Well, the BBC have joined in the “Call me Dave should resign because he…owned perfectly legal share and …gasp.. sold them… and….gasp…paid his due taxes” Here’s a weekend thread for you. Detail the bias here.
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Not yet reported:
Choudry Ikhalaq Hussein, 38 Hussain is believed to be currently in Pakistan after he left the country during his trial.
Rehan Ali, 27
Abid Khan, 38
Afraz Ahmed, 33
Mohammed Dauood, 38
David Law, 46
Mahfuz Rahman, 29
Nine men are due to be sentenced today for committing sexual offences against a teenage girl in Rochdale.
The Manchester Evening News uses the racist term ‘Asian’ which tars all people of Asian origin with the disgusting and unacceptable behaviour of the Fascists brown eyed boys who can do no wrong – Pakistani Muslims.
Wonder if we will see a report on BBC news?
… … … “David Law, 46” … … …
Ashian? Shome mishtake, shurely?
William ‘By-their-deedsh-you-shall-know-them’ Deedes.
Apparently I am told he is a drug addict, related to the victim who was perhaps induced to supply his own relative, and others to the Pakistanis for the purposes of rape. His conviction is different to the others:
David Law, 46, of Colmanhay Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, was convicted of conspiracy to rape, while another defendant, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was convicted of rape and attempting to abduct a child in relation to three victims.
He himself did not actually rape the girl who he should have had more care for.
For some of our ‘guest’ posters, David Law will be used as the exception which proves their golden rule, oft repeated on the BBC (by proxy commentators, naturally), ‘This isn’t just a Muslim problem’.
The brutal and systematic gang rapes of tens of thousands of Kuffar young White girls by Pakistani Muslim men, is not just about sexual gratification, but is actually a war that Islam wages on all non-Muslim societies.
The number of girls raped is likely to be anywhere in the region of 20,000 to 30,000. If one assumes that each girl serviced 10 men, we have a figure of 200,000 to 300,000 Pakistani Muslim men. This is virtually all sexually Pakistani Muslim men. It is hard to imagine, bar one or two imams and community leaders, that the rest didn’t know.
Then the authorities, police, social services, and several Home secretaries role? Did they know?
This is a war crime like no other in all history. No wonder it is being hushed up.
Thats not anywhere near an accurate calculation as the dirty paedos undoubtedly each had it away with many different girls.
“A child rapist jailed for 19 years for his role in a Rochdale paedophile gang has been on the run for more than four months and is feared to have fled to Pakistan.
Choudry Ikhalaq Hussain, 38, was imprisoned in his absence on Friday for rape, sexual activity with a child and conspiracy to rape.
But Hussain, who was part of a 10-strong child abuse ring all of Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage, absconded during his trial last November and police believe he is now in hiding abroad.
During the trial at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Cour the claimed a family member had died.
He was given permission by the judge to attend the funeral – which he had said was due to be held in Britain. However Hussain never returned to court.”
Is stupidity the only criteria that our rulers have to meet?
Both this judge and successive governments have been spineless and pathetic in giving Muslims the benefit of the doubt. Apart from this man Hussain does anyone remember Sid Arthur someone who skipped police bail to go to Syria and be Jihadi John 2? The police never took his passport. That’s just as dumb as letting an accused rapist and paedophile go to a wedding. Even worse it now transpires that police bail conditions are not legally enforceable. Get Tough Theresa May is only now trying to get this changed. Her judgement on this is about as eliable as her euro scepticism .
Lucky for him he wasn’t attending a wedding party or he would be drone fodder by now
It’s been on North West. Reported as “men” as usual. then off to an imam who has “campaigned” on this issue who tells us that “it’s men” committing these crimes against women. So nothing to do with the obvious, move along nothing to be seen here.
Cameron offshore fund row: PM accused of ‘hypocrisy’
If he has paid all the UK tax due on share investments then it’s another BBC non-story. It would appear that in the British media vs Cameron the only party to have broken the law would be the British media by receiving what I believe are commonly referred to as stolen goods – the data, which the media romantically refer to as the ‘Panama Papers’ were obtained not by a ‘leak’ but by hacking into the servers hosting Mossack Fonseca’e email data – a process which, in anyone’s book is illegal. I’m not sure how the courts would view such stolen evidence in the UK but certainly in the US it would be inadmissible – a point which seems to have been lost on the lefty media in the scramble to climb on their moral high horse.
I commented on this subject late in the last thread, but just to say, he hasn’t done anything wrong, and nor has his Dad.
Meanwhile, the Guardian which sold its stake in Autotrader a few years ago generating a £6-700m return is owned by an offshore trust, and the Benns and Milibands (probably others too) circumvented the Inheritance Tax rules.
Who is the more hypocritical?
Just the same way they called for margaret hodge to resign….oh wait..
Still waiting for Hazel Blears to pay her Council Tax
You seem to have missed the point about the accusations made about David Camerons offshore investments.
It is not the investments which have caused the problems, but the four separate obfuscations prior to admission. This is the crux of the issue and not the investments themselves.
Now you might say that this is a storm in a teacup, and you might be right, but it’s better to know what is being alleged rather than getting the wrong end of the stick.
The Weekend Thread.
Oh goody!
That means only two days until the next episode of ‘Undercover’.
Undercover. The modern bBBC alternative to the brainwashing sequence in ‘The Ipcress File’.
“When the voice says “Now listen to me”, I will immediately denigrate any white male Anglo-Saxon heritage person in a 100 yard radius”
On Radio 4 at 11 a.m. today, there was a light-hearted programme about 3-sided football. Harmless enough, I suppose, with good old Ian McMillan and his northern (and thus perforce authentic) accent to jolly things along.
But still plenty of subliminal and casual Leftism on offer, even if it wasn’t as bad as that dire South African LGBTI persecution jerk-fest on Thursday. References to teams of Polish and Lithuanian migrant workers, another to a reader of the Morning Star (circulation even lower than the Grauniad!) theories about tri-polar oppositions being better than the traditional bipolar ones, triangular pitches, etc. Every notion of normal (e.g. football match = one team versus another) has to be subverted, even if only jokingly, with the 3-sided football placed within a framework of deconstructing traditional reality. Meanwhile, the BBC leaves many questions unasked, one of which is: why the f#ck should we be forced to pay for this sh!t?
And Josie Long got half an hour of unfunny shit to force on us all at 11.30 following McMillans professional northern schtick…don`t the BBC love him ,and his o-so working clarsss ways?
ironically enough the trailer following Josie Longs lingering death by radio imagined a world where comics are supposed to NOT be funny…imagine that?
Baddiel is running it…irony bypass here…and we can expect Long, Toksvig, Hardy, Steel and Brand I`d say.
You know-to not be funny-just this once eh?
Beyond parody the BBC these days.
Check out her twitter page https://twitter.com/JosieLong?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor if you dare. Full on Corbynista and a nasty one at that. Another activist masquerading as a comic and the beeb love her.
Looks like the comrades are marching on no 10 tomorrow in a tax protest.
Some kind of clown. Yeah an unfunny one. Eleanor Moron err I mean Morton is another unfunny ‘comedian’ Just looked at her website https://eleanormortoncomedian.com/. I Now have to go to A&E if they are not on strike. I think my sides have split
” a world where comics are supposed to NOT be funny…imagine that?”
Marcus Brigstocke’s already on the phone to his agent.
I don’t know who Ian McMillan is but whenever I hear a BBC reporter with an ‘authentic’ northern accent the best they seem to be able to manage is to flatten their u’s, and even then so self consciously it sounds about as genuine as Billy Bragg flaunting his love of England.
The only terrible exception that comes to mind is that twat Paul Mason (since departed to socialist pastures new), the northern monkey equivalent of the ear-grinding resident colleen Lyse Doucet. Urrgh!
@ChrisH, there was a time when even Baddiel was funny or at least mildly funny and he’s as sharp as a tack too. Who can forget Roy Hattersley on Fantasy Football League describing Tommy Lawton covering his hair with dripping to which Baddiel replied, of course, you took your look from Charles Laughton. I pissed myself laughing (cos I knew who Laughton was even if the audience didn’t) and you should’ve seen Hattersley’s face.
I found it! About 12 minutes in.
Yesterday evening I enjoyed an half hour of pure delight, courtesy of the BBC Radio 4X. A repeat of the Goon Show from 1955 ( I was 11 yrs. old then) about a seige of the Tower of London by invading Scots over the theft of a caber (quite appropriate now, I thought) . All the best comedians are now dead, but they can still make us all laugh. Unlike the shower of witless cretins now on offer by the BBC (Bring Back Comedy) who only contribute anti British propoganda on behalf of their leftist/Marxist masters – Bastards.
Yes Mustapha, it’s the “subliminal and casual leftism on offer” that is so insidious.
This morning I happened on an episode of “the Reunion” that had brought together a group of men who had served in the Royal Navy submarine service during the Cold War. It was a fascinating discussion between men who were well informed and had been involved in the development and application of what were then the new technologies of nuclear propulsion and weapons systems. They also vividly described covert operations against the USSR and the close cooperation at sea and ashore between the US – UK in providing the nuclear deterrent, and its ongoing relevance in today’s uncertain world.
Towards the end Sue Mc Gregor began to play sound bites regarding CND, the Greenham Common “peace camp” and Faslane protestors and asked the men to discuss their feelings around the “morality” of nuclear weapons, and the amount of money spent on nuclear deterrence….she played a clip of Michael Portillo describing nuclear submarine systems as a “total waste of money now” and mentioned the debate about what would replace the Trident system….if anything, she rounded off by saying next weeks episode will be about disability campaigners.
