A Sunday People investigation reveals how, four years since a Parliamentary inquiry criticised child protection failures in Rochdale, 117 red flags were raised.
And a leading children’s charity warned lessons had not been learned – meaning vulnerable kids could still be in harm’s way.
In Nigeria, Muslims kidnapped and raped 276 Christians. Apart from the lack of mention of the religion of the perpetrators and victims the BBC has kept this story alive since 1014. And quite right, it was a despicable act. It is featured not just on the news but all over radio 5 live, The One Show etc.
But 1,400 children kidnapped and raped with the connivance of the police, council and social services in Rotherham? Not a dickie bird anywhere on the impartial BBC’s output.
I give Eddie Mair dispensation on this issue, as he did ask the poor reporter the right questions , he just didn’t get the answers.
Arthur Scargill gave a speech in Manchester yesterday. Why anyone would give this Communist who wrecked his own industry, destroying the jobs of his members while viewing them as canon fodder any credence is anyones guess!
The Manchester Evening Lies however, always as far Left as it’s possible to go, is always prepared to accept any Left wing idiocy, no matter who utters it.
Scargill attacked Corbyn in his speech, claiming that his current problems originate from his 180 degree turn around on EU membership. He claimed that Corbyn came to the leadership on the premise of Brexit, and that other Labour members now see him as badly wounded.
“Mr Scargill then took aim at Mr Corbyn, ‘a friend for 20-odd years’, criticising him for supporting Britain’s continued EU membership.
“Nothing prepared me for Jeremy Corbyn saying that Britain should stay in the EU,” he added.
“I am disgusted in the way he has come out in favour of Britain remaining a member.
“He was elected as party leader on a programme that was committed to coming out of Europe.
“It’s time we recognised decisions like this represent the ultimate betrayal.
“And it’s one of the reasons why people who want to attack Jeremy and undermine him are having a field day.
“If he had said ‘we will come out of the EU and go back into the world’, he would have had support from all sections of Labour and trade union movement.”
Mr Scargill said the Labour leader should also have ‘stood firm’ over the scrapping of Trident – and pledged to use the cash saved to prop up the NHS – instead of ‘compromising’.
The M.E.N have contacted Jeremy Corbyn’s office and are awaiting a response
With friends like Arthur, you don’t need enemies !
A book was published in March 2016 that deals with the Muslim grooming of white girls by men from predominantly Pakistani backgrounds. It’s title is, ‘Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal’
One Amazon reviewer wrote the following review:
“This is a harrowing but a very important book.
It stares into a dark part of British society over the last thirty years and carries out a survey of a phenomenon which almost defies belief – the organised, industrial scale grooming, rape and forced prostitution of under age girls by gangs and networks of men in towns and cities across England.
It also tells of the consistent institutional cover-up of this horror. The common feature of these gangs is that the offenders are almost all (approximately 90%) Muslim men, primarily of Pakistani origin, and the victims are all non Muslim girls, both white, but also Sikh girls. The author lays out the facts, the culture of cover up, how our social services, local government, politicians, media, and academia have effectively worked for this atrocity to be neglected, denied, and covered up.”
I wonder if the author includes the BBC’s euphemistic description of the perpetrators as being “men of Asian origin.”?
As a contributor wrote on BBBC quite recently, “The Left-wing Establishment and the BBC are complicit in all of this. They really do not care about humanity.”
We also need to have an independent investigation into who is responsible for the verbal, written and violent acts of anti-Semitism cropping up around the UK. As we all know, these acts of anti-Semitism are committed mainly by Muslims who just happen to be the core of the Labour vote in many of the large UK cities. The Labour Party is remarkably quite about this, I wonder why?
We also need an investigation into the BBC’s active refusal to investigate this story and the way the Corporation has persistently played down the significance of it.
After all, an organisation that controls 70 per cent of the news accessed in this country, and which is funded by a compulsory tax, should be held to account for its actions. Who, other than someone complicit in this conspiracy, could possibly object?
Indeed Cassandra. Mrs.Kitty on the previous thread drew my attention to this recent publication. Accordingly I went to Amazon and downloaded it, together with Tommy Robinson’s Enemy of the State, and Michel Houellebecq’s Submission. Not exactly holiday reading for this summer, but essential books for our time nonetheless.
I started reading Easy Meat yesterday. Truly compelling and shocking. I see that the author, later in the book, analyses links between the rape of white (or non-muslim) girls, and Islamic cultural and religious practice in the legitimisation of sex slavery as seen with Islamic State, Boko Haram and on the streets of many English towns and cities.
Just as an adage, and FYI … Cassandra here is the link to what, despite all political posturing is actually being achieved by the police and this rotten government to rectify in regards to Islamic child gang rape
Still going on, it appears almost nonchalantly, the largest case ever is on now in Leeds, heard about it in MSM ? even the background to it?
” I have decided to write a personal account of an attempt I made to find out how many girls have been groomed, gang-raped, and prostituted by organised gangs in England over the last five years. I do it obviously not to provide ground-breaking statistics – but to contribute to the national discussion on the phenomenon of so-called “Asian” grooming gangs that has been taking place since the publication of the Jay Report in to widespread sexual abuse, gang-rape, and torture of at least 1,400 young girls in the town of Rotherham in Yorkshire.
The first thing to report is that this figure is simply not obtainable by a member of the public, at least not if you hope to be in any way close to accurate. I am not the first to undertake this effort.
A similar attempt was made by the office of the Children’s Commissioner in 2012. That investigation also concluded that an accurate figure could not be obtained.
However, in investigating the matter myself,
I found widespread and continuing (despite the Jay Report) lack of any coherent recording of or response to organised gang-rape.
What stands out particularly is the lack of data held by local authorities, who in almost all cases, kept no numeric data on children under their care who have reported sexual assault or rape. In almost all cases, I was informed that this information could not be provided as it would take authority staff outside of the 18 hour working time they are obliged to perform on freedom of information requests. The reason it would take longer than 18 hours to provide the data, is that it would entail reading separately through the individual files of all children in their care.
In other words, even post-Rotherham, most councils are not attempting to separately record sexual assaults on children under their care, or to paint a broader picture of the problem.
Police records present the same problems. Recording of ethnicity or nationality is widely inconsistent; in many cases the ethnicity of the alleged offender is not recorded, and it is not recorded for victims at all.
It is impossible therefore to know just how often this happens, or how many times it has happened.
What we do know is that some police officers and public sector workers have publicly stated that this child grooming by Muslim men has been occurring for decades, and with almost complete impunity.
The reasons for this I intend to explore.”
“What has been learned from this report is that few of the above problems have actually been addressed in the wake of the Rotherham report, or other high-profile “grooming” criminal trials.
The public sector is still not keeping separate records or data on the sexual abuse and rape of girls in its charge.
To even speak of this issue causes a damaging fear among workers in social services and police because the fear of racism accusations has not dissipated one iota.
Finally, what we know for certain is that any religiously-inspired attitudes towards women will not be discussed – this too has not changed one iota. We still refuse to fully acknowledge the hatred for white people, and white women in particular, that exists within the homes of some ethnic minority homes”
ROTHERHAM: THE PERFECT STORM – An investigation in to Muslim grooming gangs
December 2015 / 23 https://t.co/JSi1fsq8ev
Political Correctness is merely a euphemism for living by the code of lies.
The truth of these mass gang rapes by Muslims, is not just for pleasure, but also the satisfaction of power over Whitey.
In addition, the rapists are doing what the Koran demands, and the example of Muhammed. The rapes are on such a scale, that it amounts to war against the UK. But a war waged on young White girls by Muslim men, in alliance, unbelievably, with the authorities.
When combined with beheadings, mass criminalty of the Muslim population, beatings and murders of isolated White English, and the huge amount of Muslims on Benefits, this is really a war on UK from within.
Political Correctness hides all the above, as well as the political class that imported millions of Muslims into the UK, and then hid the the mass gang rapes for decades.
We will lose this war, unless we take drastic action. We cannot allow an enemy within the gates to operate as if he has already won the war.
Gavin Boby shows that the a majority of Muslim men partook in this war crime. It follows that all Muslim men would have known of the ongoing brutal gang rapes of White Infidel girls, and laughed & gloried in it. It also follows that all imams would have known of this, as nothing happens in the community happens without the mosque’s blessings. That leaves Muslim women. They too would have known, but saw no wrong doing, as that was what Mohammed did.
There is no other word to describe what has been allowed to happen in Britain but a grotesque WAR CRIME. But this war crime is worse then others. A “normal” war crime is one in which a victorious invader rubs in his victory by raping the women folk of the defeated enemy. It is not just sex but flaunting victory in the enemy male’s face. We can rape your women and girls, and YOU MAN can do nothing about it.
But this war crime was not normal. It is one in which the home authorities allowed rapes on a grand scale to happen against their own kith and kin. For such a war crime, there is no parallel in history.
By the same token, there is no punishment that can be meted out that would fit the crime. In any case, there are so many culprits – ranging from Home secretaries, PMs, police chiefs, ministers of various departments, that a proper investigation and levy, would not just bring the government down, but cause the downfall of parliamentary government or worse. So the matter will be starved of oxygen ( a kind of DNR notice) and the War Crime will be buried forever.
There is a possibility that this huge and gruesome War Crime, a sad and grotesque affair, may yet save the UK and Europe, from a fate worse then death.
How to combat this war crime. Start at the top: either through an election which replaces the collaborating politicians or by assistance from liberators – US army under Trump ? – and a well publicized arrest of leading Government collaborators, such as Teresa May. Close down local authorities and arrest politicians in areas where the war crimes are prevalent. Replace the police in these areas with military forces until such time as the area is prepared for a democratically controlled police force.
This will upset Guardian readers and the BBC
Its not the present government that the majority of war crimes took place. It was the last Labour government. Shock and surprise. This matter came to light because Labour was defeated. However, this war crime is so huge, and encompasses parliament itself, it has the potential to destroy the constitutional arrangement of the UK. The war crime is thus being covered up.
As virtually the entire Pakistani Muslim community was involved in this war crime, the only fitting punishment is to banish them from the UK. There may be a few Pakistanis who were innocent of the crime, and had no knowledge either, but that is the way of wars – the occasional few innocent have to suffer as well.
I like your idea of Pres Trump ordering NATO to assume power in the UK, and do what is necessary. There is no way the rats will offer any resistance if the order comes from Supreme Allied Commander NATO.
Harold Wilson and the Labour Government aided, abetted and encouraged the Nigerian Government to commit Genocide against the Igbo people in Biafra. Wilson was never put on trial for what he did. They even gave refuge to the mass murderer, Gowan, after he fell from power. Labour’s hands are dirty !
I pray for the hundreds of thousands of young vulnerable White, and some Sikh girls, who were so appallingly abused, not just by Muslim men, but by the authorities whose duty was to protect them. May God give these girls strength to come out of their distress. May God have mercy on all their abusers.
As we all know, these acts of anti-Semitism are committed mainly by Muslims who just happen to be the core of the Labour vote in many of the large UK cities. The Labour Party is remarkably quite about this, I wonder why?
Indeed. But the BBC will have you believe that it is Far Right wing groups.
Ex terrorist, Gerry Adams, has found himself in a spot of hot water. Apparently he was watching a film and for reasons best known to himself decided to send a “tweet.” Within this tweet he used the offensive “N” word. There has been uproar. Some commentators I’ve heard have said that they can’t believe that “someone of Adams standing would resort to such offensive language.” Eh??? Are we suffering from some collective amnesia here? This bloke is neck deep in the blood of the innocent. For decades he didn’t only order others to commit the most foul crimes, knee cappings, bombings and shootings, there’s strong evidence that he carried some out himself. Why should anyone be at all surprised that he uses unpleasant language? Shock, horror!
It’s like discovering that the Yorkshire Ripper once swore at his granny.
AsI – SeeIT You should know now that a word or an action is only a problem when Aunty decides it is.
Therefore the stabbing of jews in Israel or the multiple rape of thousands of white girls in Rotherham is not really very important in the great scheme of things however someone leaving a pigs head in a Mosque or not baking a a Gay Rights cake is proper NEWS!!!!
It is quite interesting that Aunties Visions, in its mission statement and values is to be ” the most creative organisation in the world” – Well that is one they have definitely achieved – No Doubt about it !!!
I just like the fact that he deleted it, tried then to claim he was offering some bizarre conflation in context, then eventually apologised, with Classic FM Global Propaganda offering a sympathetic ear and edit to what was clearly a howler made worse by a clumsy cover up attempt and dire ‘just joking’ attempt when all else failed before owning up.
Leicester City and its success, the BBC uses it as a tool to ask why this town in which Englishness has been eradicated (less than 50% identify as white British, which is apparently a good thing) has still been so ‘racist’ to not have managed to have any Muslim players on its football squad!
It doesn’t matter what the subject is, the BBC can manage to turn it into some far left wing diatribe.
Channel 4 did the same on Friday night on their licensed hate-filled rant, that helps fill the gap between BBC lies at 6pm and then 10pm.
This despite plenty Asian fans interviewed and walking to the ground-playing in the kids team nearby…both male and female(enjoy it while you can Miriam!).
Don`t the liberal media NEVER take a holiday from their endless ferreting for lefty grievances to nurse and splatter round the studios like an perpetual dirty protest?
Best sports story since Ivanisevich…and the BBC etc try to trash the achievement of Leicester, not representing the populace etc.
As if the Collyhurst hobgoblins and Broughtons finest are represented “proportionately” by the bloody BBC up there in Salford!
That would be Riyad Mahrez, he seems a decent enough guy, quite humble about the award and thanked his team mates and manager for the opportunity he’s been given by Leicester. He has scored less goals than Vardy and Kane who were his main rivals for th PFA award but has made a larger number of assists.
Incidentally, whilst he was born in France he’s so loyally French that he is an Algerian football international which is his prerogative, and the day after the award BBC 5 live breathlessly announced that he was the first African player to win the PFA player of the year award.
That struck me as a departure for the BBC who usually, determinedly and on occasion, absurdly, insist that birthplace = ethnic identity. In which case they should leave the well known Indian, Cliff Richard well alone else they might look a bit y’know…..racist, innit?
I take your point embolden but football is a funny old game. I suspect that Mahrez plays for Algeria as he had no chance of getting into the French team. My daughter went to school (in County Durham) with a lad who ended up playing for a Premier League side but he was unable to make it into the full England team so is now a Scottish international as he has Scottish grandparents.
With news in, that Leicester City had won the title, the very first person interviewed on the BBC’s VD programme, was an Abdul. Abdul was handing out free samosas. After this, came an interview with some guy who claimed he was the manager of Leicester City FC.
Reasons to be cheerful.
The BBC are shit-but as I watch the snooker with the sound down( but the commentary is good, should I need it)-Steve (Yabbo) Yabsley is on BBC Radio Somerset/Bristol-a genius and very funny local hero nearby.
If only the BBC would stick to this….
Here`s the Left in action. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3568590/Hundreds-wishers-help-donate-2-000-white-waitress-refused-tip-racist-Oxford-student-bragged-online.html
If this Qwame scum(look up his lineage/privilege as you wish) is not a UN Ambassador for some Pan-African quango within a few years, I`ll be surprised.
Boateng, Amos, Scotland, Hain…what is it with these lefties and their bile and hatred for the little people?
Unless they can run on blades that is, or can turn rubber tyres into necklaces to burn an opposing voice.
Still-the response of good South Africans cheers-but this lad needs “serious counselling”…
Thanks for posting that, Chris.The obnoxious little sh*t does it and brags about it because he can. But it is the left wing academic establishment who sowed the seeds for this destructive insanity. What a wonderful example of what is now regarded as admirable behaviour on college campuses.
Why is it when I come home from a hard days work and I sit down to enjoy my tea and watch a bit of telly do I have to see young blokes kissing each other all over Eastenders ? and then they switch to two girls kissing each other and talking about adopting a kid. I don’t think this is appropriate for early evening TV. Is anybody going to tell me there is no agenda here ?
Lock13, couldn’t agree more; its the way of the world now and if we dare to criticise (or God help us feel offended) then we are made to feel like persecutors. There’s also a trailer for a prominent shopping channel who clearly show 2 chaps kissing whilst promoting a brand of camera, it might be un-pc of me, but I find it uncomfortable viewing, yet I know I’m not supposed to. What I was brought up to regard as ‘normal’ is no longer considered ‘normal’ because the new normality encompasses everything. I cant say I’m confused, but its very hard to change a mind-set that’s seen society act in a certain way as ‘the norm’ up until the last 15 years or so.
Brissles yep I am not against it. It is just not something that should be on early evening TV for the mainstream. I find it equally offensive if a bloke and a girl are snogging in front of me on the train. It is just not appropriate.
It reminds me of a conversation about homosexuality between Rigsby and Alan in the 1970s sitcom ‘Rising Damp’.
‘It’s alright now Rigsby. Parliament’s made it legal.’
‘That lot?! I’m surprised they haven’t made it compulsory!’
Unfortunately the missus watches it. It is hilarious I am sitting here watching it now every box is ticked. Old Den Watts must be turning in his grave lesbians , gay blokes , transgender all in an East London square . Now this is quite odd because I lived in Stepney for 15 years and it is nothing like I remember. Had to get out as I was not prepared to be called to prayer at the East London mosque
I agree. But I want to know who was the the g!t who decided on 3 Jan 16 that “This year, we’re going to ram Transgender down everyone’s throats at every opportunity, until this – too – is considered normal”.
