BBC Breakfast visit Ulster for a taste of the issues prior to the May elections
But it’s not so much ‘game on’ as ‘gay mon’ as the BBC shamelessly and relentlessly push their favourite social agenda
In a short item featuring supposedly random voters, supposedly neutral commentators and our supposedly unbiased Naga Mung-bean-spaghetti the issue of pantomime marriage gets no less than four mentions – beating all comers: jobs, training, health, the troubles, the economy etc etc.
Hey BBC… as they say in snooker – put some bottom on it
Nothing needs to be shunted around the schedules these days. Back in the day of just three channels it was a regular 8.30 Friday appointment for my Dad.
In these days of the red button, BBC4 and children’s channels that now broadcast until 9pm, snooker and the like can be broadcast on such channels.
I was often disappointed back in those days of 3 channels when I arrived home from school to find Grange Hill had been cancelled for the budget or some other news or sports event. Yet today to ensure the agenda of multi cult, miscegenation and Christ knows what else gets through, the BBC’s two kids channels are left untouched and in glorious HD until 9pm, drip, drip, drip. We don’t need 2 kids channels each broadcasting 13 hours per day and taking up HD airspace.
Lets face it Gardeners World is just too white and too British….
I was watching a football game and a message came on saying press the red button for more information.
When I pressed the red button the tv went to standby.
Surely the concept of gardening itself is too British? In many cultures of the world, the garden is just a dusty back yard used for hanging out washing, pounding grain and sacrificing animals. Come on BBC, let’s change the programme to reflect modern diverse Britain!
Bid pedantic AslSeelt but I keep reading this as it is at the top of the thread.
“Game on” is for DARTS!
But as we’re on snooker and homosexuality, I do so wish Whittingdale would give the bBBC a deep screw.
“I really wish ITV or channel 4 would take it over…The BBC obviously don’t put any value on it as they treat it as disposable, so they should do the honourable thing and allow a channel that would treasure it to take it on.”
The BBC started its referendum coverage by concentrating on the political divisions amongst the ‘leave’ campaigners as if somehow that was important rather than the ‘leave/remain’ decision itself.
Now they have moved on to branding all the ‘leave’ politicians as ‘rebels’ as if that was important.
In a rare moment of sanity a ‘leave’ campaigner managed to make the point this is NOT a general election, the ‘leave’ campaign is NOT a party ‘in waiting’ with a manifesto of pledges that it hopes to enact. ‘They’ do NOT have to explain how ‘leave’ works – we have 1000 years of history and 120 plus other countries in the world that show us that.
Even the ‘remain’ people tell us that they don’t like how the EU works, that it needs ‘reform’ yet the BBC never challenges them to ask how that will be achieved ‘from the inside’. We saw how pathetic Cameron’s recent time-limited list of ‘maybes’ was and that was after all his ‘threats’ to leave!
The politicians are NOT important. We have had just about 40 years of every mainstream party giving us NO choice over the EU so by definition every MP of a mainstream party that wanted out has been a ‘rebel’. It has been the threat of UKIP collecting the groundswell of votes from the disenfranchised people that has given us the referendum.
A significant number of the people want their country back. A significant number of the people don’t realise yet what has been given away and the BBC and others have conspired to hide that in a fog of confusion, omissions and downright lies.
The grand old Turk was keen to enlarge his lads’ harems quite quickly
But for legitimate EU entry his nation looked well sickly
Now a million migrants in boats
Had raised the Turk’s hopes
But when he whipped off the veil his own Teutonic prize was Frau Mutti
The old Argy that leads the world’s papists
Has given his blessing to rapists
He does not think it’s a sin
As he took twelve people in
Though these weren’t rapists nor papists but get pisseds
I know that is off topic but what the hell…
What a crafty old bird is the Erdogan
His tash can hold more than Merkel’s belly can (Not really)
The BBC really do not like democracy and ‘the people’ having a say these days:
“Public status
All of which would be perfectly unexceptionable, were it not for the fact that – this being France – the Nuit Debout movement has been accorded a public status that it does not remotely deserve.”
This piece is under “News” when it should be “Opinion”. One of the many problems with the BBC is that, in their confused, twisted minds, they don’t know the difference any more. The Beeboid refers to “Populist Right “. Has anyone ever heard the BBC refer to ” Populist Left” ? Bias ? What Bias ?
The patronising use of the term “populist”, encapsulates everything that is wrong with the BBC i.e. this viewpoint is held by many people, but we the “elite” know that we are right and they are wrong. And by doing so a bunch of second rate journalists have deluded themselves into believing that they actually are the elite.
Not that inverting the meaning of words is anything new to the left. The word “progressive” also comes to mind. If only Orwell was alive today…
Yes, so true. Beeboids really do think they are superior to the Plebs, even though Beeboids have fewer skills than your average alley cat. If Orwell were alive today, he would not be surprised by any of this !
Grant, separating news & opinion is a long forgotten skill in the UK media although ‘the print’ occasionally remember to do it although usually it is because they cannot think up a snappy title for someone’s column quickly enough and just label it ‘Comment’ or ‘Opinion’.
The media – with rare exceptions – have been predictably breathless in their reporting of this “democratic awakening”.
Errrrm… Arab Spring, BBC? I seem to recall you being rather predictably breathless about that when most here could work out precisely where it would lead.
Can’t remember whether I’ve told this on B-BBC before but I remember listening to WatO not long after Labour were first elected back to Government in 1997. Think it was the late Nick Clarke presenting. Blair had just announced he and colleagues were going ‘on the road’ to talk to people where they are and to find out what they wanted from the new Government. Clarke went ballistic as ‘they’ say! I couldn’t figure out why someone who was normally so measured on air was upset by an obviously sensible thing for any new Government, keen to represent ‘the people’ (as it appeared at the time) and put in place our policies not those dreamed up for us by Government.
I just could not understand why Clarke was so upset.
Then the penny dropped. The BBC is THE Mediator between God and Man, Government and People. There shall be no other. Blair was proposing short circuiting this process and going direct to the people to hear their voices and desires.
The BBC would be miffed because, when Labour are in power , the BBC consider themselves part of Government. Just as now they consider themselves part of the opposition.
Shades of Cologne, if it had been your average white males I’ve no doubt the outrage from the feminists at the Beeb would be overwhelming, but if it’s TMA cue tumbleweeds. All 11 bailed so they know where they are, I’m guessing a local migrant hostel maybe close to the one in Gillingham where the young girl was raped by three men , trial ongoing and again can’t find it on the Beeb,.
If it is not on the BBC, then the men cannot be white. And we are only hearing about the rapes which are reported on the MSM. I assume this is just the tip of the iceberg.
The Daily Politics studio all agreed that by concentrating on academies Corbyn’s PMQ efforts were not in tune with the issues of the day. Despite that they then proceeded to flog the subject to death for the next 20 minutes. Were they studiously ignoring the furore that Cameron created in the House by accusing Sadiq Khan of being too close to Islamic extremists?
‘proceeded to flog the subject to death for the next 20 minutes’
Even if Labour don’t directly tip the wink the BBC are so in sync with Labour thinking that their respective talking points are practically indestinguishable. Both act as Trades Unions for the public sector. Both find Britain distastful so persue enforced diversity through supranational law and governance.
Didn’t see this and a bit off topic but on academies. Government policy is not only to make every school an academy but to create a new higher tier of management, in charge of multi-academy trusts. The board of these (note, no longer called governors) will be increasingly ‘professional’ and in the interests of ‘professionalism’ academies will no longer need to have (‘amateur’) parent governors. The ‘head teacher’ (aka CEO) of these MATs will need a ‘different skill set’ (i.e. not one teaching related but management related, though who thinks a non-educationist would common respect in such a role?). Proof? Government white paper ‘Educational Excellence Everywhere’. Is Nicky Morgan on some illegal substances?
In other words we are hurtling towards an educational elite, bound to be highly paid ‘to attract the best talent’, increasingly remote from the public, from what should be their core purpose, and increasingly unaccountable to local communities.
Aren’t we having a referendum on a certain other matter, driven by some of those very same issues and deeply held concerns?
Wake up bBBC. There’s a proper job to do here, if only some of the newsroom student Marxists had brains and proper powers of enquiry.
It’s a policy for which the Conservatives have no electoral mandate. If they were so keen on it, they might have mentioned it in their manifesto last year surely?
One thing I did agree with on Daily Politics, and surprisingly it came from the lips of an ex- Labour minister, is that Cameron needs to show a bit of leadership and intervene in the junior doctors dispute.
Apart from seeing it in the national press, has it been reported on any channel that 75% of doctors who have been struck off by the BMC are of foreign origin ? Top of the list were Indians followed by African and Pakistan, then an assortment of other countries including Eastern Europe. I won’t deny that my heart sinks when I am referred to a name that my tongue cant pronounce, because the dialogue will be full of ‘pardon’s and sorry’s’, as I struggle to understand their dialect. I know I’m not the only one, so I find it a very scary scenario that our health is as risk due to incompetence, beginning with a language problem. We may as well take our chances with a mask wearing witch doctor – at least it would give us a giggle !
Every time I read of doctors with overseas qualifications being struck off, and having problems communicating in English, my thoughts go to the possible content of their degree courses. Like it or not most medical journals, research papers and up to date scientific facts are published in English. A British university course would require that new and up to date material is included in the courses. So what kind of courses do you attend when English language publications are unavailable?
So what kind of courses do you attend when English language publications are unavailable? ………
Surely if there are no English language publications available, then there is no point in having ambitions of practising where English is the main language ! its not beyond the wit of potential globe trotting doctors, that the learning of communicable English is a priority before even embarking on a medical course.
I could put up with a bit of linguistic misunderstanding if the GPs were actually available to be seen. Like many men I rarely go to the doctors. Last time was about 5 years ago, when the appointment date was about 10 days ahead. Having booked one recently it’s now more like a month. I’m sure you can get virulent types of cancer that can kill you in that time!
Call me Mr Cynical but I wonder if the delays may be due to pepperpot shaped Somali women with their brood of kids clogging up the waiting room?
In the interests of impartiality and to be fair to both sides of the EU question.
Could the bBBC find and interview a person who not only wants to remain in the EU but is also so pleased with the current state of the EU that they can find little or no fault in it and do not feel any further reform is necessary.
One proviso. No-one who works for, has worked for, or is entitled to a pension from, the EU is permitted.
The only positive reason for remaining in the EU that I’ve heard from the ‘remain’ lot is that we get to keep/gain laws that we the British wouldn’t vote for.
Being a bear of simple mind I thought that the point of a democracy was that the people got to decide who governed them and hence what laws get made. This bear also thinks that if ‘refugees’ can get into the EU from China and Pakistan surely a UK citizen who wanted to live under German law could just move in with Merkel’s new mates?
The BBC has a live Queens 90th Birthday program tomorrow, what’s the betting that the highlight will be the personal delivery of the birthday cake and the one clip guaranteed to feature across all their ‘news’ programs later in the day?
Yes, and she will be wearing her hijab like a good multiculty Brit. The cake will have candles and Sir Elton will be singing a revised version of an earlier song called ’90 Candles in the Wind’.
I understand, during your visit to London later this week, you are planning to reinforce your July 2015 statement:
QUOTE “Having the UK in the European Union gives us much greater confidence about the strength of the transatlantic union”.
Please would you reconsider any further support for the EU REMAIN faction until you take into account what the USA would do faced with a similar situation, say with your equivalent main trading union, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
In such a similar situation, the US would have to cede a substantial amount of national sovereignty to NAFTA, to enable, NAFTA laws, commissioned by non-elected Commissioners, having primacy over US legislation, enforced by a NAFTA Supreme court:
For just a small example of areas of concern with our current UK position for comparison:
a. 50 per cent of UK legislation with “significant economic impact” originates from EU.
b. 60 per cent of EU laws relating to the fields of agriculture, fisheries and trade with non-EU states.
c. Laws affecting the free movement of peoples throughout the EU, with rights to claim state benefits in all member states.
d. EU Convention of Human Rights supremacy impacting all member states.
e. With the advent of Ukraine and the migrant crisis affecting the EU, other areas like Defence, public services, foreign policy and taxation were largely protected in the UK by an EU veto or qualified majority voting. However these areas are increasingly being desired to be brought under EU legislation.
The US would never, ever, consider ceding such a loss of democratic sovereignty or decision making to such an unaccountable body.
I therefore respectfully request you do not encourage the British electorate to have our rights and sovereign democracy further eroded and we can return to determining our own National destiny.
Good one ! I think you will probably get a reply maybe from the British Embassy in London. The Americans tend to be quite conscientious about these things. Please share it with us .
“I think you will probably get a reply maybe from the British Embassy in London.”
On first reading I thought you’d made a mistake and meant to write “the American Embassy in London”, but thinking about the ethnic composition of modern London there probably does need to be a “British” embassy in there for any of the indigenous people who haven’t managed to escape..
Was going to write about how rude and stupid Emily Maitliss was last night as she “spoke over ” David Owen repeatedly on Newsnight .
Clearly to go from zealous Eurofanatic to Brexit is one “personal journey”…and he is experienced enough at the top levels to have something of value to tell us about why the EU is unreformable…God knows he`s tried to do it all his life-and only recently has decided that it`s a disaster in the making.
Now Maitliss might not LIKE that direction of travel-but he`ll have his reasons , and a good interviewer like Walden-or even Parkinson or Jimmy Young-would LISTEN to what Owen was saying , and then grill him on this.
But no Maitliss has her highlighted script and a few dog biscuits in the corner if she can skewer Owen on ANY spurious counts for the editing suite…absolutely NO interest or ability to see the gaps and presumptions, no willingness to accept that a man of his experience might have something to say, need not be shouted over and harried.
Maitless invited HIM on-so I`d have thought she might want to learn something about why he feels as he does.
And-like or loath- he is to be respected as his own man, and someone who DID change politics.
I was going to write about it-then, blow me, Sarah Montague attempts the same nonsense with Liam Fox this morning….who gave HER the right to try to derail a genuine world view that needs saying…and interrupting is NOT debate.
Annoyed me given the gentle taps Monty gave to us Democrat Larry Summers-who wants us to stay in Europe.
Tell us wise US Treasury Secretary-have you news from the colonies that might tell the plebs that they`d better stay in the EU then?
Sorry Larry-you see the UK as a “Bridge” between the USA and the EU…a walkover , to be spat on and of no value in itself.
Sorry mate…we`re not your stepping stones, even with the green plants lining your path.
But Sarah wasn`t going to question the Americans-what would Barak say?
I just knew this!
Poor Victoria Wood dies today-and we get the Desert Island Discs story of her awful childhood…and that bloody Barry song about “Let`s do it”.
Bloody cliches are us!
S`pose there`s no chance of us hearing her scripts and how funny, generous and successful she was…but the chippy cliches and her greatest lazy hit are so much more Radio 4!
Playing the giddy kipper…the woman was a genius at language-God hless her and her poor family
The BBC, and all the news outlets seem only to get their stories via Twitter. I am really sorry to hear that Victoria Wood has died, I really enjoyed much of her humour (although less so Acorn Antiques). What I am not interest is to hear what John Cleese, Ricky Gervais or anybody else has blasted tweeted – the only reason they Tweet is to get their name on the BBC and the only reason the BBC reports their Tweets is because the Tweeters are their buddies and they want to raise their profile and alsothe BBC (and others) cannot be arsed (sorry for the language but it gets me so cross) to go an get some proper news.
