Well, the BBC have joined in the “Call me Dave should resign because he…owned perfectly legal share and …gasp.. sold them… and….gasp…paid his due taxes” Here’s a weekend thread for you. Detail the bias here.
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‘If the soldiers who stormed the coast of Normandy in June 1944 could see England as it is today, they wouldn’t have gone forty yards up those beaches.’
Notice the recent lack of news bulletins on Al Beeb reporting the ‘desperate’ boat people, ‘the migrants’, the ‘asylum seekers’ and the ‘refugees invading the ‘border less’ countries of the EU ?
Hardly a peep about the ‘jungles’ on the coast of France ?
Could it be due to a ‘news blackout’ called by our government because of the impending vote to leave the EU ?
A little reminder of our PM’s pre-election promise ………………..
Is this really headline news ? …………..
Or is it being used to ‘bury’ far more important news,
Does anyone care about his genealogy ?
White men appropriate, black men “adapt”. No racist bias there then BBC!
“A viral video has started a debate about “cultural appropriation” and the racial politics of hair.
The footage picks up in the middle of a confrontation between two young people – one a white man, the other a black woman. The argument centres around the man’s hairstyle. Specifically, his dreadlocks.”
“For example, there’s a distinctive style of music called the chilena, which was brought to the Costa Chica in the 19th Century by Chilean sailors on their way to the gold rush in California, which black musicians have adapted.”
This is a true story.
a group of us were in the pub. Dave selects a couple of tunes on the jukebox and dances.
Winston laughs out “You whiteys aint got no Rhythm”.
Dave replies ” Blacks only have as compensation, Cos God fucked your hair up”
‘Racists’ everywhere…
The parting shot
BBC Breakfast invite a tax expert and a political commentator onto the red sofa to summarise the Cameron tax return story.
This after a slightly dodgy comment from a previous beeboid on beeboid interview link up when a BBC man said that “Cameron’s political opponents and jounalists would be turning the furniture over” to find some anomaly. Best not point out to the viewer that the BBC is in quite such close alliance with anti-Tory factions there, son.
Meanwhile in the studio all was fairly reasonable and balanced in terms of comments with an interesting and important line from the politics journo – he pointed out that this is going to make people think twice before going into politics – his comment went something like this:
“we know politicians are not like us, they have to pretend to be poeple like us because they are not really”
To which reasonable statement the side-saddle sofa jocky Jon Kay made an odd reply: “Well some of them are”
What on earth could our BBC man mean by that little aside? And why did he feel the need to make it? Does he feel under some unspoken in-house BBC obligation to make such parting shots?
You don’t suppose he intentionally meant to imply Tories were different to Labour do you? Was this a right-left distinction? A little shout out to the Corbynistas in the Twitter realm?
Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn – all good, house in order, no finacial skeletons in the closet, ordinary joe, men of the people, right?
In the Sunday Times today Trevor Phillips writes, what most readers and contributors to this site have long known, about the dangers to our society from British Muslims.He castigates the liberal elite for burying their collectives heads in the sand over the complete lack of Muslim integration, the increasingly different values held by British Muslims to those of their host communities and the fundamental dangers that this poses.
He doesn’t specifically mention the BBC, but he damns the policies that the BBC advocates so vigorously ,multiculturalism , of believing that Muslims will water down their beliefs so as to fit in more easily with the rest of us ,that criticism of Islam cannot be allowed etc . His report is a devastating critique of the policies of the liberal elite over the past 20 years. It will be aired on Channel 4 ( will the TV version be as hard hitting as the Times column?) next week. Surely the questions the report raises are vastly more important than Cameron’s off shore holdings but I don’t expect that the BBC will think so.
Trevor Phillips dares to go where no whitey establishment figure can. The trouble is, he raised similar concerns several years ago – along the lines of ‘multiculturalism isn’t working’ – but every politician cracked a deaf ‘un.
