Just what is Europe’s biggest problem?
As millions of people with beliefs, values and ideologies that are incompatible with a liberal, freedom loving, secular, Christian based, Western Europe, invade that Europe bringing with them all the problems and attitudes that they allege they are escaping from, what does the BBC see as the problem? Is it the war launched by Islamists against the West? Is it the social, economic, infrastructure and criminal problems brought by the mass immigration of people with very alien ideas? Or is it something else?
Is Europe lurching to the far right?
A ripple of concern shivered across Europe this week in establishment circles after a right-wing populist candidate stormed to pole position in the first round of Austria’s presidential election.
Guide to nationalist parties challenging Europe
Many European countries are witnessing electoral gains for far-right and nationalist parties, though they span a wide political spectrum.
The migrant crisis has fuelled a backlash against the political establishment, but the wave of discontent also taps into long-standing fears about globalisation and a dilution of national identity.
How is this right-wing backlash reshaping Europe’s political landscape?
So there is a ‘ripple of concern’ sweeping across Europe at the rise of Far Right parties. No such concern at the rise of Far Left Parties such as the most recent incarnation of the Labour Party in the UK? No such concern about the rise of Islamist terrorists…the BBC more often excusing and cheerleading for them instead.
And what of those Far Right parties ‘challenging Europe’? Surely the BBC means challenging the imperialist EU and the boot it places on the Peoples’ neck?
And what of immigration? I apologise, I was mistaken, the BBC do take it seriously….the problem you see children, is you...you just don’t love and appreciate the millions of alien immigrants who have forced their way into Europe expecting handouts and a life of ease, or at least easy women…….and have no intention of returning to their own countries….
Migrant Crisis: Changing attitudes of a German city
In the six months since BBC News first visited Oberhausen, the mood here has changed.
“I think that many Germans don’t want to deal with the whole thing, let alone to help those that need it, be it in general or in the street. They just close their mind,” says 75-year-old Vera Hufer.
“It is important to reach out to foreigners and ask them ‘may I help you?’ … If we all put a little effort into it, then it will work.”
The rise of the Far Right? The rise of the Far Right gives the BBC the shivers. But who is to blame for the rise of the Far Right? Who gave the EU and in the UK, the Labour Party, uncritical coverage and support for their immigration policies? Who is it that has cheerled and spent vast amounts of time, effort and money advocating for open borders and the free movement of people from around the world? Who is it that did not hold to account and challenge their lies about immigration? Who is it that has worked assiduously to suppress and quash all criticism of such policies and allowed the real racists, the anti-White, anti-British, anti-Western extremists both of the Left and from the Islamic camp, to shape the political narrative and enable them to scare off anyone from engaging in debate for fear of being labelled racist or Islamophobic? Who then has given rise to the rise of the Right as people find the only way to get their voice heard is to vote for the only people willing to stick their head above the parapet…the Far Right?
The answer of course is the BBC itself. Now so concerned about the rise of the Far Right and yet it is its own actions to suppress democracy and free speech that has led to that rise….just as the BBC’s lies about the ‘war on terror’, its support for terrorsim and radical Islam, its targeted pressure on politicians to make them have qualms about taking military action for fear of the BBC et als’ reaction, has led to what is happening in Syria, all of which was unnecessary as Assad could have been forced to the negotiation table years ago and the war stopped by large scale military action….whereas now Assad is pretty much secure and unmoveable and the refugee flow out of Syria set to continue unabated as he bombs their cities and towns and villages back to the stone age. That’s in no small part to the BBC and its like-minded do-gooders.
Far from being a force for good, the BBC is a dangerous and out of control organisation whose highly politicised interference in world events ends in vast numbers of dead and an endless stream of refugees made homeless and without hope due to actions in Syria and beyond in effect sanctioned by the BBC which looks on and professes horror but then does all it can to prevent any effective solution to the events unfolding so dramatically before us.
