It is an irony that as her husband, Brad Pitt, playing a UN official, once again saves the world from a flood of Zombies, Angelina Jolie, Special Envoy for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, is saving the world from….hmmm….us.
The 40-year-old actress will give the address on migration and its impact on the world in the programme World On The Move – which will be broadcast from the BBC Radio Theatre and across several BBC shows on May 16.
Her heartfelt words will be heard in a session hosted by the Today programme’s Mishal Husain which will be broadcast live on Radio 4, BBC World Service and BBC World News.
The mother-of-six, who is a Special Envoy for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, said: ‘The debate on the refugee crisis is often polarised and based on fear and misconceptions.
Ahh…yes, that’s the problem, us…people who want to control immigration are bigoted, have unfounded fears driven by misconceptions and a lack of knowledge. Just as well the BBC is having a special one day blitz on our misconceptions promoting open borders and mass immigration.
I wonder if Trevor Phillips will be one of the speakers. Will his warning that Muslims have no intention of integrating and that if the Muslim population continues to grow, as it will, given demographics and the influx of millions of Muslims forcing their way into Europe, this will lead to immense and dangerous problems…more than are already apparent?
Apparently we are to be enlightened by new insights into the problem… other words we are to be told that people all around the world are suffering in their own countries and want to come to Europe, or America…and it is only fair that we let them come…
The BBC’s director of news and current affairs, James Harding, said: ‘If the Today programme ran all day on one story, what new insights would it throw up? We’ve put together a day of programming involving BBC News and some of Radio 4’s biggest programme strands to look at a key story of our time.
‘An age of unprecedented mobility is shaping the world we live in for better and for worse.’
That’s not true though is it…..Harding makes it sound as if it is all unstoppable when the fact is the only reason it is happening is because of people like him who propagandise for the immigration lobby and open borders and make politicians terrified of speaking out against it and doing anything genuinely meaningful and effective.
There is a war going on around the world, the BBC may have noticed. Muslim ‘militants’ have launched a worldwide attack on just about every country intending to force their religion upon all. This is a war not just fought with bombs and bullets, it is fought in the law courts, in the media and in the political arena as activist Muslims use every means possible to close down criticism of Islam and the actions carried out in its name and to pressurise societies to adopt ‘Islam friendly’ narratives and policies so that Muslims feel loved and wanted…or else, we are told, they will become angry and radicalised…a threat constantly made by ‘moderate’ Muslims in the UK. This is a war not just limited to the usual suspects that the BBC so often likes to blame, the violent jihadis, this is a cultural war being fought right now in the UK by mainstream Muslim organisations like the MCB which was the driving force behind the Trojan Horse plot. Mosques up and down the country preach anti-Western messages that are lapped up by many in the community and preach against integration and of the decadence of Western society… As articulated by Ali Kettani, one of the first Muslim writers to actively explore the ramifications of Muslim communities in the West, “Believing that all religions are the same is the first sign of religious assimilation” and needs to be discouraged. Instead, he wrote:
A Muslim community should try to move from a position of mere defensive concerns, and try to spread the message of Islam outside the community. If successful, such a community would grow constantly in influence and numbers as to become a majority community in course of time. To become a “successful community” should be the aim of every “Muslim minority.” This is an ideological necessity without which the entire presence of the minority would be Islamically unacceptable.
Eventually, the community may seek to gain political rights as a constituent community of the nation. Once these rights are obtained, then the community should seek to generalize its characteristics to the entire nation.
‘In other words, Shari’a should replace Western law, and Islam should dominate. This matches the contemporary vision of Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Qaradawi as expressed on Qatar television in 2007’:
The conquest of Rome—the conquest of Italy and Europe—means that Islam will return to Europe once again. But must this conquest necessarily be through war? No. There is such a thing as a peaceful conquest … The peaceful conquest has foundations in this religion, and therefore I expect that Islam will conquer Europe without resorting to the sword or fighting. It will do so by da’wa and ideology.
The BBC are currently broadcasting a programme on the Deobandis which looks at the radical messages being preached by some Muslims…but the intent of the programme is to whitewash that and again, as usual, suggest that such actions and beliefs are not representative of mainstream Muslims….
How widespread and representative is this sympathy with militancy?
The programme explores the current battle for control in some British mosques, speaking to British Deobandi Muslims pushing back against the infiltration of Pakistani religious politics in British life.
As one campaigner says, this is ‘the battle for the soul of Islam’ and the ‘silent majority’ must speak out – but can moderate Muslims build the institutional power they need to really enforce change?
That’s just not true….and note the slippery framing of the question…..the sympathy with militancy….it should have been the sympathy with the extreme beliefs that is questioned….and then ask just where those beliefs originate. Once that is discovered they will find all this talk of a British Islam, a Moderate Islam, that can reform the extremists is liberal wishful thinking. Islam is Islam and is unchangeable, to suggest otherwise is either a delusion or a lie, but then you would have to question the compatibility of Islam within the West and deal with the questions that raises…not a discussion the BBC genuinely wants to enter into preferring to say that the problem isn’t with Islam itself but with the misguided interpretations the ‘Militants’ place upon it.