Jerrod – you are most welcome to comment on Mr Phillips’ observations and, if you like, throw at him all the childish insults you throw at people on here, starting with – um let’s see – ‘old bigot’.
But I won’t hold my breath.
Jerrod passing by on the other side in his step dads brothel creepers.
Tumbleweed on the washing line hanging out to dry…and planning another drive by shooting in a bumper car, using a spud gun.
The usual Cristianity bashing Big Questions today with…….is there more truth in Shakespeare than the Bible?
Not the religion of peace playbook of course……oh no that would never do
Scum on so many levels
Isn’t it time the BBC employed an expert in Christianity for its religious broadcasting. It seems as if they have some kind of heathen in charge, who has no idea how to balance ignorant objections to Christianity with authoritative information.
Nicky Campbell’s Big Questions (BBC 1) is about to ask ” Is there more truth in Shakespeare than the bible?”. Now followers of Big Questions will know that this programme has a penchant for Muslim issues. But “Is there more truth in Shakespeare than the koran?” was never going to happen, was it?
Is there more truth in Anjem Choudhury than in the BBC?
A better question…that Campbell will know f***all about the Bible( Iain Lee makes a good living out of his nasty ignorance-as does Nicky Campbell)-and all he`ll know of Shakespeare is whether it was Sir Lenworth or Lord Russell Brand who played Othello or Prospero…one of those eh Billy boy?
So-a complete non story.
Now is there more truth in the Radio Times than the Koran?…there is Nicky.
Try THAT one next Sunday you gutless pillhead!!!
The dear old BBC continues to fret about our problems with imagined “Islamophobia.” Andrew Marr has just interviewed Helen Mirren about an historical film looking back to the time of the, so called, un-American activities of certain Hollywood actors, directors and producers. “Do you think that there are any parallels with certan communities today?” asked the old Marxist. “Oh, you mean with Muslims….” the lovely Helen replies.
Just for the record I don’t have a “phobia” I don’t care what God you worship or which way you have to kneel when you pray, but I do worry about what’s happening in Europe and Britain. It just seems to me that the more Muslims you have in your country the more problems you’ve got.
When I was a lad we thought of Sweden as the teenage boys Garden of Eden. It was our fantasy destination for a school journey. We never got further than the New Forest, but that’s another story. Sweden was famous for being very liberal, tolerant and free spirited and (of course) having gorgeous blonde girls on every corner. Now it’s oppressive, deeply uneasy in its own skin, intolerant and suspicious. And it’s also the rape capital of Europe. Those lovely young flaxen haired girls of my teenage fantasies are now living in terror.
France and Belgium are harbouring communities that clearly despise their hosts; look how long these recent jihadi rag-head bombers were able to wander about freely in plain sight.
The horrors of Cologne, Copenhagen and come to that Rochdale, Rotherham and all the other “enriched” areas of Blighty must surely ring alarm bells in all but the most idiotically pc ears.
And surely we’ve reached new horrific depths, in our once green and pleasant land, when some poor bloke can be brutally murdered for wishing his friends a “Happy Easter.”
Peace be upon you…
I always understood a phobia to be an irrational fear.
Fear of what Islam is doing to this country is totally rational, as Trevor Phillips has so eloquently demonstrated.
Try explaining to the magistrates that a phobia is an irrational fear when they do you for Islamophobia. And they will.
It’s an artificial concept, but its a crime and they will get you for it.
I’d like to know what comprised the Islamophobia crimes. Was it a ‘look’? A muttered comment? What exactly?
We need some sort of context for these allegations of Islamophobia.
Context? Not required. It is reported by Tell Mama and the BBC accepts it without question. That is BBC journalism.
But I will add this thought. I will never argue that wearing the burka is a sign of women’s subjugation, not in the west. Feminists and leftists will defend it. And they are correct. In the UK wearing that thing is a means of guaranteeing protection, privilege, no one dare look at you with hostile eyes, no one dare comment about it or tweet about it. You can go to the front of queues, ensure you get a seat on a bus, even, as my wife found out, sit in the disabled person’s seat, and no one will dare confront you.
