Obama is a naive fool, way out of his depth. He knows nothing of the world outside the USA. The Iranians got everything they want without giving anything away. Obama’s useless Presidency has made the world a much more dangerous place. Looks like the Israelis will have to deal with it after all.
Chris Grayling made a quiet, reasoned and reasonable case for Brexit on the Pandy Marr show this morning, dispelling the utter Bollox spoken by Mrs Bollox-Cooper and MicroMacron. Gave the lie to exclusion from European markets or paying Danegeld to the EU for access, pointing out that Turkey pays nothing in, has tariff-free trade and doesn’t have free movement.
Also makes the point about the trade imbalance and tariffs.
Of course we are actually PAYING Turkey to give them free movement, and the ‘we’ is literally us given our excessive ‘contribution’ to the EU-Turkey Syrian immigrant fudge.
BBC 1 – TBQs – does god care what you wear?
Nikki C goes straight to a Sikh to ask about Turbans?
then to another Sikh to carry on …
then some CofE dude … finally there s a woman in Hijab
Where are all the Burkha s?, the gobshites who have repeatedly
been pandered to by the BBC/N Campbell? … after all that is the issue?
I should imagine the reason it is ever in the news today at all, particularly
as it is being seen, applied increasingly to children.
The pretence is “gets closer to allah”, the reality is political statement of intent
and concealment, … no?, Nikki?, anyone?? … at all???
AW! only joking lets move on to Buddhists! eh … if a monk wearing a robe eh, tut tut! now that s an issue
Plenty of Hindus wear turbans. They are all the rage in the summer 40c heat of Rajasthan for example.
The problem with the Ropers is that they claim specific dress on the basis of religion when as with the Hindu turban, it is in fact cultural or even practical. It’s a con trick which subjugates women.
Edwina Curry was a panelist on Any Questions on Friday. She’s a passionate “remainer” but, I think, let slip a really strong reason why we should grab this opportunity to vote out with both hands. She was questioned about the EU not being terribly democratic and said that “democracy wasn’t a panacea.” What a peculiar answer to give.
Surely, since the days of Magna Carta and the genesis of our freedoms, we have been struggling towards ever greater levels of democracy, not less of it. It wasn’t until very recently that all people in our islands were given any say in who ran our country. Women didn’t get a vote until the last century and Ms Curry wouldn’t be sitting on that panel if not for the freedoms offered by the democratic process. And here we have a campaigner to remain in this “undemocratic” outfit telling us that our democracy is over rated.
It was Winston Churchill who said that democracy was “the least worst form of government” and I think most people agree with him. But not, it seems, Edwina.
These Europhiles are a very strange lot.
Edwina has been a has been for many years now. Why would she be a guest ? Her statement should not be a surprise. It is impossible to believe in freedom and democracy and believe in the EU at the same time. They are mutually exclusive !
The whole point of the European Union is that it is not democratic. It was devised by the likes of Salter, Monnet and Schumann to be a government of Europe run by intelligent, disinterested civil servants (men like them in other words), who would decide the future of Europe free of the irrational and unhelpful views of the comon people.
Of course, they could never say this in public, the European Union had to be described as a “Common Market”, and given a form of parliament with no powers, as a figleaf of the democracy its founders despised. But be in no doubt, the EU was devised as an almost exact mirror image of the USA. It was never meant to be “government of the people, by the people, for the people”, quite the opposite.
Its founders were not evil men. They sincerely believed that nationalism and the nation state had led Europe into the two World Wars, and that a European government, untainted by national self interest or democratic pressures, would in the long run be best for all. Where their actions became despicable is that they never argued for this openly, but instead achieved their aims by stealth and lies. That is why our current referendum campaign is dominated by tawdry arguments over trade regulations and money, rather than the most fundamental question of all: who governs us?
The world at one covered the possible impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, the incompetent, corrupt Brazilian socialist president of Brazil with a hairdo more ridiculous than Donald Trump.
Mark Mardell and his colleagues were in brilliant form. Not once did they explain why she was being impeached, (fiddling the accounts before the Brazil election since you ask), nor why the Brazilian people are so angry with her, (she turned Brazil from the fastest growing economy in the world to a basket case with the same speed and dedication as the socialist government in Venezuela).
However, Mardell spoke to people, including a former BBC correspondent, who were all heartbroken at the demise of a socialist government. It is not her fault she is so corrupt, the correspondent tearfully assured us, it is all the fault of the other nasty, horrible opposition politicians.
Now, if Cameron and his father did nothing financially illegal yet still get dragged over the coals by our national broadcaster, ought not the BBC just take a moment out from its unrelenting left wing cheerleading to tell its long suffering listeners why the lovely Dilma is being ousted, and why her downfall is being greeted with such joy on the streets of Brazil?
Yes, I was struck by how that report was wholly from the perspective of the left…some ex president was being wheeled out, I heard the words “a household name in Brazil, at least, on the left of the political spectrum” I’m afraid I switched the radio off then.
Was there a balancing opinion from the Brazilian right that I missed?
Embolden, yes there was a single person representing the hundreds of millions of angry Brazilians wishing to get rid of the incompetent, corrupt Dilma.
He was asked something along the lines of ‘does he feel responsible for the violence on the streets that MAY happen if she is ousted.’ Not an exact quote but he was certainly not asked to explain why the Brazilian people want her out.
Find myself impressed by Owen Bennett Jones on his “Analysis” programme.
Part 2 of “The Deobandis”.
Have a listen at about 25 minutes in, where an “Interfaith Ambassador” who shills for Islam is rumbled as calling for the death of the Ahmadiyya…and he twists and turns like an elver on a hook.
Sheer taqiyya in action.
Can only assume that Bennett Jones saw enough whilst working in Pakistan to be able to smell the bull-and he does a good job in this two-parter.
New found respect for him after this.
PS-whole programme is good too, if you`ve got the time.
Is the BBC going to get Ibrahim Mogra on to discuss it ?
you ll really hear some taqiya then, (in an ever so nice butter wouldn t melt in my beard kind of a way)
In rejecting Ahmadiyyas, The Muslim Council of Britain shows itself to be the divisive hate group we all knew
“recently the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) made a statement about me, saying the beliefs I follow mean I “cannot be eligible for affiliation with the Muslim Council”.
Dude … they re extremists! … you still wanna join? http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/the-muslim-council-of-britain-has-officially-decided-im-not-islamic-enough-but-i-never-did-anything-a6986976.html
Agreed, Chris, B-J puts him inder the spotlight and is relentless with his questioning.
But given the seriousness of this (we’re talking incitement to murder, here, aren’t we?) and the – for once – excellent bit of investigative reporting, it should be given wide and continuing coverage on the BBC’s prime time news and current affairs programmes to make more people aware of what is going on.
ChrisH – I too was impressed with this programme. It was certainly revealing and told of a hideous underlying power within all the mosques in the UK and the grip they have on their people. Frightening really. It’s definitely worth a listen.
Should anyone be surprised by this ? It is in the nature of Islam. I would love to know the views of useful idiots like Cameron and May who must know the reality. Are they too cowardly to speak out ?
Sometimes I feel I live in a parallel universe, something like Alice in Wonderland. 3pm news on Radio 4 reported that Netanyahu said that Israel will keep the Golan (how unreasonable implied by Auntie). The newsreader explained that the Syrian government would want as part of the peace deal to stop the present fighting the return of the Golan. Only in some strange warped world, as viewed by the Kings of rhetoric would demands be made of Israel to stop fighting between themselves. Ok, I can see how these mad Muslims could come up with such a demand. But reporting this madness as though it is reasonable, and that the evil hawk, Netanyahu is grandstanding, shows the warped world that is the BBC.
