Ken Livingstone does not think he is being anti-Semitic when he says that Hitler supported Zionism because Hitler wanted to transfer Jews to Palestine before WWII. This is guilt by association, like saying that Churchill was a Communist because he collaborated with Stalin to defeat Nazism. Before the War the Zionist organizations, particularly the Revisionists, tried everything they could to get Jews out of Europe. No-one wanted to take the Jews, so Hitler concluded that he could kill them with impunity, which he did. That is antisemitism…
If they did no wrong why has the British Labour Party in all its sincerity suspended both Shah and Livingstone and now 50 more (most of them Muslims)! Now they are having an investigation to determine if the Labour Party is indeed anti-Semitic. The first thing they should do if they want to get rid of anti-Semitism is replace Jeremy Corbyn. There is another problem with this whole issue, the UK media is infiltrated by anti-Israel leftists, like the BBC, so their reporting on this issue is not only suspect, but biased. Therefore they try to confuse the issue, as do Labour Party apologists, like the BBC, with all sorts of extraneous issues, to try to dodge the bullet.
9:00 Lemn Sissay on Midweek, and the program is inevitably steered onto immigration.
10:00 Moaners Hour – Celebrating overseas (foreign) Nurses, radicalised Children (no mention of the RoP of course!) & modern masculinity (in London of course).
11:00 For Better or Worse – a look at accounts of same sex marriage
11:30 some so called comedy which won’t be remotely funny
12:15 You & Yours – care in crisis, a look at how terribly badly treated the comrades in Social Work are treated.
13:45 Shakepeare – Love across the Racial divide with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
16:00 Thinking Allowed – with the sanctimonious Laurie Taylor exploring the role of migrant women in British society over the past 60 years
This is a parody of impartiality not even making an effort to hide the left wing bias.
I managed to stand a bare few minutes listening to some woman who calls herself an archeologist. Not only did she sound about 16 and utterly clueless but, with every other word a ‘like’, she made Buffy the Vampire Slayer sound like Wittgesnstein.
And you are right – Radio 4 has finally made the transition to becoming a propaganda service for the intellectually challenged Left. Even the few socialists with more than two functioning brain cells rarely get a look in nowadays.
Agreed. Has Yasmin Alibi Brown ever done anything that does not include some mention of race? I’ve heard of playing the race card but this woman seems to play the entire deck!
Mayor of London Elections tomorrow (Thursday) and even though I will be voting against, Sadiq Khan is likely to be the next Mayor of London. The future capital of LONDINISTAN can be revealed…
‘Unless there is a significant change between now and May 5th, Sadiq Khan looks set to become the new Mayor of London. It is well known that he is a Muslim who is devout in his adherence to the faith. His links with Islamic extremists have been well documented over the last several weeks, though he vehemently denies any sympathy with radical Islam, and he attracted death threats from some Muslims as a result of his vote in favour of same-sex ‘marriage’ as an MP.
(quote) I agree with Trevor Phillips that integration of Muslims is a tough challenge and also an urgent one. Based on Sadiq Khan’s track record, I think the situation will deteriorate further if he becomes mayor…
• Khan has written a ‘how to’ guide for people wanting to sue the police for damages. This guide advised readers that they could secure payouts of up to £10,000 from forces by alleging racist behaviour or claiming wrongful arrest.
• Khan wrote to the Guardian in the wake of the 7/7 attacks blaming government foreign policy for terrorism.
• Khan represented Louis Farrakhan in his bid to have a ban on him entering the U.K overturned – a ban that had been upheld by successive Home Secretaries since 1986. According to the BBC, Farrakhan has described Judaism as “a gutter religion”, characterised Christianity as an oppressive faith linked to the slavery of black people and called Adolf Hitler “great”, although he said later that he had meant “wickedly great”. Khan argued that “He [Farrakhan] is preaching a message of self-discipline, self-reliance, atonement and responsibility.”
• In 2004, Khan said: “There are some… uncontroversial areas of Islamic law which could easily be applied to the legal system… in the UK.”
• In 2004, Khan shared a platform with five Islamic extremists at an event with segregated seating for men and women.
• In 2007, Khan questioned the need to criminalise forced marriage when other remedies existed, calling it “ghetto” legislation that would reinforce the stereotyping of Muslims.
(quote)‘Nearly a decade ago, Melanie Phillips’ bestselling book “Londonistan” highlighted the spread of radical Islam within the UK, and in London in particular. The situation has only deteriorated since then with London seeking to become a global player in sharia finance, Londoners such as ‘Jihadi John’ leaving to join the Islamic State, and stories of sharia patrols in some areas of London. Earlier this month, Trevor Phillips, former head of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, analysed a comprehensive survey of British Muslims and concluded that “integration of Muslims will probably be the hardest task we’ve ever faced”. The survey highlighted the segregation of Muslim communities which collectively refuse to integrate, and become hotbeds for radical Islam.
