The story of the day (or so we are told by most news sources) is Labour’s meltdown over anti-semitism and, in particular, the long awaited implosion of Comrade Livingstone.
So how does the BBC spin it? Why, as a pro Labour story – by headlining the call from Labour’s London mayoral candidate for Livingstone to be expelled from the party.
That’s a pretty good example of how the Corporation does its work – turning what is a disaster for the Corbynista far Left wing into a triumph for a Labour candidate (who has some interesting history, himself).
I don’t believe there are many labour MP’s who are anti-Semitic (notwithstanding the muzzy ones of course, which goes without saying), but the rest of them have to use ambiguous language and be seen by their muzzy voters to be so.
Not sure about the ‘goes’. Livingstone has only been suspended. Plenty of opportunities for hm to sneak back in later, as so many far Left lunatics have post-Corbyn.
Yes, “Just the usual leftie window dressing” well put Grant…..the argument and questioning has now been safely diverted into the sources of anti semitism in the 1930s German Nazi party rather than into the sources of anti semitism in the 21st Century British Labour Party.
Naz Shah and chums, Jez Corbyns and chums slip down the news agenda accordingly.
Has Ken taken one for the team? To distract from the strong anti Semitic strand within the Islamic and Palestinian politics courted by the Corbynistas.
Can’t wait for the currently active Flokking fraternity here sharing the response to their challenge to CECUTT on how she substantiates this assertion.
Puff piece by the BBC pro migration, although I expect that they think this is somewhat right of centre because it headlines that attitudes in the German town are hardening, even though it fails to outline exactly why.
All the usual suspects are interviewed all of them pro migration, not a single one anti. Lots of Muslim migrants who refuse to make even the slightest attempt to integrate.
Thoughtful, I don’t know whether you watched Mary Beard’s programme yesterday on early Roman history, but I don’t think that the standard BBC pro-immigration message came across quite as intended.
It seems that the early population of Rome was composed entirely of immigrants, but their first action once they’d got themselves organised was to invite their neighbours over for a party and rape their wives and daughters (rape of the Sabine women). Accurate and prophetic, but not quite the positive image of immigrants that the BBC likes to present.
Telling expose of the attitudes of two different BBC journalists today on the Daily Politics.
The generally accepted to be left-leaning Jo Coburn is discomforted by Andrew Neil’s exclaimation that he regards journalsim to be a ‘trade’ which is learned ‘on the job’ rather than a ‘profession’ requiring a ‘qualification’.
In contrast Jo Co wants to call herself a professional. The generally accepted to be more balanced/ less overtly leftist Neil is secure enough in his career to accept the ‘trade’ label.
Neil is, of course, quite right. Two thirds of the problem we have with the BBC is down to indoctrinated halfwits ‘trained’ (ie programmed) to be ‘journalists’ by Left wing activists masquerading as academics.
Contrast the Labour/Livingstone/Anti-Semetism with what the BBC would have been like if a UKIP MP or ‘aide’ has said exactly the same thing about Muslims.
Terrible distressing response from Lazy Davey who told us that anti Semitism is a form of Racism, and that Racism is totally unacceptable.
I wonder when someone is going to tell him that there’s no such thing as ‘racism’. He seems to be living in a bubble of the same naivety which led him to believe LOL meant lots of love.
I there is anyone like Jerrod and his ilk who do actually believe there is such a thing as ‘racism’, then please offer us a definition which everyone can agree with, and is bourne out by actual legal cases decided, because I think a definition is simply impossible.
My children’s school works on a definition of racism whereby it’s anything perceived as racist. Which is totally meaningless. The powers-that-be know this, but are content to build a house of cards on top of it until it collapses under the weight of its own contradictions.
This led to a ridiculous situation when one pupil, thinking his friend looked pale, said “You’re looking very white today”. The friend replied “You’re looking very black today”. Unfortunately this was overheard by a teacher who marched the pale pupil off to the head teacher to be given a formal reprimand for his “racism”. Fortunately the parents were made of stern stuff and created merry hell, backed up by the black pupil, until the school backed down.
I understand that Since 2002 all schools must have a written Race Equality Policy to comply with the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 whereby schools are under an obligation to report the number of racist incidents – however they are defined. Should they indicate a high number the school clearly has a problem On the other hand, a low return indicates that they also have a problem because they can be accused of either under reporting or failing to recognize incidents of racism. The solution for headmasters is to maintain reports of an average number of racist incidents and in this way keep the Equality and Diversity officials off their back Hence the occasional very trivial example of racism is reported.
As for a definition of racism, I suggest it is one of those concepts that cannot be precised (yes, precised is a genuine verb, I had the dictionary changed to accept this) and consequently it is better understood akin to Wittgenstein’s family resemblance approach. eg. you do not need definition of the word ‘game’ before you can play games, and yet the word ‘game’ is one we all understand.
This of course means that the word ‘game’ can be abused, as when we describe serious politics as just a game. And the same applies to racism which following Trotsky who introduced the word, is a call for political solidarity against an opponent.
There was once upon a time a Professor Joad of the BBC Brains trust, who demanded at every opportunity that a speaker defined his terms. What a quaint idea of language. Eh Jerrod.
When a concept can result in a criminal prosecution then it absolutely has to have a precise definition! When the accusation can result in someone losing their employment then it absolutely has to have a precise definition, and when people are so scared of being called this meaningless word that it is preferable to turn a blind eye to tens of thousands of children being abused then it absolutely has to have a precise definition.
I cannot agree that the word game has no definition, in fact it is one of the most tightly and precisely defined words we have in the dictionary.
As a pastime or hobby usually against an opponent, and usually to a set of rules – each game therefore is enormously defined & regulated.
No one to the best of my knowledge in recent times has been prosecuted for playing a game, nor lost their job or been so frightened of being found as a player that they turned a blind eye to paedophilia !
Playing games can be used in the pejorative, however that is understood by most normal people to not refer to an actual game.
I do not believe the two are even remotely comparable.
I’m the 69 year old dad of an 11 year old, now living in Canada and went through an education system that had an emphasis on teaching real history. I was somewhat dismayed by the curriculum at her school which banged on and on and on about slavery to the exclusion of everything else with the exception of what they call here ‘First Nations’.
When the opportunity arose at a parent teacher conference, I gave her teacher a lecture on early Canadian history and how it was directly affected by William Wilberforce, The Slavery Act 1807 and the formation of the West Africa Squadron followed by the creation of Liberia to stop the Yoruba and Ashanti from capturing previously freed black slaves. Needless to say her teacher was totally and blissfully unaware of any of this.
A few weeks later my daughter came home from school and said “Good news Dad, we start on WWII history this week.” It’s an unfortunate trait of Canadians that they sell WWII as being fought by them with some assistance from the rest of the world, but be that as it may she came home the day that her history lessons moved on, and being more than inquisitive I asked how it went. “Oh it was really interesting” she said, “We learnt about how we rounded up the Japanese and interned them in horrible camps.”
How are you ? Haven’t seen you here for a while. Where I live , in Gambia, home to Kunte Kinta , they don’t teach much about slavery in the schools. Most Africans I know are a bit ashamed that it was their own ancestors who sold their own people first to the Arabs , then to the White Man. Probably not taught in schools in Canada. How do Canadians deal with the atrocities they committed against native N. Americans ?
> please offer us a definition which everyone can agree with, and is bourne out by actual legal cases decided, because I think a definition is simply impossible.
Given that you think that fabricating descriptions of the content of radio programmes in order to justify your own bigotry is perfectly acceptable, I’m not sure you’re the most mentally competent person to decide on what constitutes a valid definition of anything.
I mean, you clearly misunderstand what “Thoughtful” means, for a start…
Well of course you will, what with you being a demented fantasist who understands nothing. I’m clearly not going to be able to stop you from lying to yourself and others – just as long as you realise that everyone knows you’re a liar. It’s just that other Biased BBCers don’t care, because your lies are in step with their own.
As I remember it Jerrod, you decided to impose your own interpretation of a subjective issue as a hard fact – in typical Fascist fashion.
You use the Gordon Brown defence of calling even the mildest criticism ‘Bigotry’ – now another meaningless word, and you fail to answer any question put to you!
Do you remember your history Jerrod? Which party was it which Oswald Mosely was a minister in before forming the British Union of Fascists?
> You use the Gordon Brown defence of calling even the mildest criticism ‘Bigotry’
Coming from one who calls anybody who points out that they’re a lying little shit a “fascist”, I’m not sure you’re really in the best place to be doling out supposed history lessons.
But do carry on. With every post you make, you’re just proving my point, you conceited, dishonest, deluded little wretch.
Taffman, it really isn’t worth wasting your time with the likes of Jerrod. It has no interest in a civilised discussion over differences of opinion. It only comes on to disrupt. It supports the destruction of our way of life and as such should be viewed as a threat to our very existence and that of our children. Treat it as you would a piece of dog shit on your shoe, something unpleasant with a nasty smell which needs removed.
But it is quite funny watching the baby throw his toys out of his pram. Entertainment before moving on to serious matters. By the way, has Jerrod boy condemned the racist anti-semitism in the Labour Party ? LOL !
If i’d wanted to spend hour upon hour of every day having to engage with someone of Taffman’s limited intelligence, I’d have trained to be a kindergarten teacher.
PS Jerrod
Everyone on this website is waiting with baited breath for you to have the courage to answer the simple question…………
Do you think Al Beeb is biased or not , Yes or No Jerrod ?
> Well this advert that you are helping to promote is working
Oh, here he is, my obsessed little stalker. Hardly the first time you’ve attempted to used such a tactic.
I know I’m repeating myself, but as you’ve quite clearly got the attention span of an encephalitic goldifsh, here goes:
My replying to someone else on a topic to which you have not previously contributed one iota of useful information could not, in any way measurable by anyone intelligent, be construed as “promoting” an e-petition which has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
The trouble is, everyone who’s of average intelligence or higher would agree that your interjection is, as is usual with you, merely a poor quality attempt at trolling that is as ridiculously inept as everything else you’ve ever attempted. The fact that none of your fellow halfwits at Biased BBC is prepared to admit that you’re embarrassing their already lower-than-low standards is more to do with their reluctance to admit failures within their ranks, lest they then be forced to admit that their own arguments have all the strength of damp tissue paper.
Poor taffman. How does it feel, to not even be able to get being a disruptive little arsehole right?
Still no reply to my question – ‘Do you think Al Beeb is biased or not , Yes or No Jerrod ?’
Is it that hard to answer ?
Yet you can waste your time in giving a convoluted answer to a poster ‘who has a got the attention span of an encephalitic goldfish’,?
No insult there Jerrod eh ?
“If i’d wanted to spend hour upon hour of every day having to engage with someone of Taffman’s limited intelligence, I’d have trained to be a kindergarten teacher. ”
All that studying to learn “Do you want that with fries?”.
In the words of S.M. Williams – “Oh Dear, How sad, Never mind.”.
Why not start with a dictionary? You might not get everyone to agree on the definition, you might not get universal agreement on the definition of any word or concept, but not having universal approval of a definition does not mean it doesn’t exist. And I would have thought there was fairly universal agreement on the definition? I shouldn’t think it too difficult to find legal cases resulting in convictions that involved racial motivations.
Well, here’s Anita Sarkeesian’s definition – Everything is Racist; Everything is Sexist; Everything is Homophobic (etc etc).
And by definition if you don’t agree with that then you are a ‘racist, sexist, homophobe, by definition, and yes she has actually claimed that!
The Wikipedia page, is disputed! Fat ugly loon Jo Brand claimed that you can’t be racist against white people!
A man in Croydon was arrested for a racially aggravated crime for using the term ‘mealy mouthed’ (although the useless brigade later admitted they were acting ultra vires.
Two white women in Newcastle – one attacked the other and despite the fact they were born less than 20 miles from each other – yep you guess it, it was a racially aggravated assault!
One man reading a speech of Winston Churchill arrested for ‘Racism’
One man prosecuted for sticking stickers on Halal meat saying it was cruel (which it is) again racially aggravated, what race is meat ? or a a cruel slaughter method?
Here is the OED Definition:
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior:
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races:
You won’t find anyone on the Fascist Left who will agree with that! I don’t know anyone who believes that, athough I do believe that people from different cultures are different, it is not on account of their race. That by the way would be enough to elicit a cry of waycism from a Fascist!
There is no such thing as Racism because no one knows what it is !