If Israel wished to surrender the Golan who would get it? Syria is no longer by any reasonable definition a functioning state. Assad is a mass murderer of his own citizens but still hold the title of president. Just to complicate matters Al Qaeda holds much of the territory along the border between Israel controlled Golan and Syria.
Golan could be a homeland for the Druze, another middle Eastern minority hated for centuries by Sunni Muslim fundamentalists.
A good number of Israeli Druze have served in the IDF.
Having said that, I doubt Israel would surrender the Golan, it’s too strategically important and it could open up the Galilee to artillery and sniper fire like the old pre1967 days. It would also mean an end to Golan wines, as the barbarians in black could reasonably be expected to blow up the wineries and uproot the vineyards.
It would be insane for Israel to give up the Golan heights. I didn’t hear the news report in question but for the BBC to imply that this is a reasonable demand is a confirmation of acquiescence in the future destruction of Israel. But is that really a surprise? Isn’t that exactly what most of these self-proclaimed “anti-Zionists” on the left and within the BBC really want?
Yes, Lefties and the BBC want the total annhilation of the Israelis and the end to Israel. I am sure Israel will never give up the Golan heights. That would be suicide.
Anyone seen the Sunday politics?
There was an item, the risks of remaining in the EU.
The short piece at the beginning gave views from EUrines and Brexit. Twice as many from the EUrines.
Then, Andrew Neil interviewed Tristram Hunt, a EUriner, asking questions about the risks of staying in. Hunts answers all immediately switched to his perceived risks of leaving and was allowed to say outrageous lies by Neil.
He was saying we would have to be like Norway and pay to trade with the EU plus have to allow everyone into the uk. How many times do we have to say we will not go for a deal like Norway. They keep bringing it up though.
He said we have a voice at the table to reform the EU. Was it 70 times we voted against some proposals and 70 times we were defeated. Some voice.
He kept saying “a reformed Europe”. Cameron’s miserable package of reforms, brought back under the threat of a huge contributor, ourselves, leaving, shows how little we can influence anything and that the EU doesn’t do reforms.
He said we would not be able to trade with the EU if we were not a member. Is China or the USA a member? They trade with the EU.
He said we would have to take in just as many EU citizens as now if we wanted to trade with the EU. Does China and the USA have to take in EU citizens.
Why should we pay the EU to be able to give them an £80,000,000,000 more than they give us in trade. We should ask them to pay us.
There were so many lies by Hunt yet Neil gave him a very easy ride and asked few questions, letting Hunt spout off so much rubbish whilst blathering on.
Neil is much better than this.
Was he under instructions to go easy on Hunt.
A very disappointing interview, shame on you.
I think that Neil is a Euriner. He has a house in France so he may be worried about that. But , if he was a Leaver, he would certainly have challenged Hunt.
EUriner! What a brilliant word. Not heard of this before. If it’s your invention, well done. If not, thanks for bringing it to us. It so succinctly sums up what the “Remain” lot have been doing to the population with their endless nonsensical horror stories of a possible Brexit.
Taking the bloody pxxxx!
Not mine, I am afraid and I can’t remember where I first saw it. My late father ( I learned Eurosceptism on his knee in the 1960s ) would always refer to “Extracting the urine “.
Typical fawning BBC response to Remain drivel.
Sunday’s World at One on R4 was interviewing farmers about “losing their EU subsidies”. One yokel clearly had no idea that it was largely British taxpayers money that he was receiving and thought that his own government would be loathe to forward the cash which it was providing anyway directly to him. The interviewer did not point this out to him. The case is much different if a member of the public points out that mass uncontrolled immigration aggravates the housing shortage. A BBC interviewer will usually challenge an assertion contrary to received BBC wisdom.
Why is the EU referred to as a free-trade area anyway ? If the UK is paying 13 billion per annum to the EU for 260 billion exports to the EU, this is basically just a 5% trade tariff on all goods paid by the taxpayer rather than the exporter.
“Picture yourself on a beautiful beach, anywhere in the world. Your favourite beach, maybe. The waves are lapping on the shore, the Sun is sparkling over the water and there is a refreshing ocean breeze.
Now imagine this beach has gone forever. Sea level has risen and the shoreline has moved inland by hundreds of metres, drowning stretch after stretch of former coastline in the process.”
Yes, tide gauges show that sea levels are rising. But a photo of sea level reaching the 3-meter mark is clearly an attempt to suggest that this is how much sea levels have risen by already…
…The author, one Vivien Cumming, does not seem to have worked out that sea level rise started long before CO2 made any appreciable difference.
She then helpfully explains that some of the rise is due to glaciers melting. Unfortunately she fails to report that the same glaciers have been melting as fast since the mid 19thC. Or that they all expanded massively during the Little Ice Age.
She finishes off with a load of drivel that if we don’t reduce GHG emissions, we’d all end up like those poor stone age settlers who all drowned on Dogger Bank.
If this is the BBC’s idea of “objective science”, I’m my auntie’s uncle.
Meanwhile, elsewhere on the internet, sanity prevails:
During the deepest part of the last ice age, known as the Wisconsin, sea levels were about 400 feet lower than at present. As Earth emerged from the Wisconsin some 18,000 years ago and the massive ice sheets started to melt, sea levels began rising. Rapid sea level rise during the “meltwater pulse phase,” about 15,000 years ago, was roughly5 meters (16 feet) per century – but then slowed significantly since the Holocene Climate Optimum, about 8,000 years ago.
Those rising oceans created new ports for Greek and Roman naval and trade vessels. But today many of those structures and ruins are inland, out in the open, making them popular tourist destinations. How did that happen? The Little Ice Age once again turned substantial ocean water into ice, lowering sea levels, and leaving former ports stranded. Not enough ice has melted since 1850 to make them harbors again.
The Fascist Left, – don’t even discuss the validity of ‘climate change’ because it’s settled science.
DO discuss and teach the universally discredited creationist myth when Muslims want it, but deride ridicule and attack Christians when they believe in it!
All day long the BBC news on Radio 4 has been broadcasting a warning from the British EU Commissioner (unelected) that farmers might not retain the subsidies they currently enjoy under the woeful common agricultural policy. He went on to state that the treasury might well look to save some money by not paying out any grants / subsidies to farmers.
This is just blatant blackmail, and one which the BBC has failed to ask relevant questions of. Threats to withdraw cash from struggling farmers if they fail to vote the right way at a time when the National Farmers Union is meeting to decide which way they will recommend their members to vote is truly appalling.
Not to mention the fact that an EU Commissioner recommending leave would be like a Turkey voting for Christmas!
Am I right in thinking that NZ abolished all subsidies many years ago and farmers thrived ? In fact NZ seems to be a good example of a country not in a Union and doing well. And they’ve got a pretty good cricket team !
I think Messrs Kinnock, Mandelson and those who follow must not be negative about the Eu or they lose their pension, which, I believe, is not subject to income tax.
So no EU commissioner is going to be other than 100% on message, are they?
The evidence mounts of a link between Saudi and Western leaders acting in collusion, probably with financial incentives promised for the ‘correct’ outcomes.
Saudi couldn’t pull all its assets from the US even if it wanted to, so that is not a credible reason for the Obama decision.
The BBC sure is getting all hot about headwear today
BBC 3 – The Dilemmas of Hijabi Girl
BBC – Haifa gives a voice to the Muslim community by unravelling showers, hairdos, bedtime and all other hijab-related stuff.
And remember, it’s not a towel – it’s a hijab!
“Voice to the Muslim community”? … the “dilemma”? … should be why wrap your head, in Sharia, in the UK?
especially if your a “girl”, definition not a woman.
All aspects of Sharia should be gone along with its trappings
Is this the BBC or bloody MCB? is there a difference?
S Warsi – on What do Muslims really think?
