by the BBC. Racist and Islamophobic Hebdo under fire for this recent editorial – “How did we end up here.”
“For a week now, experts of all kinds have been trying to understand the reasons for the attacks in Brussels. An incompetent police force? Unbridled multiculturalism? Youth unemployment? Uninhibited Islamism? The causes are numerous beyond counting and everyone will naturally choose the one that suits best their own convictions. Law and Order fans will denounce the haplessness of the police. Xenophobes will blame immigration. Sociologists will rehash the evils of colonialism. Urban-planners will point to the evils of ghettoisation. Take your pick.”
The comments in the Mail article are worth reading
It was only a matter of time. A subject close to the BBC’s heart.
According to this
There are 11 times more gay paedophiles than hetrosexual ones – therefore any member of BBC male staff is 11 times more likely to be a paedophile when compared to any other workplace. That sounds about right.
Whenever a BBC reporter uses the word “supine” I automatically substitute “prone”.
Back on the last open thread I linked to an ‘Over to You’ programme which departed radically from the usual hand-wringing lefty political correctness of the World Service, especially the following startling statement by a guy from BBC Trending, in reaction to the BBC’s disproportionate coverage of the Brussels and Lahore terror attacks:
“It’s completely natural to have a stronger reaction to something that’s closer to you, whether that’s geographically or culturally.”
This is a truly subversive concept for so many on the left who insist that everyone is equal and that it’s an unforgiveable crime to have less regard for strangers than for one’s own.
I’m indebted to DownBoy, on the same thread, for introducing the eminent Mark Steyn and this debate
which also featured Nigel Farage, Simon Schama and former UN Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour.
At 01:08:30 in, the latter started to shake her head when Farage said, “I hope we would look at the plight of the Christians who are being massacred in Libya and in Iraq and Syria…” which made Farage tell her, “And you shake your head …it fascinates me. From every definition that the United Nations has stood for, since 1951, those Christians …should be guaranteed freedom and security and refugee status in the West.”
In his summing up, at 01:18:00 in, Farage said, “I’ve tried this evening to challenge the other side to see if they would agree with me that the Christians who are being crucified and massacred in the Middle East should qualify for refugee status and I’ve not had one positive response from the other side on this at all.”
Then Schama said, “I don’t disagree at all with your point about the Christian community, ditto Yazidis and persecuted Shias ….”
And when Arbour came to her summing up, at 01:23:50, all she had to say about the Christians was this: “I don’t know of any evidence that suggests that Christians from Syria or Druze or Alawites have been excluded from refugee protection. I don’t know where this is all coming from.”
So these two superb specimens of the left can’t spend more than a few seconds on the subject of the Christian genocide committed by Muslims and immediately dismiss genuine concerns about it by lumping the Christians in with others in an attempt to detract attention from the specific targeting of Christians by Muslims. The message is clear: even though these two come from a Judeo-Christian tradition, the last thing they will do will be to express any solidarity with – or concern for – those Christians facing the ongoing genocide. Even worse, they will spare no effort to embrace and excuse their Muslim oppressors and minimise or ignore the dire threat posed by Islam to the West.
This precisely echoes the attitude of the BBC. That’s why it was such a breath of fresh air to hear the BBC Trending guy say what he said.
Mark Steyn was absolutely brilliant in the debate and Farage not far behind.
(Resurrected this comment from the very bottom of the last open thread)
I watched that debate and listening to that odious old lefty Schama; I was again struck by the thought: why is it that immigrants and their progeny seem always to advocate for more immigration? Even if such unending immigration will make life much, much worse for everybody, including them eventually.
I thought Steyn and Farage were excellent together, could you imagine them both on the same QT panel?
Al Shubtill – Steyn and Farage on the same QT panel? Such a prospect would scare the BBC half to death.
The Panama Papers “leak” story still headline news. Except it’s not a leak, it’s a hack, more commonly known as theft. However, in predictable fashion, the BBC and the rest of the lefty hounds have glossed over the legalities. They are in possession of illegal obtained material and should be subject to sanction. The only entity that has bothered to join up the dots seem to be Mossack Fonseca themselves.
