Cameron attacked Labour for supporting Sadiq Khan as their candidate to be the London Mayor….the Labour that ‘sympathises with terrorists’.
In his statement he said…..
“If we are going to condemn not just violent extremism but also the extremism that seeks to justify violence in any way, it is very important that we do not back these people and that we do not appear on platforms with them,” the Prime Minister said.
He told us that we must understand the problem of Islamic extremism within the Muslim community or we will take the wrong path to deal with it.
Well you could start with the MCB….the failure to understand their views and how those views are so very widespread within the Muslim community means that for years we have been failing to grasp the real problem behind ‘radicalisation’….it’s not poverty, marginalisation, discrimination or a war on Islam and Muslims… starts with an ideology that very clearly creates a very stark them and us divide within society. The refusal by politicians and the media to admit that means it is left to fester…..and leaves us with a very uncertain future.
You may have noticed that the BBC has been doing some catching up on the subject of the Ahmadis after having refused to broadcast the fact that the murder of Asad Shah in Glasgow was the result of mainstream Muslim hatred of Ahmadis. However, you may also have noticed, that the BBC ascribes the hatred to the usual ‘small group of extremists who don’t represent Islam’ line.
Victoria Derbyshire took a look at the subject last week. And yes, it’s just a small group of extremists to blame. No mention of the views of the extremist, sorry, ‘conservative’, MCB which is by far and away the most representative Muslim organisation in the UK today…oh hang on, here’s the one mention we do get…a screen shot of the MCB’s mantra of peace and love scrolling by on a computer …the MCB ‘condemns violence or hatred towards any group’.…..that’s alright then…..
Others might disagree…from the Independent:
The Muslim Council of Britain has officially decided I’m not Islamic enough – but I never did anything wrong
Why should this even matter to an outsider? The MCB has for long been a credible organisation, representing several mosques and Islamic groups, and done a lot of valuable work on behalf of Muslim communities across the UK. But their recent statement has wider, and potentially dangerous, implications for us all.
When Muslims start playing God in this way, religious prejudice, bigotry and hate will inevitably rise – including here in Britain.
Why did the BBC put that screen shot front and centre in its programme and yet not mention the MCB’s real beliefs on the subject at all? Not hard to find…here’s their latest pronouncement after the killing of Asad Shah…
Position Statement: The Muslim Council of Britain and Ahmadis
6 April 2016
The Muslim Council of Britain has received requests as to where it stands with regard to the Ahmadiyya community.
The MCB fully subscribes to pluralism and peaceful coexistence and acknowledges the rights of all to believe as they choose without coercion, fear and intimidation.
We affirm the right of Ahmadis to their freedom of belief and reject any attacks on their property or persons. They have the right to live free from discrimination or persecution. The targeting of Ahmadis for their beliefs is totally unacceptable.
The Muslim Council of Britain reflects the clear theological position expressed across Islamic traditions: namely that the cornerstone of Islam is to believe in One God and in the finality of the prophethood of the Messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him. We understand that this is not a tenet subscribed to by the Ahmadi community. The MCB Constitution requires our affiliates to declare that Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him is the final prophet and whoever does not subscribe to that declaration cannot be eligible for affiliation with the MCB. Given this fundamental theological difference with the Ahmadi community, the MCB is not in a position to represent or be represented by the Ahmadi community.
Despite our clear theological beliefs, we note that pressure is mounting to describe this community as Muslim. Muslims should not be forced to class Ahmadis as Muslims if they do not wish to do so, at the same time, we call on Muslims to be sensitive, and above all, respect all people irrespective of belief or background.
Why does the BBC ignore the fact that this mainstream, powerful and influential Muslim group, lays the groundwork for the widespread Muslim beliefs about the Ahmadis that lead to such attacks, or indeed that such views are ddefinitely not the preserve of a small, unrepresentative, extremist segment of Muslims?
The BBC, as always ducking, the truth, scared of the real answer and what it means for Europe.
Here’s a first – BBC London tv news warns us to be on the lookout for Electoral Fraud. We should be on our guard against signs of ‘threats and intimidation’. Blimey, sounds serious. What could that be about? There’s just a small clue as the name Lutfur Rahman comes up in the BBC report.
