Calling Mr Harrabin, calling Mr Harrabin:
[Toronto set a record low for the day, dipping down to minus 9oC. This easily beat the old record of minus 7.2C set in 1985.
11 Apr 2016 – For the first time on record, April has been the snowiest month of the cold weather season at Toronto’s Pearson Airport. And we’re still less than two weeks into the month.
As of Sunday, the city had picked up 20.3 cm of snow this month, more than December and January combined.
The last time the city saw more snow in April was in 1979, when 25.8 cm fell during the month.]
The NIck Robinson show on the EU was maybe unintentionally enlightening. It made clear just how the whole thing has been an elite project and how our part in it was nearly all due to a failure of nerve by our elite class. This class stopped believing in the abilities of the British people to make their land prosper. Cowards the lot of them.
I wonder if the BBC realise just how badly this governing class of ours comes out of the sorry tale. Selling our sovereigity for what?
De Gaulle had it right and knew all along that we in our island have different outlook on the world.
This same governing class of ours has betrayed us all in so many ways. I hope this programme made a few of us realise just how dreadful has been our political class over the last 50 years.
I believe you are absolutely right with your comments about the ‘governing class’. Orwell observed a similar lack of self-belief and contempt for Englishness and after the second world war it got even worse. Far from being ‘the generation that defeated Hitler’ the generation that had the post-war reins, Macmillan, Heath, Wilson and their henchmen in the ruling elite, took from that marvelous victory, not that we were strong but that we were fragile. You could argue that they were being sensible in seeking to avoid another cataclysm but the truth is that weakness begets tragedy.
They gave away the Empire, surrendered to the Americans first and the Europeans shortly after. It is hard to view them with anything other than contempt. Lord knows what Kipling would have made of them..
Someone on this site recently criticised the BBC for its lack of scoops despite its £4Bn budget. Just spotted this headline that shows the Beeb has ‘still got it’.
I am sure it is pure coincidence that John Whittingdale just happens to be conducting the BBC’s charter review. His Wikipedia page has already been edited to include this story…amazing.
The BBC claimed a breaking story with an announcement made almost as they went on air, but lined up:
A pre-filmed package
An interview with Max Moseley (Hacked Off)
An statement from Chris (underpants) Bryant (political opponent)
Studio appearance by Cathcart (Hacked Off)
Brighton appearance by Greenslade (no friend of the Tories)
This has all the hallmarks of a pre planned political hit job by the BBC. What are they up to?
Hacked Off were a front for Common Purpose, Hope Not Hate and an assortment of other activist groups who would like to see the freedom of press curtailed so their leftist world view can prevail unhindered by reality.
Andrew Gilligan exposed the whole devious charade:
“”Minister John Whittingdale admits relationship with sex worker””
“”Culture Secretary John Whittingdale has admitted he had a relationship with a sex worker but said he did not know her real occupation”” (Easily done, I’m sure).
“”Downing Street said Mr Whittingdale “is a single man entitled to a private life” and had the full confidence of Prime Minister David Cameron”” (Not a good omen).
As you would expect, Newsnight have opened up on this (they like nailing Tories – remember McAlpine?). What is an old story from before Whittingdale was a minister, the BBC move into innuendo mode asking why is it that the Newspapers have not run the story? An interviewee claiming we have a right to know.
Now the BBC turn to the ‘hacked off’ mob for comment – including Max Mosely. And imply that as the media have something on the Culture Secretary, he will go easy on them.
Smear, innuendo – it’s what the BBC do best (but only if it’s a Tory in their sights). And the very selective BBC criticising the print media for not running a story is beyond hypocrisy.
Meanwhile if the Hacked Off brigade of free speech deniers had had their way reporting of Rotherham and other Muslim rape gang cases most likely would not have seen the light of day.
Another Hacked Off “partner” is Engage, an “anti-discrimination” group including Islamist sympathisers and whose staff have justified the killing of British soldiers. Engage was exposed by The Sunday Telegraph, in what it would no doubt protest to a regulator was “discriminatory” reporting.
Other groups described as “partner organisations” by Hacked Off’s website include the newly-established Youth Media Agency, which complained that the media’s “discriminatory” coverage of the August 2011 riots “singled out children and young people as the rioters” (72 per cent of those arrested were under 25) and Trans Media Watch, which condemns newspapers for “stigmatising” transsexuals. Alleged examples of discrimination, which Trans Media Watch wants to ban, included a reference to the Bois de Boulogne, a park in Paris, as “containing transsexual prostitutes”.
For those who want the facts on climate change unfiltered by the BBC or other representatives of the Green movement please try the above link.
It feels superbly researched, is desperate to avoid joining sides and puts climate, carbon, sea level rises etc into crisply understood perspective.
If the English graduate Roger Harrabin is around he might like to read it so that he can lose his mindless hysteria and finally enjoy a good nights sleep.
Watch “Watching the Hawks” on RT, Freeview Channel 135, at 12.30 or 17.30 today: Sean Stone interviews scientist Patrick Moore, Founder of Greenpeace: He talks about the fact that the “Carbon Dioxide Emperor” has not got any cloths on, and that the many pollutants in the Atmosphere do not include Carbon Dioxide. But then if the Length of Solar Cycle always correlates with Climate Change, then that would be the correct answer.
Did Roger Harrabin actually graduate, after studying English Literature at Cambridge University?
Here’s an extract from an article linked to his Wikipedia info (see notes 2 & 3 at the foot of the entry):
“My Time at Cambridge”
“Roger Harrabin (St Catharine’s 1973) is the BBC’s Environment Analyst. … … … …”
“… I enjoyed reading English,
particularly in my first summer
term, which was spent reading
Shakespeare and punting. What
class of degree did I get? I’ve
just told my wife I would ignore
that question. I remember going
to supervisions with a very camp
poet in a little room with two
cats which clawed at your
sensitive parts. Supervisions are
a wonderful privilege but I
didn’t go to lectures after my
first term as I thought you
would get more credit for
thinking for yourself than for
being told what to think. I
worked for three hours in the
mornings and that was it.”
Harrabin was born in March 1955, so would have been only 18 in 1973, which thus can’t be the year of his graduation. The convention in this publication may be to give the start year and not that of graduation (most likely 1976 in Harrabin’s case, assuming a 3-year undergraduate course in English, unless a year was lost because of e.g. ill health, of which there is no mention). I thought the graduation year was more normally used and more useful, e.g. for foreign language students who had a gap year abroad, and thus graduated a year later than contemporaries.
He doesn’t disclose his class of degree and hides behind a promise to his wife in order to justify this. He says he didn’t go to lectures after his first term, which is likely to have reduced his chances of a good degree (or any degree in fact), justifying this by saying he wanted to think for himself. Roger may have been clever but I suspect that even he would have been unable to anticipate all the wealth of existing scholarship and insights into Shakespeare or any other author, and it was very arrogant of him to imagine that he could, as well as a waste of tax-payer money.
Knowledge, a relevant degree, are not necessary for a BBC post as an expert in something. What would matter from his university days would be evidence of which student societies he was a member. Socialist societies, the Greens, SWP, might do the trick
It is usual to cite the year of matriculation, ie the year the undergraduate joined his college. This is because one becomes a member of the college at matriculation, and it is not dependent on subsequent graduation. Basically, once you are in, you are in.
For what it’s worth, if Harrabin matriculated in 1973, I imagine he graduated in 1976, probably with a Third.
The global economy depends on the UK – Really ? Well the global economy has done ‘’ all for the UK ….
The UK pays 2-1 into the EU .
The UK gives millions of foreign aid to countries that have bigger economies.
So China , India, the USA and the rest of the world’s economy would collapse ? Then Great Britain must still be ‘Great’.
The UK funds a world service broadcasting operation at our taxpayer’s expense.
Time to get out and get control of our democracy, government, and borders .
Vote ‘Brexit’ and ‘GO’.
I’ve received a booklet from Cameron about the EU .
Can the BBC remind us that he said the extra one billion plus they invoiced was unacceptable . And that he paid it .?
I like the subliminal terrorism joke placed in the booklet. It relates to the choice of picture for the joke, and the unlucky page thirteen chosen for it. Looks like a patriotic Civil servant got a bit of revenge on Cameron.
Great Britain has a shortage of hospital beds , school places, houses, doctors appointments and faces a threat to our security, while our leader wants us to remain in the EU and its open borders. He using the Al Beeb and the media to broadcast the propaganda.
Him and his big deal – remember, that worthless deal.
I wasn’t so much outraged by Cameron’s link to the Panama people or do I mind him defending his father. To me the most important thing is his bungling of the issue. He bungles everything. He totally bungled the Scottish referendum.
He totally bungled his proposed reforms to the EU. He has a habit of disregarding or demeaning his own party members. His handling of the immigration levels is a complete and utter disaster he must surely be the most incompetent PM that Britain has had. I read an article, can’t think where, a couple of years ago that said Cameron just wasn’t very good at politics. Perhaps it was the Spectator, anyway I think the author was really onto it. The reign of Dave the Spineless will be seen as a disaster on a mighty scale.
He could have redeemed himself by leading the UK out of bondage into the promised land, but no, he chooses to send plagues of pamphlets instead.
It was once said of Arafat that he never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Will that be Cameron’s epitaph?
I think that Cameron is an unprincipled Blairite-Liberal public relations careerist who joined the Tory party because that’s what upper-class twits from Eton habitually do.
For his Pro-EU Booklet statement: “Government” read “Rump Tory Government”. Rump meaning “an inferior remnant” as regards the fact that Pro-EU Tories make up an unrepresentative 30 percent minority of the party, but have effectively purged the 70 percent Pro-British Patriotic majority of the party from access to British Government Departments, by order of the Lord Protector of Traitors, David Cameron.
It must be the first time in history that a majority of a political party has been purged by its leader. No wonder Cameron and his unprincipled careerist cronies, bully the docile party workers and leafleters, and call the principled 70 percent of the party, swivelled eyed loons.
