The Pope’s compassion is plain to see…all the more so as the BBC has made it headline news on its frontpage….
You are not alone, Pope tells migrants
Amusingly though the BBC effectively summed it all up, and the BBC’s own lack of answers, with this final thought on the Pope’s narrative….
The Pope is coming with a strong moral message – but no solutions.
That’s the trouble….open borders and compassion are not solutions but problems in the making. Moral grandstanding is fine but of course it is not they who have to make the decisions, and not them who have to live with the consequences.
What would you rather see if you were a refugee…the Pope whispering worthy nothings in your ear or Spike Milligan dropping his pants and whistling Ave Maria?
Here, in the interest of “balance” is the view of the exiled Catholic Archbishop Nona of Mosul in Iraq,
“Please, try to understand us. Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever growing number of Muslims. Also you are in danger.
You must take strong and courageous decisions, even at the cost of contradicting your principles. You think all men are equal, but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men are equal.
Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home.”
Pope Francis, please comfort your flock in Irbil, Lebanon, Damascus.
Demand an end to the genocide.
embolden, Quite right. This Pope is an idiot on so many matters. I have no idea why he is kissing the muslim ass when, as you say, a Genocide is being committed against Christians in the Middle East.
Or this
“‘What is happening in the Middle East will happen in Europe,’” translated from «Was im Nahen Osten geschieht, wird auch in Europa passieren», Tages Anzeiger, April 14, 2016 (thanks to Othmar):
Isa Gürbüz, the Syrian Orthodox Church leader in Switzerland, calls Christians to be vigilant. The agenda of Islam is to take power.
“In 20 or 30 years there will be a Muslim majority in Europe. Half of European women will then wear a hijab.” This prediction doesn’t come from Michel Houellebecq or Thilo Sarrazin, but from Dionysos Isa Gürbüz, the Syrian Orthodox bishop in Switzerland. He resides in the idyllic Lake Zug Arth Capuchin monastery, with two monks and two nuns. From the monastery Mor Avgin, as it is called today, he oversees the 10,000 Syrian Orthodox faithful in Switzerland and 4,000 in Austria.
Isa Gürbüz is busy preparing for the Easter services, which are celebrated in his church in late April. Then his coreligionists will flock in the hundreds to Arth. Together they will pray, sing and debate – in the Aramaic native language, the sacred language that Jesus spoke. The Syrian Orthodox Church is the oldest of all. In her home in the former Mesopotamia, today Syria and Iraq, they are persecuted. “Arth has therefore become a center for the preservation of our endangered religion and culture,” says Gürbüz.
The fate of the Christians preoccupies the bishop.
This popey is a dopey. He is really a Marxist liberation theology “priest”.
Point of information. Jesus’s daily language was probably Aramaic although it is quite possible he had some proficiency in Roman and Greek. His sacred language was HEBREW.
Agreed deegee-which makes the words of Gurbuz even MORE powerful.
For this is the very HEART of the Christian church..that we now see it as a Muslim monoculture that gets ever more so by the month is a tragedy.
Pope Francis of course is nowhere…even Welby and Prince Charles have at least mentioned the decline and wiping out of what was once the cradle of the first authentic Christian church before we got to create local equivalents.
Pope Francis probably has no understanding of the doctrine of hell anymore…but Jesus has harsh things( as you describe in Aramaic) to say about false shepherds and hirelings that leave their flock to be butchered.
Maybe if he got his head out of Obamas arse , realised that climate change is unbiblical, that national borders are God-ordained-and that Trump knows more about Jewish wisdom theology that HE does…then he`d avoid the flames of hell….but the Guardian tealight on a Lesbos beach seems more agreeable to him.
An utter disaster this Imbroglio…a Messi Church would be better than this fakir…hell, even Benedict on a hydration drip would be an improvement.
I have watched the report on the Al Beeb 24hr propaganda spraying channel. The person who’s the worlds ‘most detached from reality’ is preaching to the media what people who don’t give a flying need what he thinks, need to do!
The Catholic Church is built on self preservation and is the original mafia. It asks it’s ‘followers’ to give everything to keep the religious barons in huge mansions and priests a licence to molest kids, even though praying is free and can be done at home! No wonderful the Al Beeb have so much time to listen to them!
