Don’t ask me questions…now push off!!
Will the BBC report this little spat? You can be sure it would be headline grabbing news if it had been Cameron.
The Huffington Post has given the story a look. Others will no doubt follow.
I`m with Corbyn here 100%.
That the idiot Tories don`t push intrusive phones and such away when THEY`RE just coming out of the house is more to do with their posh manners and desperation for a soundbite or some attention.
This LBC cretin should have had the thing smashed…and yes, I know that he`d have been forgiven and not pilloried, unlike any Tory like Boris or Cameron.
But the gobshite rent a gob calling outs of the media need dealing with-they are intrusive, presumptuous and a danger…sick of `em…hope Crick gets a pasting first, fat little turd.
Wonder if Apple can be used to take Corbyn to court for threatening a phone-they TOO have feelings you know.
Hence their wish to prevent any abuse or inspection of their phones by the FBI after the San Bernardino attacks.
You wait-cyber-rights and bot-bullyings will be the next nutjob legal tranche of crap to come.