I heard a report from the UK on the radio, I didn’t catch if it was the BBC. It sounded like it but can’t say for certain. Anyway the gist of the snippet was that Brits are totally confused by Brexit. It is too much for them to take in. Sure enough they found several people who seemed to be unsure which way to vote. Nobody on the segment I heard said anything pro or anti all were undecided probably ‘due to lack of information’.
I thought at the time “well they didn’t ask anyone from this website”.
To claim the public can’t understand is a leftist tactic when they find, horror of horrors, the populace aren’t thinking what they ought to be thinking. They left/liberals like to see themselves as only interpreting and promoting the will of the people. When those naughty ordinary people have opinions which differ from their ivory towered betters we are told that ordinary people are confused. In countless conversations with leftists when citing undeniable evidence that their utopian plans are not appealing to, or are not representing the masses I hear the explanation that the people are ‘confused’.
So perhaps the left and fellow travellers and opportunists on the right are going push this line if Brexit wins in June.
Perhaps this a sign they are preparing themselves for defeat?
Fingers crossed
There is a toxic mixture of distrust of our politicians, politicians trying to coerce voters to vote to stay in the EU with taxpayer funded propaganda, terrorism, immigration, who gives a crap about economic doom as long as we get our country back?, removal of “human rights”…
Is there anyone who visits this website going to vote to stay in ? The idea that we leavers are “confused” is an insult. I have been against the EU right from the start. It is the remainers who are confused , not seeing the reality of what the EU stands for. The question they should be asked is ” If the UK was outside the EU today, would you vote to join and would you join the Eurozone ? “.
Yes Grant, Boris used that line in a ripping speech…hard to argue really. We’ve had since 1973 to see where the EU is going/has gone, and nearly 60 yr olds like me are grasping this opportunity to kick the tyrants in Brussels up the arse. Wait and see the results on 24th or so, the losing side will be sniping and carping for years after with ‘told you so’s’ and ‘ you were warned’ …i can see it now…whatever, the result will be pretty divisive for years…
Don’t get me wrong, I like the bloke, especially in his usual weekly spats with the utterly juvenile Mohammed Shafiq on the BBC’s Radio 5Live Stephen Nolan Show – this week he was on with Austin Mitchell. But recently he’s gone all “elite remote”, and by that I mean he has no idea how the majority of us live, the places we live in, and the people we live with.
If you listen to the programme, you will notice how Jerry gives the impression he’s sticking his fingers in his ears and shouting “LA LA LA LA LA!” at any claim mass EU migration is having a negative effect on jobs and wages here in the UK. He keeps on insisting that everything the callers are citing as evidence is just ‘anecdotal’ evidence.
Of course, Jerry’s right. But that doesn’t mean the callers are wrong.
Well Jerry, here’s something that might encourage you to take your fingers out of your ears.
Just down the road from me there is an ARC car wash. It is fully automated and I used to pay £7.50 for a “Wash-and-Wax”. That was more than 5 years ago. But I discovered a group of guys who would hand-wash my car for only £3, hand wash and wax for £5, and hand wash, wax and vac for £8.
No contest, I don’t trust those automated car washes anyway. And they don’t vacuum the inside of your car – the crucial difference!
So, who were these guys who were undercutting ARC? The guy who spoke to me was from Bulgaria, and they all spoke the same language, so I assumed they were all Bulgarian. (For some reason he said my car (SEAT Ibiza) would be worth €20,000 in his country because cars a very expensive there. I took him up on his offer to buy my car for that price, but he declined.)
But here’s the eye-opener!
The ARC car wash is now £3 for a basic wash. I only know this because I paid a visit to Lidl, which is next door. But I would choose a hand wash over a machine wash any day. So there’s no way they can compete, what with the machinery breaking down intermittently, as I discovered on numerous occasions in the distant past.
So, there we have it; proof that mass EU migration has forced wages down.
I never have and never will patronise such establishments. If we all went back to the British Sunday morning tradition of washing our own cars not only would we getting some exercise, saving a few quid a year but best of all giving ourselves the sanctification that we’re not facilitating the need for more pointless EU immigration.
Like fruit picking, car washing is one of those things that as a nation we managed to do perfectly well before immigration…
My son washes the car for a few bob each week. Produce your own work force, is my advice.
I remember a schoolboy who cut the hedges and mowed lawns in my neighborhood, and decent chap as he was, never took money from an elderly woman who lived alone. A big help to his parents during his education. Today, he is the CEO of one of Europe’s largest banks. The left see him as a class enemy.
…..Like fruit picking, car washing is one of those things that as a nation we managed to do perfectly well before immigration… ……
We also managed to eradicate tuberculosis, scabies and scarlet fever – and the media cannot understand how and why its on the rise again. Its a better open secret than the ‘3 in a bed’ story.
“If we all went back to the British Sunday morning tradition of washing our own cars…”
Not easy when you live in an apartment block. I suppose I could fill lots of buckets with soapy water and carry them down the stairs, but I can’t be arsed.
Anyway, getting someone else to wash my car gives me more time to spend at church, the proper traditional Sunday morning thing to do.
Having had my car damaged twice in a month by scrotes who just drive off, i reckon the best thing is to have a reliable engine/gearbox, electrics , Japanese of course, and plonk them into a Mad Max type wagon, spikey bits, galvanised armoured shell, smoke dischargers, run flat tyres, armoured glass…the works……no-one will worry you, you won’t fret over damage, bang it straight, cover vandals in dye if they dare touch….lovely….where’s that mig welder of mine?……
My Grandad lived in a flat in the 1970’s and as hard as this is for you to believe residents had a communal outside tap, as did most blocks of flats, that is before we started creating feral youth and imported undesirables who found it more fun to vandalise and leave them turned on.
Try taking the rise of out those traditional Friday ‘church’ goers in the same way and see what happens….
Yeah, why not let the Remain campaign know about that glaringly obvious fact? And what would we do without kebab shops, eh?
Speaking of which, I’m off to the pub to watch footy scores and then I’m going to order me and the missus a couple of big juicy Halal donner and chicken tikka mixed kebabs on naan bread with lashings of mint yoghurt and chilli sauce.
Oh, I think we’re all aware of the polystyrene detritus (that’s ‘rubbish’ Edward) which is the vomit inducing evidence, left by all those who enjoy the rubbish food churned out by these grease shops. Modern-day delights ? I doubt you’d say that if you went around the back of these establishments and saw the state of their kitchens. Clearly you didn’t read the report recently where a certain hot food shop owner would not use paper to wipe his bum – on religious grounds, and was prosecuted for his lack of hygiene. Carry on eating your “modern-day delights”, I’ll stick to my home cooking – at least I know my hands have been under the tap !
“The unknowns of a Brexit (there is no word for that in Cornish) were one explanation given by folk who told me they’ll vote to stay in. But I also found plenty threatening to vote to leave.”
What a choice of words, “Threatening to vote to leave”, subtle as a sledgehammer, why not threatening to vote to stay?
Maybe the the Hon Mrs Katie Milburn should be sidelined from making any further comment until after the vote.
F. Scott Fitzgerald said “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”
I would certainly not use the word ‘intelligence’ to describe that ability. there are many others which are not flattering. I could not rely on anyone who lives by that habit.
Nana and Charlie are having to do a lot of sharp intakes of breath and looks of disdain this morning. Barry Obama being told he is twat by Boris, loads of mudslimes held on Lesbos being shipped back to Turkey and it’s snowing in the UK during British Summer Time ,temperatures down to -3 degrees but let’s move on next week it will be 15 degrees and hotter than a pizza oven in Napoli and Global Warming will be our main story for the next 3 months
8 degrees or less right now – as predicted by the BBC w-s/Met Office on Monday – down here in the globally warmed, starting to fry at the end of the first decade of 21st century, Venice drying out, wildlife dying, grapes growing everywhere not submerged under melted ice, South-East of England.
Oh, how I long for the good old days, when you could get sunburnt in February or March!
Yes, it was warm during part of the winter. Yes, they started to emerge in December & January. But the cold and intermittent rainfall (daffs require a lot of consistent water, I seem to recall) and, most of all, a big storm have seen them off, over a week ago.
It’s 40 degrees in Manila and my little tongue is hanging out. Time for a nice cool beer or three, I think.
Not “climate change” or “AGW”, or whatever they’re calling it this week, though. It’s always that hot in summer here. And my mum-in-law says it used to be even hotter when she was a gel……….
My missus stuck a hibiscus behind her lug (very fetching and suitably effnick to please our chums at the Beeb) and brought me the aforementioned beer.
US Election 2016: Top UN official condemns Trump Zeid Raad al-Hussein did not mention Mr Trump by name, but he singled out the businessman’s support of torture and his policies towards Muslims.
The king of Saudi Arabia received a report that the Arabian Oryx was endangered and requested British, American and his own Mabahith General Investigation Directorate help to locate those remaining in his country.
In half an hour he received a call from MI5, “We have several under observation at Riyadh zoo. What are your instructions?”
In 24 hours the C.I.A. reported, “We have an Oryx in our sights. Do we have permission to open fire?”
A week passed and the Mabahith still hadn’t contacted the king. So he was driven to Ulaysha Prison to check on the situation. There he found Mabahith officers beating the feet of a terrified rabbit. “Don’t worry your Majesty. He’ll admit to being an Oryx soon.”
Apparently I am mistaken al-Hussein is a Jordanian. Same comments apply. Jordan has a human rights record barely better than Saudi Arabia. In any case the BBC neglected to tell us.
How the hell does Trump get criticised for “supporting torture” when it`s been Obama and Hillary who seem to have been doing it these last eight years, albeit not an issue to me personally?
Their hypocrisy and selective stupidity knows no bounds…like Springsteen squauking about gender fluid loos being unwanted in North Carolina-as his daughter would go to Dubai to ride horses in a land where gender fluid types would soon find themselves with no means of checking if they were male or female after interrogation.
The thick illiberal left just don`t connect such things, see no idiocies or hypocrisies…like Clinton the shagger and Gore and his electricity bills.
Wonder how Blair isn`t getting a grilling about HIS offshore dealings…or how Jon Snows dad managed to pass on his church stipends to the red socked fanny pack.
The Toady programme reporting at 8.30 from Lesbos. Syrian ‘refugees’, and lots of Pakistanis presumably, there calling on the Pope (sic) to help them!!!
So open the borders and allow them to bite the hands, feet and guts of the people who they are calling on for aid.
Friday night’s Six O’Clock news on BBC1 summed up the level of distorting and non-reporting for what passes for news from the BBC.
It was reported that a group of men and women have all been arrested on terrorist charges from the Birmingham area. A ‘security’ expert is interviewed about the situation. The reporter asks him a question that is quite incisive: “Why do a lot of people who are arrested on terrorism offences come from Birmingham?”.
Without pausing for breath the security expert replied, “Birmingham is a city with a large population.”
This photograph might clarify the ‘security’ expert’s confusion:
Genocide is being committed against the Christians, Yazidis and other non Sunni Muslim minorities in Syria and Iraq.
But when is a genocide a genocide? it’s only “really” genocide if Parliament says so, they debate and vote on this question on Wednesday April 20th 2016.
If they vote for the definition of IS activities as genocide then the UN and other international agencies can be pressed to act more strongly against IS and its supporters around the world. Perpetrators can be hunted down and placed before the international courts. If they don’t…..well, the murders and rapes go on and the west wrings its hands.
Please let you MP know your views on this.
I heard on the BBC that Pope Francis is visiting Lesbos today to show solidarity with refugees there.
Here, in the interest of “balance” is the view of the exiled Catholic Archbishop Nona of Mosul in Iraq,
“Please, try to understand us. Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever growing number of Muslims. Also you are in danger.
You must take strong and courageous decisions, even at the cost of contradicting your principles. You think all men are equal, but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men are equal.
Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home.”
The definition of Genocide is pretty clear but , in reality, it depends on who is doing the killing. For example, the people who settled N. America committed a Genocide against the Native Americans, but we don’t here that debated much.
If Parliament votes that what is happening in Syria and Iraq is not Genocide , I can only assume that it is to further appease the UK muslim minority.
I’m not a violent person, but why do I want to slap the faces of all the Eggheads teams ? They are just so bloody SMUG ! and has anyone seen a programme where they’ve been beaten ?
Of course they’ve been beaten, many times, including last night where all five were beaten by a single opponent.
I don’t think it’s rigged, at all. Some of the Eggheads ARE insufferable, like CJ, and the perpetually grinning Barry, Lisa is a pain, but otherwise they are obviously knowledgeable, and quite entertaining.
I find Eggheads one of those programs that’s devised as a ‘love to hate’ format. I recognize the inherent paranoia in thinking that the questions are rigged – and yet, time and again, they leave that indelible impression. Equally, the standard of the supposed ‘regular quizzers’ put up against them is all too frequently parlous, their breadth of knowledge such an essential to provide a viable contest, simply risible. Of course there are exceptions, but overall the program seems devised solely to promote the omnipotence of a group of largely unlikeable and conceited nonentities, an unpleasant reality compounded at every turn by Jeremy Vine’s unctuous sycophancy.
There, I think that sums it up from my perspective, anyway.
I agree it’s not rigged except for a celeb edition where Jade Goody was down to herself alone against the eggheads and nearly won!