“In a letter to the Guardian newspaper on Sunday, the company’s head of public relations threatened possible legal action over the use of “unlawfully obtained” information.” or, to put it colloquially, receiving stolen goods.
The liberal media seem to have a problem with the law, quoting it and ignoring it when each suits their purpose. They ride on the cusp of illegality most of the time –
Filming immigrants cutting through fences in Calais? – illegal
Filming immigrants throwing heavy objects at truck windscreens – illegal
A BBC reporter standing at the Turkey-Syria border informing the viewers that this is the best place to cross for prospective British jihadis wanting to join ISIS? – illegal
Getting back to the hack – Now I’m no expert but I believe, certainly in US law, evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in court. So there is no whistleblower, no ‘leak’ – it’s theft. I’m looking forward to seeing these media organisations in the dock. Well you can dream, can’t you?
A gift for the BBC! They will get a conscience and not publish the details of BBC executives on the list.
Born Free, Killed by Hate in South Africa
In 1994 apartheid ended in South Africa and Nelson Mandela was elected president. He promised in his inauguration speech to “build a society in which all South Africans will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts … a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world.” These promises were enshrined in South Africa’s post-apartheid constitution, the first in the world to outlaw all forms of discrimination.
In 1994 Motshidisi Pascalina Melamu was born, making her one of the first of the so-called ‘born free generation’. Pasca, as she was known, dreamed of becoming a politician, and studied hard at school. She loved singing, dancing and football. And girls – Pasca was a lesbian.
In December last year, Pasca’s body was found in a field. She had been beaten and mutilated. She was one of three LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex) people murdered in a six-week period last year. Hate crimes against the LGBTI community have long been a problem in South Africa, and the government has tried to tackle them. But activists say these recent crimes are just one sign that things aren’t getting better. James Fletcher travels to the townships south of Johannesburg to speak with Pasca’s family and friends, and to ask whether the government is failing LGBTI South Africans.
Not that the Fascists will put any blame on black people, it will all be the fault of one of the hate groups – white people !
Two more ‘interesting’ aspects of BBC editorial integrity performance in quick succession:
‘Sidestepping’ is the new ‘no time or space’?:
Meanwhile, it pays to have friends with a £4Bpa PR and advertising reach:
Just ask Apple (especially around Christmas).
I see an ex-Trust governor’s hubby is well represented too, which is appropriate as he has from with both.
Adrian Chiles in full, right on, BBC spirit this morning, demanding of some poor sod of a soldier why the events in Libya were our fault. The gentleman explained patiently, as you might to a 4 year old, that it wasn’t our fault. Undeterred by logic and facts Chiles insisted that it must be our fault, and demanded to know what we could have done differently?
The more rational and composed the soldier became the more Chiles became lost in a world in which he was a stranger: that where the UK might NOT be responsible for all the worlds ills, (though, oddly never responsible for any successes.)
It intrigues me that we helped liberate France, Belgium, Sweden, Holland etc in the second world war without their inhabitants butchering each other. That the eastern block countries became free from the tyranny of the Soviet bloc and all manged to get on with recreating their societies without slavery and wanton murdering of thousands.
What on earth do Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria have in common that leads them to such grotesque standards of bloodshed? There must be some unifying feature of these lands that Adrian Chiles and his BBC colleagues just cannot quite make out. Wonder what it is.
The people in Nazi occupied Europe and the Soviet Bloc wanted freedom from tyranny, whereas the people of Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria seem to want to replace one form of tyranny with another.
Sweden sat out World War II, selling their high quality steel to Germany to make ends meet.
I think it is possible that it is the fact that Swedish steel kept the Nazi war machine going which has led right-on Swedish politicians to conclude that only the destruction of the Swedish race through mass muslim immigration can atone for their sins.
There must be some reason for it, everybody I know has always liked the idea of an attractive blonde Nordic race, and has never expressed any desire to see it extirpated in the name of islam and political correctness.
To be fair to the Swedes they did supply Britain with high quality ball bearings which were vital for our war effort. So by dealing with both sides they did pretty well out of the Second World War.
They didn’t actually “supply” the ball bearings, we had to send Mosquitos over to get them, but yes, they were happy to take our money at the time.