The same can be said for the rise of anti-Semitism…the BBC has played a huge role in recreating that monster with its endless demonisations of Israel, the claims that Gaza is an open prison, that Israelis are war criminals, that Israelis are nazis who deserve to be shot, that Israel itself cannot last and is not a legitimate state, that Palestinians are being murdered by the Israeli state…all these things and more have been peddled by the BBC and the effect is the rise of the anti-Semitic movement that dresses itself up as anti-Zionist…and yet ignores all the other countries that are far, far worse than Israel.
The rise of anti-Semitism, the rise of mass immigration, the securing of Assad’s position, the rise of Islamic radicalisation and terror, the rise of the Far Right….just how much can be layed at the BBC’s door? The BBC certainly doesn’t want us to know…which is why it spent huge sums of money preventing the public release of the Balen Report which set out just how the BBC’s reporting of events in the Middle East had such a damaging effect on events there and in places like the UK where its anti-Israeli reporting became reflected in the rise of anti-Semitism dressed up in a light disguise as being anti-Israeli. In light of what is happening today the BBC should be forced to release that report and admit that it has played a highly dangerous role in encouraging the anti-Israel movement, anti-semitism and the rise of violent Islamists.
If the BBC were closed down would the world in fact be a safer place as speech became free again and open debate shaped politics instead of an immensely poweful left-wing agenda force upon politicians by a far too powerful media giant…a media giant that as we speak is still trying to close down its ideological and commercial rivals in order to dominate the news agenda even more than it does already with the connivance of the Labour Party which thought that the left-leaning BBC shouldn’t be subject to the same restrictions on ownership as other media/news organisations?
The world certainly would be a safer place without the BBC. It certainly would be more honest.
The BBC is Britain’s biggest enemy.
Everything Alan says is absolutely on the nail and has already been said in David book ‘2030 Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain’ which , I believe, is now banned on Facebook.
My Facebook feed today is littered with suggested (paid) posts advocating Remain, from quite the most bizarre collections of people who seem to think this technique, from them carries any heft. ‘Scientists for the EU’?
Like Obama’s contribution, every one of these seems to be having the precise opposite effect. A lot of money to make things worse. A metaphor there.
One of the best was not paid, but a post from our MEP, whose feed I follow, crowing about a meeting last night with the county chamber, billed as ‘a discussion on why we should stay in the EU’. With impartial framing and an audience like that, they have a glorious career as a BBC Producer ahead if booted out.
A ripple of concern shivered across Europe….
I really wish the BBC would stop trying to wax lyrical. It’s bad enough that we have to put up with its grinding, implacable bias and its frantic campaigning for every lefty cause but when it comes up with idiotic imagery like the above to advance its agenda then it’s adding insult to injury. And if we are to believe Katya Adler the Austrian candidate stormed to pole position – assisted, no doubt, by people akin to Hitler’s brown shirts in her fevered imagination.
And what’s this lurching to the far right business? Does Adler really believe that much of Europe is staggering drunk from the pub to the voting booth, beating up peaceful ‘anti-fascist’ demonstrators on the way?
Adler would be far better employed writing bad poetry than pretending to bring us the news.
I agree with much of Alan’s take on the BBC above, like the relentless demonization of Israel which has done so much to reinforce anti-Israel and anti-Semitic attitudes across the planet. However, it’s a bit of a stretch to lay blame on the BBC for events in Syria. I doubt that the BBC played much of a role in the UK’s decision not to go in and take on Assad. In fact, I recall a Humphrys interview with Hague quite a while back in which the former was indignant that the UK was not going into Syria. (In the same breath Humphrys was castigating Hague for not opposing Israel’s alleged intention to take on Iran, too dumb to see the glaring contradiction in those two attitudes. But that’s another debate.)
I think that if the BBC has a bias re Syria it would be in support of the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran’s role in the civil war. The West has tiptoed around the conflict for years because of its complexity and the very real danger of intervention there escalating into full-scale war in the Middle East. Considerations of political correctness as peddled by the BBC and other ‘media’ might have played a role to a degree, but I doubt that it was an overriding factor.
Alan … now that is an excellent post!.