I wonder whether the end of that episode will include a little sting in the tail when the reunited campaigners are asked about the morality of dependency culture, the paying of benefits to people with disabilities such as drug or alcohol dependency or the numbers of cases of faking and fraud generated within the benefits system?
Or would only a horrid right wing person wish to use a BBC programme like “the Reunion” to make a political point?
Shocking News /sarc
How The BBC Is Promoting Anti-American, Pro Mass Migration, Social Justice Warrior Campaigns
Nearly everything on their YouTube page rallies for liberal-left causes like feminism: one video slamming men who ask women to smile, gay rights, transgender issues, and mass migration to the West. The BBC shows and praises a video made by a campaign group who work to help Central American migrants into the USA.
As well as producing numerous videos characterising the majority of Muslims as feminist, in favour of gay rights, and loving rap and hip-hop – many other videos praise ‘social justice’ hashtag campaigns such as #CrimingWhileWhite, #FlexInMyComplexion and supporting riots associated with the #BlackLivesMatter protests.
Whenever I switch on Radio 4 I can almost guarantee one of the Left’s favoured causes will be under discussion or being featured.
It’s relentless and the Breitbart article just adds emphasis. The question is, why are they allowed to be so blatantly biased or, even worse, actively campaign on so many controversial socio-political agendas?
why are they allowed to be so blatantly biased or, even worse, actively campaign on so many controversial socio-political agendas?
If they are not actively stopped, the BBC will continue to do everything in its power to destroy the Christian basis of the West ie Western civilisation. Once that job is done, with Muslim help, they hope to establish an Utopian socialist paradise. Gulag II.
I cannot understand why a Tory government allows the BBC to function as it does, for the final result will be that Tories will be out of power forever, till the day Sharia is declared, and the BBC opens its morning program with a call to prayer from the Wahhabi Central mosque in Regents Park.
The Al mujahideen Beeb can pretend/make up/lie as much as they like about what these so called ‘majority of Muslims’ are like. Asad Shah butcherer Tanveer Ahmed has done a Johan Cruyff turn on the Al Beebs bullshit narrative with his honest and fact riddled statement on his duty to protect Islam as set out in the Koran
“The highly unusual statement was made through Mr Ahmed’s lawyer, John Rafferty after his second appearance at court before sheriff Brian Adair.
The statement given was: “My client Mr Tanveer Ahmed has specifically instructed me that today, 6 April 2016, to issue this statement to the press, the statement is in the words of my client.
“This all happened for one reason and no other issues and no other intentions.
“Asad Shah disrespected the messenger of Islam the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Mr Shah claimed to be a Prophet.
“When 1400 years ago the Prophet of Islam Muhammad peace be upon him has clearly said that ‘I am the final messenger of Allah there is no more prophets or messengers from God Allah after me.
“‘I am leaving you the final Quran. There is no changes. It is the final book of Allah and this is the final completion of Islam. There is no more changes to it and no one has the right to claim to be a Prophet or to change the Quran or change Islam.’
“It is mentioned in the Quran that there is no doubt in this book no one has the right to disrespect the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and no one has the right to disrespect the Prophet of Islam Muhammad Peace be upon him.
“If I had not done this others would and there would have been more killing and violence in the world.
“I wish to make it clear that the incident was nothing at all to do with Christianity or any other religious beliefs even although I am a follower of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him I also love and respect Jesus Christ.”
Questions. How are there still people out there still believing Islam is anything but a death cult? How long will the Al Beeb keep peddling the bullshit?
In intention, at any rate, the English intelligentsia are Europeanized. They take their cookery from Paris and their opinions from Moscow. In the general patriotism of the country they form a sort of island of dissident thought. England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In left wing circles it always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution, from horse racing to suet puddings. It is a strange fact, but it unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention to ‘God Save the King’ than of stealing from a poor box. All through the years many left wingers were chipping away at English morale, trying to spread an outlook that was sometimes squashily pacifist, sometimes violently pro-Russian, but always anti-British….
George Orwell, The Lion and the Unicorn, 1940
Nothing much changes: substitute ‘Tuscany’ for ‘Paris’ and ‘Queen’ for ‘King’, then in the second sentence add ‘take their religion from Mecca’ and we’re bang up to date.
Interesting that you should mention George Orwell…
Licence payers’ money well spent?
“If Liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”
will be inscibed on the wall behind the sculpture. A sentiment that could do with being inscribed at the entrance to all our universities, schools and colleges too.
I think it’s a better use of licence payers money than some, though I think his real name, Eric Blair, should also get a mention. Orwell was a nom de plume.
The irony is if Orwell was alive today he’d be tearing the BBC a new one. Not only do they swarm with the self-hating, unpatriotic socialist class that he loathed, they are The Ministry of Truth incarnate with a Memory Hole bigger than Stephen Hawking’s worst end-of-the-universe gravitational nightmare.
The left claim George Orwell as their own, but I have doubted that he ever was a socialist. In my view he was a libertarian who was suspicious of collectivism.
Charlie Staytist decided to man up this morning. The usually docile sofa eunuch (is that a new design of fascinator you’re wearing for Aintree or is that your hair Charlie?)
Of course the occasion was a BBC attack on a spokesman for the PM – still nice show of manliness from Mr Stayt.
It won’t last.
The sports fella must have read your comment asiseeit, hes just stitched up charlie boy a treat re his hair/facilitator whatever on sat breakfast!
Christ I’m bored with this share issue bollocks….I’ve no time what-so-ever for Cameron, but he’s done nothing wrong, and yet the embittered left and their BBC lap dogs are going on as if it were a hanging offence..
They’re like a totalitarian regime with a bone, rolling on idiots like John McDonnell to preach to the public like a paragon of virtue….Even by loathsome BBC standards this is utterly ridiculous….But hey ho, Cameron wont stand up to them, hence he’ll get what he deserves..
The crass ignorance on display over this, particularly in much of the press, is profoundly depressing. Some of it, I’m sure, from people who have ISAs or contribute to pension funds.
There are far bigger fish to fry, probably imported from Spain but caught in our waters.
And no, I’m no fan of Cameron either.
There will be plenty more to come, mainly because the BBC sets the news agenda for the country and they see this as a useful stick with which to beat Cameron and the Tories. Perhaps the law of unexpected consequences may operate and this relentless attack on the PM may make people think that if he is of such doubtful character, so hypocritical and lacks judgement , as the BBC say that this issue illustrates , even though he has done nothing even slightly shady, then these people may decide that any recommendation from him is likely to be wrong, and so they will vote LEAVE. That would be a deliciously bitter harvest for the BBC. Then Boris can wield the axe and cut the BBC to pieces.
Once again we see the unfettered power of the BBC to make the news whatever they wish it to be. Good old Norman Smith says that lots of people believe that the PM has questions to answer on this issue. But of course the reason why people believe that the PM has questions to answer, is that the BBC keeps on asking them and therefore, because they provide well over 70% of the news content consumed in the country, it becomes a headline issue which other providers feel obliged to follow. I have no issue with the BBC demanding answers from the PM, nor of any other news provider doing so, indeed that what the free press should be doing . But the dominance of the BBC is such, that I am sure that many other important news stories are not being aired because the BBC has chosen this one to run with until they believe it has run out of legs and other news providers are forced to follow suit.
I really can’t understand why in the BBC Charter review process the issue of their near monopoly of news hasn’t been a major issue for the government. The BBC casts such a long shadow over news and current affairs in the UK that they drown out any other view than their own left of centre one and so deny the country the plurality of view that any healthy democracy needs. Going easy on the BBC is bad for democracy, they are simply far too big and need to be broken up and privatised asap.
Doublethinker – excellent post and I can’t agree more with all that you said. Couldn’t have put it better myself. It’s actually quite frightening when one reads that the BbC generates/provides well over 70% of the news content of this country. Their power is unfettered, yes, and no one…no one seems to do anything about it!
You hit the nail on the head, Doublethinker. The BBC doesn’t simply report the news but strives to amplify news it likes and minimise or ignore news it doesn’t like. It’s full to the brim with campaigners and lefty propagandists rather than journalists.
Solid post Dt; I think part of your final sentence says it all really:
“…the BBC is bad for democracy”.
Never was a truer word written.
The BBC is so bad for democracy it never sees fit to debate the ‘democratic deficit’ (what a euphemism that is) of the EU – peas in a pod, you see.
The bbbc dont want to amplify the leaflet issue so they shout a wee bit louder about dodgy daves tax dodge that never was apparently. It must have them running in circles in the thoughtspeakagenda offices in albeeb land, hate cameron love leaflet but the leaflets camerons what to do. quick who has a copy of the guardian get it here now ah sorted sweet.
Brilliant post, Doublethinker. Bad for democracy? I think the BBC is Britain’s biggest enemy right now.
There go the BBC with their “lots of people are saying” crap again.
What they mean by that is their live-in boyfriend who tweets for Occupy, who once was at a buttery bar in an Oxbridge college where Diane Abbott once spoke…”well, he showed me the twitterfeed and they`ll be making a pigs head out of papier mache for the march this afto”…that`ll be the sum total of “people are saying” bull.
As opposed to “critics” Senior conservatives””respected independent think tanks/policy chiefs in the quangos”-who`ll clearly will be getting THEIR say very soon. All on speed dial, all on a 24 hour cycle.
What Cameron left his family is of no concern whatsoever-he`s “square with the house” to quote The Green Mile.
The lefty scum who are doing all this need a root out-Guardian, BBC, unions and Labour?…sitting fat ducks clueless about being in our sights…if only the Tories would take the idiot left lanterns on.
Camerons a twerp-and if he loses power for fucking us over for the EU rigged referendum, that`ll be justice enough.
