Look at the crowd control of the time, note the lack of the green/orange jacketed stewards you would expect today. Note especially the video of the 1981 match.
Can you really, really, expect the police on the day to have done much different?
How would not allowing the supporters into the ground have gone down? They were already taking measures because of their own crushing.
It was clearly a disaster waiting to happen, with very poor flow rates and spatial arrangements, tight pinch points, lack of stewards etc. But it is much easier to say that now. To blame one guy seems ridiculous.
The police cover up of course cannot be excused, and support for those tragically killed (who were already in the ground of course) should be genuine and fulsome.
Victimhood and emoting by the bBBC will not sadly bring them back, and have the lessons to be learned not already been learned? So what are we now trying to achieve?
Anyone spot the irony that as a result of the above, British clubs were banned from taking part in European competitions at the time of the Hillsborough tragedy.
I contend the judge DELIBERATELY wrote the question so that the supporters were found not responsible. Well they were even just for the fact they were there in large numbers.
It’s another sacred cow that may not be commented on in certain ways. Apparently (my partner works on the outskirts of Labourpool) the union rep in the office was removed as a rep by staff he was talking on the phone during one of the “silences” . Certainly in these parts it’s akin to when the peoples Princess died. The neighbours who apparently don’t like football and are not from Liverpool are bleating on about it I’m just keeping quiet on this one. I’d be interested to see if the BBc ran the footage of the Doctors/ architects etc , known to you and me as illegal immigrants, having a pitched battle with the Police on Lesbos. immigrants. When I turned on this morning there was a sofa sloth trip out to Liverpool for more I haven’t watched the news all day so although this is on the website http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36148704 are BBc running it on TV. Seems like a good couple of days to bury news stories they don’t want to run.
There can be little doubt that the match was under-resourced by the public authorities and the club, and police lurched from one bad decision to another and then tried deliberately to cover up their actions with false accounts and smears. The Leppings Lane paddock should by that time have been better equipped to deal with its official capacity through an increased number of turnstiles – this had been the subject of a safety review between the club and the council but a ‘compromise’ was reached which proved to be totally inadequate.
However, what I still find difficult to believe is that a couple of thousand Liverpool fans could be crammed together just outside the ground, desperate to get into the game having arrived late, and not contribute in some way to the chaos that followed, especially given their track record.
Thanks for the first video, in 7 minutes we can observe an unruly crowd of thousands, people climbing over the gates, single policeman being shouted at in threatening manner by a large group of men, policeman has his helmet knocked off.
None of this is relevant of course as the second inquest has found that the supporters behaviour at the Leppings lane turnstiles did not contribute to the dangerous situation there.
Nor did it contribute to the ill thought out panic measure of opening the gate without closing the tunnel which had been done in previous years in similar circumstances.
Just to recap, gates opened at 12.00, some of the scenes in the first video are 15 mins before kick off….the time the tickets stipulated that people should be in their places in the ground.
And here we are, now two days after the verdicts. 8am Toady first news item is the suspension of the South Yorkshire Police Chief Constable, first reported I think yesterday lunchtime, (btw what was he doing 27 years ago?) and naturally a vox pop interview with a relative of one of the diseased, calling for accountability.
Are the relatives to be the bBBC’s main source of critical review on all police matters from now on?
I stand corrected. The BBC website headline is not the above, but the scandal that the SY retired police officers club have sent an internal email round, providing some moral support for their members who worked in the force in the 80s, most of whom of course had nothing to do with Hillsborough.
What a scandal! Sending an internal email!
Time for another interview with a family member of one of the diseased, to tell us how disgusting it is and how he wants to see justice.
And, right on queue, the ‘Campaign for Justice’ is turning into………. errrrr………. a civil action!Presumably in the hope of receiving some extremely large cheques from a Police Force that will have a moral and political imperative to ‘do the right thing’. Why else do people pursue civil actions? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-36159195
The extremely large cheques will of course ultimately be funded by the taxpayer; that is to say readers of this website. And what exactly have we done wrong?
I always find it difficult when talking about Hillsborough, my family is from Sheffield and the Owls will always be in my heart. I was told not only of how local families threw open their doors to help the traumatised fans but and here I take a big sigh, I was also told how alcohol didn’t help that day, many fans were not rolling drunk but as they had no idea what was happening inside they were belligerent and starting to get rowdy. For me Duckenfield should have had more men available to him but you can always play the should have rule , I’m not excusing him but we are looking from 26 years in the future and with hindsight. If there is a court case as many are calling for will it heal or hurt?
What an evil site this is, to be sure, to express revulsion for gender segregation, female genital mutilation, arranged marriages, honour killings, subjugation of women, the burka, condemnation of homosexuals, violent and racist paedophile gangs, anti-semitism, hate schools………
Got up this morning to the news that Today would be talking to the Bishop Of Liverpool.
Obviously not regarding the wiping out of Christianity in its oldest heartlands, not even re the usual paedo church preventing gays/women from advancement.
But of course-bloody Hillsborough wind surfing again…day 8,574.
Come in tonight and the BBC News is live in Liverpool, again-for yet MORE survivors, relatives still in mourning etc…and,yes-only a few weeks after their so-called “Last ceremonial commemorating Service”…we have one tonight!
Presumably to recreate a Salem Witch trail for assorted Sun hacks and old S.Yorkshire Coppers to be killed at.
Utterly sick of it-and to hear BURNHAM spouting on the need for justice-hardly what he was saying as a Labour Home Office wonker back in 2009 is it?
Got howled down at Anfield live on telly-watch it while you can,before shits like zero tell the BBC Compliance unit to remove the offending evidence.
Excellent point, Chris H. Burnham will be the next beneficiary of the BBC Memory Hole, even though he’s already had more than fair access to that particular piece of Orwellian apparatus – North Staffs comes to mind.
Grant, Yes hopefully. Her excuse seems to be that she said these things before becoming an MP. But she managed to employ a nasty Anti Semite once elected as an MP
Sad fact is that that the Labour Party’s decade plus long open door immigration/gerrymandering strategy is having the desired effect.
Being anti-Semitic is now more of a vote winner than vote loser to the Left.
And the Tower Hamlets ‘block vote’ and similar boroughs will see Sadiq Khan get in as London Mayor. In fact they are probably already counting the postal votes.
Strangely enough, they were just discussing this on the Daily Politics. JoCo, Brillo Pad, Kuenssberg, Lisa Nandy and Liam Fox, trying to get their heads round why a Labour MP could possibly be anti-semitic. I wonder why? It’s such a mystery isn’t it? Why would a muslim MP from Bradford, a hotbed of radical islam, possibly have a problem with the Jews? Well, it baffled them all. As Brillo said, in the 1930s Labour was against fascism, and had many Jewish supporters. What can have happened since then to have changed things? No, they just couldn’t come to any conclusion, it was just one of those inexplicable mysteries like Atlantis or the Bermuda Triangle.
I have a question of my own: why do we view our political and media elite with contempt? Can anyone help me with that one?
I have just watched the Daily Politics on which Andrew Neil raised the question of why most of the anti semitism in the UK today comes from the left and not, as it used to , the far right. There then ensued a five minute discussion on this observation between Mr Neil , two MPs , the BBC political correspondent and the co host of the programme Jo Coburn. Amazingly not one of them had the courage to state the blindingly obvious, that the source of this growing anti semitism is from Muslims. They all know this to be the truth but not one of them dare say it even in the immediate aftermath of the disgusting things the Labour MP for Bradford said about mass forced transportation of the Jews from Israel to the USA. It shows how far we have sunk as a country, in my view thanks entirely to the liberal left establishment, when people dare not state the obvious about Muslims. I am not an MP , nor a public figure and so perhaps I am less vulnerable to the threats from the liberal left establishment , so I can say with absolute certainty that the UK would be a much happier, safer and cohesive society if we had no Muslims here.
Did anyone report the anti Semitic comment against Phillip Green by an MP repeated on the BBC early morning news Radio 4 yesterday ?. The MP said that if he knew about the situation in the BHS pensioners fund he had sold them ” for 30 pieces of silver” This sort of anti Semitic statement would never have been spoken out loud even a decade ago !
Here’s the latest relevant Metropolitan Police data:
This shows that anti-Semitic crime is 2.7 times more prevalent than ‘islamophobic’ crime.
But, the true ratio may be nearer 3.8, as a freedom-of-information request by Sikhs exposed that 28% of so-called ‘islamophobic crimes’ were not even against Muslims at all.
Also, here’s the data for the last year from Scotland:
See more details at: http://wisermonkeys.uk/islam.html#iphobia
The recent ICM survey for Channel 4 showed that on average over 12 measures, almost 3 times more Muslims than the general population harbour negative attitudes towards Jews.
See: http://wisermonkeys.uk/muslimopinion.html
I have highlighted this one extract below but the whole article makes the subject so much clearer http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/As-I-see-it-Bewildered-Britain-still-doesnt-get-it-449884
” ANTI-SEMITISM IS NOT merely one of many prejudices. It has unique features, the same ones that characterize the demonization of Israel. Both are irrational obsessions consisting entirely of grotesque lies and libels. Both accuse a group of people of a conspiracy of evil of cosmic proportions. Both accuse those people of committing abuses of which they are not only innocent, but are, in fact, the victims “.
Islam is not the only cause of Anti-Semitism on the left
.As Liam Fox tried to imply anti-capitalism has always had a anti-Semitic streak with their`greedy bankers anti-rich ` sentiments.What`s interesting is that the Labour MP is is on the Anti-semitism Commons Committee .Maybe she is a typical politician who has a different story for different people according to her self interest.She get the Labour nomination to be their candidate in Bradford by playing anti-Semitism and then looks to rise up the parliamentary Labour party by being anti-Semitic.
Underneath it all is the inability of the mainstream tv media to question how much of the Anti Israel movement is anti-Semitic or not because being Anti-Israel has been a trendy leftie cause for decades.
Barring the USA the world has treated Israel to far higher standards than any other country and hence criticisms most countries do not apply to themselves
If Hillsborough had happened in Israel the establishment media would have been on it from day 1 and a cover up would not have lasted for 27 years
Anyone clever with photo-shop and change the Komrade Kommie Korbyn’s slogan to “Yes please to Anti-Semitism, No to Islamopohobia”. And then spread it on Facebook, Twitter etc N.B. Please is optional
I’m not sure if the Sun is that far off the mark. Looking at the footage above my first impression is of an accident waiting to happen. People are judging events of 1989 by today’s standards. The ground did not have a valid safety certificate at the time of the disaster, it had previous experience of crushing at matches and what there was by way of an Emergency Response Plan was not properly implemented. However if the police are going to alter their accounts to suit their cause then they deserve all they get.
Seismic Boy
Spot on.
Except that the police should pay for their cover up on the basis that it was a cover up, and that should be punished – but not on the fortuitous basis that they have now been found guilty of something else.
There’s a sort of justice in the two combined, agreed, but it’s the wrong sort.
‘People are judging events of 1989 by today’s standards. The ground did not have a valid safety certificate at the time of the disaster, it had previous experience of crushing at matches and what there was by way of an Emergency Response Plan was not properly implemented.’
If we agree with your assertions, then why is a single officer singled out for his decisions on the day?
Because in view of your assertions it is not clear what the police should have done ON THE DAY.
There would of course have been a good case for postponing the match some days before, based on your assertions, which for the purpose of discussion I’m not questioning. But strangely I haven’t heard a single comment from anyone on that proposition.
These weren’t my assertions, they were seismicboy’s.
It simply seems to me to be self-contradictory to say: ‘People are judging events of 1989 by today’s standards. The ground did not have a valid safety certificate at the time of the disaster’
Clearly in 1989 there were safety certificates for football grounds that were supposed to be valid. That was a 1989 standard. I would agree that football stadium safety was ‘stable door’, like fire safety. But if you think the police were damned whatever decision they made that day, or every day after, then I’d suggest you begin by reading the Hillsborough Independent Panel report.
For the BBC and the left in general this story has a talismanic status that enables its politicisation, a process that is well under way….
It can be used to discredit the Police and the conservative government of the day, it enables attacks on the Murdoch press (a BBC commercial interest) it allows the lionisation of “activists” and the families who stood up for justice, it enables various labour politicians, not least Andy Burnham, to take advantage, it enables the portrayal of the 80s as some kind of dark age relieved only by “progress” and it enables lots of lovely emoting which makes good TV and radio.
The problem for the dispassionate observer is that these agendas do harm to the order of society, in promoting an anti police agenda, and it discredits the inquest process that the finding was made that the behaviour of supporters at the Leppings lane turnstiles had no effect on events on the terraces where people were standing who had arrived in good time.
The conduct of those arriving late has been airbrushed from the context in which the tragic deaths took place.
The decisions made by the club and police before the matchday around ticketing, allocation of spectator areas, screening for tickets before arrival at the gates, the licensing of the ground, and the closure of all entry to the ground at 15 minutes before the game have all been heaped on to a scapegoat.
Above all the the Justice campaign and the inquest processes have won justice for some but created injustice for others.
I was just about to post similar. It is all part of a political agenda. I would like to see a new inquiry into the Aberfan disaster. That was a much bigger scandal under the repulsive Harold Wison. So far as I was aware no-one was punished and Wilson’s chum, the odious Lord Robens got off, even though the inquiry at the time put the blame totally on the NCB. Thankfully, Wilson and Robens are dead now ,but there may still be some people who were reckless and negligent and could be prosecuted.
Let’s take your analysis a little further.
Back in 1981 (co-incidentally the time of another crowd-problem football match at Hillsborough – see my first post URL), I had cause to visit Liverpool regularly for reasons that render such visits well-etched on my memory. So I remember seeing for the first time metal cages on buses to protect the bus drivers from violent passengers – I’d never seen such cages anywhere else at that time. Even in 1981, the Liverpool ‘victimhood’ agenda was in full swing. We reflect on the Toxteth riots, the Heseltine special project, the Militant Tendency, Derek Hatton et al. Thus Liverpool of the 1980s represents a badge of honour to the Hard Left (or the Far Left as the bBBC might call them) and the opportunity is there to extend the meaning of ‘Liverpool victims’ beyond Hillsborough to include anyone affected by anything during the Thatcher era in that city. A fertile playground for the context-free student Marxists that make up the biased BBC newsroom.
All that is needed to achieve this state of socialist Nirvana is to big up Hillsborough whilst airbrushing out the Heysel stadium tragedy of 1985.
We oldies with a sense of historic perspective and context see a bigger picture.
Sorry Demon, too clever for my own good. I was trying and failing miserably to link with the bBBC’s insatiable use of ‘Far Right’ for almost anyone with views different from their own. You are quite right of course.
Sorry Sluff, that was not meant as a criticism. I totally agree with the points you were making; I am old enough to remember the same as you. I was only adding to your comment by pointing out how extreme the BBC is now. (As we all know).
Just to re-emphasise what those times were like, I’ve just remembered that across the river in Birkenhead, Frank Field (yes, that Frank Field) was either de-selected or was under severe threat of de-selection for beng too right wing. And in the same year as the Hillsborough tragedy. http://bufvc.ac.uk/tvandradio/lbc/index.php/segment/0013400454021
There is another town and football club, whose name also begins with ‘L’, which seems to get rather less sympathetic treatment from the BBC and MSM.
The town and its White inhabitants have been damaged severely by mass immigration and the multi-cultural ‘experiment’ in the last few decades. Younger male natives, some of whom were football supporters, organized to try to do something about the abuse of their female relatives and friends, but were met with official hostility. They gave rise to a political movement vilified by the ‘bien pensant’ classes, because it was the authentic voice of dispossessed ordinary people and their anger at the neglect of their legitimate interests.
I thought I saw that there was a majority verdict (seven out of nine) but not sure whether that applied to every individual decision. If that is correct I admire the courage of the two who stood out against the group think and – I would have thought – the possibility of repercussions (after two years most people are going to know who the jurors were).
As we know, and has been demonstrated many times by posts on this site BBC bias can be measured just as much by omission. Which I think can again be demonstrated by this article which I am unable to find anywhere on the BBC. Anyone see it?
Say it isn’t so! 😯 Who could possibly have foreseen that happening?
Apart from everybody on this site. Sadly, few politicians and no-one at the BBC. The sheer stupidity of our current ‘elite’ is, frankly, profoundly depressing.
That is a big story and the BBC should be headlining it. The BBC are always up 24 hours behind other media so give them a chance. Not very impressive for £4 billion a year. The BBC are pretty crap really, on all levels .