The only things I could possibly add, would be that just watch closely as those bandwagon jumping political elites inquiry into anti-Semitism is widened to include Islamophobia which will prevent identifying the actual growing, expediential cause of anti-Semitism:
The Religion of Paeds.
Its already happening on the Al BBC I noticed that 5Deads Nikki Campbell pulled in some Imam yesterday to start just that.
Once again, have to keep giving the same old warning
… don t get into Islam s bed, there s a very bad smell in there, and before long people will notice
Actually have to say, to cheapen this whole important issue for petty political points like the Tory rags have is pretty despicable too
The one possible plus side of this whole sorry saga? … is to put to bed this snide “anti zionism s not anti-Semitism” crock.
Yep! Exposed for what it is … how does it go again ?
Q. How do you tell if an anti-Semite is left-wing or right-wing?
A. Right wing anti-Semites will write “Death to Jews” on a wall,
The Left will too, scream YES!, rub out “Jews” write “Zionists” … and walk away smiling
The media must recognise and admit, expressing it clearly, that Corbyn and MacDonnell are part of the problem of anti-Semitism and intolerance; in fact they at the heart of it. It is not that they are guilty of acting too slowly against it, they have brought it on. Their denials are deceitful and disingenuous. The announcement that they are to have an enquiry is breathtakingly cynical.
It is they who have created the climate, it has not been going on without their knowledge, on the contrary they have supported and encouraged the terrorist anti-Semite groups like Hamas, they have been pursuing anti-Israeli politics for decades. They encourage people in it, they invite them to join the Labour party and to become MPs.
There is a direct link between them and Islamic terror and politics and the muslim agenda. They share platforms with This must be reported MSM, it must not be hidden or avoided. The trouble is that the BBC, for example, has also been pursuing anti-Israeli politics for years, and by extension assisting anti-Semitic sentiments and beliefs.
You are right. They are racists and really should be prosecuted. I thought we had laws in this country to deal with racists ?
Ed Vaizey retweeted this, so it must be well awesome.
“A ripple of concern”?, more like a ripple of relief.
Or raspberry?
This may be OT but I have just finished reading “Easy Meat” by Peter McLoughlin about the muslim grooming scandals, it makes for horrifying reading and hard to get through but it should be shoved down the throat of these Far Left idiots who believe in holding out the welcome wagon for these vile Islamic monsters they are encouraging in Europe and soon to be adding to the monsters in the UK. It makes me scream with frustration when they refer to them as “Asian” they’re not they’re “muslim ” . Rant over.
Mrs Kitty,
“Asian” makes them sound Chinese. I don’t think we have much trouble from the Chinese in the UK. The Left-wing Establishment and the BBC are complicit in all of this. They really do not care about humanity.
BBC up to its usual tricks today on the website report on the AfD conference in Germany. The AfD is described as Far-Right. Yes its hyphenated so that in the BBC’s eyes its become almost one word, the only word to describe anyone with Right Wing views. Anyone on the Right is described by the BBC as Far-Right. But do the AfD want to behead muslims in the street? Do they want to blow up people in bars, at football matches or at music concerts?
Meanwhile the louts who tried to stop people getting into the conference are only described by the BBC as Left Wing. Just how much of a Marxist, Trotskyist, Islamist Fascist or Islamist-Corbynist Fellow Traveller etc do you have to be to get the BBC to describe you as Far-Left?
Funny that Beeboids never describe themselves as ” Far-Left”. Assholes !
Good post Alan.
When I saw that phrase “lurching to the right”…really can`t help but think of The Addams Family( or was it the Munsters?)-of a massive looming, ponderous presence that cast a dark shadow over all he lumbered over.
A good metaphor for the Left and the BBC/EU, such comments as you ascribe to the BBC are truly dangerous clouds gathering.
Often think of that word “Obamination”…in prophetic terms it matters when Jesus and Daniel speak of it…and there is something deeply dangerous about his creepy, know-nothing presence on the “global stage”.
Just seems that the liberal left have transformed into illiberal brownshirts.
“How is this right-wing backlash reshaping Europe’s political landscape?”
