PM celebrates the anniversary of ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ by visiting Nigeria to discuss the action of Boko Haram.
I shouldn’t really be surprised but our intrepid reporter manages to find a rescued girl who ‘loves her husband’ and who would like to be re-united with him.
Poor misunderstood Boko Haram. It must have something to do with David Cameron’s 2008 tax affairs or John Whittingdale’s 2014 internet dating experiment. Certainly nothing to do with the Koran.
At the time of writing (6:45am, 14th April) there are no less than three articles on this sad topic on the home page of the BBC News website. At first I thought they had decided to merge the website with the BBC Africa Magazine (no, I don’t know why they need to publish a magazine about Africa each month either). One of the articles is entitled ‘Chibok girls: Could UK have done more?’. For the benefit of the BBC the short answer is: No. British responsiblity for Nigeria ended on October 1st 1960 when the country became independent.
Come on guys, I know that many middle class liberal aspirations were shattered when the Empire ended, removing the opportunity to lord it over the fuzzie-wuzzies etc but please – it was a long time ago so get a grip eh?
Ian The leftie retards lord it over the fuzzie-wuzzies through charity work. Nothing makes them feel better and more important than having the power of life and death over those less fortunate. Sorry I mean those of foreign decent who are less fortunate. What’s more the lefties get to keep £99.99 of ever £100 given in aid! Empire through charity win win!
We could have done a lot for the tens of thousands of young Kuffar girls that were sacrificed to keep Pakistani Muslim men from getting sexually frustrated. . All courtesy of the police and Labour government.
JimS, No doubt the BBC are building up to claiming that it is good for the girls or at least some of them. Is there anything muslims could do that would bring a condemnation from the BBC ? Is there any depth the BBC would not sink to in perpetrating their perverted “ideaology ” ?
Germany is taking tough action. They are putting women only carriages on trains. There is also news that adverts that excite Muslim men will be forbidden.
How are they going to stop immigrant men entering the carriages ? Germany will probably pass a law that all women must cover up in public. There is no doubt that Islam is winning in Europe and the European establishment and Left are surrendering.
If they can rape women in crowded public spaces without Helmut Plod batting an eyelid, a poxy railway carriage and a guard armed only with a ticket machine isn’t exactly going to be a deterrent to them is it?
An increase in stories about Boko Haram can only mean an increase in stories about the renewed waves of west African migrants crossing the Mediterranean to be rescued by the Italians and taken to Lampedusa.
And the BBC duly delivered on PM describing them as “mainly men, mainly economic migrants” but the Boko Haram stories are good for “balancing” that narrative aren’t they?
Strangely the guy they interviewed was “Hassan” from Somalia i.e. Unlikely to be at risk from Boko Haram and from east rather than west Africa.
British soldiers in a multinational force for Libya anyone? To restore order as the BBC reported…….or to offer humanitarian aid to the migrants seeking entry to the EU?
Stories like pieces of a jig saw….events in West Africa mean more doctors and engineers headed our way.
Like the girl victim (the 17 year old who said she still loved her forced husband ) of Boko Haram who was interviewed and told the BBC she wanted to be a doctor….or a suicide bomber…..her suffering had left her terribly conflicted. An ideal addition to the brave new globalised Europe.
Totally expected, and I expect another aspect of this crisis that will remain unreported by the mass media. However, spread of disease is also being accelerated by increased travel of populations around the world (not just migrants, although hygiene will be fairly poor amongst that group). As a biologist, I know of many diseases that are imported into the country for third world areas (eg Beaver fever (Giardia, lol). More work for the dept of health. Have wondered about it lately, with the rise of scarlet fever cases.
There is something that puzzles me about the EU referendum debate that I am sure the BBC can explain. Those that want us to stay in say that Britain will be stronger in the EU and that we need the EU to ensure continued prosperity. On the other hand, the remainers simultaneously claim that the world will collapse if we leave implying that the UK is the powerhouse the global economy relies on. Both points cannot be right or is this the consequence of telling porkies in order to sway opinion?
Listening to the Jeremy Swine Show today about the government funded “Remain” leaflet, one of the callers was a Polish woman who said that she had found out, though not from this leaflet, that if EU citizens have been here and working for five years – they can vote in the referendum.
If that is true, it is an outrage that a foreign national can vote in a referendum relating to the sovereignty of a country of which they are not a subject.
I would also like to know if thats true, particularly as I am an expat who currently is denied a vote (no vote for those who have been outside UK for 15yrs+)!
Who will be able to vote?
British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens over 18 who are resident in the UK, along with UK nationals living abroad who have been on the electoral register in the UK in the past 15 years. Members of the House of Lords and Commonwealth citizens in Gibraltar will also be eligible, unlike in a general election. Citizens from EU countries – apart from Ireland, Malta and Cyprus – will not get a vote.
The Tories have attempted to ban Irish people living in the UK voting in any election, forgetting about the result this would have in N.Ireland. Plus Brits can vote in Irish elections if they live there, for the same reasons as lots of Ulster people live in the Republic.
I think if you are gone for 15+ years you shouldn’t have a vote either – unless you are prepared to pay tax as the US govt insists on its nationals living abroad 🙂
Having a government pension means we pay tax in the UK but our right to vote stops after 15 years how is that right?? I believe that’s how the American war of independence started “taxation without representation “
People PAY NI contributions so they can claim some pittance of benefit when they have the misfortune to need it.
Thanks to scum like you without an ounce of sense, common or otherwise, the real scroungers aren’t even tackled, whilst those who do actually want to work are bad mouthed!
They never got what was in the old days referred to as ‘dole’ no. They only used to receive Social Security benefits, and when the amount was salary linked, there was a clear separation.
Since Margaret Thatcher abolished the old salary (and therefore NI based) dole, the amounts became the same. In my opinion this was a mistake, because why should someone who has contributed receive only the same as a non contributor?
There’s a whole lot wrong with the benefits system including those who have no intention of working and are probably unemployable anyway, but then there are (or were) so many different types of benefit that if you are going to name call you need to be sure you have the correct one.
Name calling the people who work and are unfortunate enough to find themselves in need of some assistance, is in my opinion wholly unacceptable. To call them scum, beneath contempt.
As my hero Mr T would say Who you calling Fool Sucker!
So those who have never paid NI don’t get benefits? If that were true we wouldn’t have foreign dole scum infesting our trucks, cars, tunnel etc. To get to these shores, this green and pleasent land, this land of opportunity, this sceptred isle and more importantly claim their place as dole scum and parasites. BTW who are the real scrounger? Maybe those rent-a-mob lefties like yourself who always seem to manage to protest during a weekday in the afternoon so they don’t have to get up early and don’t miss their drug and alcohol fuelled evenings.
Just about everything Remain issues via the BBC and other public-funded promotional media seems to presume people have no access to the Internet and the ability to interpret what lying eyes and ears see or hear.
Two leaflets came through the post yesterday. One was from the government telling me that my best interests will be served if I vote to remain in the EU, while the other was from the Jehovah’s Witnesses trying to sell me the benefits of joining Jesus in paradise.
They can’t both be correct, and it seems to me that whereas both leaflets warned me of the perils of not doing as they urged, only one showed any evidence of having been been costed.
I haven’t got mine yet but I think we get the message… ‘that our vote is not wanted’ (by Cameron media fixers including Labour’s ex Media fixer Mandleson). I look forward to sending it back by FREEPOST to Labour HQ when it arrives (unopened). WE all know the issues – there is no confusion. Are we a country or not?
It has come to my notice that Al Beeb are trying to portray division and disarray in the leave parties.
This is irrelevant and childish propaganda because all parties that want to leave are just calling for just that. TO LEAVE! Simples.
The BBC will be very displeased with the comments made by the proletariat regarding this article about the lead EU referendum campaigns:
It would appear some ungrateful types are unimpressed with the BBC’s lack of impartiality on the issue. Whatever gave them that idea?
Well it’s the wee small hours in the UK and even Taffman has gone to bed. I’m in the garden gazing up at a cloudless blue sky in a remote corner of our former empire. I have just been listening to BBC reporters on the radio and It has set me musing about how warped a view of Britain that they present abroad. I find that a lot of people in these parts get their views of the UK its’ society, politics, and especially annoying to me, history, from either the BBC or the Guardian. This is really not in the best interests of the country at all. Many people proudly tell me they receive the Guardian Weekly. When I suggest it is more than a little biased they look at me a little strangely. If I am feeling adventurous I compare it to the Jehovah’s Witness publication and adding the comment that they are both magazines for believers. This generally puts me into the the loony category. As for the BBC and their output from such as Simon Schama and his ilk I really have to bite my tongue when people say they think “it’s great”.
The trouble is I cannot suggest an alternative. The Telegraph and the Economist (especially) having dumbed down in recent years.
For good Aussie thinking, you can’t beat Quadrant magazine. I think many of this site would find it interesting, agreeable, informative. Check out .
Well I won’t be in UK for at least another year so if anybody has suggestions for a BBC/Guardian antidote to recommend I’d be much obliged.
I’m afraid the BBC World Service presents an appallingly biased picture of the UK and because it operates largely out of sight and hearing of the people who pay for it, gets away with bloody murder. It’s even further to the Left than Radio 4, which is saying a great deal!
It has been doing this for many years now (though I would say it has got worse in the past decade) and badly needs to be exposed for the intense damage it is doing to a proper understanding of this country by people overseas.
I would just like to remind us all that the BBC World Service was infiltrated long ago… and caused the massive corruption of what had (and what was) called having ‘CHARITABLE STATUS’ which was undermined by Gordon Brown and Ed Balls (whilst working for Blairs governement). This is from Biased BBC archive of shame… Thanks to ex BBC Andrew Hind who was a former BBC chief executive, who failed to be an elected Labour MP but was successful in corrupting the Charity Commission under another powder puff Labour Luvvy Susie Leather who did much to damage charity institutions beyond repair (by Cameron).
Andrew Hind worked for 10 years as chief operating officer at the BBC World Service (and he was a BBC charity trustee), but says the BBC’s ethos was in some ways similar – “being there without fear or favour, doing what you think is right”. He could not resist when the Charity Commission job came up,..‘ Hind was however a previous Labour party MP who had failed to get elected and was made a member of Brown’s ‘inner circle (The Smith Institute), which has charitable status….
The Smith Institute calls itself an “independent think tank”, which was set up in 1997. However by 2007, an article in The Guardian announced that the Institute “is to be investigated by the Charity Commission for alleged breaches of the rule that bars voluntary organisations from being used for overtly party political purposes”: Source:
Corruption of the Charity Commison (under Gordon Brown):
(In summery ) we see three likely outcomes if politicians and bureaucrats create and/or fund politically active organisations. Firstly, a concentrated interest group, once endowed with taxpayers’ money, will promote its cause through political means. It’s interest may be ideological rather than financial, but it will seek to impose its policies on the rest of society like any other lobby group’ ) Institute of Economic Affairs. (Sock Puppets – June 2012). IEA Discussion paper No.39:
Easy enough Yasser, simply follow the major trend and don’t buy or read the Guardian – tens of millions will agree with your decision and the few thousand that don’t are irrelevant, despite their naïve belief to the contrary . Tune your radio to a music channel and watch Sky Sports. Job done.
BBC Website says that Corbyn is going to outline reasons for an EU ” in ” vote. Great news, that means more votes for Brexit. Things are looking better every day !
Oh. The BBC thinks Corbyn is someone important? I assumed they had no idea who he was, given they have been unable to report on his false tax return.
In truth it’s probably better that they don’t. His position as potential Prime Minister running the country would become untenable were his inability to organise his tax return to become more widely known. And we really don’t want him replaced.
Corbyn wants to stay in the EU as he see it as the best way to impose hard left socialism upon the British people since they are unlikely to vote for it (unless they do by proxy and vote IN).
BBC Business Live mans the barricades arm in arm with the plebs this morning as their top ‘story’ is the paypacket of the BP boss. Yes that’s the top business headline in the world today. You see the BBC really don’t do economics – they do politics politics and more politics.
Am I the only one when I hear or see. Britain Stronger in Europe think……….. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or BSE as its otherwise known Or is my brain seriously going?
Al Beeb were interviewing a young early 20s male economic migrant last night who had sailed across to Italy. Strange really when I thought all migrants were skilled Doctors and Engineers with young families. But I digress.
“Why are you coming to Europe” asked the clueless Al Beeb ‘journalist’.
“Because I will have more dignity in Europe” he replied.
They are so cocksure these days they don’t even need to pretend it’s for humanitarian reasons. Any half-arsed excuse will do. And why not, when any reason at all is bound to be covered by the Yuman Rights Act and ‘journalists’ like Fiona Bruce can be pencilled in for shaking her head on queue and mournfully emoting the editorial open-door line as usual.
Listen. Listen carefully. Can you hear anything? No? Complete silence.
That’s the noise of the left wing feminist sisters campaigning about the girls abducted by Boko Haram two years ago.
I wasn’t sure if I heard right this morning, but on the Beeb sofa they were discussing the newspaper reports of the foreign aid bill, and the sofa fembot said, ‘Britain pays “just” one pound in every seven, of the foreign aid spent by the Worlds wealthiest nations”
Note the use of the word just, as though we are hardly contributing at all, when in fact the story was all about how we are punching above our weight in terms of aid.