But-yet again, the idiot left knows as little about tax hedging funds as do the Tories…and we`re supposed to fall in line for arch-hypocrites like Benn, Crow, Meacher, Hodge, Kelly,Harman and Milibandiers?
Piss off-the Tories are incompetent venal crap-but they were born that way, and don`t pretend to be virtuous for the rest of us…unlike the evil weevils of Labour, Liberal Fascism as exemplified by the BBC and the Guardian types.
Three years to the day yesterday when Mrs Thatcher died-the Left will NEVER be forgiven for their reaction.
Cameron thought that by appeasing the leftists, they would leave him alone. Thats not the way to deal with the left. Orban has the correct idea.
Cameron has all the tools necessary to bring the lefty BBC to heel. Time is short for the Tories. If they dont bring the BBC to heel soon, then the next Labour will bring in so many RoPs, that Labour will be in power… till the day Sharia is declared in UK.
Dead right NCBBC.
The complacent Tories and would-be leaders of the Right seem to think that jousting with the Left is a parlour game.
Ever since Marx replaced “God” with “The Class Struggle”, the Left have only wanted one thing-to turn the world upside down with themselves in charge.
They`ve been in it for the long haul as well-they survived intact through the Thatcher era, and she really ought to have dealt with them the way that they came to treat HER when she died.
We now live with the consequences-all State dependents in “jobs” or on “welfare” are all Lefties, good as-and Labour deliberately swamped the country with a new client state of dependents who`ll get theor votes posted in-and any opposition muzzled.
The whole culture now under 40 is Lefty by instinct-hence the EU bloc vote being in jeopardy-because these people don`t pay any price for “feeling good about things”…it`s easy and virtuous for the Twattermobs and Faecesbookers.
And any Tory like Fallon or Soubry that pushes us to stay in the EU-don`t they know that they`ll not be forgiven and will destroy their useless party?
Just bad politics-and the Left will kill them, before we ourselves have to deal with the Left ourselves-voting won`t be required by then, I`m sad to say.
The Left can earn no other money, do nothing other than foment revolution and vindictive assaults on those who won`t agree with them-and, worse still, fight back…but we`ve got no choice now.
The Tories have gone awol.
Scott loves Jerrod loves Thadeus loves Zero loves Marvin loves LDV loves Scott
Form a circle.
All luvin eachother in the same ring – Disgusting!
a circle of jerks?
probably standing round a rich tea biscuit. And if your looking at the screen thinking wtf is he on about ask a soldier.
This is a must see
Live in Toronto: Steyn & Farage vs Arbour & Schama
Farage and Steyn were brilliant in that debate while Arbour and Schama demonstrated the blindness and petty personal attacks so typical of the left.
A good way to watch the debate is to mute the volume whenever the lefties speak. (I’m only half joking.)
From Plunn Tenets
We are submitting already;
1. not publishing cartoons of Mohammed after CH – submission
2. changing the dates of exams to avoid Islamic religious festivals – submission
3. suspension of critical thinking on Islam and ignoring Political Islam – submission
4. Religious hatred act – submission
5. instigation as aspects of Sharia Law in the UK – submission
6. Calling Rotherham abusers ‘Asian’ – submission
7. Calling Islam a religion of Peace and allowing Islamic preachers to enter churches and further tell us Islam is a religion of Peace – submission
8. Not teaching the history of Political Islam in our schools – submission
And this
Christian NHS worker who gave religious book to Muslim loses appeal over ruling
It seems that our EU ruling elite have decided to turn Europe into an Islamic caliphate. We need to get out of the EU, or we are finished as a historic nation.
It seems that our EU ruling elite have decided to turn Europe into an Islamic caliphate. We need to get out of the EU, or we are finished as a historic nation
And we need urgently to get rid of Cameron and May who are walking us into submission
I would love to accuse you of paranoia on this one but I do now wander if this could be true. However I suspect things are going this way though more through
1. Single minded Islamic groups forcing an agenda where those in power are unable to challenge them due to political weakness and a wish not to be seen as “wayyyycist”
2 As Chis H said a single minded left wing that is also there for the long game. Quietly subverting institutions and organisations which have always been quite mainstream
Up until recently like lots of people I was never that interested in politics as it was boring. Funnily enough it was the crude BBC multi culty agenda that finally woke me up to what was going on.
Both these groups have quietly managed to ramify themselves into positions of influence in the media and institutions and so getting them out will be one hell of a job.
The Euro Election is just a start , even if we win I am sure we will need more than crowbars and sledgehammers to winkle these bastards out and put society back int some sort of balance.
But we can but hope.
Google London Weekend Television and Mandelson to see how long this has been going on. Greg Dyke’s name also features.
Protest tomorrow at 11 am with the idea of staying there until Dave stands down.
Meanwhile Red Ken wants him to be thrown in jail
Anarchists from Class War, Trots from Left Unity and SWP disgusted by Dave’s greed.
One hopes that during the long wait many a luvvie with secure tax avoiding wealth will be there to entertain the outraged.
I do hope he is brought down. Not directly for the tax avoidance, but rather like they brought Al Capone down using tax evasion as a means of ridding society of his evil.
As expected the BBC is frothing at the mouth over the non story of Cameron’s savings.
Wonder when they are going to pick up on the John Podesta story? Who he you ask.
Well buried in amongst all the Panama papers is something called Sberbank. I’d never heard of it either, but it is Russia’s biggest financial group and favoured by the Russian oligarchs. It is also very close to Putin and his cronies. Sberbank employs a number of former KGB/ SVR personnel and is used by Russian intelligence agencies to fund clandestine operations around the world.
It seems that Sberbank has been operating as a money laundering service for Putin and his oligarch friends.
Now to Podesta. He and his brother, both brought up in Chicago and major wheeler dealers in the Democratic Party, run a large lobbying firm in Washington. A number of people clearly had prior knowledge that the Panama leaks were coming out, so at the end of March Sberbank retained the Podesta group as lobbyists in the US and made public as required by law, naming three Podesta Group staffers, Tony Podesta, Stephen Rademaker and David Adams, the last two former assistant secretaries of state.
John Podesta was once Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, latterly he became Counsellor to the Anointed One and now is Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign.
Now forgive me if I’m being a tad suspicious here, but a Russian bank used by corrupt oligarchs and funding Putin’s overseas intelligence ventures hires some dodgy Chicago spivs with exceptionally close connection to Clinton, and what does the BBC do? Well it looks the other way, sticks its fingers in its ears and whistles ‘Dixie’
As a footnote you won’t hear anything from the BBC about the two federal court judges who independently have made rulings that are tantamount to calling Clinton a liar and forcing her aids to give evidence under oath to the independent ‘Judicial Watch’ as well as to the FBI. The reason why is the BBC employs a complete buffoon called Anthony Zurcher as its ‘North American correspondent. Zurcher is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Clinton campaign.
Good post, TPO, a real eye-opener. The blatant lack of high profile BBC coverage (if any at all) is yet another reason (how many more do we need?) to slash the Corporation’s dominance (70% and counting) of the news market.
Still, another good excuse to raise a glass tonight – here’s to the freedom of the internet!
I sat through several hours of Clinton’s grilling by Republicans in Congress (and Democrats defending her).
Amazing how that woman can lie with a straight face for hours. Amazing, too, how she can draw adoring crowds to her rallies. I guess either her supporters really believe she did nothing wrong with her emails and her Benghazi deception or else they know she did but don’t mind.
Meanwhile Bernie Sanders, in between trying to impose his socialist idiocy on the American public, has made a major gaffe re Israel/Palestine, stating that Israel killed 10 000 civilians in the last Gaza war and bombed hospitals.
More serious than the gaffe is the revelation that he has the typical lefty misconceptions of the conflict and that he is so woefully misinformed as to what is actually going on.
Sanders, a Jew, claims to be a great supporter of Israel, yet he was the only one out of the five contenders for the US presidency who rejected an invitation to address AIPAC.
Now I would have thought this is a fairly big news story and that the BBC would be all over it but on reflection it’s clear that the BBC has no way to spin it without putting a fellow lefty in a bad light. And what it can’t spin it simply ignores.
Hillary for Prison 2016
Well spotted #6
Been watching quite a lot of Judge Jeanine but hadn’t seen that video, so thanks no 7.
But will the FBI indict her before she becomes the Democratic nominee for president, as she almost certainly will?
And if they don’t indict by then, will they be able to haul her out of the presidential race proper against the Republican nominee? Is there any precedent for such an action?
And would they still be able to indict her if she becomes president?
Trying to see this from the other side and what they might say.
The issue with Cameron is not his financial doings, which has nothing wrong about it, but his obfuscation over whether he had offshore accounts.
The US issue is an issue for the US to deal with, and there’s enough US media to flag anything untowards.
“The US issue is an issue for the US to deal with, and there’s enough US media to flag anything untowards. ”
True. So why does the BBC obsess over every Donald Trump utterance and find any excuse to denigrate the Republican party in general whilst giving Clinton a free pass?
Great post TPO.
Let the BBC, Corbyn, Livingstone and other left wing idiots have their moment of glory. It won’t last. Cameron was clearly badly advised by his spin meister in dragging his heels on releasing information about his shares in Blairmore. But he’s broken no law and looking shifty is not in the same league as supporting Hammas, Stop The War , numerous jihadi suppliers etc etc. Corbyn is a pathetic hypocrite if he thinks he’s on the moral high ground. The BBC are not far behind.
Ceterum autem censeo Islam esse delendam
Furthermore, I consider that islam must be destroyed.
Henry Dimbleby is one of those due to be reviewing the newspapers on ‘Broadcasting House’ on Radio 4 on Sunday at 9 a.m.
Remind me again, who is Henry Dimbleby’s father? Because that name, Dimbleby, rings a bell somewhere in my head.
