The BBC’s reaction to a survey that reveals what Muslims believe has, rather than to investigate and discuss, been to ridicule, mock and undermine the results of the C4 survey……the findings of which could neatly be summarised by this cartoon….
They are quite explosive and incendiary, unpleasant reading for the BBC.
Here is the BBC’s frontpage reaction to Trevor Phillips’ survey…
Muslim poll mockery
Muslims joke about ‘What British Muslims really think’ survey
All a big joke then. The BBC really doesn’t like the findings of the poll because they are very disturbing and demand a very difficult debate on what the solution is.
‘The BBC is wrong. Many Muslims have sympathy with the Charlie Hebdo killings. Far too many.’
The BBC of course famously misled the public about the results of its own survey on Muslim opinion and when C4′ Dispatches programme revealed explicitly what was going on inside some mosques the BBC completely ignored that and instead spent the same week attacking Jade Goody on C4’s Big Brother programme for her use of the word ‘Poppadom’ when referring to an Asian contestant she was having an argument with….so never mind the blood curdling threats against the West being propagated inside some British mosques…the BBC is more interested in a playground spat….and quite happy for Jade Goody to be called ‘thick, white trash’ on BBC programmes by an Asian.
The BBC is still peddling its own survey as an honest and reliable piece of work whilst trying to trash everyone elses…
A survey commissioned by the BBC in February 2015 found that 93% of Muslims living in Britain believed they should follow British laws. In the same survey, 27% said they had some sympathy for the motives behind the attacks on Charlie Hebdo in Paris.
Ironically that followed this attack on the Sun in the same article…
This isn’t the first time a survey about British Muslim’s opinions has stirred up controversy on social media. In December 2015 the Sun newspaper published the headline “1 in 5 Brit Muslims’ sympathy for jihadis”, triggering a huge backlash on Twitter. Its reporting of the results was later deemed “significantly misleading” by the Independent Press Standards Organisation following a slew of complaints.
The Sun was quite right, in fact they underplayed the numbers of potential terrorist sympathisers as you can see from the BBC’s own comment above…27% of Muslims had sympathy with the Charlie Hebdo killers…so that’ll be 1 in 4 not 1 in 5.
Look at how the BBC explained away the Sun’s results…
The Sun’s figures came from research carried out by polling company Survation, which conducted phone interviews with 1,000 British Muslims after the recent attacks in Paris. One of the questions was: Which of the following statements is closest to your view?
- I have a lot of sympathy with young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria.
- I have some sympathy with young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria.
- I have no sympathy with young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria.
- Don’t know.
The BBC said this…
The word “jihadis”, which is used in the headline, does not appear in the question. This might be significant because not everyone who travels to Syria is necessarily going to fight for the so-called Islamic State or other militant Islamist groups – some could be going to join rebel groups opposed to IS.
That’s semantics crossbred with a lie….the poll did not mention Jihadis but in every question asked about those going to join fighters in Syria. We know they all go to the Islamist groups, and ‘rebel groups opposed to IS’ that they would join are Al Qaeda based such as Al Nusra. The BBC is desperately twisting the narrative and goes pathetically further in its attempt to attack the Sun saying….
When people answered the question, 4% said they had a lot of sympathy and 14% said they had some sympathy – a total of 19%, which is the figure the Sun used.
But the word “sympathy” is ambiguous and using it casts doubt on the result, says Manchester University’s Maria Sobolewska, an expert on polling minority groups.
In the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, the first two definitions of the word are:
- Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune.
- Understanding between people; common feeling.
“Did [the respondents] simply mean that they felt the situation for Muslims is very hard around the world, with a lot of wars and conflict, and perhaps prejudice in Western Europe, and therefore, this particular person feels some sympathy with how desperation may lead some young people to terrorism?” asks Sobolewska. “Is it just an emotional understanding? Or is it actually weak or tacit support of terrorism? I really think making that leap in to the second conclusion is taking it a bit too far.”
So terrorism is in fact due to the poor little lambs being discriminated against, we just don’t know what the Muslims thought the word ‘sympathy’ meant.
The BBC excusing and sympathising itself with Muslim terrorists.
Remember this video from the Balkans from Sky News?…the video the BBC doesn’t really want you to see…the video that tells of the atrocities carried out by Muslims in Bosnia and the fact that many of the Muslim radicals stayed behind to propagate their Jihadist narrative….