It only seems like yesterday when a man entering a woman’s toilet would have been arrested and charged with umpteen sexual offences but now it seems all you have to do is put on a dress, call yourself Dorothy, and it’s okay.
That is Bruce Springsteen, Bryan Adams and Ringo Starr who cancelled gigs because they want to pee in the Ladies. One thing all three have in common: their careers belong in the past, they need publicity.
Apologies for replying to myself, but having noticed the BBC are onto this topic and calling the legislation ‘controversial’ I think this excellent reply to Springsteen, who called the transgenders ‘freedom fighters’, deserves reading.
Hmm I wonder what would happen if a devout Muslim Lady and her Daughter, were using a public toilet, and a geezer in a dress came in, and say her Husband is waiting outside and sees someone who is obviously Male go into the Ladies, and Hubby kicks off.
Who would the liberals side with ?
I suppose the easiest thing would be to have designated transgender toilets, but with all these nasty Tory cuts, that is probably not an option.
But perhaps I’m being too abstract here, so let’s get really practical. Let’s say that a 6’ 4” male who used to play professional football and who has secretly agonized over his gender identity for years finally determines that he must be true to himself and live as a woman.
Do you think it might be traumatic for a little girl using the library bathroom to see this big man walk into her room wearing a dress and a wig? Should we take her feelings into account, or is she not important? What if that was your granddaughter? Would you care if she was traumatized? And when you speak of “the human rights of all of our citizens” does that include little girls like this?
I understand that this gentleman will have difficulties should he decide to dress and live as a woman, but that is still a choice he is making, and it is not fair to impose his struggles on innocent little children, is it?
And what if this same man, whom we’ll assume is not a sexual predator, wants to share the YMCA locker room with your wife and daughter, standing there in his underwear as they come out of the shower stalls wrapped in towels. Is this fair to them?
Let’s take this one step further. If any man who claims to be a woman can use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, then how do we keep the sexual predators out?
Which is why the law was framed as it was – it had actually been thought through.
But hey, why should logic and common sense have any part to play in a ‘progressive’ society?
Sounds fair enough to me. They are all getting on a bit, and as all aging drug-addled rock stars in unfamiliar surroundings with a weak bladder will know well, it is a very easy mistake to make when on tour.
Warning: Don’t read if you suffer from high blood pressure.
Interesting that comments have been disabled. Why is Fraser Nelson publishing this shit!? Seriously.
I’m in favour of hearing/reading different opinions, but Lammy is nothing more than a race hustler. Just like Lenny Henry, who is mentioned in the article.
The publication does seem to throw odd articles into the mix from time to time and I wonder if it is to promote churn on social media, particularly as it seems to be followed by a left wing rapid response troll unit.
Sorry but I just can’t take David “Mastermind ” Lammy seriously. A good piece of comedy writing I thought and I have to say it’s the only way to control the old blood pressure, just view anything they say as the mumblings of the insane or as comedians.
White 87.2%
Black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%
Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%
Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%
Mixed 2%
Other 3.7% (2011 est.)
So where do the 14.2/15% figures come from? If the increase is due to recent arrivals, how quickly can they expect UK employers to respond?
In reality, I suspect that Lammy, Henry etc believe that the 12.8% non whites should be represented almost entirely by blacks and, to a lesser extent, people from the Indian subcontinent. That certainly seems to be the solution favoured by the BBC and SKY. Chinese people might think otherwise (I assume they fall within the 3.7% “other”, which is higher than any of the ethnic groups identified above).
The profile also states: “65 years and over: 17.5%”, so we should expect some change there as well. Fewer 20-something dipsticks perhaps?
Categorising people by “race” reminds me of a certain country in middle europe where it had very unpleasant consequences. I always just write “none of your business ” on the census form.
Might I add the words ‘petty, spiteful and entirely negative’ to your assessment, General? It was also significant that at no time were background shots of the audience shown, no doubt because it was significantly smaller than expected as the smattering of applause clearly demonstrated.
Nice to see Ms Kuenssberg ready with her pre-primed question though – possibly even Jeremy finds Norman Smith’s spittle-flecked shrieks too much to bear?
“” Creating a female-friendly arts space on a barge””
“”……project, aimed at addressing “the urgent need for women’s space” and providing “a radical redress of power, acknowledgement and voice”, has been put together by caretakers Rachel Anderson and Cis O’Boyle”” (paid for by tax payers)
“”In part, this a conversation about the arts and a woman’s place in the arts, but it’s also about our place in everyday life – the way we constantly have to consider our security. Whether that’s walking home at night or in our relationships with men, and the things that we have to navigate in terms of inequality or our role as mothers”” (put the kettle on luv, there’s a good girl..)
*”I think the starting place always has to be about women and women’s capacity to breathe, so let’s take it from there and see what impact that has.”” ( yeah right, treacle… where me dinner?).
“”The first to take up that post is photographer and visual artist Martina Mullaney who, along with her daughter Cecily and dog Max, will spend two months on board.
She says the barge is “a gift… a lovely space that frees me up to be able to think about making artwork”” (get us a beer from the fridge, babes…treat yourself to one).
No, but I’m sure they can explain the differences between the umpteen varieties of gender bender who probably make up less than 0.1% of the population.
What if I tell them I am physically a male and look, dress and act like a male but inside, I identify as a woman and wish to release my inner lesbian? Can they stop me getting on their bar…er, I mean, narrow boat? I note one of the ladies is called ‘Cis’. Does this mean she is ‘cis-gendered?’
Well, this story certainly brings a new meaning to the chemistry concept known to hundreds of thousands of GCSE etc. students over decades as cis /trans isomerism !!!!
It can only be a matter of time before the LGBT/wheelchair using/black/feminist community, supported by the bBBC and the Guardianistas, demand it needs to be ‘re-named’ as it is ‘causing offence’?
And answering my own post, the intelligentsia would then want to rename another chemistry term – degenerate HOMO.
Before the police raid my house and Stonewall and the Sisterhood ( a band for Glastonbury?) take out a Fatwah, I would urge them to note that Oxygen’s two Highest Occupied Molecular Orbitals have equal energy.
You see, you can give offence and you can take offence, and the latter is what drives so much of the Far Left like the bBBC and their Orwellian agenda.
My dog definitely thinks it’s a person. Who am I to argue?
I think it he should be entitled to a NI number. However, as a clear case of special needs (his breed lost the ability to hunt 1,000 years ago), he cannot find work. He’s not a Lab so guiding blind people is out. Definitely a good case for state benefits.
One of my dogs also thinks he is a person, and sometimes he thinks he is the Leader of the Labour Party. He is a party member, as I paid £3. so he could vote for the leader.
Cis? isn`t it short for “Cissie” a soon to be popular boys name if our friends at Beeb towers have their way?
Could backfire badly though, once I heard a story about a boy called Sue……..
He pulled a gun outside a bar, having smashed through the wall, busted a chair on his Dads teeth and ended up wrestling with him in mud and blood and beer…
…they really don`t know what they`re messing with do they?
Oh good, Bruce Springsteen, Bryan Adams and Ringo Starr’s new friends can all go for a nice day out on the canal. Surely they would all be welcomed aboard.
Cis O’Boyle, sounds like the nasty little lump I once had on my backside.
This morning I watched that short video a contributor posted at the end of the last thread showing a child , a sheep and a knife. This in a muslim school in THIS country! It was outrageous – to us, but probably acceptable to all of them. I hope someone with more techy knowledge than me has forwarded it to our Secretary of State for Education. Education? A child killing a sheep a la halal? Are we all going blind? Have we all been brainwashed? The world has gone mad; our country no longer seems to be ours. Vote Leave will be a start.
My other grouse today is the appalling politics of envy emanating from hypocritical Corbyn and his followers and our wonderful informative, educational, biased and entertaining national broadcaster. Where are all these other countries in the world to which they all aspire – countries where everyone is equal in Utopia?
“…Where are all these other countries in the world to which they all aspire – countries where everyone is equal in Utopia?”
So many to choose from, but let’s take a look at one socialist basket-case:
Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse
The only question now is whether Venezuela’s government or economy will completely collapse first.
The key word there is “completely.” Both are well into their death throes. Indeed, Venezuela’s ruling party just lost congressional elections that gave the opposition a veto-proof majority, and it’s hard to see that getting any better for them any time soon — or ever. Incumbents, after all, don’t tend to do too well when, according to the International Monetary Fund, their economy shrinks 10 percent one year, an additional 6 percent the next, and inflation explodes to 720 percent. It’s no wonder, then, that markets expect Venezuela to default on its debt in the very near future. The country is basically bankrupt.
How? Well, a combination of bad luck and worse policies. The first step was when Hugo Chávez’s socialist government started spending more money on the poor, with everything from two-cent gasoline to free housing. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that — in fact, it’s a good idea in general — but only as long as you actually, well, have the money to spend. And by 2005 or so, Venezuela didn’t.
Fraudian slip by Captain Panties Bryant when he was throwing his toys out of the pram on the Daily Politics show? When being challenged on his Europhile views I believe he actually said to Coburn ‘you’re making an argument with me which is not usual for the BBC”. Laugh I nearly did ! Still I see Corbyn has been strangely converted to an EU disciple … He is the Messiah …. no not Bryan … Jeremy … Incontinentia Buttocks-Abbott has confirmed it … and she should know .. he is a very naughty boy after all.
The paucity of the arguments of the stay in Europe fools like this get more spurious and desperate by the day. We have to stay in because of climate change as the UK is not a hermetically sealed unit that is immune from pollution … I presume therefore that Europe is sealed then … must be I guess to keep in all the pollution generated by all the new German coal fired power stations. Surely the EU working together is not going to allow that pollution to escape to other countries … what would the Chinese and Indians say … oh they are building what ….
We on BBBC are often sneered at for not offering absolute proof of the bias we say the BBC shows on all manner of issues. Well here is yet more of that conclusive proof. Let’s see what the likes of LDV, Jerrod, Marvin and other trolls have to say in response.
Today it has been revealed that the Lib Dem driven ‘Green Deal’ dreamed-up by the disgraced Chris Huhne and much applauded by Greens (including the BBC) has been an outright failure, just as many predicted. It has been so much of a failure that the National Audit Office concludes it has cost £17,000 for every household in the land – £240 million in total – and it has missed all of its goals.
The BBC, however, manages to report this story with contributions from its Green propagandist-in-chief, Roger Harrabin, without even mentioning the Lib Dems, or Huhne. Indeed, the failure is pinned on ‘the Government’ – not even ‘the Coalition’.
The tone of Harrabin’s commentary not only manages to spin the blame for this half-baked scheme onto ‘the Government’ but somehow evades any suggestion that the entire thing, inspired by, created for and driven entirely by the eco-loons he champions, has been yet another burden placed on the people of this country to placate a lunatic fringe of political campaigners.
How much longer are we going to have to pay the wages of this polemical clown? How much longer is the BBC going to be allowed to treat Lib Dems, Greens and other political extremists as anything other than fringe nutcases, completely out of touch with reality?
And the final crowning insult? By lunchtime today the bad news had been well and truly buried – removed from the BBC’s front page in favour of apparently far more important stories… about a ‘women friendly’ barge and the death of an actor who no one has seen on their screens for decades.
“Today it has been revealed that the Lib Dem driven ‘Green Deal’ dreamed-up by the disgraced Chris Huhne and much applauded by Greens (including the BBC) has been an outright failure, just as many predicted.
The ‘Green Deal’ was an obvious, half-arsed, committee driven, crock of the brown stuff right from the start. It was a product of the last government which was (in case you’ve forgotten) 85% Tory.
Far from being ‘much applauded’, the Green Party said this:
“The lack of foresight on the Green Deal will earn it a place in the public policy textbooks as a perfect example of how to get it wrong… The government’s energy policies are all headlines, but no coherent content.”
Miffed because I left your name off the list of BBC trolls, zero? A simple oversight, I assure you.
The ‘Green Deal’ was a LibDem driven programme as you well know, which is why your chum Huhne was in charge. It was a ‘Coalition’ policy as the BBC was always anxious to tell us when the LibDems managed to blackmail Cameron into doing something they approved of.
And who said anything about ‘Left’ bias? It was, as is so often the case, rampant bias in favour of ‘Green’ idiocy by that prize ‘Green’ idiot Harrabin.
Do try to keep up, zero, saddened by the loss of an forgotten actor and fascinated as I’m sure you were by the women-only narrow boat — the major breaking news on the BBC, yesterday.
The government’s ‘Green Deal’, in which a loan is provided to meet the costs of home insulation, is meant to cut the carbon emissions of 14m homes. However, the scheme provides no guarantee of any financial incentive for each household, as the loan repayments offset falls in energy bills….
“The Green Party’s 2010 manifesto proposed a straightforward energy efficiency programme, genuinely free at the point of purchase, which would have clearly incentivised households to sign up, and would have created in the region of 80,000 jobs.
“Instead we have a ‘Green Deal’ in which a home insulation loan is repaid through your energy bill, so the effect upon fuel poverty, jobs and emissions is likely to be negligible.