Cameron even convinced the swivelled eyed loons to vote for him to be leader, instead of David Davies. But if Tory members got off their backsides and used party democracy to counter-purge the party of these Pro-EU Traitors, making a Tory/UKIP pact acceptable for the next General Election. They would pick up an extra half million votes.
It must be the first time in history that a majority of a political party has been purged by its leader.
Not really. Both Stalin and Mao got there first.
An excellent comment! It is the supine failure of the Tories to act against this useless leader that marks it as a doomed party. The Tories should send every single member of the Labour Party a ten pound note in thanks for being even more useless than they are. If Labour was even half the party it has been in the past, the Tories would be obliterated.
BBC comrades ignore elephant wandering about the room… The BBC website reports that its affiliated political party, Labour, is to change its rules to clamp down on anti-semitism within it, including lifetime bans on membership (see Just for good measure, Waycism and Islamofauxbia will also be covered. But what has necessitated this drastic action, in a party that less than a year ago actually had a Jewish leader? The BBC helps us out – In 2014, Vicki Kirby – then a candidate in Woking – was suspended after tweeting that Jews had “big noses” and suggesting Hitler was a “Zionist God”. Or could it be the case of Labour Councillor Aysegul Gurbuz in Luton, who was suspended three days ago and resigned yesterday after a series of anti-semitic tweets from her were revealed? (see No, it can’t be that as the BBC don’t mention it at all in their article. Those who think that it may represent just the tip of the iceberg and that there are significant numbers of Labour councillors and members in places such as Luton, Bradford, Birmingham, Tower Hamlets etc and that the BBC does not wish to draw attention to the growing anti-semitism amongst some Muslims, plus that encouraged or at least enabled by the support for the Palestinian ’cause’ are clearly well off target.
I heard the inclusion of Islamophobia on one of the news bulletins and drew the conclusion that Labour will now put its main efforts into supporting the ever offended Moslems, The strategy of the BBC is that of the SWP and UAF which is to include regular expressions of outrage against Jews, whilst portraying Islamophobia as the real evil in society.
A group of Democratic lawmakers have vowed to fight a Mississippi law allowing the use of religious beliefs as a reason to deny services to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
The so-called Religious Freedom Bill – HB 1523 – was signed by the state’s Republican governor Phil Bryant last week.
But Democratic Rep Jay Hughes says he will do his best to reverse the bill before it becomes law on 1 July.
In a Facebook post, He wrote: “Mississippi has been here before – we must give reasonable minds and the principles of democracy an opportunity to be heard.”
Note the slogan ‘dont use my god’s name’…..Didnt realise anyone had used the name of Ba’al or Moloch when drawing up the law……
Interesting moment on BBC Breakfast this morning as the sofa pair Roger Bland and Sally Nomark (real names withheld) shoot the breeze with BBC/Guardian regular Steve Hewlett on the main subject of Whipping-gate – But what’s this ….? A brief, very judicious, side bar on the superinjuction story everyone around the world (barring England and Wales – officially) is talking about. I suspect the Beeb know this ludicrous legal anomaly can’t last and the story will out. Unfortunately for the BBC the murky tale will bust open one of their most cherished social agendas. By the way, apropos of nothing in particular – where are our BBC-loving little trollies lately?
The thing is with this Whittingdale fellow not knowing that he was “sleeping” with a “sex worker”, was she giving her services “charitably” then? If so, I’d gladly donate to that charity.
From the look of him, I doubt it. Mind you, what with this and Labour MP Chris Byant’s underpants selfie… plus LibDem Chris Huhne’s lesbian adventures – it does put a whole new meaning to the term “Members’ Interests”
As Angelina says, none of my children are aware who is adopted and who isn’t. Aint that right Sarah, Charlie, Wayne, Billy and Umbongo..
I’ll get me coat…
10pm BBC news last night brief synopsis of this case – he was jealous so beat her with a bar (iron?). No mention of the barbaric beheading, smashing up and trying to flush away her remains (sorry for the gruesome details). This was after the watershed and adults should be reminded of the brutal, barbaric actions of these dangers to society (is it me or is beheading increasing?)
Couldn’t be anything to do with ethnicity could it?
The Beeb are after another Tory now , not for doing anything illegal but on moral grounds. Yeah right ,cue the outrage squads meanwhile we’re importing our newer version of Cologne.
A progression from Rotherham,Oxford,Rochdale, Norwich and Leeds to this imported filth and not a peep from the feminists or the Beeb but to be fair I’ve only found it on the Mail online.
10/1 like the women in Cologne, women will be advised to cover up and only go out with a male relatives. Sound familiar??
Totally agree and it is scary. Thankfully I don’t have daughters to worry about, but others should be very worried. I won’t hold out much hope for justice in this case. She had been drinking so obviously she was up for it… can just imagine the defence lawyer’s angle….that of course we are paying for.
B BC News seems to be in la-la land at the moment….don’t mention immigration, EU problems ,organised rape gangs etc.
The News this morning devoted the majority of its time to Tesco ‘turning around’ to profit!!
The big news this weekend will be how the establishment ‘Vote Leave’ has been appointed (by another establishment body) to represent the Brexit vote.
What a stitch-up….the Tories knew Cameron was on the way out , so now we get Boris pretending to demand more concessions after the vote ,followed by Business As Usual.Never mind what the actual voters want.
Democracy down the toilet and people should be very angry about this conspiracy .
Yesterday’s Newsnight, and what a coincidence that Emily Maitlis allowed Ken Clarke to filibuster the time away and prevent Daniel Hannan getting in a last word. Perhaps she might have guessed that Daniel’s words would have had rather more relevance than pseudo bon viveur Ken’s time-consuming blather, but her apology had a delightful ring of sincerity about it. She’s getting better at her job, must be due a pay rise.
Watched a segment of Victoria Derbyshire (I know ..), and the discussion was Muslim on Muslim attacks. I know there are the two factions of Islam, Sunni and um Sh……. er? anyway there is another branch to join the fray ….. Ahmadi Amani whatever, and they are being attacked and abused by their other oppos within this one religion.
What have we come to in this country ? 50 odd years ago we would never have envisaged such a debate taking place. At school we thought the Catholics were the odd lot with their own assembly service in a separate classroom at our C of E school. Jewish people were as visible and as rare as hen’s teeth, and as for women wearing a veil – that was on the ads for Turkish Delight ! Yes before I’m shouted down, times have changed, but my point is, we have now been infiltrated by a religion that is not of our nationality and who are fighting amongst themselves as though they are in the Middle East.
All the clichéd responses about ‘living in a democratic society etc etc’ doesn’t seem to wash with followers of these alien religions, who are bringing their medieval ways and traditions, which are endemic in the lands where it was created, to the High Street and Acacia Avenues of this country. This is surely going to get worse, when more of this religion will spread like a cancer through migration and birth in the coming years until the Royal Family – if there still is one, will be reigning over a mainly Islamic population.
If some read this as Islamaphobia, then that’s their prerogative, but these are my observations, and until its proved to me otherwise, that’s the way I will continue to believe.
That’s what makes me angry. The most divisive aspects of Christianity had been dying out in this country apart from problem areas like N Ireland and, to a lesser extent, Glasgow and Liverpool. Things have improved and few people are dying. It is still with us but mixed up with politics, class and tribal affiliations in football. Hopefully it will expire out with the blockheads who are keeping it alive.
Instead of being thankful that a period of bloodshed is largely behind us, what have our leaders done? They have imported one of the most primitive, intolerant, divisive and incompatible religions for no good reason whatsoever and taken us back to the bad old days, only potentially far far worse.
As far as I’m concerned this is tantamount to treason. They will have blood on their hands.
Think of Europe circa 1618 and you get the idea that bad times are on the way again and all religion based. The Thiry Years War devastated central Europe and killed millions. Why should we endure something like this again just because a bunch of marxists fantasists thought that mixing the unmixeable was a good idea.
Harriet Sergeant investigates whether empty commercial buildings could house the homeless.
In October 2015, a group of housing activists – the Manchester Angels – broke into the defunct Manchester Stock Exchange and started living there illegally. They expected to be evicted by the building’s new owners, Premier League footballers Gary Neville and Ryan Giggs, who were midway through converting it into boutique hotel. But instead of action to get the squatters removed, the footballers decided to let them stay for the winter. Not everyone was happy with either party and the police were frequently called to incidents at the Stock Exchange, caused by rival groups of squatters.
Politicians have been so concerned about the damage caused to commercial property that they want to make squatting in commercial buildings a criminal, rather than a civil offence. But with the number of empty commercial buildings reaching record numbers – estimated at more than 1.5 million in the UK – has this high profile philanthropic gesture by two of the world’s most famous footballers challenged prevailing attitudes to squatting?
Harriet Sergeant, columnist for the Daily Mail and a contributor to the right-leaning Centre for Policy Studies, investigates why co-operatives and collectives are choosing to occupy defunct commercial spaces and whether the use of empty commercial buildings could provide a short-term fix for the burgeoning housing crisis.
Harriet talks to property developers, local authorities, leading academics, landlords, social groups and cooperatives using the example of the Manchester Stock Exchange to understand commercial squatting. Can it be harnessed to benefit cities, rather than seen chiefly as an anti social act?
A program full of lies and omitted truths.
Londons population has increased massively over the past two decades, but the BBC have no idea – or more likely are refusing to say, why that might be.
And there are even fewer houses for even working people to buy. The reason for this? Well it’s the perennial favourite hate group – the rich of course! Apparantly the homeless problem is a direct result of rich foreigners buying up homes which they rarely live in!
Wow, London must be more or less empty of people with all these second homes! There must be hundreds of thousands of super rich individuals.
No mention of mass immigration, no mention of ridiculous breeding by these migrants, and no mention of Labour killing the housing market either.
Perhaps the worst part of the program is in the beginning though where they ‘celebrate’ the squatters moving into the building owned by two white British footballers – which must be a good thing, right??
What they don’t say is where these squatters came from en masse, and that’s because it was Manchester Council which kept harassing them when they made a little camp underneath a fly-over in the city !
They weren’t even occupying a building, but the Labour council saw these mainly white homeless people as an unsightly problem they didn’t want.