From GK Phobos = Fear, as in arachnophobia = fear of spiders. Frequently and intentionally misunderstood as meaning hatred
The fear of being shot or blown up by nutcases who are looking forward to a hairy armpitted 72 year old virgin as a reward
Remember Air Farce Iran cover up nonsense, it reappears here,
“The crew members have now won the battle. On Monday Air France announced it would allow its female staff to be reassigned to other flights, should they not wish to fly to Iran.”
“Won the battle”? Surely more of an uneasy stand off by the sounds of it, definitely not a victory.
I still think visitors should respect the laws, customs and culture of the countries they choose to visit however, after all it’s not their country is it? And if you don’t like the idea then don’t go. That should extend both ways of course, building a church in Saudi for instance,
And of course the opposite should apply, it’s all about tolerance and acceptance these days, as long as it’s not tolerance and acceptance of the West that is. We must change our society but they can stay the same in the name of tolerance, that’s fair isn’t it?
Interesting the BBC should see this as a ‘battle’ not a dispute.
Perhaps it’s a Jihad thing.
Ha Ha Ha…. you have to laugh! BBC: RANK Hypocrisy at its finest. Even supposedly serious political programme, like the Marr show, funded by our taxes!
This morning’s programme attempting like hell, by the mere fact highlighting as their main story, that Cameron is suspiciously under the Tax dodging umbrella. No evidence whatsoever!
Still, let not the facts stand in the way! They even got leader of opposition and hypocritical Toynbee, no less, non-stop innuendo that the Prime Minister has somehow done wrong, when Prime Minister even now put his last 6 years tax returns into the Public realm!
My God this is the same Tax Funded Broadcaster that had an in-house ‘Tax Avoidance’ policy to encourage their own outrageously overpaid stars and staff to erroneously declare their Tax Funded earnings as self employed receipts! YES Massive amounts of tax avoidance by Tax Funded body that should not be doing it!
Yes that is right, actual PUBLIC tax funded body being used to avoid tax!
Please, we should be all be outraged by this rank hypocrisy!
So much so I am winging off a tweet right now and it would be great if others would also do the same, or complain and let them know we have had enough!
Yes indeed, only the copious amounts of filler involved denied us the chance to see Pollymorph blushing when the LBC bloke pointed out that both were second home owners. Precious moment – which an unbiased ‘chair’ might have emphasized, on another channel perhaps….
And Andrew Marr starts his programme with
“Is it time now for the political class to publish their tax returns, give full details of their earnings?”
Err…does the political class include the likes of Marr, Toynbee, the Today wallahs and the like?
I`d say yes myself…and i`m sure they`d agree, seeing as they get their total living from examining the runes, stools and vomit comets of their masters, bitch gossips and suchlike?
Marr has already been done for his superinjunctions-yet the clueless blob walks deeper into the landmines.
Left the house for 10 minutes.
On my return a white male has taken a short cut from my neighbour and is putting a leaflet through my letterbox, about a local issue in which I am involved.
“Are you from (cause xyz)” I ask.
“Sorry, no speak English” he replies.
How tragic that a Doctor/Engineer is reduced to Sunday leafletting because of poor English.
I bet he knows how to claim benefits though.
The biased BBC’s ideal kind of guy, except for melamin skin content.
I’m fed up when walking the dog of being asked for directions by foreigners, normally by bloody pizza delivery drivers, or others to the nearby library. They have very little if any English and frantically point at at pieces of paper almost demanding that I help them
I haven’t given them the right directions yet, sorry this is my country and I ain’t going to help them enjoy their ‘stay’ here…
The Sunday Times reports that Hillary Clinton is to be interviewed by the FBI
“The expectation is that within weeks she will be asked by the FBI to raise her hand and swear to tell the truth,” said a congressional official.
