Here’s an interesting comment from one of our regular readers;
“EU all sound bites and slogans but no facts.
When will the BBC and other media outlets start to put some facts either in graphical or diagrammatic form to back up opinions and statements ? Any presentation would be welcome
It would appear their elitism extends to the point whereupon they believe the electorate and general public ” cannot understand complex matters”. For example what does ” we are better in than out mean”
or ” we shall be able to govern ourselves” actually refer to ?
The debate homes in on the following areas: Sovereignty; Trade; Immigration; EU Economics and Financing including contributions and rebates.
To date I have not witnessed one rational, reasoned argument backed up by indisputable facts. Is it completely beyond the wit for BBC Journos to shed their inbuilt, personal agenda to open the debate we all want ? Soon as someone voices an opinion that rubs them up the wrong way, they interrupt constantly and then side line into personalties and opinions. Pathetic.British Steel ;Watched John Humphrey using phrases such as ” Yesterdays production cannot be valid in the future” Since when was he ever an expert in steel production and manufacturing. Simple factual research will show that Nissan, and Vauxhall use 50% of Port Talbot output. The onerous business, and green taxes in the UK are far higher than Sweden Germany, USA or France. That is a main contributor to 1 Million a day losses in addition to China keeping their work force happy to avoid unrest by dumping cheap steel.
Why don’t we have referendum on the BBC to see how many people today agree with the licence fee ? Then we can watch the smugness and supercilious similes get wiped off their faces as they face mass redundancy without a hint of compassion.
I believe the terms used to describe the great benefits of the EU are Glittering Generalities .
Glittering Genitals more like.
If anyone wants to understand how the media are controlled, influenced and dominated by Metropolitan Leftist Idiots then listen to the propaganda and lies being pumped out by James O’Brien of the Londonistan Broadcasting Company – LBC (a world expert on Islam because he knows a few Muslims in London). Some gems this morning.
Why have we turned into a country of uncaring people because we don’t want to accept thousands of refugees. Anyone who doesn’t accept that we should take the 3,000 unaccompanied children are uncaring trolls because otherwise they will all drown, be kidnapped, starve, etc. Anyone who thinks some are not children, not unaccompanied, or that their families will eventually follow them are deluded idiots and his favourite words this morning- racist haters.
The downtrodden areas of Liverpool and Birmingham are regularly picked on and denigrated by those in the comfortable South-East.
The sainted supporters of Liverpool football club who were totally exonerated and would never do anything to cause a problem at a football match. An example of fair and balanced comment from him “those who were accused of picking the pockets of the dead and urinating on corpses”. Of course Liverpool fans were famous for their good behavior … Oh maybe except at Heysel where they killed 39 Italians.
How such a toxic venal fool like this is given a platform to lecture people in a so called conversation program. All of his callers , as few of them as there were to give time for his rants, of course supported his position. No vetting there then.
And last week O’Brien was outwardly critical of the Health secretary, sarcastically belittling Hunt, as O’Brien shared an interview with one of the junior doctors who had camped outside the Dept of Health building in Whitehall, waiting to confront Hunt, as part of their latest stunt.
There was no implied support for the doctors from O’Brien – it was full on and unapologetic.
I believe that the arrogant, cleverer than any of us, O’Brien can get away with this on LBC, I might be wrong, but I don’t believe that they have to abide by the same rules of impartiality that the rest of the broadcast media do (or claim to)…but the BBC do. So, given O’Brien’s opinions, I thought it totally inappropriate that he was able to interview Hunt, with barely concealed hostility, for Newsnight last night. But given his position on the political spectrum, it’s no surprise that Katz continues to give him a regular turn at the helm of the BBC’s sinking flagship.
Number 88
O’Brien is the most loathsome radio ‘presenter’ at the moment.
However if you want to see him look a prat YouTube James O’brien and Kate Burley ( of sky) to see his arrogant pomposity take a knock, alternatively his interview with IDS a couple of years ago ( again on YT ) he get’s his ar*e spanked good and proper. It doesn’t happen often to him as he usually resorts to interrupting at length with the usual leftist ducking and diving and shouting that is peculiar to the breed when he starts to lose the argument
That’s perhaps there are no hard and fast truths, but only crystal ball gazing.
Alan, you have fallen into the remainian / BBC trap of shifting the debate onto fairly safe / common ground.
It has long been UKIP policy that a European free trade area is a desirable thing, and that if the EU had remained as that, then there would be hardly any objection at all. That is indeed exactly what the Brexit group are attempting to achieve should we vote to leave.
Why on earth would you want to talk about something which both sides agree is a valuable thing, save for the fact that there is a risk to it if we do leave?
The debate needs to be shifted to the fact that the EU is secretive, and anti democratic. We know that just one leader can make a decision which will affect all the other states with impunity – especially if that state is Germany!
There is the issue of expansionism with rumours of Turkey and Albania now looking to join. Milibands speech talks about Syria ! and Lybia! joining an expanded EU. No citizen of this state will be consulted, no one will have a vote, and no one will be able to stop it, including elected governments.
There’s the European army which is an inevitability if we stay in.
Ever closer union means despite lazy Daveys alleged concession we will be dragged closer towards federalism like it or not.
‘uman rights, mass migration, more & more money required to prop up poorer regions as expansionism requires. Laws made under the Napoleonic system which don’t work with our silly precedent system.
Enforced benefit claims from citizens of other countries which we cannot opt out of. Access to an overstretched NHS and education system as a result of continues mass migration.