Ever seen a Muslim squatter?? No neither have I, odd that isn’t it.
Of what? Muslim or Squatter?
Seen plenty of homeless people, the vast majority are white, a very few blacks very few women, and never ever have I seen a Pakistani / Bangladeshi.
A BBC news report tells of how migrants from Spain, Italy and Portugal are now settling here to find work because of the crisis in their homelands re the Euro and migration. Highlighted were Italian brothers who moved to London 2 years ago and set up a now thriving coffee shop. Fair enough. BUT, given that rent and rates are the highest in the land (probably the world), how do the migrants from across the Channel – whether Europeans or the rest of the world, manage to find the finances needed to fund the set up of a business, or to reside there ? Our own natives are moving out of London (white flight) because of abortively high house prices, thus creating the largest foreign only capital in the world, so how is this possible ?
An interesting question BRISSLES. I don’t think it is entirely about our ‘booming’ economy (as Cameron would like to take credit for). Osbourne has been clever by managing debt by making the UK appear bank worthy whilst we are still heavily in debt. But those that adopted the EURO are deeply in debt, so much so that it its doubtful it will ever be repaid (ever). So its not 100% surprise that Greeks flocking here. Its the same factor for many Italians who are currently in another ‘banking crisis’ with the Euro. The French also despise their own government and that is the next ‘big thing’ to collapse. All propped up by EU subsidies.
In short as the Euro is forced to bail out its Euro subscribers, it will become a valueless currency. So the UK pound is a safer bet. UK ‘Open borders’, ‘free housing’, guaranteed ‘living wage’ benefits, free ‘state education’ and free ‘medical cover’ on the NHS. Add in 25% VAT (on everything from baby food to Tampons) that the EU ‘imposes’ on member states and you can see the UK pull on immigrants (legal or otherwise). If we vote to stay ‘IN’ (june 23rd) then we (UK) will have to adopt the Euro and the same 25% VAT that has crippled small business in Europe and force those on the fringe of Europe to migrate here (like the Greeks and Italians who have given up with their own corrupt governments). The UK is just a nicer place to live (outside the EU grasp). We still have ‘jobs’ or work the ‘minimum wage’ at least until 23rd June.
If we ‘stay in the EU it will be more of the same. At least outside Europe we can prepare for the EURO’s eventual collapse. The Bank of England (would) be transferred to Brussels to offset the Euro collapse (as will the City of London trading floors) to Frankfurt and that would mean the end of any clout in Europe. There is no democracy in the EU Brussels Euro State plan.
Possible because some planning permission demands retail space, and now if Landlords leave it empty then they have to pay the business rates.
The philosophy is that it’s better to have someone paying something rather than no one, and having to pay out quite a lot of money for the privilege.
surprised the BBC are reporting this cost of taking Syrian refugees, but it is gobsmacking and should be broadcast widely. And many of them will probably receive life-long support. Pull the drawbridge up, vote out and get the ship back in order before it sinks.
Some simple Maths. We note the 20,000 are particularly vulnerable, so lets assume for the sake of argument they are composed of families of mum, dad, and two kids. That’s 5,000 school places needed. We don’t have empty classrooms just waiting to be used, and staff sitting in them twiddling their thumbs. Schools are bulging at the seams already. So we need to build the equivalent of 5 secondary schools pretty much from the start. That’s about £20 million each plus running costs of £6 million a year per school for say 10 years. That’s £80m cost per school for 5 schools. Total cost £400m.
But the revenue neglects the teachers unfunded pension scheme so this is a future liability of about £170k per teacher. Say 80 teachers per1000 pupil school, and there are five of them. That’s another £68 million.
I haven’t mentioned the NHS once and I’m nearly up to the quoted £500m+ figure on the cost of the children’s education alone.
And this dear reader is how much things actually cost, away from the Mickey Mouse world of central government.
Their quoted costs are a total misrepresentation and drastically underestimate the true cost to the hard-pressed ordinary taxpayer (as opposed to the ‘guilt-ridden’ celebrities, pop stars, and film stars who tell us how to think and how glad we should be to pay up – while they nip down to Mossack Fonseca)
Being pedantic here, but if every family arriving, presuming there were only families, had Mum, Dad, and two kids, that would mean 50%, or 10,000 extra school places required.
However, as most of the gimmegrants will claim to be under 16, then go for a much higher percentage, leaving aside all the skilled doctors, dentists, architects etc that you all need in the UK.
Perhaps some questions on arrival….
Q? Doctor Al Fuckwit, where is the spleen? A? It is a huge river in Syria.
Q? Architect Mohammed, what is the stress testing ratio for an average steel beam? A? Ever since I left Syria you have no idea of the stress we suffer. Where is my new passport?
Q? Dentist Al Mugrabe, I would like you to construct a brace using only the materials supplied. A. Where is the sewing machine
Sorry, missed one out. Q? Comeddiene Burquah, we note that you have a contract with the BBC. Could you please tell us a joke? A. Fock Maggi Thatcher
Brillliant sir. Thank you, how much money would you like for your new contract, funded by the Imperialist Scum! Well will start you on Newsnight, followed by HIGNFY, and if you are availabl for our recreation of The Good Life, even better.
Labour to tackle antisemitism, and probably go overboard tackling Islamophobia.
This article, however, presents Corbyn as an avowed enemy of antisemitism, eager to remove it from the party.
Perhaps, the opposite is the case.
Read on.
Interesting. Labour imported a whole new constituency during the Blair years many of whom brought with them a rabid and ingrained anti-Semitism. Is Corbyn now going to disassociate himself from the very people who could vote him into office. All we are going to get from Labour is whitewash and a continuance of dishonestly conflating Islamaphobia with anti-Semitism.
I remember writing here that the election of Corbyn would bring out the Trots and the hard left in numbers and give them respectability. It was bleedin obvious and has come to pass. For the old Labour left he is the ultimate disaster. For the poly Trots and the BBC/Guardian axis of idiocy he is the main man. Go figure.
If you doubt this then a quick survey of what used ot be called universities will reveal the reality. Trots, anti Semites and class war warriors and all as useless as tabioca in a mince pie.
Bono — the international statesman, global thought-leader and occasional musician — has told Congress exactly what it needs to do solve the global refugee crisis and Islamic extremism.
Firstly, the West needs to welcome in more refugees from North Africa and the Middle East – lots more – and learn to see them not as a “burden” but as a “benefit.”
Secondly, instead of confronting Islamist terror with the unhelpful language of hate and military hardware, it needs to find a kinder, gentler, funnier way of winning them over – using comedians like Amy Schumer, Chris Rock, and Sacha Baron Cohen.
Bono was delivering his wisdom to the Senate appropriations subcommittee on Capitol Hill.
He said:
“It’s like, you speak violence, you speak their language. But you laugh at them when they are goose-stepping down the street and it takes away their power. So I am suggesting that the Senate send in Amy Schumer and Chris Rock and Sacha Baron Cohen, thank you.”
NCBBC , You forgot, also renowned intellectual, academic, scientist and total utter dickhead ! I would like to see that prat go to Syria and laugh at Isis. Now that would be a laugh !
“it needs to find a kinder, gentler, funnier way of winning them over”
So the reason for all this is that the Islamists’ latent sense of humour hasn’t found an outlet yet?
They kept it well hidden. However, not wishing to pour cold water on the idea, we should all write to the BBC suggesting that they send a team of their finest, lead by Jeremy Hardy, to put an end to the violence. They’ll be laughing their heads off.
Problem solved – the dire state of BBC comedy, that is.
But you laugh at them when they are goose-stepping down the street and it takes away their power.
Better walk the talk then, Bonio. Assuming you’re still walking and talking after your first gig in, say, Syria, you can then continue your tour in Nigeria.
‘thinking’ allowed (or not if your thoughts aren’t the same as the Fascists)!
Ethnography Award winner, Transcultural football
The winner of the 2016 British Sociological Association & Thinking Allowed Ethnography award, Maxim Bolt, Lecturer in Anthropology and African Studies at the University of Birmingham, talks to Laurie Taylor about his ground breaking study of insecure lives on the border farms between Zimbabwe and South Africa. How do people create homes and stability in times of mass unemployment and uncertainty? Also, transcultural sport: young Congolese migrants establishing a sense of belonging in a Dublin football team.
Appalling pro migration tripe, and an award provided by TV taxpayers given to a BBC leftie liberal favourite !
Gives Laurie a good chance to ask penetrating questions such as ” To what extent does corruption, poor governance and war contribute to their insecure lives ? “. Or maybe not. Come to think of it you could ask the same question about Europe, just adding immigration to the list. Am I the only person who finds Laurie one of the most santimonious, patronising prigs on the BBC ?
The winner of the 2016 British Sociological Association & Thinking Allowed Ethnography award….
We have finally landed on the Planet Zog.
No, wait….
…..talks to Laurie Taylor about his ground breaking study of insecure lives on the border farms between Zimbabwe and South Africa. How do people create homes and stability in times of mass unemployment and uncertainty?
Assuming that was discussed in the context of those poor people becoming unemployed because the productive white-owned farms were confiscated, using violence and in some cases murder, for Mugabe’s cronies who let them go to pot (literally and metaphorically)….then the answer’s pretty simple, really – you need to get shut of the murderous dictator don’t you? If that was the context and that was the conclusion, space mission put on hold.
it never seems to dawn on these idiots that all Africa and most of the ME ( excluding Israel) are full of failed states and that there is no prospect that this is about to change anytime soon . So the people realising that their states are completely useless want to go somewhere else which means Europe.
In some way these liberals blame themselves for this but there might just be other explanations. Best not discuss this in case heads explode.
Timothy Garton Ash asks if religion is a special case where freedom of speech should be curtailed. He asks how we can reconcile belief in an absolute revealed truth with the post-Enlightenment freedom to question everything, including religious faith. He proposes that the principle we should adopt is to “respect the believer but not necessarily the content of the belief”. Will this be enough to bridge the gap?
I don’t know which lunatic planet this guy is on, but anyone who thinks we have freedom to question anything. let alone everything has a screw missing !