Khan’s vote share in ‘democratic’ Tower Hamlets alone will outnumber the rest of London a country mile!
150% turnout.
It will only be that low if it’s raining!
No, they will be OK in the rain, plastic carrier bags are waterproof and it only takes one visit to the Polling Station to secure a majority.
Despite our clear Western beliefs, we note that pressure is mounting to describe this community as Moderates. Moderate Westerners should not be forced to class Muslims as Moderates if they do not wish to do so, at the same time, we call on Moderate Westerners to be sensitive, and above all, respect all people irrespective of belief or background.
How about that BBC, Cameron et al?
It seems to me that the Ahmadis are to islam what the Mormons are to Christianity. Both the Ahmadis and the Mormons believe there was another revelation by God in the 19th century. Fair enough, but I notice that Christians seem not to stamp Mormons to death, or refuse to have any business or social dealings with them. Naturally, I would not expect the BBC to explore this point.
Londistans first Muslim Mayor…yuk can’t stand him.
Its only the start !!
BBC News now batting hard for Suliman Gani (the alleged extremist).
It’s an appalling example of pro Islamic terror and an attempt to limit the damage to Sadiq Khan whilst painting the Tories black.
Oops should have posted the link
Someone is lying, I wonder who ?
Mr Gani, a community leader and imam from Tooting in south London, said on hearing this characterisation: “I was shocked – I couldn’t believe it.
“I felt very disheartened and betrayed.
“I felt that this is hypocrisy, because I attended a Conservative Muslim Forum event invited by the Conservative candidate for Tooting… to encourage more Muslims to become Conservative councillors.”
Of Mr Goldsmith, Mr Gani said “I met him in person, I shook his hand” and that he thought he was “a candidate to really seriously consider as mayor of London”.
He also said he supported the Conservatives at the last election.
And the BBC Concert Orchestra played ‘Believe Me If You Like’.
There are any number of links if you google ‘Gani and extremism’ e.g.
A hardliner imam who opposes organ transplants and abortions, and believes homosexuality is ‘unnatural’, is being employed by the NHS to work as a Muslim chaplain.
Sheikh Suliman Gani has been working as a Muslim chaplain at St George’s Hospital in Tooting, South London, for the past three years.
He offers spiritual and ethical advice to Muslim and non-Muslim patients and their families as one of seven paid chaplains employed by the hospital.
It is estimated that Imam Gani may have received as much as £50,000 in salary over the past three years.
But an investigation by the Mail on Sunday has revealed that the cleric is a staunch opponent of organ transplants, even when it is required to save lives.
He has held a number of debates on TV channels with fellow Islamic theologians, where he opposed organ donation, despite mainstream Muslim belief that it is perfectly lawful.
Mr Gani has also been on television describing homosexuality as ‘unnatural’, and he opposes abortion. Mr Gani has also described women as ‘subservient’ to men, and said that they should never become leaders.
Suliman Gani, a Muslim chaplain, believes women are subservient to men. He is a vocal supporter of Aafia Siddiqui, a convicted terrorist described by FBI Director Robert S. Mueller as “an al-Qaeda operative and facilitator.” When arrested in 2008, Siddiqui was found in possession of bomb-making instructions and a list of New York landmarks. During her trial, Siddiqui demanded the court ensure none of the lawyers or jurors involved was Jewish.
Can only assume the BBC uses some kind of in-house search engine, custom-designed to avoid links which might contain inconvenient truths (refer also ‘climate change’ and ‘EU democratic process’).
I’ve noticed the bBC is trying (Along with others) to promote the view that actually Bigot Gani is a Tory. Really? I looked into this and here is what I found:
Is Radical Imam lying when he says he voted…Conservative
I wonder why somebody who actually gets paid a lot of money to do the exact same couldn’t do likewise?
Helps to post the link:
Is Radical Imam lying when he says he voted…Conservative
Khan will win courtesy of the ‘elders’ of Tower Hamlets and elsewhere, who are probably already counting the votes.
Let’s hope the Met, MI5 and MI6 have some contingency plans to keep us safe, because the thought of them having to share intelligence briefings with that person does not exactly fill me with confidence.