‘…a 22-year-old university student… believes he gets what he describes as “a male period” He says he’s so close to his best friend and flatmate… that he gets cramps when she comes on each month.’
Who could ever forget Charles Hawtrey sitting in the labour ward as his wife gave birth elsewhere?
Carry On Nurse I think it would have been.
To think that it was once far-fetched comedy for saps like Charles Hawtrey to earn a bob.
And now we get the likes of this fop trying to avoid his tampon tax.
Jon Snow will now be menopausal, but who could ever forget how raggy HE used to get once a month or so?
Charles Hawtrey becomes this generations John Wayne then…fuck, we`re stuffed.
I do wonder if this was put on the Beeb and taken down after 10 minutes or so or if anyone here posted it over the weekend. I know it’s Monday morning and I have a summer cold but I would have thought Trevor Phillips bombshell would have made more of an impact at the Beeb, if only for one of them to declare him insane.
Still let’s keep attacking Camoran for his legal tax affairs. We’ll all ignore the jihadis in the ghettos. Don’t forget when FOX news said there were no-go zones in the UK and how the Police didn’t go there ,how they were ridiculed by our MSM.
“”Poll: Half Of Muslims Want Homosexuality Banned””
“Hearing what British Muslims themselves think, rather than listening to those purporting to speak on their behalf, is critical if we are to prevent the establishment of a nation within our nation,” Trevor Phillips said.
He also said, “The integration of Britain’s Muslims will probably be the hardest task we’ve ever faced. It will require the abandonment of the milk-and-water multiculturalism still so beloved of many, and the adoption of a far more muscular approach to integration.”
“”The survey found only 34% would tell the police if they thought someone they knew was getting involved with supporters of terrorism in Syria and 4% said they sympathise with people who take part in suicide bombing to fight injustice””
Why are Muslims free to say homosexuality should be banned when homosexuality is a comparatively much safer practice, but if I were to publically say Islam should be banned because it is a cult of fanatics worshipping a crazed, paedophilic, bloodthirsty warlord I’d probably be arrested?
Geoff, I can help here. This is what Jerrod posted on the last thread:
Indeed, I noted that the practices you claim to be concerned about are exhibited in other cultures too, but that you only get concerned about Muslims
And, taking him to task on one particular example asked him for instances of which other cultures in this country practice gender segregation in marriage ceremonies, university debates (and social events), Labour Party election meetings etc.
I am afraid Jerrod and his friends never answer awkward questions . They consider it far more important to play semantics and take things out of context its the lefty way. Win the argument by confusing the point.
By the way Jerrod and LDV both send their apologies for not being online today – poor darlings its their monthly curse, both are experiencing cramps and have spent the day in a safe place where they would not have to experience any bad vibes.
When I popped in to see them I gave both of them a hot water bottle and a pack of evening primrose and a bar of green and blacks both said they would try and pop in later if they felt up to it. So please be nice!
> Still waiting for an answer – surprise, surprise.
Considering it was you who interjected into a discussion about Bruce Springsteen cancelling a gig in North Carolina over its bathroom bill to repeat your tired tirade against Muslims – which was, as with so many of your attempts to twist the narrative to fit your own prejudice, a complete irrrelevance – it’s not unreasonable to conclude that you’re a bigoted little man who insists on hijacking any and every conversation until it suits your needs, because you’re incapable of behaving like an adult.
It appears the concept of people having other things to do than entertain a halfwit with zero social skills also eludes you. The very thought, that someone could find things far more enjoyable to do than entertain johnnythefish’s ego!
If you ever emerged from your mother’s basement and behaved in the real world as you do on here, people would move away from you quickly, and choose to engage with intelligent people who are socially capable. It can hardly be a surprise when people treat you with the same derision online.
You’re a total twat Jerrod. Go get a boyfriend and find another agenda. You are the sickest of the sick and I am borderline reporting your comments as abusive under the misuse of electronic communications act.
Oh please. Ive been called far worse on here, and even when I don’t respond I’ve been accused of being a “delicate flower”. Johnnythefish even accused me of trying to shut down free speech by having the nerve to disagree with him – but you want to try and intimidate by threatening legal action?
Once again, it’s a case of Biased BBC’s usual loudmouth nutters not being capable of practising what they preach. They can dish out all the bile and venom thy like, but if their own techniques are used against them, they collapse into a fit of complaint.
If you want civil discourse, stand up against abuse from all sides. Starting with yourself.
Jerrod, I called you a ‘delicate little flower’ after you complained about being insulted on here, and as I explained I found that very ironic as all you ever do is hurl insults around – a very crude technique for avoiding awkward questions which does you no favours. And by the way, ‘delicate little flower’ is pretty restrained, I think, after some of the insulting shit you’ve thrown my way.
Anyway, got an answer on the gender segregation yet? (And remember, that was just your starter for ten – next up is gender-selective abortions.) It’s a reasonable question I asked and it is not stifling free speech to expect an answer – that is what free and open debate is about. However, trying to howl people down with endless insults and avoiding debate IS a means of killing free speech – as you and your comrades on the Left did calling anyone ‘racist’ who had the temerity to speak up about mass immigration and multiculturalism. You might read Orwell’s ‘1984’ some time and try to properly understand The Ministry of Truth.
Also, I asked whether you felt Trevor Phillips is as deserving of your insults as the rest of us who are concerned about where Islam and its practices in Britain are leading us – you know, ‘bigoted old man’, or similar (be careful to leave out the ‘white’ bit as he obviously isn’t).
So, once again, the floor is yours to explain your undying but puzzling support (being gay and all that, and especially in the light of the survey’s findings) for the medieval practices of the only religion you seem to have any time for. But I won’t be holding my breath.
P.S. My mother has never lived in a basement, but the flat I lived in when first married had one. That’s just for info, like.
You’re getting confused.
Muslims have not ‘Said’ anything. They have responded to a poll probably anonymously, which asked for their thoughts.
If they were to say it out loud then it might be a different story!
Thoughtful – these were actually face-to-face interviews:
Channel 4 claimed the survey was more “rigorous” than previous surveys of Muslim attitudes because interviews were conducted face-to-face rather than over the telephone and interviewees were permitted to hold up cards to indicate their opinions rather than speak them aloud, in case they found questions embarrassing or difficult.
Thoughtful is the self-appointed voice of reason in this hive of extremism and villainy. However, his form of late has been rather poor, seeing as he can only resort to pedantry over the choice of words used rather than actually address the actual issue.
I’ve read all thoughtful’s comments recently and I sure as hell disagree with quite a few of HER comments, I do however respect HER right to have a differing opinion to mine and HER right to express them without vitriol, intimidation and anger!
Do you actually have any observation to make about the failure of multiculturalism and the fracturing of British society, Xavier? (And whilst you’re at it, maybe even your own contribution to this mess, if you really want to be honest with yourself.)
Or is it much easier for you to come on here and spew childish mantras which would make a Year 10 debating society look like the fount of all wisdom, because you’ve realised you’re unable to defend the Islamic hellholes that now exist in parts of Britain?
I was surprised to hear Philips expounding his “new found wisdom” on R4’s Today programme.
He must be an extremely slow learner. For years, muslims have been polled all over Europe with the same results. A Kuwaiti think tank even found the same views in Syrian “refugee” camps in Turkey.
The BBC obviously felt the need to balance out this fact by featuring the “plight” of some “community leader” from Wazzockistan targetted for drone strikes by the US. It was the usual litany of excuses. I am working for peace. I do a lot of negotiating with extremists. This is why the Americans have got hold of the wrong end of the stick and want to kill me. The injustice of it all! . Some Labour twat has invited him to speak in Parliament. I hope the CIA notes the time and place of the meeting and takes appropriate action. Steptoe might end up collaterly damaged.
ID – it’s actually not the first time Phillips has drawn attention to the failure of ‘multiculturalism’. In my view the problem we have is none of the politicians seem to want to listen let alone do anything about it:
…but he spoke out about it several years ago too, around the start of the coalition government I seem to remember, but I can’t find links for that one.
I am sure that you are right to say that face to face the Muslim views were very likely ‘moderated’ . So we can take the results as being a pretty optimistic view of the degree of integration of Muslims with the rest of us. I don’t think that the majority of visitors to this site would find these results in any way surprising. Nor are we surprised that the BBC is trying to bury the story. Perhaps the most ludicrous and complacent explanation of the poll was given by dear old Polly Toynbee on the papers section of the Marr show when she claimed that the results were distorted because only the older sections of Muslim society believe in polygamy , the rights of men over women and abhor homosexuality. She went on to say that young Muslims believed these things to a much lesser extent and in time will integrate successfully. In fact there have been several polls in the past which show just the opposite is true and that younger Muslims have more extreme , anti western views than their parents and grand parents did. In truth we are heading for a serious break down/ bust up in this country and the liberal left will be entirely to blame for implementing their mass immigration, multicultural policy , which from the start was obviously highly risky and then for over two decades ignoring and suppressing all the evidence that it wasn’t working.
So once again we see the liberal left , with the supposedly impartial BBC in the vanguard, doing its best to suppress and distort a report that it doesn’t like. Whether they really believe the rubbish they say or just say it to cover up the truth I don’t know . But I do think that a case can be made for saying that the ‘Muslim Problem’ is far more serious for the UK than is the EU referendum and it is certainly many orders of magnitude more serious than the Panama papers.
What most of the media seems to have been ignored is that the ICM data is from June 2015. Bit like talking about Brexit using June 2015 poll.
I raise that because in the two Sun polls they undertook last year there was a hardening of support for ISIS. Of course all those polls were taken before Paris and the pretty clear evidence of the hell hole that an ISIS state offers.
So why run a program on year old data? Or did C4 sit on this for a year, afraid of a backlash?
Of course all those polls were taken before Paris and the pretty clear evidence of the hell hole that an ISIS state offers.
Oh yes, nothing like an atrocity for reforming a terrorist-sympathising mindset. And of course, they had no idea whatsoever what ISIS were up to prior to that, eh?
Some interesting points of view and statements regarding the results of this poll. But why the shock? How are we surprised? Why are people trying to add modern thought and context to something that has been unable to change since its creation and will remain the same for its entire existence.
Islam cannot change or Islam fails to exist. There are no more prophets. No more changes. The final word of Allah is laid out for the children of Allah to follow. Any attempt to change the text is the work of the Satans of this world. The Iblis. The duty of true Muslims is to keep Muhammads word pure and free from interference. To ensure no man ever changes a single word for their own gain. The act of jihad is a Muslims duty to protect the word of Allah as written by Muhammad.
The poll is irrelevant. The discussion is irrelevant. The appeasement is irrelevant. The question of % of Muslims who want to ban homosexuality is completely and utterly irrelevant.
“The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did (homosexuals), kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”
Allah does not allow homosexuality. Muhammad set the laws of sharia to reject and ban homosexuality under the pain of death. Islam utterly bans homosexuality. What the fuck does a poll like this expect to achieve?
If anyone that uses this website is LGBT please study the Koran. Tell anyone you know who is LGBT to study it. Understand the purpose of the Koran and see if you are willing to go out with your stupid fucked up banners proclaiming “LGBT against islamphobia”
“…I know it’s Monday morning and I have a summer cold but I would have thought Trevor Phillips bombshell would have made more of an impact at the Beeb, if only for one of them to declare him insane.”
Phillips was ‘unpersoned’ by the BBC Politburo a while back, after his last documentary on race relations and ‘multiculturalism’ sent all their meters into the red. This time the Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern prefers to ignore him – hoping that by doing so they can encourage the proletariat masses to do the same. Competing narratives will not be tolerated.
Still, hats off to the usually pro-multikulti CH4 for giving Phillip’s the opportunity to state his case. I’m sure comrade Snow is fuming about it. The sooner that clown retires the better for all – but they’ll have to prize him out of his throne at CH4 with a gold-plated crowbar.
Can’t find how to send or share a video that was put on my Facebook a couple of day’s ago, but…blimey…some muslim of rank it seems berates his fellows for wanting to wage jihad on the West when he………..gives the country that each item of his clothing comes from, his watch from the Swiss, shoes from Italy and he goes on…then ..what have we done.provided from Islam…..nothing of note, and they want to dominate us?…you will not find this on the BBC, and i fear for this man’s life, but bravo sir.
Have to say, that is one of the daftest questions I have heard/ read in a while- it implies that everything is of his own making and twists responsibilities beyond all bounds.
His Mum is/ was the Tax planner, and I’m not sure he is an avoider. As I understand it, he paid all taxes due. In any event we won’t know till the 7yr timeline expires.
Utter bollocks from the BBC, who should be a good deal more accurate with their reporting.
Interesting to see also that his Twitter page doesn’t carry the normal BBC disclaimer “These are personal thoughts, not those of the BBC” or whatever it is. So we must assume that his comments are perfectly aligned to those of his employer.
Interestingly, the highest-rated comments have not gone the BBC’s way. I expected sentiment to be more anti-Cameron. Perhaps more are wise to the BBC’s agenda-setting than I had hoped.
5. Posted by headscarf-wearer
10 Apr 2016 12:54 Mrs Cameron senior has done nothing illegal or even unusual. Any solicitor or accountant advises the same daily. I doubt there is a single MP or even BBC executive who has ignored inheritance tax planning. That explains why cabinet colleagues, labour politicians even journalists seem lukewarm. They would prefer the fuss to subside.
Maybe there is discord betwixt BBC ‘executives’ and ‘editors’?
That every British government over the last quarter-century set out to disfigure Britain’s demographic face is a fact.
Why they wanted to do so is a different question, and it’s worth asking – especially since most answers currently available are either mendacious or misguided.
But the facts first. Between 1997 and 2010 net migration to Britain was a whopping 2.2 million. That’s twice the population of Birmingham, and any visitor to that great metropolis would probably confirm that even one Birmingham is more than enough.
The annual net number of immigrants quadrupled under Labour, and such dramatic increases are never accidental; they betoken deliberate policy.
Tom Bower, a fine investigative reporter, has just published a book about it, which I haven’t read yet. However, familiar as I am with Mr Bower’s work, I’m sure he gathered an amazing corpus of evidence proving that there indeed was a conspiracy behind that massive influx.
The details he must have uncovered are doubtless impressive, and I can’t wait to read the book. However, the gist of the conspiracy has been known at least since 2013, when Blair’s hatchet man Peter Mandelson openly talked about it.
“We were not only welcoming people to come into this country to work,” boasted Mandelson, “we were sending out search parties for people and encouraging them, in some cases, to take up work in this country.” Or, that failing, to come and claim benefits, something the spin doctor was too modest to mention.
Mandelson was a mechanic of power rather than its ideologue. Hence, if asked why he and his master felt the need to import millions of people, most of them cultural aliens, he’d probably play hard to get at first, but then admit that the reason for that maniacal hospitality was to create a new bloc of Labour voters.
It’s true that English people (a minority group in London and many other cities now) tend to vote Tory. In fact, if they were the only constituency in the elections Blair won, he wouldn’t have won them.
Labour can only come to power by mobilising electoral blocs made up of ethnic minorities and the denizens of the Celtic fringe. Therefore, Mandelson’s innermost convictions are hard to fault on pragmatic grounds. But he wasn’t the one who called the shots. Those who did had less cold-blooded motives, which is why Mandelson’s explanation is false.
Blair was closer to the mark when saying that he wanted the country “to see the benefit of a multicultural society”. His speech writer Andrew Neather clarified his boss’s meaning by explaining that the aim was “to rub the right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date”.
Mr Neather’s statement blends Blair’s afflatus with Mandelson’s pragmatism into one towering monument to most refreshing cynicism. But the blend is as disingenuous as its individual constituents.
First, no such thing as a multicultural society exists, nor can exist. A society lacking one dominant culture can be many things, except one: a society, a concept that presupposes a certain homogeneity.
This doesn’t mean a successful society has to be monoethnic – far from it. In fact, our urban civilisation would be lethally dull if, say, London were inhabited by Englishmen only. All cities, and certainly all major cities, have to be cosmopolitan to a healthy degree.
But ‘healthy’ is the operative word. For cosmopolitanism is like red wine: a couple of glasses a day are good for you; 20 glasses a day will kill you.
There is some limit beyond which a critical mass is reached. Some diversity makes society healthier and more interesting. Too much diversity, such as native Brits being outnumbered in their capital, smashes society to smithereens.
Second, the notion of rubbing the right’s face in diversity gets closer to the truth, without actually reaching it. Here the emotional satisfaction of getting the opposition’s goat overlaps with the Mandelsonian practicality of getting the opposition’s vote.
But the real reason for this lot’s (and I include the current ‘Tory’ government into that collective entity) desire to destroy Britain qua Britain isn’t electoral. It’s existential.
They aren’t endowed with real minds, but they do possess an animalistic nose for danger. And this unerring instinct tells them that the traditional traits of English society, traditional Englishness as such, represent a real threat of extinction to their whole tribe, that of denationalised, denatured, depraved spivs seeking to lord it over the country they neither like nor understand.
The self-reliance, emotional restraint, pragmatism, sentiment untainted with sentimentality, quiet, usually unspoken patriotism, love of freedom through justice, visceral conservatism of the English are the bugbear of our spivocracy. Hence the society that fosters such qualities has to be put to the sword.
Simple demographic dilution of Englishness with foreign, ideally alien, admixtures is one of many stratagems activated here, but it’s one of the prominent ones. Add to this education that doesn’t educate, an economy that doesn’t economise and a wholehearted commitment to destroying England’s political tradition, and the picture is complete.
It looks more like Munch’s Scream than a Constable landscape
I am half-way through Tom Bowers book about Bliar, having also read his books on Branson and Brown ,and my interpretation differs slightly.
Regarding Branson ,who is/was a dissembler who waved the flag whilst basing ownership offshore , and Brown ,who frankly was a bitter leftist who cared only for his bonkers Socialist Plan, both are/were darlings of the liberal/left and favoured sons of the B BC.