It’s am amazing program in which Garton Ash describes himself as a liberal, and announces that only he and his fellow liberals have the right answers to the future of the country!
He criticised past attempts at what he calls ‘tolerance’ (what I call Fascism) in trying to force everyone to be nice to each other and forbidding criticism of the unacceptable. It doesn’t seem to have crossed his mind that this was the result of his own liberal values, that it was wrong then, and it might be wrong now !
I find it hard to understand why the BBC ever features TGA when there is not a single thing he says that isn’t wrong on some very fundamental levels (he is an avowed Remainiac, too).
The Torys didn’t want to share a platform with him and clearly won the day. However Nigel may be its going to court via his donor. So instead of a focus on leaving we could have a court battle over who is going to lead. If Nigel does really only want the country to leave, it will be interesting to see if he puts the campaign before his ego.
Well I received my third communication this morning telling me to vote ‘IN’, this time from Will Straw (now where have I heard that surname before). Nothing from ‘OUT’ yet.
I have to say that the quality of the latest offering wasn’t up to the standard of the previous two, it was rather more, what’s the word, ah yes, absorbent, so I will be able to put it to good use.
Post your EU Fear pamphlet back to Dodgy Dave for free. The address is:
Remember to deface the pamphlet before sticking it in an envelope. I put the word TRAITOR across mine in black felt tip.
Vote People
Vote Britain
Vote Leave
Roger the Dodger in fine dodging form on the lunchtime news as a huge American coal company is going out of business.
All due to massive supplies of cheaper gas and oil (from fracking – Harrabin totally straightfaced when he delivered this one) and the ‘public’s concerns’ over what coal is doing to the environment and ‘climate change’. But no mention of this:
The week of September 17 the House plans to vote on a Stop the War on Coal bill designed to halt EPA regulations that are plaguing the industry, an effort Republicans hope will garner votes in key swing states. Responding to Alpha’s announcement, presidential candidate Mitt Romney highlighted Obama’s environmental policies as a direct catalyst to the mine closures, and consequently more than a thousand job layoffs.
So stringent EPA anti-coal regulation had a part to play, but Roger doesn’t want you to know that. Just as he never tells us about how ‘carbon’ taxes are forcing the closure of coal-fired power plants in the UK (Fiddlers Ferry next – currently powers 2 million homes).
The usual BBC-agenda-by-proxy given by the usual brief sound bite from the usual environmentalist who used the unusual term ‘climate deniers’. Yep, us sceptics are denying there’s even a climate now, apparently. Oh, and the lobbying these evil coal companies do against ‘climate science’!
Quickly back to Roger who tells us coal also being undercut by cheaper renewables, quoting the example of solar power in ‘sunny regions’ (shot of some blisteringly hot desert hellhole where, presumably, the sun must shine for 24 hours, otherwise…….however quickly moving on….)
A more rational energy analyst then comes on to explain how we still massively rely on coal for energy, steel production being a particularly highly dependent example.
However Roger has the last word to emphasize how coal is definitely in decline across the globe, though without mentioning the continuing massive expansion of coal-fired energy in India, China and – yes – Europe (take a bow Germany and Poland).
Yes folks, it’s half the story again from your balanced and impartial ‘environment analyst’, but importantly it’s the half he wants you to hear.
– The BBC ‘educating and informing’ the nation, promoting an unproven* scientific hypothesis as fact.
*And some would say disproven by real world evidence.
I have been reading the stuff on Trevor Phillips’ amazing discovery that Muslims do not want to integrate. Add to that Cameron/May’s attempts to prevent radicalisation.
This is where it needs attention. How do you integrate with this?
Just been watching a bit of Trev’s exegesis on C4.
I particularly liked the guest appearance of Ali Blah-Blah Clown, She looked worried. She has just realised that true Muslims don’t particularly likd her either. Her liberal days might be numbered she feels.
“Why would anyone want to harm their own country?” asks the clueless Trevor with muslims in mind
Practically all Trevor’s outpourings are based on facile and dangerous assumptions like these.
Trevor can’t distinguish between living in a geographical location and living in a culture. He whines about “separate lives” but as Muslim children in Britain first and foremost are brought up and influenced by Muslim parents, Muslim extended family, Muslim friends and neighbours in a small-scale Muslim society that has essentially been transplanted lock, stock and barrel from some Islamic state why is this surprising? Trevor wonders one moment what went wrong and the next pooh poohs any form of “assimilation”. Obviously, if you do not demand any form of assimilation from immigrants you will end up with “separate lives”. Does Trevor think immigrants become British by some form of “cultural osmosis” ? But then, people like Trevor in reality despise the “British way of life”, and would never dream of asking or demanding that immigrants adopt such a mode of living. Mass, uncontrooled immigration was to be used to change the indigenous population, not the other way round.
Trevor is pushing some feeble-minded multi-culti school pipe-dream to banish societal discord and discourage muslims from butchering non-muslims. No doubt, he will play a leading role, pocketing billions of government money for hinself and a horde of ex-jihadis who have seen the light.
And tonight, on the Whinge Broadcasting Corporation, we have
1. The Guardian reports its women and black reporters get more negative comments on the websites than their male counterparts. Apparently a female rugby correspondent was particularly savaged. It is assumed of course this has nothing to do with the reporting or the lines taken but merely because of sex and melamin skin content. Queue Yvette Cooper campaigning for ‘Reclaim the internet’.
2. People living on the Isle of Dogs cannot access the high paying jobs in Canary Wharf next door. Queue an interview with a female Muslim in full-on black gear bemoaning her lack of opportinity. This is followed by an interview with a black guy with hair braids by Rizla Teeth.
The odious, repugnant biased BBC has absolutely nothing to say about the lives of ordinary people and so resorts to searching out each and every tiny,possible example of unfairness to fill its vacuous little btrains and spend our money to try and brainwash us along the way.
It’s just so appalling and pathetic. I just so wish Whittingdale would now use the pair we now know he has and announce the scrapping of the unfair poll tax that is the TV licence.
Ta sluff-a flashback moment ensued from your blog.
8am news on Radio 4…Les Ebdon fussing on about kids from posh backgrounds earning more on leaving uni.
Oh the humanity-poor Sir Les really couldn`t begin to tell us all how bad this was…
Apparently, the toffs have better informal networks-you know,internships, friends employing the spawn of fellow-travellers…well I ll be!
Next up-after the news…Will Straw(jacks lad) is on the BBC speaking about our need to stay in.
This will back up what Henry Dimbleby (Davids lad) said on BH on Sunday.
Seb Corbyn(Jeremys lad) may yet have a view if we care to go through John McDonnells office at the Shadow Chancellors berth.
Next up Stephen Kinnock( Neils lad) and the Tata bid…as described to us here by Industrial correspondent Ben Wright (Tonys lad).
I`ll not ask what Les Ebdons kids are doing-probably hassling the Tories re access to Oxbridge as daddy does…and at our expense.
Good Old BBC eh….one big massive beam hanging out of their eyes as they string up irony, self-awareness and humour upon it…and the only mote they care about is one where a Tory can be pillories for claiming expenses on its cleaning.
Nepotism?…jobs for the boys?…it`s ALL Labour have to offer-for the few with enough sperm and inclination to create some…and Les and the BBC don`t see how bankrupt and fucked they are….
He’ll be too busy creating bigoted, infantile liberal hashtags on ‘Shitter’ to share among his fellow brain dead, delusionists or planning violent anti democratic attacks on gatherings of men and women who are worried and frightened about the future of the country they love……That and his mum switches lights out at 10pm
He’ll be watching but with his earphones switched to a rare and hallowed copy of ‘ISIS Imams’ Greatest Hits’, unbeknown to him the wailings which acccompany ritual tossings off – of high buildings, that is.
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Calling Mr Harrabin, calling Mr Harrabin:
[Toronto set a record low for the day, dipping down to minus 9oC. This easily beat the old record of minus 7.2C set in 1985.
11 Apr 2016 – For the first time on record, April has been the snowiest month of the cold weather season at Toronto’s Pearson Airport. And we’re still less than two weeks into the month.
As of Sunday, the city had picked up 20.3 cm of snow this month, more than December and January combined.
The last time the city saw more snow in April was in 1979, when 25.8 cm fell during the month.]
The NIck Robinson show on the EU was maybe unintentionally enlightening. It made clear just how the whole thing has been an elite project and how our part in it was nearly all due to a failure of nerve by our elite class. This class stopped believing in the abilities of the British people to make their land prosper. Cowards the lot of them.
I wonder if the BBC realise just how badly this governing class of ours comes out of the sorry tale. Selling our sovereigity for what?
De Gaulle had it right and knew all along that we in our island have different outlook on the world.
This same governing class of ours has betrayed us all in so many ways. I hope this programme made a few of us realise just how dreadful has been our political class over the last 50 years.
I believe you are absolutely right with your comments about the ‘governing class’. Orwell observed a similar lack of self-belief and contempt for Englishness and after the second world war it got even worse. Far from being ‘the generation that defeated Hitler’ the generation that had the post-war reins, Macmillan, Heath, Wilson and their henchmen in the ruling elite, took from that marvelous victory, not that we were strong but that we were fragile. You could argue that they were being sensible in seeking to avoid another cataclysm but the truth is that weakness begets tragedy.
They gave away the Empire, surrendered to the Americans first and the Europeans shortly after. It is hard to view them with anything other than contempt. Lord knows what Kipling would have made of them..
Not sure what class it takes to run up expenses like these:
Seems happy though, which is nice.
Someone on this site recently criticised the BBC for its lack of scoops despite its £4Bn budget. Just spotted this headline that shows the Beeb has ‘still got it’.
I am sure it is pure coincidence that John Whittingdale just happens to be conducting the BBC’s charter review. His Wikipedia page has already been edited to include this story…amazing.
The BBC seemed quite keen on Hacked Off as I recall.