Der Spiegel is reporting that those Jihadists have successfully been spreading their ideology and instilling a hatred of the West amongst the Muslims in Bosnia……
Sharia Villages: Bosnia’s Islamic State Problem
Bosnia, says the American Balkan expert and former NSA employee John Schindler, “is considered something of a ‘safehouse’ for radicals,” and now harbors a stable terrorist infrastructure. It is one that is not strictly hierarchical and is thus considered “off-message” within IS, but it nonetheless represents an existential threat to the fragmented republic.
It increasingly looks as though a new sanctuary for IS fighters, planners and recruiters has been established right in the middle of Europe. In some remote villages, the black flag of IS is flown and, as a share of the population, more fighters from Bosnia-Herzegovina have joined IS than from any other country in Europe, except for Belgium.
Most recently, 64 illegal Muslim communities suspected of radicalism have been counted. Since March 1, security forces are empowered to take action against the renegades. Otherwise, chaos could ensue, warns Bakir Izetbegovic, the Bosniak member of the tripartite presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
If Trevor Phillips is right it is something we should take a great deal of note of as Muslim ghettoes, mini-Pakistans, are taking root around the UK with many Muslims living completely separate lives and looking out at the rest of us with dislike and disdain….
Britain desperately wants to think of its Muslims as versions of the Great British Bakeoff winner Nadiya Hussain, or the cheeky-chappie athlete Mo Farah….we now know that just isn’t how it is.
Phillips is wrong….the only people who think that people like Nadiya as she represents herself on the show in public are the real face of Islam are the misguided and cowardly politicians and the BBC who set the show up to ensure Nadiya had a good chance of winning….so that we’d think how wonderful and nice Muslims are…look they bake cakes, so like us.
Phillips tells us of his survey…
What it reveals is the unacknowledged creation of a nation within a nation, with its own geography, its own values and its own very separate future….Britain is nurturing communities with a complete set of alternate values.
Some of my journalist friends imagine that, with time, the Muslims will grow out of it. They won’t….they really don’t want to adopt much of our decadent way of life.
He tells us that Muslims like the advantages that Britain brings to them but ‘many are not as enthusiastic about their non-Muslim compatriots.’ Well go to somewhere where they can be with like-minded souls then….such as ISIS.
Phillips says that..
Many of our elite political and media classes simply refuse to acknowledge the truth [See the BBC’s reaction to Phillips’ survey….they really don’t want to know the truth]
He states that the solution is not going to be easy if possible at all…
Integrating Muslims will probably be the hardest task of all. It will mean abandoning the milk-and-water multiculturalism still so beloved of many, and adopting a far more muscular approach to integration….deciding how to confront their thinking where it collides with our fundamental values.
Perhaps shutting Islamic faith schools, madrassas, even some Mosques, and cutting off the flood of Jihadi money from the Gulf states that fund the Islamic propaganda that encourages Muslims to rise up and look on themselves as very different and superior to their host nation would be a start….and how about the Koran being taught not by Muslim preachers but by non-Muslim teachers who have a secular outlook so that the young Muslims get a more rounded and enlightened view of life than provided by a strict Islamic education based upon the Koran.
The truth is too many Muslims will not ‘integrate’ and more and more do want to live their lives entirely governed by Islamic strictures without having to bother with the laws and social mores of Britain….they want to set up mini Pakistans, mini Islamic republics that will spread and spread as the Muslim population grows and the politicians, authorities, schools, the media and businesses all cower before them…scared both of being accused of Islamophobia and of a violent reaction if they don’t comply with the Muslim community’s demands. This will only, and inevitably, lead to conflict as people see their country being Islamised and taken over and themselves being forced to become virtual ‘Muslims’ as they are pressured to adopt practises that don’t ‘offend’ Muslims…no more pork, no alcohol, no short skirts, wear head scarves, no eating at Ramadan in case you upset a hungry Muslim and so on.
Eventually people will stop hiding their thoughts and start saying out loud what they think…that they are sick of Muslim intimidation, Muslim threats, Muslim blackmail, Muslim demands, sick of Muslim intolerance and oppressive attempts to force everyone else to comply with their values, sick of being told by the likes of the BBC that they must love Islam or else be marked as racist or Islamophobic if they don’t despite all the evidence pointing to the fact that Islam is a deeply unpleasant and backward ideology that will return Europe to the Dark Ages.