BBC News website have 2 Have Your Say to choose from today…
1. New GB Olympic kit (BBC must love it because everything British about it is barely recognisable)
2. New Dyson £299 hair dryer
I guess there is nothing else in the news worthy of readers comments then?
On the Radio 4 8:00 am news this morning, praise be, an item on Venezuela. It’s not often that that socialist paradise gets a mention from the BBC. Apparently Venezuela is suffering from an electricity shortfall due to . . . lack of rain for the hydro-electric reservoirs. “Lack of rain” translates – in the BBC songbook – into “climate change” and WASP guilt for all the evil in the world (cf the earlier item listed on the Today running order of an interview with serial parasite Adair Turner demanding “drastic action . . . . . . to keep global temperate rises well below two degrees centigrade”). This “crisis” has nothing to do with gross mismanagement by the Venezuelan lefty regime beloved of Corbyn and his BBC fanclub, of course.
I don’t know if other readers have noticed that the debate over the EU membership referendum is concentrated entirely on economics?
It has long been UKIP policy that the only good side of the EU is as a trade alliance and it is the rest of it which is so egregious, and objectionable.
Today we have yet another comment this time from the OECD that there would be no economic benefit to us leaving (although they don’t say anything about detriment either)!
The Brexit side desperately need to take this argument away from economics and into the politics, the ever closer union, expansionism, ‘uman rights, the list goes on & on. Simply allowing the remainians to control the agenda is going to lose the vote.
It’s 100% intentional. As John Monnet, one of the EU’s founding fathers put it:
“Europe’s nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation”
It is therefore important to maintain the facade that it is only about economics, which is done by restricting the scope of the discussion. Even our own (sic) government’s website states that the aim of the EU is to achieve economic and political union – they just think the population is too thick to find and read it. Despite what many people think, the EU is not some vast conspiracy – everything it is about and where it is going has been published and can be inspected. Historians in the future looking at the collapse of civilisation – if there are any – will be able to honestly say that yes, it was all above board, fully documented and the people of Europe (the predecessor to Eurabia) must have known what was happening.
The founding treaty of the EEC, which became the EU, is the Treaty of Rome. The first clause of the preamble declares that the signatories to the treaty are “Determined to establish the foundations of an ever closer union among the European peoples,”.
It’s not hidden in the small print, its the whole raison d’être, as they say.
All this nonsense about trade and GDP is just a smoke screen, we can be as good as we want to be and no-one can stop us. Selling is about making a better mouse trap and knocking on people’s doors to get the word out, only then will they beat a path to our door.
One of the most stupid things that is said about trade is that ‘the single market’ gives us access to 500 million customers. That is like saying that if I open a sandwich bar in London that I have ‘access’ to 10 million customers. In reality I will be lucky to get trade from the people who have passed by the existing five sandwich bars in the street, unless I offer something better and promote it! We can see how well access works now, the door swings both ways and most of the trade is inbound.
You have to laugh.
Sky news reporting the Belgian bomber Abdeslam said he ‘went on the run’ for four months … two streets away from where he grew up. No chance of the local community finding and handing him in then ????? Oh and he’s never read the Koran …
‘Giles Farthing •
Top Work Guido, just the sort of thing we need to get rid of this rotten core – i’ll expect full media blackout on the BBC as if it never happened’
Not really feeling the trust in BBC editorial integrity, TBH.
‘i’ll expect full media blackout on the BBC as if it never happened……..Not really feeling the trust in BBC editorial integrity, TBH…….Of course, in the spirit of balance, I must acknowledge………One is sure the BBC picked this up and will run with it.’
A lot of people on this website have asked, quite rightly, how they could discuss anti-Semitism in the Labour Party without using a single, specific word. I mean, what do the Muslim pals of Sadiq Khan have in common with Muslim MPs like Naz Shah along with her Muslim parliamentary aide Cllr Mohammad Shabbir or Muslim labour councillors like Beinazir Lasharie, or the Muslim youngest ever councillor Aysegul Gurbuz or indeed the new Muslim Nus leader Malia Bouattia? Apart from their mindless anti-Semitism?
Yep, you’ve guessed it they were all supported by Jeremy Corbyn at some time.
But to my mind it isn’t just Muslims within the Labour Party who are the problem, though that is self-evidently true. Nor can it be said that all Muslims have these racist views of Jewish people. They do not.
Friends of mine who are on the soft left, ie Guardian/BBC left as opposed to hard left, have been speaking negatively about Jews for some years. It seemed to start with the rational questioning of how Israel protects itself against those who want nothing more than its total destruction but stretched to them supporting the Islamic Fascists Hamas and Hezbollah. From that it was a short goose step to mindless racism. ‘Stop Jewish orchestras’, ‘Jewish Scientists’ or ‘Jewish Products’ coming here. Surely the next step is to ‘transport’ the existing Jewish people out of here.
But of course they cannot be racist, because the soft left abhors and fights racism where ever they see it. The soft left has become so self-righteous that they cannot see how they look. March against Israel but ignore the Russian annexing of Crimea, or Islamist assaults into Syria and Iraq.
This, I feel stretches into the BBC, as evidenced by the Balen Report’s headline issue about Ola Guerin making up reports, with manufactured ‘video footage,’ of an Israeli assault on a Palestinian town.
Where Labour and the BBC goes from here is anyone’s guess cos it looks like a f***ing mess to me. Sorry I couldn’t think of a more polite word.
The Left can dress it up as ” Israel” or “Zionism”. They can call it Mary or Mariama ( to quote a black African saying ) but it is racist anti- semitism and the Fascists of the Left, including the rather unintelligent Corbyn, need to look in a mirror and address it. Until they get rid of their own racism, they are in no position to call other people racist.
“Nor can it be said that all Muslims have these racist views of Jewish people. They do not.”
Yet again there is the qualification and apology on behalf of that fictitious group – Moderate Muslims.
You are either a Muslims or you’re not! You either believe everything which is written in the Qur’an as it is the very word of God, or you are not a Muslim !
It’s quite simple stuff ALL Muslims have anti semitic views and those who do not are apostates and in line to be killed !
“Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari record various recensions of a hadith where Muhammad had prophesised that the Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims and Jews fight each other. The Muslims will kill the Jews with such success that they will then hide behind stones or both trees and stones according to various recensions, which will then cry out to a Muslim that a Jew is hiding behind them and ask them to kill him. The only one not to do so will be the Gharqad tree as it is the tree of the Jews.”
“They are debased, cursed, anathematized forever by God and so can never repent and be forgiven; they are cheats and traitors; defiant and stubborn; they killed the prophets; they are liars who falsify scripture and take bribes; as infidels they are ritually unclean, a foul odour emanating from them – such is the image of the Jew in classical Islam, degraded and malevolent”
Thoughtful, We must all be careful here. There are different groups of Muslims who have very different views on their religion. For sure yes many groups who have come to western Europe and the UK fall in to the category that you suggest. Sunnis, Salafists and Wahhabists for example.
But Shites are so against these views that they are also enemies of the Islamists above. The Ahmadis are muslim yet the Ahmadi Glasgow shopkeeper Asad Shah was murdered by Islamists because of he felt close to the indigenous popluation. You even have ‘secular Muslims’ who want liberal democratic government. Islamists are murdering them in Bangladesh.
So not all Muslims can be, or should be, tarred with the same brush. The Muslim groups out to kill us are sufficiently terrifying without over stating the problem
I myself am starting to differentiate between Muslim and Islam.
A Muslim can be anything and nothing-as long as he or she subscribes to the five tenets of the faith they follow…no reason to dismiss them, can be as British or as arsey as you or me.
But their faith is Islam…so they self define as submissive to Islamism if they don`t actively stay as Muslims.
And Islamism-like Communism and Fascism, Socialism and Nazism…and Islamism , ism , ism itself of course are NOT religious seekers of an independent truth, who seek to live and work alongside their fellow citizens.
No Islamism is what we`re up against…not Muslims.
Need to make that clear. When Muslim becomes Islam is when a line is crossed…Islam is not a religion only-it`s a totalitarian monoculture created only for world domination…not a race either…it`s an ideology akin to Fascist Socialism…hence Hitlers approval.
Can’t agree about the Shiites. Several of them among the leadership in Iran, for example, are virulently anti-Semitic – which fuels their hatred of Israel.
You`re right TrueToo.
The Koran is stuffed full of evil intent to those groups like Jews, women and Christians etc…but few Muslims feel obliged to act on the prejudiced, pagan pillage to be found in there.
World War Three is as likely to start between Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi as anywhere else…or else it`ll be Turkey in Saudis place(Saudi is failing by the day).
The Iranians today accused the US of “Iranophobia”-that`s where we`re going, and the stupid media just repeat it.
TrueToo, Iran is not straight forward. It is currently ruled by the insane Imams and their many bands of thugs.
There are also those in Iran who are well educated and despise the Islamic regime as much as we do. Anyone who tries to stand in the elections but isn’t nominated by the Imams can face appalling abuse as can those who protest or blog.
How soul destroying for the enlightened Iranians to see Obama supporting the fascist regime and clearing the way for them to develop atomic and dirty radioactive weapons.
Yes, Iran is complex and there is no doubt much underground resistance to the psychotic mullahs and their henchmen. Unfortunately, the psychotics have enough popular support to guarantee their survival for the foreseeable future.
Islam is the one and only instruction of how the children of Allah must live to see paradise. Muhammad received this instruction from Allah himself. This instruction can never change. The Koran..the hadiths…the instruction for domination, obedience, force, conversation, occupation, death, jihad, violence… These are the instruction from Muhammad to ALL Muslims.
The Sunnis believed Muhammed’s friend and advisor Abu Bakr was the rightful “caliph” of Muslims, while Shias thought that his cousin and son-in-law Ali was chosen by Allah to rule. The instruction is the same. The words given to Muhammad can never change.
Ahmadis accept the Quran as their holy text, face the Kaaba during prayer, and accept the authority of Hadiths. These are the central beliefs constituting Ahmadi Muslim thought. The distinguishing feature of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is “their belief in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, as prophesied by the Islamic prophet Muhammad”.
There is only Islam. There will only ever be the Islam given to the world by Muhammad. The Islam that IS follow to the letter. The Islam Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shababb follow to the letter. These are the ‘true’ Muslims. The Muslims living the life Muhammad instructed them to live. Those who are not following this path are not living the life Allah himself has instructed them to.
Naz Shah’s suspension is purely symbolic. Despite the efforts on the part of the Labour party and the left to claim that anti-Semitism is a separate issue fron anti-Zionism, I suspect a great many of Corbyn’s supporters would endorse her poisonous views. To be anti-Zionist is to deny the right of Israel to exist. It’s that simple. The whole basis of Marxism is characterised by a lack of joined up thinking – as demonstrated by just about every socialist regime that has ever existed – but do these “anti-Zionists” ever think how anti-Zionism would work in practice? Really what they are actually supporting is not really much different from Naz Shah’s vile statements.
There was a rather clueless student on Daily Politics a couple of days ago who claimed that he was only really criticising right wing Zionism. I haven’t any idea how “right-wing” Zionism is different from Zionism. Maybe he knows. He also went on to say that what he was really against was the Netanyahu government. I imagine that being surrounded by hostile forces tends to produce strong leaders. Quite frankly I wish that we had leaders in the West with the balls of Netanyahu, rather than weaklings like Cameron and Obama!
“means zero ” !! That reminds me of someone. Yes, the pathetic attempts by the racist Corbyn and some elements of the Left to try and obscure their anti-semitism is pathetic.
> Can I remind everyone, just in case they do not already know, that Jerrod, Scott, Thaddeus, Kikuchiyo, Zero, Marvin and LDV are all connected.
As usual – utterly wrong. I’ve never met anyone else who swims against the tide of bilge, bigotry and lies that your and your other halfwit friends come out with.
Not that you’ll care about such a denial, of course. Biased BBC’s regular halfwits never care much about the truth.
I can spot the connection …………………
Jerrod, Scott, Thaddeus, Kikuchiyo, Zero, Marvin and LDV
They are ‘The Seven Samurai ‘
The clue is ‘Kikuchiyo’ !
I claim my prize Jerrod ?
Ugh. No. Someone above mentioned a list of names and said they don’t have a sense of humour…that’s all. Believe it or not, I actually tried to omit any reference like that in case it fuelled the conspiracy theories….guess I failed there then. But then someone involved in the conspiracy would say that, wouldn’t they?
But I’m still perplexed why it is only those with leftist views that come on here to defend the BBC.
And why is any opinion that doesn’t fit your world view always a ‘conspiracy’? But if you want to talk real conspiracies, shall we have chat about the BBC and 28gate?
Jerrod aka Zero, aka Scott and more. Lefties love their akas. They never construct arguments but attack people, and one way is to reveal other identities so their friends can extend personal attacks. Sometimes, as with Tommy Robinson haters, they provide details in the hope that their braver sidekicks will inflict harm on them.
Jerrod aka etc. have their lists of words to use instead of premises in arguments. eg. Bigot, racist, islamophobic, homophobic and misogynist.
But here is a question that tickles me. Why should anyone not employed by the state broadcaster devote time to defending it – even if the attacks on it came from bigots? Can’t it stick up for itself in an open exchange of argument?
Re the BBC and its Hillsborough never-ending agitation of the scouse stew.
After Burnhams soundbites , we were introduced to former CPS Chief…one Keir Starmer.
For an independent take on how many coppers need to be ducked in the Mersey to atone for the 96.
The strapline DID say that he was an MP…but only the Keir name might lead you to think that he was yet another pig-piling Labour runt and opportunist out to trash Thatch, the Sun and the Fuzz.
Yes folks-he`s a LABOUR MP…not that the BBC told us that.
Just a former Director of the CPS…which, we`ll all agree makes him impartial…but of course Maxine!
Usual slanting bilge way beyond the 38 degrees tipping point eh Beeboids?
Has anyone noticed the amount of BBC coverage St Antony Burnham of Hillsborough has been getting since the inquest verdict.
My goodness, he will be going for the culprits at Mid Staffs NHS soon.
I know this is meant to be about the BBC but LBC just as bad!
I am unbelievably angry with Iane Dale propagandizing for Yvette Cooper an dLord Dubs campaign to import so called ‘”child” migrants.
Dubs himself and a Save the Children bleater givena platform, nobody to speak for th eoppositon. neither of the speakers challenged when they evaded questions, then appalling rudeness towards callers who disagree with him,
Parliament ina rare moment of sense voted against admitting 3000 invaders claiming to be children from the EU.
The ungrateful former kindertransport Jewish Lord Dubs and Cooper will simply not take no for an answer.
Junior doctors have just finished a two-day walkout in England…
Junior doctors blog for us about why they went on strike
That’s nice of them. I wonder what they said?
Next, could it be that famous Scouser Andy Burnham will graciously accept a BBC invitation to shriek about Hillsborough, assured that nothing grubby about what happened to the NHS under his rule will be raised?
Whilst the BBc continues coverage of the junior Doctors strike it reminded me of the slight contrast between this and when they covered a strike I was involved in a while back.
I’m not sure exactly when it was mid to late 1990s we had walked out over pay in the usual cycle of 1. We get a crap pay offer and put it out for ballot. 2. As we get near Xmas after months of on off industrial action management put out a communication saying if it’s accepted the staff will have the money by Xmas. 3. The majority accept it and I spend a month explaining to my members why they only had £25.00 in back pay money: Increase x time – tax & NI = not much + everyone denies voting to accept it. Anyway I digress it was covered on newsnight where they did a shock horror outrage we were shut on a Friday they had a couple of people bitching how terrible it was that we were shut and they couldn’t get any money. etc etc a real hatchett job. Of course they failed to mention benefit was paid in arrears and their claim would have been back dated to that date any way. Still waiting to see a report in similar style on we have patients safety first dispute.
This one made me laugh. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36153451 Like the Police will enforce this. Not one of the morons living in this street with a child under 12 uses a booster seat. Even Mr Taxi Wanker , he drives a Taxi and he is a total wanker, puts his small child in the front seat without a booster seat (as far as I’m aware there is an exception for taxis to carry children without a seat in the rear).
I posted this on the old thread, I hadn’t checked this one had begun, after listening to him on Toady this morning.
How much money must Patten be on?
MP’s / government minister’s pension, Governor of Hong Kong pension (huge I should think), EU commissioner’s pension and he’s now Chancellor of Oxford University – I don’t know whether that position is remunerated but if it is or isn’t the privileges attached to the position (I presume) will be generous to say the least.