Didn’t Henry go to Eton with Jacob Rees-Mogg?
Rochdale sentencing today. BBC 6 pm news gives it 10 seconds as the last proper news item before a piece on Leicester City. ITV 6.30 news gives it much more time with report and interviews from Rochdale and names and race of the 9 men . 8 of Pakistani or Bangladeshi race. 121 years gaol in total but let’s hope they don’t sneak out in 6 or 7 as ‘reformed and penitential characters’.
Contrast the BBC’s excess of curiosity over the Panama leaks with their complete lack of it over leaked Climategate e-mails (other than to report it as a theft ‘crime’ – Plod obliging too, in full Common Purpose mode). And if I heard right, they’ve even got someone in this Sunday morning who was involved in Watergate to give us his expert view on the Panama situation.
So offshore financial activity – mostly if not all of it legal but possibly costing the UK a couple of billion in tax avoidance – is a much more serious issue than the corruption of science which is costing the whole effing planet trillions of dollars (and counting).
‘Balance’, did I hear you say, BBC?
‘Balanced’ my arse, you devious bunch of lying, agenda-ridden leftist twats.
Two BBC Radio presenters have been charged with sex offences against four children in the 1990s.
From the article “A BBC spokesman said: “We understand the charges do not relate to their conduct or position at the BBC.” He said both presenters remain off air.”
Bit of an arse covering strange comment to make isn’t it?
Perhaps they are trying to say that no kiddy fiddling took place on BBC premises this time.
The average pay of a FTSE 100 director has now reached an astonishing £2.4 million pa !
The pay of a government minister is by comparison a paltry £145 K. These are people responsible for running the country, and directing its future, and we think they shouldn’t be paid anything approaching what they should be worth.
Two things happen when salaries are so low, pay peanuts get monkeys, and the openness to bribery & corruption. When it is impossible to have a even a decent standard of living in the capital, what would any sensible person think would happen?
Taking the odd ‘sweetener’ is inevitable, and if we are not prepared to pay those who look after our country what they are worth, then believe me, there are those who will, and their interests are unlikely to be the same as ours.
“These are people responsible for running the country”
I don’t like this phrase, which you often see used. Government ministers are responsible for running their departments, and answer (in theory) to parliament, which has been elected by the people. They don’t run the country, and thank God for that, given the mess they often make of the government departments they attempt to run.
The country manages itself by the efforts of free people going about their daily business, usually hampered along the way by various arms of government.
a paltry £145 K.
Paltry? try telling that to people who are earning the average national salary:
The Office for National Statistics Salary statistics show and average earning pf £26,500 which is down £164 since 2012
That means half the population are earning less than the £26500. Tell them £145K is paltry.
Yes that might be true, but when a Head Teacher is earning that amount, or a district judge, it kind of puts things into perspective doesn’t it?
It is non sequitur to suggest that half the population are earning more or less than £26 500 9 people earning £10K and one earning £100K gives a median of £19K but that does not indicate half earn less than £19K !
£2.4 million is a monstrous amount, and those at the top of society are certainly grasping more than might be deemed reasonable, but for some reason people actually like them being paid this much!
Every year your building society sends a notice of AGM where the directors emoluments can be voted on, and every year I vote against excessive board room pay, yet every year people vote to pay them these massive salaries, often in excess of £1 Million pa.
What are we supposed to make of this?
Civil servants are paid more than their government masters, in fact just about anyone in a senior position is and yet we expect so much from them, and they are under a level of scrutiny that no other senior person is.
You are probably aware that I hold the belief that our politicians are bought & paid for by other countries where bribery is simply a way of life and part of the culture , how do you even begin to tackle this?
Perhaps though you might support Tony Blair in his breathtaking speech that it is the poorly paid’s own fault because Labour didn’t give them a good enough education ?
There are plenty of BBC types on more than £145k!
The head of archive development resigned his £178k a year job a day or two ago.
Think of the responsibility of that one, and i bet he did not have 50m or so people giving their advice on what to do. A bit like the crowd at a football match, who to a person could run the team better than the highly paid manager!
The DT reviews a programme to be broadcast on World Service this morning.
“This special edition of Newshour Extra was recorded in Oxford, where students have been campaigning for staues of Cecil Rhodes …. to be taken down. It’s part of a wider global movement calling for institutions to distance themselves from histoirical symbols of “oppression” (my quote marks), The programme, hosted by Owen Bewnnett jones wonders if Britain could be doing more to “atone” (my quote marks) for its colonial history.”
Anyone surprised that the BBC should pick this up and run with it?
Colonial history ? Atone for??
The Fascists have been attempting to pacify the nation by telling everyone of the British values of humanity and tolerance which are diametrically opposed to the picture of the colonial history they are also at the same time trying to paint.
This is a prime example of double think !
Everybody is not doing the same job. People get paid 26k because that is the going rate. People doing a bigger harder job get paid 145k it ain’t rocket science .
and people get paid £145 million for what exactly?
Actually it doesn’t. if they had wanted to say that they would have used the word “Median”.
It’s actually worse. Since no one can earn less than 0, but plenty of others can earn a lot more than £53,000 it means that the data is negatively skewed (mean < median) so MORE THAN HALF earn below the average.
Well spotted AP.
To quote Churchill – “Lies, Damned Lies – and Statistics”.
The trouble is that most of the population understand the word “average” but not “median”. Standard Deviation would be a whole new concept.
PS. That it not meant as a jibe at our resident trolls.
I think the originator of the quote was Samuel Johnson. Churchill did indeed use it.
Well rhif saith, if I may say so, everyone has, on average, less than two legs, but we dont all limp.
I’ll get me coat.
From PopBitch explaining why Whittingdale has gone very quiet.
Our kind of cover-up
There’s been a lot of whispers
in the last week about Culture
Secretary John Whittingdale MP
and his friendship with a
Much of Fleet Street appears
to have spent time and money
over the last few months on
standing this story up, so why
has the press been so silent?
Perhaps newspapers think the
minister – a single man after
all – should be free to enjoy
his private life, though
presumably the fact Whittingdale
is a strong believer in a free
press, and not a strong believer
in the BBC license fee, endears
him to tabloid bosses in a way
that, say, the hooker-loving
Blairite peer Lord Sewell
never quite did.
Still, there’s one detail in
the story which could mean that
Whittingdale is actually the
perfect candidate to oversee
British culture.
The dominatrix in question
appears to be the ex-wife of
Shadow from Gladiators.
No doubt this will keep until Dave’s dilemma is over. One wonders how the Tories could up with such a whipping boy for such an important job! personally I prefer Doris Day.
Odd isn’t it, that the Fascist left should champion the cause of gay sex, the promiscuous male gay lifestyle, until that is the brown eyed boys voice their disapproval.
Other forms of sexual proclivities are of course frowned upon, so those who engage in the world of BDSM are as much a target as ever they were.
Double think yet again?
Relax Thoughtful.
It’s only a candle in the wind!!!!!?????
What was that about injunctions?
It’s all in the furnace now!
Who t f popbitch? Never heard of it/her/that/him/all of the above.
‘…the fact Whittingdale
is a strong believer in a free
press, and not a strong believer
in the BBC license fee, endears
him to tabloid bosses in a way
that, say, the hooker-loving
Blairite peer Lord Sewell
never quite did.’
Hmmm, those ‘tabloids’ eh, with their readers who actually choose to buy their wares rather than forced to pay under threat of imprisonment. And does it include The Mirror, by the way, or is that classed as ‘non-tabloid’ because it’s leftist? And what a surprise it’s the BBC protection racket that has 70% of the news market, with its £4 billion p.a. guaranteed poll tax money, accountable only to their own. No wonder they swagger around telling us all how to think ‘correctly’, eh?
Still, ‘friendship with a dominatrix’. How mind-numbingly dull even by Leftist standards of the old ad hominem ploy. Even BBC producers can be more exciting than that (earlier post refers – think you missed it judging by your lack of comment).
Meanwhile, lots of red, juicy bias on here today for you to get busy debating. No? Oh well, we do try to be ‘inclusive’ you know…
Not strictly a bBBC story but you can sense the sympathy.
On bBBC London. A married couple of Asian appearance not a million miles from Tower Hamlets have been found guilty of a fraud where Italians of Bangla Deshi origin were brought into the UK en masse by plane on day trips to register to get NI numbers. Fake payslips were then prepared for them enabling them to access housing benefit. Value of the Fraud – £1.6 million. Paid for of course by the good old British taxpayer.
Feel the enrichment. Celebrate the diversity. Embrace the multiculturalism. Rejoice in our open EU borders.
Only in England. Only in England. More’s the pity.
‘were brought into the UK en masse by plane on day trips to register to get NI numbers’
Reminds me of the MO of the ‘Lucy Gang’
‘fraudulent bank accounts set up by hundreds of Romanians they ferried into the country for a few days on cheap flights’
If only the UK had some form of border control
It would seem that the audience intended for last nights Question Time were shown into the wrong studio, the one where HIGNFY was being filmed. The merest mention of anything pro EU or anti Farage (it was endless) results in loud applause, whooping and cheering….
Laugh? I thought I’d never start….
BBC reporting just about any “news” about discrimination against LGBTQIXYZ people yet again
Springsteen cancels North Carolina concert over ‘anti-gay’ law
Extra BBC point for crow barring Apple into the article.
Hmmm, has Springsteen ever watched Deliverance, I wonder? Might be wise not to show his arse in North Carolina anytime soon….
So because the state government of North Carolina passes a law he doesn’t like, he punishes his fans who live there by refusing to perform? What a virtue signalling prima donna.