Bower’s latest book on Bliar ,which must have been exhaustively researched, shows a breathtaking incompetence combined with ideological blindness ,at the heart of the Liebore administration under Bliar/Brown. I thought I knew a lot about this shower , but I am still gobsmacked at the sheer ineptitude evidenced by Bliar and his coterie of Fools.
The B BC will never discuss these revelations ,because they know it will further reduce the (already low) public estimation of the Socialist Warriors.
Break the BBC up , sell off all parts except a small Public Broadcast arm ,as in the U.S.
I thought Bower’s bio of Branson was very good and also the one about Bernie Ecclestone; interestingly the latter was written with Ecclestone’s permission (NOT the case with the Branson book – R.B. sought to prevent its publication) and contains Bernie’s, less than complimentary, views of both Branson and Bliar.
Feel free to call me pedantic – and editing a magazine for over 20 years could well qualify me for the label – but having read Ecclestone and now some way into Blair, if you’ll pardon the allusion, I’d say they are either the work of two very different writers, one of whom has a valid sense of time, pace and context, or Tom Bower should change his subs. (By which I mean sub-editors, not subscriptions)
First, no such thing as a multicultural society exists, nor can exist. A society lacking one dominant culture can be many things, except one: a society, a concept that presupposes a certain homogeneity.
How many times has that been said that on here? It’s such simple logic and so screamingly obvious, and it’s a message that should be pinned to every wall in the BBC and Westminster in very, very large capital letters.
All of this deserves the ‘Adam Curtis’ documentary treatment… Fat chance!
By the way, tuned in on Radio 4 8.45pm today Monday, hoping forlornly for some intellectual stimulation and was met with an indigenous South African woman going on and on about her lesbianism!
I thought we had enough of that exotic behaviour with stories of EJ and D Furniture and the’ third man’.
Ooops, maybe I should not have said that Ed!
The only reason Cameron’s tax affairs are still news is that the cretinous left wing student activists pretending to be bBBC journalists are doing Jezza and the left’s bidding by keeping it that way.
They are still talking about it being ‘offshore’. Well, that would be true about each and every individual with stocks/shares/pension funds which are not 100% invested in UK only companies. That’s pretty much the whole of the wealth-generating private sector but of course not something the freeloaders in the public sector, with their unfunded defined benefit pensions, need to worry about. As for Kamal’s blog, the moral and intellectual vacuity of it is a wonder to behold.
Utter gut-wrenching hypocrisy from the lot of them.
But I suppose it helped them ‘bury the bad news’ which was Tata Steel’s rather inconvenient trousering of £700m of the wonderful European Union’s carbon trading credits. Funny that.
I find it astounding that these people in high powered jobs (Kevin Maguire – Assoc Editor D/Mirror) find the time to Tweet ! Why aren’t they busy doing their jobs at 11.40 in the morning ? 20 plus years ago if you sat around reading the paper at your desk you would soon have the boss saying “can I have a word” – so Tweeting/Facebooking etc in this day and age is surely no different.
Two words for the Mirror.
ROBERT MAXWELL….so fuck off!
Need I add Piers Morgan and his hackings, his insider trading and-of course-his lies over British soldiers in Iraq?
The very cesspit of a moral sinkhole…bit like Kinncock telling me about EU finances.
Breathtaking hypocrites the lefty scummers aren`t they just?
The BBC news website headline reads: ‘The filmmaker who swapped communism for Hollywood.’ Clearly about a communist who has gone to Hollywood and perhaps became successful.
Erm no. The inverse. Vlad Paunescu had the unique joy of living in communist Romania under Nicolae Ceausescu. As you know from the informative BBC, communism enriches the soul and will over run evil despotic capitalism.
Oddly Paunescu actually danced “a jog of happiness” when communism was over run. Perhaps he has never seen the BBC and didn’t understand how fortunate he was. Indeed, he quickly set up his own film making company which is now Romania’s largest studios and film making operation.
So how was Paunescu ever a communist? It sounds like he was an evil capitalist held back by the wondrous socialist Ceausecu government.
Did he go to Hollywood? Nope. US film makers use his studios in Romania.
So what part of the headline was correct? Answers on a post card.
The delightful Aysegul Gurbuz, Luton councillor for labour, has resigned after she tweeted the eminently sensible suggestion that Hitler was “greatest man in history.” She had also gleefully shared how Iran could develop a nuclear weapon to “wipe Israel off the map”.
The BBC website doesn’t mention her other enlightening tweets aimed at cultural integration and harmony such as the ‘Jews are so powerful in the US it’s disgusting.” Though in in case anyone thought she might be a mindless Muslim bigot, she also tweeted ‘Not hating on Jews btw”. Phew glad to hear it.
This intellectual giant was staggered when she read her own tweets. “I am horrified to read back what was written and I apologise for them in their entirety …” “… the tweets made do not reflect what I believe, but I take full responsibility for what was spoken in my name …”
Odd, so was she lying when she made the tweets or lying with her heartfelt retraction. Wonder when she was saying what she actually believed. Guesses anyone? The credulous BBC reporter doesn’t share my concern.
Still, good thing it wasn’t a UKIP councillor making an offhand racist remark isn’t it? Else it would be all over the news, be seen as a reflection on every member of UKIP and provoke endless material for BBC comedians.
But at least the Beeb did cover the story which is something. They also had this today,
‘Kill Ahmadis’ leaflets found in UK mosque http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-35928848
So along with the Trevor Philip’s articles on other media, hasnt exactly been a great start to the week for the RoP
Yes, I get the impression something has changed recently.
The BBC eventually ran the story of the Glasgow Muslim murdered by another Muslim recently rather than perpetuating the meme of the evil white indigenous race.
However in the case of Aysegul Gurbuz they didn’t have space to say she was a Muslim which is part of the problem Labour has. Many, though not all, of the Labour councillors caught out on anti Semitism are Muslim (for obvious reasons if you read any section of the Koran)
And did the BBC ever run a correction to the story about the Muslim woman ‘mown down by a Right wing extremist’? That’s the one where it turned out she was actually run over by one of her co-religionists.
If it did, I must have missed it. If it didn’t it is yet more confirmation of the BBC’s flagrant bias.
Not everyone is allowed to dictate what constitutes Hate Speech. Writers on the Guardian and BBC producers can of course set the tone but generally it is decided by those on the left.
Victims of hate speech can be women or Muslims, then, in extreme cases perhaps people who are black or disabled. Perpetrators must be white, male and born in the UK.
So for example the deceitful, vicious and nauseating attacks directed at Sir Tim Hunt wasn’t hate speech because the perpetrators were women and he is white and male.
The very fact that she felt comfortable making those tweets speaks volumes about the social and political environment she inhabits. Despite her subsequent contrition, genuine or not, she must have felt at the time that her constituents would share her views. What a surprise that the BBC didn’t press her on this point.
Interesting to note that at the time Muslims were burning copies of The Satanic Verses, Meine Kampf was on sale in Islamic book shops.
I see that the hard left, Marxist, SWP’s Charlie Kimber made one of his very regular guest appearances on ‘Your Call’ this morning, to argue that Inheritance Tax should be charged at 100% and people’s wealth confiscated by the state when they die.
What is it about the BBC that they give such a regular platform to such extremist views (I wonder what the BNP’s stance on this is?) and to such (rape dodging) extremists. Perhaps Gameshow should have asked him how Comrade Delta was doing while he had the chance!
It’s deeply troubling that the BBC have such strong links to this person and his organisation, so closely linked to anarchist demonstrations, disorder and industrial agitation in the UK. Obviously they have him on their speed dial. But perhaps in the narrow confines of BBC groupthink-land, they reckon that he does represent a (their) mainstream view.
Well the Government’s pro-EU propaganda booklet has arrived already courtesy of the Postman and it’s easy to see where the £9 million went as it is a very classy production running to sixteen pages. This didn’t stop me putting it straight into the bin though.
By the way the online petition saying it was all a ridiculous waste of money is now over 205,000.
Postcode for Downing Street is London SW1A 2AA.
NO stamp required-let him pay the bill…indeed, we could see his accounts to see that he did just THAT.
Out of his own funds though eh wavy Davey?
Since when did we start calling paid soldiers, with Kevlar protection, air support, heavy machine guns, armoured vehicles and tanks heroes? In this narrative the farmer who is defending his country from the occupier is the bad guy. Who are the real heroes?
We have whole-heartedly bought into this premise that soldiers are sacred and their role should never be questioned. I for one cannot accept it and must see the world in a much wider context. Rich versus poor, ruling elites versus the proletariat, the politicians versus the people, big business versus the indigenous people, the well-armed Western soldiers versus the rag tag resistance of Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Is just one of the traitorous rants from this Channel 4 uber-Islamist.
No doubt the sensitive little flowers currently resident in our universities will be providing lots of safe space from these views.
But on the other hand, maybe he’ll be putting in an appearance as guest speaker…..’Usual arrangements, please: brothers to sit at the front, sisters at the back…..’
Since when did the Afghan farmers defending the poppy harvest from interference by the occupier so it can be refined into top quality heroin for export by “Big Narco” to the West to keep the Kufr proletariat docile, become heroes?
If the Tax Accountant was smart he would have said what the BBC wanted him to say.
You’ll notice that now they’ve suddenly lost his phone number, and you won’t see on the BBC ever again .. #ConfirmationBias
In the same vein, as Alan forecast, we haven’t seen much of Rich Hall since January. At least, I haven’t seen/heard him on the BBC. I’m sure the BBC employees – or, more to the point, employee-wannabes – who occasionally visit this site will let me know if I’m mistaken.
The reality that this investment fund is actually based in Ireland, which is part of the EU, that it is a ‘fairly mundane’ kind of investment, that whatever companies etc. the fund invests its money in e.g. a manufacturing company in Germany, it will pay tax on it in that country, that it is common practice for pension companies in the UK invest in funds like this – all came as surprise to our BBC interviewer who was clearly flustered and out of her depth.
And yet we shall not be surprised if we see The Narrative rumble on regardless, courtesy in the main of the usual BBC guest agenda-setters-by-proxy.
Following on from Al Shubtils observation, Why is the BBC so keen to have Indians push the agenda?
Tonight on PM a chap called Chakraborty came close to advocating the abolition of inheritance…..full stop. All to go to fund the state presumably.
Apparently it’s not fair that people who work hard don’t have as much money as people whose parents worked hard and give them money. It goes against a “meritocratic society” to give people gifts and inheritances, he said.
Fortunately a sane woman put him right on the traditions of ye olde British who like to leave something to the children when they shuffle off this mortal coil after years of tax paying labour….even if it’s most often in the shape of a house to sell.
I’d like to have asked Mr Chakraborthy if he refused gifts to his kids from their grandparents but then thought that given I was listening to the BBC that might be making a couple of assumptions too many.
As soon as Mr Chakroborrty was introduced as Guardian Economics correspondent we knew what to expect. It also had the usual bias with Chaka in the studio, but his opponent on a poor phone line. Anyway Chako completely lost it with giving a lecture on how much tax he paid to buy his jumper (seriously) and then demonstrated that he didn’t know the difference between inheritance tax and capital gains tax.
Love the way the BBC presenter is completely lost for words when she encounters someone outside the BBC/Guardian bubble who doesn’t suffer from group think. She just cannot believe that David Cameron, being Tory lying scum, hasn’t done anything wrong.
Quote of the day: “man makes a modest investment and pays all his tax”
The irritated female beeboid is Naga Muchetty. I remember her appearing on ‘Celebrity Pointless’ a while back and when the host asked her who her favourite interviewee had been, she gushingly replied that it was Hillary Clinton.
One of the hive, plus she ticks a couple of boxes.
Superb, Charlatans; comedy gold as that ‘Indian’, as one of our fellow posting friend, has helpfully described, is left floundering and unable to comprehend how stupid she still is!
Just read that Juncker has decided to ignore the Dutch vote (61% against allowing Ukrainians free access/movement within the EU) and allow the Ukrainians free access/movement within the EU.
There you are you see, democracy in action, what’s not to like?
PS. And what if the reaction is the same to a Brexit vote?
I have just read that the German deputy leader of the EU Parliament has said this afternoon that Cameron’s deal with the EU on the ’emergency brake’, is ‘not legally binding’ and that the deal went too far.
I’ll be watching out for this story on the BBC Six o’ Clock News to see what the implications are!
I am becoming increasingly convinced that the Referendum will be fixed. I want to be proven wrong but I fear the worst.
I have met many people in the last few months. I have found just one person who is voting to remain. I hear on the radio that this is replicated throughout the country.
The polls are claiming that the vote is very close. But then you learn who funds the pollsters. For example, Populist funded by Conservative Party and Remain, YouGov, I believe still led by left wing Peter Kellner married to Baroness Ashton, are out and out Labour supporters.
On a final point, what women with even a modicum of sense is going to vote for Remain when the Remain agenda is to bring in as many men from a very different culture, which regards women as second class citizens and existing only to be obeyed by men.
The attacks on Cologne has now revealed, which I don’t think was covered by the bBBC, that the police chief was orderred to supress the attacks by the German equivalent of the German Home Secretary.
The German Home Secretary has not resigned.
Christians fighting muslims (ISLAMIC STATE) are belittled and humiliated by the BBC’s Owen Bennett-Jones for daring to not show christian charity towards the megalomaniacal muslim hordes, and allow themselves to be murdered, enslaved, or worse.
He wants them to apply the Christian teachings, [a] turn the other cheek, [b] thou shalt not kill, and [c] if you don’t have a sword, buy one [metaphorically speaking]. Actually he doesn’t want them to arm themselves, so [c] is a bit confusing.
Owen thinks Christianity has no right to defend itself against islam. And he’s paid to say & think that by us. Why doesn’t he go and join IS as a correspondent. Oh wait, they’d rip his f*ckin heart out and chew on it for a while.
Good post ray f, but what do you expect from a predominantly Christian sponsored broadcaster named alBeeb, which is anti Christian British and is pro foreign Muslim.
Ta ray f.
In defence of Bennett-Jones he`s as clueless as all his nominal Cof E types.
At least the Babylon Brigade bothered their arses enough to check Owens stupidity out for him.
“Thou shalt not kill” is NOT Christian…it`s Jewish, although as Christians we defer to it.
But when IS are at the door-not Jesus knocking-God Bless any Christian group who`ll smite the Islamic death cult for the rest of us.
Owen Bennett-Jones is a constant disappointment, even allowing for his “I cast my mind back to my schooldays of Bible study” level of Biblical knowledge , or even if he was a professing atheist, I would still expect a man in his position to know that scripture is too rich for the piecemeal approach. Not much of a Biblical scholar myself but I know better than to throw out the odd line I can remember verbatim and say “What about that then”.
I was taught in Sunday school that the actual injunction in the Ten Commandments, when accurately translated, isn’t ‘though shalt not kill.’
It is ‘Thou shalt do no murder.’
Technically when we go back to sources the earliest manuscripts available did not use “vowels” and so the Judeo books will always be open to interpretation. However your message is reiterated in the less ambiguous Greek Gospels of the new testament.
New International Version
“Which ones?” he inquired. Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony,
Matthew 19:18
Thanks ChrisH, I was gonna link the fact ‘thou shalt not kill’ is old testament to the other ‘story’ on the BBC web regarding the BBC demonizing Israel for defending itself against palestinian terrorism. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-35987668
But I got too angry, and just posted.
In this report, Kevin Connolly calls the stabbing of Israeli soldiers, attempted stabbings.
So a stabbing becomes an attempted stabbing if the victim doesn’t die. No harm done. A terrorist tries to murder you, but it’s not a crime unless he kills you. Sounds about right.
If a terrorist proves he is a terrorist by terrorism, he/she should be eradicated if still an active threat after being taken down. There is no excuse to do anything else. This is a 100% emergency situation.
The BBC can go f*ck off.
Did Jesus say the old testament was null and void? It does piss me off when people mix and max new testament with the old testament scriptures. I’m not even religious.
Jesus himself said that He was there in effect to fulfil the Jewish Law, not to replace it.
But he also says in Johns gospel that there`ll be a different standard of judgement for those who accept Him as who He says He is-compared to those who reject Him..basically you`ll be judged by Him or by Moses…and Moses is far harder to please( I paraphrase!)
Paul says something completely different in large part-but he`s not Jesus-but does give plenty stuff on the new dispensation after Christs resurrection…so it all depends where you are in the Bible.
It all matters…
Bennet-Jones living down to the BBCs inability to engage authoritatively with, and inform its audience about a story due to poor preparation.
The correspondent appears unaware of “just war theory” developed over centuries and covered in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, ( or Wikipedia if that’s too sectarian for him).
Well, what can we expect? he works for an organisation whose commissioning editor of “religion and ethics” is a Muslim and he was brought up in the liberal-to-a-fault modern Anglican Church.
However did Christian British soldiers, sailors and airmen supported by their front line Chaplains manage to fight a war against Nazi Germany and Japan? presumably it’s a mystery to Owen and Aaqil…..where do they find ’em?
At Rorke’s Drift Chaplain Smith was one of those who went round resupplying the men on the firing line with ammunition. Victorian “Muscular Christianity” in action.
The BBC has now gone into attack mode regarding the Muslim survey mentioned at the start of this thread.
“”BBC Trending””
“”What some Muslims think of ‘what British Muslims really think'””
“”This whole debate has been re-opened by a new poll, but this time some Muslims have chosen to use humour to respond to findings which they feel are not representative of their attitudes””
If you read the report, the context is entirely different. The knife wielding terrorist had already been shot and there was fear that he had a concealed bomb.
There’s very little debate in Israel about the shooting. Most of it’s done by anti-Israeli anti-semitic BBC/Left.
“Two Palestinians have tried to stab Israeli soldiers and have been shot – the body of one, in a short black jacket, is lying somewhere near the middle of the frame.