No wonder this execrable@sshole is in favour of the endurance of the status quo.
Well when anyone comes on TV and spouts that we should remain in the EU, the first question I find myself asking is ‘What’s in it for you?’ either individually (EU pension) or collectively (EU funding) e.g. the CBI.
Was he the ‘lord’ I heard this morning tell us he didn’t believe in referenda, (i.e. Democracy) as it interefered with the work of government?
Not the first of the ‘elite’ I’ve heard who think they are so superior in their intellect & thinking that they should be the only ones allowed to act on opinions on our behalf.
That needs constant hammering.
Only UKIP and a few decent Tories actually WANTED us to have a referendum.
All those who wanted us to stay in certainly never wanted us to get a Referendum-they fear the little people and their populist spasms.
Hoping that we stick our views on Europe up their gloryholes on June 23rd…surely the entertainment to follow would be worth saying “NO” for wouldn`t it?
Pattens got referendums covered….quoted Margaret Thatcher saying “referendums are the tool of despots and dictators”.. Neglected to mention she was quoting Clement Attlee.
Then Patten stated that “referendums undermine parliamentary democracy”
At which point the interviewer said “good point Lord Patten, but isn’t parliamentary democracy also undermined by subservience to the EU?”……..ha ha ! Sorry, no he didn’t……but he should have!
I remember that fat tub of lard, Roy Hattersley, being asked why he didn’t support the death penalty when two-thirds of his constituents wanted it to be re-introduced. He said that they had voted for him to express his views on their behalf and his view was that it was unacceptable.
The very next day in an interview he was criticizing the Tory government claiming that they were not doing what the people wanted…….unbelievable hypocrisy from a fat, useless excuse for a politician.
So many astute observations in this thread on Labour and anti-Semitism. In order to check out how the BBC was reporting Shah’s suspension I Googled Labour MP suspended anti-Semitism BBC.
Naturally, there was nothing at all in the BBC article that indicated that Corbyn had expressed any resistance to suspending Shah. In fact, the following positive spin is typical:
Earlier party leader Jeremy Corbyn warned her about the “offensive and unacceptable” posts and David Cameron called for her suspension.
Makes it seem as if Corbyn is on Cameron’s side here. He isn’t.
And here’s more typical BBC spin:
Minutes before PMQs, Mr Corbyn, who is under pressure to deal with allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, issued a statement saying: “What Naz Shah did was offensive and unacceptable. I have spoken to her and made this clear.
“These are historic social media posts made before she was a member of parliament. Naz has issued a fulsome apology.
“She does not hold these views and accepts she was completely wrong to have made these posts. The Labour Party is implacably opposed to anti-Semitism and all forms of racism.”
Of course, the BBC would say it was simply quoting him. But the BBC puts a positive gloss on it by omitting any mention of his initial decision not to suspend her.
As is so often the case, we have to go elsewhere to get the full story. Why is the BBC protecting this weasel, who is apparently Labour leader but couldn’t lead his way out of a paper bag and has to be prodded by members of his own party and the opposition to show some backbone and do the right thing? The answer is obvious: the BBC oozes sympathy for him and his politics.
Some of us on here warned that the election of Corbyn would lead to the labour party ending up as a haven for Trots and the usual suspects. So what is happenning was predictable. The party is no longer the party of the working people and the unions but has been hijacked by that pernicious bunch of self righteous middleclass perpetual students living off the public purse,
It has nowhere to go any more but down to well deserved oblivion. In Scotland this is now a fact and soon here also I hope although the tribal labour voters in the north and the cities will keep this worthless party in exisitence a while longer. It deserves Corbyn and good riddance to it. As for it’s fellow travellers in the media and academia they can continue to squeal and demand the death of Israel ( it is not going to happen ) until they finally die out and as most of them are too up themselves ( code for innate selfishness to perpetuate the species) that will be soon enough .
What’s the difference (apart from sexual orientation) between Ben Bradshaw (Lab) and David Cameron (Con)? It would seem not a lot. Nearly four million people in the last GE voted for UKIP, 12.6% of the vote share . And yet, in today’s PMQs we have the unedifying sight of one fop to another ridiculing the leader of said party over the pronunciation of his surname. Frankly pathetic and indicative of the cross-party collusion to remain in the failed European project. The inclusion of “French fascists. Nigel Farridge and Putin” in Bradshaw’s offering was eagerly lapped up by Cameron.
Is that the best they can do against him? I’d like to see Camoron in a head to head debate about our EU membership with Farage; no matter how his surname is pronounced – Camerloon would get his clock cleaned.
What’s all this “reformed” EU b******s? He didn’t get anything from them; regardless of all his scuttling around Europe’s capitals, which demeaned him personally, his office and our country: tw@t!
I didn’t know the useless Ben Bradshaw was still alive. What a pathetic duo of wasters . Bradshaw and Cameron . Would anyone even employ them to clean a toilet ?
Why is it totally unacceptable to make even mildly derogatory comments about a group but fair game against an individual? For instance no-one would dare say anything about refugees fleeing persecution, even though surely they can’t all be perfect, yet it is fun to mock Nigel Farage’s name, which he has inherited from his ancestors who were refugees fleeing from persecution… Oh! Apologise please!
The ‘cabbage’ joke is funny but wrong and More or Less has already sneered away that one. Apparently its a recycled American joke more than 70 years old and there are no ‘EU cabbage’ rules so you are a fool and we should ‘remain’. What the BBC didn’t tell us is that they were replaced by UNECE rules, (UNCE Standard FFV-09). The UNECE being a superior body to the EU, on which Norway has a seat but we don’t because we let the EU speak for us.
Anything about this on TV yet ?
“Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw has warned of gender segregation among teachers in Muslim independent schools.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-36150082
Yes I saw this and was quite surprised to see it on the Beeb website, it wasnt even buried under regions etc. So I will on this occasion congratulate the Beeb for reporting it.
The obvious conclusion from this report is that these schools should be shut down immediately, they are a cancer in our society.
Can’t help but notice that in this BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36150807 including a map with percentage votes for ‘Nationalist’ parties across europe there’s no figure for Scotland – The Scottish National Party – clue in the title?
Only left sing bias? Is that not Mishal front and centre; she of disappointment that Israeli defence systems are preventing a satisfactory balance of dead civilians to suit her ideas of moral equivalence?
I have just heard that Emma Thompson has been sprayed with manure by a farmer!
Oh dear. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.
I recall that a couple of years ago she went to Exeter and told her audience off for being too white.
So she must be delighted with her new colour. I hope she doesn’t wipe it off. That would be racist.
I was watching RT last night, no mention of Liverpool. I’ve just turned on BBc Breakfast and it’s Liverpool day 3 I’ve just turned back to RT who are covering the migrant invasion & the Turks attacking the Kurdish workers party. It’s staying on RT.
Reminds me of the Spitting Image sketch where Shaun Connery is waxing lyrically and patriotically about Scotland, against a scene of the Scottish Glens……….which promptly falls down revealing itself as a prop and that Shaun is actually in Los Angeles.
Only a comedy show of course.
I consider compliments of RT accompanied by criticisms of the BBC to be quite reassuring. It confirms that a) you don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about b) you have no understanding of impartiality.
BBC weather forecasting hits a new low this morning
Carol Kirkwood – in the manner of a cheap movie trailer – says ‘there’s snow – see the forecast later to find out where!’
So the BBC weather forecast – once relied upon – has now become light entertainment – tune in, folks, for more weather spills and thrills
So I’m balanced on the doorstep wondering if I should take a woolly hat or not and I have to wait for a good dose of Liverpudlian jollop in the news before the BBC breaks the suspense.
Disreputable BBC – how the heck did we get to here?
All sorts of guys and gals from W1A are having an away day live from Germany because…. wait for it, there are ‘concerns’ by ‘many’ (nicely vague there) about the ‘rise’ of ‘groups’ less thrilled than BBC UK gated-community dwellers about the multiple benefits of Mrs. Merkel’s open door invitation. These ‘groups’ are nasty because the BBC has appended their favourite word ‘far’ to them.
Now, given BBC editorial integrity, one may wonder who gets to be interviewed ‘live’ having been carefully vetted first, and how subsequent broadcasts evolve once fed through the narrative filter later to leave out anything that slips through that does not fit.
If Obama’s crude threats to Britain (funnily enough there is no queue of candidates waiting to negotiate a trade deal with the USA) and the BBC’s unquestioning acceptance of these threats still rankles, this article is well worth reading
Nothing to do with BBC but I came across this video from 2011, Britain on the Brink, about the EU take over of sovereign nations. Definitely worth watching. I particularly like the very solid economic case made for leaving, something which Vote Leave are not articulating very well.
I agree its definitely worth watching. All the more powerful that what was predicted in 2011 is undeniably true, even if Patrick Moore is now deceased, he now has passed-the-batten- on to us ‘sceptics’ who doubt the wisdom of BBC eurospeak. Watching this video for the first time I am struck by how far our destruction of our national identity has come in such a short time (since 2011) It has accelerated and that we are have our own currency is about to drastically change to the Euro as we loose what was once called ‘the city of London’ to Frankfurt. Its a chilling reminder as to what is at stake and what they have already planned, the UK regions made into French Styles ‘zones. (did we win the war against Napoleon or was it a mirage)? This is so chilling. The last word by Vladimeer (Russian political refugee) confirms my worst thoughts. … that ‘the EU is exactly the same as the Russian politburo, it’s politically enforced (PC) sexual, and ethnic identities are submerged into the ‘centralist’ ideology of Russian style Socialism’. The end of democracy is assured if the vote ‘IN’ camp gets any more money above the BBC and £9 million already spent persuading UK – that a collective ‘death’ of our British identity, English cultural values are worth losing. The very last chance to run our own country will have been lost to the EU ‘Politikal Korrectness’ regime that is amplified by the BBC. Ironically the BBC will cease under the new regime. It’s role will no longer be required…
I posted earlier that average tariffs between UK/USA are currently about 3% so it is not a big deal. Don’t expect ignorant people like Obama and the BBC to know that. Idiots !
Curtesy of Guido:
An astonishing interview by Labour MP Rupa Huq on the Today programme, in which she defended Naz Shah’s actions as merely a “silly” mistake and insisted: “She did not write anything Anti-Semitic, she just pressed share“. Errr, Shah typed the words “the Jews are rallying”…
Huq then compared tweeting a graphic of Israelis being transported out of the Middle East to tweeting a funny photo of Boris Johnson on a zip-wire. Is another Labour MP going to have to apologise for her comments on anti-Semitism? A classic case of going on the radio and not having a clue what you’re talking about…
Worth remembering that leftie Jew hating Oswald Moseley, friend of Nye Bevan, was a senior Labour Party member .
Evidence of antisemitism from the left should encourage Jews in the UK to speak up against the sources, rather than go along with the false claim that it is coming from the right..
You don’t have to be a supporter of the EDL to be aware that they confront opponents chanting: ‘Gay, lesbian, Muslim Jew, we are many more than you’.
And a look at the UAF Facebook page will see support for them and their Moslem friends from Jewish sources.
As a gentile I am beginning to feel isolated as a supporter of Israel, the Jewish people and their magnificent culture.
Watched a short section of Newsnight last night by chance. Very strange.
Darling Evan was interviewing a couple of Americans about Trump. In the context of Trump possibly looking to form better relations with Russia, one of the guests chimed in with Putin’s long-term undermining of Western Europe, leading to the assertion that he was funding the SNP !!! A pretty spectacular claim. Worthy of investigation? Errr, no.
“Let’s not go there”, Davis came straight in to close that one down.
After that article, would you Adam and Eve it, the very next one was about Scottish Politics, with Prof John Curtice discussing the political landscape in Scotland and in particular the success of the SNP !!!
A 6 year old could have joined the dots to ask some pretty obvious questions linking these two stories. But our Evan, keen to stay ‘on-message’, somehow managed to miss all the open goals.
A classic example of the proof that the biased BBC has its own agenda and does not want anything awkward, such as proper investigative reporting or unexpected information, getting in the way of their pre-defined thought control plans.
I hadn’t considered before that our Vlad had got his claws into our beloved state broadcaster, but now I think about it, were it the case, it would certainly explain a few of the bBBC’s anti-Western, destabilising agendas.
First, I would happily have as many Jews in England that we could get. They don’t bomb, rape or behead our citizens. The same goes for Buddhists, Sikhs and the other miscellaneous religions. There’s only the one obvious lot that are causing problems.
Second, can someone enlighten me with this.
I think Orwells books such as Animal farm and 1984 are excellent pieces of work. The left seem to claim him as one of theirs, yet his writings seem to carry a warning of the failings of the left such as the communism in Animal Farm.
I think Orwell is warning about all types of government and how rubbish people are at politics. The type attracted to politics are mainly the exact type who shouldn’t be there albeit with some notable exceptions (Farage or Rees Mogg for example)
How would you lot out there classify Orwell?
Had he been around today I feel he would be a like minded contributor on sites like this and Breitbart. He would have been one of us so how can the lefties claim him, or am I wrong about him.
One biography which is worth reading is ” George Orwell” by Gordon Bowker. Orwell started off as a Leftie but I think his experiences in the Spanish Civil War opened his eyes to the evils of socialism. Amusingly, he worked as a radio presenter for the BBC, I think after WW2. There is no doubt that Animal Farm and 1984 are attacks on communism. “Napoleon” in Animal Farm almost certainly based on Stalin. I think the book was banned in the Soviet Union for a period. Lefties, who by definition believe in totalitarianism, have no right to claim Orwell as one of their own. He believed in freedom , the very opposite of what Lefties stand for. He was a troubled, but great man.
I’m quite a fan of Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury in the early 1950s. For those not familiar, the title refers to the temperature at which paper burns and the book is about a dystopian society which seeks to eradicate history and hence independent thinking by destroying all books. Too futuristic?
Fast forward to Mao’s cultural revolution and Pol Pot’s killing fields. The parallels are pretty clear to me.
I suppose the bBBC would consider Bradbury to be ‘Far Right’.
Orwell’s book 1984 is now bequeathed to the Fabian Society I believe (a left-of-field Labour Trust) now enthralled to the EU of everything. What was described in graphic detail by Orwell himself as the future of careless, headless, monolithic ‘public service companies’ controlling everything. That was then. Now it is clear a determination of the EU to achieve the same reality.
It’s commonly accepted that the Spanish Civil War caused Orwell to re-evaluate.
When Orwell was writing 1984 he had TB and was living in his remote cottage on Jura.
He must have known his prognosis was poor.
With nothing therefore to lose, and no comeback likely, he could tell it as he saw it.
And as the years go by and political correctness takes hold, his warning about the power of the state apparatus to tell what to think become more and more relevant.
Perhaps this website should be re-named ‘Winston Smith’.
Well said. I doubt if “Animal Farm” or “1984” are taught in British schools today as the Left control the education system. But they are part of the curriculum of some Commonwealth countries including my dear little Gambia where “Animal Farm” is read in many “Upper Basic ” schools ( High schools ).
Apart from anything else, Orwell wrote such beautiful english . As I say, he was a great man and Lefties have no right to claim him.
Animal farm and 1984 are definitely not on the curriculum for obvious reasons but my teenage kids have read them and “get it” thank goodness!
Problem is that schools now are run by arrogant politically correct managers (Heads) and leftist/ “right on” teachers i.e. male-beardies with sandals and scraggy old female refugees from ’80’s so-called peace camps.
To better understand Orwell’s views on politics (and many other things) I suggest you read his essays.
He was an out and out socialist, believing in state control of the means of production (to eliminate exploitation of the working class, though this was before the collapse of the Soviet bloc) but at the same time recognising the hypocrisy of the Far Left and the failings of communsim which led to totalitarianism. He was also something of a patriot, recognising the admirable qualities in Britishness whilst abhorring the upper class ‘ruling elite’.
That is actually a fair summary. He started off as a socialist, middle class, probably bullied at public school etc. And I agree with you about his essays. ” The Lion and the Unicorn ” being a classic example. He was a tortured soul in many ways but his writings will live forever !
Not quite true. Orwell came from a shabby-genteel middle class anglo-Indian family and went to Eton as a scholarship boy. He had fairly conservative views and was an Anglican churchgoer etc. What changed him was service as a police officer in Burma, which gave him a hatred of British imperialism – the socialism developed after that. However, he strongly disliked doctrinaire middle class socialism mainly because of its sneering at British traditions and culture. He didn’t really ‘belong’ to either the left or the right, which is perhaps one of the reasons for his enduring popularity.