Good luck with that – Hillary doesn’t do truth.
To be fair Hillary doesn’t do lying either, she does ‘misspokes’, which appears to be a weasel words way of saying you were lying about not lying, or something.
Hilarity Clinton elevates lying to an art form. With MollyAnn Wymer as Hilarity
A quick two cheers for Any Questions which repeat I listened to yesterday.
Digby Jones and Frank Field came out as reluctant EU leavers. What was noticeable was that their calm and rational approach left Green loony Natalie Bennett and Cameron lickspittle Michael Fallon absolutely gasping for air and grasping for anything remotely sensible to say in reply. They were reduced down to things like defence ( which errr is actually NATO and b***** all the do with the Brussels greysuit jobsworth brown-nosers)
It was surprisingly motivating.
Fallon seems to just keep getting worse and worse; Bennett should be given as much air time as can be and be associated as much as possible with the Remain campaign.
If only the Tories could see that the “In Crowd” diminish by the day-not one of them seems to know or care, just want to keep in with Cameron.
Unelectable, unforgiven-utter treacherous slimeballs with no principles.
At least Heseltine and Clarke were of a generation who might once have believed in the EU, and have lived well off it in retirement.
People like Soubry, Truss and Rudd, Hammond and Javid have no such excuse-and all of them are toasted now.
Just imagine if Cameron somehow has to go and they replace him with a pro Brexit PM.
You would have all the toadies, arselickers and the rest of those more concerned with their job prospects than those of their constituents, changing their minds and declaring they really think we would be better off out.
“At least Heseltine and Clarke were of a generation who might once have believed in the EU”
A good point. I cannot stand either of them, but I do feel that they both truly believed in the European cause, however deluded as I see it. The current crop such as Cameron, Osborne and their toadies pose as “eurosceptics” yet are fighting tooth and nail to keep us in this clearly doomed enterprise. That is truly contemptible.
If any more proof of the Greens’ collective stupidity was actually needed, which it isn’t, then Bennett’s continued tenure provides it. Long may Corbyn and Bennett reign supreme over their unthinking followers.
Careful there Sluff! A quick Google search for “EU army” gives loads of links for the nefarious plans for “the Brussels greysuit jobsworth brown-nosers” (great phrase!) to take over defence.
After watching Andrew Marr and Andrew Neill, the bBBC are shaping their questions so as not to include the ‘elephant in the room’, this being the question of democracy.
Democracy should override every other topic. It never seems to get a mention. This is clearly a planned move by the anti British BBC
So British Summertime started a couple of weeks ago but it appears to be getting colder towards the end of the week as the colder Northern winds move in , I really can’t get my head around this runaway Global Warming. But the BBC assures me it is happening there is not a programme on air that doesn’t mention climate change that will be happening er any minute now. Anyone else noticed how the BBC weather now class a warm day as a day when temperatures reach double figures .
It’s probably global cooling this week.
As soon as it gets a bit warmer, then, it will be global warming.
The warming/cooling dilemma was solved by changing the name of this fiction to climate change. This kind of hypothesis is the Nirvana of pseudo-science as it is impossible to disprove regardless of what happens.
Never fear, there’s an awful lot of hot air coming our way, and its costing 9 million pounds !!!
BBC Online News:
(Beds, Herts & Bucks).
“”Luton Labour councillor suspended over Hitler tweet””
“”A message on Luton councillor Aysegul Gurbuz’s Twitter feed claimed Hitler was the “greatest man in history”.
“”Another tweet on Ms Gurbaz’s account suggested Iran could develop a nuclear weapon to “wipe Israel off the map””.
Perhaps this would have been BBC headlines for weeks if a similar comment about Hitler had been made by a UKIP councillor?
Not sure how hate speech is being defined this week but, if there is such a thing, Gurbuz’s tweet must be a candidate.
Nothing to do with Islam though, absolutely nothing.