If you ever wondered what it felt like to be a Roman citizen at around 400 AD, feel free to visit London. Outwardly it has the appearance of the capital city of a great European nation, with the impressive state buildings, palaces, bridges and the rest. Yet it is being hollowed out from the inside. It surely cannot last. Has any nation in history ever surrendered its capital city to a foreign enemy and survived? We will find out within a few decades, maybe less.
Absolutely right! And that is why I am astonished at some of the nonsense talked by the classicist Prof. Mary Beard, who is such a flag waver for all things Lefty and wrong. Presented as the authority on Rome, she seems completely blind to the danger we are in and the very obvious parallels.
I wonder whether the election of a Muslim candidate might just show people what Muslims are actually like, especially in a large city like London.
Whether shining a spotlight onto Muslim extreme beliefs would expose them for what they are.
Most towns with Muslim leaders have had huge issues with criminality and corruption, there’s no reason to believe that London would be any different.
Non election would allow Fascists such as the BBC to castigate the rest of us for inate waycism, and Islamophobia, while an actual elected Mayor would be much more difficult to explain away.
Of course we all know that the BBC would never criticise, until they were forced to report the truth, but again this might play into our hands too.
I say elect Sadiq Khan, London isn’t really British anyway, and what happens there is unlikely to affect the rest of us. Give them enough rope and let them hand themselves.
In 2004, Khan shared a platform with five Islamic extremists at an event with segregated seating for men and women.
Just goes to show how far the ‘progressive’, ‘multicultural’ agenda has brought us since then – we now have gender segregation at Labour party rallies and in our universities.
Having heard that Cruz had withdrawn from the US Presidential race I turned to the BBC. Yes, a HYS on the subject. But closed already. Wow, comments not what the BBC wanted in response to their attack on Trump.
People are waking up to the BBC.
Enjoy the comments. The highest rated are a dream.
I can’t think of any HYS that lasted for less time, up for one whole hour. Beeb have gone into panic mode, do you think any pennies are dropping. Nah they’ll blame it on nasty waysissm infiltration.
BLiar has escaped from his box and appeared on Bloomberg giving his opinion on the EU. He let slip some important information he tell us “its the biggest political union” see at 1m 20secs. Thanks for putting us straight Tony, just in case there were some people who thought being in the EU has nothing to do with creating an EU super state.
I had to laugh at the News at Ten yesterday. There was an article about North Korea which stated that the North Koreans are constantly fed misleading propaganda about how good their country is. The next report came from Leicester with the reporter telling us how wonderful that city is because of its multiculturalism!
Off topic I know, but I am noticing strange adverts appearing under ‘Recent Comments’?
ie ‘Coffee’ , ‘container houses’, ‘sheds’ etc etc
Is someone or some Troll trying to disrupt the site?
No, it’s just trackback spam. Like all WordPress blogs, Biased BBC has the capability to automatically grab links to its pages from other blogs and automatically log/display them – a ‘trackback’ or ‘pingback’.
By default, such mentions get logged as a special form of comment, but it’s wisest to switch them off – they’re really only used by spammers these days, rather than genuine bloggers. Unfortunately, while it’s easy to switch the facility off for WordPress posts, it’s less intuitive (but not impossible) for static pages (such as ‘In their own words’, which seems to be the main recipient of the spam). Hopefully a BBBC admin can just go in and switch off the facility, as well as clearing out the spam.
The ever-reliable Scott Gronmark has a fine piece on his former employer’s (he is ex-BBC) addiction to all things EU.
It’s the few brave souls who, like Mr Gronmark, escaped the BBC madhouse with their sanity intact and who tell us how bad things are inside the organisation that make our clownish, BBC-loving trolls (who know nothing about the BBC) look so hollow and foolish.
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
Indonesia police confiscate sex toy mistaken for ‘angel’
Is this story really just the BBC promoting a sex doll that looks like a small child as if that is a normal thing for men to buy?!?
Every day the adolescents at Bush Minaret must have a sex related story.
Ken Livingstone does not think he is being anti-Semitic when he says that Hitler supported Zionism because Hitler wanted to transfer Jews to Palestine before WWII. This is guilt by association, like saying that Churchill was a Communist because he collaborated with Stalin to defeat Nazism. Before the War the Zionist organizations, particularly the Revisionists, tried everything they could to get Jews out of Europe. No-one wanted to take the Jews, so Hitler concluded that he could kill them with impunity, which he did. That is antisemitism…
If they did no wrong why has the British Labour Party in all its sincerity suspended both Shah and Livingstone and now 50 more (most of them Muslims)! Now they are having an investigation to determine if the Labour Party is indeed anti-Semitic. The first thing they should do if they want to get rid of anti-Semitism is replace Jeremy Corbyn. There is another problem with this whole issue, the UK media is infiltrated by anti-Israel leftists, like the BBC, so their reporting on this issue is not only suspect, but biased. Therefore they try to confuse the issue, as do Labour Party apologists, like the BBC, with all sorts of extraneous issues, to try to dodge the bullet.