“I have known numbers of middle class Socialists, I have listened by the hour to their tirades against their own class, and yet never, not even once, have I met one who had picked up proletarian table-manners.
In his heart he feels that proletarian manners are disgusting…he hates, fears, and despises the working class.”
I think it is safe to say he didn’t have a lot of time for the far left.
There’s some pretty incredible claims there. Including:
It says 54% of German respondents approved of welcoming Syrians to their country. In the UK, where the government has resolutely capped the number of Syrian refugees, the figure was much higher at 72%.
Apparently this is part of the BBC’s “Identity Season”. I think we know the sort of agenda the BBC will be pushing here.
Certainly not the views of Germans that I spoke to on my last week long visit to Germany. Maybe I was in some sort of right wing enclave but they appeared perfectly normal to me and I would say 90% had completely the opposite view. Still I must admit that I didn’t select a ‘representative’ section of Germans. Just spoke to ordinary German folk who were very concerned for the future of their country.
Ah yes GlobalScan – or should that be GlobalScam. Another do-gooder outfit helping us to be more “sustainable” and “global”; helping their clients towards more “purposeful” efforts in the global market yadda, yadda, yadda. It’s another of the myriad outfits helping to slowly strangle the West. For instance – from a page on its website listing its “professional partners”: “GlobeScan is proud to partner with Ethical Markets Media who work to reform markets and metrics to grow the green economy worldwide”. When you read the BBC’s report, you might consider, given GlobalScam’s objectives, how disinterested any poll conducted by this organisation can be.
This really is becoming a circus……outrage now at retired police officers e-mailing each other to offer support re: Hillborough.
Someone needs to be brave enough to stand up to the bullying, left-wing media and tell the truth about the ludicrous verdict that the Liverpool fans played no part in the tragic deaths of 96 innocent people.
I was watching the European Cup Final live in 1985 at the Heysel Stadium and witnessed Liverpool fans throwing blocks of concrete onto the heads of Juventus fans. 39 people died and hundreds were injured.
The people of Liverpool talk with disgust about the Sun newspaper and it’s appalling headlines, proudly boasting about the fact that all these years later it is still not sold in the majority of the city. They should try going to Turin and asking the people there what they think of Liverpool football fans – the name can’t even be mentioned without many spitting on the ground in disgust.
The thought that four years later the same fans played no part in the Hillsborough tragedy ranks alongside the O.J. Simpson verdict for complete legal incompetence.
The bandwagon really is rolling out of control on this – the complaint bleated through the BBC – and going without question from the BBC – yesterday was the outrage that Police officers had the audacity to attempt to defend themselves in court prolonging what was, presumably supposed to be a oneway only showtrial.
Remind me, the crucial ‘Unlawful Killing’ verdict was only on a majority decision? This from jurers (supposedly unbiased – we hope) apparently able and willing to give two years of their lives to this circus.
‘I was watching the European Cup Final live in 1985 at the Heysel Stadium and witnessed Liverpool fans throwing blocks of concrete onto the heads of Juventus fans. ‘
But this is not what happened at Hillsborough, and the evidence is now overwhelming that it was not caused by the fans, rather the evidence overwhelmingly shows that this was a lie, created by those responsible to put blame on the victims.
Oh, but wait…..you cannot accept that, because they were working class football fans for Liverpool, and it was the Thatcher government in power at the time. I’m well aware that the authors and regulars on this Blog are completely incapable of weighing evidence against self-interest on any subject whatsoever, but the comments on Hillsborough take it to a whole new level of ludicrousness!
If I accept the BBC’s version of Hillsborough I have to believe that the police were the only people at fault, and therefore that the fans outside the ground were as well behaved as the fans inside the ground. That must mean that the fans outside were quietly queuing to go through the turnstiles as individuals in exactly the same way as the earlier arrivals had done.
So, why did the police open the exit gate and let all the fans who were still outside come in as a group?
The inquest verdict makes the police action totally inexplicable, and I’ve heard nothing on the BBC that suggests any sort of answer.
So are you really daft enough to suggest that it was South Yorkshire police who were pushing and shoving and trampling in their rage at not getting into the ground in time for he kick off?
To get back to the real world, or at least Al Beeb’s role in the real world, they are quite happy to have Hillsborough and Orgreave and Thatcher and Rotherham linked by the Leftoids whom they interview, all of whom blame SYP, but Al Beeb’s useful idiots don’t seem to want to query the role of the Labour Party in the Rotherham scandal. It is all the fault of Maggie and SYP, don’t you know.
I think you need to look at some of the video evidence from outside the ground.
It clearly shows thousands of people pushing and shoving to get into the ground at 14.45.
That was the time, 15 minutes before kick off, that spectators were advised to be in the ground in their places.
Had people followed the advice printed on the tickets it is possible the crowds would have been more easily and safely managed.
The 96 were innocent, they had arrived on time. A combination of police command errors AND crowd behaviour amongst later arrivals on the day caused the disaster.
The finding that the behaviour of supporters had no effect on the dangerous situation at the Leppings lane turnstiles is not believable.
Reference to “class” are you seriously suggesting that Police officers from the “Socialist republic of South Yorkshire” were recruited from the public schools and wealthy gentry so prevalent in that area ?
Just a thought, but are most posters on here retired (or looking for employment) ? judging at how often comments are made by the same people several times an hour every day.
I delegate my businesses to very competent managers, so I only have to make strategic decisions now and again. It leaves me free to indulge my whims , including BBBC. I guess it is a sort of reward after working damn hard , often 10 hours a day, for 30 years. Looking forward to your next question !!!
I have several university posts world wide because I am bloody marvelous in my subject, so I spend a lot of time on my lap top giving lectures and whatever to brilliant students engaged in relevant subjects in far off lands, using a programme similar to Skype, known as Moodle. In between sessions I do many things and one of them is to contribute in a small way with those in BBBC who are resisting the destruction of our country at the hands of the BBC.
I too manage around 10 hours each day doing honest work and keep up with my subject
One of the many joys of self-employment is that when time or deadlines permit, one can indulge in relaxing pursuits as much at work as at home.
After a ticking off from the GP after a health scare, I no longer sit in front of the screen from dawn to dusk as I once did, and take frequent breaks as any in larger organisations will know are mandated.
If one of these involves a cuppa, what better way to pass the time in good company putting bad broadcasters under the microscope?
Or tickling Flokkers’ bellies to make them giggle.
On Today this morning we heard Rudi Leavor, chairman of the Bradford Reform Synagogue, Rabbi Laura Janner- Klausner, senior rabbi with Reform Judaism, and David Baddiel, comedian, novelist and broadcaster talking about Labour anti-semitism. I might be wrong here – I was making my breakfast at the time – but I didn’t hear the words “Moslem” or “Islam” through the severely constrained “indignation” of the participants. Of course, the choice of interviewees was interesting. “Reform” Jews are, in my limited knowledge, on the lefty/emollient/”progressive” wing of the Jewish community: and Baddiel? A BBC favourite which, as far as his political beliefs go, says it all.
Consequently, here we have the rabid anti-semitism tolerated by Labour – whose existence as a political force depends on an immigrant, largely Moslem, vote – discussed by Jews afraid/unwilling to mention the most important fact. The fact being that anti-semitism as a serious factor in British politics and social life has become front and centre at the same time as the population of a religious community, for which anti-semitism is an article of faith, has grown by leaps and bounds over the same period. This isn’t a subject of realistic debate which the BBC will tolerate, let alone encourage. For the BBC anti-semitism is in the same outlier world as Islam-inspired and -tolerated terrorism and Moslem exceptionalism in Britain. In other words, for the BBC, it’s a result of “extremism” and the “radicalisation” of “innocents”. It’s no consolation that the BBC will be destroyed along with the rest of us when we join the Umma.
I think that is a very important point. There have been Christian anti-semites, but there is no anti-semitism in the Bible, that would be absurd. However, anti-semitism is a theme running though the koran, in the very words of allah, dictated to a paedophile Arab merchant who had retired to a cave and heard voices. Muslims are ordered by allah to be anti-semitic, it is indeed an article of their faith. They are enjoined upon to kill Jews, which the Holy Prophet (pbuh) himself did enthusiastically, when he could spare time from raping and pillaging.
Most muslims, thankfully, do not get around to killing Jews these days, but unless they are anti-semites, they can hardly claim to be muslims.
As for Ken Livingstone, I think a lifetime of heavy boozing and left wing politics have finally sent the old boob over the edge.
“”Is Europe lurching to the far right?”” (…why the negative word lurching?? Is this Biased??).
“”A ripple of concern shivered across Europe this week in establishment circles after a right-wing populist candidate stormed to pole position in the first round of Austria’s presidential election””
(…a ripple of concern shivered across Europe???? Is this Biased??).
“””Triumph for the extreme right,” proclaimed Spain’s El Pais newspaper. Britain’s Guardian warned of “turmoil” ahead. Italy’s Corriere della Sera bemoaned a victory for the “anti-immigrant far right” while Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung called on traditional political parties to “listen to this wake-up call!”” (….thank goodness for our Guardian newspaper warning us and it’s 38 readers of “turmoil” ahead. But don’t we have turmoil now?).
Left Wing Biased Biased BBC. Did the Labour Party ‘Lurch’ to the Left with Corbyn?
Cheer up Dover Sentry. Cheer up everybody.
“Is Europe lurching to the Far Right” somehow has rated a ‘Have Your Say”. And it isn’t going well for the bBBC ‘Far Left’ narrative. Just look at the top rated remarks. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36150807?comments
It will probably be taken down before long, and whoever put it up there will be looking for alternative employment.
I’ve been putting my oar in there a bit. Judging by the comments and especially the recommendations, the lefties are having a really hard time. Strangely enough, it’s still going.
“Left Wing Biased Biased BBC. Did the Labour Party ‘Lurch’ to the Left with Corbyn? ”
No DS I would say the Labour Party ‘STUMBLED’ to the Left with Corbyn, and I intend to use that description every time I discuss the matter with any passing Loony lefties.
Just as worrying in the Naz Shah case is the fact she could be elected as an MP.
I wonder if the constituents who elected her did so with full knowledge of her Nazi approach to removing Israel from the Middle East?
Usually in cases like this the BBC are out and about in the locality getting the vox pops, though I’d suspect in this case they might get a few opinions which don’t fit their RoP narrative or worse, none that are willing to condemn her views.
Livingstone all over the media defending Naz Shahs comments as not anti-Semitic, and he has never heard an anti semitic comment in his 40 years of the Labour Party. Obviously never listens to himself then …..
According to the Evening Standard, which says it has a tape of the incident, the new row began as Mr Livingstone left City Hall on Tuesday night, having attended the party he organised to celebrate the “coming out” of Chris Smith as Britain’s first openly gay MP 20 years ago. Mr Livingstone and the newspaper have a poor relationship and its reporter was not allowed into City Hall. On being approached by Mr Finegold outside, Mr Livingstone refused to talk about the party.
Instead, referring to the Daily Mail – the Standard’s sister paper – and its support for the Nazis in the 1930s, Mr Livingstone is said to have baited the reporter, asking if he was “a German war criminal”. On learning that Mr Finegold is Jewish, the mayor apparently said: “You are just like a concentration camp guard, you are just doing it because you are paid to, aren’t you?”.
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ref Hillsborough
As predicted, the bBBC are in full emote mode today.
Here’s a couple of interesting video clips for those with open minds on the matter
Look at the crowd control of the time, note the lack of the green/orange jacketed stewards you would expect today. Note especially the video of the 1981 match.
Can you really, really, expect the police on the day to have done much different?
How would not allowing the supporters into the ground have gone down? They were already taking measures because of their own crushing.
It was clearly a disaster waiting to happen, with very poor flow rates and spatial arrangements, tight pinch points, lack of stewards etc. But it is much easier to say that now. To blame one guy seems ridiculous.
The police cover up of course cannot be excused, and support for those tragically killed (who were already in the ground of course) should be genuine and fulsome.
Victimhood and emoting by the bBBC will not sadly bring them back, and have the lessons to be learned not already been learned? So what are we now trying to achieve?
A little more on those loveable, innocent Liverpool fans from the 1980s, and in the bBBC’s own words no less.
Anyone spot the irony that as a result of the above, British clubs were banned from taking part in European competitions at the time of the Hillsborough tragedy.
I contend the judge DELIBERATELY wrote the question so that the supporters were found not responsible. Well they were even just for the fact they were there in large numbers.
It’s another sacred cow that may not be commented on in certain ways. Apparently (my partner works on the outskirts of Labourpool) the union rep in the office was removed as a rep by staff he was talking on the phone during one of the “silences” . Certainly in these parts it’s akin to when the peoples Princess died. The neighbours who apparently don’t like football and are not from Liverpool are bleating on about it I’m just keeping quiet on this one. I’d be interested to see if the BBc ran the footage of the Doctors/ architects etc , known to you and me as illegal immigrants, having a pitched battle with the Police on Lesbos. immigrants. When I turned on this morning there was a sofa sloth trip out to Liverpool for more I haven’t watched the news all day so although this is on the website http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36148704 are BBc running it on TV. Seems like a good couple of days to bury news stories they don’t want to run.
There can be little doubt that the match was under-resourced by the public authorities and the club, and police lurched from one bad decision to another and then tried deliberately to cover up their actions with false accounts and smears. The Leppings Lane paddock should by that time have been better equipped to deal with its official capacity through an increased number of turnstiles – this had been the subject of a safety review between the club and the council but a ‘compromise’ was reached which proved to be totally inadequate.
However, what I still find difficult to believe is that a couple of thousand Liverpool fans could be crammed together just outside the ground, desperate to get into the game having arrived late, and not contribute in some way to the chaos that followed, especially given their track record.
Thanks for the first video, in 7 minutes we can observe an unruly crowd of thousands, people climbing over the gates, single policeman being shouted at in threatening manner by a large group of men, policeman has his helmet knocked off.
None of this is relevant of course as the second inquest has found that the supporters behaviour at the Leppings lane turnstiles did not contribute to the dangerous situation there.
Nor did it contribute to the ill thought out panic measure of opening the gate without closing the tunnel which had been done in previous years in similar circumstances.
Just to recap, gates opened at 12.00, some of the scenes in the first video are 15 mins before kick off….the time the tickets stipulated that people should be in their places in the ground.
And here we are, now two days after the verdicts. 8am Toady first news item is the suspension of the South Yorkshire Police Chief Constable, first reported I think yesterday lunchtime, (btw what was he doing 27 years ago?) and naturally a vox pop interview with a relative of one of the diseased, calling for accountability.
Are the relatives to be the bBBC’s main source of critical review on all police matters from now on?
I stand corrected. The BBC website headline is not the above, but the scandal that the SY retired police officers club have sent an internal email round, providing some moral support for their members who worked in the force in the 80s, most of whom of course had nothing to do with Hillsborough.
What a scandal! Sending an internal email!
Time for another interview with a family member of one of the diseased, to tell us how disgusting it is and how he wants to see justice.
And, right on queue, the ‘Campaign for Justice’ is turning into………. errrrr………. a civil action!Presumably in the hope of receiving some extremely large cheques from a Police Force that will have a moral and political imperative to ‘do the right thing’. Why else do people pursue civil actions?
The extremely large cheques will of course ultimately be funded by the taxpayer; that is to say readers of this website. And what exactly have we done wrong?
I always find it difficult when talking about Hillsborough, my family is from Sheffield and the Owls will always be in my heart. I was told not only of how local families threw open their doors to help the traumatised fans but and here I take a big sigh, I was also told how alcohol didn’t help that day, many fans were not rolling drunk but as they had no idea what was happening inside they were belligerent and starting to get rowdy. For me Duckenfield should have had more men available to him but you can always play the should have rule , I’m not excusing him but we are looking from 26 years in the future and with hindsight. If there is a court case as many are calling for will it heal or hurt?
Sloppy numbering by me should be 25 years not 26.
BBC indulging in an anti Murdock hate fest. Sun and Times front pages criticized by….er several hashtags.
Agenda? What agenda?
Hillsborough inquests: Why The Sun’s front page has upset people
For me, there’s no subject more so than the Hillsborough disaster on which this blog disgusts me.
Not quite sure what you mean ?
One more ‘me’ and it really would be ‘Me, me, me’.
Amy Rutland doubtless a big fan, mind.
I only speak for me, perhaps you speak for others.