Out of the traps like a rat up a drainpipe,
The BBC claimed a breaking story with an announcement made almost as they went on air, but lined up:
A pre-filmed package
An interview with Max Moseley (Hacked Off)
An statement from Chris (underpants) Bryant (political opponent)
Studio appearance by Cathcart (Hacked Off)
Brighton appearance by Greenslade (no friend of the Tories)
This has all the hallmarks of a pre planned political hit job by the BBC. What are they up to?
Hacked Off were a front for Common Purpose, Hope Not Hate and an assortment of other activist groups who would like to see the freedom of press curtailed so their leftist world view can prevail unhindered by reality.
Andrew Gilligan exposed the whole devious charade:
BBC Online News:
“”Minister John Whittingdale admits relationship with sex worker””
“”Culture Secretary John Whittingdale has admitted he had a relationship with a sex worker but said he did not know her real occupation”” (Easily done, I’m sure).
“”Downing Street said Mr Whittingdale “is a single man entitled to a private life” and had the full confidence of Prime Minister David Cameron”” (Not a good omen).
Oh, dear… Perhaps the BBC now have a sense of relief?
(Apologies to poster Steve Jones above, we posted at much the same time).
As you would expect, Newsnight have opened up on this (they like nailing Tories – remember McAlpine?). What is an old story from before Whittingdale was a minister, the BBC move into innuendo mode asking why is it that the Newspapers have not run the story? An interviewee claiming we have a right to know.
Now the BBC turn to the ‘hacked off’ mob for comment – including Max Mosely. And imply that as the media have something on the Culture Secretary, he will go easy on them.
Smear, innuendo – it’s what the BBC do best (but only if it’s a Tory in their sights). And the very selective BBC criticising the print media for not running a story is beyond hypocrisy.
Meanwhile if the Hacked Off brigade of free speech deniers had had their way reporting of Rotherham and other Muslim rape gang cases most likely would not have seen the light of day.
Another Hacked Off “partner” is Engage, an “anti-discrimination” group including Islamist sympathisers and whose staff have justified the killing of British soldiers. Engage was exposed by The Sunday Telegraph, in what it would no doubt protest to a regulator was “discriminatory” reporting.
As for other Hacked Off partners in crime:
Other groups described as “partner organisations” by Hacked Off’s website include the newly-established Youth Media Agency, which complained that the media’s “discriminatory” coverage of the August 2011 riots “singled out children and young people as the rioters” (72 per cent of those arrested were under 25) and Trans Media Watch, which condemns newspapers for “stigmatising” transsexuals. Alleged examples of discrimination, which Trans Media Watch wants to ban, included a reference to the Bois de Boulogne, a park in Paris, as “containing transsexual prostitutes”.
So what is this Whittingdale chap the ‘Cultural Secretary’ doing about the bias of Al Beeb ?
Nothing now!
For those who want the facts on climate change unfiltered by the BBC or other representatives of the Green movement please try the above link.
It feels superbly researched, is desperate to avoid joining sides and puts climate, carbon, sea level rises etc into crisply understood perspective.
If the English graduate Roger Harrabin is around he might like to read it so that he can lose his mindless hysteria and finally enjoy a good nights sleep.
Well, according to my weather station its down to 5 Deg C now – That’s ‘cooler’ weather not ‘colder’ weather according to ‘Al Beeb speak’ presenters .
Watch “Watching the Hawks” on RT, Freeview Channel 135, at 12.30 or 17.30 today: Sean Stone interviews scientist Patrick Moore, Founder of Greenpeace: He talks about the fact that the “Carbon Dioxide Emperor” has not got any cloths on, and that the many pollutants in the Atmosphere do not include Carbon Dioxide. But then if the Length of Solar Cycle always correlates with Climate Change, then that would be the correct answer.
Did Roger Harrabin actually graduate, after studying English Literature at Cambridge University?
Here’s an extract from an article linked to his Wikipedia info (see notes 2 & 3 at the foot of the entry):
“My Time at Cambridge”
“Roger Harrabin (St Catharine’s 1973) is the BBC’s Environment Analyst. … … … …”
“… I enjoyed reading English,
particularly in my first summer
term, which was spent reading
Shakespeare and punting. What
class of degree did I get? I’ve
just told my wife I would ignore
that question. I remember going
to supervisions with a very camp
poet in a little room with two
cats which clawed at your
sensitive parts. Supervisions are
a wonderful privilege but I
didn’t go to lectures after my
first term as I thought you
would get more credit for
thinking for yourself than for
being told what to think. I
worked for three hours in the
mornings and that was it.”
Harrabin was born in March 1955, so would have been only 18 in 1973, which thus can’t be the year of his graduation. The convention in this publication may be to give the start year and not that of graduation (most likely 1976 in Harrabin’s case, assuming a 3-year undergraduate course in English, unless a year was lost because of e.g. ill health, of which there is no mention). I thought the graduation year was more normally used and more useful, e.g. for foreign language students who had a gap year abroad, and thus graduated a year later than contemporaries.
He doesn’t disclose his class of degree and hides behind a promise to his wife in order to justify this. He says he didn’t go to lectures after his first term, which is likely to have reduced his chances of a good degree (or any degree in fact), justifying this by saying he wanted to think for himself. Roger may have been clever but I suspect that even he would have been unable to anticipate all the wealth of existing scholarship and insights into Shakespeare or any other author, and it was very arrogant of him to imagine that he could, as well as a waste of tax-payer money.
Knowledge, a relevant degree, are not necessary for a BBC post as an expert in something. What would matter from his university days would be evidence of which student societies he was a member. Socialist societies, the Greens, SWP, might do the trick
Knowledge is power. And the right pulpit. Plus a total lack of integrity. Oh, and no chance of being held to account.
It is usual to cite the year of matriculation, ie the year the undergraduate joined his college. This is because one becomes a member of the college at matriculation, and it is not dependent on subsequent graduation. Basically, once you are in, you are in.
For what it’s worth, if Harrabin matriculated in 1973, I imagine he graduated in 1976, probably with a Third.
The global economy depends on the UK – Really ? Well the global economy has done ‘’ all for the UK ….
The UK pays 2-1 into the EU .
The UK gives millions of foreign aid to countries that have bigger economies.
So China , India, the USA and the rest of the world’s economy would collapse ? Then Great Britain must still be ‘Great’.
The UK funds a world service broadcasting operation at our taxpayer’s expense.
Time to get out and get control of our democracy, government, and borders .
Vote ‘Brexit’ and ‘GO’.
I’ve received a booklet from Cameron about the EU .
Can the BBC remind us that he said the extra one billion plus they invoiced was unacceptable . And that he paid it .?
I like the subliminal terrorism joke placed in the booklet. It relates to the choice of picture for the joke, and the unlucky page thirteen chosen for it. Looks like a patriotic Civil servant got a bit of revenge on Cameron.
This one?
Great Britain has a shortage of hospital beds , school places, houses, doctors appointments and faces a threat to our security, while our leader wants us to remain in the EU and its open borders. He using the Al Beeb and the media to broadcast the propaganda.
Him and his big deal – remember, that worthless deal.
Where have all Al Beeb’s trolls gone ?
Well one will be hiding till the islamonazi opinion poll results die down
Then he’ll be back shooting his gob off again
…But we mustn’t let it die down, we need to keep pushing him for his views…
I wasn’t so much outraged by Cameron’s link to the Panama people or do I mind him defending his father. To me the most important thing is his bungling of the issue. He bungles everything. He totally bungled the Scottish referendum.
He totally bungled his proposed reforms to the EU. He has a habit of disregarding or demeaning his own party members. His handling of the immigration levels is a complete and utter disaster he must surely be the most incompetent PM that Britain has had. I read an article, can’t think where, a couple of years ago that said Cameron just wasn’t very good at politics. Perhaps it was the Spectator, anyway I think the author was really onto it. The reign of Dave the Spineless will be seen as a disaster on a mighty scale.
He could have redeemed himself by leading the UK out of bondage into the promised land, but no, he chooses to send plagues of pamphlets instead.
It was once said of Arafat that he never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Will that be Cameron’s epitaph?
I think that Cameron is an unprincipled Blairite-Liberal public relations careerist who joined the Tory party because that’s what upper-class twits from Eton habitually do.
For his Pro-EU Booklet statement: “Government” read “Rump Tory Government”. Rump meaning “an inferior remnant” as regards the fact that Pro-EU Tories make up an unrepresentative 30 percent minority of the party, but have effectively purged the 70 percent Pro-British Patriotic majority of the party from access to British Government Departments, by order of the Lord Protector of Traitors, David Cameron.
It must be the first time in history that a majority of a political party has been purged by its leader. No wonder Cameron and his unprincipled careerist cronies, bully the docile party workers and leafleters, and call the principled 70 percent of the party, swivelled eyed loons.
Cameron even convinced the swivelled eyed loons to vote for him to be leader, instead of David Davies. But if Tory members got off their backsides and used party democracy to counter-purge the party of these Pro-EU Traitors, making a Tory/UKIP pact acceptable for the next General Election. They would pick up an extra half million votes.
I take it that you don’t think much of him either.
It must be the first time in history that a majority of a political party has been purged by its leader.
Not really. Both Stalin and Mao got there first.
An excellent comment! It is the supine failure of the Tories to act against this useless leader that marks it as a doomed party. The Tories should send every single member of the Labour Party a ten pound note in thanks for being even more useless than they are. If Labour was even half the party it has been in the past, the Tories would be obliterated.
John Whittingdale is going to be the main news item today on the BBBC, they don’t like it up em.
His relationship with a sex worker
‘A sex worker’…..gotta laugh…….he was shagging a paid slapper
BBC comrades ignore elephant wandering about the room… The BBC website reports that its affiliated political party, Labour, is to change its rules to clamp down on anti-semitism within it, including lifetime bans on membership (see Just for good measure, Waycism and Islamofauxbia will also be covered. But what has necessitated this drastic action, in a party that less than a year ago actually had a Jewish leader? The BBC helps us out – In 2014, Vicki Kirby – then a candidate in Woking – was suspended after tweeting that Jews had “big noses” and suggesting Hitler was a “Zionist God”. Or could it be the case of Labour Councillor Aysegul Gurbuz in Luton, who was suspended three days ago and resigned yesterday after a series of anti-semitic tweets from her were revealed? (see No, it can’t be that as the BBC don’t mention it at all in their article. Those who think that it may represent just the tip of the iceberg and that there are significant numbers of Labour councillors and members in places such as Luton, Bradford, Birmingham, Tower Hamlets etc and that the BBC does not wish to draw attention to the growing anti-semitism amongst some Muslims, plus that encouraged or at least enabled by the support for the Palestinian ’cause’ are clearly well off target.