Heaven forbid that an individual should exercise his right to stand up for his beliefs. Of course, when those beliefs run counter to those of people who have already removed themselves of interaction from grown up behaviour, it gets labelled by inadequates as “virtue signalling”, because it’s easier to attach an easy label than admit to one’s own shortcomings, isn’t it?
Looks like a few more ‘individuals’ exercising their beliefs……
Go on Jerrod, go for it.
These leftist tw@s sure don’t like democracy.
>”Heaven forbid that an individual should exercise his right to stand up for his beliefs. Of course, when those beliefs run counter to those of people who have already removed themselves of interaction from grown up behaviour, it gets labelled by inadequates as “bigoted”, because it’s easier to attach an easy label than admit to one’s own shortcomings, isn’t it?”
Great to see you’ve found God Jerrod. The use of our celestial resting place for eternity is inspired! Heaven will await you. Unless of course your use of Heaven is hypocritical and you pick and choose when to abuse my religion? That’s the problem with inadequate Leftists. They just can’t help getting everything wrong.
I see you’ve never played ‘spot the difference’, Abo.
Heaven forbid that an individual should exercise his right to stand up for his beliefs. Of course, when those beliefs run counter to those of people who have already removed themselves of interaction from grown up behaviour…..
The trouble is, Jerrod, the more ‘rights’ that have been granted to gays, transgenders and others the more they have demanded until it has now reached the ludicrous point where freedom of access to toilets for all and for them to do whatever they please is now being positioned as a ‘right’. Prior to a matinee showing of a PG film a few short years ago I went to the gents for a pee, only for my ears to be assailed by the loud grunting and panting of what was obviously two men having gay ‘sex’ in trap 2. Luckily, there were no children present but I bet anything you like had I gone to complain the police would have been called and I would have been the object of their Stasi-inspired ‘hate crime’ questioning.
I would guess there a lot of people on here who initially sympathised with the gay plight and supported more equal treatment. However, the turning point for me came when it became a ‘right’ for two women to have their names on a birth certificate with the option of naming the father – only an option, of course. That was quickly followed by gay ‘marriage’ at which point any lingering sympathy fast evaporated especially as only a few years prior I had heard a campaigner telling us quite clearly that their demand for civil partnerships would not mean demands in the future for gay marriage as he recognised it should be unique between man and woman for many historical and legal reasons. And look where that ended up.
Like any minority ‘cause’ gay etc. rights have been hijacked by zealots and it is difficult to see where they will stop with their demands, if ever. We have seen the persecution of those who disagree with the rapid expansion of these so-called rights because of religious reasons or simply because whilst they believe in ‘live and let live’ (as I do) they also believe in family, marriage between a man and a woman as a stable base for that family and a moral code whereby, for example, they can feel safe paying a visit to a public toilet without being exposed to the kind of perversions I’ve mentioned above.
The irony is there are probably far more sympathisers with basic gay rights on here than you will find at your local mosque. I for one would go to the defence of anyone gay being attacked in the street purely because of their sexuality or looking ‘different’ (though age would now probably make me think twice).
So I suggest you stop slagging us off and look to a little more ‘grown up behaviour’ yourself. You might find this very difficult given your refusal to condemn certain Islamic practices that have been brought to this country unopposed by the Left e.g. FGM, gender segregation, gender based abortions – you’ll remember the list – but I suggest you take your campaigning to your local mosque where real anti-LGBT hatred lies. If you don’t have one, I can gladly arrange a day out for you in Blackburn, Rochdale, Colne, Bolton or any other town in the North West that has suffered a large transplant of your favourite third world medieval religion.
Just let me know.
> The trouble is, Jerrod, the more ‘rights’ that have been granted to gays, transgenders and others the more they have demanded
Or in reality, laws which finally place LGBT people on an equal footing with straight people. Something which disconcerts people who benefited from the previous unlevel playing field to deceive themselves that they were automatically superior.
> Prior to a matinee showing of a PG film a few short years ago I went to the gents for a pee…
Whatever that public order offence, it’s not related to the NC law, which applies to transgender people going to the toilet in order to go to the toilet.
> I bet anything you like had I gone to complain the police would have been called and I would have been the object of their Stasi-inspired ‘hate crime’ questioning.
How lucky for you that your fictional version of events justify your opinion. Lucky, eh. I mean, just imagine if that thing which never happened would actually never happen! You might actually have to rely on facts to back up your prejudice, instead of outlandish hypotheses!
> We have seen the persecution of those who disagree with the rapid expansion of these so-called rights
Yeah, we have seen people who object to LGBT people being treated as equal citizens. Horrible people who are obsessed with everything from demeaning and belittling them to justifying violent crimes against them.
But just because there are selfish pricks in the world doesn’t mean that they should automatically get to decide that LGBT people should be lesser in the eyes of the law.
> The irony is there are probably far more sympathisers with basic gay rights on here than you will find at your local mosque.
Ah yes, here we go again: doesn’t matter that you’re a prejudiced little worm who can’t treat people wit fairness and equality, because MUSLIMS! Biased BBC’s get-out-of-jail-free card played yet again by a man who is obsessed with overusing it.
If you were really caring about anti-LGBT issues, you’d also bring up all the Christian-inspired hatred, violence and murder that happens throughout the West and in Africa. But you don’t, because MUSLIMS!
But hey. We all know from all your previous rantings that you’re an obsessed little bigot who is clearly so insecure about his own place in the world that he has to obsess about anyone and everyone who is different from you. Don’t go changing, johnnythefish. If you started behaving like an adult instead of a moron, the Biased BBC Club for Bigots in Self-Denial would have to rescind your membership card.
How does it feel to be at the frontier of killing free speech? I am entitled to express a little disquiet about
gender segregation
Muslim paedophile rape gangs
gender based abortion
honour killings
arranged marriages
sharia law
arranged marriages
All of which, last time I looked, were slightly at odds with a free and democratic society.
But hey-ho, if you’d rather people were forbidden from expressing such opinions, that’s your – erm – freedom of opinion.
Forget the big spade, I’ll go get you a JCB….
Claiming that somebody disagreeing with you is somehow “killing free speech” would be comical if it weren’t so predictable.
I realise that you can’t engage with the actualities of NC’s bathroom law and how it applies to transpeople because that would involve dealing in facts that you neither know nor care to know. Instead, you go on about public order offences that have nothing to do with the law in question. And, oh yes, MUSLIMS !
We get that you hate Muslims. You whine on enough about that. Now pretending to care about FGM, antigay violence, ok, though? Given that the only time you ever show concern for these issues, which exist in other cultures too, suggests your supposed concern does not come from a place of compassion, but of something else.
But of course, as someone who can’t handle someone pointing out your prejudices, you bleat on and on about people “killing your free speech”. Rather a narcissistic, if not downright sociopathic, approach to life, wouldn’t you say?
We get that you hate Muslims. You whine on enough about that.
You have no evidence whatsoever to support that statement so I’d be obliged if you’d retract it. I have said before on this website that there are lots of good Muslims out there but unfortunately it’s not the good guys who prevail in Muslim countries nor in large swathes of Muslim ‘communities’ within our own land and in Europe. And even the ‘good’ guys are prevented from integrating properly here i.e. still following medieval practices, because of the restrictions imposed on them by their religion and the Left’s diktat on ‘multiculturalism’.
Like many others on this website, I find it disturbing that you and others like you – all from the Left – think it appropriate to turn a blind eye to all those primitive practices I’ve listed. It is because of you and your friends at the BBC and beyond that they are becoming more and more commonplace in our so-called civilised society because you see Muslims as some kind of put-upon minority. Is that why they are still coming here in their hundreds of thousands? Add to that your constant agitating for more and more mass immigration – open borders, even – and things will only get worse. Are you really too blind to see that the liberties you enjoy have had to be fought for over centuries and that our freedom and democracy are the envy of the world? Has the almost complete absence of these precious liberties in Muslim countries not even registered with you?
You might want to destroy what we’ve got in this country with your warped view of rights and freedoms, I bloody well don’t and I know for sure it’s not what my father and his generation fought for in the last war.
So taking just one, Jerrod – gender segregation: are you happy to see that practised here?
> I find it disturbing that you and others like you – all from the Left – think it appropriate to turn a blind eye to all those primitive practices I’ve listed.
I have done no such thing. Indeed, I noted that the practices you claim to be concerned about are exhibited in other cultures too, but that you only get concerned about Muslims.
> your constant agitating for more and more mass immigration – open borders, even
For someone who seems so concerned about having their words misinterpreted, you aren’t half willing to make things up about me and what you’ve decided I believe.
Are you being deliberately hypocritical, or is it a mere byproduct of your narcissism complex and your inability to comprehend that not everybody is as in love with your delusions as you are?
I mean, it’s almost as if you’re losing your rag over someone standing up to your prejudice. You delicate little flower, you.
Indeed, I noted that the practices you claim to be concerned about are exhibited in other cultures too, but that you only get concerned about Muslims.
Wow. Is that you with your head buried in the sand or are you just praying to Mecca?
I like ‘narcissm complex’ – I was beginning to worry you had got to the end of your Violet Elizabeth Guide to Thcweaming Hithy Fitth and Foot-Thtamping Insultth.
As for ‘losing my rag’, you have obviously led a very sheltered life if that’s what you call it.
Keep shoring up your safe space.
How remiss of me, Jerrod, I almost forgot.
Gender segregation: you sort of answered with your blanket disclaimer that all the practices I listed are exhibited ‘by other cultures too’.
So let’s push the rabbit a bit further down the hole, shall we?
Which ‘other cultures’ are allowed to practice gender segregation in our universities and at weddings, and on what occasions has this practice been indulged at Labour meetings on their behalf?
Only a straight answer – you know, places, names, dates – stuff like that – will do.