Got to love that phrase, as if no unasked for reshaping has been done up until now!
Good article here from Jonathan Freedland-not a natural ally of mine for much of the time, but he writes this as moderately and decently as we can expect for the Left.
No doubt, he`ll be in trouble and hated for it…and wouldn`t it be nice to hear from Medhi Hasan, Yasmin Alibiah Brown and Owen Jones on this “scandal at the heart of Labour”.
To be fair, all the above have cited this as a problem-wonder if they`ll double down on it, or give Corbyn a breather.
Any sign of Toynbee anybody?
‘Populist” is a word much favoured by politicians in power to refer to the opposition and often goes hand in hand with the evergreen, universally applicable “racist”. In power, the Labour party routinely accused opponents of “populism”, usually when an opposition policy found favour with the voters. For Brussels, any resistance whatever is always decried as populism, as when a referendum in the Netherlands goes against the eurocrats’ wishes, for instance.
It’s no great surprise, then, to see the beebyanka trotting out the same adjective. We can’t have politicians offering the electorate policies for which they actually want to vote, can we? Where will that end? Somebody ought to remind the lofty inhabitants of Beebgard that Sir Humphrey Appleby was actually a comic creation, not the twentieth century’s answer to Machiavelli.
Incidentally, the surname Hofer has a pretty good precedent for trying to defend Austria from invasion. The last time, Andreas Hofer ultimately failed and was shot, but Napoleon’s subsequent defeats ensured that failure did not have existential consequences on that occasion. This time, Austria can’t afford to fail.
Isn’t it ironic that the sneering disdain for ‘populism’ comes so often from those who bellyache loudest about the need for ‘democracy’ and delight in calling things “The People’s” this and that.
It’s humbug, of course. They are scared stiff of the people – especially when they won’t do what the Left wants them to.
Politicians dont like populist policies. However they very keen on gaining the populist vote when it comes to their own election.
I had a civil discussion, earlier tonight – in West Wales.
The guys involved can best be described as traditional Liebore/Plaid. One brought up the issue of Muslim immigration and where the country would be in 20yrs. Having had a discussion, including mentioning Cardiff and Swansea WRT to the Muslim influence (takeover), the response was worse than the thought of England beating Wales in the 6 Nations. – That’s saying something!!!!!
God (not Allah) help our nation.
Germans cannot even protest in their own country anymore – they have to advertise in Swiss newspapers: http://gatesofvienna.net/2016/04/german-dissidents-outsource-their-dissent-to-switzerland/
Cheque’s in the mail, Ian.
BBC eats babies and tortures small, furry animals. Oh, and its also responsible for the rise of the far right, the war in Syria, the refugee crisis, anti-semitism and Islamic terrorism. Is this a rational position or is this just a bit extreme? I’d say it ventures into paranoid delusion but I know why you try (and fail miserably) to make the argument.
The BBC is a broadcaster. Sure, you can make criticisms but why would you dedicate yourself to criticising it when there are so many more serious problems in the world, like some of those you’ve mentioned -refugee crisis, anti-semitism and Islamic terrorism etc……well, you have to convince yourself that it’s much more serious than the number of repeats or poor DAB reception. The BBC therefore becomes the root of all evil.
Just what is Europe’s biggest problem? – The article doesn’t say its Europe’s biggest problem, and you might have a point if this was the only article the BBC had ever published.. but I’m sure I’ve seen something on the telly about ‘the war launched by Islamists against the West? ‘ at some point.
Migrant Crisis: Changing attitudes of a German city – you’ve misrepresented the article, probably because you know your readers are unlikely to check. Let me try what you’ve done and I can make the opposite case:
Migrant Crisis: Changing attitudes of a German city
In the six months since BBC News first visited Oberhausen, the mood here has changed.
Social etiquette has also become an issue at AQUApark, Oberhausen’s biggest swimming pool. General Manager Timor Schrimer says the pool’s rules have been printed in Arabic on leaflets to help the new arrivals understand German customs.