I agree about CJ and dislike left-winger Chris intently. Gurning Lisa is a pain, but I don’t mind Kevin and Judth. I like Barry,(despite his left-wingedness), Dave and Pat.
But it lost a lot when J Swine took over from D Murnaghan. Swine is an awful presenter and shows, regularly, that he is positively and chronically stupid.
Many moons ago I was on 15-1 where the big, fat chaser was on. He just missed making it to the final but his competitive spirit was clear even then. I’ve noticed him in many quizzes since, prior to the chase.
The BBC do employ some unsavoury characters, don’t they? I wonder if, as in the case of Savile, they will have to cease broadcasting recordings of Eggheads which contain appearances by the the CJ character. The way things are going, very soon there’ll be few programmes left that we are permitted to view because someone taking part is of dubious provenance.
Seems to be a right den of druggies,paedos,tax avoiding and womanizers in the BBC. If any other organization did half as much as dear old Auntie then It would be shut down and charges made.
Didn’t CJ admit to killing a man whilst he was working as a rent boy in Amsterdam? Nothing much seemed to come of that did it? If a straight man recalled killing a prostitute in his memoirs I suspect the plod might put their doughnuts down for a minute and have a word with him about it.
Oh damn, another shoo-in for the Guardian legal pages, Channel 4 and BBC “legal affairs” correspondent gigs.
This grievance mong trashed her own mother enough for her sister to say she`s a deluded liar or fantasist.
So-probably Family Affairs and Childrens Rights go-to gal, and some angst over Duggans mobile phone not being black enough or such.
The BBC forced-marriage miscengenation between Charlie Statist and No-go Munch-my-spaghetti are here again to entertain us this morning.
So pleased to see a castrato in a happy pairing with a feminatrix – showing the nation this is a viable life choice. BBC social agendas may well be under attack worldwide from news of hypocritical celebrity shenanigans – but here in little England (and Wales) our quaint laws protect our massive stars from criticism – how’s their tax affairs we wonder, anyone shining a light there? And this on the day I find to my dismay Jackie Chan was named in the Panama Papers – I wish the BBC could furnish us with more names and details. But we digress.
Our dynamic BBC duo reckon the Brexit debate is getting a bit ‘heated’. Strange, I thought the Leave campaign were doing rather well and scoring some good hits. Poor old Obama, it’s diplomacy 101 that when the POTUS visits England he don’t mention the Declaration of Independence. Boris made a barnstorming speech yesterday with many fine soundbites eg. ‘I say British-made french knickers to the Bremainers’ meanwhile the BBC crawling headlines pick out some very staid and bland statements – odd.
And so to the newspaper review. oh dear. As they read a few selected headlines it’s like Charlie and Naga live in a different BBC-approved world of news – scarcely parallell, more like divergent – a BBC universe of news but not as we know it, Jim.
Raise the red flag comrades, ‘Poet’ Ian McMillan is here to review the Tory Rags – “This is an Age of Inequality” is the text for today, you children of the ‘Blair rich project’. Our Ian reckons when the kids pick up the FT (assuming after somewhere north of two dozen years of state comp and uni they can read a newspaper and they actually choose the pink ‘un – a stretch, I know, but go with Ian for a moment) then the FT really ought to use more inventive graphics in their rich list. So we can visualise these rich bastards. You know kids- like the evil gits who brought you your i-phone and cheap air travel. 23 million hedgehogs piled up in a heap would do the job – I’m not kidding, it was Ian.
Then some riff about potatoes on the moon. Was it Atlia the Stockbroker who sang about how he kept tropical fish – in his underpants. Now that was poetry. and there’s one for the teenagers!
And we close with our ‘poet’ Ian. Who wandered lonely as a climate skeptic on the BBC. Yes a big shout out for Climate Change and some stuff and nonsense about early daffodils. Come back from Mars to planet earth, Ian. Pop over to the post-Easter weather forcast and some news of late snow on them tha hills.
I think all channels should ditch the ‘reading the papers’ section; the selection of guests are sometimes so dire they can barely utter an intelligent sentence, or despite working in a journalistic environment they ummmm and errrrrr all the time. TV whatever Penny Smith, whom the BBC dust off from time to time, is unbelievable in her stuttering dialogue but shakes her head a lot. Last night on Sky, a new low was reached when the queen of selfies and described as a radio host, Karen Danczuk (ex-wife of the MP Simon Danczuk) was giving her expertise (!) on the journalists sofa ! How old is the person responsible for commissioning these people ???? a star struck 18 year old ??? At this rate it will be Katie Price delivering the Budget next year. Words fail me.
What a shame about Jackie Chan…or is it. Totally understandable, coming from a background of piss poor, fighting (literally) against the odds, to make it in a competitive world. I’d sequester my money (from the Chinese) too. He is a total turncoat, working for the Chinese when it suits him, but who knows how that actually pans out. He is a bit of a hero of mine. Fabulous acrobat.
I have no problem with Chan hiding his money.
He`ll work in many countries-so like Messi he`s entitled to keep as much of it as he can.
Don`t see why Kinnock or Mandelson get to cream it…Chan has a talent, as does Messi etc.
Labour lefties and media liberals have no talent other than picking the pockets of the poor, whilst pretending to be their friends.
Since when did paying your taxes become a shibboleth of the liberal left-the same tossers declared no taxes when Gadhaffi was paying for Scargills hairspray and toupees stand.
And would certainly not have wanted taxes going to Fearless, South Georgia or Mrs Thatchers upkeep.
Our turn now-am pretty piss poor myself, so good on anybody who hates the State and where it`s heading for…like the TV License…hope one day to be big enough not to pay it.
I’m re-posting this from end of previous thread as link to iplayer is now available. Listen from 21:30 mins in, David Vance from 22.35 mins. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b076nsj8#play
David Vance on 5Live Nolan just now on the topic of food banks and child poverty. Also present were Carmel and Alison who represented the “free food” sector which David saw acting as a natural draw because who doesn’t want free stuff? David also raised the issue of the increasing childhood obesity rate and the parenting skills of those children affected. It got quite shouty in a 2 v 1, but David held his position, and concluded by saying there was a political agenda to “weaponise poverty”. Worth a listen on iplayer later. From about 20 minutes in.
Well spoken David, and absolutely on target when the “apolitical” charity spokesperson responded to David Vances statement….”it is parents responsibility to feed their kids”….with…”no, it’s all our responsibility…we’re a society”…..anti-family, cultural Marxism in a nutshell.
Loved the way the only person not raising his voice was told to keep calm, keep his voice down and not to contribute to “hysteria”.
There was also the usual cant about “practitioners” seeing the daily reality of hunger and poverty.
Well, sorry folks but I can tell you some of your hungry “clients” have substantial drug, alcohol, smoking, gambling habits to sustain, some do prioritise their Sky subscriptions,…..and free food subsidises and enables these life choices.
As a society, we need more citizens…challenged and supported to independence for their families rather than the creation of a population of “clients” beholden to the liberal middle class and the Labour Party. We do need more productive and decently paid employment to establish independent families. Wage compression and unemployment, food banks and refugees welcome here signs….any connection? Shush!
It was significant that the question of reassessment of need was not addressed.
And risible that the example of a food bank client chosen by the BBC was not allowed by Nolan to be discussed, on the grounds that “he’s not here now and can’t speak for himself”.
Good points. I’ve also felt the same about “our” NHS … the liberal left collectivists and their BBC cheerleaders love “free stuff” being handed-out by the State.
Because it’s not really free, is it? Just paid for by someone else’s taxes.
To for this Mr G.
I did wonder why Mr V would put himself through the liberal slop bucket challenge yet again , but-on hearing this, am glad he did.
Don`t think I`ve ever heard the illiberal castrati before gang up on an opponent in such a pathetic tag team way.
Vance had them banged to rights, when he was able to be heard…and accused of being hysterical, and needing to calm down by the mob of shreiking banshees with the fat Controller in full cry alongside.
Some nuggets here-“practitioner” “this is SOCIETYS problem”(and nothing to do with cigs, drugs, Sky TV or being a welfare immigrant lard arse(not that we don`t grow our own fat hunks of entitlement). “Bad parents are not to blame for anything”….and all that crap.
Still-it was good to hear such a pithy few minutes of all that`s wrong with the idiot Left and the BBC.
Basically they NEED to ride the backs of the poor and the dependent just to fill their empty lives, get a salary and find some self-regard in their sad, pathetic comparisons to those they are fascinated by..the welfare fatty, the Muslim abuser, the druggie paedo…all grist to shaft the heartless Tories.
All were Blairs parents…these do gooding no gooders CRAVE more crises, more bitchfests and grievance farming and foaming…the only “jobs” that they`re fit for.
It`s all there in a few minutes…..Vance surely needed a good shower after THAT aimless slurry that they threw at him…he`s right, they`re wrong….and the Left never like that.
Just watched the Chinese Formula One qualification on German Channel RTL (F Sky and the BBC) strangely, unlike the UK, German TV adverts have not embraced the multicult/miscegenation vibe, they’re 110% Teutonic…..
There has been a bit of chat about the weather on this “Friday” date stamp, most of it about the daffodils and the snow. Well it is not unusual to have both in Mid April, but according to Roger Harrabin of the BBC, this really shouldn’t be happening, but it is. The North Atlantic is now well below its average temperature and as such is killing off any mild westerly storms. The mild run of weather which is normal for this time of year has been replaced by a stream of slow moving cold Polar Air. Thus we have very cold nights, described as “Chilly” by our main stream media, where minus 8 is described as “chilly”. This pattern of weather looks set to continue through the rest of April looking at the temperature gradients in the upper atmosphere. You only have to go to 2,000 ft above sea level in most of the U.K. at the moment to find freezing level, henceforth snowy conditions. With these areas of high pressure rotating around us, depending on point of rotation one day will be lovely and warm the next day freezing so to speak. Shorts on Wednesday but snow next weekend anybody?
As a footnote, it started snowing in Scotland last September and has continued virtually everyday since. This will continue through April and looking at the upper atmosphere temperature gradients will continue into May. That will leave just three months of a 12 month period where it hasn’t yet snowed. Here on Dartmoor we have now had 16 continuous months of at least one frost day in the month. A new 80 year record. “Global Warming”, not in the U.K. it ain’t.
I am looking at patches of snow on the hills in Central Perthshire right now, not last year’s though and the temperature is 6 C here at 300 ft above sea level but it is sunny.
I just sent in (another) complaint to the BBC over their reporter Laura Kuenssberg so-called report on Boris Johnson’s comments about EU referendum. The sneering dismissive tones she used were nauseating.
Loved the other report about the Pope visiting the “migrants”. Hope they give him the same treatment as they gave the Aussie film crew in Calais!
Kuenssberg has a piece on the BBC web page that is supposedly to analyse Boris’ views yet the vast majority of is from those who support remain and are critical of Boris.
Anyone who heard Boris’ speech live on Sky tv will have found themselves nodding in agreement at his point of the lack of democracy and transparency of the EU.
Surely no one, (other than Miss Kuenssberg ), would dispute that Obama would never agree to the EU ruling the US, dictating how it should manage its borders, migration, trade agreements and working practices.
There is even some rubbish from Stephen Kinnock who seems to think that the EU enforcing whatever it wants on member states is on par with voluntary NATO or WTO agreements.
You can find it here, totally, totally scandalous.
Here’s an unusual story from bbc.con. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-35726198
It’s unusual inasmuch as most people associate ‘Brazilian’ with the removal of hair not the addition. (I won’t mention any possible cultural appropriation from the Brazilians)
Anyway, you just wonder how and where the lefty stuff will come into play. And at I wasn’t disappointed at 1m 50 into the video we are given a reminder of how SA is now liberal in post apartheid times. No mention of how liberal the current president has been with £3.9m of public money in buying his new home and narrowly avoided impeachment. Nelson Mandela would turn in his grave to see his country turn into just another corrupt black African state. (allegedly)
It was nauseating to hear her and to see her scrunched up lefty face as she reeled from what she was hearing – but I thought Boris was outstanding. I loved his likening of some of the ‘In’ crowd to Gerald Ratner – it’s crap but we’ve got to stay in.
Vote Leave gets a majority
Cameron resigns.
Boris for PM.
bish bash bosh.
Love the photo on the BBC Webshite of the Pope on Lesbos. Mostly women and children and at the front , and a few token men hanging around at the back. I wonder how long that took to set up ?
All set up in advance , of course. And the migrants will have been carefully vetted. Don’t want any riff-raff in the Vatican . All a publicity stunt, I guess. Let’s see if all of the Lefty luvvies follow the Pope’s lead.
Today there will be an event of great significance ending with the resignation of Cameron. The trots of the People’s Assembly are marching for Health, homes and education, and Cameron must go. Not mentioned yet by the BBC.
The unions, such as Unite, are sending umpteen train coaches, paid by their members, along with scores of buses.
I fear Cameron will have to retire to his luxury home provided by his Arab bosses in Dubai.
As I am sure many here would like to participate I have included details of the blocs. Up front are junior doctors and teachers, spear heading the proletarian revolution.
I have been unable to find a bloc campaigning for the working class victims of the moslem rape gangs, and so far nothing from the feminists demanding the release of the yoing girls held by Boko haram.