Boris Johnson might agree……
To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia – fear of Islam – seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture – to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques – it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. As the killer of Theo Van Gogh told his victim’s mother this week in a Dutch courtroom, he could not care for her, could not sympathise, because she was not a Muslim.
The trouble with this disgusting arrogance and condescension is that it is widely supported in Koranic texts, and we look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s medieval ass?
The BBC knows all this and instead prefers to bury its head in the sand hoping it will all turn out alright in the end but knowing it won’t. The BBC has the pathetic hope that it can prevent a showdown by silencing the voices who raise awkward questions…questions that demand awkward answers that will inevitably lead to a solution that is unpleasant but the only one possible if Muslims continue to attack the host nation not only with actual violence but by usng the media, using the law, using emotional blackmail, playing the ‘race card’…they know the threat of young Muslims being radicalised if people don’t allow Muslims to do what they like is an effective means of getting their own way.
Muslim commnity leaders and agitprop merchants know all too well the truth of this….
‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror.’
They may not plant the bombs or threaten violence themselves but they are quick to capitalise on it and demand special treatment for the Muslim community in order to ‘prevent radicalisation’….in other words the answer to Muslim radicals threatening to blow us up if we don’t allow them to practise Islam fully regardless of British law is to ….have more Islam. So the radicals get what they want anyway.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn knew how things go……
Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.
Are so many Muslims the innocent victims of the radicals or do many have sympathy with them? Similar claims of total innocence were made about the Germans after WWII…which the Guardian’s Madeleine Bunting rubbished…..
‘He acknowledged he was a “son of the German people” … “but not guilty on that account”; he then launched into a highly controversial claim that a “ring of criminals” were responsible for nazism and that the German people were as much their victims as anyone else. This is an argument that has long been discredited in Germany as utterly inadequate in explaining how millions supported the Nazis.’
Are the Jihadists just a tiny group of Muslims who in fact are not Muslim but are peddling a perverted interpretation of Islam…or is the truth more uncomfortable for some to hear? Do they have far more support than the BBC wishes to acknowledge?
Isn’t it odd how the BBC refuses to investigate the accusations made against London mayoral candidate Sadiq Khan who has close ties to extremist Muslims? Only yesterday the Home secretary said he wasn’t fit to be Mayor due to his Islamist links….did the BBC report that? No…
Sadiq Khan ‘isn’t fit to be Mayor of London because of his links to extremists’, declares Theresa May as a string of senior Tories turn up heat on Labour candidate
This is a story that has been going on for a long time now…and yet the BBC has totally ignored it…clearly they are so desperate for a Labour London Mayor that they are prepared to ignore his extremely dodgy friends…not to mention his own comments….such as politicising the police to make them defend Muslims in particular.
Sadiq Khan, another Lutfur Rahman, only on a much bigger scale? The BBC ignored him too for a long, long time.
The BBC would rather spend weeks chasing Cameron for being posh than expose Islamists in our midst.
I did post this late yesterday on the open thread, however this answers this topic Alan and also the smug, fairytale world, delusionists at Al Beeb HQ who are forcing us all down the path of destruction with the warped ROPer worshipping views….
Some interesting points of view and statements regarding the results of this poll. But why the shock? How are we surprised? Why are people trying to add modern thought and context to something that has been unable to change since its creation and will remain the same for its entire existence.
Islam cannot change or Islam fails to exist. There are no more prophets. No more changes. The final word of Allah is laid out for the children of Allah to follow. Any attempt to change the text is the work of the Satans of this world. The Iblis. The duty of true Muslims is to keep Muhammads word pure and free from interference. To ensure no man ever changes a single word for their own gain. The act of jihad is a Muslims duty to protect the word of Allah as written by Muhammad.
The poll is irrelevant. The discussion is irrelevant. The appeasement is irrelevant. The question of % of Muslims who want to ban homosexuality is completely and utterly irrelevant.
“The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did (homosexuals), kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”
Allah does not allow homosexuality. Muhammad set the laws of sharia to reject and ban homosexuality under the pain of death. Islam utterly bans homosexuality. What the fuck does a poll like this expect to achieve?