Don’t worry about the language, there is much worse on this site. I am upset about Victoria. I saw her in her early days at the Edinburgh fringe and she was great. Gentle, self-deprecating humour and no
swearing ( ! ). I may be wrong but I don’t think she was one of the BBC Leftie clones ?
the only reason they Tweet is to get their name on the BBC and the only reason the BBC reports their Tweets is because the Tweeters are their buddies and they want to raise their profile ………
Couldn’t agree more ! The ones who come to mind immediately who are guilty of tweeting on everything, is the awful Richard Madeley, and the even more awful Gary LIneker – (who these days looks like a mad maitre ‘d).
Excellent post. I have no particular love of David Owen, but for some third rate BBC hack like Maitlis to disrespect him sums up the prevailing BBC attitude that the interviewers are more important than the interviewees. This only applies to interviewees who do not share the BBC’s political opinions, of course. Otherwise it is a sick-making love-in.
Ta grant.
Particularly when you saw her previous “interview” with Pascal Lamy-who she continually referred to as a former WTO leader of some kind.
Unfortunately for her, Nick Robinson had already shown him in his programme earlier as Giscards boules polishing oilcloth and all round suckup for the EU, and a Thatcher baiter on behalf of the appalling Giscard D`Eastaing.
But we didn`t hear so much of THAT role of Lamy…Mekon-like, fat French smugalungs in favour of a United European Area.
Pascal got no interruptions of course, WTO statesman-not EU gold plated pensioner who`ll say ANYTHING to keep the EU continually snuffing us out as a nation state.
PS-apparently ” A Girl Called Jack” by Jack Monroe is Radio 4`s book of the week next week…the odious hypocrite who can`t work out if she`s a bloke or a bird…but will mock Camerons dead son Ivan to get a poltical point across to her liberal scumbuckets online.
Classy…and how radio 4 to reward this slimer….
“Giscard’s boules polishing oilcloth”. LOL ! Classic. When I first heard the name Pascal Lamy, I thought it was a champagne or cognac. Is he related to David Lammy ?
Maitliss really is a nasty, snarling, piece of work. In this clip her deviousness is exposed. Watch her bare her teeth here when Dennis Skinner gives her a dressing down at the end of the interview:
What particularly annoys me about that is the way she tries to pretend it was a joke. Can you imagine someone like Sir Robin Day doing that? Why not just say ‘I’m sorry Mr Skinner – perhaps I misunderstood you. For the benefit of the viewers, etc, please confirm what you wanted to say etc etc’.
I wish more interviewees would go on the attack like The Beast of Bolsover. During a live broadcast they are left squirming and their amateurism is exposed for all to see. Maitliss used to do the local news in London and I can confirm that she has been consistent throughout her career.
I’m a print journalist, not a TV one, so I accept there’s more pressure on them than me, but sometimes I’ve had angry phone calls from Beast of Bolsover types claiming I’ve misrepresented them. I’ve always just said ‘please explain what we got wrong and if necessary we will issue a correction.’ I don’t think I’ve ever tried to claim it was all a joke!
Your actions are exactly what most people would consider reasonable. With the BBC, much of the pressure the journalists are under when working live must be due to the requirement to push the agenda.
Sad to hear that Victoria Wood has died but note that she only got seven minutes on the BBC 6 o’clock news unlike David Bowie who got more than twice that. I would imagine that when Sir Cliff finally snuffs it he probably won’t even get a mention.
Al Beeb comment in news now re Victoria Wood passing away …………………’Best television eva made’
I do know that some of the Al Beeb readers may not like this. I am very sorry for the poor lady, but I didn’t find her very funny.
Perhaps its my sense of humour ?
Victoria Wood was a very talented comedy writer and performer. I don’t know about her politics because I never got a sense of them from anything she did or said. She was of that generation of entertainers who believed that that kind of thing should stay private and not become part of their repertoire – unlike the ‘new wave’ of so-called comedians who came after her, who made being ‘anti-fatcher’ the entire point of their tiresome shtick (Ben Elton, you hypocritical t*sser, I’m looking at you).
The BBC, being the gormless morons they are, have simply co-opted Ms Wood’s untimely death as an occasion to ‘celebrate’ her ‘working class roots’ and remind us all how much ‘of the people’ she was. I wonder what Ms Wood would make of that. I don’t think she’d be too impressed.
The BBC: Reputations are never safe in their hands.
Ben Elton has been claiming for some time now that he has never been a lefty comedian. The bit about not being a comedian I can accept but not being a lefty? Perhaps I imagined the routines of his that I had the misfortune to catch in the 80s.
Credit where credit is due though, Blackadder was good (except series one…cue debate).
The fact that ‘biting satirist’ Mr Elton hung up his spangly suit at almost exactly the same time as Blair came to power had nothing to do with his politics, obviously! To be fair I note from his wikipedia entry that he did speak out against anti-Christian bias in the BBC.
And how, the BBC inform us, will Malia Bouattia make her impact on the student scene in the immediate future? Those valued and perceptive youngsters who devote themselves so assiduously to improving the nation, our students, have voted Ms Bouattia into the Presidency of the NUS where, I feel sure, her contribution will be even more valued and perceptive than those she will represent.
Mind you, she apparently voted to reject a motion (in her university debating society, I’d guess) that sought to condemn IS, and has referred to Birmingham Uni as ‘something of a Zionist outpost’ – but hey, we simply have to celebrate another vibrant and prescient example of our multicultural paradise. Enjoy.
Come to think of it, are we still entitled to use the term ‘paradise’ or is that now in breach of some fatwah or other?
The universities see themselves as leading the campaign to destroy the state of Israel. Oh they do not put it quite like that but that is what they want. BDS is the tool that they hope wil deligitimize the state of Israel and lead to punitive sanctions from the UN. These dreadful people have no interest in the fate of Israel’s people particularly if they are Jewish. They are by any definition anti Semitic.They cannot be reasoned with and they cannot be dissuaded from the course they are taking.
The people of Israel need to understand that this hostility is unthinking, visceral and free of any reasoned approach.
The major universities are thoroughy compromised. Recently Edinburgh has shown it’s true colours and once again I must single out Exeter for special praise. By praise I wish to make it clear that that place has distinguished itself in the campaign to deligitimise Israel.
Make no mistake Israel is being treated as no other nation is in the world and that includes those paragons of civilisation we are all familiar with like N.Korea and the rest of the totalitarian states infesting our world.
If anything reveals the decadence of the West it is this attitude to Israel.
Here’s a piece of comforting news. The National Union of Students have just elected their new president. The new president is black, female and a Muslim. There’s three boxes ticked in one go!
Malia Bouttia has previously penned an article describing Birmingham University as “something of a Zionist outpost.” In a 2014 video from a “Gaza and Palestinian Revolution” event, she is seen calling on Muslims to support Palestinian “resistance.” Hmmm, I wonder what she could have had in mind…This Muzzie doesn’t sound like much of a cake baker to me.
I read somewhere else today that members of the NUS were calling for the end of the Holocaust Memorial Day.
Am I seeing a pattern here?
Looks like the BBC will have another generation of brainwashed, f*ckwit, left-wing students to recruit from. Hopefully, that avenue of employment will have disappeared before Bouttia and her contemporaries reach puberty.
This is different Jeff because this death cult worshipping lunatic is as dangerous as they come. She is the absolute epitome of extremist. In any other walk of life or belief this mentalist would have be called a racist, evil, delusional psychopath and banned from being able to brainwash those soppy, hippy, privileged gobshites that move on from university and into positions in society that effect the rest of us.
If it wasn’t leading to the destruction of our way of life, it would be hilarious watching how child like the liberals see the art of box ticking. Every one is equal in their sick warped eyes and if it takes a million laws or legislation changes then that is what it takes.
This evil ROPer delusionist will at least do everything in her power to push us further down the path of Islamification and at most will turn as many people as possible to the true Islamic path of jihad. Like all ROPers she is desperate for the death of Israel. The death of homosexuals. The deaths of all infidels anywhere and everywhere on earth.
I calculate from other articles I have read about this unpleasant character that she isabout 28 years old. Malia, get a job, there’s a good girl.
When I was a student it was always the ‘mature’ students that caused most of the real trouble and spent their time rabble rousing. They were full of plans to end apartheid whilst at the same time incapable of keeping the Union bar clean. Unemployable wastes of space the lot of them.
Tothepoint: Yes, quite true. I believe the habit of claiming all cultures are equal (a tactic so beloved of the fascist, regressive left), is known as ‘cultural relativism’. It’s an ideology that has, in previously enlightened, civilised western societies, outlawed any criticism of the Religion of Special Exceptions, insisting that 7th century homophobia, bigotry, racism and religious totalitarianism should be ‘respected’.
This is the p*sspoor state of the millennial snowflake generation. God help us all.
I heard this morning she is Algerian. The NUS defines Black as students of African, Asian, Arab and Caribbean descent. Or should we say if you are not European descent or think it politically advisable to background the Caucasian part of yourself, like Obama, the NUS labels you BLACK!
BTW Arabs are usually considered to be White Caucasian, not least by themselves. The last thing you want to be in most Arab states is Negroid.
Malia Bouttia has previously penned an article describing Birmingham University as “something of a Zionist outpost.”
I read somewhere else today that members of the NUS were calling for the end of the Holocaust Memorial Day.
Am I seeing a pattern here?
Funny given Muslim hostility towards Jews, that so many Jews are nevertheless supportive of Muslim immigration,
to Britain and the EU, don’t you think?
Malia Bouttia has previously penned an article describing Birmingham University as “something of a Zionist outpost.”
I read somewhere else today that members of the NUS were calling for the end of the Holocaust Memorial Day.
Am I seeing a pattern here?
Funny given Muslim hostility towards Jews, that so many Jews are nevertheless supportive of Muslim immigration,
to Britain and the EU, don’t you think?
Just watched the BBC 4 documentary ” Treasure Islands”. This is something the BBC do well, but partly spoilt by the loud mindless muzak drowning out the commentary. The presenter couldn’t resist describing the Falklands as ” multicultural”. And we know where that is coming from ! But the BBC did report that, in a referendum, the islanders voted 99.8 % to remain with the UK. And no hint of it being rigged !
I noticed that, he called the hideously White-British Falkland Islanders “multicultural” twice. An odd contortion of Political Correctness, because he has visited the Multiracial but Culturally integrated dependencies of Bermuda, the Pitcairn Islands and Tristan Da Cunha without mentioning multiculturalism. But he also said that three Falkland Islanders had voted against British Culture, and that they wont be at the Party celebrating British Culture. So Multiculturalism in the Falkland Islands is represented by 99.8 of the population supporting British Culture, and 0.2 percent of the population (3 people) supporting a different Culture.
Also at the end of the documentary, I noticed the standard BBC Climate science fraud about the Antarctic, what he called “the melting is real”. There are two points about this: (1) It was filmed in daylight, so the BBC are legally covered by the Antarctic seasonal trend. (2) I was told that the BBC now put this at the end of documentaries, because the segment has to be removed for broadcasting in the US, due to legal reasons, while we in Britain will continue to receive this type of propaganda as long as the BBC Trust exists.
Yes, I meant to say that he mentioned it twice and there was , predictably, the usual Global Warming stuff. It is amazing that the BBC have not worked that into Great British Bake-off but I should not give them ideas !
It’s worrying that what appears to be rampant anti Semitism is gaining such a hold in British universities. Some of these intolerant lefties and Muslim groups are not so different to the Nazis that the left are supposed to despise; and yet they’re supporting them.
There seems to be a peculiar breakdown that takes place in the progressive and “liberal” mindset that manages to distort and corrupt clear facts to support their poisonous fiction.
I was listening to the former London mayor, Ken Livingstone, a few weeks ago. He made comparisons between those that went to fight (against fascism) in the Spanish civil war and those that now go to fight for ISIS. The bloke really is barking mad! How the hell you could compare George Orwell with Jihadi John?
Frightening to think that this revolting reptile was in charge of the capital until a few years ago. Still, not to worry; a brand new London mayor will be elected in May.
For those of a squeamish disposition please look away now…
“…Some of these intolerant lefties and Muslim groups are not so different to the Nazis that the left are supposed to despise; and yet they’re supporting them.”
No surprises there, then. The intolerant left has always been drawn towards authoritarianism. From Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, through to Mao and Pol Pot they all considered themselves ‘socialists’ in one form or another – Turkish muslims were quick to ally themselves to the Nazi (anti-semitic) cause in WWII (Himmler even had a special muslim Waffen-SS corps created).
Anti-semitism and the left are no strangers to each other. All it takes is a look through the history books. It’s all there. The problem is that millennial snowflakes and SJW’s no longer read books and their Marxist university ‘educators’ will never reveal the truth buried in those books because that doesn’t fit today’s dominant progressive fascist narratives (in time, no doubt, history will be revised to exclude all mention of socialism’s cancerous history).
Shared from Facebook (I didn’t write it although I wish I had): My letter of complaint to the BBC about its standards.
The article reports the conviction of the gay parade stabber. You shamelessly identify him as an ‘Ultra-Orthodox Jew’, as if this has something to do with the crime for which he was convicted. Your organisation would never identify any other religion even when large numbers of adherents of that religion commit atrocities in the name of that religion. in fact your organisation will go out of its way to point out that the suspect(s)/perpetrator(s) and their crimes/misdeeds/terror have nothing to do with the religion in whose name the suspect/perpetrator has claimed to act.
There are clergy of that religion that promote such violence and claimed adherents who support and celebrate the murders, bombings etc. You do not wish to malign this religion, nor its adherents many of who are peaceable and non-murderous.
There is nothing in the act of this individual that reflects Ultra-Orthodox Jews or Judaism, nor are there Rabbis or other Ultra-Orthodox leaders promoting or perpetrating violence against, gays, non-believers, apostates. Nevertheless your reporter, and no doubt your editorial staff are perfectly content that this INDIVIDUAL, lone wolf, acting contrary to all Jewish law and practice as taught and followed by ultra-orthodox Jews, needs to be identified as ultra-orthodox. You clearly do not fear insulting Jews, Ultra-Orthodox or others, and unequivocally associate Ultra-Orthodox Jews with terror and murder.
I have no doubt that you will fail to answer this complaint by acknowledging the anti-Antisemitism, prejudice, bigotry and inaccuracy of your report. Nor do i anticipate that you will investigate what ULTRA ORTHODOX leaders and believers teach about murder. You know that despite your distasteful and insulting slur on religious Jews you will not fear anything stronger than letters of protest. You will not fear that ultra-Orthodox rabbis will declare Jewish Jihad against you, nor will your journalists be targeted by ultra-orthodox Jews.
Shared from Facebook (I didn’t write it although I wish I had): My letter of complaint to the BBC about its standards.
The article reports the conviction of the gay parade stabber. You shamelessly identify him as an ‘Ultra-Orthodox Jew’, as if this has something to do with the crime for which he was convicted. Your organisation would never identify any other religion even when large numbers of adherents of that religion commit atrocities in the name of that religion. in fact your organisation will go out of its way to point out that the suspect(s)/perpetrator(s) and their crimes/misdeeds/terror have nothing to do with the religion in whose name the suspect/perpetrator has claimed to act.
There are clergy of that religion that promote such violence and claimed adherents who support and celebrate the murders, bombings etc. You do not wish to malign this religion, nor its adherents many of who are peaceable and non-murderous.
There is nothing in the act of this individual that reflects Ultra-Orthodox Jews or Judaism, nor are there Rabbis or other Ultra-Orthodox leaders promoting or perpetrating violence against, gays, non-believers, apostates. Nevertheless your reporter, and no doubt your editorial staff are perfectly content that this INDIVIDUAL, lone wolf, acting contrary to all Jewish law and practice as taught and followed by ultra-orthodox Jews, needs to be identified as ultra-orthodox. You clearly do not fear insulting Jews, Ultra-Orthodox or others, and unequivocally associate Ultra-Orthodox Jews with terror and murder.