Have a nice day
Formation of the Blocs
Head of the March: A group of Junior Doctors, Teachers, Steel Workers alongside trade union General Secretaries, speakers and others
BLOC 1: People’s Assembly Groups
BLOC 2: Junior Doctors, Student Nurses, Healthworkers
BLOC 3: Education – NUT, UCU, NASUWT, ATL.
BLOC 4: Unite
BLOC 6: Communication Workers Union
BLOC 7: Fire Brigades Union
BLOC 10: Campaign Organisations including: Stop the War; CND, Stand Up to Racism, War on Want, Greece Solidarity Campaign, Keep Our NHS Public, Students Against Austerity, Defend Council Housing, DPAC, War on Want, Momentum etc.
BLOC 11: Political Parties including: Labour Against Austerity, Green Party etc.
Oh dear, oh dear… another denizen of these ‘tiny little cloud-bolted, rainy’ isles off the north west coast of the continent has gone and upset the shiny bright european project.
So guess who threw a spanner into the Schlieffen Plan… who said ‘up your’s Delors!’ Hit the road Jacques! Who bust the Möhne dam, sank the Bismark and bombed their ball bearing factories this time? Here’s a clue – guess who presented for the BBC at the second great Waterloo?
Less of a battle and more a small nosegay of entertainment for you, there. Arise none other than Sir Terry of Wogan
‘Yes Terry’s comments were occasionally (and increasingly) barbed, but he only said what people were already thinking, which is what made them so amusing. As time went on, he saw a content he genuinely loved becoming more political in its voting and damaged by the gimmick acts that he mocked so affectionately on air.’
You are right. They can’t take a joke and humour is the best weapon. Anyone who takes the Eurovision Song Contest seriously has no sense of humour. It cries out for taking the P in the finest British tradition, oops, and Irish !
BBC Radio 4 PM and the BBC are criticising the Pope who has visited Lesbos and taken some gimmiegrants back to the Vatican for not being confrontational enough with European countries who have closed their borders.
It is obvious that the BBC have taken a position that a Europe with open borders to all comers is their desire.
And now they’ve called the democratically elected governor of North Carolina a bigot because they’ve abolished the law on discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation !
Anyone else wondering why the BBC dropped the story of the decade about the end of steelmaking in Britain?
I guess they don’t want to go too far down the road of carbon taxes and just how expensive all that “free” power we get from renewables is. And how the country had a choice between cheap power and a manufacturing industry or wind turbines powering a Harry Potter economy. And that once they go down that road they would have to admit it’s been explicit government policy since Miliband’s insane Climate Act in 2008 to shut down Britain’s manufacturing industry. I’m guessing the reason they jumped all over the non story about Cameron avoiding taxes was so they could avoid reporting on the result of all the climate BS they’ve been shovelling all these years.
A mystery. Complaints rolling in because the BBC failed to cover the demonstration against austerity calling for Dave’s resignation .
Is the BBC so right wing that it will not cover left wing trot protests?
‘Poet Jacka Garth, has questioned whether the BBC can be trusted as an independent source of news, while David George Urquhart, a lecturer at Stockport College, accused the broadcaster of being a propaganda outlet.’
I understand that the BBC did mention it briefly after complaints but the protesters are not satisfied.
Poor man – I can understand his concern.
How could Morrisons do this!
What were they thinking!
I do know how he feels though – My missus overcooked my boiled eggs this morning the yolks were hard and NOT runny and my soldiers bent over when I tried inserting them into the aformentioned eggs. How could she do this to me!!! Cow!
I did consider either divorce or putting her permanently under the patio but in the end decided to suck it up and have booked myself 12 sessions of therapy on the NHS to deal with my PTSD. – Sorted!
Oaknash, So far as the Directors of Morrisons are concerned, beheading is too good for them . So far as the silly little boy is concerned, how does he know none of his ancestors ever ate pork. Moron. Anyway, I guess he will get paid compensation and it won’t be enough.
Well, I object and take great offense in having Halal meat served to me without my knowledge ! its prevalent in restaurants and school meals, so who do I complain to ?
I know this may surprise a number of people, due to the innate law abiding nature of the vast (overwhelming in fact) majority of Muslims in Britain, but it just might, remotely, quite be possible this is just (yet another) scam to get some compo out of dear old Ken.
Another explanation might be that some British employee in the packaging and labeling department had a good idea where the food was heading and decided to do a bit of anti sharia enterprise. Something like that happened to me in a French supermarket. As I bent over to examine the selection of halal products a packet of lardons accidentally slipped out of my basket.
I guess that it was Michael Crick talking all over Boris Johnsons Vote Leave meeting in Manchester last night that got me thinking.
He is no friend of either Boris or Brexit-yet the lazy cretin just thought that he could drown Johnson out with his sneering bitchy asides about low crowd and Union Jacks getting banned.
The REAL audience who were there to listen to Boris took things into their own hands-and DARED to interrupt his “Live feed” back to Krishnan-quelle horreurs….the chavs DARE to fart in the hallowed church of Channel 4 News crap., as it`s being worked out for themselves like a tapeworm.
Remember that Jenkins twerp on Channel 4 getting told to shut up and turn his foghorn down a few weeks ago when Nigel Farage was trying to speak in Manchester too.
My point?…well funny isn`t it that any attack on Channel 4 is seen as an attack on free speech in such cases.
But the ordinary joes who go along to a rally are expected to just let Channel 4 hacks like Crick and Jenkins just drown out the voices of those we elected and who came north to speak to them.
Channel 4 are NOT in favour of “free speech”-they want paying to set agendas, bend and twist , plait and ferment liberal and progressive lies 24/7…and have no qualms about shutting down debate, drowning out alternative voices and smearing, sneering all the way to June 23rd.
They need telling_I want to hear Boris-not bloody Crick and his flat packed liberal solutions to the elites concerns….mine and those who attend such meetings as Nigels and Boris` will NOT be drowned out by their fatuous, predicteable knocking copy.
Ratners plants spouting for the Remainiacs….we, the People need Channel 4 gone asap.
Whilst I appreciate this story was published to get people like me ranting – It does however quite nicely illustrate how arrogant and imperious many muslims in this country have become.
Re the Pope introducing yet more cane toads to the Vatican.
If the Vatican is an independent statelet, we could send the ALL there as he clearly knows how to sort it out for us.
Or-why not the Virgin Islands and Monaco, other tax offshore places…that`d teach them.
No-came here after seeing the ITV news giving me TWO accounts of the Popes granny grab on Lesbos.
Not one-but an ITV hack, and then a CNN one afterwards…double bagging clearly means “serious jocking” to the liberal elite. Story`s so vital to them-and so in need of reinforcement for the uncaring oafs like us-that the analyse the previous analysis-and plenty time to do it.
Maybe Craigs quantitative methods of old could work here…if you do TWO pieces on your main news, it must be twice as necessary to stuff it down your throat than the usual ones.
Got to be a graph here-how did Camerons Panama Hat story manage to remove the steelworks in Port Talbot off the liberal bulletins and pecking orders?…make an interesting graph, we need to map out these lying bastards.
Worth checking whether the Pope is taking them to the Vatican. According to one source, not verified, but reliable, he is leaving it to the “Church public lay association” to care for them.. He’s not taking them in at Vatican City.
According to CNN
‘Little is known of the Pope’s plans for the families. The initial hospitality will be taken care of by the Community of Sant’Egidio.’
Has the BBC ever included a pro-Trump commentator in a discussion?
Today on BBC 24 TV, Gavin Esler had his usual comfort-zone left wing commentators gathered around him from 11.30 am.
The discussion on Trump provoked much shaking of heads and the prediction that the Republican Party was about to implode.
The fact that Hilary Clinton could soon be arrested wasn’t up for discussion.
Well said D.S. – al beebus and the rest of the MSM never tire of pointing out how what an awful sexist Trump is, yet they are never so keen to discuss Hillary’s collusion in protecting her husband from various rape allegations down the decades – something one would have thought more newsworthy than Trump’s purported male chauvinism.
Whether or not Trump runs for President is up to Republican voters; whether or not Clinton runs for President is up to the FBI. Not that you’d know that from watching the BBC.
I really think Trump has pushed his luck a bit too far. His brash non PC style was popular for a while and a lot of people were prepared to forgive the occasional vulgar remark. But the abortion comment was pretty bad and that could be the straw that dooms his campaign. A pity because he was the only sane voice on Immigration over amongst that dismal crowd of candidates.
Anway, I dont know what will happen on the 19th but he may well fail in the New York election. I would be reluctant to put money on him.
Let it not be said that I am being timid. On that same day the Manitoba election is being held. I confidently predict Trump won’t get !st or 2nd in that one. In fact I’ll put 50 quid on it. Any takers?
Listening to Archive On Four with professional notherners Maxine Peake and Stuart Maconie bemoaning the lack of “working clarss plays and ishoos ” in popular culture.
True enough…but funny how they mention chinz like “Up the Junction” cliched 60`s stock stuff, but not “I`m All Right Jack”…which nailed the class issues and hypocrisies far more than bloody Shelagh Delaney ever could.
The Frost Report and the Cleese/Corbett cliche-oh, how rad Justin!
As for all those “contemporary” working class plays and poems, films and books that write themselves at the moment?
What about any of these
1. White working class couple get turned down as foster carers in a northern town for daring to vote UKIP
2. Working class bloke gets kicked to death by a gang of thugs when he goes out to his drive to protect his girls and the car-and the gang leader had only just been let out early from youth custody and was back on glue and drugs in the few hours that had elapsed.
3. Bright kid unable to get a decent grammar school education, and therefore turns to underachieving welfare and drug dealing with a load of baby muthas.
4. Working class woman run out of town for daring to question the deaths of hundreds of older patients in her local NHS Trust.
Need I go on?
No-no issues here for the working class-for these plays will NEVER be written by the poxy linen suits who feel the pain in Lesbos…and don`t give a damn to commission anything that might ring true to those of us living in this liberal hellhole of their creation.
Meanwhile Tristram fails to get his wind turbine through the bloody Tory Parish Council?…
Went over to our “sister ” bunch over at Is the BBC Biased.
And here`s a posting from Sue there re Tommy Robinsons case the other day.
Gaunt`s a bit of a plonker-but at least he asks questions and doesn`t slither and lie all over his answers.
Have a listen-it`s all far worse that you`d think possible-hope to God he cleans them all out in compo…it`s the LEAST the State will have to do, given how he`s been treated and left at serious risk.
Just watched Have I got news for you.
Lots of attacks on Whittingdale and the usual mass hysterics over UKIP.
But Jezza of course gets a very gentle dig and at the end a joke about a photo of Milliband got more of an ‘Orrrrrr’ you know, the sound you make when looking fondly at a baby or puppy, than it did a laugh.
Nice, clear, umistakeable pro- socialist bias from the bBBC marxists.
Meanwhile, on statistics programme More or Less, most of the programme was spent trying to discredit Channel 4’s survey of Muslim attitudes about Britain.
Apparently when Muslims when asked say they support terrorism, sharia law, FGM, and denial of women’s rights, we should not believe them as they are ‘unrepresentative’.
Al Beeb’s agenda driven propaganda machine in full flow.
Our Gavin had Alex Deacon from Conservative Home on today’s programme.
I’m not sure he was that welcome, the panel usually get a free run at promoting ‘Europe’.
When Alex said that we aren’t voting for the status quo that annoying Frenchman, Marc Roche said ‘Europe is not evolving, Europe is Europe, either you are a member of it or you are not. We have rules and we kindly negotiated with Britain and it’s evolving with Britain’.
What the hell does that mean?
By the way, has the BBC ever done an exposé on anything to do with the EU?
Panorama Fuel poverty programme
Summary: Emotional and unbalanced programme
Full Complaint: The four or five people depicted, in or out of fuel poverty, were mawkishly and emotionally depicted yet there was no single fact or detail to explain how or why they were in fuel poverty. This is sadly typical of much ‘views’ television.
Case examples (presumably supplied by lobbyists, and, if so, we should be told) are given with inadequate facts.
In the cases shown, the income level and the benefit amounts of the individuals should have been specified along with the precise money spent annually on energy. Without these facts nobody can obtain an understanding on the level of the problem and the reasons for it.
In the one case of the indebted woman who presumably rarely if ever paid for her energy, we should have been told of what she owed and why.
Fuel poverty is not an absolute concept and the government’s changes to its measurement were treated as if they were simply a vicious scheme to allow people to freeze to death.
This was the crudest piece of propaganda I have seen in a long time, and intellectually cheap, treating the viewers as idiots. It made Russia Today look balanced and should never have been allowed to be broadcast.
One small point the winter fuel allowance was not even mentioned, as I recall, while it appears from a quick internet search the average annual cost of energy per household is around £20 per week.
BBC Complaints team response: http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints
From: bbc_complaints_website@bbc.co.uk
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016
Reference CAS-3760680-19CL1B
Thank you for contacting us regarding ‘Panorama: Too Poor to Stay Warm’.
I understand you feel that the programme was unbalanced.
In the first section of the programme we talked to Olive Naismith. We said:
“The Government says it spends £2 billion a year helping pensioners like Olive Naismith pay their fuel bills, but Olive still can’t keep warm on her state pension.”