Luton eh?
Meanwhile they continue to hound Tommy Robinson, also of that God-forsaken (But Allah-compliant) place.
There is an appeal for Tommy’s defence fund on Gates of Vienna. The court case is soon and he needs all the friends he can get.
Sturgeon joins Scots leaders in publishing tax returns.
A) who the f[]ck cares?
B) she appears to have changed her name to Ruth Davidson
C) she hasn’t declared her Panamanian registered deep-fried mars bar franchise
‘ she hasn’t declared her Panamanian registered deep-fried mars bar franchise’
I thought that was left unregistered from the days of the Panamanian Darien Scheme.
The deep-fried mars bar enterprise is a cultural mission part funded by the EU (allegedly)
I’m sure this has already been said, but the sheer hypocrisy of the BBC over Cameron’s tax affairs beggars belief. How many “freelance” BBC journalists have formed themselves into limited companies? How many of them are now admitting to the public that by doing so they could be cutting their tax bill in half?
The fact is most of us would rather pay less tax. Should I feel guilty because I have a couple of ISA’s and I made a few sacrifices to put money into a modest pension fund? Strangely, I don’t.
Of course Cameron has dealt with this badly, and of course there is an element of hypocrisy over his statements about Jimmy Carr etc. But on the other side we have a traitorous Labour leader (ditto much of the BBC) who consorts with terrorists and whose efforts to confront anti-Semitism among Labour members has been risible. Simply because in relative terms he is poor (in other words in career working for the Trade Union movements and the Labour Party he has done nothing whatsoever to generate any wealth for the country), he is now claiming some phoney moral high ground.
Jimmy Carr’s K2 tax scheme was hugely different in its nature and scale. Carr was said to be transferring up to £3million of his earnings per year, off shore and avoiding income tax by receiving his earnings back as loans. Cameron’s investment (made out of his taxed income) was in comparison to Carr’s scheme, a piddling £30,000 in a simple, fully distributed unit trust, on which he declared his profits and paid tax.
Carr’s scheme would have, according to the scheme’s designers, have reduced the tax on income from around 45% to just over 1%.
That Carr is now criticising Cameron shows that the creep still doesn’t get it.
“That Carr is now criticising Cameron shows that the creep still doesn’t get it.”
I think he does, he knows perfectly well that his scheme was far more aggressive and artificial. He’s addressing two groups – uninformed die-hard Labour supporters who couldn’t make sense of a bus ticket, let alone a tax return, and the unwashed middle class dross who clogged up Whitehall and who are more concerned with pursuing their tawdry, hypocritical class war than examining the facts of the case.
When queuing at the supermarket I am always surprised how many people pay in cash, even for large amounts. I’d never want to walk around with wads of notes. How much of it is taxed, I wonder.
One good reason for paying in cash is that the supermarkets etc cannot profile you . It also helps preserve your freedom in many other ways which is why the corporate state is so keen on less cash being used.
The same corporate state loves cards and electronic paymrnts. it is all helpful in keeping control
I don’t think many of the shoppers I see are into conspiracies in a big way. The sort who used to put on a show by turning their carrier bags inside out when it was fashionable a few years ago – quite possibly.
A must-listen.
Haidt wrote the magnificent(and relatively woolly) “The Righteous Mind” a couple of years back.
And he speaks with the passion of someone who now finds himself on the wrong side of his snowflakes…so well worth a listen.
Yes, it`s universities-but the BBC are the product of those-and they enforce the codes.
Hmmm Jeremy!!! Sturgeon’s done it, Cameron’s done it. What on earth can be so complicated that you can’t publish your tax return. Maybe Scribblers has run out of Tippex in Islington?
But loudmouth Ken Livingstone never did cough up and reveal his tax return, as he promised.