That is one massive king of the jumbo sized elephants in the room problem that is usually glossed over or explained away (Bullshi**ed away) with socio economic garbled double Dutch (is that racist) nonsense.
The BBC seems to feel, like so many other uniques it manipulates, the FoI Act is a one-way street whereby they can burrow for juicy tidbits to blow up into major scandals, however any having the temerity to ask questions of a force-funded state media monopoly careering off the rails is more often than not met by one of several obstacles to finding out anything the public has a right to know.
This latest one is a hoot, if disturbing that they can be so cynical and inept in equal measure:
Blown off in two days. But the poster perseveres..
‘You cannot possibly know that all FOI requests conducted by BBC employees are for the purposes of journalism, art or literature unless you have checked them all. Therefore I do not accept your stance that my request falls outside of the scope of the Freedom of Information Act”
How this pans out even in its denuded form may be interesting.
> “The MP said that if he knew about the situation in the BHS pensioners fund he had sold them “for 30 pieces of silver”. This sort of anti Semitic statement would never have been spoken out loud even a decade ago!”
Au contraire…
“C) What does it cost? In crockery alone the expense is fantastic. Plus the wages of a reliable gentile to run the business between sunset on Friday and sunset on Sunday.”
But the other religions are duly skewered, too.
A little advice to you and those who would cry ‘anti-semitism’ (or ‘waaycism’, even) at any criticism or jibe – appropriate, or not – aimed at Judaism and/or Israel. You will eventually be hated even more because of the special treatment and attention you seek to receive; it is counterproductive to become a professional victim. Play your cards skilfully; take the bad-feeling with a smirk, and know that we have a common enemy. That vile pygmy Philip Green deserves to be hung out by the Jewish community as giving you a bad name, and that should be a joyous and cathartic thing to do. Disown him.
I was going to say that the BBC wouldn’t dare broadcast something like that now but it is actually worse than that, the only ‘brand’ that would be considered would be the CofE and even then it certainly wouldn’t be rated as ‘best buy’.
Not quite caught up with the long-trailed problem that Labour has with Judaism…but did hear Evan Davis and Eddie Mair interviewing Jews in the form of Neuberger, Levy and Shrimsley respectively.
“Does Labour have a problem with Jews?” being the general meme.
But of course-but clearly Mair and Davis have problems with Jews as well.
Perpetual efforts to trivialise and personalise any accusations made by the plaintiffs, the accused, persecuted and victimised.
And all manner of efforts to try and rope the Tories in, who tend not to invite Hamas to conferences, nor employ a Rahman in Tower Hamlets, don`t cover up for Muslim sex gangs…nor say that THEY`D be suicide bombers if they`d been in Gaza- unlike, say Blairs wife, Jenny Tonge (and the likes of Kaufman smile on)
But the BBC breaks all its rules re “victim support, bravery in coming forward, empathy and racism being a perception to be never argued with”.
AS if THEY`RE the traitors to The Cause for Corbyn
No-these two BBC reporters come across as Judge Freislers pervy nephews on work experience.
The Left clearly have a problem with the Jews-and the BBC/Labour Party are equally tainted…as indeed Jenny Tonge and her Liberal gauleiters.
Pretty clear who the “nasty party” are now isn`t it?
Such is politics. Only cretins think the Labour Party are the ‘compassionate’ ones.
But take a peek at the current list of names who are supporters of Labour Friends of Israel:
Joan Ryan MP, LFI chair
Michael Dugher MP
Louise Ellman MP
Rachel Reeves MP
Jonathan Reynolds MP
John Woodcock MP
Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale
Luciana Berger MP
Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP
Rt Hon David Blunkett MP
Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP
Rosie Cooper MP
Jim Fitzpatrick MP
Rt Hon Caroline Flint MP
Barry Gardiner MP
Mary Glindon MP
Andrew Gwynne MP
Fabian Hamilton MP
Tom Harris MP
Rt Hon Margaret Hodge MP
Sharon Hodgson MP
Ivan Lewis MP
Meg Munn MP
Rt Hon John Spellar MP
Graham Stringer MP
Emily Thornberry MP
Chuka Umunna MP
Dave Watts MP
Rt Hon Shaun Woodward MP
Rt Hon Lord Anderson of Swansea
Lord Beecham DL
Lord Clarke of Hampstead CBE
Rt Hon Lord Clinton-Davis
Lord Davies of Coity CBE
Rt Hon Lord Foster of Bishop Auckland
Rt Hon Lord Foulkes of Cumnock
Lord Harrison
Lord Haskel
Dr Baroness Hayter
Lord Livermore
Rt Hon Lord Macdonald CBE
Lord Mitchell
Lord Stone of Blackheath
Lord Turnberg Kt
Lord Winston
Lord Young of Norwood Green
Which, I think, outnumbers supporters of the Conservative Friends of Israel by quite a bit. Methinks tails are being pulled in regards to the media’s current fixation on Labour’s ‘view’ of Israel and those members or councillors who may be critical of the state. They are in great need of voters, and the Jew-hating muzzies and conspiracy theorists will come a-flocking to these…ahem…iconoclasts. Whilst all the time they will remain just as receptive and helpful to Israel deep down where the money flows.
I see that over on “Labour List”, they’ve had to close their comments section because Labour supporters are just as antisemitic as red Ken….Now, if this was the UKIP website the BBC would be on the case, yet on their main evening news, they’re using their hero Corbyn in an attempt to downgrade the fall out…
It’s not nice to crow, I know, but I’m afraid that I’m going to. It’s just too delicious, seeing that wrinkled old race hustler, a man who’s spent his entire political career accusing all and sundry of “racism” suspended from Labour for anti Semitism.
I’ve never forgotten or forgiven Livingstone from those dark days when he was mayor of London, going out to Africa and apologising to Africans for the slave trade. A repulsive, unimaginably wicked form of commerce, that the natives indulged in long before and long after our own shameful involvement. Livingstone’s cosmetic apology was gut wrenchingly politically correct and appealed to hoards of aggrieved black Londoners, but historically it was just plain illiterate. Still, it got him a few more votes, no doubt.
The very foundations of the Labour Party now look extremely vulnerable; Comrade Corbyn is working wonders. All those vile old reds who had been hidden under rocks, or causing trouble on UAF punch ups, have crawled out from under their stones. They’re back with a vengeance and in full public view.
Bring on the elections.
I’ve never forgiven him for a lot of things – including getting his stooges at TFL to fiddle the traffic figures so he could introduce the so-called Congestion Charge and other anti-car measures that made working in London misery for so many who tried to earn a living there.
The man is a Stalinist maniac and has been encouraged, protected and cherished by the BBC for decades.
Let us not forget a couple of things about the Fascist Left here.
The Left are prone to Fascism, it is one of their constructs and so it’s no surprise to see them return to it, albeit a very unpleasant finding.
Secondly, this latest resurgence of Fascism comes from the Lefts fascination with Islam which is inherently Fascist in nature, as well as intolerant and racist (In the classical OED sense).
No surprise either to find the Fascists arch enemies, the Communists actually came up with the description way back in the 1960s to distance themselves from it. They defined it thus:
“Left-wing fascism and left fascism are terms that have been used to describe tendencies in left-wing politics that contradict or violate the progressive ideals with which the Left is usually associated”
Today doing a little more reading on Islam I found this little gem, which if any other religion had it at their heart the Fascists would be tearing their robes:
“The believers will inherit the homes of the disbelievers because they were created to worship Allah Alone with no partner or associate. So when these believers did what was enjoined on them of worship, and the disbelievers neglected to do that which they were commanded to do and for which they had been created, the believers gained the share that they would have been given if they had obeyed their Lord. Indeed, they will be given more than that as well.”
This is what was reported in Sahih Muslim from Abu Burdah, from his father, from the Prophet who said: (Some of the Muslims will come on the Day of Resurrection with sins like mountains, but Allah will forgive them and put (their burden of sin) on the Jews and Christians.)
According to another version: the Messenger of Allah said: (When the Day of Resurrection comes, Allah will appoint for every Muslim a Jew or Christian, and it will be said, “This is your ransom from the Fire.”) ”
In other words a Muslim can behave like the worst criminal possible, but will still enter heaven (paradise) and all of those sins will be placed on a Christian or a Jew who will go to Hell as a result, no matter how well they have behaved in the eyes of God !
I’m sure readers here will not be surprised at the depravity of this wicked religion but for these beliefs to be tolerated from one religion, while the specks are picked over in all the others shows a breathtaking amount of tolerance of the worst discrimination and racism possible!
This will of course never be reported by the Islamophilic BBC nor the political parties of any colour at all.
Anti semitism is all about 20th century Hitler…….nothing to do with 21st century Islam…….vote Sadiq Khan for London mayor. (Quietly reinstate Naz after the fuss has died down) these people bring in the vote.
Look at all the cameras, look at Livingstones cheesy grin……all a game, until someone gets hurt.
The people don’t just bring in the vote, they bring in hundreds of postal votes – each!
Such a shame we have an idler as PM, who does as little as possible, because any decent politicians would have changed this corrupt system.
Shocking piece of damage control propaganda on the Labour PR corporation website as we are told by Laura Kiss-labours-ass-berg that (hilariously)…
“Corbyn bids to shut down anti-Semitism row”
That in itself is the biggest pile of horse shit, but the piece de resistance is this downright lie of epic proportions…
“No one believes that Jeremy Corbyn himself tolerates discrimination against Jews”
I think we bloody well do Laura you devious, lying cretin! Moa Corbyn is a paid up fanatic of hamas, hezbollah and the terrorists Palestinians that are all willing to give their lives to witness the utter destruction of Israel. The man is completely on the side of the team desperate to kill every single Jew that walks the earth!
Oh and it seems the Al Beebs go to expert witness on what has happened is jihadi loving Sadiq Khan. No agenda there then Al Beeb!!
The court order clearly effective, as there is a picture of her clambering over a fence and in ‘pre-protest’, with hapless plod right beside doing…. not a lot.
Quite revealing to note how the BBC treats the Labour anti-Semitism rumpus with how it would respond to a UKIP or Tory crisis.
I`ve got the sound turned down, and note that Labour talking heads are all given the chance to speak uninterrupted, no Tories or Jewish spokespeople allowed to ruin the narrative.
Labour talk to media hacks with no critique, no criticism…an internal matter , let US deal with it…and no Tory scum to cause trouble.
Whereas , had it been a Tory scandal-all you`d see is agitprop types from the Left and liberal side of things holding forth…Tories on the rack, and enough commentators from the lefties to mediate, to explain why the Tories are wrong.
In short-Labour able to account for itself, Tories forever set in the dock with lefties as judge, jury, court officer and executioner.
Clear bias-always was, always is.
Should the anti-semitic Elephant stomping in the Labour Party room now be referred to as a Pachyderm?
We need answers fast before the Labour Party implodes….. But not too fast. Carrier pigeons are quite fast these days.
I wish people would stop following the BBC line that this is just anti Semitism, because it’s far worse. It’s full blown Fascism, with an untermensch and an ubermensch. It has a favourite group of people which it believes are better than all the others, and will brook no criticism of them, regardless of what they do.
The labour party has been taken over by the Trots .This is not good for democracy in this country at all. It means that millions will vote for a party that does not actually exist as it is being transformed into something else. Trots are trouble . They always have been. They cannot ever be trusted and every word they say is aimed at deception and the main chance which is to bring about their revolution and a brave new world.
No wonder most of the labour MPs are unhappy. They know what is at stake for the party. As for the anti Semitism that is part and parcel of the Trot way. If it suits them they will adopt it and right now it obviously does.
The Corbyn election is essentially a coup d’etat and very dangerous for the party and possibly the country.
It is wrong to lable them as fascist they are as they always have been and it is no wonder the communists loathed them. Essentially a middleclass intellectual movement amied at remaking the world in their dream image it is no wonder they are attracted to militant Islam.a likeminded impractical way of reordering reality.
We need a counterweight to the corporate state that is dominating the West especially the US and here.
It is as unreal as most other systems but at the moment it is appearing to deliver some prosperity to most of us. It is not going to last and it depends on reducing the majority of us to a form of feudal serfdom.
The situation is dire and with the Tory party firmly in the camp of the corporates and the bankers we cannot afford the labour movement to fall into the hands of the trot derangement.
Funny how Al Beeb’s ‘Question Time’ audience never reflects the opinions of their ‘Have your say’ posts ?