“1. Never trust anyone who starts with “I have a Muslim/Jewish/Black/Gay friend BUT”
A week is a long time in meteorological terms, and I’m having a quiet chuckle to myself. Don’t be surprised if we hear of our MSM and of course the BBC banging on this week about how “hot” it is in certain parts of the country. But as I say a week is a long time. This time next week, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Don’t switch that heating off just yet boys and girls. 😎
The BBC captions this photograph Iranian ant-Israeli sentiment was also on display at Sunday’s parade in Iran displays new Russian S-300 defence missile parts. I asked Arabic and Farsi speakers and they told me that the translation in both languages is Death to Israel.
Is it oversight that the BBC chose not to translate or incompetence that they didn’t bother to find someone who could read the languages?
BTW What’s with the parts? Iran has the complete system.It just for whatever reason refused to parde everything.
Here’s a bit of news that may have passed readers by.
You know how the bBBC just love to castigate the private sector, especially when anyone makes a profit and especially when executives pay themselves too much.
Now without in any way seeking to justify telephone number salaries and bonuses earned for little more than turning up for work, the bBBC in their normal hypocritical style are slightly more reticent about mentioning equal extravagance in the public and charity sectors.
So how about this. The package last year for the CEO of Which? The consumer magazine and what used to be the Consumer Association, last year was, wait for it, £819,000.
This for a £100 million turnover entity.
It makes the salary of the BP CEO positively stingy on a pro rata basis.
But do we hear anything from our national broadcaster. Of course we don’t.
OK, so where do I send the cheque?
The BBC is reporting that the Treasury reckons the average family will be worse off by £4,300 a year by 2030 if Britain leaves the EU (sic). But if the television poll tax was cancelled, that would save the average family £145.50 a year (assuming it remains at the current rate). So, £4300 minus £145.50 or £4154.50. And then we could cancel the Foreign Aid programme, currently stealing £650 a year from each family. That takes us down to about £3500. I can live with that – where do I send my cheque?
The £4300 figure is based on the so-called ‘Canadian’ option which no sensible person on the ‘Leave’ side considers is a viable option. In contrast, the Treasury’s assessment of the ‘Norway’ option (the one that many in the leave campaign consider is by far the best option) apparently shows that Brexit would have little effect. It is no surprise, therefore, that the BBC is silent on this, preferring to shout about the scare-mongering £4300 scenario.
Another thing I am not sure has been considered when £xyz numbers are bandied about is the overall cost of living. The middle classes in India, for example, have lower salaries but can afford to live at a higher standard because they have more disposable income. Look at Bangalore and Pune as examples of this. If some goods and services become cheaper due trading outside Europe it may well be a “wash”. I lived in Brazil for a while and your money went a lot further than here.
“The report says the size of the cut in gross domestic product would be the equivalent of about £4,300 a year for every household.”
Well, take it out of the money we waste on foreign aid each year and top it up with the proceeds from the sale of shares in Al Beeb when it gets privatised.
Shwmae Rhif saith
Nights again ?
There does appear to be a ‘drought’ of trolls?
On another topic, checking my weather station….global warming is down to 3 Deg C.
Daily Mail report that the poor sound quality of many BBC dramas and actors “mumbling ” is our fault for not tuning our aerials properly according to some Beeboid. You couldn’t make it up. My cousin is married to a retired Head of BBC special effects. About 10 years ago he was complaining to me about the decline in the sound quality of BBC TV programmes and his hearing is excellent.
Just the other day the Pope plucked a few Syrian refugee families from the Middle East and deposited them in Rome where they will be wrapped in cotton wool. They are all Muslims.
Apparently the pope is content to allow Christian Syrians to continue to be slaughtered, though he has apparently expressed sentiments to the contrary. Well, actions speak louder than words. And I suppose the Pope thinks it would not be politically correct for the leader of the Catholic Church to rescue Christians in dire need. Better to be all-encompassing and all-compassionate and demonstrate your love for all humankind by assisting the enemy first.
This is so insanely politically correct that even the BBC could take a few tips from it.
Pope Frank must have decided to take three muslim familes home with him to avoid the impression that he favoured Christians over muslims. It would be truly shocking if the leader of the World’s largest Christian church should be seen to support persecuted Christians, Jon Snow would have a fit, and that must never happen.
Truly, Pope Frank is a pathetic joke. I hope he resigns as soon as possible.
Another BBC News Facebook post that really is not doing well in the comments that it inspires:
Meet the Muslim women learning to defend and empower themselves through Muay Thai boxing.
“Before, when people shouted ‘Muslim!’ at me, I would start crying and go into the house. I didn’t know how to stand up for myself. Kickboxing has given me self confidence.” http://bbc.in/1p8Haai
Certainly an interesting legal precedent if accurately describing a person’s faith out loud can result in a pummelling. Maybe these ladies could form a gang and get drunk doing it, thereby having enough excuse to be pardoned?
As an aside, this new trend in media to intro stuff with ‘meet the…’ is bizarre. The audience is ‘meeting’ them. It is being served a one way broadcast edit.
On the subject of genocide, there was a BBC radio 4 programme yesterday called “justice across borders” in which Alan Little examined in some detail the International tribunal set up to investigate and punish those responsible for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia.
It started with the standard reference to “the west” setting up the tribunal to “salve its conscience” for not having intervened, but the most surprising element was that although Serbs and Croats were mentioned as perpetrators and sometimes as acquitted by the process, the other combatant group were not mentioned…..just not mentioned.
Bosnian Muslims, Muslim foreign fighters…..airbrushed out.
This was alarming to say the least since the latter part of the programme described the activities of an “outreach team” that went out into communities who appeared sceptical of the process and “continue to view some of the war criminals more as war heroes” to explain the process and challenge myths, so that a true account of the history of these events can be told.
I hope the outreach teams manage to include the third protagonist in the war in their “true account of history” unlike the BBCs account yesterday.
More Or Less used some peculiar logic to rubbish Channel 4’s ‘What do British (sic) Muslims Think?’ survey.
First we had the old excuse that they only represented 4% of the population, (why worry, who cares?), and then that they were spread about all over the place yet somehow concentrations also existed. The naughty surveyors had confined themselves to selecting only from those in the ‘Muslim areas’, leaving out those in the Shetlands and the BBC who would obviously be ‘more integrated’.
Now it might well be that people who live in a group think alike, (the BBC?), and therefore aren’t representative of everyone but if most people live in a group then their opinion is the majority one, regardless of what the minority in the ‘out group’ think. Pretty simple I would have thought: If you want to find out what most Muslims think then ask the group that most represents most Muslims!
Finally they toss in the idea that those hard line Irish Catholics who emigrated to Britain are now as amoral as the natives so obviously ‘our’ Muslims will ‘eventually’ fit in too. The trouble with that cosy argument is that Irish Catholics have given up on world domination and Muslims haven’t and can’t, (it’s in the book), and the Muslims in Britain who engage in terrorism aren’t mainly ‘straight off the boat’ but ‘integrated’ and ‘radicalised’ by the BBC and the UK school system.
ROP-ism and the belief in the ‘moderate’ is a faith in itself, perhaps Laurie Taylor could do a study of it?
It is funny. Most of the BBC’s output gives the impression that muslims are about 50% of the population. Suddenly ,when it suits them , it drops to 4% !
Or should we licence payers shout House!
Yes we’re playing BBC tv news item Bingo.
This jolly parlour game comes into its own as the BBC bring us a report on an exhibition of photographs of women dressed in various punk, mod, etc. subculture get ups snapped for posterity in the 1980s. You recall the 1980s – that’s when ‘diversity’ was still just a glint in a BBC Diversity Manager’s eye.
The story is that the girls featured in the original photos, now in their 50s, have turned up for the opening of an exhibition. Here’s an article showing many of the photographs. (I don’t like the look of yours!)
