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#Whittingdale in my book written in 2015. If Cameron didn’t read the book his advisers did
Did the BBC read the book? Of course they did.
I had to try and check the claim that it’s in the book [self-published on Amazon] but not having a copy best I can find is this comment from 2015 referring to Whittingdale on Amazon….
By Armstrong on 18 May 2015
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
Well worth a download – tells us a lot about the Bullingdon Boys and not only George Osborne. Interesting sections on John Whittingdale and the role of Andy Coulson and News of the World.
Interesting that
@BBC never acknowledges@RealNatalieRowe in revealing hypocrisy of@JWhittingdale ?
Not sure what this means…sure we’ll find out…
Strange how none of the Press, or indeed the Tories, has retaliated against the BBC and asked why it didn’t publish information about Whittingdale which it must have known.
They attack the BBC for the hatchet job on the person who is responsible for the Charter review but why not tackle them for the glaring ‘elephant that’s not in the room’….the BBC’s knowledge of the story and its, therefore, hypocritical attack on the Press?
This radio interview with Rowe is interesting…in relation to Whittingdale not knowing Olivia King was ‘Mistress kate’ Rowe tells us that her own boyfriend, William Sinclair, didn’t know for a long time what her job was….so entirely plausible Whittingdale did not know.
Midweek 26th February 2025
He denies it so everything’s ok.