The Obligation of Jihad…By a ‘British Muslim Leader’



Sue at Is the BBC biased? spotted this revelation from the BBC….it’s from 2015 but somehow never goes out of date…..

Thousands have now mocked a British Muslim leader’s comments by using the satirical slogan “Mossad Stole My Shoe” – but the man behind the hashtag says it was intended to expose anti-Semitic attitudes in Muslim communities.

It all began with a Facebook post by Asghar Bukhari, a founding member of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK (MPAC) – a UK pressure group which works to counter Islamophobia and Zionism, among other aims.

Rather than investigate MPACUK and their unsavoury views the BBC is looking into the people who started the satire campaign against him, one in particular who happens to be from the, hated by Muslims, Quilliam Foundation…Maajid Nawaz…and as the BBC tells us…. ‘Bukhari called Nawaz an “Uncle Tom nut job” and accused him of getting funding from pro-Israel supporters’.   Now that has a familiar ring to it…oh yes, today Guido reports another of the BBC’s favourite groups, Cage has got one of its ‘ex’ boys into C4 News…and look what he has Tweeted in the past…..

Funny how the BBC ignores or discounts the real views of such people…not everyone does…not even the very PC NUS…

In 2004, MPACUK was the subject of a no-platform order by the National Union of Students, because of its publication of anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist conspiracy theories, provocative racist material, and further material on its website encouraging activists to break the law.

Even the Guardian knows a bad ‘un when they see one...though they still call him a ‘Muslim leader’….

One of Britain’s most prominent speakers on Muslim issues is today exposed as a supporter of David Irving, the controversial historian who for years denied the Holocaust took place.

Asghar Bukhari, a founder member of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC), which describes itself as Britain’s largest Muslim civil rights group, sent money to Irving and urged Islamic websites to ask visitors to make donations to his fighting fund.


The All-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism said this about MPACUK….

The use of ‘Zionist’ as a replacement for ‘Jewish’ is common on the MPACUK website. The CST submitted evidence that in one explicit case of this the Talmud, a Jewish religious text written many centuries ago, was described as a “Zionist holy book”. The website also posed the question: “Is this the most Powerful and Racist book in the world?!”  MPACUK has also articulated Jewish conspiracy theories through the language of Zionism describing it as an “octopus that now penetrates every western nation and pushes it to start world war three upon Muslims” and warning that “Any man who knows anything of Zionists, knows that they will not stop until the Muslims ‘followed bymankind’ are dead or enslaved”.

So when the BBC allows MPACUK to get away with claiming to be defending Jews against anti-Semitism, ‘ intended to expose anti-Semitic attitudes in Muslim communities’  and then blandly describes their aims like this… ‘a UK pressure group which works to counter Islamophobia and Zionism, among other aims’, you have to ask why the BBC is so wilfully blind when the evidence is there for them to see.


MPACUK are a small bunch of extremist scumbags to be blunt.  The BBC has long treated them as if they are a respectable and authoritative voice of the Muslim community and it shows the huge problems that Britain faces when the Media, in particular the massively powerful and influential BBC, gives such people credibility and treats their pronouncements on how Muslims are being treated as gospel with the result that politicians fall into line and dare not make real attempts to rein in the Muslim Islamist subornment of society.

The slippery Islamist Mehdi Hasan, another BBC favourite, told Muslims that they should infiltrate the media in order to shill for Islam, indeed the BBC’s own Mishal Husain said she was glad to get the job on the Today programme so that she could present a more positive face of Islam.

MPACUK seem to be very successful in fooling the BBC, a willing dupe you have to think.  The below is an urgent message to British Muslims from MPACUK that was on the frontpage of their website until it started being noticed…it has now vanished and even the good old Wayback Machine has been stopped by MPACUK from digging it back out….

Page cannot be crawled or displayed due to robots.txt.


Anyway here’s my copy…….

The Obligation of Jihad

“Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) hath Allah promised good. But those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,” Quran Chapter 4: The Women, verse 95

A high rank, forgiveness and mercy are gifted from our beloved for those who are the Mujahideen. Those that struggle and strive to protect the religion, that protect the honour of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), that protect our brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity are gifted with these amazing favours!