Kevin, you’ve seen the video. You saw the blood, you saw the soldier, you saw the ambulance, yet you decided to portray actual stabbing as an attempt. I mean, why did you say “tried to stab” rather than just plain “stabbed”? Surely you’re not trying to suggest the Palestinian was innocent?
Surely it comes to a point where omission of facts becomes not just immoral but criminal. Deliberately misleading the public needs to be dealt with when so much is at stake, not just anti-Semitism.
Just posted the following on the isthebbcbiased site:
Connolly was on World Update on the WS yesterday, reading from the same propaganda pamphlet. Thought I could listen again, but for reasons known only to themselves, the WS chose to omit the second half of WU – which contained the report on Israel.
This is the reprehensible BBC at its worst:
“Two Palestinians have TRIED to stab Israeli soldiers and have been shot.”
B’Tselem and the rest of the motley crew of Israelis working against their own country fail to realise that this is a war and in the heat of battle errors of judgement do happen. For the last several months, hardly a day has gone by without at least one stabbing or attempted stabbing of Jews by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs. It’s a coordinated campaign of terror sparing neither women nor children nor the elderly and aided and abetted by the hypocritical Abbas, Israel’s “peace partner.”
In Connolly’s entire report, there is not even the slightest indication that Arab terrorism against Jews should even be questioned, let alone condemned. That’s the BBC – never met an Arab terrorist it didn’t like, especially when the victims are Israeli Jews.
For those that haven’t had one drop on their doormat yet, you can read it here. To rub salt into the wounds plenty of diversity contained within, I wonder who it is they’re targeting?
Here’s a challenge to try. Show people the picture of the ship and ask them to have a close look and see how many notice this. The ship is very well laden but see how far it’s floating out the water.
I work opposite Tilbury Docks on the River Thames. Every day I watch ships sailing upriver with water lapping the scuppers and down so empty the propeller breaks the surface. All those containers are empty so don’t talk about British Exports to Europe being affected.
“Their [older] generation hoards property and wealth.”
I know this wasn’t the main topic of the debate but it seems like open war on the Baby Boomer generation from certain quarters.
We’re being demonised for being thrifty, unmaterialistic and saving for our futures. 90%+ of our friends have lived in the same house for 30 years or more, yet in our neighbourhood and similar ones around the town it’s certain 30-somethings who are having houses gutted and extended to suit their exact tastes – ‘large living spaces’ seem a current obsession – most then move on after a year or so to their next ‘project’ having made a large profit. They are also the ones who drive the big, flashy 4 x 4s whilst their parents and grandparents – some well into their 70s – do the child minding whilst giving shedloads of hard-earned cash as a leg-up for their less well-off kids and grandkids.
No Ian Kuntz, he is either trying to find an ‘offshore fund’ to put his humongous BBC salary in or trying to find a copy of The National Post to find out what his ilk have been up to!
I am not a Tory supporter but in the interest of impartiality…. reading all the posts on this site, I am amazed why Tory MPs, the PM and the rest of their supporters have not called for judicial inquiry into the biased reporting Al Beeb?
I have now declined to pay the unfair and archaic TV Tax. I hope that you will all follow suit .
Taffman, this is a most interesting question that you raise. Here are some possible reasons, in no particular order.
(1) The Tories need the BBC to keep the population in line, e.g. to prevent voicing of angry opposition to mass immigration or to ensure a pro-EU vote in the Referendum; so they ‘buy’ cooperation at the cost of Leftist bias.
(2) The Tories calculate that a Left-biased BBC might actually help them. Tory researchers may even read this site and note the anger! This sounds stupid – and maybe it is – but the logic would be that, if many Britons still have a sense of fair play, they will have a (perhaps grudging) sympathy for Tory ministers trying to explain reasonable policies in the face of reflex metropolitan elite Left hostility. The BBC vilification of UKIP didn’t do that party much harm in 2015 (3.88 million votes, even with the threat of Ed Miliband to scare folk into voting Tory with a heavy heart): hostility from the BBC can boost your ‘street cred’.
(3) Polling may indicate to them that the BBC, like the monarchy, remains fairly popular, particularly among older people who tend to go out and vote. This popularity may not be deserved and may owe more to broadcasts of years/decades ago than to current output, but the reputation remains, making the BBC hard to tackle without accusations of cultural vandalism.
(4) David Cameron and his pink kind of Tories may broadly agree with the BBC’s preferred narratives in many cases, and disagree only on specific points, leading them to put up with BBC bias in general. A more Right-wing Tory party would disagree more often and pressure would build for change but those days seem to have gone with the 1980s.
(5) The BBC might have some hold over the Tories to keep them ‘honest’, e.g. some scandal to reveal or the threat to re-toxify the Tory brand, as successfully done up to the election of 1997. This is pure speculation.
(6) The money donors to the Tories have made it a condition of their support that the BBC is left untouched, as they share many aspects of the BBC’s globalist agenda. Again, this is speculation, but is a simple explanation.
I’d welcome any views people may have on this matter.
Well , I think Cam does get it , because he lumped the Evil BBC , Guardian & Mirror together in his example of other organisations , together with some trade unions, using Offshore companies ,for finance & pensions, in the Commons debate yesterday.
Essexman, I’m not sure you can put Pension Fund investments offshore. This attempt by Dave and a lot of others to suggest ‘we are all in this together’, I have a feeling is very, very untrue.
IIRC, by law Pension Fund Trustees have to invest in quite a restricted range of investment vehicles and ‘going offshore’ would not be allowed. For a personal pension it will be different, but such a personal pension would be very different to a UK Employment Pension via UK Employment and Pension law and the State Pension. That is not what is being spotlighted here, it is the personal wheeling & dealing of individuals, NOT the bulk of the UK population.
Perhaps any on here who work in the Pensions Industry can shed more light for us all.
No. They are international businesses not off-shored funds. They are quoted internationally on Stock Exchanges. IIRC, what was happening via Mossack Fonseca was private investment trusts, not quoted on HKSE, NYSE, LSE, etc.. which is where Trustees of Pension Funds are allowed to invest limited amounts of their funds.
Am not up to date on such laws but again, IIRC, certain proportions have to be kept in cash, bonds, Gilts & equities and certain property. All open to other investors.
The Cameron investment vehicle was not open to me. And probably not you either, unless Jim, your personal income & wealth are substantial enough. 😉
I too have been astonished as to why the Tories allow the BBC to get away with their leftist bias year in year out. I think that all of reasons you give above are plausible, the first four particularly so. But I would add to reason 5 the variant of making the Tory brand unelectable not by having a ‘hold over the Tories ‘ but by the mere threat , perhaps even unspoken , that they will use their near monopoly of UK news and current affairs output to do so. Of course the corporation does this already and certainly tried to do so at the last election but Ed Milliband let them down by being such a plonker and hopefully Corbyn will be even less electable than his predecessor. But the threat of the BBC deciding to indulge in all out war against a political party is one that parties shy away from. They are scared to death of the BBC both as individual MPs and as collective parties. UKIP did well at the last election, but how much better would they have done if the BBC had not undermined them at every turn? The Tories are presently ‘pink’ because that is a modus vivendi that they have found with the BBC. If they try to be more Tory like the BBC will increase the intensity of the ‘war’ and bring them back into line with the views of the liberal elite . We are governed by a liberal elite which uses the BBC as their enforcement arm and which can safely ignore democratic views that they don’t agree with . Only by getting rid of the BBC can democracy flourish in the UK but who has the balls to do this?
Why cant they take bloody sandwiches like everyone else when working shifts ?
Get rid of the TV Licence . Perhaps they will then find out what it is like to work in the real world?
Has the ‘invasion’ of Europe suddenly come to an end or has AlBeeb imposed a news blackout as damage limitation to the impending EU referendum ?
Hardly a peep about refugees and asylum seekers.
The Macedonians are trying to hold the line, and for doing so are accused of “bringing shame on Europe” by Alexis Tsipras the Greek PM who represents the SYRIZA “alliance of the radical left” party.
This was reported on PM last evening, of course they didn’t mention Tsipras extreme left political affiliation, nor did they question the behaviour of the bands of mainly Muslim men who attacked the border fence, fought with riot police and allowed children to be present (some of whom were inevitably injured) whilst all this was going on.
“Children used as human shields by illegal immigrants” came to mind as a possible headline…..obviously it didn’t occur to the BBC reporters.
Meanwhile the Tsipras government, despite the virtue signalling, cooperates with FRONTEX to deport illegal immigrants back to Turkey.
Certainly the toddler tossing over the razor wire was one the BBC seemed to have no time or space for. And drowning infants also not now a bit ‘After Alyan’ too.
Editorial integrity at play for sure, and no management interference, clearly.
Well would you believe it? New series of The Unbelievable Truth started Monday on 4Extra. Susan bloody ‘my wife’ Calman was one of the panel (of course). Her topic was supposedly ‘supermarkets’. Her first sentence?
‘I got married in a supermarket.’ [14.14]
Can she not open her mouth even to breathe without mentioning her effing so-called ‘wife’ and/or her effing so-called ‘marriage’?!?!?!?
Follow-up question: is there a BBC programme she’s not on these days?
Note the ‘canned laughter’ to make the listener aware that there was a ‘funny’ quip. Why are we compelled by law to pay for this rubbish that they call comedy ?
Perhaps Marvin or Jerrod can enlighten us ?
Calman is the least funny person on the BBC since Orla Guerin. Who can forget Guerin’s hilarious account of the Israeli’s destroying a Palestinian town called Bint Jbeil, complete with footage, only for the entire report to have been a wonderful joke. How we laughed.
Calman seems to be under the same delusion as the mindless drunk in a bar, that if they just talk about anything with a certain rise in the voice it is going to be funny. A joke isn’t about rabbiting endlessly, rather it requires a setup and a pay off. The pay off should confound our expectations. She should study Orla Guerin’s techniques far more closely. I have seen good people weep when listening to Guerin.
Any mention of migrants, refugees or asylum seekers is glaringly conspicuous by its absence this morning on the BBC
Lanky Dan Walker and Beaky Nugent on the red sofa hand over to Graham Satchell down in St Ives who reports – largely sympathetically – on a local referendum on proposed new restrictions on second home buyers. St Ives homes for existing St Ives resisidents is the mantra.
For those of us with a memory beyond the ability of a Beeboid or a goldfish in a bowl…
– lefty luvvie Juliet Sevenson just days ago called for us to open our doors to all migrant children up to the age of 18. To which plea the BBC Breakfast presenters offered not a whisper of counter argument.
– our Graham Satchell in August 2015 filed a report from Sweden fulsome in praise for newcomers and strongly putting the case for all of europe to open its doors to outsiders.
‘Come One, Come All… “The city is mostly Iraqi and Syrian immigrants, but some Swedes live here too.”’
So how come St Ives gets a free pass from the BBC?
Have the Beeboid second home buyers got in already before the ban might come into force?
All these migrant new arrivals – stick ’em in London?
Trouble is he was WRONG THEN when trying to join Euro and IS WRONG NOW – proof:
At some other point last night Mandleson attempted to up the FEAR factor with another nonsense statement about the EU would put 10% Import tax on all British Motor exports to EU:
With the Billions we have in trade deficit we have with German motors exported to UK alone, it does not long to work out that there is not a chance in hell that would happen, since it has been estimated that alone would cost Germany tens of thousands of job loses in just 2 manufacturers, BMW & Mercedes, not to mention the rest.
I (very) briefly watched the ‘debate’ last night with Mandelson.
My view on this slimeball is not fit to give on a family blog but how anyone can bear to listen to this deceitful POS for any longer than 10 seconds is beyond my comprehension.
Agreed – what a nasty man.
Not sure how well known this possible urban myth is, but it always makes me chuckle with ref to Mandelson…that he asked for some of the ‘guacamole’ when going into a Hartlepool chippy (the constituency he was parachuted into – how ridiculous he must have looked there, if you know Hartlepool, and I am descended from monkey hangers) when it was mushy peas that he was looking at.
Champagne and guacamole socialist…
PS, sorry I think I hit the ‘report’ button when replying..
Isn’t a sizeable chunk of the UK motor industry OWNED by the Germans? I think they are hardly likely to be in favour of a trade tariff of any amount if it affects their sales elsewhere in the EU.
Nice dig at The Gover on the Toady programme this morning. The Scottish misgovernment is responsible for Scottish education and commissioned the failing school buildings under complex public/private initiative terms. Some nomark Scottish architect managed to blame Gover for having said in the past that he wasn’t there to make architects rich, which was extrapolated to suggest he was there to make financiers rich. Is there anything at all for which the Scottish government and the odious chippy chipmunk Sturgeon IS responsible apart from misusing my tax contributions?
I have two kids on extra holiday at the moment due to these failing buildings. Frankly, it’s depressing to see this used as a political football. I’d be interested to hear from those with experience in the area, but what seems to have happened is a failure in basic construction technique whereby ties between external cladding and the main structure haven’t been put in. These ties cost very little either for the material or man hours and there simply isn’t the financial incentive to omit them. It should have nothing to do with the method of finance or whether it was a private or public contractor who did the job, it’s a failure that even an apprentice brickie should have spotted. How such a failure was perpetuated over so many buildings with no-one noticing is going to be fascinating to discover.
I know of a case where a house built by the same contractor in nearby East Lothian had to have a wall rebuilt for exactly the same reason and am beginning to suspect that this will spread well beyond public buildings.
I was very suspicious when I saw a tram sized hole in the side of one particular building.
Seriously, the error you mention is down to lack of basic site supervision or the competence of those tasked with supervising the work or signing it off.
Frame to wall ties or standard block to block wall ties were omitted. They cost about 2p each and should have fitted every third/fourth brick in alternating rows. As the outer skin of brick/block is not tied to the frame, the blockwork begins to belly outward with the vertical force of the weight of the structure above it.
The engineer and the architect for the project would have specified these and it seems completely unbelievable that these would be omitted on seventeen separate projects.
At completion, the supervising engineer has a final inspection and would issue a Form Q which basically guarantees the structural integrity of the building. The intermediate visits should have picked up such a glaring omission.
This really is completely unbelievable that this could happen accidentally on so many public projects.
The remedial works showed holes being drilled and wall anchors being inserted to tie the walls together.
No doubt there will be ‘lessons learned’ and no-one will get the sack.
Can’t really blame the Poles on this one. They would have heard about the ‘no ties’ regime on the BBC and, keen to integrate, simply followed the rules.
You can be absolutely sure of two things.
1. This situation is entirely due to the greedy evil private sector and shows what happens when privatisation of education is allowed to occur. No-one in the public sector has done anything wrong.
2. The public sector officials a. followed all the correct procurement procedures and b. the individuals involved have now left or moved to other departments.
That should just about cover the bBBC Marxists ‘reporting’ of this event.
Which by the way does not excuse the builders whose work has resulted in this situation.
Power to the People: The Nation that gave the world Magna Carta and a world class lesson in propaganda and misinformation:
But despite the BBC — this is happening:
The ‘worm is turning’ it would appear, since Tommy Robinson who is in court Thursday has acquired the finance to fund a Top Barrister and his team. These videos, from across the pond have had an impact:.
Tommy Robinson has been much heartened by the response to the appeal for money to defend him.
Make no mistake the elite is out to get him any way they can. There is something about him that the governing classes and their hangers on in the media really fear.
The fate of any ordinary Englishman who really gets up their nose from Wat Tyler onwards ( not forgetting Hereward the Wake). If you have not done so contribute.
Huge thanks, Dave S. Had no idea he had another court date coming up. Have donated and look forward to hearing how Thursday goes for him, though probably not from the bbbc – unless unfavourable.
I think Tommy has done enough; and if he comes through the other side of this latest state legal chicanery, then he should back off or he will be jailed again for something (anything) and killed / injured to a life changing degree in prison or he will be in and out of prison for the rest of his life.
A very brave man but he will destroy his and his family’s lives if he continues doing all the heavy lifting. I have immense respect for Tommy Robinson, but I don’t want to see him ground into nothing by those in power who will do anything to protect the Islamic filth here in the U.K.
The Establishment fears him to a remarkable degree for some reason; his book is astonishing – I couldn’t put it down.
If you think things are bad in Britain, read that and you realize it’s about 100 X worse.
It’s the most ridiculous article I can remember reading, and brings to mind pandering to juveniles, devil makes work for idle hands etc. And I guess tax payers are funding it. We truly are engineering our own demise.
I’m new to this website and I enjoy reading the majority of views with which I sympathise. Not comfortable with some of the language though – just sayin’.
Loobyloo, it is rather disturbing this whole transgender hysteria. I think children claiming to be transgender will rise exponentially over the next few years.
“There is too much unhappiness among people who have had the surgery,” he said. “Too many of them end as suicides.” The transsexual candidate, he added, has been described as “the only patient who diagnoses himself and prescribes his own treatment.”
“The very fact that a doctor clears the patient for hormone therapy, he said, can act as a self-fulfilling prophecy for that patient. It may signify to him that his fantasy has received confirmation from the medical profession and that there is now no turning back.”
“Hormone therapy also reinforces the tendency, common among transsexuals, to shy away from psychotherapy, Ihlenfeld continued. There is always the fear, he said, that if a doctor looks too deeply into their psyche, he will take away the dream of sex change that has nourished them all their life. “`No psychiatrist is going to change my mind,’ they will tell you.”
“The unhappiness continues. Last month, Jenner used the occasion of accepting the ESPY award for courage to tell the world that 41 percent of transgenders attempt suicide. ”
Reading the studies, http://thefederalist.com/2015/08/19/transgender-regret-is-real-even-if-the-media-tell-you-otherwise/
90% of transgender patients had at least one other significant form of psychopathology
61% treated for cross-gender identification had other psychiatric disorders&illnesses, notably personality, mood, dissociative, and psychotic disorders
50% had depressive symptoms and more than 40% had symptoms of anxiety.