I think it was W. Somerset-Maugham who commented that:
“The Swede is very adept at the gentle pastime of fishing in troubled waters.”
You’re splitting hairs there Rob! The Swedes did supply ball bearings, the only stipulations were that we give them the money they wanted and said items had to be picked up by air which, at the time, was the only way!
If I didn’t split hairs, what would I do with my time?
DT reports that the “inventor” of the iPlayer has resigned from the BBC, saying it took 84 meetings to get the idea off the ground.
Interestingly his £178,000 a year job title was “Controller of Archive Development”
Now with job titles and salaries to defend all over the BBC is it any wonder that it took so many meetings of jobsworths to get anything sorted.
Will the BBC take the opportunity to lose that position?
HOW f***ing much ????????? How many more are there like him on that type of dosh? In the private sector that type of job would probably pay about £50K max.
Read that too, Mallard. Just incredible. 84 attempts to get the green light! Probably just 2 or perhaps 3 meetings needed for the OK for all the present tripe that is broadcast these days.
His high salary is compensation for him having to endure 84 meals at the Ivy Restaurant. All that wine and meat can cause gout.
Another of the many frustrations we live with is the direct comparison by the BBC and much of the media of today’s massive exodus with the movement of peoples after WW2. ‘Not since WW2 has there been…. etc, etc,’.
The inference is that we’ve been there before, we coped and can cope again – but there is no comparison. Those refugees – known simply as Displaced Persons at the time – were in the main diligently and effectively, with humanitarian and financial aid from such things as the Marshall Plan, seeking to re-locate BACK to where they had been living in the first place. They were not migrants nor were they then fleeing war zones, they were relocating to what were now relatively peaceful areas in war damaged countries. They did not abuse those that helped them and the overwhelming majority waited patiently in camps until the towns and cities they had once occupied were rebuilt. It took time and there was undoubted hardship, but their behavior – being by coincidence predominantly European – was in direct and marked contrast to what we see today.
And it also seems strange that so few of the experts we rely upon to know how to think wants to compare the aftermath of the Gulf wars, where large numbers of indigenous people lost their homes but did not flock out of Iraq – or initially out of Libya, later. Only since Syria and IS has the situation become a crisis, so you can’t help feeling it’s being orchestrated.
But that would be silly, wouldn’t it?
It is correct to say that there is no comparison between WW2 and current mass migration. A large element of the population movement in 1945 and immediately after WW2 was Germans moving westwards. This was either voluntary, as Germans from East Prussia and other Eastern territories fled the invading Russians, or compulsory as Russia and other countries evicted ethnic German minorities who had lived in Eastern Europe for centuries .
These refugees were much more easily assimilated in West Germany than Pakistanis, Afghans, Syrians or Albanians etc can be assimilated in Germany, Sweden or any other nation foolish enough to take them in large numbers. Muslim culture is and always has been backward , violent and intolerant. That’s as true now as it was in the 600s when Muslims invaded the Eastern Roman Empire and destroyed classical civilisation and the economy that sustained it . We have been warned by history !
Time to roll up the tent, pack the police tape away and just let these types-well, they`ll never breed-but like fruitflies with their gonads removed-they`ll hover over the septic tanks and create the necessary cloud so that other Somalis know the nature of the passive weak show ponies for socialismus that Norway produces.
If only it was intended to wind Breivik up-but sadly, I reckon this spongiform believes what he`s quoted as saying.
WTF! – He described himself as a young socialist, anti racist and feminist ! I suppose when you are all of these things he describes himself as, I guess its much easier to stand having your rear end violated by an “asylum seeker”
Glad he,s not too upset – hooray for socialism, feminism and anti racism ! Maybe thats the plan we all adopt all these wonderful values and in the future who knows we may even embrace being shagged up the arse.
I can see in a few years time with this sort of enrichment we will all be part of one big, happy world family!.
I cant wait!
Any society which breeds idiots like this has got a real problem. I think that is what Breivik, in his cack-handed way, was trying to root out. This man is seriously demented, even for a right-on feminist socialist who pees sitting down.