Yet back you come, just to be sure you’re disgusted.
You hit it. It is self- flagellation. Sadness and nihilism and no hope. I really feel sorry for them . The only prospect is the grave.
‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing’.
That sometimes means wading through filth.
‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing’.
That sometimes means wading through filth.
What an evil site this is, to be sure, to express revulsion for gender segregation, female genital mutilation, arranged marriages, honour killings, subjugation of women, the burka, condemnation of homosexuals, violent and racist paedophile gangs, anti-semitism, hate schools………
Oh, hang on, not unlike Trevor Phillips.
Got up this morning to the news that Today would be talking to the Bishop Of Liverpool.
Obviously not regarding the wiping out of Christianity in its oldest heartlands, not even re the usual paedo church preventing gays/women from advancement.
But of course-bloody Hillsborough wind surfing again…day 8,574.
Come in tonight and the BBC News is live in Liverpool, again-for yet MORE survivors, relatives still in mourning etc…and,yes-only a few weeks after their so-called “Last ceremonial commemorating Service”…we have one tonight!
Presumably to recreate a Salem Witch trail for assorted Sun hacks and old S.Yorkshire Coppers to be killed at.
Utterly sick of it-and to hear BURNHAM spouting on the need for justice-hardly what he was saying as a Labour Home Office wonker back in 2009 is it?
Got howled down at Anfield live on telly-watch it while you can,before shits like zero tell the BBC Compliance unit to remove the offending evidence.
Excellent point, Chris H. Burnham will be the next beneficiary of the BBC Memory Hole, even though he’s already had more than fair access to that particular piece of Orwellian apparatus – North Staffs comes to mind.
I believe that anti semitic Naz might be the subject of PM’s Question Time today. Look forward to hearing it on the BBC.
Jeremy Corbyn is such a stickler for anti fascism and standing up to racism. He will boot her out of the Party….won’t he?
If Corbyn does not expel her from the party he runs the risk of being accused of being anti-semitic himself. She has to be kicked out.
Unfortunately Corbyn will continue to conflate anti-Semitism with Islamophobia.
Yes, Corbyn is so thick that he does not know the difference between race and religion.
Grant, Yes hopefully. Her excuse seems to be that she said these things before becoming an MP. But she managed to employ a nasty Anti Semite once elected as an MP
What she said should have disbarred her from being selected as a candidate in the first place ! It proves that the Labour Party is racist.
Sad fact is that that the Labour Party’s decade plus long open door immigration/gerrymandering strategy is having the desired effect.
Being anti-Semitic is now more of a vote winner than vote loser to the Left.
And the Tower Hamlets ‘block vote’ and similar boroughs will see Sadiq Khan get in as London Mayor. In fact they are probably already counting the postal votes.
Strangely enough, they were just discussing this on the Daily Politics. JoCo, Brillo Pad, Kuenssberg, Lisa Nandy and Liam Fox, trying to get their heads round why a Labour MP could possibly be anti-semitic. I wonder why? It’s such a mystery isn’t it? Why would a muslim MP from Bradford, a hotbed of radical islam, possibly have a problem with the Jews? Well, it baffled them all. As Brillo said, in the 1930s Labour was against fascism, and had many Jewish supporters. What can have happened since then to have changed things? No, they just couldn’t come to any conclusion, it was just one of those inexplicable mysteries like Atlantis or the Bermuda Triangle.
I have a question of my own: why do we view our political and media elite with contempt? Can anyone help me with that one?
I have just watched the Daily Politics on which Andrew Neil raised the question of why most of the anti semitism in the UK today comes from the left and not, as it used to , the far right. There then ensued a five minute discussion on this observation between Mr Neil , two MPs , the BBC political correspondent and the co host of the programme Jo Coburn. Amazingly not one of them had the courage to state the blindingly obvious, that the source of this growing anti semitism is from Muslims. They all know this to be the truth but not one of them dare say it even in the immediate aftermath of the disgusting things the Labour MP for Bradford said about mass forced transportation of the Jews from Israel to the USA. It shows how far we have sunk as a country, in my view thanks entirely to the liberal left establishment, when people dare not state the obvious about Muslims. I am not an MP , nor a public figure and so perhaps I am less vulnerable to the threats from the liberal left establishment , so I can say with absolute certainty that the UK would be a much happier, safer and cohesive society if we had no Muslims here.
It reminds me of the Nazi plan to relocate all Jews to Madagascar. Lefties and their muslim bumchums are the new Nazis.
Lefties and their muslim bumchums might choose to be re-located in either North Korea or Pakistan. Is that a racist proposal?
His religion aside – would there be room for ‘Sir’ Philip Green as well ????
Did anyone report the anti Semitic comment against Phillip Green by an MP repeated on the BBC early morning news Radio 4 yesterday ?. The MP said that if he knew about the situation in the BHS pensioners fund he had sold them ” for 30 pieces of silver” This sort of anti Semitic statement would never have been spoken out loud even a decade ago !
Here’s the latest relevant Metropolitan Police data:

This shows that anti-Semitic crime is 2.7 times more prevalent than ‘islamophobic’ crime.
But, the true ratio may be nearer 3.8, as a freedom-of-information request by Sikhs exposed that 28% of so-called ‘islamophobic crimes’ were not even against Muslims at all.
Also, here’s the data for the last year from Scotland:
See more details at: http://wisermonkeys.uk/islam.html#iphobia
The recent ICM survey for Channel 4 showed that on average over 12 measures, almost 3 times more Muslims than the general population harbour negative attitudes towards Jews.
See: http://wisermonkeys.uk/muslimopinion.html
I have highlighted this one extract below but the whole article makes the subject so much clearer http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/As-I-see-it-Bewildered-Britain-still-doesnt-get-it-449884
” ANTI-SEMITISM IS NOT merely one of many prejudices. It has unique features, the same ones that characterize the demonization of Israel. Both are irrational obsessions consisting entirely of grotesque lies and libels. Both accuse a group of people of a conspiracy of evil of cosmic proportions. Both accuse those people of committing abuses of which they are not only innocent, but are, in fact, the victims “.
Islam is not the only cause of Anti-Semitism on the left
.As Liam Fox tried to imply anti-capitalism has always had a anti-Semitic streak with their`greedy bankers anti-rich ` sentiments.What`s interesting is that the Labour MP is is on the Anti-semitism Commons Committee .Maybe she is a typical politician who has a different story for different people according to her self interest.She get the Labour nomination to be their candidate in Bradford by playing anti-Semitism and then looks to rise up the parliamentary Labour party by being anti-Semitic.
Underneath it all is the inability of the mainstream tv media to question how much of the Anti Israel movement is anti-Semitic or not because being Anti-Israel has been a trendy leftie cause for decades.
Barring the USA the world has treated Israel to far higher standards than any other country and hence criticisms most countries do not apply to themselves
If Hillsborough had happened in Israel the establishment media would have been on it from day 1 and a cover up would not have lasted for 27 years
Anyone clever with photo-shop and change the Komrade Kommie Korbyn’s slogan to “Yes please to Anti-Semitism, No to Islamopohobia”. And then spread it on Facebook, Twitter etc
N.B. Please is optional
I’m not sure if the Sun is that far off the mark. Looking at the footage above my first impression is of an accident waiting to happen. People are judging events of 1989 by today’s standards. The ground did not have a valid safety certificate at the time of the disaster, it had previous experience of crushing at matches and what there was by way of an Emergency Response Plan was not properly implemented. However if the police are going to alter their accounts to suit their cause then they deserve all they get.
Seismic Boy
Spot on.
Except that the police should pay for their cover up on the basis that it was a cover up, and that should be punished – but not on the fortuitous basis that they have now been found guilty of something else.
There’s a sort of justice in the two combined, agreed, but it’s the wrong sort.
‘People are judging events of 1989 by today’s standards. The ground did not have a valid safety certificate at the time of the disaster, it had previous experience of crushing at matches and what there was by way of an Emergency Response Plan was not properly implemented.’
These were 1989 standards then.
If we agree with your assertions, then why is a single officer singled out for his decisions on the day?
Because in view of your assertions it is not clear what the police should have done ON THE DAY.
There would of course have been a good case for postponing the match some days before, based on your assertions, which for the purpose of discussion I’m not questioning. But strangely I haven’t heard a single comment from anyone on that proposition.
These weren’t my assertions, they were seismicboy’s.
It simply seems to me to be self-contradictory to say: ‘People are judging events of 1989 by today’s standards. The ground did not have a valid safety certificate at the time of the disaster’
Clearly in 1989 there were safety certificates for football grounds that were supposed to be valid. That was a 1989 standard. I would agree that football stadium safety was ‘stable door’, like fire safety. But if you think the police were damned whatever decision they made that day, or every day after, then I’d suggest you begin by reading the Hillsborough Independent Panel report.
For the BBC and the left in general this story has a talismanic status that enables its politicisation, a process that is well under way….
It can be used to discredit the Police and the conservative government of the day, it enables attacks on the Murdoch press (a BBC commercial interest) it allows the lionisation of “activists” and the families who stood up for justice, it enables various labour politicians, not least Andy Burnham, to take advantage, it enables the portrayal of the 80s as some kind of dark age relieved only by “progress” and it enables lots of lovely emoting which makes good TV and radio.
The problem for the dispassionate observer is that these agendas do harm to the order of society, in promoting an anti police agenda, and it discredits the inquest process that the finding was made that the behaviour of supporters at the Leppings lane turnstiles had no effect on events on the terraces where people were standing who had arrived in good time.
The conduct of those arriving late has been airbrushed from the context in which the tragic deaths took place.
The decisions made by the club and police before the matchday around ticketing, allocation of spectator areas, screening for tickets before arrival at the gates, the licensing of the ground, and the closure of all entry to the ground at 15 minutes before the game have all been heaped on to a scapegoat.
Above all the the Justice campaign and the inquest processes have won justice for some but created injustice for others.
I was just about to post similar. It is all part of a political agenda. I would like to see a new inquiry into the Aberfan disaster. That was a much bigger scandal under the repulsive Harold Wison. So far as I was aware no-one was punished and Wilson’s chum, the odious Lord Robens got off, even though the inquiry at the time put the blame totally on the NCB. Thankfully, Wilson and Robens are dead now ,but there may still be some people who were reckless and negligent and could be prosecuted.
Let’s take your analysis a little further.
Back in 1981 (co-incidentally the time of another crowd-problem football match at Hillsborough – see my first post URL), I had cause to visit Liverpool regularly for reasons that render such visits well-etched on my memory. So I remember seeing for the first time metal cages on buses to protect the bus drivers from violent passengers – I’d never seen such cages anywhere else at that time. Even in 1981, the Liverpool ‘victimhood’ agenda was in full swing. We reflect on the Toxteth riots, the Heseltine special project, the Militant Tendency, Derek Hatton et al. Thus Liverpool of the 1980s represents a badge of honour to the Hard Left (or the Far Left as the bBBC might call them) and the opportunity is there to extend the meaning of ‘Liverpool victims’ beyond Hillsborough to include anyone affected by anything during the Thatcher era in that city. A fertile playground for the context-free student Marxists that make up the biased BBC newsroom.
All that is needed to achieve this state of socialist Nirvana is to big up Hillsborough whilst airbrushing out the Heysel stadium tragedy of 1985.
We oldies with a sense of historic perspective and context see a bigger picture.
And in addition, to add to the mix, is the Irish connection !
“a badge of honour to the Hard Left (or the Far Left as the bBBC might call them)”
If the BBC actually felt obliged to refer to them as anything it would be “left leaning” or “progressive”.
Sorry Demon, too clever for my own good. I was trying and failing miserably to link with the bBBC’s insatiable use of ‘Far Right’ for almost anyone with views different from their own. You are quite right of course.
Sorry Sluff, that was not meant as a criticism. I totally agree with the points you were making; I am old enough to remember the same as you. I was only adding to your comment by pointing out how extreme the BBC is now. (As we all know).
Just to re-emphasise what those times were like, I’ve just remembered that across the river in Birkenhead, Frank Field (yes, that Frank Field) was either de-selected or was under severe threat of de-selection for beng too right wing. And in the same year as the Hillsborough tragedy.
There is another town and football club, whose name also begins with ‘L’, which seems to get rather less sympathetic treatment from the BBC and MSM.
The town and its White inhabitants have been damaged severely by mass immigration and the multi-cultural ‘experiment’ in the last few decades. Younger male natives, some of whom were football supporters, organized to try to do something about the abuse of their female relatives and friends, but were met with official hostility. They gave rise to a political movement vilified by the ‘bien pensant’ classes, because it was the authentic voice of dispossessed ordinary people and their anger at the neglect of their legitimate interests.
Answers on a postcard.
And the Bradford fire of 1985 as well-that hardly gets a mention due to the over emissions of Hillsborough.
I thought I saw that there was a majority verdict (seven out of nine) but not sure whether that applied to every individual decision. If that is correct I admire the courage of the two who stood out against the group think and – I would have thought – the possibility of repercussions (after two years most people are going to know who the jurors were).
As we know, and has been demonstrated many times by posts on this site BBC bias can be measured just as much by omission. Which I think can again be demonstrated by this article which I am unable to find anywhere on the BBC. Anyone see it?
“IS Terror Cells In England Claims US Spy Chief”
Say it isn’t so! 😯 Who could possibly have foreseen that happening?
Apart from everybody on this site. Sadly, few politicians and no-one at the BBC. The sheer stupidity of our current ‘elite’ is, frankly, profoundly depressing.
That is a big story and the BBC should be headlining it. The BBC are always up 24 hours behind other media so give them a chance. Not very impressive for £4 billion a year. The BBC are pretty crap really, on all levels .
BBC News website have 2 Have Your Say to choose from today…
1. New GB Olympic kit (BBC must love it because everything British about it is barely recognisable)
2. New Dyson £299 hair dryer
I guess there is nothing else in the news worthy of readers comments then?
Tom Daley ticks a box, so to speak, and could those budgie smugglers be any smaller!!! Brightened my day though. Free advertising for Dyson.
On the Radio 4 8:00 am news this morning, praise be, an item on Venezuela. It’s not often that that socialist paradise gets a mention from the BBC. Apparently Venezuela is suffering from an electricity shortfall due to . . . lack of rain for the hydro-electric reservoirs. “Lack of rain” translates – in the BBC songbook – into “climate change” and WASP guilt for all the evil in the world (cf the earlier item listed on the Today running order of an interview with serial parasite Adair Turner demanding “drastic action . . . . . . to keep global temperate rises well below two degrees centigrade”). This “crisis” has nothing to do with gross mismanagement by the Venezuelan lefty regime beloved of Corbyn and his BBC fanclub, of course.
And there I was thinking that Venezuela’s problems were due to CIA interference, as is the cause of all socialist failures.
I don’t know if other readers have noticed that the debate over the EU membership referendum is concentrated entirely on economics?
It has long been UKIP policy that the only good side of the EU is as a trade alliance and it is the rest of it which is so egregious, and objectionable.
Today we have yet another comment this time from the OECD that there would be no economic benefit to us leaving (although they don’t say anything about detriment either)!
The Brexit side desperately need to take this argument away from economics and into the politics, the ever closer union, expansionism, ‘uman rights, the list goes on & on. Simply allowing the remainians to control the agenda is going to lose the vote.
Economics is very important, and guided many at the last GE, albeit on a nose-holding ‘politics of the least bad’ basis.
Hence the result that put Labour and the BBC Champagne suppliers in shock.
However the Referendum is different, as it goes to a lot of other things, some more crucial to the £ in our pocket.
With luck common sense may see Dave and the same suppliers equally bereft for the same reasons.
Some people can see things for themselves and think them through without leaflets and propaganda narratives.
But I agree, keeping the issue on munny is a tactic the establishment is being allowed to get away with and should not.
As to the BBC holding power to account, when it is the most partial, powerful PR force in the UK…
It’s 100% intentional. As John Monnet, one of the EU’s founding fathers put it:
“Europe’s nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation”
It is therefore important to maintain the facade that it is only about economics, which is done by restricting the scope of the discussion. Even our own (sic) government’s website states that the aim of the EU is to achieve economic and political union – they just think the population is too thick to find and read it. Despite what many people think, the EU is not some vast conspiracy – everything it is about and where it is going has been published and can be inspected. Historians in the future looking at the collapse of civilisation – if there are any – will be able to honestly say that yes, it was all above board, fully documented and the people of Europe (the predecessor to Eurabia) must have known what was happening.