Now what aspects do you reckon the BBC will hone in on? Clue: think about the current BBC obsessions and agendas.
Item One: The BBC focus on the lesbian woman. Not, apparently in a relationship with the young with whom she was photographed back in the day but, we are reassured, having had a civil partnership (what, no ‘gay marriage’?) and, praise be, successfully adopting a child. Bully for her. Write a book about it – I can choose whether to buy and read it, if I wish.
Item Two: Racism. Careful now, the entire collection of photographs is rather monochrome – but the BBC zoom in on the two former skin head girls. And naturally after a sharp intake of BBC breath they tell us that although there was a lot of it about – they themselves were not really racist.
All that crammed into a short feature about photos of youth fashions.
No questions about what attracted them to the music or look of their particular group, how they feel about it now etc etc…. just agenda agenda agenda.
Just a throwaway fun little item on Daily politics on why people take more notice of celebrities opinions on Brexit than politicians. They all seemed to find this most amusing and interesting, particularly the snake oil salesperson, sorry I mean psychologist, who was invited to comment. Whatever you think about politicians I find this absolutely tragic and a state of affairs constantly encouraged by the BBC. Why on earth should anyone give any more credibility to the opinion of Ian Botham, or for God’s sake Emma Thomson, than Joe Bloggs in the street. If Jo Coburn wasn’t such a complete waste of space she might have pointed this out.
The second time I`ve got cause to praise Nick Robinson re his questionning of George Osborne on Today this morning.
He took somebody else apart the other day-but he toasts Osborne…totally.
He`d done his research, and I`ll imagine he`d have been surprised at how easy it was to screw over “The Chancellor”.
Well done Nick…thank you!
I have posted this before, but Osborne is ignorant of Economics, Business, Finance , Banking, Stock Markets, Taxation and all other disciplines required for his job. I wonder if Nick is a “Leaver”. He would have to be a closet leaver in the BBC !
“The top headline on BBC News this evening is “Treasury’s EU exit forecast sparks row”. This could have gone better for the Chancellor…’
Until the supertanker of poo mowed down a whole estuary wind farm, the BBC headlines on George of the Jumble’s lies, damn lies and Treasury figures were quite ‘factual’ on what he was claiming.
Nice to see Messrs Robbo and Neil’s professional integrity at least were unable to swallow this BS assault from a home team sticking in their craw.
It really is turning into a cluster-FUBAR for #Remain. How they are going to rig the result lord Hall knows.
I dont seem very good at pressing buttons today!
Pissed off I missed Robinson putting Osbourne in his place – he is really getting up my nose.
I think its that irritating, patrician, self assured Bullingdon Club smugness, he just knows hes right! The country will be financially ruined if we Brexit – Dont you ignorant little people know that!
Im afraid the radio got shouted at and I nearly had an accident.
These wankers seem to manage the country exactly the same as if they were having fellatio with a dead pigs head. They can do what they like with it, as it doesnt really mean that much to them.
Once they are spent and have f####d the country over they can just walk away. Its all just part of the great game really.
Its just a pity that that the long term results of Georges game will mean going backwards and sacrificing many of the changes to our society that have made our society such an attractive place to live in in the first place. One things for sure George and Davey boy will be long gone.
Just listening to PM where they repeat the myth that the UK needs to negotiate its own trade deals if we leave the EU.
The EU does not have trade deals with the USA or China yet the UK and other EU countries trade with them. The purpose of a trade deal is often more to do with protectionism and never to do with free trade.
Corbyn tried to do his own tax return without accountants. I wonder if the gorgeous Diane tried to do the same with her charity. Both of them them thick as two short planks .
The ‘ministry of truth’ tell us we will be financially worse of in 15 years if we leave.
They said that when we did not join the Euro, and look what happened to that ?
The Treasury can not predict the price of butter next week let alone next year .
Talking of crystal balls, the EU referendum was due to be discussed at next week’s meeting of the UK Clairvoyants and Fortune Tellers Society. Unfortunately, this has now been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances…boom,boom!
ZephirFeb 26, 21:30 Midweek 26th February 2025 No glasses ? funny that never glasses when begging for votes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvQbeTk9zJM
wwfcFeb 26, 21:28 Midweek 26th February 2025 Gary Lineker joins call for return of pulled BBC Gaza documentary starring Hamas chief’s son Departing Match of the Day…
Philip_2Feb 26, 21:27 Midweek 26th February 2025 Also: The BBC is paying money to the “Taliban’s propaganda wing” to ensure that it can broadcast in Afghanistan.!!! Since…
ZephirFeb 26, 21:26 Midweek 26th February 2025 And the rest, desperate bastards [img]https://i.postimg.cc/W42p0F2F/Capture.jpg[/img]
ZephirFeb 26, 21:24 Midweek 26th February 2025 will get on my knees for votes from a certain demographic, to put it politely
BRISSLESFeb 26, 21:14 Midweek 26th February 2025 None of the fact finders commenting on Lineker ? Blimey.
ZephirFeb 26, 21:13 Midweek 26th February 2025 Why is starmer, who repeatedy lied to get into power, wandering around the world posturing and pontificating and pretending he…
Obama’s biggest mistake was believing the Iranians will stop making a nuclear weapon. He just doesn’t know it yet.
Obama is a naive fool, way out of his depth. He knows nothing of the world outside the USA. The Iranians got everything they want without giving anything away. Obama’s useless Presidency has made the world a much more dangerous place. Looks like the Israelis will have to deal with it after all.
And when they do, imagine the oh so predictable reaction from the BBC.
Old. exactly !
Chris Grayling made a quiet, reasoned and reasonable case for Brexit on the Pandy Marr show this morning, dispelling the utter Bollox spoken by Mrs Bollox-Cooper and MicroMacron. Gave the lie to exclusion from European markets or paying Danegeld to the EU for access, pointing out that Turkey pays nothing in, has tariff-free trade and doesn’t have free movement.
Also makes the point about the trade imbalance and tariffs.
My apologies.
Of course we are actually PAYING Turkey to give them free movement, and the ‘we’ is literally us given our excessive ‘contribution’ to the EU-Turkey Syrian immigrant fudge.
BBC 1 – TBQs – does god care what you wear?
Nikki C goes straight to a Sikh to ask about Turbans?
then to another Sikh to carry on …
then some CofE dude … finally there s a woman in Hijab
Where are all the Burkha s?, the gobshites who have repeatedly
been pandered to by the BBC/N Campbell? … after all that is the issue?
I should imagine the reason it is ever in the news today at all, particularly
as it is being seen, applied increasingly to children.
The pretence is “gets closer to allah”, the reality is political statement of intent
and concealment, … no?, Nikki?, anyone?? … at all???
AW! only joking lets move on to Buddhists! eh … if a monk wearing a robe eh, tut tut! now that s an issue
I believe, like dirks in the socks of la Sturgeon’s woad warriors, the Sikh’s were persuaded that daggers were pressing a point too far.
And who knows how many RPGs those orange flows can conceal?
However, the uniform of other faiths are clearly incapable of harbouring anything more troubling than a vest.
Plenty of Hindus wear turbans. They are all the rage in the summer 40c heat of Rajasthan for example.
The problem with the Ropers is that they claim specific dress on the basis of religion when as with the Hindu turban, it is in fact cultural or even practical. It’s a con trick which subjugates women.
“Lily Allen reveals she was stalked for seven years by some bloke who broke into her home and tried to kill her”
I’m not surprised, have you heard her sing?
No, but I like her. She was a guest on TMS once and is a genuine cricket fan so she can’t be all bad !
Edwina Curry was a panelist on Any Questions on Friday. She’s a passionate “remainer” but, I think, let slip a really strong reason why we should grab this opportunity to vote out with both hands. She was questioned about the EU not being terribly democratic and said that “democracy wasn’t a panacea.” What a peculiar answer to give.