Adding to this,
“In all the rhetoric about gender change success you cannot find one sound bite from any media source that acknowledges that even one transgender suffers from a serious mental illness, much less reporting the 90 percent like Case Western Reserve University found, or the 61 percent that the survey of Dutch psychiatrists reported. The numbers are astonishingly high, yet no media reports it.”
Welcome Loobyloo
……. enjoy reading the majority of views with which I sympathise. Not comfortable with some of the language though – just sayin’. ……
Totally agree, but there are those who feel so strongly about certain issues/people, they find it tough to express their feelings in a more articulate way. I tend to by-pass those comments when I see colourful language written in full.
The ‘non-binary gender’ Sasha either exists as two different people or the writer of the piece struggles with English grammar.
Either way our wonderful NHS has stopped her natural development into a woman and is now trying to pick up the mental mess as she decides she isn’t really a man.
Thank heaven the BBC’s brown boys will soon be putting an end to all this nonsense.
I sometimes think that I’ve heard the worst bias, not to say journalistic incompetence, from the BBC – and then something even more blatant occurs. This morning on Today Sarah (?) interviewed joined David Miliband in a broadcast on behalf of the Remain tendency. One example: Miliband asserted that in the last year or 10 years – this wasn’t made clear (or maybe I missed it) – some 4,000 EU citizens have been refused entry into the UK. Miliband didn’t tell us why and Montagu was too polite to enquire further. In any event this, according to Miliband, was clear evidence that we had complete control of our borders. Sarah failed to ask Miliband how many EU citizens had actually entered the UK while this mythical (?) 4,000 had been refused: an obvious follow-up question surely (well, obvious to a journalist!).
Then, in the last question of the interview, Sarah actually asked a direct question about the Deed of Variation of his father’s will which benefitted David and Ed to the extent that substantial IHT would be avoided. Miliband’s answer was to a question not even asked since Miliband’s response was to the effect that Corbyn had a perfect right to declare Labour’s policy on tax: “thank you Mr Miliband” was Sarah’s response.
The Radio 4 flagship “news” 10 minutes later included the world-shattering info that David Miliband – a failed politician, serial parasite, charity entrepreneur and liar (although this accurate summation of Miliband’s reputation was not included by the announcer) – had declared in a BBC interview that Brexit would mean a reduction of the UK’s influence in the world to that of Andorra. BBC bias just never ends.
That “discussion” with David Miliband about Britains place in the world was comedy gold wasn`t it?
“Britains strength is multiplied by the other 17 member states”……oh Yeaaaaah David, pull the other one.
No mention of Britains possession of a Nuclear deterrent within NATO though, do they know something we don`t?
And the line “Britains leaving the EU is an act of arson against the world order” struck me as a slightly risky line to use…a “world order” that promotes the reduction of the first world to labour units for China and India and the wholesale Islamification of the west is a “world order” that deserves to be sabotaged. Lets go to it!
“Brexit would mean a reduction of the UK’s influence in the world to that of Andorra. ”
Ah yes, that would be the Andorra which has a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, has nuclear weapons, and is the fifth largest economy on Earth. It would be terrible to descend to the level of influence of that Andorra wouldn’t it?
Or is David Miliband a lying parasitical scumbag? Perish the thought.
David Millipede used to advocate for enlarging the E.U. to include various North African countries – I’m not sure quite how well that would have worked out for us.
He should stay in New York – he fits right in there.
I just read that too and it’s a hoot.
“The statistics show that there were a total of 1,398 referrals to the clinic last year, 913 of whom were female and 485 male. ”
Shouldn’t that read 1398 don’t knows.
The above link takes you to the BBC news web site outlining the appalling treatment of children kidnapped by Boko Haram. This includes rape, forcing the boys to kill members of their own family, bombings etc.
Now see if you can spot the word Muslim used to explain Boko Haram or the word Christian to identify the children victims they abuse.
Well there’s a shock! The BBC in a near-orgasmic state of joy as it breathlessly announces an EU proposal on multinationals’ tax affairs, via all its many news orifices.
Wouldn’t it be simpler, cheaper and more honest just to run the headline ‘vote remain’ rather than to propagandise this empty (and oh so carefully timed) tosh?
Hmmm. The EU, which usually takes years to respond to anything, happens to come up with this just at the point the BBC/Guardian media release of the Panama papers is at full moral hysteria. My olfactory senses detect a large rodent.
Incidentally, just what are the details of the Panama papers? I don’t recall hearing any of that, just that David Cameron is somehow involved for declaring his income to HMRC. This whole story has been orchestrated from start to finish, led by the media monster with 70% reach.
Corbyn is financially illiterate, as well as being a socialist, but then I repeat myself. It is quite possible this is an honest mistake because the fool really does not know what he is doing. He could not even organise himself to get his tax return in on time, yet he thinks he can be the next prime minister!
If the BBC are consistently inadequate on matters economic, they ought to be blethering on about the fall in the oil price, any day now. Listen to that space, folks!
(It is actually up substantially in less than a week and up over 50% since the recent $28 low.)
Well remember Greggs in the Regent Centre , Salford doing a “rioters special” in 2011.
Much less than £16 quid I can assure you -AND you got entry ticket to win the raffle for a pair of baggies and a pinstripe jacket with just the subtlest hint of petrol.
Only just caught up with the Moral Maze on the Brussels’ Bombing. I was shouting at the MP3 player how Muslims have already changed our way of life, ie there isn’t merely a danger of them doing so. Already I cannot see a painting of Mohammad in an art gallery, The Oxford Press have banned their writers from using the word pig, documentaries on Islam are, well, virtually non existent, exams are changed to suit Muslims, Halal meat is served in most places, and so forth.
But I was caught up short with my mindless yelling when an apologist for Jihadists, a nutter by the name of Inayat Bunglawala, said the reason for the emergence of Al Qaeda and ISIS was the western invasions of Iraq and other places, to which I presume he meant Afghanistan. No one corrected him.
This means the BBC/Guardian has won. They have white washed history and then rewritten it so that Al Qaeda is born as a result of the invasion of Iraq. It is all the west’s fault after all. Sorry folks Inayat Bunglawala is the future.
Inyat was radicalised , like so many takiyya merchants in the UK; by the book burnings and attempting lynchings and firebombings after Rushdie wrote his book in 1989.
That particular “spirit of the beehive” has cost us dearly…Thatcher and Tebbit were not to know-but a few executions for treason and sending a few of the “outraged Muslims” back to their home hell holes would have saved us a lot of trouble.
Weasels like Bungle are the weeds we spared….more fool us.
I turned off the juvenile Vine show with its Facebook junk story re. wet nursing. (Apparently it’s only wet nursing when its paid for – news to me).
On to the ‘serious’ PM programme and ‘coming up’ – “Would you do wet nursing?” Dumb and dumber.
But we do get some serious stuff. The IMF says the world will come to an end if we leave the EU. Question: How much is the IMF prepared to pay us to stay in? £1000B?
I can’t hold a candle to your comment…. so I might have to Enquire elsewhere as to what you are on about or be Guided elsewhere to a National Post to find out who The Star is, somewhere over the pond!
I never thought I would see the day when unions attack the BBC and have a ‘class war’ dig at top bosses car perks.
Well, well , well.
Toady this morning reporting on Danny Willett’s victory in the Masters, basically implying Spieth lost it Willett didn’t win; a bit like when England won the Grand Slam – Ireland had lots of players injured.
WTF? Can’t al beebus ever tone down the anti-English and anti-British spin?
And are the BBC outraged at this censorship? No, this comedy is too vulgar and crass for polite (German) society and has overstepped the mark. Hard to believe, but happening before our very eyes. Wake up Europe!
I see what you mean… but at least he is getting police protection for his remarks.
In this country we are more likely to be arrested and imprisoned in a high security wing full of Muslim prisoners (with the tacit nod and a wink that it’s OK to kill this one) for the crime of offending everyone’s favourite religion (I refer, of course, to the treatment of Tommy Robinson after his arrest for the crime of heinous and violent mortgage fraud).
Made the mistake of not tuning my car radio to Steve Wright yesterday.
So got a few minutes of Shiela Dillons godawful “Foodie Show” on Radio 4(3.30pm).
Started well though-about how a nuclear sub would feed its crew for months at sea.
Interesting-might learn something here!
Took just SEVEN minutes before the poppet on the sub was moaning about the prawns and chicken nuggets not being sourced from Gairlochs organic Waitrose-don`t the MOD even care about a lack of expensive radioactive locally sourced beef that cooks itself?…how will Nicola Sturgeon get her highlights done if we don`t catch our own Loch Fyne prawns as the sub thingie trawls a big pink net behind the blunt bit at the back?
I baled out-leaving the 138 poor sods on the sub to patiently explain to Shiela that even if they DID carry lots of scrummy Highland Well water in eco-sustainable plastic-they could still not full them with poo to fire at the Chinese ,seeing as the plastic`s a bit serrated…so it`ll have to be Trident for the moment.
Still though-lasted 452 seconds before I scuttled off…more than usual for the BBCs tiresome lefty agitations.
Yes, the Food Programme has been a covert platform for Leftist talking points for years. I recall arguing with the late, unlamented, Reith about this a few years ago. In true BBC fashion he tried to pretend it was still a food programme, Not since Dillon snatched the throne, it hasn’t been!
I wonder why foodies are so often tiresome Left wingers?
Just for the record (and echoing Chrish’s observation concerning the Radio 4 “Foodie Show”), it took less than 15 minutes into BBC4’s new series fronted by explorer and naturalist Stewart McPherson on the UK’s Overseas Territories to bring up the tragedy of water rise caused by human created “climate change”. Of course, our (and by “our” is meant whitey European) responsibility is a given – a sort of “settled science” – even if the rise in the oceans has been more or less constant (at millimeters/year) since whatever caused the warming ending the ice age around 20,000 years ago. Is there no programme uncorrupted by the Narrative?
Umbongo, there is no programme now on the BBC that doesn’t carry some narrative or another. I don’t listen to the programmes any more other than to listen to how long it takes before at least one narrative is mentioned. It is a daily contest between myself and co worker to who gets it right first!
‘Costing the Earth’ on R4 today was another load of climate codswallop served up by the fragrant, but increasingly dippy, Dr Alice Roberts. In BBC land, anthropogenic climate change has been proved beyond doubt so we must adapt or else. Dr Alice gave us a lecture about how those noble savages years ago adapted to climate change and we should learn from them. I was a bit perplexed about the comparison between The Fens and Somerset levels. Somehow, the learned Dr and her research assistants were not able to make the link between stopping conducting proper drainage and flooding (Somerset levels) and continuing proper drainage and no flooding (The Fens). There was a bit of an own goal when the collapse of previous civilisations due to climate change was mentioned as one of the examples was due to a drop in temperatures. Oh well, what is important is to keep banging the climate change drum.
Just been looking at the BBC’s football online page and I not that there are reports concerning women’s football. With these reports was a league table where the country was named followed by the word women, such as, “Scotland Women”, “Iceland Women”.
I hope to see in the very near future, on all BBC’s football league tables and reports the following: “England Men”, “Scotland Men” “Chelsea men” “Birmingham Men” etc, for to not include the word “men” where “woman” is so well paraded is blatantly sexist.
Sort it quick BBC or I’ll write to the equalities commission.
Recent satellite data is showing that the North Atlantic is cooling rather rapidly. Now this is not supposed to be happening according to Global Warming experts, but it is. Predicting what our summer weather will be like should the cooling continue, is rather depressing, for if we get stuck under a slack Jetstream, our heating bills for this year will be rather high as we turn on the heat during our summer evenings. Snow for N. England and Scotland this weekend.
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Fedup2Mar 6, 20:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 His principles seem pretty flexible . No politician has anything to say about the torture of Tommy Robinson – agreeing…
tomoMar 6, 19:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 The wacky twits (of any stripe) don’t seemed to be challenged much over there at GBNews… I don’t understand why…
moggiemooMar 6, 19:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why bother getting an actor to play a lunatic when you can just get in a leftie who actually is…
ScrobleneMar 6, 19:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 The leftie independent radio stations have their fair share of lefties, so it’s easy for me to avoid their ridiculous…
tomoMar 6, 19:44 Midweek 5th March 2025 If rumours are true, amyl nitrate seems a possible starmer stimulant?
StewGreenMar 6, 19:34 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Im surprised TTK hasn’t passed a law that coloured folk charged with crimes can never be named” Oh he could…
‘…a 22-year-old university student… believes he gets what he describes as “a male period” He says he’s so close to his best friend and flatmate… that he gets cramps when she comes on each month.’
Perhaps a career on the BBC Breakfast red sofa beckons for this chap?
Why dont al beeb just go the whole hog and advertise for male eunuchs?
And what does she get when he comes?
Who could ever forget Charles Hawtrey sitting in the labour ward as his wife gave birth elsewhere?
Carry On Nurse I think it would have been.
To think that it was once far-fetched comedy for saps like Charles Hawtrey to earn a bob.
And now we get the likes of this fop trying to avoid his tampon tax.
Jon Snow will now be menopausal, but who could ever forget how raggy HE used to get once a month or so?
Charles Hawtrey becomes this generations John Wayne then…fuck, we`re stuffed.
I do wonder if this was put on the Beeb and taken down after 10 minutes or so or if anyone here posted it over the weekend. I know it’s Monday morning and I have a summer cold but I would have thought Trevor Phillips bombshell would have made more of an impact at the Beeb, if only for one of them to declare him insane.
Still let’s keep attacking Camoran for his legal tax affairs. We’ll all ignore the jihadis in the ghettos. Don’t forget when FOX news said there were no-go zones in the UK and how the Police didn’t go there ,how they were ridiculed by our MSM.
Top story on RT
Tumbleweed on al beebzeera
Not mentioned by BBC/Left.
But front page on Sky Online News:-
“”Poll: Half Of Muslims Want Homosexuality Banned””
“Hearing what British Muslims themselves think, rather than listening to those purporting to speak on their behalf, is critical if we are to prevent the establishment of a nation within our nation,” Trevor Phillips said.
He also said, “The integration of Britain’s Muslims will probably be the hardest task we’ve ever faced. It will require the abandonment of the milk-and-water multiculturalism still so beloved of many, and the adoption of a far more muscular approach to integration.”
“”The survey found only 34% would tell the police if they thought someone they knew was getting involved with supporters of terrorism in Syria and 4% said they sympathise with people who take part in suicide bombing to fight injustice””
No wonder the BBC have exercised Extreme Bias through omission. It’s not what the BBC want to hear or for us the proles to hear.
Interestingly, the polls were conducted face to face. This would have possibly reduced the number of extreme views expressed.
Calling the trolls…..calling the trolls LOL
Why are Muslims free to say homosexuality should be banned when homosexuality is a comparatively much safer practice, but if I were to publically say Islam should be banned because it is a cult of fanatics worshipping a crazed, paedophilic, bloodthirsty warlord I’d probably be arrested?
More so, is Jerrod/Scott so vociferous in condemning Muslims for such views as he is in condemning those here with similar views?
What say you Jerrod?
Geoff, I can help here. This is what Jerrod posted on the last thread:
Indeed, I noted that the practices you claim to be concerned about are exhibited in other cultures too, but that you only get concerned about Muslims
And, taking him to task on one particular example asked him for instances of which other cultures in this country practice gender segregation in marriage ceremonies, university debates (and social events), Labour Party election meetings etc.
Still waiting for an answer – surprise, surprise.
I am afraid Jerrod and his friends never answer awkward questions . They consider it far more important to play semantics and take things out of context its the lefty way. Win the argument by confusing the point.
By the way Jerrod and LDV both send their apologies for not being online today – poor darlings its their monthly curse, both are experiencing cramps and have spent the day in a safe place where they would not have to experience any bad vibes.
When I popped in to see them I gave both of them a hot water bottle and a pack of evening primrose and a bar of green and blacks both said they would try and pop in later if they felt up to it. So please be nice!
> Still waiting for an answer – surprise, surprise.
Considering it was you who interjected into a discussion about Bruce Springsteen cancelling a gig in North Carolina over its bathroom bill to repeat your tired tirade against Muslims – which was, as with so many of your attempts to twist the narrative to fit your own prejudice, a complete irrrelevance – it’s not unreasonable to conclude that you’re a bigoted little man who insists on hijacking any and every conversation until it suits your needs, because you’re incapable of behaving like an adult.
It appears the concept of people having other things to do than entertain a halfwit with zero social skills also eludes you. The very thought, that someone could find things far more enjoyable to do than entertain johnnythefish’s ego!
If you ever emerged from your mother’s basement and behaved in the real world as you do on here, people would move away from you quickly, and choose to engage with intelligent people who are socially capable. It can hardly be a surprise when people treat you with the same derision online.
You’re a total twat Jerrod. Go get a boyfriend and find another agenda. You are the sickest of the sick and I am borderline reporting your comments as abusive under the misuse of electronic communications act.
Long past the time DV banned his sorry arse…..
Someone has an opinion you don’t agree with. How dare they! Ban them.
He’s needs banning cos hes an arsehole
“Someone has an opinion you don’t agree with. How dare they! Ban them.”
The BBC call this ‘expediting’, I believe.
They are a trusted and transparent, uniquely public-funded broadcaster, apparently.
Oh please. Ive been called far worse on here, and even when I don’t respond I’ve been accused of being a “delicate flower”. Johnnythefish even accused me of trying to shut down free speech by having the nerve to disagree with him – but you want to try and intimidate by threatening legal action?
Once again, it’s a case of Biased BBC’s usual loudmouth nutters not being capable of practising what they preach. They can dish out all the bile and venom thy like, but if their own techniques are used against them, they collapse into a fit of complaint.
If you want civil discourse, stand up against abuse from all sides. Starting with yourself.
Oooo hooo Jerrod over here!