“it gets labelled by inadequates as “virtue signalling”
You are unable to interact with anyone without resort to insults and juvenile smears. Fair enough, you are a bog standard leftist troll, and this behaviour is to be expected.
Now may I cordially invite you to go and fuck yourself?
> You are unable to interact with anyone without resort to insults and juvenile smears. Fair enough, you are a bog standard leftist troll, and this behaviour is to be expected.
Funny how it’s never the result of a “leftist troll” when done by Biased BBC’s usual coterie of insult-flinging individuals, isn’t it? Still, gratifying to know you don’t really bother reading any of their rubbish.
Or do you just ignore them, and only come out from under your own bridge when Biased BBCers’ own techniques are used against them?
Who has insulted you, Jerrod? I for one never have yet look at the bile you have spewed at me in your post above (and many other occasions), simply because I hold different opinions to you.
It’s very odd that somebody who throws insults around like confetti is himself such a delicate little flower.
Sounds like your ‘safe space’ needs a bit more work on it.
Jerrod have you voted here yet ………..
Unless he brings his banjo
For Jerrod
I don’t know anything about Springsteen except he plays a guitar and shouts a lot, and I don’t know if he has children, (perhaps not) but what he is pushing is the idea that girls, lets say aged 13, must go into toilets, perhaps alone sometimes, where there may be men, lets say aged 50 and rather unsavoury, who are pretending to be women or think they are. What if some men use this as an opportunity? There are many men who like young girls for all the wrong reasons, who I am sure will take advantage of this. He and others who share the view are deliberately putting these girls into harms way.
I am pleased the lawmakers have outlawed the practise but the fact prima donna virtue signallers like Springsteen are protesting says a lot about their sick frame of mind.
It is not progressive as they like to imagine, it is regressive.
Springsteen has made a lot of money representing what he sees as the down trodden US working class. Has been well received by Bathroom Barry, and in his declining years as a performer is drawing attention to perceived inequalities in the provision of toilets.
As for mixed toilets, I look forward to the spectacle of a wider range of sexual activities in many public toilets late at night. Do the Jerrods of this enlightened age think they use public toilets to piss and shit in?
There was a time when sexual activity in toilets was more discrete, and I remember the days in Manchester when two carrier bags concealed the feet of the second person in the cubicle.
Most parents do not need to be advised to keep their children away from public toilets. We know what goes on there.
The BBC needs warning off for misuse of the whip as they continue to thrash this particular hobby horse to the death, no acknowledgement of the overwhelming (surpressed?) evidence of undiagnosed medical issues.
” regret 20 percent, attempted suicides 41 percent, mental illness 60-90 percent among transgendered population.”
Person thinks they are Napoleon, person gets medical help. Person thinks they are the opposite sex we change laws to reinforce this belief !!?? and then perform barbaric unnecessary surgery on physically healthy people? Future generations will likely view procedures like this as medical savegery bolstered by a compliant media.
People with mental health issues kill themselves more often than people who are sane. Now there’s a surprise.
Jerrod reminds of PC Principal.
There have been numerous references on this blog to something called a Jerrod. The word is new to me, but I don’t feel inclined to do a web search to discover what one is. Whatever it is, it does not seem worthwhile to spend time thinking or reading about it.
I thought it had been banned under a previous identity as a ‘Scotty’
Sadly, it seems not. It’s simply being allowed to troll the blog and cause as much disruption as it can.
Still, there’s always Going Postal.
Enjoyed this 4D.
I too find myself thinking that South Park, Family Guy and( to a lesser degree, but then they pioneered all this) The Simpsons are just about the last places where they dare laugh at their liberal paymasters…and, doubtless themselves as being similar.
But I for one am grateful that they`ll do it…
I’m here because this place is lost in a time warp!
South Park get it bang on. Was Jerrod the inspiration for that character, I wonder?
“I got a lot of stick yesterday for wearing a fascinator, but why don’t men wear fascinators?”
Male BBC sports presenter Mike Bushell was probably talking tongue in cheek. Mind you, fellow sofa castrato Charlie Stayt – sporting a tinted and highlighted bouffant hairdo that could win prizes and likely contains 75% of his personality – was more than happy to play along with the joke. And starky feminist Naga Munchetty was hardly going to speak out for her colleagues to man up.
All in good humour I’m sure. But there’s a serious question here – when it comes to male BBC presenters – why are the current crop such fops?
How and why is the BBC office culture so effette?
Even that lump Dan somebody or other who used to do Football Focus is turning into a woman. Let’s face it the type of bloke who get’s a job at the BBC is not somebody you would want to go to war with unless you want somebody to make the marshmallow lattes
Must be something in the selection process, I suppose. ‘Now, Mr Prospective BBC Presenter, what do you think of women’s sport?’
Oh, I dunno Lock13. Some soldiers turn into the mothering type and provide succor, which is actually of great relief to a lot of their brothers in arms. Pat Barkers rather homoerotic – and disappointing in comparison to Regeneration – ‘The Eye in The Door’ covered this phenomenon a little.
But Charlie Stayt wouldn’t be that type. He’d be constantly looking to get into the high command’s bunker, away from the riff raff.
I blame David Beckham………. for everything. Stupid hairstyles and haircuts, tattoos, beanie hats, and pretending to be James Bond at the Olympics ! Where Beckham leads, the rest of the male sheep will follow. Why the press continue to worship at the altar of this family (even the kids now have their own PR team) is beyond comprehension. Rant over.
Well he could cross a ball quite well, and er… that’s it.
‘..the former BBC reporter referred to any Muslims who attend British government iftars as ‘Uncle Toms’’
‘C4 News has reminded him ‘of his responsibilities to be fair and impartial”
Some choice insights into the true opinions of not just an ordinary Joe – but a supposedly liberal-minded media British muslim – we wonder what on earth the everyday Mohs are really thinking?
… and the actual value of reminders from on high to those whose impartiality gene is pretty corrupted.
Still, that told him.
‘that told him’
Imagine the Police ‘reminding’ us of our responsibilities not to do armed robberies.
“However a spokesman for Media Diversified, a group promoting ‘writers of colour’, tweeted: ‘We are in full support of Assed Baig and the work he has done for both Vice UK and Channel 4 News.
‘Tweets made when there was no verified tick and in conversation are his business to resolve – nobody else’s – and we know he will. So [we] suggest others back off unless they have some other agenda, then that should be revealed.’”
OOOOOh touchy! Thought only the Leftists had agendas.
>‘Tweets made when there was no verified tick and in conversation are his business to resolve – nobody else’s – and we know he will. So [we] suggest others back off unless they have some other agenda, then that should be revealed.’”
Good point, he’s the sort of media muslim who goes to dinner parties in Islington. Imagine what the 7th century retards in Oldham and Rochdale and Rotherham are like. Oh wait, we don’t have to imagine do we?
BBC Online News Football Headline:
Highlights: England 1-1 Belgium
Wimmins football, though.
In the BBC’s eyes, wimmin have now reached parity with men. Only from a feminist point of view.
Does anyone know of anyone who sits down to watch it? Even women aren’t interested in it. It’s a politically correct feast engineered by the BBC/Left.
Islam would not tolerate it. Go Islam!!
So long as the lid left down, all good. Apparently.
Hahahah yes I saw that BBC2 showing International Football live I would love them to publish the viewing figures for that one. I think we may have it wrong lets join with the BBC and Lefto’s on the pro-Islam bint because when they take over it isn’t us who are they going to bother it is them. What is the Sharia view transgender and effeminate blokes reading auto cues on couches I wonder ? Oh my here we go Simon Fanshawe doing the paper review on our National Broadcaster – pink jacket not a male hormone in sight. (Well maybe Nana Munchrugger’s moustache)
Womens’ football will probably be one of the few sports that al beebus still broadcast soon.
BBC headline news of the day
‘The top vicar is a bastard’
Sack the bBBC journalists if that is the best they can offer!
As al-Beeb is known for it’s fairness and impartiality I look forward to them publishing the list of bastard imams.
Good point Abbo but given all imams are crazy deluded ‘bastards’ the bBBC would need publish a book!
The sort of unimaginative throwaway wit you’d expect in a pub or a tabloid.
On second thoughts, I think most tabloids would aim for something a little more inventive than that.
It’s likely more an ongoing exchange programme.
“Channel 4 News reporter is reprimanded for calling British Muslims ‘sell-outs and Uncle Toms’ if they attend government-organised Islamic events”
The reporter in question is Assed Baig, an ex-BBC reporter who has worked for a number of news organisations and is often described as having a specialist knowledge of Islam and the Muslim community. To get an idea of the man’s thinking and point of view it might be worth reading these articles he wrote for the Huffington Post:
“The case that these crimes were carried out by Pakistani men does not warrant the level of attention it has received in the press.”
“The narrative attached to this story fits neatly into the anti-Muslim rhetoric that we have seen increasing over the years. For those that buy into Islamophobic paradigms this is a gift: what more could any self-respected bigot want as vindication for their beliefs than the exposure of a clandestine plot by Muslim hardliners to oust non-Muslim heads and staff and replace them with Muslim fundamentalists? A plot to segregate girls from boys. Girls forced to wear headscarves – it has all the makings of a racist melodrama and an EDL wet dream.”
“There will be no interviews with families, work colleagues or pictures for the victims of the 315 drone strikes carried out by Obama in Pakistan. People in Pakistan have been subjected to drone strikes, not knowing when or where they will strike, not knowing who they will strike, the distant hum of the drone could be the last thing they hear. Where are the media and politicians to show their condolences for these victims? To ask for prayers? To share their thoughts? To voice their disgust and indignation?”