Perhaps that is why they don’t do have the ‘Have Your Say’ posts very often ?
Emma Thompson being sprayed with manure whilst ignorantly protesting against fracking and self righteously saving the world, but without the farmer’s permission. All on a BBC video. What’s not to like?
Al Beeb international news
The unusual cold conditions in Britain are now being ‘buried’ by the ‘record breaking’ temperatures and drought in India.
Global Warming anyone ?
Is this one of those ‘here’s one I prepared earlier’ articles that was getting used no matter what?
“Last year’s wet summer, followed by one of the warmest winters on record, has helped to create a generation of sleepless slugs, wildlife experts have warned.
The weather has not been sufficiently cold enough in recent months to send the creatures into hibernation.”
What time in the morning do experts get up? Been scraping the windscreen all week so far and any slugs out in the garden would need their thermals on, in fact can’t remember the last time I saw one.
Another one of those do you believe ths BBC or your own lying eyes moments.
Looking at what can often emerge on threads here in the wee small hours to snipe away off topic, there may be something to this.
Meanwhile, back in the wonderful world of wildlife ‘experts’ and their willing BBC PR as news cut and pasters, I have to wonder if in the history of the U.K., recorded or not, there has never been a wet summer followed by a ‘warm’ winter.
Ah, but according to Good Morning Scotland it was not just any old warm winter but the “warmest winter on record”. At that precise moment I was watching the snow pile up on my car in Edinburgh.
Not been such a good week for Aunty as she thought!
Still basking in the sticky, post orgasmic afterglow after Obamas grand coming (particularly satisfying for Dave I think who I believe has run out of olive oil and now has a broken paddling pool)
Aunty has woken up to a cold bed with Big Ears gone and now he is slipping between the sheets with Angela!
To cap it all a number of her favourite trot friends are now in deep shit – which may well ask a few awkward questions which her favourite party will probably find very difficult to answer.
So what can a girl do ? I know lets refocus on some non relevant news items or past events which are sure to be a safe bet and not leave a girl feeling so used!
I have a few suggestions to help Aunty out
How about this-
Police have refused to arrest a white man in Luton for “Hate crimes”. Shocked worshippers told how he was walking home from Tescos with a see through shopping bag containg bacon rashers! He looked at the mosque whilst adjusting his shopping bag. Yet another example of casual racism ignored by the police!
Or this
I heard that Nigal Farage s tenth uncle three times removed once shared a bed with a gender fluid prostitute who also once whipped Adolf Hitlers Great Grandfather
On a less racey note how about – Bakes off Nadia gives us inside tips about how to bake a cake fit for a queen – Bit safer that one and it hits a positive tickbox
Looking forward to some exciting news this weekend from our “world class broadcaster”
Aunty I am looking for a new job as a News Editor – please feel free to contact me through this website as I believe I have very valuable skills which I am sure you would find useful
I think it is very unfair referring to bBBC newsroom staff as ‘sleepless slugs’.
Surely creatures that operate in the dark and totally remote from life in the outside world deserve our sympathy.
Incredible that someone as dim as him ever became PM. Surely the most stupid in British history. Why does anyone still listen to him and why is a has-been like him being interviewed on the BBC ?
Hmmm! That got me thinking, Now would Lord North and Spencer Percival have suported the Maastrict Treaty, probaly not. Would they have had sexual relations with Edwina, possibly.
Heath was pretty stupid though (poor Enoch) and unpatriotic. But I don’t think he would have had sexual relations with Edwina. I don’t see him as a Curry man.
Blair, Balfour, Duke of Wellington, Ramsay Macdonald, Wilson and dare I say Churchill (post war) all pretty useless when in office though not sure about them being stupid.
No you might well be right Grant. He probably is the most stupid Prime Minister we’ve ever had.
He’s unpatriotic and has had sexual relations with Edwina.
As Mrs. Merton used to say ” Let’s have a heated debate ” ! Yes, the Edwina affair rather condemns Major. I understand that the Duke of Wellington was a bit of a swordsman ( although a famously bad shot with a gun ), but I think he would have drawn the line at Edwina.
“John Major is what he is: a man from nowhere, going nowhere, heading for a well-merited obscurity as fast as his mediocre talents can carry him.”
Sounds quite appealing in a way. I quite like the idea of a PM disappearing into obscurity as a result of having done nothing. Most of our problems seem to be the result of governments doing things. It has to stop.
The flaw in this argument, of course, is that we need a government to do things in order to undo the things that previous governments have done. When this has been accomplished, they can go back to not doing things.
Putting it another way, get out of my bloody life!
8.30am and the transition from red sofa studio and Blue Peter presenters to BBC Business – hyperactive Aussie Aaron Heslehurst and Liz something – we’re distracted as for no apparent reason she goes walkabout in the studio (let’s just call her Liz Skirt). But have the BBC economics grown ups got anything interesting for us….?
We have to be wary because the BBC don’t really ‘do’ markets and economics – they are far too hung up on politics. So, to the big reveal…. the BBC Business head line today ….
“Are the big bosses getting paid too much!” Off switch.
As Tony Hancock once said “I didn’t expect a lecture on communism”
Mind you, given this is the BBC we ought to have done.
I have posted before that the BBC report a 1 % fall in the FT100 as a “crash” but do not report rises. So the rally over the last few months does not get a mention. Blatant bias.
Although watching the odious Livingstone get his just desserts, and the anti-Semitism of the Labour Party being exposed are good stories, we should be careful what we wish for.
There is no such thing as bad publicity, as we may in due course find when the votes (probably already being counted) in the Islamic Republics of Luton, Leicester, Bradford, and elsewhere are announced next week.
I think there should be an international independent commission to oversee British elections to ensure they are fair and free. I do not trust the British “authorities ” to do this.
Agree Grant, Brexit people ought to be demanding something like this. Or are they a controlled opposition that will put up a fight and easily concede defeat? The Remain camp are too confident of victory but every where I go I encounter people – many of whom I have never heard utter a political opinion- passionate about exit.
Excellent article here on BBC left wing bias, based on an in depth survey by the Institute of Economic Affairs. The stats vindicate many of the criticisms of the BBC on here.
My favorite example of BBC bias, Thought For The Day, is particularly singled out. Perhaps like others, I’m heartily sick of John (Surly Scot) Bell and Giles (To the Barricades) Fraser. The limp Bishop socialists aren’t much better either.
Just linking England Expects with Aslseelt at 8.54am re “are bosses being paid too much”
I was only half listening but pretty sure Toady R4 Thought for the Day this morning was all about being fairly paid for your Labours. Listening to iplayer – it was ! Not only that but Sir Lenworth Henworthy got a mention.
And in finding that excerpt, I lurched upon at 6.22am – a “bosses pay” feature!
So here we have an example of controlled editorial biased BBC agenda setting, deliberately planned and co-ordinated across all their outputs. It’s quite scary when you think about it. But Big Brother would be delighted.
It is pay walled, but in summary Marcin Jaworski, a convicted polish rapist, moved to the UK to culturally enrich our lives. The police, quite rightly said he should be on the sex offenders register, but then bizarrely said the court hearing should be held behind closed doors, away from the sensitive ears of the British public.
Their reasoning was that Poles had so blighted the lives of the poor sods who live in Shirebrook that they have had to ban drinking in the town centre and referee violent brawls between the peace loving Poles and the Racist, hideously white local people. The foolish inhabitants of Shirebrook are already irrationally incensed that Poles make up more than 50% of the nearby Sports Direct company, despite there being unemployed indigenous people in the area.
The police feared that if the town’s people knew what sort of EU immigrants were allowed into their town then the xenophobic little Englander locals might become even more upset.
Thankfully the police lost their case. The result? Well mister Marcin Jaworski didn’t bother turning up for the court hearing anyway and, you will no doubt be thrilled to hear, has moved anonymously to another part of the country.
“…violent and sexual offences register (ViSOR) contains the details of 448 foreigners convicted of sexual offences abroad, with 390 added since 2014. Romanians are the largest group, accounting for 173, alongside 90 Poles and 65 Lithuanians. A spokesman said that 352 of the offenders had been deported, had been extradited, had left the country voluntarily or were in prison.”
390 out of the 448 have been added since 2014, gives pause for thought.
Surely there should be a Radio 5 live phone in about this. Where is it?
• Anti-Semitism is “hostility and prejudice directed against Jewish people” (OED).
• Zionism refers to the movement to create a Jewish state in the Middle East, corresponding to the historic land of Israel – anti-Zionism opposes that.
• But some say “Zionist” can be used as a coded attack on Jews, while others say the Israeli government and its supporters are deliberately confusing anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism to avoid criticism.
I draw the impartial jury of biasedbbc to the third line and the conspiracy that it is the Israeli government, and not the left, who are “confusing anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism to avoid criticism”
It continues in this style with paragraphs such as:
“Pia Feig, of Manchester Jews for Justice for Palestinians, told BBC Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine programme that “anti-Semitism has been used to quieten down and suppress my concern and the concern of other people for Palestinians”.
I maybe being over sensitive here but It seems to me that whenever the article criticises ‘anti Zionists’ it adds a ‘but’ or a counter claim.
Not a simple matter to get to the truth of whether the anti-Zionists are anti-Semitic. I was on a Scotland-based blog for some time which harboured two anti-Semites and one I termed “undecided.” They were all of quite advanced age and had lived their lives and formed their opinions. The two would not come right out and admit their anti-Semitism when challenged but would frequently sneer about Israel and Jews. The undecided would hammer away at Israel but plead innocence of any hostility towards Jews.
This character’s dislike of Israel was in inverse proportion to his knowledge of the Israeli-Arab conflict. Though he could only speak in ignorant anti-Israel clichés he regarded himself as objective. He maintained darkly once that, “Israel would reap what it has sown,” but would not clarify what he meant by that when pressed by myself and others on the blog. Is he an anti-Semite? Probably, though it seems mostly on an unconscious level.
Given the relentless anti-Israel propaganda campaign by the Arabs and the broader Muslim world with the connivance of the lefty media, it’s no easy task to distinguish the committed anti-Semite from the concerned but dim-witted individual who has been indoctrinated that the Israelis are brutes and the Palestinians doe-eyed innocents – but is not hostile towards Jews in general. I imagine a great number of young university students belong to this category. They are pro-Palestinian because it’s become the thing to be but it’s worth noting here that they have no concern for oppressed Palestinians in Arab countries since such facts are carefully omitted by their lefty lecturers.
So, again, it’s not possible to draw conclusions about everyone who is hostile to Israel. However some anti-Semites, like the foul Livingstone, cannot help themselves but feel compelled at times to ‘come out’ as hostile to Jews, as when he called the Jewish journalist a “capo,” but in the same breath will insist that they only dislike the ‘Zionist’ government.
I make a distinction between Israel then and Israel now.
Then was the terrorists of the Stern Gang and the murder of the UN mediator Count Bernadotte. Now is Israel in the front line in the fight between civilisation and barbarism.
Crimes committed then don’t make criminals of those defending their country now.
What? Murdering British soldiers there doing their duty, under the British mandate in Palestine, is the same fight as the IDF killing Hamas terrorists.
I was thinking more about the Arab enemies of the Jews of Palestine. Before Israel was established it was the same fight. In the 1920s, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem incited riots by claiming the Jews had designs on the Temple Mount. That led to wholesale slaughter of entire Jewish families in Hebron, Jerusalem and Tsfat. The latest round of Arab terrorist violence is also incited by the same lie as was spread almost a hundred years ago.
Far from doing their duty, the British steadily reneged on their obligation under the Mandate to help establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine and started to side with the Arabs. It’s fairly widely known that the Jews hanged two British sergeants but not known that it was in reprisal for the execution of two Jewish fighters. Yes, there was Jewish terrorism back then but the Jews were fighting for their very existence.
The King David Hotel was British military headquarters and the Irgun warned the British that they were going to bomb the hotel and to evacuate it. The response that came back was, “We don’t take orders from Jews.”
When the British left in 1948 they handed over fortifications and weapons to the Arabs and British officers even fought on the Jordanian side during Israel’s War of Independence.
The British Govenment’s hands are dirty on Israel. The British Establishment were pro-arab even before WW 1. I am not even commenting on their misguided loyalties to Arab boys.
In my opinion the Israelis were justified in their terrorist fight against the British Government. And they are justified to fight for the future of Israel.