I mean, how thick are we supposed to be? Its been blatantly obvious that this year there has been a Transgender ‘thing’ running. Who decides this? Where are they? Who elected them and gave them the authority – and funding – to promote this agenda? And why?
Ophelia Gently, I’ve noticed this too. There’s obviously a ‘trans agenda’ (or should that be ‘trans-agender’) going on in the media at the moment. My theory is there are two main reasons for it.
1. The legalising of gay marriage and the general relaxation of attitudes to homosexuality mean that simply being gay no longer qualifies one for victim group status. The endless permutations involved in anything ‘trans’ (I believe Facebook has 71 ‘genders’, for example) will provide decades of fuel to those whose livelihood stems from victim culture, identity politics etc.
2. Social media and celebrity culture has a never ending appetite for content. ‘Coming out’ as gay no longer has any real currency – who cares – but coming out as ‘trans’ (like Jack Monroe did) provides endless fuel for speculation, column inches etc.
Overall it’s part of the identity politics and celebrity/fame culture that permeates modern western society. I doubt if any one group or authority has conspired to promote it.
It’s worth reading about as it explains the mission the Left is on and the means it is using. Of course, most Leftists have no idea why they do what they do, but this is the source of their madness, whether they realise it or not.
The short version is that if you undermine the bedrock of Western society, it will collapse and then the Marxists can take over and run society the way their god tells them it should be run. Start with the family, education, religion, education and culture – the more they spread the rot, the quicker it will all fall down.
The thing is, with stuff like this from the home team and PR client they have to ram out Frankie Howerd with every level of BBC management to decide the line to take in crisis management. and on this one their may be a few extra factions from the Labour side to juggle.
So, with luck, once decided, no time or space or it was another time: job done.
Yep, really swept the whole Labour/anti-semitism thing under the carpet haven’t they? Or maybe the BBC is doing its best to sweep it under the carpet and is just very, very incompetent.
The whole of the Al Beeb needs a thorough judicial review of its fabric, its bias and the way it funds itself.
The idea that you tax poor people who don’t even watch it, smacks of a medieval poll tax . Scrap it .
I am not a Tory voter but it amazes me that Conservative MPs are silent about its broadcasting standards. Can anyone explain what the Balen report was about and why and if it was suppressed ?
Not BBC bias, but does anyone know why the death of Bob Hoskins from 2014 has been floating around the “most read” pages on the BBC’s news site for the past few days?
I have absolutely no idea how it got into the ‘most read’ pages in the first place but I’m partially responsible for it staying there as I thought ‘OMG, Bob Hoskins has died!’, having completely forgotten that I said exactly the same thing two years ago. Maybe it’s an age thing…..
The Twatterati get easily befuddled and before you know it there’s a trend going on. Others who have died multiple times include Keith Harris, Terry Nutkins and Tony Hart.
His daughter Rosa Hoskins was also on Midweek last Wednesday with her new book to be published on 15/05/2016 ..So prelaunch publicity might be a facctor.
Three more Labour councilors have found themselves suspended for making anti semitic remarks. It’s running high on Sky news, but for some reason (ahem) the dear old Beeb seems to have missed it entirely. Take a squint at Sky news, they have photo’s of the supposed offenders.
You won’t be surprised…
I just wonder where is all this anti-Semitism coming from ?
Nothing much where I live, but there again we don’t have as many ethnics here compared with the town’s and cities in England.
I wonder if I can report every Leftist HYS on al-Beeb for insulting White Anglo Saxon Christians saying we believe in sky-faeries. Oh wait Tony Blair shortly after coming to power repealed any protection of Christianity in the aptly titled Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008.
Al beebus and most of the rest of the MSM attempt to vilify Trump at any given opportunity; and portray him as an idiot who will be a danger both to America and the rest of the world if he is the next POTUS.
This is an excerpt from a recent speech of his, which unsurprisingly was not covered by al beebus.
“No country has ever prospered that failed to put its own interests first. Both our friends and our enemies put their countries above ours and we, while being fair to them, must start doing the same. We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony.”
I don’t believe him to be either an idiot or dangerous; and I dearly wish we had potential Prime Ministers here who made speeches with statements like the one above in them, or even just that final sentence.
I agree. Trump is a man who might just turn the tide in the West. For all their noise the BBC/liberal marxists and their views are in a tiny minority especially here in the shires and in flyover USA. They are making no headway in eastern Europe and even in the West things are moving against the cultural anti Western decadence of the last fifty years. It was inevitable and had to happen as the world always turns as today’s orthodoxy becomes ossified and lurches into oppression. Which is what has happened to PC liberalism.
For now the elite liberal marxists retain control of the media, academia and the law but it is weakening. It is important that we do not allow these dreadful people to engage us in futile arguments. There is no reason any more to listen or engage with them. The only way open now for them is to resort to tyranny of one sort or another. Think of Turkey under Erdogan and you get the idea.
So ignore the obvious attempts to impose absurdities upon us and these are now mainly of some form of sexual nature and for what reason is obscure. .Leave that to the future historians of these days. We know now that the BBC is against us conservatives who want reality to return. It overestimates it’s power and looking at the unimpressive bunch who front it quite honestly are any of us scared of them?
Laugh at them and their so serious expressions of concern for the trivial and the bizarre. Their day is ending and for that we should be thankful. .
Housing shortage ? England’s Green and Pleasant Land (and Wales’).
The media have been banging the gong again on this topic again lately ………… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-30776306
Why the demand ? Well its not ‘the elephant in the room’ now, what we are about to face is the Giant Mammoth in the room. Are we all breeding like rabbits or is it some other factor ?
As we approach the Assembly elections in Wales, A reminder of our Car Morons big promise to us all last year ………… https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prime-minister-pledges-to-control-and-reduce-immigration
Certainly in the South East of England, the pressure on land is incredible. Fields are being gobbled-up by the week, people are selling off their back gardens and, as they always do when they are in power, the land spivs who support the Tories are rubbing their hands with glee.
But who is buying these new homes? Not the youngsters the media keep banging on about. These are three and four bedroom homes, springing up like shoddy mushrooms throughout Kent, Sussex and Hampshire and they are being bought by white flight settlers, fleeing areas which are fast becoming alien strongholds, notably inside the M25.
The same seems to be happening all over England from the Midlands down, but as the countryside is buried under a layer of concrete and cheap buildings not a voice is raised. The Tory media love the boom, the Labour media love the immigrants who have precipitated this act of cultural vandalism.
Good comments GC – you ask ‘who are buying these homes?’, well the mixed social housing/private buyer estates springing up in my once pretty village in South Beds never seem to be short of buyers, – the cars they drive smack of certain affluence, unless of course these ‘young things’ are mortgaged up to the hilt and their transport is leased. In the last 5 years we have had 2,000 properties built with another 600 in the planning stage. Oh, and guess what, all these properties with double/triple the amount of inhabitants all feed down to the still ONE doctors surgery – where most of the doctors have retired, and is down to one partner and numerous locums. If there are 9 ahead of you in the queue before 8 am then you may as well go home and try the following day – or die. The new and enlarged school is oversubscribed and the small roads are snarled up at peak times with extra traffic.
Life ain’t so grand in Gt Britain anymore (and unlike being able to switch off or change channels on the tele, we have to live with all the fall-out)
Don’t worry about seeing a Doc in future Brissles, Jeremy C’s seven day a week NHS, combined with getting rid of FOI requests will sort that waiting time out. LOL!
“…they are being bought by white flight settlers, fleeing areas which are fast becoming alien strongholds…”
Sorry GCooper, but this whole “white flight” narrative propagated by Aryans such as yourself is a complete myth. I know several people who have moved out of London and it’s always been for purely financial reasons. Nothing else.
You make the basic mistake of thinking that just because you are obsessed with the colour/religion of your neighbours everyone else is as well.
Zero you can continue to comfort yourself with your ideas, you make the basic fallacy of taking a small sample…”people I know”, who also know your views, and perhaps share them….who then give you a “socially acceptable” explanation for their departure from multicultural London to avoid argument with you and to deny their own cognitive dissonance about moving out.
I can assure you that “white flight” is alive and well in the Midlands. Since I moved here years ago, up to the present, I don’t discuss politics in the pub or in public other than with a few close friends…..and I’ve met many strangers and acquaintances out and about who speak quietly, eloquently and explicitly of their own and their relatives experiences of moving out of inner city Brum, and their relief at finding a “quiet” white majority suburb to live in.
Dont’ know how old Zero is, but the ‘white flight’ from London is certainly not a recent phenomenon, it actually started many many years ago. Friends of mine who were resident in London (Chiswick) since the end of the last war, saw how their community and area had changed, so decided in the mid 90’s to upsticks and moved to Cornwall, and wish they’d done it years earlier !
Been happening in Bradford for some time as well. People who can move out to the Yorkshire Dales, or in that general direction, if work and funds permit.
Options in that part of the country are limited, places like Dewsbury already gone.
White flight is of course a real phenomenon, Zero my friend. ‘Narrative’. God, that word.
I would imagine plenty of white people have moved away from London for financial reasons, and I would imagine those who have moved away because their community is becoming like the third world would cite financial reasons as a cause for their relocation if asked. Inquisitive obsequious types who would have a case of the vapors if they were living among black and paki scum in the large English cities*, will be very quick to judge those who have actually been there and had enough.
I would, however, think that financial reasons trump social/cultural/racial ones, so although you’re right about bringing attention to it as a cause, it’s absurd to claim that it’s the only one and ‘nothing else’.
I moved to Gambia to escape Europe and assholes like Zero. People like him are not welcome in my adopted country. Africans would just piss on his tofu !
Ha, yep. Real Africans. The immigrants or blacks born here to immigrant parents who will talk about their ‘race’ with such pride and swallow every piece of nonsensical historical revision, and see themselves as black nationalists – they’d shit themselves if confronted with the reality of having to move to their motherland.
No Zero , you are wrong .
Many, many English people are moving to Wales for the very same reasons expressed above – I often enquire as to why they relocate to Wales and the answer always comes back in stronger terms than I dare use here – “it’s the multiculti invasion of their towns and streets “.
This causes a problem for the local people here as houses prices rise, making it near impossible for first time buyers here .
Zero get out of the city, go west and speak to real British people .
Our billion-pound news organisation discovered that BT sometimes removes telephone kiosks when one on their doorstep was threatened.
This led to PM doing a follow-up piece on the uses that these kiosks can be put. Amusingly one arty lady tarts them up according to a theme that she chooses. Her latest one was based on “The Sun Has Got His Hat On”, a cheerful ditty performed by an old favourite of the BBC, Henry Hall. This was particularly topically because another friend of the BBC, Jerry Adams, has been upsetting the twitterati by using the word ‘nigger’, or as the BBC called it at lunchtime, ‘the N-word’, later editions backing away from even that by just referring to ‘racially abusive’.
Time for a song break:
As recorded by HENRY HALL with VAL ROSING:
(Hip-hooray, Hip-hooray)
(The sun has got his hat on, hip-hip-hip-hooray)
(The sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out today)
(Orchestral Interlude)
The sun has got his hat on, hip-hip-hip-hooray
The sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out today
Now we’ll all be happy, hip-hip-hip-hooray
The sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out today
He’s been tanning niggers out in Timbuktu
Now he’s coming back to do the same to you
So jump into your sunbath, hip-hip-hip-hooray
The sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out today
Never saw the grass so greener
Never saw the sky serener
What a lot of fun for everyone
Sitting in the sun all day
All the little boys excited
All the little girls delighted
What a lot of fun for everyone
Sitting in the sun all day
(The sun has got his hat on, hip-hip-hip-hooray)
(The sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out today)
All the little birds are singin
Canterbury bells are ringing
Pussy on the tiles is wreathed in smiles
Sitting in the sun all day
Sticks and stones BBC! Still I expect we should be glad there are people prepared to contradict Mr. Adams, there was a time when, ‘some say’, that would be cruisin’ for a bruisin’!
Q: Can you confirn you are a supporter of the new laws which make it an offence to say anything against Islam and that you are in fact a Muslim? Thank you. Posted by Frederick Long on December 5, 2007 3:38 PM
SC: No sir. I cannot confirm what is not true. A brief internet search will reveal the extent of Liberty’s opposition to the dangerously broad criminal offence of incitement to religious hatred and our defence of free speech more generally. A cursory knowledge of the sub-continent would give you some hints about my surname but I am not inclined to answer your question about my religion. I am proud to live in a country where we don’t “make windows into mens’ souls”, and where the struggle for religious freedom has been intertwined with the struggle for democracy itself. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion is the right to the faith of your choice, the right to have no faith and the right to be a heretic within your religion. Fundamental rights aside, I am proud to live in a country where simple common courtesy precludes the second part of your question. Lets just say that when Christians are told they can’t wear crosses to work, Liberty will be on their side. Ditto Jews, Muslims and Sikhs and their religious dress. However no religion or other belief system should be protected from criticism, irritation or even offence. Fundamental rights are universal and even-handed. They weren’t designed to make us comfortable. They were designed to keep us free.
Shamis answer is a sweetly innocent delusion. This country used to be on where “we don’t make windows in to men’s souls” but now…with politically correct inquisitors, race hustlers and Muslim grievance mongers abounding…..this no longer true.
As I’ve said before, I almost feel sorry for her, she’s been set up to probe some very dangerous ground by her leftie friends who are using the colour of her skin to offset accusations of “racism” whilst forgetting the dangerous inter communal tensions that mark the subcontinent and its people.
I think she knows this, hence her reluctance to transparency about her ethno religious background.
Looking at her surname and background she is unlikely to be a Muslim.
She does divide opinion though. She is seen as either:
1. The most annoying, irritating, self-righteous, pompous, superior, up her own arse, whining West hater to get under your skin.
else she is seen as:
2. The second most annoying, irritating, self-righteous, pompous, superior, up her own arse, whining West hater to get under your skin.
It is always a battle between her and George Galloway.
In case you think that surely Shami Chakrabarti would disagree with the above statements, here is a quote from the Guardian when interviewing her: “It’s been a long-term fear for Chakrabarti that people, irritated by her manner as an individual, might ignore Liberty’s urgent message”
I would say she is not a Muslim, but is nevertheless inclined to appease Muslims whenever possible. Looking at names is not always helpful. David Cameron does not sound very Islamic and neither does Teresa May – two rabid appeasers
I almost feel sorry for Jeremy Corbyn. On the one hand the poor dear must be longing to carry on cuddling up to anti-Semitic Islamic terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah. On the other hand he’s obliged to pretend to be serious about combatting anti-Semitism from Livingstone and assorted Muslims within Labour.
Here’s his dilemma: continuing to shower Hamas and Hezbollah with friendship and understanding would make his disciplinary actions against the motley Labour crew, now numbering five, seem a touch hypocritical, even bizarre.
After all, there’s no evidence that the five have taken their loathing of Je … er, I mean Israelis a step further by actually murdering any while Hamas and Hezbollah not only delight in the murder of Israeli Jews but the murder of Jews in general.
Poor guy. He should turn for advice and assistance to the BBC. There must surely be a few propagandists there who would be able to help him pretend to chart a morally-consistent course through these troubled waters. Then again, perhaps even the BBC would fail at the task: if Corbyn shuns Hamas and Hezbollah, he will be unjustly rejecting his true friends; if he doesn’t, he will be obliged to welcome the five back to the fold since their sins on social media pale into insignificance by comparison with Islamic terrorism.
And that of course would make him, and by association Labour, rather unpopular among voters with a moral compass.
Of course, anyone into conspiracy theories might think the whole thing is an elaborate set-up to keep the London muzzies on-side in the run up to the mayoral election. It could be a case that they are prepared to sacrifice a few local councillors up & down the country to ensure that their man gets the top job in London.
Corbyn is either stuck between a rock and a hard place, or he’s deliberately sending out subtle messages to his muzzy faithful, making them think the party at large is anti-Semitic. It goes without saying that every muslim voter is fiercely anti-Semitic, and a good few of the far-left are (for reason of envy of Jewish wealth), but I doubt that there are many ordinary white working-class voters who are anti-Semitic.
Anyway, stranger things have happened in politics. Either way, the mayoral election is probably a foregone conclusion. Let’s face it, the 1,000,000+ muzzies are never going to vote for a Jew are they? The muslim conquest of our capital city is, I fear, just a formality.
Let’s face it, the 1,000,000+ muzzies are never going to vote for a Jew are they?
There might be two or three who will – but in fear and in secret, no doubt.
I’m not British so hopefully my esteemed colleagues here will correct me if I’m wrong but it seems to me that Labour’s long-standing policy of encouraging an endless stream of Muslim immigrants in the hope/certainty that they will be loyal to the party has begun to backfire. Instead of carefully concealing their loathing of Je …um I mean Israelis … in public, as their lefty enablers generally manage to do, they are becoming more open about it, though of course not nearly as open as they would be back in Pakistan, for example.
Is it inevitable that London will elect a Muslim mayor? Or is there enough resistance to the Religion of Peace among sensible people to at least delay that Islamic victory for a while?