I have no doubt that you will fail to answer this complaint by acknowledging the anti-Antisemitism, prejudice, bigotry and inaccuracy of your report. Nor do i anticipate that you will investigate what ULTRA ORTHODOX leaders and believers teach about murder. You know that despite your distasteful and insulting slur on religious Jews you will not fear anything stronger than letters of protest. You will not fear that ultra-Orthodox rabbis will declare Jewish Jihad against you, nor will your journalists be targeted by ultra-orthodox Jews.
BTW The BBC Guidelines state: Religion editorial principles
* We will ensure that the beliefs and practices of the great world faiths are described accurately and impartially.
* We will ensure the religious views and beliefs of an individual, a religion or religious denomination are not misrepresented, abused or discriminated against, as judged against generally accepted standards.
Morality. Morality. Morality….. The bain of normal, mentally stable people everywhere on earth. It seams forcing someone’s opinion.. sorry morals onto others without any discussion or request if this is what THEY want is the new go to action for the freedom hating left.
“Its morally the right thing to do” was a statement I heard a million times from the scumbag, traitorous bast@rds desperate to shoehorn every single death cult rapist that wanted to ruin our way of life with Islamic enrichment. The “Morally this”, “morally that” narrative was thrown about like it was the only buzz word that every existed. The lunatic left use the moral stick to beat off all debate as it’s purpose is to make those who disagree with them sound and feel evil for doing so….
But hold on. What’s this on the Al mujahideen Beeb webshite…
“Iranians vent anger at new police morality unit”
So how are the left going to play this morality top trumps?? In their warped eyes the left hold the highest possible standards of morality… Yet their ROPer fuck buddies hold a whole different standard… Just another sickening irony in the ROPer/left love in. If the left even cared for an answer to the dangerous top trump conundrum then here is the answer..
The lefts morality is debatable and driven by the mind set of the day. The death cult ROPers have their morality already determined by Mo the child loving barbarian. What is happening in Tehran is happening in ALL Islamic cultures and societies. As certain as night follows day our Islamic friends are going to morally inforce Muhammads instructions on the rest of us…but hey, don’t worry! It’s the morally correct thing to do!
It is morally right, morally commendable, etc. Funny how the word ‘morally’ is superfluous in moral argument.
What is the difference between being right and being morally right about something?
An abuse of moral discourse from our media
“You shamelessly identify him as an ‘Ultra-Orthodox Jew’, as if this has something to do with the crime for which he was convicted. Your organisation would never identify any other religion even when large numbers of adherents of that religion commit atrocities in the name of that religion”
They certainly would. They would do so if the person was an ‘extremist’ Christian, or even an ‘extremist’ Muslim. Their aim is to warn against the dangers of ‘extremism.
Item 1 appears a wind up…a gay man “turned his back on extremist Islam” LOL!
Item 2 uses the terms “non violent Islamic extremism” and “so called Islamic state”.
Item 3 also uses the term “so called Islamic state” in places though it is a fair piece of reportage in parts it does not use the term “Islamic extremism” in the context of any acts of violence. It also uses this interesting formulation…..
“The country’s Minister of Religious Affairs, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin admits that there is growing support for some elements of Sharia law – and says the government is preparing legislation to reflect this.
“We are now considering introducing a ban on drinking alcohol, gambling and prostitution. We will then put these proposals to the people and they will be made law if there is democratic agreement,” he says.
The minister insists that moves like this do not signify a drift towards Islamic fundamentalism, but merely reflect the growing sense of pride people here feel for their religion. However, recent actions by a vociferous minority of extremists have led many to question this.”
Moves toward the imposition of sharia law are do not signify a drift towards Islamic fundamentalism……
The Queen, is 90 tomorrow, for most of the UK a cause for celebration. For some though, carping republicism is more appropriate, not least the sneerers who counter-balance what should be a joyful celebration with claims that William and Kate are ‘workshy’. Outspoken lefty and part-time BBC Newsnight frontman O’Brien started it last week on his LBC phone-in, and right on cue, without the need for an invitation, the BBC’s resident royal rodent, the ‘awful’ Nicholas Witchell had the impertinence to tell William that ‘some people say’ he’s workshy and ask him to comment.
It seems that the BBC and his enemies have forgotten that until recently William was an airman in the RAF, he now operates an air ambulance, demanding to have a role in the ‘real world’.
But ‘impressions’ are important, as the hopeless Victoria Derbyshire recently said when not letting a guest get a word in edgeways who was there to defend the press and Whittingdale. And, boy, the phrase ‘some people say’, most loved by the very lowest of the BBC’s low life, doesn’t half let them spread the ‘impression’.
When you’ve got an angle, it sure beats reporting facts.
Quite. It’s a dangerous job, even at the best of times. I have as much respect for the Air Ambulance Service as I do for the RNLI – another unsung but heroic outfit (quite staggering to think the RNLI have to rely on charity to exist: we are an island nation!).
I have a cautious admiration for William. He’ll no doubt inherit a fair few of his hopeless father’s idiotic virtue signalling tendencies, but he seems fairly well-adjusted and hopefully he’ll do a decent job when his time comes. Catherine, meanwhile, remains a credit to the nation. What a fantastic woman – smart, stunningly attractive and a brilliant example to all. She’s our Princess – and somehow that always makes me happy. What great advert for Great Britain she is!
C4 news tonight saw Cathy Newman take on Lynton Crosby and Alistair Campbell. An example in how not to conduct an interview. It started off with Crosby smiling and Ali scowling as they traded shots. Newman then tried to “up her game” with the O’Neill tactic of “you haven’t answered the question” to Crosby.
Error 1. Counter from Crosby – ignore and pass the issue to Ali. Ali – “He answered your question”.
Error 2. Try to move the Issue to Brexit. Both interviewees then turned up the heat on Newman, including a rant from Ali about media misrepresentation.
Comedy gold that you won’t see on the beeb. Newman was left looking like a total lightweight.
Al Beeb and the Americans tell us we must sacrifice the Sovereignty and Independence of Great Britain and ‘remain in’ to save the world economy .
Why doesn’t the EU sacrifice to their dictatorship and make some changes and get rid of its political empire building to save its own economy – Open your eyes and just look at the mess the EU is in.
Reminder to Al Beeb and the ‘urimainers’
Great Britain is ….
A Permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.
A member of the G7
A founder member of NATO and one of the biggest contributors (nothing to do with the EU)
The 5th Largest Economy.
And a member of the The Commonwealth of Nations.
Wake up you Britons and Vote Leave!
Heard on Toady its eminence grise, Jim “och aye” the Knoocktie, discussing Trump’s (post NY primary triumph) comment that it is “mathematically impossible” for Cruz to now beat him to the Republican nomination; Jimbo said that Trump was lying – he would never have used such language of a similar statement from Frau Clinton.
The scum at al beebus must be tearing each other’s hair out as it looks like Trump WILL get the nomination – ain’t democracy a bitch?
I thought we had got rid of the repulsive opera-loving, champagne -guzzling socialist, Naughtie ? ( Don’t get me wrong, I like opera and champagne, if someone else is paying, but I am not a socialist. ).
People that go into politics, civil service or media already have a warped view of themselves and believe that they have a God given right to make a difference. They believe that they should use that ‘gift’ to change the world to the way they believe it should be.
The problem is there are many people out there that have their own thoughts on how things should be. Its what millions of people fought and died for. Democracy. The right to have a say in the country they love and would die for. The establishment hate democracy and hate the people who use it even more because these ‘free thinkers’ hold the establishment to account and prevent the establishment from doing everything they want.
The EU has been a way around democracy and a way for the self deluded elite to force through their personal views on all of us. Basically the little people are prevented from interfering with the EU/socialist plans for the future. That’s the reason why the establishment are desperate for us to stay in. A cartel of like minded fuckwits have the power to force through social and cultural changes on scales democracy would never allow to happen.
Vote out. Tell these selfish, traitorous bast@rds where to go!
World Service at around 04:25 GMT the presenters wish Happy Birthday to the Queen and then run a report on how the Jamaican Prime Minister wants to get rid of her. Most of the vox pops seemed to be pretty monarchist though. That was followed by some inane comments on the UK press coverage and the question of whether she would send herself a letter when she hits the century in ten years time. Your tax money is being well spent!
To be fair to the World Service, they have just run (starting at around 04:55 GMT) an interview with an Indian gentleman who praised the Queen and the institution of the monarchy.
I live in Gambia. Despite their mentally deranged President having announced that Gambia is no longer in the Commonwealth, most Gambians I know still think of Great Britain as the mother country and the Queen as their mother !
As many comment on this website, the BBCs bias is more often than not showed by stories it doesnt cover or buries.
The motives of London mayor candidate Khan were questioned in PMQs yesterday. On the Beeb website it decides this is not headline news, nor even English news. Its two brief articles are buried under the Politics and London sections.
As for former German Chancellor Kohl voicing concerns over EU migration policy and his lunch with Hungry’s Viktor Orban, the Beeb doesn’t cover this at all.
Very true. The BBC select news items which will further their political agenda and either ignore the others or bury them. If they really can’t avoid reporting some news , they will spin it to their advantage.
When it comes to interviews, if it is “vox pop”, they select someone or a majority of people who will spout what the BBC want to us to hear.
Phone-ins, studio audiences etc. are carefully selected screened and monitored to re-inforce the BBC view. The obvious example is “Question Time ” where audiences and panelists are selected to reflect BBC but not public opinion.
(cont ). Interviews with politicians etc. follow the formula, enemies = hostile interview with many interruptions. Friends = cosy chat.
The bias is blatant and pernicious and the BBC know that no-one , least of all this pathetic, spineless Government are going to stop them. Meanwhile, we have to pay for their relentless Left-wing propaganda.
Concerning QT, someone on this website ( sorry , I forgot who ) monitored the panelists in recent weeks and showed that Remainers outnumbered Leavers by 2 to 1. Of course, the BBC could argue, with some justification, that ration simply reflects the Establishment view. Of course, Dimblebore could always make an announcement at the start of the programme to that effect. LOL !
Yes, Englands Dreaming..”stories they don’t report or bury”…Our local free newspaper carries a story this week about an online IS/ISIS “death list” advocating, as an act of jihad, using any means, the murder of MPs and other prominent Muslims in the UK.
I can’t remember hearing this on the BBC news.
And a google search doesn’t show it on any BBC site, but does show national and local newspaper coverage of the threat.
A search for “IS death list” and “ISIS death list” on the BBC news site drew a blank.
Brian Taylor is the BBC’s Scotland Political Editor. Wrap him in a toga and the portly silver-haired veteran could easily pass as an extra in some ancient Roman drama set in the Senate – so long as he didn’t have a speaking part – the Scots brogue from this guy is less ‘Et tu Brute’ and more ‘See You, Jimmy’. And by inclination our BBC tribune is most unlikely to want to stick the knife into the Tartan Dictator – or First Minister. By attitude and tone Brian Taylor doesn’t come to cross examine Nicola Sturgeon – he comes to praise her. What we have here is a flashback to the Blair years when the BBC constantly tries to outflank a ‘Progressive’ leader with questions from the Left. Our Brian’s opener: ‘Why won’t you raise tax like ALL the other parties promise?’ The key word ‘ALL’ we highlight because as far as I know the Tory party in Scotland is not promising to raise taxes – but hey, all the parties that matter to the BBC want to put up tax, right?
When I lived in Edinburgh , many restaurants had to widen their doors so that Brian could get in and, believe me, he spends a lot of time in restaurants. May I just say that , if people think the Westminster politician/journalist clique is incestuous, you should go to Edinburgh , or maybe not !
It occurs to me that there is a special kind of bias being operated by the establishment with regard to the EU referendum and that is where the debate is allowed to be positioned.
Forty years ago Edward Heath sold us into the EEC/EU under the banner of trade, ‘the Common Market’, yet the prime purpose of the EEC/EU has always been political union, it’s in the original Treaty of Rome.
Listen to any ‘debate’, any statement by any establishment body and the message is still being pushed, “you will be better/worse of..”, “single market”, “trade agreements” etc.
However the rise of UKIP and the wrong-footing of Cameron has nothing to do with trade or the economy. The people aren’t unhappy because milk cost a penny too much, they are unhappy because all these establishment wasters are all singing from the same hymn sheet, it doesn’t matter who is in charge, all roads lead to (the Treaty of) Rome.
I want my country back. And I want my BBC, government and other establishment bodies to come clean and start talking about it.
In the 1975 referendum the vote was 69% remain 31% leave.
Now at the risk of sounding defeatist, even if remain win, I do not for one moment believe the majority will be anywhere near that. It’s still all to play for.
So after 40 years of EU propaganda and the ‘benefits of the EU’ I’m going to put a number out there and say there has been a swing of at least 15% against the EU. Why are the bBBC not investigating that? And my money is on the fact that most remainers are pretty reluctant. “There’s a lot we don’t agree with but on balance we think we should stay”.
Oh I so wish someone on the bBBC had the balls to point out that a vote to remain is definitely NOT a vote of confidence in this appalling institution. Even remainers know that, deep down, it is rotten to the core.
The following joke was told on the BBC yesterday and was extolled as a great example of humour –
‘I was at this party snogging a girl – well it was better than listening to her talk’
Sorry, I muddled the gender there. This gag was taken as a fine example of Victoria Wood’s repertoire and she said she had been snogging a guy. Both the show biz guest retelling this and the BBC presenter happily chuckled at the joke which is – by any equality of outrage measure – demeaning toward men
I take your point about the joke – but I’m going to come out in defence of Victoria Wood as I think that unlike most BBC comedians – particularly women comedians – she was genuinely talented and often quite funny. I suspect she got where she did almost completely by talent, not connections or political affiliations – at a time when comedy was still dominated by working class men. She was not really part of that Oxbridge footlights/Comedy Store/Islington wimmins collective lot (Dawn French, etc) that came to dominate comedy in the 80s.
Cranmer, I agree with all of your points including Victoria Wood’s rather old-school talent. I think the issue here is the BBC relentlessly claiming almost every entertainer as some kind of quasi-political campaigner – whether they were or were not. I half expected to hear of the late Ronnie Corbett’s championing of short issues. Or breaking the glass limbo stick or something. This BBC template treatment has led to entertainers taking on approved political views as a shortcut to media approval.
At about 6.40 this morning, Today chose to celebrate Her Majesty’s birthday with a report on Jamaica and how it was probably going to dump the Queen as its head of state and become a republic…slave trade blah blah, reparations etc. Great timing. Bloody shower.
It’s at times like these when I would like the ghost of Mrs Thatcher to appear and interrupt such beeboid burblings with a steely gaze and a firm ‘JUST. REJOICE.’
The BBC Trust can occasion produce 100 page documents to crush any hint that what they are finding against clearly shows they did not get it about right.
I await the house troll to fail to recall this ever happening, demand proof and then go silent having failed to produce any in support of their claims.
The court of appeal has just quashed Ched Evans rape conviction.
What is the matter with these judges? Didn’t they watch Newsnight at the time of Ched Evan’s release from prison, whoops sorry, in the parlance of the BBC ‘the rapist Ched Evans release from prison.’ Newsnight ran items every night linked to an anonymous online poll attacking Evans, only interviewing those who wanted to see Evans hung, drawn and quartered on Saturday night peak time tv.
The BBC used every program, including sports items, to crush any opportunity Evans had of returning to full time employment.
Never before has the BBC ensured a released prisoner could not become a member of society again.