More public spending largesse, in other words, financed through their magical money trees and promoting further the ‘what’s in it for me’ mentality that the public have become hooked on after years of Labour borrowing and splurging. And the promised huge saving on their energy bills is not enough of an incentive? Apparently not.
And the Green Party lecturing us on ‘fuel poverty’ as more and more coal-fired power stations close due to hefty green ‘carbon’ levies?
And all in the name of fighting the mythical threat of ‘climate change’, an unproven politically-driven hypothesis that has so far cost the world trillions of dollars that could otherwise have been used to prevent millions dying from poverty.
“”5 Police Injured Arresting Man ‘Armed With Axe'””
“”There may be times when we criticise the police, but whenever we do so, we should never forget that every day officers are responding to calls never knowing what will confront them””
One o’clock news on Jeremy Swine show: What topped the news agenda? Why the rescue of the two Iranians in the rubber dingy. If that’s not indicative of an agenda, nothing is.
Ex Beeboid Shelagh Fogerty is presenting a false dilemma to the audience at LBC:
“Are you proud or ashamed of Britains response to the refugee crisis?”
Neither! I consider that as the second biggest contributor after the US, Britain is doing way too much. Its easy for Cameron to strut on the world stage spending tax payers money. I wonder how much of his own he’s donated?
Most have been against taking more, now a platform being given to an elderly self righteous one, bleating for more to be admitted.
Very little presumably.
Charitable donations can qualify for gift aid, and higher rate taxpayers can make a claim of this on their tax return.
So Cameron and Corbyn’s tax returns are worth another look to see whether they are claiming anything back for their charitable donations. I can’t find either in full on the web, if anyone can advise what allowances they claimed for charity donations it would be interesting.
Bricks thrown at Police car windscreen.
As usual, half a story from the biased, anti-police bbc. Video with no commentary, just a headline and nothing else – as if it’s perfectly normal to throw bricks at a police car. The fact that the pair were jailed for 5 years 3 months and 2 years 9 months respectively as other news outlets are reporting is missing. Why?
The sun is shining and Tommy is free. A great day for freedom loving people everywhere. Good fortune to Tommy and to all who stand for the ways of our ancient land.
To the Guardian/Common purpose/BBC hard luck and may you all live to rue the day you took on old England.and it’s people.
A very sad day for Dodgy Dave and Appeasing Teresa who must have pushed for the cops to get Tommy so that they could deliver on promises to combat Islamophobia.
I see a “front page editor for BBC News” is quite enthusiastic about a training workshop they did
: “How could you help people take collective action on climate change? Friday 03 July 2015,”
not organised by the BBC but by the Global Editors Network conference in Barcelona,
We wanted to look at goal number 13, which is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. The idea we settled on was to look at using the News website’s real-time analytics data to show readers the potential impact of collective action.
(created a news page graphic that) showed in numbers the cumulative impact on C02 emissions of a small behaviour change – in the case of the demo we made, the impact on carbon emissions of swapping a paper cup for a mug while at work.
(seems they wrongly think a paper cup is more CO2 intensive)
Ours didn’t win, but we had a good time putting it together, and, who knows, maybe one day it’ll even lead to the saving of some CO2.
I think this clip is well worth a watch for people on here, because it gives an insight not often heard. Sargons pieces are often a little highbrow and verbose, but this one is very very good in its analysis of social justice warriors.
Love the word ‘Mangina’ which I hadn’t heard before, but I’m sure we’ll be hearing it much more often !
For those of us that petitioned No.10 on the anti-BREXIT leaflet expenditure (the Electoral Commission advice was ignored by Cameron) and the cost was paid by ‘UK taxpayers’. We have had a Westminster debate and I am just listening to it at the moment… (Parliament TV video) playing in background as I write. Nothing decided. Electoral commission may cause trouble for anti-brexit campaigners (but not the BBC which is unaccountable).
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment for kicking an off-duty police officer in the head;
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was sentenced to 3 months imprisonment for assault with intent to resist arrest;
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was convicted of assault after headbutting a member of the EDL during a rally in Blackburn;
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was sentenced to a 12 month community rehabilitation order, a three-year ban from football and 150 hours of unpaid work, for leading a fight involving 100 football fans in Luton;
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment for using a false passport (because of convictions for drugs and assault);
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment for a £160,000 mortgage fraud;
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
“Poor Tony”…
Perhaps your charity should start rather closer to home NCBBC!
Total “Zero”….You can quickly tell a UAF mong when “it” constantly needs to repeatedly call Tommy Robinson, “Yaxley Lennon”…
We’re all aware of Tommy’s real name, but when the likes of yourself and Weyman Bennet need to publish and refer to it monotonously it gives us a giggle…
Now disappear back down that hard left Corbynista hell hole that you otherwise came….
Clearly Zero is a Trot and is a member of UAF. So can we press him to explain to us what evidence does he have that Tommy Robinson is a fascist? He certainly broke away early with organizations deemed to be fascist. So do tell us why he is a fascist.
It really does not matter if Tony Robinson was, or is, a criminal or a fascist. The important thing is that he speaks publically of the deadly and existential threat we are facing – Islam. This is the political ideology that is head chopping non-Muslims, raping Yazidis and Christian girls, as well killing people who speak the truth about it.
Tony Robinson has put himself and his family in grave danger from supposedly “British” Muslims, who would like nothing better then to behead him, to alert us to this deadly ideology, second only to Marxism in its lethality to human life. He has done this with no protection from the police. Quite the contrary.
My point was directed at Zero’s obvious connection to the UAF, who justify their hatred and violent attacks on Tommy Robinson by asserting that he is a fascist, which he is not. The UAF are likewise supported by Cameron, a founder member, who apparently endorses their claim that Tommy Robinson is a fascist. I know it matters not whether he is a fascist for the purpose of endorsing his argument that Islam ought to be resisted. But I was pointing out that Zero’s UAF are wrongly describing him in order to justify their attacks on him. Furthermore, this allegation is virtually the only point raised by odious BBC interviewers like Brillo Neil.
Another is it an article or is it an advert? box ticker from the BBC.
Short of a price list it’s about the equivalent of a full page spread with a national/international audience, in the private sector that runs to a litle more than chump change. Other barber shops are available proviso missing. No conflict of interest or business ethic infingement either, apart from the obvious free advertising of course.
In a world where common sense is allowed to prevail the market would self-adjust the prices of haircuts. In BBC la-la-land, however, the LGBT/Sisterhood/RoP/SJW/UAF/(Insert minority interest group as appropriate) Alliance must be mobilised. Government must be petitioned to enact laws that allow for the prosecution of anyone committing these foul deeds and counselling/compensation provided for the victims of tonsorial oppression.
Dear BBC, I realise that this may be difficult for you to understand, but most people in the United Kingdom are not homosexual, lesbian, bisexual or even transgender. Most people are not remotely intersex, or gender-fluid or questioning. Sorry to burst your Beeb-bubble but there’s even worse news – most people in this country are not black or brown. And guess what most people aren’t Muslims either. No. I’m afraid to tell you that most people in this country are white heterosexuals many of whom refer to themselves as Christians and who are beginning to view your strange view of the UK as frankly ridiculous.
David Keighley of BBC News-watch has another excellent article indicting the BBC for its blatantly biased Remainiac coverage, over on Conservative Woman. He nails the Corporation to the floor. Again.
We`ve got a collective term now for the Urophiles.
Urine are you?
Good for you!
Remainiacs they now are…this will work very well, in that I called the geeen Nazis “warmons” they not like that?
No they don`t!…therefore that`s ALL I call them.
Well done GC!
I see that Radio 4 ‘comedy’ has reached its inevitable resting point.
Don’t make me laugh.
David Baddiel hosts the second series of the panel show where some of the funniest comedians have to go against all their instincts and try not to make an audience laugh.
Featuring Richard Osman, Clive Anderson, Nick Helm and Yasmine Akram.
I expect all they need do is perform one of their shows and they’d succeed !
The Metro leftie Beeboids are disappearing ever further up their own fundaments, are they not?
Example A is the ludicous hypocrisy of ‘Hacked off’ and the BBC with regard to the John Whittingdale non story. This has been well covered elsewhere so I’ll move on to Example B. I have just been listening to the opening minutes of some smug, R4 comedy panel game with David Baddiel which is all about trying to win points for not being funny. I presume they believe this will be difficult, and their top drawer comedians automatically default to their natural state of rib tickling hilariousness. Sorry to disappoint you, conceited middle class guardian readers on the panel, but you really aren’t funny anyway, so the show is futile. Baddiel then tries to make things really ‘off the wall’ and edgy by replacing the sound of buzzers with a voice intoning various things considered to make you lose the will to live. One of the 4 buzzer replacements was a bored voice saying ‘Richard Littlejohn’. LOLZ and ROTFLMAO, no need for actual jokes any more, just mention a hated right winger and the immature student in-crowd audience will howl their appreciation. The Now Show did the same thing last week by simply mentioning ‘Michael Gove’ in a serious voice and getting big laughs.
I remember , years ago, when I used to listen to the “News Quiz” , someone just had to say “Sarah Palin” and Sandy Toksvig would wet her knickers. Laugh ? I nearly died !
The BBC is truly a comedy free zone these days.
Unless we include their news and current affairs output which can be bloody funny…especially when they themselves see no humour in what they`re saying…and in that po-faced arch seriousness of theirs, they make themselves out to be the tools and wankers that we all know them to be.
Exhibit A m`lud
The 8am news on Radio 4 this morning mentioned Manchester Airports “Dogs and Drugs Team”-£1.5 million and counting apparently.
Complete waste of time and money…the dogs don`t want the drugs and prefer the bits of cheese and sausage that returning Mancs are bringing home instead.
The heated kennels and lard arsed handlers though will benefit from not having to do anything but keep warm and sit on their arses at customs.
Very Peter Kaye, very Oasis and-yes, very Northern.
Am proud of Manchesters dogs and tubby border boys tonight!
Do dogs exhibit the local characteristics then on going to Manchester I wonder-and will the BBC staff end up similarly fat,useless and drugs-drained if they`re in Salford for too long?
Maybe one of the Subway Universities up there could research this for us-if anyone can be arsed so to do!
Exhibit B.
The Death of David Gest.
Apparently the tour that he was about to announce from the Backpackers Flophouse yesterday was to be called the “David Gest is Not Dead Tour”…wonder what it`ll be called now then?
Do the BBC do satire?…not when its THEIR fancies in need of a rocket!
Apparently Essex University calls us “authoritarian populists”-those of us who actually would like some Authority to take control of immigration and the EUs collective madness.
There was me thinking that it was common sense…but the BBC are happy to pass on the academic snobs and nasties(invariably foreign or North Americans or Antipodeans) description of the vast majority of people in this country uncontaminated by the Left and its BBC fascist foghorn as evidenced in this clip.
I`m an AP then-but not an old one now!
I noticed that, ChrisH. ‘Authoritarian Populists’ is hardly a neutral term and it is easy to see where these useless overpaid yuni people are coming from politically.
‘Authoritarian’ = nazi
‘Popular’ = their own side (maybe not under Broon/Miliband/Corbyn)
‘Populist’ = popular but nazi.
It can’t be a coincidence that since Blair stuffed the universities with students of low intelligence studying non-academic subjects they have become cesspits of intolerance. That traitor has undermined the reputation of just about every previously highly regarded institution in this country so his pro-EU stance comes as no surprise.
An elderly Britain First protester was booted to the ground with a well-aimed flying kick during a clash with East London Muslims this past weekend. The incident happened outside the East London Mosque following a “provocative” demonstration by the nationalist group.
What would the BBC’s reaction have been if an elderly muslim male had been hit in the back from a flying kick by a member of Britain First? And on video as this was!
I guess it serves them right for being kicked. Two of them are banned from London and there is a restriction to keep the two from Britain First more than 250 yards from any mosque in the UK.
Lesson has been learnt. Do not get assaulted by violent moslems near a mosque or the law will have you.
On a very trivial matter but maybe a little light relief from the unrelenting barrage of white hate from the sodding bbc, surely I’m not the only person who thinks that the goodies was and is crap. So, why is it that today on three occasions when I foolishly turn on the radio to radio 4 extra I have to suffer from a Ross Noble (comedian apparently) programme about that infantile rubbish, portraying it as some seminal comedic brilliance? I like Graham Garden, I like Tim Brooke-Taylor, I cannot abide Mr Oddy but despite two out of three, the series were abysmal. I suppose I’m just looking for reassurance that I’m not alone.
The Goodies was excellent comedy, very clever, subtle and well performed.
As regards Bill Oddie I can only agree with what has been posted here. But a programme like that should not be condemned because of the later behaviour of one actor.
So that’s my opinion. I have stated it. And as Martin Luther said “I can do no other” (Admittedly he wasn’t talking about ‘The Goodies’ as far as I am aware)
Sorry to disagree but I take humour very seriously.
Yasser, The Goodies was certainly popular in my home. The great family favourite was the episode featuring the traditional Yorkshire martial art of Ecky-Thump – using specially hardened black puddings as weapons. (My Yorkshire dad enjoyed this one.) I suppose it was a bit daft and surreal for some tastes!