The founding treaty of the EEC, which became the EU, is the Treaty of Rome. The first clause of the preamble declares that the signatories to the treaty are “Determined to establish the foundations of an ever closer union among the European peoples,”.
It’s not hidden in the small print, its the whole raison d’être, as they say.
All this nonsense about trade and GDP is just a smoke screen, we can be as good as we want to be and no-one can stop us. Selling is about making a better mouse trap and knocking on people’s doors to get the word out, only then will they beat a path to our door.
One of the most stupid things that is said about trade is that ‘the single market’ gives us access to 500 million customers. That is like saying that if I open a sandwich bar in London that I have ‘access’ to 10 million customers. In reality I will be lucky to get trade from the people who have passed by the existing five sandwich bars in the street, unless I offer something better and promote it! We can see how well access works now, the door swings both ways and most of the trade is inbound.
You have to laugh.
Sky news reporting the Belgian bomber Abdeslam said he ‘went on the run’ for four months … two streets away from where he grew up. No chance of the local community finding and handing him in then ????? Oh and he’s never read the Koran …
Top rated comment:
‘Giles Farthing •
Top Work Guido, just the sort of thing we need to get rid of this rotten core – i’ll expect full media blackout on the BBC as if it never happened’
Not really feeling the trust in BBC editorial integrity, TBH.
Of course, in the spirit of balance, I must acknowledge:
Labour has suspended MP Naz Shah over comments she made about Israel
Funny, I thought a fellow MP likened her to Eichmann, who shipped Jews off with darker intent.
But luckily she said what she didn’t mean…. er… now… having chatted with Jezza.
Clearly, it was a different time.
Amazing who is in power these days. Or not.
One is sure the BBC picked this up and will run with it.
‘i’ll expect full media blackout on the BBC as if it never happened……..Not really feeling the trust in BBC editorial integrity, TBH…….Of course, in the spirit of balance, I must acknowledge………One is sure the BBC picked this up and will run with it.’
Wow, you never learn do you?
Re the Politic Show with Andrew Neil.
A lot of people on this website have asked, quite rightly, how they could discuss anti-Semitism in the Labour Party without using a single, specific word. I mean, what do the Muslim pals of Sadiq Khan have in common with Muslim MPs like Naz Shah along with her Muslim parliamentary aide Cllr Mohammad Shabbir or Muslim labour councillors like Beinazir Lasharie, or the Muslim youngest ever councillor Aysegul Gurbuz or indeed the new Muslim Nus leader Malia Bouattia? Apart from their mindless anti-Semitism?
Yep, you’ve guessed it they were all supported by Jeremy Corbyn at some time.
But to my mind it isn’t just Muslims within the Labour Party who are the problem, though that is self-evidently true. Nor can it be said that all Muslims have these racist views of Jewish people. They do not.
Friends of mine who are on the soft left, ie Guardian/BBC left as opposed to hard left, have been speaking negatively about Jews for some years. It seemed to start with the rational questioning of how Israel protects itself against those who want nothing more than its total destruction but stretched to them supporting the Islamic Fascists Hamas and Hezbollah. From that it was a short goose step to mindless racism. ‘Stop Jewish orchestras’, ‘Jewish Scientists’ or ‘Jewish Products’ coming here. Surely the next step is to ‘transport’ the existing Jewish people out of here.
But of course they cannot be racist, because the soft left abhors and fights racism where ever they see it. The soft left has become so self-righteous that they cannot see how they look. March against Israel but ignore the Russian annexing of Crimea, or Islamist assaults into Syria and Iraq.
This, I feel stretches into the BBC, as evidenced by the Balen Report’s headline issue about Ola Guerin making up reports, with manufactured ‘video footage,’ of an Israeli assault on a Palestinian town.
Where Labour and the BBC goes from here is anyone’s guess cos it looks like a f***ing mess to me. Sorry I couldn’t think of a more polite word.
The Left can dress it up as ” Israel” or “Zionism”. They can call it Mary or Mariama ( to quote a black African saying ) but it is racist anti- semitism and the Fascists of the Left, including the rather unintelligent Corbyn, need to look in a mirror and address it. Until they get rid of their own racism, they are in no position to call other people racist.
“Nor can it be said that all Muslims have these racist views of Jewish people. They do not.”
Yet again there is the qualification and apology on behalf of that fictitious group – Moderate Muslims.
You are either a Muslims or you’re not! You either believe everything which is written in the Qur’an as it is the very word of God, or you are not a Muslim !
It’s quite simple stuff ALL Muslims have anti semitic views and those who do not are apostates and in line to be killed !
“Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari record various recensions of a hadith where Muhammad had prophesised that the Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims and Jews fight each other. The Muslims will kill the Jews with such success that they will then hide behind stones or both trees and stones according to various recensions, which will then cry out to a Muslim that a Jew is hiding behind them and ask them to kill him. The only one not to do so will be the Gharqad tree as it is the tree of the Jews.”
“They are debased, cursed, anathematized forever by God and so can never repent and be forgiven; they are cheats and traitors; defiant and stubborn; they killed the prophets; they are liars who falsify scripture and take bribes; as infidels they are ritually unclean, a foul odour emanating from them – such is the image of the Jew in classical Islam, degraded and malevolent”
Thoughtful, We must all be careful here. There are different groups of Muslims who have very different views on their religion. For sure yes many groups who have come to western Europe and the UK fall in to the category that you suggest. Sunnis, Salafists and Wahhabists for example.
But Shites are so against these views that they are also enemies of the Islamists above. The Ahmadis are muslim yet the Ahmadi Glasgow shopkeeper Asad Shah was murdered by Islamists because of he felt close to the indigenous popluation. You even have ‘secular Muslims’ who want liberal democratic government. Islamists are murdering them in Bangladesh.
So not all Muslims can be, or should be, tarred with the same brush. The Muslim groups out to kill us are sufficiently terrifying without over stating the problem
I myself am starting to differentiate between Muslim and Islam.
A Muslim can be anything and nothing-as long as he or she subscribes to the five tenets of the faith they follow…no reason to dismiss them, can be as British or as arsey as you or me.
But their faith is Islam…so they self define as submissive to Islamism if they don`t actively stay as Muslims.
And Islamism-like Communism and Fascism, Socialism and Nazism…and Islamism , ism , ism itself of course are NOT religious seekers of an independent truth, who seek to live and work alongside their fellow citizens.
No Islamism is what we`re up against…not Muslims.
Need to make that clear. When Muslim becomes Islam is when a line is crossed…Islam is not a religion only-it`s a totalitarian monoculture created only for world domination…not a race either…it`s an ideology akin to Fascist Socialism…hence Hitlers approval.
Can’t agree about the Shiites. Several of them among the leadership in Iran, for example, are virulently anti-Semitic – which fuels their hatred of Israel.
You`re right TrueToo.
The Koran is stuffed full of evil intent to those groups like Jews, women and Christians etc…but few Muslims feel obliged to act on the prejudiced, pagan pillage to be found in there.
World War Three is as likely to start between Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi as anywhere else…or else it`ll be Turkey in Saudis place(Saudi is failing by the day).
The Iranians today accused the US of “Iranophobia”-that`s where we`re going, and the stupid media just repeat it.
ChrisH – Yes, the media is full to the brim with useful idiots of the left.
TrueToo, Iran is not straight forward. It is currently ruled by the insane Imams and their many bands of thugs.
There are also those in Iran who are well educated and despise the Islamic regime as much as we do. Anyone who tries to stand in the elections but isn’t nominated by the Imams can face appalling abuse as can those who protest or blog.
How soul destroying for the enlightened Iranians to see Obama supporting the fascist regime and clearing the way for them to develop atomic and dirty radioactive weapons.
Yes, Iran is complex and there is no doubt much underground resistance to the psychotic mullahs and their henchmen. Unfortunately, the psychotics have enough popular support to guarantee their survival for the foreseeable future.
Islam is the one and only instruction of how the children of Allah must live to see paradise. Muhammad received this instruction from Allah himself. This instruction can never change. The Koran..the hadiths…the instruction for domination, obedience, force, conversation, occupation, death, jihad, violence… These are the instruction from Muhammad to ALL Muslims.
The Sunnis believed Muhammed’s friend and advisor Abu Bakr was the rightful “caliph” of Muslims, while Shias thought that his cousin and son-in-law Ali was chosen by Allah to rule. The instruction is the same. The words given to Muhammad can never change.
Ahmadis accept the Quran as their holy text, face the Kaaba during prayer, and accept the authority of Hadiths. These are the central beliefs constituting Ahmadi Muslim thought. The distinguishing feature of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is “their belief in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, as prophesied by the Islamic prophet Muhammad”.
There is only Islam. There will only ever be the Islam given to the world by Muhammad. The Islam that IS follow to the letter. The Islam Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shababb follow to the letter. These are the ‘true’ Muslims. The Muslims living the life Muhammad instructed them to live. Those who are not following this path are not living the life Allah himself has instructed them to.
There is a muslim on Radio 4 who does not care much for Jews.
Never allow the BBC to forget this
What a fucking filthy scumbag she is.
At least if you asked a Scouser the same question you would get 96. How difficult could it be?
Not exactly a video you should be sharing G.W.F. but for the opposite reasons.
Hope this is what you want Demon
Excellent Cassandra
I love that “Jeremy from Islington says…”
If you’re going to do a Photoshop at least learn how to do it right so you can kid people into thinking it is the real thing!
Oh why! Why has it come to this? That I should be encompassed by amateurs!
The BBC edit suite likely has the necessary tools, staff, time and integrity to create the necessary level of deception.
They are however paid professionals.
One thing I would say about the BBC is that they are not professional. They are teenage amateurs. Quite useless.
Apparently so.
£4Bpa for teenage amateurs seems excessive, though.
Naz Shah’s suspension is purely symbolic. Despite the efforts on the part of the Labour party and the left to claim that anti-Semitism is a separate issue fron anti-Zionism, I suspect a great many of Corbyn’s supporters would endorse her poisonous views. To be anti-Zionist is to deny the right of Israel to exist. It’s that simple. The whole basis of Marxism is characterised by a lack of joined up thinking – as demonstrated by just about every socialist regime that has ever existed – but do these “anti-Zionists” ever think how anti-Zionism would work in practice? Really what they are actually supporting is not really much different from Naz Shah’s vile statements.
There was a rather clueless student on Daily Politics a couple of days ago who claimed that he was only really criticising right wing Zionism. I haven’t any idea how “right-wing” Zionism is different from Zionism. Maybe he knows. He also went on to say that what he was really against was the Netanyahu government. I imagine that being surrounded by hostile forces tends to produce strong leaders. Quite frankly I wish that we had leaders in the West with the balls of Netanyahu, rather than weaklings like Cameron and Obama!
This clueless student; big Orwell fan?
As to Naz, of course her suspension, like her apology, means zero.
It is hilarious how certain media are solemnly passing on what she believed then, and wrote, and got her elected, is of course from another time.
“means zero ” !! That reminds me of someone. Yes, the pathetic attempts by the racist Corbyn and some elements of the Left to try and obscure their anti-semitism is pathetic.
Can I remind everyone, just in case they do not already know, that Jerrod, Scott, Thaddeus, Kikuchiyo, Zero, Marvin and LDV are all connected.
Whenever one of them pops up you can be sure one of the others is coming closely behind.
Thanks, I guess most of us have already sussed that ! But, they are good fun and good sport except for one thing. None of them has a sense of humour !
> Can I remind everyone, just in case they do not already know, that Jerrod, Scott, Thaddeus, Kikuchiyo, Zero, Marvin and LDV are all connected.
As usual – utterly wrong. I’ve never met anyone else who swims against the tide of bilge, bigotry and lies that your and your other halfwit friends come out with.
Not that you’ll care about such a denial, of course. Biased BBC’s regular halfwits never care much about the truth.
But you didn’t confirm whether one of the others come closely behind you?
Hello Jerrod.
I’m still waiting for an answer. It’s three days and counting now……
So, Jerrod, may I take this opportunity to ask you again: what kind of obsessed little bigot and prejudiced little worm is Trevor Philips?
Jerrod does not like questions like that, he can not tell us if he thinks that Al Beeb is biased or not .
Yes or No Jerrod ?
You are wasting your time. You will never get a straight answer from Leftists. Their minds are too scrambled .
Grant, I’m bloody convinced the only time they take their BBC-branded virtual reality headsets off is when they come on this site.
I can spot the connection …………………
Jerrod, Scott, Thaddeus, Kikuchiyo, Zero, Marvin and LDV
They are ‘The Seven Samurai ‘
The clue is ‘Kikuchiyo’ !
I claim my prize Jerrod ?
Taffy ,
LOL ! I accuse you of taking the piss !
Guilty! 😉
I believe Thaddeus named himself after Thaddeus Stevens. I don’t think Jerrod is a Japanese name.
And they say we don’t have a sense of humour? Pah!
Ah, admitting to the ‘we’ – being Leftists, yes?
So, being Leftists, what is that attracts you to defending the bias of the BBC?
Ugh. No. Someone above mentioned a list of names and said they don’t have a sense of humour…that’s all. Believe it or not, I actually tried to omit any reference like that in case it fuelled the conspiracy theories….guess I failed there then. But then someone involved in the conspiracy would say that, wouldn’t they?
Fair point re the original post.
But I’m still perplexed why it is only those with leftist views that come on here to defend the BBC.
And why is any opinion that doesn’t fit your world view always a ‘conspiracy’? But if you want to talk real conspiracies, shall we have chat about the BBC and 28gate?
Jerrod aka Zero, aka Scott and more. Lefties love their akas. They never construct arguments but attack people, and one way is to reveal other identities so their friends can extend personal attacks. Sometimes, as with Tommy Robinson haters, they provide details in the hope that their braver sidekicks will inflict harm on them.
Jerrod aka etc. have their lists of words to use instead of premises in arguments. eg. Bigot, racist, islamophobic, homophobic and misogynist.
But here is a question that tickles me. Why should anyone not employed by the state broadcaster devote time to defending it – even if the attacks on it came from bigots? Can’t it stick up for itself in an open exchange of argument?
A few more, GWF: moron, delusional, narcissistic, sociopathic, stupid, pathetic, obsessed, little worms…
Connected? I should cocoa, they’re all the same person. Do you think the BBC is made of money?
I’m insulted!
You should add “Edward” to your list.
Ah, you’re an expert in something after all – the bleeding obvious.
Actually it wasn’t that one, Guest. The Orwell fan was probably even mere clueless.
Re the BBC and its Hillsborough never-ending agitation of the scouse stew.
After Burnhams soundbites , we were introduced to former CPS Chief…one Keir Starmer.
For an independent take on how many coppers need to be ducked in the Mersey to atone for the 96.
The strapline DID say that he was an MP…but only the Keir name might lead you to think that he was yet another pig-piling Labour runt and opportunist out to trash Thatch, the Sun and the Fuzz.
Yes folks-he`s a LABOUR MP…not that the BBC told us that.
Just a former Director of the CPS…which, we`ll all agree makes him impartial…but of course Maxine!
Usual slanting bilge way beyond the 38 degrees tipping point eh Beeboids?
Has anyone noticed the amount of BBC coverage St Antony Burnham of Hillsborough has been getting since the inquest verdict.
My goodness, he will be going for the culprits at Mid Staffs NHS soon.
Amazing. A failed has-been politician. Who gives a damn what he thinks ?
Some eyebrows though.
I know this is meant to be about the BBC but LBC just as bad!
I am unbelievably angry with Iane Dale propagandizing for Yvette Cooper an dLord Dubs campaign to import so called ‘”child” migrants.
Dubs himself and a Save the Children bleater givena platform, nobody to speak for th eoppositon. neither of the speakers challenged when they evaded questions, then appalling rudeness towards callers who disagree with him,
Parliament ina rare moment of sense voted against admitting 3000 invaders claiming to be children from the EU.
The ungrateful former kindertransport Jewish Lord Dubs and Cooper will simply not take no for an answer.
BBC Facebook
Junior doctors have just finished a two-day walkout in England…
Junior doctors blog for us about why they went on strike
That’s nice of them. I wonder what they said?
Next, could it be that famous Scouser Andy Burnham will graciously accept a BBC invitation to shriek about Hillsborough, assured that nothing grubby about what happened to the NHS under his rule will be raised?
Professional courtesies ‘n all.
Whilst the BBc continues coverage of the junior Doctors strike it reminded me of the slight contrast between this and when they covered a strike I was involved in a while back.