In the case of Boy George, they employed a man who, with another thug, kidnapped a young lad, chained him to a wall, beat him with chains and were going to rape him before the lad escaped. Boy George has never been introduced as the ‘attempted rapist, kidnapper and torturer Boy George.’
In the case of Chris Huhne and Vicky Price, both were reemployed by the BBC the day they were were released from the nick, and no they were not introduced as ‘lying, perjuring, little shits.’
Along with Ched Evan’s retrial I would like to see an inquiry into the BBC’s handling of this case. Was there a link between BBC employees, The Guardian and the anti Ched Evans polling site? Why weren’t alternative voices to the ‘hang Ched Evans’ mob allowed to speak, eg people who represent ex-prisoners seeking to make their way in life for example.
The BBC must never ever again be allowed to pick on a member of the public and ruin their lives.
The BBC must never ever again be allowed to pick on a member of the public and ruin their lives……..
I agree, I found it particularly chilling that whether guilty or not, he was found guilty by the media. And even before the verdict, many prominent sport stars were baying for his head on a platter and saying that a rapist should never be allowed on a football pitch. If there is an overturning of the original sentencing then those sporting and media stars should take a lesson in keeping their mouths shut in future !
I agree entirely. The BBC led the charge with Evans, their behaviour was extraordinary.
You would think, wouldn’t you, that this superior, liberal, elitist body, zealots when it comes to their concern for those locked up (Guantanamo etc , and only last night on hidden Britain, ‘we have to think what it must have been like for those poor Frenchmen, locked up as Napoleonic prisoners of war) would have welcomed the release and rehabilitation of an offender and a chance for him to reintegrate into the community and put right a wrong.
But something must have gone badly wrong with the liberal compass in New Broadcasting House, or the Kremlin (as the BBC at Media City is described). Or was it the fact that the BBC’s liberal leanings are shed like a snake’s skin when there is a greater imperative – the ultra feminism that rule the roost in the BBC and the airwaves.
This coupled with the fact that Evans refused to accept that there was a wrong to right – and let’s not forget how the BBC went to town on this refusal as evidence of his ‘lack of remorse’. But of course, unlike all of those who refused to accept their guilt, the heroes who the BBC featured in its ‘Rough Justice’ series, Evans’ miscarriage of justice was one they could not only turn a blind eye to, but did their damnedest to turn the screw.
I noticed that the bBBC have not stated on what particular grounds the appeal was successful. New evidence is all we are told.
Why have not the bBBC not revealed the detail of this ‘new evidence’. Could it be that it is really rather trivial ‘new evidence’, and that Ched Evans should not have been found guilty in the first place. The term ‘new evidence’ gets the first judge ‘off the hook’ as judges do not like to overturn other judges decisions. Appeals are usually hard won and more often than not unsuccessful and costly..
If Ched Evans is not guilty should not the accuser now stand trial?
A retrial was ordered and the Appeal Court made an order that the grounds for the appeal must not be disclosed until the retrial.
One good thing is that the quashing of the conviction means that the BBC are forbidden from using their favourite phrase, ‘Convicted rapist Ched Evans’.
Thank you Number 88, Very helpful. The initial judgement has all the hallmarks of a judge making a poor decision assuaging the blood thirsty feminists.
I await the retrial with interest. Like many people, I have a deep mistrust of our judiciary, as privately, do so many lawyers.
If Evans is successful there could well be a huge compensation claim for damages, it is for this reason that Evans will not gain an outright decision in his favour, which he should, IMO.
So many oddities about this case, not least that there were two defendants in the original case (Regina v Chedwyn Michael Evans and Clayton Rodney McDonald) one of whom was convicted the other acquitted of raping a woman incapable of giving consent.
Then there was the hue and cry of the media..not least our impartial BBC. And the massive publicity around the campaign to get Evans excluded from his football club before his conviction.
A deeply disturbing story on the Sky web site by its political editor Faisal Islam. it is an ill thought out attack on the Prime Minister for mentioning at PMQs some of the links of Sadiq Khan to extremist nutters, particularly a delightful cove called Suliman Gani.
Faisal writes the piece from ‘a racist’ perspective, and yes it is the Prime Minister who is racist not any of the Muslims mentioned. Rather than high lighting the many Islamic extremists Sadiq Khan has had to sack from his team once they were exposed he defends Khan’s links.
1. Fiasal points out Tory ministers have been pictured with Suliman Gani. (as if that makes Khan’s choice of advisors, etc, all right)
2. Faisal omits that Cameron said in PMQs that it is not that Khan shared a stage with extremists once or twice, as that happens to politicians, but he ‘did it over and over again.’
3. Faisal apologises for Suliman Gani’s defence of IS in the most bizarre manner, stating that Gani ‘expressed support for an Islamic State – but not the organisation known as Daesh, ISIL and ISIS.’ Erm? So? And?
4. Fiasal says Gani no longer supports Sadiq Khan because he (Gani) ‘was very opposed to Mr Khan’s vote for equal marriage.’ Oh, so that is all right then? Fiasal, please!
Faisal needs to get out of the mosque more and investigate all of Khan’s chums, political advisors and the people he has defended. For example, Khan’s advisor, aide and speech writer Shueb Salar who thinks the Lee Rigby murder was faked, that Bengali people smell, that gay people deserve to be harassed and thinks treating a woman nicely is ‘buying her a nice iron and extending the kitchen’. And, who can forget his delightful twitter ‘F*** all you hoes.’
In January 2015, Fiasal Islam was nominated for the Services to Media award at the British Muslim Awards, well bully for him. No doubt he is looking forward to the 2016 British Muslim Awards and is clearing a space on his mantel piece.
So this Mr Gani supports “an islamic state”, but not “the islamic state”? I suppose it was beyond the wit of Faisal Islam, who, judging by his name, must know a thing or two about it, to ask just what is “unislamic” about the “islamic state”, which is run according to the strict rules of sharia law?
IS is the pure and unadulterated form of islamic state. They do nothing which is not sanctioned by the koran. Men like Gani and Islam know this, but they dissemble and throw accusations of racism around rather than admit the facts, because they do not want the people of Britain to know the facst until it is too late.
Happy Birthday your Majesty. Sorry that the BBC and Buckingham Palace took the opportunity to make your birthday a propaganda piece for the multikulture.
I am sure the cake will be fine, and nothing personal against the muslim lass who made it, but it might have been an opportunity to reward some cake maker representing an organisation that has served your country and its institutions.
The Monarchy, Anglican Church, the RC Church, our Government, the Police, the BBC, have one by one, dumped the British people.
Isn’t it usually a member of the Armed Forces or some other worthy institution that gets this job? Presumably, the military chefs are all deployed on ops against a certain enemy or cooking meals for people trying to cross into Europe illegally. How ironic the whole situation is.
Why the hell doesn’t the Queen speak out against what’s happening to her realm? Particularly as much of it is being done in her name by “HM” Government.
Does it have to be when Britons are a minority within Britain or might it be sometime before we’ve reached that stage?
Because she is afraid to speak up. Remember the complete bollox about her not flying the Royal Standard flag at half mast when Diana-The-Peoples-Princess-of-spending-taxpayers-money died. The Queen was sticking to tradition which unfortunately means sod all these days.
Anyone in the UK who says they want things to stay the same as they are today (not even suggesting returning the UK back to the way it was some years ago) gets labelled as some right wing homophobic/islamophobic Hitler supporter.
Because she is (rightly, in my opinion) constitutionally prohibited from doing so and because she would be pounced on by her detractors the moment she even gave a hint of an opinion.
And, let’s face it, many of her subjects have not exactly shown a great deal of concern about what is happening here either – voters in Rotherham spring to mind.
Can’t expect the Queen to intervene when ordinary members of the public can’t prise themselves away from the TV, Twitter, or whatever they fill their time with.
In a few more decades constitutional prohibitions will be the least of our problems in the U.K.
It’s getting a bit late in the day for fretting over the difference between public and private convention and all the rest of it – the sun set on the British Empire and in around another half century the sun will be setting on Britain too; unless someone with authority or in authority shows some grip and does what needs to be done to save our country and our way of life.
Now then, if was the Queen, would I eat a cake made by a person lauded by the anti British BBC, supporting a religion contrary to our own British values coming from an area in London which openly supports insurrection!
I wonder how many people who are celebrating the Queen’s birthday will vote Remain? If they do then they are being very stupid. You can’t support the British Monarchy in its current form where the Queen is head of state and at the same time support belonging to an EU which is rapidly assuming the status of a ‘country’ and whose apparatchiks pass laws which we have little influence over but which we must obey. Basically how can we have a constitutional Sovereign but pass our sovereignty over to the unelected leaders of the EU? Surely this is the most fundamental of the many issues that we have with the EU. I noted that all sorts of experts on the history of the British monarchy were interviewed today on the BBC this morning , but this key issue of the moment was never raised. We are not surprised are we because the last thing the BBC would want is to pose a question which may make people wake up and realise what is at stake in the referendum.
Lord preserve us from Interviewers picking out members of the public in a queue to give their comments, whether its Flog It or Wimbledon, but today its the Queen !!!! The Beeb have thrown all their journalists at Windsor (along with other channels), and we are treated to the cringeworthy sight of flag waving Joe Public wrapped in the Union flag being interviewed. The questions from the 12 year old journalists are only fit for nursery attendees and the replies are equally dire, I want to throw a brick at the tele !
Interesting to note that David Cameron in the House and in his birthday wishes to the Queen speech, also mentioned the birthday cake baked by Nadia Hussein – just had to get that in didn’t he.
Can someone remind this snake-oil salesman of a PM that he cannot prevent immigration from the EU. Herr Merkel has told him this but he seems unable to retain the information.
On the day on which many of us wish many happy returns to Her Majesty the Queen
And as the BBC speculate on Jamaica maybe/maybe not voting to remove the Queen as head of state I can’t help but bring up the New Zealand flag story. The BBC were mighty interested in this both on-line and on tv news. As my good friend the Assistant Australian Cultural Attache explained this was really all about removing the Union flag (don’t ask what Sir Les is up to – the reply will be something x-rated). Anyway the result of the popular vote was a clear win for the status quo. Funnily enough I only found out by going on line – for some reason I never caught a BBC follow up story with the referendum result.
There is an article on the BBC website about it but this line caught my eye: ‘The existing design features the British Union Jack, a legacy of New Zealand’s days as a British colony’.
New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth and Her Majesty the Queen is head of state, so it’s a little bit more than a ‘legacy.’
Chloe Hadjimatheou tells the astonishing story of a group of young men from Raqqa in Syria who chose to resist the so-called Islamic State, which occupied their city in 2014 and made it the capital of their “Caliphate”. These extraordinary activists have risked everything to oppose IS; several have been killed, or had family members murdered. IS has put a bounty on the resistance leaders’ heads. But the group continues its work, under the banner ‘Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently’. Chloe meets the group’s founders, some of whom are now organising activists in Raqqa from the relative safety of other countries.
Notice that it doesn’t call the young men ‘Muslim’ or name any other religion, and the program was incredibly coy about telling us precisely which religion they did belong to. It certainly should not have been Islam as they were a group which liked to go out and have a drink, and it was reported one of them had a bottle of Whisky in his room.
What ever they were Ahmadi, or Christian (Perish the thought) viewers were left with an impression that it was god to resist these people who did not really follow Islam.
Just more bias from a corporation quite happy to lie to achieve the correct end result.
Transgender is the current obsession with the teenagers at the BBC. Wait a couple of months and they will move on to something else. Like most kids they have a short attention span.
At Grant ?????? I’ve got a headache now, it’s my age I need to have it explained in non-pc speak in other words English. I know Jack’s a girl whose a lesbian but I think living away from the UK has meant I’ve missed about 2 years worth of drivel so I have no idea what one of those is Grant.
Just googled it (how did we survive before it) , apparently they identify as neither male or female . So that’s clear then , God knows what she/he/ it smoked or took years ago. There are times when I’m glad I couldn’t have children and this is one of them. What with the article yesterday from Brighton wanting to ask what gender 4 year olds identity as, I feel maybe we should push the button and let the cockroaches have the planet.
I wish I had your confidence…The subject of homosexuality was pretty much played out once gay marriage became legalised, but all this ‘trans’ stuff has inexhaustible potential for social justice warriors, charity groups, new university academics, Radio four debates, online campaigns etc etc. It’s the sexual equivalent of Orwell’s ‘Eastasia’ and ‘Oceania’ etc. They’ll always be at war with each other or changing sides…
The BBC reports on Sky’s latest stats here:
In the article we learn,’Revenue rose 5% to £8.7bn for the nine months to March, while operating profit rose 12% to £1.14bn.’
So which figure do you think the headline contains? Yes, you guessed it…Sky customer growth slows in third quarter.
Why would that be I wonder?
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Game on…. as they say in snooker
BBC Breakfast visit Ulster for a taste of the issues prior to the May elections
But it’s not so much ‘game on’ as ‘gay mon’ as the BBC shamelessly and relentlessly push their favourite social agenda
In a short item featuring supposedly random voters, supposedly neutral commentators and our supposedly unbiased Naga Mung-bean-spaghetti the issue of pantomime marriage gets no less than four mentions – beating all comers: jobs, training, health, the troubles, the economy etc etc.
Hey BBC… as they say in snooker – put some bottom on it
Nothing needs to be shunted around the schedules these days. Back in the day of just three channels it was a regular 8.30 Friday appointment for my Dad.
In these days of the red button, BBC4 and children’s channels that now broadcast until 9pm, snooker and the like can be broadcast on such channels.
I was often disappointed back in those days of 3 channels when I arrived home from school to find Grange Hill had been cancelled for the budget or some other news or sports event. Yet today to ensure the agenda of multi cult, miscegenation and Christ knows what else gets through, the BBC’s two kids channels are left untouched and in glorious HD until 9pm, drip, drip, drip. We don’t need 2 kids channels each broadcasting 13 hours per day and taking up HD airspace.
Lets face it Gardeners World is just too white and too British….
Don’t forget that Beeboids love kids. They have to be indoctrinated and ….. er…….. Better leave it there .
I was watching a football game and a message came on saying press the red button for more information.
When I pressed the red button the tv went to standby.
Surely the concept of gardening itself is too British? In many cultures of the world, the garden is just a dusty back yard used for hanging out washing, pounding grain and sacrificing animals. Come on BBC, let’s change the programme to reflect modern diverse Britain!
Bid pedantic AslSeelt but I keep reading this as it is at the top of the thread.
“Game on” is for DARTS!
But as we’re on snooker and homosexuality, I do so wish Whittingdale would give the bBBC a deep screw.
“…put some bottom on it”
Oh, dear, not sure that we should encourage them any further…
“I really wish ITV or channel 4 would take it over…The BBC obviously don’t put any value on it as they treat it as disposable, so they should do the honourable thing and allow a channel that would treasure it to take it on.”
The BBC started its referendum coverage by concentrating on the political divisions amongst the ‘leave’ campaigners as if somehow that was important rather than the ‘leave/remain’ decision itself.
Now they have moved on to branding all the ‘leave’ politicians as ‘rebels’ as if that was important.
In a rare moment of sanity a ‘leave’ campaigner managed to make the point this is NOT a general election, the ‘leave’ campaign is NOT a party ‘in waiting’ with a manifesto of pledges that it hopes to enact. ‘They’ do NOT have to explain how ‘leave’ works – we have 1000 years of history and 120 plus other countries in the world that show us that.
Even the ‘remain’ people tell us that they don’t like how the EU works, that it needs ‘reform’ yet the BBC never challenges them to ask how that will be achieved ‘from the inside’. We saw how pathetic Cameron’s recent time-limited list of ‘maybes’ was and that was after all his ‘threats’ to leave!