Surely, since the days of Magna Carta and the genesis of our freedoms, we have been struggling towards ever greater levels of democracy, not less of it. It wasn’t until very recently that all people in our islands were given any say in who ran our country. Women didn’t get a vote until the last century and Ms Curry wouldn’t be sitting on that panel if not for the freedoms offered by the democratic process. And here we have a campaigner to remain in this “undemocratic” outfit telling us that our democracy is over rated.
It was Winston Churchill who said that democracy was “the least worst form of government” and I think most people agree with him. But not, it seems, Edwina.
These Europhiles are a very strange lot.
That adulteress is just an annoying waste of skin – can’t stand to listen to her tedious drivel, delivered in that awful voice of hers.
Edwina has been a has been for many years now. Why would she be a guest ? Her statement should not be a surprise. It is impossible to believe in freedom and democracy and believe in the EU at the same time. They are mutually exclusive !
The whole point of the European Union is that it is not democratic. It was devised by the likes of Salter, Monnet and Schumann to be a government of Europe run by intelligent, disinterested civil servants (men like them in other words), who would decide the future of Europe free of the irrational and unhelpful views of the comon people.
Of course, they could never say this in public, the European Union had to be described as a “Common Market”, and given a form of parliament with no powers, as a figleaf of the democracy its founders despised. But be in no doubt, the EU was devised as an almost exact mirror image of the USA. It was never meant to be “government of the people, by the people, for the people”, quite the opposite.
Its founders were not evil men. They sincerely believed that nationalism and the nation state had led Europe into the two World Wars, and that a European government, untainted by national self interest or democratic pressures, would in the long run be best for all. Where their actions became despicable is that they never argued for this openly, but instead achieved their aims by stealth and lies. That is why our current referendum campaign is dominated by tawdry arguments over trade regulations and money, rather than the most fundamental question of all: who governs us?
If you were looking for just one word to describe Edwina Currie it would surely be sanctimonious.
What about “adulterated”?
Fred, ‘If you were looking for just one word to describe Edwina Currie it would surely be sanctimonious. ‘
How about: Brazen, lippy, mindless, salmonella, easy lay (like eggs), irritating, narcissistic ….
Hey, I like this game!
The world at one covered the possible impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, the incompetent, corrupt Brazilian socialist president of Brazil with a hairdo more ridiculous than Donald Trump.
Mark Mardell and his colleagues were in brilliant form. Not once did they explain why she was being impeached, (fiddling the accounts before the Brazil election since you ask), nor why the Brazilian people are so angry with her, (she turned Brazil from the fastest growing economy in the world to a basket case with the same speed and dedication as the socialist government in Venezuela).
However, Mardell spoke to people, including a former BBC correspondent, who were all heartbroken at the demise of a socialist government. It is not her fault she is so corrupt, the correspondent tearfully assured us, it is all the fault of the other nasty, horrible opposition politicians.
Now, if Cameron and his father did nothing financially illegal yet still get dragged over the coals by our national broadcaster, ought not the BBC just take a moment out from its unrelenting left wing cheerleading to tell its long suffering listeners why the lovely Dilma is being ousted, and why her downfall is being greeted with such joy on the streets of Brazil?
Yes, I was struck by how that report was wholly from the perspective of the left…some ex president was being wheeled out, I heard the words “a household name in Brazil, at least, on the left of the political spectrum” I’m afraid I switched the radio off then.
Was there a balancing opinion from the Brazilian right that I missed?
Embolden, yes there was a single person representing the hundreds of millions of angry Brazilians wishing to get rid of the incompetent, corrupt Dilma.
He was asked something along the lines of ‘does he feel responsible for the violence on the streets that MAY happen if she is ousted.’ Not an exact quote but he was certainly not asked to explain why the Brazilian people want her out.
Find myself impressed by Owen Bennett Jones on his “Analysis” programme.
Part 2 of “The Deobandis”.
Have a listen at about 25 minutes in, where an “Interfaith Ambassador” who shills for Islam is rumbled as calling for the death of the Ahmadiyya…and he twists and turns like an elver on a hook.
Sheer taqiyya in action.
Can only assume that Bennett Jones saw enough whilst working in Pakistan to be able to smell the bull-and he does a good job in this two-parter.
New found respect for him after this.
PS-whole programme is good too, if you`ve got the time.
Is the BBC going to get Ibrahim Mogra on to discuss it ?
you ll really hear some taqiya then, (in an ever so nice butter wouldn t melt in my beard kind of a way)
In rejecting Ahmadiyyas, The Muslim Council of Britain shows itself to be the divisive hate group we all knew
“recently the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) made a statement about me, saying the beliefs I follow mean I “cannot be eligible for affiliation with the Muslim Council”.
Dude … they re extremists! … you still wanna join?
Agreed, Chris, B-J puts him inder the spotlight and is relentless with his questioning.
But given the seriousness of this (we’re talking incitement to murder, here, aren’t we?) and the – for once – excellent bit of investigative reporting, it should be given wide and continuing coverage on the BBC’s prime time news and current affairs programmes to make more people aware of what is going on.
ChrisH – I too was impressed with this programme. It was certainly revealing and told of a hideous underlying power within all the mosques in the UK and the grip they have on their people. Frightening really. It’s definitely worth a listen.
Should anyone be surprised by this ? It is in the nature of Islam. I would love to know the views of useful idiots like Cameron and May who must know the reality. Are they too cowardly to speak out ?
“Are they too cowardly to speak out ? ”
Is the Pope a left wing idiot?
Sometimes I feel I live in a parallel universe, something like Alice in Wonderland. 3pm news on Radio 4 reported that Netanyahu said that Israel will keep the Golan (how unreasonable implied by Auntie). The newsreader explained that the Syrian government would want as part of the peace deal to stop the present fighting the return of the Golan. Only in some strange warped world, as viewed by the Kings of rhetoric would demands be made of Israel to stop fighting between themselves. Ok, I can see how these mad Muslims could come up with such a demand. But reporting this madness as though it is reasonable, and that the evil hawk, Netanyahu is grandstanding, shows the warped world that is the BBC.
Did the newsreader explain why Israel is holding the Golan Heights in the first place ? No , thought not !
If Israel wished to surrender the Golan who would get it? Syria is no longer by any reasonable definition a functioning state. Assad is a mass murderer of his own citizens but still hold the title of president. Just to complicate matters Al Qaeda holds much of the territory along the border between Israel controlled Golan and Syria.
Golan could be a homeland for the Druze, another middle Eastern minority hated for centuries by Sunni Muslim fundamentalists.
A good number of Israeli Druze have served in the IDF.
Having said that, I doubt Israel would surrender the Golan, it’s too strategically important and it could open up the Galilee to artillery and sniper fire like the old pre1967 days. It would also mean an end to Golan wines, as the barbarians in black could reasonably be expected to blow up the wineries and uproot the vineyards.
It would be insane for Israel to give up the Golan heights. I didn’t hear the news report in question but for the BBC to imply that this is a reasonable demand is a confirmation of acquiescence in the future destruction of Israel. But is that really a surprise? Isn’t that exactly what most of these self-proclaimed “anti-Zionists” on the left and within the BBC really want?
Yes, Lefties and the BBC want the total annhilation of the Israelis and the end to Israel. I am sure Israel will never give up the Golan heights. That would be suicide.
Anyone seen the Sunday politics?
There was an item, the risks of remaining in the EU.
The short piece at the beginning gave views from EUrines and Brexit. Twice as many from the EUrines.
Then, Andrew Neil interviewed Tristram Hunt, a EUriner, asking questions about the risks of staying in. Hunts answers all immediately switched to his perceived risks of leaving and was allowed to say outrageous lies by Neil.