> “In my opinion the Israelis were justified in their terrorist fight against the British Government. And they are justified to fight for the future of Israel.”
I normally only listen to R4 for TMS but clicked on this morning for 2 minutes. I had forgotten how prissy and patronising it is. But, ” Next week, The Rise and Fall of General Pinochet “. Unbelievable. I guess most people on this site could write the script. Expect an in depth expose of the mess that Allende made of Chile.
The week after , I expect a fearless investigative piece about murder, torture and disappearences in Castros’ Cuba.
For God’s sake , the BBC’s bias and agenda is so blatant it is pathetic.
Amusing as the street theatre over Labour’s ‘anti-semitism’ might seem, there is another agenda altogether at work. The outcome is highly predictable: an internal committee will investigate and produce a report that says:
“Although one or two individuals may have used intemperate or ambiguous language, there is no widespread anti-semitism within the Labour Party. Rather, we should increase our committment to diversity and stamping out all forms of hatred, not just anti-semitism but also homophobia, transphobia, misogyny and global warming denial but especially Islamophobia.”
Unpleasant red dinosaurs like the loathsome Livingstone and others in the way of the party leadership are just convenient fall guys. It’s not about anti-semitism – it’s about Islamophilia.
Ian, I was going to say this too. Corbyn is making the point that Labour is opposed to all forms of discrimination – against faiths etc. Cameron will walk into it, followed by Appeaser and we will have Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, and every kind of political objection to any of the isms and enders will feel the weight of plod.
Just thinking how Londoners will like it when Khan insists that audiences in West End theatres are segregated out of respect for all faiths..
The bit I liked (well, which struck me more than the other predictable lies) on “Half an Hour with Sir John Major” on Today this morning was when Sir John and Humphrys (a “journalist”) agreed that the “sovereignty” desired by supporters of brexit is identical to that of North Korea. I’ve seen/heard a few whoppers on the BBC but likening a UK outside the EU to North Korea is OTT even for our state broadcaster. What’s next in the BBC/Remain arsenal of distortion I wonder.
You know how the biased BBC and their favoured chums still like to bring up the subject of the Tory MP who claimed expenses (£4000 I believe) for his duck house – or was it his moat cleaning? Immoral yes. Illegal, no.
Because of course to the ‘Far Left’ bBBC the Labour Party are the sole source of virtue.
“An MEP who dishonestly claimed almost £500,000 in expenses has been jailed for four years. Peter Skinner, 56, who was Labour MEP for the South East from 1999 to 2014, was found guilty of three charges after a trial at Southwark Crown Court”
It is on the bBBC website to be scrupulously fair, but with much less space and prominence than “Clashes near Trump rally in California”.
Now why ever would that be?
It’s interesting that in all the hoo-hah over Labour’s antisemitism, none of the “journalists/commentators” on the BBC have observed that this will do no harm at all in the Labour heartlands. After all, where does Labour support come from? Simply, Labour looks to immigrants (especialy Moslems), the benefiterati, public sector workers and the (tiny but influential) media/luvvie constituency. There’s also a residual but reducing genuinely working class vote which would vote for Eichmann if he wore a Labour Party rosette.
It goes (almost) without saying that the Labour immigrant vote will hold up after this kerfuffle: indeed, I would consider that this vote will actually increase; the benefiterati and public sector parasites (particularly the white-collar non-workers) couldn’t care less as long as the gravy train keeps running. The media/luvvies are impervious to both reason and common decency and will keep supporting Labour (cf BBC, Guardian, everyone at the Royal Court Theatre etc). So it might be a temporary winter for Livingstone but it’s springtime for Corbyn and Milne (especially at the BBC).
Meanwhile, the BBC is still trying to spin this story in a pro-Labour direction. This morning’s website continues to bang on about Labour’s London mayoral candidate calling for Leninspart’s resignation.
The story is about Labour’s innate hatred of Israel (and by extension, all but the most self-hating Jews) but the BBC tries to use it as a booster rocket for the ambitions of Sadiq Khan – ironically, in very questionable position himself.
Beeb desperate to show the economic success that is known as the Eurozone runs with the headline
Eurozone recovery picks up speed
indeed England’s Dreaming or even about the small matter of the 715 billion euro black hole at the heart of Eurozone banks, reported the week before last. Oddly, I couldn’t find any reference to this on the BBC web sites
Great moment of throwaway bias, quite possibly unintended but all the more instructive for that.
TWATO 1.25pm Friday with Mark Lardell
Keith Vaz (who else?) being interviewed on the various South Yorkshire Police issues.
At the very end of the interview, Lardell’s closing words were, and I quote:
“Keith Vaz, always our first choice”
Sometimes, the bias is just so in-your-face, even to sceptics there can just be no doubt whatsoever.
See BBC present the row over anti semitism in Labour. From this selective account of of what Naz and Ken said, how could you infer anti semitism?
The subtitle of the article is “what is the row about”
I think it’s about the Labour Party reminding Muslim voters that it is anti-Semitic, a week before the elections.
Somehow the news that Labour MEP Peter Skinner has been found guilty of fraud and jailed for four years is deemed by the BBC’s ‘news’ editors as unworthy of its ‘news’ website front page.
It does find room for a story about ‘sleepless slugs’ however…
I find it hard to decide which is the sluggier, the BBC or Skinner.
Yes G Cooper, I thought the same. The bBBC have always been a bit ‘sluggish’ when it comes to report genuine news that does not fit in with their political agenda. Cologne for example.
Well been a great day watching the BBC running round it’s own arse. Problem is for them is that because they are just as anti semitic as Livingstone… So how can they be seen to be actively reporting on the issue but somehow try not to dig the knife in…… Hmmmmm not one tory I have seen yet how many Labour MPs would have been interviewed if the other way round ? comical just comical……
That other Far Left news organisation ‘Global News’ supplying ‘Classic FM’ simply reported that “an MEP has been found guilty etc etc”. No mention of what political party he belonged to. The news(?) on “Classic FM” is just as bad as that of the BBC, but there has been a result…at least they have dropped the word “chilly” and now replaced it with “cold” and “Wintry Rain” has been replaced with “snow”. We got there in the end.
According to our virtue-signalling state broadcaster and bully-in-chief, migrants are a thing of the past, thanks to the glorious EU and its new agreement with Turkey.
Now for some actual truth:
“…More than 181,000 migrants and refugees have arrived in Europe this year via the Mediterranean Sea, and that number has been growing on a daily basis, according to statistics released Tuesday by the International Organization for Migration. The figure dwarfs that of the first four months of 2015 when 22,408 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe by sea.
Greece is statistically the preferred port of entry to Europe, with 153,491 migrants and refugees arriving there, followed by 25,894 arriving in Italy, 1,063 in Spain and just 28 in Cyprus. The number of migrants and refugees coming to Italy, Spain and Cyprus so far this year was less compared with the same time period a year prior.
The news comes as Greece is sending refugees to Turkey under a European Union-mandated agreement stipulating that any refugees arriving in Greece from Turkey after March 20 must return if they do not apply for asylum or if an application is denied. The agreement has come under scrutiny for not being as effective as planned, as evidenced by just 18 migrants being sent Tuesday from Greece back to Turkey. Fewer than 350 people have returned to Turkey since the agreement went into effect earlier this month, Reuters reported.”
Thanks to Sluff for pointing me towards “Clashes near Trump rally in California.”
Just thought I’d post that short YouTube clip because it is so refreshing, in stark contrast to the BBC, to watch American women physically defending themselves and saying pretty much whatever the hell they like as the battle lines are drawn in their elections. I especially appreciated the blistering attacks on the propagandist inside the hall.
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
Fedup2Mar 10, 09:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I wonder who his staff are ? I imagine he has been gently groomed to take on his new ‘faith…
Watching Gruppenfuhrer Livingston cutting his own throat on The Daily Politics is hilarious.
The sewer rat is so anti-Semitic and bigoted, that is oozes out of him.
Yet like all lefties, he claims he’s the victim of a witch hunt, and everyone else is fascist.
It’s time he was thrown out of politics for good.
How the BBC spins and spins….
The story of the day (or so we are told by most news sources) is Labour’s meltdown over anti-semitism and, in particular, the long awaited implosion of Comrade Livingstone.
So how does the BBC spin it? Why, as a pro Labour story – by headlining the call from Labour’s London mayoral candidate for Livingstone to be expelled from the party.
That’s a pretty good example of how the Corporation does its work – turning what is a disaster for the Corbynista far Left wing into a triumph for a Labour candidate (who has some interesting history, himself).
I don’t believe there are many labour MP’s who are anti-Semitic (notwithstanding the muzzy ones of course, which goes without saying), but the rest of them have to use ambiguous language and be seen by their muzzy voters to be so.
Ken goes and John Mann MP gets a reprimand for calling Ken a Nazi sympathiser.
Good video of the panto
What a laugh. Lefties are so embedded in racism they are disappearing up their own orifices. Lovely to watch !
Not sure about the ‘goes’. Livingstone has only been suspended. Plenty of opportunities for hm to sneak back in later, as so many far Left lunatics have post-Corbyn.
Just the usual Leftie window dressing . But they will all end up eating themselves .
Yes, “Just the usual leftie window dressing” well put Grant…..the argument and questioning has now been safely diverted into the sources of anti semitism in the 1930s German Nazi party rather than into the sources of anti semitism in the 21st Century British Labour Party.
Naz Shah and chums, Jez Corbyns and chums slip down the news agenda accordingly.
Has Ken taken one for the team? To distract from the strong anti Semitic strand within the Islamic and Palestinian politics courted by the Corbynistas.
“No one believes that Jeremy Corbyn himself tolerates discrimination against Jews.”
Really Laura? No one at all, when he stands in solidarity with the Palestinian cause.
Speaking for the nation again, is she? Tony will be pleased, at least.
Can’t wait for the currently active Flokking fraternity here sharing the response to their challenge to CECUTT on how she substantiates this assertion.
Puff piece by the BBC pro migration, although I expect that they think this is somewhat right of centre because it headlines that attitudes in the German town are hardening, even though it fails to outline exactly why.
All the usual suspects are interviewed all of them pro migration, not a single one anti. Lots of Muslim migrants who refuse to make even the slightest attempt to integrate.
“Puff piece by the BBC pro migration”
Thoughtful, I don’t know whether you watched Mary Beard’s programme yesterday on early Roman history, but I don’t think that the standard BBC pro-immigration message came across quite as intended.
It seems that the early population of Rome was composed entirely of immigrants, but their first action once they’d got themselves organised was to invite their neighbours over for a party and rape their wives and daughters (rape of the Sabine women). Accurate and prophetic, but not quite the positive image of immigrants that the BBC likes to present.
Telling expose of the attitudes of two different BBC journalists today on the Daily Politics.
The generally accepted to be left-leaning Jo Coburn is discomforted by Andrew Neil’s exclaimation that he regards journalsim to be a ‘trade’ which is learned ‘on the job’ rather than a ‘profession’ requiring a ‘qualification’.
In contrast Jo Co wants to call herself a professional. The generally accepted to be more balanced/ less overtly leftist Neil is secure enough in his career to accept the ‘trade’ label.
Neil is, of course, quite right. Two thirds of the problem we have with the BBC is down to indoctrinated halfwits ‘trained’ (ie programmed) to be ‘journalists’ by Left wing activists masquerading as academics.
Contrast the Labour/Livingstone/Anti-Semetism with what the BBC would have been like if a UKIP MP or ‘aide’ has said exactly the same thing about Muslims.
Any of you BBC drones trolling got an answer?
Terrible distressing response from Lazy Davey who told us that anti Semitism is a form of Racism, and that Racism is totally unacceptable.
I wonder when someone is going to tell him that there’s no such thing as ‘racism’. He seems to be living in a bubble of the same naivety which led him to believe LOL meant lots of love.
I there is anyone like Jerrod and his ilk who do actually believe there is such a thing as ‘racism’, then please offer us a definition which everyone can agree with, and is bourne out by actual legal cases decided, because I think a definition is simply impossible.
My children’s school works on a definition of racism whereby it’s anything perceived as racist. Which is totally meaningless. The powers-that-be know this, but are content to build a house of cards on top of it until it collapses under the weight of its own contradictions.