It follows an incident where a German woman was groped in the pool by a migrant.
But after hundreds of sex attacks were carried out on women on New Year’s Eve in nearby Cologne, some Oberhausen residents began calling for civil patrols.
Svenja Beyer has been teaching at an integration school, set up especially to explain the German language and way of life.
“We have problems with aggressive behaviour and fights between different ethnic groups,” says Ms Beyer.
We have situations that Muslim boys don’t want to sit on one table with Christian girls. Integration is difficult for some pupils’.
It seems the BBC is also responsible for creating racism against migrants.
‘Who is it that has cheerled and spent vast amounts of time, effort and money advocating for open borders and the free movement of people from around the world?’
Gimme a single example. Produce some evidence and substantiate your claim.
‘just as the BBC’s lies about the ‘war on terror’, its support for terrorsim and radical Islam, its targeted pressure on politicians to make them have qualms about taking military action for fear of the BBC et als’ reaction’
Gimme a single example. Produce some evidence and substantiate your claim. I’d like to see where the BBC has lied about the war on terror?
Bit off topic, but I can’t help but mention your claim that large scale British military action in Syria would’ve prevented the civil war there….good luck finding a single MP who would’ve been in favour of that – BBC influence or not.
Your claims about the BBC’s role in fermenting anti-semitism are probably the most bizarre. Claims that the BBC have claimed or stated ‘that Israelis are war criminals, that Israelis are nazis who deserve to be shot, that Israel itself cannot last and is not a legitimate state’ really do require some substantiation if you hope to be taken seriously. Please provide one iota of evidence that the BBC has said ‘Israelis are nazis who deserve to be shot’. I’m glad to say, you can’t.
I see you’re on to the same broken record about the Balen report, something I’ve corrected you on many times before. It doesn’t seem to take.
You claim it refused to release the report because it found ‘the BBC kills Jews’. The Information Commissioner agreed with the BBC’s position on the report, as did every court in the land including the Supreme court. Why do you disagree with the legal argument? I’d like to hear you tell us why the courts were wrong.
The report wasn’t released, and you’ve never read it, yet somehow you still know what’s in it!?! …..’the Balen Report which set out just how the BBC’s reporting of events in the Middle East had such a damaging effect on events there and in places like the UK where its anti-Israeli reporting became reflected in the rise of anti-Semitism ‘.
Pray tell Alan, how do you know this is what the report found? And how do you square this with no BBC report ever finding this before or since? No report by an organisation outside the BBC has ever found this either. How come Balen is still working for the BBC?
If Balen gave the BBC a clean bill of health – you’d dismiss it because it was conducted by a BBC employee. Not here though, because you’re able to endless speculate (not even speculate but state as a fact) about the contents of the report, despite not knowing what’s in it and having never read it.
This is why you Blog Alan. Graffiti with punctuation.
Your claims about the BBC’s role in fermenting anti-semitism are probably the most bizarre. Claims that the BBC have claimed or stated ‘that Israelis are war criminals, that Israelis are nazis who deserve to be shot, that Israel itself cannot last and is not a legitimate state’ really do require some substantiation if you hope to be taken seriously.
By proxy. In other words, by giving a welcoming platform to pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli activists and commentators – then not challenging when they spout blatant crap. There have been countless posts on here over the years citing examples and I can’t remember your head popping up once to comment (at least, not under your present name).
The other anti-Israel tactic employed by the BBC is to be selective with its Middle Eastern history – like, for example, being careful not to mention the three attempts by Arab nations to wipe Israel off the face of the map, or the number of opportunities spurned by the Arabs and ‘Palestinians’ for a two-state solution because they know it would put a completely different complexion on the matter. Rarely do they mention why Israel came to be ‘occupying’ the West Bank and Gaza. Nor do they seem to want to talk about the Israeli Arabs, the ones who chose to stay when the state of Israel was formed – or even the fact that Israel gave Arabs the choice. Now those Arabs enjoy more freedoms (with full citizen status) than those who are still, after nearly 70 years, only allowed ‘refugee’ status within Arab countries.