By the way, did you say you lived in Australia? If so, which part? Mr H-B and I live n Sydney.
Helena Handbasket I’m sorry if I gave the impression I live in Australia. I did for a short while when Menzies was PM! And I do visit now and again. I actually live across the Tasman in the North Island.
The Goodies never really took off in NZ. That’s how I can prove it wasn’t the rubbish that the others are claiming. If it had been dreadful it would have been on prime time TV.
The ecky-thump was a great episode and so was the one about the wild west = Cornwall. Also I liked the one about the Romans. It was shown on the young kids slot over here! I wonder how many kiddies got the reference to Caesar’s Commentaries?
I know the perverts at BBC are obsessed with sex and not a day goes by when they don’t highlight some obscure fetish or practice that didn’t exist when I was a lad, but do we need to be running adverts for g spot dildos on this site?
g spot dildos { g spot dildos […]The info mentioned within the report are several of the ideal obtainable […] }
Hope he`ll confirm that he wants out of Europe-he`ll pile in the votes just as Corbyn has done for us today.
Yet the BBC seem to think that Corbyns snivelling performance was worth the headlines this morning before Steptoe had done his rounds.
He`s another taqiyya merchant, a sleeping Dhimmi for Islam.
God Bless you Sir Tommy!
Question time; Dimbleby wraps up the evening by inviting next week’s audience to come with their complaints against Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin (why ? ) I suppose he is guilty of running a successful company which employs thousands of people and does not rely on a public subsidy – unlike …….
BBC Diplomatic & Royal Correspondent Peter Hunt is following William and Kate as they visit Bhutan
Don’t be fooled by the stuffy job title or his veteran BBC looks. Pete comes over as being a bit of a live wire. Shortly after 7 this morning our Peter has a good old chuckle about the local Buddhist hero reputedly visiting a high mountain shrine on the back of a flying she-tiger. Sadly William and Kate won’t be airlifted by a magic beast and nor will our Pete – they will have to trek up by foot to the holy cave. Nice of Peter to bring us this moment of levity to relieve all the seriousness elsewhere in the news.
Wonder how our Peter’s refreshing free-wheeling light-hearted approach to the local religion will go down when the Royals visit the Middle East? Because the BBC is balanced and fair and would never discriminate, right?
Didn’t The Prophet (pbuh) travel to Jerusalem on a flying horse? I imagine they have a right old chuckle about that piece of nonsense in the BBC canteen. I mean seriously, who would believe such a thing? Oh, apparently 1.2 billion muslims who will kill you if you take the piss out of a certain paedophile murderer…
I am still waiting for some BBC comic to have a laugh over the believe that Satan farts loudly when Muslims pray so that Allah Oops cannot hear them. If Allah were so akibar he should be able to insert a cork up Satan’s bum.
At 8.15 today on the Toady programme I was unfortunate enough to catch the tail end (asshole?) of the latest frothy diatribe by one Richard Murphy, chartered accountant and economics adviser to the TUC and ZaNuLab amongst other extreme organisations. As a CA myself I can only wonder why these organisations use such a discredited figure, one who in his past pronouncements has shown a singular lack of in-depth knowledge of the subjects in which he professes competence.
Still, he does the Left’s bidding and that is why he takes their shilling, I guess.
Murphy’s on the BBC speed-dial whenever a bit of ignorance, bile and lefty fascism is required on tax. As I’ve commented before Murphy’s rubbish is exposed daily on Tim Worstall’s blog. To oppose Murphy – a tax “justice” activist and charlatan – Today brought on the deeply unimpressive Lisa Wilson, tax partner at accountants’ firm Cowgill Holloway. However, Lisa was brought on as a genuinely (I think) disinterested expert, not an advocate for any particular policy.
Since Murphy is an out-and-out propagandist, why not bring on Tim Worstall – even over the phone – to expose Murphy’s ignorance? Well, the question answers itself: Murphy speaks for – indeed, has probably done his bit to design – this bit of the Narrative. We can’t have that examined properly can we. If that happened on this topic, the next thing you know the BBC might be forced to entertain real experts discussing and disclosing all the facts concerning climate change, the Middle East, Islam etc etc.
Apparently Cowgill Holloway are chartered accountants with offices in Bolton, Manchester and Liverpool. In other words, it’s a worthy medium-sized provincial accounting firm and Lisa is the tax partner. I assume her name came across the Today editorial desk because she assists some Salford-based BBC-employed (or freelance) SJW in his/her relationship with the tax authorities. Anyway, whatever her expertise in completing HMRC annual returns, she was not capable on-air – and was, I suspect, selected because she wasn’t so capable – of shovelling through Murphy’s bullshit in the context of an obvious set-up to propagandise the BBC Narrative. That Narrative, BTW, comprises a belief that effectively all multinationals evade tax, that all the “rich” (which includes the comfortably off or, indeed, anyone who supports themselves working in the private sector) evade tax and, particularly, that all private sector income/wealth belongs to the state and requires dross like Murphy to rule on how much pocket-money we’ll be granted when Corbyn gets to No 10.
To borrow a term invented by the SJWs I think we might describe the choice of Ms Wilson as ‘micro selection’ – along the lines of their beloved ‘micro aggression’.
The BBC does a lot of this and it is a very effective technique, carefully selecting the ugliest/stupidest/least capable as foils to whiners and whingers they approve of and whose hare brained notions they are promoting.
If it wasn’t for the EU, Kinnock would have struggled to get a job as a trolley boy at Lidl. I wonder why the millionaire Neil Kinnock is so fond of the EU? Perhaps we should ask his millionaire wife Glenys?
Meanwhile, the rest of us poor shlubs just pay for the bloody thing. Well not for much longer I hope!
PM on Thursday was interesting in that it had a polite debate between Gisela Stuart and David Blunkett on whether to leave or remain in the EU.
Both of them are members of the Labour party and both have changed their viewpoint over the years and both were allowed to have their say without interruption. Contrast that to when a Conservative ‘leave’ speaker is on, continual interruption and emphasis on divisions within the party and the various ‘leave’ groups.
I heard her on this morning’s Today programme. I wasn’t impressed. She should have easily swatted away John Humphrys’ questions, which somehow tried to assert that saying how much more we could spend on the NHS if out of the EU was part of Project Fear. By that logic any campaign listing the positive sides of leaving is actually negative campaigning because it says things would be worse if we stay. Farage wouldn’t have allowed that to pass, which is why the establishment want to sideline him.
Headline news on the bBBC this morning. A woman tragically lost a baby giving birth and an emergency Caesarean was unsuccessful. Infant mortality is a fraction of what it was, but in a country of 65 million people, there are sure to be a few cases every day of the year.
None of this of course matters to the bBBC. What really gives some of the student activists in the newsroom a hard-on is the bright idea of linking a tragedy of this sort to ‘NHS cuts’, which is exactly what we saw and heard (and endured) this morning. What a wheeze. Now that really hits the g spot of the rest of them.
Humphys “interviewed” Gisela Stuart, Labour MP for Birmingham Edgbaston and co-chair of Vote Leave on Today this morning. Needless to say, this was in the post 8:30 “dead” zone. Contrast the interview timing of Robinson’s (?) chat with “In” dweeb Alistair Darling (7:50 am). I wrote Humphrys interviewing Stuart but, it requires craig’s stopwatch here, it seemed to me that Humphrys spoke more in the 4/5 minute “interview” than Gisela. Even when he graciously allowed her to get a word in edgeways he prevented her developing and expanding on her cases. What apparently exercised Humphrys was the notion that money currently paid to the EU could be diverted to support the NHS. Gisela made the point – between Humphrys’ interruptions – that even now, although we get back around half of that money, what we spend it on is constrained by directives from Brussels. After breixit all spending of that money will be at our discretion.
Frankly, I consider that throwing more at an unreconstructed NHS would be as misguided as doubling the licence fee and expecting thereby an “improved” even more “impartial” BBC. However, the use of our money now dumped in Brussels is a fair topic for discussion. Humphrys’ arrogant dismissal of her argument together with his refusal to allow Stuart an uninterrupted few seconds to make her case (again compare the earlier Darling love-in) is par for the BBC’s anti-leave course. However, even I was taken aback by the aggressive blatancy of this example of political bias.
And did you pick up that Robinson introduced his interviewee as ‘Alistair’ ?
All very pally and chummy.
I look forward to him welcoming ‘Nigel’ or ‘Tommy’ but won’t be holding my breath.
\\If this is the BBC’s idea of “objective science”, I’m my auntie’s uncle.//
Concludes Paul Homewood as he takes apart new piece on BBC Earth about sea levels.
“Even by the BBC’s standards, it must be one of the most dishonest and one sided reports they have published.”
He lists the propaganda tricks they used..We’re All Going To Drown – BBC
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PM celebrates the anniversary of ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ by visiting Nigeria to discuss the action of Boko Haram.
I shouldn’t really be surprised but our intrepid reporter manages to find a rescued girl who ‘loves her husband’ and who would like to be re-united with him.
Poor misunderstood Boko Haram. It must have something to do with David Cameron’s 2008 tax affairs or John Whittingdale’s 2014 internet dating experiment. Certainly nothing to do with the Koran.
At the time of writing (6:45am, 14th April) there are no less than three articles on this sad topic on the home page of the BBC News website. At first I thought they had decided to merge the website with the BBC Africa Magazine (no, I don’t know why they need to publish a magazine about Africa each month either). One of the articles is entitled ‘Chibok girls: Could UK have done more?’. For the benefit of the BBC the short answer is: No. British responsiblity for Nigeria ended on October 1st 1960 when the country became independent.
Come on guys, I know that many middle class liberal aspirations were shattered when the Empire ended, removing the opportunity to lord it over the fuzzie-wuzzies etc but please – it was a long time ago so get a grip eh?
Ian The leftie retards lord it over the fuzzie-wuzzies through charity work. Nothing makes them feel better and more important than having the power of life and death over those less fortunate. Sorry I mean those of foreign decent who are less fortunate. What’s more the lefties get to keep £99.99 of ever £100 given in aid! Empire through charity win win!
twitter, You are so right. I have seen them at work in Africa and the condescending way they patronise Africans is quite sickening.
Chibok girls: Could UK have done more?’.
We could have done a lot for the tens of thousands of young Kuffar girls that were sacrificed to keep Pakistani Muslim men from getting sexually frustrated. . All courtesy of the police and Labour government.
JimS, No doubt the BBC are building up to claiming that it is good for the girls or at least some of them. Is there anything muslims could do that would bring a condemnation from the BBC ? Is there any depth the BBC would not sink to in perpetrating their perverted “ideaology ” ?
Three articles on a foreign atrocity and nothing on this
Then you have Warsi saying how progressive Muslims are.
They’re progressing all right
Rotherham,Oxford,Rochdale,Norwich,Leeds and more from the home grown lot. Cologne and all over Germany for the imported and now they’ve learnt from that and taken the attacks indoors.
However still nothing on the Beeb.
Germany is taking tough action. They are putting women only carriages on trains. There is also news that adverts that excite Muslim men will be forbidden.
How are they going to stop immigrant men entering the carriages ? Germany will probably pass a law that all women must cover up in public. There is no doubt that Islam is winning in Europe and the European establishment and Left are surrendering.
If they can rape women in crowded public spaces without Helmut Plod batting an eyelid, a poxy railway carriage and a guard armed only with a ticket machine isn’t exactly going to be a deterrent to them is it?
Did they catch up with FLOTUS who made such a hashtag of it? She has moved on to others since.
An increase in stories about Boko Haram can only mean an increase in stories about the renewed waves of west African migrants crossing the Mediterranean to be rescued by the Italians and taken to Lampedusa.
And the BBC duly delivered on PM describing them as “mainly men, mainly economic migrants” but the Boko Haram stories are good for “balancing” that narrative aren’t they?
Strangely the guy they interviewed was “Hassan” from Somalia i.e. Unlikely to be at risk from Boko Haram and from east rather than west Africa.
British soldiers in a multinational force for Libya anyone? To restore order as the BBC reported…….or to offer humanitarian aid to the migrants seeking entry to the EU?
Stories like pieces of a jig saw….events in West Africa mean more doctors and engineers headed our way.
Like the girl victim (the 17 year old who said she still loved her forced husband ) of Boko Haram who was interviewed and told the BBC she wanted to be a doctor….or a suicide bomber…..her suffering had left her terribly conflicted. An ideal addition to the brave new globalised Europe.
Epidemic Alert’ As Doctors Diagnose Outbreak of Highly Contagious, Deadly Disease Among Migrants
‘Bring Back Our Girls’ ??
Lets hope not here.
Totally expected, and I expect another aspect of this crisis that will remain unreported by the mass media. However, spread of disease is also being accelerated by increased travel of populations around the world (not just migrants, although hygiene will be fairly poor amongst that group). As a biologist, I know of many diseases that are imported into the country for third world areas (eg Beaver fever (Giardia, lol). More work for the dept of health. Have wondered about it lately, with the rise of scarlet fever cases.