The politicians are NOT important. We have had just about 40 years of every mainstream party giving us NO choice over the EU so by definition every MP of a mainstream party that wanted out has been a ‘rebel’. It has been the threat of UKIP collecting the groundswell of votes from the disenfranchised people that has given us the referendum.
A significant number of the people want their country back. A significant number of the people don’t realise yet what has been given away and the BBC and others have conspired to hide that in a fog of confusion, omissions and downright lies.
I commend Europe on 387 Million a day to you all. It is a little bit out of date but valid nonetheless.
When the BBC use the word “Rebel” , it is usually a compliment !
The grand old Turk was keen to enlarge his lads’ harems quite quickly
But for legitimate EU entry his nation looked well sickly
Now a million migrants in boats
Had raised the Turk’s hopes
But when he whipped off the veil his own Teutonic prize was Frau Mutti
That’s my entry
The old Argy that leads the world’s papists
Has given his blessing to rapists
He does not think it’s a sin
As he took twelve people in
Though these weren’t rapists nor papists but get pisseds
I know that is off topic but what the hell…
What a crafty old bird is the Erdogan
His tash can hold more than Merkel’s belly can (Not really)
The BBC really do not like democracy and ‘the people’ having a say these days:
“Public status
All of which would be perfectly unexceptionable, were it not for the fact that – this being France – the Nuit Debout movement has been accorded a public status that it does not remotely deserve.”
Taken from here:
This piece is under “News” when it should be “Opinion”. One of the many problems with the BBC is that, in their confused, twisted minds, they don’t know the difference any more. The Beeboid refers to “Populist Right “. Has anyone ever heard the BBC refer to ” Populist Left” ? Bias ? What Bias ?
The patronising use of the term “populist”, encapsulates everything that is wrong with the BBC i.e. this viewpoint is held by many people, but we the “elite” know that we are right and they are wrong. And by doing so a bunch of second rate journalists have deluded themselves into believing that they actually are the elite.
Not that inverting the meaning of words is anything new to the left. The word “progressive” also comes to mind. If only Orwell was alive today…
Yes, so true. Beeboids really do think they are superior to the Plebs, even though Beeboids have fewer skills than your average alley cat. If Orwell were alive today, he would not be surprised by any of this !
” Beeboids really do think they are superior to the Plebs”
Everybody has to feel superior to somebody – especially when they’re not.
Beeboids have no self-awareness.
You have summed it up.
Grant, separating news & opinion is a long forgotten skill in the UK media although ‘the print’ occasionally remember to do it although usually it is because they cannot think up a snappy title for someone’s column quickly enough and just label it ‘Comment’ or ‘Opinion’.
The media – with rare exceptions – have been predictably breathless in their reporting of this “democratic awakening”.
Errrrm… Arab Spring, BBC? I seem to recall you being rather predictably breathless about that when most here could work out precisely where it would lead.
LOL ! When the BBC get something wrong, which is almost always, they just move on to their next cock-up.
Can’t remember whether I’ve told this on B-BBC before but I remember listening to WatO not long after Labour were first elected back to Government in 1997. Think it was the late Nick Clarke presenting. Blair had just announced he and colleagues were going ‘on the road’ to talk to people where they are and to find out what they wanted from the new Government. Clarke went ballistic as ‘they’ say! I couldn’t figure out why someone who was normally so measured on air was upset by an obviously sensible thing for any new Government, keen to represent ‘the people’ (as it appeared at the time) and put in place our policies not those dreamed up for us by Government.
I just could not understand why Clarke was so upset.
Then the penny dropped. The BBC is THE Mediator between God and Man, Government and People. There shall be no other. Blair was proposing short circuiting this process and going direct to the people to hear their voices and desires.
At Broadcasting House, that would never do!
The BBC would be miffed because, when Labour are in power , the BBC consider themselves part of Government. Just as now they consider themselves part of the opposition.
Except when Bliar was in power. Then the BBC was the opposition, too – from the (even further) Left.
Fair point !
This story is nowhere on the Beeb.
Shades of Cologne, if it had been your average white males I’ve no doubt the outrage from the feminists at the Beeb would be overwhelming, but if it’s TMA cue tumbleweeds. All 11 bailed so they know where they are, I’m guessing a local migrant hostel maybe close to the one in Gillingham where the young girl was raped by three men , trial ongoing and again can’t find it on the Beeb,.
Mrs. Kitty,
If it is not on the BBC, then the men cannot be white. And we are only hearing about the rapes which are reported on the MSM. I assume this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Shut up! It’s nothing.
Move on.
The Daily Politics studio all agreed that by concentrating on academies Corbyn’s PMQ efforts were not in tune with the issues of the day. Despite that they then proceeded to flog the subject to death for the next 20 minutes. Were they studiously ignoring the furore that Cameron created in the House by accusing Sadiq Khan of being too close to Islamic extremists?
‘proceeded to flog the subject to death for the next 20 minutes’
Even if Labour don’t directly tip the wink the BBC are so in sync with Labour thinking that their respective talking points are practically indestinguishable. Both act as Trades Unions for the public sector. Both find Britain distastful so persue enforced diversity through supranational law and governance.
Didn’t see this and a bit off topic but on academies. Government policy is not only to make every school an academy but to create a new higher tier of management, in charge of multi-academy trusts. The board of these (note, no longer called governors) will be increasingly ‘professional’ and in the interests of ‘professionalism’ academies will no longer need to have (‘amateur’) parent governors. The ‘head teacher’ (aka CEO) of these MATs will need a ‘different skill set’ (i.e. not one teaching related but management related, though who thinks a non-educationist would common respect in such a role?). Proof? Government white paper ‘Educational Excellence Everywhere’. Is Nicky Morgan on some illegal substances?
In other words we are hurtling towards an educational elite, bound to be highly paid ‘to attract the best talent’, increasingly remote from the public, from what should be their core purpose, and increasingly unaccountable to local communities.
Aren’t we having a referendum on a certain other matter, driven by some of those very same issues and deeply held concerns?
Wake up bBBC. There’s a proper job to do here, if only some of the newsroom student Marxists had brains and proper powers of enquiry.
It’s a policy for which the Conservatives have no electoral mandate. If they were so keen on it, they might have mentioned it in their manifesto last year surely?
One thing I did agree with on Daily Politics, and surprisingly it came from the lips of an ex- Labour minister, is that Cameron needs to show a bit of leadership and intervene in the junior doctors dispute.
Apart from seeing it in the national press, has it been reported on any channel that 75% of doctors who have been struck off by the BMC are of foreign origin ? Top of the list were Indians followed by African and Pakistan, then an assortment of other countries including Eastern Europe. I won’t deny that my heart sinks when I am referred to a name that my tongue cant pronounce, because the dialogue will be full of ‘pardon’s and sorry’s’, as I struggle to understand their dialect. I know I’m not the only one, so I find it a very scary scenario that our health is as risk due to incompetence, beginning with a language problem. We may as well take our chances with a mask wearing witch doctor – at least it would give us a giggle !
Every time I read of doctors with overseas qualifications being struck off, and having problems communicating in English, my thoughts go to the possible content of their degree courses. Like it or not most medical journals, research papers and up to date scientific facts are published in English. A British university course would require that new and up to date material is included in the courses. So what kind of courses do you attend when English language publications are unavailable?
So what kind of courses do you attend when English language publications are unavailable? ………
Surely if there are no English language publications available, then there is no point in having ambitions of practising where English is the main language ! its not beyond the wit of potential globe trotting doctors, that the learning of communicable English is a priority before even embarking on a medical course.
I could put up with a bit of linguistic misunderstanding if the GPs were actually available to be seen. Like many men I rarely go to the doctors. Last time was about 5 years ago, when the appointment date was about 10 days ahead. Having booked one recently it’s now more like a month. I’m sure you can get virulent types of cancer that can kill you in that time!
Call me Mr Cynical but I wonder if the delays may be due to pepperpot shaped Somali women with their brood of kids clogging up the waiting room?
In the interests of impartiality and to be fair to both sides of the EU question.
Could the bBBC find and interview a person who not only wants to remain in the EU but is also so pleased with the current state of the EU that they can find little or no fault in it and do not feel any further reform is necessary.
One proviso. No-one who works for, has worked for, or is entitled to a pension from, the EU is permitted.
Then they can switch off the lights.
The only positive reason for remaining in the EU that I’ve heard from the ‘remain’ lot is that we get to keep/gain laws that we the British wouldn’t vote for.
Being a bear of simple mind I thought that the point of a democracy was that the people got to decide who governed them and hence what laws get made. This bear also thinks that if ‘refugees’ can get into the EU from China and Pakistan surely a UK citizen who wanted to live under German law could just move in with Merkel’s new mates?
The BBC has a live Queens 90th Birthday program tomorrow, what’s the betting that the highlight will be the personal delivery of the birthday cake and the one clip guaranteed to feature across all their ‘news’ programs later in the day?
Yes, and she will be wearing her hijab like a good multiculty Brit. The cake will have candles and Sir Elton will be singing a revised version of an earlier song called ’90 Candles in the Wind’.
Not to mention endless reminders about Diana .
Sir Elton’s busy at the Supreme Court tomorrow.
Just winged off the following email to the White House (Copy to US Embassy London, UKIP, Leave EU, Grassroots out etc)
Dear President Obama,
I understand, during your visit to London later this week, you are planning to reinforce your July 2015 statement:
QUOTE “Having the UK in the European Union gives us much greater confidence about the strength of the transatlantic union”.
Please would you reconsider any further support for the EU REMAIN faction until you take into account what the USA would do faced with a similar situation, say with your equivalent main trading union, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
In such a similar situation, the US would have to cede a substantial amount of national sovereignty to NAFTA, to enable, NAFTA laws, commissioned by non-elected Commissioners, having primacy over US legislation, enforced by a NAFTA Supreme court:
For just a small example of areas of concern with our current UK position for comparison:
a. 50 per cent of UK legislation with “significant economic impact” originates from EU.
b. 60 per cent of EU laws relating to the fields of agriculture, fisheries and trade with non-EU states.
c. Laws affecting the free movement of peoples throughout the EU, with rights to claim state benefits in all member states.
d. EU Convention of Human Rights supremacy impacting all member states.
e. With the advent of Ukraine and the migrant crisis affecting the EU, other areas like Defence, public services, foreign policy and taxation were largely protected in the UK by an EU veto or qualified majority voting. However these areas are increasingly being desired to be brought under EU legislation.
The US would never, ever, consider ceding such a loss of democratic sovereignty or decision making to such an unaccountable body.
I therefore respectfully request you do not encourage the British electorate to have our rights and sovereign democracy further eroded and we can return to determining our own National destiny.
Kind regards
Dav********** deleted here for privacy
Good one ! I think you will probably get a reply maybe from the British Embassy in London. The Americans tend to be quite conscientious about these things. Please share it with us .
“I think you will probably get a reply maybe from the British Embassy in London.”
On first reading I thought you’d made a mistake and meant to write “the American Embassy in London”, but thinking about the ethnic composition of modern London there probably does need to be a “British” embassy in there for any of the indigenous people who haven’t managed to escape..
Sorry, I meant American Embassy ! But your point is well made !!!! LOL !
Was going to write about how rude and stupid Emily Maitliss was last night as she “spoke over ” David Owen repeatedly on Newsnight .
Clearly to go from zealous Eurofanatic to Brexit is one “personal journey”…and he is experienced enough at the top levels to have something of value to tell us about why the EU is unreformable…God knows he`s tried to do it all his life-and only recently has decided that it`s a disaster in the making.
Now Maitliss might not LIKE that direction of travel-but he`ll have his reasons , and a good interviewer like Walden-or even Parkinson or Jimmy Young-would LISTEN to what Owen was saying , and then grill him on this.
But no Maitliss has her highlighted script and a few dog biscuits in the corner if she can skewer Owen on ANY spurious counts for the editing suite…absolutely NO interest or ability to see the gaps and presumptions, no willingness to accept that a man of his experience might have something to say, need not be shouted over and harried.
Maitless invited HIM on-so I`d have thought she might want to learn something about why he feels as he does.
And-like or loath- he is to be respected as his own man, and someone who DID change politics.
I was going to write about it-then, blow me, Sarah Montague attempts the same nonsense with Liam Fox this morning….who gave HER the right to try to derail a genuine world view that needs saying…and interrupting is NOT debate.
Annoyed me given the gentle taps Monty gave to us Democrat Larry Summers-who wants us to stay in Europe.
Tell us wise US Treasury Secretary-have you news from the colonies that might tell the plebs that they`d better stay in the EU then?
Sorry Larry-you see the UK as a “Bridge” between the USA and the EU…a walkover , to be spat on and of no value in itself.
Sorry mate…we`re not your stepping stones, even with the green plants lining your path.
But Sarah wasn`t going to question the Americans-what would Barak say?
I just knew this!
Poor Victoria Wood dies today-and we get the Desert Island Discs story of her awful childhood…and that bloody Barry song about “Let`s do it”.
Bloody cliches are us!
S`pose there`s no chance of us hearing her scripts and how funny, generous and successful she was…but the chippy cliches and her greatest lazy hit are so much more Radio 4!
Playing the giddy kipper…the woman was a genius at language-God hless her and her poor family
The BBC, and all the news outlets seem only to get their stories via Twitter. I am really sorry to hear that Victoria Wood has died, I really enjoyed much of her humour (although less so Acorn Antiques). What I am not interest is to hear what John Cleese, Ricky Gervais or anybody else has blasted tweeted – the only reason they Tweet is to get their name on the BBC and the only reason the BBC reports their Tweets is because the Tweeters are their buddies and they want to raise their profile and alsothe BBC (and others) cannot be arsed (sorry for the language but it gets me so cross) to go an get some proper news.
Don’t worry about the language, there is much worse on this site. I am upset about Victoria. I saw her in her early days at the Edinburgh fringe and she was great. Gentle, self-deprecating humour and no
swearing ( ! ). I may be wrong but I don’t think she was one of the BBC Leftie clones ?
Not likely to be seen on the BBC I would not call this swearing, but she shows great command of the language.
Brilliant ! I call that ” creative swearing “, so that is ok !
the only reason they Tweet is to get their name on the BBC and the only reason the BBC reports their Tweets is because the Tweeters are their buddies and they want to raise their profile ………
Couldn’t agree more ! The ones who come to mind immediately who are guilty of tweeting on everything, is the awful Richard Madeley, and the even more awful Gary LIneker – (who these days looks like a mad maitre ‘d).
Excellent post. I have no particular love of David Owen, but for some third rate BBC hack like Maitlis to disrespect him sums up the prevailing BBC attitude that the interviewers are more important than the interviewees. This only applies to interviewees who do not share the BBC’s political opinions, of course. Otherwise it is a sick-making love-in.
Ta grant.
Particularly when you saw her previous “interview” with Pascal Lamy-who she continually referred to as a former WTO leader of some kind.
Unfortunately for her, Nick Robinson had already shown him in his programme earlier as Giscards boules polishing oilcloth and all round suckup for the EU, and a Thatcher baiter on behalf of the appalling Giscard D`Eastaing.
But we didn`t hear so much of THAT role of Lamy…Mekon-like, fat French smugalungs in favour of a United European Area.
Pascal got no interruptions of course, WTO statesman-not EU gold plated pensioner who`ll say ANYTHING to keep the EU continually snuffing us out as a nation state.
PS-apparently ” A Girl Called Jack” by Jack Monroe is Radio 4`s book of the week next week…the odious hypocrite who can`t work out if she`s a bloke or a bird…but will mock Camerons dead son Ivan to get a poltical point across to her liberal scumbuckets online.