I suppose its the price we may all have to pay in the future for being so “waycist”
Pity Emma Thomson and her luvvy friends had not known about this incident prior to it happening,
Imagine it Alan Yentob could have directed filming, Jude Law could have encouraged our Somalian friend with a few well honed passages from Shakespeare, and Emma could be on hand in the interval with refreshments for our Somalian friend (maybe a nice slice of victoria sponge) and encouraging words.
On the more serious side I suppose this is a good example of how extreme this western self loathing can be. Maybe the poor Norwegian lad should move to Somalia where he could make proper amends to
his attacker.
I think instances like this explains a lot as to how the Western Society, lefty guilt trip industry has managed to influence many members of our society to blame themselves for all the ills these enrichers have inflicted upon us. Therefore stuff which we would never normally tolerate is ignored or blamed on our own actions.
I am sure our in house trolls would be quick to blame our society for all of this -but to me it does seem a sign of how decadent and how weak and over sentimentalised sections of our society have become.
Re our Norwegian cabbage above who is happy to be anally raped , if that means “inclusion” and “no stigmatising of the Somali chap”.
At least we now know that #Refugees Welcome hashtag can now include an arrow pointing to the arseholes of those who are similarly in search of enrichment from the Horn of Africa-every one of them.
Or-lest that be patronising or a language problem-why don`t they all just drop their pants, roll over onto their bellies at Piraeus docks and ensure their bottoms are in line with Mecca?
Then they can park Boris bikes up their fundaments between unloadings as it were.
No-this`ll trend very soon and some of them will probably do it too.
Newsnight, quite rightly, gets both barrels here:
‘Viewers of Tuesday’s show may initially have wondered if the segment featuring Ms Dabiri was some sort of late April Fool. Alas, it (and she) was all too serious.’
‘Poor Newsnight. With its descent into fashionable silliness, the programme has been losing viewers and now has fewer than 600,000.’
‘…viewers were subjected to a cultural-appropriation lecture from the sort of navel- digging social commentators no one but the Beeb and the Guardianistas at the Beeb take seriously.’
I’ve just found this, written in 2011, about Newsnight’s viewing figures:
I see it’s being reported that Scotland is as great a place as Panama (if not better) to get creative with your money. (also in The Herald)
Mentioned in that report is the Radio 4 ‘File on Four’ programme that sent creepy-sounding Tim Whewell to Edinburgh to doorstep some Polaks in Pilton about the fleecing of Moldova. I listened to it last year, and unless I’ve fallen victim to confabulation, I can’t remember him mentioning that Company Law in Scotland is decided by Westminster under the 2006 Companies Act ( ). He gave the distinct impression that this situation was down to some form of nefarious Scotch Mist.
Not seeing anything about Scotland’s land being used as assets for shell companies to launder funds on the BBC at the moment. I wonder why? Such an opportune moment!
Oh, I do love the establishment sah.
‘Scotland’ and ‘Panama’ in the same sentence. Now what does that remind me of?
Oh yes! Ha!
Except Westminster under a Labour government wasn’t responsible for that. Twas a parcel of Scotch rogues.
Blair and Brown. Scotch rogues.
You’re on form!
Signatures needed to show your ire at “Just call me Dave” using YOUR money to fund his E.U. referendum madness…
The liberal tosspots are in knots.
They need to go far more for Camerons dead dads medals…but that`ll put the Pro-EU helmsman hooked on the prow of their leaky sieve of an European cruiser.
Err-what to do?
Cameron’s fate is of no interest to me. If the cultural marxists want his head then fine by me. He has quite deliberately undermined the conservative cause in this country and cannot go soon enough.
No doubt the liberals will find another patsy to front the remain campaign. Both front benches are appalling. A disgrace to this old country and cannot be driven from power quick enough.
Take heart the way things are going in the EU and in the economy the disintegration of the ancien regime is much closer than many think.
Little simpathy for Cameron here. The poke in a pig… I mean pig in a poke faker courted a good Guardian BBC write up once too often for my liking. Any good conservative knows tax is at best a necessary evil – sod off Cameron with your morality tax piffle. You thought you could out manoeuvre the Left on the Left – more fool you.
Just 407 short of 100,000 now. Strangely, the BBC haven’t mentioned it, as far as I know. Wrong sort of petition perhaps.
