Jordan Human Rights
Human Rights Concerns
Amnesty International continues to be concerned about torture and ill-treatment in detention in Jordan, as well as the link between torture, unfair trials, and the death penalty. Amnesty International has particular concerns about the application of the death penalty in Jordan because there is a pattern of death sentences, and sometimes executions, occurring as a result of unfair trials where confessions extracted under torture are used as evidence against the defendants. There has also been a pattern of suppression of freedom of expression and association, especially in the wake of laws restricting freedom of the press and expression that were promulgated in the fall of 2001.
The BBC slipped in an attack on Trump on the Today show in the news reporting a comment from Jordan’s Prince Zeid Raad al-Hussein who is also laughably the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights….no mention of Cruz on the radio…..
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has condemned the policies of US Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, equating them to bigotry.
Zeid Raad al-Hussein did not mention Mr Trump by name, but he singled out the businessman’s support of torture and his policies towards Muslims.
“Bigotry is not proof of strong leadership,” Mr Hussein said.
The commissioner also criticised a plan by rival candidate Ted Cruz to conduct surveillance on Muslim neighbourhoods.
“Hate speech, incitement and marginalisation of the ‘other’ are not a tittering form of entertainment, or a respectable vehicle for political profit,” Mr Hussein told an audience in Cleveland, Ohio.
The BBC added for effect..
Mr Cameron called Mr Trump’s plan to ban Muslims from travelling to the US “divisive, stupid and wrong”.
Both Pena Neito and the Pope have taken issue with Mr Trump’s call for a border wall between the US and Mexico.
No quotes from people supporting Trump’s statements.
Why no mention from the BBC that al Hussein is a prince from Jordan? Could it be because Jordan has itself a rather sordid record on human rights…an ongoing record.
It jails anyone who criticises the King and his government, it refuses entry to Palestinians, so you have to ask why Trump’s block on Muslims until the US resolves how to check identities better is so bad?, and the use of torture is not unknown in Jordan…….why does the BBC not refer to such things in its report? From Human Rights Watch…..
Torture, Police Violence, and Administrative Detention
Perpetrators of torture or other ill-treatment continued to enjoy near-total impunity due to the authorities’ reliance on special police prosecutors and judges to investigate allegations against, prosecute, and try fellow officers. At the Police Court, where many such cases are heard, two out of three sitting judges are serving police officers appointed by the police. To date, no police or intelligence officer has ever been convicted of torture under article 208 of the penal code.
Oh hang on why might al Hussein criticise Republican candidates? Is it a grateful thankyou to Obama and the Democrats for their generosity and silence?
In February, the United States announced the renewal of a five-year aid package to Jordan through 2019, which provides a minimum of US$360 million in economic assistance, and $300 million in foreign military financing annually. The US granted an additional $340 million in 2014 for “costs related to instability in the region, including for security requirements along the border with Iraq.” The US did not publicly criticize human rights violations in Jordan in 2014 except in annual reports.
Patrick Leahy and 10 House members (nine of whom are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus) asked the State Dept. to investigate Israeli and Egyptian human rights violations. Leahy’s name is on a law that conditions U.S. military aid to countries on whether their security forces are committing abuses. As far as I can see the BBC didn’t report on this. So they couldn’t ask why Jordan isn’t on Leahy’s list, either.
This calls for a little story time…
There is an island (unnamed) which is occupied by 10 families. They have sovereignty over all the lands and laws. These families get on well and have the same principles and beliefs. They all pull together to help with the running of the island and celebrate their commitment and pride of the island they love
Like any community they wanted to improve and get better. To build the things that would benefit them all. Of course sometimes they would also argue and have disagreements. To ensure the actions and interests of all were accounted for a committee/council was created to serve the families on the island…
After a while the 2 strong council agreed between themselves to allow a cult following family to move to the island. The council didn’t seek approval for this or ask if the families wanted this strange family living amongst them. It just happened. The families were accommodating and friendly towards the new family and the foreign family were civilised at first. They had strange beliefs and customs but things continued as normal on the island….
After a while it became clear that this family were not interested in integrating and giving their all for the community. It became clear that this families beliefs were sometimes in conflict with the communities. Rather than listen to the committees concerns the council decided to change the islanders traditions to the dismay of the community. The council started to create laws and regulations to force the other families to accept this foreign family. The peaceful life that has always been was changed….
After a while one of the children of the cult family began to follow the exact word of law described in the peace book. This person beheaded a innocent islander just because they were not a member of their cult. The whole island was angry, and wanted answers for this evil act. The cult family stated that the act was nothing to do with the death cult they follow and that their brother/sister committed the beheading because they felt isolated and disenfranchised (or whatever bullshit…). The cult family say that it’s the islanders fault for not allowing more of their cult to flourish… the council decide that more changes to tradition are required and more appeasement is necessary… Making this death cult family happy was all that matters.
More laws… More legislation… The islanders are racist.. Xenophobes..islamaphobes….
Vote out. Vote Ukip. Win back our future. Our freedom. Our childrens lives
This calls for a little story time…
There is an island (unnamed) which is occupied by 10 families. They have sovereignty over all the lands and laws. These families get on well and have the same principles and beliefs. They all pull together to help with the running of the island and celebrate their commitment and pride of the island they love
Like any community they wanted to improve and get better. To build the things that would benefit them all. Of course sometimes they would also argue and have disagreements. To ensure the actions and interests of all were accounted for a committee/council was created to serve the families on the island…
After a while the 2 strong council agreed between themselves to allow a cult following family to move to the island. The council didn’t seek approval for this or ask if the families wanted this strange family living amongst them. It just happened. The families were accommodating and friendly towards the new family and the foreign family were civilised at first. They had strange beliefs and customs but things continued as normal on the island….
After a while it became clear that this family were not interested in integrating and giving their all for the community. It became clear that this families beliefs were sometimes in conflict with the communities. Rather than listen to the committees concerns the council decided to change the islanders traditions to the dismay of the community. The council started to create laws and regulations to force the other families to accept this foreign family. The peaceful life that has always been was changed….
After a while one of the children of the cult family began to follow the exact word of law described in the peace book. This person beheaded a innocent islander just because they were not a member of their cult. The whole island was angry, and wanted answers for this evil act. The cult family stated that the act was nothing to do with the death cult they follow and that their brother/sister committed the beheading because they felt isolated and disenfranchised (or whatever bullshit…). The cult family say that it’s the islanders fault for not allowing more of their cult to flourish… the council decide that more changes to tradition are required and more appeasement is necessary… Making this death cult family happy was all that matters.
More laws… More legislation… The islanders are racist.. Xenophobes..islamaphobes….
Vote out. Vote Ukip. Win back our future. Our freedom. Our childrens lives