Classy…and how radio 4 to reward this slimer….
“Giscard’s boules polishing oilcloth”. LOL ! Classic. When I first heard the name Pascal Lamy, I thought it was a champagne or cognac. Is he related to David Lammy ?
Maitliss really is a nasty, snarling, piece of work. In this clip her deviousness is exposed. Watch her bare her teeth here when Dennis Skinner gives her a dressing down at the end of the interview:
What particularly annoys me about that is the way she tries to pretend it was a joke. Can you imagine someone like Sir Robin Day doing that? Why not just say ‘I’m sorry Mr Skinner – perhaps I misunderstood you. For the benefit of the viewers, etc, please confirm what you wanted to say etc etc’.
I wish more interviewees would go on the attack like The Beast of Bolsover. During a live broadcast they are left squirming and their amateurism is exposed for all to see. Maitliss used to do the local news in London and I can confirm that she has been consistent throughout her career.
I’m a print journalist, not a TV one, so I accept there’s more pressure on them than me, but sometimes I’ve had angry phone calls from Beast of Bolsover types claiming I’ve misrepresented them. I’ve always just said ‘please explain what we got wrong and if necessary we will issue a correction.’ I don’t think I’ve ever tried to claim it was all a joke!
Your actions are exactly what most people would consider reasonable. With the BBC, much of the pressure the journalists are under when working live must be due to the requirement to push the agenda.
Sad to hear that Victoria Wood has died but note that she only got seven minutes on the BBC 6 o’clock news unlike David Bowie who got more than twice that. I would imagine that when Sir Cliff finally snuffs it he probably won’t even get a mention.
Let’s hope the BBC dies before Cliff !
They’ll definitely mention Cliff’s passing but it will be difficult to hear for the sound of champagne corks popping.
BBC news on R4 mentioned how “daring” Victoria Wood had been in making programmes showing us women’s humour.
“Daring”? this would be in the 1980s not the 1880s…..Wasn’t there a woman Prime Minister at the time?
With all due respect to Acorn Antiques but don’t the Beeb over egg things at times like this?
Al Beeb comment in news now re Victoria Wood passing away …………………’Best television eva made’
I do know that some of the Al Beeb readers may not like this. I am very sorry for the poor lady, but I didn’t find her very funny.
Perhaps its my sense of humour ?
Victoria Wood was a very talented comedy writer and performer. I don’t know about her politics because I never got a sense of them from anything she did or said. She was of that generation of entertainers who believed that that kind of thing should stay private and not become part of their repertoire – unlike the ‘new wave’ of so-called comedians who came after her, who made being ‘anti-fatcher’ the entire point of their tiresome shtick (Ben Elton, you hypocritical t*sser, I’m looking at you).
The BBC, being the gormless morons they are, have simply co-opted Ms Wood’s untimely death as an occasion to ‘celebrate’ her ‘working class roots’ and remind us all how much ‘of the people’ she was. I wonder what Ms Wood would make of that. I don’t think she’d be too impressed.
The BBC: Reputations are never safe in their hands.
Ben Elton has been claiming for some time now that he has never been a lefty comedian. The bit about not being a comedian I can accept but not being a lefty? Perhaps I imagined the routines of his that I had the misfortune to catch in the 80s.
Credit where credit is due though, Blackadder was good (except series one…cue debate).
The fact that ‘biting satirist’ Mr Elton hung up his spangly suit at almost exactly the same time as Blair came to power had nothing to do with his politics, obviously! To be fair I note from his wikipedia entry that he did speak out against anti-Christian bias in the BBC.
Agree with you on all counts, especially Blackadder 1
And how, the BBC inform us, will Malia Bouattia make her impact on the student scene in the immediate future? Those valued and perceptive youngsters who devote themselves so assiduously to improving the nation, our students, have voted Ms Bouattia into the Presidency of the NUS where, I feel sure, her contribution will be even more valued and perceptive than those she will represent.
Mind you, she apparently voted to reject a motion (in her university debating society, I’d guess) that sought to condemn IS, and has referred to Birmingham Uni as ‘something of a Zionist outpost’ – but hey, we simply have to celebrate another vibrant and prescient example of our multicultural paradise. Enjoy.
Come to think of it, are we still entitled to use the term ‘paradise’ or is that now in breach of some fatwah or other?
The universities see themselves as leading the campaign to destroy the state of Israel. Oh they do not put it quite like that but that is what they want. BDS is the tool that they hope wil deligitimize the state of Israel and lead to punitive sanctions from the UN. These dreadful people have no interest in the fate of Israel’s people particularly if they are Jewish. They are by any definition anti Semitic.They cannot be reasoned with and they cannot be dissuaded from the course they are taking.
The people of Israel need to understand that this hostility is unthinking, visceral and free of any reasoned approach.
The major universities are thoroughy compromised. Recently Edinburgh has shown it’s true colours and once again I must single out Exeter for special praise. By praise I wish to make it clear that that place has distinguished itself in the campaign to deligitimise Israel.
Make no mistake Israel is being treated as no other nation is in the world and that includes those paragons of civilisation we are all familiar with like N.Korea and the rest of the totalitarian states infesting our world.
If anything reveals the decadence of the West it is this attitude to Israel.
Dave S,
You are quite right. These people are the new Nazis.
Here’s a piece of comforting news. The National Union of Students have just elected their new president. The new president is black, female and a Muslim. There’s three boxes ticked in one go!
Malia Bouttia has previously penned an article describing Birmingham University as “something of a Zionist outpost.” In a 2014 video from a “Gaza and Palestinian Revolution” event, she is seen calling on Muslims to support Palestinian “resistance.” Hmmm, I wonder what she could have had in mind…This Muzzie doesn’t sound like much of a cake baker to me.
I read somewhere else today that members of the NUS were calling for the end of the Holocaust Memorial Day.
Am I seeing a pattern here?
Looks like the BBC will have another generation of brainwashed, f*ckwit, left-wing students to recruit from. Hopefully, that avenue of employment will have disappeared before Bouttia and her contemporaries reach puberty.
If they ever do .
This is different Jeff because this death cult worshipping lunatic is as dangerous as they come. She is the absolute epitome of extremist. In any other walk of life or belief this mentalist would have be called a racist, evil, delusional psychopath and banned from being able to brainwash those soppy, hippy, privileged gobshites that move on from university and into positions in society that effect the rest of us.
If it wasn’t leading to the destruction of our way of life, it would be hilarious watching how child like the liberals see the art of box ticking. Every one is equal in their sick warped eyes and if it takes a million laws or legislation changes then that is what it takes.
This evil ROPer delusionist will at least do everything in her power to push us further down the path of Islamification and at most will turn as many people as possible to the true Islamic path of jihad. Like all ROPers she is desperate for the death of Israel. The death of homosexuals. The deaths of all infidels anywhere and everywhere on earth.
I calculate from other articles I have read about this unpleasant character that she isabout 28 years old. Malia, get a job, there’s a good girl.
When I was a student it was always the ‘mature’ students that caused most of the real trouble and spent their time rabble rousing. They were full of plans to end apartheid whilst at the same time incapable of keeping the Union bar clean. Unemployable wastes of space the lot of them.
Tothepoint: Yes, quite true. I believe the habit of claiming all cultures are equal (a tactic so beloved of the fascist, regressive left), is known as ‘cultural relativism’. It’s an ideology that has, in previously enlightened, civilised western societies, outlawed any criticism of the Religion of Special Exceptions, insisting that 7th century homophobia, bigotry, racism and religious totalitarianism should be ‘respected’.
This is the p*sspoor state of the millennial snowflake generation. God help us all.
Has anyone seen her biography? From her photograph she is whe whitest black activists since Rachel Dolezal.

Rachel Dolezal
Malia Bouattia
Maybe she does skin-bleaching or has done a “Michael Jackson” !
She reminds me of the woman in this clip…..
I heard this morning she is Algerian. The NUS defines Black as students of African, Asian, Arab and Caribbean descent. Or should we say if you are not European descent or think it politically advisable to background the Caucasian part of yourself, like Obama, the NUS labels you BLACK!
BTW Arabs are usually considered to be White Caucasian, not least by themselves. The last thing you want to be in most Arab states is Negroid.
That is really funny. In my experience of Arabs in the Middle East , they despise black Africans and would consider being called “black” an insult !
She looks a bit old to be a student!
She is probably a ‘career student’
First step to being a Labour MP !
Funny given Muslim hostility towards Jews, that so many Jews are nevertheless supportive of Muslim immigration,
to Britain and the EU, don’t you think?
Funny given Muslim hostility towards Jews, that so many Jews are nevertheless supportive of Muslim immigration,
to Britain and the EU, don’t you think?
As in the US, this will eventually hit Universities in the pocket
It’s the only thing they Understand.
OT but IDD
He needs to get off the fence and just say what he thinks.
Just watched the BBC 4 documentary ” Treasure Islands”. This is something the BBC do well, but partly spoilt by the loud mindless muzak drowning out the commentary. The presenter couldn’t resist describing the Falklands as ” multicultural”. And we know where that is coming from ! But the BBC did report that, in a referendum, the islanders voted 99.8 % to remain with the UK. And no hint of it being rigged !
I noticed that, he called the hideously White-British Falkland Islanders “multicultural” twice. An odd contortion of Political Correctness, because he has visited the Multiracial but Culturally integrated dependencies of Bermuda, the Pitcairn Islands and Tristan Da Cunha without mentioning multiculturalism. But he also said that three Falkland Islanders had voted against British Culture, and that they wont be at the Party celebrating British Culture. So Multiculturalism in the Falkland Islands is represented by 99.8 of the population supporting British Culture, and 0.2 percent of the population (3 people) supporting a different Culture.
Also at the end of the documentary, I noticed the standard BBC Climate science fraud about the Antarctic, what he called “the melting is real”. There are two points about this: (1) It was filmed in daylight, so the BBC are legally covered by the Antarctic seasonal trend. (2) I was told that the BBC now put this at the end of documentaries, because the segment has to be removed for broadcasting in the US, due to legal reasons, while we in Britain will continue to receive this type of propaganda as long as the BBC Trust exists.
Yes, I meant to say that he mentioned it twice and there was , predictably, the usual Global Warming stuff. It is amazing that the BBC have not worked that into Great British Bake-off but I should not give them ideas !
It’s worrying that what appears to be rampant anti Semitism is gaining such a hold in British universities. Some of these intolerant lefties and Muslim groups are not so different to the Nazis that the left are supposed to despise; and yet they’re supporting them.
There seems to be a peculiar breakdown that takes place in the progressive and “liberal” mindset that manages to distort and corrupt clear facts to support their poisonous fiction.
I was listening to the former London mayor, Ken Livingstone, a few weeks ago. He made comparisons between those that went to fight (against fascism) in the Spanish civil war and those that now go to fight for ISIS. The bloke really is barking mad! How the hell you could compare George Orwell with Jihadi John?
Frightening to think that this revolting reptile was in charge of the capital until a few years ago. Still, not to worry; a brand new London mayor will be elected in May.
For those of a squeamish disposition please look away now…
“…Some of these intolerant lefties and Muslim groups are not so different to the Nazis that the left are supposed to despise; and yet they’re supporting them.”
No surprises there, then. The intolerant left has always been drawn towards authoritarianism. From Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, through to Mao and Pol Pot they all considered themselves ‘socialists’ in one form or another – Turkish muslims were quick to ally themselves to the Nazi (anti-semitic) cause in WWII (Himmler even had a special muslim Waffen-SS corps created).
Anti-semitism and the left are no strangers to each other. All it takes is a look through the history books. It’s all there. The problem is that millennial snowflakes and SJW’s no longer read books and their Marxist university ‘educators’ will never reveal the truth buried in those books because that doesn’t fit today’s dominant progressive fascist narratives (in time, no doubt, history will be revised to exclude all mention of socialism’s cancerous history).
Jerusalem Gay Pride: Ultra-Orthodox Jew convicted of murder over stabbing
The BBC leans over backwards not to mention the ROP when they commit crimes in the name of religion but has no problem labeling this man’s religion in both the headline and the introductory paragraph.
Shared from Facebook (I didn’t write it although I wish I had):
My letter of complaint to the BBC about its standards.
The article reports the conviction of the gay parade stabber. You shamelessly identify him as an ‘Ultra-Orthodox Jew’, as if this has something to do with the crime for which he was convicted. Your organisation would never identify any other religion even when large numbers of adherents of that religion commit atrocities in the name of that religion. in fact your organisation will go out of its way to point out that the suspect(s)/perpetrator(s) and their crimes/misdeeds/terror have nothing to do with the religion in whose name the suspect/perpetrator has claimed to act.
There are clergy of that religion that promote such violence and claimed adherents who support and celebrate the murders, bombings etc. You do not wish to malign this religion, nor its adherents many of who are peaceable and non-murderous.
There is nothing in the act of this individual that reflects Ultra-Orthodox Jews or Judaism, nor are there Rabbis or other Ultra-Orthodox leaders promoting or perpetrating violence against, gays, non-believers, apostates. Nevertheless your reporter, and no doubt your editorial staff are perfectly content that this INDIVIDUAL, lone wolf, acting contrary to all Jewish law and practice as taught and followed by ultra-orthodox Jews, needs to be identified as ultra-orthodox. You clearly do not fear insulting Jews, Ultra-Orthodox or others, and unequivocally associate Ultra-Orthodox Jews with terror and murder.
I have no doubt that you will fail to answer this complaint by acknowledging the anti-Antisemitism, prejudice, bigotry and inaccuracy of your report. Nor do i anticipate that you will investigate what ULTRA ORTHODOX leaders and believers teach about murder. You know that despite your distasteful and insulting slur on religious Jews you will not fear anything stronger than letters of protest. You will not fear that ultra-Orthodox rabbis will declare Jewish Jihad against you, nor will your journalists be targeted by ultra-orthodox Jews.
Yes, you would never see a BBC headline ” Muslim convicted of murder”. Bias ? What bias ?
Jerusalem Gay Pride: Ultra-Orthodox Jew convicted of murder over stabbing
The BBC leans over backwards not to mention the ROP when they commit crimes in the name of religion but has no problem labeling this man’s religion in both the headline and the introductory paragraph.
Shared from Facebook (I didn’t write it although I wish I had):
My letter of complaint to the BBC about its standards.
The article reports the conviction of the gay parade stabber. You shamelessly identify him as an ‘Ultra-Orthodox Jew’, as if this has something to do with the crime for which he was convicted. Your organisation would never identify any other religion even when large numbers of adherents of that religion commit atrocities in the name of that religion. in fact your organisation will go out of its way to point out that the suspect(s)/perpetrator(s) and their crimes/misdeeds/terror have nothing to do with the religion in whose name the suspect/perpetrator has claimed to act.
There are clergy of that religion that promote such violence and claimed adherents who support and celebrate the murders, bombings etc. You do not wish to malign this religion, nor its adherents many of who are peaceable and non-murderous.
There is nothing in the act of this individual that reflects Ultra-Orthodox Jews or Judaism, nor are there Rabbis or other Ultra-Orthodox leaders promoting or perpetrating violence against, gays, non-believers, apostates. Nevertheless your reporter, and no doubt your editorial staff are perfectly content that this INDIVIDUAL, lone wolf, acting contrary to all Jewish law and practice as taught and followed by ultra-orthodox Jews, needs to be identified as ultra-orthodox. You clearly do not fear insulting Jews, Ultra-Orthodox or others, and unequivocally associate Ultra-Orthodox Jews with terror and murder.