@ 22.48 – 101,472
It look’s like the Electoral Commission have been roused from their leftie love nest by this. It must be due to it concerning a Tory (don’t forget to spit after using that word BBC).
Lobbying on taxpayers’ cash!? So the “heir to Blair” is using that slimeball’s tactics as well.
My copy will be sent back to 10 Downing St in a fresh envelope with no stamp – I know I will end up paying for it but it will give me a warm feeling inside to see the poor postman delivering his morning delivery in a truck.
Get with the program and pass it round lads & lasses.
(1) Buy this official “Get Britain Out“ Stamp:
(2) Put it on the Booklet
(3) Put the Booklet into a plain envelope
(4) Put a second class stamp on it
(5) Send to: Mr David Cameron, 10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA
One suggestion: instead of addressing it to David Cameron, address it to Head of Propaganda
A delight to see Juliet Stevensons pointy chin get the glass jaw smash from Douglas “The Champ” Murray on Channel 4 News a few mins ago.
Didn`t catch it all-but will revisit in an hours time.
Poor Juliet looked furious and winded by the Murray rabbit punch that all liberal luvvies need to hear as they spout about taking in all those lovely refugeees.
She was heard to moan even as Cathy Newman was ministering to her fallen fop-“What`s how many I`d take in got to do with it?”…camera had sadly panned back to Snow, whose sheepskin looked a bit wilted.
The flywight stuffed the paperweight `ere `arry!
“Leave it Juliet love, `e`s not wurf it”
Cathy spitting into her bucket-the battling rembrandt.
Juliet on the canvas-that famed Richard Dunne glass jaw shattered by the Curly King!
Sad really-with a jaw like that, you`d think Juliet could pick her oysters using it-certainly a Skids tribute act anyway.
Into The Valley…Charade?…Douglas the coming contender!
For a bit of balance, chris –
“Loris @PygmyLoris
It would be cool if Douglas Murray was displaced from his house and a Syrian family were allowed to live in there”
‘It would be cool if Douglas Murray was displaced from his house and a Syrian family were allowed to live in there’
Wow, we guess that it’s there lurking in the background but it’s not often one sees expressed in the opnen the full and frank ‘progressive’ desire to completely replace the British people with something more appealing.
I just watched it on “catch up” – Stevenson looked liked a bulldog chewing a mouthful of wasps until Newman bailed her out as Murray was just getting into his stride.
Classic (ex) Beeboid – “We’ve run out of time”. i.e. “turn off the mikes”.
I’m not sure she has thought it through that much, Asl.
Some of the folk on that trending page who despise Dougie:
LGBT Editor
Deaf Drama Director
Husband. Veggie. Actor
Corbynista. Armchair polemicist trying to shift the Overton Window left.
Twitter, the new home of the chatterati. A total collection of lefties talking rowlocks to other lefties.
NO! I do not have an account.
Ta 4D.
Unusually for me , I went to the Twitter feeds, expecting some “good on yer” praise for wee Douglas.
But-I remembered-it`s TWITTER.
Who the hell else would be streaming their fury and outrage but the illiterate, illiberal Left.
So saw a lot of these quotes as you mention-thoroughly dispiriting just how thick, nasty and vicious these scum are….I forget that THEY are among us now , and don`t visit this site or my pub.
We`re going to have trouble with them-guess that`s why Islam is here.
I can’t wait to have trouble with them. My old Krav teacher in Edinburgh was trained by Eyal Yanilov and taught me things I’ll never forget.
At least Channel 4 news made a debate of the issue with someone speaking up against darling Juliet. The BBC this morning gave her free rein and the implied support of their nodding simpering presenters.
Channel 4 also gave her a free few minutes yesterday that was on their website…`cos Juliet is box office from the 90s or suchlike.
Cathy was solicitude itself.
Thank goodness that somebody let Douglas in to rattle the china.
No invite to Islington Upper St soirees THIS weekend for you, my lad.
Back in 1996, the BBC used to make excellent documentaries. This example was by Professor Richard Holmes regarding the 1940 evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from EUrope. (War Walks series).
Times have changed. Today, the production would have been concerned about the lack of respect for women and ethnic minorities, especially with regard to the evil British Empire and Slavery. And that UKIP’s Nigel Farage has a German wife.