If anyone that uses this website is LGBT please study the Koran. Tell anyone you know who is LGBT to study it. Understand the purpose of the Koran and see if you are willing to go out with your stupid fucked up banners proclaiming “LGBT against islamphobia”
But I have to say it’s on of your best articles Alan. Its hard hitting and portrays a sense of impending doom and destruction, but that’s Islam. That’s what Islam tells Muslims their duty to Allah is.
Clearly we need people like Trevor Philips on board to take away the bigoted lefts response of “you are just racist!” when anyone tries to discuss the threat of Islam to our way of life. The left utterly despise anyone and everything western that doesn’t hold their delusional views, to the point that it will go down fighting to protect its fuck buddy Islam. Islam has no friends. It has only enemies preventing Islam from doing what it was created to do. Dominate. Convert. Destroy….Until everything not Islamic has been wiped from the face of this earth…..and all because this is what Allah demands of them. What Muhammad orders them to do.
Our media are lying, traitorous bast@rds who are trying to destroy our way of life.
When Philips took over as the head of the Race relations board, or whatever it was called at the time he did say it had been taken over by muslims and he did call for afro caribbean and Jews to get more involved. And didn’t his predecessor get sacked for getting p*ssed at a race meeting and sounding off at the tv cameras.
And he Trevor Phillips should know-of course Islam is our midst it has been so for years-its sleepers planted where they can do most harm as and when they get the go ahead from their Mosques-now with the unprecedented Muslim invasion that has and is sweeping across Europe irrespective of the measures being taken to repulse it, which are pathetic. The real danger of this despotic ideology is its clever, stealth like advance across countries throughout the world-Muslim population shown as over 1.6 billoion-plenty of recruiting fodder for Daesh and other terrorist groups to pool from. The EU will be the cause of the destruction of our Christian Society in the West-the West has been sleepwalking into the danger-aided by the evilness of the eletists whose claws are clinging to Islam.
I think that you are wrong to suggest that we need people like Philips on board. The fact that he now recognises the seriousness of the situation does not lift from him the culpability of his fellow-travelling alongside those who called ‘racist’ the wise people who warned of Islamicisation and its dangers.
He is clearly quite stupid not to have recognised the danger 20 years ago which is when he should have made the comments he is making now.
I completely agree that Philips is as much responsible for the damage that has been caused than anyone, however he can open up the debate to those being brainwashed to ignore it. Currently anyone who disagrees with Islam is being shut down and stigmatised with damaging slurs of islamaphobe or racist. Trevor Philips can not be labelled with either. As much as we may not like what he has done in the past he can help us win back our future. Our political elite and MSM are giving it away and we are currently powerless to stop it
Perhaps he is, but the fact he has realised his error should not be wasted. That the BBC has virtually ignored it tells you how dangerous they think it is. Do you think the BBC would have remained this quiet had Lenny Henry alleged that Muslims were being discriminated against?
Trevor Phillips is decades behind the rest of us and has to take much of the blame for this. Phillips once stated that ‘BNP members are less than human’. So much for his ‘equality’ mantra.
Interesting that the poll of Muslims asking if they have a ‘lot’ ‘some’ or ‘no’ sympathy with young terrorist Muslims (for that is what they are) gave the option of a ‘don’t know’ answer.. surely there was one more question that would have been truly illuminating, and that would be the question, ‘are you actively campaigning against Muslims going to fight in Syria?’
Perhaps that is one question too many!
Enoch was right,I hope that people will look at him in a new light.The PC rot was alive and well then.
When Our Queen dies it will be interesting to see how many RoPers will be in the crowd,not many i bet.
There true colours will be for all to see.Ask them why they didn’t show and their answers will shock the luvvies.
The BBC should listen to its own programmes.
Sarfraz Manzoor made In Search of Moderate Muslims in 2015.
Brought up in the World of the BBC he believed in moderate Islam but found that the emboldened ‘third generation’ were rejecting the concealed Islam of their grandparents and the ‘integration’ of their parents and where now discovering the ‘true’ Islam. There is none so convinced as a convert or revert.
I’ve read recently that the muslim clerics, whoever they might be, have changed the status of Europe from dar al harb, the house of war, to dar al islam, the house of islam. If this is correct, I think this will result in a serious and more extreme attitude of muslims towards us the indigenous population. As I understand it, muslims will no longer pretend to be accommodating towards other religions; for example, the lie that it’s a religion of peace and that there is no compulsion to convert; rather they will increasingly say what are their true intentions and how they plan to achieve them. This is because, I believe, they have calculated they are now in sufficient numbers they can achieve total domination. Therefore, if we’re serious about preserving our country’s civilisation, we’d better start doing something about it, and fast. Time is running out.