This led to a ridiculous situation when one pupil, thinking his friend looked pale, said “You’re looking very white today”. The friend replied “You’re looking very black today”. Unfortunately this was overheard by a teacher who marched the pale pupil off to the head teacher to be given a formal reprimand for his “racism”. Fortunately the parents were made of stern stuff and created merry hell, backed up by the black pupil, until the school backed down.
I understand that Since 2002 all schools must have a written Race Equality Policy to comply with the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 whereby schools are under an obligation to report the number of racist incidents – however they are defined. Should they indicate a high number the school clearly has a problem On the other hand, a low return indicates that they also have a problem because they can be accused of either under reporting or failing to recognize incidents of racism. The solution for headmasters is to maintain reports of an average number of racist incidents and in this way keep the Equality and Diversity officials off their back Hence the occasional very trivial example of racism is reported.
As for a definition of racism, I suggest it is one of those concepts that cannot be precised (yes, precised is a genuine verb, I had the dictionary changed to accept this) and consequently it is better understood akin to Wittgenstein’s family resemblance approach. eg. you do not need definition of the word ‘game’ before you can play games, and yet the word ‘game’ is one we all understand.
This of course means that the word ‘game’ can be abused, as when we describe serious politics as just a game. And the same applies to racism which following Trotsky who introduced the word, is a call for political solidarity against an opponent.
There was once upon a time a Professor Joad of the BBC Brains trust, who demanded at every opportunity that a speaker defined his terms. What a quaint idea of language. Eh Jerrod.
When a concept can result in a criminal prosecution then it absolutely has to have a precise definition! When the accusation can result in someone losing their employment then it absolutely has to have a precise definition, and when people are so scared of being called this meaningless word that it is preferable to turn a blind eye to tens of thousands of children being abused then it absolutely has to have a precise definition.
I cannot agree that the word game has no definition, in fact it is one of the most tightly and precisely defined words we have in the dictionary.
As a pastime or hobby usually against an opponent, and usually to a set of rules – each game therefore is enormously defined & regulated.
No one to the best of my knowledge in recent times has been prosecuted for playing a game, nor lost their job or been so frightened of being found as a player that they turned a blind eye to paedophilia !
Playing games can be used in the pejorative, however that is understood by most normal people to not refer to an actual game.
I do not believe the two are even remotely comparable.
I’m the 69 year old dad of an 11 year old, now living in Canada and went through an education system that had an emphasis on teaching real history. I was somewhat dismayed by the curriculum at her school which banged on and on and on about slavery to the exclusion of everything else with the exception of what they call here ‘First Nations’.
When the opportunity arose at a parent teacher conference, I gave her teacher a lecture on early Canadian history and how it was directly affected by William Wilberforce, The Slavery Act 1807 and the formation of the West Africa Squadron followed by the creation of Liberia to stop the Yoruba and Ashanti from capturing previously freed black slaves. Needless to say her teacher was totally and blissfully unaware of any of this.
A few weeks later my daughter came home from school and said “Good news Dad, we start on WWII history this week.” It’s an unfortunate trait of Canadians that they sell WWII as being fought by them with some assistance from the rest of the world, but be that as it may she came home the day that her history lessons moved on, and being more than inquisitive I asked how it went. “Oh it was really interesting” she said, “We learnt about how we rounded up the Japanese and interned them in horrible camps.”
How are you ? Haven’t seen you here for a while. Where I live , in Gambia, home to Kunte Kinta , they don’t teach much about slavery in the schools. Most Africans I know are a bit ashamed that it was their own ancestors who sold their own people first to the Arabs , then to the White Man. Probably not taught in schools in Canada. How do Canadians deal with the atrocities they committed against native N. Americans ?
> please offer us a definition which everyone can agree with, and is bourne out by actual legal cases decided, because I think a definition is simply impossible.
Given that you think that fabricating descriptions of the content of radio programmes in order to justify your own bigotry is perfectly acceptable, I’m not sure you’re the most mentally competent person to decide on what constitutes a valid definition of anything.
I mean, you clearly misunderstand what “Thoughtful” means, for a start…
So we’ll take that as a no then?
For once I think we managed to get Jerrod to agree, albeit grudgingly and with the usual (false) name calling !
> So we’ll take that as a no then?
Well of course you will, what with you being a demented fantasist who understands nothing. I’m clearly not going to be able to stop you from lying to yourself and others – just as long as you realise that everyone knows you’re a liar. It’s just that other Biased BBCers don’t care, because your lies are in step with their own.
As I remember it Jerrod, you decided to impose your own interpretation of a subjective issue as a hard fact – in typical Fascist fashion.
You use the Gordon Brown defence of calling even the mildest criticism ‘Bigotry’ – now another meaningless word, and you fail to answer any question put to you!
Do you remember your history Jerrod? Which party was it which Oswald Mosely was a minister in before forming the British Union of Fascists?
> You use the Gordon Brown defence of calling even the mildest criticism ‘Bigotry’
Coming from one who calls anybody who points out that they’re a lying little shit a “fascist”, I’m not sure you’re really in the best place to be doling out supposed history lessons.
But do carry on. With every post you make, you’re just proving my point, you conceited, dishonest, deluded little wretch.
Hey, Jerrod, don’t hold back. Tell us what you really think and feel. You are a BBBC baby !!!
Didn’t you hang around the now defunct Telegraph blogs making an absolute arse of yourself?
> Didn’t you hang around the now defunct Telegraph blogs making an absolute arse of yourself?
No, I didn’t.
Did you always swim around Thoughtful’s backside, attempting to neutralise the shit s/he came out with, or is that a new development on your side?
Tell us if you think Al Beeb is biased or not , Yes or No Jerrod ?
In the meantime, make yourself useful by advertising this petition………………….
Taffman, it really isn’t worth wasting your time with the likes of Jerrod. It has no interest in a civilised discussion over differences of opinion. It only comes on to disrupt. It supports the destruction of our way of life and as such should be viewed as a threat to our very existence and that of our children. Treat it as you would a piece of dog shit on your shoe, something unpleasant with a nasty smell which needs removed.
But it is quite funny watching the baby throw his toys out of his pram. Entertainment before moving on to serious matters. By the way, has Jerrod boy condemned the racist anti-semitism in the Labour Party ? LOL !
If i’d wanted to spend hour upon hour of every day having to engage with someone of Taffman’s limited intelligence, I’d have trained to be a kindergarten teacher.
Well this advert that you are helping to promote is working ………………
228,802 signatures so far . Thanks
PS Jerrod
Everyone on this website is waiting with baited breath for you to have the courage to answer the simple question…………
Do you think Al Beeb is biased or not , Yes or No Jerrod ?
> Well this advert that you are helping to promote is working
Oh, here he is, my obsessed little stalker. Hardly the first time you’ve attempted to used such a tactic.
I know I’m repeating myself, but as you’ve quite clearly got the attention span of an encephalitic goldifsh, here goes:
My replying to someone else on a topic to which you have not previously contributed one iota of useful information could not, in any way measurable by anyone intelligent, be construed as “promoting” an e-petition which has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
The trouble is, everyone who’s of average intelligence or higher would agree that your interjection is, as is usual with you, merely a poor quality attempt at trolling that is as ridiculously inept as everything else you’ve ever attempted. The fact that none of your fellow halfwits at Biased BBC is prepared to admit that you’re embarrassing their already lower-than-low standards is more to do with their reluctance to admit failures within their ranks, lest they then be forced to admit that their own arguments have all the strength of damp tissue paper.
Poor taffman. How does it feel, to not even be able to get being a disruptive little arsehole right?
Funny Jerrod , I thought you were stalking me ?
Still no reply to my question – ‘Do you think Al Beeb is biased or not , Yes or No Jerrod ?’
Is it that hard to answer ?
Yet you can waste your time in giving a convoluted answer to a poster ‘who has a got the attention span of an encephalitic goldfish’,?
No insult there Jerrod eh ?
> Funny Jerrod , I thought you were stalking me ?
Well, if you will insist on adding to the list of “things that taffman gets wrong that anyone with a single functioning braincell wouldn’t…”
> Funny Jerrod , I thought you were stalking me ?
Well, if you will insist on adding to the list of “things that taffman gets wrong that anyone with a single functioning braincell wouldn’t…”
‘Do you think Al Beeb is biased or not , Yes or No Jerrod ?’
It hurts you to answer that simple question Jerrod, doesn’t it ?
I don’t think we are going to get an answer.
“If i’d wanted to spend hour upon hour of every day having to engage with someone of Taffman’s limited intelligence, I’d have trained to be a kindergarten teacher. ”
All that studying to learn “Do you want that with fries?”.
In the words of S.M. Williams – “Oh Dear, How sad, Never mind.”.
P.S. Did your kindergarten education include spelling i’d with a capital?
Isn’t socialist education cr*p.
Well at least Taffman had the intelligence to learn Welsh. I wonder what languages Jerrod speaks ?
Grant – Jerrod is fluent in Newspeak. Compulsory training at the BBC.
Of course he’s a fully paid-up member of Ingsok and backs the retraining of people who commit Crimethink.
Why not start with a dictionary? You might not get everyone to agree on the definition, you might not get universal agreement on the definition of any word or concept, but not having universal approval of a definition does not mean it doesn’t exist. And I would have thought there was fairly universal agreement on the definition? I shouldn’t think it too difficult to find legal cases resulting in convictions that involved racial motivations.
What the hell are you on ?
Well, here’s Anita Sarkeesian’s definition – Everything is Racist; Everything is Sexist; Everything is Homophobic (etc etc).
And by definition if you don’t agree with that then you are a ‘racist, sexist, homophobe, by definition, and yes she has actually claimed that!
The Wikipedia page, is disputed! Fat ugly loon Jo Brand claimed that you can’t be racist against white people!
A man in Croydon was arrested for a racially aggravated crime for using the term ‘mealy mouthed’ (although the useless brigade later admitted they were acting ultra vires.
Two white women in Newcastle – one attacked the other and despite the fact they were born less than 20 miles from each other – yep you guess it, it was a racially aggravated assault!
One man reading a speech of Winston Churchill arrested for ‘Racism’
One man prosecuted for sticking stickers on Halal meat saying it was cruel (which it is) again racially aggravated, what race is meat ? or a a cruel slaughter method?
Here is the OED Definition:
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior:
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races:
You won’t find anyone on the Fascist Left who will agree with that! I don’t know anyone who believes that, athough I do believe that people from different cultures are different, it is not on account of their race. That by the way would be enough to elicit a cry of waycism from a Fascist!
There is no such thing as Racism because no one knows what it is !
One small problem:
That is one massive king of the jumbo sized elephants in the room problem that is usually glossed over or explained away (Bullshi**ed away) with socio economic garbled double Dutch (is that racist) nonsense.
The BBC seems to feel, like so many other uniques it manipulates, the FoI Act is a one-way street whereby they can burrow for juicy tidbits to blow up into major scandals, however any having the temerity to ask questions of a force-funded state media monopoly careering off the rails is more often than not met by one of several obstacles to finding out anything the public has a right to know.
This latest one is a hoot, if disturbing that they can be so cynical and inept in equal measure:
Blown off in two days. But the poster perseveres..
‘You cannot possibly know that all FOI requests conducted by BBC employees are for the purposes of journalism, art or literature unless you have checked them all. Therefore I do not accept your stance that my request falls outside of the scope of the Freedom of Information Act”
How this pans out even in its denuded form may be interesting.
> “The MP said that if he knew about the situation in the BHS pensioners fund he had sold them “for 30 pieces of silver”. This sort of anti Semitic statement would never have been spoken out loud even a decade ago!”
Au contraire…
“C) What does it cost? In crockery alone the expense is fantastic. Plus the wages of a reliable gentile to run the business between sunset on Friday and sunset on Sunday.”
But the other religions are duly skewered, too.
A little advice to you and those who would cry ‘anti-semitism’ (or ‘waaycism’, even) at any criticism or jibe – appropriate, or not – aimed at Judaism and/or Israel. You will eventually be hated even more because of the special treatment and attention you seek to receive; it is counterproductive to become a professional victim. Play your cards skilfully; take the bad-feeling with a smirk, and know that we have a common enemy. That vile pygmy Philip Green deserves to be hung out by the Jewish community as giving you a bad name, and that should be a joyous and cathartic thing to do. Disown him.
I was going to say that the BBC wouldn’t dare broadcast something like that now but it is actually worse than that, the only ‘brand’ that would be considered would be the CofE and even then it certainly wouldn’t be rated as ‘best buy’.