We heard from people who live on state pensions and low incomes. This was made clear in the programme. When we interviewed these people, we were trying to show how they live and cope with being fuel poor.
We said “It’s not just pensioners who are struggling. More than a million working families are officially in fuel poverty.”
We showed examples of people who were fuel poor, but the programme was looking at fuel poverty as a whole. It would have been inappropriate to show how these people budget their money.
This programme was simply showing the government’s efforts to end fuel poverty and what life is like for those who are fuel poor.
It is not for the BBC to decide if the government’s policy on fuel poverty is inadequate. We simply aim to provide enough information in order for our viewers to make up their own minds.
I appreciate you disagree and feel the programme was unbalanced.
Your feedback is important to us and your concerns have been placed on an overnight report. This document is made available to senior management and the ‘Panorama’ production team. This report can be used to inform future broadcasting and policy decisions, so please be assured that your complaint has been sent to the right people.
Thanks again for getting in touch.
Kind regards
David Currie
BBC Complaints
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
[This seems written by a robot.
I have a week to take the complaint further.
Is it worth the effort?]
My fuel bill is approx £100 a montth.
So the winter fuel allowance to pensioners of £400 by definition must cover almost the whole of the winter, unless those in poverty live in a 5 bed detached. Maybe they do in Hampstead and Islington.
The concept of fuel poverty therefore must by definition be an illusion dreamt up by the left wing and ably supported by bBBC to discredit the Tory government.
The exact same policy by the previous Labour government produced exactly zero critical coverage by our very same illustrious stae broadcaster.
“”EU Referendum
– Reality Check-
Cornwall: In or Out?
By Katie Razzall Special correspondent, BBC Newsnight””
“” Over the last 15 years, Cornwall has received more than £1bn of EU structural investment””
“”From the Europhiles’ perspective, Cornwall has lots to thank Europe for. The Council of Europe gave Cornish protected minority language status back in 2002 and Cornish clotted cream and pasties are among the local delicacies given special EU protection””
“”But Matthew Lobb, a 26-year-old volunteer, told me: “Living down here, it’s just a dead end… I haven’t heard of no money being put into Cornwall.””
“”Owner John Carley explained that the £300,000 investment boosted turnover significantly and meant the firm could expand from three to nine employees in a place where every job counts””‘.
The EU investment has gone unnoticed by the locals (where did it go?). The BBC expects the locals to be full of gratitude to the EU for the money but they’re not, and want to leave. Buying votes doesn’t always work.
“”Owner John Carley explained that the £300,000 investment boosted turnover significantly and meant the firm could expand from three to nine employees in a place where every job counts””‘.
Does John Carley know that if we weren’t in the EU they wouldn’t have been able to skim off their commission, and he would have got £600,000?
Some thoughts on Sharia. You know what, we shouldn’t fear Islam. It’s only the extremists we should fear and don’t worry too much about them because they are all ‘them’ and over ‘there’. They are not ‘us’ and over ‘here’. Or in Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium etc. And anyone who says they are is a racist (race, right).
This is the standard line. This is MSM propaganda. Very powerful isn’t it. Most of us can relate to a few personal experiences with Muslims. And in the main they are going to be pretty unremarkable, even positive. I have certainly had many. Great. That’ll be the moderate Muslims we hear so much about and if our experiences were an accurate reflection on tomorrow’s society then we really don’t have much to worry about.
But we do have much to worry about because the assumption that a population with a 5%+ Muslim proportion will continue to operate and behave as the current smaller UK one does is irretrievably naive or ill-informed. It won’t. Right now Muslim mayors and counsellors and MPs are being elected. In areas of high Muslim population density (Bradford, Birmingham, Leicester, Luton etc.) it is unthinkable how it could be different. Right now we have 85 de facto Sharia courts operating in the UK. We have a code of conduct, incorporated into legislation (religious hatred), that drives the actions of authorities, including the police, local authorities and judiciary that is effectively enacting Sharia law by proxy.
Fast forward 20 years to when relative birth rates and open border migration will increase the UK’s Muslim population to a democratically significant proportion and Sharia law will not be limited to a minority population in the shadows that a socialist society can pretend to ignore. It will be mainstream and not just affect Muslims.
The so called ‘moderate’ Muslims that today’s elites and MSM like to reference will not exercise much influence over the Imams in the mosques and Sharia courts. They will be nowhere to be seen (except when their women are being stoned to death in Wolverhampton for having the audacity to have been raped).
We are inviting a Wahhabi culture into our homes and expecting it to change. It won’t. The Merkels, Obamas and Camerons of this world know it won’t change. The communist activists don’t want it to change and the majority of the population don’t even know that it’s coming, never mind that it won’t change. Welcome to tomorrow’s Britain.
It could, but won’t, make a difference but vote leave.
Simple question to the Europhiles ………………If we weren’t in the EU would you vote to join it ?
The terms …..
We pay £2 in and get £1 back
We would have to open our borders
We surrender our sovereignty
We accept rule from a dictatorship.
What do you think ?
Rumour has it that Saint Ob Hamah is coming over to Great Britain boost the the PM and the Europhiles’ case to surrender our sovereignty .
Someone in Al Beeb should ask him – would the US hand over its sovereignty to Mexico, Brazil and Nicaragua?
That’s not the terminology, they always say we “pool” sovereignty. That sounds much nicer, until you remember what is going on in pools in Germany and Austria right now. It’s actually quite similar to what is happening to Britain: financial and constitutional rape.
The BBC 4 starting a new documentary series The Silk Road.
This could be fascinating, but I fear I will be forced to turn it off! Already the trailer has informed us that the West was ‘dependent’ on it, and featured Samarkand, the heart of the caliphate.
Ah… but… they have not reckoned on the razor wire minds of POTUS and whoever it is in the EU market rate leadership no one elected, making us all safer together.
“We therefore recommend that relevant governments, not only in Scotland but also those in other parts of the UK, should publicly commit to and refrain from in practise any paid advertising, including the delivery of booklets to households, that promotes a particular referendum outcome for the full duration of the referendum period.”
Grant. Anticipation might make the heart grow fonder……or not!
And anyway, La Sturgeon would kick up a hell of a fuss if them nasty tories interfered with her re-coronation!
Soap, I must be a bit dim but I really can’t see what the EU leaflet has to do with the elections here . They are not until 5 may and England already have theirs and I want mine so that I can return to sender. I thought this was a United Kingdom !
Further to my post at 9.16 last night re denial over the Chanel 4 findings about Muslims, the nation within a nation etc.
Al Beeb were at it AGAIN this morning on the Sunday religious programme. Trying to discredit the findings and giving the programme producer a hard time while lobbing some easy balls to the opposing speaker.
The solution apparently is to tackle the ‘inequality’ of Muslims being under-represented on the Media . FFS.
Only in the warped minds of the Al Beeb marxists.
And so the denial and delusion relentlessly continues. Even more appeasement is required. Even more of our liberties and freedoms taken away. Even more legislation and laws to enforce the far lefts fanatical views on the true victims in this whole sorry story…the great British public!
Excellent article in today’s Sunday Telegraph by the ever superb Andrew Gilligan ( surely one of the UK’s few serious journalists ) on the background to the Whittingdale story. A lot of new information which I was not aware of. If true, there is no doubt the whole thing is a stitch-up. Don’t expect the BBC to broadcast this stuff !
Knew this was going to happen! The lying, traitorous, devious, conniving scumbags at the Al mujahideen Beeb are using the fake and made up stories against Trump and his candidacy for president as facts! Create lies and deception and keep referencing these lies and half truths to smear and damage something they don’t agree with!
Taken straight from the Al Beeb webshite. Anthony ‘I would shoot my own family if it
means my bigoted views are accepted’ Zurcher states the following
“But a series of things appeared to harden the #NeverTrump movement’s resolve.:
*ongoing outbreaks of violence at Trump rallies seemingly condoned by the candidate himself – (the devious bast@rd knows it’s the bigoted far left militants purposely causing the violence!)
*criminal charges – now dropped – against campaign manager Corey Lewandowski stemming from an incident with a female reporter at a Florida rally – (now dropped! Nothing happened! It was fabricated! It was a politicised story to smear Trump. The Al Beeb knows this! Lying bast@rds!!!!)
*a series of questionable Twitter attacks on Mr Cruz’s wife – (questionable? So it’s just an opinion! How low in the barrel do the Al Beeb need to scrape?)
*a renewed feud with Fox News presenter Megyn Kelly – (a feud self styled ‘my opinion is the only thing that matters’ Megyn caused because Trump wouldn’t play the stupid games our loser politicians fall for every single time when the go on the Al Beeb)
*conflicting responses when asked about his views on abortion and public approval numbers that sank from bad to terrible – particularly among female voters – (again Anthony knows full well this is a lie. The devious left have decided it was conflicting to show Trump in a bad light. It wasn’t nor ever was conflicting!!)
So as suspected all along. If you throw enough smears and lies out their and keep referencing the lies as events, they become reality.
Vote Brexit. Vote Ukip. Bring down the far left, socialist, British hating scumbags that infest the Al Beeb
The EU’s economy is set to collapse and if we are still ‘in’, it will drag us down with it .
‘They’ need our money, stability and trade, but in turn we will have to sacrifice our independence and sovereignty. Its something our forefathers fought for, but our leaders are prepared to sell it all for ‘thirty pieces of silver’. £4,300 a year is a small price to pay compared to what our forefathers paid in two world wars.
Vote to get out of the EU, vote for liberty, independence and freedom.
Get Britain ‘Great’ again.
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All I can say is that if we leave the EU, then I fear that the BBC is doomed by “Project Fear”, I fear.
I take it you’ve been out clubbing all night then.
Baby seals?
Nah! Probably crushed-aceans …
[… just kidding 😉 🙂 ]
I heard a report from the UK on the radio, I didn’t catch if it was the BBC. It sounded like it but can’t say for certain. Anyway the gist of the snippet was that Brits are totally confused by Brexit. It is too much for them to take in. Sure enough they found several people who seemed to be unsure which way to vote. Nobody on the segment I heard said anything pro or anti all were undecided probably ‘due to lack of information’.
I thought at the time “well they didn’t ask anyone from this website”.
To claim the public can’t understand is a leftist tactic when they find, horror of horrors, the populace aren’t thinking what they ought to be thinking. They left/liberals like to see themselves as only interpreting and promoting the will of the people. When those naughty ordinary people have opinions which differ from their ivory towered betters we are told that ordinary people are confused. In countless conversations with leftists when citing undeniable evidence that their utopian plans are not appealing to, or are not representing the masses I hear the explanation that the people are ‘confused’.
So perhaps the left and fellow travellers and opportunists on the right are going push this line if Brexit wins in June.
Perhaps this a sign they are preparing themselves for defeat?
Fingers crossed
There is a toxic mixture of distrust of our politicians, politicians trying to coerce voters to vote to stay in the EU with taxpayer funded propaganda, terrorism, immigration, who gives a crap about economic doom as long as we get our country back?, removal of “human rights”…
The list goes on and on and on and on…
We are not confused! We are voting OUT!!!
That’s the spirit!
Is there anyone who visits this website going to vote to stay in ? The idea that we leavers are “confused” is an insult. I have been against the EU right from the start. It is the remainers who are confused , not seeing the reality of what the EU stands for. The question they should be asked is ” If the UK was outside the EU today, would you vote to join and would you join the Eurozone ? “.
Yes Grant, Boris used that line in a ripping speech…hard to argue really. We’ve had since 1973 to see where the EU is going/has gone, and nearly 60 yr olds like me are grasping this opportunity to kick the tyrants in Brussels up the arse. Wait and see the results on 24th or so, the losing side will be sniping and carping for years after with ‘told you so’s’ and ‘ you were warned’ …i can see it now…whatever, the result will be pretty divisive for years…
I missed the speech but I am sure I heard the line from someone , not original to me I am afraid !
Spot on, Yasser.
Jerry Hayes.
02:15:00 [approx.]
Don’t get me wrong, I like the bloke, especially in his usual weekly spats with the utterly juvenile Mohammed Shafiq on the BBC’s Radio 5Live Stephen Nolan Show – this week he was on with Austin Mitchell. But recently he’s gone all “elite remote”, and by that I mean he has no idea how the majority of us live, the places we live in, and the people we live with.
If you listen to the programme, you will notice how Jerry gives the impression he’s sticking his fingers in his ears and shouting “LA LA LA LA LA!” at any claim mass EU migration is having a negative effect on jobs and wages here in the UK. He keeps on insisting that everything the callers are citing as evidence is just ‘anecdotal’ evidence.
Of course, Jerry’s right. But that doesn’t mean the callers are wrong.
Well Jerry, here’s something that might encourage you to take your fingers out of your ears.
Just down the road from me there is an ARC car wash. It is fully automated and I used to pay £7.50 for a “Wash-and-Wax”. That was more than 5 years ago. But I discovered a group of guys who would hand-wash my car for only £3, hand wash and wax for £5, and hand wash, wax and vac for £8.
No contest, I don’t trust those automated car washes anyway. And they don’t vacuum the inside of your car – the crucial difference!