Professor Holmes was also a TA officer. He wouldn’t get within 100 miles of a BBC series nowadays.
Quite agree. The ethnics were utterly irrelevant in WW1. Only 1.3 Million indians served for a start and 78000 killed.
LDV The documentary relates to WW2. Not WW1.
Do try and get your facts right before exposing your ignorance.
And 10% of Indian soldiers served on the Japanese side in WW2. Does that suit your agenda more?
In WW1, the campaign in Mesopotamia was conducted for at least a year by the Government of India. Many of the troops were Indian. It was the usual story of mismanagement and vainglorious leadership at tremendous cost to those soldiers actually doing the fighting, exacerbated by a cash-strapped Indian administration unwilling to commit enough resources to the conflict.
I wonder if LDV is utilised by different people at times, hence the puzzling occasional flip-flop from tarring to feathering.
I’ve read Dover Sentry’s comment a couple of times and can’t find the word ‘irrelevant’ anywhere, so it must be yours.
Over 40m were mobilised on the Allied side alone in WW1, which you chose to focus on. Indians played a part in this but it was not primarily ABOUT them, which is obviously the point that Dover Sentry is making.
So you never saw the Our World War series showing our boys in action? Clearly not.
LDV That excellent series was made in 1971. Long before the reign of Blair over the BBC from 1997 that continues to this day.
And your next point is?
Unfortunately very rare to find decent documentaries like this any more. Everything these days is tainted with the BBC / MSM “WORLD VIEW” hence why I have not had a telly licence for over seven years,
Amazing you haven’t watched TV for so long and have defeated the TV licensing brigade.
The cretins they employ arent hard to beat 🙂
Who said he was watching them live? Keep up…
Ah! We see the Left’s role model: from Blair to Corbyn, from BBC to Guardian, from Stalin to Brezhnev, from Castro to ….(well you get the idea) all believe(d) that they can fool many of the people all the time. Hence the requirement for indoctrination that is now found in schools, the BBC (and the rest of the MSM), churches, the police, the judiciary etc. to ensure that the same lies are repeated constantly and fools like LDV will all believe the same things despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Just caught the end of Toby Young on newshite last night……obviously an item about Offshore tax arrangements, and Toby Young brought up serial hypocrite Margaret Hodge being a well known tax avoider
Butch Evan to the rescue…….’Margaret Hodge isnt here to defend herself……we’ll forget that was said’
Doesnt seem to stop them badmouthing Donald Trump at every opportunity does it?
Utter wankers one and all
The BBC usually waits until those they have just been pwnd by in interview have left the building before weighing in on air again. Or stage a ‘not helpful’ series of shows days later.
Have to love the selective editorial integrity at play.
BBC Today continues to give unquestioning airtime to the charity No Borders left wing fanatics who want Europe to be invaded by Muslims. This morning at 08.40 it’s the turn of Save The Children whose representative from Greece is one Sasha Myers. She’s clearly young and idealistic . She’s also Australian. Yet she thinks it fit to lecture us Europeans from her Moral High Ground. All migrants deserve asylum she says. Yes that’s right – anyone who ups sticks and moves across borders illegally to tap into Europe’s welfare system, job market for unskilled labour and Muslim ghettos. Naturally she includes Pakistanis in this category of The Entitled. apparently they are all the victims of war she says.
What complete rot! She should learn a few lessons from her homeland on migration.
Justin Webb doesn’t challenge her directly at all . He leaves some poor Greek guy who is also being interviewed to add some sanity. The man has every right to as his country us being trashed by the EU’s irresponsible policy on migration without any help from Australian charity workers.
In the recent kerfuffle over Camerons tax affairs, I watched Evan Davis give Tom Watson the “is there anything else that you`d care to share with the nation Mr Deputy-Prime Minister in exile?” pubic fluff up last night on Newsnight.
Toby Young went in to bat for the Tories a few minutes later.
When Young mentioned the Trades Unions and Labour links to offshore avoidance/evasions-Evan clearly felt this was all a bit off.
Then Toby mentioned Margaret Hodge and PwC…oh dear, wind up the interview.
With of course Evans caveat to end the wrap-and he said it twice, lest we not be clear.