PS not a luxury alpine resort any more then
There is something that puzzles me about the EU referendum debate that I am sure the BBC can explain. Those that want us to stay in say that Britain will be stronger in the EU and that we need the EU to ensure continued prosperity. On the other hand, the remainers simultaneously claim that the world will collapse if we leave implying that the UK is the powerhouse the global economy relies on. Both points cannot be right or is this the consequence of telling porkies in order to sway opinion?
Leaving the EU can’t be that bad as our Car Moron leader ‘threatened’ to up-sticks if he did not get his so called ‘Big Deal’.
Listening to the Jeremy Swine Show today about the government funded “Remain” leaflet, one of the callers was a Polish woman who said that she had found out, though not from this leaflet, that if EU citizens have been here and working for five years – they can vote in the referendum.
If that is true, it is an outrage that a foreign national can vote in a referendum relating to the sovereignty of a country of which they are not a subject.
I would also like to know if thats true, particularly as I am an expat who currently is denied a vote (no vote for those who have been outside UK for 15yrs+)!
It takes about 30s on Google to find out!
Who will be able to vote?
British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens over 18 who are resident in the UK, along with UK nationals living abroad who have been on the electoral register in the UK in the past 15 years. Members of the House of Lords and Commonwealth citizens in Gibraltar will also be eligible, unlike in a general election. Citizens from EU countries – apart from Ireland, Malta and Cyprus – will not get a vote.
The Tories have attempted to ban Irish people living in the UK voting in any election, forgetting about the result this would have in N.Ireland. Plus Brits can vote in Irish elections if they live there, for the same reasons as lots of Ulster people live in the Republic.
I think if you are gone for 15+ years you shouldn’t have a vote either – unless you are prepared to pay tax as the US govt insists on its nationals living abroad 🙂
Having a government pension means we pay tax in the UK but our right to vote stops after 15 years how is that right?? I believe that’s how the American war of independence started “taxation without representation “
Mrs Kitty,
I am in the same situation. And what about “no representation without taxation “. All British Subjects should be allowed to vote. Full stop !
Except dole scum as they don’t pay tax they take tax
What an asinine thing to come out with!
People PAY NI contributions so they can claim some pittance of benefit when they have the misfortune to need it.
Thanks to scum like you without an ounce of sense, common or otherwise, the real scroungers aren’t even tackled, whilst those who do actually want to work are bad mouthed!
Think what you’re typing next time you fool !
So people who have never paid NI contributions, don’t get any benefits ?
They never got what was in the old days referred to as ‘dole’ no. They only used to receive Social Security benefits, and when the amount was salary linked, there was a clear separation.
Since Margaret Thatcher abolished the old salary (and therefore NI based) dole, the amounts became the same. In my opinion this was a mistake, because why should someone who has contributed receive only the same as a non contributor?
There’s a whole lot wrong with the benefits system including those who have no intention of working and are probably unemployable anyway, but then there are (or were) so many different types of benefit that if you are going to name call you need to be sure you have the correct one.
Name calling the people who work and are unfortunate enough to find themselves in need of some assistance, is in my opinion wholly unacceptable. To call them scum, beneath contempt.
As my hero Mr T would say Who you calling Fool Sucker!
So those who have never paid NI don’t get benefits? If that were true we wouldn’t have foreign dole scum infesting our trucks, cars, tunnel etc. To get to these shores, this green and pleasent land, this land of opportunity, this sceptred isle and more importantly claim their place as dole scum and parasites. BTW who are the real scrounger? Maybe those rent-a-mob lefties like yourself who always seem to manage to protest during a weekday in the afternoon so they don’t have to get up early and don’t miss their drug and alcohol fuelled evenings.
It takes about 30s on Google to find out!
It would take the BBC the same but, despite a £4 billion budget, they just couldn’t be arsed.
This is the outfit reluctant to invest the 10p that could have spared them the McAlpine awkward moment.
As an EU citizen she cannot be discriminated against.
Just about everything Remain issues via the BBC and other public-funded promotional media seems to presume people have no access to the Internet and the ability to interpret what lying eyes and ears see or hear.
Two leaflets came through the post yesterday. One was from the government telling me that my best interests will be served if I vote to remain in the EU, while the other was from the Jehovah’s Witnesses trying to sell me the benefits of joining Jesus in paradise.
They can’t both be correct, and it seems to me that whereas both leaflets warned me of the perils of not doing as they urged, only one showed any evidence of having been been costed.
I haven’t got mine yet but I think we get the message… ‘that our vote is not wanted’ (by Cameron media fixers including Labour’s ex Media fixer Mandleson). I look forward to sending it back by FREEPOST to Labour HQ when it arrives (unopened). WE all know the issues – there is no confusion. Are we a country or not?
It has come to my notice that Al Beeb are trying to portray division and disarray in the leave parties.
This is irrelevant and childish propaganda because all parties that want to leave are just calling for just that. TO LEAVE! Simples.
The BBC will be very displeased with the comments made by the proletariat regarding this article about the lead EU referendum campaigns:
It would appear some ungrateful types are unimpressed with the BBC’s lack of impartiality on the issue. Whatever gave them that idea?
Oops, reported by accident… Sorry.
Interesting one, this. Seems to have kicked off mid afternoon, before being pulled just before midnight.
Still, the way things were going they really could not let it go any longer, could they?
Well it’s the wee small hours in the UK and even Taffman has gone to bed. I’m in the garden gazing up at a cloudless blue sky in a remote corner of our former empire. I have just been listening to BBC reporters on the radio and It has set me musing about how warped a view of Britain that they present abroad. I find that a lot of people in these parts get their views of the UK its’ society, politics, and especially annoying to me, history, from either the BBC or the Guardian. This is really not in the best interests of the country at all. Many people proudly tell me they receive the Guardian Weekly. When I suggest it is more than a little biased they look at me a little strangely. If I am feeling adventurous I compare it to the Jehovah’s Witness publication and adding the comment that they are both magazines for believers. This generally puts me into the the loony category. As for the BBC and their output from such as Simon Schama and his ilk I really have to bite my tongue when people say they think “it’s great”.
The trouble is I cannot suggest an alternative. The Telegraph and the Economist (especially) having dumbed down in recent years.
For good Aussie thinking, you can’t beat Quadrant magazine. I think many of this site would find it interesting, agreeable, informative. Check out .
Well I won’t be in UK for at least another year so if anybody has suggestions for a BBC/Guardian antidote to recommend I’d be much obliged.
Try Standpoint magazine and the Salisbury Review.
Both are easily located on line and available as hard copy and/or online subscriptions.
They’ll supply a good source of awkward questions for you to ask your Guardian weekly reading acquaintances!
Thanks embolden. That’s what I needed to know.
I’m afraid the BBC World Service presents an appallingly biased picture of the UK and because it operates largely out of sight and hearing of the people who pay for it, gets away with bloody murder. It’s even further to the Left than Radio 4, which is saying a great deal!
It has been doing this for many years now (though I would say it has got worse in the past decade) and badly needs to be exposed for the intense damage it is doing to a proper understanding of this country by people overseas.
I would just like to remind us all that the BBC World Service was infiltrated long ago… and caused the massive corruption of what had (and what was) called having ‘CHARITABLE STATUS’ which was undermined by Gordon Brown and Ed Balls (whilst working for Blairs governement). This is from Biased BBC archive of shame… Thanks to ex BBC Andrew Hind who was a former BBC chief executive, who failed to be an elected Labour MP but was successful in corrupting the Charity Commission under another powder puff Labour Luvvy Susie Leather who did much to damage charity institutions beyond repair (by Cameron).
Andrew Hind worked for 10 years as chief operating officer at the BBC World Service (and he was a BBC charity trustee), but says the BBC’s ethos was in some ways similar – “being there without fear or favour, doing what you think is right”. He could not resist when the Charity Commission job came up,..‘ Hind was however a previous Labour party MP who had failed to get elected and was made a member of Brown’s ‘inner circle (The Smith Institute), which has charitable status….
The Smith Institute calls itself an “independent think tank”, which was set up in 1997. However by 2007, an article in The Guardian announced that the Institute “is to be investigated by the Charity Commission for alleged breaches of the rule that bars voluntary organisations from being used for overtly party political purposes”: Source:
Corruption of the Charity Commison (under Gordon Brown):
(In summery ) we see three likely outcomes if politicians and bureaucrats create and/or fund politically active organisations. Firstly, a concentrated interest group, once endowed with taxpayers’ money, will promote its cause through political means. It’s interest may be ideological rather than financial, but it will seek to impose its policies on the rest of society like any other lobby group’ ) Institute of Economic Affairs. (Sock Puppets – June 2012). IEA Discussion paper No.39:
Easy enough Yasser, simply follow the major trend and don’t buy or read the Guardian – tens of millions will agree with your decision and the few thousand that don’t are irrelevant, despite their naïve belief to the contrary . Tune your radio to a music channel and watch Sky Sports. Job done.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
Taffman works nights 🙂
BBC Website says that Corbyn is going to outline reasons for an EU ” in ” vote. Great news, that means more votes for Brexit. Things are looking better every day !
Please let him ‘explain’ the ‘true’ stats, using one of those electronic pad handwriting visual aids.
Oh. The BBC thinks Corbyn is someone important? I assumed they had no idea who he was, given they have been unable to report on his false tax return.
In truth it’s probably better that they don’t. His position as potential Prime Minister running the country would become untenable were his inability to organise his tax return to become more widely known. And we really don’t want him replaced.
Here is the link to the Beeb report
Corbyn wants to stay in the EU as he see it as the best way to impose hard left socialism upon the British people since they are unlikely to vote for it (unless they do by proxy and vote IN).
BBC Business Live mans the barricades arm in arm with the plebs this morning as their top ‘story’ is the paypacket of the BP boss. Yes that’s the top business headline in the world today. You see the BBC really don’t do economics – they do politics politics and more politics.
Am I the only one when I hear or see. Britain Stronger in Europe think……….. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or BSE as its otherwise known Or is my brain seriously going?
You are not the only one.
Al Beeb were interviewing a young early 20s male economic migrant last night who had sailed across to Italy. Strange really when I thought all migrants were skilled Doctors and Engineers with young families. But I digress.
“Why are you coming to Europe” asked the clueless Al Beeb ‘journalist’.
“Because I will have more dignity in Europe” he replied.
They are so cocksure these days they don’t even need to pretend it’s for humanitarian reasons. Any half-arsed excuse will do. And why not, when any reason at all is bound to be covered by the Yuman Rights Act and ‘journalists’ like Fiona Bruce can be pencilled in for shaking her head on queue and mournfully emoting the editorial open-door line as usual.
Maybe he is medically qualified for a job at Dignitas. Top floor, Economy class.
Listen. Listen carefully. Can you hear anything? No? Complete silence.
That’s the noise of the left wing feminist sisters campaigning about the girls abducted by Boko Haram two years ago.
They have been busy bollocking ( no pun intended) men about how they sit on the bus or train though.
I wasn’t sure if I heard right this morning, but on the Beeb sofa they were discussing the newspaper reports of the foreign aid bill, and the sofa fembot said, ‘Britain pays “just” one pound in every seven, of the foreign aid spent by the Worlds wealthiest nations”
Note the use of the word just, as though we are hardly contributing at all, when in fact the story was all about how we are punching above our weight in terms of aid.
Drip, drip, drip.
The people of North Carolina must be devastated – Ringo Starr has pulled out of performing there due to the ongoing LBGT toilet row.
It only seems like yesterday when a man entering a woman’s toilet would have been arrested and charged with umpteen sexual offences but now it seems all you have to do is put on a dress, call yourself Dorothy, and it’s okay.
That is Bruce Springsteen, Bryan Adams and Ringo Starr who cancelled gigs because they want to pee in the Ladies. One thing all three have in common: their careers belong in the past, they need publicity.
Apologies for replying to myself, but having noticed the BBC are onto this topic and calling the legislation ‘controversial’ I think this excellent reply to Springsteen, who called the transgenders ‘freedom fighters’, deserves reading.
Anything the BBC disagrees with is ” controversial” !
Hmm I wonder what would happen if a devout Muslim Lady and her Daughter, were using a public toilet, and a geezer in a dress came in, and say her Husband is waiting outside and sees someone who is obviously Male go into the Ladies, and Hubby kicks off.
Who would the liberals side with ?
I suppose the easiest thing would be to have designated transgender toilets, but with all these nasty Tory cuts, that is probably not an option.
Oh dear.
As Harry Hill might say, there’s only one way to find out- fight!
But perhaps I’m being too abstract here, so let’s get really practical. Let’s say that a 6’ 4” male who used to play professional football and who has secretly agonized over his gender identity for years finally determines that he must be true to himself and live as a woman.
Do you think it might be traumatic for a little girl using the library bathroom to see this big man walk into her room wearing a dress and a wig? Should we take her feelings into account, or is she not important? What if that was your granddaughter? Would you care if she was traumatized? And when you speak of “the human rights of all of our citizens” does that include little girls like this?
I understand that this gentleman will have difficulties should he decide to dress and live as a woman, but that is still a choice he is making, and it is not fair to impose his struggles on innocent little children, is it?
And what if this same man, whom we’ll assume is not a sexual predator, wants to share the YMCA locker room with your wife and daughter, standing there in his underwear as they come out of the shower stalls wrapped in towels. Is this fair to them?