Please, I’m genuinely interested in your view on the ”Half Of Muslims Want Homosexuality Banned” poll…
Jerrod, I called you a ‘delicate little flower’ after you complained about being insulted on here, and as I explained I found that very ironic as all you ever do is hurl insults around – a very crude technique for avoiding awkward questions which does you no favours. And by the way, ‘delicate little flower’ is pretty restrained, I think, after some of the insulting shit you’ve thrown my way.
Anyway, got an answer on the gender segregation yet? (And remember, that was just your starter for ten – next up is gender-selective abortions.) It’s a reasonable question I asked and it is not stifling free speech to expect an answer – that is what free and open debate is about. However, trying to howl people down with endless insults and avoiding debate IS a means of killing free speech – as you and your comrades on the Left did calling anyone ‘racist’ who had the temerity to speak up about mass immigration and multiculturalism. You might read Orwell’s ‘1984’ some time and try to properly understand The Ministry of Truth.
Also, I asked whether you felt Trevor Phillips is as deserving of your insults as the rest of us who are concerned about where Islam and its practices in Britain are leading us – you know, ‘bigoted old man’, or similar (be careful to leave out the ‘white’ bit as he obviously isn’t).
So, once again, the floor is yours to explain your undying but puzzling support (being gay and all that, and especially in the light of the survey’s findings) for the medieval practices of the only religion you seem to have any time for. But I won’t be holding my breath.
P.S. My mother has never lived in a basement, but the flat I lived in when first married had one. That’s just for info, like.
I think it was more the insults, not the opinions.
And Jerrod your view on ”Poll: Half Of Muslims Want Homosexuality Banned” is……?
Cant be real muslims Geoff 😉
Its only the hot terrorist types that interest him doncha know
Be like Jerrod
Jerrod wont answer questions he doesn’t like .
He wont tell us why he posts here.
You’re getting confused.
Muslims have not ‘Said’ anything. They have responded to a poll probably anonymously, which asked for their thoughts.
If they were to say it out loud then it might be a different story!
Thoughtful – these were actually face-to-face interviews:
Channel 4 claimed the survey was more “rigorous” than previous surveys of Muslim attitudes because interviews were conducted face-to-face rather than over the telephone and interviewees were permitted to hold up cards to indicate their opinions rather than speak them aloud, in case they found questions embarrassing or difficult.
Thoughtful is the self-appointed voice of reason in this hive of extremism and villainy. However, his form of late has been rather poor, seeing as he can only resort to pedantry over the choice of words used rather than actually address the actual issue.
Thoughtful? Good to be well versed in all ‘his’ failings if tracking progress.
I’ve read all thoughtful’s comments recently and I sure as hell disagree with quite a few of HER comments, I do however respect HER right to have a differing opinion to mine and HER right to express them without vitriol, intimidation and anger!
Ooooh is that the same as a safe space environment!
Do you actually have any observation to make about the failure of multiculturalism and the fracturing of British society, Xavier? (And whilst you’re at it, maybe even your own contribution to this mess, if you really want to be honest with yourself.)
Or is it much easier for you to come on here and spew childish mantras which would make a Year 10 debating society look like the fount of all wisdom, because you’ve realised you’re unable to defend the Islamic hellholes that now exist in parts of Britain?
I was surprised to hear Philips expounding his “new found wisdom” on R4’s Today programme.
He must be an extremely slow learner. For years, muslims have been polled all over Europe with the same results. A Kuwaiti think tank even found the same views in Syrian “refugee” camps in Turkey.
The BBC obviously felt the need to balance out this fact by featuring the “plight” of some “community leader” from Wazzockistan targetted for drone strikes by the US. It was the usual litany of excuses. I am working for peace. I do a lot of negotiating with extremists. This is why the Americans have got hold of the wrong end of the stick and want to kill me. The injustice of it all! . Some Labour twat has invited him to speak in Parliament. I hope the CIA notes the time and place of the meeting and takes appropriate action. Steptoe might end up collaterly damaged.
ID – it’s actually not the first time Phillips has drawn attention to the failure of ‘multiculturalism’. In my view the problem we have is none of the politicians seem to want to listen let alone do anything about it:
This one goes back over a year….
…but he spoke out about it several years ago too, around the start of the coalition government I seem to remember, but I can’t find links for that one.
Probably soon to include the term ‘not helpful’ from the BBC Asian Network and various local radio stations.
The defence seems already in full swing elsewhere.
I am sure that you are right to say that face to face the Muslim views were very likely ‘moderated’ . So we can take the results as being a pretty optimistic view of the degree of integration of Muslims with the rest of us. I don’t think that the majority of visitors to this site would find these results in any way surprising. Nor are we surprised that the BBC is trying to bury the story. Perhaps the most ludicrous and complacent explanation of the poll was given by dear old Polly Toynbee on the papers section of the Marr show when she claimed that the results were distorted because only the older sections of Muslim society believe in polygamy , the rights of men over women and abhor homosexuality. She went on to say that young Muslims believed these things to a much lesser extent and in time will integrate successfully. In fact there have been several polls in the past which show just the opposite is true and that younger Muslims have more extreme , anti western views than their parents and grand parents did. In truth we are heading for a serious break down/ bust up in this country and the liberal left will be entirely to blame for implementing their mass immigration, multicultural policy , which from the start was obviously highly risky and then for over two decades ignoring and suppressing all the evidence that it wasn’t working.
So once again we see the liberal left , with the supposedly impartial BBC in the vanguard, doing its best to suppress and distort a report that it doesn’t like. Whether they really believe the rubbish they say or just say it to cover up the truth I don’t know . But I do think that a case can be made for saying that the ‘Muslim Problem’ is far more serious for the UK than is the EU referendum and it is certainly many orders of magnitude more serious than the Panama papers.
What most of the media seems to have been ignored is that the ICM data is from June 2015. Bit like talking about Brexit using June 2015 poll.
I raise that because in the two Sun polls they undertook last year there was a hardening of support for ISIS. Of course all those polls were taken before Paris and the pretty clear evidence of the hell hole that an ISIS state offers.
So why run a program on year old data? Or did C4 sit on this for a year, afraid of a backlash?
Interesting comment LDV. (And I don’t mean that in a patronising way).
Of course all those polls were taken before Paris and the pretty clear evidence of the hell hole that an ISIS state offers.
Oh yes, nothing like an atrocity for reforming a terrorist-sympathising mindset. And of course, they had no idea whatsoever what ISIS were up to prior to that, eh?
What fucking planet are you on?
Some interesting points of view and statements regarding the results of this poll. But why the shock? How are we surprised? Why are people trying to add modern thought and context to something that has been unable to change since its creation and will remain the same for its entire existence.
Islam cannot change or Islam fails to exist. There are no more prophets. No more changes. The final word of Allah is laid out for the children of Allah to follow. Any attempt to change the text is the work of the Satans of this world. The Iblis. The duty of true Muslims is to keep Muhammads word pure and free from interference. To ensure no man ever changes a single word for their own gain. The act of jihad is a Muslims duty to protect the word of Allah as written by Muhammad.
The poll is irrelevant. The discussion is irrelevant. The appeasement is irrelevant. The question of % of Muslims who want to ban homosexuality is completely and utterly irrelevant.
“The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did (homosexuals), kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”
Allah does not allow homosexuality. Muhammad set the laws of sharia to reject and ban homosexuality under the pain of death. Islam utterly bans homosexuality. What the fuck does a poll like this expect to achieve?
If anyone that uses this website is LGBT please study the Koran. Tell anyone you know who is LGBT to study it. Understand the purpose of the Koran and see if you are willing to go out with your stupid fucked up banners proclaiming “LGBT against islamphobia”
Where’s Jerrod gone all of a sudden?
The Sky report on the Islam survey is the second most read on it’s news website.
Still not featuring in any way on the BBC news website though.
Obviously too ‘divisive’ or too ‘contoversial’ or too ‘accurate’….
“…I know it’s Monday morning and I have a summer cold but I would have thought Trevor Phillips bombshell would have made more of an impact at the Beeb, if only for one of them to declare him insane.”
Phillips was ‘unpersoned’ by the BBC Politburo a while back, after his last documentary on race relations and ‘multiculturalism’ sent all their meters into the red. This time the Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern prefers to ignore him – hoping that by doing so they can encourage the proletariat masses to do the same. Competing narratives will not be tolerated.
Still, hats off to the usually pro-multikulti CH4 for giving Phillip’s the opportunity to state his case. I’m sure comrade Snow is fuming about it. The sooner that clown retires the better for all – but they’ll have to prize him out of his throne at CH4 with a gold-plated crowbar.
Amazing that when that nigger says it, it’s suddenly not verboten for cogitation. Embarrassment of a country, this. Weak as water.
Oh dear. Always someone who undermines some sensible discussion points.

I suppose I am a coward, yes, Mr. quotespedia.info. As are you. But I’m struggling to see where the threat was made.
Not like that matters as you’ve been waiting some time to use that cheap-looking pic, haven’t you? lol
The BBC has its head up Anjem Choudhurys nightie yet again.
Can’t find how to send or share a video that was put on my Facebook a couple of day’s ago, but…blimey…some muslim of rank it seems berates his fellows for wanting to wage jihad on the West when he………..gives the country that each item of his clothing comes from, his watch from the Swiss, shoes from Italy and he goes on…then ..what have we done.provided from Islam…..nothing of note, and they want to dominate us?…you will not find this on the BBC, and i fear for this man’s life, but bravo sir.
Seems they have found a story that they are happy to see comments flow into…
Have to say, that is one of the daftest questions I have heard/ read in a while- it implies that everything is of his own making and twists responsibilities beyond all bounds.
His Mum is/ was the Tax planner, and I’m not sure he is an avoider. As I understand it, he paid all taxes due. In any event we won’t know till the 7yr timeline expires.
Utter bollocks from the BBC, who should be a good deal more accurate with their reporting.
Interesting to see also that his Twitter page doesn’t carry the normal BBC disclaimer “These are personal thoughts, not those of the BBC” or whatever it is. So we must assume that his comments are perfectly aligned to those of his employer.
Interestingly, the highest-rated comments have not gone the BBC’s way. I expected sentiment to be more anti-Cameron. Perhaps more are wise to the BBC’s agenda-setting than I had hoped.
Still open. Maybe they live in hope?
Or… not…
5. Posted by headscarf-wearer
10 Apr 2016 12:54
Mrs Cameron senior has done nothing illegal or even unusual. Any solicitor or accountant advises the same daily. I doubt there is a single MP or even BBC executive who has ignored inheritance tax planning. That explains why cabinet colleagues, labour politicians even journalists seem lukewarm. They would prefer the fuss to subside.
Maybe there is discord betwixt BBC ‘executives’ and ‘editors’?
Here’s hoping.
Excellent article by Alexander Boot:
That every British government over the last quarter-century set out to disfigure Britain’s demographic face is a fact.
Why they wanted to do so is a different question, and it’s worth asking – especially since most answers currently available are either mendacious or misguided.
But the facts first. Between 1997 and 2010 net migration to Britain was a whopping 2.2 million. That’s twice the population of Birmingham, and any visitor to that great metropolis would probably confirm that even one Birmingham is more than enough.
The annual net number of immigrants quadrupled under Labour, and such dramatic increases are never accidental; they betoken deliberate policy.
Tom Bower, a fine investigative reporter, has just published a book about it, which I haven’t read yet. However, familiar as I am with Mr Bower’s work, I’m sure he gathered an amazing corpus of evidence proving that there indeed was a conspiracy behind that massive influx.
The details he must have uncovered are doubtless impressive, and I can’t wait to read the book. However, the gist of the conspiracy has been known at least since 2013, when Blair’s hatchet man Peter Mandelson openly talked about it.
“We were not only welcoming people to come into this country to work,” boasted Mandelson, “we were sending out search parties for people and encouraging them, in some cases, to take up work in this country.” Or, that failing, to come and claim benefits, something the spin doctor was too modest to mention.
Mandelson was a mechanic of power rather than its ideologue. Hence, if asked why he and his master felt the need to import millions of people, most of them cultural aliens, he’d probably play hard to get at first, but then admit that the reason for that maniacal hospitality was to create a new bloc of Labour voters.
It’s true that English people (a minority group in London and many other cities now) tend to vote Tory. In fact, if they were the only constituency in the elections Blair won, he wouldn’t have won them.
Labour can only come to power by mobilising electoral blocs made up of ethnic minorities and the denizens of the Celtic fringe. Therefore, Mandelson’s innermost convictions are hard to fault on pragmatic grounds. But he wasn’t the one who called the shots. Those who did had less cold-blooded motives, which is why Mandelson’s explanation is false.
Blair was closer to the mark when saying that he wanted the country “to see the benefit of a multicultural society”. His speech writer Andrew Neather clarified his boss’s meaning by explaining that the aim was “to rub the right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date”.
Mr Neather’s statement blends Blair’s afflatus with Mandelson’s pragmatism into one towering monument to most refreshing cynicism. But the blend is as disingenuous as its individual constituents.
First, no such thing as a multicultural society exists, nor can exist. A society lacking one dominant culture can be many things, except one: a society, a concept that presupposes a certain homogeneity.
This doesn’t mean a successful society has to be monoethnic – far from it. In fact, our urban civilisation would be lethally dull if, say, London were inhabited by Englishmen only. All cities, and certainly all major cities, have to be cosmopolitan to a healthy degree.
But ‘healthy’ is the operative word. For cosmopolitanism is like red wine: a couple of glasses a day are good for you; 20 glasses a day will kill you.
There is some limit beyond which a critical mass is reached. Some diversity makes society healthier and more interesting. Too much diversity, such as native Brits being outnumbered in their capital, smashes society to smithereens.
Second, the notion of rubbing the right’s face in diversity gets closer to the truth, without actually reaching it. Here the emotional satisfaction of getting the opposition’s goat overlaps with the Mandelsonian practicality of getting the opposition’s vote.
But the real reason for this lot’s (and I include the current ‘Tory’ government into that collective entity) desire to destroy Britain qua Britain isn’t electoral. It’s existential.
They aren’t endowed with real minds, but they do possess an animalistic nose for danger. And this unerring instinct tells them that the traditional traits of English society, traditional Englishness as such, represent a real threat of extinction to their whole tribe, that of denationalised, denatured, depraved spivs seeking to lord it over the country they neither like nor understand.
The self-reliance, emotional restraint, pragmatism, sentiment untainted with sentimentality, quiet, usually unspoken patriotism, love of freedom through justice, visceral conservatism of the English are the bugbear of our spivocracy. Hence the society that fosters such qualities has to be put to the sword.
Simple demographic dilution of Englishness with foreign, ideally alien, admixtures is one of many stratagems activated here, but it’s one of the prominent ones. Add to this education that doesn’t educate, an economy that doesn’t economise and a wholehearted commitment to destroying England’s political tradition, and the picture is complete.
It looks more like Munch’s Scream than a Constable landscape
Excellent article. Well found Al.
Good points AS.
I am half-way through Tom Bowers book about Bliar, having also read his books on Branson and Brown ,and my interpretation differs slightly.
Regarding Branson ,who is/was a dissembler who waved the flag whilst basing ownership offshore , and Brown ,who frankly was a bitter leftist who cared only for his bonkers Socialist Plan, both are/were darlings of the liberal/left and favoured sons of the B BC.
Bower’s latest book on Bliar ,which must have been exhaustively researched, shows a breathtaking incompetence combined with ideological blindness ,at the heart of the Liebore administration under Bliar/Brown. I thought I knew a lot about this shower , but I am still gobsmacked at the sheer ineptitude evidenced by Bliar and his coterie of Fools.
The B BC will never discuss these revelations ,because they know it will further reduce the (already low) public estimation of the Socialist Warriors.
Break the BBC up , sell off all parts except a small Public Broadcast arm ,as in the U.S.
I thought Bower’s bio of Branson was very good and also the one about Bernie Ecclestone; interestingly the latter was written with Ecclestone’s permission (NOT the case with the Branson book – R.B. sought to prevent its publication) and contains Bernie’s, less than complimentary, views of both Branson and Bliar.
Feel free to call me pedantic – and editing a magazine for over 20 years could well qualify me for the label – but having read Ecclestone and now some way into Blair, if you’ll pardon the allusion, I’d say they are either the work of two very different writers, one of whom has a valid sense of time, pace and context, or Tom Bower should change his subs. (By which I mean sub-editors, not subscriptions)
He conflates ‘Britain’ with ‘England’ a bit too much there.
First, no such thing as a multicultural society exists, nor can exist. A society lacking one dominant culture can be many things, except one: a society, a concept that presupposes a certain homogeneity.
How many times has that been said that on here? It’s such simple logic and so screamingly obvious, and it’s a message that should be pinned to every wall in the BBC and Westminster in very, very large capital letters.
All of this deserves the ‘Adam Curtis’ documentary treatment… Fat chance!
By the way, tuned in on Radio 4 8.45pm today Monday, hoping forlornly for some intellectual stimulation and was met with an indigenous South African woman going on and on about her lesbianism!
I thought we had enough of that exotic behaviour with stories of EJ and D Furniture and the’ third man’.
Ooops, maybe I should not have said that Ed!
The only reason Cameron’s tax affairs are still news is that the cretinous left wing student activists pretending to be bBBC journalists are doing Jezza and the left’s bidding by keeping it that way.
They are still talking about it being ‘offshore’. Well, that would be true about each and every individual with stocks/shares/pension funds which are not 100% invested in UK only companies. That’s pretty much the whole of the wealth-generating private sector but of course not something the freeloaders in the public sector, with their unfunded defined benefit pensions, need to worry about. As for Kamal’s blog, the moral and intellectual vacuity of it is a wonder to behold.
Utter gut-wrenching hypocrisy from the lot of them.
But I suppose it helped them ‘bury the bad news’ which was Tata Steel’s rather inconvenient trousering of £700m of the wonderful European Union’s carbon trading credits. Funny that.