“Of course, anyone into conspiracy theories might think the whole thing is an elaborate set-up to keep the London muzzies on-side in the run up to the mayoral election….”
“Labour’s long-standing policy of encouraging an endless stream of Muslim immigrants in the hope/certainty that they will be loyal to the party has begun to backfire. Instead of carefully concealing their loathing of Je …um I mean Israelis … in public, as their lefty enablers generally manage to do…”
Lefty enabler supporters of Labour Friends of Israel:
Joan Ryan MP, LFI chair
Michael Dugher MP
Louise Ellman MP
Rachel Reeves MP
Jonathan Reynolds MP
John Woodcock MP
Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale
Luciana Berger MP
Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP
Rt Hon David Blunkett MP
Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP
Rosie Cooper MP
Jim Fitzpatrick MP
Rt Hon Caroline Flint MP
Barry Gardiner MP
Mary Glindon MP
Andrew Gwynne MP
Fabian Hamilton MP
Tom Harris MP
Rt Hon Margaret Hodge MP
Sharon Hodgson MP
Ivan Lewis MP
Meg Munn MP
Rt Hon John Spellar MP
Graham Stringer MP
Emily Thornberry MP
Chuka Umunna MP
Dave Watts MP
Rt Hon Shaun Woodward MP
Rt Hon Lord Anderson of Swansea
Lord Beecham DL
Lord Clarke of Hampstead CBE
Rt Hon Lord Clinton-Davis
Lord Davies of Coity CBE
Rt Hon Lord Foster of Bishop Auckland
Rt Hon Lord Foulkes of Cumnock
Lord Harrison
Lord Haskel
Dr Baroness Hayter
Lord Livermore
Rt Hon Lord Macdonald CBE
Lord Mitchell
Lord Stone of Blackheath
Lord Turnberg Kt
Lord Winston
Lord Young of Norwood Green
I think you’re bang on about your former point re: muslim immigrants, but a little off about the ‘enablers’.
It is amusing isn’t it! To the left, any black is morally superior to any dirty whitey – so a black man celebrating shows how important the celebration is.
Of course, to the lefty mind, the director is also virtue-signalling to the world that he/she is not racist. A Very Important Point to make at every opportunity to a lefty.
How DARE someone with non-white skin like football. And be featured for a couple of seconds in a minute of footage which was dominated by white people! Don’t the BBC realise that Biased BBC will get upset at this travesty? WON’T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE RACISTS?
Rhif Saith
If I was a Tory , which I am not , I would be exploiting this news and hammering it home – so just who are the racists, will they name them?
I wouldn’t normally reply to a left-wing troll like yourself, but the point you are deliberately missing is that there was no NEED to zoom in on an Asian guy. As with everything your beloved BBC does, it was undoubtedly a deliberate and calculated action to single out a non-representative individual amongst a group of white folk.
The very fact that trolls like you come on here in an attempt to defend the BBC is proof enough of their vile left-wing, anti-British bias.
“…but the point you are deliberately missing is that there was no NEED to zoom in on an Asian guy.”
Huh? They didn’t “zoom in on an Asian guy”.
What sort of desperate paranoia has taken hold when even half a shot of a brown face in a jubilant crowd of football fans is described as; “vile left-wing, anti-British bias”.
“…a non-representative individual amongst a group of white folk.”
You mean you don’t notice the over representation of ethnic minorities on the BBCs coverage of……everything?
Since multi culturalism and “tolerance” of same on the part of the majority population are core values of the EU, British State, the BBC and the NUJ it’s difficult to see how this couldn’t be the case isn’t it?
The mass media are sending us a message, why are you surprised when people notice it?
Note how the BBC have tried to take the ‘hate speech’ out of the equation by referring to Israel rather than Jews in their headline? Also, the item has dropped way down the homepage to number ten. It’s number four on Sky online News.
That’s going to be the BBC/Labour line in defending Corbyn.
“Labour imploding” . Lets hope that they take Al Beeb with them – where is Essexman and where are the Torys, when you want them ?
Al Beeb are prone to bury bad news under a load of ‘guff and puff’ .
The irony of Corbyn appearing at that rally the other day with all those waving Soviet, red flags bearing Stalin’s image, may have escaped him and many of those carrying them; particularly during these anti-Semitic difficulties poor Jezza and his party now face.
Stalin planned to purge all Jews within the senior echelons of the Party and the Soviet Government and many beyond, four large new concentration camps were constructed for the purpose just before his death. If he had not died; the Soviet Union would have conducted its own “Final Solution”; Stalin’s plan for this originated in the “Doctor’s Plot”; which was a purported conspiracy whereby Jewish doctors were murdering senior Soviet officials and members of the military.
There is a good book about this called “Stalin’s Last Crime” by Jonathan Brent – though I doubt if many of the flag wavers will be aware of it.
How the BBC must be thankful for Leicester City’s fantastic achievement… By running numerous articles on them, it’s a good vehicle to bury the ‘bad news’ about those naughty Labour councillors. There was a very brief link to this but it seems to have been moved to ‘local news’.
It’s even better than that. Leicester is Britain’s first (but won’t be the last) city to have a white minority. Bingo! Leicester City’s footballing achievement is purely down to immigration and the diverse nature of its inhabitants. Coming soon on BBC Magazine:
“Leicester – the Multicultural city that won the Premier League.
Ahmed was just 5 years old when he was forced to leave Idi Amin’s Uganda, in an earlier version of what is now happening to women and children in Syria. On Monday, just 43 years later, Ahmed and his 26 children and grandchildren cheered as his beloved football team secured the title…”
I’m so glad to learn via Toady that the success of Leicester City F.C. and the “diversity” of its players is a metaphor for the triumph of the diversity of the city itself – can’t al beebus never, ever, give it a f*****g rest?
They can’t give it a rest can they, I’m starting to think theres some kind of North Korean Kim Jong-un type regime at the BBC where reporters constantly have to prove themselves lefter and more on message than everybody else. There seems to be a unified perverse Pavlovian response to just about everything in the BBC, give them some credit though, even when theres absolutely no possible scope or justification for LBQTXYZ/race/marxism in a story they’ll find a way to cram some in.
I wish just one of them would demonstrste the capacity for independant thought, just to deviate slightly from the agenda once in a while. But therein lies the proof really, the fact that EVERY SINGLE one of them is on message ALL the time about EVERY topic demonstrates just how risible, unhealthy and unrepresentative the BBC has become.
Tuned into Fox News this morning – I mean BBC tv news
Sports lightweight Ore Oduba inadvertently sums it up with “We thought this wasn’t going to be a massive story when Leicester failed to beat Man United – but it is!” Yeah right, bring us film of a couple of dozen fans in a bar watching an opponent’s match on tv and then endless journos enthusing – that’s your massive headline story then?
5000 to one outsiders? Well that’s a function of the way the betting industry works. Ok Leicester were favourites for relegation at the start of the season but realistically and mathematically taking all factors into consideration they must still only have been a couple of hundred to one to win the league. If you doubt me, ask Steven Hawkin. A real underdog story would have been if they were 5000 to 1 a couple of weeks ago.
“It’s great, when everything about the Premier League is set up to stop this happenening, it’s a cartel… etc” This from a Sun newspaper journo. And then am I the only one to hear the resounding screech of the U-turn as he replies to the next question so where do they go from here… with “They’ll need a massive investment of cash to keep up…..”
The BBC is supposed to give us balance – this is horribly media concensus stuff.
For an alternative (and my mind more realistic) view see here
“But in what is probably the poxiest Premier Leagues since it started, they’re leading it, now what reflection is that for us next season if they’re in the Champions League? “To me the credibility of the Premier League would be for Spurs to come and pip them at the post… to me Leicester aren’t even a good team.”
Back on non-sporting ground there must be some elections coming up, BBC: “A report out today says people on benefits will be worse off…. a report out today says the poorest in society are dying sooner….”
Hmmm, just caught the Andrew Marr interview with Mark Regev, Israeli Ambassador to Britain:
I’m unfamiliar with Marr’s interview style and found it quite reasonable: no argumentative interruptions of Regev, as one would expect from the BBC, simply a number of questions relevant to the issues of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.
Could it be that light has begun to dawn on some people at the BBC?
An emollient style that started with the description of Mark Regevs “controversial” (BBC word for “disapproved of”) previous role as Israeli Prime Ministers spokesman….. and continued with the statement “no one believes that Jeremy Corbyn is anti semitic”.
Marr still made clear the basic framework within which Mark Regev was able to voice his governments view which was set from the outset as deviating from the respectable norm.
i doubt it very much. Marr has to be careful and knows it. Regev is not a pushover and is just too intelligent to fall for Marr’s bluster. The BBC/liberal marxists are cowards at heart and presumably well paid ones so that is a consideration for them.
Corbyn and his Trot clique cannot be defended and cannot last much longer so the enablers at the BBC are quite capable of withdrawing support. The anti Semitism running riot in labour is a direct result of years of liberal indoctrination at universities and through their media mouthpieces. It is irrational and born out of hatred and envy.
Add to the mix a large immigrant client voter base that is eternally hostile to the Jews and the situation is dire.
Corbyn is a what he is and that is no longer acceptable to most of us. I am sure Marr has realised this. Rather late in the day.
I agree, Dave S. I’m not that familiar with Marr so I’ll take a tip or two from my colleagues here such as embolden and yourself.
Marr did seem a bit too keen to nail his colours to the mast as an opponent of Israeli government policies, even while being quite civil with Regev.
And during the interview with Abbot, he was quite confrontational and insistent on getting her to respond to his points re Labour anti-Semitism.
In a way it’s the same old same old from the BBC: they express much sympathy for victims of the Holocaust and opposition to anti-Semitism but contempt for Israeli policies.
Here we go again with the BBC quota of Transgender articles. This time a transgender 7 year old so the BBC are not only ticking boxes but also satisfying their own sick need to openly discuss a child’s sexuality – perhaps the BBC upper management have no idea this is going on.
This meme (if that is what it really is) has been so sudden and so widespread that it’s hard not to wonder if there isn’t some sort of coordination behind it.
Indeed, recent revelations about the activities of organisations such as InsideClimateNews and some of the Soros-funded organiastions (always assuming that ICN isn’t also one of those) make it a definite possibility.
Just remember that in 90 – 95% of cases in an infant or child who identifies as transgendered pre puberty, do not carry these beliefs into adulthood. Some go on to be gay, others just live normal lives in their birth gender.
What readers need to be careful of is the Fascist Left shining a spotlight on the 5 – 10% and presenting them as a success story, while ignoring all the human detritus which have failed to meet their Fascist criteria. There appears to be a movement to carry out all the gender change operations pre puberty which could be disastrous.
There are very very few children with this condition, so yes it does appear to be yet another trendy fashion by the bullying Fascists with scant regard to their victims.
Plus ca change?
> Just remember that in 90 – 95% of cases in an infant or child who identifies as transgendered pre puberty, do not carry these beliefs into adulthood.
Do you have a citation for this?
> There appears to be a movement to carry out all the gender change operations pre puberty which could be disastrous.
There really doesn’t (unless you have a citation for this too). At the moment, the most focus is on the possibility of using medication to delay puberty, to allow young children experiencing gender dysphoria the time to resolve their already distressing personal circumstances without the additional stress of experiencing puberty in a gender which is contributing to that distress. The aim is to give children enough space to work out what the best route for combatting their dsyphoria will be.
> What readers need to be careful of is the Fascist Left shining a spotlight on the 5 – 10% and presenting them as a success story, while ignoring all the human detritus which have failed to meet their Fascist criteria.
Or, indeed, ideological fantasists who fabricate arguments in order to make themselves seem “Thoughtful”, and who care more about their own ego than they do the welfare of children.
> There are very very few children with this condition
Yes, this is true. But that’s all the more reason to be wary of anybody touting “facts” saying what 90-95% of cases are like, especially without foundation and without proof.
> There are very very few children with this condition, so yes it does appear to be yet another trendy fashion by the bullying Fascists with scant regard to their victims.
Yet again, Thoughtful accuses anyone who doesn’t agree with it as being a Fascist. One suspects that if it didn’t leap so frequently for the same trite phrase and actually thought about things, it might end up with a less jaundiced view of the world, and one in which it might actually find a productive place.
Good to see you back again Jerrod. Sorry I won’t comment on TG issues as I am concerned with supervising surgery for such patients in a Univ Hospital.
However, I have a question for you as the expert on the Great Bake Off Competition and presentation of the hat box cake to the Queen.
Do you think she ate all of the cake, or did she give some to the Royal Corgies? They are rather greedy dogs and might over eat when presented with sugary Lemon Drizzle cake. I am sure you must have information which we bigots and ignoramuses might have missed.
The next time someone complains that I never want to contribute to discussions, I can point at GWF’s response to this as an indication that it’s actually Biased BBC’s usual crowd who are incapable of conducting themselves in an adult and responsible manner.
I suggest you read G.W.F.’s comment again, or maybe get someone to explain to you what he was saying. Perhaps someone who has an understanding of professional ethics and responsibilities?
If you can find one among your acquaintances, that is.
> I suggest you read G.W.F.’s comment again, or maybe get someone to explain to you what he was saying.
I suggest you stay on topic or comment elsewhere on a topic you are interested in. As GWF should have done. There’s nothing ethically professional about GWF changing the subject just because Thoughtful can’t cope with people dissenting with its assertions.
Jerrod you should know that there are people undergoing medical procedures when sometimes their mental state is evaluated, and it is not unknown for patients to self harm. Basic ethics; do not use these cases to win arguments with an inarticulate and under educated leftie.
Now for my question which refers to your participation in an earlier discussion. Did the Queen eat all of the hat box shaped cake?
Right. So let’s get this straight: You’re “not going to comment”. Except when you do. And when you do so, you present a scenario – some patients have psych evals before operation, duh – which neither reinforces Thoughtful’s fictions, nor contradicts my facts. And yet still you act as if your opinion carries the ultimate weight.
And then you attempt to go off again on a tangent which assumes I know the inner workings of the Royal household.
Moaners Hour on Radio 4 has a piece on Leicester City, and yet again has hijacked it to the far left agenda, talking about the Far Leftist ‘kick it out’ campaign, and saying that there are “a lot of nasty people who go to football matches” in other words white males who aren’t as Fascist as they are.
It’s just an agenda for them to use to steer away a remarkable achievement by Leicester onto far left wing politics.
> yet again has hijacked it to the far left agenda, talking about the Far Leftist ‘kick it out’ campaign
Well, after much other discussion about fandom in general and of Leicester in particular. And of how the pundits didn’t appreciate their success until late in the season.
> saying that there are “a lot of nasty people who go to football matches”
The presenter said “some”, not “a lot”. And the response was that the Kick it Out campaign had helped shed the shadows of the past to make going to see a football match more pleasant for everyone, ultimately comprising a very small part of the overall discussion. As anyone who listens to the segment will be able to realise.
Really, I do wonder why you refuse to actually listen to the programmes you’re so eager to be offended by. It seems you’re so determined to be upset that all possibility of reason escapes you.
> It’s just an agenda for them to use to steer away a remarkable achievement by Leicester onto far left wing politics.
No, your post is another example of you twisting the truth out of all recognition in order for you to pursue your own agenda. Stop lying. People might actually start believing you can be “thoughtful”, if you take the effort to demonstrate that you can be.
Oh no, here we go again. Pictures of adoring little children to justify the latest EU swamp of immigrants heading in our direction.
Come in Turkey, you are all welcome to take our homes, jobs, abuse our free international Health Service, dilute our culture,identity, come one come all. Who cares anymore? Well Cameron certainly doesn’t.
The European Left Establishment, including Cameron, are comitting suicide. Thank God, I live in Africa. There are many problems there. But not suicide.
Its all very well undertaking to ‘take-in’ 3000 child refugees over whatever period of time. BUT children have a nasty habit of growing up, and in 15-20 years time that initial 3,000 could have doubled, trebled or quadrupled with the potential birth rate that will follow. Before we know it, that group of children will be responsible for creating another city the size of Birmingham – but does anyone spouting that its our moral duty even think that far ahead !!!! er, it would seem not.
“We welcome the declaration of the Labor chairman and see his engagement as a very important statement that is also a painful hit that the Zionist enemy received. Hamas is not and will not be considered a terrorist group and our struggle is reduced to the borders of occupied Palestine. [This is a] Zionist campaign to define Labor party leaders as anti-Semitic… a desperate move that reflects the weakness and confusion of the Zionist entity.”
Twitter obsessed – Has the BBC given up on reporting news now and instead they just repeat what person A tweeted and then report what person B said next….and then back to person A. Wouldn’t be so bad if they wrote some proper journalism of their own in between the Twitter screenshots but they just write similar pointless drivel.
Of course Al Beeb has given up reporting news, unless, of course, it involves the minor misdemeanours of Tory or UKIP politicians.
It is because they relied on TWATter that they got their GE predictions so wrong last year, it being well-known that Twatter is the communications medium of choice for the adolescents who form the majority of the Corbynuttas.
Shah Hussain was on the Daily Politics following his suspension from the labour party. He had compared a Jewish footballer with Hitler. He apologised but it didn’t sound like an apology.
