Not sure why when you Google ‘celebrity injunction’ up pops a totally unrelated story from Guido.
Looking at the comments though you see that some are totally unimpressed with the BBC’s interview on Today with a man who gave drugs to his boyfriend…
The BBC reached new depths of hypocrisy and bias this morning when its “flagship” radio Today Programme interviewed a homosexual 35 year old UK barrister who gave his live in-young immigrant lover drugs, that killed him overnight.
The BBC interviewer took a highly moral stance and chastised an already compliant barrister in tones similar to giving to a naughty 10 year old.
What the programme totally failed to inform us was that the drugs given to the barrister were supplied by a BBC Editor.
I will be following this court case on the barrister and his BBC drug supplier with interest.
Why so shy by the BBC…not as if it was a secret…
Celebrity barrister, 35, admits buying party drugs that killed his teenage boyfriend from a BBC producer during an all-night ‘chemsex’ orgy inside legal chambers
If they are so concerned about the supply of these drugs why are they not interviewing their own man…or perhaps just drag in anyone walking down the BBC corridor and ask them….sure to have something knowledgeable to say of value.
Human rights innit! Having pleaded guilty to supplying death drugs to a teenager, the human rights department must have a protracted investigation into the “alleged” offence independent of the rule of law and no doubt the GUILTY supplier of death drugs to a teenager will be on fully paid gardening leave until such time as the ‘uman rights department can suggest which department would be best for the “GUILTY of supplying death drugs to a teenager’s” rehabilitation.
If of course it had been a serious case involving telling an Irish man to do his job then no doubt the producer would have been instantly dismissed.
Leaving aside everything else so very wrong in this sleazy and squalid tragedy, the BBC not reporting a story fully is no surprise, in fact I’m a little surprised that the BBC exec isn’t being portrayed as the victim.
Crispin “I use poppers” Blunt, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee , sets out the case for gay chemsex in a memorable parliamentary speech (Jan 2016).
Too much detail Crispin. Stick to foreign affairs mate.
I noticed the CBBC childrens channel new logo has moved over to a gay rainbow theme. Corrupt the kids young – that’s the BBC way.
Even by BBC standards, that is a shit logo! Not even the kids’ parents will identify with that.
I wonder how much that modern looking ‘test card’ cost to design. They’ll claim it was only a six-figure sum, but the true cost comes in the implementation of rebranding. It’ll be more like a seven-figure sum in the end.
But I guess they have to give people something to do otherwise they’ll lose some of their funding, like councils exhausting the last of their budgets in the run up to the end of the tax year.
If the BBC stopped wasting money on unnecessary re-branding and programmes designed to compete with the commercial channels (after all, they’re not chasing profits), perhaps they could come up with something truly innovative and worth watching. (Although, I must admit; I do like Hacker.)
> I noticed the CBBC childrens channel new logo has moved over to a gay rainbow theme.
I think that says more about how your head works. There’s no resemblance at all. Other than “blocks of solid colour”, and if that’s enough to justify your take on it, I can only assume you see gay rainbows everywhere.
I’m no fan of the new logo – like most things, I think we remain wedded to the version that was around in our youth. But its use on screen does add some dynamism to the static version, and it works better in that context.
I liked this take on it:
Great. POETS day arrives again with a whimper.
“Not sure why when you Google ‘celebrity injunction’ up pops a totally unrelated story from Guido.”
Interestingly, the US Google comes up with exactly the same results as the UK. I tried this at work earlier and was surprised to find all the results on the first page were links to UK media such as the Telegraph, Mail and Guardian.
Is it a cover up?
I am in Eire at the moment and seem to get only UK links re celebrity injunction.
Well now, as my old hieland grannie used to say: “There might be what they might call cover-ups but also in those same cover-ups are maybe complete exposures, especially if they have decided to ignore the teachings of the Good Lord!”
Now, that is wot she said and I’m not one to dispute it.
Did any of youse see yon story the other day of a man/wifie who was chust axing why on earth he could not get a title the same as wot female wifies of Knights bold got, and why could not he even get one and mebbes be known as Lady David mebbes …
My cousin Angus who is a keen reporter on the Western Isles, chust did happen to wonder why a big Daily Maily paper had all of a sudden decided to publish this old story. Well now, as Angus told me, after phoning various sources in the big Fleet Street happenings, well, they all seemed to be telling him that there might be mony a slip atwixt cup and injunction, oh yes!
But I dinnae ken wot oor Angus was torking aboot – spechshully as I was a wee bit fu’ masel’ ye ken!
Tek care, noo!
“Not sure why when you Google ‘celebrity injunction’ up pops a totally unrelated story from Guido.”
Interestingly, the US Google comes up with exactly the same results as the UK. I tried this at work earlier and was surprised to find all the results on the first page were links to UK media such as the Telegraph, Mail and Guardian.
Is it a cover up?
Well now, as my cousin Angus chust keeps saying, maybe you should be a bit more investigative, eh?
Wish I’ld read this earlier I’ve been scratching my head over this one, I got the KP and JH one way quicker. Thanks.
Well, you know, Mrs Kitty, I was chust defiantly scratching my own head and even scraping my beard as I hunted all through the InterWeb for married couples who might even be in “open relationships” as his Honour did describe them.
It was only when my young cousin Angus from Stornoway dropped his bombshell right on the top of my head that I wakened to the fact that wot some Judges of Her Majesty’s Realm might describe as “happily married couples”, who might now and again do a wee little bit of daring-do, that I chust then in fact realised I was so defiantly so far out of touch with the modern world that I’m thinking I might one day soon chust catch yon boat right back to Stornoway and be done with the iniquities of this truly Sodom and Gomorrah world.
In fact, if I set out today, Friday, I might chust have reached the promised land in time for the Sabbath, but it’s no’ tae be, for I drank so much whisky last night while I was trying to keep down and understand the iniquities of these strange people who prance all over the Press *and* the BBC that I am in fact in no fit state to travel.
If it had no’ been for yon Dame Elton John and his Wee hussie, why, I might now be back amongst my ain folk.
I was chust defiantly scratching my own head….
Shouldn’t that be ‘ma ain heed’?
“Is it a cover up? ”
More likely to be a cock up.