“Margaret Hodge is , of course not here to defend herself”.
Er—-I looked behind Toby and under Evans desk…
NEITHER was Cameron there to defend himself…but that`s not stopped YOU from trashing him with every sentence.
He deserves a hammering does Cameron-for the EU Campaign alone that he`s fiddling-but his tax affairs won`t be any more dodgy than Benns, Milibands, Toynbees, Monbiots, Meachers etc-and, of course the BBC and Guardian Media Groups-so add Birt, Norton, Wogan and Brigstockes to those who might benefit from a visit from HMRC.
Hypocrites one and all-but maybe the Brexit Curse is a reality now!
Newsnight has not got much longer to go. It’s viewing totals are down to a paltry 600,000. It’s little more than the broadcast version of the Guardian thanks to the likes of Katz, Wark and Evans. The BBC have trashed on the altar of left wing bias what used to be a watchable news programme with good analysis .
Terminology. A guide to the terms used on BBC.
Migrant: The BBC use the term migrant to confuse the real issues and stop you telling the difference between an illegal economic immigrant and a genuine asylum seeker. In addition when discussing the gender of a migrant or a migrant’s age, the BBC will describe all migrants as female or child unless there is a 32 page report from a doctor to prove otherwise. The presence of descended testicles and a full beard does not warrant the use of the derogatory term “male adult”.
Influential: The BBC uses the term influential when commenting on reports or organisations that other media organisations call Leftist.
Controversial: The BBC uses the term controversial to describe reports and organisations which do not conform to Leftist thinking but might be thought of as common sense if we didn’t make the effort to inform you of your errors.
Outrage: The BBC uses the term outrage when printing views of the public on controversial issues. These views are gathered by our team of Twitter analysts who have exclusive access to BBC employee Twitter feeds to ensure a fair cross-section of the public are represented.
Bias: The BBC is an impartial organisation and uniquely funded so we don’t have to comment on the veracity of our views.
Populist: Vaguely right of centre policies (aka: “Far Right”) that the BBC disapproves of but which the uninformed (or “pig-ignorant”, to use the BBC’s internal jargon) public would vote for if the Government were foolish enough to give them the opportunity. See “Democracy”.
AL ………………. the BBC will describe all migrants as female or child unless there is a 32 page report from a doctor to prove otherwise. The presence of descended testicles and a full beard does not warrant the use of the derogatory term “male adult”.
Excellent ! best chuckle of the day !!!
Cheer up everyone. Listen to the Toady 7.10am interview.
Top interview after news was Humphries expecting to have a good swing at Cameron on the offshore issue., worth an underwhelming £30k. Cue interview with (I think) one James Corby, a City trader type.
Corby was having none of the left wing agenda balls and gave Humphries both barrels. Cameron’s fund was an OEICS (ie a Unit Trust) and the O does not stand for Offshore, bBBC dumbos, but Open. It is an OEICS like many others, and as with almost all pension funds, with some offshore ie overseas investments and management, but all income is declarable in the UK. So on this one Cameron is no more a tax avoider than any of us with ISAs. A complete non-story in other words.
Think someone on the bBBC editorial booking team may be having to seek other employment very soon.
Meanwhile Tata Steel has trousered £700 million by careful management of the European Union’s brilliant carbon trading policies. But what’s £700m of EU taxpayers money when Cameron may (but didn’t) dodge tax on £30k?
I should add that by 8.10am the editors had decided to change tack and just give us a good old fashioned slanging match on the issue between a Tory and a Labour MP.
Clearly the truth is not nearly so important as the more desirable bBBC left wing narrative.
By the way, how much did Hazel Blears and Balls-Cooper make on their expenses when flip-flopping their ‘main residence’? Tax free, of course.
Did listen sluyff.
How boring to find that Today had a guest who actually KNEW something-as opposed to throwing monkey shit into the air conditioner which is all the BBC do.
Quarmby hammered Humprys-who clearly knew nothing numerical or with acronyms,,,well, why would he?
Well if you`re going to throw shit for a living, at least get a researcher to highlight your notes in terms of
a) soundbite for next news
b) Liberal award for taking down a minister
c) No comprendez-so stay out of this.