“Babar Ahmad, Talha Ahsan and even Abu Hamza have rights. The demonisation of Abu Hamza has clouded the entire extradition process in the media. Abu Hamza, although outspoken, vociferous and vilified by the media has been used to cover up the injustice that has taken place here. It is easy to hate a man with an eye patch and a hook, a man who does not fit the normal British ‘look’, whilst forgetting that he has rights just like any other citizen. To compromise on these rights just because we do not agree with his views, dislike him as an individual or because he does not fit our version of ‘British’ is to compromise our principles of justice and equality as a society and will lead us down a slippery road that will end in further injustices.”
If Assed Baig is an indication of the type of objective unbiased reporter the BBC has or does employ then the BBC Charter Review process must act decisively to restructure the corporation. I won’t hold my breath though.
Thanks, Cassandra.
Here’s a quote from your post on Assed Baig, a former BBC reporter:
“”It is easy to hate a man with an eye patch and a hook, a man who does not fit the normal British ‘look’””
Er, not really… Have you looked at Nelson’s Column, recently?
Saturday Kitchen new presenter ? no me neither think she just beat the transgender and the one legged lesbian candidates . It is like the BBC is committing suicide there were very few shows I could watch on the BBC, Saturday Kitchen and Top Gear amongst them, both had the character strangled out of them.I really don’t want to pay for this rubbish anymore .
Yes Lock13, the BBC is committing suicide. The only question is how long will the process take to complete? In trying to be completely representative it has become completely unrepresentative. As others here have mentioned, the equivalencing of women’s sport (particularly football and cricket) has led to a strange fantasy land where we are supposed to believe that it bears some comparison to the male version. It doesn’t. I know England’s men goalkeepers have a history of howlers, but even Rob Green or Scott Carson never did this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/36002321 Women’s football is ponderous and played at a skill level several times lower than their male counterparts, yet we have to pretend that it is not.
The BBC is rapidly losing relevance and credibility for a lot of people. Not just because of agenda or bias. It simply isn’t much good anymore.
As the BBC is so interested in women in sport I wonder if they would like to cover the Imperial Meeting at Bisley this summer (23rd June to 23rd July). There women will compete on equal terms with men in the same competitions, using the same ammunition, trying to hit the same sized targets at the same distances and in the same weather conditions. There are no concessions for being a woman. If you’re the best you win – and women have been known to win both the Queen’s Prize and the Grand Aggregate, beating the men in open competition. Feminists should be delighted. The venue is close to London and I’m sure the NRA would sell them exclusive right for a low figure – cheap daytime television for a whole month.
But the sport is shooting, the key piece of equipment for every competitor is a gun and the meeting is called “Imperial”, so I won’t hold my breath.
“Yes Lock13, the BBC is committing suicide.”
Not fast enough for my liking.
Today programme on Saturday morning – the interview with Charles Moore just after the 8am news. I felt it treated the story of the Archbishop’s parenthood with a degree of sympathy – and implied that the sins of the father’s should not be passed to the son. Now I have been away and only picked up snippets about the Panama papers – but isn’t David Cameron to blame for his father’s investment choices?
“but isn’t David Cameron to blame for his father’s investment choices?”
Of course he is. As a white person I’m being held responsible for the crusades, slavery and no doubt several other things that are being dreamt up as we speak.
Of course Cam isn’t to blame for Daddy.
But what paid for Eton? Or his lifestyle? Or the far greater opportunities he had compared to you or me? I never met an heiress worth £30M.
And as for his did stand on the moral high horse over Jimmy Carr despite HAVING had the benefit himself…
It’s called hypocrisy and Cam now reeks of it. Pity. He actually did have a high level of support from the public who believed he was honest. The collapse in his approval ratings to slump behind JC is a sign that all is not well.
What about Boris? Is he going to share his tax returns? Explain all the money he is paying out to his brood of bastards?
What fun!
Anyone who thought Cameron was honest deserves to be bitterly disappointed.
The conservatives are low-hanging fruit at the moment. The hypocrites in Labour, The Guardian, and BBC need attention.
It’ll all blow over in a couple of weeks, anyway. It doesn’t matter how little the public approve of Cameron. It doesn’t matter what the public think, at all.
So what would you do about Cameron’s inheritance, LDV – confiscate it?
And what would you do with the fortunes of all your socialist pals – Mandelson, Blair, Kinnock etc. not forgetting the worst hypocrite of all, Meacher (RIP) with his 8 properties? And what about an even bigger favourite of you hard lefties, Livingstone – forgotten already?
And if all private schools were abolished in your libertarian, equality loving world, who would pay the extra £7 billion a year to have those kids educated in the stasi – sorry, state – system? More of Jeremy’s money trees perhaps? (must be the extra CO2 which makes ’em grow so fast, eh?)
And a very inconvenient truth for you: much, much more tax is avoided by those partaking in the cash economy – that’ll be those jolly, salt of the earth working class chaps, gypsies and large areas of our towns and cities where an imported closed culture is practised.
Leftist hypocrisy rises like Syrian turds in a German swimming pool.
What fun indeed.
And today’s news theme, delivered across all news platforms..BBC, Sky News, daily telegraph etc etc is……
The abolition of privacy, yes no matter who you are, all your personal financial affairs, regardless of legality, must be open to scrutiny like Daves, your parentage, like Archbishop Welbys…..must be dna tested and open to scrutiny…….the shape of your genitalia…..open to scrutiny….so you can identify as the opposite gender, because, like the e street band say….the separation of church and state is a key value that it is evil to oppose, yup, it’s evil to ask men to use men’s toilets and vice versa….biology is an illusion….privacy….an evil illusion. Men dressed as women using womens toilets….that’s the future, it’s their right……and its EVIL to say otherwise.
Totalitarian transparency….where everyone knows everyone’s business from financial affairs to the contents of your pants, no exceptions. Oh except for one….we must always respect the right to strict gender segregation if men with beards and their hooded ladies say so.
Why does no one have the nerve to say……mind your own effing business, everything within the law is PRIVATE.
Today several thousands of protesters have descended on 10 Downing Street. The protest is mentioned briefly here on the BBC which plays down the actual nature of the protests. Sure, we have the anarchists, Trots and celebrities chanting in support of taxation, but the end of Cameron as a serious politician is signaled in the songs and banners concerning his sexual activities with a pig’s head. Note the picture of the pig pinata leading the demonstration.
Ironic isn’t it, that a man who betrayed his country for Islam will be ever remembered as a man who engaged in sexual activity with a pig’s head.
Ironic isn’t it, that a man who betrayed his country for Islam will be ever remembered as a man who engaged in sexual activity with a pig’s head.
Do you go to bed wearing this type of hat?
i really do have to request that you stop posting selfies
LDV. I did not organise the left wing demonstration which referred to Cameron’s deeds with a pig’s head. I did not organise the singing of songs about the activity which they have been singing near Downing Street most of the day. And I did not orchestrate the chanting for Corbyn to become Prime Minister as reported in the Mirror. And the BBC also posted the picture of the pig pinata. Have you considered complaining to them?
What is your point?
What makes you think it has one?
Maybe you identify more with people like champagne socialist Lily Allen who happens to be with the mob in London this afternoon?
I wonder if she got a chauffeur driven car down from her Cotswold home?
I wonder what Lily Allen thinks of this banner being carried along side her by the mob? Is Lord Bragg of Dorset also attending?
Sick, sick people.
Jo Brand’s let herself go.
Lisa McKenzie, apparently she’s a well known activist funded by the LSE.
Here she is again
Reckon that these “diverse ladies” only butch up so they don`t have to queue for the ladies cubicles any longer…and, maybe there`s research that if you`re an LSE “researcher”-or indeed Goldsmiths, Kings or UCL-AND you do a quack non-subject like sociology, gender studies or environmental mitherings…you turn into a bloke.
Maybe some of the effete metrofops who mince coyly around the BBC could sign up.
Wonder which loo THIS poppet uses?…and would Bruce fancy HER standing up at the urinal next to him?
Warning for Womans Hour next week-Jane Garvey and the Intersex crowd will be hovering around the Tavistock, pestering young confused misfit kids to talk to Radio 4 about their groomed behaviours and drugs cocktails…the BBC are sex-obsessed, the weirder and the younger, the better.
Lily Allen obviously likes living in a vibrant, enriched, multicultural ‘community’.
Wonder how many ‘refugees’ she’s had shitting in her swimming pool?
I do believe this is a reincarnation of the Fourth International. Trots from the SWP and Anarchists from Class War, all demanding taxation by the capitalist state, led by an academic in a white T shirt from the LSE.
https://www.streetcheck.co.uk/postcode/gl48hq (click the Culture tab)
“This address (Cranham, Gloucester) can be considered less ethnically diverse than the UK average. As whole, the UK population claims itself as approximately 86% white, with residents of this area being 99% so.
White 448
Indian 1
Chinese 2
Total 451”
Do you mean Lily Allen doesn’t enjoy the vibrancy of living somewhere like Tower Hamlets? I’m aghast.
When all said and done, what does it matter if Cameron sold shares before he became PM, or who is the father of the Archbishop of Canterbury ? it won’t affect my daily life or what I have for dinner tonight, so its non-news becoming news. And anyway Joseph was listed as the father of Jesus, but was he, if he was called the son of God – work that one out.
I’m more concerned about my lifestyle when we become overrun with more migrants, and whether my expected hip operation will be cancelled due to striking doctors. Shares and paternity doesn’t even figure on my radar, or I suspect the majority of other people in this country.
Good comment Brissels. However, your concerns about migrants though not connected with Cameron’s past earnings are certainly connected to his future earnings and rewards for continuing the erosion of this country.
Regarding migrants, another lorry load turned up in my area this week. The Police were tipped off by a passing motorist and managed to arrest the driver (a Lithuanian) but most of the migrants got away.
