Always interesting those little comments that slip out and which reveal so much.
Peter Allen was discussing Northern Ireland and Stormont. We heard how things may not be perfect now and people may not be happy with Stormont’s government but they forget how bad it was before…Allen piped up….‘A bit like Europe then’…..Yeah that’s right Peter, the EU, so unappreciated…it may not be perfect but let’s not forget that without it, that unelected, undemocratic EU regime that uses every trick in the book to force ‘ever-closer union’, submission and compliance to its demands, the Fascist dictators would be back in power. The EU, we’re lucky to have it, you’re so right Peter…..better the devil you know. Vote remain…tied to the Titanic.
We also had Cameron on PMQ’s attacking Labour for supporting Sadiq Khan who has very dubious beliefs and common purpose with some very dubious people. Martha Kearney on World at One told us that the allegations against Khan were ‘disputed allegations’ which seems an odd turn of phrase clearly designed to throw doubt on allegations that are in fact very well founded. She also told us that Labour MPs shouted ‘racist’ at Cameron… that is pretty well impossible to discern from the audio, I heard one female voice shout it but only by listening very closely a couple of times, and it raises the question why the BBC would mention something so hard to hear….clearly just want to throw mud hoping it will stick [The Telegraph then picked up the story…but probably from the BBC…which shows how the BBC effects the whole media narrative and sets the hounds running]…no ‘disputed’ allegation of racism here though…..if you oppose Islamic extremism you’re a racist…..Labour playing the race card to close down democratic debate and ignoring the Islamism of its own Mayoral candidate and it’s Cameron that the BBC chooses to undermine.
Nicholas Witchell, still the BBC’s royal correspondent, had a sly dig at Prince Charles when discussing his own interview with Prince William. Talking about his workload and how he decides what to give priority to, William said he was giving more time to his family. Witchell decided this was the result of some deep, psychological trauma William had suffered … he had been somehow neglected and he witnessed how his father had treated his mother…ie Diana and all that. This was pure Witchell speculation and invention…nothing to do with Charles having called Witchell ‘That awful man’ once and William having snubbed him last year?….The man the royals love to HATE: So what HAS the BBC’s Nicholas Witchell done to upset them so much?
Only the BBC could persist in using as a Royal Correspondent a man who has clearly rubbed the Royal Family up the wrong way, and whom they do not like or trust. Mind you, the next Royal Correspondent will probably be Ferne Cotton or Paloma Faith, you never know with the BBC.