I have no doubt that you will fail to answer this complaint by acknowledging the anti-Antisemitism, prejudice, bigotry and inaccuracy of your report. Nor do i anticipate that you will investigate what ULTRA ORTHODOX leaders and believers teach about murder. You know that despite your distasteful and insulting slur on religious Jews you will not fear anything stronger than letters of protest. You will not fear that ultra-Orthodox rabbis will declare Jewish Jihad against you, nor will your journalists be targeted by ultra-orthodox Jews.
BTW The BBC Guidelines state:
Religion editorial principles
* We will ensure that the beliefs and practices of the great world faiths are described accurately and impartially.
* We will ensure the religious views and beliefs of an individual, a religion or religious denomination are not misrepresented, abused or discriminated against, as judged against generally accepted standards.
Major fail on both points, I think.
Apologies. The author of the complaint is Craig Levin.
Morality. Morality. Morality….. The bain of normal, mentally stable people everywhere on earth. It seams forcing someone’s opinion.. sorry morals onto others without any discussion or request if this is what THEY want is the new go to action for the freedom hating left.
“Its morally the right thing to do” was a statement I heard a million times from the scumbag, traitorous bast@rds desperate to shoehorn every single death cult rapist that wanted to ruin our way of life with Islamic enrichment. The “Morally this”, “morally that” narrative was thrown about like it was the only buzz word that every existed. The lunatic left use the moral stick to beat off all debate as it’s purpose is to make those who disagree with them sound and feel evil for doing so….
But hold on. What’s this on the Al mujahideen Beeb webshite…
“Iranians vent anger at new police morality unit”
So how are the left going to play this morality top trumps?? In their warped eyes the left hold the highest possible standards of morality… Yet their ROPer fuck buddies hold a whole different standard… Just another sickening irony in the ROPer/left love in. If the left even cared for an answer to the dangerous top trump conundrum then here is the answer..
The lefts morality is debatable and driven by the mind set of the day. The death cult ROPers have their morality already determined by Mo the child loving barbarian. What is happening in Tehran is happening in ALL Islamic cultures and societies. As certain as night follows day our Islamic friends are going to morally inforce Muhammads instructions on the rest of us…but hey, don’t worry! It’s the morally correct thing to do!
It is morally right, morally commendable, etc. Funny how the word ‘morally’ is superfluous in moral argument.
What is the difference between being right and being morally right about something?
An abuse of moral discourse from our media
“You shamelessly identify him as an ‘Ultra-Orthodox Jew’, as if this has something to do with the crime for which he was convicted. Your organisation would never identify any other religion even when large numbers of adherents of that religion commit atrocities in the name of that religion”
They certainly would. They would do so if the person was an ‘extremist’ Christian, or even an ‘extremist’ Muslim. Their aim is to warn against the dangers of ‘extremism.
No “they” wouldn’t. They prefer to preface Islamic extremists with the qualifier “so called”.
That’s when they’re not assuring us that extremist acts are “nothing to do with Islam” which is of course also known as “the religion of peace”.
Extremism amongst Muslims is always denied, or called “Islamism” or “jihadism” never, ever is it referred to as Islamic extremism.
Christians, perhaps? Could you please provide a link to the BBC referring to extremist Muslims, especially in the headline or the first paragraph.
Here are a few
Good finds, but none of them are using the term in the context of an actual act of Islamic terrorist violence.
And the term is, to my knowledge, never used in broadcasts.
Item 1 appears a wind up…a gay man “turned his back on extremist Islam” LOL!
Item 2 uses the terms “non violent Islamic extremism” and “so called Islamic state”.
Item 3 also uses the term “so called Islamic state” in places though it is a fair piece of reportage in parts it does not use the term “Islamic extremism” in the context of any acts of violence. It also uses this interesting formulation…..
“The country’s Minister of Religious Affairs, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin admits that there is growing support for some elements of Sharia law – and says the government is preparing legislation to reflect this.
“We are now considering introducing a ban on drinking alcohol, gambling and prostitution. We will then put these proposals to the people and they will be made law if there is democratic agreement,” he says.
The minister insists that moves like this do not signify a drift towards Islamic fundamentalism, but merely reflect the growing sense of pride people here feel for their religion. However, recent actions by a vociferous minority of extremists have led many to question this.”
Moves toward the imposition of sharia law are do not signify a drift towards Islamic fundamentalism……
I will agree the BBC do like to suggest ‘extremism’ is a general problem, rather than especially prevalent in Islam.
The Queen, is 90 tomorrow, for most of the UK a cause for celebration. For some though, carping republicism is more appropriate, not least the sneerers who counter-balance what should be a joyful celebration with claims that William and Kate are ‘workshy’. Outspoken lefty and part-time BBC Newsnight frontman O’Brien started it last week on his LBC phone-in, and right on cue, without the need for an invitation, the BBC’s resident royal rodent, the ‘awful’ Nicholas Witchell had the impertinence to tell William that ‘some people say’ he’s workshy and ask him to comment.
It seems that the BBC and his enemies have forgotten that until recently William was an airman in the RAF, he now operates an air ambulance, demanding to have a role in the ‘real world’.
But ‘impressions’ are important, as the hopeless Victoria Derbyshire recently said when not letting a guest get a word in edgeways who was there to defend the press and Whittingdale. And, boy, the phrase ‘some people say’, most loved by the very lowest of the BBC’s low life, doesn’t half let them spread the ‘impression’.
When you’ve got an angle, it sure beats reporting facts.
The BBC are integrity-lite scum.
Needless to say , no Beeboids are workshy.
I’d like to see some of these BBC twunts flying air ambulance jobs.
Quite. It’s a dangerous job, even at the best of times. I have as much respect for the Air Ambulance Service as I do for the RNLI – another unsung but heroic outfit (quite staggering to think the RNLI have to rely on charity to exist: we are an island nation!).
I have a cautious admiration for William. He’ll no doubt inherit a fair few of his hopeless father’s idiotic virtue signalling tendencies, but he seems fairly well-adjusted and hopefully he’ll do a decent job when his time comes. Catherine, meanwhile, remains a credit to the nation. What a fantastic woman – smart, stunningly attractive and a brilliant example to all. She’s our Princess – and somehow that always makes me happy. What great advert for Great Britain she is!
Slightly! OT. – It’s Channel 4.
C4 news tonight saw Cathy Newman take on Lynton Crosby and Alistair Campbell. An example in how not to conduct an interview. It started off with Crosby smiling and Ali scowling as they traded shots. Newman then tried to “up her game” with the O’Neill tactic of “you haven’t answered the question” to Crosby.
Error 1. Counter from Crosby – ignore and pass the issue to Ali. Ali – “He answered your question”.
Error 2. Try to move the Issue to Brexit. Both interviewees then turned up the heat on Newman, including a rant from Ali about media misrepresentation.
Comedy gold that you won’t see on the beeb. Newman was left looking like a total lightweight.
About halfway through.
Al Beeb and the Americans tell us we must sacrifice the Sovereignty and Independence of Great Britain and ‘remain in’ to save the world economy .
Why doesn’t the EU sacrifice to their dictatorship and make some changes and get rid of its political empire building to save its own economy – Open your eyes and just look at the mess the EU is in.
Reminder to Al Beeb and the ‘urimainers’
Great Britain is ….
A Permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.
A member of the G7
A founder member of NATO and one of the biggest contributors (nothing to do with the EU)
The 5th Largest Economy.
And a member of the The Commonwealth of Nations.
Wake up you Britons and Vote Leave!
UK also has a nuclear deterrent….part of the “special relationship”…..what are the US up to?
Heard on Toady its eminence grise, Jim “och aye” the Knoocktie, discussing Trump’s (post NY primary triumph) comment that it is “mathematically impossible” for Cruz to now beat him to the Republican nomination; Jimbo said that Trump was lying – he would never have used such language of a similar statement from Frau Clinton.
The scum at al beebus must be tearing each other’s hair out as it looks like Trump WILL get the nomination – ain’t democracy a bitch?
It is, that’s why they wouldn’t dream of having it in the European Union.
I thought we had got rid of the repulsive opera-loving, champagne -guzzling socialist, Naughtie ? ( Don’t get me wrong, I like opera and champagne, if someone else is paying, but I am not a socialist. ).
Rob, your post sums it all up for me.
People that go into politics, civil service or media already have a warped view of themselves and believe that they have a God given right to make a difference. They believe that they should use that ‘gift’ to change the world to the way they believe it should be.
The problem is there are many people out there that have their own thoughts on how things should be. Its what millions of people fought and died for. Democracy. The right to have a say in the country they love and would die for. The establishment hate democracy and hate the people who use it even more because these ‘free thinkers’ hold the establishment to account and prevent the establishment from doing everything they want.
The EU has been a way around democracy and a way for the self deluded elite to force through their personal views on all of us. Basically the little people are prevented from interfering with the EU/socialist plans for the future. That’s the reason why the establishment are desperate for us to stay in. A cartel of like minded fuckwits have the power to force through social and cultural changes on scales democracy would never allow to happen.
Vote out. Tell these selfish, traitorous bast@rds where to go!
World Service at around 04:25 GMT the presenters wish Happy Birthday to the Queen and then run a report on how the Jamaican Prime Minister wants to get rid of her. Most of the vox pops seemed to be pretty monarchist though. That was followed by some inane comments on the UK press coverage and the question of whether she would send herself a letter when she hits the century in ten years time. Your tax money is being well spent!
To be fair to the World Service, they have just run (starting at around 04:55 GMT) an interview with an Indian gentleman who praised the Queen and the institution of the monarchy.
I live in Gambia. Despite their mentally deranged President having announced that Gambia is no longer in the Commonwealth, most Gambians I know still think of Great Britain as the mother country and the Queen as their mother !
As many comment on this website, the BBCs bias is more often than not showed by stories it doesnt cover or buries.
The motives of London mayor candidate Khan were questioned in PMQs yesterday. On the Beeb website it decides this is not headline news, nor even English news. Its two brief articles are buried under the Politics and London sections.
As for former German Chancellor Kohl voicing concerns over EU migration policy and his lunch with Hungry’s Viktor Orban, the Beeb doesn’t cover this at all.
Very true. The BBC select news items which will further their political agenda and either ignore the others or bury them. If they really can’t avoid reporting some news , they will spin it to their advantage.
When it comes to interviews, if it is “vox pop”, they select someone or a majority of people who will spout what the BBC want to us to hear.
Phone-ins, studio audiences etc. are carefully selected screened and monitored to re-inforce the BBC view. The obvious example is “Question Time ” where audiences and panelists are selected to reflect BBC but not public opinion.
(cont ). Interviews with politicians etc. follow the formula, enemies = hostile interview with many interruptions. Friends = cosy chat.
The bias is blatant and pernicious and the BBC know that no-one , least of all this pathetic, spineless Government are going to stop them. Meanwhile, we have to pay for their relentless Left-wing propaganda.
Concerning QT, someone on this website ( sorry , I forgot who ) monitored the panelists in recent weeks and showed that Remainers outnumbered Leavers by 2 to 1. Of course, the BBC could argue, with some justification, that ration simply reflects the Establishment view. Of course, Dimblebore could always make an announcement at the start of the programme to that effect. LOL !
Yes, Englands Dreaming..”stories they don’t report or bury”…Our local free newspaper carries a story this week about an online IS/ISIS “death list” advocating, as an act of jihad, using any means, the murder of MPs and other prominent Muslims in the UK.
I can’t remember hearing this on the BBC news.
And a google search doesn’t show it on any BBC site, but does show national and local newspaper coverage of the threat.
A search for “IS death list” and “ISIS death list” on the BBC news site drew a blank.
For those interested in the Sergeant Blackman case, there’s a great new piece here:
Maybe the BBC will take up his case. I mean if he were “British” Taliban or ISIS they would. Are any Human Rights lawyers on the case ?
I completely agree Alex, worth a read. Sgt Blackman has shamed no one except those who put him behind bars.
Brian Taylor is the BBC’s Scotland Political Editor. Wrap him in a toga and the portly silver-haired veteran could easily pass as an extra in some ancient Roman drama set in the Senate – so long as he didn’t have a speaking part – the Scots brogue from this guy is less ‘Et tu Brute’ and more ‘See You, Jimmy’. And by inclination our BBC tribune is most unlikely to want to stick the knife into the Tartan Dictator – or First Minister. By attitude and tone Brian Taylor doesn’t come to cross examine Nicola Sturgeon – he comes to praise her. What we have here is a flashback to the Blair years when the BBC constantly tries to outflank a ‘Progressive’ leader with questions from the Left. Our Brian’s opener: ‘Why won’t you raise tax like ALL the other parties promise?’ The key word ‘ALL’ we highlight because as far as I know the Tory party in Scotland is not promising to raise taxes – but hey, all the parties that matter to the BBC want to put up tax, right?
When I lived in Edinburgh , many restaurants had to widen their doors so that Brian could get in and, believe me, he spends a lot of time in restaurants. May I just say that , if people think the Westminster politician/journalist clique is incestuous, you should go to Edinburgh , or maybe not !
It occurs to me that there is a special kind of bias being operated by the establishment with regard to the EU referendum and that is where the debate is allowed to be positioned.
Forty years ago Edward Heath sold us into the EEC/EU under the banner of trade, ‘the Common Market’, yet the prime purpose of the EEC/EU has always been political union, it’s in the original Treaty of Rome.
Listen to any ‘debate’, any statement by any establishment body and the message is still being pushed, “you will be better/worse of..”, “single market”, “trade agreements” etc.
However the rise of UKIP and the wrong-footing of Cameron has nothing to do with trade or the economy. The people aren’t unhappy because milk cost a penny too much, they are unhappy because all these establishment wasters are all singing from the same hymn sheet, it doesn’t matter who is in charge, all roads lead to (the Treaty of) Rome.
I want my country back. And I want my BBC, government and other establishment bodies to come clean and start talking about it.
In the 1975 referendum the vote was 69% remain 31% leave.
Now at the risk of sounding defeatist, even if remain win, I do not for one moment believe the majority will be anywhere near that. It’s still all to play for.
So after 40 years of EU propaganda and the ‘benefits of the EU’ I’m going to put a number out there and say there has been a swing of at least 15% against the EU. Why are the bBBC not investigating that? And my money is on the fact that most remainers are pretty reluctant. “There’s a lot we don’t agree with but on balance we think we should stay”.
Oh I so wish someone on the bBBC had the balls to point out that a vote to remain is definitely NOT a vote of confidence in this appalling institution. Even remainers know that, deep down, it is rotten to the core.
The following joke was told on the BBC yesterday and was extolled as a great example of humour –
‘I was at this party snogging a girl – well it was better than listening to her talk’
Sorry, I muddled the gender there. This gag was taken as a fine example of Victoria Wood’s repertoire and she said she had been snogging a guy. Both the show biz guest retelling this and the BBC presenter happily chuckled at the joke which is – by any equality of outrage measure – demeaning toward men
I take your point about the joke – but I’m going to come out in defence of Victoria Wood as I think that unlike most BBC comedians – particularly women comedians – she was genuinely talented and often quite funny. I suspect she got where she did almost completely by talent, not connections or political affiliations – at a time when comedy was still dominated by working class men. She was not really part of that Oxbridge footlights/Comedy Store/Islington wimmins collective lot (Dawn French, etc) that came to dominate comedy in the 80s.
Cranmer, I agree with all of your points including Victoria Wood’s rather old-school talent. I think the issue here is the BBC relentlessly claiming almost every entertainer as some kind of quasi-political campaigner – whether they were or were not. I half expected to hear of the late Ronnie Corbett’s championing of short issues. Or breaking the glass limbo stick or something. This BBC template treatment has led to entertainers taking on approved political views as a shortcut to media approval.