Let’s take this one step further. If any man who claims to be a woman can use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, then how do we keep the sexual predators out?
Which is why the law was framed as it was – it had actually been thought through.
But hey, why should logic and common sense have any part to play in a ‘progressive’ society?
Sounds fair enough to me. They are all getting on a bit, and as all aging drug-addled rock stars in unfamiliar surroundings with a weak bladder will know well, it is a very easy mistake to make when on tour.
AlexM, Getting on a bit ? I didn’t know they were still alive !
George Michael, a specialist in all matters of the public convenience, must have a view on this important issue.
Well he certainly wouldn’t want women in the gents would he?
A ladies toilet for ladies! I am a lady and as such use only a ladies toilet!
Warning: Don’t read if you suffer from high blood pressure.
Interesting that comments have been disabled. Why is Fraser Nelson publishing this shit!? Seriously.
I’m in favour of hearing/reading different opinions, but Lammy is nothing more than a race hustler. Just like Lenny Henry, who is mentioned in the article.
I’m afraid Fraser Nelson has become a serious disappointment. It’s time he went.
The publication does seem to throw odd articles into the mix from time to time and I wonder if it is to promote churn on social media, particularly as it seems to be followed by a left wing rapid response troll unit.
Sorry but I just can’t take David “Mastermind ” Lammy seriously. A good piece of comedy writing I thought and I have to say it’s the only way to control the old blood pressure, just view anything they say as the mumblings of the insane or as comedians.
Here is a little reminder of Mr Lammy’s gargantuan brain power being exhibited on Mastermind:-
Oh dear!
How can anyone be that stupid ?
The trouble with stupid people is that they are generally unaware of their own stupidity. He wouldn’t have appeared on the programme otherwise.
As Einstein said: “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.”
Maria, Good point . Einstein, Good point also !
He’s correct though. There must be more diversity at the BBC. It’s important that they also have people from the right there.
Did a quick search and found this:
White 87.2%
Black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%
Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%
Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%
Mixed 2%
Other 3.7% (2011 est.)
So where do the 14.2/15% figures come from? If the increase is due to recent arrivals, how quickly can they expect UK employers to respond?
In reality, I suspect that Lammy, Henry etc believe that the 12.8% non whites should be represented almost entirely by blacks and, to a lesser extent, people from the Indian subcontinent. That certainly seems to be the solution favoured by the BBC and SKY. Chinese people might think otherwise (I assume they fall within the 3.7% “other”, which is higher than any of the ethnic groups identified above).
The profile also states: “65 years and over: 17.5%”, so we should expect some change there as well. Fewer 20-something dipsticks perhaps?
Categorising people by “race” reminds me of a certain country in middle europe where it had very unpleasant consequences. I always just write “none of your business ” on the census form.
I notice that the publishers of articles such as this relating to quotas of ethnics never seem to have their ‘comments’ section activated.
EU referendum: Corbyn makes Labour case for Remain vote
Does he know which day the vote is taking place? Perhaps someone should buy him a diary (and a tie)
And maybe he should pay an accountant to deal with his tax affairs !
His speech was not pro Europe, it was a Leftie anti Conservative rant.
Might I add the words ‘petty, spiteful and entirely negative’ to your assessment, General? It was also significant that at no time were background shots of the audience shown, no doubt because it was significantly smaller than expected as the smattering of applause clearly demonstrated.
Nice to see Ms Kuenssberg ready with her pre-primed question though – possibly even Jeremy finds Norman Smith’s spittle-flecked shrieks too much to bear?
BBC Online News:
“” Creating a female-friendly arts space on a barge””
“”……project, aimed at addressing “the urgent need for women’s space” and providing “a radical redress of power, acknowledgement and voice”, has been put together by caretakers Rachel Anderson and Cis O’Boyle”” (paid for by tax payers)
“”In part, this a conversation about the arts and a woman’s place in the arts, but it’s also about our place in everyday life – the way we constantly have to consider our security. Whether that’s walking home at night or in our relationships with men, and the things that we have to navigate in terms of inequality or our role as mothers”” (put the kettle on luv, there’s a good girl..)
*”I think the starting place always has to be about women and women’s capacity to breathe, so let’s take it from there and see what impact that has.”” ( yeah right, treacle… where me dinner?).
“”The first to take up that post is photographer and visual artist Martina Mullaney who, along with her daughter Cecily and dog Max, will spend two months on board.
She says the barge is “a gift… a lovely space that frees me up to be able to think about making artwork”” (get us a beer from the fridge, babes…treat yourself to one).
I lost interest in that story when I realised the BBC doesn’t know the difference between a barge and a narrowboat.
No, but I’m sure they can explain the differences between the umpteen varieties of gender bender who probably make up less than 0.1% of the population.
It might increase to 0.11% in panto season.
What if I tell them I am physically a male and look, dress and act like a male but inside, I identify as a woman and wish to release my inner lesbian? Can they stop me getting on their bar…er, I mean, narrow boat? I note one of the ladies is called ‘Cis’. Does this mean she is ‘cis-gendered?’
Cranmer, I like getting in touch with feminine insides. What does that make me ? What kind of a name is ” Cis ” ???
Well, this story certainly brings a new meaning to the chemistry concept known to hundreds of thousands of GCSE etc. students over decades as cis /trans isomerism !!!!
It can only be a matter of time before the LGBT/wheelchair using/black/feminist community, supported by the bBBC and the Guardianistas, demand it needs to be ‘re-named’ as it is ‘causing offence’?
And answering my own post, the intelligentsia would then want to rename another chemistry term – degenerate HOMO.
Before the police raid my house and Stonewall and the Sisterhood ( a band for Glastonbury?) take out a Fatwah, I would urge them to note that Oxygen’s two Highest Occupied Molecular Orbitals have equal energy.
You see, you can give offence and you can take offence, and the latter is what drives so much of the Far Left like the bBBC and their Orwellian agenda.
My dog definitely thinks it’s a person. Who am I to argue?
I think
ithe should be entitled to a NI number. However, as a clear case of special needs (his breed lost the ability to hunt 1,000 years ago), he cannot find work. He’s not a Lab so guiding blind people is out. Definitely a good case for state benefits.I think I’m onto something here.
Iain, For heavens’ sake don’t put ideas into dogs’ heads.
One of my dogs also thinks he is a person, and sometimes he thinks he is the Leader of the Labour Party. He is a party member, as I paid £3. so he could vote for the leader.
He could BE the leader.
Who did he vote for ? He looks very Blairite, so I guess not Corbyn.
There could be more than segregated hall issues if he lobs up to the next Labour Party soiree.
Don’t laugh! He’d still collect votes in S Yorkshire.
But in Bradford he’d be about as electable as Miss Piggy.
Cis? isn`t it short for “Cissie” a soon to be popular boys name if our friends at Beeb towers have their way?
Could backfire badly though, once I heard a story about a boy called Sue……..
He pulled a gun outside a bar, having smashed through the wall, busted a chair on his Dads teeth and ended up wrestling with him in mud and blood and beer…
…they really don`t know what they`re messing with do they?
Embolden, Someone should write a song about that !
If the dog is called Max does that mean he’s a Male dog ? Surely he should be banned from a female friendly space.
Oh good, Bruce Springsteen, Bryan Adams and Ringo Starr’s new friends can all go for a nice day out on the canal. Surely they would all be welcomed aboard.
Cis O’Boyle, sounds like the nasty little lump I once had on my backside.
He still rolling around?
Peace and love…peace and love…
This morning I watched that short video a contributor posted at the end of the last thread showing a child , a sheep and a knife. This in a muslim school in THIS country! It was outrageous – to us, but probably acceptable to all of them. I hope someone with more techy knowledge than me has forwarded it to our Secretary of State for Education. Education? A child killing a sheep a la halal? Are we all going blind? Have we all been brainwashed? The world has gone mad; our country no longer seems to be ours. Vote Leave will be a start.
My other grouse today is the appalling politics of envy emanating from hypocritical Corbyn and his followers and our wonderful informative, educational, biased and entertaining national broadcaster. Where are all these other countries in the world to which they all aspire – countries where everyone is equal in Utopia?
Give me strength!
“…Where are all these other countries in the world to which they all aspire – countries where everyone is equal in Utopia?”
So many to choose from, but let’s take a look at one socialist basket-case:
Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse
The only question now is whether Venezuela’s government or economy will completely collapse first.
The key word there is “completely.” Both are well into their death throes. Indeed, Venezuela’s ruling party just lost congressional elections that gave the opposition a veto-proof majority, and it’s hard to see that getting any better for them any time soon — or ever. Incumbents, after all, don’t tend to do too well when, according to the International Monetary Fund, their economy shrinks 10 percent one year, an additional 6 percent the next, and inflation explodes to 720 percent. It’s no wonder, then, that markets expect Venezuela to default on its debt in the very near future. The country is basically bankrupt.
How? Well, a combination of bad luck and worse policies. The first step was when Hugo Chávez’s socialist government started spending more money on the poor, with everything from two-cent gasoline to free housing. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that — in fact, it’s a good idea in general — but only as long as you actually, well, have the money to spend. And by 2005 or so, Venezuela didn’t.
Thanks for that, ObiWan. I missed that one!
The thing is that the Lefties never seem to go and live in these countries, unfortunately.
A country with one of the world’s biggest oil reserves bankrupted by a socialist government?
And the BBC aren’t covering it?
I’m shocked – shocked, I tell you….
Frightening. Truly frightening….But not for the leftists of the BBC who obviously know better than everyone else..
The feminist sisters will be up in arms about this . We shall never hear the last of it. LOL !
D&C – thanks for posting that, Gavin Boby is the real deal.
Where’s Jerrod to keep us informed of ‘other cultures’ which are carrying out similar barbaric, paedophile acts in this country of ours?
Fraudian slip by Captain Panties Bryant when he was throwing his toys out of the pram on the Daily Politics show? When being challenged on his Europhile views I believe he actually said to Coburn ‘you’re making an argument with me which is not usual for the BBC”. Laugh I nearly did ! Still I see Corbyn has been strangely converted to an EU disciple … He is the Messiah …. no not Bryan … Jeremy … Incontinentia Buttocks-Abbott has confirmed it … and she should know .. he is a very naughty boy after all.
The paucity of the arguments of the stay in Europe fools like this get more spurious and desperate by the day. We have to stay in because of climate change as the UK is not a hermetically sealed unit that is immune from pollution … I presume therefore that Europe is sealed then … must be I guess to keep in all the pollution generated by all the new German coal fired power stations. Surely the EU working together is not going to allow that pollution to escape to other countries … what would the Chinese and Indians say … oh they are building what ….
We on BBBC are often sneered at for not offering absolute proof of the bias we say the BBC shows on all manner of issues. Well here is yet more of that conclusive proof. Let’s see what the likes of LDV, Jerrod, Marvin and other trolls have to say in response.
Today it has been revealed that the Lib Dem driven ‘Green Deal’ dreamed-up by the disgraced Chris Huhne and much applauded by Greens (including the BBC) has been an outright failure, just as many predicted. It has been so much of a failure that the National Audit Office concludes it has cost £17,000 for every household in the land – £240 million in total – and it has missed all of its goals.
The BBC, however, manages to report this story with contributions from its Green propagandist-in-chief, Roger Harrabin, without even mentioning the Lib Dems, or Huhne. Indeed, the failure is pinned on ‘the Government’ – not even ‘the Coalition’.
The tone of Harrabin’s commentary not only manages to spin the blame for this half-baked scheme onto ‘the Government’ but somehow evades any suggestion that the entire thing, inspired by, created for and driven entirely by the eco-loons he champions, has been yet another burden placed on the people of this country to placate a lunatic fringe of political campaigners.
How much longer are we going to have to pay the wages of this polemical clown? How much longer is the BBC going to be allowed to treat Lib Dems, Greens and other political extremists as anything other than fringe nutcases, completely out of touch with reality?
And the final crowning insult? By lunchtime today the bad news had been well and truly buried – removed from the BBC’s front page in favour of apparently far more important stories… about a ‘women friendly’ barge and the death of an actor who no one has seen on their screens for decades.
“Today it has been revealed that the Lib Dem driven ‘Green Deal’ dreamed-up by the disgraced Chris Huhne and much applauded by Greens (including the BBC) has been an outright failure, just as many predicted.
The ‘Green Deal’ was an obvious, half-arsed, committee driven, crock of the brown stuff right from the start. It was a product of the last government which was (in case you’ve forgotten) 85% Tory.
Far from being ‘much applauded’, the Green Party said this:
“The lack of foresight on the Green Deal will earn it a place in the public policy textbooks as a perfect example of how to get it wrong… The government’s energy policies are all headlines, but no coherent content.”
Classic-Straw-Man-Argument Mr Cooper. Congratulations.
“Absolute proof”; snarf.
“And the final crowning insult? By lunchtime today the bad news had been well and truly buried”
BBC buries bad news about previous majority Tory Government policies.
Left-wing bias…“Absolute proof”!
Miffed because I left your name off the list of BBC trolls, zero? A simple oversight, I assure you.