Radio 4s idea of impartiality today:
Aside from the bias of the usual news program.
9:00 Lemn Sissay on Midweek, and the program is inevitably steered onto immigration.
10:00 Moaners Hour – Celebrating overseas (foreign) Nurses, radicalised Children (no mention of the RoP of course!) & modern masculinity (in London of course).
11:00 For Better or Worse – a look at accounts of same sex marriage
11:30 some so called comedy which won’t be remotely funny
12:15 You & Yours – care in crisis, a look at how terribly badly treated the comrades in Social Work are treated.
13:45 Shakepeare – Love across the Racial divide with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
16:00 Thinking Allowed – with the sanctimonious Laurie Taylor exploring the role of migrant women in British society over the past 60 years
This is a parody of impartiality not even making an effort to hide the left wing bias.
Watched a new series on the Silk Road, with the usual goofy historian gobbling up the Air and Uber miles.
Awesome photography, and a valuable geography lesson.
But it was noticeable how a certain level of side agenda was maintained throughout too.
It’s like there is a quota of trigger words required to be met.
I managed to stand a bare few minutes listening to some woman who calls herself an archeologist. Not only did she sound about 16 and utterly clueless but, with every other word a ‘like’, she made Buffy the Vampire Slayer sound like Wittgesnstein.
And you are right – Radio 4 has finally made the transition to becoming a propaganda service for the intellectually challenged Left. Even the few socialists with more than two functioning brain cells rarely get a look in nowadays.
The above should have followed Thoughtful’s comment about R4.
“she made Buffy the Vampire Slayer sound like Wittgesnstein. ”
Nice one!
I imagine Radio Moscow would not have been nearly so left wing back in the day. The BBC is now a left wing parody of an inept agitprop organisation.
Agreed. Has Yasmin Alibi Brown ever done anything that does not include some mention of race? I’ve heard of playing the race card but this woman seems to play the entire deck!
Mayor of London Elections tomorrow (Thursday) and even though I will be voting against, Sadiq Khan is likely to be the next Mayor of London. The future capital of LONDINISTAN can be revealed…
‘Unless there is a significant change between now and May 5th, Sadiq Khan looks set to become the new Mayor of London. It is well known that he is a Muslim who is devout in his adherence to the faith. His links with Islamic extremists have been well documented over the last several weeks, though he vehemently denies any sympathy with radical Islam, and he attracted death threats from some Muslims as a result of his vote in favour of same-sex ‘marriage’ as an MP.
(quote) I agree with Trevor Phillips that integration of Muslims is a tough challenge and also an urgent one. Based on Sadiq Khan’s track record, I think the situation will deteriorate further if he becomes mayor…
• Khan has written a ‘how to’ guide for people wanting to sue the police for damages. This guide advised readers that they could secure payouts of up to £10,000 from forces by alleging racist behaviour or claiming wrongful arrest.
• Khan wrote to the Guardian in the wake of the 7/7 attacks blaming government foreign policy for terrorism.
• Khan represented Louis Farrakhan in his bid to have a ban on him entering the U.K overturned – a ban that had been upheld by successive Home Secretaries since 1986. According to the BBC, Farrakhan has described Judaism as “a gutter religion”, characterised Christianity as an oppressive faith linked to the slavery of black people and called Adolf Hitler “great”, although he said later that he had meant “wickedly great”. Khan argued that “He [Farrakhan] is preaching a message of self-discipline, self-reliance, atonement and responsibility.”
• In 2004, Khan said: “There are some… uncontroversial areas of Islamic law which could easily be applied to the legal system… in the UK.”
• In 2004, Khan shared a platform with five Islamic extremists at an event with segregated seating for men and women.
• In 2007, Khan questioned the need to criminalise forced marriage when other remedies existed, calling it “ghetto” legislation that would reinforce the stereotyping of Muslims.
(quote)‘Nearly a decade ago, Melanie Phillips’ bestselling book “Londonistan” highlighted the spread of radical Islam within the UK, and in London in particular. The situation has only deteriorated since then with London seeking to become a global player in sharia finance, Londoners such as ‘Jihadi John’ leaving to join the Islamic State, and stories of sharia patrols in some areas of London. Earlier this month, Trevor Phillips, former head of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, analysed a comprehensive survey of British Muslims and concluded that “integration of Muslims will probably be the hardest task we’ve ever faced”. The survey highlighted the segregation of Muslim communities which collectively refuse to integrate, and become hotbeds for radical Islam.