At about 6.40 this morning, Today chose to celebrate Her Majesty’s birthday with a report on Jamaica and how it was probably going to dump the Queen as its head of state and become a republic…slave trade blah blah, reparations etc. Great timing. Bloody shower.
It’s at times like these when I would like the ghost of Mrs Thatcher to appear and interrupt such beeboid burblings with a steely gaze and a firm ‘JUST. REJOICE.’
The BBC Trust can occasion produce 100 page documents to crush any hint that what they are finding against clearly shows they did not get it about right.
I await the house troll to fail to recall this ever happening, demand proof and then go silent having failed to produce any in support of their claims.
The court of appeal has just quashed Ched Evans rape conviction.
What is the matter with these judges? Didn’t they watch Newsnight at the time of Ched Evan’s release from prison, whoops sorry, in the parlance of the BBC ‘the rapist Ched Evans release from prison.’ Newsnight ran items every night linked to an anonymous online poll attacking Evans, only interviewing those who wanted to see Evans hung, drawn and quartered on Saturday night peak time tv.
The BBC used every program, including sports items, to crush any opportunity Evans had of returning to full time employment.
Never before has the BBC ensured a released prisoner could not become a member of society again.
In the case of Boy George, they employed a man who, with another thug, kidnapped a young lad, chained him to a wall, beat him with chains and were going to rape him before the lad escaped. Boy George has never been introduced as the ‘attempted rapist, kidnapper and torturer Boy George.’
In the case of Chris Huhne and Vicky Price, both were reemployed by the BBC the day they were were released from the nick, and no they were not introduced as ‘lying, perjuring, little shits.’
Along with Ched Evan’s retrial I would like to see an inquiry into the BBC’s handling of this case. Was there a link between BBC employees, The Guardian and the anti Ched Evans polling site? Why weren’t alternative voices to the ‘hang Ched Evans’ mob allowed to speak, eg people who represent ex-prisoners seeking to make their way in life for example.
The BBC must never ever again be allowed to pick on a member of the public and ruin their lives.
The BBC must never ever again be allowed to pick on a member of the public and ruin their lives……..
I agree, I found it particularly chilling that whether guilty or not, he was found guilty by the media. And even before the verdict, many prominent sport stars were baying for his head on a platter and saying that a rapist should never be allowed on a football pitch. If there is an overturning of the original sentencing then those sporting and media stars should take a lesson in keeping their mouths shut in future !
I agree entirely. The BBC led the charge with Evans, their behaviour was extraordinary.
You would think, wouldn’t you, that this superior, liberal, elitist body, zealots when it comes to their concern for those locked up (Guantanamo etc , and only last night on hidden Britain, ‘we have to think what it must have been like for those poor Frenchmen, locked up as Napoleonic prisoners of war) would have welcomed the release and rehabilitation of an offender and a chance for him to reintegrate into the community and put right a wrong.
But something must have gone badly wrong with the liberal compass in New Broadcasting House, or the Kremlin (as the BBC at Media City is described). Or was it the fact that the BBC’s liberal leanings are shed like a snake’s skin when there is a greater imperative – the ultra feminism that rule the roost in the BBC and the airwaves.
This coupled with the fact that Evans refused to accept that there was a wrong to right – and let’s not forget how the BBC went to town on this refusal as evidence of his ‘lack of remorse’. But of course, unlike all of those who refused to accept their guilt, the heroes who the BBC featured in its ‘Rough Justice’ series, Evans’ miscarriage of justice was one they could not only turn a blind eye to, but did their damnedest to turn the screw.
I noticed that the bBBC have not stated on what particular grounds the appeal was successful. New evidence is all we are told.
Why have not the bBBC not revealed the detail of this ‘new evidence’. Could it be that it is really rather trivial ‘new evidence’, and that Ched Evans should not have been found guilty in the first place. The term ‘new evidence’ gets the first judge ‘off the hook’ as judges do not like to overturn other judges decisions. Appeals are usually hard won and more often than not unsuccessful and costly..
If Ched Evans is not guilty should not the accuser now stand trial?
A retrial was ordered and the Appeal Court made an order that the grounds for the appeal must not be disclosed until the retrial.
One good thing is that the quashing of the conviction means that the BBC are forbidden from using their favourite phrase, ‘Convicted rapist Ched Evans’.
Thank you Number 88, Very helpful. The initial judgement has all the hallmarks of a judge making a poor decision assuaging the blood thirsty feminists.
I await the retrial with interest. Like many people, I have a deep mistrust of our judiciary, as privately, do so many lawyers.
If Evans is successful there could well be a huge compensation claim for damages, it is for this reason that Evans will not gain an outright decision in his favour, which he should, IMO.
So many oddities about this case, not least that there were two defendants in the original case (Regina v Chedwyn Michael Evans and Clayton Rodney McDonald) one of whom was convicted the other acquitted of raping a woman incapable of giving consent.
Then there was the hue and cry of the media..not least our impartial BBC. And the massive publicity around the campaign to get Evans excluded from his football club before his conviction.
And Vicky Price used as an Economics expert on EU referendum discussion on Newsnight. Why should anyone trust her?
A deeply disturbing story on the Sky web site by its political editor Faisal Islam. it is an ill thought out attack on the Prime Minister for mentioning at PMQs some of the links of Sadiq Khan to extremist nutters, particularly a delightful cove called Suliman Gani.
Faisal writes the piece from ‘a racist’ perspective, and yes it is the Prime Minister who is racist not any of the Muslims mentioned. Rather than high lighting the many Islamic extremists Sadiq Khan has had to sack from his team once they were exposed he defends Khan’s links.
1. Fiasal points out Tory ministers have been pictured with Suliman Gani. (as if that makes Khan’s choice of advisors, etc, all right)
2. Faisal omits that Cameron said in PMQs that it is not that Khan shared a stage with extremists once or twice, as that happens to politicians, but he ‘did it over and over again.’
3. Faisal apologises for Suliman Gani’s defence of IS in the most bizarre manner, stating that Gani ‘expressed support for an Islamic State – but not the organisation known as Daesh, ISIL and ISIS.’ Erm? So? And?
4. Fiasal says Gani no longer supports Sadiq Khan because he (Gani) ‘was very opposed to Mr Khan’s vote for equal marriage.’ Oh, so that is all right then? Fiasal, please!
Faisal needs to get out of the mosque more and investigate all of Khan’s chums, political advisors and the people he has defended. For example, Khan’s advisor, aide and speech writer Shueb Salar who thinks the Lee Rigby murder was faked, that Bengali people smell, that gay people deserve to be harassed and thinks treating a woman nicely is ‘buying her a nice iron and extending the kitchen’. And, who can forget his delightful twitter ‘F*** all you hoes.’
In January 2015, Fiasal Islam was nominated for the Services to Media award at the British Muslim Awards, well bully for him. No doubt he is looking forward to the 2016 British Muslim Awards and is clearing a space on his mantel piece.
So this Mr Gani supports “an islamic state”, but not “the islamic state”? I suppose it was beyond the wit of Faisal Islam, who, judging by his name, must know a thing or two about it, to ask just what is “unislamic” about the “islamic state”, which is run according to the strict rules of sharia law?
IS is the pure and unadulterated form of islamic state. They do nothing which is not sanctioned by the koran. Men like Gani and Islam know this, but they dissemble and throw accusations of racism around rather than admit the facts, because they do not want the people of Britain to know the facst until it is too late.
Your mis-type in the last line made me notice that an apt anagram of “IS facts” is “fascist”. No wonder they go so well together with the BBC.
‘Faisal needs to get out of the mosque more and investigate all of Khan’s chums, political advisors and the people he has defended. ‘
Out of the mosque?
Happy Birthday your Majesty. Sorry that the BBC and Buckingham Palace took the opportunity to make your birthday a propaganda piece for the multikulture.
I am sure the cake will be fine, and nothing personal against the muslim lass who made it, but it might have been an opportunity to reward some cake maker representing an organisation that has served your country and its institutions.
The Monarchy, Anglican Church, the RC Church, our Government, the Police, the BBC, have one by one, dumped the British people.
It would be interesting to know how this decision was arrived at .
Isn’t it usually a member of the Armed Forces or some other worthy institution that gets this job? Presumably, the military chefs are all deployed on ops against a certain enemy or cooking meals for people trying to cross into Europe illegally. How ironic the whole situation is.
It should be someone whose first loyalty is to the Queen and not to a religion.
If it were my choice I would have chosen the “Gay Cake” bakers?
100% Christian, uphold traditional values, refuse to bend over to the latest fad – just like the Queen herself.
I think they ‘gay cake’ bakers have probably had enough of Queens for the time being…
Why the hell doesn’t the Queen speak out against what’s happening to her realm? Particularly as much of it is being done in her name by “HM” Government.
Does it have to be when Britons are a minority within Britain or might it be sometime before we’ve reached that stage?
Because she is afraid to speak up. Remember the complete bollox about her not flying the Royal Standard flag at half mast when Diana-The-Peoples-Princess-of-spending-taxpayers-money died. The Queen was sticking to tradition which unfortunately means sod all these days.
Anyone in the UK who says they want things to stay the same as they are today (not even suggesting returning the UK back to the way it was some years ago) gets labelled as some right wing homophobic/islamophobic Hitler supporter.
Because she is (rightly, in my opinion) constitutionally prohibited from doing so and because she would be pounced on by her detractors the moment she even gave a hint of an opinion.
And, let’s face it, many of her subjects have not exactly shown a great deal of concern about what is happening here either – voters in Rotherham spring to mind.
Can’t expect the Queen to intervene when ordinary members of the public can’t prise themselves away from the TV, Twitter, or whatever they fill their time with.
In a few more decades constitutional prohibitions will be the least of our problems in the U.K.
It’s getting a bit late in the day for fretting over the difference between public and private convention and all the rest of it – the sun set on the British Empire and in around another half century the sun will be setting on Britain too; unless someone with authority or in authority shows some grip and does what needs to be done to save our country and our way of life.
Spot on Maria!
Are you sure there are actually enough of them left to actually bake a cake now?
Now then, if was the Queen, would I eat a cake made by a person lauded by the anti British BBC, supporting a religion contrary to our own British values coming from an area in London which openly supports insurrection!
Does the cake get tested before being consumed?
‘Let them eat cake’
I wonder how many people who are celebrating the Queen’s birthday will vote Remain? If they do then they are being very stupid. You can’t support the British Monarchy in its current form where the Queen is head of state and at the same time support belonging to an EU which is rapidly assuming the status of a ‘country’ and whose apparatchiks pass laws which we have little influence over but which we must obey. Basically how can we have a constitutional Sovereign but pass our sovereignty over to the unelected leaders of the EU? Surely this is the most fundamental of the many issues that we have with the EU. I noted that all sorts of experts on the history of the British monarchy were interviewed today on the BBC this morning , but this key issue of the moment was never raised. We are not surprised are we because the last thing the BBC would want is to pose a question which may make people wake up and realise what is at stake in the referendum.
Solid post Dt.
Lord preserve us from Interviewers picking out members of the public in a queue to give their comments, whether its Flog It or Wimbledon, but today its the Queen !!!! The Beeb have thrown all their journalists at Windsor (along with other channels), and we are treated to the cringeworthy sight of flag waving Joe Public wrapped in the Union flag being interviewed. The questions from the 12 year old journalists are only fit for nursery attendees and the replies are equally dire, I want to throw a brick at the tele !
Interesting to note that David Cameron in the House and in his birthday wishes to the Queen speech, also mentioned the birthday cake baked by Nadia Hussein – just had to get that in didn’t he.
I haven’t been watching it. Have we reached the hijab quota yet?
More refugees for Britain. As the breaking news will subsequently reveal, a reminder of our leaders election promise…………………….
Can someone remind this snake-oil salesman of a PM that he cannot prevent immigration from the EU. Herr Merkel has told him this but he seems unable to retain the information.
On the day on which many of us wish many happy returns to Her Majesty the Queen
And as the BBC speculate on Jamaica maybe/maybe not voting to remove the Queen as head of state I can’t help but bring up the New Zealand flag story. The BBC were mighty interested in this both on-line and on tv news. As my good friend the Assistant Australian Cultural Attache explained this was really all about removing the Union flag (don’t ask what Sir Les is up to – the reply will be something x-rated). Anyway the result of the popular vote was a clear win for the status quo. Funnily enough I only found out by going on line – for some reason I never caught a BBC follow up story with the referendum result.
There is an article on the BBC website about it but this line caught my eye: ‘The existing design features the British Union Jack, a legacy of New Zealand’s days as a British colony’.
New Zealand is a member of the Commonwealth and Her Majesty the Queen is head of state, so it’s a little bit more than a ‘legacy.’
BBC Radio 4 Crossing Continents (should tell you all you need to know in the title!)
‘Islamic State’s’ Most Wanted
Chloe Hadjimatheou tells the astonishing story of a group of young men from Raqqa in Syria who chose to resist the so-called Islamic State, which occupied their city in 2014 and made it the capital of their “Caliphate”. These extraordinary activists have risked everything to oppose IS; several have been killed, or had family members murdered. IS has put a bounty on the resistance leaders’ heads. But the group continues its work, under the banner ‘Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently’. Chloe meets the group’s founders, some of whom are now organising activists in Raqqa from the relative safety of other countries.
Notice that it doesn’t call the young men ‘Muslim’ or name any other religion, and the program was incredibly coy about telling us precisely which religion they did belong to. It certainly should not have been Islam as they were a group which liked to go out and have a drink, and it was reported one of them had a bottle of Whisky in his room.
What ever they were Ahmadi, or Christian (Perish the thought) viewers were left with an impression that it was god to resist these people who did not really follow Islam.
Just more bias from a corporation quite happy to lie to achieve the correct end result.
Ugh! Why do we have to endure a radio drama spread out next week each day on Jack Monroe?
Transgender is the current obsession with the teenagers at the BBC. Wait a couple of months and they will move on to something else. Like most kids they have a short attention span.
Just in case any of you were wondering, Wikipedia informs us that Jack is “non-binary transgender”. I hope that clears up any confusion.
At Grant ?????? I’ve got a headache now, it’s my age I need to have it explained in non-pc speak in other words English. I know Jack’s a girl whose a lesbian but I think living away from the UK has meant I’ve missed about 2 years worth of drivel so I have no idea what one of those is Grant.
Mrs. Kitty,
LOL ! I was hoping someone here would tell me !
Just googled it (how did we survive before it) , apparently they identify as neither male or female . So that’s clear then , God knows what she/he/ it smoked or took years ago. There are times when I’m glad I couldn’t have children and this is one of them. What with the article yesterday from Brighton wanting to ask what gender 4 year olds identity as, I feel maybe we should push the button and let the cockroaches have the planet.
i think the cockroaches are on their way to have the planet except they have 2 legs instead of 6 .
I wish I had your confidence…The subject of homosexuality was pretty much played out once gay marriage became legalised, but all this ‘trans’ stuff has inexhaustible potential for social justice warriors, charity groups, new university academics, Radio four debates, online campaigns etc etc. It’s the sexual equivalent of Orwell’s ‘Eastasia’ and ‘Oceania’ etc. They’ll always be at war with each other or changing sides…
BA Transgender Studies 1st class honours. Fast track to highly paid job in the BBC.
The BBC reports on Sky’s latest stats here:
In the article we learn,’Revenue rose 5% to £8.7bn for the nine months to March, while operating profit rose 12% to £1.14bn.’
So which figure do you think the headline contains? Yes, you guessed it…Sky customer growth slows in third quarter.
Why would that be I wonder?