Here is Bernard Levin again, on the receiving end of the most British act of violence you can get.
Not quite caught up with the long-trailed problem that Labour has with Judaism…but did hear Evan Davis and Eddie Mair interviewing Jews in the form of Neuberger, Levy and Shrimsley respectively.
“Does Labour have a problem with Jews?” being the general meme.
But of course-but clearly Mair and Davis have problems with Jews as well.
Perpetual efforts to trivialise and personalise any accusations made by the plaintiffs, the accused, persecuted and victimised.
And all manner of efforts to try and rope the Tories in, who tend not to invite Hamas to conferences, nor employ a Rahman in Tower Hamlets, don`t cover up for Muslim sex gangs…nor say that THEY`D be suicide bombers if they`d been in Gaza- unlike, say Blairs wife, Jenny Tonge (and the likes of Kaufman smile on)
But the BBC breaks all its rules re “victim support, bravery in coming forward, empathy and racism being a perception to be never argued with”.
AS if THEY`RE the traitors to The Cause for Corbyn
No-these two BBC reporters come across as Judge Freislers pervy nephews on work experience.
The Left clearly have a problem with the Jews-and the BBC/Labour Party are equally tainted…as indeed Jenny Tonge and her Liberal gauleiters.
Pretty clear who the “nasty party” are now isn`t it?
Such is politics. Only cretins think the Labour Party are the ‘compassionate’ ones.
But take a peek at the current list of names who are supporters of Labour Friends of Israel:
Joan Ryan MP, LFI chair
Michael Dugher MP
Louise Ellman MP
Rachel Reeves MP
Jonathan Reynolds MP
John Woodcock MP
Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale
Luciana Berger MP
Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP
Rt Hon David Blunkett MP
Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP
Rosie Cooper MP
Jim Fitzpatrick MP
Rt Hon Caroline Flint MP
Barry Gardiner MP
Mary Glindon MP
Andrew Gwynne MP
Fabian Hamilton MP
Tom Harris MP
Rt Hon Margaret Hodge MP
Sharon Hodgson MP
Ivan Lewis MP
Meg Munn MP
Rt Hon John Spellar MP
Graham Stringer MP
Emily Thornberry MP
Chuka Umunna MP
Dave Watts MP
Rt Hon Shaun Woodward MP
Rt Hon Lord Anderson of Swansea
Lord Beecham DL
Lord Clarke of Hampstead CBE
Rt Hon Lord Clinton-Davis
Lord Davies of Coity CBE
Rt Hon Lord Foster of Bishop Auckland
Rt Hon Lord Foulkes of Cumnock
Lord Harrison
Lord Haskel
Dr Baroness Hayter
Lord Livermore
Rt Hon Lord Macdonald CBE
Lord Mitchell
Lord Stone of Blackheath
Lord Turnberg Kt
Lord Winston
Lord Young of Norwood Green
Quite a few, no?
And then you have the former members (such as Tony Blair and Gordon Broon) included on this list:
Which, I think, outnumbers supporters of the Conservative Friends of Israel by quite a bit. Methinks tails are being pulled in regards to the media’s current fixation on Labour’s ‘view’ of Israel and those members or councillors who may be critical of the state. They are in great need of voters, and the Jew-hating muzzies and conspiracy theorists will come a-flocking to these…ahem…iconoclasts. Whilst all the time they will remain just as receptive and helpful to Israel deep down where the money flows.
Such a sucker’s game, politics.
“Judge Freislers pervy nephews on work experience”
I so wish I’d thought of that line.
I see that over on “Labour List”, they’ve had to close their comments section because Labour supporters are just as antisemitic as red Ken….Now, if this was the UKIP website the BBC would be on the case, yet on their main evening news, they’re using their hero Corbyn in an attempt to downgrade the fall out…
Meanwhile, in other news:
‘a whopping 42% opted for the rather unhelpful ‘unknown'”
Much now explained.
It’s not nice to crow, I know, but I’m afraid that I’m going to. It’s just too delicious, seeing that wrinkled old race hustler, a man who’s spent his entire political career accusing all and sundry of “racism” suspended from Labour for anti Semitism.
I’ve never forgotten or forgiven Livingstone from those dark days when he was mayor of London, going out to Africa and apologising to Africans for the slave trade. A repulsive, unimaginably wicked form of commerce, that the natives indulged in long before and long after our own shameful involvement. Livingstone’s cosmetic apology was gut wrenchingly politically correct and appealed to hoards of aggrieved black Londoners, but historically it was just plain illiterate. Still, it got him a few more votes, no doubt.
The very foundations of the Labour Party now look extremely vulnerable; Comrade Corbyn is working wonders. All those vile old reds who had been hidden under rocks, or causing trouble on UAF punch ups, have crawled out from under their stones. They’re back with a vengeance and in full public view.
Bring on the elections.
I suspect Ken is down to the loyal core now…
If every-ist-in-the-book Di’s off then he is down to the odd newt.
I’ve never forgiven him for a lot of things – including getting his stooges at TFL to fiddle the traffic figures so he could introduce the so-called Congestion Charge and other anti-car measures that made working in London misery for so many who tried to earn a living there.
The man is a Stalinist maniac and has been encouraged, protected and cherished by the BBC for decades.
At least BoJo got rid of the congestion charge, proving that democracy works. Oh…
It turns out, whoever you vote for, the government always gets in.
John Mann and Ken Livingstone making tw@ts of themselves – pure gold.
What a pair of absolute f*****g c***s!
Surely Godwin’s Law must have kicked in at the foot of that staircase.
Let us not forget a couple of things about the Fascist Left here.
The Left are prone to Fascism, it is one of their constructs and so it’s no surprise to see them return to it, albeit a very unpleasant finding.
Secondly, this latest resurgence of Fascism comes from the Lefts fascination with Islam which is inherently Fascist in nature, as well as intolerant and racist (In the classical OED sense).
No surprise either to find the Fascists arch enemies, the Communists actually came up with the description way back in the 1960s to distance themselves from it. They defined it thus:
“Left-wing fascism and left fascism are terms that have been used to describe tendencies in left-wing politics that contradict or violate the progressive ideals with which the Left is usually associated”
Today doing a little more reading on Islam I found this little gem, which if any other religion had it at their heart the Fascists would be tearing their robes:
“The believers will inherit the homes of the disbelievers because they were created to worship Allah Alone with no partner or associate. So when these believers did what was enjoined on them of worship, and the disbelievers neglected to do that which they were commanded to do and for which they had been created, the believers gained the share that they would have been given if they had obeyed their Lord. Indeed, they will be given more than that as well.”
This is what was reported in Sahih Muslim from Abu Burdah, from his father, from the Prophet who said: (Some of the Muslims will come on the Day of Resurrection with sins like mountains, but Allah will forgive them and put (their burden of sin) on the Jews and Christians.)
According to another version: the Messenger of Allah said: (When the Day of Resurrection comes, Allah will appoint for every Muslim a Jew or Christian, and it will be said, “This is your ransom from the Fire.”) ”
In other words a Muslim can behave like the worst criminal possible, but will still enter heaven (paradise) and all of those sins will be placed on a Christian or a Jew who will go to Hell as a result, no matter how well they have behaved in the eyes of God !
I’m sure readers here will not be surprised at the depravity of this wicked religion but for these beliefs to be tolerated from one religion, while the specks are picked over in all the others shows a breathtaking amount of tolerance of the worst discrimination and racism possible!
This will of course never be reported by the Islamophilic BBC nor the political parties of any colour at all.
But doesn’t Nadiya bake a nice cake!
On the evidence of the thing she presented to the Queen, no.
The game is on, deflect and distract………
Anti semitism is all about 20th century Hitler…….nothing to do with 21st century Islam…….vote Sadiq Khan for London mayor. (Quietly reinstate Naz after the fuss has died down) these people bring in the vote.
Look at all the cameras, look at Livingstones cheesy grin……all a game, until someone gets hurt.
The people don’t just bring in the vote, they bring in hundreds of postal votes – each!
Such a shame we have an idler as PM, who does as little as possible, because any decent politicians would have changed this corrupt system.
The good old Sun eh?
No wonder the liberal left hate it so-therefore we must enjoy their wicked wit.
The headline in the Sun today?
Doh, like a muppet I have posted the same link below. It is funny though.
Shocking piece of damage control propaganda on the Labour PR corporation website as we are told by Laura Kiss-labours-ass-berg that (hilariously)…
“Corbyn bids to shut down anti-Semitism row”
That in itself is the biggest pile of horse shit, but the piece de resistance is this downright lie of epic proportions…
“No one believes that Jeremy Corbyn himself tolerates discrimination against Jews”
I think we bloody well do Laura you devious, lying cretin! Moa Corbyn is a paid up fanatic of hamas, hezbollah and the terrorists Palestinians that are all willing to give their lives to witness the utter destruction of Israel. The man is completely on the side of the team desperate to kill every single Jew that walks the earth!
Oh and it seems the Al Beebs go to expert witness on what has happened is jihadi loving Sadiq Khan. No agenda there then Al Beeb!!
BBC 10pm News. The choice of language used in the Ken Livingstone coverage was highly offensive:
– ‘Ken Livingstone has said the unsayable’
As if we all know it’s true, but you can’t actually say it?
– ‘Ken Livingstone went too far with his comments’
As if he’s fundamentally ‘right’, but over egged things?
Bias? What bias?
Emma, do f*ck off and, when you get there, f*ck off again.
The court order clearly effective, as there is a picture of her clambering over a fence and in ‘pre-protest’, with hapless plod right beside doing…. not a lot.
How the media works… or not…
Quite revealing to note how the BBC treats the Labour anti-Semitism rumpus with how it would respond to a UKIP or Tory crisis.
I`ve got the sound turned down, and note that Labour talking heads are all given the chance to speak uninterrupted, no Tories or Jewish spokespeople allowed to ruin the narrative.
Labour talk to media hacks with no critique, no criticism…an internal matter , let US deal with it…and no Tory scum to cause trouble.
Whereas , had it been a Tory scandal-all you`d see is agitprop types from the Left and liberal side of things holding forth…Tories on the rack, and enough commentators from the lefties to mediate, to explain why the Tories are wrong.
In short-Labour able to account for itself, Tories forever set in the dock with lefties as judge, jury, court officer and executioner.
Clear bias-always was, always is.
Should the anti-semitic Elephant stomping in the Labour Party room now be referred to as a Pachyderm?
We need answers fast before the Labour Party implodes….. But not too fast. Carrier pigeons are quite fast these days.
I wish people would stop following the BBC line that this is just anti Semitism, because it’s far worse. It’s full blown Fascism, with an untermensch and an ubermensch. It has a favourite group of people which it believes are better than all the others, and will brook no criticism of them, regardless of what they do.
Haavara Agreement
The labour party has been taken over by the Trots .This is not good for democracy in this country at all. It means that millions will vote for a party that does not actually exist as it is being transformed into something else. Trots are trouble . They always have been. They cannot ever be trusted and every word they say is aimed at deception and the main chance which is to bring about their revolution and a brave new world.
No wonder most of the labour MPs are unhappy. They know what is at stake for the party. As for the anti Semitism that is part and parcel of the Trot way. If it suits them they will adopt it and right now it obviously does.
The Corbyn election is essentially a coup d’etat and very dangerous for the party and possibly the country.
It is wrong to lable them as fascist they are as they always have been and it is no wonder the communists loathed them. Essentially a middleclass intellectual movement amied at remaking the world in their dream image it is no wonder they are attracted to militant Islam.a likeminded impractical way of reordering reality.
We need a counterweight to the corporate state that is dominating the West especially the US and here.
It is as unreal as most other systems but at the moment it is appearing to deliver some prosperity to most of us. It is not going to last and it depends on reducing the majority of us to a form of feudal serfdom.
The situation is dire and with the Tory party firmly in the camp of the corporates and the bankers we cannot afford the labour movement to fall into the hands of the trot derangement.
Simple – Vote UKIP.
Funny how Al Beeb’s ‘Question Time’ audience never reflects the opinions of their ‘Have your say’ posts ?
Perhaps that is why they don’t do have the ‘Have Your Say’ posts very often ?
Emma Thompson being sprayed with manure whilst ignorantly protesting against fracking and self righteously saving the world, but without the farmer’s permission. All on a BBC video. What’s not to like?
and if someone has added the link before, then good, everyone should see it.
She actually breached a court order. But that’s all right – she’s a sleb luvvie!