I heard the inclusion of Islamophobia on one of the news bulletins and drew the conclusion that Labour will now put its main efforts into supporting the ever offended Moslems, The strategy of the BBC is that of the SWP and UAF which is to include regular expressions of outrage against Jews, whilst portraying Islamophobia as the real evil in society.
On sky news website,but expect this to feature on albeeb soon……never miss a chance to bash Christianity after all×558.jpg
A group of Democratic lawmakers have vowed to fight a Mississippi law allowing the use of religious beliefs as a reason to deny services to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
The so-called Religious Freedom Bill – HB 1523 – was signed by the state’s Republican governor Phil Bryant last week.
But Democratic Rep Jay Hughes says he will do his best to reverse the bill before it becomes law on 1 July.
In a Facebook post, He wrote: “Mississippi has been here before – we must give reasonable minds and the principles of democracy an opportunity to be heard.”
Note the slogan ‘dont use my god’s name’…..Didnt realise anyone had used the name of Ba’al or Moloch when drawing up the law……
Interesting moment on BBC Breakfast this morning as the sofa pair Roger Bland and Sally Nomark (real names withheld) shoot the breeze with BBC/Guardian regular Steve Hewlett on the main subject of Whipping-gate – But what’s this ….? A brief, very judicious, side bar on the superinjuction story everyone around the world (barring England and Wales – officially) is talking about. I suspect the Beeb know this ludicrous legal anomaly can’t last and the story will out. Unfortunately for the BBC the murky tale will bust open one of their most cherished social agendas. By the way, apropos of nothing in particular – where are our BBC-loving little trollies lately?
The thing is with this Whittingdale fellow not knowing that he was “sleeping” with a “sex worker”, was she giving her services “charitably” then? If so, I’d gladly donate to that charity.
‘…was she giving her services “charitably” then?’
From the look of him, I doubt it. Mind you, what with this and Labour MP Chris Byant’s underpants selfie… plus LibDem Chris Huhne’s lesbian adventures – it does put a whole new meaning to the term “Members’ Interests”
Mishal is good with relative numbers. Apparently.
And Bono is now on the case, too. A perfect storm.
Good article. Interesting though that in this clip Bono isn’t advocating ‘take more in’!
Maybe that bit’s been cut off.
As Angelina says, none of my children are aware who is adopted and who isn’t. Aint that right Sarah, Charlie, Wayne, Billy and Umbongo..
I’ll get me coat…
10pm BBC news last night brief synopsis of this case – he was jealous so beat her with a bar (iron?). No mention of the barbaric beheading, smashing up and trying to flush away her remains (sorry for the gruesome details). This was after the watershed and adults should be reminded of the brutal, barbaric actions of these dangers to society (is it me or is beheading increasing?)
Couldn’t be anything to do with ethnicity could it?
The Beeb are after another Tory now , not for doing anything illegal but on moral grounds. Yeah right ,cue the outrage squads meanwhile we’re importing our newer version of Cologne.
A progression from Rotherham,Oxford,Rochdale, Norwich and Leeds to this imported filth and not a peep from the feminists or the Beeb but to be fair I’ve only found it on the Mail online.
10/1 like the women in Cologne, women will be advised to cover up and only go out with a male relatives. Sound familiar??
Totally agree and it is scary. Thankfully I don’t have daughters to worry about, but others should be very worried. I won’t hold out much hope for justice in this case. She had been drinking so obviously she was up for it… can just imagine the defence lawyer’s angle….that of course we are paying for.
B BC News seems to be in la-la land at the moment….don’t mention immigration, EU problems ,organised rape gangs etc.
The News this morning devoted the majority of its time to Tesco ‘turning around’ to profit!!
The big news this weekend will be how the establishment ‘Vote Leave’ has been appointed (by another establishment body) to represent the Brexit vote.
What a stitch-up….the Tories knew Cameron was on the way out , so now we get Boris pretending to demand more concessions after the vote ,followed by Business As Usual.Never mind what the actual voters want.
Democracy down the toilet and people should be very angry about this conspiracy .
Nigel Farage speaking at the EU Parliament. Merkel’s face is a picture!!!!! Sums up my views.
Copy and paste not working so hope this works!
Attempting to view this on You tube, I only get the message “This video is unavailable”. Has You Tube been pressurised to take it down?
Martin, I just went to youtube and searched ” Nigel Farage European Parliament Angela Merkel ” and got it.
Thank you for the information, Grant.
Yesterday’s Newsnight, and what a coincidence that Emily Maitlis allowed Ken Clarke to filibuster the time away and prevent Daniel Hannan getting in a last word. Perhaps she might have guessed that Daniel’s words would have had rather more relevance than pseudo bon viveur Ken’s time-consuming blather, but her apology had a delightful ring of sincerity about it. She’s getting better at her job, must be due a pay rise.
Watched a segment of Victoria Derbyshire (I know ..), and the discussion was Muslim on Muslim attacks. I know there are the two factions of Islam, Sunni and um Sh……. er? anyway there is another branch to join the fray ….. Ahmadi Amani whatever, and they are being attacked and abused by their other oppos within this one religion.
What have we come to in this country ? 50 odd years ago we would never have envisaged such a debate taking place. At school we thought the Catholics were the odd lot with their own assembly service in a separate classroom at our C of E school. Jewish people were as visible and as rare as hen’s teeth, and as for women wearing a veil – that was on the ads for Turkish Delight ! Yes before I’m shouted down, times have changed, but my point is, we have now been infiltrated by a religion that is not of our nationality and who are fighting amongst themselves as though they are in the Middle East.
All the clichéd responses about ‘living in a democratic society etc etc’ doesn’t seem to wash with followers of these alien religions, who are bringing their medieval ways and traditions, which are endemic in the lands where it was created, to the High Street and Acacia Avenues of this country. This is surely going to get worse, when more of this religion will spread like a cancer through migration and birth in the coming years until the Royal Family – if there still is one, will be reigning over a mainly Islamic population.
If some read this as Islamaphobia, then that’s their prerogative, but these are my observations, and until its proved to me otherwise, that’s the way I will continue to believe.
That’s what makes me angry. The most divisive aspects of Christianity had been dying out in this country apart from problem areas like N Ireland and, to a lesser extent, Glasgow and Liverpool. Things have improved and few people are dying. It is still with us but mixed up with politics, class and tribal affiliations in football. Hopefully it will expire out with the blockheads who are keeping it alive.
Instead of being thankful that a period of bloodshed is largely behind us, what have our leaders done? They have imported one of the most primitive, intolerant, divisive and incompatible religions for no good reason whatsoever and taken us back to the bad old days, only potentially far far worse.
As far as I’m concerned this is tantamount to treason. They will have blood on their hands.
‘expire’ not ‘expire out’
Think of Europe circa 1618 and you get the idea that bad times are on the way again and all religion based. The Thiry Years War devastated central Europe and killed millions. Why should we endure something like this again just because a bunch of marxists fantasists thought that mixing the unmixeable was a good idea.
BBC Radio 4
A Waste of Space – a little like the BBC ?
Harriet Sergeant investigates whether empty commercial buildings could house the homeless.
In October 2015, a group of housing activists – the Manchester Angels – broke into the defunct Manchester Stock Exchange and started living there illegally. They expected to be evicted by the building’s new owners, Premier League footballers Gary Neville and Ryan Giggs, who were midway through converting it into boutique hotel. But instead of action to get the squatters removed, the footballers decided to let them stay for the winter. Not everyone was happy with either party and the police were frequently called to incidents at the Stock Exchange, caused by rival groups of squatters.
Politicians have been so concerned about the damage caused to commercial property that they want to make squatting in commercial buildings a criminal, rather than a civil offence. But with the number of empty commercial buildings reaching record numbers – estimated at more than 1.5 million in the UK – has this high profile philanthropic gesture by two of the world’s most famous footballers challenged prevailing attitudes to squatting?
Harriet Sergeant, columnist for the Daily Mail and a contributor to the right-leaning Centre for Policy Studies, investigates why co-operatives and collectives are choosing to occupy defunct commercial spaces and whether the use of empty commercial buildings could provide a short-term fix for the burgeoning housing crisis.
Harriet talks to property developers, local authorities, leading academics, landlords, social groups and cooperatives using the example of the Manchester Stock Exchange to understand commercial squatting. Can it be harnessed to benefit cities, rather than seen chiefly as an anti social act?
A program full of lies and omitted truths.
Londons population has increased massively over the past two decades, but the BBC have no idea – or more likely are refusing to say, why that might be.
And there are even fewer houses for even working people to buy. The reason for this? Well it’s the perennial favourite hate group – the rich of course! Apparantly the homeless problem is a direct result of rich foreigners buying up homes which they rarely live in!
Wow, London must be more or less empty of people with all these second homes! There must be hundreds of thousands of super rich individuals.
No mention of mass immigration, no mention of ridiculous breeding by these migrants, and no mention of Labour killing the housing market either.
Perhaps the worst part of the program is in the beginning though where they ‘celebrate’ the squatters moving into the building owned by two white British footballers – which must be a good thing, right??
What they don’t say is where these squatters came from en masse, and that’s because it was Manchester Council which kept harassing them when they made a little camp underneath a fly-over in the city !
They weren’t even occupying a building, but the Labour council saw these mainly white homeless people as an unsightly problem they didn’t want.
Ever seen a Muslim squatter?? No neither have I, odd that isn’t it.
“Ever seen a Muslim squatter??”
Depends on your definition.
Of what? Muslim or Squatter?
Seen plenty of homeless people, the vast majority are white, a very few blacks very few women, and never ever have I seen a Pakistani / Bangladeshi.
