The BBC has reported Dave’s comment on the BBC’s guilty secrets but hasn’t bothered to mention the fellow travellers nor curiously and unusually has it provided any video of the moment limiting itself to saying this…
He said a number of public sector organisations, including trade unions and the BBC, had similar investment arrangements, describing them as a “standard practice and not designed to avoid tax”.
Couldn’t very well avoid mentioning itself but where’s the Mirror and the Guardian and the Right Honourable Corbyn’s Republic of Islington? Why no mention of the gang?
However the BBC is happy to provide us with chapter and verse of Labour’s accusations…
Responding for Labour in the House of Commons, Mr Corbyn said the prime minister had failed to give a “full account of his involvement in tax havens until this week or take essential action to clean up the system”.
“The UK is at the heart of the global tax avoidance industry,” he said. “It is a national scandal and it has to stop”.
The prime minister released a summary of earnings and tax going back six years after being accused by Labour of misleading the public over money he had invested in his father Ian Cameron’s company, Blairmore Holdings.
Labour is continuing to press him to publish his full tax returns dating back to before he became prime minister and are questioning why the original investment was not disclosed in the register of MPs’ interests.
No exploration of any of that by the BBC which just accepts Labour accusations as credible….just how did Britian become so enamoured with Tax Havens? Perhaps Gordon Brown could answer that one…if he was asked. And just why did Cameron not disclose his investment (of £12,000) in Blairmore? Maybe the BBC, instead of slinging mud in the hope that some sticks, could do some digging….or just pop along to Guido who will happily enlighten them and save them the effort of doing some journalism…
Why Didn’t Cameron Declare Blairmore in 2009 Register of Interests
What about the attack line Labour MPs are clamouring around, that Dave did not declare his Blairmore shares in his 2009 Register of Members Interests? MPs are not required to declare shareholdings in unit trusts, holdings below £70,000 or 15% of a partnership.
So yes, we do know exactly why Cameron didn’t disclose the shareholding, because he didn’t have to, but the BBC aren’t bothered about fact checking Labour’s accusation, they are just happy to keep on slinging that mud on Labour’s behalf.
And while we’re at Guido’s why not have a look at this…
BBC’s £84 Million in Bermuda
Cameron’s taxes and the Panama Papers have led the BBC News bulletins for the past week, yet licence fee payers remain unenlightened about Auntie’s own offshore financial arrangements. What better place to start than the 2013 BBC Pensions report, which lists investments held by the Beeb’s £9 billion employee benefit scheme. Scroll down to page 16 and it is disclosed that the BBC used investment managers Nephila Capital Ltd to invest £84 million:
Nephila Capital is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nephila Holdings Limited and is a Bermuda domiciled company.
And on the subject of BBC pension funds, which we’ve already looked at…just compare the BBC’s top 100 investments with the Guardian’s list of 100 FTSE companies that use tax havens…spot the similarity?
Research has found that the UK’s biggest public companies have more than 8,000 subsidiaries or joint ventures in tax havens – but which businesses have the most?
Will Lord Hall Hall be answering questions in the House any time soon? I should think he would given how his impartial news organisation has conducted a political witch-hunt against Cameron whilst all the time being ‘guilty’ of the same, apparently immoral, actions.
Bent as nine billion bob note.
I’m guilty! I’ve sold stuff on eBay and not declared it. I’ve cut my neighbour’s grass and she gave me £20 and not declared it. Send me to hell. But hang on is this not the shortsightedness of the illitarati yet again coming to the fore? Who the hell ends up paying for extra testing of food because no horse meat was found? Who the hell ends up paying more because we want Starbucks or Cameron to pay taxes?
The same as every other OUTRAGE the only person that pays is us.
The Al Beeb are going ‘operation rolling thunder’ on this non story. I have never witnessed such relentless coverage of a politicised story, and it’s purpose IS to carpetbomb the public with the “we are not all in it together” narrative and create an air of suspicious about David Cameron and Tory government that the Al Beeb will never let pass (and they will keep bringing this up relentlessly to ensure it doesn’t).
I believe the Al mujahideen Beeb are fanatically pursuing this story for the reasons Alan has stated but also the following reasons
1: Control topic of debate leading up to referendum. The Al Beeb want the public to see that it has the publics best interests at heart. When the Al Beeb propagate the benefits of staying in the EU they want the voters to think “well at least I trust them to help make the choice”
2: Change the focal point of anger away from the gimmigants and ROPers destroying our way of life to the evil, only care about themselves Tory party. The fact the vile, pedo loving left are elbow deep in it too is irrelevant as they will never report that side of the story.
3: Champion the Labour party as the party of the people. Use every article to shoehorn Mao Corbyn as the man to make things fair and just.
4: Brainwash as many of the public as possible with the “tax is a great and wonderful thing” in line with Labour party policies. The Tories are trying to reduce taxes which is against everything this fake uproar is about
I have no doubt there are many more reasons the traitorous, freedom hating deviants that infest the Al mujahideen Beeb have lost their shit over this story. The information war is now full on and unremorseful
The BBC are cynical enough to understand that most of the British Joe public are essentially A-Political…They’re unaware that they’re being manipulated, indoctrinated and blatantly lied to by a poisonous left wing orginisation that takes most of it’s ethos and ideals from the Guardian/Mirror/Islington clique, and can self righteously lead the way on many occasions..
Thus, if a Tory Prime Minister that Al-Beeb find repugnant makes a speech of which the BBC don’t adhere to, then they’ll revert to type and report some of the facts, but only those that adhere to their stand point….What’s new?……If Joe public are too lazy, too overworked, or too over stimulated to seek the truth for themselves, then we can rely on the one sided BBC to keep them in the dark for as long as humanly possible…