He was saying we would have to be like Norway and pay to trade with the EU plus have to allow everyone into the uk. How many times do we have to say we will not go for a deal like Norway. They keep bringing it up though.
He said we have a voice at the table to reform the EU. Was it 70 times we voted against some proposals and 70 times we were defeated. Some voice.
He kept saying “a reformed Europe”. Cameron’s miserable package of reforms, brought back under the threat of a huge contributor, ourselves, leaving, shows how little we can influence anything and that the EU doesn’t do reforms.
He said we would not be able to trade with the EU if we were not a member. Is China or the USA a member? They trade with the EU.
He said we would have to take in just as many EU citizens as now if we wanted to trade with the EU. Does China and the USA have to take in EU citizens.
Why should we pay the EU to be able to give them an £80,000,000,000 more than they give us in trade. We should ask them to pay us.
There were so many lies by Hunt yet Neil gave him a very easy ride and asked few questions, letting Hunt spout off so much rubbish whilst blathering on.
Neil is much better than this.
Was he under instructions to go easy on Hunt.
A very disappointing interview, shame on you.
I think that Neil is a Euriner. He has a house in France so he may be worried about that. But , if he was a Leaver, he would certainly have challenged Hunt.
EUriner! What a brilliant word. Not heard of this before. If it’s your invention, well done. If not, thanks for bringing it to us. It so succinctly sums up what the “Remain” lot have been doing to the population with their endless nonsensical horror stories of a possible Brexit.
Taking the bloody pxxxx!
Not mine, I am afraid and I can’t remember where I first saw it. My late father ( I learned Eurosceptism on his knee in the 1960s ) would always refer to “Extracting the urine “.
Not mine either Jeff, I saw it on here or Breitbart.
EUthanizer – think it’s pretty apt given that the devious bast@rds want to kill off our way of life
Tristram Hunt – is that Cockney rhyming slang?
I think some years ago Lefties started talking about a Jeremy Hunt forgetting that they had an MP with the same surname !
Typical fawning BBC response to Remain drivel.
Sunday’s World at One on R4 was interviewing farmers about “losing their EU subsidies”. One yokel clearly had no idea that it was largely British taxpayers money that he was receiving and thought that his own government would be loathe to forward the cash which it was providing anyway directly to him. The interviewer did not point this out to him. The case is much different if a member of the public points out that mass uncontrolled immigration aggravates the housing shortage. A BBC interviewer will usually challenge an assertion contrary to received BBC wisdom.
Why is the EU referred to as a free-trade area anyway ? If the UK is paying 13 billion per annum to the EU for 260 billion exports to the EU, this is basically just a 5% trade tariff on all goods paid by the taxpayer rather than the exporter.
BBC 1 News now. Still supporting Dilma in Brasil.
Website reports that Brexit Ministers want Dave to stay on and lead exit negotiations if we win. They must be nuts !
And the exit negotiations will continue until Dave retires to his mansion in Dubai and highly paid post with the EU.
We’re All Going To Drown – BBC
“Picture yourself on a beautiful beach, anywhere in the world. Your favourite beach, maybe. The waves are lapping on the shore, the Sun is sparkling over the water and there is a refreshing ocean breeze.
Now imagine this beach has gone forever. Sea level has risen and the shoreline has moved inland by hundreds of metres, drowning stretch after stretch of former coastline in the process.”
Yes, tide gauges show that sea levels are rising. But a photo of sea level reaching the 3-meter mark is clearly an attempt to suggest that this is how much sea levels have risen by already…
…The author, one Vivien Cumming, does not seem to have worked out that sea level rise started long before CO2 made any appreciable difference.
She then helpfully explains that some of the rise is due to glaciers melting. Unfortunately she fails to report that the same glaciers have been melting as fast since the mid 19thC. Or that they all expanded massively during the Little Ice Age.
She finishes off with a load of drivel that if we don’t reduce GHG emissions, we’d all end up like those poor stone age settlers who all drowned on Dogger Bank.
If this is the BBC’s idea of “objective science”, I’m my auntie’s uncle.
The comments section is a real treat.
Meanwhile, elsewhere on the internet, sanity prevails:
During the deepest part of the last ice age, known as the Wisconsin, sea levels were about 400 feet lower than at present. As Earth emerged from the Wisconsin some 18,000 years ago and the massive ice sheets started to melt, sea levels began rising. Rapid sea level rise during the “meltwater pulse phase,” about 15,000 years ago, was roughly5 meters (16 feet) per century – but then slowed significantly since the Holocene Climate Optimum, about 8,000 years ago.
Those rising oceans created new ports for Greek and Roman naval and trade vessels. But today many of those structures and ruins are inland, out in the open, making them popular tourist destinations. How did that happen? The Little Ice Age once again turned substantial ocean water into ice, lowering sea levels, and leaving former ports stranded. Not enough ice has melted since 1850 to make them harbors again.
– See more at: http://www.cfact.org/2013/12/01/history-falsifies-climate-alarmist-sea-level-claims
The BBC ‘educating and informing’ on behalf of its 28gate mates – whilst you pay for it
The Fascist Left, – don’t even discuss the validity of ‘climate change’ because it’s settled science.
DO discuss and teach the universally discredited creationist myth when Muslims want it, but deride ridicule and attack Christians when they believe in it!
All day long the BBC news on Radio 4 has been broadcasting a warning from the British EU Commissioner (unelected) that farmers might not retain the subsidies they currently enjoy under the woeful common agricultural policy. He went on to state that the treasury might well look to save some money by not paying out any grants / subsidies to farmers.
This is just blatant blackmail, and one which the BBC has failed to ask relevant questions of. Threats to withdraw cash from struggling farmers if they fail to vote the right way at a time when the National Farmers Union is meeting to decide which way they will recommend their members to vote is truly appalling.
Not to mention the fact that an EU Commissioner recommending leave would be like a Turkey voting for Christmas!
None of this was raised by the BBC at all
Am I right in thinking that NZ abolished all subsidies many years ago and farmers thrived ? In fact NZ seems to be a good example of a country not in a Union and doing well. And they’ve got a pretty good cricket team !
And an even better Rugby one.
True !
I believe you are right, but I believe there was short term pain resulting in long term gain.
Come to think of it, what an apt slogan for the present situation upcoming in the U.K.
There will be problems as we adjust to a different scenario if we left. Unfortunately the bird in the hand …. will sway many.
I think Messrs Kinnock, Mandelson and those who follow must not be negative about the Eu or they lose their pension, which, I believe, is not subject to income tax.
So no EU commissioner is going to be other than 100% on message, are they?
The evidence mounts of a link between Saudi and Western leaders acting in collusion, probably with financial incentives promised for the ‘correct’ outcomes.
Saudi couldn’t pull all its assets from the US even if it wanted to, so that is not a credible reason for the Obama decision.
The BBC sure is getting all hot about headwear today
BBC 3 – The Dilemmas of Hijabi Girl
BBC – Haifa gives a voice to the Muslim community by unravelling showers, hairdos, bedtime and all other hijab-related stuff.
And remember, it’s not a towel – it’s a hijab!
“Voice to the Muslim community”? … the “dilemma”? … should be why wrap your head, in Sharia, in the UK?
especially if your a “girl”, definition not a woman.
All aspects of Sharia should be gone along with its trappings
Is this the BBC or bloody MCB? is there a difference?
S Warsi – on What do Muslims really think?
“1. Never trust anyone who starts with “I have a Muslim/Jewish/Black/Gay friend BUT”
that obviously includes T Phillips then?