Not BBC-bias at all, but thought readers might be interested to see what Guido’s dug up this morning
I am really enjoying reading about Ken Livingstone’s hypocrisy on this issue. He is just a Faux-cialist gobshite.
Does this count more as BBC relevant, all things considered?
Not to forget that BBC favourite political expert and ‘commentator’ Kevin Maguire is never out of their green rooms.
This Kevin Maguire:
I find it astounding that these people in high powered jobs (Kevin Maguire – Assoc Editor D/Mirror) find the time to Tweet ! Why aren’t they busy doing their jobs at 11.40 in the morning ? 20 plus years ago if you sat around reading the paper at your desk you would soon have the boss saying “can I have a word” – so Tweeting/Facebooking etc in this day and age is surely no different.
He has 103,000 followers, that’s why he does it. Oh and he’s probably very good at delegating.
The higher up you are…the less you do….at least in the public sector.
Two words for the Mirror.
ROBERT MAXWELL….so fuck off!
Need I add Piers Morgan and his hackings, his insider trading and-of course-his lies over British soldiers in Iraq?
The very cesspit of a moral sinkhole…bit like Kinncock telling me about EU finances.
Breathtaking hypocrites the lefty scummers aren`t they just?
Agreed any copy i find of this tarnished rag…get’s cut into squares for wiping my arse……
The BBC news website headline reads: ‘The filmmaker who swapped communism for Hollywood.’ Clearly about a communist who has gone to Hollywood and perhaps became successful.
Erm no. The inverse. Vlad Paunescu had the unique joy of living in communist Romania under Nicolae Ceausescu. As you know from the informative BBC, communism enriches the soul and will over run evil despotic capitalism.
Oddly Paunescu actually danced “a jog of happiness” when communism was over run. Perhaps he has never seen the BBC and didn’t understand how fortunate he was. Indeed, he quickly set up his own film making company which is now Romania’s largest studios and film making operation.
So how was Paunescu ever a communist? It sounds like he was an evil capitalist held back by the wondrous socialist Ceausecu government.
Did he go to Hollywood? Nope. US film makers use his studios in Romania.
So what part of the headline was correct? Answers on a post card.
BBC headlines educate and inform. Apparently.
The delightful Aysegul Gurbuz, Luton councillor for labour, has resigned after she tweeted the eminently sensible suggestion that Hitler was “greatest man in history.” She had also gleefully shared how Iran could develop a nuclear weapon to “wipe Israel off the map”.
The BBC website doesn’t mention her other enlightening tweets aimed at cultural integration and harmony such as the ‘Jews are so powerful in the US it’s disgusting.” Though in in case anyone thought she might be a mindless Muslim bigot, she also tweeted ‘Not hating on Jews btw”. Phew glad to hear it.
This intellectual giant was staggered when she read her own tweets. “I am horrified to read back what was written and I apologise for them in their entirety …” “… the tweets made do not reflect what I believe, but I take full responsibility for what was spoken in my name …”
Odd, so was she lying when she made the tweets or lying with her heartfelt retraction. Wonder when she was saying what she actually believed. Guesses anyone? The credulous BBC reporter doesn’t share my concern.
Still, good thing it wasn’t a UKIP councillor making an offhand racist remark isn’t it? Else it would be all over the news, be seen as a reflection on every member of UKIP and provoke endless material for BBC comedians.
But at least the Beeb did cover the story which is something. They also had this today,
‘Kill Ahmadis’ leaflets found in UK mosque
So along with the Trevor Philip’s articles on other media, hasnt exactly been a great start to the week for the RoP
Yes, I get the impression something has changed recently.
The BBC eventually ran the story of the Glasgow Muslim murdered by another Muslim recently rather than perpetuating the meme of the evil white indigenous race.
However in the case of Aysegul Gurbuz they didn’t have space to say she was a Muslim which is part of the problem Labour has. Many, though not all, of the Labour councillors caught out on anti Semitism are Muslim (for obvious reasons if you read any section of the Koran)
And did the BBC ever run a correction to the story about the Muslim woman ‘mown down by a Right wing extremist’? That’s the one where it turned out she was actually run over by one of her co-religionists.
If it did, I must have missed it. If it didn’t it is yet more confirmation of the BBC’s flagrant bias.
It joins a long and ignoble list of BBC ‘moving on’.
I also wonder what happened to the poor Saudi girl who was stabbed that garnered much attention initially, and then… not so much.
I want to know when she is going to be charged under the Blair junta’s illegal and wicked ‘hate speech’ law. After all, what’s sauce for the goose…
Indeed GCooper
Not everyone is allowed to dictate what constitutes Hate Speech. Writers on the Guardian and BBC producers can of course set the tone but generally it is decided by those on the left.
Victims of hate speech can be women or Muslims, then, in extreme cases perhaps people who are black or disabled. Perpetrators must be white, male and born in the UK.
So for example the deceitful, vicious and nauseating attacks directed at Sir Tim Hunt wasn’t hate speech because the perpetrators were women and he is white and male.
Makes sense to those at the BBC anyway.
I am sure the Now Show will be featuring this heavily…
The very fact that she felt comfortable making those tweets speaks volumes about the social and political environment she inhabits. Despite her subsequent contrition, genuine or not, she must have felt at the time that her constituents would share her views. What a surprise that the BBC didn’t press her on this point.
Interesting to note that at the time Muslims were burning copies of The Satanic Verses, Meine Kampf was on sale in Islamic book shops.
I wonder what would happen
I see that the hard left, Marxist, SWP’s Charlie Kimber made one of his very regular guest appearances on ‘Your Call’ this morning, to argue that Inheritance Tax should be charged at 100% and people’s wealth confiscated by the state when they die.
What is it about the BBC that they give such a regular platform to such extremist views (I wonder what the BNP’s stance on this is?) and to such (rape dodging) extremists. Perhaps Gameshow should have asked him how Comrade Delta was doing while he had the chance!
It’s deeply troubling that the BBC have such strong links to this person and his organisation, so closely linked to anarchist demonstrations, disorder and industrial agitation in the UK. Obviously they have him on their speed dial. But perhaps in the narrow confines of BBC groupthink-land, they reckon that he does represent a (their) mainstream view.
‘What is it about the BBC that they give such a regular platform to such extremist views’
A mystery, to be sure.
Could there be safe sp… airwave issues here?The BBC makes me feel unsafe.
Well the Government’s pro-EU propaganda booklet has arrived already courtesy of the Postman and it’s easy to see where the £9 million went as it is a very classy production running to sixteen pages. This didn’t stop me putting it straight into the bin though.
By the way the online petition saying it was all a ridiculous waste of money is now over 205,000.
In the bin?!
Mine is going straight back to Cameron.
Or as others elsewhere have suggested, a donation of a 1p piece or better a 1 cent euro coin taped to it (by way of a donation) to …
Joanna George
The Conservative Party Foundation
30 Millbank
London SW1P 4DP
Thanks Geoff! Done and posted.
I have just heard on the radio that the Remain EU booklet was made by a German owned company.
Vote Remain means you’re a European first and British second
Vote Leave means you’re British first and European second
Not a hard decision to make is it?
I’ll scan mine into a .pdf first, just so I have a copy of its contents, then post it back to the Conservative Party HQ.
Why would the Conservative Party want it?
Aren’t they supposed to be the ones voting for leave?
Remember when Conservative ministers said the benefits of the EU were self evident and did not justify a debate .
Could you add “some” between when and Conservative please.
Postcode for Downing Street is London SW1A 2AA.
NO stamp required-let him pay the bill…indeed, we could see his accounts to see that he did just THAT.
Out of his own funds though eh wavy Davey?
OT, bar an interesting CV.
Views his own there too, presumably?
Did Ch4 get advice from Hugs Boaden on issuing the kind of reprimand that really hits home?
Since when did we start calling paid soldiers, with Kevlar protection, air support, heavy machine guns, armoured vehicles and tanks heroes? In this narrative the farmer who is defending his country from the occupier is the bad guy. Who are the real heroes?
We have whole-heartedly bought into this premise that soldiers are sacred and their role should never be questioned. I for one cannot accept it and must see the world in a much wider context. Rich versus poor, ruling elites versus the proletariat, the politicians versus the people, big business versus the indigenous people, the well-armed Western soldiers versus the rag tag resistance of Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Is just one of the traitorous rants from this Channel 4 uber-Islamist.
No doubt the sensitive little flowers currently resident in our universities will be providing lots of safe space from these views.
But on the other hand, maybe he’ll be putting in an appearance as guest speaker…..’Usual arrangements, please: brothers to sit at the front, sisters at the back…..’
Since when did the Afghan farmers defending the poppy harvest from interference by the occupier so it can be refined into top quality heroin for export by “Big Narco” to the West to keep the Kufr proletariat docile, become heroes?
Channel 4, BBC….p***ing in the same pot.
Not sure whether this video of BBC Breakfast getting shafted this morning by a Tax Accountant, has already been put up here:
If the Tax Accountant was smart he would have said what the BBC wanted him to say.
You’ll notice that now they’ve suddenly lost his phone number, and you won’t see on the BBC ever again .. #ConfirmationBias
In the same vein, as Alan forecast, we haven’t seen much of Rich Hall since January. At least, I haven’t seen/heard him on the BBC. I’m sure the BBC employees – or, more to the point, employee-wannabes – who occasionally visit this site will let me know if I’m mistaken.
The Indian conducting the interview seemed to be getting quite frustrated at him, for not wanting to get with the al beebus strategy re Camerloon.
The reality that this investment fund is actually based in Ireland, which is part of the EU, that it is a ‘fairly mundane’ kind of investment, that whatever companies etc. the fund invests its money in e.g. a manufacturing company in Germany, it will pay tax on it in that country, that it is common practice for pension companies in the UK invest in funds like this – all came as surprise to our BBC interviewer who was clearly flustered and out of her depth.
And yet we shall not be surprised if we see The Narrative rumble on regardless, courtesy in the main of the usual BBC guest agenda-setters-by-proxy.
Following on from Al Shubtils observation, Why is the BBC so keen to have Indians push the agenda?
Tonight on PM a chap called Chakraborty came close to advocating the abolition of inheritance…..full stop. All to go to fund the state presumably.
Apparently it’s not fair that people who work hard don’t have as much money as people whose parents worked hard and give them money. It goes against a “meritocratic society” to give people gifts and inheritances, he said.
Fortunately a sane woman put him right on the traditions of ye olde British who like to leave something to the children when they shuffle off this mortal coil after years of tax paying labour….even if it’s most often in the shape of a house to sell.
I’d like to have asked Mr Chakraborthy if he refused gifts to his kids from their grandparents but then thought that given I was listening to the BBC that might be making a couple of assumptions too many.
As soon as Mr Chakroborrty was introduced as Guardian Economics correspondent we knew what to expect. It also had the usual bias with Chaka in the studio, but his opponent on a poor phone line. Anyway Chako completely lost it with giving a lecture on how much tax he paid to buy his jumper (seriously) and then demonstrated that he didn’t know the difference between inheritance tax and capital gains tax.
Superb, Charltans!
Love the way the BBC presenter is completely lost for words when she encounters someone outside the BBC/Guardian bubble who doesn’t suffer from group think. She just cannot believe that David Cameron, being Tory lying scum, hasn’t done anything wrong.
Quote of the day: “man makes a modest investment and pays all his tax”
She concludes thanking him for his views.
I think he may have made a few asides, but it was pretty much all pure professional fact.
The ‘views’ are those spewing forth from the BBC filter’s speed diallers.
BBC hypocrites owned and shamed. Great video.
The irritated female beeboid is Naga Muchetty. I remember her appearing on ‘Celebrity Pointless’ a while back and when the host asked her who her favourite interviewee had been, she gushingly replied that it was Hillary Clinton.
One of the hive, plus she ticks a couple of boxes.
I hate that bitch
Superb, Charlatans; comedy gold as that ‘Indian’, as one of our fellow posting friend, has helpfully described, is left floundering and unable to comprehend how stupid she still is!
Like it Charlatans.
Stop press! Hold the front page!
“Man makes modest investment and pays all his tax”.
Clearly not a good enough muck-raking headline for the biased BBC newsroom Marxists.
Excellent Video! I wonder what his fee was for shafting the Sofa crew? Well worth it whatever it was.
Just read that Juncker has decided to ignore the Dutch vote (61% against allowing Ukrainians free access/movement within the EU) and allow the Ukrainians free access/movement within the EU.
There you are you see, democracy in action, what’s not to like?
PS. And what if the reaction is the same to a Brexit vote?
I have just read that the German deputy leader of the EU Parliament has said this afternoon that Cameron’s deal with the EU on the ’emergency brake’, is ‘not legally binding’ and that the deal went too far.
I’ll be watching out for this story on the BBC Six o’ Clock News to see what the implications are!
What publication is that from, Geoff? It looks like it might be well worth a look.
I kept the image from a Tweet last week, I believe its from a Dan Hannan book.
Much obliged for the prompt response. Yes, it seems to be from his ‘Why Vote Leave’ (2016); copy ordered.
Thanks to the mundane way I opt not to fund the licence fee, I could give a rats’. The loss of BBC ‘services’ does seem attractive, mind.
However, one must concede £10 doesn’t go far in the Ivy.
Had to love this in complement:
“For those BBC staff returning to work after the full Easter break. Then hitting the slopes again, mercifully. Plus some skiing”
Oh the humanity…how long ’til the long half term, the summer 3months, Glasto, Wimbledon…?
Geoff,Beltane et al,
I am lost for words, it is quite incredible.
I am becoming increasingly convinced that the Referendum will be fixed. I want to be proven wrong but I fear the worst.
I have met many people in the last few months. I have found just one person who is voting to remain. I hear on the radio that this is replicated throughout the country.
The polls are claiming that the vote is very close. But then you learn who funds the pollsters. For example, Populist funded by Conservative Party and Remain, YouGov, I believe still led by left wing Peter Kellner married to Baroness Ashton, are out and out Labour supporters.
On a final point, what women with even a modicum of sense is going to vote for Remain when the Remain agenda is to bring in as many men from a very different culture, which regards women as second class citizens and existing only to be obeyed by men.
The attacks on Cologne has now revealed, which I don’t think was covered by the bBBC, that the police chief was orderred to supress the attacks by the German equivalent of the German Home Secretary.
The German Home Secretary has not resigned.
Kellner’s lady wife managed to rise to the heights of EU power without being elected to anything much beyond class monitor.
‘The Christian militia fighting IS’
Christians fighting muslims (ISLAMIC STATE) are belittled and humiliated by the BBC’s Owen Bennett-Jones for daring to not show christian charity towards the megalomaniacal muslim hordes, and allow themselves to be murdered, enslaved, or worse.
He wants them to apply the Christian teachings, [a] turn the other cheek, [b] thou shalt not kill, and [c] if you don’t have a sword, buy one [metaphorically speaking]. Actually he doesn’t want them to arm themselves, so [c] is a bit confusing.
Owen thinks Christianity has no right to defend itself against islam. And he’s paid to say & think that by us. Why doesn’t he go and join IS as a correspondent. Oh wait, they’d rip his f*ckin heart out and chew on it for a while.
Good post ray f, but what do you expect from a predominantly Christian sponsored broadcaster named alBeeb, which is anti Christian British and is pro foreign Muslim.
Ta ray f.
In defence of Bennett-Jones he`s as clueless as all his nominal Cof E types.
At least the Babylon Brigade bothered their arses enough to check Owens stupidity out for him.
“Thou shalt not kill” is NOT Christian…it`s Jewish, although as Christians we defer to it.
But when IS are at the door-not Jesus knocking-God Bless any Christian group who`ll smite the Islamic death cult for the rest of us.
Owen Bennett-Jones is a constant disappointment, even allowing for his “I cast my mind back to my schooldays of Bible study” level of Biblical knowledge , or even if he was a professing atheist, I would still expect a man in his position to know that scripture is too rich for the piecemeal approach. Not much of a Biblical scholar myself but I know better than to throw out the odd line I can remember verbatim and say “What about that then”.
I was taught in Sunday school that the actual injunction in the Ten Commandments, when accurately translated, isn’t ‘though shalt not kill.’
It is ‘Thou shalt do no murder.’
Technically when we go back to sources the earliest manuscripts available did not use “vowels” and so the Judeo books will always be open to interpretation. However your message is reiterated in the less ambiguous Greek Gospels of the new testament.
New International Version
“Which ones?” he inquired. Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony,
Matthew 19:18
Thanks ChrisH, I was gonna link the fact ‘thou shalt not kill’ is old testament to the other ‘story’ on the BBC web regarding the BBC demonizing Israel for defending itself against palestinian terrorism.
But I got too angry, and just posted.
In this report, Kevin Connolly calls the stabbing of Israeli soldiers, attempted stabbings.
So a stabbing becomes an attempted stabbing if the victim doesn’t die. No harm done. A terrorist tries to murder you, but it’s not a crime unless he kills you. Sounds about right.
If a terrorist proves he is a terrorist by terrorism, he/she should be eradicated if still an active threat after being taken down. There is no excuse to do anything else. This is a 100% emergency situation.
The BBC can go f*ck off.
Did Jesus say the old testament was null and void? It does piss me off when people mix and max new testament with the old testament scriptures. I’m not even religious.
Jesus himself said that He was there in effect to fulfil the Jewish Law, not to replace it.
But he also says in Johns gospel that there`ll be a different standard of judgement for those who accept Him as who He says He is-compared to those who reject Him..basically you`ll be judged by Him or by Moses…and Moses is far harder to please( I paraphrase!)
Paul says something completely different in large part-but he`s not Jesus-but does give plenty stuff on the new dispensation after Christs resurrection…so it all depends where you are in the Bible.
It all matters…
Bennet-Jones living down to the BBCs inability to engage authoritatively with, and inform its audience about a story due to poor preparation.