I wrote about dar al harb and dar al Islam dichotomy a few days back.
We normally associate the distinction as a fixed phenomenon. But we need to consider it as a dynamic and fluid phenomenon.
As long as Muslims are a tiny minority, they are peaceful, and do their best to be so. Any wayward Jihadi attacks are explained as not being true Islam, tiny minority of fanatics, and the community does not support them. The imams do their Taqqiya stuff. They also accept raids by the police on their areas. So far so good.
However when the numbers in an area are large enough, the imams will give an edict from the mosque, that the area is now a Muslims area ie it belongs to dar al Islam. From then on, police, fire brigades etc will no longer be accepted in that area, as they no longer are considered legitimate authorities. Thats what we need to watch.
Belgian vice PM acknowledges street celebrations following Brussels attacks
This is evidence that imams have declared Brussels to have progressed to dar al Islam.
As of now, Muslims will oppose all Belgium’s forces, as illegal, and having no proper legal authority in Muslim majority areas, particularly over Muslims.
In Muslim eyes, many areas in France are now dar al Islam. French Muslims will increasingly refuse to comply or even respect French authority.
We are rapidly moving to a serious conflict in Europe. Civil war – one that I have predicted for decades. Its a real shame that many innocents will quite unnecessarily be injured, because of blind attachment to egalitarian Pollyanna principals, that have no place in a fallen world.
The only real military power in Europe is the USA. Only America has the power to cross all European borders – no questions asked. I’m glad that Obama is passing out of the picture.
Polly Toynbee, the voice of the BBC/Guardian/Left stated on the Marr show that the Poll would be the same if conducted with older members of the white British community, e.g. views on homosexuality and women’s place in marriage.
So there you have it, middle-aged white Brits according to the Left are the same as Muslim extremists.
Dover Sentry
Yes.. but there was no poll of older white ( men presumably in her sick world ) British people, thus no result, thus no evidence to back up her wishful thinking!
A good article. I am sure that amongst the indigenous shire people the descision has been made and that is to be as exclusive towards the Muslim community as they are towards us.
Nor openly hostile but wary. Integration is not going to happen now or in the future. Numbers have seen to that and we better get used to it and start to live on this basis.
Eventually I foresee partition of this country. Travel around and you can see it happening before your eyes.
This is the greatest accusation that I can think of against a governing class. That it has all but destroyed the age old unity of England out of spite and greed and stupidity. This class , and the BBC is at it’s heart, is beneath contempt and no longer should be listened to or argued with. The time of that is past.
It makes me wonder just what one has to do, to be considered an ‘expert’ by the BBC these days.
would a junior Doctor be considered an ‘expert’? Most people would not regard anyone less than a consultant to be an expert especially if it was their personal health they were discussing!
Such is the case with Manchester University’s Dr Maria Sobolewska who is now a ‘senior lecturer’ at the Uni. Today she is a middle ranking employee, unfortunately there is no data as to when she was elevated to this, but it is quite possible when the BBC quoted her, she was a lowly lecturer, or even an assistant.
It’s not the first time they have used junior Uni staff, and elevated their credibility way beyond what it should be, simply because they are saying the things the BBC want to broadcast.
Readers might remember another post I made about an ‘expert’ from Lancaster Uni who turned out to be the most junior academic rank possible and not long qualified !
This in itself is another example of bias by misleading an audience as to the level of trust they should place in the BBCs ‘expert witnesses’, now as a result of this, I make a point of using the internet to find out who their ‘experts’ really are.
BBC ‘experts’ come from a great number of diverse groups..
err! I’m still thinking.
Climate Change experts need have E; lit degrees.
I would like Sadiq Khan to answer some questions with regards to his thoughts on Sharia Law in Britain.
1. Should Sharia Law be banned in this country (Being a Muslim he will undoubtedly say NO)
2. The Magna Carta stated that Britain shall live only under one law, why do we need Sharia Law.
3. Sharia Law states that men are permitted to chastise (hit) women in a marriage. Why have you not introduced a law to make this illegal even for religious reasons
4. Sharia Law states that it is admissible for polygamy to exist. Why have you not introduced a law to make this illegal even for religious reasons.