At one point he said, ‘If I wasn’t a Muslim councillor would I be here?’
Sadly, Jo Coburn was interviewing so never picked up on that. Which is a shame as it demonstrates the Muslim victimhood paranoia that seems to drive so much of Islamic politics in the UK.
So, there you are, his anti-Semitism is actually because he is a victim of Islamophobia. Should be re-instated in the labour party any time soon, oooh, let me see, how about on Friday, the day after the elections?
“Jean-Claude Junker is tomorrow expected to unveil plans to impose a penalty of around €250,000 euros per rejected refugee, in a bid to salvage his botched migration quota scheme.”
What will he do to the “refugees” who refuse to re-locate from Germany/Sweden etc? Does he really believe that those who are told they are being re-located in, say, Latvia, Hungary, Greece etc will meekly comply and go quietly?
This could happen this year if there is a summer influx from the third world. The eastern countries of Europe will have to make a swift decision. That is whether to leave the EU almost overnight or bow down to German pressure to admit the immigrants.
From the statements of Victor Orban and the rest of the leaders in the East this is a existential matter and I do not see how the EU can survive Merkel’s madness. Not that this will be discussed by the BBC or our tame media. The referendum debate on the terms now used is irrelevant . We cannot stay without risking the peace and future of our country.
The BBC and the rest will go to any lengths to obscure the reality of what is going to overwhelm Europe. For that I cannot forgive any of them.
This gem, featuring the BBC quite a lot, will make you happy if you are normal or anything like me: Pass it around as much as possible please if you agree with me.
Thanks for that Charlatans. Classic Farage moments. Favourites have to be the owning of Nick ‘The Liar’ Clegg (on many occasions), calling the QT election audience out as even more left-wing than the normal BBC left-wingery, and besting the likes of Red Ed, Grant Shapps, and La Sturgeon. Great stuff.
Crucial local council and regional assembly elections this Thursday. Watch for UKIP’s advance in Wales, English Labour-held councils, and maybe even Scotland and N.Ireland.
A great montage.
Nigel versus the media class, the political class-and what a nasty collective they are.
Nigel must need a bath or shower after every meeting with the likes of Clegg or Lucas…yet on he goes.
Very grateful-but God knows why he keeps on going.
What got me was at the end of the montage-28 mins or so, where Nigel mentions the “supply” side of the housing crisis…but are completely ignorant/unwilling to discuss the “demand side” of the same crisis.
Basic CSE economics from the 70s I`d have thought-but not ONE political leader dares to discuss it.
Blow me-and on the 8am news this morning-the EXACT same concern from the Revolution Foundation(all lefties) that we `re “not building enough houses”-which ought to be the job of the State(and Labours rules apply).
But no peep about WHO exactly we`re building these houses for-and why do we need so many more now that we used to do when we weren`t the terminus for EU migration/Islamic infiltrations and welfare leeches with TB claims.
No-the Left say nothing-more “infrastructure projects”, preferably more mosques too eh ?
Hope Nigel is not alone in the wilderness on June 24th-let`s win this one for the UKIPer #1!
Thanks to those above who tell us that 50+ Labour activists have already been sifted and investigated for “anti Semitism” in their party-and, these are councillors-seemingly checked by the likes of Naz Shah on their “Compliance Units” as overlooked by MPs etc.
Not that I know or care…it`s just that this figure comes out when Corbyn-Laden says there`s “no issue” with his partys core hatred of Jews and Israel…no matter HOW they disguise it by subterfuge and Guardian wordplay.
Add to this, the fact that HAMAS have come out in support of Corbyns stance of the Jews today-and the complete lack of interest by the liberal media in this-and it`s all too clear that Labour and the Liberals/Greens are stewing in their evil cauldron brew of anti-Semitism-and we can now see that Lanbour are finished…if I want real fascism, I`ll vote for Russell Brand or Hope Not Hate…not for the spineless puppet masters who rub their hands over the younger evils that they groom for-and then posture as “progressive statesmen”…THAT is evil.
Welcome to National Socialism…it`s only “international” to them in that there aren`t enough supporters here to create their critical mass…which is where Islam comes in…
“Add to this, the fact that HAMAS have come out in support of Corbyns stance of the Jews today-and the complete lack of interest by the liberal media in this…”
I was a bit suspicious of this, too, but it seems that the Hamas official may have said nothing of the sort. I would think that certain media sites will hold back on reporting it until it can be established as fact. That Hamas – of all organisations – would deny having said something which would make no difference to their ‘reputation’, must set spidey senses tingling.
It’s a real boon for Labour if the Hamas official did offer support, of course, as it will convince more champagne socialist muzzies to come their way. And the alleged increasing divide between Herzog’s Israeli Labour Party and Corbyn’s Labour Party will please a lot of those same muzzies, as Herzog isn’t shy in expressing his ultra-Zionist views.
Hey-ho, though. Once the Mayoral election is out of the way, and something new and distracting comes along, this’ll all be old news next week. Just as the tax-haven stuff was before. News bubbles. *Pop*
Islamphobia. Basically to describe someone who has an irrational fear of Islam… Yet… If anyone read the Koran and hadiths this ‘mythical’ irrational fear becomes completely justified and in fact increases because the reality of what Islam is really about is witnessed. Even if we took the supposedly moderate interpretation of Islam (which is a complete lie as there is only Muhammads Islam and that cannot change), this still mandates death to apostates, sharia law (mutilated for crimes, misogyny, banning of homosexuality…), jihad to protect Islam…
Do you feel that the following statements taken from the Quran itself are irrational to fear (bearing in mind the reality/unchangeable fact the text in the Quran can never change)
Quran (3:56) – “As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.”
Quran (3:151) – “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority”. This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be ‘joining companions to Allah’).
Quran (4:74) – “Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.” The martyrs of Islam are unlike the early Christians, who were led meekly to the slaughter. These Muslims are killed in battle as they attempt to inflict death and destruction for the cause of Allah. This is the theological basis for today’s suicide bombers
Quran (4:89) – “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”
Quran (5:33) – “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”
Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them” No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.
…..is it irrational to fear a life instruction that compells/mandates it’s followers to carry out the words above? If you are Muslim then clearly not, so why are the West asking Muslims for expert advice on the instruction they are committed to follow for life….on pain of death if they leave? Let the facts provide the answer. Let the brutality happening daily in the name of Islam tell you. Let the videos of those TELLING the infidels exactly what Islam is provide the answer as to whether it is irrational to fear Islam.
For a change of subject, tonight my professional gardening girlfriend informed me that at lunchtime on Radio 4, a presenter stated that it was O.K. to put out bedding plants as the frosts were now over for May and over through to winter later this year in the U.K. I asked her if she was winding me up? Nope, that is what I had heard she replied. Has someone at the Met Office/BBC forgotten to take their tablets today? Already in Scotland several stations are reporting well below zero and with clearing skies and falling winds, most of the South West is into low single figures and that follows a warm afternoon and the sun has only just gone down. Dartmoor had a frost last night making 19 months in a row and we will get one tonight as temperatures on the moor are already as low as 5 degrees. And these jokers tell us with no uncertainty that there is Global Warming. Unbelievable.
Whoever said that deserves the sack. There are well recognised ‘last frost’ dates for horticulturalists, market gardeners and farmers all over the country – and we ain’t hit them yet across much of the soft south, let alone the frozen north!
We are down to 3 degrees on the Moor, frost now inevitable unless we get some cloud cover. Those bedding plants might not look too good in the morning. There will be many praying for wind or cloud or both tonight in the South West. Mind you, you can get a tray of 24 bedding plants for a fiver around here. Oh and while I’m thinking about it, all those slugs that were sleeping have been killed off by the frosts we have had throughout March and April. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen one yet. No need for slug pellets. Thank you “Global Cooling”.
TOB. Not five days ago the BBC warned me of “The slug invasion that could devastate your garden” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-36169091 and included in their report an odd 30 second mobile phone clip of a slug eating leaves set to sombre classical guitar. It alarmed me enough to prepare the pellets. Yet like you. I see no slugs. I am on the East coast. Thanks TOB as usual for telling us what is actually happening. Thanks BBC for allowing us to pay for the pleasure of of receiving your misinformation.
Yes, I posted similar some days ago . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28419568
Al Beeb tried that two years ago . No slugs as yet in my garden . Never mind they have talked up the weather for the coming weekend and I am told its going to be a ‘heatwave’ so more on slugs on the way. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-36166774
Lets hope that those B…ers get some sleep .
Why are we forced to pay for this absolute tosh & rubbish? Get rid of the Telly tax .
Yet the Liebore Party and the Beeb complained unremittingly about similarly selected pictures of their darling ,letterbox mouth, Cherie Bliar in “the right wing press”.
“All very unfair dontcha know, she is an icon of ‘Wimmins’ Rights”.
Shwmae Rhif Saith.
I can see that Beeboid Trolls have been out in force today .
Their employer must be getting worried, very worried, ‘biasedbbc’ posters must be getting closer to the target .
The Trolls are upping the flak .
Hwyl !
This should be pertinent for tomorrows news as it breaks –
At risk of repeating myself, You only need to watch the first minute …………………………….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-32816454
Further more I think that we will hear that his big EU deal was no ‘big deal’ after all .
“Britain could send hundreds more troops to Iraq in training roles to boost the fight against so-called Islamic State, a defence source has told the BBC.”………………… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36195445
Did the US President make the mistake of pulling the troops out too soon ? Did he also make the error of telling the enemy the date he was pulling them out ?
Now our troops are heading back out there .
Stardate: 0405201606.00
Ice on the roofs, ice on the cars, ice on the grass. That will be a frost then.
Some warmish air arriving over the next couple of days from the south, but as always a sting in the tail. Lookout for thundery showers at the same time. A short lived warm spell, with what looks like cool northerlies arriving in the North of G.B. from Thursday next week and guess what? Frosts at night again.
The met Office and the BBC: Not fit for purpose (again).
(And I still think that some of us will see snow in this month)
Kindertransport 1938-1940 saved the lives of thousands of Jewish children from Germany to escape impending genocide. The BBC told us today, survivors of Kindertransport are lobbying the government to admit 3,000 unaccompanied Syrian children in Europe….the government is trying to admit refugees direct from Syrian refugee camps in the Middle East.
Some of the older children from the Kindertransport spent a period of internment in the Isle of Man as “friendly enemy aliens” before release into military service or other contributions to the British war effort.
Will there be a similar “vetting” process in 2016?
What are the parallels with the current situation? Will all the children be from the Christian and Yazidi communities….the most vulnerable groups facing genocide? Or to avoid discrimination will some of the perpetrator groups children be admitted too. ( the analogy with Kindertransport is stark…..were some needy children of Nazis on the Kindertransport?)
In the 30s and 40s the children were housed by Jewish, Quaker and other Christian support networks. Given the recent record of social services departments in Rotherham and Rochdale in “child safeguarding” will the Syrian children be safe?
What parallel is there between children in peaceful EU countries in 2016 and children in Nazi Germany in 1938-1940?
Questions the BBC decided not to consider in their lobbying……sorry, news broadcast this morning on Today.
Yes the big big difference between the Kindertransport & now is that in 1938/40 parents sent their children off to safety whilst they themselves remained to face internment & death. Now immigrant parents rush on ahead in a cowardly fashion leaving the children to follow behind.
Those children in Calais, if they really are children, surely are the resposnsibility of France.
Another difference is that Kinder children were actually under 16 years of age. Proof of their age was provided via identity papers. I wonder if age checks will be made along the same lines.
Another difference is that the Kinder children were funded through private donations. Not government money.
The main difference was that in 1938 immigration to the UK must have been close to zero. Now it is 600,000 a year. If we had zero immigration, then perhaps 3,000 so-called “children” might be acceptable, but frankly, I no longer have any compassion for the muslim world. Let them look after their own, they are big enough and rich enough.
Toady – Matthew Price in Hannover amongst Syrian “refugees” doing interviews, describing them as the “new Europeans” – WTF? The typical Progressive al beebus cr@p.
I have no doubt that British Labor MP Naz Shah is sincere in her belief that Israel should be relocated to America in order to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict peacefully. But, has she checked with the US Administration to see if they will take Israeli’s and who will pay for the transfer?
I have an alternative suggestion that I hope she and others, such as Ken Livingstone, will accept sincerely, namely that since there are fewer Palestinian Arabs than Israeli Jews and since the Arab countries are much closer than the US, it would be easier and more economical to transfer the Palestinians Arabs to the Arab world. Most could go to Saudi Arabia, that has plenty of land and money and has been conspicuous in its unwillingness to accept Syrian refugees. Some could also go to N. Africa and Europe. I am sure Naz Shah would be happy to cooperate in this peace process, after all, she is the one who proposed the principle of transfer to resolve the situation peacefully
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A Sunday People investigation reveals how, four years since a Parliamentary inquiry criticised child protection failures in Rochdale, 117 red flags were raised.
And a leading children’s charity warned lessons had not been learned – meaning vulnerable kids could still be in harm’s way.
The state is doing everything to sweep this Islamic WAR CRIME on Infidels under the carpet. The truth has to be dragged out by FOIs.
Only 117 red flags kept flying . Perhaps the Socialist Workers , Gramscis et Al are beginning to realise who they are getting into bed with .
The Conservatives want to severely limit FOI’s. If successful then “social cohesion issues” all go away. Result!
‘war crime’ exactly the right words.
In Nigeria, Muslims kidnapped and raped 276 Christians. Apart from the lack of mention of the religion of the perpetrators and victims the BBC has kept this story alive since 1014. And quite right, it was a despicable act. It is featured not just on the news but all over radio 5 live, The One Show etc.
But 1,400 children kidnapped and raped with the connivance of the police, council and social services in Rotherham? Not a dickie bird anywhere on the impartial BBC’s output.
I give Eddie Mair dispensation on this issue, as he did ask the poor reporter the right questions , he just didn’t get the answers.
Arthur Scargill gave a speech in Manchester yesterday. Why anyone would give this Communist who wrecked his own industry, destroying the jobs of his members while viewing them as canon fodder any credence is anyones guess!
The Manchester Evening Lies however, always as far Left as it’s possible to go, is always prepared to accept any Left wing idiocy, no matter who utters it.
Scargill attacked Corbyn in his speech, claiming that his current problems originate from his 180 degree turn around on EU membership. He claimed that Corbyn came to the leadership on the premise of Brexit, and that other Labour members now see him as badly wounded.
“Mr Scargill then took aim at Mr Corbyn, ‘a friend for 20-odd years’, criticising him for supporting Britain’s continued EU membership.
“Nothing prepared me for Jeremy Corbyn saying that Britain should stay in the EU,” he added.
“I am disgusted in the way he has come out in favour of Britain remaining a member.
“He was elected as party leader on a programme that was committed to coming out of Europe.
“It’s time we recognised decisions like this represent the ultimate betrayal.
“And it’s one of the reasons why people who want to attack Jeremy and undermine him are having a field day.
“If he had said ‘we will come out of the EU and go back into the world’, he would have had support from all sections of Labour and trade union movement.”
Mr Scargill said the Labour leader should also have ‘stood firm’ over the scrapping of Trident – and pledged to use the cash saved to prop up the NHS – instead of ‘compromising’.
The M.E.N have contacted Jeremy Corbyn’s office and are awaiting a response
With friends like Arthur, you don’t need enemies !
Scargill may be wrong on most things but he is right on EU
A book was published in March 2016 that deals with the Muslim grooming of white girls by men from predominantly Pakistani backgrounds. It’s title is, ‘Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal’
One Amazon reviewer wrote the following review:
“This is a harrowing but a very important book.
It stares into a dark part of British society over the last thirty years and carries out a survey of a phenomenon which almost defies belief – the organised, industrial scale grooming, rape and forced prostitution of under age girls by gangs and networks of men in towns and cities across England.
It also tells of the consistent institutional cover-up of this horror. The common feature of these gangs is that the offenders are almost all (approximately 90%) Muslim men, primarily of Pakistani origin, and the victims are all non Muslim girls, both white, but also Sikh girls. The author lays out the facts, the culture of cover up, how our social services, local government, politicians, media, and academia have effectively worked for this atrocity to be neglected, denied, and covered up.”
I wonder if the author includes the BBC’s euphemistic description of the perpetrators as being “men of Asian origin.”?
As a contributor wrote on BBBC quite recently, “The Left-wing Establishment and the BBC are complicit in all of this. They really do not care about humanity.”
We also need to have an independent investigation into who is responsible for the verbal, written and violent acts of anti-Semitism cropping up around the UK. As we all know, these acts of anti-Semitism are committed mainly by Muslims who just happen to be the core of the Labour vote in many of the large UK cities. The Labour Party is remarkably quite about this, I wonder why?
We also need an investigation into the BBC’s active refusal to investigate this story and the way the Corporation has persistently played down the significance of it.
After all, an organisation that controls 70 per cent of the news accessed in this country, and which is funded by a compulsory tax, should be held to account for its actions. Who, other than someone complicit in this conspiracy, could possibly object?
Indeed Cassandra. Mrs.Kitty on the previous thread drew my attention to this recent publication. Accordingly I went to Amazon and downloaded it, together with Tommy Robinson’s Enemy of the State, and Michel Houellebecq’s Submission. Not exactly holiday reading for this summer, but essential books for our time nonetheless.