Think toilet preferences.
A BBC news report tells of how migrants from Spain, Italy and Portugal are now settling here to find work because of the crisis in their homelands re the Euro and migration. Highlighted were Italian brothers who moved to London 2 years ago and set up a now thriving coffee shop. Fair enough. BUT, given that rent and rates are the highest in the land (probably the world), how do the migrants from across the Channel – whether Europeans or the rest of the world, manage to find the finances needed to fund the set up of a business, or to reside there ? Our own natives are moving out of London (white flight) because of abortively high house prices, thus creating the largest foreign only capital in the world, so how is this possible ?
An interesting question BRISSLES. I don’t think it is entirely about our ‘booming’ economy (as Cameron would like to take credit for). Osbourne has been clever by managing debt by making the UK appear bank worthy whilst we are still heavily in debt. But those that adopted the EURO are deeply in debt, so much so that it its doubtful it will ever be repaid (ever). So its not 100% surprise that Greeks flocking here. Its the same factor for many Italians who are currently in another ‘banking crisis’ with the Euro. The French also despise their own government and that is the next ‘big thing’ to collapse. All propped up by EU subsidies.
In short as the Euro is forced to bail out its Euro subscribers, it will become a valueless currency. So the UK pound is a safer bet. UK ‘Open borders’, ‘free housing’, guaranteed ‘living wage’ benefits, free ‘state education’ and free ‘medical cover’ on the NHS. Add in 25% VAT (on everything from baby food to Tampons) that the EU ‘imposes’ on member states and you can see the UK pull on immigrants (legal or otherwise). If we vote to stay ‘IN’ (june 23rd) then we (UK) will have to adopt the Euro and the same 25% VAT that has crippled small business in Europe and force those on the fringe of Europe to migrate here (like the Greeks and Italians who have given up with their own corrupt governments). The UK is just a nicer place to live (outside the EU grasp). We still have ‘jobs’ or work the ‘minimum wage’ at least until 23rd June.
If we ‘stay in the EU it will be more of the same. At least outside Europe we can prepare for the EURO’s eventual collapse. The Bank of England (would) be transferred to Brussels to offset the Euro collapse (as will the City of London trading floors) to Frankfurt and that would mean the end of any clout in Europe. There is no democracy in the EU Brussels Euro State plan.
And its all done ‘in secret’ EU crisis deals:
We all know which way the BBC faces. By omitting any problem of the EU has, the problem it causes, the abuses (sexual and financial), the dismal failure of the EURO to prevent nation states collapsing around us. It just means more immigration to come…
Possible because some planning permission demands retail space, and now if Landlords leave it empty then they have to pay the business rates.
The philosophy is that it’s better to have someone paying something rather than no one, and having to pay out quite a lot of money for the privilege.
surprised the BBC are reporting this cost of taking Syrian refugees, but it is gobsmacking and should be broadcast widely. And many of them will probably receive life-long support. Pull the drawbridge up, vote out and get the ship back in order before it sinks.
Some simple Maths. We note the 20,000 are particularly vulnerable, so lets assume for the sake of argument they are composed of families of mum, dad, and two kids. That’s 5,000 school places needed. We don’t have empty classrooms just waiting to be used, and staff sitting in them twiddling their thumbs. Schools are bulging at the seams already. So we need to build the equivalent of 5 secondary schools pretty much from the start. That’s about £20 million each plus running costs of £6 million a year per school for say 10 years. That’s £80m cost per school for 5 schools. Total cost £400m.
But the revenue neglects the teachers unfunded pension scheme so this is a future liability of about £170k per teacher. Say 80 teachers per1000 pupil school, and there are five of them. That’s another £68 million.
I haven’t mentioned the NHS once and I’m nearly up to the quoted £500m+ figure on the cost of the children’s education alone.
And this dear reader is how much things actually cost, away from the Mickey Mouse world of central government.
Their quoted costs are a total misrepresentation and drastically underestimate the true cost to the hard-pressed ordinary taxpayer (as opposed to the ‘guilt-ridden’ celebrities, pop stars, and film stars who tell us how to think and how glad we should be to pay up – while they nip down to Mossack Fonseca)
Sluff, You can be sure that the Government is lying about the numbers and the cost .
Being pedantic here, but if every family arriving, presuming there were only families, had Mum, Dad, and two kids, that would mean 50%, or 10,000 extra school places required.
However, as most of the gimmegrants will claim to be under 16, then go for a much higher percentage, leaving aside all the skilled doctors, dentists, architects etc that you all need in the UK.
Perhaps some questions on arrival….
Q? Doctor Al Fuckwit, where is the spleen? A? It is a huge river in Syria.
Q? Architect Mohammed, what is the stress testing ratio for an average steel beam? A? Ever since I left Syria you have no idea of the stress we suffer. Where is my new passport?
Q? Dentist Al Mugrabe, I would like you to construct a brace using only the materials supplied. A. Where is the sewing machine
You can all come up with much better questions.!
Sorry, missed one out. Q? Comeddiene Burquah, we note that you have a contract with the BBC. Could you please tell us a joke? A. Fock Maggi Thatcher
Brillliant sir. Thank you, how much money would you like for your new contract, funded by the Imperialist Scum! Well will start you on Newsnight, followed by HIGNFY, and if you are availabl for our recreation of The Good Life, even better.
Labour to tackle antisemitism, and probably go overboard tackling Islamophobia.
This article, however, presents Corbyn as an avowed enemy of antisemitism, eager to remove it from the party.
Perhaps, the opposite is the case.
Read on.
Interesting. Labour imported a whole new constituency during the Blair years many of whom brought with them a rabid and ingrained anti-Semitism. Is Corbyn now going to disassociate himself from the very people who could vote him into office. All we are going to get from Labour is whitewash and a continuance of dishonestly conflating Islamaphobia with anti-Semitism.
I remember writing here that the election of Corbyn would bring out the Trots and the hard left in numbers and give them respectability. It was bleedin obvious and has come to pass. For the old Labour left he is the ultimate disaster. For the poly Trots and the BBC/Guardian axis of idiocy he is the main man. Go figure.
If you doubt this then a quick survey of what used ot be called universities will reveal the reality. Trots, anti Semites and class war warriors and all as useless as tabioca in a mince pie.
Bono — the international statesman, global thought-leader and occasional musician — has told Congress exactly what it needs to do solve the global refugee crisis and Islamic extremism.
Firstly, the West needs to welcome in more refugees from North Africa and the Middle East – lots more – and learn to see them not as a “burden” but as a “benefit.”
Secondly, instead of confronting Islamist terror with the unhelpful language of hate and military hardware, it needs to find a kinder, gentler, funnier way of winning them over – using comedians like Amy Schumer, Chris Rock, and Sacha Baron Cohen.
Bono was delivering his wisdom to the Senate appropriations subcommittee on Capitol Hill.
He said:
“It’s like, you speak violence, you speak their language. But you laugh at them when they are goose-stepping down the street and it takes away their power. So I am suggesting that the Senate send in Amy Schumer and Chris Rock and Sacha Baron Cohen, thank you.”
A little bit asshatry to lighten the day.
NCBBC , You forgot, also renowned intellectual, academic, scientist and total utter dickhead ! I would like to see that prat go to Syria and laugh at Isis. Now that would be a laugh !
Now that would be The Sweetest thing!
“it needs to find a kinder, gentler, funnier way of winning them over”
So the reason for all this is that the Islamists’ latent sense of humour hasn’t found an outlet yet?
They kept it well hidden. However, not wishing to pour cold water on the idea, we should all write to the BBC suggesting that they send a team of their finest, lead by Jeremy Hardy, to put an end to the violence. They’ll be laughing their heads off.
Problem solved – the dire state of BBC comedy, that is.
You see how many of the world’s problems could have been solved 40 years ago if they’d just asked Val Doonican?
Rolf Harris would have had more in common.
I think that was very unfair. I have yet to see the slightest evidence that ‘Bono’ is a musician.
I agree with Bonio. I suggest they send Marcus Brigstocke, Jo Brand and Susan Calman and her wife. Isis will give up in a day faced with that lot.
An oldie biut a goodie….
Bonio pontificating to a concert audience…’every time i clap my hands,a child in Africa dies……’
Reply from audience…….’well stop clapping your hands then’
That always tickles me
Jo Brand?
Have to draw the line somewhere. That’s just cruel and unusual.
But you laugh at them when they are goose-stepping down the street and it takes away their power.
Better walk the talk then, Bonio. Assuming you’re still walking and talking after your first gig in, say, Syria, you can then continue your tour in Nigeria.
‘thinking’ allowed (or not if your thoughts aren’t the same as the Fascists)!
Ethnography Award winner, Transcultural football
The winner of the 2016 British Sociological Association & Thinking Allowed Ethnography award, Maxim Bolt, Lecturer in Anthropology and African Studies at the University of Birmingham, talks to Laurie Taylor about his ground breaking study of insecure lives on the border farms between Zimbabwe and South Africa. How do people create homes and stability in times of mass unemployment and uncertainty? Also, transcultural sport: young Congolese migrants establishing a sense of belonging in a Dublin football team.
Appalling pro migration tripe, and an award provided by TV taxpayers given to a BBC leftie liberal favourite !
Gives Laurie a good chance to ask penetrating questions such as ” To what extent does corruption, poor governance and war contribute to their insecure lives ? “. Or maybe not. Come to think of it you could ask the same question about Europe, just adding immigration to the list. Am I the only person who finds Laurie one of the most santimonious, patronising prigs on the BBC ?
No, you are not alone. He is a smug imbecile – one of the funniest men on radio.
GC, It is stange that most of the funniest people on the BBC have no sense of humour !
Nor any sense of how screamingly funny they are.
BBC comedians, on the other hand, seem to have the exact opposite problem.
Ethnography Award winner, Transcultural football
The winner of the 2016 British Sociological Association & Thinking Allowed Ethnography award….
We have finally landed on the Planet Zog.
No, wait….