Well, at least the exterior plumage now matches what she is too often full of.
Odd the BBC has been unable to resist the memory hole treatment.
She really is thick as two short planks !
Al Beeb international news
The unusual cold conditions in Britain are now being ‘buried’ by the ‘record breaking’ temperatures and drought in India.
Global Warming anyone ?
It’s effing cold near Cross Hands and, according to Mrs 7, it was effing cold in Stow on the Wold this afternoon.
Perhaps the world is getting greener?
shwmae Rhif Saith .
Well Emma Thompson got a bit ‘greener today’ , but it was nothing to do with Global Warming .
Shwmae taffman, I thought it was browner.
I see Jerrod is having a toy throwing contest (out of his pram) further up the thread.
Perhaps he should have gone to the kindergarten that he mentioned earlier for some lessons?
Is this one of those ‘here’s one I prepared earlier’ articles that was getting used no matter what?
“Last year’s wet summer, followed by one of the warmest winters on record, has helped to create a generation of sleepless slugs, wildlife experts have warned.
The weather has not been sufficiently cold enough in recent months to send the creatures into hibernation.”
What time in the morning do experts get up? Been scraping the windscreen all week so far and any slugs out in the garden would need their thermals on, in fact can’t remember the last time I saw one.
Another one of those do you believe ths BBC or your own lying eyes moments.
Looking at what can often emerge on threads here in the wee small hours to snipe away off topic, there may be something to this.
Meanwhile, back in the wonderful world of wildlife ‘experts’ and their willing BBC PR as news cut and pasters, I have to wonder if in the history of the U.K., recorded or not, there has never been a wet summer followed by a ‘warm’ winter.
Ah, but according to Good Morning Scotland it was not just any old warm winter but the “warmest winter on record”. At that precise moment I was watching the snow pile up on my car in Edinburgh.
“I was watching the snow pile up on my car in Edinburgh.”
The warmest snow in the history of Scotland.
Not been such a good week for Aunty as she thought!
Still basking in the sticky, post orgasmic afterglow after Obamas grand coming (particularly satisfying for Dave I think who I believe has run out of olive oil and now has a broken paddling pool)
Aunty has woken up to a cold bed with Big Ears gone and now he is slipping between the sheets with Angela!
To cap it all a number of her favourite trot friends are now in deep shit – which may well ask a few awkward questions which her favourite party will probably find very difficult to answer.
So what can a girl do ? I know lets refocus on some non relevant news items or past events which are sure to be a safe bet and not leave a girl feeling so used!
I have a few suggestions to help Aunty out
How about this-
Police have refused to arrest a white man in Luton for “Hate crimes”. Shocked worshippers told how he was walking home from Tescos with a see through shopping bag containg bacon rashers! He looked at the mosque whilst adjusting his shopping bag. Yet another example of casual racism ignored by the police!
Or this
I heard that Nigal Farage s tenth uncle three times removed once shared a bed with a gender fluid prostitute who also once whipped Adolf Hitlers Great Grandfather
On a less racey note how about – Bakes off Nadia gives us inside tips about how to bake a cake fit for a queen – Bit safer that one and it hits a positive tickbox
Looking forward to some exciting news this weekend from our “world class broadcaster”
Aunty I am looking for a new job as a News Editor – please feel free to contact me through this website as I believe I have very valuable skills which I am sure you would find useful
I am really not convinced by the Nigel story. It just seems a little bit far-fetched somehow.
I dont know what you are on about Grant – A friend from China told it to me. – No shit – definitely not far fetched!
Lol !
Another snow fall on the Perthshire hills last night and it is almost May !
I think it is very unfair referring to bBBC newsroom staff as ‘sleepless slugs’.
Surely creatures that operate in the dark and totally remote from life in the outside world deserve our sympathy.
Just listening to John Major on Toady – Good Lord! Astonishing to think this cretin was once PM.
I think it was Paul Johnson who aptly described him thus:
“John Major is what he is: a man from nowhere, going nowhere, heading for a well-merited obscurity as fast as his mediocre talents can carry him.”
Incredible that someone as dim as him ever became PM. Surely the most stupid in British history. Why does anyone still listen to him and why is a has-been like him being interviewed on the BBC ?
‘Incredible that someone as dim as him ever became PM’
The bigger question is how did he become Tory leader post Mrs T? As far as PM goes thats easy, just look at the alternatives in 1992…
You could say the same about Dave !
‘ Surely the most stupid in British history.’
Hmmm! That got me thinking, Now would Lord North and Spencer Percival have suported the Maastrict Treaty, probaly not. Would they have had sexual relations with Edwina, possibly.
Heath was pretty stupid though (poor Enoch) and unpatriotic. But I don’t think he would have had sexual relations with Edwina. I don’t see him as a Curry man.
Blair, Balfour, Duke of Wellington, Ramsay Macdonald, Wilson and dare I say Churchill (post war) all pretty useless when in office though not sure about them being stupid.
No you might well be right Grant. He probably is the most stupid Prime Minister we’ve ever had.
He’s unpatriotic and has had sexual relations with Edwina.
He fits the bill.
As Mrs. Merton used to say ” Let’s have a heated debate ” ! Yes, the Edwina affair rather condemns Major. I understand that the Duke of Wellington was a bit of a swordsman ( although a famously bad shot with a gun ), but I think he would have drawn the line at Edwina.
Amazingly, the BBC seems to feel his views need headline treatment across all social media too.
And to think I voted for that oaf! I do apologise, everyone.
So did I but there was not much choice. I think that Fatty Clarke was one alternative !
Major Major Major Major.
If you’ve read the book you’ll know what I mean.
It is top of my reading list. Can’t wait. I am sure it will be a laugh a minute !
Two hilarious chapters including the Major4 one but the others ok too.
“John Major is what he is: a man from nowhere, going nowhere, heading for a well-merited obscurity as fast as his mediocre talents can carry him.”
Sounds quite appealing in a way. I quite like the idea of a PM disappearing into obscurity as a result of having done nothing. Most of our problems seem to be the result of governments doing things. It has to stop.
The flaw in this argument, of course, is that we need a government to do things in order to undo the things that previous governments have done. When this has been accomplished, they can go back to not doing things.
Putting it another way, get out of my bloody life!
Makes sense to me anyway.
Totally agree. Politicians contribute nothing to society. They are just useless parasites, with a few exceptions. Worthless creatures .
8.30am and the transition from red sofa studio and Blue Peter presenters to BBC Business – hyperactive Aussie Aaron Heslehurst and Liz something – we’re distracted as for no apparent reason she goes walkabout in the studio (let’s just call her Liz Skirt). But have the BBC economics grown ups got anything interesting for us….?
We have to be wary because the BBC don’t really ‘do’ markets and economics – they are far too hung up on politics. So, to the big reveal…. the BBC Business head line today ….
“Are the big bosses getting paid too much!” Off switch.
As Tony Hancock once said “I didn’t expect a lecture on communism”
Mind you, given this is the BBC we ought to have done.
Spotted this on Breitbart today, worth a read.
Establishment Report Finds Brexit Will Drastically Slash Immigration, BBC Fails To Mention
I have posted before that the BBC report a 1 % fall in the FT100 as a “crash” but do not report rises. So the rally over the last few months does not get a mention. Blatant bias.
Some great comments.
I like the one on how when the BBC NUJ Chapter went on strike, the quality of journalism improved.
Awkward… “Popcorn… My kingdom for more popcorn!”
Although watching the odious Livingstone get his just desserts, and the anti-Semitism of the Labour Party being exposed are good stories, we should be careful what we wish for.
There is no such thing as bad publicity, as we may in due course find when the votes (probably already being counted) in the Islamic Republics of Luton, Leicester, Bradford, and elsewhere are announced next week.
I imagine that most Ropers vote Labour anyway. Each one of them many times !
I think there should be an international independent commission to oversee British elections to ensure they are fair and free. I do not trust the British “authorities ” to do this.
Agree Grant, Brexit people ought to be demanding something like this. Or are they a controlled opposition that will put up a fight and easily concede defeat? The Remain camp are too confident of victory but every where I go I encounter people – many of whom I have never heard utter a political opinion- passionate about exit.
WE do the voting but THEY do the counting.
And yes – Vote Leave are looking more and more like a false flag operation.
Excellent article here on BBC left wing bias, based on an in depth survey by the Institute of Economic Affairs. The stats vindicate many of the criticisms of the BBC on here.
My favorite example of BBC bias, Thought For The Day, is particularly singled out. Perhaps like others, I’m heartily sick of John (Surly Scot) Bell and Giles (To the Barricades) Fraser. The limp Bishop socialists aren’t much better either.
Yes England Expects. Conservative Woman is turning out to be a valuable source of information about the bias in our worthless BBC.
Just linking England Expects with Aslseelt at 8.54am re “are bosses being paid too much”
I was only half listening but pretty sure Toady R4 Thought for the Day this morning was all about being fairly paid for your Labours. Listening to iplayer – it was ! Not only that but Sir Lenworth Henworthy got a mention.
And in finding that excerpt, I lurched upon at 6.22am – a “bosses pay” feature!
So here we have an example of controlled editorial biased BBC agenda setting, deliberately planned and co-ordinated across all their outputs. It’s quite scary when you think about it. But Big Brother would be delighted.
(sorry if this gets posted twice due to technical stupidity)
The BBC hasn’t read The Times yet else, surely, it would feel as livid as the rest of us at this story:
It is pay walled, but in summary Marcin Jaworski, a convicted polish rapist, moved to the UK to culturally enrich our lives. The police, quite rightly said he should be on the sex offenders register, but then bizarrely said the court hearing should be held behind closed doors, away from the sensitive ears of the British public.
Their reasoning was that Poles had so blighted the lives of the poor sods who live in Shirebrook that they have had to ban drinking in the town centre and referee violent brawls between the peace loving Poles and the Racist, hideously white local people. The foolish inhabitants of Shirebrook are already irrationally incensed that Poles make up more than 50% of the nearby Sports Direct company, despite there being unemployed indigenous people in the area.
The police feared that if the town’s people knew what sort of EU immigrants were allowed into their town then the xenophobic little Englander locals might become even more upset.
Thankfully the police lost their case. The result? Well mister Marcin Jaworski didn’t bother turning up for the court hearing anyway and, you will no doubt be thrilled to hear, has moved anonymously to another part of the country.
“…violent and sexual offences register (ViSOR) contains the details of 448 foreigners convicted of sexual offences abroad, with 390 added since 2014. Romanians are the largest group, accounting for 173, alongside 90 Poles and 65 Lithuanians. A spokesman said that 352 of the offenders had been deported, had been extradited, had left the country voluntarily or were in prison.”
390 out of the 448 have been added since 2014, gives pause for thought.
Surely there should be a Radio 5 live phone in about this. Where is it? : What’s the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism?
• Anti-Semitism is “hostility and prejudice directed against Jewish people” (OED).
• Zionism refers to the movement to create a Jewish state in the Middle East, corresponding to the historic land of Israel – anti-Zionism opposes that.
• But some say “Zionist” can be used as a coded attack on Jews, while others say the Israeli government and its supporters are deliberately confusing anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism to avoid criticism.
I draw the impartial jury of biasedbbc to the third line and the conspiracy that it is the Israeli government, and not the left, who are “confusing anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism to avoid criticism”
It continues in this style with paragraphs such as:
“Pia Feig, of Manchester Jews for Justice for Palestinians, told BBC Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine programme that “anti-Semitism has been used to quieten down and suppress my concern and the concern of other people for Palestinians”.
I maybe being over sensitive here but It seems to me that whenever the article criticises ‘anti Zionists’ it adds a ‘but’ or a counter claim.
Anti-Israel and Anti-Zionism are code words for Jew-hating . Pure and simple. No amount of wriggling by the anti-semitic racists can disguise it.
Not a simple matter to get to the truth of whether the anti-Zionists are anti-Semitic. I was on a Scotland-based blog for some time which harboured two anti-Semites and one I termed “undecided.” They were all of quite advanced age and had lived their lives and formed their opinions. The two would not come right out and admit their anti-Semitism when challenged but would frequently sneer about Israel and Jews. The undecided would hammer away at Israel but plead innocence of any hostility towards Jews.