So, who were these guys who were undercutting ARC? The guy who spoke to me was from Bulgaria, and they all spoke the same language, so I assumed they were all Bulgarian. (For some reason he said my car (SEAT Ibiza) would be worth €20,000 in his country because cars a very expensive there. I took him up on his offer to buy my car for that price, but he declined.)
But here’s the eye-opener!
The ARC car wash is now £3 for a basic wash. I only know this because I paid a visit to Lidl, which is next door. But I would choose a hand wash over a machine wash any day. So there’s no way they can compete, what with the machinery breaking down intermittently, as I discovered on numerous occasions in the distant past.
So, there we have it; proof that mass EU migration has forced wages down.
Jerry Hayes – I invite you to see for yourself.
I never have and never will patronise such establishments. If we all went back to the British Sunday morning tradition of washing our own cars not only would we getting some exercise, saving a few quid a year but best of all giving ourselves the sanctification that we’re not facilitating the need for more pointless EU immigration.
Like fruit picking, car washing is one of those things that as a nation we managed to do perfectly well before immigration…
My son washes the car for a few bob each week. Produce your own work force, is my advice.
I remember a schoolboy who cut the hedges and mowed lawns in my neighborhood, and decent chap as he was, never took money from an elderly woman who lived alone. A big help to his parents during his education. Today, he is the CEO of one of Europe’s largest banks. The left see him as a class enemy.
The Left hate working !
…..Like fruit picking, car washing is one of those things that as a nation we managed to do perfectly well before immigration… ……
We also managed to eradicate tuberculosis, scabies and scarlet fever – and the media cannot understand how and why its on the rise again. Its a better open secret than the ‘3 in a bed’ story.
“If we all went back to the British Sunday morning tradition of washing our own cars…”
Not easy when you live in an apartment block. I suppose I could fill lots of buckets with soapy water and carry them down the stairs, but I can’t be arsed.
Anyway, getting someone else to wash my car gives me more time to spend at church, the proper traditional Sunday morning thing to do.
I don’t know why anyone washes their car. I let rain do the job and it is free.
Having had my car damaged twice in a month by scrotes who just drive off, i reckon the best thing is to have a reliable engine/gearbox, electrics , Japanese of course, and plonk them into a Mad Max type wagon, spikey bits, galvanised armoured shell, smoke dischargers, run flat tyres, armoured glass…the works……no-one will worry you, you won’t fret over damage, bang it straight, cover vandals in dye if they dare touch….lovely….where’s that mig welder of mine?……
My Grandad lived in a flat in the 1970’s and as hard as this is for you to believe residents had a communal outside tap, as did most blocks of flats, that is before we started creating feral youth and imported undesirables who found it more fun to vandalise and leave them turned on.
Try taking the rise of out those traditional Friday ‘church’ goers in the same way and see what happens….
Since the creation of water meters the communal tap has been turned off. Twat!
I take the rise out of ALL religions. They’re all as fucked up as each other.
So the fact that people live in ‘apartments’ and water meters necessitate an army of foreign car washers?
That’s a new one for the Remainians…
Yeah, why not let the Remain campaign know about that glaringly obvious fact? And what would we do without kebab shops, eh?
Speaking of which, I’m off to the pub to watch footy scores and then I’m going to order me and the missus a couple of big juicy Halal donner and chicken tikka mixed kebabs on naan bread with lashings of mint yoghurt and chilli sauce.
Are you aware of such modern-day delights?
Oh, I think we’re all aware of the polystyrene detritus (that’s ‘rubbish’ Edward) which is the vomit inducing evidence, left by all those who enjoy the rubbish food churned out by these grease shops. Modern-day delights ? I doubt you’d say that if you went around the back of these establishments and saw the state of their kitchens. Clearly you didn’t read the report recently where a certain hot food shop owner would not use paper to wipe his bum – on religious grounds, and was prosecuted for his lack of hygiene. Carry on eating your “modern-day delights”, I’ll stick to my home cooking – at least I know my hands have been under the tap !
Good luck with that. I hope you have a cow to milk and slaughter. Unless you’re a vegan.
From the above neutral BBC, my mistake its by Katie Razzall. (The Hon Mrs Katie Milburn)
“The unknowns of a Brexit (there is no word for that in Cornish) were one explanation given by folk who told me they’ll vote to stay in. But I also found plenty threatening to vote to leave.”
What a choice of words, “Threatening to vote to leave”, subtle as a sledgehammer, why not threatening to vote to stay?
Maybe the the Hon Mrs Katie Milburn should be sidelined from making any further comment until after the vote.
F. Scott Fitzgerald said “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”
That’s a fail then Katie.
Can’t agree with F. Scott. Every Arab who is convinced that he is both an innocent victim of islamophobia and still supports jihad is a case in point.
I would certainly not use the word ‘intelligence’ to describe that ability. there are many others which are not flattering. I could not rely on anyone who lives by that habit.
Oldspeaker -If we win Brexit lets just hope that the Tories ditch Cameron – if not I fear our brexit may well happen dreckly!
Nana and Charlie are having to do a lot of sharp intakes of breath and looks of disdain this morning. Barry Obama being told he is twat by Boris, loads of mudslimes held on Lesbos being shipped back to Turkey and it’s snowing in the UK during British Summer Time ,temperatures down to -3 degrees but let’s move on next week it will be 15 degrees and hotter than a pizza oven in Napoli and Global Warming will be our main story for the next 3 months
There’s about half an inch of “Global Warming” on my drive at the moment.
Here in Central Perthshire where I am visiting, all the locals are saying that it is the coldest April in living memory.
8 degrees or less right now – as predicted by the BBC w-s/Met Office on Monday – down here in the globally warmed, starting to fry at the end of the first decade of 21st century, Venice drying out, wildlife dying, grapes growing everywhere not submerged under melted ice, South-East of England.
Oh, how I long for the good old days, when you could get sunburnt in February or March!
More utter bullshit global warming crap on the paper review
Daffodil festival……only thing missing is the daffodils as they have come and gone because of the wet winter
Well take a step across the irish sea and we have so many daffodils we could export the things
Never heard so much crap
The green outside my house is awash with wild daffodils- I am in Hertfordshire Yeh I heard that loon too
Here , in Central Perthshire, in my mum’s garden , the daffodils are in full bloom and this area has had above average rainfall this year so far.
Been & gone in the sout-east.
Yes, it was warm during part of the winter. Yes, they started to emerge in December & January. But the cold and intermittent rainfall (daffs require a lot of consistent water, I seem to recall) and, most of all, a big storm have seen them off, over a week ago.
It’s 40 degrees in Manila and my little tongue is hanging out. Time for a nice cool beer or three, I think.
Not “climate change” or “AGW”, or whatever they’re calling it this week, though. It’s always that hot in summer here. And my mum-in-law says it used to be even hotter when she was a gel……….
My missus stuck a hibiscus behind her lug (very fetching and suitably effnick to please our chums at the Beeb) and brought me the aforementioned beer.
No daffodils, though. 🙁
US Election 2016: Top UN official condemns Trump
Zeid Raad al-Hussein did not mention Mr Trump by name, but he singled out the businessman’s support of torture and his policies towards Muslims.
Somehow the BBC failed to mention that Mr. al-Hussein is the representative of human rights giant Saudi Arabia. Read Saudi Arabia: Five worst human rights abuses in the reign of King Abdullah for more details.
This story might be appropriate.
The king of Saudi Arabia received a report that the Arabian Oryx was endangered and requested British, American and his own Mabahith General Investigation Directorate help to locate those remaining in his country.
In half an hour he received a call from MI5, “We have several under observation at Riyadh zoo. What are your instructions?”
In 24 hours the C.I.A. reported, “We have an Oryx in our sights. Do we have permission to open fire?”
A week passed and the Mabahith still hadn’t contacted the king. So he was driven to Ulaysha Prison to check on the situation. There he found Mabahith officers beating the feet of a terrified rabbit. “Don’t worry your Majesty. He’ll admit to being an Oryx soon.”
Apparently I am mistaken al-Hussein is a Jordanian. Same comments apply. Jordan has a human rights record barely better than Saudi Arabia. In any case the BBC neglected to tell us.
How the hell does Trump get criticised for “supporting torture” when it`s been Obama and Hillary who seem to have been doing it these last eight years, albeit not an issue to me personally?
Their hypocrisy and selective stupidity knows no bounds…like Springsteen squauking about gender fluid loos being unwanted in North Carolina-as his daughter would go to Dubai to ride horses in a land where gender fluid types would soon find themselves with no means of checking if they were male or female after interrogation.
The thick illiberal left just don`t connect such things, see no idiocies or hypocrisies…like Clinton the shagger and Gore and his electricity bills.
Wonder how Blair isn`t getting a grilling about HIS offshore dealings…or how Jon Snows dad managed to pass on his church stipends to the red socked fanny pack.
The Toady programme reporting at 8.30 from Lesbos. Syrian ‘refugees’, and lots of Pakistanis presumably, there calling on the Pope (sic) to help them!!!
So open the borders and allow them to bite the hands, feet and guts of the people who they are calling on for aid.
Friday night’s Six O’Clock news on BBC1 summed up the level of distorting and non-reporting for what passes for news from the BBC.
It was reported that a group of men and women have all been arrested on terrorist charges from the Birmingham area. A ‘security’ expert is interviewed about the situation. The reporter asks him a question that is quite incisive: “Why do a lot of people who are arrested on terrorism offences come from Birmingham?”.
Without pausing for breath the security expert replied, “Birmingham is a city with a large population.”
This photograph might clarify the ‘security’ expert’s confusion:
Cassandra. You couldn’t make it up, could you? The worrying thing is that so many people fall for it!
Genocide is being committed against the Christians, Yazidis and other non Sunni Muslim minorities in Syria and Iraq.
But when is a genocide a genocide? it’s only “really” genocide if Parliament says so, they debate and vote on this question on Wednesday April 20th 2016.
If they vote for the definition of IS activities as genocide then the UN and other international agencies can be pressed to act more strongly against IS and its supporters around the world. Perpetrators can be hunted down and placed before the international courts. If they don’t…..well, the murders and rapes go on and the west wrings its hands.
Please let you MP know your views on this.
I heard on the BBC that Pope Francis is visiting Lesbos today to show solidarity with refugees there.
Here, in the interest of “balance” is the view of the exiled Catholic Archbishop Nona of Mosul in Iraq,
“Please, try to understand us. Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever growing number of Muslims. Also you are in danger.
You must take strong and courageous decisions, even at the cost of contradicting your principles. You think all men are equal, but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men are equal.
Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home.”
Contact your MP…….today, thanks.
The definition of Genocide is pretty clear but , in reality, it depends on who is doing the killing. For example, the people who settled N. America committed a Genocide against the Native Americans, but we don’t here that debated much.
If Parliament votes that what is happening in Syria and Iraq is not Genocide , I can only assume that it is to further appease the UK muslim minority.
“Eggheads quiz show star CJ unmasks himself as the BBC celebrity who is being quizzed by police over alleged sex assault on man, 23”
If ever there was the perfect definition of the word “twat”
The shirt says it all !
I’m not a violent person, but why do I want to slap the faces of all the Eggheads teams ? They are just so bloody SMUG ! and has anyone seen a programme where they’ve been beaten ?
I assume that , like the Bake-off, it is all rigged.
Of course they’ve been beaten, many times, including last night where all five were beaten by a single opponent.
I don’t think it’s rigged, at all. Some of the Eggheads ARE insufferable, like CJ, and the perpetually grinning Barry, Lisa is a pain, but otherwise they are obviously knowledgeable, and quite entertaining.
Old Goat,
I have never watched it, but I assume everything from the BBC is untrue unless proven otherwise !
I find Eggheads one of those programs that’s devised as a ‘love to hate’ format. I recognize the inherent paranoia in thinking that the questions are rigged – and yet, time and again, they leave that indelible impression. Equally, the standard of the supposed ‘regular quizzers’ put up against them is all too frequently parlous, their breadth of knowledge such an essential to provide a viable contest, simply risible. Of course there are exceptions, but overall the program seems devised solely to promote the omnipotence of a group of largely unlikeable and conceited nonentities, an unpleasant reality compounded at every turn by Jeremy Vine’s unctuous sycophancy.
There, I think that sums it up from my perspective, anyway.
Yet another BBC programme I’ve never watched.
And now that picture of CJ has been released his(?) mum knows who pinched her back bedroom curtains.
I agree it’s not rigged except for a celeb edition where Jade Goody was down to herself alone against the eggheads and nearly won!
I agree about CJ and dislike left-winger Chris intently. Gurning Lisa is a pain, but I don’t mind Kevin and Judth. I like Barry,(despite his left-wingedness), Dave and Pat.
But it lost a lot when J Swine took over from D Murnaghan. Swine is an awful presenter and shows, regularly, that he is positively and chronically stupid.
I would include Jeremy Vine as well. If you cut the chat and false pontificating over the answers the program would be over in 15 minutes.
The Chase is far superior.
By “superior” do you mean they rig it better?
Many moons ago I was on 15-1 where the big, fat chaser was on. He just missed making it to the final but his competitive spirit was clear even then. I’ve noticed him in many quizzes since, prior to the chase.
The BBC do employ some unsavoury characters, don’t they? I wonder if, as in the case of Savile, they will have to cease broadcasting recordings of Eggheads which contain appearances by the the CJ character. The way things are going, very soon there’ll be few programmes left that we are permitted to view because someone taking part is of dubious provenance.