Lest anyone still doubt that the ‘diverse’ BBC is motivated by a deranged hatred of anything traditional or unapologetically British, consider the shoehorning of PC drivel into Countryfile. We’ve had a pro-Gimmegrant segment a couple of weeks ago, now this week we had domestic violence.
The excuse for ramming this in was supposedly that the whole nation was talking about a storyline in ‘The Archers’ (really)? Also, it was hard to access services in the country because places are far apart from each other. As opposed, presumably, to things being close together, like in in some kind of city.
The usual talking points were present and correct. Domestic violence affects ‘women and girls’ – apparently the 40% of cases involving male victims don’t count. Also, everything sucks due to The Cutz. Apparently, it all went to hell over the last five years – which is funny because I don’t remember feminazis describing the 2005 UK as a feminist utopia at the time.
Countryfile was appalling tonight. Echoing the PC campaigning activism that has bled into the Archers, Countryfile took the opportunity to;
Promote it’s feminist ideals
Traduce men
Complain about the difficulty in getting support to said women
Have a poke at the Tory government and it’s (inadequate) funding
and guess what? Drop into the story that the Staffordshire case worker they followed was funded by the…(roll drums)…EU
The BBC manages to get five of it’s angles into one five minute story.
For a further view of this appalling bias, this piece by former Beeboid, David Keighley is worth a read.
Last Word tonight ignored the deaths of Merle Haggard and Black to give us news of the death of an American Indian who touched the hem of Obamas garment, as well as that lefty geographer who couldn`t go past Hackney Marshes without getting some rough white chavs to dig her a transgendered trench so there`d be no football.
Doreen Massey-who thought the Tube Map was a capitalist ploy to stunt the workers, and was racist in leaving Caracas off itself..
Typical lefty weirdie-and who else to get a BBC eulogy?
Oh-some white bloke who wanted to be black…happy to trade his third wife(black) instead of his Shaggy LP!
Thought “cultural appropriation” was a crime-didn`t Emma say so on Newsnight the other evening?
But no-this is ebony and ivory gangsta yardie t`ing…so Emma wasn`t asked to shovel her shit over the poor blokes grave…well, not yet.
Remind me again-why are we paying for all this bilge?
Merle Haggard and his songs were everything a good little BBcer loathes. Nastly white trash stuff and full of redneck sentiments and bad bad things. Like patriotism and standing up for freedom and your country. I expect his music is banned from all BBC channels. if not then it should be. His memory does not need defiling by the likes of BBC hackettes and hacks.
Yet, I suspect considerably more people will remember Merle Haggard.
Farage on the Westminster Hour Radio 4, with Giles Fraser and Lianne Woods, makes the assertion that UKIP will gain 10 seats on a good day, 5 on a bad one in the forthcoming Welsh Elections.
The presenter Beeboid bint (don’t know her name) smugly says “five? we’ll make a note of that…” as though Frazer, Woods and herself are a cozy little clique and Farage is a fool in the waiting. The contempt towards him is palpable.
Lets hope he’s right, he is rarely wrong….
Al Beeb (Wales) interviewers always ask UKIP representatives about ‘party splits ‘, but hardly about UKIP’s policies.
A good way of preventing UKIP getting their message over to the people .
In A Beeb’s own word ‘desperate’ – propaganda .
The BBC “3RD World Service” cranking up for another attack on the West,
We were into compassion overdrive this morning with poor migrants and asylum seekers the breathless impression given being –
having tear gas with “chemicals” fired at them by Greek police
many injured children
all they wanted to do was cross the border and attack the fence
and horror upon horror the police threw stones back after being pelted with them by our enriching friends – Oh the inhumanity of it all! Why do we not trust these migrants more! I am sure the police concentrated all their attacks on the children deliberately ! Funnily enough I did not notice any interviewing from the police representatives.
Other media outlets suggest that this was a pretty much organised attack by protesters many shouting Ali akbar or whatever his name is !
What pisses me off is that we pay for the privelige of broadcasting this shit – talk about cutting your own throat!