The ‘Green Deal’ was a LibDem driven programme as you well know, which is why your chum Huhne was in charge. It was a ‘Coalition’ policy as the BBC was always anxious to tell us when the LibDems managed to blackmail Cameron into doing something they approved of.
And who said anything about ‘Left’ bias? It was, as is so often the case, rampant bias in favour of ‘Green’ idiocy by that prize ‘Green’ idiot Harrabin.
Do try to keep up, zero, saddened by the loss of an forgotten actor and fascinated as I’m sure you were by the women-only narrow boat — the major breaking news on the BBC, yesterday.
Biased. To its rotten core.
This is what the Green Party say:
The government’s ‘Green Deal’, in which a loan is provided to meet the costs of home insulation, is meant to cut the carbon emissions of 14m homes. However, the scheme provides no guarantee of any financial incentive for each household, as the loan repayments offset falls in energy bills….
“The Green Party’s 2010 manifesto proposed a straightforward energy efficiency programme, genuinely free at the point of purchase, which would have clearly incentivised households to sign up, and would have created in the region of 80,000 jobs.
“Instead we have a ‘Green Deal’ in which a home insulation loan is repaid through your energy bill, so the effect upon fuel poverty, jobs and emissions is likely to be negligible.
More public spending largesse, in other words, financed through their magical money trees and promoting further the ‘what’s in it for me’ mentality that the public have become hooked on after years of Labour borrowing and splurging. And the promised huge saving on their energy bills is not enough of an incentive? Apparently not.
And the Green Party lecturing us on ‘fuel poverty’ as more and more coal-fired power stations close due to hefty green ‘carbon’ levies?
And all in the name of fighting the mythical threat of ‘climate change’, an unproven politically-driven hypothesis that has so far cost the world trillions of dollars that could otherwise have been used to prevent millions dying from poverty.
Congratulations to you too, zero.
Sky News:
“”5 Police Injured Arresting Man ‘Armed With Axe'””
“”There may be times when we criticise the police, but whenever we do so, we should never forget that every day officers are responding to calls never knowing what will confront them””
Not mentioned by BC online news. Full coverage by BBC though of two Iranians rescued in the Channel.
One o’clock news on Jeremy Swine show: What topped the news agenda? Why the rescue of the two Iranians in the rubber dingy. If that’s not indicative of an agenda, nothing is.
Ex Beeboid Shelagh Fogerty is presenting a false dilemma to the audience at LBC:
“Are you proud or ashamed of Britains response to the refugee crisis?”
Neither! I consider that as the second biggest contributor after the US, Britain is doing way too much. Its easy for Cameron to strut on the world stage spending tax payers money. I wonder how much of his own he’s donated?
Most have been against taking more, now a platform being given to an elderly self righteous one, bleating for more to be admitted.
My reply would be that I am ashamed we are taking any !!
Very little presumably.
Charitable donations can qualify for gift aid, and higher rate taxpayers can make a claim of this on their tax return.
So Cameron and Corbyn’s tax returns are worth another look to see whether they are claiming anything back for their charitable donations. I can’t find either in full on the web, if anyone can advise what allowances they claimed for charity donations it would be interesting.
Bricks thrown at Police car windscreen.
As usual, half a story from the biased, anti-police bbc. Video with no commentary, just a headline and nothing else – as if it’s perfectly normal to throw bricks at a police car. The fact that the pair were jailed for 5 years 3 months and 2 years 9 months respectively as other news outlets are reporting is missing. Why?
Wonder if the Beeb will find this worthy of mention?
The sun is shining and Tommy is free. A great day for freedom loving people everywhere. Good fortune to Tommy and to all who stand for the ways of our ancient land.
To the Guardian/Common purpose/BBC hard luck and may you all live to rue the day you took on old England.and it’s people.
And the Judge slagging off the police !!!!
A very sad day for Dodgy Dave and Appeasing Teresa who must have pushed for the cops to get Tommy so that they could deliver on promises to combat Islamophobia.
GWF, They will probably go for the Judge now.
I see a “front page editor for BBC News” is quite enthusiastic about a training workshop they did
: “How could you help people take collective action on climate change? Friday 03 July 2015,”
not organised by the BBC but by the Global Editors Network conference in Barcelona,
(seems they wrongly think a paper cup is more CO2 intensive)
Now covered by
paul Homewood
….the impact on carbon emissions of swapping a paper cup for a mug while at work.
…..which will be emblazoned with the legend ‘This mug is sponsored by the Green Party’.
I think this clip is well worth a watch for people on here, because it gives an insight not often heard. Sargons pieces are often a little highbrow and verbose, but this one is very very good in its analysis of social justice warriors.
Love the word ‘Mangina’ which I hadn’t heard before, but I’m sure we’ll be hearing it much more often !
For those of us that petitioned No.10 on the anti-BREXIT leaflet expenditure (the Electoral Commission advice was ignored by Cameron) and the cost was paid by ‘UK taxpayers’. We have had a Westminster debate and I am just listening to it at the moment… (Parliament TV video) playing in background as I write. Nothing decided. Electoral commission may cause trouble for anti-brexit campaigners (but not the BBC which is unaccountable).
You recently signed the petition “STOP CAMERON spending British taxpayers’ money on Pro-EU Referendum leaflets”:
Tommy Robinson Walks Free From Court, Judge Slams Police Persecution
Poor Tony is paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam.
“Poor Tony”…
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment for kicking an off-duty police officer in the head;
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was sentenced to 3 months imprisonment for assault with intent to resist arrest;
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was convicted of assault after headbutting a member of the EDL during a rally in Blackburn;
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was sentenced to a 12 month community rehabilitation order, a three-year ban from football and 150 hours of unpaid work, for leading a fight involving 100 football fans in Luton;
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment for using a false passport (because of convictions for drugs and assault);
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
When Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson” was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment for a £160,000 mortgage fraud;
Was that “paying a high price to simply tell the truth about Islam”?
“Poor Tony”…
Perhaps your charity should start rather closer to home NCBBC!
Total “Zero”….You can quickly tell a UAF mong when “it” constantly needs to repeatedly call Tommy Robinson, “Yaxley Lennon”…
We’re all aware of Tommy’s real name, but when the likes of yourself and Weyman Bennet need to publish and refer to it monotonously it gives us a giggle…
Now disappear back down that hard left Corbynista hell hole that you otherwise came….
Dazed and Confused
Zero by name ‘Zero’ by nature.
Why is he on this site ? Perhaps he will enlighten us
Clearly Zero is a Trot and is a member of UAF. So can we press him to explain to us what evidence does he have that Tommy Robinson is a fascist? He certainly broke away early with organizations deemed to be fascist. So do tell us why he is a fascist.
It really does not matter if Tony Robinson was, or is, a criminal or a fascist. The important thing is that he speaks publically of the deadly and existential threat we are facing – Islam. This is the political ideology that is head chopping non-Muslims, raping Yazidis and Christian girls, as well killing people who speak the truth about it.
Tony Robinson has put himself and his family in grave danger from supposedly “British” Muslims, who would like nothing better then to behead him, to alert us to this deadly ideology, second only to Marxism in its lethality to human life. He has done this with no protection from the police. Quite the contrary.
Thank you Tony Robinson.
GWF, I thought we were talking about Tommy Robinson not Baldrick !!
My point was directed at Zero’s obvious connection to the UAF, who justify their hatred and violent attacks on Tommy Robinson by asserting that he is a fascist, which he is not. The UAF are likewise supported by Cameron, a founder member, who apparently endorses their claim that Tommy Robinson is a fascist. I know it matters not whether he is a fascist for the purpose of endorsing his argument that Islam ought to be resisted. But I was pointing out that Zero’s UAF are wrongly describing him in order to justify their attacks on him. Furthermore, this allegation is virtually the only point raised by odious BBC interviewers like Brillo Neil.
Face it zero, Tommys a proper bloke, and that’s why you hate him.
You show a combination of fear, loathing and envy for what he stands for and for who he stands for.
You represent authority and the establishments power, he represents the insurgency and rebellion of the “secret people”.
chin, chin.
Another is it an article or is it an advert? box ticker from the BBC.
Short of a price list it’s about the equivalent of a full page spread with a national/international audience, in the private sector that runs to a litle more than chump change. Other barber shops are available proviso missing. No conflict of interest or business ethic infingement either, apart from the obvious free advertising of course.
The irony of providing a link is not lost on me.
In a world where common sense is allowed to prevail the market would self-adjust the prices of haircuts. In BBC la-la-land, however, the LGBT/Sisterhood/RoP/SJW/UAF/(Insert minority interest group as appropriate) Alliance must be mobilised. Government must be petitioned to enact laws that allow for the prosecution of anyone committing these foul deeds and counselling/compensation provided for the victims of tonsorial oppression.
Dear BBC, I realise that this may be difficult for you to understand, but most people in the United Kingdom are not homosexual, lesbian, bisexual or even transgender. Most people are not remotely intersex, or gender-fluid or questioning. Sorry to burst your Beeb-bubble but there’s even worse news – most people in this country are not black or brown. And guess what most people aren’t Muslims either. No. I’m afraid to tell you that most people in this country are white heterosexuals many of whom refer to themselves as Christians and who are beginning to view your strange view of the UK as frankly ridiculous.
David Keighley of BBC News-watch has another excellent article indicting the BBC for its blatantly biased Remainiac coverage, over on Conservative Woman. He nails the Corporation to the floor. Again.
“Remainiac” – I love that GC!
We`ve got a collective term now for the Urophiles.
Urine are you?
Good for you!
Remainiacs they now are…this will work very well, in that I called the geeen Nazis “warmons” they not like that?
No they don`t!…therefore that`s ALL I call them.
Well done GC!
EUrine maybe Chris?
I see that Radio 4 ‘comedy’ has reached its inevitable resting point.
Don’t make me laugh.
David Baddiel hosts the second series of the panel show where some of the funniest comedians have to go against all their instincts and try not to make an audience laugh.
Featuring Richard Osman, Clive Anderson, Nick Helm and Yasmine Akram.
I expect all they need do is perform one of their shows and they’d succeed !
They are keeping Marcus Brigstocke off the show in the interests of fairness, he’d win every time.
The Metro leftie Beeboids are disappearing ever further up their own fundaments, are they not?
Example A is the ludicous hypocrisy of ‘Hacked off’ and the BBC with regard to the John Whittingdale non story. This has been well covered elsewhere so I’ll move on to Example B. I have just been listening to the opening minutes of some smug, R4 comedy panel game with David Baddiel which is all about trying to win points for not being funny. I presume they believe this will be difficult, and their top drawer comedians automatically default to their natural state of rib tickling hilariousness. Sorry to disappoint you, conceited middle class guardian readers on the panel, but you really aren’t funny anyway, so the show is futile. Baddiel then tries to make things really ‘off the wall’ and edgy by replacing the sound of buzzers with a voice intoning various things considered to make you lose the will to live. One of the 4 buzzer replacements was a bored voice saying ‘Richard Littlejohn’. LOLZ and ROTFLMAO, no need for actual jokes any more, just mention a hated right winger and the immature student in-crowd audience will howl their appreciation. The Now Show did the same thing last week by simply mentioning ‘Michael Gove’ in a serious voice and getting big laughs.
I remember , years ago, when I used to listen to the “News Quiz” , someone just had to say “Sarah Palin” and Sandy Toksvig would wet her knickers. Laugh ? I nearly died !
Coincidentally, when i hear the words ‘Sandy Toksvig’ I feel like projectile vomiting
Number6, I promise never to mention her again .
I’m sure we can all guess the real reason the Danish lesbian dwarf’s knickers get wet when the gorgeous Sarah Palin is mentioned.
The BBC is truly a comedy free zone these days.
Unless we include their news and current affairs output which can be bloody funny…especially when they themselves see no humour in what they`re saying…and in that po-faced arch seriousness of theirs, they make themselves out to be the tools and wankers that we all know them to be.
Exhibit A m`lud
The 8am news on Radio 4 this morning mentioned Manchester Airports “Dogs and Drugs Team”-£1.5 million and counting apparently.
Complete waste of time and money…the dogs don`t want the drugs and prefer the bits of cheese and sausage that returning Mancs are bringing home instead.
The heated kennels and lard arsed handlers though will benefit from not having to do anything but keep warm and sit on their arses at customs.
Very Peter Kaye, very Oasis and-yes, very Northern.
Am proud of Manchesters dogs and tubby border boys tonight!
Do dogs exhibit the local characteristics then on going to Manchester I wonder-and will the BBC staff end up similarly fat,useless and drugs-drained if they`re in Salford for too long?
Maybe one of the Subway Universities up there could research this for us-if anyone can be arsed so to do!
Exhibit B.
The Death of David Gest.
Apparently the tour that he was about to announce from the Backpackers Flophouse yesterday was to be called the “David Gest is Not Dead Tour”…wonder what it`ll be called now then?
Do the BBC do satire?…not when its THEIR fancies in need of a rocket!
Apparently Essex University calls us “authoritarian populists”-those of us who actually would like some Authority to take control of immigration and the EUs collective madness.
There was me thinking that it was common sense…but the BBC are happy to pass on the academic snobs and nasties(invariably foreign or North Americans or Antipodeans) description of the vast majority of people in this country uncontaminated by the Left and its BBC fascist foghorn as evidenced in this clip.