I started reading Easy Meat yesterday. Truly compelling and shocking. I see that the author, later in the book, analyses links between the rape of white (or non-muslim) girls, and Islamic cultural and religious practice in the legitimisation of sex slavery as seen with Islamic State, Boko Haram and on the streets of many English towns and cities.
Just as an adage, and FYI … Cassandra here is the link to what, despite all political posturing is actually being achieved by the police and this rotten government to rectify in regards to Islamic child gang rape
Still going on, it appears almost nonchalantly, the largest case ever is on now in Leeds, heard about it in MSM ? even the background to it?
” I have decided to write a personal account of an attempt I made to find out how many girls have been groomed, gang-raped, and prostituted by organised gangs in England over the last five years. I do it obviously not to provide ground-breaking statistics – but to contribute to the national discussion on the phenomenon of so-called “Asian” grooming gangs that has been taking place since the publication of the Jay Report in to widespread sexual abuse, gang-rape, and torture of at least 1,400 young girls in the town of Rotherham in Yorkshire.
The first thing to report is that this figure is simply not obtainable by a member of the public, at least not if you hope to be in any way close to accurate. I am not the first to undertake this effort.
A similar attempt was made by the office of the Children’s Commissioner in 2012. That investigation also concluded that an accurate figure could not be obtained.
However, in investigating the matter myself,
I found widespread and continuing (despite the Jay Report) lack of any coherent recording of or response to organised gang-rape.
What stands out particularly is the lack of data held by local authorities, who in almost all cases, kept no numeric data on children under their care who have reported sexual assault or rape. In almost all cases, I was informed that this information could not be provided as it would take authority staff outside of the 18 hour working time they are obliged to perform on freedom of information requests. The reason it would take longer than 18 hours to provide the data, is that it would entail reading separately through the individual files of all children in their care.
In other words, even post-Rotherham, most councils are not attempting to separately record sexual assaults on children under their care, or to paint a broader picture of the problem.
Police records present the same problems. Recording of ethnicity or nationality is widely inconsistent; in many cases the ethnicity of the alleged offender is not recorded, and it is not recorded for victims at all.
It is impossible therefore to know just how often this happens, or how many times it has happened.
What we do know is that some police officers and public sector workers have publicly stated that this child grooming by Muslim men has been occurring for decades, and with almost complete impunity.
The reasons for this I intend to explore.”
“What has been learned from this report is that few of the above problems have actually been addressed in the wake of the Rotherham report, or other high-profile “grooming” criminal trials.
The public sector is still not keeping separate records or data on the sexual abuse and rape of girls in its charge.
To even speak of this issue causes a damaging fear among workers in social services and police because the fear of racism accusations has not dissipated one iota.
Finally, what we know for certain is that any religiously-inspired attitudes towards women will not be discussed – this too has not changed one iota. We still refuse to fully acknowledge the hatred for white people, and white women in particular, that exists within the homes of some ethnic minority homes”
ROTHERHAM: THE PERFECT STORM – An investigation in to Muslim grooming gangs
December 2015 / 23
a free advert but good information too.
Political Correctness is merely a euphemism for living by the code of lies.
The truth of these mass gang rapes by Muslims, is not just for pleasure, but also the satisfaction of power over Whitey.
In addition, the rapists are doing what the Koran demands, and the example of Muhammed. The rapes are on such a scale, that it amounts to war against the UK. But a war waged on young White girls by Muslim men, in alliance, unbelievably, with the authorities.
When combined with beheadings, mass criminalty of the Muslim population, beatings and murders of isolated White English, and the huge amount of Muslims on Benefits, this is really a war on UK from within.
Political Correctness hides all the above, as well as the political class that imported millions of Muslims into the UK, and then hid the the mass gang rapes for decades.
We will lose this war, unless we take drastic action. We cannot allow an enemy within the gates to operate as if he has already won the war.
Gavin Boby shows that the a majority of Muslim men partook in this war crime. It follows that all Muslim men would have known of the ongoing brutal gang rapes of White Infidel girls, and laughed & gloried in it. It also follows that all imams would have known of this, as nothing happens in the community happens without the mosque’s blessings. That leaves Muslim women. They too would have known, but saw no wrong doing, as that was what Mohammed did.
Where does the establishment go from here?
There is no other word to describe what has been allowed to happen in Britain but a grotesque WAR CRIME. But this war crime is worse then others. A “normal” war crime is one in which a victorious invader rubs in his victory by raping the women folk of the defeated enemy. It is not just sex but flaunting victory in the enemy male’s face. We can rape your women and girls, and YOU MAN can do nothing about it.
But this war crime was not normal. It is one in which the home authorities allowed rapes on a grand scale to happen against their own kith and kin. For such a war crime, there is no parallel in history.
By the same token, there is no punishment that can be meted out that would fit the crime. In any case, there are so many culprits – ranging from Home secretaries, PMs, police chiefs, ministers of various departments, that a proper investigation and levy, would not just bring the government down, but cause the downfall of parliamentary government or worse. So the matter will be starved of oxygen ( a kind of DNR notice) and the War Crime will be buried forever.
There is a possibility that this huge and gruesome War Crime, a sad and grotesque affair, may yet save the UK and Europe, from a fate worse then death.
How to combat this war crime. Start at the top: either through an election which replaces the collaborating politicians or by assistance from liberators – US army under Trump ? – and a well publicized arrest of leading Government collaborators, such as Teresa May. Close down local authorities and arrest politicians in areas where the war crimes are prevalent. Replace the police in these areas with military forces until such time as the area is prepared for a democratically controlled police force.
This will upset Guardian readers and the BBC
Its not the present government that the majority of war crimes took place. It was the last Labour government. Shock and surprise. This matter came to light because Labour was defeated. However, this war crime is so huge, and encompasses parliament itself, it has the potential to destroy the constitutional arrangement of the UK. The war crime is thus being covered up.
As virtually the entire Pakistani Muslim community was involved in this war crime, the only fitting punishment is to banish them from the UK. There may be a few Pakistanis who were innocent of the crime, and had no knowledge either, but that is the way of wars – the occasional few innocent have to suffer as well.
I like your idea of Pres Trump ordering NATO to assume power in the UK, and do what is necessary. There is no way the rats will offer any resistance if the order comes from Supreme Allied Commander NATO.
Harold Wilson and the Labour Government aided, abetted and encouraged the Nigerian Government to commit Genocide against the Igbo people in Biafra. Wilson was never put on trial for what he did. They even gave refuge to the mass murderer, Gowan, after he fell from power. Labour’s hands are dirty !
Sadly, you are right.
I pray for the hundreds of thousands of young vulnerable White, and some Sikh girls, who were so appallingly abused, not just by Muslim men, but by the authorities whose duty was to protect them. May God give these girls strength to come out of their distress. May God have mercy on all their abusers.
Socialists do not give a monkeys’ toss about humanity. They revel in cruelty.
Cassandra’s link to the book is worth looking at, if for no other reason then to read the couple of reviews.
Thanks Cassandra.
As we all know, these acts of anti-Semitism are committed mainly by Muslims who just happen to be the core of the Labour vote in many of the large UK cities. The Labour Party is remarkably quite about this, I wonder why?
Indeed. But the BBC will have you believe that it is Far Right wing groups.
Ex terrorist, Gerry Adams, has found himself in a spot of hot water. Apparently he was watching a film and for reasons best known to himself decided to send a “tweet.” Within this tweet he used the offensive “N” word. There has been uproar. Some commentators I’ve heard have said that they can’t believe that “someone of Adams standing would resort to such offensive language.” Eh??? Are we suffering from some collective amnesia here? This bloke is neck deep in the blood of the innocent. For decades he didn’t only order others to commit the most foul crimes, knee cappings, bombings and shootings, there’s strong evidence that he carried some out himself. Why should anyone be at all surprised that he uses unpleasant language? Shock, horror!
It’s like discovering that the Yorkshire Ripper once swore at his granny.
“While there are parallels between people in struggle, the tweet was inappropriate” – Gerry Adams
Fascinating isn’t it, whereas ‘racism’ is apparently beyond the pale, for those within the progressive sphere, terrorism is just…. meh
Bombs and bullets can break your bones – but ‘racism’ can really really hurt you
Also you have to love the fact that Mr Adams thinks the Tarrentino movie Django contains serious political insights
AsI – SeeIT You should know now that a word or an action is only a problem when Aunty decides it is.
Therefore the stabbing of jews in Israel or the multiple rape of thousands of white girls in Rotherham is not really very important in the great scheme of things however someone leaving a pigs head in a Mosque or not baking a a Gay Rights cake is proper NEWS!!!!
It is quite interesting that Aunties Visions, in its mission statement and values is to be ” the most creative organisation in the world” – Well that is one they have definitely achieved – No Doubt about it !!!
I just like the fact that he deleted it, tried then to claim he was offering some bizarre conflation in context, then eventually apologised, with Classic FM Global Propaganda offering a sympathetic ear and edit to what was clearly a howler made worse by a clumsy cover up attempt and dire ‘just joking’ attempt when all else failed before owning up.
I wonder what the BBC ‘analysis’ is?
‘The post on his Twitter account on Sunday night provoked an angry reaction on social media and was later deleted’
Is that really how it unfolded?
I understood that it went up and came down quick smart, and it was following this the ‘reaction’ commenced.
But they have devoted a lot to ‘context’ to help Gerry out, have they not… on a tucked away little page on the NI section.
Is there a part of the website you don’t consider ‘tucked away’ other than the front page?
Yeah – the parts you write.
Leicester City and its success, the BBC uses it as a tool to ask why this town in which Englishness has been eradicated (less than 50% identify as white British, which is apparently a good thing) has still been so ‘racist’ to not have managed to have any Muslim players on its football squad!
It doesn’t matter what the subject is, the BBC can manage to turn it into some far left wing diatribe.
Channel 4 did the same on Friday night on their licensed hate-filled rant, that helps fill the gap between BBC lies at 6pm and then 10pm.
This despite plenty Asian fans interviewed and walking to the ground-playing in the kids team nearby…both male and female(enjoy it while you can Miriam!).
Don`t the liberal media NEVER take a holiday from their endless ferreting for lefty grievances to nurse and splatter round the studios like an perpetual dirty protest?
Best sports story since Ivanisevich…and the BBC etc try to trash the achievement of Leicester, not representing the populace etc.
As if the Collyhurst hobgoblins and Broughtons finest are represented “proportionately” by the bloody BBC up there in Salford!
One of their best players is French from Algerian background – I assume Muslim.
That would be Riyad Mahrez, he seems a decent enough guy, quite humble about the award and thanked his team mates and manager for the opportunity he’s been given by Leicester. He has scored less goals than Vardy and Kane who were his main rivals for th PFA award but has made a larger number of assists.
Incidentally, whilst he was born in France he’s so loyally French that he is an Algerian football international which is his prerogative, and the day after the award BBC 5 live breathlessly announced that he was the first African player to win the PFA player of the year award.
That struck me as a departure for the BBC who usually, determinedly and on occasion, absurdly, insist that birthplace = ethnic identity. In which case they should leave the well known Indian, Cliff Richard well alone else they might look a bit y’know…..racist, innit?
I take your point embolden but football is a funny old game. I suspect that Mahrez plays for Algeria as he had no chance of getting into the French team. My daughter went to school (in County Durham) with a lad who ended up playing for a Premier League side but he was unable to make it into the full England team so is now a Scottish international as he has Scottish grandparents.
With news in, that Leicester City had won the title, the very first person interviewed on the BBC’s VD programme, was an Abdul. Abdul was handing out free samosas. After this, came an interview with some guy who claimed he was the manager of Leicester City FC.
Reasons to be cheerful.
The BBC are shit-but as I watch the snooker with the sound down( but the commentary is good, should I need it)-Steve (Yabbo) Yabsley is on BBC Radio Somerset/Bristol-a genius and very funny local hero nearby.
If only the BBC would stick to this….
Here`s the Left in action.
If this Qwame scum(look up his lineage/privilege as you wish) is not a UN Ambassador for some Pan-African quango within a few years, I`ll be surprised.
Boateng, Amos, Scotland, Hain…what is it with these lefties and their bile and hatred for the little people?
Unless they can run on blades that is, or can turn rubber tyres into necklaces to burn an opposing voice.
Still-the response of good South Africans cheers-but this lad needs “serious counselling”…
Thanks for posting that, Chris.The obnoxious little sh*t does it and brags about it because he can. But it is the left wing academic establishment who sowed the seeds for this destructive insanity. What a wonderful example of what is now regarded as admirable behaviour on college campuses.
Why is it when I come home from a hard days work and I sit down to enjoy my tea and watch a bit of telly do I have to see young blokes kissing each other all over Eastenders ? and then they switch to two girls kissing each other and talking about adopting a kid. I don’t think this is appropriate for early evening TV. Is anybody going to tell me there is no agenda here ?
We need a party like AfD. Please see link below.
Lock13, couldn’t agree more; its the way of the world now and if we dare to criticise (or God help us feel offended) then we are made to feel like persecutors. There’s also a trailer for a prominent shopping channel who clearly show 2 chaps kissing whilst promoting a brand of camera, it might be un-pc of me, but I find it uncomfortable viewing, yet I know I’m not supposed to. What I was brought up to regard as ‘normal’ is no longer considered ‘normal’ because the new normality encompasses everything. I cant say I’m confused, but its very hard to change a mind-set that’s seen society act in a certain way as ‘the norm’ up until the last 15 years or so.
Brissles yep I am not against it. It is just not something that should be on early evening TV for the mainstream. I find it equally offensive if a bloke and a girl are snogging in front of me on the train. It is just not appropriate.
It reminds me of a conversation about homosexuality between Rigsby and Alan in the 1970s sitcom ‘Rising Damp’.
‘It’s alright now Rigsby. Parliament’s made it legal.’
‘That lot?! I’m surprised they haven’t made it compulsory!’
You don’t have to, no.
You can always turn over. But then maybe you keep watching because you like seeing blokes kissing? Just a guess.
Unfortunately the missus watches it. It is hilarious I am sitting here watching it now every box is ticked. Old Den Watts must be turning in his grave lesbians , gay blokes , transgender all in an East London square . Now this is quite odd because I lived in Stepney for 15 years and it is nothing like I remember. Had to get out as I was not prepared to be called to prayer at the East London mosque
Yes but BBC drama isn’t meant to reflect reality. It’s designed to inculcate ‘correct thought’ in proles.
‘correct thought’
Mm… Smacks of ‘1984’ . A book that a few of our ‘fellow travellers’ should read.
They would not understand it !
If it reflected reality only every 10th word would be in English.
Kikuchiyo, GCooper Etc
Sadly and unfortunately we are forced to pay for such rubbish whether we watch it or not.
Scrap the tax.
Indeed. The Left always make other people pay for their idiotic ideas.
Did you get that Kikuchiyo, or perhaps Jerrod will answer for you ?
I agree. But I want to know who was the the g!t who decided on 3 Jan 16 that “This year, we’re going to ram Transgender down everyone’s throats at every opportunity, until this – too – is considered normal”.
I mean, how thick are we supposed to be? Its been blatantly obvious that this year there has been a Transgender ‘thing’ running. Who decides this? Where are they? Who elected them and gave them the authority – and funding – to promote this agenda? And why?
Ophelia Gently, I’ve noticed this too. There’s obviously a ‘trans agenda’ (or should that be ‘trans-agender’) going on in the media at the moment. My theory is there are two main reasons for it.
1. The legalising of gay marriage and the general relaxation of attitudes to homosexuality mean that simply being gay no longer qualifies one for victim group status. The endless permutations involved in anything ‘trans’ (I believe Facebook has 71 ‘genders’, for example) will provide decades of fuel to those whose livelihood stems from victim culture, identity politics etc.
2. Social media and celebrity culture has a never ending appetite for content. ‘Coming out’ as gay no longer has any real currency – who cares – but coming out as ‘trans’ (like Jack Monroe did) provides endless fuel for speculation, column inches etc.
Overall it’s part of the identity politics and celebrity/fame culture that permeates modern western society. I doubt if any one group or authority has conspired to promote it.
The ‘why’ is Cultural Marxism.
It’s worth reading about as it explains the mission the Left is on and the means it is using. Of course, most Leftists have no idea why they do what they do, but this is the source of their madness, whether they realise it or not.
The short version is that if you undermine the bedrock of Western society, it will collapse and then the Marxists can take over and run society the way their god tells them it should be run. Start with the family, education, religion, education and culture – the more they spread the rot, the quicker it will all fall down.
News flash!
Now how long will it take for the BBC to report this? Ironically, this will only serve to increase the Muslim vote for Labour.
The answer is… a wee while, probably.
The thing is, with stuff like this from the home team and PR client they have to ram out Frankie Howerd with every level of BBC management to decide the line to take in crisis management. and on this one their may be a few extra factions from the Labour side to juggle.
So, with luck, once decided, no time or space or it was another time: job done.
Ain’t BBC editorial integrity grand?
Yep, really swept the whole Labour/anti-semitism thing under the carpet haven’t they? Or maybe the BBC is doing its best to sweep it under the carpet and is just very, very incompetent.