None of this is reaching the press at all. Don’t be fooled by the BBC controlling the debate together with the Tory party which is running both sides of the argument at the same time !
Indeed. Another “remain” myth which needs destroying is the myth that (A) we have achieved reform and (B) following on from A, is that this reform means we have the best of in, whilst obtaining the best of leave, without leaving. Autonomy and protection at the same time. Cameron claims he has obtained the best of both worlds.
Actually what we have is the opposite. So long as the Eurozone member states continue to integrate as planned, what we face is being an irrelevant, obsolete entity on the far outskirts of Europe. Ignored when it comes to influence. Constantly outvoted in the EU Council, The Council of the EU, The EU Commission and EU Parliament. Eseentially repeatedly being told to do as we are commanded, shut up and pay up. All this without any ability to forge our own way in the world. Banned from seeking independent and lucrative trade deals of our own, and increasingly sidelined, dictated to and eventually dragged kicking and screaming into the fully integrated EU with all the total loss of sovereignty, democracy and freedom which being consumed by the EU represents. This deal of Camerons is the worst of both worlds.
This is what BREXIT campaigners should be attacking. Remain and be powerless, dragged into authoritarian, regressive dictatorship, or Leave to freedom, democracy and independent prosperity.
Turkey is already “IN”. They have the money to prove it but the EU has made it sound as if they are on probation. As for Albania and Romania, there is no doubt they would be “IN” as well. After all -who is going to keep them ‘OUT’ as we in the UK have effectively no vote in EU politics. I doubt Morocco, Libya and Syria are ready YET but effectively the EU must ‘expand’ to keep the pyramid from collapse. After all it is just a giant PONZI scheme for the better offs who can operate off-shore (Panama) ‘tax free’ and don’t have to pay the same EU taxes as the rest of us. It suits the multinationals, The Philip Greens (BHS Stores and the missing Pension fund) pay’s for his italian luxury multi-million pound yacht and able to take advantage of ‘low wage economy’ found in the UK (as does the ex head of M&S and SAINSBURYS and the Coop) who all benefit from a low wage economy. The problem is we (UK taxpayers) subsidise all these ‘low wage’ migrant jobs as they claim lots of ‘top up’ benefits and direct access to the NHS, schools, housing etc. The rest of the nation gets poorer and suffers from low wages. If we were in the EURO (which the same people CBI elite propose as ‘inevitable’ we would be in a worse position than GREECE and our economy would have collapsed – along with the rest of Europe in quick succession. EU (the real cause) is itself heading for massive financial collapse and has to offset that fact by having to constantly to ‘expand’ or collapse. That is how all PONZI schemes work. What happens next, the after ‘collapse’, is the problem.
It would be nice sometimes if someone came a long with a simple graph or diagram and gave you the answer without you’re having to take any responsibility yourself…of course if you’re going to vote you might feel you should make some effort to examine the facts yourself.
So, here’s what I found in a few seconds:
The UK’s EU referendum: All you need to know:
Reality Check: The EU referendum:
What is the EU and how does it work?:
I even found some graphs & diagrams!
This article doesn’t ask the question your reader seems to think is the complex one…’what does ”we are better in than out mean”?’, but it does rather conveniently ask:
UK and the EU: Better off out or in?
Those damn elites and their dastardly schemes eh?
Kikuchiyo you truly are a complete f#(king bellend!
This website is here to show how the Al Beeb are nothing but a devious, conniving, bigoted group of self serving individuals who’s sole purpose is to mislead, misreport, lie and propagate politicised narrative to further their warped views of how the world show be.
Its reporting of the EU referendum is a complete joke, like every one of your infantile, bullshit riddled posts. The fact you have to link pointless, utter biased, Al Beeb webshite articles to prove a point is lost on you because of your fanatical worshipping of religion Al Beeb and loopy leftist Fascism. Those articles you have linked are about as much use as Car-moron’s EU negotiation.
I can’t tell whether you’re serious or a parody.
I can’t tell whether you’re serious or a parody.
And dare I mention it , that there must be ‘a little something’ in the interest of Al Beeb to bias the EU referendum in favour of plugging the vote to remain ‘in’ .
Some kind poster on this site told us how much AL Beeb gets from the EU.
There are a lot of Beeboid trolls on this site in the last day or two – someone is getting worried, very worried ?
Correction …………..
‘Some kind poster on this site told us how much AL Beeb gets from the EU.’
The EU actually gets the money from us – silly me .
Its win, win, and win for Al Beeb what with the telly tax as well .
A nice little earner eh ? Kikuchiyo
The Seven Samurai:
Kikuchiyo (菊千代?), a humorous character who initially claims to be a samurai, he even falsifies his family tree and identity. Mercurial and temperamental, he identifies with the villagers and their plight, and he reveals to the group that he is in fact not a samurai, but rather a peasant.
Too late I beat you to it ! (mid week open thread )
Kikuchiyo , like Jerrod you are doing a Al Beeb a disservice. You are also digging holes for yourselves .
Thanks for posting those links Kikuchiyo. Up until now I had no idea that there was a referendum on June 23rd, and I certainly didn’t know what the EU was. Twenty-eight countries, fancy that. Aren’t we lucky to have a world class service to educate us and explain the “facts” about whether we are better off in or out. They’ve even included a reality check – amazing.
This is even better than last years article, “All you need to know about Ramadan”.
A referrendum on the BBC – count me in on that. How about a petition on the government site? If it tops the “keep Trump out” one the BBC would surely plaster the airwaves with it..