The BBC’s coverage of the Middle East and Israel/’Palestine’ is the one of the worst examples of its big, fat stinking, Leftist bias. ‘Educate and inform’? ‘Impartial’? My arse. They are a fucking disgrace, helping fuel the kind of hatred we’ve seen from within the Labour party and the Islamic nutters in this country.
‘By proxy. In other words, by giving a welcoming platform to pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli activists and commentators – then not challenging when they spout blatant crap.’
Please provide an example of the BBC giving a platform to someone saying ‘Israelis are nazis who deserve to be shot’, without challenge.
The BBC has chosen sides in the culture war for the future of our nation .It is not on my side and that is that .. The river valley where my family have lived and worked for generations is part of us and we are part of it. It is threatened as never before by the malevolent and deluded. Not even the 20th century wars were so great a threat as now. The left on it’s long march through the institutions is determind to reorder the world to fit it’s fantasies without our leave or consent. It has taken the media ,educationand the law and set it’s sights on destroying even the notion of family and nationhood.
Our way of life is our way and our right to hand on it intact and peaceful to our descendants is ours alone. So it is with the land itself. That is what you and the liberals dismiss sneeringly as patriotism. Our families’ names are on war memorials and have been for centuries. We are also part of the ancient civilisation of the Christian West inherited by us and that too is our right to hand on intact.
The great mistake the marxist ascendancy is making is to think that it is going to be easy to destroy us and our families. It is going to be a real fight to the finish.
Gert Wilders, one of the hate figures of the BBC leftists has called for a patriot spring. Many of us know what he means and just how necessary it is now.
So please continue to pick on Alan’s words and reflect that it has now gone beyond such nit picking for many of us . We are not listening. Europe is in danger and how it will look at the year’s end nobody knows. What I do know is that now we must look to those who are of like mind and break with those who are not. It always comes down to this in the end. That is the way of the world.
The BBC are leftists, and lying is the what they do- Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Poll Pot and all left wing regimes.
Muslims do Taqqiya.
If this is happening in moderate secular Islamic Turkey, what will happen when Pakistanis in Britain become a majority.
Relocate Muslims living in Britain to dar ul islam . Or else face a civil war that will make Bosnia look lime a garden party.
The heart of the problem, is the dagger deliberately, and with malice, planted in the heart of Europe by the European civilisation hating left wing traitors in our midst.
They are far worse then the Nazis.
The heart pf the problem is the dagger deliberately, and with malice, planted in the heart of Europe by the European civilisation hating left wing traitors in our midst.
They are far worse then the Nazis.
Apologies for the double post.
They are not worse than Nazis. Thay ARE Nazis !
OK with that.
I don’t always feel sorry for Germans. But this excites some pity.
The Unexpected Snake.
For if there is no difference between good and evil, but that those who do good have had good done to them, and those who do evil, have had evil done to them– then we can welcome in the snakes and all will be well because we are all snakes inside. And it is only by warming snakes, that we change that. This in essence is the worldview of liberalism. This is the key to much of its madness. And so they pick up the snake, and are bitten and die, wondering why their worldview which seemed so right, proved to be so wrong. And we die with them. For the farmer has carried the snake home, made a nest for it, and filled his home and the homes of his neighbors with snakes. And it may be hard to know where the farmer began and where the snake ended. – See more at: http://sultanknish.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/the-unexpected-snake.html#sthash.TY7zPutw.dpuf
An Ifop poll for Le Figaro measuring perceptions of Islam has found that people have a growing sense of unease about its role in France.
What’s notable about the results is that where once such sentiments were perceived as the preserve of the “extreme right”, they are now felt across the political spectrum. Back in 2010, 39 per cent of Socialist Party voters felt Islam was too prominent within French society — a majority of 52 per cent feel this to be the case six years on.
Le Figaro says the poll confirms a “total rejection” of the religion in France, after its capital in 2015 saw two deadly Islamist terror attacks.
Polls are polls and just that. Europe needs to act before Muslims are a majority. Relocate .
Otherwise, it will be too late.