…..talks to Laurie Taylor about his ground breaking study of insecure lives on the border farms between Zimbabwe and South Africa. How do people create homes and stability in times of mass unemployment and uncertainty?
Assuming that was discussed in the context of those poor people becoming unemployed because the productive white-owned farms were confiscated, using violence and in some cases murder, for Mugabe’s cronies who let them go to pot (literally and metaphorically)….then the answer’s pretty simple, really – you need to get shut of the murderous dictator don’t you? If that was the context and that was the conclusion, space mission put on hold.
it never seems to dawn on these idiots that all Africa and most of the ME ( excluding Israel) are full of failed states and that there is no prospect that this is about to change anytime soon . So the people realising that their states are completely useless want to go somewhere else which means Europe.
In some way these liberals blame themselves for this but there might just be other explanations. Best not discuss this in case heads explode.
BBC Radio 4 “Respect me, respect my religion”
Timothy Garton Ash asks if religion is a special case where freedom of speech should be curtailed. He asks how we can reconcile belief in an absolute revealed truth with the post-Enlightenment freedom to question everything, including religious faith. He proposes that the principle we should adopt is to “respect the believer but not necessarily the content of the belief”. Will this be enough to bridge the gap?
I don’t know which lunatic planet this guy is on, but anyone who thinks we have freedom to question anything. let alone everything has a screw missing !
It’s am amazing program in which Garton Ash describes himself as a liberal, and announces that only he and his fellow liberals have the right answers to the future of the country!
He criticised past attempts at what he calls ‘tolerance’ (what I call Fascism) in trying to force everyone to be nice to each other and forbidding criticism of the unacceptable. It doesn’t seem to have crossed his mind that this was the result of his own liberal values, that it was wrong then, and it might be wrong now !
I find it hard to understand why the BBC ever features TGA when there is not a single thing he says that isn’t wrong on some very fundamental levels (he is an avowed Remainiac, too).
I suppose that must be his appeal…
Bit of a blow to Nigel as Vote Leave gets the nod to lead the Brexit campaign from the Electoral Commission.
The Torys didn’t want to share a platform with him and clearly won the day. However Nigel may be its going to court via his donor. So instead of a focus on leaving we could have a court battle over who is going to lead. If Nigel does really only want the country to leave, it will be interesting to see if he puts the campaign before his ego.
Does that allow Grassroots Out to spend s**tloads of money on campaigning? Rather than the joke amount of £7m that Cameron has already surpassed.
Well I received my third communication this morning telling me to vote ‘IN’, this time from Will Straw (now where have I heard that surname before). Nothing from ‘OUT’ yet.
I have to say that the quality of the latest offering wasn’t up to the standard of the previous two, it was rather more, what’s the word, ah yes, absorbent, so I will be able to put it to good use.
Post your EU Fear pamphlet back to Dodgy Dave for free. The address is:
Remember to deface the pamphlet before sticking it in an envelope. I put the word TRAITOR across mine in black felt tip.
Vote People
Vote Britain
Vote Leave
Sorry wronged, it has already been disposed of in the manner suggested.
Well done Fred.
They don’t like it up ’em!
Visiting my mum in Scotland just now. People here are not getting theirs until after the 5 May elections. Why would that be, I wonder ?
Perhaps this dirty bastard can use it as a bog roll.
It would seem that they are doing the same in Wales.
Never mind, I’ve saved a link to that Freepost Number.
Wrote lots of comments and addressed it to Downing Street.
Roger the Dodger in fine dodging form on the lunchtime news as a huge American coal company is going out of business.
All due to massive supplies of cheaper gas and oil (from fracking – Harrabin totally straightfaced when he delivered this one) and the ‘public’s concerns’ over what coal is doing to the environment and ‘climate change’. But no mention of this:
The week of September 17 the House plans to vote on a Stop the War on Coal bill designed to halt EPA regulations that are plaguing the industry, an effort Republicans hope will garner votes in key swing states. Responding to Alpha’s announcement, presidential candidate Mitt Romney highlighted Obama’s environmental policies as a direct catalyst to the mine closures, and consequently more than a thousand job layoffs.
So stringent EPA anti-coal regulation had a part to play, but Roger doesn’t want you to know that. Just as he never tells us about how ‘carbon’ taxes are forcing the closure of coal-fired power plants in the UK (Fiddlers Ferry next – currently powers 2 million homes).
The usual BBC-agenda-by-proxy given by the usual brief sound bite from the usual environmentalist who used the unusual term ‘climate deniers’. Yep, us sceptics are denying there’s even a climate now, apparently. Oh, and the lobbying these evil coal companies do against ‘climate science’!
Quickly back to Roger who tells us coal also being undercut by cheaper renewables, quoting the example of solar power in ‘sunny regions’ (shot of some blisteringly hot desert hellhole where, presumably, the sun must shine for 24 hours, otherwise…….however quickly moving on….)
A more rational energy analyst then comes on to explain how we still massively rely on coal for energy, steel production being a particularly highly dependent example.
However Roger has the last word to emphasize how coal is definitely in decline across the globe, though without mentioning the continuing massive expansion of coal-fired energy in India, China and – yes – Europe (take a bow Germany and Poland).
Yes folks, it’s half the story again from your balanced and impartial ‘environment analyst’, but importantly it’s the half he wants you to hear.
– The BBC ‘educating and informing’ the nation, promoting an unproven* scientific hypothesis as fact.
*And some would say disproven by real world evidence.
I have been reading the stuff on Trevor Phillips’ amazing discovery that Muslims do not want to integrate. Add to that Cameron/May’s attempts to prevent radicalisation.
This is where it needs attention. How do you integrate with this?
To me that looks like the school for junior halal butchery.
And out of little butchers….
Just been watching a bit of Trev’s exegesis on C4.
I particularly liked the guest appearance of Ali Blah-Blah Clown, She looked worried. She has just realised that true Muslims don’t particularly likd her either. Her liberal days might be numbered she feels.
“Why would anyone want to harm their own country?” asks the clueless Trevor with muslims in mind
Practically all Trevor’s outpourings are based on facile and dangerous assumptions like these.
Trevor can’t distinguish between living in a geographical location and living in a culture. He whines about “separate lives” but as Muslim children in Britain first and foremost are brought up and influenced by Muslim parents, Muslim extended family, Muslim friends and neighbours in a small-scale Muslim society that has essentially been transplanted lock, stock and barrel from some Islamic state why is this surprising? Trevor wonders one moment what went wrong and the next pooh poohs any form of “assimilation”. Obviously, if you do not demand any form of assimilation from immigrants you will end up with “separate lives”. Does Trevor think immigrants become British by some form of “cultural osmosis” ? But then, people like Trevor in reality despise the “British way of life”, and would never dream of asking or demanding that immigrants adopt such a mode of living. Mass, uncontrooled immigration was to be used to change the indigenous population, not the other way round.
Trevor is pushing some feeble-minded multi-culti school pipe-dream to banish societal discord and discourage muslims from butchering non-muslims. No doubt, he will play a leading role, pocketing billions of government money for hinself and a horde of ex-jihadis who have seen the light.
Yep, that just about covers it.
All that killing in the name of some bloke called Al who no one’s ever seen. It’s madness.
And tonight, on the Whinge Broadcasting Corporation, we have
1. The Guardian reports its women and black reporters get more negative comments on the websites than their male counterparts. Apparently a female rugby correspondent was particularly savaged. It is assumed of course this has nothing to do with the reporting or the lines taken but merely because of sex and melamin skin content. Queue Yvette Cooper campaigning for ‘Reclaim the internet’.
2. People living on the Isle of Dogs cannot access the high paying jobs in Canary Wharf next door. Queue an interview with a female Muslim in full-on black gear bemoaning her lack of opportinity. This is followed by an interview with a black guy with hair braids by Rizla Teeth.
The odious, repugnant biased BBC has absolutely nothing to say about the lives of ordinary people and so resorts to searching out each and every tiny,possible example of unfairness to fill its vacuous little btrains and spend our money to try and brainwash us along the way.
It’s just so appalling and pathetic. I just so wish Whittingdale would now use the pair we now know he has and announce the scrapping of the unfair poll tax that is the TV licence.
Ta sluff-a flashback moment ensued from your blog.
8am news on Radio 4…Les Ebdon fussing on about kids from posh backgrounds earning more on leaving uni.
Oh the humanity-poor Sir Les really couldn`t begin to tell us all how bad this was…
Apparently, the toffs have better informal networks-you know,internships, friends employing the spawn of fellow-travellers…well I ll be!
Next up-after the news…Will Straw(jacks lad) is on the BBC speaking about our need to stay in.
This will back up what Henry Dimbleby (Davids lad) said on BH on Sunday.
Seb Corbyn(Jeremys lad) may yet have a view if we care to go through John McDonnells office at the Shadow Chancellors berth.
Next up Stephen Kinnock( Neils lad) and the Tata bid…as described to us here by Industrial correspondent Ben Wright (Tonys lad).
I`ll not ask what Les Ebdons kids are doing-probably hassling the Tories re access to Oxbridge as daddy does…and at our expense.
Good Old BBC eh….one big massive beam hanging out of their eyes as they string up irony, self-awareness and humour upon it…and the only mote they care about is one where a Tory can be pillories for claiming expenses on its cleaning.
Nepotism?…jobs for the boys?…it`s ALL Labour have to offer-for the few with enough sperm and inclination to create some…and Les and the BBC don`t see how bankrupt and fucked they are….
Great speech by David Davies at Grassroots Out event in Manchester.
IF we vote out and IF David Cameron resigns, surely David Davies has to feature in the negotiations with The EU.
Is Jerrod watching Channel Four?
He’ll be too busy creating bigoted, infantile liberal hashtags on ‘Shitter’ to share among his fellow brain dead, delusionists or planning violent anti democratic attacks on gatherings of men and women who are worried and frightened about the future of the country they love……That and his mum switches lights out at 10pm
He’ll be watching but with his earphones switched to a rare and hallowed copy of ‘ISIS Imams’ Greatest Hits’, unbeknown to him the wailings which acccompany ritual tossings off – of high buildings, that is.