The whole of the Al Beeb needs a thorough judicial review of its fabric, its bias and the way it funds itself.
The idea that you tax poor people who don’t even watch it, smacks of a medieval poll tax . Scrap it .
I am not a Tory voter but it amazes me that Conservative MPs are silent about its broadcasting standards. Can anyone explain what the Balen report was about and why and if it was suppressed ?
AfD manifesto can be read here
Would like to see a similar opposition party in the UK.
Is this the worst bit of BBC journalism ever?
Some kids book author tweets something pointless about her own books and the BBC make an article of it. £5bil a year for this total shite.
I’m surprised there isn’t a campaign to re-name “Hogwarts”. It’s not exactly Islam-friendly is it?
What could its new name be? Any suggestions anyone?
Ah, yes, but never forget Rowling is a major donor to the Labour party and a full-on liberal gasbag.
Not BBC bias, but does anyone know why the death of Bob Hoskins from 2014 has been floating around the “most read” pages on the BBC’s news site for the past few days?
I have absolutely no idea how it got into the ‘most read’ pages in the first place but I’m partially responsible for it staying there as I thought ‘OMG, Bob Hoskins has died!’, having completely forgotten that I said exactly the same thing two years ago. Maybe it’s an age thing…..
lol I thought exactly the same thing . So sudden I wonder what happened ?
The Twatterati get easily befuddled and before you know it there’s a trend going on. Others who have died multiple times include Keith Harris, Terry Nutkins and Tony Hart.
His daughter Rosa Hoskins was also on Midweek last Wednesday with her new book to be published on 15/05/2016 ..So prelaunch publicity might be a facctor.
Three more Labour councilors have found themselves suspended for making anti semitic remarks. It’s running high on Sky news, but for some reason (ahem) the dear old Beeb seems to have missed it entirely. Take a squint at Sky news, they have photo’s of the supposed offenders.
You won’t be surprised…
I just wonder where is all this anti-Semitism coming from ?
Nothing much where I live, but there again we don’t have as many ethnics here compared with the town’s and cities in England.
I wonder if I can report every Leftist HYS on al-Beeb for insulting White Anglo Saxon Christians saying we believe in sky-faeries. Oh wait Tony Blair shortly after coming to power repealed any protection of Christianity in the aptly titled Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008.
Al beebus and most of the rest of the MSM attempt to vilify Trump at any given opportunity; and portray him as an idiot who will be a danger both to America and the rest of the world if he is the next POTUS.
This is an excerpt from a recent speech of his, which unsurprisingly was not covered by al beebus.
“No country has ever prospered that failed to put its own interests first. Both our friends and our enemies put their countries above ours and we, while being fair to them, must start doing the same. We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony.”
I don’t believe him to be either an idiot or dangerous; and I dearly wish we had potential Prime Ministers here who made speeches with statements like the one above in them, or even just that final sentence.
I agree. Trump is a man who might just turn the tide in the West. For all their noise the BBC/liberal marxists and their views are in a tiny minority especially here in the shires and in flyover USA. They are making no headway in eastern Europe and even in the West things are moving against the cultural anti Western decadence of the last fifty years. It was inevitable and had to happen as the world always turns as today’s orthodoxy becomes ossified and lurches into oppression. Which is what has happened to PC liberalism.
For now the elite liberal marxists retain control of the media, academia and the law but it is weakening. It is important that we do not allow these dreadful people to engage us in futile arguments. There is no reason any more to listen or engage with them. The only way open now for them is to resort to tyranny of one sort or another. Think of Turkey under Erdogan and you get the idea.
So ignore the obvious attempts to impose absurdities upon us and these are now mainly of some form of sexual nature and for what reason is obscure. .Leave that to the future historians of these days. We know now that the BBC is against us conservatives who want reality to return. It overestimates it’s power and looking at the unimpressive bunch who front it quite honestly are any of us scared of them?
Laugh at them and their so serious expressions of concern for the trivial and the bizarre. Their day is ending and for that we should be thankful. .
Housing shortage ? England’s Green and Pleasant Land (and Wales’).
The media have been banging the gong again on this topic again lately …………
Why the demand ? Well its not ‘the elephant in the room’ now, what we are about to face is the Giant Mammoth in the room. Are we all breeding like rabbits or is it some other factor ?
As we approach the Assembly elections in Wales, A reminder of our Car Morons big promise to us all last year …………
Is there a graph showing how many “Baristas” we can support?
Certainly in the South East of England, the pressure on land is incredible. Fields are being gobbled-up by the week, people are selling off their back gardens and, as they always do when they are in power, the land spivs who support the Tories are rubbing their hands with glee.
But who is buying these new homes? Not the youngsters the media keep banging on about. These are three and four bedroom homes, springing up like shoddy mushrooms throughout Kent, Sussex and Hampshire and they are being bought by white flight settlers, fleeing areas which are fast becoming alien strongholds, notably inside the M25.
The same seems to be happening all over England from the Midlands down, but as the countryside is buried under a layer of concrete and cheap buildings not a voice is raised. The Tory media love the boom, the Labour media love the immigrants who have precipitated this act of cultural vandalism.
All please watch this as we approach the EU referendum. Remember this broadcast last year ? Listen carefully, its only 1 min .
Isn’t that a face that just urges a “smack”. Mind you, it looks like the slack jawed clown has had a few of those already.
Its a face that reminds me of ‘Flash Harry’ from St Trinians.
Na – Flashman from “Tom Brown’s Schooldays”.
Good comments GC – you ask ‘who are buying these homes?’, well the mixed social housing/private buyer estates springing up in my once pretty village in South Beds never seem to be short of buyers, – the cars they drive smack of certain affluence, unless of course these ‘young things’ are mortgaged up to the hilt and their transport is leased. In the last 5 years we have had 2,000 properties built with another 600 in the planning stage. Oh, and guess what, all these properties with double/triple the amount of inhabitants all feed down to the still ONE doctors surgery – where most of the doctors have retired, and is down to one partner and numerous locums. If there are 9 ahead of you in the queue before 8 am then you may as well go home and try the following day – or die. The new and enlarged school is oversubscribed and the small roads are snarled up at peak times with extra traffic.
Life ain’t so grand in Gt Britain anymore (and unlike being able to switch off or change channels on the tele, we have to live with all the fall-out)
Don’t worry about seeing a Doc in future Brissles, Jeremy C’s seven day a week NHS, combined with getting rid of FOI requests will sort that waiting time out. LOL!
“…they are being bought by white flight settlers, fleeing areas which are fast becoming alien strongholds…”
Sorry GCooper, but this whole “white flight” narrative propagated by Aryans such as yourself is a complete myth. I know several people who have moved out of London and it’s always been for purely financial reasons. Nothing else.
You make the basic mistake of thinking that just because you are obsessed with the colour/religion of your neighbours everyone else is as well.
You are wrong.
What are the financial reasons why these seven people have moved ?
Moved to where ? From which part(s) of London ?
“I know several people who have moved out of London and it’s always been for purely financial reasons. Nothing else.”
Nobody ever admits to it, you fool. It’s always “for the schools” or because “it’s much nicer for the children”.
How do you think areas get taken over – compulsory purchase by immigrants?
Zero you can continue to comfort yourself with your ideas, you make the basic fallacy of taking a small sample…”people I know”, who also know your views, and perhaps share them….who then give you a “socially acceptable” explanation for their departure from multicultural London to avoid argument with you and to deny their own cognitive dissonance about moving out.
I can assure you that “white flight” is alive and well in the Midlands. Since I moved here years ago, up to the present, I don’t discuss politics in the pub or in public other than with a few close friends…..and I’ve met many strangers and acquaintances out and about who speak quietly, eloquently and explicitly of their own and their relatives experiences of moving out of inner city Brum, and their relief at finding a “quiet” white majority suburb to live in.
Dont’ know how old Zero is, but the ‘white flight’ from London is certainly not a recent phenomenon, it actually started many many years ago. Friends of mine who were resident in London (Chiswick) since the end of the last war, saw how their community and area had changed, so decided in the mid 90’s to upsticks and moved to Cornwall, and wish they’d done it years earlier !
Been happening in Bradford for some time as well. People who can move out to the Yorkshire Dales, or in that general direction, if work and funds permit.
Options in that part of the country are limited, places like Dewsbury already gone.
What makes you think I am an ‘Aryan’, child?
Observing a phenomenon doesn’t imply participation.
NB – Unless you are a particle physicist, I should add. which, of course, you aren’t.
White flight is of course a real phenomenon, Zero my friend. ‘Narrative’. God, that word.
I would imagine plenty of white people have moved away from London for financial reasons, and I would imagine those who have moved away because their community is becoming like the third world would cite financial reasons as a cause for their relocation if asked. Inquisitive obsequious types who would have a case of the vapors if they were living among black and paki scum in the large English cities*, will be very quick to judge those who have actually been there and had enough.
I would, however, think that financial reasons trump social/cultural/racial ones, so although you’re right about bringing attention to it as a cause, it’s absurd to claim that it’s the only one and ‘nothing else’.
*case in point – Mike Parker of Plaid Cymru
I moved to Gambia to escape Europe and assholes like Zero. People like him are not welcome in my adopted country. Africans would just piss on his tofu !
Ha, yep. Real Africans. The immigrants or blacks born here to immigrant parents who will talk about their ‘race’ with such pride and swallow every piece of nonsensical historical revision, and see themselves as black nationalists – they’d shit themselves if confronted with the reality of having to move to their motherland.
No Zero , you are wrong .
Many, many English people are moving to Wales for the very same reasons expressed above – I often enquire as to why they relocate to Wales and the answer always comes back in stronger terms than I dare use here – “it’s the multiculti invasion of their towns and streets “.
This causes a problem for the local people here as houses prices rise, making it near impossible for first time buyers here .
Zero get out of the city, go west and speak to real British people .
Our billion-pound news organisation discovered that BT sometimes removes telephone kiosks when one on their doorstep was threatened.
This led to PM doing a follow-up piece on the uses that these kiosks can be put. Amusingly one arty lady tarts them up according to a theme that she chooses. Her latest one was based on “The Sun Has Got His Hat On”, a cheerful ditty performed by an old favourite of the BBC, Henry Hall. This was particularly topically because another friend of the BBC, Jerry Adams, has been upsetting the twitterati by using the word ‘nigger’, or as the BBC called it at lunchtime, ‘the N-word’, later editions backing away from even that by just referring to ‘racially abusive’.
Time for a song break:
As recorded by HENRY HALL with VAL ROSING:
(Hip-hooray, Hip-hooray)
(The sun has got his hat on, hip-hip-hip-hooray)
(The sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out today)
(Orchestral Interlude)
The sun has got his hat on, hip-hip-hip-hooray
The sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out today
Now we’ll all be happy, hip-hip-hip-hooray
The sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out today
He’s been tanning niggers out in Timbuktu
Now he’s coming back to do the same to you
So jump into your sunbath, hip-hip-hip-hooray
The sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out today
Never saw the grass so greener
Never saw the sky serener
What a lot of fun for everyone
Sitting in the sun all day
All the little boys excited
All the little girls delighted
What a lot of fun for everyone
Sitting in the sun all day
(The sun has got his hat on, hip-hip-hip-hooray)
(The sun has got his hat on and he’s coming out today)
All the little birds are singin
Canterbury bells are ringing
Pussy on the tiles is wreathed in smiles
Sitting in the sun all day
Sticks and stones BBC! Still I expect we should be glad there are people prepared to contradict Mr. Adams, there was a time when, ‘some say’, that would be cruisin’ for a bruisin’!
Shami Chakrabarti has been appointed by Corbyn to head the enquiry into anti-semitism in the Labour Party.
Is she a muslim?
She refused to answer the question here:
Q: Can you confirn you are a supporter of the new laws which make it an offence to say anything against Islam and that you are in fact a Muslim? Thank you. Posted by Frederick Long on December 5, 2007 3:38 PM
SC: No sir. I cannot confirm what is not true. A brief internet search will reveal the extent of Liberty’s opposition to the dangerously broad criminal offence of incitement to religious hatred and our defence of free speech more generally. A cursory knowledge of the sub-continent would give you some hints about my surname but I am not inclined to answer your question about my religion. I am proud to live in a country where we don’t “make windows into mens’ souls”, and where the struggle for religious freedom has been intertwined with the struggle for democracy itself. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion is the right to the faith of your choice, the right to have no faith and the right to be a heretic within your religion. Fundamental rights aside, I am proud to live in a country where simple common courtesy precludes the second part of your question. Lets just say that when Christians are told they can’t wear crosses to work, Liberty will be on their side. Ditto Jews, Muslims and Sikhs and their religious dress. However no religion or other belief system should be protected from criticism, irritation or even offence. Fundamental rights are universal and even-handed. They weren’t designed to make us comfortable. They were designed to keep us free.
Shamis answer is a sweetly innocent delusion. This country used to be on where “we don’t make windows in to men’s souls” but now…with politically correct inquisitors, race hustlers and Muslim grievance mongers abounding…..this no longer true.
As I’ve said before, I almost feel sorry for her, she’s been set up to probe some very dangerous ground by her leftie friends who are using the colour of her skin to offset accusations of “racism” whilst forgetting the dangerous inter communal tensions that mark the subcontinent and its people.
I think she knows this, hence her reluctance to transparency about her ethno religious background.
Looking at her surname and background she is unlikely to be a Muslim.
She does divide opinion though. She is seen as either:
1. The most annoying, irritating, self-righteous, pompous, superior, up her own arse, whining West hater to get under your skin.
else she is seen as:
2. The second most annoying, irritating, self-righteous, pompous, superior, up her own arse, whining West hater to get under your skin.
It is always a battle between her and George Galloway.
In case you think that surely Shami Chakrabarti would disagree with the above statements, here is a quote from the Guardian when interviewing her: “It’s been a long-term fear for Chakrabarti that people, irritated by her manner as an individual, might ignore Liberty’s urgent message”
I would say she is not a Muslim, but is nevertheless inclined to appease Muslims whenever possible. Looking at names is not always helpful. David Cameron does not sound very Islamic and neither does Teresa May – two rabid appeasers
I almost feel sorry for Jeremy Corbyn. On the one hand the poor dear must be longing to carry on cuddling up to anti-Semitic Islamic terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah. On the other hand he’s obliged to pretend to be serious about combatting anti-Semitism from Livingstone and assorted Muslims within Labour.
Here’s his dilemma: continuing to shower Hamas and Hezbollah with friendship and understanding would make his disciplinary actions against the motley Labour crew, now numbering five, seem a touch hypocritical, even bizarre.
After all, there’s no evidence that the five have taken their loathing of Je … er, I mean Israelis a step further by actually murdering any while Hamas and Hezbollah not only delight in the murder of Israeli Jews but the murder of Jews in general.
Poor guy. He should turn for advice and assistance to the BBC. There must surely be a few propagandists there who would be able to help him pretend to chart a morally-consistent course through these troubled waters. Then again, perhaps even the BBC would fail at the task: if Corbyn shuns Hamas and Hezbollah, he will be unjustly rejecting his true friends; if he doesn’t, he will be obliged to welcome the five back to the fold since their sins on social media pale into insignificance by comparison with Islamic terrorism.
And that of course would make him, and by association Labour, rather unpopular among voters with a moral compass.
Of course, anyone into conspiracy theories might think the whole thing is an elaborate set-up to keep the London muzzies on-side in the run up to the mayoral election. It could be a case that they are prepared to sacrifice a few local councillors up & down the country to ensure that their man gets the top job in London.
Corbyn is either stuck between a rock and a hard place, or he’s deliberately sending out subtle messages to his muzzy faithful, making them think the party at large is anti-Semitic. It goes without saying that every muslim voter is fiercely anti-Semitic, and a good few of the far-left are (for reason of envy of Jewish wealth), but I doubt that there are many ordinary white working-class voters who are anti-Semitic.
Anyway, stranger things have happened in politics. Either way, the mayoral election is probably a foregone conclusion. Let’s face it, the 1,000,000+ muzzies are never going to vote for a Jew are they? The muslim conquest of our capital city is, I fear, just a formality.
Let’s face it, the 1,000,000+ muzzies are never going to vote for a Jew are they?
There might be two or three who will – but in fear and in secret, no doubt.
I’m not British so hopefully my esteemed colleagues here will correct me if I’m wrong but it seems to me that Labour’s long-standing policy of encouraging an endless stream of Muslim immigrants in the hope/certainty that they will be loyal to the party has begun to backfire. Instead of carefully concealing their loathing of Je …um I mean Israelis … in public, as their lefty enablers generally manage to do, they are becoming more open about it, though of course not nearly as open as they would be back in Pakistan, for example.
Is it inevitable that London will elect a Muslim mayor? Or is there enough resistance to the Religion of Peace among sensible people to at least delay that Islamic victory for a while?
“Of course, anyone into conspiracy theories might think the whole thing is an elaborate set-up to keep the London muzzies on-side in the run up to the mayoral election….”
