The BBC would have known about Natalie Rowe’s claims about Whittingdale since 2014 when they started to come out into the public sphere, and mid 2015 they were published in her book.
Did Rowe contact the BBC immediately herself in early 2014? It looks like she had a falling out with the BBC, Panorama, around then over their harassment of her for an exclusive story about something.
Rowe seems to have forgiven them by the middle of 2015 and is making direct accusations about Whittingdale…and the BBC is not reporting them…….why not? Make of this what you will…..the BBC ‘holding back’, the BBC not reporting….not reporting what exactly?……#Whittingdale……in the public interest, crucial for the BBC [future?]…
Did the BBC know about Whittingdale at least by October 2015? And if so…why not report it?…..How can they attack the Press for a ‘cover-up’ conspiracy if they themselves have done exactly the same?……
Natalie Rowe @RealNatalieRowe 26 Oct 2015 @BienSoeur @Glenn_P_Rice After you find out what #BBC held back on reporting, NO ONE should ever pay a licence fee. #WHITTINGDALE
Natalie Rowe @RealNatalieRowe 26 Oct 2015 @BienSoeur @Glenn_P_Rice Wait till I let you in on what #BBC haven’t reported and believe me, it’s of great Public interest,for them crucial
Natalie Rowe @RealNatalieRowe 22 Jul 2015 @JWhittingdale What a disgrace you are! You have a love of Prostitutes & drugs so leave the #BBC alone and concentrate on what you know BEST
Natalie Rowe @RealNatalieRowe 5 Nov 2015 @JWhittingdale @BBC > Can’t bare the stench of corruption
Natalie Rowe @RealNatalieRowe 19 Dec 2015 Soon folks this Email from-Editor of @Independent namely #Amol will become more clear. #BBC #Whittingdale #Coverup
In reply to BBC Politics Natalie Rowe @RealNatalieRowe 21 Dec 2015 @BBCPolitics @BBCNews Shame the #BBC hands are tied, when it comes to outing corrupt Tory Politicians. #newsnight. Jog on !
Natalie Rowe @RealNatalieRowe Jan 17 2016 @PrettyHatMech @hannahmge @bbcnickrobinson @BBC @janemartinson No worries, #Whittingdale Exclusive very soon. This week will be interesting
[Jane Martinson is from the Guardian]
Here are the 2014 Tweets regarding the BBC’s Alistair jackson who was trying to arrange some sort of exclusive deal….
Natalie Rowe @RealNatalieRowe 2014 @KazzJenkins No need to complain,I’ll just post the email on Twitter , that will show the Contempt of #BBC , it’s show them at their worst
Natalie Rowe @RealNatalieRowe 15 Apr 2014 @JackoJourno Unfollow me you Parasite , don’t leave anymore messages on my phone , I’m not a dumb DOM , I wouldn’t give you an exclusive
Natalie Rowe @RealNatalieRowe @JackoJourno stop texting me privately do it on Twitter for everyone to see, have the guts, screw you ,Panorama and BBC, should be ashamed
Promises, promises.
I recall a certain BBC head of complaints bragging she had an email to nowhere to avoid the trust and transparency claimed actually seeing the light of day.
And as for CECUTT… their belief in not even reading before rejecting is legendary.
And then there is the BBC with any FOI, default-rejected ‘for the purposes of…’.
I don’t recall a certain BBC head of complaints bragging she had an email to nowhere to avoid the trust and transparency claimed actually seeing the light of day – I do recall you repeating that endlessly. Doesn’t make it true though.
If ‘CECUTT”s belief in not even reading before rejecting is legendary, then you should have no trouble substantiating that? Or maybe it’s just a legend in your own mind.
If the BBC’s response to FOI is ‘default-rejected’then how come they release info under FOI? And how come the Information Commissioner isn’t upholding lots of appeals?
“the BBC’s response to FOI is ‘default-rejected’then how come they release info under FOI”
And about time. Can you ask your bosses where we can all see a copy of the Balen Report then please? You know the one which has been requested many times under FOI!
And here I was thinking the powers that be had realised that efforts to divert attention were actually proving counter productive by shining light on paucity of actual argument, and pulled the off books budget. Speaking of which, if accepting your powers of recollection are selective at best…
Helen the hidden
Don’t bother emailing complaints to BBC head of news Helen Boaden. She was at the launch evening for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in Oxford last Monday night. Discussion turned to protest groups and lobbying outfits which email their views to senior editors. Boaden’s response: “Oh, I just changed my email address.” So much for the Beeb being accountable.
Maybe you could raise this with the Indy, or BBC? Do tell us how you get on.
On your next, there may be stats on what the BBC complaints concedes immediately, but I suspect they are behind the FOIexemption ironically. Maybe others here who have had cause to use the system could offer how much the initial drone stages and usually ECU levels seem keener to dismiss than address point being made?
And finally, here’s the BBC FOI page:
You seem the kind of person who likes to spend an evening filtering data to suit; knock yourself out.
I say an awful lot of legitimate questions are default rejected by a very convenient exemption clause used way too often.
You might also care to share how many are responded to within deadline and/or without chasing.