I well remember the chattering classes being appalled when Joseph Ratzinger became Pope in 2005.
And with good reason, for he was the most intellectually gifted theological leader of his generation.
Within a couple of years he`d been reduced to a quisling for Islam on account of what happened to his church after his Regensburg speech in 2006…as anodyne as you could imagine, but when you put the Turks up with Islam supremacists and an EU who Ratzinger had already accused of being a relatavist, humanist death cult of hopey-changey crap…you can see why he had to go-indeed the first pope ever not to die in office.
So as he heads towards his death-we need to appreciate what he stood for, and we`ll not even see his like again at the Vatican.
And as this Francis cabbage continues to be the Guardians wicca basket for good intentions and green pagan cults like the Guardian and the BBC…we`ll not be seeing too many other popes in our lifetime either-for IS will be wanting Rome very soon…and Francis is a clueless suckup…hence why he`s so venerated by The Enemies of Christ and the Cross.
Well-as he washes feet and smuggles Islamic texts back home-he`s not getting done for not backing gays or harbouring paedos as usual by the BBC…that`ll be the BBCs job too of course.
Oh wait-how can he NOT be accused of supporting paedos seeing as he wants us to open all possible borders and orifices for his new-found Muslim chums on Lesbos.
It`s as if John Paul wasn`t shot by similar types on May 13th 1981…indeed the pictures today reminded me of that.
Ironic that all these muslims and the Pope are on an island called Lesbos. As Tommy Cooper used to say ” You gotta laugh ” !
Germany Flooded with Under-Age Migrants They Can’t Deport
Merkel the insane.
I don’t suppose the BBC will ask him , but why has he taken just twelve ? Why not 120 , 1200 , 12 000 , 120 000 ? More ?
Could it be that twelve is a cosy figure , not able to subsume the resources of the Vatican , change it beyond recognition and Islamify it ?
Germany 1 000 000+ , Britain 3 000 000+ , Vatican 12 .
Nibor, I was going to post just that ! It is a token publicity gesture, nothing more than that.
Argentina is a very big country with quite a small population. Why doesn’t Pope Frank suggest his own country takes a million or two and see what happens?
Is the Pope Catholic? That used to be the standard response where I came from whenever someone asked a blindingly self-obvious question. Problem is, it seems to have become a perfectly valid question in its own right. When it was announced that the Holy Father was demonstrating his opportunistic grandstanding, sorry I mean heartfelt religious convictions, by taking in three ‘refugee’ families I thought it was obvious that one would be Christian (as Syria has a large Christian heritage), one would be Yahidzi (as they have suffered enormously under IS) and one would be Muslim (for tokenistic balance). Note that the initial BBC coverage featured photos and footage of Yahidzis. But no, it’s three Muslim families. Two fingers to the Christians of Syria and the world at large, but a fully BBC-compliant response. Maybe the Holy Father should be concentrating on the Next World a bit more than the Third World.
In most circumstances if a rather naive and incredibly wealthy old bachelor invited several Arab families, with six kids, into his home, you’d possibly think this isn’t going to end well. In fact most of us might believe the well meaning old boy had lost his senses and was asking for trouble. We could even consider contacting the social services.
Come to think of it…
The Vatican is rich , therefore let the Pontiff charter Lufthansa and Al Italia to take all the refugees on Lesbos to Rome and a secure passageway into the Vatican , where they can be processed there .
Unless the BBC explains , I can’t see a problem with that !
Surely the ultimate surrender. Why did he take three Muslim families and not three Christian families?
Exactly. Especially given the Genocide being committed against Christians. I don’t know if the Pope has spoken out against this as I do not follow all of this buffoon’s pronouncements. But he should be condemning it every day. And what signal is he sending to muslims ? Moron.
I expect he took three muslim families to avoid being criticized for supporting Christians in some way. He is only the Pope after all, why should the fate of Christians be any of his concern?
A very good point.
He seems more in favour of PC PR than integrity.
Maybe David Cameron should get him on the phones with Mssrs Ashdown and Kinnock, cheerled by the BBC, of course.