Are we aware of the consequences of not partaking in this strive and struggle to protect the Ummah? By forsaking ourselves of the duty of Jihad we risk the wrath of God, we expose Islam to harm and defeat at the hands of its enemies. Islam is one of the largest, if not the largest religion in the world yet simultaneously we are the most persecuted people on earth– how can this be so when it is this very religion that endorses the protection of human life as a rooted principle? The answer is simple; when Muslims abandon the obligation of Jihad, preferring a life of ease, concentrating on worldly gains and pleasure we face degradation, ridicule, enslavement, humiliation and consequently all our affairs are corrupted.

Those who do not observe Jihad are indeed committing a grave sin because there is much harm that emanates into society when it is abandoned. Those that neglect Jihad will be disobeying something God has commanded us all to partake in; they have not aided in protecting the Religion of God, they have not defended the Book of God, its messages and His law, they have not helped the Ummah against the enemy who wants to destroy them.

If any of us find our hearts at this stage; as a matter of urgency we must change for not only are we exposing ourselves to humiliation and harm in this life, but also in the Hereafter; for the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “He who dies without having fought in the way of Allah or without having felt it to be his duty, will die having a trait of hypocrisy”


These are MPACUKs real views on those who condemned the attack on Lee Rigby……

This is what MPACUK’s Facebook page [strangely again this page has been vanished]  says about Muslims who apologise for acts of terror:

This is the sad state of affairs we Muslims are in.

All day yesterday I hear Muslims apologising and condemning this act as if it was the most abhorrent act ever committed on British soil, and “we are sorry because yes it is our fault that a man reacted to tyrannical oppression”

Yet these same Muslims don’t even bat an eye lid when these same soldiers kill our kids in our people’s homeland.

They are only cowards worried about their own reputation and image. “Oh no brother this is really bad for ‘the dawah’, we must publicly condemn these acts, Islam means peace”





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6 Responses to The Obligation of Jihad…By a ‘British Muslim Leader’

  1. NCBBC says:

    Muslims – having murdered most of the Christian population of Islamic countries, tens of millions of Muslims have been let in, to finish the job in Christendom. And our idiot politicians have let them in.

    But the prime reason Europe is unable to defend itself is because of the EU.


  2. Mr.Golightly says:

    I haven’t seen Asghar Bukhari on the box for some time now. Here is SKY inviting him onto the studio floor to debate with amongst others Douglas Murray, the day after the Charlie Hebdo murders. I recall thinking at the time Bukhari was an unhinged conspiracy theorist, and no match for Murray who though appearing about to blow a blood vessel still managed to show up Bukhari for the buffoon he is. Classic Murray.


    • john in cheshire says:

      I think these muslims must be given training in how to avoid answering any question truthfully. It was also noticeable how emotional this muslim was, by his body language, rather than rational. At least the Sky presenter tried to shut him up and let Mr Murray try to respond to the muslim rant.


  3. NCBBC says:

    Geert Wilders on the recent message of Peace and Love from Islam to Europe.

    This is a must watch
    Part 1 on Islam by pastor Sharam Hadian

    Parts 2 and 3 in side bar
    All three parts are absolute must watch


    • john in cheshire says:

      Thanks for the videos. Mr Wilders as always is giving a robust defence of his analysis of the danger that islam poses to the Netherlands, Europe and the world. I had the feeling that his opponents have adopted the strategy of taking a personal dislike to Mr Wilders and use that as a facade to avoid having to come to terms with the warning that Mr Wilders has been making for many years. Historically, this is the position taken by losers the world over; use personal attacks and argue about trivia rather than confront the real world. I think for example the Mensheviks, for example did the same thing and this allowed the Bolsheviks to over-run the country.


  4. NCBBC says:

    Australia: Muslim whose daughter was killed waging jihad demands her life insurance

    “Mr Karroum told how his daughter introduced him to Islam but fell into the wrong crowd worshipping at an Auburn mosque.” Somehow I doubt that Mohamed Karroum was introduced to Islam by his daughter. She was only 22 when she was killed two years ago, and since he says she introduced him to Islam after she finished high school, that means that if this introduction took place at all, it most likely happened just a few years ago. But Mohamed Karroum looks as if he has been developing his beard and zebiba for a longer time than that.