The correspondent appears unaware of “just war theory” developed over centuries and covered in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, ( or Wikipedia if that’s too sectarian for him).
Well, what can we expect? he works for an organisation whose commissioning editor of “religion and ethics” is a Muslim and he was brought up in the liberal-to-a-fault modern Anglican Church.
However did Christian British soldiers, sailors and airmen supported by their front line Chaplains manage to fight a war against Nazi Germany and Japan? presumably it’s a mystery to Owen and Aaqil…..where do they find ’em?
At Rorke’s Drift Chaplain Smith was one of those who went round resupplying the men on the firing line with ammunition. Victorian “Muscular Christianity” in action.
The BBC has now gone into attack mode regarding the Muslim survey mentioned at the start of this thread.
“”BBC Trending””
“”What some Muslims think of ‘what British Muslims really think'””
“”This whole debate has been re-opened by a new poll, but this time some Muslims have chosen to use humour to respond to findings which they feel are not representative of their attitudes””
But they can’t mask the findings with hashtag humour.
BBC Online News:
“”Video of Israeli soldier’s killing of Palestinian attacker fuels debate””
If you read the report, the context is entirely different. The knife wielding terrorist had already been shot and there was fear that he had a concealed bomb.
There’s very little debate in Israel about the shooting. Most of it’s done by anti-Israeli anti-semitic BBC/Left.
He wasn’t just a knife wielding terrorist, he had already stabbed the soldier.
Here is the comment from the website.
“Two Palestinians have tried to stab Israeli soldiers and have been shot – the body of one, in a short black jacket, is lying somewhere near the middle of the frame.
Kevin, you’ve seen the video. You saw the blood, you saw the soldier, you saw the ambulance, yet you decided to portray actual stabbing as an attempt. I mean, why did you say “tried to stab” rather than just plain “stabbed”? Surely you’re not trying to suggest the Palestinian was innocent?
Surely it comes to a point where omission of facts becomes not just immoral but criminal. Deliberately misleading the public needs to be dealt with when so much is at stake, not just anti-Semitism.
Just posted the following on the isthebbcbiased site:
Connolly was on World Update on the WS yesterday, reading from the same propaganda pamphlet. Thought I could listen again, but for reasons known only to themselves, the WS chose to omit the second half of WU – which contained the report on Israel.
This is the reprehensible BBC at its worst:
“Two Palestinians have TRIED to stab Israeli soldiers and have been shot.”
B’Tselem and the rest of the motley crew of Israelis working against their own country fail to realise that this is a war and in the heat of battle errors of judgement do happen. For the last several months, hardly a day has gone by without at least one stabbing or attempted stabbing of Jews by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs. It’s a coordinated campaign of terror sparing neither women nor children nor the elderly and aided and abetted by the hypocritical Abbas, Israel’s “peace partner.”
In Connolly’s entire report, there is not even the slightest indication that Arab terrorism against Jews should even be questioned, let alone condemned. That’s the BBC – never met an Arab terrorist it didn’t like, especially when the victims are Israeli Jews.
For those that haven’t had one drop on their doormat yet, you can read it here. To rub salt into the wounds plenty of diversity contained within, I wonder who it is they’re targeting?
Click to access why-the-government-believes-that-voting-to-remain-in-the-european-union-is-the-best-decision-for-the-uk.pdf
Here’s a challenge to try. Show people the picture of the ship and ask them to have a close look and see how many notice this. The ship is very well laden but see how far it’s floating out the water.
I work opposite Tilbury Docks on the River Thames. Every day I watch ships sailing upriver with water lapping the scuppers and down so empty the propeller breaks the surface. All those containers are empty so don’t talk about British Exports to Europe being affected.
Slightly off topic – SJW article from HE blog. On which I have commented – RM.
“Their [older] generation hoards property and wealth.”
I know this wasn’t the main topic of the debate but it seems like open war on the Baby Boomer generation from certain quarters.
We’re being demonised for being thrifty, unmaterialistic and saving for our futures. 90%+ of our friends have lived in the same house for 30 years or more, yet in our neighbourhood and similar ones around the town it’s certain 30-somethings who are having houses gutted and extended to suit their exact tastes – ‘large living spaces’ seem a current obsession – most then move on after a year or so to their next ‘project’ having made a large profit. They are also the ones who drive the big, flashy 4 x 4s whilst their parents and grandparents – some well into their 70s – do the child minding whilst giving shedloads of hard-earned cash as a leg-up for their less well-off kids and grandkids.
Commenters showing remarkable restraint, So far.
I thought the Muslim Brotherhood had caught up with him for a moment!
No Ian Kuntz, he is either trying to find an ‘offshore fund’ to put his humongous BBC salary in or trying to find a copy of The National Post to find out what his ilk have been up to!
Shame there’s no Sharks around.
The cranes dealt with them.
I am not a Tory supporter but in the interest of impartiality…. reading all the posts on this site, I am amazed why Tory MPs, the PM and the rest of their supporters have not called for judicial inquiry into the biased reporting Al Beeb?
I have now declined to pay the unfair and archaic TV Tax. I hope that you will all follow suit .
Taffman, this is a most interesting question that you raise. Here are some possible reasons, in no particular order.
(1) The Tories need the BBC to keep the population in line, e.g. to prevent voicing of angry opposition to mass immigration or to ensure a pro-EU vote in the Referendum; so they ‘buy’ cooperation at the cost of Leftist bias.
(2) The Tories calculate that a Left-biased BBC might actually help them. Tory researchers may even read this site and note the anger! This sounds stupid – and maybe it is – but the logic would be that, if many Britons still have a sense of fair play, they will have a (perhaps grudging) sympathy for Tory ministers trying to explain reasonable policies in the face of reflex metropolitan elite Left hostility. The BBC vilification of UKIP didn’t do that party much harm in 2015 (3.88 million votes, even with the threat of Ed Miliband to scare folk into voting Tory with a heavy heart): hostility from the BBC can boost your ‘street cred’.
(3) Polling may indicate to them that the BBC, like the monarchy, remains fairly popular, particularly among older people who tend to go out and vote. This popularity may not be deserved and may owe more to broadcasts of years/decades ago than to current output, but the reputation remains, making the BBC hard to tackle without accusations of cultural vandalism.
(4) David Cameron and his pink kind of Tories may broadly agree with the BBC’s preferred narratives in many cases, and disagree only on specific points, leading them to put up with BBC bias in general. A more Right-wing Tory party would disagree more often and pressure would build for change but those days seem to have gone with the 1980s.
(5) The BBC might have some hold over the Tories to keep them ‘honest’, e.g. some scandal to reveal or the threat to re-toxify the Tory brand, as successfully done up to the election of 1997. This is pure speculation.
(6) The money donors to the Tories have made it a condition of their support that the BBC is left untouched, as they share many aspects of the BBC’s globalist agenda. Again, this is speculation, but is a simple explanation.
I’d welcome any views people may have on this matter.
Surely as a public broadcaster the BBC can be forced to advertise more widely for its staff than in that left-wing rag known as The Guardian.
I’m curious as to how this could be accomplished. Would a new law have to be passed?
Wouldn’t it be great to see the BBC have a shake up.
Well , I think Cam does get it , because he lumped the Evil BBC , Guardian & Mirror together in his example of other organisations , together with some trade unions, using Offshore companies ,for finance & pensions, in the Commons debate yesterday.
Essexman, I’m not sure you can put Pension Fund investments offshore. This attempt by Dave and a lot of others to suggest ‘we are all in this together’, I have a feeling is very, very untrue.
IIRC, by law Pension Fund Trustees have to invest in quite a restricted range of investment vehicles and ‘going offshore’ would not be allowed. For a personal pension it will be different, but such a personal pension would be very different to a UK Employment Pension via UK Employment and Pension law and the State Pension. That is not what is being spotlighted here, it is the personal wheeling & dealing of individuals, NOT the bulk of the UK population.
Perhaps any on here who work in the Pensions Industry can shed more light for us all.
BBC Pension Trust top 100 investments, Amazon, Facebook, Tesla, Samsung, Microsoft, BNP Paribas, Bank of America etc. looks pretty ‘offshore’ to me.
No. They are international businesses not off-shored funds. They are quoted internationally on Stock Exchanges. IIRC, what was happening via Mossack Fonseca was private investment trusts, not quoted on HKSE, NYSE, LSE, etc.. which is where Trustees of Pension Funds are allowed to invest limited amounts of their funds.
Am not up to date on such laws but again, IIRC, certain proportions have to be kept in cash, bonds, Gilts & equities and certain property. All open to other investors.
The Cameron investment vehicle was not open to me. And probably not you either, unless Jim, your personal income & wealth are substantial enough. 😉
“wheeling & dealing”
Not sure what that is. Sounds like: “investments by people with more money than I have” which, sadly, would be a very British way of looking as it.
I too have been astonished as to why the Tories allow the BBC to get away with their leftist bias year in year out. I think that all of reasons you give above are plausible, the first four particularly so. But I would add to reason 5 the variant of making the Tory brand unelectable not by having a ‘hold over the Tories ‘ but by the mere threat , perhaps even unspoken , that they will use their near monopoly of UK news and current affairs output to do so. Of course the corporation does this already and certainly tried to do so at the last election but Ed Milliband let them down by being such a plonker and hopefully Corbyn will be even less electable than his predecessor. But the threat of the BBC deciding to indulge in all out war against a political party is one that parties shy away from. They are scared to death of the BBC both as individual MPs and as collective parties. UKIP did well at the last election, but how much better would they have done if the BBC had not undermined them at every turn? The Tories are presently ‘pink’ because that is a modus vivendi that they have found with the BBC. If they try to be more Tory like the BBC will increase the intensity of the ‘war’ and bring them back into line with the views of the liberal elite . We are governed by a liberal elite which uses the BBC as their enforcement arm and which can safely ignore democratic views that they don’t agree with . Only by getting rid of the BBC can democracy flourish in the UK but who has the balls to do this?
Why cant they take bloody sandwiches like everyone else when working shifts ?
Get rid of the TV Licence . Perhaps they will then find out what it is like to work in the real world?
The BBC could sack two middle-managers and save £300k, rather than have an industrial dispute/strike.
Has the ‘invasion’ of Europe suddenly come to an end or has AlBeeb imposed a news blackout as damage limitation to the impending EU referendum ?
Hardly a peep about refugees and asylum seekers.
The Macedonians are trying to hold the line, and for doing so are accused of “bringing shame on Europe” by Alexis Tsipras the Greek PM who represents the SYRIZA “alliance of the radical left” party.
This was reported on PM last evening, of course they didn’t mention Tsipras extreme left political affiliation, nor did they question the behaviour of the bands of mainly Muslim men who attacked the border fence, fought with riot police and allowed children to be present (some of whom were inevitably injured) whilst all this was going on.
“Children used as human shields by illegal immigrants” came to mind as a possible headline…..obviously it didn’t occur to the BBC reporters.
Meanwhile the Tsipras government, despite the virtue signalling, cooperates with FRONTEX to deport illegal immigrants back to Turkey.
Certainly the toddler tossing over the razor wire was one the BBC seemed to have no time or space for. And drowning infants also not now a bit ‘After Alyan’ too.
Editorial integrity at play for sure, and no management interference, clearly.
Well would you believe it? New series of The Unbelievable Truth started Monday on 4Extra. Susan bloody ‘my wife’ Calman was one of the panel (of course). Her topic was supposedly ‘supermarkets’. Her first sentence?
‘I got married in a supermarket.’ [14.14]
Can she not open her mouth even to breathe without mentioning her effing so-called ‘wife’ and/or her effing so-called ‘marriage’?!?!?!?
Follow-up question: is there a BBC programme she’s not on these days?
Note the ‘canned laughter’ to make the listener aware that there was a ‘funny’ quip. Why are we compelled by law to pay for this rubbish that they call comedy ?
Perhaps Marvin or Jerrod can enlighten us ?
I’d rather they didn’t. I’m not interested in their views.
If she “married” at such a place, then that speaks as to how seriously the rest of us should consider this “marriage”.
BOGOF? Like Sir. Rev and his squeeze. Allegedly.
I was thinking that very thought yesterday. Wouldn’t it be cheaper for the BBC just to give Calman’s ‘wife’ her interminable gigs?
Calman is the least funny person on the BBC since Orla Guerin. Who can forget Guerin’s hilarious account of the Israeli’s destroying a Palestinian town called Bint Jbeil, complete with footage, only for the entire report to have been a wonderful joke. How we laughed.
Calman seems to be under the same delusion as the mindless drunk in a bar, that if they just talk about anything with a certain rise in the voice it is going to be funny. A joke isn’t about rabbiting endlessly, rather it requires a setup and a pay off. The pay off should confound our expectations. She should study Orla Guerin’s techniques far more closely. I have seen good people weep when listening to Guerin.
Any mention of migrants, refugees or asylum seekers is glaringly conspicuous by its absence this morning on the BBC
Lanky Dan Walker and Beaky Nugent on the red sofa hand over to Graham Satchell down in St Ives who reports – largely sympathetically – on a local referendum on proposed new restrictions on second home buyers. St Ives homes for existing St Ives resisidents is the mantra.
For those of us with a memory beyond the ability of a Beeboid or a goldfish in a bowl…
– lefty luvvie Juliet Sevenson just days ago called for us to open our doors to all migrant children up to the age of 18. To which plea the BBC Breakfast presenters offered not a whisper of counter argument.
– our Graham Satchell in August 2015 filed a report from Sweden fulsome in praise for newcomers and strongly putting the case for all of europe to open its doors to outsiders.
‘Come One, Come All… “The city is mostly Iraqi and Syrian immigrants, but some Swedes live here too.”’
So how come St Ives gets a free pass from the BBC?
Have the Beeboid second home buyers got in already before the ban might come into force?
All these migrant new arrivals – stick ’em in London?
How often and proven wrong is Mandelson:
This made me laugh, around 48 minutes in on lasts nights Newsnight EU Special programme, Mandleson talking about the Euro says:
“we were right then not to join and we are right now?”
Trouble is he was WRONG THEN when trying to join Euro and IS WRONG NOW – proof:
At some other point last night Mandleson attempted to up the FEAR factor with another nonsense statement about the EU would put 10% Import tax on all British Motor exports to EU:
With the Billions we have in trade deficit we have with German motors exported to UK alone, it does not long to work out that there is not a chance in hell that would happen, since it has been estimated that alone would cost Germany tens of thousands of job loses in just 2 manufacturers, BMW & Mercedes, not to mention the rest.
Our overall trade deficit with the EU is £30 billion, which is almost exactly our trade deficit with Germany.
Never forget’Treasure Island’!
I (very) briefly watched the ‘debate’ last night with Mandelson.
My view on this slimeball is not fit to give on a family blog but how anyone can bear to listen to this deceitful POS for any longer than 10 seconds is beyond my comprehension.
Agreed – what a nasty man.
Not sure how well known this possible urban myth is, but it always makes me chuckle with ref to Mandelson…that he asked for some of the ‘guacamole’ when going into a Hartlepool chippy (the constituency he was parachuted into – how ridiculous he must have looked there, if you know Hartlepool, and I am descended from monkey hangers) when it was mushy peas that he was looking at.
Champagne and guacamole socialist…
PS, sorry I think I hit the ‘report’ button when replying..
I think that was Brian Gould mistaking mushy peas for “avocado dip”.
10 seconds?
‘Ere, ‘ang on a mo, Charlatans!
Isn’t a sizeable chunk of the UK motor industry OWNED by the Germans? I think they are hardly likely to be in favour of a trade tariff of any amount if it affects their sales elsewhere in the EU.
Nice dig at The Gover on the Toady programme this morning. The Scottish misgovernment is responsible for Scottish education and commissioned the failing school buildings under complex public/private initiative terms. Some nomark Scottish architect managed to blame Gover for having said in the past that he wasn’t there to make architects rich, which was extrapolated to suggest he was there to make financiers rich. Is there anything at all for which the Scottish government and the odious chippy chipmunk Sturgeon IS responsible apart from misusing my tax contributions?
Wasn’t she responsible for keeping jobs in Port Talbot and Middlesbrough by buying steel for the Forth Replacement Crossing?
Oh, my mistake, that would mean supporting the Welsh and the Wicked English rather than her EU pals and communist mentors wouldn’t it!
I have two kids on extra holiday at the moment due to these failing buildings. Frankly, it’s depressing to see this used as a political football. I’d be interested to hear from those with experience in the area, but what seems to have happened is a failure in basic construction technique whereby ties between external cladding and the main structure haven’t been put in. These ties cost very little either for the material or man hours and there simply isn’t the financial incentive to omit them. It should have nothing to do with the method of finance or whether it was a private or public contractor who did the job, it’s a failure that even an apprentice brickie should have spotted. How such a failure was perpetuated over so many buildings with no-one noticing is going to be fascinating to discover.
I know of a case where a house built by the same contractor in nearby East Lothian had to have a wall rebuilt for exactly the same reason and am beginning to suspect that this will spread well beyond public buildings.
I was very suspicious when I saw a tram sized hole in the side of one particular building.
Seriously, the error you mention is down to lack of basic site supervision or the competence of those tasked with supervising the work or signing it off.
Frame to wall ties or standard block to block wall ties were omitted. They cost about 2p each and should have fitted every third/fourth brick in alternating rows. As the outer skin of brick/block is not tied to the frame, the blockwork begins to belly outward with the vertical force of the weight of the structure above it.
The engineer and the architect for the project would have specified these and it seems completely unbelievable that these would be omitted on seventeen separate projects.
At completion, the supervising engineer has a final inspection and would issue a Form Q which basically guarantees the structural integrity of the building. The intermediate visits should have picked up such a glaring omission.
This really is completely unbelievable that this could happen accidentally on so many public projects.
The remedial works showed holes being drilled and wall anchors being inserted to tie the walls together.