Totally crazy tinfoil hats. 😉
“Labour’s long-standing policy of encouraging an endless stream of Muslim immigrants in the hope/certainty that they will be loyal to the party has begun to backfire. Instead of carefully concealing their loathing of Je …um I mean Israelis … in public, as their lefty enablers generally manage to do…”
Lefty enabler supporters of Labour Friends of Israel:
Joan Ryan MP, LFI chair
Michael Dugher MP
Louise Ellman MP
Rachel Reeves MP
Jonathan Reynolds MP
John Woodcock MP
Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale
Luciana Berger MP
Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP
Rt Hon David Blunkett MP
Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP
Rosie Cooper MP
Jim Fitzpatrick MP
Rt Hon Caroline Flint MP
Barry Gardiner MP
Mary Glindon MP
Andrew Gwynne MP
Fabian Hamilton MP
Tom Harris MP
Rt Hon Margaret Hodge MP
Sharon Hodgson MP
Ivan Lewis MP
Meg Munn MP
Rt Hon John Spellar MP
Graham Stringer MP
Emily Thornberry MP
Chuka Umunna MP
Dave Watts MP
Rt Hon Shaun Woodward MP
Rt Hon Lord Anderson of Swansea
Lord Beecham DL
Lord Clarke of Hampstead CBE
Rt Hon Lord Clinton-Davis
Lord Davies of Coity CBE
Rt Hon Lord Foster of Bishop Auckland
Rt Hon Lord Foulkes of Cumnock
Lord Harrison
Lord Haskel
Dr Baroness Hayter
Lord Livermore
Rt Hon Lord Macdonald CBE
Lord Mitchell
Lord Stone of Blackheath
Lord Turnberg Kt
Lord Winston
Lord Young of Norwood Green
I think you’re bang on about your former point re: muslim immigrants, but a little off about the ‘enablers’.
Even a football story shows anti-white bias. They just can’t help themselves can they:
In a room predominantly full of white faces, the camera zooms in for a lingering shot of, you guessed it, a brown face.
It is amusing isn’t it! To the left, any black is morally superior to any dirty whitey – so a black man celebrating shows how important the celebration is.
Of course, to the lefty mind, the director is also virtue-signalling to the world that he/she is not racist. A Very Important Point to make at every opportunity to a lefty.
The left are the true racists.
How DARE someone with non-white skin like football. And be featured for a couple of seconds in a minute of footage which was dominated by white people! Don’t the BBC realise that Biased BBC will get upset at this travesty? WON’T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE RACISTS?
Rhif Saith
If I was a Tory , which I am not , I would be exploiting this news and hammering it home – so just who are the racists, will they name them?
Shwmae taffman.
I think that is down to the Liebore Party – not a chance either from them, or the BBC.
As for Carmoron and his acolytes – DON’T hold your breath
Coon? Dindu? Wog?
Or…The sun has got his hat on, hip-hip-hip-hooray…
I wouldn’t normally reply to a left-wing troll like yourself, but the point you are deliberately missing is that there was no NEED to zoom in on an Asian guy. As with everything your beloved BBC does, it was undoubtedly a deliberate and calculated action to single out a non-representative individual amongst a group of white folk.
The very fact that trolls like you come on here in an attempt to defend the BBC is proof enough of their vile left-wing, anti-British bias.
“…but the point you are deliberately missing is that there was no NEED to zoom in on an Asian guy.”
Huh? They didn’t “zoom in on an Asian guy”.
What sort of desperate paranoia has taken hold when even half a shot of a brown face in a jubilant crowd of football fans is described as; “vile left-wing, anti-British bias”.
“…a non-representative individual amongst a group of white folk.”
Your quite the charmer aren’t you neilw.
You mean you don’t notice the over representation of ethnic minorities on the BBCs coverage of……everything?
Since multi culturalism and “tolerance” of same on the part of the majority population are core values of the EU, British State, the BBC and the NUJ it’s difficult to see how this couldn’t be the case isn’t it?
The mass media are sending us a message, why are you surprised when people notice it?
BBC Online News:
“”Labour suspends three councillors over Israel comments””
Note how the BBC have tried to take the ‘hate speech’ out of the equation by referring to Israel rather than Jews in their headline? Also, the item has dropped way down the homepage to number ten. It’s number four on Sky online News.
That’s going to be the BBC/Labour line in defending Corbyn.
They won’t like this then …….
Thanks for the link, Lobster. Events are moving very fast.
The BBC have spent many hours of Licence payers’ money on explaining how unfair Labour’s defeat was in the GE last year.
Unfortunately, the BBC have vast reserves of Licence payers’ money to diminish the ‘Jewish Question’ on behalf of their favourite party, Labour.
Will it be money well wasted?
I have ordered a substantial supply of pop-corn to see me through the white-knuckle ride for Labour/BBC in the coming days and weeks. Oh, joy….
Labour imploding was not even part of “In other News” on Radio 4 this evening.
As I remember, whilst driving, it was something about breast cancer. All very worthy, but, the top headline?
“Labour imploding” . Lets hope that they take Al Beeb with them – where is Essexman and where are the Torys, when you want them ?
Al Beeb are prone to bury bad news under a load of ‘guff and puff’ .
Still nowt on Al Beeb about this ?
If you want breaking news, read this website . I would hazard a guess that’s where Al Beeb’s researchers get it from.
“”Labour suspends three councillors over Israel comments””
But I thought it was perfectly legit to criticise Israel. Not even PC makes that illegal.
Oh what a web we weave etc..
The irony of Corbyn appearing at that rally the other day with all those waving Soviet, red flags bearing Stalin’s image, may have escaped him and many of those carrying them; particularly during these anti-Semitic difficulties poor Jezza and his party now face.
Stalin planned to purge all Jews within the senior echelons of the Party and the Soviet Government and many beyond, four large new concentration camps were constructed for the purpose just before his death. If he had not died; the Soviet Union would have conducted its own “Final Solution”; Stalin’s plan for this originated in the “Doctor’s Plot”; which was a purported conspiracy whereby Jewish doctors were murdering senior Soviet officials and members of the military.
There is a good book about this called “Stalin’s Last Crime” by Jonathan Brent – though I doubt if many of the flag wavers will be aware of it.
Timothy Snyders “Bloodlands” also has a chapter on Soviet anti semitism.
How the BBC must be thankful for Leicester City’s fantastic achievement… By running numerous articles on them, it’s a good vehicle to bury the ‘bad news’ about those naughty Labour councillors. There was a very brief link to this but it seems to have been moved to ‘local news’.
Bias and agenda in a nutshell.
It’s even better than that. Leicester is Britain’s first (but won’t be the last) city to have a white minority. Bingo! Leicester City’s footballing achievement is purely down to immigration and the diverse nature of its inhabitants. Coming soon on BBC Magazine:
“Leicester – the Multicultural city that won the Premier League.
Ahmed was just 5 years old when he was forced to leave Idi Amin’s Uganda, in an earlier version of what is now happening to women and children in Syria. On Monday, just 43 years later, Ahmed and his 26 children and grandchildren cheered as his beloved football team secured the title…”
I’m so glad to learn via Toady that the success of Leicester City F.C. and the “diversity” of its players is a metaphor for the triumph of the diversity of the city itself – can’t al beebus never, ever, give it a f*****g rest?
They can’t give it a rest can they, I’m starting to think theres some kind of North Korean Kim Jong-un type regime at the BBC where reporters constantly have to prove themselves lefter and more on message than everybody else. There seems to be a unified perverse Pavlovian response to just about everything in the BBC, give them some credit though, even when theres absolutely no possible scope or justification for LBQTXYZ/race/marxism in a story they’ll find a way to cram some in.
I wish just one of them would demonstrste the capacity for independant thought, just to deviate slightly from the agenda once in a while. But therein lies the proof really, the fact that EVERY SINGLE one of them is on message ALL the time about EVERY topic demonstrates just how risible, unhealthy and unrepresentative the BBC has become.
‘The greatest underdog story eva!’
Tuned into Fox News this morning – I mean BBC tv news
Sports lightweight Ore Oduba inadvertently sums it up with “We thought this wasn’t going to be a massive story when Leicester failed to beat Man United – but it is!” Yeah right, bring us film of a couple of dozen fans in a bar watching an opponent’s match on tv and then endless journos enthusing – that’s your massive headline story then?
5000 to one outsiders? Well that’s a function of the way the betting industry works. Ok Leicester were favourites for relegation at the start of the season but realistically and mathematically taking all factors into consideration they must still only have been a couple of hundred to one to win the league. If you doubt me, ask Steven Hawkin. A real underdog story would have been if they were 5000 to 1 a couple of weeks ago.
“It’s great, when everything about the Premier League is set up to stop this happenening, it’s a cartel… etc” This from a Sun newspaper journo. And then am I the only one to hear the resounding screech of the U-turn as he replies to the next question so where do they go from here… with “They’ll need a massive investment of cash to keep up…..”
The BBC is supposed to give us balance – this is horribly media concensus stuff.
For an alternative (and my mind more realistic) view see here
“But in what is probably the poxiest Premier Leagues since it started, they’re leading it, now what reflection is that for us next season if they’re in the Champions League? “To me the credibility of the Premier League would be for Spurs to come and pip them at the post… to me Leicester aren’t even a good team.”
Back on non-sporting ground there must be some elections coming up, BBC: “A report out today says people on benefits will be worse off…. a report out today says the poorest in society are dying sooner….”
[Full disclosure: Mr AsISeeIt is a Spurs fan]
Hmmm, just caught the Andrew Marr interview with Mark Regev, Israeli Ambassador to Britain:
I’m unfamiliar with Marr’s interview style and found it quite reasonable: no argumentative interruptions of Regev, as one would expect from the BBC, simply a number of questions relevant to the issues of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.
Could it be that light has begun to dawn on some people at the BBC?
Link I posted was of a partial interview. Here’s the full one:
An emollient style that started with the description of Mark Regevs “controversial” (BBC word for “disapproved of”) previous role as Israeli Prime Ministers spokesman….. and continued with the statement “no one believes that Jeremy Corbyn is anti semitic”.
Marr still made clear the basic framework within which Mark Regev was able to voice his governments view which was set from the outset as deviating from the respectable norm.
Interesting, embolden. I’ll revisit the interview when I have more time.
i doubt it very much. Marr has to be careful and knows it. Regev is not a pushover and is just too intelligent to fall for Marr’s bluster. The BBC/liberal marxists are cowards at heart and presumably well paid ones so that is a consideration for them.
Corbyn and his Trot clique cannot be defended and cannot last much longer so the enablers at the BBC are quite capable of withdrawing support. The anti Semitism running riot in labour is a direct result of years of liberal indoctrination at universities and through their media mouthpieces. It is irrational and born out of hatred and envy.
Add to the mix a large immigrant client voter base that is eternally hostile to the Jews and the situation is dire.
Corbyn is a what he is and that is no longer acceptable to most of us. I am sure Marr has realised this. Rather late in the day.
Solid post DS.
I agree, Dave S. I’m not that familiar with Marr so I’ll take a tip or two from my colleagues here such as embolden and yourself.
Marr did seem a bit too keen to nail his colours to the mast as an opponent of Israeli government policies, even while being quite civil with Regev.
And during the interview with Abbot, he was quite confrontational and insistent on getting her to respond to his points re Labour anti-Semitism.
In a way it’s the same old same old from the BBC: they express much sympathy for victims of the Holocaust and opposition to anti-Semitism but contempt for Israeli policies.
Here we go again with the BBC quota of Transgender articles. This time a transgender 7 year old so the BBC are not only ticking boxes but also satisfying their own sick need to openly discuss a child’s sexuality – perhaps the BBC upper management have no idea this is going on.
This meme (if that is what it really is) has been so sudden and so widespread that it’s hard not to wonder if there isn’t some sort of coordination behind it.
Indeed, recent revelations about the activities of organisations such as InsideClimateNews and some of the Soros-funded organiastions (always assuming that ICN isn’t also one of those) make it a definite possibility.
Just remember that in 90 – 95% of cases in an infant or child who identifies as transgendered pre puberty, do not carry these beliefs into adulthood. Some go on to be gay, others just live normal lives in their birth gender.
What readers need to be careful of is the Fascist Left shining a spotlight on the 5 – 10% and presenting them as a success story, while ignoring all the human detritus which have failed to meet their Fascist criteria. There appears to be a movement to carry out all the gender change operations pre puberty which could be disastrous.
There are very very few children with this condition, so yes it does appear to be yet another trendy fashion by the bullying Fascists with scant regard to their victims.
Plus ca change?
> Just remember that in 90 – 95% of cases in an infant or child who identifies as transgendered pre puberty, do not carry these beliefs into adulthood.
Do you have a citation for this?
> There appears to be a movement to carry out all the gender change operations pre puberty which could be disastrous.
There really doesn’t (unless you have a citation for this too). At the moment, the most focus is on the possibility of using medication to delay puberty, to allow young children experiencing gender dysphoria the time to resolve their already distressing personal circumstances without the additional stress of experiencing puberty in a gender which is contributing to that distress. The aim is to give children enough space to work out what the best route for combatting their dsyphoria will be.
> What readers need to be careful of is the Fascist Left shining a spotlight on the 5 – 10% and presenting them as a success story, while ignoring all the human detritus which have failed to meet their Fascist criteria.
Or, indeed, ideological fantasists who fabricate arguments in order to make themselves seem “Thoughtful”, and who care more about their own ego than they do the welfare of children.
> There are very very few children with this condition
Yes, this is true. But that’s all the more reason to be wary of anybody touting “facts” saying what 90-95% of cases are like, especially without foundation and without proof.
> There are very very few children with this condition, so yes it does appear to be yet another trendy fashion by the bullying Fascists with scant regard to their victims.
Yet again, Thoughtful accuses anyone who doesn’t agree with it as being a Fascist. One suspects that if it didn’t leap so frequently for the same trite phrase and actually thought about things, it might end up with a less jaundiced view of the world, and one in which it might actually find a productive place.
Good to see you back again Jerrod. Sorry I won’t comment on TG issues as I am concerned with supervising surgery for such patients in a Univ Hospital.
However, I have a question for you as the expert on the Great Bake Off Competition and presentation of the hat box cake to the Queen.
Do you think she ate all of the cake, or did she give some to the Royal Corgies? They are rather greedy dogs and might over eat when presented with sugary Lemon Drizzle cake. I am sure you must have information which we bigots and ignoramuses might have missed.
The next time someone complains that I never want to contribute to discussions, I can point at GWF’s response to this as an indication that it’s actually Biased BBC’s usual crowd who are incapable of conducting themselves in an adult and responsible manner.
So thanks for that.
I suggest you read G.W.F.’s comment again, or maybe get someone to explain to you what he was saying. Perhaps someone who has an understanding of professional ethics and responsibilities?
If you can find one among your acquaintances, that is.
> I suggest you read G.W.F.’s comment again, or maybe get someone to explain to you what he was saying.
I suggest you stay on topic or comment elsewhere on a topic you are interested in. As GWF should have done. There’s nothing ethically professional about GWF changing the subject just because Thoughtful can’t cope with people dissenting with its assertions.
Jerrod you should know that there are people undergoing medical procedures when sometimes their mental state is evaluated, and it is not unknown for patients to self harm. Basic ethics; do not use these cases to win arguments with an inarticulate and under educated leftie.
Now for my question which refers to your participation in an earlier discussion. Did the Queen eat all of the hat box shaped cake?
Right. So let’s get this straight: You’re “not going to comment”. Except when you do. And when you do so, you present a scenario – some patients have psych evals before operation, duh – which neither reinforces Thoughtful’s fictions, nor contradicts my facts. And yet still you act as if your opinion carries the ultimate weight.
And then you attempt to go off again on a tangent which assumes I know the inner workings of the Royal household.
Are you high, or just very stupid?
Moaners Hour on Radio 4 has a piece on Leicester City, and yet again has hijacked it to the far left agenda, talking about the Far Leftist ‘kick it out’ campaign, and saying that there are “a lot of nasty people who go to football matches” in other words white males who aren’t as Fascist as they are.
It’s just an agenda for them to use to steer away a remarkable achievement by Leicester onto far left wing politics.
> yet again has hijacked it to the far left agenda, talking about the Far Leftist ‘kick it out’ campaign
Well, after much other discussion about fandom in general and of Leicester in particular. And of how the pundits didn’t appreciate their success until late in the season.
> saying that there are “a lot of nasty people who go to football matches”
The presenter said “some”, not “a lot”. And the response was that the Kick it Out campaign had helped shed the shadows of the past to make going to see a football match more pleasant for everyone, ultimately comprising a very small part of the overall discussion. As anyone who listens to the segment will be able to realise.
Really, I do wonder why you refuse to actually listen to the programmes you’re so eager to be offended by. It seems you’re so determined to be upset that all possibility of reason escapes you.
> It’s just an agenda for them to use to steer away a remarkable achievement by Leicester onto far left wing politics.
No, your post is another example of you twisting the truth out of all recognition in order for you to pursue your own agenda. Stop lying. People might actually start believing you can be “thoughtful”, if you take the effort to demonstrate that you can be.
Oh no, here we go again. Pictures of adoring little children to justify the latest EU swamp of immigrants heading in our direction.
Come in Turkey, you are all welcome to take our homes, jobs, abuse our free international Health Service, dilute our culture,identity, come one come all. Who cares anymore? Well Cameron certainly doesn’t.