But no-the BBC just roll in and hoof it like All That Jazz might.
Were we better informed?…yes, Quarmby made it really clear that we`re all in this together if we have a pension…and Humphy really hated that-as if not knowing what happens to our funds makes us all innocent of creative taxation methods-it doesn`t?
Did Humprhys learn anything from Quarmbys master class-course not, bleeding wind tunnel between his ears…so at 8.10 we were forced to revisit the dunghill to groom for fleas.
Because at 7.10 we were taught we were sniffing and chewing a crock of shite of a story.
And one hour later, we were made to slice a BBC stool to see if we`d learn more about Camerons dead dad by a cross-section of faeces.
Yeah and hidden in here was another little gem. The report of the guy providing the ‘Talking Head’ to this story on the 7am and then later the 8am news bulletins (Norman Smith was it?) DID NOT MATERIALLY CHANGE his report between them, even though Corby/Quarmby had the bBBC absolutely banged to rights in between, at 7.10am, exactly as described above.
In other words, a neat 100% proof positive example of the truism that the appalling entity that is the biased BBC is not interested in the truth or the facts, only in propagandising their own pre-determined Far Left narrative.
Am fed up with this Cameron non-story…
Having said that, I think he could have handled it better, but fact is, he has done nothing wrong either morally or legally. Nor did his dad.
The utter hypocrisy of the left on this issue is outstanding. No mention of the Guardian’s offshore trust ownership going back years, or questions about where £600-700m of funds went after the sale of its stake in Autotrader. Nothing about the Miliband’s or Benn’s circumventing of Inheritance Tax.
Over some period, the quality of journalism on financial matters has worsened, especially inside the BBC, and the inability of journalists to undertake proper research and understand the difference between avoidance (which is legal) and evasion which isn’t and the interchangeability of those two words in their reports has become more and more obvious.
Yes, this must be the non-story of non-stories. This would be just as relevant:
Shock horror! Camerloon’s father leaves his son money from his ISAs.
Camerloon forced to admit he inherited money from tax avoidance scheme.
Tom Watson accuses PM of hypocrisy.
Listening to John Humpreys on R4’s Today trying to grasp the concept of “unit trust” was classic. Apparently “knowingly” investing in unit trusts is wicked, while investing in a pension fund that you do not know makes use of unit trusts is not sinful. The feeble-minded Humpfreys, who struggles with anything conceptual, does not realise you cannot accuse someone of doing something legal and moral.
Actually a lawyer at Stephenson Harwood, a fairly large City firm, and not a trader, not that Humphries would accord him that respectability.
Multi culti Al Beeb in full emotion pro-open doors mode this morning.
Sob. Cry. Emote. Pass the hankies. 45 failed Pakistani asylum seekers/economic migrants are being sent back to Turkey.
My god! From Al Beeb’s mournful tone it sounded like a catastrophe on the same genocidal scale as, say Srebrenica.
Surprised the bBBC ‘journalists’ are not staking out the War Crimes people in The Hague.
Yet I could have sworn all those Doctors and Engineers were from Syria, as so often mentioned by Al Beeb. Totally amazed they are from another country. LOL.
On the Victoria Derbyshire show this morning there was a piece about networking and how education does or doesn’t prepare young people for work etc. Four young people on the panel; one white and four ethnic minorities. Hardly representative
In the land of Victoria Derbyshire it is.
“BBC Trending was launched in 2013 “to investigate social media trends around the world and the stories
behind them” – yet even the most cursory glance at its website and YouTube videos reveals the platform
of Britain’s public broadcaster, which claims “impartiality lies at the heart of public service”, is little
more than a mouthpiece pushing the views of “Social Justice Warriors” (SJWs).”
BBC bias is frequently by omission. Imagine how far they will go to conduct a sympathetic campaign in support of some jihadist avoiding prison or extradition. But in a few days Tommy Robinson, former EDL leader, now supporter of avowed peaceful protesting Pegida, is up for trial. It won’t recieve much attention in our rigidly state controlled media, especially the BBC.
It is very hard not to conclude that the decision to nail Robinson, and ensure that his life is imperiled, has come from above – the Cameron and May axis.
Amazing….hopefully the jury will see this and acquit ..