No doubt there will be ‘lessons learned’ and no-one will get the sack.
Maybe not using wall ties is standard practice in Poland.
Can’t really blame the Poles on this one. They would have heard about the ‘no ties’ regime on the BBC and, keen to integrate, simply followed the rules.
You can be absolutely sure of two things.
1. This situation is entirely due to the greedy evil private sector and shows what happens when privatisation of education is allowed to occur. No-one in the public sector has done anything wrong.
2. The public sector officials a. followed all the correct procurement procedures and b. the individuals involved have now left or moved to other departments.
That should just about cover the bBBC Marxists ‘reporting’ of this event.
Which by the way does not excuse the builders whose work has resulted in this situation.
Thanks, Thatcherrevolutionary. That seems to bear out my understanding, and my confusion as to how it could possibly be so widespread.
It should have nothing to do with the method of finance or whether it was a private or public contractor who did the job,…..
Absolutely dead right, but the crafty way the BBC constructed their report you’d think it was the nasty private sector which was to blame.
Power to the People: The Nation that gave the world Magna Carta and a world class lesson in propaganda and misinformation:
But despite the BBC — this is happening:
The ‘worm is turning’ it would appear, since Tommy Robinson who is in court Thursday has acquired the finance to fund a Top Barrister and his team. These videos, from across the pond have had an impact:.
Tommy Robinson has been much heartened by the response to the appeal for money to defend him.
Make no mistake the elite is out to get him any way they can. There is something about him that the governing classes and their hangers on in the media really fear.
The fate of any ordinary Englishman who really gets up their nose from Wat Tyler onwards ( not forgetting Hereward the Wake). If you have not done so contribute.
Huge thanks, Dave S. Had no idea he had another court date coming up. Have donated and look forward to hearing how Thursday goes for him, though probably not from the bbbc – unless unfavourable.
I think Tommy has done enough; and if he comes through the other side of this latest state legal chicanery, then he should back off or he will be jailed again for something (anything) and killed / injured to a life changing degree in prison or he will be in and out of prison for the rest of his life.
A very brave man but he will destroy his and his family’s lives if he continues doing all the heavy lifting. I have immense respect for Tommy Robinson, but I don’t want to see him ground into nothing by those in power who will do anything to protect the Islamic filth here in the U.K.
The Establishment fears him to a remarkable degree for some reason; his book is astonishing – I couldn’t put it down.
If you think things are bad in Britain, read that and you realize it’s about 100 X worse.
Am I alone in reading this article and feeling like I was in some weird sci fi world?
It’s the most ridiculous article I can remember reading, and brings to mind pandering to juveniles, devil makes work for idle hands etc. And I guess tax payers are funding it. We truly are engineering our own demise.
I’m new to this website and I enjoy reading the majority of views with which I sympathise. Not comfortable with some of the language though – just sayin’.
Loobyloo – you not alone with your thoughts ref ” Gender identity clinic for young people sees referrals double”
In fairness, they should open a clinic for those of us who think the world has gone mad! That Clinic would be over-subscribed before it opens!
Loobyloo, it is rather disturbing this whole transgender hysteria. I think children claiming to be transgender will rise exponentially over the next few years.
gives the transcript from Dr. Charles L. Ihlenfeld, who first worked with transgenders in new york in 1979.
“There is too much unhappiness among people who have had the surgery,” he said. “Too many of them end as suicides.” The transsexual candidate, he added, has been described as “the only patient who diagnoses himself and prescribes his own treatment.”
“The very fact that a doctor clears the patient for hormone therapy, he said, can act as a self-fulfilling prophecy for that patient. It may signify to him that his fantasy has received confirmation from the medical profession and that there is now no turning back.”
“Hormone therapy also reinforces the tendency, common among transsexuals, to shy away from psychotherapy, Ihlenfeld continued. There is always the fear, he said, that if a doctor looks too deeply into their psyche, he will take away the dream of sex change that has nourished them all their life. “`No psychiatrist is going to change my mind,’ they will tell you.”
“The unhappiness continues. Last month, Jenner used the occasion of accepting the ESPY award for courage to tell the world that 41 percent of transgenders attempt suicide. ”
Reading the studies,
90% of transgender patients had at least one other significant form of psychopathology
61% treated for cross-gender identification had other psychiatric disorders&illnesses, notably personality, mood, dissociative, and psychotic disorders
50% had depressive symptoms and more than 40% had symptoms of anxiety.
Adding to this,
“In all the rhetoric about gender change success you cannot find one sound bite from any media source that acknowledges that even one transgender suffers from a serious mental illness, much less reporting the 90 percent like Case Western Reserve University found, or the 61 percent that the survey of Dutch psychiatrists reported. The numbers are astonishingly high, yet no media reports it.”
I did a wordsearch of the BBC report above you mentioned, not once is the word ‘mental’ or ‘illness’ used.
I think the BBC and other media, are playing a very dangerous game with young minds. The repercussions to society could be …
This man thinks he’s a cat.

So they gave him the plastic surgery he asked for. Just found out he killed himself. He thought he had another 8 lives left.
Welcome Loobyloo
……. enjoy reading the majority of views with which I sympathise. Not comfortable with some of the language though – just sayin’. ……
Totally agree, but there are those who feel so strongly about certain issues/people, they find it tough to express their feelings in a more articulate way. I tend to by-pass those comments when I see colourful language written in full.
The ‘non-binary gender’ Sasha either exists as two different people or the writer of the piece struggles with English grammar.
Either way our wonderful NHS has stopped her natural development into a woman and is now trying to pick up the mental mess as she decides she isn’t really a man.
Thank heaven the BBC’s brown boys will soon be putting an end to all this nonsense.
Can the people with cancer all form an orderly queue and die quietly? The NHS has got more important gender issues to deal with.
I sometimes think that I’ve heard the worst bias, not to say journalistic incompetence, from the BBC – and then something even more blatant occurs. This morning on Today Sarah (?)
interviewedjoined David Miliband in a broadcast on behalf of the Remain tendency. One example: Miliband asserted that in the last year or 10 years – this wasn’t made clear (or maybe I missed it) – some 4,000 EU citizens have been refused entry into the UK. Miliband didn’t tell us why and Montagu was too polite to enquire further. In any event this, according to Miliband, was clear evidence that we had complete control of our borders. Sarah failed to ask Miliband how many EU citizens had actually entered the UK while this mythical (?) 4,000 had been refused: an obvious follow-up question surely (well, obvious to a journalist!).Then, in the last question of the interview, Sarah actually asked a direct question about the Deed of Variation of his father’s will which benefitted David and Ed to the extent that substantial IHT would be avoided. Miliband’s answer was to a question not even asked since Miliband’s response was to the effect that Corbyn had a perfect right to declare Labour’s policy on tax: “thank you Mr Miliband” was Sarah’s response.
The Radio 4 flagship “news” 10 minutes later included the world-shattering info that David Miliband – a failed politician, serial parasite, charity entrepreneur and liar (although this accurate summation of Miliband’s reputation was not included by the announcer) – had declared in a BBC interview that Brexit would mean a reduction of the UK’s influence in the world to that of Andorra. BBC bias just never ends.
That “discussion” with David Miliband about Britains place in the world was comedy gold wasn`t it?
“Britains strength is multiplied by the other 17 member states”……oh Yeaaaaah David, pull the other one.
No mention of Britains possession of a Nuclear deterrent within NATO though, do they know something we don`t?
And the line “Britains leaving the EU is an act of arson against the world order” struck me as a slightly risky line to use…a “world order” that promotes the reduction of the first world to labour units for China and India and the wholesale Islamification of the west is a “world order” that deserves to be sabotaged. Lets go to it!
Sorry, My typo.. that second line should read….
David Miliband stated that ” Britains strength is multiplied by the other 27 member states”…..bwaahahaha!
ahem…. sorry again.
Is not Milleband connected with Soros? That would explain a lot.
“Brexit would mean a reduction of the UK’s influence in the world to that of Andorra. ”
Ah yes, that would be the Andorra which has a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, has nuclear weapons, and is the fifth largest economy on Earth. It would be terrible to descend to the level of influence of that Andorra wouldn’t it?
Or is David Miliband a lying parasitical scumbag? Perish the thought.
David Millipede used to advocate for enlarging the E.U. to include various North African countries – I’m not sure quite how well that would have worked out for us.
He should stay in New York – he fits right in there.
I just read that too and it’s a hoot.
“The statistics show that there were a total of 1,398 referrals to the clinic last year, 913 of whom were female and 485 male. ”
Shouldn’t that read 1398 don’t knows.
Competition time.
The above link takes you to the BBC news web site outlining the appalling treatment of children kidnapped by Boko Haram. This includes rape, forcing the boys to kill members of their own family, bombings etc.
Now see if you can spot the word Muslim used to explain Boko Haram or the word Christian to identify the children victims they abuse.
Well there’s a shock! The BBC in a near-orgasmic state of joy as it breathlessly announces an EU proposal on multinationals’ tax affairs, via all its many news orifices.
Wouldn’t it be simpler, cheaper and more honest just to run the headline ‘vote remain’ rather than to propagandise this empty (and oh so carefully timed) tosh?
Hmmm. The EU, which usually takes years to respond to anything, happens to come up with this just at the point the BBC/Guardian media release of the Panama papers is at full moral hysteria. My olfactory senses detect a large rodent.
Incidentally, just what are the details of the Panama papers? I don’t recall hearing any of that, just that David Cameron is somehow involved for declaring his income to HMRC. This whole story has been orchestrated from start to finish, led by the media monster with 70% reach.
…Just wait till we get to the June referendum for our “October Surprise.”
I wonder how strongly the BBC will push this report… so far it is not reporting it online at all…
My guess is that rather then report this, it will quietly drop the whole witchhunt.
Corbyn is financially illiterate, as well as being a socialist, but then I repeat myself. It is quite possible this is an honest mistake because the fool really does not know what he is doing. He could not even organise himself to get his tax return in on time, yet he thinks he can be the next prime minister!
“He could not even organise himself to get his tax return in on time2
Even though the time allowed is quite generous.
Iain, But Corbyn has lots of money to pay the penalties for late submission !
Corbyn in the words of Joe Pecsi in Casino – “This guy could f**k up a cup of coffee.”
If the BBC are consistently inadequate on matters economic, they ought to be blethering on about the fall in the oil price, any day now. Listen to that space, folks!
(It is actually up substantially in less than a week and up over 50% since the recent $28 low.)
£16 must buy an absolute banquet in Salford
This is just ridiculous, I wonder how it got to £16 rather than just being a nice round £15 (which is also very high)…
Are they taxed on their £16 meal perk? I have to pay for my food out of what is left after tax.
Well remember Greggs in the Regent Centre , Salford doing a “rioters special” in 2011.
Much less than £16 quid I can assure you -AND you got entry ticket to win the raffle for a pair of baggies and a pinstripe jacket with just the subtlest hint of petrol.
They torched the Greggs in Peckham during the riots. First time anything had been baked from scratch on the premises.
In a Tory budget cuts context the BBC inevitably calls this kind of action an ‘Austerity measure’.
What hypocrites, eh?
Only just caught up with the Moral Maze on the Brussels’ Bombing. I was shouting at the MP3 player how Muslims have already changed our way of life, ie there isn’t merely a danger of them doing so. Already I cannot see a painting of Mohammad in an art gallery, The Oxford Press have banned their writers from using the word pig, documentaries on Islam are, well, virtually non existent, exams are changed to suit Muslims, Halal meat is served in most places, and so forth.
But I was caught up short with my mindless yelling when an apologist for Jihadists, a nutter by the name of Inayat Bunglawala, said the reason for the emergence of Al Qaeda and ISIS was the western invasions of Iraq and other places, to which I presume he meant Afghanistan. No one corrected him.
This means the BBC/Guardian has won. They have white washed history and then rewritten it so that Al Qaeda is born as a result of the invasion of Iraq. It is all the west’s fault after all. Sorry folks Inayat Bunglawala is the future.
Inyat was radicalised , like so many takiyya merchants in the UK; by the book burnings and attempting lynchings and firebombings after Rushdie wrote his book in 1989.
That particular “spirit of the beehive” has cost us dearly…Thatcher and Tebbit were not to know-but a few executions for treason and sending a few of the “outraged Muslims” back to their home hell holes would have saved us a lot of trouble.
Weasels like Bungle are the weeds we spared….more fool us.
I turned off the juvenile Vine show with its Facebook junk story re. wet nursing. (Apparently it’s only wet nursing when its paid for – news to me).
On to the ‘serious’ PM programme and ‘coming up’ – “Would you do wet nursing?” Dumb and dumber.
But we do get some serious stuff. The IMF says the world will come to an end if we leave the EU. Question: How much is the IMF prepared to pay us to stay in? £1000B?
Far be it from me to refer dircetly to the current BBC-prized agenda-busting superinjuction furore…
It is a shame Popeye’s girlfriend had to be involved.
Don’t be shy AslSeelt, say what you really mean.
I can’t hold a candle to your comment…. so I might have to Enquire elsewhere as to what you are on about or be Guided elsewhere to a National Post to find out who The Star is, somewhere over the pond!
I never thought I would see the day when unions attack the BBC and have a ‘class war’ dig at top bosses car perks.
Well, well , well.
Toady this morning reporting on Danny Willett’s victory in the Masters, basically implying Spieth lost it Willett didn’t win; a bit like when England won the Grand Slam – Ireland had lots of players injured.
WTF? Can’t al beebus ever tone down the anti-English and anti-British spin?
Who would want to be part of this German dominated EU….free speech erosion underway, dictated by Erdogan!!
And are the BBC outraged at this censorship? No, this comedy is too vulgar and crass for polite (German) society and has overstepped the mark. Hard to believe, but happening before our very eyes. Wake up Europe!
No more criticism of Adolf-Schicklegruber Hitler then eh Fritz?
He was Austrian after all-so we don`t pop at foreign leaders then do we?
I see what you mean… but at least he is getting police protection for his remarks.
In this country we are more likely to be arrested and imprisoned in a high security wing full of Muslim prisoners (with the tacit nod and a wink that it’s OK to kill this one) for the crime of offending everyone’s favourite religion (I refer, of course, to the treatment of Tommy Robinson after his arrest for the crime of heinous and violent mortgage fraud).
Made the mistake of not tuning my car radio to Steve Wright yesterday.
So got a few minutes of Shiela Dillons godawful “Foodie Show” on Radio 4(3.30pm).
Started well though-about how a nuclear sub would feed its crew for months at sea.
Interesting-might learn something here!
Took just SEVEN minutes before the poppet on the sub was moaning about the prawns and chicken nuggets not being sourced from Gairlochs organic Waitrose-don`t the MOD even care about a lack of expensive radioactive locally sourced beef that cooks itself?…how will Nicola Sturgeon get her highlights done if we don`t catch our own Loch Fyne prawns as the sub thingie trawls a big pink net behind the blunt bit at the back?
I baled out-leaving the 138 poor sods on the sub to patiently explain to Shiela that even if they DID carry lots of scrummy Highland Well water in eco-sustainable plastic-they could still not full them with poo to fire at the Chinese ,seeing as the plastic`s a bit serrated…so it`ll have to be Trident for the moment.
Still though-lasted 452 seconds before I scuttled off…more than usual for the BBCs tiresome lefty agitations.
Yes, the Food Programme has been a covert platform for Leftist talking points for years. I recall arguing with the late, unlamented, Reith about this a few years ago. In true BBC fashion he tried to pretend it was still a food programme, Not since Dillon snatched the throne, it hasn’t been!
I wonder why foodies are so often tiresome Left wingers?
Just for the record (and echoing Chrish’s observation concerning the Radio 4 “Foodie Show”), it took less than 15 minutes into BBC4’s new series fronted by explorer and naturalist Stewart McPherson on the UK’s Overseas Territories to bring up the tragedy of water rise caused by human created “climate change”. Of course, our (and by “our” is meant whitey European) responsibility is a given – a sort of “settled science” – even if the rise in the oceans has been more or less constant (at millimeters/year) since whatever caused the warming ending the ice age around 20,000 years ago. Is there no programme uncorrupted by the Narrative?
Umbongo, there is no programme now on the BBC that doesn’t carry some narrative or another. I don’t listen to the programmes any more other than to listen to how long it takes before at least one narrative is mentioned. It is a daily contest between myself and co worker to who gets it right first!
‘Costing the Earth’ on R4 today was another load of climate codswallop served up by the fragrant, but increasingly dippy, Dr Alice Roberts. In BBC land, anthropogenic climate change has been proved beyond doubt so we must adapt or else. Dr Alice gave us a lecture about how those noble savages years ago adapted to climate change and we should learn from them. I was a bit perplexed about the comparison between The Fens and Somerset levels. Somehow, the learned Dr and her research assistants were not able to make the link between stopping conducting proper drainage and flooding (Somerset levels) and continuing proper drainage and no flooding (The Fens). There was a bit of an own goal when the collapse of previous civilisations due to climate change was mentioned as one of the examples was due to a drop in temperatures. Oh well, what is important is to keep banging the climate change drum.
Just been looking at the BBC’s football online page and I not that there are reports concerning women’s football. With these reports was a league table where the country was named followed by the word women, such as, “Scotland Women”, “Iceland Women”.
I hope to see in the very near future, on all BBC’s football league tables and reports the following: “England Men”, “Scotland Men” “Chelsea men” “Birmingham Men” etc, for to not include the word “men” where “woman” is so well paraded is blatantly sexist.
Sort it quick BBC or I’ll write to the equalities commission.
Recent satellite data is showing that the North Atlantic is cooling rather rapidly. Now this is not supposed to be happening according to Global Warming experts, but it is. Predicting what our summer weather will be like should the cooling continue, is rather depressing, for if we get stuck under a slack Jetstream, our heating bills for this year will be rather high as we turn on the heat during our summer evenings. Snow for N. England and Scotland this weekend.