I’m not sure exactly when it was mid to late 1990s we had walked out over pay in the usual cycle of 1. We get a crap pay offer and put it out for ballot. 2. As we get near Xmas after months of on off industrial action management put out a communication saying if it’s accepted the staff will have the money by Xmas. 3. The majority accept it and I spend a month explaining to my members why they only had £25.00 in back pay money: Increase x time – tax & NI = not much + everyone denies voting to accept it. Anyway I digress it was covered on newsnight where they did a shock horror outrage we were shut on a Friday they had a couple of people bitching how terrible it was that we were shut and they couldn’t get any money. etc etc a real hatchett job. Of course they failed to mention benefit was paid in arrears and their claim would have been back dated to that date any way. Still waiting to see a report in similar style on we have patients safety first dispute.
This one made me laugh. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36153451 Like the Police will enforce this. Not one of the morons living in this street with a child under 12 uses a booster seat. Even Mr Taxi Wanker , he drives a Taxi and he is a total wanker, puts his small child in the front seat without a booster seat (as far as I’m aware there is an exception for taxis to carry children without a seat in the rear).
I posted this on the old thread, I hadn’t checked this one had begun, after listening to him on Toady this morning.
How much money must Patten be on?
MP’s / government minister’s pension, Governor of Hong Kong pension (huge I should think), EU commissioner’s pension and he’s now Chancellor of Oxford University – I don’t know whether that position is remunerated but if it is or isn’t the privileges attached to the position (I presume) will be generous to say the least.
No wonder this execrable@sshole is in favour of the endurance of the status quo.
Well when anyone comes on TV and spouts that we should remain in the EU, the first question I find myself asking is ‘What’s in it for you?’ either individually (EU pension) or collectively (EU funding) e.g. the CBI.
Was he the ‘lord’ I heard this morning tell us he didn’t believe in referenda, (i.e. Democracy) as it interefered with the work of government?
Not the first of the ‘elite’ I’ve heard who think they are so superior in their intellect & thinking that they should be the only ones allowed to act on opinions on our behalf.
That needs constant hammering.
Only UKIP and a few decent Tories actually WANTED us to have a referendum.
All those who wanted us to stay in certainly never wanted us to get a Referendum-they fear the little people and their populist spasms.
Hoping that we stick our views on Europe up their gloryholes on June 23rd…surely the entertainment to follow would be worth saying “NO” for wouldn`t it?
Pattens got referendums covered….quoted Margaret Thatcher saying “referendums are the tool of despots and dictators”.. Neglected to mention she was quoting Clement Attlee.
Then Patten stated that “referendums undermine parliamentary democracy”
At which point the interviewer said “good point Lord Patten, but isn’t parliamentary democracy also undermined by subservience to the EU?”……..ha ha ! Sorry, no he didn’t……but he should have!
Thoughtful – I once heard that fat c**t Ken Clarke say something similar; what they really mean is:
“The little people don’t know what’s good for them; and can’t be trusted to make the correct decisions, but WE do and will do so on their behalf.”
I remember that fat tub of lard, Roy Hattersley, being asked why he didn’t support the death penalty when two-thirds of his constituents wanted it to be re-introduced. He said that they had voted for him to express his views on their behalf and his view was that it was unacceptable.
The very next day in an interview he was criticizing the Tory government claiming that they were not doing what the people wanted…….unbelievable hypocrisy from a fat, useless excuse for a politician.
So many astute observations in this thread on Labour and anti-Semitism. In order to check out how the BBC was reporting Shah’s suspension I Googled Labour MP suspended anti-Semitism BBC.
Here’s the BBC result with the headline:
MP Naz Shah suspended from Labour
And here’s a Telegraph result with the headline, my emphasis in bold:
Labour finally suspends Naz Shah over anti-Semitic comments hours after Jeremy Corbyn refused to do so
Naturally, there was nothing at all in the BBC article that indicated that Corbyn had expressed any resistance to suspending Shah. In fact, the following positive spin is typical:
Earlier party leader Jeremy Corbyn warned her about the “offensive and unacceptable” posts and David Cameron called for her suspension.
Makes it seem as if Corbyn is on Cameron’s side here. He isn’t.
And here’s more typical BBC spin:
Minutes before PMQs, Mr Corbyn, who is under pressure to deal with allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, issued a statement saying: “What Naz Shah did was offensive and unacceptable. I have spoken to her and made this clear.
“These are historic social media posts made before she was a member of parliament. Naz has issued a fulsome apology.
“She does not hold these views and accepts she was completely wrong to have made these posts. The Labour Party is implacably opposed to anti-Semitism and all forms of racism.”
Of course, the BBC would say it was simply quoting him. But the BBC puts a positive gloss on it by omitting any mention of his initial decision not to suspend her.
As is so often the case, we have to go elsewhere to get the full story. Why is the BBC protecting this weasel, who is apparently Labour leader but couldn’t lead his way out of a paper bag and has to be prodded by members of his own party and the opposition to show some backbone and do the right thing? The answer is obvious: the BBC oozes sympathy for him and his politics.
Shall we club together and buy a dictionary for Jeremy Corbyn so he can look up “fulsome” and find out what it really means?
Why don’t we just club Jeremy Corbyn together?
Oh, give us a chance Al S.
I did spend a whole £3.00 to vote for him!!!???
If you joined under their ex armed forces scheme, it was only £1. Every little counted!
Some of us on here warned that the election of Corbyn would lead to the labour party ending up as a haven for Trots and the usual suspects. So what is happenning was predictable. The party is no longer the party of the working people and the unions but has been hijacked by that pernicious bunch of self righteous middleclass perpetual students living off the public purse,
It has nowhere to go any more but down to well deserved oblivion. In Scotland this is now a fact and soon here also I hope although the tribal labour voters in the north and the cities will keep this worthless party in exisitence a while longer. It deserves Corbyn and good riddance to it. As for it’s fellow travellers in the media and academia they can continue to squeal and demand the death of Israel ( it is not going to happen ) until they finally die out and as most of them are too up themselves ( code for innate selfishness to perpetuate the species) that will be soon enough .
What’s the difference (apart from sexual orientation) between Ben Bradshaw (Lab) and David Cameron (Con)? It would seem not a lot. Nearly four million people in the last GE voted for UKIP, 12.6% of the vote share . And yet, in today’s PMQs we have the unedifying sight of one fop to another ridiculing the leader of said party over the pronunciation of his surname. Frankly pathetic and indicative of the cross-party collusion to remain in the failed European project. The inclusion of “French fascists. Nigel Farridge and Putin” in Bradshaw’s offering was eagerly lapped up by Cameron.
Meanwhile, http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/7774/uk-eu-brexit
“There is a joke going around the internet how the European Union works (or doesn’t)”
Pythagoras’s theorem – 24 words.
Lord’s Prayer – 66 words.
Archimedes’s Principle – 67 words.
10 Commandments – 179 words.
Gettysburg address – 286 words.
U.S. Declaration of Independence – 1,300 words.
U.S. Constitution with all 27 Amendments – 7,818 words.
EU regulations on the sale of cabbage – 26,911 words.
Spot the difference –
Braying donkeys. They’d look good dangling from lamp-posts.
Is that the best they can do against him? I’d like to see Camoron in a head to head debate about our EU membership with Farage; no matter how his surname is pronounced – Camerloon would get his clock cleaned.
What’s all this “reformed” EU b******s? He didn’t get anything from them; regardless of all his scuttling around Europe’s capitals, which demeaned him personally, his office and our country: tw@t!
I didn’t know the useless Ben Bradshaw was still alive. What a pathetic duo of wasters . Bradshaw and Cameron . Would anyone even employ them to clean a toilet ?
Why is it totally unacceptable to make even mildly derogatory comments about a group but fair game against an individual? For instance no-one would dare say anything about refugees fleeing persecution, even though surely they can’t all be perfect, yet it is fun to mock Nigel Farage’s name, which he has inherited from his ancestors who were refugees fleeing from persecution… Oh! Apologise please!
The ‘cabbage’ joke is funny but wrong and More or Less has already sneered away that one. Apparently its a recycled American joke more than 70 years old and there are no ‘EU cabbage’ rules so you are a fool and we should ‘remain’. What the BBC didn’t tell us is that they were replaced by UNECE rules, (UNCE Standard FFV-09). The UNECE being a superior body to the EU, on which Norway has a seat but we don’t because we let the EU speak for us.
Anything about this on TV yet ?
“Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw has warned of gender segregation among teachers in Muslim independent schools.”
Yes I saw this and was quite surprised to see it on the Beeb website, it wasnt even buried under regions etc. So I will on this occasion congratulate the Beeb for reporting it.
The obvious conclusion from this report is that these schools should be shut down immediately, they are a cancer in our society.
Looks like the ‘SH one T’ is starting to hit the fan………………..
And …………
Can’t help but notice that in this BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36150807 including a map with percentage votes for ‘Nationalist’ parties across europe there’s no figure for Scotland – The Scottish National Party – clue in the title?
It gets better, Taffman.
Only left sing bias? Is that not Mishal front and centre; she of disappointment that Israeli defence systems are preventing a satisfactory balance of dead civilians to suit her ideas of moral equivalence?
I have just heard that Emma Thompson has been sprayed with manure by a farmer!
Oh dear. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.
I recall that a couple of years ago she went to Exeter and told her audience off for being too white.
So she must be delighted with her new colour. I hope she doesn’t wipe it off. That would be racist.
So, the not a fan hits the sh…
LOL ! Emma Thompson, thick as s …….. !
And now, here is the weather..
Thats the trouble when you employ students, no memory pre 1990, yet strangely they seem to know all about Fatcher…..
If they could recall 1981, they would know that snow late April is not uncommon, in fact it was far worse.
They have to have a hate figure. Hatred and jealousy are their creeds !
Seems Today is quite excited that Lotd Patten has come out swinging in favour of Remain.
Old boys’ clubs are the order of the day.
I was watching RT last night, no mention of Liverpool. I’ve just turned on BBc Breakfast and it’s Liverpool day 3 I’ve just turned back to RT who are covering the migrant invasion & the Turks attacking the Kurdish workers party. It’s staying on RT.
It is funny how Lefties whine on endlessly about Liverpool and its people but none of them would actually want to live there. Hypocrites.
Reminds me of the Spitting Image sketch where Shaun Connery is waxing lyrically and patriotically about Scotland, against a scene of the Scottish Glens……….which promptly falls down revealing itself as a prop and that Shaun is actually in Los Angeles.
Only a comedy show of course.
I consider compliments of RT accompanied by criticisms of the BBC to be quite reassuring. It confirms that a) you don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about b) you have no understanding of impartiality.
BBC weather forecasting hits a new low this morning
Carol Kirkwood – in the manner of a cheap movie trailer – says ‘there’s snow – see the forecast later to find out where!’
So the BBC weather forecast – once relied upon – has now become light entertainment – tune in, folks, for more weather spills and thrills
So I’m balanced on the doorstep wondering if I should take a woolly hat or not and I have to wait for a good dose of Liverpudlian jollop in the news before the BBC breaks the suspense.
Disreputable BBC – how the heck did we get to here?
Latest from the BBC News, apparently.
All sorts of guys and gals from W1A are having an away day live from Germany because…. wait for it, there are ‘concerns’ by ‘many’ (nicely vague there) about the ‘rise’ of ‘groups’ less thrilled than BBC UK gated-community dwellers about the multiple benefits of Mrs. Merkel’s open door invitation. These ‘groups’ are nasty because the BBC has appended their favourite word ‘far’ to them.
Now, given BBC editorial integrity, one may wonder who gets to be interviewed ‘live’ having been carefully vetted first, and how subsequent broadcasts evolve once fed through the narrative filter later to leave out anything that slips through that does not fit.
If Obama’s crude threats to Britain (funnily enough there is no queue of candidates waiting to negotiate a trade deal with the USA) and the BBC’s unquestioning acceptance of these threats still rankles, this article is well worth reading
Nothing to do with BBC but I came across this video from 2011, Britain on the Brink, about the EU take over of sovereign nations. Definitely worth watching. I particularly like the very solid economic case made for leaving, something which Vote Leave are not articulating very well.
I agree its definitely worth watching. All the more powerful that what was predicted in 2011 is undeniably true, even if Patrick Moore is now deceased, he now has passed-the-batten- on to us ‘sceptics’ who doubt the wisdom of BBC eurospeak. Watching this video for the first time I am struck by how far our destruction of our national identity has come in such a short time (since 2011) It has accelerated and that we are have our own currency is about to drastically change to the Euro as we loose what was once called ‘the city of London’ to Frankfurt. Its a chilling reminder as to what is at stake and what they have already planned, the UK regions made into French Styles ‘zones. (did we win the war against Napoleon or was it a mirage)? This is so chilling. The last word by Vladimeer (Russian political refugee) confirms my worst thoughts. … that ‘the EU is exactly the same as the Russian politburo, it’s politically enforced (PC) sexual, and ethnic identities are submerged into the ‘centralist’ ideology of Russian style Socialism’. The end of democracy is assured if the vote ‘IN’ camp gets any more money above the BBC and £9 million already spent persuading UK – that a collective ‘death’ of our British identity, English cultural values are worth losing. The very last chance to run our own country will have been lost to the EU ‘Politikal Korrectness’ regime that is amplified by the BBC. Ironically the BBC will cease under the new regime. It’s role will no longer be required…
I posted earlier that average tariffs between UK/USA are currently about 3% so it is not a big deal. Don’t expect ignorant people like Obama and the BBC to know that. Idiots !
Curtesy of Guido:
An astonishing interview by Labour MP Rupa Huq on the Today programme, in which she defended Naz Shah’s actions as merely a “silly” mistake and insisted: “She did not write anything Anti-Semitic, she just pressed share“. Errr, Shah typed the words “the Jews are rallying”…
Huq then compared tweeting a graphic of Israelis being transported out of the Middle East to tweeting a funny photo of Boris Johnson on a zip-wire. Is another Labour MP going to have to apologise for her comments on anti-Semitism? A classic case of going on the radio and not having a clue what you’re talking about…
They just hate Jews, full stop. Leftie racists !
Worth remembering that leftie Jew hating Oswald Moseley, friend of Nye Bevan, was a senior Labour Party member .
Evidence of antisemitism from the left should encourage Jews in the UK to speak up against the sources, rather than go along with the false claim that it is coming from the right..
You don’t have to be a supporter of the EDL to be aware that they confront opponents chanting: ‘Gay, lesbian, Muslim Jew, we are many more than you’.
And a look at the UAF Facebook page will see support for them and their Moslem friends from Jewish sources.
As a gentile I am beginning to feel isolated as a supporter of Israel, the Jewish people and their magnificent culture.
Watched a short section of Newsnight last night by chance. Very strange.
Darling Evan was interviewing a couple of Americans about Trump. In the context of Trump possibly looking to form better relations with Russia, one of the guests chimed in with Putin’s long-term undermining of Western Europe, leading to the assertion that he was funding the SNP !!! A pretty spectacular claim. Worthy of investigation? Errr, no.
“Let’s not go there”, Davis came straight in to close that one down.
After that article, would you Adam and Eve it, the very next one was about Scottish Politics, with Prof John Curtice discussing the political landscape in Scotland and in particular the success of the SNP !!!
A 6 year old could have joined the dots to ask some pretty obvious questions linking these two stories. But our Evan, keen to stay ‘on-message’, somehow managed to miss all the open goals.
A classic example of the proof that the biased BBC has its own agenda and does not want anything awkward, such as proper investigative reporting or unexpected information, getting in the way of their pre-defined thought control plans.
I hadn’t considered before that our Vlad had got his claws into our beloved state broadcaster, but now I think about it, were it the case, it would certainly explain a few of the bBBC’s anti-Western, destabilising agendas.
First, I would happily have as many Jews in England that we could get. They don’t bomb, rape or behead our citizens. The same goes for Buddhists, Sikhs and the other miscellaneous religions. There’s only the one obvious lot that are causing problems.
Second, can someone enlighten me with this.
I think Orwells books such as Animal farm and 1984 are excellent pieces of work. The left seem to claim him as one of theirs, yet his writings seem to carry a warning of the failings of the left such as the communism in Animal Farm.
I think Orwell is warning about all types of government and how rubbish people are at politics. The type attracted to politics are mainly the exact type who shouldn’t be there albeit with some notable exceptions (Farage or Rees Mogg for example)
How would you lot out there classify Orwell?