With snow falling on Dartmoor, which is a bit chilly, it is not only us that are suffering with things being a bit chilly, in fact RECORD chilliness for large areas of the USA:
Oh and to get some form of balance, which seems to have passed the Labour Party and the BBC, remember this from last year?
And don’t forget Jeremy Vines daughter who was being used as a tax haven? See the link.
And what should we read between the lines concerning well to do lefties who aren’t making their chops move about this issue? Ordinarily can’t stop flapping their gums to all and sundry but oddly silent now.
(keeping the ‘old’ theme going)
The problem is that there are a lot of naive idiots out there who believe the moral high ground the left pretends to occupy is real.
You could be right. It’s easy to understand why they might not know any better after years of brainwashing by Trot teachers and a left wing biased BBC. I’ll bet for starters not many are aware of the 3 full scale wars that have been waged by Arab countries against Israel in the last 68 years nor the occasions when Arabs/’Palestinians’ have rejected a 2-state solution.
It is useless to tell them the real history now. Almost the entire British academic establishment has become rabidly anti Israel. It is almost a plague. Those who disagree with BDS are cowed into silence and the underlying anti Semitism is disguised as anti Zionism.
It is too late to alter things . Israel would be well advised to accept that the battle is over and that the only safeguard they now have is the will of their young soldiers to protect the country.
Expelling the BBC would be a good start and would make a real point. . This is a real existential moment for Israel and the country cannot afford allow itself to be undermined by those who actively wish it harm.
Paranoia. With Jews over represented in the academic and politcal establishment as well as the media you cannot be serious Dave S. Being pro Muslim doe snot mean being anti Semitic! The only people the elite are anti is native ethnic Brits!
When lobby group the Alliance of British Drivers (ABD) asked councils to provide figures for bus passenger occupancy per kilometre, only two did so. One, Sheffield City Council, revealed that during the morning rush hour (7-10am) its buses carried only 2.3 passengers per kilometre. The average bus occupancy was a shade under 12 people….
Real tailpipe emissions gathered by researchers at Sheffield University show that a Euro 6 diesel car emits 0.43g/km of NOx, meaning harmful exhaust emissions will be 0.36g/km per person. For a Euro 3 bus that the researchers found emitted 4.2g/km of NOx, the emissions per km per person will register at 1.83….
So even the cleanest bus pumps out more than three-and-a-half times the nitrogen oxides of a new diesel car. And the average bus – most are the dirtier Euro 3 variety, remember – will emit more than 16 times the NOx of the cleanest car.
When it comes to particulate matter, essentially smoke, buses do even worse. The average bus in the UK billows out 28 times the particle matter of a diesel car. Even the latest bus emits eight times a diesel car’s particles.When lobby group the Alliance of British Drivers (ABD) asked councils to provide figures for bus passenger occupancy per kilometre, only two did so. One, Sheffield City Council, revealed that during the morning rush hour (7-10am) its buses carried only 2.3 passengers per kilometre. The average bus occupancy was a shade under 12 people.
The Government continues to plug the following tired line on its website: “We’re working to reduce emissions by promoting public transport choices.”
Oh, heck, where’s an ‘Environment Analyst’ when you need one?
Don’t worry; next week’s “More or Less” will prove that bus occupancy is averaging 200%, and as they’re powered by pixie dust their only emissions are clouds of happiness.
Some years ago, engineers at Lancaster University published a study showing that cars were better environmentally than trains as a means of transport.
Right or wrong, the study has been buried and that line of questioning silenced.
The obession with public transport has its roots not in ‘environmentalism’ but in collectivism, with the former merely being used as an excuse. Socialism worships the idea of levelling down. Thus enforcing an equality of discomfort, inconvenience and intimacy is deemed a Good Thing because it means that no one has a better experience when travelling than anyone else.
The worse the experience, the better it is -hence the worship of the ultimate socialist experience – the bus (ideally pronounced with a south Yorkshire ‘u’).
Of course, environmentalism is, in very many respects, an engine itself, a way of justifying socialist ideas by cloaking them in pseudo-science (cf ‘global warming’, vegetarianism etc).
This underlies the BBC’s fanatical devotion to all things ‘environmental’. Even if it could be proved beyond any doubt at all that an environmental nostrum was entirely wrong on its own terms, the BBC would still want the outcome it had been designed to deliver and a fool like Harrabin would continue to be paid to preach in its favour.
Interesting report in the DT this week.
The growth of environmentally nice electricity generation is leading to an oversupply in the summer, when we will have to pay generators to turn off their supplies, and the winter when the generation of the environmentally nice electricity is crap compared with installed capacity and we are likely to be short!
To make you laugh Dutch railways are aiming to run all their electric trains by electricity generated by wind power within two years.. I assume their sub-stations are being fitted with devices to recognise and reject any electricity not generated by wind and in the winter calm high pressure system periods for Dutch rail passengers to hear “Bing Bong. We apologise that your train has been cancelled; the wind is not blowing hard enough”.
Does it never end ?
And since when did the Daily Mail use the American spelling of offence! It’s time to pack my bags and move to a country I can call home!
BBC Online News:
“Single-sex schools ‘must adapt for transgender pupils'”
What does ‘must adapt’ mean??? I’m sure the BBC must know. It’s one of their pet subjects.
Today being the 100th day of the year-it`s the turn of the “high end special needs types in the tertiary sector to get the “poor them, won`t somebody PLEASE think of these 21 year olds as kids still-wheres bloody Cameron and his dodgy chequebook, it`s all OUR faults for not caring like the BBC does”-oh, and here`s some guilt ridden lickspittle from OFSTED to demand we chuck out the white trash lads of coastal towns, and stick high end scooters and bubble towers where they used to be.
Day 100 then-HIGH END TERTIARY needs-do have a care, and rob the old lady next door to find the funding.
Wonder whose turn it`ll be tomorrow-and are there ENOUGH segmented needy types to theme up every day and bitchfest at the Tories about neglecting them.
Day 200-that`ll be TRANSGENDERED HIGH END TERTIARY NEEDY I`d guess-and this fuckfest of competing stump shows will continue unabated until just one complex hyperneedy gobshite will have all 365 “needs, vulnerabilities and complex needs with a charity quango needing yer fekkin `money.And Peter White, Winnie Robinson and all the BBCs gay parade ALL on hand to moan at you.
Infinite monkey cage fighting indeed…
F.OFF BBC, you grief seeking missiles..when you give a damn about a Rotherham teenage girl, a Hartlepool granny or a grild from Cologne who`ll not dare go out on her town anymoreTHEN I`ll care for your pets.
Mind you-old fatty Nolan seems a high end bellend-maybe OFSTED need to tell the BBC that their thick fat obesity cabbage end of things is “not fit for porpoise”
This ultra pc nonsense about the use of loos has been going on for some time. When I lived in Streatham, an enriched, diverse and vibrant shit hole in south London, we had publicly funded Muslim lav’s installed by the local (Labour) council. For the life of me I can’t understand how following Muhamud (piss be upon him) means you have to wee in a certain direction. Most of the Somalis weren’t so fussy and seemed to do it in the street anyway!
Now we’ve got the transgender community (?) up in arms, because they want their own toilets. This could get really ugly; can you imagine a mob of hairy arsed blokes in runny mascara, mini skirts and high heels marching (or mincing) along Whitehall, with Eddie Izzard at the front? There really are far more important things to worry about.
Methinks someone’s taking the piss…
That little vignette just about sums up the surreality of life in 21st century Britain. Thanks Jeff.
How the liberal left live – and it’s nothing like the rest of us !
How can socialists justify such a nihilistic, utopian, hedonistic, anti capitalist, socialist supporter such as Brand.
The word hypocrite comes to mind.
He also has servants!!
In one word – A fop
Henley-on-Thames now rivalling The Cotswolds and Dorset for multicultural vibrancy, I hear, or whatever it is the likes of Brand tell the rest of us we should be ’embracing’.
Hope the workers at his pad don’t have too many unsavoury habits – like shitting in the hedge.
Oh, hang on, maybe I do….
I have been posting on here for the last six years and, although i havn’t contributed many facts i have pointed out lots of bias. However, given the state of england at the moment, we, my family and i are relocating to middleburg va, we feel america is our best hope for our children.i shall continue to lurk and i wish everyone aĺl the best in the uk. Thanks,brett
Brett, may I offer you and your family my very best wishes for your future lives in the USA. I feel sure that, sadly, you are doing the right thing in leaving these islands. Please take this piece of music with you to remind you of a place and time which is rapidly fading from memory .
Good luck, Brett. You are fortunate that you have the chance. If it were easier to migrate to the USA I expect many others would join you, despite that country’s problems. The difference I sense is that it is easier to believe the USA actually has the will to overcome its troubles. Getting on for 100 years of will-sapping nonsense from the Left has left us almost as enfeebled as the Swedes who are, of course, doomed.
Good luck to you and your family Brett
The country has gone, it is lost, you’re quite right to move IMO. Our leaders have put culture, identity and self governance behind diversity, the EU and multiculturalism.
Good luck Brett. I hope you find that it is the place for common sense and sanity, which England has rapidly become not that place, as we all need somewhere like that but many of us lack the courage to find it.
Good luck Brett. How sad that I would definitely agree this would be a good move for many of us, were we in a position to emigrate.
Twenty years ago I would never have imagined that I would now feel it desirable to leave this country permanently. The left have so degraded everything – with their dim-witted fascist takeover of every institution – that I am not sure the UK would be able to recover even if the population did wake up.
Sadly, I don’t see that happening, at least before it really is far too late to do anything about it.
I’m sure the left will continue to blame ‘Thatcher’ even as the machetes start a-slicing, self-awareness never being the left’s strongest suit.