This character’s dislike of Israel was in inverse proportion to his knowledge of the Israeli-Arab conflict. Though he could only speak in ignorant anti-Israel clichés he regarded himself as objective. He maintained darkly once that, “Israel would reap what it has sown,” but would not clarify what he meant by that when pressed by myself and others on the blog. Is he an anti-Semite? Probably, though it seems mostly on an unconscious level.
Given the relentless anti-Israel propaganda campaign by the Arabs and the broader Muslim world with the connivance of the lefty media, it’s no easy task to distinguish the committed anti-Semite from the concerned but dim-witted individual who has been indoctrinated that the Israelis are brutes and the Palestinians doe-eyed innocents – but is not hostile towards Jews in general. I imagine a great number of young university students belong to this category. They are pro-Palestinian because it’s become the thing to be but it’s worth noting here that they have no concern for oppressed Palestinians in Arab countries since such facts are carefully omitted by their lefty lecturers.
So, again, it’s not possible to draw conclusions about everyone who is hostile to Israel. However some anti-Semites, like the foul Livingstone, cannot help themselves but feel compelled at times to ‘come out’ as hostile to Jews, as when he called the Jewish journalist a “capo,” but in the same breath will insist that they only dislike the ‘Zionist’ government.
I make a distinction between Israel then and Israel now.
Then was the terrorists of the Stern Gang and the murder of the UN mediator Count Bernadotte. Now is Israel in the front line in the fight between civilisation and barbarism.
Crimes committed then don’t make criminals of those defending their country now.
I think it’s always been the same fight.
What? Murdering British soldiers there doing their duty, under the British mandate in Palestine, is the same fight as the IDF killing Hamas terrorists.
I was thinking more about the Arab enemies of the Jews of Palestine. Before Israel was established it was the same fight. In the 1920s, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem incited riots by claiming the Jews had designs on the Temple Mount. That led to wholesale slaughter of entire Jewish families in Hebron, Jerusalem and Tsfat. The latest round of Arab terrorist violence is also incited by the same lie as was spread almost a hundred years ago.
Far from doing their duty, the British steadily reneged on their obligation under the Mandate to help establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine and started to side with the Arabs. It’s fairly widely known that the Jews hanged two British sergeants but not known that it was in reprisal for the execution of two Jewish fighters. Yes, there was Jewish terrorism back then but the Jews were fighting for their very existence.
The King David Hotel was British military headquarters and the Irgun warned the British that they were going to bomb the hotel and to evacuate it. The response that came back was, “We don’t take orders from Jews.”
When the British left in 1948 they handed over fortifications and weapons to the Arabs and British officers even fought on the Jordanian side during Israel’s War of Independence.
The British Govenment’s hands are dirty on Israel. The British Establishment were pro-arab even before WW 1. I am not even commenting on their misguided loyalties to Arab boys.
In my opinion the Israelis were justified in their terrorist fight against the British Government. And they are justified to fight for the future of Israel.
Grant, I responded re the British, but the site ate the comment. Anyway, we are in agreement.
Grant & TrueToo – unspeakable.
Al and TrueToo,
Yes !
> “In my opinion the Israelis were justified in their terrorist fight against the British Government. And they are justified to fight for the future of Israel.”
Heh. ‘Terrorist’ fight.
With friends like you, who needs enemies? 😉
I normally only listen to R4 for TMS but clicked on this morning for 2 minutes. I had forgotten how prissy and patronising it is. But, ” Next week, The Rise and Fall of General Pinochet “. Unbelievable. I guess most people on this site could write the script. Expect an in depth expose of the mess that Allende made of Chile.
The week after , I expect a fearless investigative piece about murder, torture and disappearences in Castros’ Cuba.
For God’s sake , the BBC’s bias and agenda is so blatant it is pathetic.
Amusing as the street theatre over Labour’s ‘anti-semitism’ might seem, there is another agenda altogether at work. The outcome is highly predictable: an internal committee will investigate and produce a report that says:
“Although one or two individuals may have used intemperate or ambiguous language, there is no widespread anti-semitism within the Labour Party. Rather, we should increase our committment to diversity and stamping out all forms of hatred, not just anti-semitism but also homophobia, transphobia, misogyny and global warming denial but especially Islamophobia.”
Unpleasant red dinosaurs like the loathsome Livingstone and others in the way of the party leadership are just convenient fall guys. It’s not about anti-semitism – it’s about Islamophilia.
Ian, I was going to say this too. Corbyn is making the point that Labour is opposed to all forms of discrimination – against faiths etc. Cameron will walk into it, followed by Appeaser and we will have Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, and every kind of political objection to any of the isms and enders will feel the weight of plod.
Just thinking how Londoners will like it when Khan insists that audiences in West End theatres are segregated out of respect for all faiths..
The bit I liked (well, which struck me more than the other predictable lies) on “Half an Hour with Sir John Major” on Today this morning was when Sir John and Humphrys (a “journalist”) agreed that the “sovereignty” desired by supporters of brexit is identical to that of North Korea. I’ve seen/heard a few whoppers on the BBC but likening a UK outside the EU to North Korea is OTT even for our state broadcaster. What’s next in the BBC/Remain arsenal of distortion I wonder.
Second prize ” 1 hour with John Major “. Moron.
Sir John Major – a man risen without trace.
You know how the biased BBC and their favoured chums still like to bring up the subject of the Tory MP who claimed expenses (£4000 I believe) for his duck house – or was it his moat cleaning? Immoral yes. Illegal, no.
Because of course to the ‘Far Left’ bBBC the Labour Party are the sole source of virtue.
“An MEP who dishonestly claimed almost £500,000 in expenses has been jailed for four years. Peter Skinner, 56, who was Labour MEP for the South East from 1999 to 2014, was found guilty of three charges after a trial at Southwark Crown Court”
It is on the bBBC website to be scrupulously fair, but with much less space and prominence than “Clashes near Trump rally in California”.
Now why ever would that be?
Perhaps he was only trying to ensure that more of Britain’s contribution to the EU came back into the British economy.
Perhaps not – that would be pro-British so the BBC would never forgive him.
It’s interesting that in all the hoo-hah over Labour’s antisemitism, none of the “journalists/commentators” on the BBC have observed that this will do no harm at all in the Labour heartlands. After all, where does Labour support come from? Simply, Labour looks to immigrants (especialy Moslems), the benefiterati, public sector workers and the (tiny but influential) media/luvvie constituency. There’s also a residual but reducing genuinely working class vote which would vote for Eichmann if he wore a Labour Party rosette.
It goes (almost) without saying that the Labour immigrant vote will hold up after this kerfuffle: indeed, I would consider that this vote will actually increase; the benefiterati and public sector parasites (particularly the white-collar non-workers) couldn’t care less as long as the gravy train keeps running. The media/luvvies are impervious to both reason and common decency and will keep supporting Labour (cf BBC, Guardian, everyone at the Royal Court Theatre etc). So it might be a temporary winter for Livingstone but it’s springtime for Corbyn and Milne (especially at the BBC).
All true.
Meanwhile, the BBC is still trying to spin this story in a pro-Labour direction. This morning’s website continues to bang on about Labour’s London mayoral candidate calling for Leninspart’s resignation.
The story is about Labour’s innate hatred of Israel (and by extension, all but the most self-hating Jews) but the BBC tries to use it as a booster rocket for the ambitions of Sadiq Khan – ironically, in very questionable position himself.
Guido is on a role. Now Seumas Milne, Labour’s Director of Strategy and Communications..
Should Labour be banned as a terrorist supporting organization?
This weekend, the UAF are proposing to stop the EDL demonstration in Coventry. Will they now divert to silence the Labour Party fascists?
Guido is doing sterling work and all without £bns from the tax payer.
“And now, here is the weather forecast for Northern England and Scotland for today, Friday April 29th 2016, presented by Roger Harrabin”
“Oooooh……errrrrrr” (broadcast mysteriously cuts out)
“Well, we’re sorry about that. In the meantime, her is some music”
“And now, here is the weather forecast for Northern England and Scotland for today, Friday April 29th 2016, presented by Roger Harrabin”
“Oooooh……errrrrrr” (broadcast mysteriously cuts out)
“Well, we’re sorry about that. In the meantime, here is some music”
Beeb desperate to show the economic success that is known as the Eurozone runs with the headline
Eurozone recovery picks up speed
Whilst Bloomberg a proper financial site prefers
Draghi Challenge Highlighted as Inflation Rate Back Below Zero
indeed England’s Dreaming or even about the small matter of the 715 billion euro black hole at the heart of Eurozone banks, reported the week before last. Oddly, I couldn’t find any reference to this on the BBC web sites
Great moment of throwaway bias, quite possibly unintended but all the more instructive for that.
TWATO 1.25pm Friday with Mark Lardell
Keith Vaz (who else?) being interviewed on the various South Yorkshire Police issues.
At the very end of the interview, Lardell’s closing words were, and I quote:
“Keith Vaz, always our first choice”
Sometimes, the bias is just so in-your-face, even to sceptics there can just be no doubt whatsoever.
The BBC gave up any pretence long time ago. It is all mutual ass-licking now and it is sick making.
There is bias and there is damage limitation.
See BBC present the row over anti semitism in Labour. From this selective account of of what Naz and Ken said, how could you infer anti semitism?
The subtitle of the article is “what is the row about”
I think it’s about the Labour Party reminding Muslim voters that it is anti-Semitic, a week before the elections.
Somehow the news that Labour MEP Peter Skinner has been found guilty of fraud and jailed for four years is deemed by the BBC’s ‘news’ editors as unworthy of its ‘news’ website front page.
It does find room for a story about ‘sleepless slugs’ however…
I find it hard to decide which is the sluggier, the BBC or Skinner.
Yes G Cooper, I thought the same. The bBBC have always been a bit ‘sluggish’ when it comes to report genuine news that does not fit in with their political agenda. Cologne for example.
Meanwhile, any bets on how long before (or with what prominence) the BBC will run this?
“100 leading City names sign letter backing Brexit”
Well been a great day watching the BBC running round it’s own arse. Problem is for them is that because they are just as anti semitic as Livingstone… So how can they be seen to be actively reporting on the issue but somehow try not to dig the knife in…… Hmmmmm not one tory I have seen yet how many Labour MPs would have been interviewed if the other way round ? comical just comical……
Notice how the pro-BBC trolls fall eerily silent when the BBC is caught bang to rights with these examples of bias?
They’re only interested in arguing the toss about Guardian talking points.
That other Far Left news organisation ‘Global News’ supplying ‘Classic FM’ simply reported that “an MEP has been found guilty etc etc”. No mention of what political party he belonged to. The news(?) on “Classic FM” is just as bad as that of the BBC, but there has been a result…at least they have dropped the word “chilly” and now replaced it with “cold” and “Wintry Rain” has been replaced with “snow”. We got there in the end.
Sometimes you really have to wonder what the BBC is playing at when it comes to the migration crisis…
Here’s a small video from the BBC entitled ‘Empty Beaches in Lesbos’
According to our virtue-signalling state broadcaster and bully-in-chief, migrants are a thing of the past, thanks to the glorious EU and its new agreement with Turkey.
Now for some actual truth:
“…More than 181,000 migrants and refugees have arrived in Europe this year via the Mediterranean Sea, and that number has been growing on a daily basis, according to statistics released Tuesday by the International Organization for Migration. The figure dwarfs that of the first four months of 2015 when 22,408 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe by sea.
Greece is statistically the preferred port of entry to Europe, with 153,491 migrants and refugees arriving there, followed by 25,894 arriving in Italy, 1,063 in Spain and just 28 in Cyprus. The number of migrants and refugees coming to Italy, Spain and Cyprus so far this year was less compared with the same time period a year prior.
The news comes as Greece is sending refugees to Turkey under a European Union-mandated agreement stipulating that any refugees arriving in Greece from Turkey after March 20 must return if they do not apply for asylum or if an application is denied. The agreement has come under scrutiny for not being as effective as planned, as evidenced by just 18 migrants being sent Tuesday from Greece back to Turkey. Fewer than 350 people have returned to Turkey since the agreement went into effect earlier this month, Reuters reported.”
The BBC: Some of the news, some of the time.
Thanks to Sluff for pointing me towards “Clashes near Trump rally in California.”
Just thought I’d post that short YouTube clip because it is so refreshing, in stark contrast to the BBC, to watch American women physically defending themselves and saying pretty much whatever the hell they like as the battle lines are drawn in their elections. I especially appreciated the blistering attacks on the propagandist inside the hall.