Had he been around today I feel he would be a like minded contributor on sites like this and Breitbart. He would have been one of us so how can the lefties claim him, or am I wrong about him.
One biography which is worth reading is ” George Orwell” by Gordon Bowker. Orwell started off as a Leftie but I think his experiences in the Spanish Civil War opened his eyes to the evils of socialism. Amusingly, he worked as a radio presenter for the BBC, I think after WW2. There is no doubt that Animal Farm and 1984 are attacks on communism. “Napoleon” in Animal Farm almost certainly based on Stalin. I think the book was banned in the Soviet Union for a period. Lefties, who by definition believe in totalitarianism, have no right to claim Orwell as one of their own. He believed in freedom , the very opposite of what Lefties stand for. He was a troubled, but great man.
I’m quite a fan of Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury in the early 1950s. For those not familiar, the title refers to the temperature at which paper burns and the book is about a dystopian society which seeks to eradicate history and hence independent thinking by destroying all books. Too futuristic?
Fast forward to Mao’s cultural revolution and Pol Pot’s killing fields. The parallels are pretty clear to me.
I suppose the bBBC would consider Bradbury to be ‘Far Right’.
Skiff, Yes indeed, and include the no platforming student unions and bans imposed on books considered unPC, moving to a ban on all books.
Orwell’s book 1984 is now bequeathed to the Fabian Society I believe (a left-of-field Labour Trust) now enthralled to the EU of everything. What was described in graphic detail by Orwell himself as the future of careless, headless, monolithic ‘public service companies’ controlling everything. That was then. Now it is clear a determination of the EU to achieve the same reality.
It’s commonly accepted that the Spanish Civil War caused Orwell to re-evaluate.
When Orwell was writing 1984 he had TB and was living in his remote cottage on Jura.
He must have known his prognosis was poor.
With nothing therefore to lose, and no comeback likely, he could tell it as he saw it.
And as the years go by and political correctness takes hold, his warning about the power of the state apparatus to tell what to think become more and more relevant.
Perhaps this website should be re-named ‘Winston Smith’.
Well said. I doubt if “Animal Farm” or “1984” are taught in British schools today as the Left control the education system. But they are part of the curriculum of some Commonwealth countries including my dear little Gambia where “Animal Farm” is read in many “Upper Basic ” schools ( High schools ).
Apart from anything else, Orwell wrote such beautiful english . As I say, he was a great man and Lefties have no right to claim him.
Animal farm and 1984 are definitely not on the curriculum for obvious reasons but my teenage kids have read them and “get it” thank goodness!
Problem is that schools now are run by arrogant politically correct managers (Heads) and leftist/ “right on” teachers i.e. male-beardies with sandals and scraggy old female refugees from ’80’s so-called peace camps.
To better understand Orwell’s views on politics (and many other things) I suggest you read his essays.
He was an out and out socialist, believing in state control of the means of production (to eliminate exploitation of the working class, though this was before the collapse of the Soviet bloc) but at the same time recognising the hypocrisy of the Far Left and the failings of communsim which led to totalitarianism. He was also something of a patriot, recognising the admirable qualities in Britishness whilst abhorring the upper class ‘ruling elite’.
That is actually a fair summary. He started off as a socialist, middle class, probably bullied at public school etc. And I agree with you about his essays. ” The Lion and the Unicorn ” being a classic example. He was a tortured soul in many ways but his writings will live forever !
Not quite true. Orwell came from a shabby-genteel middle class anglo-Indian family and went to Eton as a scholarship boy. He had fairly conservative views and was an Anglican churchgoer etc. What changed him was service as a police officer in Burma, which gave him a hatred of British imperialism – the socialism developed after that. However, he strongly disliked doctrinaire middle class socialism mainly because of its sneering at British traditions and culture. He didn’t really ‘belong’ to either the left or the right, which is perhaps one of the reasons for his enduring popularity.
From Orwell’s, The road to Wigan pier…
“I have known numbers of middle class Socialists, I have listened by the hour to their tirades against their own class, and yet never, not even once, have I met one who had picked up proletarian table-manners.
In his heart he feels that proletarian manners are disgusting…he hates, fears, and despises the working class.”
I think it is safe to say he didn’t have a lot of time for the far left.
No, but he could describe the bBBC newsroom staff very well
Identity 2016: ‘Global citizenship’ rising, poll suggests
There’s some pretty incredible claims there. Including:
Apparently this is part of the BBC’s “Identity Season”. I think we know the sort of agenda the BBC will be pushing here.
Certainly not the views of Germans that I spoke to on my last week long visit to Germany. Maybe I was in some sort of right wing enclave but they appeared perfectly normal to me and I would say 90% had completely the opposite view. Still I must admit that I didn’t select a ‘representative’ section of Germans. Just spoke to ordinary German folk who were very concerned for the future of their country.
” Just spoke to ordinary German folk who were very concerned for the future of their country. ”
I have some news for them: as long as Merkel is in charge, Germany does not have a future, except as part of the caliphate.
Ah yes GlobalScan – or should that be GlobalScam. Another do-gooder outfit helping us to be more “sustainable” and “global”; helping their clients towards more “purposeful” efforts in the global market yadda, yadda, yadda. It’s another of the myriad outfits helping to slowly strangle the West. For instance – from a page on its website listing its “professional partners”: “GlobeScan is proud to partner with Ethical Markets Media who work to reform markets and metrics to grow the green economy worldwide”. When you read the BBC’s report, you might consider, given GlobalScam’s objectives, how disinterested any poll conducted by this organisation can be.
‘Lies, damn lies and BBC polls’ is suggested.
This really is becoming a circus……outrage now at retired police officers e-mailing each other to offer support re: Hillborough.
Someone needs to be brave enough to stand up to the bullying, left-wing media and tell the truth about the ludicrous verdict that the Liverpool fans played no part in the tragic deaths of 96 innocent people.
I was watching the European Cup Final live in 1985 at the Heysel Stadium and witnessed Liverpool fans throwing blocks of concrete onto the heads of Juventus fans. 39 people died and hundreds were injured.
The people of Liverpool talk with disgust about the Sun newspaper and it’s appalling headlines, proudly boasting about the fact that all these years later it is still not sold in the majority of the city. They should try going to Turin and asking the people there what they think of Liverpool football fans – the name can’t even be mentioned without many spitting on the ground in disgust.
The thought that four years later the same fans played no part in the Hillsborough tragedy ranks alongside the O.J. Simpson verdict for complete legal incompetence.
The bandwagon really is rolling out of control on this – the complaint bleated through the BBC – and going without question from the BBC – yesterday was the outrage that Police officers had the audacity to attempt to defend themselves in court prolonging what was, presumably supposed to be a oneway only showtrial.
Remind me, the crucial ‘Unlawful Killing’ verdict was only on a majority decision? This from jurers (supposedly unbiased – we hope) apparently able and willing to give two years of their lives to this circus.
‘I was watching the European Cup Final live in 1985 at the Heysel Stadium and witnessed Liverpool fans throwing blocks of concrete onto the heads of Juventus fans. ‘
But this is not what happened at Hillsborough, and the evidence is now overwhelming that it was not caused by the fans, rather the evidence overwhelmingly shows that this was a lie, created by those responsible to put blame on the victims.
Oh, but wait…..you cannot accept that, because they were working class football fans for Liverpool, and it was the Thatcher government in power at the time. I’m well aware that the authors and regulars on this Blog are completely incapable of weighing evidence against self-interest on any subject whatsoever, but the comments on Hillsborough take it to a whole new level of ludicrousness!
If I accept the BBC’s version of Hillsborough I have to believe that the police were the only people at fault, and therefore that the fans outside the ground were as well behaved as the fans inside the ground. That must mean that the fans outside were quietly queuing to go through the turnstiles as individuals in exactly the same way as the earlier arrivals had done.
So, why did the police open the exit gate and let all the fans who were still outside come in as a group?
The inquest verdict makes the police action totally inexplicable, and I’ve heard nothing on the BBC that suggests any sort of answer.
‘…Those responsible…’?
So are you really daft enough to suggest that it was South Yorkshire police who were pushing and shoving and trampling in their rage at not getting into the ground in time for he kick off?
To get back to the real world, or at least Al Beeb’s role in the real world, they are quite happy to have Hillsborough and Orgreave and Thatcher and Rotherham linked by the Leftoids whom they interview, all of whom blame SYP, but Al Beeb’s useful idiots don’t seem to want to query the role of the Labour Party in the Rotherham scandal. It is all the fault of Maggie and SYP, don’t you know.
I think you need to look at some of the video evidence from outside the ground.
It clearly shows thousands of people pushing and shoving to get into the ground at 14.45.
That was the time, 15 minutes before kick off, that spectators were advised to be in the ground in their places.
Had people followed the advice printed on the tickets it is possible the crowds would have been more easily and safely managed.
The 96 were innocent, they had arrived on time. A combination of police command errors AND crowd behaviour amongst later arrivals on the day caused the disaster.
The finding that the behaviour of supporters had no effect on the dangerous situation at the Leppings lane turnstiles is not believable.
Reference to “class” are you seriously suggesting that Police officers from the “Socialist republic of South Yorkshire” were recruited from the public schools and wealthy gentry so prevalent in that area ?
Just a thought, but are most posters on here retired (or looking for employment) ? judging at how often comments are made by the same people several times an hour every day.
Mobiles and Tablets are quite good these days…
I delegate my businesses to very competent managers, so I only have to make strategic decisions now and again. It leaves me free to indulge my whims , including BBBC. I guess it is a sort of reward after working damn hard , often 10 hours a day, for 30 years. Looking forward to your next question !!!
I have several university posts world wide because I am bloody marvelous in my subject, so I spend a lot of time on my lap top giving lectures and whatever to brilliant students engaged in relevant subjects in far off lands, using a programme similar to Skype, known as Moodle. In between sessions I do many things and one of them is to contribute in a small way with those in BBBC who are resisting the destruction of our country at the hands of the BBC.
I too manage around 10 hours each day doing honest work and keep up with my subject
The question is irrelevant Brissles, it’s the content of the posts that are important.
Keep posting Brissles, your comments are worth reading.
One of the many joys of self-employment is that when time or deadlines permit, one can indulge in relaxing pursuits as much at work as at home.
After a ticking off from the GP after a health scare, I no longer sit in front of the screen from dawn to dusk as I once did, and take frequent breaks as any in larger organisations will know are mandated.
If one of these involves a cuppa, what better way to pass the time in good company putting bad broadcasters under the microscope?
Or tickling Flokkers’ bellies to make them giggle.
On Today this morning we heard Rudi Leavor, chairman of the Bradford Reform Synagogue, Rabbi Laura Janner- Klausner, senior rabbi with Reform Judaism, and David Baddiel, comedian, novelist and broadcaster talking about Labour anti-semitism. I might be wrong here – I was making my breakfast at the time – but I didn’t hear the words “Moslem” or “Islam” through the severely constrained “indignation” of the participants. Of course, the choice of interviewees was interesting. “Reform” Jews are, in my limited knowledge, on the lefty/emollient/”progressive” wing of the Jewish community: and Baddiel? A BBC favourite which, as far as his political beliefs go, says it all.
Consequently, here we have the rabid anti-semitism tolerated by Labour – whose existence as a political force depends on an immigrant, largely Moslem, vote – discussed by Jews afraid/unwilling to mention the most important fact. The fact being that anti-semitism as a serious factor in British politics and social life has become front and centre at the same time as the population of a religious community, for which anti-semitism is an article of faith, has grown by leaps and bounds over the same period. This isn’t a subject of realistic debate which the BBC will tolerate, let alone encourage. For the BBC anti-semitism is in the same outlier world as Islam-inspired and -tolerated terrorism and Moslem exceptionalism in Britain. In other words, for the BBC, it’s a result of “extremism” and the “radicalisation” of “innocents”. It’s no consolation that the BBC will be destroyed along with the rest of us when we join the Umma.
Yes, the anti-semitism in the UK is all coming from muslims and their Leftie fellow travellers. These racists are a disgrace to this country.
“for which anti-semitism is an article of faith”
I think that is a very important point. There have been Christian anti-semites, but there is no anti-semitism in the Bible, that would be absurd. However, anti-semitism is a theme running though the koran, in the very words of allah, dictated to a paedophile Arab merchant who had retired to a cave and heard voices. Muslims are ordered by allah to be anti-semitic, it is indeed an article of their faith. They are enjoined upon to kill Jews, which the Holy Prophet (pbuh) himself did enthusiastically, when he could spare time from raping and pillaging.
Most muslims, thankfully, do not get around to killing Jews these days, but unless they are anti-semites, they can hardly claim to be muslims.
As for Ken Livingstone, I think a lifetime of heavy boozing and left wing politics have finally sent the old boob over the edge.
BBC Online News: by Katya Adler Europe editor
“”Is Europe lurching to the far right?”” (…why the negative word lurching?? Is this Biased??).
“”A ripple of concern shivered across Europe this week in establishment circles after a right-wing populist candidate stormed to pole position in the first round of Austria’s presidential election””
(…a ripple of concern shivered across Europe???? Is this Biased??).
“””Triumph for the extreme right,” proclaimed Spain’s El Pais newspaper. Britain’s Guardian warned of “turmoil” ahead. Italy’s Corriere della Sera bemoaned a victory for the “anti-immigrant far right” while Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung called on traditional political parties to “listen to this wake-up call!”” (….thank goodness for our Guardian newspaper warning us and it’s 38 readers of “turmoil” ahead. But don’t we have turmoil now?).
Left Wing Biased Biased BBC. Did the Labour Party ‘Lurch’ to the Left with Corbyn?
Cheer up Dover Sentry. Cheer up everybody.
“Is Europe lurching to the Far Right” somehow has rated a ‘Have Your Say”. And it isn’t going well for the bBBC ‘Far Left’ narrative. Just look at the top rated remarks.
It will probably be taken down before long, and whoever put it up there will be looking for alternative employment.
‘Isn’t going well’ is, frankly, an understatement.
Katya’s producers must be begging the HYS guys to pull the thread asap.
With integrity, of course.
I’ve been putting my oar in there a bit. Judging by the comments and especially the recommendations, the lefties are having a really hard time. Strangely enough, it’s still going.
“Left Wing Biased Biased BBC. Did the Labour Party ‘Lurch’ to the Left with Corbyn? ”
No DS I would say the Labour Party ‘STUMBLED’ to the Left with Corbyn, and I intend to use that description every time I discuss the matter with any passing Loony lefties.
Just as worrying in the Naz Shah case is the fact she could be elected as an MP.
I wonder if the constituents who elected her did so with full knowledge of her Nazi approach to removing Israel from the Middle East?
Usually in cases like this the BBC are out and about in the locality getting the vox pops, though I’d suspect in this case they might get a few opinions which don’t fit their RoP narrative or worse, none that are willing to condemn her views.
Ken has gone – breaking news
Amazing ! Good riddance to that sleazebag. But Corbyn has to be expelled for his anti-semitism. Lefties are eating themselves now !
Absolutely not Grant. I want Corbyn in position for a good while yet !!!
Those of us who paid £3 to get him where he is want to see value for money.
‘I wonder if the constituents who elected her did so with full knowledge of her Nazi approach to removing Israel from the Middle East?’
Had the muslim state of Bradford known this, I would suggest that her share of the vote would have more than doubled.
Livingstone all over the media defending Naz Shahs comments as not anti-Semitic, and he has never heard an anti semitic comment in his 40 years of the Labour Party. Obviously never listens to himself then …..
According to the Evening Standard, which says it has a tape of the incident, the new row began as Mr Livingstone left City Hall on Tuesday night, having attended the party he organised to celebrate the “coming out” of Chris Smith as Britain’s first openly gay MP 20 years ago. Mr Livingstone and the newspaper have a poor relationship and its reporter was not allowed into City Hall. On being approached by Mr Finegold outside, Mr Livingstone refused to talk about the party.
Instead, referring to the Daily Mail – the Standard’s sister paper – and its support for the Nazis in the 1930s, Mr Livingstone is said to have baited the reporter, asking if he was “a German war criminal”. On learning that Mr Finegold is Jewish, the mayor apparently said: “You are just like a concentration camp guard, you are just doing it because you are paid to, aren’t you?”.
Normal leftwing liar and hypocrite.
Loved this piece
Thanks for that link. It’s great when mealy-mouthed hypocrisy is exposed with cutting humour.
The hateful Ken Livingscum is being destroyed by toenails on DP