A week is a long time in meteorological terms, and I’m having a quiet chuckle to myself. Don’t be surprised if we hear of our MSM and of course the BBC banging on this week about how “hot” it is in certain parts of the country. But as I say a week is a long time. This time next week, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Don’t switch that heating off just yet boys and girls. 😎
The BBC captions this photograph Iranian ant-Israeli sentiment was also on display at Sunday’s parade in Iran displays new Russian S-300 defence missile parts. I asked Arabic and Farsi speakers and they told me that the translation in both languages is Death to Israel.
Is it oversight that the BBC chose not to translate or incompetence that they didn’t bother to find someone who could read the languages?
BTW What’s with the parts? Iran has the complete system.It just for whatever reason refused to parde everything.
Here’s a bit of news that may have passed readers by.
You know how the bBBC just love to castigate the private sector, especially when anyone makes a profit and especially when executives pay themselves too much.
Now without in any way seeking to justify telephone number salaries and bonuses earned for little more than turning up for work, the bBBC in their normal hypocritical style are slightly more reticent about mentioning equal extravagance in the public and charity sectors.
So how about this. The package last year for the CEO of Which? The consumer magazine and what used to be the Consumer Association, last year was, wait for it, £819,000.
This for a £100 million turnover entity.
It makes the salary of the BP CEO positively stingy on a pro rata basis.
But do we hear anything from our national broadcaster. Of course we don’t.
Never mind that, the BBC are pretty reticent about their own remuneration packages ! Hypocrites.
A few things I can’t understand about the BBC:
1. The BBC support Palestine but not Israel. Israel is a state that supports women’s rights, gay rights and Democracy.
2. The BBC supports Global Warming. There is no evidence to support this.
3. The BBC supports continued membership of the European Union. There is no evidence to support membership of the European Union.
4. The BBC supports the Labour Party. (Good luck with that).
5. The BBC dislikes Trump. Are they backing the wrong horse?
OK, so where do I send the cheque?
The BBC is reporting that the Treasury reckons the average family will be worse off by £4,300 a year by 2030 if Britain leaves the EU (sic). But if the television poll tax was cancelled, that would save the average family £145.50 a year (assuming it remains at the current rate). So, £4300 minus £145.50 or £4154.50. And then we could cancel the Foreign Aid programme, currently stealing £650 a year from each family. That takes us down to about £3500. I can live with that – where do I send my cheque?
The £4300 figure is based on the so-called ‘Canadian’ option which no sensible person on the ‘Leave’ side considers is a viable option. In contrast, the Treasury’s assessment of the ‘Norway’ option (the one that many in the leave campaign consider is by far the best option) apparently shows that Brexit would have little effect. It is no surprise, therefore, that the BBC is silent on this, preferring to shout about the scare-mongering £4300 scenario.
Another thing I am not sure has been considered when £xyz numbers are bandied about is the overall cost of living. The middle classes in India, for example, have lower salaries but can afford to live at a higher standard because they have more disposable income. Look at Bangalore and Pune as examples of this. If some goods and services become cheaper due trading outside Europe it may well be a “wash”. I lived in Brazil for a while and your money went a lot further than here.
“The report says the size of the cut in gross domestic product would be the equivalent of about £4,300 a year for every household.”
Well, take it out of the money we waste on foreign aid each year and top it up with the proceeds from the sale of shares in Al Beeb when it gets privatised.
Where have all Al Beeb’s Trolls gone ?
Shwmae taffman.
Probably told to keep their heads down by Car Moron – ” Don’t upset the Natives”.
Or something like that!! He must have some sympathy for the beeboids with the coverage that “Project Fear” is getting.
Shwmae Rhif saith
Nights again ?
There does appear to be a ‘drought’ of trolls?
On another topic, checking my weather station….global warming is down to 3 Deg C.
Not checked the figures but my dogs think it’s effing cold, by the way they are curled up into balls – quite amazing for “long” dogs.
PS. WRT Nights again.
A little surfing before retiring to my pit.
Security checks to carry out ……
Nos Dda
Trolls, plural? I thought it was Zero aka Jerrod aka Scott. Trolls here love their akas
Daily Mail report that the poor sound quality of many BBC dramas and actors “mumbling ” is our fault for not tuning our aerials properly according to some Beeboid. You couldn’t make it up. My cousin is married to a retired Head of BBC special effects. About 10 years ago he was complaining to me about the decline in the sound quality of BBC TV programmes and his hearing is excellent.
Just the other day the Pope plucked a few Syrian refugee families from the Middle East and deposited them in Rome where they will be wrapped in cotton wool. They are all Muslims.
Apparently the pope is content to allow Christian Syrians to continue to be slaughtered, though he has apparently expressed sentiments to the contrary. Well, actions speak louder than words. And I suppose the Pope thinks it would not be politically correct for the leader of the Catholic Church to rescue Christians in dire need. Better to be all-encompassing and all-compassionate and demonstrate your love for all humankind by assisting the enemy first.
This is so insanely politically correct that even the BBC could take a few tips from it.
The UK Parliament is debating the Genocide on wednesday. The Pope doesn’t give a monkey’s toss about the Genocide.
Just incredible. Reminds me of Obama cuddling up to the Muslim world while ignoring the genocide of Christians.
Let your MP know your view on IS genocidal activities in Syria and Iraq before Wednesday’s parliamentary debate.
Ask him/ her to vote accordingly.
I don’t wish to be rude to Catholic members of this forum, but you appear to have a f*ckwit for a Pope.
LOL ! Don’t hold back , say what you really think !
Don’t apologise Roland, as a (lapsed) Catholic, I would concur with your assessment. This Pope is a total t*t.
Pope Frank must have decided to take three muslim familes home with him to avoid the impression that he favoured Christians over muslims. It would be truly shocking if the leader of the World’s largest Christian church should be seen to support persecuted Christians, Jon Snow would have a fit, and that must never happen.
Truly, Pope Frank is a pathetic joke. I hope he resigns as soon as possible.
Another BBC News Facebook post that really is not doing well in the comments that it inspires:
Meet the Muslim women learning to defend and empower themselves through Muay Thai boxing.
“Before, when people shouted ‘Muslim!’ at me, I would start crying and go into the house. I didn’t know how to stand up for myself. Kickboxing has given me self confidence.” http://bbc.in/1p8Haai
Certainly an interesting legal precedent if accurately describing a person’s faith out loud can result in a pummelling. Maybe these ladies could form a gang and get drunk doing it, thereby having enough excuse to be pardoned?
As an aside, this new trend in media to intro stuff with ‘meet the…’ is bizarre. The audience is ‘meeting’ them. It is being served a one way broadcast edit.
And mostly, the sensible reaction is ‘I’ll pass’.
On the subject of genocide, there was a BBC radio 4 programme yesterday called “justice across borders” in which Alan Little examined in some detail the International tribunal set up to investigate and punish those responsible for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia.
It started with the standard reference to “the west” setting up the tribunal to “salve its conscience” for not having intervened, but the most surprising element was that although Serbs and Croats were mentioned as perpetrators and sometimes as acquitted by the process, the other combatant group were not mentioned…..just not mentioned.
Bosnian Muslims, Muslim foreign fighters…..airbrushed out.
This was alarming to say the least since the latter part of the programme described the activities of an “outreach team” that went out into communities who appeared sceptical of the process and “continue to view some of the war criminals more as war heroes” to explain the process and challenge myths, so that a true account of the history of these events can be told.
I hope the outreach teams manage to include the third protagonist in the war in their “true account of history” unlike the BBCs account yesterday.
More Or Less used some peculiar logic to rubbish Channel 4’s ‘What do British (sic) Muslims Think?’ survey.
First we had the old excuse that they only represented 4% of the population, (why worry, who cares?), and then that they were spread about all over the place yet somehow concentrations also existed. The naughty surveyors had confined themselves to selecting only from those in the ‘Muslim areas’, leaving out those in the Shetlands and the BBC who would obviously be ‘more integrated’.