And that would be a tragedy !
Seems to be a right den of druggies,paedos,tax avoiding and womanizers in the BBC. If any other organization did half as much as dear old Auntie then It would be shut down and charges made.
Didn’t CJ admit to killing a man whilst he was working as a rent boy in Amsterdam? Nothing much seemed to come of that did it? If a straight man recalled killing a prostitute in his memoirs I suspect the plod might put their doughnuts down for a minute and have a word with him about it.
I always wondered what Jerrod looked like.
Nigel tufnel, do you mean Jerrod aka Zero or Zero aka Jerrod, as they are rather fond of exposing names?
Haven’t seen the BBC report this in any of their outlets:
Oh damn, another shoo-in for the Guardian legal pages, Channel 4 and BBC “legal affairs” correspondent gigs.
This grievance mong trashed her own mother enough for her sister to say she`s a deluded liar or fantasist.
So-probably Family Affairs and Childrens Rights go-to gal, and some angst over Duggans mobile phone not being black enough or such.
The BBC forced-marriage miscengenation between Charlie Statist and No-go Munch-my-spaghetti are here again to entertain us this morning.
So pleased to see a castrato in a happy pairing with a feminatrix – showing the nation this is a viable life choice. BBC social agendas may well be under attack worldwide from news of hypocritical celebrity shenanigans – but here in little England (and Wales) our quaint laws protect our massive stars from criticism – how’s their tax affairs we wonder, anyone shining a light there? And this on the day I find to my dismay Jackie Chan was named in the Panama Papers – I wish the BBC could furnish us with more names and details. But we digress.
Our dynamic BBC duo reckon the Brexit debate is getting a bit ‘heated’. Strange, I thought the Leave campaign were doing rather well and scoring some good hits. Poor old Obama, it’s diplomacy 101 that when the POTUS visits England he don’t mention the Declaration of Independence. Boris made a barnstorming speech yesterday with many fine soundbites eg. ‘I say British-made french knickers to the Bremainers’ meanwhile the BBC crawling headlines pick out some very staid and bland statements – odd.
And so to the newspaper review. oh dear. As they read a few selected headlines it’s like Charlie and Naga live in a different BBC-approved world of news – scarcely parallell, more like divergent – a BBC universe of news but not as we know it, Jim.
Raise the red flag comrades, ‘Poet’ Ian McMillan is here to review the Tory Rags – “This is an Age of Inequality” is the text for today, you children of the ‘Blair rich project’. Our Ian reckons when the kids pick up the FT (assuming after somewhere north of two dozen years of state comp and uni they can read a newspaper and they actually choose the pink ‘un – a stretch, I know, but go with Ian for a moment) then the FT really ought to use more inventive graphics in their rich list. So we can visualise these rich bastards. You know kids- like the evil gits who brought you your i-phone and cheap air travel. 23 million hedgehogs piled up in a heap would do the job – I’m not kidding, it was Ian.
Then some riff about potatoes on the moon. Was it Atlia the Stockbroker who sang about how he kept tropical fish – in his underpants. Now that was poetry. and there’s one for the teenagers!
And we close with our ‘poet’ Ian. Who wandered lonely as a climate skeptic on the BBC. Yes a big shout out for Climate Change and some stuff and nonsense about early daffodils. Come back from Mars to planet earth, Ian. Pop over to the post-Easter weather forcast and some news of late snow on them tha hills.
Wonderful summary .
I think all channels should ditch the ‘reading the papers’ section; the selection of guests are sometimes so dire they can barely utter an intelligent sentence, or despite working in a journalistic environment they ummmm and errrrrr all the time. TV whatever Penny Smith, whom the BBC dust off from time to time, is unbelievable in her stuttering dialogue but shakes her head a lot. Last night on Sky, a new low was reached when the queen of selfies and described as a radio host, Karen Danczuk (ex-wife of the MP Simon Danczuk) was giving her expertise (!) on the journalists sofa ! How old is the person responsible for commissioning these people ???? a star struck 18 year old ??? At this rate it will be Katie Price delivering the Budget next year. Words fail me.
God save us from professional Yorkshiremen.
What a shame about Jackie Chan…or is it. Totally understandable, coming from a background of piss poor, fighting (literally) against the odds, to make it in a competitive world. I’d sequester my money (from the Chinese) too. He is a total turncoat, working for the Chinese when it suits him, but who knows how that actually pans out. He is a bit of a hero of mine. Fabulous acrobat.
I have no problem with Chan hiding his money.
He`ll work in many countries-so like Messi he`s entitled to keep as much of it as he can.
Don`t see why Kinnock or Mandelson get to cream it…Chan has a talent, as does Messi etc.
Labour lefties and media liberals have no talent other than picking the pockets of the poor, whilst pretending to be their friends.
Since when did paying your taxes become a shibboleth of the liberal left-the same tossers declared no taxes when Gadhaffi was paying for Scargills hairspray and toupees stand.
And would certainly not have wanted taxes going to Fearless, South Georgia or Mrs Thatchers upkeep.
Our turn now-am pretty piss poor myself, so good on anybody who hates the State and where it`s heading for…like the TV License…hope one day to be big enough not to pay it.
I’m re-posting this from end of previous thread as link to iplayer is now available. Listen from 21:30 mins in, David Vance from 22.35 mins.
David Vance on 5Live Nolan just now on the topic of food banks and child poverty. Also present were Carmel and Alison who represented the “free food” sector which David saw acting as a natural draw because who doesn’t want free stuff? David also raised the issue of the increasing childhood obesity rate and the parenting skills of those children affected. It got quite shouty in a 2 v 1, but David held his position, and concluded by saying there was a political agenda to “weaponise poverty”. Worth a listen on iplayer later. From about 20 minutes in.
Well spoken David, and absolutely on target when the “apolitical” charity spokesperson responded to David Vances statement….”it is parents responsibility to feed their kids”….with…”no, it’s all our responsibility…we’re a society”…..anti-family, cultural Marxism in a nutshell.
Loved the way the only person not raising his voice was told to keep calm, keep his voice down and not to contribute to “hysteria”.
There was also the usual cant about “practitioners” seeing the daily reality of hunger and poverty.
Well, sorry folks but I can tell you some of your hungry “clients” have substantial drug, alcohol, smoking, gambling habits to sustain, some do prioritise their Sky subscriptions,…..and free food subsidises and enables these life choices.
As a society, we need more citizens…challenged and supported to independence for their families rather than the creation of a population of “clients” beholden to the liberal middle class and the Labour Party. We do need more productive and decently paid employment to establish independent families. Wage compression and unemployment, food banks and refugees welcome here signs….any connection? Shush!
It was significant that the question of reassessment of need was not addressed.
And risible that the example of a food bank client chosen by the BBC was not allowed by Nolan to be discussed, on the grounds that “he’s not here now and can’t speak for himself”.
Good points. I’ve also felt the same about “our” NHS … the liberal left collectivists and their BBC cheerleaders love “free stuff” being handed-out by the State.
Because it’s not really free, is it? Just paid for by someone else’s taxes.
To for this Mr G.
I did wonder why Mr V would put himself through the liberal slop bucket challenge yet again , but-on hearing this, am glad he did.
Don`t think I`ve ever heard the illiberal castrati before gang up on an opponent in such a pathetic tag team way.
Vance had them banged to rights, when he was able to be heard…and accused of being hysterical, and needing to calm down by the mob of shreiking banshees with the fat Controller in full cry alongside.
Some nuggets here-“practitioner” “this is SOCIETYS problem”(and nothing to do with cigs, drugs, Sky TV or being a welfare immigrant lard arse(not that we don`t grow our own fat hunks of entitlement). “Bad parents are not to blame for anything”….and all that crap.
Still-it was good to hear such a pithy few minutes of all that`s wrong with the idiot Left and the BBC.
Basically they NEED to ride the backs of the poor and the dependent just to fill their empty lives, get a salary and find some self-regard in their sad, pathetic comparisons to those they are fascinated by..the welfare fatty, the Muslim abuser, the druggie paedo…all grist to shaft the heartless Tories.
All were Blairs parents…these do gooding no gooders CRAVE more crises, more bitchfests and grievance farming and foaming…the only “jobs” that they`re fit for.
It`s all there in a few minutes…..Vance surely needed a good shower after THAT aimless slurry that they threw at him…he`s right, they`re wrong….and the Left never like that.
“he’s not here now and can’t speak for himself”.
Add incompetence to the charge sheet since someone must have lost the guys number so he couldn’t be called back to defend his position!
It would be interesting to see how many food bank users do smoke and have sky tv.
The market rate talent floor probably see this as a massive endorsement…
Just watched the Chinese Formula One qualification on German Channel RTL (F Sky and the BBC) strangely, unlike the UK, German TV adverts have not embraced the multicult/miscegenation vibe, they’re 110% Teutonic…..
Mad Merkel will soon put a stop to that !
Merkels in serious political bother due to the case of the comedian and the Turk.
Even the BBC said so!
There has been a bit of chat about the weather on this “Friday” date stamp, most of it about the daffodils and the snow. Well it is not unusual to have both in Mid April, but according to Roger Harrabin of the BBC, this really shouldn’t be happening, but it is. The North Atlantic is now well below its average temperature and as such is killing off any mild westerly storms. The mild run of weather which is normal for this time of year has been replaced by a stream of slow moving cold Polar Air. Thus we have very cold nights, described as “Chilly” by our main stream media, where minus 8 is described as “chilly”. This pattern of weather looks set to continue through the rest of April looking at the temperature gradients in the upper atmosphere. You only have to go to 2,000 ft above sea level in most of the U.K. at the moment to find freezing level, henceforth snowy conditions. With these areas of high pressure rotating around us, depending on point of rotation one day will be lovely and warm the next day freezing so to speak. Shorts on Wednesday but snow next weekend anybody?
As a footnote, it started snowing in Scotland last September and has continued virtually everyday since. This will continue through April and looking at the upper atmosphere temperature gradients will continue into May. That will leave just three months of a 12 month period where it hasn’t yet snowed. Here on Dartmoor we have now had 16 continuous months of at least one frost day in the month. A new 80 year record. “Global Warming”, not in the U.K. it ain’t.
Do the Scottish highlands still have pockets of last year’s unmelted snow, and have they been “topped up” with more recent falls?
That’s the way glaciations start…
Old Goat,
I am looking at patches of snow on the hills in Central Perthshire right now, not last year’s though and the temperature is 6 C here at 300 ft above sea level but it is sunny.
I just sent in (another) complaint to the BBC over their reporter Laura Kuenssberg so-called report on Boris Johnson’s comments about EU referendum. The sneering dismissive tones she used were nauseating.
Loved the other report about the Pope visiting the “migrants”. Hope they give him the same treatment as they gave the Aussie film crew in Calais!
Good for you Colboysigma.
Kuenssberg has a piece on the BBC web page that is supposedly to analyse Boris’ views yet the vast majority of is from those who support remain and are critical of Boris.
Anyone who heard Boris’ speech live on Sky tv will have found themselves nodding in agreement at his point of the lack of democracy and transparency of the EU.
Surely no one, (other than Miss Kuenssberg ), would dispute that Obama would never agree to the EU ruling the US, dictating how it should manage its borders, migration, trade agreements and working practices.
There is even some rubbish from Stephen Kinnock who seems to think that the EU enforcing whatever it wants on member states is on par with voluntary NATO or WTO agreements.
You can find it here, totally, totally scandalous.
I must admit, she did have a face like a Rottweiler chewing a wasp .
Here’s an unusual story from bbc.con.
It’s unusual inasmuch as most people associate ‘Brazilian’ with the removal of hair not the addition. (I won’t mention any possible cultural appropriation from the Brazilians)
Anyway, you just wonder how and where the lefty stuff will come into play. And at I wasn’t disappointed at 1m 50 into the video we are given a reminder of how SA is now liberal in post apartheid times. No mention of how liberal the current president has been with £3.9m of public money in buying his new home and narrowly avoided impeachment. Nelson Mandela would turn in his grave to see his country turn into just another corrupt black African state. (allegedly)
It was nauseating to hear her and to see her scrunched up lefty face as she reeled from what she was hearing – but I thought Boris was outstanding. I loved his likening of some of the ‘In’ crowd to Gerald Ratner – it’s crap but we’ve got to stay in.
Vote Leave gets a majority
Cameron resigns.
Boris for PM.
bish bash bosh.
Love the photo on the BBC Webshite of the Pope on Lesbos. Mostly women and children and at the front , and a few token men hanging around at the back. I wonder how long that took to set up ?
The Pope has got a big house no wife and kids why doesn’t he take a few back to Vatican City ?
The Pope has taken a few refugees back to the Vatican. Maybe they will have to convert to Catholicism or die?
“”Migrant crisis: Pope returns from Greece with 12 migrants””
Does that mean they will have to remove all crucifixes from the Vatican to avoid giving offence?
All set up in advance , of course. And the migrants will have been carefully vetted. Don’t want any riff-raff in the Vatican . All a publicity stunt, I guess. Let’s see if all of the Lefty luvvies follow the Pope’s lead.
I just hope there are no young boys among them, but I guess they will all be women and girls as they make up the bulk of the “refugees”.