What happens next is predictable and a bit worrying if you happen to live in Londonistan as the BBC would have it.
If you ever wondered what it felt like to be a Roman citizen at around 400 AD, feel free to visit London. Outwardly it has the appearance of the capital city of a great European nation, with the impressive state buildings, palaces, bridges and the rest. Yet it is being hollowed out from the inside. It surely cannot last. Has any nation in history ever surrendered its capital city to a foreign enemy and survived? We will find out within a few decades, maybe less.
Absolutely right! And that is why I am astonished at some of the nonsense talked by the classicist Prof. Mary Beard, who is such a flag waver for all things Lefty and wrong. Presented as the authority on Rome, she seems completely blind to the danger we are in and the very obvious parallels.
I wonder whether the election of a Muslim candidate might just show people what Muslims are actually like, especially in a large city like London.
Whether shining a spotlight onto Muslim extreme beliefs would expose them for what they are.
Most towns with Muslim leaders have had huge issues with criminality and corruption, there’s no reason to believe that London would be any different.
Non election would allow Fascists such as the BBC to castigate the rest of us for inate waycism, and Islamophobia, while an actual elected Mayor would be much more difficult to explain away.
Of course we all know that the BBC would never criticise, until they were forced to report the truth, but again this might play into our hands too.
I say elect Sadiq Khan, London isn’t really British anyway, and what happens there is unlikely to affect the rest of us. Give them enough rope and let them hand themselves.
I’m afraid I suspect most people already know what Muslims can be like.
The problem isn’t what most people think – it is that our self-appointed ‘elite’ won’t listen to them.
Thoughtful I have a fantasy about a Labour/sharia requirement for gender segregation in West End theatres. Bet the luvvies would be pleased.
In 2004, Khan shared a platform with five Islamic extremists at an event with segregated seating for men and women.
Just goes to show how far the ‘progressive’, ‘multicultural’ agenda has brought us since then – we now have gender segregation at Labour party rallies and in our universities.
Having heard that Cruz had withdrawn from the US Presidential race I turned to the BBC. Yes, a HYS on the subject. But closed already. Wow, comments not what the BBC wanted in response to their attack on Trump.
People are waking up to the BBC.
Enjoy the comments. The highest rated are a dream.
I can’t think of any HYS that lasted for less time, up for one whole hour. Beeb have gone into panic mode, do you think any pennies are dropping. Nah they’ll blame it on nasty waysissm infiltration.
Mrs Kitty
In the words of Corporal Jones “They don’t like it up em”.
Are we witnessing the demise and end of HYS
I can hardly wait for the visa rejections to begin!
BLiar has escaped from his box and appeared on Bloomberg giving his opinion on the EU. He let slip some important information he tell us “its the biggest political union” see at 1m 20secs. Thanks for putting us straight Tony, just in case there were some people who thought being in the EU has nothing to do with creating an EU super state.
I had to laugh at the News at Ten yesterday. There was an article about North Korea which stated that the North Koreans are constantly fed misleading propaganda about how good their country is. The next report came from Leicester with the reporter telling us how wonderful that city is because of its multiculturalism!
Off topic I know, but I am noticing strange adverts appearing under ‘Recent Comments’?
ie ‘Coffee’ , ‘container houses’, ‘sheds’ etc etc
Is someone or some Troll trying to disrupt the site?
Hi , Taffman been taking a vacation , hope all goes well for my Welsh Cousins tomorrow , in the sense Labour , PC & Lib Dems do badly .
Greetings and welcome back.
Lets see what tomorrow brings ?
Indeed Taff…will be an interesting time for us…..
No, it’s just trackback spam. Like all WordPress blogs, Biased BBC has the capability to automatically grab links to its pages from other blogs and automatically log/display them – a ‘trackback’ or ‘pingback’.
By default, such mentions get logged as a special form of comment, but it’s wisest to switch them off – they’re really only used by spammers these days, rather than genuine bloggers. Unfortunately, while it’s easy to switch the facility off for WordPress posts, it’s less intuitive (but not impossible) for static pages (such as ‘In their own words’, which seems to be the main recipient of the spam). Hopefully a BBBC admin can just go in and switch off the facility, as well as clearing out the spam.
The ever-reliable Scott Gronmark has a fine piece on his former employer’s (he is ex-BBC) addiction to all things EU.
It’s the few brave souls who, like Mr Gronmark, escaped the BBC madhouse with their sanity intact and who tell us how bad things are inside the organisation that make our clownish, BBC-loving trolls (who know nothing about the BBC) look so hollow and foolish.