I`m an AP then-but not an old one now!
I noticed that, ChrisH. ‘Authoritarian Populists’ is hardly a neutral term and it is easy to see where these useless overpaid yuni people are coming from politically.
‘Authoritarian’ = nazi
‘Popular’ = their own side (maybe not under Broon/Miliband/Corbyn)
‘Populist’ = popular but nazi.
It can’t be a coincidence that since Blair stuffed the universities with students of low intelligence studying non-academic subjects they have become cesspits of intolerance. That traitor has undermined the reputation of just about every previously highly regarded institution in this country so his pro-EU stance comes as no surprise.
An elderly Britain First protester was booted to the ground with a well-aimed flying kick during a clash with East London Muslims this past weekend. The incident happened outside the East London Mosque following a “provocative” demonstration by the nationalist group.
What would the BBC’s reaction have been if an elderly muslim male had been hit in the back from a flying kick by a member of Britain First? And on video as this was!
Dover, Headline news for weeks !
I guess it serves them right for being kicked. Two of them are banned from London and there is a restriction to keep the two from Britain First more than 250 yards from any mosque in the UK.
Lesson has been learnt. Do not get assaulted by violent moslems near a mosque or the law will have you.
On a very trivial matter but maybe a little light relief from the unrelenting barrage of white hate from the sodding bbc, surely I’m not the only person who thinks that the goodies was and is crap. So, why is it that today on three occasions when I foolishly turn on the radio to radio 4 extra I have to suffer from a Ross Noble (comedian apparently) programme about that infantile rubbish, portraying it as some seminal comedic brilliance? I like Graham Garden, I like Tim Brooke-Taylor, I cannot abide Mr Oddy but despite two out of three, the series were abysmal. I suppose I’m just looking for reassurance that I’m not alone.
John, I agree. Can’t stand Bill Oddie. I am a serious amateur bird-watcher and he is fake at that as well as comedy !
Thanks Grant – at least there are two of us who can recognise rubbish when we see it. As for Mr O being a fake bird watcher, I’m not surprised.
john, although it sticks in my throat to say it, Chris Packham is more like the real thing .
The Goodies was excellent comedy, very clever, subtle and well performed.
As regards Bill Oddie I can only agree with what has been posted here. But a programme like that should not be condemned because of the later behaviour of one actor.
So that’s my opinion. I have stated it. And as Martin Luther said “I can do no other” (Admittedly he wasn’t talking about ‘The Goodies’ as far as I am aware)
Sorry to disagree but I take humour very seriously.
Yasser, The Goodies was certainly popular in my home. The great family favourite was the episode featuring the traditional Yorkshire martial art of Ecky-Thump – using specially hardened black puddings as weapons. (My Yorkshire dad enjoyed this one.) I suppose it was a bit daft and surreal for some tastes!
By the way, did you say you lived in Australia? If so, which part? Mr H-B and I live n Sydney.
Helena Handbasket I’m sorry if I gave the impression I live in Australia. I did for a short while when Menzies was PM! And I do visit now and again. I actually live across the Tasman in the North Island.
The Goodies never really took off in NZ. That’s how I can prove it wasn’t the rubbish that the others are claiming. If it had been dreadful it would have been on prime time TV.
The ecky-thump was a great episode and so was the one about the wild west = Cornwall. Also I liked the one about the Romans. It was shown on the young kids slot over here! I wonder how many kiddies got the reference to Caesar’s Commentaries?
Well you were probably justified. More recently, he’s turned out to be a rather nasty bit of work.
I know the perverts at BBC are obsessed with sex and not a day goes by when they don’t highlight some obscure fetish or practice that didn’t exist when I was a lad, but do we need to be running adverts for g spot dildos on this site?
g spot dildos { g spot dildos […]The info mentioned within the report are several of the ideal obtainable […] }
Abo, I thought it was one of these postings to be followed by ” Now I have got your attention, I would like to discuss stamp collecting “.
Great news today in the Tommy Robinson show trial.
Hope he`ll confirm that he wants out of Europe-he`ll pile in the votes just as Corbyn has done for us today.
Yet the BBC seem to think that Corbyns snivelling performance was worth the headlines this morning before Steptoe had done his rounds.
He`s another taqiyya merchant, a sleeping Dhimmi for Islam.
God Bless you Sir Tommy!
Who the heck are Lloyds to offer advice about the uncertainty of getting out of the EU …………
When they were bailed out big time ……
One could argue that the mess that the EU is in, it is even more uncertain to remain.
Uncertainty, Oh the uncertainty ?
We pay twice as much more money in to the EU than we get back.
We can’t control our borders (they are even coming across the English Channel now ).
They sell us more than we sell them .
What about the accounts ? Have they been signed off ?
Uncertainty , Anyone ?
Question time; Dimbleby wraps up the evening by inviting next week’s audience to come with their complaints against Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin (why ? ) I suppose he is guilty of running a successful company which employs thousands of people and does not rely on a public subsidy – unlike …….
Also, isn’t he for Brexit ?
Yes he is.
Just 3,500 Somalis
BBC Diplomatic & Royal Correspondent Peter Hunt is following William and Kate as they visit Bhutan
Don’t be fooled by the stuffy job title or his veteran BBC looks. Pete comes over as being a bit of a live wire. Shortly after 7 this morning our Peter has a good old chuckle about the local Buddhist hero reputedly visiting a high mountain shrine on the back of a flying she-tiger. Sadly William and Kate won’t be airlifted by a magic beast and nor will our Pete – they will have to trek up by foot to the holy cave. Nice of Peter to bring us this moment of levity to relieve all the seriousness elsewhere in the news.
Wonder how our Peter’s refreshing free-wheeling light-hearted approach to the local religion will go down when the Royals visit the Middle East? Because the BBC is balanced and fair and would never discriminate, right?
Didn’t The Prophet (pbuh) travel to Jerusalem on a flying horse? I imagine they have a right old chuckle about that piece of nonsense in the BBC canteen. I mean seriously, who would believe such a thing? Oh, apparently 1.2 billion muslims who will kill you if you take the piss out of a certain paedophile murderer…
Still, let’s all laugh at Buddhists shall we?
I am still waiting for some BBC comic to have a laugh over the believe that Satan farts loudly when Muslims pray so that Allah Oops cannot hear them. If Allah were so akibar he should be able to insert a cork up Satan’s bum.
At 8.15 today on the Toady programme I was unfortunate enough to catch the tail end (asshole?) of the latest frothy diatribe by one Richard Murphy, chartered accountant and economics adviser to the TUC and ZaNuLab amongst other extreme organisations. As a CA myself I can only wonder why these organisations use such a discredited figure, one who in his past pronouncements has shown a singular lack of in-depth knowledge of the subjects in which he professes competence.
Still, he does the Left’s bidding and that is why he takes their shilling, I guess.
Murphy’s on the BBC speed-dial whenever a bit of ignorance, bile and lefty fascism is required on tax. As I’ve commented before Murphy’s rubbish is exposed daily on Tim Worstall’s blog. To oppose Murphy – a tax “justice” activist and charlatan – Today brought on the deeply unimpressive Lisa Wilson, tax partner at accountants’ firm Cowgill Holloway. However, Lisa was brought on as a genuinely (I think) disinterested expert, not an advocate for any particular policy.
Since Murphy is an out-and-out propagandist, why not bring on Tim Worstall – even over the phone – to expose Murphy’s ignorance? Well, the question answers itself: Murphy speaks for – indeed, has probably done his bit to design – this bit of the Narrative. We can’t have that examined properly can we. If that happened on this topic, the next thing you know the BBC might be forced to entertain real experts discussing and disclosing all the facts concerning climate change, the Middle East, Islam etc etc.
‘Cowgill Holloway’?
Wtf – never heard of them, but presumably their knowledge of tax planning and havens is at least the equal of Murphy!!
Apparently Cowgill Holloway are chartered accountants with offices in Bolton, Manchester and Liverpool. In other words, it’s a worthy medium-sized provincial accounting firm and Lisa is the tax partner. I assume her name came across the Today editorial desk because she assists some Salford-based BBC-employed (or freelance) SJW in his/her relationship with the tax authorities. Anyway, whatever her expertise in completing HMRC annual returns, she was not capable on-air – and was, I suspect, selected because she wasn’t so capable – of shovelling through Murphy’s bullshit in the context of an obvious set-up to propagandise the BBC Narrative. That Narrative, BTW, comprises a belief that effectively all multinationals evade tax, that all the “rich” (which includes the comfortably off or, indeed, anyone who supports themselves working in the private sector) evade tax and, particularly, that all private sector income/wealth belongs to the state and requires dross like Murphy to rule on how much pocket-money we’ll be granted when Corbyn gets to No 10.
To borrow a term invented by the SJWs I think we might describe the choice of Ms Wilson as ‘micro selection’ – along the lines of their beloved ‘micro aggression’.
The BBC does a lot of this and it is a very effective technique, carefully selecting the ugliest/stupidest/least capable as foils to whiners and whingers they approve of and whose hare brained notions they are promoting.
Three good reasons to vote Leave
If it wasn’t for the EU, Kinnock would have struggled to get a job as a trolley boy at Lidl. I wonder why the millionaire Neil Kinnock is so fond of the EU? Perhaps we should ask his millionaire wife Glenys?
Meanwhile, the rest of us poor shlubs just pay for the bloody thing. Well not for much longer I hope!
I’m sure there’s one with Tessa Jowell in it as well. I can’t think of a better image to go on the Leave leaflets.
We’re All right, We’re all right…..
PM on Thursday was interesting in that it had a polite debate between Gisela Stuart and David Blunkett on whether to leave or remain in the EU.
Both of them are members of the Labour party and both have changed their viewpoint over the years and both were allowed to have their say without interruption. Contrast that to when a Conservative ‘leave’ speaker is on, continual interruption and emphasis on divisions within the party and the various ‘leave’ groups.
I heard her on this morning’s Today programme. I wasn’t impressed. She should have easily swatted away John Humphrys’ questions, which somehow tried to assert that saying how much more we could spend on the NHS if out of the EU was part of Project Fear. By that logic any campaign listing the positive sides of leaving is actually negative campaigning because it says things would be worse if we stay. Farage wouldn’t have allowed that to pass, which is why the establishment want to sideline him.
BBC impartiality at work here……

Union Jack and EU flag, really?
Anyone got a magnifying glass?
Not worthy of comment.
Not very subtle is it?
Headline news on the bBBC this morning. A woman tragically lost a baby giving birth and an emergency Caesarean was unsuccessful. Infant mortality is a fraction of what it was, but in a country of 65 million people, there are sure to be a few cases every day of the year.
None of this of course matters to the bBBC. What really gives some of the student activists in the newsroom a hard-on is the bright idea of linking a tragedy of this sort to ‘NHS cuts’, which is exactly what we saw and heard (and endured) this morning. What a wheeze. Now that really hits the g spot of the rest of them.
Absolutely pathetic biased selective reporting.
Humphys “interviewed” Gisela Stuart, Labour MP for Birmingham Edgbaston and co-chair of Vote Leave on Today this morning. Needless to say, this was in the post 8:30 “dead” zone. Contrast the interview timing of Robinson’s (?) chat with “In” dweeb Alistair Darling (7:50 am). I wrote Humphrys interviewing Stuart but, it requires craig’s stopwatch here, it seemed to me that Humphrys spoke more in the 4/5 minute “interview” than Gisela. Even when he graciously allowed her to get a word in edgeways he prevented her developing and expanding on her cases. What apparently exercised Humphrys was the notion that money currently paid to the EU could be diverted to support the NHS. Gisela made the point – between Humphrys’ interruptions – that even now, although we get back around half of that money, what we spend it on is constrained by directives from Brussels. After breixit all spending of that money will be at our discretion.
Frankly, I consider that throwing more at an unreconstructed NHS would be as misguided as doubling the licence fee and expecting thereby an “improved” even more “impartial” BBC. However, the use of our money now dumped in Brussels is a fair topic for discussion. Humphrys’ arrogant dismissal of her argument together with his refusal to allow Stuart an uninterrupted few seconds to make her case (again compare the earlier Darling love-in) is par for the BBC’s anti-leave course. However, even I was taken aback by the aggressive blatancy of this example of political bias.
And did you pick up that Robinson introduced his interviewee as ‘Alistair’ ?
All very pally and chummy.
I look forward to him welcoming ‘Nigel’ or ‘Tommy’ but won’t be holding my breath.
Classic FM’s risible ‘Global News’ seems a real Alistair fan too.
They really need to feature his stirring rhetoric more in support of Remain.
\\If this is the BBC’s idea of “objective science”, I’m my auntie’s uncle.//
Concludes Paul Homewood as he takes apart new piece on BBC Earth about sea levels.
“Even by the BBC’s standards, it must be one of the most dishonest and one sided reports they have published.”
He lists the propaganda tricks they used..We’re All Going To Drown – BBC
Five ‘people’ Note, not those ‘men’ again, arrested in Birmingham on Terrorism charges .
Let’s have a ‘less bias against men week’.
They’re not ‘men’ because one of them is a woman.
You can never tell these days ?