Its an EU PR Job – Simples
Today there will be an event of great significance ending with the resignation of Cameron. The trots of the People’s Assembly are marching for Health, homes and education, and Cameron must go. Not mentioned yet by the BBC.
The unions, such as Unite, are sending umpteen train coaches, paid by their members, along with scores of buses.
I fear Cameron will have to retire to his luxury home provided by his Arab bosses in Dubai.
As I am sure many here would like to participate I have included details of the blocs. Up front are junior doctors and teachers, spear heading the proletarian revolution.
I have been unable to find a bloc campaigning for the working class victims of the moslem rape gangs, and so far nothing from the feminists demanding the release of the yoing girls held by Boko haram.
Have a nice day
Formation of the Blocs
Head of the March: A group of Junior Doctors, Teachers, Steel Workers alongside trade union General Secretaries, speakers and others
BLOC 1: People’s Assembly Groups
BLOC 2: Junior Doctors, Student Nurses, Healthworkers
BLOC 3: Education – NUT, UCU, NASUWT, ATL.
BLOC 4: Unite
BLOC 6: Communication Workers Union
BLOC 7: Fire Brigades Union
BLOC 10: Campaign Organisations including: Stop the War; CND, Stand Up to Racism, War on Want, Greece Solidarity Campaign, Keep Our NHS Public, Students Against Austerity, Defend Council Housing, DPAC, War on Want, Momentum etc.
BLOC 11: Political Parties including: Labour Against Austerity, Green Party etc.
Oh dear, oh dear… another denizen of these ‘tiny little cloud-bolted, rainy’ isles off the north west coast of the continent has gone and upset the shiny bright european project.
So guess who threw a spanner into the Schlieffen Plan… who said ‘up your’s Delors!’ Hit the road Jacques! Who bust the Möhne dam, sank the Bismark and bombed their ball bearing factories this time? Here’s a clue – guess who presented for the BBC at the second great Waterloo?
Less of a battle and more a small nosegay of entertainment for you, there. Arise none other than Sir Terry of Wogan
‘Yes Terry’s comments were occasionally (and increasingly) barbed, but he only said what people were already thinking, which is what made them so amusing. As time went on, he saw a content he genuinely loved becoming more political in its voting and damaged by the gimmick acts that he mocked so affectionately on air.’
I wasn’t aware that anyone in this country took Eurovision seriously.
Am I correct in predicting that the Palestinians have been chosen to win this time?
‘I wasn’t aware that anyone in this country took Eurovision seriously’
That’s the problem; the europeans do want us to take it seriously and get upset when we snigger.
You are right. They can’t take a joke and humour is the best weapon. Anyone who takes the Eurovision Song Contest seriously has no sense of humour. It cries out for taking the P in the finest British tradition, oops, and Irish !
Several people have told me that it is very popular with the “gay community”.
BBC Radio 4 PM and the BBC are criticising the Pope who has visited Lesbos and taken some gimmiegrants back to the Vatican for not being confrontational enough with European countries who have closed their borders.
It is obvious that the BBC have taken a position that a Europe with open borders to all comers is their desire.
And now they’ve called the democratically elected governor of North Carolina a bigot because they’ve abolished the law on discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation !
This is NOT impartial reporting of the news !
Perhaps the BBC staff can remove the gates from their estates so they can enjoy the full benefits of open border enrichment.
Anyone else wondering why the BBC dropped the story of the decade about the end of steelmaking in Britain?
I guess they don’t want to go too far down the road of carbon taxes and just how expensive all that “free” power we get from renewables is. And how the country had a choice between cheap power and a manufacturing industry or wind turbines powering a Harry Potter economy. And that once they go down that road they would have to admit it’s been explicit government policy since Miliband’s insane Climate Act in 2008 to shut down Britain’s manufacturing industry. I’m guessing the reason they jumped all over the non story about Cameron avoiding taxes was so they could avoid reporting on the result of all the climate BS they’ve been shovelling all these years.
Good piece on this betrayal at: http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2016/04/progressive-destruction.html
Alex – wonderful article, thanks for the link.
A mystery. Complaints rolling in because the BBC failed to cover the demonstration against austerity calling for Dave’s resignation .
Is the BBC so right wing that it will not cover left wing trot protests?
‘Poet Jacka Garth, has questioned whether the BBC can be trusted as an independent source of news, while David George Urquhart, a lecturer at Stockport College, accused the broadcaster of being a propaganda outlet.’
I understand that the BBC did mention it briefly after complaints but the protesters are not satisfied.
I don’t think that they covered Tommy Robinson’s acquittal either, but I suppose that’s different.
They would certainly have covered his conviction.
No doubt we can expect a three hour Panorama special about this.
Poor man – I can understand his concern.
How could Morrisons do this!
What were they thinking!
I do know how he feels though – My missus overcooked my boiled eggs this morning the yolks were hard and NOT runny and my soldiers bent over when I tried inserting them into the aformentioned eggs. How could she do this to me!!! Cow!
I did consider either divorce or putting her permanently under the patio but in the end decided to suck it up and have booked myself 12 sessions of therapy on the NHS to deal with my PTSD. – Sorted!
Christ! what has this country come to!
Oaknash, So far as the Directors of Morrisons are concerned, beheading is too good for them . So far as the silly little boy is concerned, how does he know none of his ancestors ever ate pork. Moron. Anyway, I guess he will get paid compensation and it won’t be enough.
Well, I object and take great offense in having Halal meat served to me without my knowledge ! its prevalent in restaurants and school meals, so who do I complain to ?
I know this may surprise a number of people, due to the innate law abiding nature of the vast (overwhelming in fact) majority of Muslims in Britain, but it just might, remotely, quite be possible this is just (yet another) scam to get some compo out of dear old Ken.
How could you even suggest such a thing! My shockometer has just exploded – I feel a fatwa coming on ….
Another explanation might be that some British employee in the packaging and labeling department had a good idea where the food was heading and decided to do a bit of anti sharia enterprise. Something like that happened to me in a French supermarket. As I bent over to examine the selection of halal products a packet of lardons accidentally slipped out of my basket.
I guess that it was Michael Crick talking all over Boris Johnsons Vote Leave meeting in Manchester last night that got me thinking.
He is no friend of either Boris or Brexit-yet the lazy cretin just thought that he could drown Johnson out with his sneering bitchy asides about low crowd and Union Jacks getting banned.
The REAL audience who were there to listen to Boris took things into their own hands-and DARED to interrupt his “Live feed” back to Krishnan-quelle horreurs….the chavs DARE to fart in the hallowed church of Channel 4 News crap., as it`s being worked out for themselves like a tapeworm.
Remember that Jenkins twerp on Channel 4 getting told to shut up and turn his foghorn down a few weeks ago when Nigel Farage was trying to speak in Manchester too.
My point?…well funny isn`t it that any attack on Channel 4 is seen as an attack on free speech in such cases.
But the ordinary joes who go along to a rally are expected to just let Channel 4 hacks like Crick and Jenkins just drown out the voices of those we elected and who came north to speak to them.
Channel 4 are NOT in favour of “free speech”-they want paying to set agendas, bend and twist , plait and ferment liberal and progressive lies 24/7…and have no qualms about shutting down debate, drowning out alternative voices and smearing, sneering all the way to June 23rd.
They need telling_I want to hear Boris-not bloody Crick and his flat packed liberal solutions to the elites concerns….mine and those who attend such meetings as Nigels and Boris` will NOT be drowned out by their fatuous, predicteable knocking copy.
Ratners plants spouting for the Remainiacs….we, the People need Channel 4 gone asap.
Ironically, Morrisons has come in for some flak for being rather too Islam friendly in the past:
Whilst I appreciate this story was published to get people like me ranting – It does however quite nicely illustrate how arrogant and imperious many muslims in this country have become.
Maybe this particular individual should get it together with Josie Cunnungham
Re the Pope introducing yet more cane toads to the Vatican.
If the Vatican is an independent statelet, we could send the ALL there as he clearly knows how to sort it out for us.
Or-why not the Virgin Islands and Monaco, other tax offshore places…that`d teach them.
No-came here after seeing the ITV news giving me TWO accounts of the Popes granny grab on Lesbos.
Not one-but an ITV hack, and then a CNN one afterwards…double bagging clearly means “serious jocking” to the liberal elite. Story`s so vital to them-and so in need of reinforcement for the uncaring oafs like us-that the analyse the previous analysis-and plenty time to do it.
Maybe Craigs quantitative methods of old could work here…if you do TWO pieces on your main news, it must be twice as necessary to stuff it down your throat than the usual ones.
Got to be a graph here-how did Camerons Panama Hat story manage to remove the steelworks in Port Talbot off the liberal bulletins and pecking orders?…make an interesting graph, we need to map out these lying bastards.
Worth checking whether the Pope is taking them to the Vatican. According to one source, not verified, but reliable, he is leaving it to the “Church public lay association” to care for them.. He’s not taking them in at Vatican City.
According to CNN
‘Little is known of the Pope’s plans for the families. The initial hospitality will be taken care of by the Community of Sant’Egidio.’
Publicity stunt over, lets move on to the next one.
All I can say is “God help the nuns” when that lot are let loose in the Vatican.
Re: Trump
Has the BBC ever included a pro-Trump commentator in a discussion?
Today on BBC 24 TV, Gavin Esler had his usual comfort-zone left wing commentators gathered around him from 11.30 am.
The discussion on Trump provoked much shaking of heads and the prediction that the Republican Party was about to implode.
The fact that Hilary Clinton could soon be arrested wasn’t up for discussion.
Well said D.S. – al beebus and the rest of the MSM never tire of pointing out how what an awful sexist Trump is, yet they are never so keen to discuss Hillary’s collusion in protecting her husband from various rape allegations down the decades – something one would have thought more newsworthy than Trump’s purported male chauvinism.
Something else for your delectation
Whether or not Trump runs for President is up to Republican voters; whether or not Clinton runs for President is up to the FBI. Not that you’d know that from watching the BBC.
I really think Trump has pushed his luck a bit too far. His brash non PC style was popular for a while and a lot of people were prepared to forgive the occasional vulgar remark. But the abortion comment was pretty bad and that could be the straw that dooms his campaign. A pity because he was the only sane voice on Immigration over amongst that dismal crowd of candidates.
Anway, I dont know what will happen on the 19th but he may well fail in the New York election. I would be reluctant to put money on him.
Let it not be said that I am being timid. On that same day the Manitoba election is being held. I confidently predict Trump won’t get !st or 2nd in that one. In fact I’ll put 50 quid on it. Any takers?
Listening to Archive On Four with professional notherners Maxine Peake and Stuart Maconie bemoaning the lack of “working clarss plays and ishoos ” in popular culture.
True enough…but funny how they mention chinz like “Up the Junction” cliched 60`s stock stuff, but not “I`m All Right Jack”…which nailed the class issues and hypocrisies far more than bloody Shelagh Delaney ever could.
The Frost Report and the Cleese/Corbett cliche-oh, how rad Justin!
As for all those “contemporary” working class plays and poems, films and books that write themselves at the moment?
What about any of these
1. White working class couple get turned down as foster carers in a northern town for daring to vote UKIP
2. Working class bloke gets kicked to death by a gang of thugs when he goes out to his drive to protect his girls and the car-and the gang leader had only just been let out early from youth custody and was back on glue and drugs in the few hours that had elapsed.
3. Bright kid unable to get a decent grammar school education, and therefore turns to underachieving welfare and drug dealing with a load of baby muthas.
4. Working class woman run out of town for daring to question the deaths of hundreds of older patients in her local NHS Trust.
Need I go on?
No-no issues here for the working class-for these plays will NEVER be written by the poxy linen suits who feel the pain in Lesbos…and don`t give a damn to commission anything that might ring true to those of us living in this liberal hellhole of their creation.
Meanwhile Tristram fails to get his wind turbine through the bloody Tory Parish Council?…
Wonderful post, chrisH!
Chris, your plot line 4 would be an interesting variation for a re-make of “The Angry Silence”.
That’s a film I haven’t seen on the TV for a long time. I wonder why?
Went over to our “sister ” bunch over at Is the BBC Biased.
And here`s a posting from Sue there re Tommy Robinsons case the other day.
Gaunt`s a bit of a plonker-but at least he asks questions and doesn`t slither and lie all over his answers.
Have a listen-it`s all far worse that you`d think possible-hope to God he cleans them all out in compo…it`s the LEAST the State will have to do, given how he`s been treated and left at serious risk.
Just watched Have I got news for you.
Lots of attacks on Whittingdale and the usual mass hysterics over UKIP.
But Jezza of course gets a very gentle dig and at the end a joke about a photo of Milliband got more of an ‘Orrrrrr’ you know, the sound you make when looking fondly at a baby or puppy, than it did a laugh.
Nice, clear, umistakeable pro- socialist bias from the bBBC marxists.
Can’t bear to watch it anymore. Years ago it was reasonably balanced.
Meanwhile, on statistics programme More or Less, most of the programme was spent trying to discredit Channel 4’s survey of Muslim attitudes about Britain.
Apparently when Muslims when asked say they support terrorism, sharia law, FGM, and denial of women’s rights, we should not believe them as they are ‘unrepresentative’.