By the way Cameron/ Theresa May should also be made to answer these questions.
So what if the Magna Carta states, it’s not enshrined in British Law and it never was!
Magna Carta is strictly an Englsh matter as you well know. It is part of our way of looking at the world along with Common Law . It does not need to be enshrined in Britsih law as you say . It never was and I hope never will be.
Thoughtful, you stated
‘So what if the Magna Carta states, it’s not enshrined in British Law and it never was!’
Sorry Thoughtful but I firmly believe you are wrong
In supporting my view I extracted this text from a past edition of The Guardian.
The importance of the Magna Carta cannot be understated as it shaped the foundations of so much of our current law.
Four clauses are commonly agreed to remain in law: clause one guaranteeing that the “English church” shall be “free and shall have its rights undiminished”; clause 13 permitting the City of London to “enjoy all its liberties and ancient customs”; and clauses 39 and 40, which are jointly seen as embodying what have become the rights of habeas corpus – banning arbitrary detention – and trial by jury.
By introducing another law of the land there can only be conflict. We do not need Sharia Law, and as such it should be banned. It has no place in our society.
Thanks to the likes of the Buggering British Children lot the UK today is as follows:
Tweet that you asked a Muslim to explain Terrorist attacks in Beliguim ..get arrested
Tweet that you think Hitler was great for gassing the Jews, Nothing
Even the fing police think more about defending the gay death cult due to their penchant for trying to be as politically correct as possible.
‘The BBC really doesn’t like the findings of the poll because they are very disturbing and demand a very difficult debate on what the solution is.’
The BBC didn’t like the ‘Trojan Horse’ scandal in Birmingham schools and for months railed against the notion of such a thing in their regional and national broadcasts, rubbishing you will remember, the claims as ‘a hoax’.
They were not a hoax. As we later found there was very serious infiltration of radical religious teaching in some Birmingham schools, led by hard line Islamists who promoted isolationism and discrimination in the name of religious purity. Non Muslim kids were excluded from trips and activities, sex segregation took place and Muslim kids were warned not to mix with their non Muslim would-be school mates (Kafirs). Teachers, who objected or raised concerns were removed.
It was only the print media that has fully disclosed the terrible extent of the abuses that took place and the subsequent banning of the people responsible (as well as their recent efforts to regroup and try again elsewhere). The BBC’s reporting of the outcome was perfunctory at best, taking time to raise doubts about the findings of the reports and to criticise both the nature of the investigation and who it had been conducted by. In doing so the BBC minimised and downplayed the outrage of what had happened in our own state schools in Brum.
The BBC’s response to the Phillips survey has followed the same well worn approach. Time and again (depressingly increasingly so), the BBC shows that it cannot be trusted to report news honestly, impartially and with integrity.
Unfortunately the BBC message that on the whole Islam is very compatible with being a UK citizen is quite attractive to a large proportion of the population for a number of reasons.
The sheep generally are not interested in anything apart from footy, the X Factor and where the next Special Brew is coming from.
The left could never accept that their years of accusations and witch hunting were in effect barking up the wrong tree.
And large swathes of the population would prefer to remain in denial as the reality of how their life could change and how they would lose many of the freedoms that up until now they have taken for granted. Probably does not bare thinking about.
I do hope that Trevor Philips does not have too many skeletons in his cupboard. How Aunty would love to confuse his very clear message with accusations of drugs/adultery/financial impropriety or some similar accusation which would neatly confuse the issue and show him in a diminished light and in their eyes diminishing the message.
It must be confusing at the very least for Aunty having a very reasonable and plausible black man not agreeing with Aunties agenda and exposing a number of very serious issues which cannot be ignored for much longer.
Late or not his survey is very welcome and should at least raise a few questions in the minds of some of us who have ignored these issues for many years.
I just hope he watches his back
Not that it should be in 2016 Europe. but brave cartoon….well done!
The revelations last year that the Muslim ADF and mainstream-media heart-throb Mona Shindy holds typical Muslim views should come as no surprise to anyone. Just scratch the surface (for example, by giving them a Twitter account) and all that suppressed anti-Western bile starts to spray out everywhere. Like babies with projectile vomiting, they can’t help themselves. (And all that puke makes you want to puke up right back at her, and that’s what I’m doing here.)