The European Left Establishment, including Cameron, are comitting suicide. Thank God, I live in Africa. There are many problems there. But not suicide.
My ISP, BT, is telling me that Guido (order-order.com) does not exist. Just me, just BT or is it down to the celebrity threesome?
BT is working fine with Order Order so I don’t think BT has blocked it – yet!
NISA, Guido has acknowledged a DNS problem – it’s them not you.
So was it Moscow, Kim Jong-Un or Jehadi Corbynutta’s Isis friends who took Guido down?
Good job I’ve been out all day or I would have been dreadfully frustrated!
The BBC are taking an unhealthy interest in these young children. It’s quite unsettling.
Its all very well undertaking to ‘take-in’ 3000 child refugees over whatever period of time. BUT children have a nasty habit of growing up, and in 15-20 years time that initial 3,000 could have doubled, trebled or quadrupled with the potential birth rate that will follow. Before we know it, that group of children will be responsible for creating another city the size of Birmingham – but does anyone spouting that its our moral duty even think that far ahead !!!! er, it would seem not.
Priceless performance from the BBC!
Hamas has leapt to the defence of Corbyn.
So, let’s take a moment to treasure the experience of seeing the leader of HM’s Opposition being openly endorsed by a terrorist organisation.
And the BBC ignoring it…
Here is the Guido link. It is not working on Facebook
Poor Jezza no mates. Now he has friends.
“We welcome the declaration of the Labor chairman and see his engagement as a very important statement that is also a painful hit that the Zionist enemy received. Hamas is not and will not be considered a terrorist group and our struggle is reduced to the borders of occupied Palestine. [This is a] Zionist campaign to define Labor party leaders as anti-Semitic… a desperate move that reflects the weakness and confusion of the Zionist entity.”
Twitter obsessed – Has the BBC given up on reporting news now and instead they just repeat what person A tweeted and then report what person B said next….and then back to person A. Wouldn’t be so bad if they wrote some proper journalism of their own in between the Twitter screenshots but they just write similar pointless drivel.
Or am I missing the whole point of the above article and it is in fact just a promotion of a gay icon?
Of course Al Beeb has given up reporting news, unless, of course, it involves the minor misdemeanours of Tory or UKIP politicians.
It is because they relied on TWATter that they got their GE predictions so wrong last year, it being well-known that Twatter is the communications medium of choice for the adolescents who form the majority of the Corbynuttas.
Shah Hussain was on the Daily Politics following his suspension from the labour party. He had compared a Jewish footballer with Hitler. He apologised but it didn’t sound like an apology.
At one point he said, ‘If I wasn’t a Muslim councillor would I be here?’
Sadly, Jo Coburn was interviewing so never picked up on that. Which is a shame as it demonstrates the Muslim victimhood paranoia that seems to drive so much of Islamic politics in the UK.
So, there you are, his anti-Semitism is actually because he is a victim of Islamophobia. Should be re-instated in the labour party any time soon, oooh, let me see, how about on Friday, the day after the elections?
Oh, look! Another story the BBC isn’t running:
“Jean-Claude Junker is tomorrow expected to unveil plans to impose a penalty of around €250,000 euros per rejected refugee, in a bid to salvage his botched migration quota scheme.”
Still, let’s be fair. Some team won a football match last night…
What will he do to the “refugees” who refuse to re-locate from Germany/Sweden etc? Does he really believe that those who are told they are being re-located in, say, Latvia, Hungary, Greece etc will meekly comply and go quietly?
John Standley
The whole of Europe is becoming one big ‘pressure cooker’ and if we don’t vote to get out we will explode with it.
This could happen this year if there is a summer influx from the third world. The eastern countries of Europe will have to make a swift decision. That is whether to leave the EU almost overnight or bow down to German pressure to admit the immigrants.
From the statements of Victor Orban and the rest of the leaders in the East this is a existential matter and I do not see how the EU can survive Merkel’s madness. Not that this will be discussed by the BBC or our tame media. The referendum debate on the terms now used is irrelevant . We cannot stay without risking the peace and future of our country.
The BBC and the rest will go to any lengths to obscure the reality of what is going to overwhelm Europe. For that I cannot forgive any of them.
Agreed, taffman, I look forward to 23rd June, or Independence Day as I prefer to call it.
Wishful thinking on the part of the BBC?
“…the borderless world in which we now live”
Has the BBC prior knowledge of the EU referendum result, perhaps?
‘If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.’
This gem, featuring the BBC quite a lot, will make you happy if you are normal or anything like me: Pass it around as much as possible please if you agree with me.
Thanks for that Charlatans. Classic Farage moments. Favourites have to be the owning of Nick ‘The Liar’ Clegg (on many occasions), calling the QT election audience out as even more left-wing than the normal BBC left-wingery, and besting the likes of Red Ed, Grant Shapps, and La Sturgeon. Great stuff.
Crucial local council and regional assembly elections this Thursday. Watch for UKIP’s advance in Wales, English Labour-held councils, and maybe even Scotland and N.Ireland.
A great montage.
Nigel versus the media class, the political class-and what a nasty collective they are.
Nigel must need a bath or shower after every meeting with the likes of Clegg or Lucas…yet on he goes.
Very grateful-but God knows why he keeps on going.
What got me was at the end of the montage-28 mins or so, where Nigel mentions the “supply” side of the housing crisis…but are completely ignorant/unwilling to discuss the “demand side” of the same crisis.
Basic CSE economics from the 70s I`d have thought-but not ONE political leader dares to discuss it.
Blow me-and on the 8am news this morning-the EXACT same concern from the Revolution Foundation(all lefties) that we `re “not building enough houses”-which ought to be the job of the State(and Labours rules apply).
But no peep about WHO exactly we`re building these houses for-and why do we need so many more now that we used to do when we weren`t the terminus for EU migration/Islamic infiltrations and welfare leeches with TB claims.
No-the Left say nothing-more “infrastructure projects”, preferably more mosques too eh ?
Hope Nigel is not alone in the wilderness on June 24th-let`s win this one for the UKIPer #1!
Thanks to those above who tell us that 50+ Labour activists have already been sifted and investigated for “anti Semitism” in their party-and, these are councillors-seemingly checked by the likes of Naz Shah on their “Compliance Units” as overlooked by MPs etc.
Not that I know or care…it`s just that this figure comes out when Corbyn-Laden says there`s “no issue” with his partys core hatred of Jews and Israel…no matter HOW they disguise it by subterfuge and Guardian wordplay.
Add to this, the fact that HAMAS have come out in support of Corbyns stance of the Jews today-and the complete lack of interest by the liberal media in this-and it`s all too clear that Labour and the Liberals/Greens are stewing in their evil cauldron brew of anti-Semitism-and we can now see that Lanbour are finished…if I want real fascism, I`ll vote for Russell Brand or Hope Not Hate…not for the spineless puppet masters who rub their hands over the younger evils that they groom for-and then posture as “progressive statesmen”…THAT is evil.
Welcome to National Socialism…it`s only “international” to them in that there aren`t enough supporters here to create their critical mass…which is where Islam comes in…
“Add to this, the fact that HAMAS have come out in support of Corbyns stance of the Jews today-and the complete lack of interest by the liberal media in this…”
I was a bit suspicious of this, too, but it seems that the Hamas official may have said nothing of the sort. I would think that certain media sites will hold back on reporting it until it can be established as fact. That Hamas – of all organisations – would deny having said something which would make no difference to their ‘reputation’, must set spidey senses tingling.
It’s a real boon for Labour if the Hamas official did offer support, of course, as it will convince more champagne socialist muzzies to come their way. And the alleged increasing divide between Herzog’s Israeli Labour Party and Corbyn’s Labour Party will please a lot of those same muzzies, as Herzog isn’t shy in expressing his ultra-Zionist views.
Hey-ho, though. Once the Mayoral election is out of the way, and something new and distracting comes along, this’ll all be old news next week. Just as the tax-haven stuff was before. News bubbles. *Pop*
Islamphobia. Basically to describe someone who has an irrational fear of Islam… Yet… If anyone read the Koran and hadiths this ‘mythical’ irrational fear becomes completely justified and in fact increases because the reality of what Islam is really about is witnessed. Even if we took the supposedly moderate interpretation of Islam (which is a complete lie as there is only Muhammads Islam and that cannot change), this still mandates death to apostates, sharia law (mutilated for crimes, misogyny, banning of homosexuality…), jihad to protect Islam…
Do you feel that the following statements taken from the Quran itself are irrational to fear (bearing in mind the reality/unchangeable fact the text in the Quran can never change)
Quran (3:56) – “As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.”
Quran (3:151) – “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority”. This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be ‘joining companions to Allah’).
Quran (4:74) – “Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.” The martyrs of Islam are unlike the early Christians, who were led meekly to the slaughter. These Muslims are killed in battle as they attempt to inflict death and destruction for the cause of Allah. This is the theological basis for today’s suicide bombers
Quran (4:89) – “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”
Quran (5:33) – “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”
Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them” No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.
…..is it irrational to fear a life instruction that compells/mandates it’s followers to carry out the words above? If you are Muslim then clearly not, so why are the West asking Muslims for expert advice on the instruction they are committed to follow for life….on pain of death if they leave? Let the facts provide the answer. Let the brutality happening daily in the name of Islam tell you. Let the videos of those TELLING the infidels exactly what Islam is provide the answer as to whether it is irrational to fear Islam.
For a change of subject, tonight my professional gardening girlfriend informed me that at lunchtime on Radio 4, a presenter stated that it was O.K. to put out bedding plants as the frosts were now over for May and over through to winter later this year in the U.K. I asked her if she was winding me up? Nope, that is what I had heard she replied. Has someone at the Met Office/BBC forgotten to take their tablets today? Already in Scotland several stations are reporting well below zero and with clearing skies and falling winds, most of the South West is into low single figures and that follows a warm afternoon and the sun has only just gone down. Dartmoor had a frost last night making 19 months in a row and we will get one tonight as temperatures on the moor are already as low as 5 degrees. And these jokers tell us with no uncertainty that there is Global Warming. Unbelievable.
Whoever said that deserves the sack. There are well recognised ‘last frost’ dates for horticulturalists, market gardeners and farmers all over the country – and we ain’t hit them yet across much of the soft south, let alone the frozen north!
It snowed in June 1975. It was called weather at the time. 1976 was a summer of severe drought. It was called weather at the time.
Thank goodness we now have Global Warming which has resulted in non-shrinking ice caps plus static global temperatures for the past 18 years.
Has anybody made money out of Global Warming?
Lots of pseudo-scientists have made plenty of money out of it, as have employees of the fake charities like Greenpeas and Fiends of the Earth.
Dale Vince, Al Gore, Elon Musk, the Mafia, Munich Re, Selwyn Gummer, and many more people whose likenesses should be on Wanted posters.
We are down to 3 degrees on the Moor, frost now inevitable unless we get some cloud cover. Those bedding plants might not look too good in the morning. There will be many praying for wind or cloud or both tonight in the South West. Mind you, you can get a tray of 24 bedding plants for a fiver around here. Oh and while I’m thinking about it, all those slugs that were sleeping have been killed off by the frosts we have had throughout March and April. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen one yet. No need for slug pellets. Thank you “Global Cooling”.
TOB. Not five days ago the BBC warned me of “The slug invasion that could devastate your garden” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-36169091 and included in their report an odd 30 second mobile phone clip of a slug eating leaves set to sombre classical guitar. It alarmed me enough to prepare the pellets. Yet like you. I see no slugs. I am on the East coast. Thanks TOB as usual for telling us what is actually happening. Thanks BBC for allowing us to pay for the pleasure of of receiving your misinformation.
Yes, I posted similar some days ago .
Al Beeb tried that two years ago . No slugs as yet in my garden . Never mind they have talked up the weather for the coming weekend and I am told its going to be a ‘heatwave’ so more on slugs on the way.
Lets hope that those B…ers get some sleep .
Why are we forced to pay for this absolute tosh & rubbish? Get rid of the Telly tax .
I don’t think that they like Trump ?
Front page ………………………..
Yes, really subtle and impartial picture editing there!
I could almost hope Trump wins, if only to see him ban the BBC from the USA.
Yet the Liebore Party and the Beeb complained unremittingly about similarly selected pictures of their darling ,letterbox mouth, Cherie Bliar in “the right wing press”.
“All very unfair dontcha know, she is an icon of ‘Wimmins’ Rights”.
I think Trump will be a winner – Indiana ?
Jersey and New California here we go …………..
Go for it now Al Beeb put that on your licence fee
Shwmae taffman.
I think it’s already a done deal. Lardell must be having a breakdown.
Shwmae Rhif Saith.
I can see that Beeboid Trolls have been out in force today .
Their employer must be getting worried, very worried, ‘biasedbbc’ posters must be getting closer to the target .
The Trolls are upping the flak .
Hwyl !
Flak? More like Chaff. In the words of the RAF.
And in the R.N.
Cwarae teg – my old man was Fleet Air Arm when they were getting killed – slip of the keyboard.
Nos da.
Nos da i ti hefyd.
This should be pertinent for tomorrows news as it breaks –
At risk of repeating myself, You only need to watch the first minute ……………………………..
Further more I think that we will hear that his big EU deal was no ‘big deal’ after all .
You should not believe the press or, certainly NOT, the beeb WRT the moron’s big deal.
To use cockney rhyming slang – Complete Rowlocks.
“Britain could send hundreds more troops to Iraq in training roles to boost the fight against so-called Islamic State, a defence source has told the BBC.”…………………
Did the US President make the mistake of pulling the troops out too soon ? Did he also make the error of telling the enemy the date he was pulling them out ?
Now our troops are heading back out there .
“The Ministry of Defence said the US-led coalition fighting IS had asked Britain to “consider a range of options” to support Iraqi security forces.”
The price for Obama reading Cameron’s speech?
Perhaps we should go to the end of the line and let other countries go first?
Stardate: 0405201606.00
Ice on the roofs, ice on the cars, ice on the grass. That will be a frost then.
Some warmish air arriving over the next couple of days from the south, but as always a sting in the tail. Lookout for thundery showers at the same time. A short lived warm spell, with what looks like cool northerlies arriving in the North of G.B. from Thursday next week and guess what? Frosts at night again.
The met Office and the BBC: Not fit for purpose (again).
(And I still think that some of us will see snow in this month)
Kindertransport 1938-1940 saved the lives of thousands of Jewish children from Germany to escape impending genocide. The BBC told us today, survivors of Kindertransport are lobbying the government to admit 3,000 unaccompanied Syrian children in Europe….the government is trying to admit refugees direct from Syrian refugee camps in the Middle East.
Some of the older children from the Kindertransport spent a period of internment in the Isle of Man as “friendly enemy aliens” before release into military service or other contributions to the British war effort.
Will there be a similar “vetting” process in 2016?
What are the parallels with the current situation? Will all the children be from the Christian and Yazidi communities….the most vulnerable groups facing genocide? Or to avoid discrimination will some of the perpetrator groups children be admitted too. ( the analogy with Kindertransport is stark…..were some needy children of Nazis on the Kindertransport?)
In the 30s and 40s the children were housed by Jewish, Quaker and other Christian support networks. Given the recent record of social services departments in Rotherham and Rochdale in “child safeguarding” will the Syrian children be safe?
What parallel is there between children in peaceful EU countries in 2016 and children in Nazi Germany in 1938-1940?
Questions the BBC decided not to consider in their lobbying……sorry, news broadcast this morning on Today.
Yes the big big difference between the Kindertransport & now is that in 1938/40 parents sent their children off to safety whilst they themselves remained to face internment & death. Now immigrant parents rush on ahead in a cowardly fashion leaving the children to follow behind.
Those children in Calais, if they really are children, surely are the resposnsibility of France.
Another difference is that Kinder children were actually under 16 years of age. Proof of their age was provided via identity papers. I wonder if age checks will be made along the same lines.
Another difference is that the Kinder children were funded through private donations. Not government money.
The main difference was that in 1938 immigration to the UK must have been close to zero. Now it is 600,000 a year. If we had zero immigration, then perhaps 3,000 so-called “children” might be acceptable, but frankly, I no longer have any compassion for the muslim world. Let them look after their own, they are big enough and rich enough.
CECUTT excels itself again…
‘Context’, mystery sources saying stuff. All it needs is their belief they got it about right despite every indication to the contrary.
Toady – Matthew Price in Hannover amongst Syrian “refugees” doing interviews, describing them as the “new Europeans” – WTF? The typical Progressive al beebus cr@p.
I have no doubt that British Labor MP Naz Shah is sincere in her belief that Israel should be relocated to America in order to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict peacefully. But, has she checked with the US Administration to see if they will take Israeli’s and who will pay for the transfer?
I have an alternative suggestion that I hope she and others, such as Ken Livingstone, will accept sincerely, namely that since there are fewer Palestinian Arabs than Israeli Jews and since the Arab countries are much closer than the US, it would be easier and more economical to transfer the Palestinians Arabs to the Arab world. Most could go to Saudi Arabia, that has plenty of land and money and has been conspicuous in its unwillingness to accept Syrian refugees. Some could also go to N. Africa and Europe. I am sure Naz Shah would be happy to cooperate in this peace process, after all, she is the one who proposed the principle of transfer to resolve the situation peacefully