Al Beeb’s agenda driven propaganda machine in full flow.
So we shouldn’t believe what Muslims say? No kidding …….!
Think we can all now see why Islam refuses any efforts to excavate their “claims to historical truth” re the history of their doings in the Middle East.
Tony Robinson will not be getting out there to check, nor will anybody else.
Dateline London
Our Gavin had Alex Deacon from Conservative Home on today’s programme.
I’m not sure he was that welcome, the panel usually get a free run at promoting ‘Europe’.
When Alex said that we aren’t voting for the status quo that annoying Frenchman, Marc Roche said ‘Europe is not evolving, Europe is Europe, either you are a member of it or you are not. We have rules and we kindly negotiated with Britain and it’s evolving with Britain’.
What the hell does that mean?
By the way, has the BBC ever done an exposé on anything to do with the EU?
Panorama Fuel poverty programme
Summary: Emotional and unbalanced programme
Full Complaint: The four or five people depicted, in or out of fuel poverty, were mawkishly and emotionally depicted yet there was no single fact or detail to explain how or why they were in fuel poverty. This is sadly typical of much ‘views’ television.
Case examples (presumably supplied by lobbyists, and, if so, we should be told) are given with inadequate facts.
In the cases shown, the income level and the benefit amounts of the individuals should have been specified along with the precise money spent annually on energy. Without these facts nobody can obtain an understanding on the level of the problem and the reasons for it.
In the one case of the indebted woman who presumably rarely if ever paid for her energy, we should have been told of what she owed and why.
Fuel poverty is not an absolute concept and the government’s changes to its measurement were treated as if they were simply a vicious scheme to allow people to freeze to death.
This was the crudest piece of propaganda I have seen in a long time, and intellectually cheap, treating the viewers as idiots. It made Russia Today look balanced and should never have been allowed to be broadcast.
One small point the winter fuel allowance was not even mentioned, as I recall, while it appears from a quick internet search the average annual cost of energy per household is around £20 per week.
BBC Complaints team response:
From: bbc_complaints_website@bbc.co.uk
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016
Reference CAS-3760680-19CL1B
Thank you for contacting us regarding ‘Panorama: Too Poor to Stay Warm’.
I understand you feel that the programme was unbalanced.
In the first section of the programme we talked to Olive Naismith. We said:
“The Government says it spends £2 billion a year helping pensioners like Olive Naismith pay their fuel bills, but Olive still can’t keep warm on her state pension.”
We heard from people who live on state pensions and low incomes. This was made clear in the programme. When we interviewed these people, we were trying to show how they live and cope with being fuel poor.
We said “It’s not just pensioners who are struggling. More than a million working families are officially in fuel poverty.”
We showed examples of people who were fuel poor, but the programme was looking at fuel poverty as a whole. It would have been inappropriate to show how these people budget their money.
This programme was simply showing the government’s efforts to end fuel poverty and what life is like for those who are fuel poor.
It is not for the BBC to decide if the government’s policy on fuel poverty is inadequate. We simply aim to provide enough information in order for our viewers to make up their own minds.
I appreciate you disagree and feel the programme was unbalanced.
Your feedback is important to us and your concerns have been placed on an overnight report. This document is made available to senior management and the ‘Panorama’ production team. This report can be used to inform future broadcasting and policy decisions, so please be assured that your complaint has been sent to the right people.
Thanks again for getting in touch.
Kind regards
David Currie
BBC Complaints
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
[This seems written by a robot.
I have a week to take the complaint further.
Is it worth the effort?]
My fuel bill is approx £100 a montth.
So the winter fuel allowance to pensioners of £400 by definition must cover almost the whole of the winter, unless those in poverty live in a 5 bed detached. Maybe they do in Hampstead and Islington.
The concept of fuel poverty therefore must by definition be an illusion dreamt up by the left wing and ably supported by bBBC to discredit the Tory government.
The exact same policy by the previous Labour government produced exactly zero critical coverage by our very same illustrious stae broadcaster.
It’s actually £200 per household. So one person living alone gets £200, a couple get £100 each.
Never ceases to intrigue what skill sets establish the market rates for BBC ‘talent’:
BBC Online News:
“”EU Referendum
– Reality Check-
Cornwall: In or Out?
By Katie Razzall Special correspondent, BBC Newsnight””
“” Over the last 15 years, Cornwall has received more than £1bn of EU structural investment””
“”From the Europhiles’ perspective, Cornwall has lots to thank Europe for. The Council of Europe gave Cornish protected minority language status back in 2002 and Cornish clotted cream and pasties are among the local delicacies given special EU protection””
“”But Matthew Lobb, a 26-year-old volunteer, told me: “Living down here, it’s just a dead end… I haven’t heard of no money being put into Cornwall.””
“”Owner John Carley explained that the £300,000 investment boosted turnover significantly and meant the firm could expand from three to nine employees in a place where every job counts””‘.
The EU investment has gone unnoticed by the locals (where did it go?). The BBC expects the locals to be full of gratitude to the EU for the money but they’re not, and want to leave. Buying votes doesn’t always work.
“”Owner John Carley explained that the £300,000 investment boosted turnover significantly and meant the firm could expand from three to nine employees in a place where every job counts””‘.
Does John Carley know that if we weren’t in the EU they wouldn’t have been able to skim off their commission, and he would have got £600,000?
Doesn’t Katie Razell know that the Council of Europe has nothing to do with the EU?
Hello – I’m back!
Some thoughts on Sharia. You know what, we shouldn’t fear Islam. It’s only the extremists we should fear and don’t worry too much about them because they are all ‘them’ and over ‘there’. They are not ‘us’ and over ‘here’. Or in Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium etc. And anyone who says they are is a racist (race, right).
This is the standard line. This is MSM propaganda. Very powerful isn’t it. Most of us can relate to a few personal experiences with Muslims. And in the main they are going to be pretty unremarkable, even positive. I have certainly had many. Great. That’ll be the moderate Muslims we hear so much about and if our experiences were an accurate reflection on tomorrow’s society then we really don’t have much to worry about.
But we do have much to worry about because the assumption that a population with a 5%+ Muslim proportion will continue to operate and behave as the current smaller UK one does is irretrievably naive or ill-informed. It won’t. Right now Muslim mayors and counsellors and MPs are being elected. In areas of high Muslim population density (Bradford, Birmingham, Leicester, Luton etc.) it is unthinkable how it could be different. Right now we have 85 de facto Sharia courts operating in the UK. We have a code of conduct, incorporated into legislation (religious hatred), that drives the actions of authorities, including the police, local authorities and judiciary that is effectively enacting Sharia law by proxy.
Fast forward 20 years to when relative birth rates and open border migration will increase the UK’s Muslim population to a democratically significant proportion and Sharia law will not be limited to a minority population in the shadows that a socialist society can pretend to ignore. It will be mainstream and not just affect Muslims.
The so called ‘moderate’ Muslims that today’s elites and MSM like to reference will not exercise much influence over the Imams in the mosques and Sharia courts. They will be nowhere to be seen (except when their women are being stoned to death in Wolverhampton for having the audacity to have been raped).
We are inviting a Wahhabi culture into our homes and expecting it to change. It won’t. The Merkels, Obamas and Camerons of this world know it won’t change. The communist activists don’t want it to change and the majority of the population don’t even know that it’s coming, never mind that it won’t change. Welcome to tomorrow’s Britain.
It could, but won’t, make a difference but vote leave.
Great post
Simple question to the Europhiles ………………If we weren’t in the EU would you vote to join it ?
The terms …..
We pay £2 in and get £1 back
We would have to open our borders
We surrender our sovereignty
We accept rule from a dictatorship.
What do you think ?
Sounds great to me. Love it !
Rumour has it that Saint Ob Hamah is coming over to Great Britain boost the the PM and the Europhiles’ case to surrender our sovereignty .
Someone in Al Beeb should ask him – would the US hand over its sovereignty to Mexico, Brazil and Nicaragua?
That’s not the terminology, they always say we “pool” sovereignty. That sounds much nicer, until you remember what is going on in pools in Germany and Austria right now. It’s actually quite similar to what is happening to Britain: financial and constitutional rape.
The BBC 4 starting a new documentary series The Silk Road.
This could be fascinating, but I fear I will be forced to turn it off! Already the trailer has informed us that the West was ‘dependent’ on it, and featured Samarkand, the heart of the caliphate.
What I don’t understand is why most of the non-muslims, such as Beeboids, who love Islam so much, don’t convert to Islam. It is very puzzling.
Maybe an investigative dilemma for one of the many W1A Khans to resolve, with Mishal keeping score?
LOL !!
EU ‘turns page’ in relations with Iran
Iran has completely outmanouvered the US and the EU !
Ah… but… they have not reckoned on the razor wire minds of POTUS and whoever it is in the EU market rate leadership no one elected, making us all safer together.
I have a leaflet if you want one.
LOL ! I still do not understand why Scotland is not getting the leaflet until after the May 5 elections. Does anyone here know the reason ?
“We therefore recommend that relevant governments, not only in Scotland but also those in other parts of the UK, should publicly commit to and refrain from in practise any paid advertising, including the delivery of booklets to households, that promotes a particular referendum outcome for the full duration of the referendum period.”
Clear as mud really as it doesn’t explain why it’s ok to send them after the devolved elections or why England is exempt, anyone else?
Old, Thanks for that. So the Government ignored the ” Watchdogs” recommendation but the Scottish question remains.
Grant. Anticipation might make the heart grow fonder……or not!
And anyway, La Sturgeon would kick up a hell of a fuss if them nasty tories interfered with her re-coronation!
Soap, I must be a bit dim but I really can’t see what the EU leaflet has to do with the elections here . They are not until 5 may and England already have theirs and I want mine so that I can return to sender. I thought this was a United Kingdom !
Why is she wearing a headscarf? Total submission, pathetic!
Pits it isn’t a plastic bag, tightly sealed.
Further to my post at 9.16 last night re denial over the Chanel 4 findings about Muslims, the nation within a nation etc.
Al Beeb were at it AGAIN this morning on the Sunday religious programme. Trying to discredit the findings and giving the programme producer a hard time while lobbing some easy balls to the opposing speaker.
The solution apparently is to tackle the ‘inequality’ of Muslims being under-represented on the Media . FFS.
Only in the warped minds of the Al Beeb marxists.
Clearly an HR dilemma for one of the many W1A Khans to resolve, with Mishal keeping score?
YAB would approve.
And so the denial and delusion relentlessly continues. Even more appeasement is required. Even more of our liberties and freedoms taken away. Even more legislation and laws to enforce the far lefts fanatical views on the true victims in this whole sorry story…the great British public!
A friend just visited the BBC Proms Australia, so I looked it up…
Guessing Emily Thornberry not flown out a la Abbott, looking at the crowd and bunting.
Excellent article in today’s Sunday Telegraph by the ever superb Andrew Gilligan ( surely one of the UK’s few serious journalists ) on the background to the Whittingdale story. A lot of new information which I was not aware of. If true, there is no doubt the whole thing is a stitch-up. Don’t expect the BBC to broadcast this stuff !
Knew this was going to happen! The lying, traitorous, devious, conniving scumbags at the Al mujahideen Beeb are using the fake and made up stories against Trump and his candidacy for president as facts! Create lies and deception and keep referencing these lies and half truths to smear and damage something they don’t agree with!
Taken straight from the Al Beeb webshite. Anthony ‘I would shoot my own family if it
means my bigoted views are accepted’ Zurcher states the following
“But a series of things appeared to harden the #NeverTrump movement’s resolve.:
*ongoing outbreaks of violence at Trump rallies seemingly condoned by the candidate himself – (the devious bast@rd knows it’s the bigoted far left militants purposely causing the violence!)
*criminal charges – now dropped – against campaign manager Corey Lewandowski stemming from an incident with a female reporter at a Florida rally – (now dropped! Nothing happened! It was fabricated! It was a politicised story to smear Trump. The Al Beeb knows this! Lying bast@rds!!!!)
*a series of questionable Twitter attacks on Mr Cruz’s wife – (questionable? So it’s just an opinion! How low in the barrel do the Al Beeb need to scrape?)
*a renewed feud with Fox News presenter Megyn Kelly – (a feud self styled ‘my opinion is the only thing that matters’ Megyn caused because Trump wouldn’t play the stupid games our loser politicians fall for every single time when the go on the Al Beeb)
*conflicting responses when asked about his views on abortion and public approval numbers that sank from bad to terrible – particularly among female voters – (again Anthony knows full well this is a lie. The devious left have decided it was conflicting to show Trump in a bad light. It wasn’t nor ever was conflicting!!)
So as suspected all along. If you throw enough smears and lies out their and keep referencing the lies as events, they become reality.
Vote Brexit. Vote Ukip. Bring down the far left, socialist, British hating scumbags that infest the Al Beeb
The EU’s economy is set to collapse and if we are still ‘in’, it will drag us down with it .
‘They’ need our money, stability and trade, but in turn we will have to sacrifice our independence and sovereignty. Its something our forefathers fought for, but our leaders are prepared to sell it all for ‘thirty pieces of silver’. £4,300 a year is a small price to pay compared to what our forefathers paid in two world wars.
Vote to get out of the EU, vote for liberty, independence and freedom.
Get Britain ‘Great’ again.