Now it might well be that people who live in a group think alike, (the BBC?), and therefore aren’t representative of everyone but if most people live in a group then their opinion is the majority one, regardless of what the minority in the ‘out group’ think. Pretty simple I would have thought: If you want to find out what most Muslims think then ask the group that most represents most Muslims!
Finally they toss in the idea that those hard line Irish Catholics who emigrated to Britain are now as amoral as the natives so obviously ‘our’ Muslims will ‘eventually’ fit in too. The trouble with that cosy argument is that Irish Catholics have given up on world domination and Muslims haven’t and can’t, (it’s in the book), and the Muslims in Britain who engage in terrorism aren’t mainly ‘straight off the boat’ but ‘integrated’ and ‘radicalised’ by the BBC and the UK school system.
ROP-ism and the belief in the ‘moderate’ is a faith in itself, perhaps Laurie Taylor could do a study of it?
JimS ,
It is funny. Most of the BBC’s output gives the impression that muslims are about 50% of the population. Suddenly ,when it suits them , it drops to 4% !
There are subsets to that odd BBC percentage game when it comes to ‘children’ under that category, too.
Maybe Mishal is on crouching duty to ensure moral equivalence levels are as required?
Oops, my browser ‘hung’ and wouldn’t let me edit before closing time.
That is ‘couching’, editorially, with the BBC Khans in close support.
Or should we licence payers shout House!
Yes we’re playing BBC tv news item Bingo.
This jolly parlour game comes into its own as the BBC bring us a report on an exhibition of photographs of women dressed in various punk, mod, etc. subculture get ups snapped for posterity in the 1980s. You recall the 1980s – that’s when ‘diversity’ was still just a glint in a BBC Diversity Manager’s eye.
The story is that the girls featured in the original photos, now in their 50s, have turned up for the opening of an exhibition. Here’s an article showing many of the photographs. (I don’t like the look of yours!)
Now what aspects do you reckon the BBC will hone in on? Clue: think about the current BBC obsessions and agendas.
Item One: The BBC focus on the lesbian woman. Not, apparently in a relationship with the young with whom she was photographed back in the day but, we are reassured, having had a civil partnership (what, no ‘gay marriage’?) and, praise be, successfully adopting a child. Bully for her. Write a book about it – I can choose whether to buy and read it, if I wish.
Item Two: Racism. Careful now, the entire collection of photographs is rather monochrome – but the BBC zoom in on the two former skin head girls. And naturally after a sharp intake of BBC breath they tell us that although there was a lot of it about – they themselves were not really racist.
All that crammed into a short feature about photos of youth fashions.
No questions about what attracted them to the music or look of their particular group, how they feel about it now etc etc…. just agenda agenda agenda.
Yes, Fraser, the state media really doesn’t support the state when it chooses.
Just a throwaway fun little item on Daily politics on why people take more notice of celebrities opinions on Brexit than politicians. They all seemed to find this most amusing and interesting, particularly the snake oil salesperson, sorry I mean psychologist, who was invited to comment. Whatever you think about politicians I find this absolutely tragic and a state of affairs constantly encouraged by the BBC. Why on earth should anyone give any more credibility to the opinion of Ian Botham, or for God’s sake Emma Thomson, than Joe Bloggs in the street. If Jo Coburn wasn’t such a complete waste of space she might have pointed this out.
Quite agree. But do people take notice of celebrity opinions ? Maybe the BBC should ask Joe Bloggs !
Asking Joe Bloggs – a real one, not an ethnically suitable one – would be a first step for the BBC.
I almost suggested a man on a Clapham Omnibus, but then realized he is aka Scott aka Jerrod aka Zero.
Most of the men on the Clapham Omnibus these days probably are ethnically suitable.
Oaknash go on, spit it out !
taffman ,
He is being enigmatic and trying to get us to complete the sentence. Something beginning with “p”. Let me think……………….
The second time I`ve got cause to praise Nick Robinson re his questionning of George Osborne on Today this morning.
He took somebody else apart the other day-but he toasts Osborne…totally.
He`d done his research, and I`ll imagine he`d have been surprised at how easy it was to screw over “The Chancellor”.
Well done Nick…thank you!
I have posted this before, but Osborne is ignorant of Economics, Business, Finance , Banking, Stock Markets, Taxation and all other disciplines required for his job. I wonder if Nick is a “Leaver”. He would have to be a closet leaver in the BBC !
That’s Nick & Andrew, versus the other 19,998. So, a BBC views being ‘split’ then?
“The top headline on BBC News this evening is “Treasury’s EU exit forecast sparks row”. This could have gone better for the Chancellor…’
Until the supertanker of poo mowed down a whole estuary wind farm, the BBC headlines on George of the Jumble’s lies, damn lies and Treasury figures were quite ‘factual’ on what he was claiming.
Nice to see Messrs Robbo and Neil’s professional integrity at least were unable to swallow this BS assault from a home team sticking in their craw.
It really is turning into a cluster-FUBAR for #Remain. How they are going to rig the result lord Hall knows.
I dont seem very good at pressing buttons today!
Pissed off I missed Robinson putting Osbourne in his place – he is really getting up my nose.
I think its that irritating, patrician, self assured Bullingdon Club smugness, he just knows hes right! The country will be financially ruined if we Brexit – Dont you ignorant little people know that!
Im afraid the radio got shouted at and I nearly had an accident.
These wankers seem to manage the country exactly the same as if they were having fellatio with a dead pigs head. They can do what they like with it, as it doesnt really mean that much to them.
Once they are spent and have f####d the country over they can just walk away. Its all just part of the great game really.
Its just a pity that that the long term results of Georges game will mean going backwards and sacrificing many of the changes to our society that have made our society such an attractive place to live in in the first place. One things for sure George and Davey boy will be long gone.
Just listening to PM where they repeat the myth that the UK needs to negotiate its own trade deals if we leave the EU.
The EU does not have trade deals with the USA or China yet the UK and other EU countries trade with them. The purpose of a trade deal is often more to do with protectionism and never to do with free trade.
The bBBC doesn’t seem to have found room to report the latest news from their favourite racist. Diane Abbott facing £5,000 fine and possible prosecution over charity she named after herself
Corbyn tried to do his own tax return without accountants. I wonder if the gorgeous Diane tried to do the same with her charity. Both of them them thick as two short planks .
Are we quite sure Diane Abbot and Camilla Batman-Jelly aren’t the same person? If Diane lost a few stone they would look like twins.
Na, they wear different coloured clothes.
It is ‘clothes of colour’, especially around (that being a long way) Ms. Abbott, I believe.
The ‘ministry of truth’ tell us we will be financially worse of in 15 years if we leave.
They said that when we did not join the Euro, and look what happened to that ?
The Treasury can not predict the price of butter next week let alone next year .
Yes, the Treasury has an appalling record of prediction and advice.
They must have a wonderful crystal ball to look that far ahead. I must tell my stockbroker to remember get one .
Talking of crystal balls, the EU referendum was due to be discussed at next week’s meeting of the UK Clairvoyants and Fortune Tellers Society. Unfortunately, this has now been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances…boom,boom!
Don’t worry, coat on and headed for the door.
taffman and Steve,
The BBC seems to have a soft spot for Venezuela…
Hell of a signature policy to have as a legacy… and then lose that too.
Maybe Mardell and Mason could do a joint special on the new economics?
Meanwhile, in a more secure country near you… EU…. sources close to the BBc have learned to tell folk…
‘He has hardly left his home in Cologne in the last few days and he is also now under police protection.’
Maybe he’s staying in, like all the women?
And in other news…
John Whittingdale has appointed five new members to the Gambling Commission. Two of them have the BBC in their CVs
What are the odds, being Beeboids are so savvy on gambling?