Remember this?…
Teachers reject ‘Army propaganda’
Paul McGarr, a teacher from east London, said only when recruiting materials gave a true picture of war would he welcome them into his school.
‘Shoot and possibly torture’
These would have to say: “Join the Army and we will send you to carry out the imperialist occupation of other people’s countries,” Mr McGarr said.
“Join the Army and we will send you to bomb, shoot and possibly torture fellow human beings in other countries.
“Join the Army and we will send you probably poorly equipped into situations where people will try to shoot or kill you because you are occupying other people’s countries.
“Join the Army, and if you survive and come home, possibly injured or mentally damaged, you and your family will be shabbily treated.”
The real trouble is that the kids reject the teachers…and it is so often the Forces that rescues them from a life of poverty, crime and disillusion.
Unable to read by age 11… now he’s top of his class at Sandhurst: Cadet who grew up on north London estate awarded prestigious ‘sword of honour’ after beating Oxbridge candidates
How the Left must hate that story of a Black kid, failed by the education system, rocketing to the top in the racist and imperialist army that only wants to use them as cannon fodder.
Colonel Richard Kemp speaks up…
The Army gives a sense of purpose to so many young lives
The history of the British Armed Forces is replete with men and women from the humblest of backgrounds who have defied the odds to achieve the most remarkable success.
Kidane Cousland, from a council estate in Tottenham, who left school at the age of 15 barely able to read, and also originally joined as a Private, is a shining example. Yesterday he won the Sword of Honour, awarded to the top officer cadet at Sandhurst. By any measure this is a remarkable achievement. To win the sword, Cousland not only beat the 200 members of his intake on the world’s most demanding leadership course, but also the many hundreds of other applicants who failed even to reach the formidable front gates of the Royal Military Academy.
For many recruits, some as young as 16, the Army is their first proper family, and their instructors the first people to take any real interest in whether they sink or swim. Contrary to the screaming, shouting image favoured by TV documentary makers , staff at basic training centres care deeply about their recruits. They make enormous efforts – often in their own time – to encourage them to succeed. This is a matter of personal and professional pride and also because they know that the lives of their young charges may soon depend on the standards they have trained them to.
Virtually every close relative of a soldier in my regiment, the Royal Anglians, had done time in prison. He would have followed the same path had not his attention been caught one day by the display in an Army recruiting office window. Instead he gained the top non-commissioned rank in the Army and devoted himself to fighting for his country and inspiring others to succeed.
The leadership and dedication of men like this paves the way for young soldiers such as Kidane Cousland to realise their extraordinary potential and to contribute so much to the defence of our country.
Well done that man just proves that with hard work kindness and belief in ones self works wonders.
It also proves the PC,teachers are only in it for themselves not the children. Some schools should have army teachers with the remit that they are in charge and that the parents agree . The stats and overall behavior will go up
My schooldays were close to the end of WW2. A teacher who made hostile comments about the army would have been visited by a few recently demobbed dads.
In my schooldays in the 60s and 70s, some of the teachers themselves were war veterans.
Yeah, we had a teacher who lived in a caravan on the school grounds. Lots of rumours about what he used to do, but no one asked. Mr Prideaux, his name was.
Jesus tittyfucking Christ, Alan. This has to go down as one of the most embarrassing pages in this website’s history. The MOD are cunts. They treat ex-soldiers like dirt.
The British army is an institution and symbol of everything the left detest and want to see destroyed. Its about protecting sovereignty, integrity, the Crown and the people of this most wonderful country.
The left know that the British army will never be with them under its current format and the people who join it, up to those that hold the highest power are all for Queen and country. The left hate that. The socialists hate that. The labour party hate that. The Al Beeb and other traitorous MSM organisations hellbent on destroying our way of life hate that. The people of this country need the armed forces and we are going to need them even more in the very near future when the choice of winning back our way of life is no longer a dream but because we are about to be wiped from the face of this earth…..
……and when the time comes…. Paul McGrarr, Jeremey Corbyn, the NUT, Unite, the Al Beeb, the Labour party, the lib dems, anyone on the left who all seem to to be fanatical about enforcing their warped views on the rest of us over what’s actually good for the people they should be protecting…. They will be held to account. They will be responsible for what they have caused. We should never let them forget that they had control of the world in a time of peace and harmony and destroyed it to benefit just themselves. There is no treason higher than that in my eyes
Don’t think for a minute that HM armed forces are immune from the Brigade of Bollocks.
A quick look on RAF news tells me that the Red Arrows will be flying over this years London “Pride” event to show support for the LGBT community.
And this months “soldier” magazine is devoted to the role of the Army in promoted gender equality, though they seem to be reassuringly behind the curve on gender fluidity…for now.
Don’t get me wrong, as far as I can tell from friend and family anecdotes….the armed forces always had a place for the discreetly different, who earned respect on merit….but now….in yer face gayness….Deal with it……men and women are interchangeable and are the same…..and all the rest of the liberal “life without limits” crap is being inflicted on them too, notwithstanding some of the disciplinary matters that have surfaced not least the ongoing inquiries into the “sexualised” culture at Deepcut and other cases that appear from time to time in the media.
The enemy within a traitors to our country will never be those choosing to serve our great country. It doesn’t matter if they are black, white, gay or think they are a zebra, if they choose to fight for our way of life they are hero’s in my eyes. The traitors are those privileged, protected, affluent, self-righteous gobshites who think they have all the answers and go into politics, civil service and media to force their warped views down our throats and then change laws and regulations to unsure we damn well have to accept them. These are the bast@rds hate the armed forces and are desperately trying to weaken them and do those PR/politicised stunts of fly by and lovey dovey days. The cowardly left will never fight for our country
The enemy within a traitors to our country will never be those choosing to serve in our great armed forces. It doesn’t matter if they are black, white, gay or think they are a zebra, if they choose to fight for our way of life they are hero’s in my eyes. The traitors are those privileged, protected, affluent, self-righteous gobshites who think they have all the answers and go into politics, civil service and media to force their warped views down our throats and then change laws and regulations to unsure we damn well have to accept them. These are the bast@rds hate the armed forces and are desperately trying to weaken them and do those PR/politicised stunts of fly by and lovey dovey days. The cowardly left will never fight for our country
Maybe Putin will take note of the priorities of the Red Arrows. Perhaps they might fly once in a while over Isis territory and drop few bombs whilst awaiting a victory over hearts and minds
Well I for one will be very disappointed if the Reds don’t get fully into the spirit of London Pride by mixing up their smoke trails a bit so that it all comes out a nice pink colour.
Judging by the photo on RAF news they’ll be trailing the colours of the rainbow.
So the red arrows are now the red arseholes? 🙂
Will the pride march route go through any Muslim ‘no go’ areas?
A member of the Socialist Worker Party. That should explain his treasonous words. They poison the minds of our youngsters so that they think the EU is “a good thing”.
There are several Paul McGarr’s sufficiently famous to appear in an Internet search. Is this him?