Once again the BBC uses a supposed ‘exploration’ of the issues to hide the real problems and to promote the idea that Islam can adapt to a Western society when the evidence is starkly against that…what hope that we will get a full and open debate on immigration on the BBC on May 16?
“What I think is important about the Muslim Brotherhood,” British Prime Minister David Cameron said on April 1, while announcing a long-overdue investigation of the activities of Muslim Brotherhood in the UK and its involvement in February’s terror attack at the Egyptian resort of Taba, “is that we understand what this organisation is, what it stands for, what its beliefs are in terms of the path of extremism and violent extremism, what its connections are with other groups, what its presence is here in the United Kingdom. Our policies should be informed by a complete picture of that knowledge. It is an important piece of work because we will only get our policy right if we fully understand the true nature of the organisation that we are dealing with.”
The MCB is a Muslim Brotherhood organisation. Understand it and deal with it.
John Voight slags Obama, loathes socialism and warns about it’s growth in America and he backs Trump. A true patriot
How on earth did his daughter Angelina Jolie turn out to be such a mess?
Wasn’t he blacklisted at one point?
Ahmadi Muslims regard that Ahmad was the final prophet and messiah. That makes them at odds with both Sunnis and Shias. And as they regard themselves as Muslims, they become heretics in the eyes of all Muslims, and any punishment can be meted out on them . The MCB statement is merely a let out clause for them. In Pakistan, it would be different.
Ahmadis are also peaceful. But that just happens to be the case whenever a sect of Islam is small.
Who gives a damn what Luvvies think about anything ?
Simples – The luvvies care and since we seem to have a media and political class that seems to be permanently starstuck by these generally vain and hypocritical non entities. These bastards have undue influence on policies.
There used to be a time when politicians generally stuck to politics and actors and actresses stuck to acting but these days a couple of years in the RSC or a stint in a crap pop band appears to be almost all the experience you need to be an expert in immigration policy or poverty.
And therein lies the answer.
Most people are not of our ilk. They don’t pay attention to politicians. They’re more likely to listen to idiots they idolise.
That’s why those on the left want to lower the age of consent for voting. It is far easier to indoctrinate children with bullshit (like Sunday school) than to wrestle with the complexities of political policies.
“They don’t pay attention to politicians. They’re more likely to listen to idiots they idolise.”
That is almost certainly true and very disturbing.
I wish N Korea would detonate a long lasting EMP device over the West and disable our electronic media, the main bullshit disseminators, for a couple of decades. People would have to start talking to each other, reading books occasionally and thinking for themselves.
The faster the dissemination, the more dumbed down we seem to become.
(BTW – Sunday school turned me into an atheist – couldn’t get a straight answer without religious jargon or meaningless stock phrases to even the most basic questions.)
I went to Sunday school too Maria. It may well have been bullshit but at least it was our bullshit.
Regarding your comments on technology – I have thought this for a long time. Kids these days may all have clever technology and brilliant A level passes but if you left them out in the wilderness with their a levels and I phone. Next to an inuit with fish spear and bow – I know who I would rather stick around with.
Good point Oaknash.
However, if Armageddon was to happen today, I would be more inclined to put my trust in an engineer, plumber or electrical technician. Unfortunately, as you say, young people today wouldn’t know how to change a fuse in a plug or where the main stopcock is in their own home.
We’re told on a regular basis that today’s young people are technologically advanced, or some such. Most aren’t. Being able to tweet or send SMS messages at an eye-watering rate is not being technologically advanced, it is just being a consumer.
My two were told several years ago that they could have computers if they bought the parts from Scan and built them themselves. One of them is now doing very well in electronic engineering, the other is the “go to” guy for computer issues at work. Interestingly, they are female and male respectively.
With regard to religion, I am all for preserving the cultural impact of our Judeo-Christian heritage. It is ours, as you say, and as far as I’m concerned it takes priority over all others. I just think it’s time we grew out of the superstitious bits. It makes it more difficult to criticise the vile imported voodoo if we cling on to our own.
The Judeo-Christian tradition offers the means to hold to a distinction between religious matters and superstition, the latter usually presented as worship of a being who is either a super Frankenstein or a wonderful doctor who can cure all ills but never gets around to curing the worse. Hence Stephen Fry takes it upon himself to admonish God for allowing children to suffer from cancer.
If N.Korea did that electronic media would be way down the list of our worries. Water and power supplies would be devasted. If you are making a point try to be realistic .
It wasn’t intended to be taken literally. I should have thought that was obvious.
“They don’t pay attention to politicians. They’re more likely to listen to idiots they idolise.”
And who is responsible for this if not the BBC and the rest of the broadcast media. We have the important questions of the age discussed on programmes like Question Time not by the great thinkers of the age but by pop stars, gobby standup comedians and third rate journalists. As for the endless succession of programmes featuring “celebrities” doing things they are not very good at…
Seems the more wealth some people acquire, the less common sense they have.
Creeping sharia Our future