The BBC reports…
Labour says PM ‘losing trust’ over offshore fund row
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said the PM had “misled the public” and “lost the trust of the British people”.
He said Mr Cameron’s actions had showed there was “one rule for the wealthy and another for the rest of us”.
Who made offshore funds more ‘user-friendly’ for Brits?…….wealthy Brits presumably…one rule for…..
12:01AM GMT 04 Dec 2002
Revenue plans offshore overhaul
Regulations for non-qualifying funds are being relaxed, at the chancellor’s request. Paul Farrow unravels the details
The Government is to overhaul the tax regime for offshore funds in a move that could make them more user-friendly for British investors.
In the pre-Budget report, Gordon Brown said he had asked the Inland Revenue to bring tax rules governing offshore funds into line with those for UK onshore funds.
And which company praised Gordon Brown’s move to make offshore investing easier?
On the face of it, this looks to be good news for investors. Andrew Faulkes, senior tax specialist at Smith & Williamson, the accountant, believes that many investors have avoided sophisticated non-qualifying investment funds, such as hedge funds, because of the onerous tax treatments.
That’ll be Smith & Williamson who now runs Blair Global Investments….ie Cameron’s dad’s company.
Smith & Williamson Blairmore Global Equity Fund
Small world.
I had a look at the You Gov survey on trust. It makes interesting reading. It’s not that Corbyn has gone up much, just that everyone else is even worse.
What is surprising is that Boris may be a poster boy for one section of the press but the public don’t trust him. As for Gideon Osborne… well whatever. He’s fighting with MacDonnell for wooden spoon except the jury seems to be out on McD: looks like many people are unsure.
Two names are missing. Nigel and Teresa May. I’d suspect Nigel to be similair to MacDonnell but Teresa May would score higher than any of the Tories. Must check the betting odds for her as next PM… I met her a few months ago and she’s quite impressive.
This would be the same YouGov that has such a stunning record in the prediction of election results, would it?
he’s not very good at this trolling,is he GCooper?
In all the years that Labour were in Government why did they do nothing to counter tax evasion ? I think they should have to answer that !
Yes, perhaps the BBC could ask Hilary Benn, for example? Or that Stalinist bore, Hodge.
Or Ken Livingstone? Or ask Jeremy Corbyn why he’s always voted against clamping down on tax sheltering?
And no Lefties in the “Panama Papers ” ? All very strange !
Yes, there are Grant, it’s just that the Guardian doesn’t see any useful purpose in releasing them.
I so hope someone other than the left-wing media can get their hands on the documents, before the incriminating names are edited out.
Like the Graun you mean?
Come on Jeremy you’re slacking. Where’s your tax returns. If Cameron can do it on a weekend I’m sure you can too.
Come on, be fair. Jeremy’s may be a little more complicated, what with the funds in Dublin and Gaza – or are they classed as charities?
Caameron deserves everything he gets from the great unwashed mass of leftism
On the one hand,he’s so down with the anti fascist UAF etc etc…..what a bunch of great guys blah blah blah
And then,when they get the chance to put the boot right in the gonads,they take off their UAF hats,and don lovely SWP and class war ones and call for his lynching
Slap it right up him….no sympathy here
Wake up Dave….your mates are at your gate and they’re baying for your blood